-- © IBM Corp. 2020 -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by -- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in -- compliance with the License as modified. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Modified Terms: -- -- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the -- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship -- in physical form. -- -- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses -- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER -- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded -- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions -- of the EULA. -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT -- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License -- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -- -- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that -- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are -- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be -- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. -- *!**************************************************************** -- *! FILENAME : tri_serial_scom2.vhdl -- *! DESCRIPTION : SCOM Satellite -- *! Only supports 1:1 ratio -- *!**************************************************************** library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library ibm; use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all; use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all; use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all; library support; use support.power_logic_pkg.all; library tri; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all; entity tri_serial_scom2 is generic ( width : positive := 64; -- 64 is the maximum allowed internal_addr_decode: boolean := false; use_addr : std_ulogic_vector := "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; addr_is_rdable : std_ulogic_vector := "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; addr_is_wrable : std_ulogic_vector := "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; pipeline_addr_v : std_ulogic_vector := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; pipeline_paritychk : boolean := false; -- pipeline parcheck for timing satid_nobits : positive := 4; -- should not be set by user regid_nobits : positive := 6; ringid_nobits : positive := 3; expand_type : integer := 1 ); -- 0 = ibm (Umbra), 1 = non-ibm, 2 = ibm (MPG) port ( -- clock, scan and misc interfaces nclk : in clk_logic; vd : inout power_logic; gd : inout power_logic; scom_func_thold : in std_ulogic; sg : in std_ulogic; act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic; clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic; mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic; mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic; d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic; delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic; --! scan chain should evaluate to 0:176 for WIDTH=64 and 6 regid_nobits (=64 SCOM addresses) --! scan chain vector is longer than number of latches being used --! scan chain should evaluate to 0:176 for WIDTH=64 and 6 regid_nobits (=64 SCOM addresses) --! scan chain vector is longer than number of latches being used --! due to vhdl generics formulation and shortings func_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to (((width+15)/16)*16)+2*(((((width+15)/16)*16)-1)/16+1)+(2**regid_nobits)+40 ); -- | | -- data_shifter -- | par_nobits | func_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to (((width+15)/16)*16)+2*(((((width+15)/16)*16)-1)/16+1)+(2**regid_nobits)+40 ); -- for mask slat inside of c_err_rpt dcfg_scan_dclk : in std_ulogic; dcfg_scan_lclk : in clk_logic; --! for nlats inside of c_err_rpt dcfg_d1clk : in std_ulogic; -- needed for one bit only, always or scom_local_act clocked dcfg dcfg_d2clk : in std_ulogic; -- needed for one bit only, always or scom_local_act clocked dcfg dcfg_lclk : in clk_logic; -- needed for one bit only, always or scom_local_act clocked dcfg -- contains mask slat and hold nlat of c_err_rpt dcfg_scan_in : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); dcfg_scan_out : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- denotes SCOM sat active if set to '1', can be used for local clock gating scom_local_act : out std_ulogic; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SCOM Interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SCOM satellite ID tied to a specific pattern sat_id : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to satid_nobits-1); -- SCOM Data Channel input (carry both address and data) scom_dch_in : in std_ulogic; -- SCOM Control Channel input scom_cch_in : in std_ulogic; -- SCOM Data Channel output scom_dch_out : out std_ulogic; -- SCOM Control Channel output scom_cch_out : out std_ulogic; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interface between SCOM satellite and internal macro logic ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- denotes a request if asserted to '1', level sc_req : out std_ulogic; -- acknowledge a pending request with sc_ack_info+sc_rdata+sc_rparity -- being valid sc_ack : in std_ulogic; -- acknowledge information -- 0: '1' if access violation, otherwise '0' -- 1: '1' if register address invalid sc_ack_info : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- '1' if read access, '0' write access sc_r_nw : out std_ulogic; -- Register address, default 6 bits for up to 64 register addresses sc_addr : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to regid_nobits-1); -- one-hot address, valid only if INTERNAL_ADDR_DECODE=TRUE, else zeros addr_v : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to use_addr'high); -- Read data delivered by macro logic as response to a read request sc_rdata : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1); -- Write data delivered from SCOM satellite for a write request sc_wdata : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1); -- Write data parity bit over sc_wdata, optional usage sc_wparity : out std_ulogic; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- parity error of fsm state vector, wire to next local fir scom_err : out std_ulogic; -- reset fsm (optional), tie to '0' if unused fsm_reset : in std_ulogic ); -- synopsys translate_off -- synopsys translate_on end tri_serial_scom2; architecture tri_serial_scom2 of tri_serial_scom2 is begin -- tri_serial_scom2 a: if expand_type /= 2 generate constant state_width : positive := 5 ; constant i_width : positive := (((width+15)/16)*16); -- width adjusted to 16-bit boundary constant par_nobits : positive := (i_width-1)/16+1; constant reg_nobits : positive := regid_nobits; -- 6 constant satid_regid_nobits : positive := satid_nobits + regid_nobits; -- 4 + 6 = 10 constant rw_bit_index : positive := satid_regid_nobits + 1; -- 11 constant parbit_index : positive := rw_bit_index + 1; -- 12 constant head_width : positive := parbit_index + 1; constant head_init : std_ulogic_vector( 0 to head_width-1) := "0000000000000"; --0123Parity constant idle : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "00000"; -- 0 = x00 constant rec_head : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "00011"; -- 1 = x03 constant check_before : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "00101"; -- 2 = x05 constant rec_wdata : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "00110"; -- 3 = x06 constant rec_wpar : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "01001"; -- 4 = x09 constant exe_cmd : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "01010"; -- 5 = x0A constant filler0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "01100"; -- 6 = x0C constant filler1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "01111"; -- 7 = x0F constant gen_ulinfo : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "10001"; -- 8 = x11 constant send_ulinfo : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "10010"; -- 9 = x12 constant send_rdata : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "10100"; -- 10 = x14 constant send_0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "10111"; -- 11 = x17 constant send_1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "11000"; -- 12 = x18 constant check_wpar : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "11011"; -- 13 = x1B -- 14 = x1D constant not_selected : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1) := "11110"; -- 15 = x1E constant eof_wdata : positive := parbit_index-1+64; -- here max width, it is 64 constant eof_wpar : positive := eof_wdata + 4; constant eof_wdata_n : positive := parbit_index-1+ i_width; constant eof_wpar_m : positive := eof_wdata + par_nobits; signal is_idle : std_ulogic; signal is_rec_head : std_ulogic; signal is_check_before: std_ulogic; signal is_rec_wdata : std_ulogic; signal is_rec_wpar : std_ulogic; signal is_exe_cmd : std_ulogic; signal is_gen_ulinfo : std_ulogic; signal is_send_ulinfo : std_ulogic; signal is_send_rdata : std_ulogic; signal is_send_0 : std_ulogic; signal is_send_1 : std_ulogic; signal is_filler_0 : std_ulogic; signal is_filler_1 : std_ulogic; signal next_state, state_in, state_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to state_width-1); signal dch_lt : std_ulogic; signal cch_in, cch_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal reset : std_ulogic; signal got_head, gor_eofwdata, got_eofwpar, sent_rdata, got_ulhead, do_send_par ,cntgtheadpluswidth, cntgteofwdataplusparity : std_ulogic; signal p0_err, any_ack_error, match : std_ulogic; signal p0_err_in, p0_err_lt : std_ulogic; signal do_write, do_read : std_ulogic; signal enable_cnt : std_ulogic; signal cnt_in, cnt_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6); signal head_in, head_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to head_width-1); signal tail_in, tail_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); signal sc_ack_info_in, sc_ack_info_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal head_mux : std_ulogic; signal data_shifter_in, data_shifter_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to i_width-1); signal data_shifter_lt_tmp : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63); signal datapar_shifter_in, datapar_shifter_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to par_nobits-1); signal data_mux, par_mux : std_ulogic; signal dch_out_internal_in, dch_out_internal_lt : std_ulogic; signal parity_satid_regaddr_in : std_ulogic; signal parity_satid_regaddr_lt : std_ulogic; signal func_force : std_ulogic; signal func_thold_b, d1clk, d2clk : std_ulogic; signal lclk : clk_logic; signal local_act, local_act_int : std_ulogic; signal scom_err_in, scom_err_lt : std_ulogic; signal scom_local_act_in, scom_local_act_lt : std_ulogic; signal wpar_err : std_ulogic; signal wpar_err_in, wpar_err_lt : std_ulogic; signal par_data_in, par_data_lt : std_ulogic_vector(0 to par_nobits-1); signal sc_rparity : std_ulogic_vector(0 to par_nobits-1); signal read_valid, write_valid : std_ulogic; signal dec_addr_in, dec_addr_q : std_ulogic_vector(use_addr'range); signal addr_nvld : std_ulogic; signal write_nvld, read_nvld : std_ulogic; signal state_par_error : std_ulogic; signal sat_id_net : std_ulogic_vector(0 to satid_nobits-1); signal unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); -- signal renaming and mapping to make it visible internally for debug signal scom_cch_in_int : std_ulogic; signal scom_dch_in_int : std_ulogic; signal scom_cch_input_in, scom_cch_input_lt : std_ulogic; signal scom_dch_input_in, scom_dch_input_lt : std_ulogic; signal func_scan_temp : std_ulogic; signal func_scan_temp_1 : std_ulogic; signal func_scan_temp_2 : std_ulogic; signal func_scan_temp_3 : std_ulogic; signal func_scan_temp_4 : std_ulogic; signal spare_latch1_in, spare_latch1_lt : std_ulogic; signal spare_latch2_in, spare_latch2_lt : std_ulogic; signal unused_signals : std_ulogic; begin assert (or_reduce(use_addr)='1') report "pcb if component must use at least one address, generic use_addr is all zeroes" severity error; assert (use_addr'length<=2**reg_nobits) report "use_addr is larger than 2^reg_nobits" severity error; assert (i_width > 0) report "has to be in the range of 1..64" severity error; assert (i_width < 65) report "has to be in the range of 1..64" severity error; lcbor_func: entity tri.tri_lcbor(tri_lcbor) generic map ( expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( clkoff_b => clkoff_dc_b, thold => scom_func_thold, sg => sg, act_dis => act_dis_dc, forcee => func_force, thold_b => func_thold_b ); lcb_func: entity tri.tri_lcbnd(tri_lcbnd) generic map ( expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( vd => vd, gd => gd, act => local_act_int, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, nclk => nclk, forcee => func_force, sg => sg, thold_b => func_thold_b, ---------------------------- d1clk => d1clk, d2clk => d2clk, lclk => lclk ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parity_err : entity tri.tri_err_rpt(tri_err_rpt) generic map ( width => 1 -- use to bundle error reporting checkers of the same exact type , inline => false -- make hold latch be inline , mask_reset_value=> "0" -- do not report address and data parity errors by default -- since already reported to PCB through error reply , needs_sreset => 1 , expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( vd => vd, gd => gd, err_d1clk => dcfg_d1clk, err_d2clk => dcfg_d2clk, err_lclk => dcfg_lclk, err_scan_in => dcfg_scan_in (0 to 0), err_scan_out => dcfg_scan_out(0 to 0), mode_dclk => dcfg_scan_dclk, mode_lclk => dcfg_scan_lclk, mode_scan_in => dcfg_scan_in (1 to 1), mode_scan_out => dcfg_scan_out(1 to 1), err_in (0) => state_par_error, err_out(0) => scom_err_in ); scom_err <= scom_err_lt; -- drive this output with a latch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- fill spares of scan vector func_scan_out(state_width + i_width + 2*par_nobits+head_width+22+(2**regid_nobits) to func_scan_out'high) <= func_scan_in(state_width + i_width + 2*par_nobits+head_width+22+(2**regid_nobits) to func_scan_out'high) ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sat_id_net <= sat_id; -- input lathes on cch and dch: scom_cch_input_in <= scom_cch_in; scom_cch_in_int <= scom_cch_input_lt; scom_dch_input_in <= scom_dch_in; scom_dch_in_int <= scom_dch_input_lt; cch_in <= scom_cch_in_int & cch_lt(0); reset <= (cch_lt(0) and not scom_cch_in_int) -- with falling edge of scom_cch_in / scom_cch_in_int or fsm_reset -- or with fsm_reset or scom_err_lt; local_act <= or_reduce(scom_cch_input_in & cch_lt); -- active with scom_cch_in and as long as cch_lt local_act_int <= local_act or scom_local_act_lt; scom_local_act_in <= local_act; -- drive this output with a latch scom_local_act <= scom_local_act_lt; scom_cch_out <= cch_lt(0); dch_out_internal_in <= head_lt(0) when is_send_ulinfo='1' else '0' when is_send_0 ='1' else '1' when is_send_1 ='1' else data_shifter_lt(0) when (is_send_rdata and not do_send_par)='1' else datapar_shifter_lt(0) when (is_send_rdata and do_send_par)='1' else dch_lt; scom_dch_out <= dch_out_internal_lt; -- copy the internal signals to ports sc_req <= is_exe_cmd; sc_addr <= head_lt(satid_nobits+1 to satid_regid_nobits); sc_r_nw <= head_lt(rw_bit_index); -- copy the result of the deserializer to the output, take care of the fact that data shifter is multiple of 16 and not all is used as output copy2sc_wdata: if width<64 generate copy2sc_wdata_loop_1: for i in 0 to width-1 generate sc_wdata(i) <= data_shifter_lt(i); end generate copy2sc_wdata_loop_1; end generate copy2sc_wdata; copy2sc_wdata_all: if width=64 generate sc_wdata <= data_shifter_lt; end generate copy2sc_wdata_all; sc_wparity <= xor_reduce(datapar_shifter_lt); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FSM: serial => parallel => serial state machine -- fsm_transition: process (state_lt, got_head, gor_eofwdata, got_eofwpar, got_ulhead, sent_rdata, p0_err, any_ack_error, match, do_write, do_read, cch_lt(0), dch_lt, sc_ack, wpar_err, read_nvld) begin next_state <= state_lt; case state_lt is when idle => if dch_lt='1' then next_state <= rec_head; end if; when rec_head => if (got_head)='1' then next_state <= check_before; end if; when check_before => if match='0' then next_state <= not_selected; elsif ( (read_nvld or p0_err) and do_read)='1' then next_state <= filler0; elsif (not p0_err and not read_nvld and do_read)='1' then next_state <= exe_cmd; else next_state <= rec_wdata; end if; when rec_wdata => if gor_eofwdata='1' then next_state <= rec_wpar; end if; when rec_wpar => if (got_eofwpar and not p0_err)='1' then next_state <= check_wpar; elsif (got_eofwpar and p0_err)='1' then next_state <= filler0; end if; when check_wpar => if wpar_err='0' then next_state <= exe_cmd; else next_state <= filler1; end if; when exe_cmd => if sc_ack='1' then next_state <= filler1; end if; when filler0 => next_state <= filler1; when filler1 => next_state <= gen_ulinfo; when gen_ulinfo => next_state <= send_ulinfo; when send_ulinfo => if (got_ulhead and (do_write or (do_read and any_ack_error)))='1' then next_state <= send_0; elsif (got_ulhead and do_read)='1' then next_state <= send_rdata; end if; when send_rdata => if sent_rdata='1' then next_state <= send_0; end if; when send_0 => next_state <= send_1; when send_1 => next_state <= idle; when not_selected => if cch_lt(0)='0' then next_state <= idle; end if; when others => next_state <= idle; end case; end process fsm_transition; state_in <= state_lt when local_act='0' else idle when reset='1' else next_state; state_par_error <= xor_reduce(state_lt); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is_idle <= (state_lt=idle); is_rec_head <= (state_lt=rec_head); is_check_before <= (state_lt=check_before); is_rec_wdata <= (state_lt=rec_wdata); is_rec_wpar <= (state_lt=rec_wpar); is_exe_cmd <= (state_lt=exe_cmd); is_gen_ulinfo <= (state_lt=gen_ulinfo); is_send_ulinfo <= (state_lt=send_ulinfo); is_send_rdata <= (state_lt=send_rdata); is_send_0 <= (state_lt=send_0); is_send_1 <= (state_lt=send_1); is_filler_0 <= (state_lt=filler0); is_filler_1 <= (state_lt=filler1); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enable_cnt <= is_rec_head or is_check_before or is_rec_wdata or is_rec_wpar or is_send_ulinfo or is_send_rdata or is_send_0 or is_send_1 ; cnt_in <= (others=>'0') when ((is_idle or is_gen_ulinfo) = '1') else cnt_lt + "0000001" when (enable_cnt = '1') else cnt_lt; got_head <= (cnt_lt = (1+satid_nobits+regid_nobits)); got_ulhead <= (cnt_lt = (1+satid_nobits+regid_nobits+4)); gor_eofwdata <= (cnt_lt = eof_wdata); got_eofwpar <= (cnt_lt = eof_wpar); sent_rdata <= (cnt_lt=tconv(83,7)); cntgtheadpluswidth <= (cnt_lt > eof_wdata_n); cntgteofwdataplusparity <= (cnt_lt > eof_wpar_m); do_send_par <= (cnt_lt > 79); -- 78 bits = 15 ulhead + 64 data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- shift downlink command (for this or any subsequent satellite) or uplink response (from previous satellite) head_in(head_width-2 to head_width-1) <= head_lt(head_width-1) & dch_lt when (is_rec_head or (is_idle and dch_lt))='1' else head_lt(head_width-2 to head_width-1); head_in(0 to satid_regid_nobits) <= head_lt(1 to satid_regid_nobits) & head_mux when (is_rec_head or is_send_ulinfo)='1' else head_lt(0 to satid_regid_nobits); head_mux <= head_lt(rw_bit_index) when is_rec_head='1' else tail_lt(0); -- calculate parity P0 of uplink frame tail_in(4) <= xor_reduce ( parity_satid_regaddr_lt & tail_lt(0) & (wpar_err and do_write) & sc_ack_info_lt(0 to 1)) when is_gen_ulinfo='1'and (internal_addr_decode=false) else xor_reduce ( parity_satid_regaddr_lt & tail_lt(0) & (wpar_err and do_write) & (write_nvld or read_nvld) & addr_nvld ) when is_gen_ulinfo='1'and (internal_addr_decode=true) else tail_lt(4); -- copy sampled ack_info coming from logic tail_in(2 to 3) <= sc_ack_info_lt(0 to 1) when is_gen_ulinfo='1' and internal_addr_decode=false else (write_nvld or read_nvld) & addr_nvld when is_gen_ulinfo='1' and internal_addr_decode=true else tail_lt(3 to 4) when is_send_ulinfo='1' else -- shift out tail_lt(2 to 3); -- Write Data Parity error tail_in(1) <= (wpar_err and do_write) when is_gen_ulinfo='1' else -- parity error on write operation tail_lt(2) when is_send_ulinfo='1' else -- shift out tail_lt(1); -- parity check of of downlink P0 yields error tail_in(0) <= not p0_err when is_check_before='1' else -- set to '1' if a downlink parity error is detected by satellite, otherwise '0' tail_lt(1) when is_send_ulinfo='1' else -- shift out tail_lt(0); -- sample and hold ack_info, one spare bit sc_ack_info_in <= sc_ack_info when (is_exe_cmd and sc_ack)='1' else "00" when is_idle='1' else sc_ack_info_lt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do_write <= not do_read; do_read <= head_lt(rw_bit_index); match <= (head_lt(1 to satid_nobits)=sat_id_net); -- if downlink parity error then set p0_err p0_err_in <= '0' when (is_idle = '1') else p0_err_lt xor head_in(parbit_index) when (is_rec_head = '1') else p0_err_lt ; p0_err <= p0_err_lt; -- p0_err <= gate_and(is_check_before, xor_reduce (head_lt(1 to parbit_index))); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- parity_satid_regaddr_in <= xor_reduce (sat_id_net & head_lt(satid_nobits+1 to satid_regid_nobits)); any_ack_error <= or_reduce(sc_ack_info_lt); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data_mux <= dch_lt when (is_check_before or is_rec_wdata)='1' else '0'; data_shifter_in_1: if (width = i_width) generate data_shifter_in <= data_shifter_lt(1 to i_width-1) & data_mux when (is_check_before or (is_rec_wdata and not cntgtheadpluswidth) or is_send_rdata)='1' else (sc_rdata(0 to width-1)) when (is_exe_cmd and sc_ack and do_read)='1' else data_shifter_lt; end generate data_shifter_in_1; data_shifter_in_2: if (width < i_width) generate data_shifter_in <= data_shifter_lt(1 to i_width-1) & data_mux when (is_check_before or (is_rec_wdata and not cntgtheadpluswidth) or is_send_rdata)='1' else (sc_rdata(0 to width-1) & (width to i_width-1 =>'0')) when (is_exe_cmd and sc_ack and do_read)='1' else data_shifter_lt; end generate data_shifter_in_2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- parity handling par_mux <= dch_lt when (is_rec_wpar)='1' else '0'; -- receiving parity: shift when receiving write data parity -- sending parity of read data: shift when sending read data parity -- latch generated parity of read data when read data is accepted datapar_shifter_in <= datapar_shifter_lt(1 to par_nobits-1) & par_mux when ((is_rec_wpar and not cntgteofwdataplusparity)or (is_send_rdata and do_send_par))='1' else sc_rparity when (is_filler_1 ='1') else -- 1.33 datapar_shifter_lt; data_shifter_move_1: if (width = i_width) generate data_shifter_lt_tmp (0 to width-1) <= data_shifter_lt; data_shifter_padding_1: if width < 64 generate data_shifter_lt_tmp(width to 63) <= (others=>'0'); end generate data_shifter_padding_1; end generate data_shifter_move_1; data_shifter_move_2: if (width < i_width) generate data_shifter_lt_tmp(0 to width-1) <= data_shifter_lt(0 to width-1); data_shifter_lt_tmp(width to i_width-1) <= data_shifter_lt(width to i_width-1); data_shifter_padding_1: if i_width < 64 generate data_shifter_lt_tmp(i_width to 63) <= (others=>'0'); end generate data_shifter_padding_1; end generate data_shifter_move_2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wdata_par_check: for i in 0 to par_nobits-1 generate par_data_in(i) <= xor_reduce(data_shifter_lt_tmp(16*i to 16*(i+1)-1)); end generate wdata_par_check; wdata_par_check_pipe: if pipeline_paritychk=true generate state: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan) generic map( width => par_nobits, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+22 to state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+21) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+22 to state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+21) , din => par_data_in , q => par_data_lt ); end generate wdata_par_check_pipe; wdata_par_check_nopipe: if pipeline_paritychk=false generate par_data_lt <= par_data_in; func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+22 to state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+21) <= func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+22 to state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+21); end generate wdata_par_check_nopipe; wpar_err_in <= or_reduce(par_data_in xor datapar_shifter_in); wpar_err <= wpar_err_lt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rdata_parity_gen: for i in 0 to par_nobits-1 generate sc_rparity(i) <= xor_reduce(data_shifter_lt_tmp(16*i to 16*(i+1)-1)); end generate rdata_parity_gen; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- address decoding section -- Generate onehot Address (binary to one-hot) ------------------------------------------------------------------- internal_addr_decoding: if internal_addr_decode=true generate -------------------------------------------------------------------------- foralladdresses : for i in use_addr'range generate ------------------------------------------------------------------------ addr_bit_set : if (use_addr(i) = '1') generate dec_addr_in(i) <= (head_lt(satid_nobits+1 to satid_regid_nobits) = tconv(i, reg_nobits)); -- generate latch to hold addr_v only if required latch_for_onehot : if pipeline_addr_v(i) = '1' generate dec_addr : entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type) port map ( d1clk => d1clk, vd => vd, gd => gd, d2clk => d2clk, lclk => lclk, scan_in => func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i), din(0) => dec_addr_in(i), q(0) => dec_addr_q(i), scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i) ); end generate latch_for_onehot; -- otherwise no latch no_latch_for_onehot : if pipeline_addr_v(i) = '0' generate func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i) <= func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i); dec_addr_q(i) <= dec_addr_in(i); end generate no_latch_for_onehot; end generate addr_bit_set; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ addr_bit_notset : if (use_addr(i) /= '1') generate -- do not generate hardware for unused addresses func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22+i) <= func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i); dec_addr_in(i) <= '0'; dec_addr_q(i) <= dec_addr_in(i); end generate addr_bit_notset; end generate foralladdresses; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- check writable and/or readable, 1.45: dec_addr_q changed to dec_addr_in read_valid <= or_reduce(dec_addr_in and addr_is_rdable); write_valid <= or_reduce(dec_addr_in and addr_is_wrable); addr_nvld <= not or_reduce(dec_addr_in); write_nvld <= (not write_valid and not addr_nvld) and do_write; read_nvld <= (not read_valid and not addr_nvld) and do_read; unused <= "00"; end generate internal_addr_decoding; external_addr_decoding: if internal_addr_decode=false generate foralladdresses : for i in use_addr'range generate func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22+i) <= func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22 +i); dec_addr_in(i) <= '0'; dec_addr_q(i) <= dec_addr_in(i); end generate foralladdresses; read_valid <= '1';-- suppressing wrong error generation write_valid<= '1';-- suppressing wrong error generation addr_nvld <= '0'; write_nvld <= '0'; read_nvld <= '0'; unused <= write_valid & read_valid; end generate external_addr_decoding; short_unused_addr_range: for i in use_addr'high+1 to 63 generate func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22+i) <= func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+2*par_nobits+head_width+22+i); end generate short_unused_addr_range; addr_v <= dec_addr_q(0 to use_addr'high); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan) generic map( width => state_width, init => idle, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (0 to state_width-1) , scan_out => func_scan_out(0 to state_width-1) , din => state_in , q => state_lt ); counter: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan) generic map( width => 7, init => "0000000", needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width to state_width+6) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width to state_width+6) , din => cnt_in , q => cnt_lt ); data_shifter: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan) generic map( width => i_width, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+7 to state_width+i_width+6) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+7 to state_width+i_width+6) , din => data_shifter_in , q => data_shifter_lt ); datapar_shifter: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan) generic map( width => par_nobits, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+6) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+6) , din => datapar_shifter_in , q => datapar_shifter_lt ); head_lat: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan) generic map( width => head_width, init => head_init, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+6) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+6) , din => head_in , q => head_lt ); tail_lat: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan) generic map( width => 5, init => "00000", needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk, vd => vd, gd => gd, lclk => lclk, d2clk => d2clk, scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+11), scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+7 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+11), din => tail_in, q => tail_lt ); dch_inlatch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+12) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+12) , din(0) => scom_dch_in_int , q(0) => dch_lt ); ack_info: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan) generic map( width => 2, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+13 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+14) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+13 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+14) , din => sc_ack_info_in , q => sc_ack_info_lt ); dch_outlatch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+15) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+15) , din(0) => dch_out_internal_in , q(0) => dch_out_internal_lt ); cch_latches: entity tri.tri_nlat_scan(tri_nlat_scan) generic map( width => 2, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+16 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+17) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+16 to state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+17) , din => cch_in , q => cch_lt ); scom_err_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+18) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+18) , din(0) => scom_err_in , q(0) => scom_err_lt ); scom_local_act_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+19) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+19) , din(0) => scom_local_act_in , q(0) => scom_local_act_lt ); spare_latch1: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in (state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+20) , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+20) , din(0) => spare_latch1_in , q(0) => spare_latch1_lt ); spare_latch2: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_in(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+21) , scan_out => func_scan_temp , din(0) => spare_latch2_in , q(0) => spare_latch2_lt ); scom_cch_input_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_temp , scan_out => func_scan_temp_1 , din(0) => scom_cch_input_in , q(0) => scom_cch_input_lt ); scom_dch_input_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_temp_1 , scan_out => func_scan_temp_2 , din(0) => scom_dch_input_in , q(0) => scom_dch_input_lt ); parity_reg1: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_temp_2 , scan_out => func_scan_temp_3 , din(0) => parity_satid_regaddr_in , q(0) => parity_satid_regaddr_lt ); p0_err_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_temp_3 , scan_out => func_scan_temp_4 , din(0) => p0_err_in , q(0) => p0_err_lt ); wpar_err_latch: entity tri.tri_nlat(tri_nlat) generic map( width => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type ) port map ( d1clk => d1clk , vd => vd , gd => gd , lclk => lclk , d2clk => d2clk , scan_in => func_scan_temp_4 , scan_out => func_scan_out(state_width+i_width+par_nobits+head_width+21) , din(0) => wpar_err_in , q(0) => wpar_err_lt ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unused_signals <= or_reduce ( is_filler_0 & is_filler_1 & spare_latch1_lt & spare_latch2_lt & par_data_lt & d_mode_dc ) ; spare_latch1_in <= '0'; spare_latch2_in <= '0'; end generate a; end tri_serial_scom2;