-- © IBM Corp. 2020 -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by -- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in -- compliance with the License as modified. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Modified Terms: -- -- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the -- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship -- in physical form. -- -- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses -- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER -- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded -- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions -- of the EULA. -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT -- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License -- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -- -- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that -- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are -- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be -- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. -- Description: XU LSU L1 Data Directory Valid Register Array library ibm, ieee, work, tri, support; use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all; use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all; use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all; use support.power_logic_pkg.all; -- ########################################################################################## -- Directory Valids Component -- 1) Contains an Array of Valids -- 2) Updates Valid bits on Reloads -- 3) Invalidates Valid bits for Flush type commands and Back Invalidates -- 4) Outputs Valids for Congruence Class -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Flush Way Generation -- Want to flush a Way on the following conditions -- 1) Invalidate Type Instruction (dcbf,dcbi,dcbz,lwarx,stwcx) -- 2) L2 Back Invalidate -- 3) L2 Reload and overwritting a Valid Way -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- ########################################################################################## entity xuq_lsu_dir_val32 is generic(expand_type : integer := 2; dc_size : natural := 15; cl_size : natural := 6); port( ex1_stg_act :in std_ulogic; ex2_stg_act :in std_ulogic; ex3_stg_act :in std_ulogic; ex4_stg_act :in std_ulogic; ex5_stg_act :in std_ulogic; binv1_stg_act :in std_ulogic; binv2_stg_act :in std_ulogic; binv3_stg_act :in std_ulogic; binv4_stg_act :in std_ulogic; binv5_stg_act :in std_ulogic; rel1_stg_act :in std_ulogic; rel2_stg_act :in std_ulogic; ldq_rel1_early_v :in std_ulogic; rel1_val :in std_ulogic; rel_addr_early :in std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size); rel_lock_en :in std_ulogic; rel_l1dump_cslc :in std_ulogic; rel3_l1dump_val :in std_ulogic; rel4_ecc_err :in std_ulogic; rel_watch_en :in std_ulogic; rel_thrd_id :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); rel_way_clr_a :in std_ulogic; rel_way_clr_b :in std_ulogic; rel_way_clr_c :in std_ulogic; rel_way_clr_d :in std_ulogic; rel_way_clr_e :in std_ulogic; rel_way_clr_f :in std_ulogic; rel_way_clr_g :in std_ulogic; rel_way_clr_h :in std_ulogic; ldq_rel3_early_v :in std_ulogic; rel3_val :in std_ulogic; rel_back_inval :in std_ulogic; rel4_set_val :in std_ulogic; rel4_recirc_val :in std_ulogic; rel_way_wen_a :in std_ulogic; rel_way_wen_b :in std_ulogic; rel_way_wen_c :in std_ulogic; rel_way_wen_d :in std_ulogic; rel_way_wen_e :in std_ulogic; rel_way_wen_f :in std_ulogic; rel_way_wen_g :in std_ulogic; rel_way_wen_h :in std_ulogic; rel_up_way_addr_b :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); rel_dcarr_addr_en :in std_ulogic; xu_lsu_dci :in std_ulogic; xu_lsu_spr_xucr0_clfc :in std_ulogic; spr_xucr0_dcdis :in std_ulogic; spr_xucr0_cls :in std_ulogic; ex1_thrd_id :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); ex1_p_addr :in std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size); ex2_is_inval_op :in std_ulogic; ex2_lock_set :in std_ulogic; ex2_lock_clr :in std_ulogic; ex3_cache_acc :in std_ulogic; ex3_cache_en :in std_ulogic; ex3_tag_way_perr :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); ex5_load_op_hit :in std_ulogic; ex6_ld_par_err :in std_ulogic; ex2_ldawx_instr :in std_ulogic; ex2_wclr_instr :in std_ulogic; ex2_wchk_val :in std_ulogic; ex2_l_fld :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); ex2_store_instr :in std_ulogic; ex3_load_val :in std_ulogic; ex3_wimge_i_bit :in std_ulogic; ex3_l2_request :in std_ulogic; ex3_ldq_potential_flush :in std_ulogic; inv1_val :in std_ulogic; ex3_way_cmp_a :in std_ulogic; ex3_way_cmp_b :in std_ulogic; ex3_way_cmp_c :in std_ulogic; ex3_way_cmp_d :in std_ulogic; ex3_way_cmp_e :in std_ulogic; ex3_way_cmp_f :in std_ulogic; ex3_way_cmp_g :in std_ulogic; ex3_way_cmp_h :in std_ulogic; ex2_stg_flush :in std_ulogic; ex3_stg_flush :in std_ulogic; ex4_stg_flush :in std_ulogic; ex5_stg_flush :in std_ulogic; pc_xu_inj_dcachedir_multihit :in std_ulogic; ex4_way_a_dir :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); ex4_way_b_dir :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); ex4_way_c_dir :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); ex4_way_d_dir :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); ex4_way_e_dir :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); ex4_way_f_dir :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); ex4_way_g_dir :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); ex4_way_h_dir :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); ex4_way_a_hit :out std_ulogic; ex4_way_b_hit :out std_ulogic; ex4_way_c_hit :out std_ulogic; ex4_way_d_hit :out std_ulogic; ex4_way_e_hit :out std_ulogic; ex4_way_f_hit :out std_ulogic; ex4_way_g_hit :out std_ulogic; ex4_way_h_hit :out std_ulogic; ex3_cClass_upd_way_a :out std_ulogic; ex3_cClass_upd_way_b :out std_ulogic; ex3_cClass_upd_way_c :out std_ulogic; ex3_cClass_upd_way_d :out std_ulogic; ex3_cClass_upd_way_e :out std_ulogic; ex3_cClass_upd_way_f :out std_ulogic; ex3_cClass_upd_way_g :out std_ulogic; ex3_cClass_upd_way_h :out std_ulogic; ex2_lockwatchSet_rel_coll :out std_ulogic; ex3_wclr_all_flush :out std_ulogic; ex3_hit :out std_ulogic; ex3_dir_perr_det :out std_ulogic; ex4_dir_multihit_det :out std_ulogic; ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); ex4_ldq_full_flush :out std_ulogic; ex4_miss :out std_ulogic; ex4_snd_ld_l2 :out std_ulogic; dcpar_err_flush :out std_ulogic; pe_recov_begin :out std_ulogic; lsu_xu_ex5_cr_rslt :out std_ulogic; rel_way_val_a :out std_ulogic; rel_way_val_b :out std_ulogic; rel_way_val_c :out std_ulogic; rel_way_val_d :out std_ulogic; rel_way_val_e :out std_ulogic; rel_way_val_f :out std_ulogic; rel_way_val_g :out std_ulogic; rel_way_val_h :out std_ulogic; rel_way_lock_a :out std_ulogic; rel_way_lock_b :out std_ulogic; rel_way_lock_c :out std_ulogic; rel_way_lock_d :out std_ulogic; rel_way_lock_e :out std_ulogic; rel_way_lock_f :out std_ulogic; rel_way_lock_g :out std_ulogic; rel_way_lock_h :out std_ulogic; dcarr_up_way_addr :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); lsu_xu_perf_events :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 16); lsu_xu_spr_xucr0_cslc_xuop :out std_ulogic; lsu_xu_spr_xucr0_cslc_binv :out std_ulogic; dc_val_dbg_data :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 293); vdd :inout power_logic; gnd :inout power_logic; nclk :in clk_logic; sg_0 :in std_ulogic; func_sl_thold_0_b :in std_ulogic; func_sl_force :in std_ulogic; func_slp_sl_thold_0_b :in std_ulogic; func_slp_sl_force :in std_ulogic; func_nsl_thold_0_b :in std_ulogic; func_nsl_force :in std_ulogic; func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b :in std_ulogic; func_slp_nsl_force :in std_ulogic; d_mode_dc :in std_ulogic; delay_lclkr_dc :in std_ulogic; mpw1_dc_b :in std_ulogic; mpw2_dc_b :in std_ulogic; scan_in :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); scan_out :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2) ); -- synopsys translate_off -- synopsys translate_on end xuq_lsu_dir_val32; ---- ARCHITECTURE XUQ_LSU_DIR_VAL32 OF XUQ_LSU_DIR_VAL32 IS ---------------------------- -- components ---------------------------- ---------------------------- -- constants ---------------------------- constant congr_cl0_wA_offset :natural := 0; constant congr_cl0_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl0_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl0_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl0_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl0_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl0_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl0_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl0_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl0_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl0_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl0_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl0_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl0_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl0_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl1_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl0_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl1_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl1_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl1_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl1_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl1_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl1_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl1_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl1_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl1_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl1_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl1_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl1_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl1_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl1_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl2_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl1_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl2_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl2_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl2_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl2_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl2_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl2_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl2_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl2_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl2_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl2_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl2_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl2_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl2_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl2_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl3_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl2_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl3_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl3_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl3_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl3_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl3_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl3_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl3_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl3_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl3_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl3_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl3_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl3_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl3_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl3_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl4_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl3_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl4_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl4_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl4_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl4_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl4_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl4_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl4_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl4_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl4_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl4_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl4_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl4_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl4_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl4_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl5_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl4_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl5_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl5_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl5_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl5_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl5_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl5_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl5_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl5_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl5_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl5_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl5_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl5_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl5_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl5_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl6_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl5_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl6_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl6_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl6_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl6_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl6_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl6_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl6_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl6_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl6_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl6_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl6_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl6_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl6_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl6_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl7_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl6_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl7_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl7_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl7_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl7_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl7_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl7_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl7_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl7_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl7_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl7_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl7_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl7_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl7_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl7_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl8_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl7_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl8_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl8_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl8_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl8_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl8_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl8_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl8_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl8_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl8_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl8_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl8_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl8_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl8_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl8_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl9_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl8_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl9_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl9_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl9_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl9_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl9_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl9_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl9_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl9_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl9_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl9_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl9_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl9_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl9_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl9_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl10_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl9_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl10_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl10_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl10_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl10_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl10_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl10_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl10_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl10_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl10_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl10_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl10_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl10_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl10_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl10_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl11_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl10_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl11_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl11_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl11_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl11_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl11_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl11_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl11_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl11_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl11_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl11_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl11_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl11_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl11_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl11_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl12_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl11_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl12_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl12_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl12_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl12_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl12_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl12_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl12_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl12_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl12_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl12_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl12_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl12_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl12_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl12_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl13_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl12_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl13_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl13_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl13_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl13_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl13_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl13_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl13_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl13_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl13_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl13_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl13_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl13_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl13_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl13_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl14_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl13_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl14_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl14_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl14_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl14_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl14_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl14_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl14_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl14_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl14_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl14_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl14_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl14_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl14_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl14_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl15_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl14_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl15_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl15_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl15_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl15_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl15_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl15_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl15_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl15_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl15_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl15_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl15_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl15_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl15_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl15_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl16_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl15_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl16_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl16_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl16_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl16_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl16_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl16_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl16_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl16_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl16_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl16_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl16_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl16_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl16_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl16_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl17_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl16_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl17_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl17_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl17_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl17_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl17_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl17_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl17_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl17_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl17_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl17_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl17_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl17_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl17_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl17_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl18_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl17_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl18_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl18_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl18_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl18_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl18_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl18_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl18_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl18_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl18_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl18_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl18_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl18_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl18_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl18_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl19_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl18_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl19_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl19_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl19_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl19_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl19_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl19_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl19_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl19_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl19_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl19_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl19_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl19_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl19_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl19_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl20_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl19_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl20_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl20_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl20_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl20_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl20_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl20_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl20_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl20_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl20_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl20_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl20_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl20_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl20_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl20_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl21_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl20_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl21_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl21_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl21_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl21_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl21_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl21_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl21_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl21_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl21_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl21_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl21_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl21_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl21_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl21_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl22_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl21_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl22_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl22_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl22_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl22_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl22_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl22_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl22_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl22_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl22_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl22_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl22_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl22_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl22_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl22_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl23_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl22_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl23_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl23_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl23_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl23_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl23_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl23_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl23_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl23_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl23_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl23_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl23_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl23_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl23_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl23_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl24_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl23_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl24_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl24_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl24_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl24_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl24_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl24_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl24_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl24_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl24_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl24_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl24_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl24_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl24_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl24_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl25_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl24_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl25_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl25_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl25_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl25_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl25_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl25_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl25_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl25_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl25_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl25_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl25_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl25_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl25_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl25_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl26_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl25_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl26_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl26_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl26_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl26_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl26_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl26_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl26_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl26_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl26_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl26_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl26_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl26_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl26_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl26_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl27_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl26_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl27_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl27_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl27_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl27_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl27_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl27_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl27_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl27_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl27_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl27_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl27_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl27_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl27_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl27_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl28_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl27_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl28_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl28_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl28_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl28_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl28_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl28_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl28_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl28_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl28_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl28_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl28_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl28_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl28_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl28_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl29_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl28_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl29_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl29_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl29_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl29_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl29_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl29_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl29_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl29_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl29_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl29_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl29_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl29_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl29_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl29_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl30_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl29_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl30_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl30_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl30_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl30_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl30_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl30_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl30_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl30_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl30_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl30_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl30_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl30_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl30_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl30_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl31_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl30_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl31_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl31_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl31_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl31_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl31_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl31_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl31_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl31_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl31_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl31_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl31_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl31_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl31_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl31_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl32_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl31_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl32_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl32_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl32_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl32_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl32_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl32_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl32_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl32_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl32_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl32_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl32_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl32_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl32_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl32_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl33_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl32_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl33_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl33_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl33_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl33_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl33_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl33_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl33_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl33_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl33_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl33_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl33_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl33_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl33_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl33_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl34_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl33_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl34_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl34_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl34_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl34_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl34_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl34_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl34_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl34_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl34_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl34_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl34_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl34_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl34_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl34_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl35_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl34_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl35_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl35_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl35_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl35_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl35_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl35_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl35_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl35_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl35_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl35_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl35_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl35_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl35_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl35_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl36_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl35_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl36_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl36_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl36_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl36_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl36_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl36_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl36_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl36_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl36_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl36_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl36_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl36_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl36_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl36_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl37_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl36_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl37_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl37_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl37_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl37_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl37_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl37_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl37_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl37_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl37_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl37_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl37_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl37_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl37_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl37_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl38_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl37_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl38_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl38_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl38_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl38_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl38_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl38_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl38_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl38_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl38_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl38_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl38_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl38_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl38_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl38_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl39_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl38_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl39_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl39_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl39_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl39_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl39_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl39_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl39_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl39_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl39_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl39_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl39_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl39_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl39_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl39_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl40_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl39_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl40_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl40_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl40_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl40_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl40_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl40_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl40_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl40_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl40_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl40_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl40_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl40_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl40_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl40_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl41_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl40_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl41_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl41_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl41_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl41_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl41_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl41_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl41_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl41_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl41_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl41_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl41_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl41_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl41_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl41_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl42_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl41_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl42_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl42_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl42_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl42_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl42_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl42_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl42_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl42_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl42_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl42_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl42_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl42_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl42_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl42_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl43_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl42_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl43_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl43_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl43_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl43_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl43_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl43_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl43_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl43_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl43_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl43_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl43_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl43_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl43_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl43_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl44_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl43_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl44_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl44_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl44_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl44_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl44_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl44_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl44_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl44_wD_offset + 6; 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constant congr_cl46_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl46_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl46_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl46_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl46_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl46_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl46_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl46_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl47_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl46_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl47_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl47_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl47_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl47_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl47_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl47_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl47_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl47_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl47_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl47_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl47_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl47_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl47_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl47_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl48_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl47_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl48_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl48_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl48_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl48_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl48_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl48_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl48_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl48_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl48_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl48_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl48_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl48_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl48_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl48_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl49_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl48_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl49_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl49_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl49_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl49_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl49_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl49_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl49_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl49_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl49_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl49_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl49_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl49_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl49_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl49_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl50_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl49_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl50_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl50_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl50_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl50_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl50_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl50_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl50_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl50_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl50_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl50_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl50_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl50_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl50_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl50_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl51_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl50_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl51_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl51_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl51_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl51_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl51_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl51_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl51_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl51_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl51_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl51_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl51_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl51_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl51_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl51_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl52_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl51_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl52_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl52_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl52_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl52_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl52_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl52_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl52_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl52_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl52_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl52_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl52_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl52_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl52_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl52_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl53_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl52_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl53_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl53_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl53_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl53_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl53_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl53_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl53_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl53_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl53_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl53_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl53_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl53_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl53_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl53_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl54_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl53_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl54_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl54_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl54_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl54_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl54_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl54_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl54_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl54_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl54_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl54_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl54_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl54_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl54_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl54_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl55_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl54_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl55_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl55_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl55_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl55_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl55_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl55_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl55_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl55_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl55_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl55_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl55_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl55_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl55_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl55_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl56_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl55_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl56_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl56_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl56_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl56_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl56_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl56_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl56_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl56_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl56_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl56_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl56_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl56_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl56_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl56_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl57_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl56_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl57_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl57_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl57_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl57_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl57_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl57_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl57_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl57_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl57_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl57_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl57_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl57_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl57_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl57_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl58_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl57_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl58_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl58_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl58_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl58_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl58_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl58_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl58_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl58_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl58_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl58_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl58_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl58_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl58_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl58_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl59_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl58_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl59_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl59_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl59_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl59_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl59_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl59_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl59_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl59_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl59_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl59_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl59_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl59_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl59_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl59_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl60_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl59_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl60_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl60_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl60_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl60_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl60_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl60_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl60_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl60_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl60_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl60_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl60_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl60_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl60_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl60_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl61_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl60_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl61_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl61_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl61_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl61_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl61_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl61_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl61_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl61_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl61_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl61_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl61_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl61_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl61_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl61_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl62_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl61_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl62_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl62_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl62_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl62_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl62_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl62_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl62_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl62_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl62_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl62_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl62_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl62_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl62_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl62_wG_offset + 6; constant congr_cl63_wA_offset :natural := congr_cl62_wH_offset + 6; constant congr_cl63_wB_offset :natural := congr_cl63_wA_offset + 6; constant congr_cl63_wC_offset :natural := congr_cl63_wB_offset + 6; constant congr_cl63_wD_offset :natural := congr_cl63_wC_offset + 6; constant congr_cl63_wE_offset :natural := congr_cl63_wD_offset + 6; constant congr_cl63_wF_offset :natural := congr_cl63_wE_offset + 6; constant congr_cl63_wG_offset :natural := congr_cl63_wF_offset + 6; constant congr_cl63_wH_offset :natural := congr_cl63_wG_offset + 6; constant flush_wayA_data_offset :natural := congr_cl63_wH_offset + 6; constant flush_wayB_data_offset :natural := flush_wayA_data_offset + 6; constant flush_wayC_data_offset :natural := flush_wayB_data_offset + 6; constant flush_wayD_data_offset :natural := flush_wayC_data_offset + 6; constant flush_wayE_data_offset :natural := flush_wayD_data_offset + 6; constant flush_wayF_data_offset :natural := flush_wayE_data_offset + 6; constant flush_wayG_data_offset :natural := flush_wayF_data_offset + 6; constant flush_wayH_data_offset :natural := flush_wayG_data_offset + 6; constant ex3_flush_cline_offset :natural := flush_wayH_data_offset + 6; constant ex5_congr_cl_offset :natural := ex3_flush_cline_offset + 1; constant ex7_congr_cl_offset :natural := ex5_congr_cl_offset + 6; constant ex8_congr_cl_offset :natural := ex7_congr_cl_offset + 6; constant ex9_congr_cl_offset :natural := ex8_congr_cl_offset + 6; constant wayA_val_b_offset :natural := ex9_congr_cl_offset + 6; constant wayB_val_b_offset :natural := wayA_val_b_offset + 6; constant wayC_val_b_offset :natural := wayB_val_b_offset + 6; constant wayD_val_b_offset :natural := wayC_val_b_offset + 6; constant wayE_val_b_offset :natural := wayD_val_b_offset + 6; constant wayF_val_b_offset :natural := wayE_val_b_offset + 6; constant wayG_val_b_offset :natural := wayF_val_b_offset + 6; constant wayH_val_b_offset :natural := wayG_val_b_offset + 6; constant ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_offset :natural := wayH_val_b_offset + 6; constant ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_offset :natural := ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_offset :natural := ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_offset + 1; constant ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_offset :natural := ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_offset + 1; constant ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_offset :natural := ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_offset + 1; constant ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_offset :natural := ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_offset + 1; constant ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_offset :natural := ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_offset + 1; constant ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_offset :natural := ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_offset + 1; constant ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_offset :natural := ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_offset + 1; constant ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_offset :natural := ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_offset + 1; constant ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_offset :natural := ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_offset + 1; constant ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_offset + 1; constant ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_offset + 1; constant ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_offset + 1; constant ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_offset + 1; constant ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_offset + 1; constant ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_offset + 1; constant ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_offset + 1; constant inval_clr_lck_wA_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_offset + 1; constant inval_clr_lck_wB_offset :natural := inval_clr_lck_wA_offset + 1; constant inval_clr_lck_wC_offset :natural := inval_clr_lck_wB_offset + 1; constant inval_clr_lck_wD_offset :natural := inval_clr_lck_wC_offset + 1; constant inval_clr_lck_wE_offset :natural := inval_clr_lck_wD_offset + 1; constant inval_clr_lck_wF_offset :natural := inval_clr_lck_wE_offset + 1; constant inval_clr_lck_wG_offset :natural := inval_clr_lck_wF_offset + 1; constant inval_clr_lck_wH_offset :natural := inval_clr_lck_wG_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_offset :natural := inval_clr_lck_wH_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_offset :natural := congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_offset :natural := congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_offset :natural := congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_offset :natural := congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_offset :natural := congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_offset :natural := congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_offset :natural := congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_offset + 1; constant ex3_congr_cl_offset :natural := congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_offset + 1; constant rel24_congr_cl_offset :natural := ex3_congr_cl_offset + 6; constant relu_s_congr_cl_offset :natural := rel24_congr_cl_offset + 6; constant reload_way_clr_offset :natural := relu_s_congr_cl_offset + 6; constant ex4_watchSet_coll_offset :natural := reload_way_clr_offset + 8; constant rel_wayA_val_b_offset :natural := ex4_watchSet_coll_offset + 1; constant rel_wayB_val_b_offset :natural := rel_wayA_val_b_offset + 6; constant rel_wayC_val_b_offset :natural := rel_wayB_val_b_offset + 6; constant rel_wayD_val_b_offset :natural := rel_wayC_val_b_offset + 6; constant rel_wayE_val_b_offset :natural := rel_wayD_val_b_offset + 6; constant rel_wayF_val_b_offset :natural := rel_wayE_val_b_offset + 6; constant rel_wayG_val_b_offset :natural := rel_wayF_val_b_offset + 6; constant rel_wayH_val_b_offset :natural := rel_wayG_val_b_offset + 6; constant rel_val_stg2_offset :natural := rel_wayH_val_b_offset + 6; constant rel_val_clr_offset :natural := rel_val_stg2_offset + 1; constant rel_port_upd_offset :natural := rel_val_clr_offset + 1; constant rel_val_stg4_offset :natural := rel_port_upd_offset + 1; constant rel_binv_stg4_offset :natural := rel_val_stg4_offset + 1; constant back_inval_stg3_offset :natural := rel_binv_stg4_offset + 1; constant back_inval_stg4_offset :natural := back_inval_stg3_offset + 1; constant back_inval_stg5_offset :natural := back_inval_stg4_offset + 1; constant binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_offset :natural := back_inval_stg5_offset + 1; constant binv4_ex4_dir_val_offset :natural := binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_offset + 1; constant ex4_dir_err_val_offset :natural := binv4_ex4_dir_val_offset + 1; constant ex5_dir_err_val_offset :natural := ex4_dir_err_val_offset + 1; constant ex6_dir_err_val_offset :natural := ex5_dir_err_val_offset + 1; constant derr2_stg_act_offset :natural := ex6_dir_err_val_offset + 1; constant derr3_stg_act_offset :natural := derr2_stg_act_offset + 1; constant derr4_stg_act_offset :natural := derr3_stg_act_offset + 1; constant derr5_stg_act_offset :natural := derr4_stg_act_offset + 1; constant ex4_dir_multihit_val_b_offset :natural := derr5_stg_act_offset + 1; constant ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_offset :natural := ex4_dir_multihit_val_b_offset + 1; constant dcarr_up_way_addr_offset :natural := ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_offset + 4; constant reload_wayA_data_offset :natural := dcarr_up_way_addr_offset + 3; constant reload_wayB_data_offset :natural := reload_wayA_data_offset + 6; constant reload_wayC_data_offset :natural := reload_wayB_data_offset + 6; constant reload_wayD_data_offset :natural := reload_wayC_data_offset + 6; constant reload_wayE_data_offset :natural := reload_wayD_data_offset + 6; constant reload_wayF_data_offset :natural := reload_wayE_data_offset + 6; constant reload_wayG_data_offset :natural := reload_wayF_data_offset + 6; constant reload_wayH_data_offset :natural := reload_wayG_data_offset + 6; constant binv_wayA_upd_offset :natural := reload_wayH_data_offset + 6; constant binv_wayB_upd_offset :natural := binv_wayA_upd_offset + 1; constant binv_wayC_upd_offset :natural := binv_wayB_upd_offset + 1; constant binv_wayD_upd_offset :natural := binv_wayC_upd_offset + 1; constant binv_wayE_upd_offset :natural := binv_wayD_upd_offset + 1; constant binv_wayF_upd_offset :natural := binv_wayE_upd_offset + 1; constant binv_wayG_upd_offset :natural := binv_wayF_upd_offset + 1; constant binv_wayH_upd_offset :natural := binv_wayG_upd_offset + 1; constant binv_wayA_upd2_offset :natural := binv_wayH_upd_offset + 1; constant binv_wayB_upd2_offset :natural := binv_wayA_upd2_offset + 1; constant binv_wayC_upd2_offset :natural := binv_wayB_upd2_offset + 1; constant binv_wayD_upd2_offset :natural := binv_wayC_upd2_offset + 1; constant binv_wayE_upd2_offset :natural := binv_wayD_upd2_offset + 1; constant binv_wayF_upd2_offset :natural := binv_wayE_upd2_offset + 1; constant binv_wayG_upd2_offset :natural := binv_wayF_upd2_offset + 1; constant binv_wayH_upd2_offset :natural := binv_wayG_upd2_offset + 1; constant binv_wayA_upd3_offset :natural := binv_wayH_upd2_offset + 1; constant binv_wayB_upd3_offset :natural := binv_wayA_upd3_offset + 1; constant binv_wayC_upd3_offset :natural := binv_wayB_upd3_offset + 1; constant binv_wayD_upd3_offset :natural := binv_wayC_upd3_offset + 1; constant binv_wayE_upd3_offset :natural := binv_wayD_upd3_offset + 1; constant binv_wayF_upd3_offset :natural := binv_wayE_upd3_offset + 1; constant binv_wayG_upd3_offset :natural := binv_wayF_upd3_offset + 1; constant binv_wayH_upd3_offset :natural := binv_wayG_upd3_offset + 1; constant reload_wayA_upd_offset :natural := binv_wayH_upd3_offset + 1; constant reload_wayB_upd_offset :natural := reload_wayA_upd_offset + 1; constant reload_wayC_upd_offset :natural := reload_wayB_upd_offset + 1; constant reload_wayD_upd_offset :natural := reload_wayC_upd_offset + 1; constant reload_wayE_upd_offset :natural := reload_wayD_upd_offset + 1; constant reload_wayF_upd_offset :natural := reload_wayE_upd_offset + 1; constant reload_wayG_upd_offset :natural := reload_wayF_upd_offset + 1; constant reload_wayH_upd_offset :natural := reload_wayG_upd_offset + 1; constant reload_wayA_upd2_offset :natural := reload_wayH_upd_offset + 1; constant reload_wayB_upd2_offset :natural := reload_wayA_upd2_offset + 1; constant reload_wayC_upd2_offset :natural := reload_wayB_upd2_offset + 1; constant reload_wayD_upd2_offset :natural := reload_wayC_upd2_offset + 1; constant reload_wayE_upd2_offset :natural := reload_wayD_upd2_offset + 1; constant reload_wayF_upd2_offset :natural := reload_wayE_upd2_offset + 1; constant reload_wayG_upd2_offset :natural := reload_wayF_upd2_offset + 1; constant reload_wayH_upd2_offset :natural := reload_wayG_upd2_offset + 1; constant reload_wayA_upd3_offset :natural := reload_wayH_upd2_offset + 1; constant reload_wayB_upd3_offset :natural := reload_wayA_upd3_offset + 1; constant reload_wayC_upd3_offset :natural := reload_wayB_upd3_offset + 1; constant reload_wayD_upd3_offset :natural := reload_wayC_upd3_offset + 1; constant reload_wayE_upd3_offset :natural := reload_wayD_upd3_offset + 1; constant reload_wayF_upd3_offset :natural := reload_wayE_upd3_offset + 1; constant reload_wayG_upd3_offset :natural := reload_wayF_upd3_offset + 1; constant reload_wayH_upd3_offset :natural := reload_wayG_upd3_offset + 1; constant ex3_store_instr_offset :natural := reload_wayH_upd3_offset + 1; constant ex3_lock_set_offset :natural := ex3_store_instr_offset + 1; constant ex4_lock_set_offset :natural := ex3_lock_set_offset + 1; constant ex5_lock_set_offset :natural := ex4_lock_set_offset + 1; constant ex3_lock_clr_offset :natural := ex5_lock_set_offset + 1; constant ex3_xuop_val_offset :natural := ex3_lock_clr_offset + 1; constant ex4_xuop_val_offset :natural := ex3_xuop_val_offset + 1; constant ex5_xuop_val_offset :natural := ex4_xuop_val_offset + 1; constant rel_lock_set_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_val_offset + 1; constant dcpar_err_stg1_offset :natural := rel_lock_set_offset + 1; constant dcpar_err_stg2_offset :natural := dcpar_err_stg1_offset + 1; constant dcpar_err_way_offset :natural := dcpar_err_stg2_offset + 1; constant dcpar_err_way_inval_offset :natural := dcpar_err_way_offset + 8; constant dcpar_err_cntr_offset :natural := dcpar_err_way_inval_offset + 8; constant dcpar_err_ind_sel_offset :natural := dcpar_err_cntr_offset + 2; constant dcpar_err_push_queue_offset :natural := dcpar_err_ind_sel_offset + 2; constant ex5_way_hit_offset :natural := dcpar_err_push_queue_offset + 1; constant ex7_way_hit_offset :natural := ex5_way_hit_offset + 8; constant ex8_way_hit_offset :natural := ex7_way_hit_offset + 8; constant ex9_way_hit_offset :natural := ex8_way_hit_offset + 8; constant ex4_lose_watch_offset :natural := ex9_way_hit_offset + 8; constant xucr0_cslc_xuop_offset :natural := ex4_lose_watch_offset + 4; constant xucr0_cslc_binv_offset :natural := xucr0_cslc_xuop_offset + 1; constant dci_compl_offset :natural := xucr0_cslc_binv_offset + 1; constant dci_inval_all_offset :natural := dci_compl_offset + 1; constant inv2_val_offset :natural := dci_inval_all_offset + 1; constant perf_lsu_evnts_offset :natural := inv2_val_offset + 1; constant lock_flash_clear_offset :natural := perf_lsu_evnts_offset + 5; constant lock_flash_clear_val_offset :natural := lock_flash_clear_offset + 1; constant rel_port_wren_offset :natural := lock_flash_clear_val_offset + 1; constant ex3_thrd_id_offset :natural := rel_port_wren_offset + 1; constant ex5_thrd_id_offset :natural := ex3_thrd_id_offset + 4; constant ex3_l_fld_b1_offset :natural := ex5_thrd_id_offset + 4; constant ex3_watch_set_offset :natural := ex3_l_fld_b1_offset + 1; constant ex4_watch_set_offset :natural := ex3_watch_set_offset + 1; constant ex5_watch_set_offset :natural := ex4_watch_set_offset + 1; constant ex3_watch_clr_offset :natural := ex5_watch_set_offset + 1; constant ex3_watch_clr_all_offset :natural := ex3_watch_clr_offset + 1; constant ex3_watch_chk_offset :natural := ex3_watch_clr_all_offset + 1; constant ex4_watch_chk_offset :natural := ex3_watch_chk_offset + 1; constant ex5_watch_chk_offset :natural := ex4_watch_chk_offset + 1; constant ex3_wclr_all_upd_offset :natural := ex5_watch_chk_offset + 1; constant ex4_wclr_all_val_offset :natural := ex3_wclr_all_upd_offset + 1; constant ex5_wclr_all_val_offset :natural := ex4_wclr_all_val_offset + 1; constant ex6_wclr_all_val_offset :natural := ex5_wclr_all_val_offset + 1; constant rel_thrd_id_offset :natural := ex6_wclr_all_val_offset + 1; constant rel_watch_set_offset :natural := rel_thrd_id_offset + 4; constant ex5_cr_watch_offset :natural := rel_watch_set_offset + 1; constant ex4_watch_clr_all_offset :natural := ex5_cr_watch_offset + 1; constant ex5_watch_clr_all_offset :natural := ex4_watch_clr_all_offset + 4; constant ex6_watch_clr_all_offset :natural := ex5_watch_clr_all_offset + 4; constant ex5_watch_clr_all_val_offset :natural := ex6_watch_clr_all_offset + 4; constant ex5_lost_watch_upd_offset :natural := ex5_watch_clr_all_val_offset + 1; constant ex4_watchlost_set_offset :natural := ex5_lost_watch_upd_offset + 4; constant ex5_watchlost_set_offset :natural := ex4_watchlost_set_offset + 4; constant rel_lost_watch_binv_offset :natural := ex5_watchlost_set_offset + 4; constant lost_watch_evict_ovl_offset :natural := rel_lost_watch_binv_offset + 4; constant rel_lost_watch_upd_offset :natural := lost_watch_evict_ovl_offset + 4; constant lost_watch_evict_val_offset :natural := rel_lost_watch_upd_offset + 4; constant lost_watch_inter_thrd_offset :natural := lost_watch_evict_val_offset + 4; constant stm_watchlost_state_offset :natural := lost_watch_inter_thrd_offset + 4; constant ex5_xuop_p0_upd_offset :natural := stm_watchlost_state_offset + 4; constant rel_val_stgu_offset :natural := ex5_xuop_p0_upd_offset + 1; constant p0_wren_offset :natural := rel_val_stgu_offset + 1; constant p0_wren_cpy_offset :natural := p0_wren_offset + 1; constant p0_wren_stg_offset :natural := p0_wren_cpy_offset + 1; constant p1_wren_offset :natural := p0_wren_stg_offset + 1; constant p1_wren_cpy_offset :natural := p1_wren_offset + 1; constant ex3_thrd_m_offset :natural := p1_wren_cpy_offset + 1; constant ex4_thrd_m_offset :natural := ex3_thrd_m_offset + 1; constant ex5_thrd_m_offset :natural := ex4_thrd_m_offset + 1; constant ex6_thrd_m_offset :natural := ex5_thrd_m_offset + 1; constant ex7_ld_par_err_offset :natural := ex6_thrd_m_offset + 1; constant ex8_ld_par_err_offset :natural := ex7_ld_par_err_offset + 1; constant ex9_ld_par_err_offset :natural := ex8_ld_par_err_offset + 1; constant ex6_ld_valid_offset :natural := ex9_ld_par_err_offset + 1; constant ex7_ld_valid_offset :natural := ex6_ld_valid_offset + 1; constant ex8_ld_valid_offset :natural := ex7_ld_valid_offset + 1; constant ex9_ld_valid_offset :natural := ex8_ld_valid_offset + 1; constant rel_in_progress_offset :natural := ex9_ld_valid_offset + 1; constant inj_dir_multihit_offset :natural := rel_in_progress_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_offset :natural := inj_dir_multihit_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_offset + 1; constant congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_offset + 1; constant rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_offset :natural := congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_offset + 1; constant rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_offset :natural := rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_offset + 1; constant rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_offset :natural := rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_offset + 1; constant relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_offset :natural := rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_offset + 1; constant relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_offset :natural := relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_offset + 1; constant relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_offset :natural := relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_offset + 1; constant ex4_err_det_way_offset :natural := relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_offset + 1; constant ex4_perr_lck_lost_offset :natural := ex4_err_det_way_offset + 8; constant ex4_perr_watch_lost_offset :natural := ex4_perr_lck_lost_offset + 1; constant dcperr_lock_lost_offset :natural := ex4_perr_watch_lost_offset + 4; constant binv7_ex7_way_upd_offset :natural := dcperr_lock_lost_offset + 1; constant binv5_ex5_dir_data_offset :natural := binv7_ex7_way_upd_offset + 8; constant binv7_ex7_dir_data_offset :natural := binv5_ex5_dir_data_offset + 5; constant binv5_inval_watch_val_offset :natural := binv7_ex7_dir_data_offset + 5; constant binv5_inval_lock_val_offset :natural := binv5_inval_watch_val_offset + 4; constant ex4_snd_ld_l2_offset :natural := binv5_inval_lock_val_offset + 1; constant ex4_ldq_full_flush_b_offset :natural := ex4_snd_ld_l2_offset + 1; constant ex4_miss_offset :natural := ex4_ldq_full_flush_b_offset + 1; constant my_spare0_latches_offset :natural := ex4_miss_offset + 1; constant my_spare1_latches_offset :natural := my_spare0_latches_offset + 17; constant rel_l1dump_cslc_offset :natural := my_spare1_latches_offset + 16; constant rel_in_prog_stg1_offset :natural := rel_l1dump_cslc_offset + 1; constant rel_in_prog_stg2_offset :natural := rel_in_prog_stg1_offset + 1; constant rel_in_prog_stg3_offset :natural := rel_in_prog_stg2_offset + 1; constant rel_in_prog_stg4_offset :natural := rel_in_prog_stg3_offset + 1; constant rel_in_prog_stg5_offset :natural := rel_in_prog_stg4_offset + 1; constant dcpar_err_stg1_act_offset :natural := rel_in_prog_stg5_offset + 1; constant dcpar_err_stg2_act_offset :natural := dcpar_err_stg1_act_offset + 1; constant rel3_perr_stg_act_offset :natural := dcpar_err_stg2_act_offset + 1; constant rel4_perr_stg_act_offset :natural := rel3_perr_stg_act_offset + 1; constant scan_right :natural := rel4_perr_stg_act_offset + 1 - 1; ---------------------------- -- signals ---------------------------- signal p0_congr_cl0_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl0_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl0_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl0_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl0_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl0_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl0_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl0_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl0_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu0_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd0_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd0_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl0_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl0_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu0_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd0_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd0_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl0_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl0_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu0_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd0_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd0_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl0_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl0_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu0_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd0_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd0_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl0_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl0_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu0_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd0_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd0_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl0_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl0_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu0_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd0_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd0_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl0_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl0_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu0_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd0_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd0_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl0_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl0_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu0_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd0_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd0_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl1_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl1_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl1_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl1_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl1_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl1_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl1_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl1_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl1_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu1_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd1_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd1_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl1_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl1_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu1_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd1_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd1_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl1_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl1_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu1_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd1_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd1_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl1_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl1_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu1_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd1_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd1_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl1_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl1_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu1_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd1_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd1_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl1_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl1_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu1_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd1_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd1_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl1_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl1_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu1_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd1_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd1_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl1_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl1_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu1_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd1_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd1_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl2_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl2_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl2_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl2_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl2_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl2_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl2_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl2_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl2_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu2_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd2_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd2_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl2_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl2_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu2_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd2_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd2_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl2_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl2_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu2_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd2_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd2_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl2_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl2_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu2_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd2_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd2_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl2_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl2_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu2_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd2_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd2_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl2_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl2_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu2_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd2_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd2_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl2_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl2_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu2_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd2_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd2_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl2_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl2_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu2_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd2_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd2_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl3_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl3_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl3_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl3_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl3_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl3_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl3_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl3_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl3_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu3_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd3_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd3_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl3_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl3_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu3_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd3_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd3_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl3_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl3_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu3_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd3_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd3_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl3_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl3_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu3_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd3_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd3_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl3_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl3_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu3_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd3_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd3_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl3_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl3_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu3_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd3_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd3_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl3_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl3_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu3_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd3_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd3_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl3_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl3_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu3_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd3_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd3_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl4_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl4_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl4_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl4_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl4_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl4_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl4_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl4_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl4_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu4_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd4_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd4_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl4_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl4_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu4_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd4_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd4_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl4_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl4_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu4_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd4_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd4_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl4_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl4_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu4_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd4_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd4_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl4_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl4_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu4_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd4_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd4_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl4_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl4_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu4_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd4_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd4_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl4_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl4_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu4_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd4_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd4_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl4_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl4_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu4_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd4_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd4_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl5_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl5_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl5_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl5_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl5_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl5_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl5_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl5_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl5_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu5_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd5_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd5_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl5_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl5_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu5_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd5_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd5_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl5_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl5_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu5_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd5_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd5_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl5_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl5_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu5_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd5_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd5_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl5_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl5_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu5_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd5_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd5_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl5_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl5_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu5_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd5_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd5_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl5_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl5_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu5_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd5_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd5_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl5_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl5_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu5_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd5_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd5_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl6_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl6_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl6_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl6_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl6_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl6_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl6_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl6_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl6_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu6_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd6_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd6_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl6_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl6_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu6_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd6_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd6_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl6_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl6_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu6_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd6_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd6_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl6_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl6_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu6_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd6_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd6_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl6_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl6_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu6_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd6_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd6_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl6_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl6_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu6_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd6_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd6_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl6_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl6_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu6_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd6_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd6_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl6_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl6_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu6_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd6_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd6_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl7_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl7_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl7_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl7_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl7_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl7_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl7_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl7_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl7_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu7_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd7_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd7_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl7_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl7_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu7_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd7_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd7_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl7_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl7_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu7_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd7_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd7_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl7_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl7_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu7_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd7_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd7_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl7_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl7_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu7_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd7_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd7_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl7_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl7_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu7_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd7_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd7_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl7_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl7_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu7_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd7_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd7_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl7_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl7_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu7_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd7_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd7_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl8_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl8_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl8_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl8_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl8_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl8_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl8_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl8_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl8_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu8_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd8_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd8_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl8_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl8_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu8_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd8_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd8_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl8_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl8_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu8_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd8_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd8_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl8_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl8_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu8_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd8_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd8_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl8_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl8_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu8_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd8_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd8_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl8_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl8_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu8_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd8_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd8_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl8_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl8_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu8_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd8_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd8_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl8_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl8_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu8_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd8_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd8_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl9_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl9_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl9_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl9_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl9_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl9_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl9_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl9_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl9_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu9_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd9_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd9_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl9_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl9_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu9_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd9_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd9_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl9_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl9_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu9_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd9_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd9_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl9_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl9_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu9_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd9_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd9_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl9_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl9_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu9_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd9_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd9_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl9_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl9_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu9_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd9_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd9_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl9_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl9_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu9_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd9_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd9_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl9_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl9_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu9_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd9_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd9_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl10_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl10_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl10_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl10_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl10_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl10_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl10_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl10_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl10_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu10_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd10_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd10_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl10_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl10_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu10_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd10_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd10_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl10_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl10_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu10_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd10_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd10_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl10_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl10_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu10_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd10_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd10_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl10_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl10_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu10_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd10_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd10_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl10_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl10_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu10_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd10_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd10_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl10_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl10_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu10_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd10_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd10_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl10_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl10_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu10_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd10_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd10_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl11_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl11_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl11_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl11_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl11_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl11_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl11_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl11_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl11_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu11_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd11_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd11_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl11_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl11_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu11_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd11_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd11_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl11_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl11_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu11_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd11_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd11_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl11_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl11_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu11_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd11_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd11_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl11_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl11_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu11_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd11_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd11_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl11_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl11_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu11_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd11_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd11_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl11_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl11_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu11_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd11_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd11_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl11_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl11_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu11_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd11_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd11_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl12_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl12_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl12_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl12_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl12_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl12_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl12_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl12_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl12_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu12_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd12_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd12_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl12_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl12_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu12_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd12_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd12_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl12_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl12_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu12_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd12_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd12_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl12_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl12_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu12_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd12_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd12_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl12_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl12_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu12_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd12_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd12_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl12_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl12_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu12_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd12_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd12_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl12_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl12_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu12_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd12_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd12_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl12_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl12_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu12_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd12_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd12_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl13_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl13_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl13_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl13_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl13_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl13_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl13_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl13_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl13_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu13_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd13_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd13_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl13_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl13_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu13_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd13_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd13_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl13_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl13_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu13_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd13_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd13_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl13_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl13_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu13_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd13_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd13_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl13_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl13_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu13_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd13_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd13_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl13_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl13_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu13_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd13_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd13_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl13_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl13_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu13_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd13_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd13_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl13_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl13_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu13_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd13_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd13_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl14_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl14_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl14_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl14_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl14_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl14_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl14_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl14_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl14_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu14_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd14_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd14_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl14_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl14_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu14_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd14_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd14_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl14_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl14_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu14_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd14_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd14_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl14_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl14_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu14_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd14_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd14_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl14_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl14_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu14_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd14_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd14_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl14_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl14_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu14_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd14_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd14_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl14_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl14_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu14_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd14_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd14_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl14_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl14_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu14_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd14_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd14_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl15_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl15_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl15_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl15_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl15_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl15_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl15_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl15_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl15_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu15_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd15_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd15_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl15_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl15_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu15_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd15_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd15_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl15_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl15_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu15_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd15_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd15_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl15_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl15_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu15_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd15_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd15_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl15_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl15_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu15_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd15_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd15_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl15_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl15_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu15_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd15_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd15_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl15_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl15_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu15_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd15_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd15_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl15_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl15_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu15_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd15_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd15_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl16_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl16_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl16_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl16_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl16_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl16_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl16_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl16_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl16_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu16_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd16_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd16_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl16_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl16_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu16_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd16_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd16_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl16_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl16_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu16_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd16_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd16_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl16_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl16_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu16_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd16_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd16_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl16_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl16_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu16_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd16_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd16_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl16_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl16_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu16_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd16_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd16_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl16_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl16_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu16_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd16_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd16_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl16_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl16_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu16_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd16_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd16_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl17_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl17_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl17_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl17_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl17_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl17_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl17_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl17_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl17_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu17_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd17_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd17_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl17_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl17_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu17_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd17_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd17_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl17_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl17_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu17_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd17_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd17_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl17_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl17_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu17_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd17_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd17_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl17_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl17_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu17_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd17_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd17_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl17_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl17_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu17_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd17_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd17_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl17_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl17_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu17_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd17_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd17_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl17_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl17_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu17_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd17_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd17_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl18_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl18_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl18_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl18_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl18_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl18_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl18_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl18_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl18_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu18_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd18_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd18_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl18_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl18_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu18_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd18_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd18_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl18_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl18_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu18_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd18_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd18_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl18_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl18_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu18_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd18_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd18_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl18_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl18_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu18_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd18_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd18_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl18_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl18_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu18_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd18_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd18_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl18_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl18_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu18_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd18_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd18_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl18_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl18_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu18_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd18_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd18_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl19_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl19_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl19_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl19_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl19_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl19_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl19_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl19_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl19_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu19_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd19_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd19_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl19_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl19_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu19_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd19_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd19_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl19_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl19_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu19_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd19_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd19_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl19_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl19_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu19_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd19_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd19_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl19_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl19_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu19_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd19_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd19_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl19_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl19_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu19_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd19_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd19_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl19_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl19_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu19_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd19_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd19_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl19_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl19_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu19_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd19_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd19_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl20_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl20_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl20_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl20_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl20_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl20_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl20_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl20_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl20_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu20_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd20_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd20_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl20_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl20_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu20_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd20_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd20_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl20_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl20_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu20_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd20_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd20_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl20_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl20_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu20_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd20_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd20_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl20_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl20_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu20_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd20_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd20_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl20_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl20_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu20_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd20_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd20_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl20_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl20_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu20_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd20_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd20_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl20_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl20_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu20_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd20_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd20_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl21_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl21_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl21_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl21_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl21_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl21_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl21_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl21_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl21_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu21_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd21_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd21_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl21_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl21_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu21_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd21_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd21_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl21_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl21_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu21_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd21_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd21_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl21_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl21_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu21_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd21_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd21_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl21_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl21_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu21_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd21_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd21_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl21_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl21_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu21_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd21_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd21_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl21_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl21_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu21_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd21_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd21_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl21_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl21_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu21_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd21_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd21_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl22_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl22_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl22_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl22_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl22_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl22_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl22_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl22_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl22_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu22_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd22_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd22_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl22_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl22_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu22_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd22_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd22_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl22_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl22_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu22_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd22_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd22_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl22_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl22_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu22_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd22_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd22_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl22_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl22_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu22_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd22_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd22_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl22_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl22_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu22_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd22_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd22_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl22_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl22_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu22_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd22_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd22_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl22_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl22_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu22_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd22_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd22_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl23_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl23_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl23_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl23_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl23_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl23_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl23_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl23_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl23_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu23_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd23_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd23_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl23_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl23_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu23_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd23_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd23_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl23_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl23_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu23_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd23_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd23_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl23_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl23_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu23_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd23_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd23_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl23_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl23_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu23_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd23_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd23_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl23_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl23_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu23_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd23_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd23_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl23_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl23_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu23_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd23_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd23_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl23_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl23_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu23_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd23_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd23_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl24_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl24_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl24_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl24_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl24_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl24_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl24_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl24_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl24_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu24_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd24_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd24_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl24_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl24_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu24_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd24_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd24_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl24_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl24_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu24_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd24_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd24_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl24_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl24_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu24_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd24_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd24_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl24_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl24_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu24_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd24_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd24_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl24_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl24_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu24_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd24_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd24_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl24_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl24_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu24_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd24_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd24_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl24_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl24_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu24_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd24_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd24_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl25_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl25_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl25_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl25_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl25_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl25_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl25_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl25_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl25_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu25_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd25_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd25_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl25_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl25_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu25_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd25_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd25_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl25_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl25_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu25_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd25_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd25_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl25_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl25_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu25_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd25_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd25_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl25_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl25_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu25_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd25_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd25_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl25_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl25_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu25_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd25_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd25_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl25_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl25_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu25_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd25_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd25_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl25_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl25_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu25_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd25_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd25_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl26_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl26_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl26_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl26_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl26_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl26_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl26_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl26_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl26_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu26_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd26_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd26_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl26_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl26_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu26_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd26_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd26_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl26_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl26_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu26_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd26_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd26_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl26_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl26_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu26_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd26_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd26_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl26_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl26_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu26_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd26_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd26_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl26_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl26_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu26_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd26_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd26_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl26_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl26_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu26_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd26_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd26_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl26_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl26_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu26_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd26_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd26_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl27_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl27_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl27_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl27_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl27_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl27_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl27_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl27_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl27_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu27_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd27_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd27_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl27_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl27_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu27_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd27_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd27_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl27_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl27_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu27_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd27_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd27_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl27_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl27_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu27_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd27_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd27_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl27_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl27_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu27_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd27_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd27_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl27_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl27_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu27_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd27_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd27_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl27_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl27_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu27_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd27_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd27_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl27_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl27_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu27_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd27_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd27_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl28_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl28_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl28_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl28_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl28_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl28_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl28_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl28_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl28_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu28_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd28_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd28_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl28_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl28_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu28_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd28_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd28_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl28_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl28_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu28_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd28_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd28_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl28_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl28_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu28_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd28_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd28_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl28_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl28_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu28_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd28_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd28_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl28_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl28_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu28_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd28_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd28_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl28_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl28_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu28_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd28_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd28_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl28_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl28_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu28_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd28_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd28_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl29_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl29_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl29_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl29_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl29_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl29_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl29_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl29_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl29_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu29_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd29_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd29_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl29_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl29_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu29_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd29_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd29_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl29_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl29_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu29_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd29_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd29_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl29_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl29_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu29_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd29_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd29_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl29_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl29_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu29_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd29_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd29_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl29_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl29_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu29_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd29_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd29_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl29_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl29_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu29_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd29_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd29_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl29_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl29_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu29_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd29_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd29_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl30_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl30_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl30_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl30_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl30_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl30_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl30_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl30_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl30_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu30_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd30_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd30_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl30_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl30_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu30_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd30_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd30_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl30_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl30_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu30_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd30_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd30_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl30_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl30_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu30_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd30_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd30_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl30_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl30_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu30_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd30_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd30_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl30_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl30_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu30_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd30_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd30_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl30_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl30_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu30_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd30_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd30_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl30_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl30_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu30_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd30_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd30_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl31_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl31_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl31_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl31_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl31_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl31_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl31_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl31_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl31_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu31_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd31_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd31_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl31_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl31_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu31_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd31_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd31_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl31_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl31_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu31_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd31_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd31_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl31_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl31_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu31_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd31_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd31_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl31_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl31_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu31_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd31_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd31_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl31_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl31_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu31_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd31_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd31_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl31_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl31_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu31_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd31_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd31_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl31_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl31_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu31_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd31_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd31_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl32_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl32_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl32_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl32_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl32_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl32_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl32_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl32_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl32_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu32_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd32_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd32_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl32_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl32_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu32_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd32_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd32_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl32_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl32_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu32_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd32_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd32_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl32_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl32_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu32_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd32_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd32_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl32_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl32_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu32_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd32_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd32_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl32_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl32_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu32_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd32_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd32_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl32_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl32_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu32_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd32_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd32_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl32_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl32_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu32_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd32_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd32_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl33_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl33_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl33_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl33_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl33_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl33_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl33_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl33_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl33_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu33_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd33_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd33_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl33_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl33_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu33_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd33_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd33_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl33_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl33_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu33_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd33_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd33_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl33_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl33_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu33_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd33_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd33_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl33_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl33_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu33_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd33_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd33_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl33_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl33_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu33_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd33_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd33_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl33_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl33_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu33_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd33_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd33_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl33_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl33_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu33_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd33_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd33_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl34_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl34_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl34_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl34_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl34_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl34_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl34_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl34_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl34_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu34_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd34_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd34_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl34_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl34_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu34_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd34_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd34_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl34_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl34_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu34_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd34_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd34_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl34_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl34_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu34_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd34_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd34_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl34_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl34_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu34_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd34_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd34_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl34_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl34_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu34_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd34_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd34_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl34_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl34_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu34_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd34_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd34_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl34_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl34_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu34_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd34_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd34_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl35_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl35_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl35_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl35_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl35_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl35_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl35_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl35_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl35_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu35_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd35_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd35_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl35_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl35_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu35_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd35_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd35_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl35_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl35_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu35_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd35_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd35_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl35_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl35_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu35_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd35_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd35_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl35_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl35_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu35_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd35_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd35_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl35_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl35_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu35_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd35_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd35_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl35_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl35_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu35_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd35_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd35_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl35_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl35_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu35_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd35_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd35_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl36_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl36_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl36_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl36_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl36_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl36_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl36_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl36_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl36_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu36_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd36_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd36_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl36_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl36_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu36_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd36_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd36_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl36_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl36_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu36_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd36_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd36_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl36_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl36_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu36_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd36_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd36_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl36_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl36_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu36_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd36_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd36_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl36_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl36_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu36_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd36_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd36_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl36_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl36_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu36_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd36_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd36_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl36_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl36_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu36_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd36_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd36_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl37_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl37_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl37_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl37_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl37_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl37_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl37_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl37_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl37_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu37_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd37_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd37_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl37_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl37_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu37_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd37_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd37_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl37_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl37_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu37_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd37_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd37_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl37_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl37_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu37_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd37_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd37_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl37_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl37_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu37_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd37_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd37_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl37_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl37_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu37_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd37_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd37_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl37_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl37_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu37_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd37_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd37_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl37_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl37_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu37_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd37_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd37_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl38_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl38_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl38_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl38_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl38_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl38_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl38_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl38_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl38_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu38_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd38_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd38_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl38_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl38_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu38_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd38_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd38_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl38_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl38_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu38_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd38_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd38_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl38_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl38_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu38_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd38_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd38_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl38_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl38_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu38_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd38_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd38_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl38_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl38_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu38_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd38_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd38_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl38_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl38_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu38_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd38_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd38_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl38_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl38_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu38_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd38_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd38_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl39_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl39_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl39_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl39_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl39_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl39_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl39_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl39_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl39_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu39_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd39_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd39_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl39_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl39_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu39_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd39_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd39_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl39_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl39_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu39_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd39_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd39_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl39_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl39_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu39_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd39_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd39_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl39_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl39_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu39_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd39_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd39_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl39_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl39_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu39_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd39_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd39_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl39_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl39_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu39_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd39_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd39_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl39_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl39_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu39_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd39_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd39_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl40_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl40_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl40_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl40_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl40_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl40_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl40_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl40_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl40_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu40_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd40_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd40_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl40_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl40_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu40_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd40_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd40_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl40_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl40_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu40_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd40_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd40_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl40_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl40_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu40_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd40_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd40_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl40_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl40_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu40_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd40_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd40_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl40_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl40_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu40_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd40_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd40_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl40_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl40_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu40_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd40_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd40_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl40_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl40_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu40_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd40_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd40_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl41_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl41_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl41_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl41_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl41_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl41_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl41_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl41_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl41_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu41_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd41_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd41_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl41_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl41_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu41_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd41_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd41_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl41_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl41_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu41_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd41_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd41_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl41_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl41_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu41_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd41_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd41_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl41_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl41_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu41_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd41_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd41_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl41_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl41_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu41_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd41_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd41_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl41_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl41_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu41_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd41_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd41_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl41_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl41_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu41_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd41_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd41_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl42_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl42_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl42_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl42_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl42_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl42_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl42_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl42_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl42_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu42_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd42_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd42_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl42_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl42_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu42_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd42_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd42_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl42_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl42_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu42_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd42_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd42_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl42_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl42_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu42_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd42_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd42_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl42_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl42_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu42_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd42_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd42_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl42_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl42_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu42_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd42_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd42_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl42_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl42_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu42_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd42_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd42_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl42_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl42_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu42_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd42_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd42_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl43_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl43_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl43_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl43_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl43_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl43_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl43_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl43_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl43_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu43_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd43_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd43_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl43_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl43_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu43_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd43_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd43_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl43_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl43_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu43_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd43_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd43_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl43_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl43_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu43_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd43_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd43_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl43_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl43_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu43_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd43_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd43_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl43_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl43_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu43_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd43_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd43_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl43_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl43_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu43_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd43_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd43_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl43_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl43_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu43_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd43_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd43_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl44_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl44_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl44_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl44_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl44_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl44_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl44_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl44_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl44_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu44_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd44_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd44_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl44_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl44_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu44_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd44_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd44_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl44_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl44_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu44_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd44_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd44_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl44_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl44_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu44_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd44_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd44_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl44_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl44_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu44_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd44_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd44_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl44_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl44_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu44_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd44_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd44_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl44_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl44_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu44_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd44_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd44_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl44_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl44_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu44_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd44_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd44_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl45_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl45_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl45_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl45_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl45_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl45_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl45_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl45_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl45_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu45_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd45_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd45_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl45_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl45_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu45_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd45_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd45_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl45_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl45_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu45_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd45_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd45_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl45_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl45_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu45_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd45_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd45_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl45_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl45_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu45_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd45_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd45_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl45_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl45_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu45_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd45_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd45_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl45_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl45_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu45_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd45_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd45_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl45_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl45_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu45_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd45_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd45_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl46_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl46_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl46_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl46_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl46_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl46_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl46_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl46_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl46_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu46_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd46_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd46_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl46_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl46_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu46_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd46_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd46_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl46_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl46_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu46_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd46_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd46_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl46_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl46_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu46_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd46_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd46_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl46_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl46_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu46_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd46_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd46_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl46_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl46_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu46_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd46_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd46_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl46_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl46_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu46_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd46_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd46_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl46_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl46_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu46_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd46_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd46_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl47_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl47_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl47_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl47_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl47_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl47_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl47_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl47_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl47_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu47_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd47_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd47_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl47_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl47_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu47_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd47_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd47_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl47_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl47_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu47_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd47_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd47_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl47_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl47_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu47_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd47_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd47_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl47_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl47_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu47_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd47_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd47_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl47_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl47_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu47_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd47_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd47_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl47_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl47_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu47_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd47_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd47_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl47_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl47_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu47_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd47_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd47_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl48_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl48_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl48_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl48_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl48_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl48_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl48_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl48_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl48_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu48_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd48_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd48_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl48_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl48_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu48_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd48_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd48_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl48_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl48_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu48_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd48_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd48_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl48_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl48_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu48_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd48_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd48_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl48_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl48_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu48_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd48_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd48_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl48_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl48_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu48_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd48_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd48_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl48_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl48_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu48_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd48_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd48_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl48_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl48_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu48_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd48_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd48_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl49_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl49_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl49_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl49_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl49_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl49_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl49_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl49_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl49_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu49_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd49_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd49_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl49_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl49_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu49_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd49_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd49_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl49_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl49_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu49_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd49_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd49_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl49_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl49_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu49_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd49_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd49_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl49_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl49_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu49_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd49_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd49_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl49_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl49_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu49_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd49_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd49_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl49_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl49_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu49_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd49_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd49_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl49_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl49_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu49_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd49_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd49_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl50_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl50_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl50_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl50_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl50_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl50_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl50_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl50_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl50_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu50_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd50_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd50_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl50_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl50_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu50_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd50_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd50_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl50_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl50_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu50_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd50_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd50_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl50_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl50_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu50_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd50_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd50_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl50_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl50_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu50_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd50_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd50_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl50_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl50_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu50_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd50_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd50_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl50_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl50_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu50_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd50_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd50_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl50_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl50_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu50_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd50_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd50_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl51_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl51_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl51_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl51_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl51_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl51_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl51_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl51_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl51_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu51_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd51_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd51_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl51_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl51_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu51_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd51_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd51_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl51_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl51_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu51_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd51_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd51_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl51_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl51_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu51_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd51_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd51_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl51_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl51_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu51_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd51_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd51_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl51_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl51_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu51_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd51_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd51_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl51_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl51_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu51_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd51_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd51_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl51_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl51_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu51_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd51_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd51_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl52_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl52_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl52_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl52_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl52_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl52_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl52_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl52_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl52_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu52_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd52_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd52_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl52_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl52_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu52_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd52_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd52_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl52_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl52_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu52_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd52_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd52_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl52_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl52_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu52_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd52_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd52_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl52_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl52_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu52_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd52_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd52_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl52_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl52_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu52_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd52_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd52_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl52_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl52_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu52_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd52_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd52_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl52_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl52_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu52_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd52_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd52_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl53_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl53_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl53_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl53_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl53_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl53_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl53_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl53_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl53_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu53_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd53_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd53_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl53_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl53_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu53_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd53_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd53_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl53_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl53_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu53_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd53_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd53_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl53_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl53_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu53_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd53_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd53_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl53_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl53_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu53_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd53_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd53_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl53_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl53_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu53_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd53_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd53_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl53_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl53_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu53_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd53_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd53_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl53_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl53_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu53_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd53_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd53_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl54_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl54_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl54_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl54_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl54_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl54_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl54_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl54_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl54_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu54_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd54_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd54_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl54_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl54_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu54_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd54_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd54_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl54_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl54_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu54_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd54_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd54_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl54_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl54_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu54_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd54_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd54_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl54_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl54_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu54_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd54_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd54_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl54_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl54_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu54_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd54_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd54_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl54_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl54_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu54_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd54_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd54_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl54_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl54_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu54_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd54_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd54_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl55_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl55_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl55_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl55_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl55_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl55_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl55_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl55_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl55_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu55_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd55_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd55_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl55_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl55_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu55_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd55_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd55_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl55_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl55_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu55_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd55_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd55_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl55_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl55_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu55_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd55_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd55_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl55_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl55_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu55_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd55_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd55_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl55_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl55_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu55_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd55_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd55_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl55_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl55_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu55_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd55_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd55_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl55_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl55_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu55_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd55_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd55_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl56_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl56_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl56_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl56_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl56_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl56_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl56_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl56_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl56_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu56_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd56_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd56_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl56_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl56_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu56_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd56_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd56_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl56_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl56_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu56_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd56_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd56_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl56_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl56_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu56_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd56_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd56_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl56_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl56_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu56_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd56_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd56_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl56_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl56_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu56_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd56_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd56_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl56_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl56_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu56_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd56_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd56_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl56_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl56_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu56_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd56_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd56_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl57_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl57_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl57_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl57_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl57_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl57_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl57_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl57_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl57_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu57_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd57_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd57_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl57_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl57_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu57_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd57_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd57_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl57_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl57_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu57_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd57_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd57_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl57_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl57_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu57_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd57_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd57_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl57_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl57_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu57_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd57_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd57_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl57_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl57_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu57_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd57_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd57_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl57_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl57_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu57_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd57_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd57_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl57_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl57_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu57_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd57_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd57_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl58_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl58_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl58_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl58_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl58_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl58_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl58_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl58_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl58_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu58_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd58_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd58_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl58_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl58_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu58_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd58_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd58_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl58_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl58_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu58_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd58_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd58_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl58_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl58_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu58_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd58_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd58_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl58_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl58_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu58_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd58_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd58_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl58_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl58_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu58_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd58_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd58_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl58_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl58_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu58_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd58_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd58_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl58_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl58_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu58_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd58_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd58_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl59_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl59_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl59_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl59_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl59_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl59_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl59_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl59_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl59_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu59_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd59_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd59_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl59_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl59_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu59_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd59_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd59_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl59_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl59_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu59_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd59_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd59_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl59_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl59_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu59_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd59_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd59_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl59_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl59_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu59_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd59_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd59_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl59_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl59_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu59_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd59_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd59_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl59_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl59_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu59_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd59_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd59_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl59_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl59_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu59_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd59_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd59_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl60_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl60_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl60_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl60_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl60_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl60_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl60_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl60_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl60_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu60_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd60_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd60_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl60_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl60_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu60_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd60_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd60_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl60_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl60_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu60_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd60_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd60_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl60_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl60_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu60_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd60_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd60_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl60_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl60_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu60_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd60_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd60_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl60_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl60_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu60_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd60_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd60_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl60_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl60_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu60_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd60_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd60_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl60_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl60_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu60_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd60_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd60_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl61_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl61_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl61_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl61_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl61_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl61_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl61_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl61_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl61_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu61_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd61_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd61_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl61_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl61_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu61_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd61_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd61_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl61_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl61_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu61_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd61_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd61_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl61_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl61_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu61_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd61_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd61_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl61_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl61_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu61_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd61_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd61_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl61_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl61_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu61_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd61_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd61_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl61_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl61_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu61_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd61_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd61_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl61_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl61_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu61_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd61_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd61_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl62_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl62_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl62_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl62_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl62_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl62_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl62_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl62_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl62_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu62_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd62_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd62_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl62_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl62_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu62_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd62_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd62_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl62_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl62_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu62_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd62_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd62_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl62_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl62_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu62_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd62_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd62_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl62_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl62_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu62_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd62_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd62_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl62_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl62_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu62_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd62_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd62_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl62_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl62_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu62_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd62_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd62_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl62_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl62_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu62_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd62_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd62_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl63_m :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl63_m :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl63_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_congr_cl63_act_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl63_act_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_congr_cl63_act_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl63_act :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl63_wA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl63_wA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu63_wayA_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd63_wayA :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd63_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl63_wB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl63_wB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu63_wayB_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd63_wayB :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd63_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl63_wC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl63_wC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu63_wayC_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd63_wayC :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd63_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl63_wD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl63_wD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu63_wayD_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd63_wayD :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd63_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl63_wE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl63_wE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu63_wayE_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd63_wayE :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd63_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl63_wF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl63_wF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu63_wayF_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd63_wayF :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd63_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl63_wG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl63_wG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu63_wayG_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd63_wayG :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd63_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl63_wH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl63_wH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_bixu63_wayH_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal p0_way_data_upd63_wayH :std_ulogic; signal p1_way_data_upd63_wayH :std_ulogic; signal tagA_hit :std_ulogic; signal tagA_hit_b :std_ulogic; signal arr_wayA_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p0_arr_wayA_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayA_clr :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayA_set :std_ulogic; signal rel_par_wA_clr :std_ulogic; signal wayA_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayA_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayA_val_b1 :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_arr_wayA_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p1_arr_wayA_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayA_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayA_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal reload_wayA_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayA_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayA_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayA_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayA_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayA_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayA_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayA_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayA_clr :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayA_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayA_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayA_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayA_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayA :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal binv_wayA_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayA_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayA_upd1 :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayA_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayA_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayA_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayA_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal flush_wayA_data1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayA_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayA_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayA_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayA_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal xu_op_hit_wayA_b :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayA :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayA_dly_b :std_ulogic; signal clr_val_wayA :std_ulogic; signal upd_lck_wayA :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal inval_clr_lck_wA_d :std_ulogic; signal inval_clr_lck_wA_q :std_ulogic; signal perr_way_det_wayA :std_ulogic; signal perr_wayA_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal wayA_watch_value :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lost_wayA :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayA :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_wayA_upd :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayA_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex4_wayA_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayA_val_stg_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayA_val_stg_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayA :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_cClass_wayA_hit :std_ulogic; signal wayA_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayA_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayA_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayA_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayA_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayA_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayA_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayA_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayA_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal wayA_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayA_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayA_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayA_hit :std_ulogic; signal rel_lost_watch_wayA_evict :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayA_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayA_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayA_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayA_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayA_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal rel24_wayA_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayA_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayA_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayA_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayA_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal tagB_hit :std_ulogic; signal tagB_hit_b :std_ulogic; signal arr_wayB_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p0_arr_wayB_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayB_clr :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayB_set :std_ulogic; signal rel_par_wB_clr :std_ulogic; signal wayB_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayB_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayB_val_b1 :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_arr_wayB_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p1_arr_wayB_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayB_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayB_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal reload_wayB_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayB_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayB_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayB_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayB_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayB_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayB_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayB_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayB_clr :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayB_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayB_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayB_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayB_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayB :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal binv_wayB_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayB_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayB_upd1 :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayB_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayB_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayB_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayB_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal flush_wayB_data1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayB_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayB_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayB_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayB_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal xu_op_hit_wayB_b :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayB :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayB_dly_b :std_ulogic; signal clr_val_wayB :std_ulogic; signal upd_lck_wayB :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal inval_clr_lck_wB_d :std_ulogic; signal inval_clr_lck_wB_q :std_ulogic; signal perr_way_det_wayB :std_ulogic; signal perr_wayB_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal wayB_watch_value :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lost_wayB :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayB :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_wayB_upd :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayB_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex4_wayB_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayB_val_stg_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayB_val_stg_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayB :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_cClass_wayB_hit :std_ulogic; signal wayB_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayB_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayB_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayB_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayB_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayB_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayB_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayB_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayB_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal wayB_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayB_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayB_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayB_hit :std_ulogic; signal rel_lost_watch_wayB_evict :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayB_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayB_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayB_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayB_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayB_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal rel24_wayB_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayB_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayB_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayB_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayB_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal tagC_hit :std_ulogic; signal tagC_hit_b :std_ulogic; signal arr_wayC_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p0_arr_wayC_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayC_clr :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayC_set :std_ulogic; signal rel_par_wC_clr :std_ulogic; signal wayC_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayC_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayC_val_b1 :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_arr_wayC_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p1_arr_wayC_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayC_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayC_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal reload_wayC_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayC_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayC_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayC_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayC_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayC_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayC_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayC_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayC_clr :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayC_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayC_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayC_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayC_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayC :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal binv_wayC_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayC_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayC_upd1 :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayC_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayC_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayC_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayC_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal flush_wayC_data1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayC_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayC_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayC_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayC_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal xu_op_hit_wayC_b :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayC :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayC_dly_b :std_ulogic; signal clr_val_wayC :std_ulogic; signal upd_lck_wayC :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal inval_clr_lck_wC_d :std_ulogic; signal inval_clr_lck_wC_q :std_ulogic; signal perr_way_det_wayC :std_ulogic; signal perr_wayC_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal wayC_watch_value :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lost_wayC :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayC :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_wayC_upd :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayC_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex4_wayC_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayC_val_stg_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayC_val_stg_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayC :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_cClass_wayC_hit :std_ulogic; signal wayC_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayC_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayC_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayC_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayC_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayC_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayC_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayC_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayC_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal wayC_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayC_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayC_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayC_hit :std_ulogic; signal rel_lost_watch_wayC_evict :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayC_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayC_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayC_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayC_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayC_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal rel24_wayC_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayC_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayC_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayC_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayC_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal tagD_hit :std_ulogic; signal tagD_hit_b :std_ulogic; signal arr_wayD_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p0_arr_wayD_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayD_clr :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayD_set :std_ulogic; signal rel_par_wD_clr :std_ulogic; signal wayD_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayD_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayD_val_b1 :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_arr_wayD_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p1_arr_wayD_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayD_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayD_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal reload_wayD_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayD_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayD_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayD_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayD_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayD_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayD_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayD_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayD_clr :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayD_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayD_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayD_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayD_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayD :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal binv_wayD_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayD_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayD_upd1 :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayD_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayD_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayD_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayD_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal flush_wayD_data1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayD_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayD_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayD_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayD_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal xu_op_hit_wayD_b :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayD :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayD_dly_b :std_ulogic; signal clr_val_wayD :std_ulogic; signal upd_lck_wayD :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal inval_clr_lck_wD_d :std_ulogic; signal inval_clr_lck_wD_q :std_ulogic; signal perr_way_det_wayD :std_ulogic; signal perr_wayD_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal wayD_watch_value :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lost_wayD :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayD :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_wayD_upd :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayD_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex4_wayD_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayD_val_stg_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayD_val_stg_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayD :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_cClass_wayD_hit :std_ulogic; signal wayD_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayD_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayD_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayD_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayD_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayD_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayD_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayD_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayD_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal wayD_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayD_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayD_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayD_hit :std_ulogic; signal rel_lost_watch_wayD_evict :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayD_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayD_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayD_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayD_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayD_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal rel24_wayD_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayD_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayD_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayD_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayD_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal tagE_hit :std_ulogic; signal tagE_hit_b :std_ulogic; signal arr_wayE_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p0_arr_wayE_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayE_clr :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayE_set :std_ulogic; signal rel_par_wE_clr :std_ulogic; signal wayE_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayE_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayE_val_b1 :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_arr_wayE_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p1_arr_wayE_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayE_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayE_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal reload_wayE_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayE_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayE_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayE_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayE_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayE_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayE_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayE_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayE_clr :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayE_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayE_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayE_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayE_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayE :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal binv_wayE_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayE_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayE_upd1 :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayE_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayE_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayE_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayE_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal flush_wayE_data1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayE_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayE_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayE_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayE_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal xu_op_hit_wayE_b :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayE :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayE_dly_b :std_ulogic; signal clr_val_wayE :std_ulogic; signal upd_lck_wayE :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal inval_clr_lck_wE_d :std_ulogic; signal inval_clr_lck_wE_q :std_ulogic; signal perr_way_det_wayE :std_ulogic; signal perr_wayE_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal wayE_watch_value :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lost_wayE :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayE :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_wayE_upd :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayE_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex4_wayE_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayE_val_stg_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayE_val_stg_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayE :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_cClass_wayE_hit :std_ulogic; signal wayE_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayE_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayE_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayE_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayE_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayE_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayE_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayE_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayE_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal wayE_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayE_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayE_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayE_hit :std_ulogic; signal rel_lost_watch_wayE_evict :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayE_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayE_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayE_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayE_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayE_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal rel24_wayE_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayE_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayE_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayE_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayE_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal tagF_hit :std_ulogic; signal tagF_hit_b :std_ulogic; signal arr_wayF_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p0_arr_wayF_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayF_clr :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayF_set :std_ulogic; signal rel_par_wF_clr :std_ulogic; signal wayF_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayF_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayF_val_b1 :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_arr_wayF_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p1_arr_wayF_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayF_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayF_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal reload_wayF_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayF_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayF_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayF_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayF_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayF_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayF_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayF_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayF_clr :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayF_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayF_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayF_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayF_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayF :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal binv_wayF_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayF_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayF_upd1 :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayF_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayF_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayF_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayF_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal flush_wayF_data1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayF_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayF_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayF_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayF_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal xu_op_hit_wayF_b :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayF :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayF_dly_b :std_ulogic; signal clr_val_wayF :std_ulogic; signal upd_lck_wayF :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal inval_clr_lck_wF_d :std_ulogic; signal inval_clr_lck_wF_q :std_ulogic; signal perr_way_det_wayF :std_ulogic; signal perr_wayF_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal wayF_watch_value :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lost_wayF :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayF :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_wayF_upd :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayF_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex4_wayF_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayF_val_stg_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayF_val_stg_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayF :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_cClass_wayF_hit :std_ulogic; signal wayF_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayF_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayF_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayF_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayF_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayF_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayF_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayF_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayF_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal wayF_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayF_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayF_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayF_hit :std_ulogic; signal rel_lost_watch_wayF_evict :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayF_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayF_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayF_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayF_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayF_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal rel24_wayF_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayF_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayF_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayF_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayF_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal tagG_hit :std_ulogic; signal tagG_hit_b :std_ulogic; signal arr_wayG_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p0_arr_wayG_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayG_clr :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayG_set :std_ulogic; signal rel_par_wG_clr :std_ulogic; signal wayG_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayG_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayG_val_b1 :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_arr_wayG_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p1_arr_wayG_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayG_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayG_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal reload_wayG_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayG_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayG_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayG_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayG_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayG_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayG_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayG_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayG_clr :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayG_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayG_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayG_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayG_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayG :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal binv_wayG_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayG_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayG_upd1 :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayG_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayG_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayG_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayG_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal flush_wayG_data1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayG_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayG_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayG_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayG_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal xu_op_hit_wayG_b :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayG :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayG_dly_b :std_ulogic; signal clr_val_wayG :std_ulogic; signal upd_lck_wayG :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal inval_clr_lck_wG_d :std_ulogic; signal inval_clr_lck_wG_q :std_ulogic; signal perr_way_det_wayG :std_ulogic; signal perr_wayG_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal wayG_watch_value :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lost_wayG :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayG :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_wayG_upd :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayG_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex4_wayG_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayG_val_stg_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayG_val_stg_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayG :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_cClass_wayG_hit :std_ulogic; signal wayG_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayG_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayG_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayG_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayG_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayG_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayG_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayG_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayG_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal wayG_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayG_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayG_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayG_hit :std_ulogic; signal rel_lost_watch_wayG_evict :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayG_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayG_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayG_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayG_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayG_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal rel24_wayG_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayG_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayG_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayG_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayG_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal tagH_hit :std_ulogic; signal tagH_hit_b :std_ulogic; signal arr_wayH_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p0_arr_wayH_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayH_clr :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayH_set :std_ulogic; signal rel_par_wH_clr :std_ulogic; signal wayH_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayH_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayH_val_b1 :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_arr_wayH_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal p1_arr_wayH_rd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayH_val_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayH_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 7); signal congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal reload_wayH_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayH_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayH_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayH_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayH_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayH_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal reload_wayH_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayH_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayH_clr :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayH_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayH_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayH_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayH_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_wayH :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal binv_wayH_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayH_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayH_upd1 :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayH_upd2_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayH_upd2_q :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayH_upd3_d :std_ulogic; signal binv_wayH_upd3_q :std_ulogic; signal flush_wayH_data1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayH_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayH_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayH_data2_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal flush_wayH_data2_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal xu_op_hit_wayH_b :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayH :std_ulogic; signal xu_op_hit_wayH_dly_b :std_ulogic; signal clr_val_wayH :std_ulogic; signal upd_lck_wayH :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal inval_clr_lck_wH_d :std_ulogic; signal inval_clr_lck_wH_q :std_ulogic; signal perr_way_det_wayH :std_ulogic; signal perr_wayH_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal wayH_watch_value :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lost_wayH :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayH :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_wayH_upd :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayH_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex4_wayH_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayH_val_stg_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayH_val_stg_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayH :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayH :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayH :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_cClass_wayH_hit :std_ulogic; signal wayH_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayH_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayH_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayH_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayH_later_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayH_early_stg_pri :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayH_stg_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal rel_wayH_stg_val_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5); signal wayH_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal wayH_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayH_early_sel :std_ulogic; signal rel_wayH_late_sel :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayH_hit :std_ulogic; signal rel_lost_watch_wayH_evict :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayH_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayH_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayH_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayH_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wayH_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal rel24_wayH_fxubyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayH_fxubyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayH_relbyp_val_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayH_relbyp_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_wayH_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal stm_upd_watchlost_tid0 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid0_wayA :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid0_wayB :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid0_wayC :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid0_wayD :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid0_wayE :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid0_wayF :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid0_wayG :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid0_wayH :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal stm_upd_watchlost_tid1 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid1_wayA :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid1_wayB :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid1_wayC :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid1_wayD :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid1_wayE :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid1_wayF :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid1_wayG :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid1_wayH :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal stm_upd_watchlost_tid2 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid2_wayA :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid2_wayB :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid2_wayC :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid2_wayD :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid2_wayE :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid2_wayF :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid2_wayG :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid2_wayH :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal stm_upd_watchlost_tid3 :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid3_wayA :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid3_wayB :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid3_wayC :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid3_wayD :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid3_wayE :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid3_wayF :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid3_wayG :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal upd_watch_tid3_wayH :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal congr_cl_all_act_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_all_act_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_flush_cline_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_flush_cline_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_relu_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp :std_ulogic; signal ex4_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex4_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex5_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex5_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex6_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex6_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex7_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex7_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex8_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex8_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex9_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex9_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_early_congr_cl :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel_val_stg1 :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_stg2_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_stg2_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_clr_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_clr_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_stg3 :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_stg4 :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_stg4_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_stg4_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_binv_stg4_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_binv_stg4_q :std_ulogic; signal back_inval_stg2 :std_ulogic; signal back_inval_stg3_d :std_ulogic; signal back_inval_stg3_q :std_ulogic; signal back_inval_stg4_d :std_ulogic; signal back_inval_stg4_q :std_ulogic; signal back_inval_stg5_d :std_ulogic; signal back_inval_stg5_q :std_ulogic; signal ex1_congr_cl :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex2_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex2_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex3_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex3_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel24_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal rel24_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal p0_wren_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_wren_q :std_ulogic; signal p0_wren_cpy_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_wren_cpy_q :std_ulogic; signal p0_wren_stg_d :std_ulogic; signal p0_wren_stg_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_wren_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_wren_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_wren_cpy_d :std_ulogic; signal p1_wren_cpy_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_relu_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp :std_ulogic; signal ex3_c_acc :std_ulogic; signal fxu_pipe_val :std_ulogic; signal rel_set_val :std_ulogic; signal ex3_store_instr_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_store_instr_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_lock_set_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_lock_set_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lock_set_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lock_set_q :std_ulogic; signal ex5_lock_set_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_lock_set_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_lock_clr_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_lock_clr_q :std_ulogic; signal clr_val :std_ulogic; signal clr_lock :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_set :std_ulogic; signal rel_lock_set_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_lock_set_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_l1dump_cslc_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_l1dump_cslc_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_no_ovr_lock :std_ulogic; signal rel_lock_lost :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_val :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_xuop_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_val :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_xuop_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_val :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_l_fld_b1_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_l_fld_b1_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_progress :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_progress_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_progress_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_miss_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_way_hit_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex4_way_hit_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex5_way_hit_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex5_way_hit_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex6_way_hit_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex6_way_hit_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex7_way_hit_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex7_way_hit_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex8_way_hit_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex8_way_hit_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex9_way_hit_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex9_way_hit_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal dcpar_err_congr_cl :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal dcpar_err_stg1_d :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_stg1_q :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_stg2_d :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_stg2_q :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_way_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal dcpar_err_way_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal dcpar_err_way_inval_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal dcpar_err_way_inval_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal dcpar_err_cntr_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal dcpar_err_cntr_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal dcpar_err_push :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_rec_cmpl :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_nxt_rec :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_push_queue :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_ind_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal dcpar_err_incr_val :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_cntr_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal dcpar_err_nxt_cntr :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal dcpar_err_rec_inprog :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_ind_sel_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal dcpar_err_ind_sel_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1); signal dcpar_err_push_queue_d :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_push_queue_q :std_ulogic; signal lock_finval :std_ulogic; signal inval_clr_lck :std_ulogic; signal xucr0_cslc_xuop_d :std_ulogic; signal xucr0_cslc_xuop_q :std_ulogic; signal xucr0_cslc_binv_d :std_ulogic; signal xucr0_cslc_binv_q :std_ulogic; signal dci_compl_d :std_ulogic; signal dci_compl_q :std_ulogic; signal dci_inval_all_d :std_ulogic; signal dci_inval_all_q :std_ulogic; signal inv2_val_d :std_ulogic; signal inv2_val_q :std_ulogic; signal perf_binv_hit :std_ulogic; signal perf_lsu_evnts_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); signal perf_lsu_evnts_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4); signal lock_flash_clear_d :std_ulogic; signal lock_flash_clear_q :std_ulogic; signal lock_flash_clear_val_d :std_ulogic; signal lock_flash_clear_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_port_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_port_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal p1_upd_val :std_ulogic; signal rel_port_wren_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_port_wren_q :std_ulogic; signal ex2_thrd_id_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex2_thrd_id_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_thrd_id_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_thrd_id_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_thrd_id_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_thrd_id_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_thrd_id_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_thrd_id_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_watch_set_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_watch_set_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_watch_set_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_watch_set_q :std_ulogic; signal ex5_watch_set_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_watch_set_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_watch_clr_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_watch_clr_q :std_ulogic; signal ex2_watch_clr_all :std_ulogic; signal ex2_watch_clr_one :std_ulogic; signal ex3_watch_clr_all_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_watch_clr_all_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_watch_clr_all :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_watch_clr_all_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_watch_clr_all_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_watch_clr_all_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_watch_clr_all_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex6_watch_clr_all_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex6_watch_clr_all_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_watch_clr_all_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_watch_clr_all_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_watch_set_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_watch_set_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_thrd_id_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel_thrd_id_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal lose_watch :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_lose_watch_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_lose_watch_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal clr_watch :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal set_watch :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_curr_watch :std_ulogic; signal stm_watchlost_sel :std_ulogic; signal ex5_cr_watch_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_cr_watch_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_lost_watch :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_lost_watch_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_lost_watch_upd_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_lost_watch_upd_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_watchlost_set_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_watchlost_set_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_watchlost_set_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_watchlost_set_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel_lost_watch_binv_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel_lost_watch_binv_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel_lost_watch_upd_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel_lost_watch_upd_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel_lost_watch_evict :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel_lost_watch_evict_np :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal lost_watch_evict_ovl_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal lost_watch_evict_ovl_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal lost_watch_binv :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal lost_watch_inter_thrd_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal lost_watch_inter_thrd_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal stm_watchlost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel_watchlost_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_watchlost_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal stm_watchlost_state_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal stm_watchlost_state_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex5_xuop_p0_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_xuop_p0_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_stg24 :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_stgu_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_val_stgu_q :std_ulogic; signal relu_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal relu_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal relu_s_congr_cl_d :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal relu_s_congr_cl_q :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 7); signal ex3_thrd_m_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_thrd_m_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_thrd_m_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_thrd_m_q :std_ulogic; signal ex5_thrd_m_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_thrd_m_q :std_ulogic; signal ex6_thrd_m_d :std_ulogic; signal ex6_thrd_m_q :std_ulogic; signal ex7_ld_par_err_d :std_ulogic; signal ex7_ld_par_err_q :std_ulogic; signal ex8_ld_par_err_d :std_ulogic; signal ex8_ld_par_err_q :std_ulogic; signal ex9_ld_par_err_d :std_ulogic; signal ex9_ld_par_err_q :std_ulogic; signal ex6_ld_valid_d :std_ulogic; signal ex6_ld_valid_q :std_ulogic; signal ex7_ld_valid_d :std_ulogic; signal ex7_ld_valid_q :std_ulogic; signal ex8_ld_valid_d :std_ulogic; signal ex8_ld_valid_q :std_ulogic; signal ex9_ld_valid_d :std_ulogic; signal ex9_ld_valid_q :std_ulogic; signal inj_dir_multihit_b :std_ulogic; signal inj_dir_multihit_d :std_ulogic; signal inj_dir_multihit_q :std_ulogic; signal binv1_ex1_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal binv2_ex2_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal binv3_ex3_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex4_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal binv5_ex5_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal binv2_ex2_val_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal binv3_ex3_val_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex4_val_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal binv5_ex5_val_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_stg1_act_d :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_stg1_act_q :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_stg2_act_d :std_ulogic; signal dcpar_err_stg2_act_q :std_ulogic; signal rel1_perr_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal rel2_perr_stg_act :std_ulogic; signal rel3_perr_stg_act_d :std_ulogic; signal rel3_perr_stg_act_q :std_ulogic; signal rel4_perr_stg_act_d :std_ulogic; signal rel4_perr_stg_act_q :std_ulogic; signal reload_way_clr_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal reload_way_clr_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex4_watchSet_coll_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_watchSet_coll_q :std_ulogic; signal watchSet_rel_way_coll :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal watchSet_rel_coll_val :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_d :std_ulogic; signal relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_ex5_watchSet_coll :std_ulogic; signal rel_ex6_watchSet_coll :std_ulogic; signal rel_ex7_watchSet_coll :std_ulogic; signal rel_coll_val :std_ulogic; signal relu_dir_data :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 5); signal rel_pri_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal rel_byp_dir_data :std_ulogic_vector(2 to 5); signal rel_watchSet_coll_tid :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal lost_watch_evict_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal lost_watch_evict_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal dcpar_err_lock_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal dirpar_err_lock_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex3_dir_perr_val :std_ulogic; signal ex3_dir_multihit_val :std_ulogic; signal ex4_dir_err_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_dir_err_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex5_dir_err_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_dir_err_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex6_dir_err_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex6_dir_err_val_q :std_ulogic; signal derr2_stg_act_d :std_ulogic; signal derr2_stg_act_q :std_ulogic; signal derr3_stg_act_d :std_ulogic; signal derr3_stg_act_q :std_ulogic; signal derr4_stg_act_d :std_ulogic; signal derr4_stg_act_q :std_ulogic; signal derr5_stg_act_d :std_ulogic; signal derr5_stg_act_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_err_det_way_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex4_err_det_way_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal ex4_perr_lck_lost_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_perr_lck_lost_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_perr_watch_lost_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_perr_watch_lost_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal dcperr_lock_lost_d :std_ulogic; signal dcperr_lock_lost_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_dir_multihit_val_b_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_dir_multihit_val :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex4_lock_set :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex4_thrd_watch :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_multihit_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_multihit_lock_lost :std_ulogic; signal ex3_watch_chk_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_watch_chk_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_watch_chk_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_watch_chk_q :std_ulogic; signal ex5_watch_chk_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_watch_chk_q :std_ulogic; signal ex5_watch_chk_cplt :std_ulogic; signal ex5_watch_chk_succ :std_ulogic; signal ex5_watch_dup_set :std_ulogic; signal hit_and_01_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_and_23_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_and_45_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_and_67_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_01_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_23_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_45_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_67_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_13_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_57_b :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_0123 :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_4567 :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_1357 :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_2367 :std_ulogic; signal hit_and_0123 :std_ulogic; signal hit_and_4567 :std_ulogic; signal multi_hit_err2_0 :std_ulogic; signal multi_hit_err2_1 :std_ulogic; signal hit_or_01234567_b :std_ulogic; signal ex3_dir_multihit_val_0 :std_ulogic; signal ex3_dir_multihit_val_1 :std_ulogic; signal ex3_dir_multihit_val_b :std_ulogic; signal multi_hit_err3_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal hit_enc_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal ex3_l_fld_b1_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_l_fld_b1_q :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex4_way_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal binv5_ex5_way_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal binv6_ex6_way_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal binv7_ex7_way_upd_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal binv7_ex7_way_upd_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7); signal binv4_ex4_dir_data :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5); signal binv5_ex5_dir_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5); signal binv5_ex5_dir_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5); signal binv6_ex6_dir_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5); signal binv6_ex6_dir_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5); signal binv7_ex7_dir_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5); signal binv7_ex7_dir_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5); signal binv4_inval_lck :std_ulogic; signal binv4_inval_watch :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal binv4_coll_val :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex5_coll :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex6_coll :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex7_coll :std_ulogic; signal binv4_pri_byp_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal binv4_byp_dir_data :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 5); signal binv5_inval_lock_val_d :std_ulogic; signal binv5_inval_lock_val_q :std_ulogic; signal binv5_inval_watch_val_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal binv5_inval_watch_val_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal binv5_ex5_lost_watch_upd :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal dci_watch_lost :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_upd_dir :std_ulogic; signal binv3_ex3_xuop_upd :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_dir_acc_val :std_ulogic; signal binv3_ex3_dir_val :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex4_dir_val_d :std_ulogic; signal binv4_ex4_dir_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_l1hit :std_ulogic; signal ex3_l1miss :std_ulogic; signal ex4_snd_ld_l2_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_ldq_full_flush_b_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg1_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg1_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg2_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg2_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg3_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg3_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg4_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg4_q :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg5_d :std_ulogic; signal rel_in_prog_stg5_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_instr_enc_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_instr_enc_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_wclr_all_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wclr_all_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex5_wclr_all_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex5_wclr_all_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex6_wclr_all_val_d :std_ulogic; signal ex6_wclr_all_val_q :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wclr_all_upd_val :std_ulogic; signal ex4_wclr_all_upd_val :std_ulogic; signal ex5_wclr_all_upd_val :std_ulogic; signal ex6_wclr_all_upd_val :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wclr_all_upd_d :std_ulogic; signal ex3_wclr_all_upd_q :std_ulogic; signal ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal ex3_xuop_up_addr_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal rel_dcarr_addr_sel :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal rel_dcarr_addr_sel_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal dcarr_up_way_addr_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2); signal rel4_l1dump_val_q :std_ulogic; signal rel4_l1dump_watch :std_ulogic; signal lost_watch_l1dump :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3); signal my_lclk :clk_logic; signal my_d1clk :std_ulogic; signal my_d2clk :std_ulogic; signal my_multihit_lclk :clk_logic; signal my_multihit_d1clk :std_ulogic; signal my_multihit_d2clk :std_ulogic; signal my_ddmh_lclk :clk_logic; signal my_ddmh_d1clk :std_ulogic; signal my_ddmh_d2clk :std_ulogic; signal ex4_miss_siv :std_ulogic; signal ex4_miss_sov :std_ulogic; signal my_spare0_lclk :clk_logic; signal my_spare0_d1clk :std_ulogic; signal my_spare0_d2clk :std_ulogic; signal my_spare0_latches_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 16); signal my_spare0_latches_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 16); signal my_spare1_lclk :clk_logic; signal my_spare1_d1clk :std_ulogic; signal my_spare1_d2clk :std_ulogic; signal my_spare1_latches_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15); signal my_spare1_latches_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15); signal tiup :std_ulogic; signal siv :std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right); signal sov :std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right); BEGIN --@@ START OF EXECUTABLE CODE FOR XUQ_LSU_DIR_VAL32 tiup <= '1'; inv2_val_d <= inv1_val and not spr_xucr0_dcdis; back_inval_stg2 <= inv2_val_q; rel_val_stg1 <= rel1_val; rel_val_stg3 <= rel3_val; rel_set_val <= rel4_set_val; lock_flash_clear_d <= xu_lsu_spr_xucr0_clfc; lock_flash_clear_val_d <= lock_flash_clear_q; dci_compl_d <= xu_lsu_dci; dci_inval_all_d <= dci_compl_q; lock_finval <= dci_inval_all_q or lock_flash_clear_val_q; inj_dir_multihit_d <= pc_xu_inj_dcachedir_multihit; ex3_l_fld_b1_d <= ex2_l_fld(1); tagA_hit <= ex3_way_cmp_a; rel_wayA_clr <= rel_way_clr_a; rel_wayA_set <= rel_way_wen_a; tagB_hit <= ex3_way_cmp_b; rel_wayB_clr <= rel_way_clr_b; rel_wayB_set <= rel_way_wen_b; tagC_hit <= ex3_way_cmp_c; rel_wayC_clr <= rel_way_clr_c; rel_wayC_set <= rel_way_wen_c; tagD_hit <= ex3_way_cmp_d; rel_wayD_clr <= rel_way_clr_d; rel_wayD_set <= rel_way_wen_d; tagE_hit <= ex3_way_cmp_e; rel_wayE_clr <= rel_way_clr_e; rel_wayE_set <= rel_way_wen_e; tagF_hit <= ex3_way_cmp_f; rel_wayF_clr <= rel_way_clr_f; rel_wayF_set <= rel_way_wen_f; tagG_hit <= ex3_way_cmp_g; rel_wayG_clr <= rel_way_clr_g; rel_wayG_set <= rel_way_wen_g; tagH_hit <= ex3_way_cmp_h; rel_wayH_clr <= rel_way_clr_h; rel_wayH_set <= rel_way_wen_h; ex3_c_acc <= ex3_cache_en; -- #################################################### -- Stage ACT Pipes -- #################################################### binv1_ex1_stg_act <= binv1_stg_act or ex1_stg_act; binv2_ex2_stg_act <= binv2_stg_act or ex2_stg_act; binv3_ex3_stg_act <= binv3_stg_act or ex3_stg_act; binv4_ex4_stg_act <= binv4_stg_act or ex4_stg_act; binv5_ex5_stg_act <= binv5_stg_act or ex5_stg_act; binv2_ex2_val_stg_act <= derr2_stg_act_q or binv2_stg_act or ex2_stg_act; binv3_ex3_val_stg_act <= derr3_stg_act_q or binv3_stg_act or ex3_stg_act; binv4_ex4_val_stg_act <= derr4_stg_act_q or binv4_stg_act or ex4_stg_act; binv5_ex5_val_stg_act <= derr5_stg_act_q or binv5_stg_act or ex5_stg_act; rel1_perr_stg_act <= rel1_stg_act or dcpar_err_stg1_act_q; rel2_perr_stg_act <= rel2_stg_act or dcpar_err_stg2_act_q; rel3_perr_stg_act_d <= rel2_perr_stg_act; rel4_perr_stg_act_d <= rel3_perr_stg_act_q; -- #################################################### -- Dcache Number of Cachelines Configurations -- #################################################### -- EX2 Stage ex1_congr_cl <= ex1_p_addr; cl64size : if (cl_size=6) generate begin rel_early_congr_cl(2 TO 6) <= rel_addr_early(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size-1); rel_early_congr_cl(7) <= rel_addr_early(63-cl_size) or spr_xucr0_cls; end generate cl64size; cl32size : if (cl_size=5) generate begin rel_early_congr_cl(2 TO 5) <= rel_addr_early(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size-2); rel_early_congr_cl(6) <= rel_addr_early(63-cl_size-1) or spr_xucr0_cls; rel_early_congr_cl(7) <= rel_addr_early(63-cl_size); end generate cl32size; -- #################################################### -- Congruence Class Address Select -- Port0 => Execution Pipe or Back-Invalidate -- Port1 => Reload or DC Parity Error Recovery -- #################################################### -- Port0 -- = '1' => Select Back-Invalidate -- = '0' => Select Execution Op ex2_congr_cl_d <= ex1_congr_cl; ex3_congr_cl_d <= ex2_congr_cl_q; ex4_congr_cl_d <= ex3_congr_cl_q; ex5_congr_cl_d <= ex4_congr_cl_q; ex6_congr_cl_d <= ex5_congr_cl_q; -- Port1 -- = '1' => Select DC Parity Error Recovery -- = '0' => Select Reload with rel_in_progress select rel_congr_cl_d <= rel_early_congr_cl when '1', dcpar_err_congr_cl when others; -- Reload Invalidate Stages rel_val_stg2_d <= rel_val_stg1; rel_val_clr_d <= rel_val_stg2_q or dcpar_err_stg2_q; -- Reload Validate Stages rel_val_stg4_d <= rel_val_stg3; rel_val_stg4 <= rel_val_stg4_q and not rel4_recirc_val; rel_val_set <= rel_val_stg4 and rel_set_val; -- Reload Back-Invalidated rel_binv_stg4_d <= rel_back_inval; -- Reload Lock Cache-Line rel_lock_set_d <= rel_lock_en; rel_l1dump_cslc_d <= rel_l1dump_cslc; -- Reload Lost Lock due to Back-Invalidate of loadmissQ entry rel_no_ovr_lock <= rel_wayA_set or rel_wayB_set or rel_wayC_set or rel_wayD_set or rel_wayE_set or rel_wayF_set or rel_wayG_set or rel_wayH_set; rel_lock_lost <= rel_lock_set_q and rel_val_stg4 and rel_no_ovr_lock and rel_binv_stg4_q and not rel_set_val; -- Reload Watch Cache-Line rel_watch_set_d <= rel_watch_en; rel_thrd_id_d <= rel_thrd_id; -- Reload Lost Watch due to Back-Invalidate of loadmissQ entry rel_watch_lost <= gate(rel_thrd_id_q, (rel_watch_set_q and rel_val_stg4 and rel_binv_stg4_q and not rel_set_val)); -- Reload Port is updated when a Reload is invalidating a line, a Reload is setting a line, or Parity Error Recovery rel_val_stg24 <= rel_val_stg2_q or rel_val_set or dcpar_err_stg2_q; rel_val_stgu_d <= rel_val_stg24; rel_port_wren_d <= rel_val_stgu_q; rel_port_upd_d <= rel_val_stgu_q; rel_in_prog_stg1_d <= ldq_rel1_early_v or ldq_rel3_early_v; rel_in_prog_stg2_d <= rel_in_prog_stg1_q; rel_in_prog_stg3_d <= rel_in_prog_stg2_q; rel_in_prog_stg4_d <= rel_in_prog_stg3_q; rel_in_prog_stg5_d <= rel_in_prog_stg4_q; -- Used to block Parity Recovery rel_in_progress <= ldq_rel1_early_v or ldq_rel3_early_v or rel_in_prog_stg1_q or rel_in_prog_stg2_q or rel_in_prog_stg3_q or rel_in_prog_stg4_q or rel_in_prog_stg5_q; rel_in_progress_d <= rel_in_progress; -- Back-Invalidate Stages back_inval_stg3_d <= back_inval_stg2; back_inval_stg4_d <= back_inval_stg3_q; back_inval_stg5_d <= back_inval_stg4_q; -- EX1 STAGE ex2_thrd_id_d <= ex1_thrd_id; -- EX2 STAGE ex3_store_instr_d <= ex2_store_instr and not ex2_stg_flush; ex3_flush_cline_d <= ex2_is_inval_op and not ex2_stg_flush; ex3_lock_set_d <= ex2_lock_set and not ex2_stg_flush; ex4_lock_set_d <= ex3_lock_set_q and not ex3_stg_flush; ex5_lock_set_d <= ex4_lock_set_q and not ex4_stg_flush; ex3_lock_clr_d <= ex2_lock_clr and not ex2_stg_flush; ex3_thrd_id_d <= ex2_thrd_id_q; ex3_watch_set_d <= ex2_ldawx_instr and not ex2_stg_flush; ex3_watch_clr_d <= ex2_wclr_instr and not ex2_stg_flush; ex2_watch_clr_all <= ex2_wclr_instr and not ex2_l_fld(0); ex2_watch_clr_one <= ex2_wclr_instr and ex2_l_fld(0); ex3_watch_clr_all_d <= ex2_watch_clr_all and not ex2_stg_flush; ex3_watch_chk_d <= ex2_wchk_val and not ex2_stg_flush; ex3_xuop_val_d <= (ex2_lock_clr or ex2_lock_set or ex2_ldawx_instr or ex2_watch_clr_one or ex2_store_instr) and not ex2_stg_flush; -- EX3 STAGE ex4_l_fld_b1_d <= ex3_l_fld_b1_q; ex3_watch_clr_all <= gate(ex3_thrd_id_q, ex3_watch_clr_all_q); ex4_wclr_all_val_d <= ex3_watch_clr_all_q and not ex3_stg_flush; ex5_wclr_all_val_d <= ex4_wclr_all_val_q and not ex4_stg_flush; ex6_wclr_all_val_d <= ex5_wclr_all_val_q and not ex5_stg_flush; ex3_xuop_val <= ((ex3_xuop_val_q and ex3_c_acc) or ex3_flush_cline_q) and not spr_xucr0_dcdis; ex4_xuop_val_d <= (ex3_xuop_val or ex3_watch_clr_all_q) and not ex3_stg_flush; ex4_watch_clr_all_d <= gate(ex3_watch_clr_all, (not (ex3_stg_flush or spr_xucr0_dcdis))); ex4_watch_chk_d <= ex3_watch_chk_q and not ex3_stg_flush; ex4_watch_set_d <= ex3_watch_set_q and not ex3_stg_flush; ex5_watch_set_d <= ex4_watch_set_q and not ex4_stg_flush; ex3_xuop_upd_dir <= ex3_flush_cline_q or ex3_lock_clr_q or ex3_lock_set_q or ex3_watch_set_q or ex3_watch_clr_q; binv3_ex3_xuop_upd <= back_inval_stg3_q or ex3_xuop_val; binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_d <= binv3_ex3_xuop_upd or ((ex3_xuop_val or ex3_watch_clr_all_q) and not ex3_stg_flush); ex3_dir_acc_val <= ex3_cache_acc and not ex3_watch_clr_all_q; binv3_ex3_dir_val <= back_inval_stg3_q or ex3_dir_acc_val; binv4_ex4_dir_val_d <= back_inval_stg3_q or (ex3_dir_acc_val and not ex3_stg_flush); ex4_instr_enc_d(0) <= ex3_watch_clr_q; ex4_instr_enc_d(1) <= back_inval_stg3_q or ex3_lock_set_q or ex3_lock_clr_q or ex3_watch_set_q; ex4_instr_enc_d(2) <= back_inval_stg3_q or ex3_store_instr_q or ex3_watch_set_q; ex4_instr_enc_d(3) <= back_inval_stg3_q or ex3_lock_clr_q or ex3_flush_cline_q or ex3_watch_clr_all_q; -- EX4 STAGE ex4_xuop_val <= ex4_xuop_val_q and not ex4_stg_flush; ex4_thrd_id_d <= ex3_thrd_id_q; -- EX5 STAGE ex5_xuop_val_d <= ex4_xuop_val; ex5_xuop_val <= ex5_xuop_val_q and not ex5_stg_flush; ex5_xuop_p0_upd_d <= ex4_xuop_val; ex5_watch_chk_d <= ex4_watch_chk_q and not ex4_stg_flush; ex5_thrd_id_d <= ex4_thrd_id_q; -- Reload Congruence Class rel24_congr_cl_d <= rel_congr_cl_q; relu_congr_cl_d <= rel24_congr_cl_q; relu_s_congr_cl_d <= relu_congr_cl_q; -- Load Hit Valid ex6_ld_valid_d <= ex5_load_op_hit and not ex5_stg_flush; -- #################################################### -- Execution Directory Read -- #################################################### -- Execution Path Directory Valid and Line Lock Bits Muxing -- Select Congruence Class Way A with ex2_congr_cl_q select arr_wayA_val <= congr_cl0_wA_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wA_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wA_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wA_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wA_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wA_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wA_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wA_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wA_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wA_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wA_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wA_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wA_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wA_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wA_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wA_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wA_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wA_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wA_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wA_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wA_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wA_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wA_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wA_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wA_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wA_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wA_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wA_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wA_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wA_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wA_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wA_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wA_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wA_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wA_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wA_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wA_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wA_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wA_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wA_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wA_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wA_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wA_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wA_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wA_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wA_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wA_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wA_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wA_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wA_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wA_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wA_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wA_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wA_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wA_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wA_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wA_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wA_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wA_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wA_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wA_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wA_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wA_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wA_q when others; p0_arr_wayA_rd <= arr_wayA_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way B with ex2_congr_cl_q select arr_wayB_val <= congr_cl0_wB_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wB_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wB_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wB_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wB_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wB_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wB_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wB_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wB_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wB_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wB_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wB_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wB_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wB_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wB_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wB_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wB_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wB_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wB_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wB_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wB_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wB_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wB_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wB_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wB_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wB_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wB_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wB_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wB_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wB_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wB_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wB_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wB_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wB_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wB_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wB_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wB_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wB_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wB_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wB_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wB_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wB_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wB_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wB_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wB_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wB_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wB_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wB_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wB_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wB_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wB_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wB_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wB_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wB_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wB_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wB_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wB_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wB_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wB_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wB_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wB_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wB_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wB_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wB_q when others; p0_arr_wayB_rd <= arr_wayB_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way C with ex2_congr_cl_q select arr_wayC_val <= congr_cl0_wC_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wC_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wC_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wC_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wC_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wC_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wC_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wC_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wC_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wC_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wC_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wC_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wC_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wC_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wC_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wC_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wC_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wC_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wC_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wC_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wC_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wC_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wC_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wC_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wC_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wC_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wC_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wC_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wC_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wC_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wC_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wC_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wC_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wC_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wC_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wC_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wC_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wC_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wC_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wC_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wC_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wC_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wC_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wC_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wC_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wC_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wC_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wC_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wC_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wC_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wC_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wC_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wC_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wC_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wC_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wC_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wC_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wC_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wC_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wC_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wC_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wC_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wC_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wC_q when others; p0_arr_wayC_rd <= arr_wayC_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way D with ex2_congr_cl_q select arr_wayD_val <= congr_cl0_wD_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wD_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wD_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wD_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wD_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wD_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wD_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wD_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wD_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wD_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wD_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wD_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wD_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wD_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wD_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wD_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wD_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wD_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wD_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wD_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wD_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wD_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wD_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wD_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wD_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wD_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wD_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wD_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wD_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wD_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wD_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wD_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wD_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wD_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wD_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wD_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wD_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wD_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wD_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wD_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wD_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wD_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wD_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wD_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wD_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wD_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wD_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wD_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wD_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wD_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wD_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wD_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wD_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wD_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wD_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wD_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wD_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wD_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wD_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wD_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wD_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wD_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wD_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wD_q when others; p0_arr_wayD_rd <= arr_wayD_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way E with ex2_congr_cl_q select arr_wayE_val <= congr_cl0_wE_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wE_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wE_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wE_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wE_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wE_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wE_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wE_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wE_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wE_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wE_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wE_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wE_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wE_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wE_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wE_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wE_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wE_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wE_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wE_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wE_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wE_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wE_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wE_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wE_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wE_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wE_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wE_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wE_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wE_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wE_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wE_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wE_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wE_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wE_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wE_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wE_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wE_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wE_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wE_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wE_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wE_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wE_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wE_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wE_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wE_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wE_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wE_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wE_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wE_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wE_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wE_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wE_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wE_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wE_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wE_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wE_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wE_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wE_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wE_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wE_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wE_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wE_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wE_q when others; p0_arr_wayE_rd <= arr_wayE_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way F with ex2_congr_cl_q select arr_wayF_val <= congr_cl0_wF_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wF_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wF_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wF_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wF_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wF_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wF_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wF_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wF_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wF_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wF_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wF_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wF_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wF_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wF_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wF_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wF_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wF_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wF_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wF_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wF_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wF_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wF_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wF_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wF_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wF_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wF_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wF_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wF_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wF_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wF_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wF_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wF_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wF_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wF_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wF_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wF_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wF_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wF_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wF_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wF_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wF_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wF_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wF_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wF_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wF_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wF_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wF_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wF_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wF_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wF_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wF_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wF_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wF_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wF_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wF_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wF_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wF_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wF_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wF_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wF_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wF_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wF_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wF_q when others; p0_arr_wayF_rd <= arr_wayF_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way G with ex2_congr_cl_q select arr_wayG_val <= congr_cl0_wG_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wG_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wG_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wG_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wG_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wG_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wG_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wG_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wG_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wG_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wG_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wG_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wG_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wG_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wG_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wG_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wG_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wG_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wG_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wG_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wG_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wG_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wG_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wG_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wG_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wG_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wG_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wG_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wG_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wG_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wG_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wG_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wG_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wG_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wG_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wG_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wG_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wG_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wG_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wG_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wG_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wG_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wG_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wG_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wG_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wG_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wG_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wG_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wG_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wG_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wG_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wG_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wG_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wG_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wG_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wG_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wG_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wG_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wG_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wG_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wG_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wG_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wG_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wG_q when others; p0_arr_wayG_rd <= arr_wayG_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way H with ex2_congr_cl_q select arr_wayH_val <= congr_cl0_wH_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wH_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wH_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wH_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wH_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wH_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wH_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wH_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wH_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wH_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wH_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wH_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wH_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wH_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wH_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wH_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wH_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wH_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wH_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wH_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wH_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wH_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wH_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wH_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wH_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wH_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wH_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wH_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wH_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wH_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wH_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wH_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wH_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wH_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wH_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wH_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wH_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wH_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wH_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wH_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wH_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wH_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wH_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wH_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wH_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wH_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wH_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wH_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wH_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wH_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wH_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wH_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wH_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wH_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wH_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wH_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wH_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wH_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wH_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wH_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wH_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wH_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wH_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wH_q when others; p0_arr_wayH_rd <= arr_wayH_val; -- #################################################### -- Execution/Back-Invalidate Pipe Bypass -- #################################################### -- Determine if there is any updates in later stages to the same congruence class congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_d <= (ex1_congr_cl = ex2_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_d <= (ex1_congr_cl = ex3_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_d <= (ex1_congr_cl = ex4_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_d <= (ex1_congr_cl = ex5_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_d <= (ex1_congr_cl = rel24_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_d <= (ex1_congr_cl = relu_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_d <= (ex1_congr_cl = relu_s_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp <= congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_q and p0_wren_cpy_q; congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp <= congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_q and p1_wren_cpy_q; -- Determine Bypass from later stages ex3_thrd_m_d <= (ex1_thrd_id = ex2_thrd_id_q); ex4_thrd_m_d <= (ex1_thrd_id = ex3_thrd_id_q); ex5_thrd_m_d <= (ex1_thrd_id = ex4_thrd_id_q); ex6_thrd_m_d <= (ex1_thrd_id = ex5_thrd_id_q); congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q and ((ex3_xuop_val and ex3_thrd_m_q) or back_inval_stg3_q) and not inv2_val_q; congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q and ((ex4_xuop_val_q and ex4_thrd_m_q) or back_inval_stg4_q) and not inv2_val_q; congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q and ((ex5_xuop_p0_upd_q and ex5_thrd_m_q) or back_inval_stg5_q) and not inv2_val_q; congr_cl_ex2_relu_m <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_q and rel_val_stgu_q; congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_q and p1_upd_val; -- WayA Bypass Calculation congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(1) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m and ex3_wayA_hit; congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_m and reload_wayA_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m and binv_wayA_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m and reload_wayA_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m and binv_wayA_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp and reload_wayA_upd3_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp and binv_wayA_upd3_q; -- WayA Bypass Valid ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(1) or congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(3) or congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(5) or congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(7); ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(2) or congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(4) or congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(6); ex4_wayA_fxubyp_val_d <= ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_q; ex4_wayA_relbyp_val_d <= ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_q; ex4_wayA_byp_sel <= ex4_wayA_fxubyp_val_q & ex4_wayA_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(3) and not congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection wayA_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(2 to 7)); wayA_later_stg_pri <= gate(p0_arr_wayA_rd, not wayA_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayA_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayA_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayA_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayA_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayA_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayA_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayA_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection wayA_early_sel <= congr_cl_ex2_wayA_byp(1); wayA_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayA_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection wayA_stg_val <= (others=>(wayA_early_sel)); wayA_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(wayA_early_sel))); wayA_val(0 TO 1) <= not wayA_val_b_q(0 to 1); wayA_val(2 TO 5) <= not wayA_val_b_q(2 to 5); wayA_val_b1 <= not wayA_val(0); -- WayB Bypass Calculation congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(1) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m and ex3_wayB_hit; congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_m and reload_wayB_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m and binv_wayB_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m and reload_wayB_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m and binv_wayB_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp and reload_wayB_upd3_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp and binv_wayB_upd3_q; -- WayB Bypass Valid ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(1) or congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(3) or congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(5) or congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(7); ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(2) or congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(4) or congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(6); ex4_wayB_fxubyp_val_d <= ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_q; ex4_wayB_relbyp_val_d <= ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_q; ex4_wayB_byp_sel <= ex4_wayB_fxubyp_val_q & ex4_wayB_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(3) and not congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection wayB_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(2 to 7)); wayB_later_stg_pri <= gate(p0_arr_wayB_rd, not wayB_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayB_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayB_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayB_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayB_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayB_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayB_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayB_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection wayB_early_sel <= congr_cl_ex2_wayB_byp(1); wayB_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayB_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection wayB_stg_val <= (others=>(wayB_early_sel)); wayB_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(wayB_early_sel))); wayB_val(0 TO 1) <= not wayB_val_b_q(0 to 1); wayB_val(2 TO 5) <= not wayB_val_b_q(2 to 5); wayB_val_b1 <= not wayB_val(0); -- WayC Bypass Calculation congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(1) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m and ex3_wayC_hit; congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_m and reload_wayC_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m and binv_wayC_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m and reload_wayC_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m and binv_wayC_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp and reload_wayC_upd3_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp and binv_wayC_upd3_q; -- WayC Bypass Valid ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(1) or congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(3) or congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(5) or congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(7); ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(2) or congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(4) or congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(6); ex4_wayC_fxubyp_val_d <= ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_q; ex4_wayC_relbyp_val_d <= ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_q; ex4_wayC_byp_sel <= ex4_wayC_fxubyp_val_q & ex4_wayC_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(3) and not congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection wayC_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(2 to 7)); wayC_later_stg_pri <= gate(p0_arr_wayC_rd, not wayC_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayC_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayC_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayC_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayC_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayC_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayC_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayC_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection wayC_early_sel <= congr_cl_ex2_wayC_byp(1); wayC_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayC_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection wayC_stg_val <= (others=>(wayC_early_sel)); wayC_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(wayC_early_sel))); wayC_val(0 TO 1) <= not wayC_val_b_q(0 to 1); wayC_val(2 TO 5) <= not wayC_val_b_q(2 to 5); wayC_val_b1 <= not wayC_val(0); -- WayD Bypass Calculation congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(1) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m and ex3_wayD_hit; congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_m and reload_wayD_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m and binv_wayD_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m and reload_wayD_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m and binv_wayD_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp and reload_wayD_upd3_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp and binv_wayD_upd3_q; -- WayD Bypass Valid ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(1) or congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(3) or congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(5) or congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(7); ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(2) or congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(4) or congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(6); ex4_wayD_fxubyp_val_d <= ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_q; ex4_wayD_relbyp_val_d <= ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_q; ex4_wayD_byp_sel <= ex4_wayD_fxubyp_val_q & ex4_wayD_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(3) and not congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection wayD_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(2 to 7)); wayD_later_stg_pri <= gate(p0_arr_wayD_rd, not wayD_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayD_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayD_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayD_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayD_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayD_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayD_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayD_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection wayD_early_sel <= congr_cl_ex2_wayD_byp(1); wayD_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayD_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection wayD_stg_val <= (others=>(wayD_early_sel)); wayD_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(wayD_early_sel))); wayD_val(0 TO 1) <= not wayD_val_b_q(0 to 1); wayD_val(2 TO 5) <= not wayD_val_b_q(2 to 5); wayD_val_b1 <= not wayD_val(0); -- WayE Bypass Calculation congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(1) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m and ex3_wayE_hit; congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_m and reload_wayE_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m and binv_wayE_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m and reload_wayE_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m and binv_wayE_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp and reload_wayE_upd3_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp and binv_wayE_upd3_q; -- WayE Bypass Valid ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(1) or congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(3) or congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(5) or congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(7); ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(2) or congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(4) or congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(6); ex4_wayE_fxubyp_val_d <= ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_q; ex4_wayE_relbyp_val_d <= ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_q; ex4_wayE_byp_sel <= ex4_wayE_fxubyp_val_q & ex4_wayE_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(3) and not congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection wayE_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(2 to 7)); wayE_later_stg_pri <= gate(p0_arr_wayE_rd, not wayE_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayE_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayE_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayE_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayE_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayE_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayE_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayE_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection wayE_early_sel <= congr_cl_ex2_wayE_byp(1); wayE_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayE_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection wayE_stg_val <= (others=>(wayE_early_sel)); wayE_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(wayE_early_sel))); wayE_val(0 TO 1) <= not wayE_val_b_q(0 to 1); wayE_val(2 TO 5) <= not wayE_val_b_q(2 to 5); wayE_val_b1 <= not wayE_val(0); -- WayF Bypass Calculation congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(1) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m and ex3_wayF_hit; congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_m and reload_wayF_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m and binv_wayF_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m and reload_wayF_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m and binv_wayF_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp and reload_wayF_upd3_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp and binv_wayF_upd3_q; -- WayF Bypass Valid ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(1) or congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(3) or congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(5) or congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(7); ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(2) or congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(4) or congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(6); ex4_wayF_fxubyp_val_d <= ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_q; ex4_wayF_relbyp_val_d <= ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_q; ex4_wayF_byp_sel <= ex4_wayF_fxubyp_val_q & ex4_wayF_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(3) and not congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection wayF_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(2 to 7)); wayF_later_stg_pri <= gate(p0_arr_wayF_rd, not wayF_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayF_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayF_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayF_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayF_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayF_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayF_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayF_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection wayF_early_sel <= congr_cl_ex2_wayF_byp(1); wayF_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayF_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection wayF_stg_val <= (others=>(wayF_early_sel)); wayF_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(wayF_early_sel))); wayF_val(0 TO 1) <= not wayF_val_b_q(0 to 1); wayF_val(2 TO 5) <= not wayF_val_b_q(2 to 5); wayF_val_b1 <= not wayF_val(0); -- WayG Bypass Calculation congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(1) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m and ex3_wayG_hit; congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_m and reload_wayG_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m and binv_wayG_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m and reload_wayG_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m and binv_wayG_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp and reload_wayG_upd3_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp and binv_wayG_upd3_q; -- WayG Bypass Valid ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(1) or congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(3) or congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(5) or congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(7); ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(2) or congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(4) or congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(6); ex4_wayG_fxubyp_val_d <= ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_q; ex4_wayG_relbyp_val_d <= ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_q; ex4_wayG_byp_sel <= ex4_wayG_fxubyp_val_q & ex4_wayG_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(3) and not congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection wayG_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(2 to 7)); wayG_later_stg_pri <= gate(p0_arr_wayG_rd, not wayG_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayG_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayG_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayG_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayG_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayG_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayG_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayG_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection wayG_early_sel <= congr_cl_ex2_wayG_byp(1); wayG_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayG_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection wayG_stg_val <= (others=>(wayG_early_sel)); wayG_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(wayG_early_sel))); wayG_val(0 TO 1) <= not wayG_val_b_q(0 to 1); wayG_val(2 TO 5) <= not wayG_val_b_q(2 to 5); wayG_val_b1 <= not wayG_val(0); -- WayH Bypass Calculation congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(1) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_m and ex3_wayH_hit; congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_m and reload_wayH_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_m and binv_wayH_upd_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_m and reload_wayH_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_m and binv_wayH_upd2_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_p1_cmp and reload_wayH_upd3_q; congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_p0_cmp and binv_wayH_upd3_q; -- WayH Bypass Valid ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(1) or congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(3) or congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(5) or congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(7); ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(2) or congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(4) or congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(6); ex4_wayH_fxubyp_val_d <= ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_q; ex4_wayH_relbyp_val_d <= ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_q; ex4_wayH_byp_sel <= ex4_wayH_fxubyp_val_q & ex4_wayH_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(2) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(3) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(3) and not congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(2); congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(4) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(5) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(6) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(7) <= congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection wayH_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(2 to 7)); wayH_later_stg_pri <= gate(p0_arr_wayH_rd, not wayH_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayH_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayH_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayH_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayH_data_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayH_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayH_data2_q, congr_cl_ex2_wayH_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection wayH_early_sel <= congr_cl_ex2_wayH_byp(1); wayH_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayH_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection wayH_stg_val <= (others=>(wayH_early_sel)); wayH_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(wayH_early_sel))); wayH_val(0 TO 1) <= not wayH_val_b_q(0 to 1); wayH_val(2 TO 5) <= not wayH_val_b_q(2 to 5); wayH_val_b1 <= not wayH_val(0); -- #################################################### -- Invalidate Pipe and Execution Pipe Hit/Miss Logic -- #################################################### -- EX3 stage fxu_pipe_val <= ex3_c_acc or ex3_flush_cline_q; -- EX4Invalidate/BINV/RELOAD Bypass Invalidate Pipe -- #################################################### -- WayA ex3WayHitA: ex3_wayA_hit <= not (tagA_hit_b or wayA_val_b1); -- WayB ex3WayHitB: ex3_wayB_hit <= not (tagB_hit_b or wayB_val_b1); -- WayC ex3WayHitC: ex3_wayC_hit <= not (tagC_hit_b or wayC_val_b1); -- WayD ex3WayHitD: ex3_wayD_hit <= not (tagD_hit_b or wayD_val_b1); -- WayE ex3WayHitE: ex3_wayE_hit <= not (tagE_hit_b or wayE_val_b1); -- WayF ex3WayHitF: ex3_wayF_hit <= not (tagF_hit_b or wayF_val_b1); -- WayG ex3WayHitG: ex3_wayG_hit <= not (tagG_hit_b or wayG_val_b1); -- WayH ex3WayHitH: ex3_wayH_hit <= not (tagH_hit_b or wayH_val_b1); -- Invalidate Valid Bit Logic on Port0 clr_val <= ex3_flush_cline_q or back_inval_stg3_q; clr_val_wayA <= clr_val; -- Need to detect if Back-Invalidate or invalidate type instruction invalidated the lock bit inval_clr_lck_wA_d <= clr_val_wayA and wayA_val(1); flush_wayA_d(0) <= not clr_val_wayA and wayA_val(0); clr_val_wayB <= clr_val; -- Need to detect if Back-Invalidate or invalidate type instruction invalidated the lock bit inval_clr_lck_wB_d <= clr_val_wayB and wayB_val(1); flush_wayB_d(0) <= not clr_val_wayB and wayB_val(0); clr_val_wayC <= clr_val; -- Need to detect if Back-Invalidate or invalidate type instruction invalidated the lock bit inval_clr_lck_wC_d <= clr_val_wayC and wayC_val(1); flush_wayC_d(0) <= not clr_val_wayC and wayC_val(0); clr_val_wayD <= clr_val; -- Need to detect if Back-Invalidate or invalidate type instruction invalidated the lock bit inval_clr_lck_wD_d <= clr_val_wayD and wayD_val(1); flush_wayD_d(0) <= not clr_val_wayD and wayD_val(0); clr_val_wayE <= clr_val; -- Need to detect if Back-Invalidate or invalidate type instruction invalidated the lock bit inval_clr_lck_wE_d <= clr_val_wayE and wayE_val(1); flush_wayE_d(0) <= not clr_val_wayE and wayE_val(0); clr_val_wayF <= clr_val; -- Need to detect if Back-Invalidate or invalidate type instruction invalidated the lock bit inval_clr_lck_wF_d <= clr_val_wayF and wayF_val(1); flush_wayF_d(0) <= not clr_val_wayF and wayF_val(0); clr_val_wayG <= clr_val; -- Need to detect if Back-Invalidate or invalidate type instruction invalidated the lock bit inval_clr_lck_wG_d <= clr_val_wayG and wayG_val(1); flush_wayG_d(0) <= not clr_val_wayG and wayG_val(0); clr_val_wayH <= clr_val; -- Need to detect if Back-Invalidate or invalidate type instruction invalidated the lock bit inval_clr_lck_wH_d <= clr_val_wayH and wayH_val(1); flush_wayH_d(0) <= not clr_val_wayH and wayH_val(0); -- Clear Lock Bit Logic on Port0 -- Clear Lock Bit on an invalidate type op or a DCBLC clr_lock <= clr_val or ex3_lock_clr_q; -- CLEAR LOCK SET LOCK upd_lck_wayA <= clr_lock & ex3_lock_set_q; flush_wayA_d(1) <= (wayA_val(1) and not upd_lck_wayA(0)) or (wayA_val(0) and upd_lck_wayA(1)); -- Staging out current watch bits ex4_wayA_val_d <= wayA_val; -- CLEAR LOCK SET LOCK upd_lck_wayB <= clr_lock & ex3_lock_set_q; flush_wayB_d(1) <= (wayB_val(1) and not upd_lck_wayB(0)) or (wayB_val(0) and upd_lck_wayB(1)); -- Staging out current watch bits ex4_wayB_val_d <= wayB_val; -- CLEAR LOCK SET LOCK upd_lck_wayC <= clr_lock & ex3_lock_set_q; flush_wayC_d(1) <= (wayC_val(1) and not upd_lck_wayC(0)) or (wayC_val(0) and upd_lck_wayC(1)); -- Staging out current watch bits ex4_wayC_val_d <= wayC_val; -- CLEAR LOCK SET LOCK upd_lck_wayD <= clr_lock & ex3_lock_set_q; flush_wayD_d(1) <= (wayD_val(1) and not upd_lck_wayD(0)) or (wayD_val(0) and upd_lck_wayD(1)); -- Staging out current watch bits ex4_wayD_val_d <= wayD_val; -- CLEAR LOCK SET LOCK upd_lck_wayE <= clr_lock & ex3_lock_set_q; flush_wayE_d(1) <= (wayE_val(1) and not upd_lck_wayE(0)) or (wayE_val(0) and upd_lck_wayE(1)); -- Staging out current watch bits ex4_wayE_val_d <= wayE_val; -- CLEAR LOCK SET LOCK upd_lck_wayF <= clr_lock & ex3_lock_set_q; flush_wayF_d(1) <= (wayF_val(1) and not upd_lck_wayF(0)) or (wayF_val(0) and upd_lck_wayF(1)); -- Staging out current watch bits ex4_wayF_val_d <= wayF_val; -- CLEAR LOCK SET LOCK upd_lck_wayG <= clr_lock & ex3_lock_set_q; flush_wayG_d(1) <= (wayG_val(1) and not upd_lck_wayG(0)) or (wayG_val(0) and upd_lck_wayG(1)); -- Staging out current watch bits ex4_wayG_val_d <= wayG_val; -- CLEAR LOCK SET LOCK upd_lck_wayH <= clr_lock & ex3_lock_set_q; flush_wayH_d(1) <= (wayH_val(1) and not upd_lck_wayH(0)) or (wayH_val(0) and upd_lck_wayH(1)); -- Staging out current watch bits ex4_wayH_val_d <= wayH_val; -- Set/Clr Watch Bit for Thread on Port0 -- Clear Watch Bit on an invalidate type op or WCLR -- Thread 0 Logic lose_watch(0) <= clr_val or (ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc and not ex3_thrd_id_q(0)); ex4_lose_watch_d(0) <= lose_watch(0); clr_watch(0) <= (ex3_watch_clr_q and ex3_thrd_id_q(0)) or lose_watch(0); set_watch(0) <= ex3_watch_set_q and ex3_thrd_id_q(0); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayA(0) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(0) and ex4_way_hit_q(0) and ex4_wayA_val_q(2); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid0_wayA <= (clr_watch(0) or ex3_watch_clr_all(0)) & set_watch(0); flush_wayA_d(2) <= (wayA_val(2) and not upd_watch_tid0_wayA(0)) or (wayA_val(0) and upd_watch_tid0_wayA(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayB(0) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(0) and ex4_way_hit_q(1) and ex4_wayB_val_q(2); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid0_wayB <= (clr_watch(0) or ex3_watch_clr_all(0)) & set_watch(0); flush_wayB_d(2) <= (wayB_val(2) and not upd_watch_tid0_wayB(0)) or (wayB_val(0) and upd_watch_tid0_wayB(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayC(0) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(0) and ex4_way_hit_q(2) and ex4_wayC_val_q(2); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid0_wayC <= (clr_watch(0) or ex3_watch_clr_all(0)) & set_watch(0); flush_wayC_d(2) <= (wayC_val(2) and not upd_watch_tid0_wayC(0)) or (wayC_val(0) and upd_watch_tid0_wayC(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayD(0) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(0) and ex4_way_hit_q(3) and ex4_wayD_val_q(2); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid0_wayD <= (clr_watch(0) or ex3_watch_clr_all(0)) & set_watch(0); flush_wayD_d(2) <= (wayD_val(2) and not upd_watch_tid0_wayD(0)) or (wayD_val(0) and upd_watch_tid0_wayD(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayE(0) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(0) and ex4_way_hit_q(4) and ex4_wayE_val_q(2); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid0_wayE <= (clr_watch(0) or ex3_watch_clr_all(0)) & set_watch(0); flush_wayE_d(2) <= (wayE_val(2) and not upd_watch_tid0_wayE(0)) or (wayE_val(0) and upd_watch_tid0_wayE(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayF(0) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(0) and ex4_way_hit_q(5) and ex4_wayF_val_q(2); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid0_wayF <= (clr_watch(0) or ex3_watch_clr_all(0)) & set_watch(0); flush_wayF_d(2) <= (wayF_val(2) and not upd_watch_tid0_wayF(0)) or (wayF_val(0) and upd_watch_tid0_wayF(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayG(0) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(0) and ex4_way_hit_q(6) and ex4_wayG_val_q(2); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid0_wayG <= (clr_watch(0) or ex3_watch_clr_all(0)) & set_watch(0); flush_wayG_d(2) <= (wayG_val(2) and not upd_watch_tid0_wayG(0)) or (wayG_val(0) and upd_watch_tid0_wayG(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayH(0) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(0) and ex4_way_hit_q(7) and ex4_wayH_val_q(2); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid0_wayH <= (clr_watch(0) or ex3_watch_clr_all(0)) & set_watch(0); flush_wayH_d(2) <= (wayH_val(2) and not upd_watch_tid0_wayH(0)) or (wayH_val(0) and upd_watch_tid0_wayH(1)); -- Thread 1 Logic lose_watch(1) <= clr_val or (ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc and not ex3_thrd_id_q(1)); ex4_lose_watch_d(1) <= lose_watch(1); clr_watch(1) <= (ex3_watch_clr_q and ex3_thrd_id_q(1)) or lose_watch(1); set_watch(1) <= ex3_watch_set_q and ex3_thrd_id_q(1); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayA(1) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(1) and ex4_way_hit_q(0) and ex4_wayA_val_q(3); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid1_wayA <= (clr_watch(1) or ex3_watch_clr_all(1)) & set_watch(1); flush_wayA_d(3) <= (wayA_val(3) and not upd_watch_tid1_wayA(0)) or (wayA_val(0) and upd_watch_tid1_wayA(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayB(1) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(1) and ex4_way_hit_q(1) and ex4_wayB_val_q(3); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid1_wayB <= (clr_watch(1) or ex3_watch_clr_all(1)) & set_watch(1); flush_wayB_d(3) <= (wayB_val(3) and not upd_watch_tid1_wayB(0)) or (wayB_val(0) and upd_watch_tid1_wayB(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayC(1) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(1) and ex4_way_hit_q(2) and ex4_wayC_val_q(3); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid1_wayC <= (clr_watch(1) or ex3_watch_clr_all(1)) & set_watch(1); flush_wayC_d(3) <= (wayC_val(3) and not upd_watch_tid1_wayC(0)) or (wayC_val(0) and upd_watch_tid1_wayC(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayD(1) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(1) and ex4_way_hit_q(3) and ex4_wayD_val_q(3); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid1_wayD <= (clr_watch(1) or ex3_watch_clr_all(1)) & set_watch(1); flush_wayD_d(3) <= (wayD_val(3) and not upd_watch_tid1_wayD(0)) or (wayD_val(0) and upd_watch_tid1_wayD(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayE(1) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(1) and ex4_way_hit_q(4) and ex4_wayE_val_q(3); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid1_wayE <= (clr_watch(1) or ex3_watch_clr_all(1)) & set_watch(1); flush_wayE_d(3) <= (wayE_val(3) and not upd_watch_tid1_wayE(0)) or (wayE_val(0) and upd_watch_tid1_wayE(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayF(1) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(1) and ex4_way_hit_q(5) and ex4_wayF_val_q(3); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid1_wayF <= (clr_watch(1) or ex3_watch_clr_all(1)) & set_watch(1); flush_wayF_d(3) <= (wayF_val(3) and not upd_watch_tid1_wayF(0)) or (wayF_val(0) and upd_watch_tid1_wayF(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayG(1) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(1) and ex4_way_hit_q(6) and ex4_wayG_val_q(3); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid1_wayG <= (clr_watch(1) or ex3_watch_clr_all(1)) & set_watch(1); flush_wayG_d(3) <= (wayG_val(3) and not upd_watch_tid1_wayG(0)) or (wayG_val(0) and upd_watch_tid1_wayG(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayH(1) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(1) and ex4_way_hit_q(7) and ex4_wayH_val_q(3); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid1_wayH <= (clr_watch(1) or ex3_watch_clr_all(1)) & set_watch(1); flush_wayH_d(3) <= (wayH_val(3) and not upd_watch_tid1_wayH(0)) or (wayH_val(0) and upd_watch_tid1_wayH(1)); -- Thread 2 Logic lose_watch(2) <= clr_val or (ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc and not ex3_thrd_id_q(2)); ex4_lose_watch_d(2) <= lose_watch(2); clr_watch(2) <= (ex3_watch_clr_q and ex3_thrd_id_q(2)) or lose_watch(2); set_watch(2) <= ex3_watch_set_q and ex3_thrd_id_q(2); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayA(2) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(2) and ex4_way_hit_q(0) and ex4_wayA_val_q(4); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid2_wayA <= (clr_watch(2) or ex3_watch_clr_all(2)) & set_watch(2); flush_wayA_d(4) <= (wayA_val(4) and not upd_watch_tid2_wayA(0)) or (wayA_val(0) and upd_watch_tid2_wayA(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayB(2) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(2) and ex4_way_hit_q(1) and ex4_wayB_val_q(4); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid2_wayB <= (clr_watch(2) or ex3_watch_clr_all(2)) & set_watch(2); flush_wayB_d(4) <= (wayB_val(4) and not upd_watch_tid2_wayB(0)) or (wayB_val(0) and upd_watch_tid2_wayB(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayC(2) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(2) and ex4_way_hit_q(2) and ex4_wayC_val_q(4); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid2_wayC <= (clr_watch(2) or ex3_watch_clr_all(2)) & set_watch(2); flush_wayC_d(4) <= (wayC_val(4) and not upd_watch_tid2_wayC(0)) or (wayC_val(0) and upd_watch_tid2_wayC(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayD(2) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(2) and ex4_way_hit_q(3) and ex4_wayD_val_q(4); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid2_wayD <= (clr_watch(2) or ex3_watch_clr_all(2)) & set_watch(2); flush_wayD_d(4) <= (wayD_val(4) and not upd_watch_tid2_wayD(0)) or (wayD_val(0) and upd_watch_tid2_wayD(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayE(2) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(2) and ex4_way_hit_q(4) and ex4_wayE_val_q(4); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid2_wayE <= (clr_watch(2) or ex3_watch_clr_all(2)) & set_watch(2); flush_wayE_d(4) <= (wayE_val(4) and not upd_watch_tid2_wayE(0)) or (wayE_val(0) and upd_watch_tid2_wayE(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayF(2) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(2) and ex4_way_hit_q(5) and ex4_wayF_val_q(4); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid2_wayF <= (clr_watch(2) or ex3_watch_clr_all(2)) & set_watch(2); flush_wayF_d(4) <= (wayF_val(4) and not upd_watch_tid2_wayF(0)) or (wayF_val(0) and upd_watch_tid2_wayF(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayG(2) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(2) and ex4_way_hit_q(6) and ex4_wayG_val_q(4); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid2_wayG <= (clr_watch(2) or ex3_watch_clr_all(2)) & set_watch(2); flush_wayG_d(4) <= (wayG_val(4) and not upd_watch_tid2_wayG(0)) or (wayG_val(0) and upd_watch_tid2_wayG(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayH(2) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(2) and ex4_way_hit_q(7) and ex4_wayH_val_q(4); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid2_wayH <= (clr_watch(2) or ex3_watch_clr_all(2)) & set_watch(2); flush_wayH_d(4) <= (wayH_val(4) and not upd_watch_tid2_wayH(0)) or (wayH_val(0) and upd_watch_tid2_wayH(1)); -- Thread 3 Logic lose_watch(3) <= clr_val or (ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc and not ex3_thrd_id_q(3)); ex4_lose_watch_d(3) <= lose_watch(3); clr_watch(3) <= (ex3_watch_clr_q and ex3_thrd_id_q(3)) or lose_watch(3); set_watch(3) <= ex3_watch_set_q and ex3_thrd_id_q(3); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayA(3) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(3) and ex4_way_hit_q(0) and ex4_wayA_val_q(5); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid3_wayA <= (clr_watch(3) or ex3_watch_clr_all(3)) & set_watch(3); flush_wayA_d(5) <= (wayA_val(5) and not upd_watch_tid3_wayA(0)) or (wayA_val(0) and upd_watch_tid3_wayA(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayB(3) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(3) and ex4_way_hit_q(1) and ex4_wayB_val_q(5); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid3_wayB <= (clr_watch(3) or ex3_watch_clr_all(3)) & set_watch(3); flush_wayB_d(5) <= (wayB_val(5) and not upd_watch_tid3_wayB(0)) or (wayB_val(0) and upd_watch_tid3_wayB(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayC(3) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(3) and ex4_way_hit_q(2) and ex4_wayC_val_q(5); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid3_wayC <= (clr_watch(3) or ex3_watch_clr_all(3)) & set_watch(3); flush_wayC_d(5) <= (wayC_val(5) and not upd_watch_tid3_wayC(0)) or (wayC_val(0) and upd_watch_tid3_wayC(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayD(3) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(3) and ex4_way_hit_q(3) and ex4_wayD_val_q(5); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid3_wayD <= (clr_watch(3) or ex3_watch_clr_all(3)) & set_watch(3); flush_wayD_d(5) <= (wayD_val(5) and not upd_watch_tid3_wayD(0)) or (wayD_val(0) and upd_watch_tid3_wayD(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayE(3) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(3) and ex4_way_hit_q(4) and ex4_wayE_val_q(5); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid3_wayE <= (clr_watch(3) or ex3_watch_clr_all(3)) & set_watch(3); flush_wayE_d(5) <= (wayE_val(5) and not upd_watch_tid3_wayE(0)) or (wayE_val(0) and upd_watch_tid3_wayE(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayF(3) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(3) and ex4_way_hit_q(5) and ex4_wayF_val_q(5); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid3_wayF <= (clr_watch(3) or ex3_watch_clr_all(3)) & set_watch(3); flush_wayF_d(5) <= (wayF_val(5) and not upd_watch_tid3_wayF(0)) or (wayF_val(0) and upd_watch_tid3_wayF(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayG(3) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(3) and ex4_way_hit_q(6) and ex4_wayG_val_q(5); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid3_wayG <= (clr_watch(3) or ex3_watch_clr_all(3)) & set_watch(3); flush_wayG_d(5) <= (wayG_val(5) and not upd_watch_tid3_wayG(0)) or (wayG_val(0) and upd_watch_tid3_wayG(1)); -- Determine if a Watch Bit was lost ex4_lost_wayH(3) <= ex4_lose_watch_q(3) and ex4_way_hit_q(7) and ex4_wayH_val_q(5); -- CLEAR Watch SET Watch upd_watch_tid3_wayH <= (clr_watch(3) or ex3_watch_clr_all(3)) & set_watch(3); flush_wayH_d(5) <= (wayH_val(5) and not upd_watch_tid3_wayH(0)) or (wayH_val(0) and upd_watch_tid3_wayH(1)); -- Determine if Updating Directory binv_wayA_upd_d <= (ex3_wayA_hit and binv3_ex3_xuop_upd); ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayA <= or_reduce((wayA_val(2 to 5) and not ex3_thrd_id_q)) and ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc; ex3_xuop_wayA_upd <= (ex3_wayA_hit and (ex3_xuop_upd_dir or ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayA)); ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_d <= ex3_xuop_wayA_upd; ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_d <= ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_q; binv_wayB_upd_d <= (ex3_wayB_hit and binv3_ex3_xuop_upd); ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayB <= or_reduce((wayB_val(2 to 5) and not ex3_thrd_id_q)) and ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc; ex3_xuop_wayB_upd <= (ex3_wayB_hit and (ex3_xuop_upd_dir or ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayB)); ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_d <= ex3_xuop_wayB_upd; ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_d <= ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_q; binv_wayC_upd_d <= (ex3_wayC_hit and binv3_ex3_xuop_upd); ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayC <= or_reduce((wayC_val(2 to 5) and not ex3_thrd_id_q)) and ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc; ex3_xuop_wayC_upd <= (ex3_wayC_hit and (ex3_xuop_upd_dir or ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayC)); ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_d <= ex3_xuop_wayC_upd; ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_d <= ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_q; binv_wayD_upd_d <= (ex3_wayD_hit and binv3_ex3_xuop_upd); ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayD <= or_reduce((wayD_val(2 to 5) and not ex3_thrd_id_q)) and ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc; ex3_xuop_wayD_upd <= (ex3_wayD_hit and (ex3_xuop_upd_dir or ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayD)); ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_d <= ex3_xuop_wayD_upd; ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_d <= ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_q; binv_wayE_upd_d <= (ex3_wayE_hit and binv3_ex3_xuop_upd); ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayE <= or_reduce((wayE_val(2 to 5) and not ex3_thrd_id_q)) and ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc; ex3_xuop_wayE_upd <= (ex3_wayE_hit and (ex3_xuop_upd_dir or ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayE)); ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_d <= ex3_xuop_wayE_upd; ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_d <= ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_q; binv_wayF_upd_d <= (ex3_wayF_hit and binv3_ex3_xuop_upd); ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayF <= or_reduce((wayF_val(2 to 5) and not ex3_thrd_id_q)) and ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc; ex3_xuop_wayF_upd <= (ex3_wayF_hit and (ex3_xuop_upd_dir or ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayF)); ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_d <= ex3_xuop_wayF_upd; ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_d <= ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_q; binv_wayG_upd_d <= (ex3_wayG_hit and binv3_ex3_xuop_upd); ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayG <= or_reduce((wayG_val(2 to 5) and not ex3_thrd_id_q)) and ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc; ex3_xuop_wayG_upd <= (ex3_wayG_hit and (ex3_xuop_upd_dir or ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayG)); ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_d <= ex3_xuop_wayG_upd; ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_d <= ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_q; binv_wayH_upd_d <= (ex3_wayH_hit and binv3_ex3_xuop_upd); ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayH <= or_reduce((wayH_val(2 to 5) and not ex3_thrd_id_q)) and ex3_store_instr_q and ex3_c_acc; ex3_xuop_wayH_upd <= (ex3_wayH_hit and (ex3_xuop_upd_dir or ex3_xuop_lost_watch_wayH)); ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_d <= ex3_xuop_wayH_upd; ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_d <= ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_q; -- One of the Ways has a Lock Bit set binv4_ex4_lock_set <= ex4_wayA_val_q(1) or ex4_wayB_val_q(1) or ex4_wayC_val_q(1) or ex4_wayD_val_q(1) or ex4_wayE_val_q(1) or ex4_wayF_val_q(1) or ex4_wayG_val_q(1) or ex4_wayH_val_q(1); -- Threads Watching one of the ways in EX4/BINV4 binv4_ex4_thrd_watch <= ex4_wayA_val_q(2 to 5) or ex4_wayB_val_q(2 to 5) or ex4_wayC_val_q(2 to 5) or ex4_wayD_val_q(2 to 5) or ex4_wayE_val_q(2 to 5) or ex4_wayF_val_q(2 to 5) or ex4_wayG_val_q(2 to 5) or ex4_wayH_val_q(2 to 5); -- Return Prior Watch Bit Value wayA_watch_value <= (ex4_thrd_id_q(0) and ex4_wayA_val_q(2)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(1) and ex4_wayA_val_q(3)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(2) and ex4_wayA_val_q(4)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(3) and ex4_wayA_val_q(5)); wayB_watch_value <= (ex4_thrd_id_q(0) and ex4_wayB_val_q(2)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(1) and ex4_wayB_val_q(3)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(2) and ex4_wayB_val_q(4)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(3) and ex4_wayB_val_q(5)); wayC_watch_value <= (ex4_thrd_id_q(0) and ex4_wayC_val_q(2)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(1) and ex4_wayC_val_q(3)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(2) and ex4_wayC_val_q(4)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(3) and ex4_wayC_val_q(5)); wayD_watch_value <= (ex4_thrd_id_q(0) and ex4_wayD_val_q(2)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(1) and ex4_wayD_val_q(3)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(2) and ex4_wayD_val_q(4)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(3) and ex4_wayD_val_q(5)); wayE_watch_value <= (ex4_thrd_id_q(0) and ex4_wayE_val_q(2)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(1) and ex4_wayE_val_q(3)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(2) and ex4_wayE_val_q(4)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(3) and ex4_wayE_val_q(5)); wayF_watch_value <= (ex4_thrd_id_q(0) and ex4_wayF_val_q(2)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(1) and ex4_wayF_val_q(3)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(2) and ex4_wayF_val_q(4)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(3) and ex4_wayF_val_q(5)); wayG_watch_value <= (ex4_thrd_id_q(0) and ex4_wayG_val_q(2)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(1) and ex4_wayG_val_q(3)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(2) and ex4_wayG_val_q(4)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(3) and ex4_wayG_val_q(5)); wayH_watch_value <= (ex4_thrd_id_q(0) and ex4_wayH_val_q(2)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(1) and ex4_wayH_val_q(3)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(2) and ex4_wayH_val_q(4)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(3) and ex4_wayH_val_q(5)); ex4_curr_watch <= (ex4_way_hit_q(0) and wayA_watch_value) or (ex4_way_hit_q(1) and wayB_watch_value) or (ex4_way_hit_q(2) and wayC_watch_value) or (ex4_way_hit_q(3) and wayD_watch_value) or (ex4_way_hit_q(4) and wayE_watch_value) or (ex4_way_hit_q(5) and wayF_watch_value) or (ex4_way_hit_q(6) and wayG_watch_value) or (ex4_way_hit_q(7) and wayH_watch_value); stm_watchlost_sel <= (ex4_thrd_id_q(0) and stm_watchlost(0)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(1) and stm_watchlost(1)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(2) and stm_watchlost(2)) or (ex4_thrd_id_q(3) and stm_watchlost(3)); with ex4_watch_set_q select ex5_cr_watch_d <= stm_watchlost_sel when '0', ex4_curr_watch when others; -- Execution Pipe Watch Lost Indicator Logic -- #################################################### ex4_lost_watch(0) <= ex4_lost_wayA(0) or ex4_lost_wayB(0) or ex4_lost_wayC(0) or ex4_lost_wayD(0) or ex4_lost_wayE(0) or ex4_lost_wayF(0) or ex4_lost_wayG(0) or ex4_lost_wayH(0) or ex4_perr_watch_lost_q(0); -- Want to still update the STM_WATCHLOST indicator if the DC_DIS=1 WITH ex4_watchlost_set_q(0) SELECT ex4_lost_watch_upd(0) <= ex4_lost_watch(0) when '0', ex4_l_fld_b1_q when others; ex4_lost_watch(1) <= ex4_lost_wayA(1) or ex4_lost_wayB(1) or ex4_lost_wayC(1) or ex4_lost_wayD(1) or ex4_lost_wayE(1) or ex4_lost_wayF(1) or ex4_lost_wayG(1) or ex4_lost_wayH(1) or ex4_perr_watch_lost_q(1); -- Want to still update the STM_WATCHLOST indicator if the DC_DIS=1 WITH ex4_watchlost_set_q(1) SELECT ex4_lost_watch_upd(1) <= ex4_lost_watch(1) when '0', ex4_l_fld_b1_q when others; ex4_lost_watch(2) <= ex4_lost_wayA(2) or ex4_lost_wayB(2) or ex4_lost_wayC(2) or ex4_lost_wayD(2) or ex4_lost_wayE(2) or ex4_lost_wayF(2) or ex4_lost_wayG(2) or ex4_lost_wayH(2) or ex4_perr_watch_lost_q(2); -- Want to still update the STM_WATCHLOST indicator if the DC_DIS=1 WITH ex4_watchlost_set_q(2) SELECT ex4_lost_watch_upd(2) <= ex4_lost_watch(2) when '0', ex4_l_fld_b1_q when others; ex4_lost_watch(3) <= ex4_lost_wayA(3) or ex4_lost_wayB(3) or ex4_lost_wayC(3) or ex4_lost_wayD(3) or ex4_lost_wayE(3) or ex4_lost_wayF(3) or ex4_lost_wayG(3) or ex4_lost_wayH(3) or ex4_perr_watch_lost_q(3); -- Want to still update the STM_WATCHLOST indicator if the DC_DIS=1 WITH ex4_watchlost_set_q(3) SELECT ex4_lost_watch_upd(3) <= ex4_lost_watch(3) when '0', ex4_l_fld_b1_q when others; -- LDAWX Hit Way collided with Reload Clear of Same Way ex4_watchSet_coll_d <= rel_val_stg2_q and ex3_watch_set_q and (rel24_congr_cl_q = ex3_congr_cl_q); watchSet_rel_way_coll <= gate((reload_way_clr_q and ex4_way_hit_q), ex4_watchSet_coll_q); watchSet_rel_coll_val <= gate(ex4_thrd_id_q, or_reduce(watchSet_rel_way_coll)); ex5_lost_watch_upd_d <= ex4_lost_watch_upd or watchSet_rel_coll_val or ex4_multihit_watch_lost; ex4_watchlost_set_d <= ex3_watch_clr_all; ex5_watchlost_set_d <= ex4_lost_watch or ex4_watchlost_set_q or watchSet_rel_coll_val or ex4_multihit_watch_lost; ex5_watch_clr_all_d <= gate(ex4_watch_clr_all_q, not ex4_stg_flush); ex6_watch_clr_all_d <= gate(ex5_watch_clr_all_q, not ex5_stg_flush); ex5_watch_clr_all_val_d <= or_reduce(ex4_watch_clr_all_q); -- EX4Invalidate/BINV/RELOAD Bypass Execution Op hit/miss Logic -- #################################################### -- Hit Detect u_th0i: tagA_hit_b <= not tagA_hit; u_hw0i: xu_op_hit_wayA_b <= not (wayA_val(0) and tagA_hit); u_hw0: xu_op_hit_wayA <= not xu_op_hit_wayA_b; u_hw0b: xu_op_hit_wayA_dly_b <= not xu_op_hit_wayA; -- Hit Detect u_th1i: tagB_hit_b <= not tagB_hit; u_hw1i: xu_op_hit_wayB_b <= not (wayB_val(0) and tagB_hit); u_hw1: xu_op_hit_wayB <= not xu_op_hit_wayB_b; u_hw1b: xu_op_hit_wayB_dly_b <= not xu_op_hit_wayB; -- Hit Detect u_th2i: tagC_hit_b <= not tagC_hit; u_hw2i: xu_op_hit_wayC_b <= not (wayC_val(0) and tagC_hit); u_hw2: xu_op_hit_wayC <= not xu_op_hit_wayC_b; u_hw2b: xu_op_hit_wayC_dly_b <= not xu_op_hit_wayC; -- Hit Detect u_th3i: tagD_hit_b <= not tagD_hit; u_hw3i: xu_op_hit_wayD_b <= not (wayD_val(0) and tagD_hit); u_hw3: xu_op_hit_wayD <= not xu_op_hit_wayD_b; u_hw3b: xu_op_hit_wayD_dly_b <= not xu_op_hit_wayD; -- Hit Detect u_th4i: tagE_hit_b <= not tagE_hit; u_hw4i: xu_op_hit_wayE_b <= not (wayE_val(0) and tagE_hit); u_hw4: xu_op_hit_wayE <= not xu_op_hit_wayE_b; u_hw4b: xu_op_hit_wayE_dly_b <= not xu_op_hit_wayE; -- Hit Detect u_th5i: tagF_hit_b <= not tagF_hit; u_hw5i: xu_op_hit_wayF_b <= not (wayF_val(0) and tagF_hit); u_hw5: xu_op_hit_wayF <= not xu_op_hit_wayF_b; u_hw5b: xu_op_hit_wayF_dly_b <= not xu_op_hit_wayF; -- Hit Detect u_th6i: tagG_hit_b <= not tagG_hit; u_hw6i: xu_op_hit_wayG_b <= not (wayG_val(0) and tagG_hit); u_hw6: xu_op_hit_wayG <= not xu_op_hit_wayG_b; u_hw6b: xu_op_hit_wayG_dly_b <= not xu_op_hit_wayG; -- Hit Detect u_th7i: tagH_hit_b <= not tagH_hit; u_hw7i: xu_op_hit_wayH_b <= not (wayH_val(0) and tagH_hit); u_hw7: xu_op_hit_wayH <= not xu_op_hit_wayH_b; u_hw7b: xu_op_hit_wayH_dly_b <= not xu_op_hit_wayH; -- Invalidate Lock Bit Detect inval_clr_lck <= (inval_clr_lck_wA_q and binv_wayA_upd_q) or (inval_clr_lck_wB_q and binv_wayB_upd_q) or (inval_clr_lck_wC_q and binv_wayC_upd_q) or (inval_clr_lck_wD_q and binv_wayD_upd_q) or (inval_clr_lck_wE_q and binv_wayE_upd_q) or (inval_clr_lck_wF_q and binv_wayF_upd_q) or (inval_clr_lck_wG_q and binv_wayG_upd_q) or (inval_clr_lck_wH_q and binv_wayH_upd_q); xucr0_cslc_xuop_d <= inval_clr_lck and ex4_xuop_val; xucr0_cslc_binv_d <= rel_lock_lost or dcperr_lock_lost_q or ex4_perr_lck_lost_q or ex4_multihit_lock_lost or binv5_inval_lock_val_q or (rel_l1dump_cslc_q and not rel4_ecc_err); ex3_cClass_upd_way_a <= ex3_cClass_wayA_hit; ex3_cClass_upd_way_b <= ex3_cClass_wayB_hit; ex3_cClass_upd_way_c <= ex3_cClass_wayC_hit; ex3_cClass_upd_way_d <= ex3_cClass_wayD_hit; ex3_cClass_upd_way_e <= ex3_cClass_wayE_hit; ex3_cClass_upd_way_f <= ex3_cClass_wayF_hit; ex3_cClass_upd_way_g <= ex3_cClass_wayG_hit; ex3_cClass_upd_way_h <= ex3_cClass_wayH_hit; -- Multihit Error Detected -- #################################################### -- Level 1 u_mh1_a01: hit_and_01_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayA and xu_op_hit_wayB ); u_mh1_a23: hit_and_23_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayC and xu_op_hit_wayD ); u_mh1_a45: hit_and_45_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayE and xu_op_hit_wayF ); u_mh1_a67: hit_and_67_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayG and xu_op_hit_wayH ); u_mh1_o01: hit_or_01_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayA or xu_op_hit_wayB ); u_mh1_o23: hit_or_23_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayC or xu_op_hit_wayD ); u_mh1_o45: hit_or_45_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayE or xu_op_hit_wayF ); u_mh1_o67: hit_or_67_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayG or xu_op_hit_wayH ); u_mh1_o13: hit_or_13_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayB or xu_op_hit_wayD ); u_mh1_o57: hit_or_57_b <= not( xu_op_hit_wayF or xu_op_hit_wayH ); -- Level 2 u_mh2_o0123: hit_or_0123 <= not( hit_or_01_b and hit_or_23_b ); u_mh2_o4567: hit_or_4567 <= not( hit_or_45_b and hit_or_67_b ); u_mh2_o1357: hit_or_1357 <= not( hit_or_13_b and hit_or_57_b ); u_mh2_o2367: hit_or_2367 <= not( hit_or_23_b and hit_or_67_b ); u_mh2_a0123: hit_and_0123 <= not( hit_or_01_b or hit_or_23_b ); u_mh2_a4567: hit_and_4567 <= not( hit_or_45_b or hit_or_67_b ); u_mh2_err0: multi_hit_err2_0 <= not( hit_and_01_b and hit_and_23_b ); u_mh2_err1: multi_hit_err2_1 <= not( hit_and_45_b and hit_and_67_b ); -- Level 3 u_mh3_o: hit_or_01234567_b <= not( hit_or_0123 or hit_or_4567 ); u_mh3_err0: multi_hit_err3_b(0) <= not( hit_or_0123 and hit_or_4567 ); u_mh3_err1: multi_hit_err3_b(1) <= not( hit_and_0123 or hit_and_4567 ); u_mh3_err2: multi_hit_err3_b(2) <= not( multi_hit_err2_0 or multi_hit_err2_1 ); u_henc_0: hit_enc_b(0) <= not( hit_or_4567 ); u_henc_1: hit_enc_b(1) <= not( hit_or_2367 ); u_henc_2: hit_enc_b(2) <= not( hit_or_1357 ); -- Level 4 -- Multihit Error Detected u_mh4_0: ex3_dir_multihit_val_0 <= not( multi_hit_err3_b(0) and multi_hit_err3_b(1) ); u_mh4_1: ex3_dir_multihit_val_1 <= not( multi_hit_err3_b(2) and inj_dir_multihit_b ); -- Level 5 u_mh5: ex3_dir_multihit_val_b <= not( ex3_dir_multihit_val_0 or ex3_dir_multihit_val_1 ); -- Level 6 u_mh6: ex3_dir_multihit_val <= not ex3_dir_multihit_val_b ; ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_d <= (others=>ex3_dir_multihit_val); ex4_dir_multihit_val <= binv4_ex4_dir_val_q and not ex4_dir_multihit_val_b_q; inj_dir_multihit_b <= not (inj_dir_multihit_q and binv3_ex3_dir_val); ex4_multihit_watch_lost <= gate(binv4_ex4_thrd_watch, ex4_dir_multihit_val); ex4_multihit_lock_lost <= binv4_ex4_lock_set and ex4_dir_multihit_val; -- #################################################### -- Parity Error Detect -- #################################################### ex4_err_det_way_d(0) <= perr_way_det_wayA; perr_way_det_wayA <= wayA_val(0) and ex3_tag_way_perr(0); dirpar_err_lock_lost(0) <= wayA_val(1) and ex3_tag_way_perr(0); perr_wayA_watch_lost <= gate(wayA_val(2 to 5),ex3_tag_way_perr(0)); ex4_err_det_way_d(1) <= perr_way_det_wayB; perr_way_det_wayB <= wayB_val(0) and ex3_tag_way_perr(1); dirpar_err_lock_lost(1) <= wayB_val(1) and ex3_tag_way_perr(1); perr_wayB_watch_lost <= gate(wayB_val(2 to 5),ex3_tag_way_perr(1)); ex4_err_det_way_d(2) <= perr_way_det_wayC; perr_way_det_wayC <= wayC_val(0) and ex3_tag_way_perr(2); dirpar_err_lock_lost(2) <= wayC_val(1) and ex3_tag_way_perr(2); perr_wayC_watch_lost <= gate(wayC_val(2 to 5),ex3_tag_way_perr(2)); ex4_err_det_way_d(3) <= perr_way_det_wayD; perr_way_det_wayD <= wayD_val(0) and ex3_tag_way_perr(3); dirpar_err_lock_lost(3) <= wayD_val(1) and ex3_tag_way_perr(3); perr_wayD_watch_lost <= gate(wayD_val(2 to 5),ex3_tag_way_perr(3)); ex4_err_det_way_d(4) <= perr_way_det_wayE; perr_way_det_wayE <= wayE_val(0) and ex3_tag_way_perr(4); dirpar_err_lock_lost(4) <= wayE_val(1) and ex3_tag_way_perr(4); perr_wayE_watch_lost <= gate(wayE_val(2 to 5),ex3_tag_way_perr(4)); ex4_err_det_way_d(5) <= perr_way_det_wayF; perr_way_det_wayF <= wayF_val(0) and ex3_tag_way_perr(5); dirpar_err_lock_lost(5) <= wayF_val(1) and ex3_tag_way_perr(5); perr_wayF_watch_lost <= gate(wayF_val(2 to 5),ex3_tag_way_perr(5)); ex4_err_det_way_d(6) <= perr_way_det_wayG; perr_way_det_wayG <= wayG_val(0) and ex3_tag_way_perr(6); dirpar_err_lock_lost(6) <= wayG_val(1) and ex3_tag_way_perr(6); perr_wayG_watch_lost <= gate(wayG_val(2 to 5),ex3_tag_way_perr(6)); ex4_err_det_way_d(7) <= perr_way_det_wayH; perr_way_det_wayH <= wayH_val(0) and ex3_tag_way_perr(7); dirpar_err_lock_lost(7) <= wayH_val(1) and ex3_tag_way_perr(7); perr_wayH_watch_lost <= gate(wayH_val(2 to 5),ex3_tag_way_perr(7)); -- Lock Bit Lost due to Parity Error ex4_perr_lck_lost_d <= or_reduce(dirpar_err_lock_lost); -- Watch Lost due to Parity Error ex4_perr_watch_lost_d <= perr_wayA_watch_lost or perr_wayB_watch_lost or perr_wayC_watch_lost or perr_wayD_watch_lost or perr_wayE_watch_lost or perr_wayF_watch_lost or perr_wayG_watch_lost or perr_wayH_watch_lost; -- Parity Error Detected ex3_dir_perr_val <= perr_way_det_wayA or perr_way_det_wayB or perr_way_det_wayC or perr_way_det_wayD or perr_way_det_wayE or perr_way_det_wayF or perr_way_det_wayG or perr_way_det_wayH; -- Staging out Directory Error ex4_dir_err_val_d <= ex3_dir_perr_val; ex5_dir_err_val_d <= ex4_dir_err_val_q or ex4_dir_multihit_val; ex6_dir_err_val_d <= ex5_dir_err_val_q; derr2_stg_act_d <= ex6_dir_err_val_q; derr3_stg_act_d <= derr2_stg_act_q; derr4_stg_act_d <= derr3_stg_act_q; derr5_stg_act_d <= derr4_stg_act_q; -- #################################################### -- Hit/Miss Detect -- #################################################### -- Execution Pipe Hit/Miss ex3L1Hit: ex3_l1hit <= not hit_or_01234567_b; ex3L1Miss: ex3_l1miss <= not ex3_l1hit; ex3_hit <= not ex3_l1miss; ex4_miss <= not ex4_miss_q; ex4_way_hit_d <= not (xu_op_hit_wayA_dly_b & xu_op_hit_wayB_dly_b & xu_op_hit_wayC_dly_b & xu_op_hit_wayD_dly_b & xu_op_hit_wayE_dly_b & xu_op_hit_wayF_dly_b & xu_op_hit_wayG_dly_b & xu_op_hit_wayH_dly_b); ex5_way_hit_d <= ex4_way_hit_q; ex6_way_hit_d <= ex5_way_hit_q; -- EX3 Way Hit Encode for upper address into Data Cache Array ex3_xuop_up_addr_b <= hit_enc_b(0 to 2); rel_dcarr_addr_sel <= (others=>rel_dcarr_addr_en); rel_dcarr_addr_sel_b <= (others=>(not rel_dcarr_addr_en)); -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Back-Invalidated Watched/Locked Line detection, -- I need to do it late since instructions in the ahead of -- back-invalidate could have set the watch/lost bit -- Back-Invalidate does not look at instructions ahead of pipe, -- since they might get flushed and will get bad results -- Also includes Multihit Error Detect case -- Staging out congruence class compares congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_d <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q; congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_d <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q; congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_d <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q; congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_d <= congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_q; congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_d <= congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_q; congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_d <= congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_q; -- Ways updated in other stages binv4_ex4_way_upd <= binv_wayA_upd1 & binv_wayB_upd1 & binv_wayC_upd1 & binv_wayD_upd1 & binv_wayE_upd1 & binv_wayF_upd1 & binv_wayG_upd1 & binv_wayH_upd1; binv5_ex5_way_upd <= binv_wayA_upd2_q & binv_wayB_upd2_q & binv_wayC_upd2_q & binv_wayD_upd2_q & binv_wayE_upd2_q & binv_wayF_upd2_q & binv_wayG_upd2_q & binv_wayH_upd2_q; binv6_ex6_way_upd <= binv_wayA_upd3_q & binv_wayB_upd3_q & binv_wayC_upd3_q & binv_wayD_upd3_q & binv_wayE_upd3_q & binv_wayF_upd3_q & binv_wayG_upd3_q & binv_wayH_upd3_q; binv7_ex7_way_upd_d <= binv6_ex6_way_upd; -- Data of ways updated in other stages binv4_ex4_dir_data <= gate(flush_wayA_data1(1 to 5), binv4_ex4_way_upd(0)) or gate(flush_wayB_data1(1 to 5), binv4_ex4_way_upd(1)) or gate(flush_wayC_data1(1 to 5), binv4_ex4_way_upd(2)) or gate(flush_wayD_data1(1 to 5), binv4_ex4_way_upd(3)) or gate(flush_wayE_data1(1 to 5), binv4_ex4_way_upd(4)) or gate(flush_wayF_data1(1 to 5), binv4_ex4_way_upd(5)) or gate(flush_wayG_data1(1 to 5), binv4_ex4_way_upd(6)) or gate(flush_wayH_data1(1 to 5), binv4_ex4_way_upd(7)); binv5_ex5_dir_data_d <= binv4_ex4_dir_data; binv6_ex6_dir_data_d <= binv5_ex5_dir_data_q; binv7_ex7_dir_data_d <= binv6_ex6_dir_data_q; -- None Bypass Locked Line lost indicator binv4_inval_lck <= inval_clr_lck and back_inval_stg4_q and not binv4_coll_val; -- None Bypass Watch Lost indicator binv4_inval_watch <= gate(ex4_lost_watch, (back_inval_stg4_q and not binv4_coll_val)); -- Stage Bypass Select binv4_ex5_coll <= (back_inval_stg4_q or ex4_dir_multihit_val) and congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_q and or_reduce(ex4_way_hit_q and binv5_ex5_way_upd) and p0_wren_d; binv4_ex6_coll <= (back_inval_stg4_q or ex4_dir_multihit_val) and congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_q and or_reduce(ex4_way_hit_q and binv6_ex6_way_upd) and p0_wren_q; binv4_ex7_coll <= (back_inval_stg4_q or ex4_dir_multihit_val) and congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_q and or_reduce(ex4_way_hit_q and binv7_ex7_way_upd_q) and p0_wren_stg_q; binv4_coll_val <= binv4_ex5_coll or binv4_ex6_coll or binv4_ex7_coll; -- Priority Calculation binv4_pri_byp_sel(0) <= binv4_ex5_coll; binv4_pri_byp_sel(1) <= binv4_ex6_coll and not binv4_ex5_coll; binv4_pri_byp_sel(2) <= binv4_ex7_coll and not (binv4_ex6_coll or binv4_ex5_coll); -- Data Bypass binv4_byp_dir_data <= gate(binv5_ex5_dir_data_q, binv4_pri_byp_sel(0)) or gate(binv6_ex6_dir_data_q, binv4_pri_byp_sel(1)) or gate(binv7_ex7_dir_data_q, binv4_pri_byp_sel(2)); -- Back-Invalidate invalidated a watched line binv5_inval_watch_val_d <= (binv4_byp_dir_data(2 to 5) and not binv4_ex4_dir_data(2 to 5)) or binv4_inval_watch; -- Back-Invalidate invalidated a locked line binv5_inval_lock_val_d <= (binv4_byp_dir_data(1) and not binv4_ex4_dir_data(1)) or binv4_inval_lck; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Watch Lost due to DCI dci_watch_lost <= (others=>dci_compl_q); -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- #################################################### -- Resource Conflict Flushes -- #################################################### -- Determine if another thread is modifying any of the Directory bits, Need to flush if this thread targets same congruence class and way congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayA <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q and not ex3_thrd_m_q and ex3_xuop_wayA_upd and not ex3_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayA <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q and not ex4_thrd_m_q and ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_q and not ex4_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayA <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q and not ex5_thrd_m_q and ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_q and not ex5_stg_flush; congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_d <= congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayA or congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayA or congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayA; -- causing a flush for the thread that matches congruence class and directory way being updated by a different thread ex3_cClass_wayA_hit <= fxu_pipe_val and congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_q and wayA_val(0); -- Determine if another thread is modifying any of the Directory bits, Need to flush if this thread targets same congruence class and way congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayB <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q and not ex3_thrd_m_q and ex3_xuop_wayB_upd and not ex3_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayB <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q and not ex4_thrd_m_q and ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_q and not ex4_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayB <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q and not ex5_thrd_m_q and ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_q and not ex5_stg_flush; congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_d <= congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayB or congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayB or congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayB; -- causing a flush for the thread that matches congruence class and directory way being updated by a different thread ex3_cClass_wayB_hit <= fxu_pipe_val and congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_q and wayB_val(0); -- Determine if another thread is modifying any of the Directory bits, Need to flush if this thread targets same congruence class and way congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayC <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q and not ex3_thrd_m_q and ex3_xuop_wayC_upd and not ex3_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayC <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q and not ex4_thrd_m_q and ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_q and not ex4_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayC <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q and not ex5_thrd_m_q and ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_q and not ex5_stg_flush; congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_d <= congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayC or congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayC or congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayC; -- causing a flush for the thread that matches congruence class and directory way being updated by a different thread ex3_cClass_wayC_hit <= fxu_pipe_val and congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_q and wayC_val(0); -- Determine if another thread is modifying any of the Directory bits, Need to flush if this thread targets same congruence class and way congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayD <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q and not ex3_thrd_m_q and ex3_xuop_wayD_upd and not ex3_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayD <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q and not ex4_thrd_m_q and ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_q and not ex4_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayD <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q and not ex5_thrd_m_q and ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_q and not ex5_stg_flush; congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_d <= congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayD or congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayD or congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayD; -- causing a flush for the thread that matches congruence class and directory way being updated by a different thread ex3_cClass_wayD_hit <= fxu_pipe_val and congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_q and wayD_val(0); -- Determine if another thread is modifying any of the Directory bits, Need to flush if this thread targets same congruence class and way congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayE <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q and not ex3_thrd_m_q and ex3_xuop_wayE_upd and not ex3_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayE <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q and not ex4_thrd_m_q and ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_q and not ex4_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayE <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q and not ex5_thrd_m_q and ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_q and not ex5_stg_flush; congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_d <= congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayE or congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayE or congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayE; -- causing a flush for the thread that matches congruence class and directory way being updated by a different thread ex3_cClass_wayE_hit <= fxu_pipe_val and congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_q and wayE_val(0); -- Determine if another thread is modifying any of the Directory bits, Need to flush if this thread targets same congruence class and way congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayF <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q and not ex3_thrd_m_q and ex3_xuop_wayF_upd and not ex3_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayF <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q and not ex4_thrd_m_q and ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_q and not ex4_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayF <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q and not ex5_thrd_m_q and ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_q and not ex5_stg_flush; congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_d <= congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayF or congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayF or congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayF; -- causing a flush for the thread that matches congruence class and directory way being updated by a different thread ex3_cClass_wayF_hit <= fxu_pipe_val and congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_q and wayF_val(0); -- Determine if another thread is modifying any of the Directory bits, Need to flush if this thread targets same congruence class and way congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayG <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q and not ex3_thrd_m_q and ex3_xuop_wayG_upd and not ex3_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayG <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q and not ex4_thrd_m_q and ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_q and not ex4_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayG <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q and not ex5_thrd_m_q and ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_q and not ex5_stg_flush; congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_d <= congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayG or congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayG or congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayG; -- causing a flush for the thread that matches congruence class and directory way being updated by a different thread ex3_cClass_wayG_hit <= fxu_pipe_val and congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_q and wayG_val(0); -- Determine if another thread is modifying any of the Directory bits, Need to flush if this thread targets same congruence class and way congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayH <= congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q and not ex3_thrd_m_q and ex3_xuop_wayH_upd and not ex3_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayH <= congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q and not ex4_thrd_m_q and ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_q and not ex4_stg_flush; congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayH <= congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q and not ex5_thrd_m_q and ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_q and not ex5_stg_flush; congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_d <= congr_cl_ex3_upd_wayH or congr_cl_ex4_upd_wayH or congr_cl_ex5_upd_wayH; -- causing a flush for the thread that matches congruence class and directory way being updated by a different thread ex3_cClass_wayH_hit <= fxu_pipe_val and congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_q and wayH_val(0); -- Watch Clear udate in the pipe for a different thread ex3_wclr_all_upd_val <= ex3_watch_clr_all_q and not ex3_thrd_m_q and not ex3_stg_flush; ex4_wclr_all_upd_val <= ex4_wclr_all_val_q and not ex4_thrd_m_q and not ex4_stg_flush; ex5_wclr_all_upd_val <= ex5_wclr_all_val_q and not ex5_thrd_m_q and not ex5_stg_flush; ex6_wclr_all_upd_val <= ex6_wclr_all_val_q and not ex6_thrd_m_q; -- causing a flush for the thread that is trying to access the directory when a different thread is doing a watch clear all ex3_wclr_all_upd_d <= ex3_wclr_all_upd_val or ex4_wclr_all_upd_val or ex5_wclr_all_upd_val or ex6_wclr_all_upd_val; -- #################################################### -- Reload Pipe -- #################################################### -- Reload Path Directory Valid Bits Muxing -- Reload Stage 1 -- Select Congruence Class Way A with rel_congr_cl_q select rel_arr_wayA_val <= congr_cl0_wA_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wA_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wA_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wA_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wA_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wA_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wA_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wA_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wA_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wA_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wA_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wA_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wA_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wA_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wA_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wA_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wA_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wA_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wA_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wA_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wA_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wA_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wA_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wA_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wA_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wA_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wA_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wA_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wA_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wA_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wA_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wA_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wA_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wA_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wA_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wA_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wA_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wA_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wA_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wA_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wA_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wA_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wA_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wA_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wA_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wA_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wA_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wA_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wA_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wA_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wA_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wA_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wA_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wA_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wA_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wA_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wA_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wA_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wA_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wA_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wA_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wA_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wA_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wA_q when others; p1_arr_wayA_rd <= rel_arr_wayA_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way B with rel_congr_cl_q select rel_arr_wayB_val <= congr_cl0_wB_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wB_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wB_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wB_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wB_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wB_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wB_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wB_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wB_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wB_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wB_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wB_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wB_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wB_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wB_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wB_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wB_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wB_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wB_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wB_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wB_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wB_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wB_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wB_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wB_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wB_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wB_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wB_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wB_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wB_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wB_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wB_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wB_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wB_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wB_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wB_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wB_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wB_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wB_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wB_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wB_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wB_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wB_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wB_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wB_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wB_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wB_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wB_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wB_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wB_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wB_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wB_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wB_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wB_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wB_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wB_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wB_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wB_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wB_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wB_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wB_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wB_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wB_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wB_q when others; p1_arr_wayB_rd <= rel_arr_wayB_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way C with rel_congr_cl_q select rel_arr_wayC_val <= congr_cl0_wC_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wC_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wC_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wC_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wC_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wC_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wC_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wC_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wC_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wC_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wC_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wC_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wC_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wC_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wC_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wC_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wC_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wC_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wC_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wC_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wC_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wC_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wC_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wC_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wC_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wC_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wC_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wC_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wC_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wC_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wC_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wC_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wC_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wC_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wC_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wC_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wC_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wC_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wC_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wC_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wC_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wC_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wC_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wC_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wC_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wC_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wC_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wC_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wC_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wC_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wC_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wC_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wC_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wC_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wC_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wC_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wC_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wC_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wC_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wC_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wC_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wC_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wC_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wC_q when others; p1_arr_wayC_rd <= rel_arr_wayC_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way D with rel_congr_cl_q select rel_arr_wayD_val <= congr_cl0_wD_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wD_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wD_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wD_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wD_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wD_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wD_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wD_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wD_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wD_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wD_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wD_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wD_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wD_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wD_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wD_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wD_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wD_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wD_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wD_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wD_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wD_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wD_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wD_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wD_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wD_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wD_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wD_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wD_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wD_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wD_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wD_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wD_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wD_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wD_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wD_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wD_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wD_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wD_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wD_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wD_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wD_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wD_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wD_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wD_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wD_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wD_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wD_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wD_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wD_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wD_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wD_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wD_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wD_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wD_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wD_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wD_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wD_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wD_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wD_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wD_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wD_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wD_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wD_q when others; p1_arr_wayD_rd <= rel_arr_wayD_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way E with rel_congr_cl_q select rel_arr_wayE_val <= congr_cl0_wE_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wE_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wE_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wE_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wE_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wE_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wE_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wE_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wE_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wE_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wE_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wE_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wE_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wE_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wE_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wE_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wE_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wE_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wE_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wE_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wE_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wE_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wE_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wE_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wE_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wE_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wE_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wE_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wE_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wE_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wE_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wE_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wE_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wE_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wE_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wE_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wE_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wE_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wE_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wE_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wE_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wE_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wE_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wE_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wE_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wE_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wE_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wE_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wE_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wE_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wE_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wE_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wE_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wE_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wE_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wE_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wE_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wE_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wE_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wE_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wE_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wE_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wE_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wE_q when others; p1_arr_wayE_rd <= rel_arr_wayE_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way F with rel_congr_cl_q select rel_arr_wayF_val <= congr_cl0_wF_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wF_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wF_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wF_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wF_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wF_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wF_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wF_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wF_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wF_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wF_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wF_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wF_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wF_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wF_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wF_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wF_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wF_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wF_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wF_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wF_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wF_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wF_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wF_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wF_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wF_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wF_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wF_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wF_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wF_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wF_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wF_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wF_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wF_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wF_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wF_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wF_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wF_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wF_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wF_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wF_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wF_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wF_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wF_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wF_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wF_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wF_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wF_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wF_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wF_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wF_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wF_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wF_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wF_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wF_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wF_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wF_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wF_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wF_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wF_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wF_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wF_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wF_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wF_q when others; p1_arr_wayF_rd <= rel_arr_wayF_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way G with rel_congr_cl_q select rel_arr_wayG_val <= congr_cl0_wG_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wG_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wG_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wG_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wG_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wG_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wG_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wG_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wG_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wG_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wG_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wG_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wG_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wG_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wG_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wG_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wG_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wG_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wG_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wG_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wG_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wG_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wG_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wG_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wG_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wG_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wG_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wG_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wG_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wG_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wG_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wG_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wG_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wG_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wG_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wG_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wG_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wG_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wG_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wG_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wG_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wG_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wG_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wG_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wG_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wG_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wG_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wG_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wG_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wG_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wG_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wG_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wG_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wG_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wG_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wG_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wG_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wG_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wG_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wG_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wG_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wG_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wG_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wG_q when others; p1_arr_wayG_rd <= rel_arr_wayG_val; -- Select Congruence Class Way H with rel_congr_cl_q select rel_arr_wayH_val <= congr_cl0_wH_q when "000000", congr_cl1_wH_q when "000001", congr_cl2_wH_q when "000010", congr_cl3_wH_q when "000011", congr_cl4_wH_q when "000100", congr_cl5_wH_q when "000101", congr_cl6_wH_q when "000110", congr_cl7_wH_q when "000111", congr_cl8_wH_q when "001000", congr_cl9_wH_q when "001001", congr_cl10_wH_q when "001010", congr_cl11_wH_q when "001011", congr_cl12_wH_q when "001100", congr_cl13_wH_q when "001101", congr_cl14_wH_q when "001110", congr_cl15_wH_q when "001111", congr_cl16_wH_q when "010000", congr_cl17_wH_q when "010001", congr_cl18_wH_q when "010010", congr_cl19_wH_q when "010011", congr_cl20_wH_q when "010100", congr_cl21_wH_q when "010101", congr_cl22_wH_q when "010110", congr_cl23_wH_q when "010111", congr_cl24_wH_q when "011000", congr_cl25_wH_q when "011001", congr_cl26_wH_q when "011010", congr_cl27_wH_q when "011011", congr_cl28_wH_q when "011100", congr_cl29_wH_q when "011101", congr_cl30_wH_q when "011110", congr_cl31_wH_q when "011111", congr_cl32_wH_q when "100000", congr_cl33_wH_q when "100001", congr_cl34_wH_q when "100010", congr_cl35_wH_q when "100011", congr_cl36_wH_q when "100100", congr_cl37_wH_q when "100101", congr_cl38_wH_q when "100110", congr_cl39_wH_q when "100111", congr_cl40_wH_q when "101000", congr_cl41_wH_q when "101001", congr_cl42_wH_q when "101010", congr_cl43_wH_q when "101011", congr_cl44_wH_q when "101100", congr_cl45_wH_q when "101101", congr_cl46_wH_q when "101110", congr_cl47_wH_q when "101111", congr_cl48_wH_q when "110000", congr_cl49_wH_q when "110001", congr_cl50_wH_q when "110010", congr_cl51_wH_q when "110011", congr_cl52_wH_q when "110100", congr_cl53_wH_q when "110101", congr_cl54_wH_q when "110110", congr_cl55_wH_q when "110111", congr_cl56_wH_q when "111000", congr_cl57_wH_q when "111001", congr_cl58_wH_q when "111010", congr_cl59_wH_q when "111011", congr_cl60_wH_q when "111100", congr_cl61_wH_q when "111101", congr_cl62_wH_q when "111110", congr_cl63_wH_q when others; p1_arr_wayH_rd <= rel_arr_wayH_val; -- #################################################### -- Reload Pipe Bypass -- #################################################### -- Reload13 Bypass Stages -- Determine if there is any updates in later stages to the same congruence class congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_d <= (rel_early_congr_cl = ex2_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_d <= (rel_early_congr_cl = ex3_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_d <= (rel_early_congr_cl = ex4_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_d <= (rel_early_congr_cl = ex5_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_d <= (rel_early_congr_cl = rel24_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_d <= (rel_early_congr_cl = relu_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_d <= (rel_early_congr_cl = relu_s_congr_cl_q); congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp <= congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_q and p0_wren_cpy_q; congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp <= congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_q and p1_wren_cpy_q; -- Determine if there is any updates in later stages to the same congruence class congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_q and (ex3_lock_set_q or back_inval_stg3_q); congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_q and (ex4_lock_set_q or back_inval_stg4_q); congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_q and (ex5_lock_set_q or back_inval_stg5_q); congr_cl_rel13_relu_m <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_q and rel_val_stgu_q; congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_q and p1_upd_val; -- WayA Bypass Calculation congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(1) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m and ex3_wayA_hit; congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_m and reload_wayA_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m and binv_wayA_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m and reload_wayA_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m and binv_wayA_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp and reload_wayA_upd3_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp and binv_wayA_upd3_q; -- WayA Bypass Valid rel24_wayA_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(1) or congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(3) or congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(5) or congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(7); rel24_wayA_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(2) or congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(4) or congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(6); rel24_wayA_byp_sel <= rel24_wayA_fxubyp_val_q & rel24_wayA_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(3) and not congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection rel_wayA_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(2 to 7)); rel_wayA_later_stg_pri <= gate(p1_arr_wayA_rd, not rel_wayA_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayA, congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayA_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayA_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayA_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayA_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayA_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayA_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection rel_wayA_early_sel <= congr_cl_rel13_wayA_byp(1); rel_wayA_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayA_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection rel_wayA_stg_val <= (others=>(rel_wayA_early_sel)); rel_wayA_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(rel_wayA_early_sel))); rel_wayA_val <= not rel_wayA_val_b_q; rel_wayA_val_stg_d <= rel_wayA_val; -- WayB Bypass Calculation congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(1) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m and ex3_wayB_hit; congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_m and reload_wayB_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m and binv_wayB_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m and reload_wayB_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m and binv_wayB_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp and reload_wayB_upd3_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp and binv_wayB_upd3_q; -- WayB Bypass Valid rel24_wayB_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(1) or congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(3) or congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(5) or congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(7); rel24_wayB_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(2) or congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(4) or congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(6); rel24_wayB_byp_sel <= rel24_wayB_fxubyp_val_q & rel24_wayB_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(3) and not congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection rel_wayB_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(2 to 7)); rel_wayB_later_stg_pri <= gate(p1_arr_wayB_rd, not rel_wayB_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayB, congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayB_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayB_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayB_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayB_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayB_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayB_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection rel_wayB_early_sel <= congr_cl_rel13_wayB_byp(1); rel_wayB_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayB_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection rel_wayB_stg_val <= (others=>(rel_wayB_early_sel)); rel_wayB_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(rel_wayB_early_sel))); rel_wayB_val <= not rel_wayB_val_b_q; rel_wayB_val_stg_d <= rel_wayB_val; -- WayC Bypass Calculation congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(1) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m and ex3_wayC_hit; congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_m and reload_wayC_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m and binv_wayC_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m and reload_wayC_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m and binv_wayC_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp and reload_wayC_upd3_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp and binv_wayC_upd3_q; -- WayC Bypass Valid rel24_wayC_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(1) or congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(3) or congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(5) or congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(7); rel24_wayC_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(2) or congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(4) or congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(6); rel24_wayC_byp_sel <= rel24_wayC_fxubyp_val_q & rel24_wayC_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(3) and not congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection rel_wayC_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(2 to 7)); rel_wayC_later_stg_pri <= gate(p1_arr_wayC_rd, not rel_wayC_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayC, congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayC_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayC_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayC_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayC_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayC_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayC_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection rel_wayC_early_sel <= congr_cl_rel13_wayC_byp(1); rel_wayC_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayC_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection rel_wayC_stg_val <= (others=>(rel_wayC_early_sel)); rel_wayC_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(rel_wayC_early_sel))); rel_wayC_val <= not rel_wayC_val_b_q; rel_wayC_val_stg_d <= rel_wayC_val; -- WayD Bypass Calculation congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(1) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m and ex3_wayD_hit; congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_m and reload_wayD_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m and binv_wayD_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m and reload_wayD_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m and binv_wayD_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp and reload_wayD_upd3_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp and binv_wayD_upd3_q; -- WayD Bypass Valid rel24_wayD_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(1) or congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(3) or congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(5) or congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(7); rel24_wayD_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(2) or congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(4) or congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(6); rel24_wayD_byp_sel <= rel24_wayD_fxubyp_val_q & rel24_wayD_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(3) and not congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection rel_wayD_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(2 to 7)); rel_wayD_later_stg_pri <= gate(p1_arr_wayD_rd, not rel_wayD_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayD, congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayD_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayD_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayD_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayD_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayD_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayD_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection rel_wayD_early_sel <= congr_cl_rel13_wayD_byp(1); rel_wayD_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayD_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection rel_wayD_stg_val <= (others=>(rel_wayD_early_sel)); rel_wayD_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(rel_wayD_early_sel))); rel_wayD_val <= not rel_wayD_val_b_q; rel_wayD_val_stg_d <= rel_wayD_val; -- WayE Bypass Calculation congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(1) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m and ex3_wayE_hit; congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_m and reload_wayE_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m and binv_wayE_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m and reload_wayE_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m and binv_wayE_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp and reload_wayE_upd3_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp and binv_wayE_upd3_q; -- WayE Bypass Valid rel24_wayE_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(1) or congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(3) or congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(5) or congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(7); rel24_wayE_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(2) or congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(4) or congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(6); rel24_wayE_byp_sel <= rel24_wayE_fxubyp_val_q & rel24_wayE_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(3) and not congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection rel_wayE_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(2 to 7)); rel_wayE_later_stg_pri <= gate(p1_arr_wayE_rd, not rel_wayE_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayE, congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayE_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayE_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayE_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayE_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayE_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayE_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection rel_wayE_early_sel <= congr_cl_rel13_wayE_byp(1); rel_wayE_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayE_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection rel_wayE_stg_val <= (others=>(rel_wayE_early_sel)); rel_wayE_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(rel_wayE_early_sel))); rel_wayE_val <= not rel_wayE_val_b_q; rel_wayE_val_stg_d <= rel_wayE_val; -- WayF Bypass Calculation congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(1) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m and ex3_wayF_hit; congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_m and reload_wayF_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m and binv_wayF_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m and reload_wayF_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m and binv_wayF_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp and reload_wayF_upd3_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp and binv_wayF_upd3_q; -- WayF Bypass Valid rel24_wayF_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(1) or congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(3) or congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(5) or congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(7); rel24_wayF_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(2) or congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(4) or congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(6); rel24_wayF_byp_sel <= rel24_wayF_fxubyp_val_q & rel24_wayF_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(3) and not congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection rel_wayF_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(2 to 7)); rel_wayF_later_stg_pri <= gate(p1_arr_wayF_rd, not rel_wayF_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayF, congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayF_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayF_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayF_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayF_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayF_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayF_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection rel_wayF_early_sel <= congr_cl_rel13_wayF_byp(1); rel_wayF_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayF_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection rel_wayF_stg_val <= (others=>(rel_wayF_early_sel)); rel_wayF_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(rel_wayF_early_sel))); rel_wayF_val <= not rel_wayF_val_b_q; rel_wayF_val_stg_d <= rel_wayF_val; -- WayG Bypass Calculation congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(1) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m and ex3_wayG_hit; congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_m and reload_wayG_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m and binv_wayG_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m and reload_wayG_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m and binv_wayG_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp and reload_wayG_upd3_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp and binv_wayG_upd3_q; -- WayG Bypass Valid rel24_wayG_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(1) or congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(3) or congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(5) or congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(7); rel24_wayG_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(2) or congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(4) or congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(6); rel24_wayG_byp_sel <= rel24_wayG_fxubyp_val_q & rel24_wayG_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(3) and not congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection rel_wayG_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(2 to 7)); rel_wayG_later_stg_pri <= gate(p1_arr_wayG_rd, not rel_wayG_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayG, congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayG_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayG_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayG_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayG_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayG_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayG_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection rel_wayG_early_sel <= congr_cl_rel13_wayG_byp(1); rel_wayG_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayG_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection rel_wayG_stg_val <= (others=>(rel_wayG_early_sel)); rel_wayG_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(rel_wayG_early_sel))); rel_wayG_val <= not rel_wayG_val_b_q; rel_wayG_val_stg_d <= rel_wayG_val; -- WayH Bypass Calculation congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(1) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_m and ex3_wayH_hit; congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_m and reload_wayH_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_m and binv_wayH_upd_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_m and reload_wayH_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_m and binv_wayH_upd2_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_p1_cmp and reload_wayH_upd3_q; congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_p0_cmp and binv_wayH_upd3_q; -- WayH Bypass Valid rel24_wayH_fxubyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(1) or congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(3) or congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(5) or congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(7); rel24_wayH_relbyp_val_d <= congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(2) or congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(4) or congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(6); rel24_wayH_byp_sel <= rel24_wayH_fxubyp_val_q & rel24_wayH_relbyp_val_q; -- Late Stages Priority Selection congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(2) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(3) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(3) and not congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(2); congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(4) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(4) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(2 to 3)); congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(5) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(5) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(2 to 4)); congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(6) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(6) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(2 to 5)); congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(7) <= congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(7) and not or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(2 to 6)); -- ArrayRead/LATE Stage Priority Selection rel_wayH_late_sel <= or_reduce(congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(2 to 7)); rel_wayH_later_stg_pri <= gate(p1_arr_wayH_rd, not rel_wayH_late_sel) or gate(reload_wayH, congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(2)) or gate(flush_wayH_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(3)) or gate(reload_wayH_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(4)) or gate(flush_wayH_data_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(5)) or gate(reload_wayH_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(6)) or gate(flush_wayH_data2_q, congr_cl_rel13_wayH_sel(7)); -- EX3/RELU Stage Priority Selection rel_wayH_early_sel <= congr_cl_rel13_wayH_byp(1); rel_wayH_early_stg_pri <= flush_wayH_d; -- Stage/ARRAY Priority Selection rel_wayH_stg_val <= (others=>(rel_wayH_early_sel)); rel_wayH_stg_val_b <= (others=>(not(rel_wayH_early_sel))); rel_wayH_val <= not rel_wayH_val_b_q; rel_wayH_val_stg_d <= rel_wayH_val; -- #################################################### -- Reload Invalidate/Reload Validate Pipes -- #################################################### -- Invalidate Way rel_par_wA_clr <= rel_wayA_clr or dcpar_err_way_inval_q(0); -- Invalidate/Reload Logic on Port1 reload_wayA_d(0) <= (not rel_par_wA_clr and rel_wayA_val(0)) or rel_wayA_set; -- Lock Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayA_d(1) <= (not rel_par_wA_clr and rel_wayA_val(1)) or (rel_lock_set_q and rel_wayA_set); -- Lost Lock due to Parity Error dcpar_err_lock_lost(0) <= rel_wayA_val(1) and dcpar_err_way_inval_q(0); -- Watch Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayA_d(2) <= ((not rel_par_wA_clr and rel_wayA_val(2))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayA_set and rel_thrd_id_q(0)); reload_wayA_d(3) <= ((not rel_par_wA_clr and rel_wayA_val(3))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayA_set and rel_thrd_id_q(1)); reload_wayA_d(4) <= ((not rel_par_wA_clr and rel_wayA_val(4))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayA_set and rel_thrd_id_q(2)); reload_wayA_d(5) <= ((not rel_par_wA_clr and rel_wayA_val(5))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayA_set and rel_thrd_id_q(3)); -- Updating due to Reload or Data cache Parity error reload_wayA_upd_d <= rel_par_wA_clr or rel_wayA_set; -- Updating due to Reload Clear only reload_wayA_clr <= rel_par_wA_clr; -- Invalidate Way rel_par_wB_clr <= rel_wayB_clr or dcpar_err_way_inval_q(1); -- Invalidate/Reload Logic on Port1 reload_wayB_d(0) <= (not rel_par_wB_clr and rel_wayB_val(0)) or rel_wayB_set; -- Lock Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayB_d(1) <= (not rel_par_wB_clr and rel_wayB_val(1)) or (rel_lock_set_q and rel_wayB_set); -- Lost Lock due to Parity Error dcpar_err_lock_lost(1) <= rel_wayB_val(1) and dcpar_err_way_inval_q(1); -- Watch Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayB_d(2) <= ((not rel_par_wB_clr and rel_wayB_val(2))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayB_set and rel_thrd_id_q(0)); reload_wayB_d(3) <= ((not rel_par_wB_clr and rel_wayB_val(3))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayB_set and rel_thrd_id_q(1)); reload_wayB_d(4) <= ((not rel_par_wB_clr and rel_wayB_val(4))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayB_set and rel_thrd_id_q(2)); reload_wayB_d(5) <= ((not rel_par_wB_clr and rel_wayB_val(5))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayB_set and rel_thrd_id_q(3)); -- Updating due to Reload or Data cache Parity error reload_wayB_upd_d <= rel_par_wB_clr or rel_wayB_set; -- Updating due to Reload Clear only reload_wayB_clr <= rel_par_wB_clr; -- Invalidate Way rel_par_wC_clr <= rel_wayC_clr or dcpar_err_way_inval_q(2); -- Invalidate/Reload Logic on Port1 reload_wayC_d(0) <= (not rel_par_wC_clr and rel_wayC_val(0)) or rel_wayC_set; -- Lock Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayC_d(1) <= (not rel_par_wC_clr and rel_wayC_val(1)) or (rel_lock_set_q and rel_wayC_set); -- Lost Lock due to Parity Error dcpar_err_lock_lost(2) <= rel_wayC_val(1) and dcpar_err_way_inval_q(2); -- Watch Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayC_d(2) <= ((not rel_par_wC_clr and rel_wayC_val(2))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayC_set and rel_thrd_id_q(0)); reload_wayC_d(3) <= ((not rel_par_wC_clr and rel_wayC_val(3))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayC_set and rel_thrd_id_q(1)); reload_wayC_d(4) <= ((not rel_par_wC_clr and rel_wayC_val(4))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayC_set and rel_thrd_id_q(2)); reload_wayC_d(5) <= ((not rel_par_wC_clr and rel_wayC_val(5))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayC_set and rel_thrd_id_q(3)); -- Updating due to Reload or Data cache Parity error reload_wayC_upd_d <= rel_par_wC_clr or rel_wayC_set; -- Updating due to Reload Clear only reload_wayC_clr <= rel_par_wC_clr; -- Invalidate Way rel_par_wD_clr <= rel_wayD_clr or dcpar_err_way_inval_q(3); -- Invalidate/Reload Logic on Port1 reload_wayD_d(0) <= (not rel_par_wD_clr and rel_wayD_val(0)) or rel_wayD_set; -- Lock Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayD_d(1) <= (not rel_par_wD_clr and rel_wayD_val(1)) or (rel_lock_set_q and rel_wayD_set); -- Lost Lock due to Parity Error dcpar_err_lock_lost(3) <= rel_wayD_val(1) and dcpar_err_way_inval_q(3); -- Watch Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayD_d(2) <= ((not rel_par_wD_clr and rel_wayD_val(2))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayD_set and rel_thrd_id_q(0)); reload_wayD_d(3) <= ((not rel_par_wD_clr and rel_wayD_val(3))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayD_set and rel_thrd_id_q(1)); reload_wayD_d(4) <= ((not rel_par_wD_clr and rel_wayD_val(4))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayD_set and rel_thrd_id_q(2)); reload_wayD_d(5) <= ((not rel_par_wD_clr and rel_wayD_val(5))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayD_set and rel_thrd_id_q(3)); -- Updating due to Reload or Data cache Parity error reload_wayD_upd_d <= rel_par_wD_clr or rel_wayD_set; -- Updating due to Reload Clear only reload_wayD_clr <= rel_par_wD_clr; -- Invalidate Way rel_par_wE_clr <= rel_wayE_clr or dcpar_err_way_inval_q(4); -- Invalidate/Reload Logic on Port1 reload_wayE_d(0) <= (not rel_par_wE_clr and rel_wayE_val(0)) or rel_wayE_set; -- Lock Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayE_d(1) <= (not rel_par_wE_clr and rel_wayE_val(1)) or (rel_lock_set_q and rel_wayE_set); -- Lost Lock due to Parity Error dcpar_err_lock_lost(4) <= rel_wayE_val(1) and dcpar_err_way_inval_q(4); -- Watch Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayE_d(2) <= ((not rel_par_wE_clr and rel_wayE_val(2))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayE_set and rel_thrd_id_q(0)); reload_wayE_d(3) <= ((not rel_par_wE_clr and rel_wayE_val(3))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayE_set and rel_thrd_id_q(1)); reload_wayE_d(4) <= ((not rel_par_wE_clr and rel_wayE_val(4))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayE_set and rel_thrd_id_q(2)); reload_wayE_d(5) <= ((not rel_par_wE_clr and rel_wayE_val(5))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayE_set and rel_thrd_id_q(3)); -- Updating due to Reload or Data cache Parity error reload_wayE_upd_d <= rel_par_wE_clr or rel_wayE_set; -- Updating due to Reload Clear only reload_wayE_clr <= rel_par_wE_clr; -- Invalidate Way rel_par_wF_clr <= rel_wayF_clr or dcpar_err_way_inval_q(5); -- Invalidate/Reload Logic on Port1 reload_wayF_d(0) <= (not rel_par_wF_clr and rel_wayF_val(0)) or rel_wayF_set; -- Lock Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayF_d(1) <= (not rel_par_wF_clr and rel_wayF_val(1)) or (rel_lock_set_q and rel_wayF_set); -- Lost Lock due to Parity Error dcpar_err_lock_lost(5) <= rel_wayF_val(1) and dcpar_err_way_inval_q(5); -- Watch Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayF_d(2) <= ((not rel_par_wF_clr and rel_wayF_val(2))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayF_set and rel_thrd_id_q(0)); reload_wayF_d(3) <= ((not rel_par_wF_clr and rel_wayF_val(3))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayF_set and rel_thrd_id_q(1)); reload_wayF_d(4) <= ((not rel_par_wF_clr and rel_wayF_val(4))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayF_set and rel_thrd_id_q(2)); reload_wayF_d(5) <= ((not rel_par_wF_clr and rel_wayF_val(5))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayF_set and rel_thrd_id_q(3)); -- Updating due to Reload or Data cache Parity error reload_wayF_upd_d <= rel_par_wF_clr or rel_wayF_set; -- Updating due to Reload Clear only reload_wayF_clr <= rel_par_wF_clr; -- Invalidate Way rel_par_wG_clr <= rel_wayG_clr or dcpar_err_way_inval_q(6); -- Invalidate/Reload Logic on Port1 reload_wayG_d(0) <= (not rel_par_wG_clr and rel_wayG_val(0)) or rel_wayG_set; -- Lock Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayG_d(1) <= (not rel_par_wG_clr and rel_wayG_val(1)) or (rel_lock_set_q and rel_wayG_set); -- Lost Lock due to Parity Error dcpar_err_lock_lost(6) <= rel_wayG_val(1) and dcpar_err_way_inval_q(6); -- Watch Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayG_d(2) <= ((not rel_par_wG_clr and rel_wayG_val(2))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayG_set and rel_thrd_id_q(0)); reload_wayG_d(3) <= ((not rel_par_wG_clr and rel_wayG_val(3))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayG_set and rel_thrd_id_q(1)); reload_wayG_d(4) <= ((not rel_par_wG_clr and rel_wayG_val(4))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayG_set and rel_thrd_id_q(2)); reload_wayG_d(5) <= ((not rel_par_wG_clr and rel_wayG_val(5))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayG_set and rel_thrd_id_q(3)); -- Updating due to Reload or Data cache Parity error reload_wayG_upd_d <= rel_par_wG_clr or rel_wayG_set; -- Updating due to Reload Clear only reload_wayG_clr <= rel_par_wG_clr; -- Invalidate Way rel_par_wH_clr <= rel_wayH_clr or dcpar_err_way_inval_q(7); -- Invalidate/Reload Logic on Port1 reload_wayH_d(0) <= (not rel_par_wH_clr and rel_wayH_val(0)) or rel_wayH_set; -- Lock Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayH_d(1) <= (not rel_par_wH_clr and rel_wayH_val(1)) or (rel_lock_set_q and rel_wayH_set); -- Lost Lock due to Parity Error dcpar_err_lock_lost(7) <= rel_wayH_val(1) and dcpar_err_way_inval_q(7); -- Watch Clear/Set Logic on Port1 reload_wayH_d(2) <= ((not rel_par_wH_clr and rel_wayH_val(2))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayH_set and rel_thrd_id_q(0)); reload_wayH_d(3) <= ((not rel_par_wH_clr and rel_wayH_val(3))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayH_set and rel_thrd_id_q(1)); reload_wayH_d(4) <= ((not rel_par_wH_clr and rel_wayH_val(4))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayH_set and rel_thrd_id_q(2)); reload_wayH_d(5) <= ((not rel_par_wH_clr and rel_wayH_val(5))) or (rel_watch_set_q and rel_wayH_set and rel_thrd_id_q(3)); -- Updating due to Reload or Data cache Parity error reload_wayH_upd_d <= rel_par_wH_clr or rel_wayH_set; -- Updating due to Reload Clear only reload_wayH_clr <= rel_par_wH_clr; reload_way_clr_d <= reload_wayA_clr & reload_wayB_clr & reload_wayC_clr & reload_wayD_clr & reload_wayE_clr & reload_wayF_clr & reload_wayG_clr & reload_wayH_clr; -- #################################################### -- Determine if Watch was lost due to a reload or -- due to a Back-Invalidate of loadmissQ entry -- #################################################### -- Watch Lost due to L1DUMP of reload rel4_l1dump_watch <= rel4_l1dump_val_q and rel_watch_set_q and not rel4_ecc_err; lost_watch_l1dump <= gate(rel_thrd_id_q, rel4_l1dump_watch); -- Watch Lost due to Overlock lost_watch_evict_ovl_d <= (gate(rel_thrd_id_q, (rel_watch_set_q and rel_val_stg4 and not (rel_wayA_set or rel_wayB_set or rel_wayC_set or rel_wayD_set or rel_wayE_set or rel_wayF_set or rel_wayG_set or rel_wayH_set)))) or lost_watch_l1dump; -- Watch Lost due to Eviction rel_lost_watch_wayA_evict <= gate(rel_wayA_val_stg_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(0)); rel_lost_watch_wayB_evict <= gate(rel_wayB_val_stg_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(1)); rel_lost_watch_wayC_evict <= gate(rel_wayC_val_stg_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(2)); rel_lost_watch_wayD_evict <= gate(rel_wayD_val_stg_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(3)); rel_lost_watch_wayE_evict <= gate(rel_wayE_val_stg_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(4)); rel_lost_watch_wayF_evict <= gate(rel_wayF_val_stg_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(5)); rel_lost_watch_wayG_evict <= gate(rel_wayG_val_stg_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(6)); rel_lost_watch_wayH_evict <= gate(rel_wayH_val_stg_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(7)); -- Watch Lost due to back-invalidate rel_lost_watch_binv_d <= rel_watch_lost; -- None Bypass Watch Lost indicator rel_lost_watch_evict_np <= rel_lost_watch_wayA_evict or rel_lost_watch_wayB_evict or rel_lost_watch_wayC_evict or rel_lost_watch_wayD_evict or rel_lost_watch_wayE_evict or rel_lost_watch_wayF_evict or rel_lost_watch_wayG_evict or rel_lost_watch_wayH_evict; -- Data Cache Parity error lost Lock Bit dcperr_lock_lost_d <= or_reduce(dcpar_err_lock_lost); -- Staging out congruence class compares rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_d <= congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_q; rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_d <= congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_q; rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_d <= congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_q; relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_d <= rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_q; relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_d <= rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_q; relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_d <= rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_q; -- Data of ways updated in other stages relu_dir_data <= gate(reload_wayA_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(0)) or gate(reload_wayB_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(1)) or gate(reload_wayC_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(2)) or gate(reload_wayD_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(3)) or gate(reload_wayE_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(4)) or gate(reload_wayF_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(5)) or gate(reload_wayG_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(6)) or gate(reload_wayH_q(2 to 5), reload_way_clr_q(7)); -- LDAWX hit way in pipe collided with reload clear of same way in rel1_val stage rel_ex5_watchSet_coll <= rel_val_clr_q and relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_q and or_reduce(reload_way_clr_q and binv5_ex5_way_upd) and p0_wren_d; rel_ex6_watchSet_coll <= rel_val_clr_q and relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_q and or_reduce(reload_way_clr_q and binv6_ex6_way_upd) and p0_wren_q; rel_ex7_watchSet_coll <= rel_val_clr_q and relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_q and or_reduce(reload_way_clr_q and binv7_ex7_way_upd_q) and p0_wren_stg_q; rel_coll_val <= rel_ex5_watchSet_coll or rel_ex6_watchSet_coll or rel_ex7_watchSet_coll; -- Priority Calculation rel_pri_byp_sel(0) <= rel_ex5_watchSet_coll; rel_pri_byp_sel(1) <= rel_ex6_watchSet_coll and not rel_ex5_watchSet_coll; rel_pri_byp_sel(2) <= rel_ex7_watchSet_coll and not (rel_ex6_watchSet_coll or rel_ex5_watchSet_coll); rel_byp_dir_data <= gate(binv5_ex5_dir_data_q(2 to 5), rel_pri_byp_sel(0)) or gate(binv6_ex6_dir_data_q(2 to 5), rel_pri_byp_sel(1)) or gate(binv7_ex7_dir_data_q(2 to 5), rel_pri_byp_sel(2)); -- Reload invalidated a watched line rel_watchSet_coll_tid <= (rel_byp_dir_data and not relu_dir_data) or gate(rel_lost_watch_evict_np, (rel_val_clr_q and not rel_coll_val)); -- Watch Lost due to eviction or overlock or pipe collision with ldawx rel_lost_watch_evict <= lost_watch_evict_ovl_q or rel_watchSet_coll_tid; -- Watch Lost due to back-invalidate or overlock or eviction or pipe collision with ldawx rel_lost_watch_upd_d <= rel_lost_watch_binv_q or rel_lost_watch_evict; -- #################################################### -- Performance Events -- #################################################### -- Performance Event, Back-Invalidate Hit perf_binv_hit <= back_inval_stg4_q and or_reduce(ex4_way_hit_q); -- Performance Event, Watch Checks Completed ex5_watch_chk_cplt <= ex5_watch_chk_q and not ex5_stg_flush; -- Performance Event, Watch Checked Successfull ex5_watch_chk_succ <= ex5_watch_chk_q and not (ex5_cr_watch_q or ex5_stg_flush); -- Performance Event, LDAWX. instruction executed and CR=1 (indicates a duplicate watch set) ex5_watch_dup_set <= ex5_watch_set_q and ex5_cr_watch_q and not ex5_stg_flush; -- Performance Event, Watches lost due to other thread lost_watch_inter_thrd_d <= gate((ex5_watchlost_set_q and not (ex5_thrd_id_q or ex5_watch_clr_all_q)), ex5_xuop_val); -- Performance Event, Watches lost due to Eviction or Overlock lost_watch_evict_val_d <= lost_watch_evict_ovl_q or rel_watchSet_coll_tid; -- Performance Event, Watch Lost due to back-invalidate lost_watch_binv <= binv5_inval_watch_val_q or rel_lost_watch_binv_q; -- Performance Event, Latching up Events perf_lsu_evnts_d <= back_inval_stg4_q & perf_binv_hit & ex5_watch_chk_cplt & ex5_watch_chk_succ & ex5_watch_dup_set; -- #################################################### -- Parity Error Recovery Logic -- #################################################### -- Parity Error detected in EX6, need to invalidate any -- Load Hits in EX6, EX5, and EX4 since these requests -- Will be satisfied by the L2. Parity Error Recovery -- Sequencer waits for the first parity error to reach EX9 -- in the Parity Error Recovery Queue before it starts -- The sequencer will look for a hole in the reload pipe -- and use it to invalidate the way with the parity error -- of the load hit including valids,lock,and watch bits. -- The Queue consists of a Parity Error Indicator, -- Load Valid Indicator, Congruence Class, and Way Hit dcpar_err_push <= not ex9_ld_par_err_q; dcpar_err_rec_cmpl <= (dcpar_err_cntr_q = "10") and dcpar_err_nxt_rec; dcpar_err_nxt_rec <= ex9_ld_par_err_q and not rel_in_progress; dcpar_err_push_queue <= dcpar_err_push or dcpar_err_nxt_rec; dcpar_err_ind_sel <= dcpar_err_push & dcpar_err_rec_cmpl; dcpar_err_ind_sel_d <= dcpar_err_ind_sel; dcpar_err_push_queue_d <= dcpar_err_push_queue; -- Parity Error Recovery Queue -- #################################################### -- Parity Error Indicator with dcpar_err_ind_sel select ex7_ld_par_err_d <= ex6_ld_par_err when "10", ex7_ld_par_err_q when "00", '0' when others; with dcpar_err_ind_sel select ex8_ld_par_err_d <= ex7_ld_par_err_q when "10", ex8_ld_par_err_q when "00", '0' when others; with dcpar_err_ind_sel select ex9_ld_par_err_d <= ex8_ld_par_err_q when "10", ex9_ld_par_err_q when "00", '0' when others; -- Load Hit Valid Indicator with dcpar_err_push_queue select ex7_ld_valid_d <= ex6_ld_valid_q when '1', ex7_ld_valid_q when others; with dcpar_err_push_queue select ex8_ld_valid_d <= ex7_ld_valid_q when '1', ex8_ld_valid_q when others; with dcpar_err_push_queue select ex9_ld_valid_d <= ex8_ld_valid_q when '1', ex9_ld_valid_q when others; -- Congruence Class with dcpar_err_push_queue select ex7_congr_cl_d <= ex6_congr_cl_q when '1', ex7_congr_cl_q when others; with dcpar_err_push_queue select ex8_congr_cl_d <= ex7_congr_cl_q when '1', ex8_congr_cl_q when others; with dcpar_err_push_queue select ex9_congr_cl_d <= ex8_congr_cl_q when '1', ex9_congr_cl_q when others; -- Way Hit with dcpar_err_push_queue select ex7_way_hit_d <= ex6_way_hit_q when '1', ex7_way_hit_q when others; with dcpar_err_push_queue select ex8_way_hit_d <= ex7_way_hit_q when '1', ex8_way_hit_q when others; with dcpar_err_push_queue select ex9_way_hit_d <= ex8_way_hit_q when '1', ex9_way_hit_q when others; -- Parity Error Recovery Counter dcpar_err_incr_val <= dcpar_err_nxt_rec and not (dcpar_err_cntr_q = "10"); dcpar_err_cntr_sel <= dcpar_err_push & dcpar_err_incr_val; dcpar_err_nxt_cntr <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(dcpar_err_cntr_q) + "01"); with dcpar_err_cntr_sel select dcpar_err_cntr_d <= dcpar_err_nxt_cntr when "01", dcpar_err_cntr_q when "00", "00" when others; -- Generate a Pulse for Parity Error Completion dcpar_err_stg1_d <= dcpar_err_nxt_rec; dcpar_err_stg2_d <= dcpar_err_stg1_q; dcpar_err_congr_cl <= ex9_congr_cl_q; dcpar_err_way_d <= gate(ex9_way_hit_q, (ex9_ld_valid_q and dcpar_err_nxt_rec)); dcpar_err_way_inval_d <= dcpar_err_way_q; dcpar_err_flush <= ex9_ld_par_err_q; dcpar_err_stg1_act_d <= ex9_ld_par_err_q; dcpar_err_stg2_act_d <= dcpar_err_stg1_act_q; dcpar_err_rec_inprog <= ex7_ld_par_err_q or ex8_ld_par_err_q or ex9_ld_par_err_q; -- #################################################### -- Directory Valid Bits Write Enable Generation -- #################################################### -- Valids are updated for the following operations -- 1) Reload -> updated the following cycle of the first beat, -- need to invalidate the way that will be overwritten -- 2) Reload -> updated on the last data beat when no ECC error was detected, -- the Way will be validated that was replaced -- 3) Back-Invalidate -> updated the following cycle -- 4) DCBF -> Updated in EX4 -- 5) DCBI -> Updated in EX4 -- 6) DCBZ -> Updated in EX4 -- 7) LWARX Hit Invalidate -> Updated in EX4 -- 8) STWCX Hit Invalidate -> Updated in EX4 -- Lock Bits are updated for the following operations -- 1) Reload -> updated the following cycle of the first beat, -- need to clear the lock bit for the way that will be overwritten -- 2) Reload -> updated on the last data beat when no ECC error was detected, -- the Lock bit will be set that was replaced if originally a lock type op -- 3) Back-Invalidate -> will clear lock bit the following cycle -- 4) DCBF -> will clear lock bit in EX4 -- 5) DCBI -> will clear lock bit in EX4 -- 6) DCBZ -> will clear lock bit in EX4 -- 7) LWARX Hit Invalidate -> will clear lock bit in EX4 -- 8) STWCX Hit Invalidate -> will clear lock bit in EX4 -- 9) DCBLC -> will clear lock bit in EX4 --10) DCBTLS/DCBTSTLS -> will set lock bit in EX4 if hit -- Port0 Updates -- 1) XU Invalidate Op -- 2) BACK-INV Update -- 3) XU clear Lock Op -- 4) XU set Lock Op p0_wren_d <= back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val or ex5_dir_err_val_q; p0_wren_cpy_d <= back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val or ex5_dir_err_val_q; p0_wren_stg_d <= p0_wren_q; -- Port1 Updates -- 1) RELOAD_CLR -- 2) RELOAD_SEt -- 3) DC Array Parity Error with Loadhit followed by storehit update - need to invalidate storehit cline p1_wren_d <= rel_port_wren_q; p1_wren_cpy_d <= rel_port_wren_q; p1_upd_val <= rel_port_upd_q; -- Need to set reload way valid bit when clearing the valid bit of older load -- in case second reload of interleaved reloads to same congruence class -- Dont want second reload to overwrite first reload that cleared the valid bit -- Second reload will choose the same way if not set by first reload_wayA(0) <= (reload_wayA_upd_q); reload_wayA(1) <= reload_wayA_q(1); reload_wayA(2 TO 5) <= reload_wayA_q(2 to 5); -- Staging out Reload Pipe Updates reload_wayA_upd2_d <= reload_wayA_upd_q; reload_wayA_data_d <= reload_wayA_q; reload_wayA_upd3_d <= reload_wayA_upd2_q; reload_wayA_data2_d <= reload_wayA_data_q; -- Staging out Back-Invalidate Pipe Updates binv_wayA_upd1 <= (binv_wayA_upd_q and ((not ex4_dir_err_val_q) or back_inval_stg4_q)) or ex4_err_det_way_q(0) or ex4_dir_multihit_val; binv_wayA_upd2_d <= binv_wayA_upd1; flush_wayA_data1 <= gate(flush_wayA_q, not (ex4_err_det_way_q(0) or ex4_dir_multihit_val)); flush_wayA_data_d <= flush_wayA_data1; binv_wayA_upd3_d <= binv_wayA_upd2_q; flush_wayA_data2_d <= flush_wayA_data_q; reload_wayB(0) <= (reload_wayB_upd_q); reload_wayB(1) <= reload_wayB_q(1); reload_wayB(2 TO 5) <= reload_wayB_q(2 to 5); -- Staging out Reload Pipe Updates reload_wayB_upd2_d <= reload_wayB_upd_q; reload_wayB_data_d <= reload_wayB_q; reload_wayB_upd3_d <= reload_wayB_upd2_q; reload_wayB_data2_d <= reload_wayB_data_q; -- Staging out Back-Invalidate Pipe Updates binv_wayB_upd1 <= (binv_wayB_upd_q and ((not ex4_dir_err_val_q) or back_inval_stg4_q)) or ex4_err_det_way_q(1) or ex4_dir_multihit_val; binv_wayB_upd2_d <= binv_wayB_upd1; flush_wayB_data1 <= gate(flush_wayB_q, not (ex4_err_det_way_q(1) or ex4_dir_multihit_val)); flush_wayB_data_d <= flush_wayB_data1; binv_wayB_upd3_d <= binv_wayB_upd2_q; flush_wayB_data2_d <= flush_wayB_data_q; reload_wayC(0) <= (reload_wayC_upd_q); reload_wayC(1) <= reload_wayC_q(1); reload_wayC(2 TO 5) <= reload_wayC_q(2 to 5); -- Staging out Reload Pipe Updates reload_wayC_upd2_d <= reload_wayC_upd_q; reload_wayC_data_d <= reload_wayC_q; reload_wayC_upd3_d <= reload_wayC_upd2_q; reload_wayC_data2_d <= reload_wayC_data_q; -- Staging out Back-Invalidate Pipe Updates binv_wayC_upd1 <= (binv_wayC_upd_q and ((not ex4_dir_err_val_q) or back_inval_stg4_q)) or ex4_err_det_way_q(2) or ex4_dir_multihit_val; binv_wayC_upd2_d <= binv_wayC_upd1; flush_wayC_data1 <= gate(flush_wayC_q, not (ex4_err_det_way_q(2) or ex4_dir_multihit_val)); flush_wayC_data_d <= flush_wayC_data1; binv_wayC_upd3_d <= binv_wayC_upd2_q; flush_wayC_data2_d <= flush_wayC_data_q; reload_wayD(0) <= (reload_wayD_upd_q); reload_wayD(1) <= reload_wayD_q(1); reload_wayD(2 TO 5) <= reload_wayD_q(2 to 5); -- Staging out Reload Pipe Updates reload_wayD_upd2_d <= reload_wayD_upd_q; reload_wayD_data_d <= reload_wayD_q; reload_wayD_upd3_d <= reload_wayD_upd2_q; reload_wayD_data2_d <= reload_wayD_data_q; -- Staging out Back-Invalidate Pipe Updates binv_wayD_upd1 <= (binv_wayD_upd_q and ((not ex4_dir_err_val_q) or back_inval_stg4_q)) or ex4_err_det_way_q(3) or ex4_dir_multihit_val; binv_wayD_upd2_d <= binv_wayD_upd1; flush_wayD_data1 <= gate(flush_wayD_q, not (ex4_err_det_way_q(3) or ex4_dir_multihit_val)); flush_wayD_data_d <= flush_wayD_data1; binv_wayD_upd3_d <= binv_wayD_upd2_q; flush_wayD_data2_d <= flush_wayD_data_q; reload_wayE(0) <= (reload_wayE_upd_q); reload_wayE(1) <= reload_wayE_q(1); reload_wayE(2 TO 5) <= reload_wayE_q(2 to 5); -- Staging out Reload Pipe Updates reload_wayE_upd2_d <= reload_wayE_upd_q; reload_wayE_data_d <= reload_wayE_q; reload_wayE_upd3_d <= reload_wayE_upd2_q; reload_wayE_data2_d <= reload_wayE_data_q; -- Staging out Back-Invalidate Pipe Updates binv_wayE_upd1 <= (binv_wayE_upd_q and ((not ex4_dir_err_val_q) or back_inval_stg4_q)) or ex4_err_det_way_q(4) or ex4_dir_multihit_val; binv_wayE_upd2_d <= binv_wayE_upd1; flush_wayE_data1 <= gate(flush_wayE_q, not (ex4_err_det_way_q(4) or ex4_dir_multihit_val)); flush_wayE_data_d <= flush_wayE_data1; binv_wayE_upd3_d <= binv_wayE_upd2_q; flush_wayE_data2_d <= flush_wayE_data_q; reload_wayF(0) <= (reload_wayF_upd_q); reload_wayF(1) <= reload_wayF_q(1); reload_wayF(2 TO 5) <= reload_wayF_q(2 to 5); -- Staging out Reload Pipe Updates reload_wayF_upd2_d <= reload_wayF_upd_q; reload_wayF_data_d <= reload_wayF_q; reload_wayF_upd3_d <= reload_wayF_upd2_q; reload_wayF_data2_d <= reload_wayF_data_q; -- Staging out Back-Invalidate Pipe Updates binv_wayF_upd1 <= (binv_wayF_upd_q and ((not ex4_dir_err_val_q) or back_inval_stg4_q)) or ex4_err_det_way_q(5) or ex4_dir_multihit_val; binv_wayF_upd2_d <= binv_wayF_upd1; flush_wayF_data1 <= gate(flush_wayF_q, not (ex4_err_det_way_q(5) or ex4_dir_multihit_val)); flush_wayF_data_d <= flush_wayF_data1; binv_wayF_upd3_d <= binv_wayF_upd2_q; flush_wayF_data2_d <= flush_wayF_data_q; reload_wayG(0) <= (reload_wayG_upd_q); reload_wayG(1) <= reload_wayG_q(1); reload_wayG(2 TO 5) <= reload_wayG_q(2 to 5); -- Staging out Reload Pipe Updates reload_wayG_upd2_d <= reload_wayG_upd_q; reload_wayG_data_d <= reload_wayG_q; reload_wayG_upd3_d <= reload_wayG_upd2_q; reload_wayG_data2_d <= reload_wayG_data_q; -- Staging out Back-Invalidate Pipe Updates binv_wayG_upd1 <= (binv_wayG_upd_q and ((not ex4_dir_err_val_q) or back_inval_stg4_q)) or ex4_err_det_way_q(6) or ex4_dir_multihit_val; binv_wayG_upd2_d <= binv_wayG_upd1; flush_wayG_data1 <= gate(flush_wayG_q, not (ex4_err_det_way_q(6) or ex4_dir_multihit_val)); flush_wayG_data_d <= flush_wayG_data1; binv_wayG_upd3_d <= binv_wayG_upd2_q; flush_wayG_data2_d <= flush_wayG_data_q; reload_wayH(0) <= (reload_wayH_upd_q); reload_wayH(1) <= reload_wayH_q(1); reload_wayH(2 TO 5) <= reload_wayH_q(2 to 5); -- Staging out Reload Pipe Updates reload_wayH_upd2_d <= reload_wayH_upd_q; reload_wayH_data_d <= reload_wayH_q; reload_wayH_upd3_d <= reload_wayH_upd2_q; reload_wayH_data2_d <= reload_wayH_data_q; -- Staging out Back-Invalidate Pipe Updates binv_wayH_upd1 <= (binv_wayH_upd_q and ((not ex4_dir_err_val_q) or back_inval_stg4_q)) or ex4_err_det_way_q(7) or ex4_dir_multihit_val; binv_wayH_upd2_d <= binv_wayH_upd1; flush_wayH_data1 <= gate(flush_wayH_q, not (ex4_err_det_way_q(7) or ex4_dir_multihit_val)); flush_wayH_data_d <= flush_wayH_data1; binv_wayH_upd3_d <= binv_wayH_upd2_q; flush_wayH_data2_d <= flush_wayH_data_q; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Table for selecting Ports data for -- updating to the same way and -- same congruence class -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- P0 P1 | PortSel -------------------------------------------- -- binv2 relclr | P1 -- binv2 relset | P1 -- binv2 binv2 | P1 <- Impossible -- flush relclr | P1 -- flush relset | P1 -- flush binv2 | P1 <- FlushOp is flushed -- lckset relclr | P1 -- lckset relset | P1 -- lckset binv2 | P1 <- LockSetOp is flushed -- lckclr relclr | P1 -- lckclr relset | P1 -- lckclr binv2 | P1 <- LockClrOp is flushed -- Act Pin to all Directory Latches congr_cl_all_act_d <= ex5_watch_clr_all_val_q or dci_compl_q or lock_flash_clear_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl0_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(0,6)); p1_congr_cl0_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(0,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl0_act_d <= p0_congr_cl0_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl0_act_d <= p1_congr_cl0_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl0_act <= p0_congr_cl0_act_q or p1_congr_cl0_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd0_wayA <= p0_congr_cl0_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd0_wayA <= p1_congr_cl0_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu0_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd0_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu0_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd0_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd0_wayB <= p0_congr_cl0_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd0_wayB <= p1_congr_cl0_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu0_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd0_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu0_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd0_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd0_wayC <= p0_congr_cl0_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd0_wayC <= p1_congr_cl0_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu0_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd0_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu0_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd0_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd0_wayD <= p0_congr_cl0_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd0_wayD <= p1_congr_cl0_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu0_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd0_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu0_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd0_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd0_wayE <= p0_congr_cl0_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd0_wayE <= p1_congr_cl0_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu0_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd0_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu0_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd0_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd0_wayF <= p0_congr_cl0_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd0_wayF <= p1_congr_cl0_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu0_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd0_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu0_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd0_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd0_wayG <= p0_congr_cl0_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd0_wayG <= p1_congr_cl0_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu0_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd0_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu0_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd0_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd0_wayH <= p0_congr_cl0_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd0_wayH <= p1_congr_cl0_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu0_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd0_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu0_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd0_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl1_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(1,6)); p1_congr_cl1_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(1,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl1_act_d <= p0_congr_cl1_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl1_act_d <= p1_congr_cl1_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl1_act <= p0_congr_cl1_act_q or p1_congr_cl1_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd1_wayA <= p0_congr_cl1_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd1_wayA <= p1_congr_cl1_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu1_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd1_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu1_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd1_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd1_wayB <= p0_congr_cl1_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd1_wayB <= p1_congr_cl1_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu1_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd1_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu1_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd1_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd1_wayC <= p0_congr_cl1_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd1_wayC <= p1_congr_cl1_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu1_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd1_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu1_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd1_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd1_wayD <= p0_congr_cl1_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd1_wayD <= p1_congr_cl1_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu1_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd1_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu1_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd1_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd1_wayE <= p0_congr_cl1_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd1_wayE <= p1_congr_cl1_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu1_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd1_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu1_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd1_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd1_wayF <= p0_congr_cl1_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd1_wayF <= p1_congr_cl1_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu1_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd1_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu1_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd1_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd1_wayG <= p0_congr_cl1_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd1_wayG <= p1_congr_cl1_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu1_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd1_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu1_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd1_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd1_wayH <= p0_congr_cl1_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd1_wayH <= p1_congr_cl1_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu1_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd1_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu1_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd1_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl2_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(2,6)); p1_congr_cl2_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(2,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl2_act_d <= p0_congr_cl2_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl2_act_d <= p1_congr_cl2_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl2_act <= p0_congr_cl2_act_q or p1_congr_cl2_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd2_wayA <= p0_congr_cl2_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd2_wayA <= p1_congr_cl2_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu2_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd2_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu2_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd2_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd2_wayB <= p0_congr_cl2_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd2_wayB <= p1_congr_cl2_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu2_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd2_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu2_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd2_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd2_wayC <= p0_congr_cl2_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd2_wayC <= p1_congr_cl2_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu2_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd2_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu2_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd2_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd2_wayD <= p0_congr_cl2_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd2_wayD <= p1_congr_cl2_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu2_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd2_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu2_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd2_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd2_wayE <= p0_congr_cl2_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd2_wayE <= p1_congr_cl2_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu2_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd2_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu2_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd2_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd2_wayF <= p0_congr_cl2_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd2_wayF <= p1_congr_cl2_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu2_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd2_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu2_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd2_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd2_wayG <= p0_congr_cl2_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd2_wayG <= p1_congr_cl2_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu2_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd2_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu2_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd2_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd2_wayH <= p0_congr_cl2_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd2_wayH <= p1_congr_cl2_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu2_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd2_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu2_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd2_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl3_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(3,6)); p1_congr_cl3_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(3,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl3_act_d <= p0_congr_cl3_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl3_act_d <= p1_congr_cl3_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl3_act <= p0_congr_cl3_act_q or p1_congr_cl3_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd3_wayA <= p0_congr_cl3_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd3_wayA <= p1_congr_cl3_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu3_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd3_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu3_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd3_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd3_wayB <= p0_congr_cl3_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd3_wayB <= p1_congr_cl3_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu3_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd3_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu3_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd3_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd3_wayC <= p0_congr_cl3_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd3_wayC <= p1_congr_cl3_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu3_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd3_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu3_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd3_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd3_wayD <= p0_congr_cl3_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd3_wayD <= p1_congr_cl3_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu3_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd3_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu3_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd3_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd3_wayE <= p0_congr_cl3_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd3_wayE <= p1_congr_cl3_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu3_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd3_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu3_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd3_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd3_wayF <= p0_congr_cl3_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd3_wayF <= p1_congr_cl3_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu3_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd3_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu3_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd3_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd3_wayG <= p0_congr_cl3_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd3_wayG <= p1_congr_cl3_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu3_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd3_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu3_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd3_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd3_wayH <= p0_congr_cl3_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd3_wayH <= p1_congr_cl3_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu3_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd3_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu3_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd3_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl4_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(4,6)); p1_congr_cl4_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(4,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl4_act_d <= p0_congr_cl4_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl4_act_d <= p1_congr_cl4_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl4_act <= p0_congr_cl4_act_q or p1_congr_cl4_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd4_wayA <= p0_congr_cl4_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd4_wayA <= p1_congr_cl4_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu4_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd4_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu4_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd4_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd4_wayB <= p0_congr_cl4_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd4_wayB <= p1_congr_cl4_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu4_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd4_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu4_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd4_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd4_wayC <= p0_congr_cl4_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd4_wayC <= p1_congr_cl4_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu4_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd4_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu4_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd4_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd4_wayD <= p0_congr_cl4_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd4_wayD <= p1_congr_cl4_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu4_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd4_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu4_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd4_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd4_wayE <= p0_congr_cl4_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd4_wayE <= p1_congr_cl4_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu4_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd4_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu4_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd4_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd4_wayF <= p0_congr_cl4_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd4_wayF <= p1_congr_cl4_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu4_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd4_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu4_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd4_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd4_wayG <= p0_congr_cl4_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd4_wayG <= p1_congr_cl4_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu4_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd4_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu4_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd4_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd4_wayH <= p0_congr_cl4_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd4_wayH <= p1_congr_cl4_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu4_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd4_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu4_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd4_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl5_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(5,6)); p1_congr_cl5_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(5,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl5_act_d <= p0_congr_cl5_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl5_act_d <= p1_congr_cl5_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl5_act <= p0_congr_cl5_act_q or p1_congr_cl5_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd5_wayA <= p0_congr_cl5_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd5_wayA <= p1_congr_cl5_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu5_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd5_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu5_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd5_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd5_wayB <= p0_congr_cl5_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd5_wayB <= p1_congr_cl5_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu5_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd5_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu5_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd5_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd5_wayC <= p0_congr_cl5_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd5_wayC <= p1_congr_cl5_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu5_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd5_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu5_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd5_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd5_wayD <= p0_congr_cl5_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd5_wayD <= p1_congr_cl5_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu5_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd5_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu5_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd5_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd5_wayE <= p0_congr_cl5_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd5_wayE <= p1_congr_cl5_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu5_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd5_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu5_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd5_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd5_wayF <= p0_congr_cl5_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd5_wayF <= p1_congr_cl5_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu5_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd5_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu5_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd5_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd5_wayG <= p0_congr_cl5_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd5_wayG <= p1_congr_cl5_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu5_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd5_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu5_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd5_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd5_wayH <= p0_congr_cl5_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd5_wayH <= p1_congr_cl5_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu5_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd5_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu5_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd5_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl6_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(6,6)); p1_congr_cl6_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(6,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl6_act_d <= p0_congr_cl6_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl6_act_d <= p1_congr_cl6_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl6_act <= p0_congr_cl6_act_q or p1_congr_cl6_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd6_wayA <= p0_congr_cl6_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd6_wayA <= p1_congr_cl6_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu6_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd6_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu6_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd6_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd6_wayB <= p0_congr_cl6_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd6_wayB <= p1_congr_cl6_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu6_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd6_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu6_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd6_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd6_wayC <= p0_congr_cl6_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd6_wayC <= p1_congr_cl6_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu6_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd6_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu6_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd6_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd6_wayD <= p0_congr_cl6_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd6_wayD <= p1_congr_cl6_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu6_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd6_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu6_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd6_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd6_wayE <= p0_congr_cl6_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd6_wayE <= p1_congr_cl6_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu6_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd6_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu6_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd6_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd6_wayF <= p0_congr_cl6_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd6_wayF <= p1_congr_cl6_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu6_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd6_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu6_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd6_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd6_wayG <= p0_congr_cl6_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd6_wayG <= p1_congr_cl6_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu6_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd6_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu6_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd6_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd6_wayH <= p0_congr_cl6_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd6_wayH <= p1_congr_cl6_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu6_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd6_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu6_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd6_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl7_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(7,6)); p1_congr_cl7_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(7,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl7_act_d <= p0_congr_cl7_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl7_act_d <= p1_congr_cl7_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl7_act <= p0_congr_cl7_act_q or p1_congr_cl7_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd7_wayA <= p0_congr_cl7_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd7_wayA <= p1_congr_cl7_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu7_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd7_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu7_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd7_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd7_wayB <= p0_congr_cl7_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd7_wayB <= p1_congr_cl7_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu7_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd7_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu7_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd7_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd7_wayC <= p0_congr_cl7_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd7_wayC <= p1_congr_cl7_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu7_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd7_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu7_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd7_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd7_wayD <= p0_congr_cl7_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd7_wayD <= p1_congr_cl7_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu7_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd7_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu7_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd7_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd7_wayE <= p0_congr_cl7_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd7_wayE <= p1_congr_cl7_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu7_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd7_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu7_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd7_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd7_wayF <= p0_congr_cl7_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd7_wayF <= p1_congr_cl7_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu7_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd7_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu7_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd7_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd7_wayG <= p0_congr_cl7_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd7_wayG <= p1_congr_cl7_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu7_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd7_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu7_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd7_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd7_wayH <= p0_congr_cl7_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd7_wayH <= p1_congr_cl7_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu7_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd7_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu7_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd7_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl8_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(8,6)); p1_congr_cl8_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(8,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl8_act_d <= p0_congr_cl8_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl8_act_d <= p1_congr_cl8_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl8_act <= p0_congr_cl8_act_q or p1_congr_cl8_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd8_wayA <= p0_congr_cl8_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd8_wayA <= p1_congr_cl8_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu8_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd8_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu8_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd8_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd8_wayB <= p0_congr_cl8_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd8_wayB <= p1_congr_cl8_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu8_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd8_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu8_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd8_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd8_wayC <= p0_congr_cl8_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd8_wayC <= p1_congr_cl8_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu8_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd8_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu8_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd8_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd8_wayD <= p0_congr_cl8_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd8_wayD <= p1_congr_cl8_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu8_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd8_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu8_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd8_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd8_wayE <= p0_congr_cl8_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd8_wayE <= p1_congr_cl8_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu8_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd8_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu8_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd8_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd8_wayF <= p0_congr_cl8_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd8_wayF <= p1_congr_cl8_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu8_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd8_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu8_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd8_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd8_wayG <= p0_congr_cl8_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd8_wayG <= p1_congr_cl8_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu8_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd8_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu8_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd8_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd8_wayH <= p0_congr_cl8_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd8_wayH <= p1_congr_cl8_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu8_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd8_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu8_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd8_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl9_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(9,6)); p1_congr_cl9_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(9,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl9_act_d <= p0_congr_cl9_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl9_act_d <= p1_congr_cl9_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl9_act <= p0_congr_cl9_act_q or p1_congr_cl9_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd9_wayA <= p0_congr_cl9_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd9_wayA <= p1_congr_cl9_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu9_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd9_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu9_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd9_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd9_wayB <= p0_congr_cl9_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd9_wayB <= p1_congr_cl9_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu9_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd9_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu9_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd9_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd9_wayC <= p0_congr_cl9_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd9_wayC <= p1_congr_cl9_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu9_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd9_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu9_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd9_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd9_wayD <= p0_congr_cl9_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd9_wayD <= p1_congr_cl9_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu9_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd9_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu9_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd9_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd9_wayE <= p0_congr_cl9_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd9_wayE <= p1_congr_cl9_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu9_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd9_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu9_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd9_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd9_wayF <= p0_congr_cl9_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd9_wayF <= p1_congr_cl9_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu9_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd9_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu9_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd9_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd9_wayG <= p0_congr_cl9_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd9_wayG <= p1_congr_cl9_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu9_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd9_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu9_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd9_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd9_wayH <= p0_congr_cl9_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd9_wayH <= p1_congr_cl9_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu9_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd9_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu9_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd9_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl10_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(10,6)); p1_congr_cl10_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(10,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl10_act_d <= p0_congr_cl10_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl10_act_d <= p1_congr_cl10_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl10_act <= p0_congr_cl10_act_q or p1_congr_cl10_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd10_wayA <= p0_congr_cl10_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd10_wayA <= p1_congr_cl10_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu10_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd10_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu10_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd10_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd10_wayB <= p0_congr_cl10_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd10_wayB <= p1_congr_cl10_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu10_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd10_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu10_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd10_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd10_wayC <= p0_congr_cl10_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd10_wayC <= p1_congr_cl10_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu10_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd10_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu10_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd10_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd10_wayD <= p0_congr_cl10_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd10_wayD <= p1_congr_cl10_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu10_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd10_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu10_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd10_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd10_wayE <= p0_congr_cl10_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd10_wayE <= p1_congr_cl10_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu10_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd10_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu10_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd10_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd10_wayF <= p0_congr_cl10_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd10_wayF <= p1_congr_cl10_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu10_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd10_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu10_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd10_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd10_wayG <= p0_congr_cl10_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd10_wayG <= p1_congr_cl10_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu10_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd10_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu10_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd10_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd10_wayH <= p0_congr_cl10_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd10_wayH <= p1_congr_cl10_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu10_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd10_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu10_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd10_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl11_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(11,6)); p1_congr_cl11_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(11,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl11_act_d <= p0_congr_cl11_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl11_act_d <= p1_congr_cl11_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl11_act <= p0_congr_cl11_act_q or p1_congr_cl11_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd11_wayA <= p0_congr_cl11_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd11_wayA <= p1_congr_cl11_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu11_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd11_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu11_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd11_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd11_wayB <= p0_congr_cl11_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd11_wayB <= p1_congr_cl11_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu11_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd11_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu11_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd11_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd11_wayC <= p0_congr_cl11_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd11_wayC <= p1_congr_cl11_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu11_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd11_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu11_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd11_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd11_wayD <= p0_congr_cl11_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd11_wayD <= p1_congr_cl11_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu11_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd11_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu11_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd11_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd11_wayE <= p0_congr_cl11_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd11_wayE <= p1_congr_cl11_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu11_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd11_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu11_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd11_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd11_wayF <= p0_congr_cl11_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd11_wayF <= p1_congr_cl11_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu11_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd11_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu11_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd11_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd11_wayG <= p0_congr_cl11_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd11_wayG <= p1_congr_cl11_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu11_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd11_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu11_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd11_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd11_wayH <= p0_congr_cl11_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd11_wayH <= p1_congr_cl11_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu11_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd11_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu11_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd11_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl12_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(12,6)); p1_congr_cl12_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(12,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl12_act_d <= p0_congr_cl12_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl12_act_d <= p1_congr_cl12_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl12_act <= p0_congr_cl12_act_q or p1_congr_cl12_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd12_wayA <= p0_congr_cl12_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd12_wayA <= p1_congr_cl12_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu12_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd12_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu12_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd12_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd12_wayB <= p0_congr_cl12_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd12_wayB <= p1_congr_cl12_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu12_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd12_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu12_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd12_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd12_wayC <= p0_congr_cl12_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd12_wayC <= p1_congr_cl12_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu12_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd12_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu12_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd12_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd12_wayD <= p0_congr_cl12_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd12_wayD <= p1_congr_cl12_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu12_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd12_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu12_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd12_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd12_wayE <= p0_congr_cl12_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd12_wayE <= p1_congr_cl12_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu12_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd12_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu12_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd12_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd12_wayF <= p0_congr_cl12_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd12_wayF <= p1_congr_cl12_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu12_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd12_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu12_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd12_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd12_wayG <= p0_congr_cl12_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd12_wayG <= p1_congr_cl12_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu12_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd12_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu12_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd12_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd12_wayH <= p0_congr_cl12_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd12_wayH <= p1_congr_cl12_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu12_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd12_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu12_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd12_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl13_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(13,6)); p1_congr_cl13_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(13,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl13_act_d <= p0_congr_cl13_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl13_act_d <= p1_congr_cl13_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl13_act <= p0_congr_cl13_act_q or p1_congr_cl13_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd13_wayA <= p0_congr_cl13_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd13_wayA <= p1_congr_cl13_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu13_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd13_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu13_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd13_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd13_wayB <= p0_congr_cl13_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd13_wayB <= p1_congr_cl13_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu13_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd13_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu13_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd13_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd13_wayC <= p0_congr_cl13_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd13_wayC <= p1_congr_cl13_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu13_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd13_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu13_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd13_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd13_wayD <= p0_congr_cl13_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd13_wayD <= p1_congr_cl13_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu13_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd13_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu13_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd13_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd13_wayE <= p0_congr_cl13_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd13_wayE <= p1_congr_cl13_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu13_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd13_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu13_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd13_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd13_wayF <= p0_congr_cl13_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd13_wayF <= p1_congr_cl13_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu13_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd13_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu13_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd13_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd13_wayG <= p0_congr_cl13_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd13_wayG <= p1_congr_cl13_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu13_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd13_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu13_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd13_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd13_wayH <= p0_congr_cl13_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd13_wayH <= p1_congr_cl13_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu13_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd13_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu13_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd13_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl14_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(14,6)); p1_congr_cl14_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(14,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl14_act_d <= p0_congr_cl14_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl14_act_d <= p1_congr_cl14_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl14_act <= p0_congr_cl14_act_q or p1_congr_cl14_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd14_wayA <= p0_congr_cl14_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd14_wayA <= p1_congr_cl14_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu14_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd14_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu14_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd14_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd14_wayB <= p0_congr_cl14_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd14_wayB <= p1_congr_cl14_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu14_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd14_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu14_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd14_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd14_wayC <= p0_congr_cl14_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd14_wayC <= p1_congr_cl14_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu14_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd14_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu14_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd14_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd14_wayD <= p0_congr_cl14_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd14_wayD <= p1_congr_cl14_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu14_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd14_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu14_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd14_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd14_wayE <= p0_congr_cl14_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd14_wayE <= p1_congr_cl14_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu14_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd14_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu14_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd14_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd14_wayF <= p0_congr_cl14_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd14_wayF <= p1_congr_cl14_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu14_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd14_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu14_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd14_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd14_wayG <= p0_congr_cl14_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd14_wayG <= p1_congr_cl14_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu14_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd14_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu14_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd14_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd14_wayH <= p0_congr_cl14_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd14_wayH <= p1_congr_cl14_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu14_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd14_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu14_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd14_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl15_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(15,6)); p1_congr_cl15_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(15,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl15_act_d <= p0_congr_cl15_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl15_act_d <= p1_congr_cl15_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl15_act <= p0_congr_cl15_act_q or p1_congr_cl15_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd15_wayA <= p0_congr_cl15_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd15_wayA <= p1_congr_cl15_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu15_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd15_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu15_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd15_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd15_wayB <= p0_congr_cl15_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd15_wayB <= p1_congr_cl15_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu15_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd15_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu15_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd15_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd15_wayC <= p0_congr_cl15_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd15_wayC <= p1_congr_cl15_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu15_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd15_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu15_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd15_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd15_wayD <= p0_congr_cl15_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd15_wayD <= p1_congr_cl15_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu15_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd15_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu15_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd15_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd15_wayE <= p0_congr_cl15_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd15_wayE <= p1_congr_cl15_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu15_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd15_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu15_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd15_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd15_wayF <= p0_congr_cl15_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd15_wayF <= p1_congr_cl15_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu15_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd15_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu15_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd15_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd15_wayG <= p0_congr_cl15_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd15_wayG <= p1_congr_cl15_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu15_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd15_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu15_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd15_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd15_wayH <= p0_congr_cl15_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd15_wayH <= p1_congr_cl15_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu15_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd15_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu15_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd15_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl16_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(16,6)); p1_congr_cl16_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(16,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl16_act_d <= p0_congr_cl16_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl16_act_d <= p1_congr_cl16_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl16_act <= p0_congr_cl16_act_q or p1_congr_cl16_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd16_wayA <= p0_congr_cl16_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd16_wayA <= p1_congr_cl16_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu16_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd16_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu16_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd16_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd16_wayB <= p0_congr_cl16_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd16_wayB <= p1_congr_cl16_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu16_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd16_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu16_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd16_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd16_wayC <= p0_congr_cl16_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd16_wayC <= p1_congr_cl16_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu16_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd16_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu16_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd16_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd16_wayD <= p0_congr_cl16_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd16_wayD <= p1_congr_cl16_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu16_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd16_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu16_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd16_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd16_wayE <= p0_congr_cl16_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd16_wayE <= p1_congr_cl16_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu16_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd16_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu16_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd16_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd16_wayF <= p0_congr_cl16_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd16_wayF <= p1_congr_cl16_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu16_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd16_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu16_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd16_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd16_wayG <= p0_congr_cl16_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd16_wayG <= p1_congr_cl16_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu16_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd16_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu16_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd16_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd16_wayH <= p0_congr_cl16_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd16_wayH <= p1_congr_cl16_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu16_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd16_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu16_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd16_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl17_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(17,6)); p1_congr_cl17_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(17,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl17_act_d <= p0_congr_cl17_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl17_act_d <= p1_congr_cl17_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl17_act <= p0_congr_cl17_act_q or p1_congr_cl17_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd17_wayA <= p0_congr_cl17_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd17_wayA <= p1_congr_cl17_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu17_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd17_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu17_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd17_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd17_wayB <= p0_congr_cl17_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd17_wayB <= p1_congr_cl17_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu17_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd17_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu17_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd17_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd17_wayC <= p0_congr_cl17_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd17_wayC <= p1_congr_cl17_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu17_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd17_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu17_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd17_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd17_wayD <= p0_congr_cl17_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd17_wayD <= p1_congr_cl17_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu17_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd17_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu17_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd17_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd17_wayE <= p0_congr_cl17_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd17_wayE <= p1_congr_cl17_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu17_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd17_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu17_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd17_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd17_wayF <= p0_congr_cl17_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd17_wayF <= p1_congr_cl17_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu17_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd17_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu17_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd17_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd17_wayG <= p0_congr_cl17_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd17_wayG <= p1_congr_cl17_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu17_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd17_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu17_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd17_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd17_wayH <= p0_congr_cl17_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd17_wayH <= p1_congr_cl17_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu17_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd17_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu17_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd17_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl18_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(18,6)); p1_congr_cl18_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(18,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl18_act_d <= p0_congr_cl18_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl18_act_d <= p1_congr_cl18_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl18_act <= p0_congr_cl18_act_q or p1_congr_cl18_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd18_wayA <= p0_congr_cl18_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd18_wayA <= p1_congr_cl18_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu18_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd18_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu18_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd18_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd18_wayB <= p0_congr_cl18_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd18_wayB <= p1_congr_cl18_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu18_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd18_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu18_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd18_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd18_wayC <= p0_congr_cl18_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd18_wayC <= p1_congr_cl18_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu18_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd18_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu18_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd18_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd18_wayD <= p0_congr_cl18_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd18_wayD <= p1_congr_cl18_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu18_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd18_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu18_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd18_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd18_wayE <= p0_congr_cl18_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd18_wayE <= p1_congr_cl18_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu18_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd18_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu18_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd18_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd18_wayF <= p0_congr_cl18_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd18_wayF <= p1_congr_cl18_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu18_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd18_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu18_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd18_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd18_wayG <= p0_congr_cl18_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd18_wayG <= p1_congr_cl18_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu18_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd18_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu18_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd18_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd18_wayH <= p0_congr_cl18_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd18_wayH <= p1_congr_cl18_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu18_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd18_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu18_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd18_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl19_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(19,6)); p1_congr_cl19_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(19,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl19_act_d <= p0_congr_cl19_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl19_act_d <= p1_congr_cl19_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl19_act <= p0_congr_cl19_act_q or p1_congr_cl19_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd19_wayA <= p0_congr_cl19_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd19_wayA <= p1_congr_cl19_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu19_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd19_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu19_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd19_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd19_wayB <= p0_congr_cl19_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd19_wayB <= p1_congr_cl19_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu19_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd19_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu19_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd19_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd19_wayC <= p0_congr_cl19_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd19_wayC <= p1_congr_cl19_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu19_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd19_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu19_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd19_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd19_wayD <= p0_congr_cl19_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd19_wayD <= p1_congr_cl19_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu19_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd19_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu19_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd19_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd19_wayE <= p0_congr_cl19_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd19_wayE <= p1_congr_cl19_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu19_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd19_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu19_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd19_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd19_wayF <= p0_congr_cl19_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd19_wayF <= p1_congr_cl19_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu19_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd19_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu19_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd19_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd19_wayG <= p0_congr_cl19_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd19_wayG <= p1_congr_cl19_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu19_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd19_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu19_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd19_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd19_wayH <= p0_congr_cl19_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd19_wayH <= p1_congr_cl19_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu19_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd19_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu19_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd19_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl20_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(20,6)); p1_congr_cl20_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(20,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl20_act_d <= p0_congr_cl20_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl20_act_d <= p1_congr_cl20_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl20_act <= p0_congr_cl20_act_q or p1_congr_cl20_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd20_wayA <= p0_congr_cl20_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd20_wayA <= p1_congr_cl20_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu20_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd20_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu20_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd20_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd20_wayB <= p0_congr_cl20_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd20_wayB <= p1_congr_cl20_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu20_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd20_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu20_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd20_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd20_wayC <= p0_congr_cl20_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd20_wayC <= p1_congr_cl20_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu20_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd20_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu20_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd20_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd20_wayD <= p0_congr_cl20_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd20_wayD <= p1_congr_cl20_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu20_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd20_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu20_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd20_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd20_wayE <= p0_congr_cl20_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd20_wayE <= p1_congr_cl20_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu20_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd20_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu20_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd20_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd20_wayF <= p0_congr_cl20_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd20_wayF <= p1_congr_cl20_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu20_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd20_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu20_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd20_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd20_wayG <= p0_congr_cl20_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd20_wayG <= p1_congr_cl20_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu20_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd20_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu20_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd20_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd20_wayH <= p0_congr_cl20_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd20_wayH <= p1_congr_cl20_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu20_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd20_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu20_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd20_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl21_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(21,6)); p1_congr_cl21_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(21,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl21_act_d <= p0_congr_cl21_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl21_act_d <= p1_congr_cl21_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl21_act <= p0_congr_cl21_act_q or p1_congr_cl21_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd21_wayA <= p0_congr_cl21_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd21_wayA <= p1_congr_cl21_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu21_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd21_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu21_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd21_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd21_wayB <= p0_congr_cl21_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd21_wayB <= p1_congr_cl21_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu21_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd21_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu21_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd21_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd21_wayC <= p0_congr_cl21_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd21_wayC <= p1_congr_cl21_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu21_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd21_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu21_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd21_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd21_wayD <= p0_congr_cl21_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd21_wayD <= p1_congr_cl21_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu21_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd21_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu21_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd21_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd21_wayE <= p0_congr_cl21_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd21_wayE <= p1_congr_cl21_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu21_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd21_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu21_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd21_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd21_wayF <= p0_congr_cl21_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd21_wayF <= p1_congr_cl21_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu21_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd21_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu21_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd21_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd21_wayG <= p0_congr_cl21_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd21_wayG <= p1_congr_cl21_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu21_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd21_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu21_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd21_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd21_wayH <= p0_congr_cl21_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd21_wayH <= p1_congr_cl21_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu21_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd21_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu21_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd21_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl22_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(22,6)); p1_congr_cl22_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(22,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl22_act_d <= p0_congr_cl22_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl22_act_d <= p1_congr_cl22_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl22_act <= p0_congr_cl22_act_q or p1_congr_cl22_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd22_wayA <= p0_congr_cl22_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd22_wayA <= p1_congr_cl22_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu22_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd22_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu22_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd22_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd22_wayB <= p0_congr_cl22_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd22_wayB <= p1_congr_cl22_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu22_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd22_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu22_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd22_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd22_wayC <= p0_congr_cl22_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd22_wayC <= p1_congr_cl22_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu22_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd22_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu22_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd22_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd22_wayD <= p0_congr_cl22_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd22_wayD <= p1_congr_cl22_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu22_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd22_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu22_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd22_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd22_wayE <= p0_congr_cl22_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd22_wayE <= p1_congr_cl22_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu22_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd22_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu22_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd22_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd22_wayF <= p0_congr_cl22_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd22_wayF <= p1_congr_cl22_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu22_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd22_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu22_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd22_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd22_wayG <= p0_congr_cl22_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd22_wayG <= p1_congr_cl22_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu22_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd22_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu22_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd22_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd22_wayH <= p0_congr_cl22_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd22_wayH <= p1_congr_cl22_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu22_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd22_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu22_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd22_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl23_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(23,6)); p1_congr_cl23_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(23,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl23_act_d <= p0_congr_cl23_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl23_act_d <= p1_congr_cl23_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl23_act <= p0_congr_cl23_act_q or p1_congr_cl23_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd23_wayA <= p0_congr_cl23_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd23_wayA <= p1_congr_cl23_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu23_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd23_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu23_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd23_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd23_wayB <= p0_congr_cl23_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd23_wayB <= p1_congr_cl23_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu23_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd23_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu23_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd23_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd23_wayC <= p0_congr_cl23_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd23_wayC <= p1_congr_cl23_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu23_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd23_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu23_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd23_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd23_wayD <= p0_congr_cl23_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd23_wayD <= p1_congr_cl23_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu23_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd23_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu23_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd23_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd23_wayE <= p0_congr_cl23_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd23_wayE <= p1_congr_cl23_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu23_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd23_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu23_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd23_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd23_wayF <= p0_congr_cl23_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd23_wayF <= p1_congr_cl23_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu23_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd23_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu23_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd23_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd23_wayG <= p0_congr_cl23_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd23_wayG <= p1_congr_cl23_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu23_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd23_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu23_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd23_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd23_wayH <= p0_congr_cl23_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd23_wayH <= p1_congr_cl23_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu23_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd23_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu23_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd23_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl24_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(24,6)); p1_congr_cl24_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(24,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl24_act_d <= p0_congr_cl24_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl24_act_d <= p1_congr_cl24_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl24_act <= p0_congr_cl24_act_q or p1_congr_cl24_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd24_wayA <= p0_congr_cl24_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd24_wayA <= p1_congr_cl24_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu24_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd24_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu24_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd24_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd24_wayB <= p0_congr_cl24_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd24_wayB <= p1_congr_cl24_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu24_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd24_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu24_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd24_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd24_wayC <= p0_congr_cl24_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd24_wayC <= p1_congr_cl24_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu24_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd24_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu24_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd24_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd24_wayD <= p0_congr_cl24_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd24_wayD <= p1_congr_cl24_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu24_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd24_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu24_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd24_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd24_wayE <= p0_congr_cl24_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd24_wayE <= p1_congr_cl24_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu24_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd24_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu24_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd24_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd24_wayF <= p0_congr_cl24_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd24_wayF <= p1_congr_cl24_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu24_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd24_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu24_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd24_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd24_wayG <= p0_congr_cl24_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd24_wayG <= p1_congr_cl24_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu24_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd24_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu24_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd24_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd24_wayH <= p0_congr_cl24_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd24_wayH <= p1_congr_cl24_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu24_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd24_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu24_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd24_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl25_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(25,6)); p1_congr_cl25_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(25,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl25_act_d <= p0_congr_cl25_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl25_act_d <= p1_congr_cl25_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl25_act <= p0_congr_cl25_act_q or p1_congr_cl25_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd25_wayA <= p0_congr_cl25_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd25_wayA <= p1_congr_cl25_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu25_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd25_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu25_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd25_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd25_wayB <= p0_congr_cl25_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd25_wayB <= p1_congr_cl25_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu25_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd25_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu25_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd25_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd25_wayC <= p0_congr_cl25_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd25_wayC <= p1_congr_cl25_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu25_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd25_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu25_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd25_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd25_wayD <= p0_congr_cl25_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd25_wayD <= p1_congr_cl25_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu25_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd25_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu25_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd25_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd25_wayE <= p0_congr_cl25_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd25_wayE <= p1_congr_cl25_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu25_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd25_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu25_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd25_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd25_wayF <= p0_congr_cl25_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd25_wayF <= p1_congr_cl25_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu25_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd25_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu25_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd25_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd25_wayG <= p0_congr_cl25_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd25_wayG <= p1_congr_cl25_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu25_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd25_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu25_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd25_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd25_wayH <= p0_congr_cl25_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd25_wayH <= p1_congr_cl25_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu25_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd25_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu25_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd25_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl26_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(26,6)); p1_congr_cl26_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(26,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl26_act_d <= p0_congr_cl26_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl26_act_d <= p1_congr_cl26_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl26_act <= p0_congr_cl26_act_q or p1_congr_cl26_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd26_wayA <= p0_congr_cl26_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd26_wayA <= p1_congr_cl26_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu26_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd26_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu26_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd26_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd26_wayB <= p0_congr_cl26_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd26_wayB <= p1_congr_cl26_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu26_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd26_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu26_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd26_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd26_wayC <= p0_congr_cl26_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd26_wayC <= p1_congr_cl26_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu26_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd26_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu26_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd26_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd26_wayD <= p0_congr_cl26_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd26_wayD <= p1_congr_cl26_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu26_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd26_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu26_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd26_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd26_wayE <= p0_congr_cl26_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd26_wayE <= p1_congr_cl26_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu26_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd26_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu26_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd26_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd26_wayF <= p0_congr_cl26_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd26_wayF <= p1_congr_cl26_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu26_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd26_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu26_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd26_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd26_wayG <= p0_congr_cl26_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd26_wayG <= p1_congr_cl26_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu26_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd26_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu26_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd26_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd26_wayH <= p0_congr_cl26_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd26_wayH <= p1_congr_cl26_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu26_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd26_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu26_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd26_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl27_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(27,6)); p1_congr_cl27_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(27,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl27_act_d <= p0_congr_cl27_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl27_act_d <= p1_congr_cl27_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl27_act <= p0_congr_cl27_act_q or p1_congr_cl27_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd27_wayA <= p0_congr_cl27_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd27_wayA <= p1_congr_cl27_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu27_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd27_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu27_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd27_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd27_wayB <= p0_congr_cl27_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd27_wayB <= p1_congr_cl27_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu27_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd27_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu27_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd27_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd27_wayC <= p0_congr_cl27_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd27_wayC <= p1_congr_cl27_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu27_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd27_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu27_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd27_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd27_wayD <= p0_congr_cl27_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd27_wayD <= p1_congr_cl27_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu27_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd27_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu27_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd27_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd27_wayE <= p0_congr_cl27_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd27_wayE <= p1_congr_cl27_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu27_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd27_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu27_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd27_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd27_wayF <= p0_congr_cl27_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd27_wayF <= p1_congr_cl27_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu27_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd27_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu27_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd27_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd27_wayG <= p0_congr_cl27_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd27_wayG <= p1_congr_cl27_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu27_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd27_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu27_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd27_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd27_wayH <= p0_congr_cl27_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd27_wayH <= p1_congr_cl27_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu27_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd27_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu27_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd27_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl28_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(28,6)); p1_congr_cl28_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(28,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl28_act_d <= p0_congr_cl28_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl28_act_d <= p1_congr_cl28_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl28_act <= p0_congr_cl28_act_q or p1_congr_cl28_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd28_wayA <= p0_congr_cl28_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd28_wayA <= p1_congr_cl28_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu28_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd28_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu28_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd28_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd28_wayB <= p0_congr_cl28_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd28_wayB <= p1_congr_cl28_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu28_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd28_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu28_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd28_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd28_wayC <= p0_congr_cl28_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd28_wayC <= p1_congr_cl28_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu28_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd28_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu28_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd28_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd28_wayD <= p0_congr_cl28_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd28_wayD <= p1_congr_cl28_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu28_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd28_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu28_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd28_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd28_wayE <= p0_congr_cl28_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd28_wayE <= p1_congr_cl28_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu28_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd28_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu28_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd28_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd28_wayF <= p0_congr_cl28_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd28_wayF <= p1_congr_cl28_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu28_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd28_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu28_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd28_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd28_wayG <= p0_congr_cl28_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd28_wayG <= p1_congr_cl28_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu28_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd28_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu28_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd28_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd28_wayH <= p0_congr_cl28_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd28_wayH <= p1_congr_cl28_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu28_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd28_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu28_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd28_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl29_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(29,6)); p1_congr_cl29_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(29,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl29_act_d <= p0_congr_cl29_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl29_act_d <= p1_congr_cl29_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl29_act <= p0_congr_cl29_act_q or p1_congr_cl29_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd29_wayA <= p0_congr_cl29_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd29_wayA <= p1_congr_cl29_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu29_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd29_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu29_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd29_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd29_wayB <= p0_congr_cl29_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd29_wayB <= p1_congr_cl29_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu29_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd29_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu29_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd29_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd29_wayC <= p0_congr_cl29_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd29_wayC <= p1_congr_cl29_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu29_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd29_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu29_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd29_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd29_wayD <= p0_congr_cl29_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd29_wayD <= p1_congr_cl29_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu29_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd29_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu29_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd29_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd29_wayE <= p0_congr_cl29_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd29_wayE <= p1_congr_cl29_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu29_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd29_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu29_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd29_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd29_wayF <= p0_congr_cl29_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd29_wayF <= p1_congr_cl29_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu29_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd29_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu29_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd29_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd29_wayG <= p0_congr_cl29_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd29_wayG <= p1_congr_cl29_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu29_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd29_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu29_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd29_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd29_wayH <= p0_congr_cl29_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd29_wayH <= p1_congr_cl29_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu29_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd29_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu29_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd29_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl30_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(30,6)); p1_congr_cl30_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(30,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl30_act_d <= p0_congr_cl30_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl30_act_d <= p1_congr_cl30_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl30_act <= p0_congr_cl30_act_q or p1_congr_cl30_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd30_wayA <= p0_congr_cl30_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd30_wayA <= p1_congr_cl30_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu30_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd30_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu30_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd30_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd30_wayB <= p0_congr_cl30_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd30_wayB <= p1_congr_cl30_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu30_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd30_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu30_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd30_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd30_wayC <= p0_congr_cl30_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd30_wayC <= p1_congr_cl30_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu30_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd30_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu30_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd30_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd30_wayD <= p0_congr_cl30_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd30_wayD <= p1_congr_cl30_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu30_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd30_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu30_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd30_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd30_wayE <= p0_congr_cl30_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd30_wayE <= p1_congr_cl30_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu30_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd30_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu30_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd30_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd30_wayF <= p0_congr_cl30_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd30_wayF <= p1_congr_cl30_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu30_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd30_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu30_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd30_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd30_wayG <= p0_congr_cl30_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd30_wayG <= p1_congr_cl30_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu30_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd30_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu30_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd30_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd30_wayH <= p0_congr_cl30_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd30_wayH <= p1_congr_cl30_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu30_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd30_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu30_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd30_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl31_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(31,6)); p1_congr_cl31_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(31,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl31_act_d <= p0_congr_cl31_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl31_act_d <= p1_congr_cl31_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl31_act <= p0_congr_cl31_act_q or p1_congr_cl31_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd31_wayA <= p0_congr_cl31_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd31_wayA <= p1_congr_cl31_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu31_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd31_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu31_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd31_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd31_wayB <= p0_congr_cl31_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd31_wayB <= p1_congr_cl31_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu31_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd31_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu31_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd31_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd31_wayC <= p0_congr_cl31_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd31_wayC <= p1_congr_cl31_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu31_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd31_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu31_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd31_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd31_wayD <= p0_congr_cl31_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd31_wayD <= p1_congr_cl31_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu31_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd31_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu31_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd31_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd31_wayE <= p0_congr_cl31_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd31_wayE <= p1_congr_cl31_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu31_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd31_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu31_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd31_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd31_wayF <= p0_congr_cl31_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd31_wayF <= p1_congr_cl31_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu31_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd31_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu31_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd31_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd31_wayG <= p0_congr_cl31_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd31_wayG <= p1_congr_cl31_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu31_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd31_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu31_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd31_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd31_wayH <= p0_congr_cl31_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd31_wayH <= p1_congr_cl31_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu31_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd31_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu31_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd31_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl32_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(32,6)); p1_congr_cl32_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(32,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl32_act_d <= p0_congr_cl32_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl32_act_d <= p1_congr_cl32_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl32_act <= p0_congr_cl32_act_q or p1_congr_cl32_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd32_wayA <= p0_congr_cl32_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd32_wayA <= p1_congr_cl32_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu32_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd32_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu32_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd32_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd32_wayB <= p0_congr_cl32_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd32_wayB <= p1_congr_cl32_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu32_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd32_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu32_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd32_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd32_wayC <= p0_congr_cl32_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd32_wayC <= p1_congr_cl32_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu32_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd32_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu32_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd32_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd32_wayD <= p0_congr_cl32_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd32_wayD <= p1_congr_cl32_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu32_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd32_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu32_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd32_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd32_wayE <= p0_congr_cl32_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd32_wayE <= p1_congr_cl32_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu32_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd32_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu32_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd32_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd32_wayF <= p0_congr_cl32_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd32_wayF <= p1_congr_cl32_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu32_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd32_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu32_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd32_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd32_wayG <= p0_congr_cl32_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd32_wayG <= p1_congr_cl32_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu32_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd32_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu32_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd32_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd32_wayH <= p0_congr_cl32_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd32_wayH <= p1_congr_cl32_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu32_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd32_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu32_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd32_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl33_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(33,6)); p1_congr_cl33_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(33,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl33_act_d <= p0_congr_cl33_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl33_act_d <= p1_congr_cl33_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl33_act <= p0_congr_cl33_act_q or p1_congr_cl33_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd33_wayA <= p0_congr_cl33_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd33_wayA <= p1_congr_cl33_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu33_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd33_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu33_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd33_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd33_wayB <= p0_congr_cl33_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd33_wayB <= p1_congr_cl33_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu33_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd33_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu33_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd33_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd33_wayC <= p0_congr_cl33_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd33_wayC <= p1_congr_cl33_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu33_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd33_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu33_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd33_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd33_wayD <= p0_congr_cl33_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd33_wayD <= p1_congr_cl33_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu33_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd33_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu33_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd33_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd33_wayE <= p0_congr_cl33_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd33_wayE <= p1_congr_cl33_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu33_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd33_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu33_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd33_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd33_wayF <= p0_congr_cl33_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd33_wayF <= p1_congr_cl33_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu33_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd33_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu33_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd33_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd33_wayG <= p0_congr_cl33_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd33_wayG <= p1_congr_cl33_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu33_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd33_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu33_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd33_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd33_wayH <= p0_congr_cl33_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd33_wayH <= p1_congr_cl33_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu33_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd33_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu33_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd33_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl34_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(34,6)); p1_congr_cl34_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(34,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl34_act_d <= p0_congr_cl34_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl34_act_d <= p1_congr_cl34_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl34_act <= p0_congr_cl34_act_q or p1_congr_cl34_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd34_wayA <= p0_congr_cl34_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd34_wayA <= p1_congr_cl34_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu34_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd34_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu34_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd34_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd34_wayB <= p0_congr_cl34_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd34_wayB <= p1_congr_cl34_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu34_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd34_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu34_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd34_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd34_wayC <= p0_congr_cl34_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd34_wayC <= p1_congr_cl34_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu34_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd34_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu34_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd34_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd34_wayD <= p0_congr_cl34_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd34_wayD <= p1_congr_cl34_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu34_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd34_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu34_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd34_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd34_wayE <= p0_congr_cl34_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd34_wayE <= p1_congr_cl34_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu34_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd34_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu34_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd34_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd34_wayF <= p0_congr_cl34_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd34_wayF <= p1_congr_cl34_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu34_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd34_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu34_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd34_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd34_wayG <= p0_congr_cl34_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd34_wayG <= p1_congr_cl34_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu34_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd34_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu34_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd34_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd34_wayH <= p0_congr_cl34_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd34_wayH <= p1_congr_cl34_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu34_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd34_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu34_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd34_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl35_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(35,6)); p1_congr_cl35_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(35,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl35_act_d <= p0_congr_cl35_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl35_act_d <= p1_congr_cl35_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl35_act <= p0_congr_cl35_act_q or p1_congr_cl35_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd35_wayA <= p0_congr_cl35_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd35_wayA <= p1_congr_cl35_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu35_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd35_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu35_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd35_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd35_wayB <= p0_congr_cl35_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd35_wayB <= p1_congr_cl35_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu35_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd35_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu35_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd35_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd35_wayC <= p0_congr_cl35_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd35_wayC <= p1_congr_cl35_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu35_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd35_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu35_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd35_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd35_wayD <= p0_congr_cl35_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd35_wayD <= p1_congr_cl35_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu35_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd35_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu35_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd35_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd35_wayE <= p0_congr_cl35_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd35_wayE <= p1_congr_cl35_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu35_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd35_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu35_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd35_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd35_wayF <= p0_congr_cl35_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd35_wayF <= p1_congr_cl35_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu35_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd35_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu35_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd35_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd35_wayG <= p0_congr_cl35_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd35_wayG <= p1_congr_cl35_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu35_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd35_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu35_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd35_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd35_wayH <= p0_congr_cl35_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd35_wayH <= p1_congr_cl35_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu35_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd35_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu35_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd35_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl36_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(36,6)); p1_congr_cl36_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(36,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl36_act_d <= p0_congr_cl36_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl36_act_d <= p1_congr_cl36_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl36_act <= p0_congr_cl36_act_q or p1_congr_cl36_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd36_wayA <= p0_congr_cl36_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd36_wayA <= p1_congr_cl36_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu36_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd36_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu36_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd36_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd36_wayB <= p0_congr_cl36_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd36_wayB <= p1_congr_cl36_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu36_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd36_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu36_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd36_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd36_wayC <= p0_congr_cl36_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd36_wayC <= p1_congr_cl36_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu36_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd36_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu36_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd36_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd36_wayD <= p0_congr_cl36_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd36_wayD <= p1_congr_cl36_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu36_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd36_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu36_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd36_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd36_wayE <= p0_congr_cl36_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd36_wayE <= p1_congr_cl36_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu36_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd36_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu36_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd36_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd36_wayF <= p0_congr_cl36_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd36_wayF <= p1_congr_cl36_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu36_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd36_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu36_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd36_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd36_wayG <= p0_congr_cl36_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd36_wayG <= p1_congr_cl36_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu36_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd36_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu36_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd36_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd36_wayH <= p0_congr_cl36_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd36_wayH <= p1_congr_cl36_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu36_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd36_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu36_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd36_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl37_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(37,6)); p1_congr_cl37_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(37,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl37_act_d <= p0_congr_cl37_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl37_act_d <= p1_congr_cl37_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl37_act <= p0_congr_cl37_act_q or p1_congr_cl37_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd37_wayA <= p0_congr_cl37_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd37_wayA <= p1_congr_cl37_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu37_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd37_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu37_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd37_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd37_wayB <= p0_congr_cl37_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd37_wayB <= p1_congr_cl37_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu37_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd37_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu37_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd37_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd37_wayC <= p0_congr_cl37_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd37_wayC <= p1_congr_cl37_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu37_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd37_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu37_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd37_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd37_wayD <= p0_congr_cl37_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd37_wayD <= p1_congr_cl37_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu37_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd37_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu37_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd37_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd37_wayE <= p0_congr_cl37_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd37_wayE <= p1_congr_cl37_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu37_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd37_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu37_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd37_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd37_wayF <= p0_congr_cl37_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd37_wayF <= p1_congr_cl37_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu37_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd37_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu37_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd37_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd37_wayG <= p0_congr_cl37_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd37_wayG <= p1_congr_cl37_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu37_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd37_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu37_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd37_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd37_wayH <= p0_congr_cl37_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd37_wayH <= p1_congr_cl37_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu37_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd37_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu37_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd37_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl38_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(38,6)); p1_congr_cl38_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(38,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl38_act_d <= p0_congr_cl38_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl38_act_d <= p1_congr_cl38_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl38_act <= p0_congr_cl38_act_q or p1_congr_cl38_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd38_wayA <= p0_congr_cl38_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd38_wayA <= p1_congr_cl38_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu38_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd38_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu38_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd38_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd38_wayB <= p0_congr_cl38_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd38_wayB <= p1_congr_cl38_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu38_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd38_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu38_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd38_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd38_wayC <= p0_congr_cl38_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd38_wayC <= p1_congr_cl38_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu38_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd38_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu38_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd38_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd38_wayD <= p0_congr_cl38_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd38_wayD <= p1_congr_cl38_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu38_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd38_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu38_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd38_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd38_wayE <= p0_congr_cl38_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd38_wayE <= p1_congr_cl38_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu38_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd38_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu38_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd38_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd38_wayF <= p0_congr_cl38_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd38_wayF <= p1_congr_cl38_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu38_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd38_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu38_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd38_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd38_wayG <= p0_congr_cl38_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd38_wayG <= p1_congr_cl38_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu38_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd38_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu38_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd38_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd38_wayH <= p0_congr_cl38_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd38_wayH <= p1_congr_cl38_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu38_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd38_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu38_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd38_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl39_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(39,6)); p1_congr_cl39_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(39,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl39_act_d <= p0_congr_cl39_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl39_act_d <= p1_congr_cl39_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl39_act <= p0_congr_cl39_act_q or p1_congr_cl39_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd39_wayA <= p0_congr_cl39_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd39_wayA <= p1_congr_cl39_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu39_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd39_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu39_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd39_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd39_wayB <= p0_congr_cl39_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd39_wayB <= p1_congr_cl39_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu39_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd39_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu39_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd39_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd39_wayC <= p0_congr_cl39_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd39_wayC <= p1_congr_cl39_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu39_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd39_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu39_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd39_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd39_wayD <= p0_congr_cl39_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd39_wayD <= p1_congr_cl39_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu39_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd39_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu39_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd39_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd39_wayE <= p0_congr_cl39_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd39_wayE <= p1_congr_cl39_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu39_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd39_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu39_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd39_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd39_wayF <= p0_congr_cl39_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd39_wayF <= p1_congr_cl39_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu39_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd39_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu39_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd39_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd39_wayG <= p0_congr_cl39_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd39_wayG <= p1_congr_cl39_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu39_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd39_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu39_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd39_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd39_wayH <= p0_congr_cl39_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd39_wayH <= p1_congr_cl39_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu39_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd39_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu39_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd39_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl40_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(40,6)); p1_congr_cl40_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(40,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl40_act_d <= p0_congr_cl40_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl40_act_d <= p1_congr_cl40_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl40_act <= p0_congr_cl40_act_q or p1_congr_cl40_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd40_wayA <= p0_congr_cl40_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd40_wayA <= p1_congr_cl40_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu40_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd40_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu40_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd40_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd40_wayB <= p0_congr_cl40_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd40_wayB <= p1_congr_cl40_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu40_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd40_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu40_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd40_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd40_wayC <= p0_congr_cl40_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd40_wayC <= p1_congr_cl40_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu40_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd40_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu40_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd40_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd40_wayD <= p0_congr_cl40_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd40_wayD <= p1_congr_cl40_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu40_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd40_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu40_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd40_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd40_wayE <= p0_congr_cl40_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd40_wayE <= p1_congr_cl40_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu40_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd40_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu40_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd40_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd40_wayF <= p0_congr_cl40_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd40_wayF <= p1_congr_cl40_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu40_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd40_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu40_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd40_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd40_wayG <= p0_congr_cl40_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd40_wayG <= p1_congr_cl40_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu40_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd40_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu40_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd40_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd40_wayH <= p0_congr_cl40_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd40_wayH <= p1_congr_cl40_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu40_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd40_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu40_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd40_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl41_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(41,6)); p1_congr_cl41_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(41,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl41_act_d <= p0_congr_cl41_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl41_act_d <= p1_congr_cl41_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl41_act <= p0_congr_cl41_act_q or p1_congr_cl41_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd41_wayA <= p0_congr_cl41_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd41_wayA <= p1_congr_cl41_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu41_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd41_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu41_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd41_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd41_wayB <= p0_congr_cl41_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd41_wayB <= p1_congr_cl41_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu41_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd41_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu41_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd41_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd41_wayC <= p0_congr_cl41_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd41_wayC <= p1_congr_cl41_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu41_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd41_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu41_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd41_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd41_wayD <= p0_congr_cl41_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd41_wayD <= p1_congr_cl41_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu41_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd41_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu41_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd41_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd41_wayE <= p0_congr_cl41_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd41_wayE <= p1_congr_cl41_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu41_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd41_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu41_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd41_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd41_wayF <= p0_congr_cl41_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd41_wayF <= p1_congr_cl41_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu41_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd41_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu41_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd41_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd41_wayG <= p0_congr_cl41_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd41_wayG <= p1_congr_cl41_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu41_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd41_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu41_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd41_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd41_wayH <= p0_congr_cl41_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd41_wayH <= p1_congr_cl41_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu41_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd41_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu41_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd41_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl42_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(42,6)); p1_congr_cl42_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(42,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl42_act_d <= p0_congr_cl42_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl42_act_d <= p1_congr_cl42_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl42_act <= p0_congr_cl42_act_q or p1_congr_cl42_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd42_wayA <= p0_congr_cl42_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd42_wayA <= p1_congr_cl42_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu42_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd42_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu42_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd42_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd42_wayB <= p0_congr_cl42_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd42_wayB <= p1_congr_cl42_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu42_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd42_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu42_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd42_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd42_wayC <= p0_congr_cl42_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd42_wayC <= p1_congr_cl42_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu42_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd42_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu42_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd42_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd42_wayD <= p0_congr_cl42_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd42_wayD <= p1_congr_cl42_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu42_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd42_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu42_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd42_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd42_wayE <= p0_congr_cl42_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd42_wayE <= p1_congr_cl42_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu42_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd42_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu42_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd42_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd42_wayF <= p0_congr_cl42_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd42_wayF <= p1_congr_cl42_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu42_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd42_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu42_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd42_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd42_wayG <= p0_congr_cl42_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd42_wayG <= p1_congr_cl42_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu42_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd42_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu42_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd42_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd42_wayH <= p0_congr_cl42_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd42_wayH <= p1_congr_cl42_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu42_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd42_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu42_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd42_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl43_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(43,6)); p1_congr_cl43_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(43,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl43_act_d <= p0_congr_cl43_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl43_act_d <= p1_congr_cl43_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl43_act <= p0_congr_cl43_act_q or p1_congr_cl43_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd43_wayA <= p0_congr_cl43_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd43_wayA <= p1_congr_cl43_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu43_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd43_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu43_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd43_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd43_wayB <= p0_congr_cl43_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd43_wayB <= p1_congr_cl43_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu43_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd43_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu43_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd43_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd43_wayC <= p0_congr_cl43_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd43_wayC <= p1_congr_cl43_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu43_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd43_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu43_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd43_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd43_wayD <= p0_congr_cl43_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd43_wayD <= p1_congr_cl43_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu43_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd43_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu43_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd43_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd43_wayE <= p0_congr_cl43_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd43_wayE <= p1_congr_cl43_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu43_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd43_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu43_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd43_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd43_wayF <= p0_congr_cl43_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd43_wayF <= p1_congr_cl43_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu43_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd43_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu43_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd43_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd43_wayG <= p0_congr_cl43_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd43_wayG <= p1_congr_cl43_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu43_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd43_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu43_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd43_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd43_wayH <= p0_congr_cl43_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd43_wayH <= p1_congr_cl43_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu43_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd43_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu43_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd43_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl44_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(44,6)); p1_congr_cl44_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(44,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl44_act_d <= p0_congr_cl44_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl44_act_d <= p1_congr_cl44_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl44_act <= p0_congr_cl44_act_q or p1_congr_cl44_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd44_wayA <= p0_congr_cl44_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd44_wayA <= p1_congr_cl44_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu44_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd44_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu44_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd44_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd44_wayB <= p0_congr_cl44_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd44_wayB <= p1_congr_cl44_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu44_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd44_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu44_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd44_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd44_wayC <= p0_congr_cl44_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd44_wayC <= p1_congr_cl44_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu44_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd44_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu44_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd44_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd44_wayD <= p0_congr_cl44_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd44_wayD <= p1_congr_cl44_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu44_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd44_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu44_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd44_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd44_wayE <= p0_congr_cl44_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd44_wayE <= p1_congr_cl44_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu44_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd44_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu44_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd44_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd44_wayF <= p0_congr_cl44_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd44_wayF <= p1_congr_cl44_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu44_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd44_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu44_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd44_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd44_wayG <= p0_congr_cl44_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd44_wayG <= p1_congr_cl44_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu44_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd44_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu44_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd44_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd44_wayH <= p0_congr_cl44_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd44_wayH <= p1_congr_cl44_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu44_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd44_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu44_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd44_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl45_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(45,6)); p1_congr_cl45_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(45,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl45_act_d <= p0_congr_cl45_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl45_act_d <= p1_congr_cl45_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl45_act <= p0_congr_cl45_act_q or p1_congr_cl45_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd45_wayA <= p0_congr_cl45_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd45_wayA <= p1_congr_cl45_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu45_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd45_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu45_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd45_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd45_wayB <= p0_congr_cl45_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd45_wayB <= p1_congr_cl45_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu45_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd45_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu45_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd45_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd45_wayC <= p0_congr_cl45_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd45_wayC <= p1_congr_cl45_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu45_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd45_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu45_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd45_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd45_wayD <= p0_congr_cl45_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd45_wayD <= p1_congr_cl45_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu45_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd45_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu45_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd45_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd45_wayE <= p0_congr_cl45_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd45_wayE <= p1_congr_cl45_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu45_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd45_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu45_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd45_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd45_wayF <= p0_congr_cl45_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd45_wayF <= p1_congr_cl45_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu45_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd45_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu45_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd45_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd45_wayG <= p0_congr_cl45_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd45_wayG <= p1_congr_cl45_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu45_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd45_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu45_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd45_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd45_wayH <= p0_congr_cl45_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd45_wayH <= p1_congr_cl45_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu45_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd45_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu45_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd45_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl46_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(46,6)); p1_congr_cl46_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(46,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl46_act_d <= p0_congr_cl46_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl46_act_d <= p1_congr_cl46_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl46_act <= p0_congr_cl46_act_q or p1_congr_cl46_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd46_wayA <= p0_congr_cl46_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd46_wayA <= p1_congr_cl46_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu46_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd46_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu46_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd46_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd46_wayB <= p0_congr_cl46_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd46_wayB <= p1_congr_cl46_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu46_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd46_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu46_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd46_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd46_wayC <= p0_congr_cl46_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd46_wayC <= p1_congr_cl46_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu46_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd46_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu46_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd46_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd46_wayD <= p0_congr_cl46_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd46_wayD <= p1_congr_cl46_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu46_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd46_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu46_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd46_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd46_wayE <= p0_congr_cl46_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd46_wayE <= p1_congr_cl46_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu46_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd46_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu46_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd46_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd46_wayF <= p0_congr_cl46_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd46_wayF <= p1_congr_cl46_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu46_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd46_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu46_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd46_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd46_wayG <= p0_congr_cl46_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd46_wayG <= p1_congr_cl46_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu46_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd46_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu46_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd46_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd46_wayH <= p0_congr_cl46_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd46_wayH <= p1_congr_cl46_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu46_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd46_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu46_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd46_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl47_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(47,6)); p1_congr_cl47_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(47,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl47_act_d <= p0_congr_cl47_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl47_act_d <= p1_congr_cl47_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl47_act <= p0_congr_cl47_act_q or p1_congr_cl47_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd47_wayA <= p0_congr_cl47_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd47_wayA <= p1_congr_cl47_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu47_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd47_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu47_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd47_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd47_wayB <= p0_congr_cl47_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd47_wayB <= p1_congr_cl47_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu47_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd47_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu47_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd47_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd47_wayC <= p0_congr_cl47_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd47_wayC <= p1_congr_cl47_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu47_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd47_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu47_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd47_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd47_wayD <= p0_congr_cl47_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd47_wayD <= p1_congr_cl47_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu47_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd47_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu47_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd47_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd47_wayE <= p0_congr_cl47_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd47_wayE <= p1_congr_cl47_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu47_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd47_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu47_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd47_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd47_wayF <= p0_congr_cl47_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd47_wayF <= p1_congr_cl47_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu47_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd47_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu47_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd47_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd47_wayG <= p0_congr_cl47_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd47_wayG <= p1_congr_cl47_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu47_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd47_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu47_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd47_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd47_wayH <= p0_congr_cl47_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd47_wayH <= p1_congr_cl47_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu47_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd47_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu47_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd47_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl48_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(48,6)); p1_congr_cl48_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(48,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl48_act_d <= p0_congr_cl48_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl48_act_d <= p1_congr_cl48_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl48_act <= p0_congr_cl48_act_q or p1_congr_cl48_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd48_wayA <= p0_congr_cl48_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd48_wayA <= p1_congr_cl48_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu48_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd48_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu48_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd48_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd48_wayB <= p0_congr_cl48_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd48_wayB <= p1_congr_cl48_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu48_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd48_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu48_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd48_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd48_wayC <= p0_congr_cl48_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd48_wayC <= p1_congr_cl48_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu48_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd48_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu48_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd48_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd48_wayD <= p0_congr_cl48_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd48_wayD <= p1_congr_cl48_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu48_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd48_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu48_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd48_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd48_wayE <= p0_congr_cl48_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd48_wayE <= p1_congr_cl48_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu48_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd48_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu48_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd48_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd48_wayF <= p0_congr_cl48_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd48_wayF <= p1_congr_cl48_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu48_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd48_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu48_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd48_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd48_wayG <= p0_congr_cl48_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd48_wayG <= p1_congr_cl48_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu48_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd48_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu48_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd48_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd48_wayH <= p0_congr_cl48_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd48_wayH <= p1_congr_cl48_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu48_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd48_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu48_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd48_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl49_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(49,6)); p1_congr_cl49_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(49,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl49_act_d <= p0_congr_cl49_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl49_act_d <= p1_congr_cl49_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl49_act <= p0_congr_cl49_act_q or p1_congr_cl49_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd49_wayA <= p0_congr_cl49_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd49_wayA <= p1_congr_cl49_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu49_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd49_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu49_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd49_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd49_wayB <= p0_congr_cl49_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd49_wayB <= p1_congr_cl49_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu49_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd49_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu49_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd49_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd49_wayC <= p0_congr_cl49_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd49_wayC <= p1_congr_cl49_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu49_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd49_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu49_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd49_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd49_wayD <= p0_congr_cl49_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd49_wayD <= p1_congr_cl49_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu49_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd49_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu49_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd49_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd49_wayE <= p0_congr_cl49_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd49_wayE <= p1_congr_cl49_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu49_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd49_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu49_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd49_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd49_wayF <= p0_congr_cl49_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd49_wayF <= p1_congr_cl49_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu49_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd49_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu49_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd49_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd49_wayG <= p0_congr_cl49_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd49_wayG <= p1_congr_cl49_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu49_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd49_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu49_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd49_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd49_wayH <= p0_congr_cl49_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd49_wayH <= p1_congr_cl49_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu49_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd49_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu49_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd49_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl50_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(50,6)); p1_congr_cl50_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(50,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl50_act_d <= p0_congr_cl50_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl50_act_d <= p1_congr_cl50_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl50_act <= p0_congr_cl50_act_q or p1_congr_cl50_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd50_wayA <= p0_congr_cl50_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd50_wayA <= p1_congr_cl50_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu50_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd50_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu50_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd50_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd50_wayB <= p0_congr_cl50_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd50_wayB <= p1_congr_cl50_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu50_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd50_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu50_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd50_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd50_wayC <= p0_congr_cl50_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd50_wayC <= p1_congr_cl50_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu50_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd50_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu50_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd50_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd50_wayD <= p0_congr_cl50_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd50_wayD <= p1_congr_cl50_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu50_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd50_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu50_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd50_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd50_wayE <= p0_congr_cl50_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd50_wayE <= p1_congr_cl50_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu50_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd50_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu50_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd50_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd50_wayF <= p0_congr_cl50_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd50_wayF <= p1_congr_cl50_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu50_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd50_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu50_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd50_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd50_wayG <= p0_congr_cl50_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd50_wayG <= p1_congr_cl50_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu50_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd50_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu50_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd50_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd50_wayH <= p0_congr_cl50_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd50_wayH <= p1_congr_cl50_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu50_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd50_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu50_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd50_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl51_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(51,6)); p1_congr_cl51_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(51,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl51_act_d <= p0_congr_cl51_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl51_act_d <= p1_congr_cl51_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl51_act <= p0_congr_cl51_act_q or p1_congr_cl51_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd51_wayA <= p0_congr_cl51_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd51_wayA <= p1_congr_cl51_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu51_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd51_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu51_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd51_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd51_wayB <= p0_congr_cl51_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd51_wayB <= p1_congr_cl51_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu51_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd51_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu51_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd51_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd51_wayC <= p0_congr_cl51_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd51_wayC <= p1_congr_cl51_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu51_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd51_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu51_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd51_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd51_wayD <= p0_congr_cl51_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd51_wayD <= p1_congr_cl51_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu51_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd51_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu51_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd51_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd51_wayE <= p0_congr_cl51_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd51_wayE <= p1_congr_cl51_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu51_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd51_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu51_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd51_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd51_wayF <= p0_congr_cl51_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd51_wayF <= p1_congr_cl51_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu51_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd51_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu51_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd51_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd51_wayG <= p0_congr_cl51_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd51_wayG <= p1_congr_cl51_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu51_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd51_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu51_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd51_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd51_wayH <= p0_congr_cl51_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd51_wayH <= p1_congr_cl51_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu51_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd51_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu51_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd51_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl52_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(52,6)); p1_congr_cl52_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(52,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl52_act_d <= p0_congr_cl52_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl52_act_d <= p1_congr_cl52_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl52_act <= p0_congr_cl52_act_q or p1_congr_cl52_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd52_wayA <= p0_congr_cl52_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd52_wayA <= p1_congr_cl52_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu52_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd52_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu52_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd52_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd52_wayB <= p0_congr_cl52_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd52_wayB <= p1_congr_cl52_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu52_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd52_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu52_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd52_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd52_wayC <= p0_congr_cl52_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd52_wayC <= p1_congr_cl52_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu52_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd52_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu52_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd52_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd52_wayD <= p0_congr_cl52_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd52_wayD <= p1_congr_cl52_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu52_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd52_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu52_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd52_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd52_wayE <= p0_congr_cl52_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd52_wayE <= p1_congr_cl52_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu52_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd52_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu52_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd52_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd52_wayF <= p0_congr_cl52_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd52_wayF <= p1_congr_cl52_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu52_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd52_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu52_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd52_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd52_wayG <= p0_congr_cl52_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd52_wayG <= p1_congr_cl52_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu52_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd52_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu52_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd52_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd52_wayH <= p0_congr_cl52_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd52_wayH <= p1_congr_cl52_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu52_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd52_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu52_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd52_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl53_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(53,6)); p1_congr_cl53_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(53,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl53_act_d <= p0_congr_cl53_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl53_act_d <= p1_congr_cl53_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl53_act <= p0_congr_cl53_act_q or p1_congr_cl53_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd53_wayA <= p0_congr_cl53_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd53_wayA <= p1_congr_cl53_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu53_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd53_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu53_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd53_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd53_wayB <= p0_congr_cl53_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd53_wayB <= p1_congr_cl53_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu53_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd53_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu53_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd53_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd53_wayC <= p0_congr_cl53_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd53_wayC <= p1_congr_cl53_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu53_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd53_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu53_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd53_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd53_wayD <= p0_congr_cl53_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd53_wayD <= p1_congr_cl53_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu53_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd53_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu53_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd53_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd53_wayE <= p0_congr_cl53_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd53_wayE <= p1_congr_cl53_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu53_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd53_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu53_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd53_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd53_wayF <= p0_congr_cl53_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd53_wayF <= p1_congr_cl53_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu53_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd53_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu53_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd53_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd53_wayG <= p0_congr_cl53_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd53_wayG <= p1_congr_cl53_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu53_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd53_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu53_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd53_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd53_wayH <= p0_congr_cl53_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd53_wayH <= p1_congr_cl53_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu53_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd53_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu53_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd53_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl54_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(54,6)); p1_congr_cl54_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(54,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl54_act_d <= p0_congr_cl54_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl54_act_d <= p1_congr_cl54_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl54_act <= p0_congr_cl54_act_q or p1_congr_cl54_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd54_wayA <= p0_congr_cl54_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd54_wayA <= p1_congr_cl54_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu54_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd54_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu54_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd54_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd54_wayB <= p0_congr_cl54_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd54_wayB <= p1_congr_cl54_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu54_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd54_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu54_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd54_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd54_wayC <= p0_congr_cl54_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd54_wayC <= p1_congr_cl54_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu54_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd54_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu54_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd54_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd54_wayD <= p0_congr_cl54_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd54_wayD <= p1_congr_cl54_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu54_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd54_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu54_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd54_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd54_wayE <= p0_congr_cl54_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd54_wayE <= p1_congr_cl54_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu54_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd54_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu54_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd54_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd54_wayF <= p0_congr_cl54_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd54_wayF <= p1_congr_cl54_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu54_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd54_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu54_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd54_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd54_wayG <= p0_congr_cl54_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd54_wayG <= p1_congr_cl54_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu54_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd54_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu54_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd54_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd54_wayH <= p0_congr_cl54_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd54_wayH <= p1_congr_cl54_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu54_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd54_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu54_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd54_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl55_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(55,6)); p1_congr_cl55_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(55,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl55_act_d <= p0_congr_cl55_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl55_act_d <= p1_congr_cl55_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl55_act <= p0_congr_cl55_act_q or p1_congr_cl55_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd55_wayA <= p0_congr_cl55_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd55_wayA <= p1_congr_cl55_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu55_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd55_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu55_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd55_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd55_wayB <= p0_congr_cl55_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd55_wayB <= p1_congr_cl55_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu55_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd55_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu55_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd55_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd55_wayC <= p0_congr_cl55_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd55_wayC <= p1_congr_cl55_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu55_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd55_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu55_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd55_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd55_wayD <= p0_congr_cl55_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd55_wayD <= p1_congr_cl55_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu55_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd55_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu55_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd55_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd55_wayE <= p0_congr_cl55_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd55_wayE <= p1_congr_cl55_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu55_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd55_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu55_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd55_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd55_wayF <= p0_congr_cl55_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd55_wayF <= p1_congr_cl55_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu55_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd55_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu55_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd55_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd55_wayG <= p0_congr_cl55_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd55_wayG <= p1_congr_cl55_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu55_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd55_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu55_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd55_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd55_wayH <= p0_congr_cl55_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd55_wayH <= p1_congr_cl55_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu55_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd55_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu55_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd55_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl56_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(56,6)); p1_congr_cl56_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(56,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl56_act_d <= p0_congr_cl56_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl56_act_d <= p1_congr_cl56_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl56_act <= p0_congr_cl56_act_q or p1_congr_cl56_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd56_wayA <= p0_congr_cl56_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd56_wayA <= p1_congr_cl56_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu56_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd56_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu56_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd56_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd56_wayB <= p0_congr_cl56_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd56_wayB <= p1_congr_cl56_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu56_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd56_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu56_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd56_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd56_wayC <= p0_congr_cl56_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd56_wayC <= p1_congr_cl56_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu56_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd56_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu56_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd56_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd56_wayD <= p0_congr_cl56_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd56_wayD <= p1_congr_cl56_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu56_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd56_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu56_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd56_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd56_wayE <= p0_congr_cl56_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd56_wayE <= p1_congr_cl56_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu56_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd56_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu56_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd56_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd56_wayF <= p0_congr_cl56_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd56_wayF <= p1_congr_cl56_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu56_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd56_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu56_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd56_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd56_wayG <= p0_congr_cl56_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd56_wayG <= p1_congr_cl56_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu56_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd56_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu56_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd56_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd56_wayH <= p0_congr_cl56_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd56_wayH <= p1_congr_cl56_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu56_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd56_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu56_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd56_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl57_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(57,6)); p1_congr_cl57_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(57,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl57_act_d <= p0_congr_cl57_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl57_act_d <= p1_congr_cl57_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl57_act <= p0_congr_cl57_act_q or p1_congr_cl57_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd57_wayA <= p0_congr_cl57_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd57_wayA <= p1_congr_cl57_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu57_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd57_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu57_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd57_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd57_wayB <= p0_congr_cl57_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd57_wayB <= p1_congr_cl57_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu57_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd57_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu57_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd57_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd57_wayC <= p0_congr_cl57_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd57_wayC <= p1_congr_cl57_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu57_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd57_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu57_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd57_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd57_wayD <= p0_congr_cl57_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd57_wayD <= p1_congr_cl57_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu57_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd57_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu57_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd57_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd57_wayE <= p0_congr_cl57_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd57_wayE <= p1_congr_cl57_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu57_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd57_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu57_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd57_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd57_wayF <= p0_congr_cl57_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd57_wayF <= p1_congr_cl57_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu57_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd57_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu57_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd57_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd57_wayG <= p0_congr_cl57_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd57_wayG <= p1_congr_cl57_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu57_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd57_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu57_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd57_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd57_wayH <= p0_congr_cl57_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd57_wayH <= p1_congr_cl57_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu57_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd57_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu57_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd57_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl58_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(58,6)); p1_congr_cl58_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(58,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl58_act_d <= p0_congr_cl58_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl58_act_d <= p1_congr_cl58_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl58_act <= p0_congr_cl58_act_q or p1_congr_cl58_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd58_wayA <= p0_congr_cl58_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd58_wayA <= p1_congr_cl58_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu58_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd58_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu58_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd58_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd58_wayB <= p0_congr_cl58_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd58_wayB <= p1_congr_cl58_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu58_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd58_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu58_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd58_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd58_wayC <= p0_congr_cl58_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd58_wayC <= p1_congr_cl58_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu58_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd58_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu58_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd58_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd58_wayD <= p0_congr_cl58_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd58_wayD <= p1_congr_cl58_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu58_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd58_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu58_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd58_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd58_wayE <= p0_congr_cl58_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd58_wayE <= p1_congr_cl58_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu58_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd58_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu58_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd58_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd58_wayF <= p0_congr_cl58_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd58_wayF <= p1_congr_cl58_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu58_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd58_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu58_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd58_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd58_wayG <= p0_congr_cl58_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd58_wayG <= p1_congr_cl58_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu58_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd58_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu58_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd58_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd58_wayH <= p0_congr_cl58_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd58_wayH <= p1_congr_cl58_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu58_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd58_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu58_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd58_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl59_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(59,6)); p1_congr_cl59_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(59,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl59_act_d <= p0_congr_cl59_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl59_act_d <= p1_congr_cl59_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl59_act <= p0_congr_cl59_act_q or p1_congr_cl59_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd59_wayA <= p0_congr_cl59_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd59_wayA <= p1_congr_cl59_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu59_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd59_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu59_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd59_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd59_wayB <= p0_congr_cl59_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd59_wayB <= p1_congr_cl59_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu59_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd59_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu59_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd59_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd59_wayC <= p0_congr_cl59_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd59_wayC <= p1_congr_cl59_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu59_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd59_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu59_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd59_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd59_wayD <= p0_congr_cl59_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd59_wayD <= p1_congr_cl59_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu59_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd59_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu59_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd59_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd59_wayE <= p0_congr_cl59_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd59_wayE <= p1_congr_cl59_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu59_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd59_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu59_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd59_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd59_wayF <= p0_congr_cl59_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd59_wayF <= p1_congr_cl59_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu59_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd59_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu59_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd59_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd59_wayG <= p0_congr_cl59_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd59_wayG <= p1_congr_cl59_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu59_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd59_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu59_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd59_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd59_wayH <= p0_congr_cl59_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd59_wayH <= p1_congr_cl59_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu59_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd59_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu59_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd59_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl60_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(60,6)); p1_congr_cl60_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(60,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl60_act_d <= p0_congr_cl60_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl60_act_d <= p1_congr_cl60_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl60_act <= p0_congr_cl60_act_q or p1_congr_cl60_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd60_wayA <= p0_congr_cl60_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd60_wayA <= p1_congr_cl60_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu60_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd60_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu60_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd60_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd60_wayB <= p0_congr_cl60_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd60_wayB <= p1_congr_cl60_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu60_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd60_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu60_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd60_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd60_wayC <= p0_congr_cl60_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd60_wayC <= p1_congr_cl60_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu60_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd60_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu60_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd60_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd60_wayD <= p0_congr_cl60_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd60_wayD <= p1_congr_cl60_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu60_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd60_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu60_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd60_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd60_wayE <= p0_congr_cl60_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd60_wayE <= p1_congr_cl60_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu60_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd60_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu60_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd60_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd60_wayF <= p0_congr_cl60_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd60_wayF <= p1_congr_cl60_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu60_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd60_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu60_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd60_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd60_wayG <= p0_congr_cl60_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd60_wayG <= p1_congr_cl60_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu60_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd60_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu60_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd60_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd60_wayH <= p0_congr_cl60_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd60_wayH <= p1_congr_cl60_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu60_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd60_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu60_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd60_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl61_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(61,6)); p1_congr_cl61_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(61,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl61_act_d <= p0_congr_cl61_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl61_act_d <= p1_congr_cl61_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl61_act <= p0_congr_cl61_act_q or p1_congr_cl61_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd61_wayA <= p0_congr_cl61_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd61_wayA <= p1_congr_cl61_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu61_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd61_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu61_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd61_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd61_wayB <= p0_congr_cl61_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd61_wayB <= p1_congr_cl61_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu61_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd61_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu61_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd61_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd61_wayC <= p0_congr_cl61_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd61_wayC <= p1_congr_cl61_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu61_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd61_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu61_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd61_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd61_wayD <= p0_congr_cl61_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd61_wayD <= p1_congr_cl61_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu61_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd61_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu61_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd61_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd61_wayE <= p0_congr_cl61_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd61_wayE <= p1_congr_cl61_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu61_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd61_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu61_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd61_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd61_wayF <= p0_congr_cl61_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd61_wayF <= p1_congr_cl61_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu61_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd61_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu61_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd61_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd61_wayG <= p0_congr_cl61_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd61_wayG <= p1_congr_cl61_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu61_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd61_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu61_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd61_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd61_wayH <= p0_congr_cl61_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd61_wayH <= p1_congr_cl61_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu61_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd61_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu61_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd61_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl62_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(62,6)); p1_congr_cl62_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(62,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl62_act_d <= p0_congr_cl62_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl62_act_d <= p1_congr_cl62_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl62_act <= p0_congr_cl62_act_q or p1_congr_cl62_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd62_wayA <= p0_congr_cl62_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd62_wayA <= p1_congr_cl62_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu62_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd62_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu62_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd62_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd62_wayB <= p0_congr_cl62_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd62_wayB <= p1_congr_cl62_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu62_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd62_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu62_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd62_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd62_wayC <= p0_congr_cl62_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd62_wayC <= p1_congr_cl62_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu62_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd62_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu62_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd62_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd62_wayD <= p0_congr_cl62_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd62_wayD <= p1_congr_cl62_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu62_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd62_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu62_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd62_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd62_wayE <= p0_congr_cl62_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd62_wayE <= p1_congr_cl62_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu62_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd62_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu62_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd62_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd62_wayF <= p0_congr_cl62_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd62_wayF <= p1_congr_cl62_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu62_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd62_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu62_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd62_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd62_wayG <= p0_congr_cl62_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd62_wayG <= p1_congr_cl62_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu62_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd62_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu62_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd62_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd62_wayH <= p0_congr_cl62_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd62_wayH <= p1_congr_cl62_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu62_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd62_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu62_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd62_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- Congruence Class Match p0_congr_cl63_m <= (ex5_congr_cl_q = tconv(63,6)); p1_congr_cl63_m <= (relu_s_congr_cl_q = tconv(63,6)); -- Act Pin to Directory Latches for specific congruence class p0_congr_cl63_act_d <= p0_congr_cl63_m and (back_inval_stg5_q or ex5_xuop_val_q or ex5_dir_err_val_q); p1_congr_cl63_act_d <= p1_congr_cl63_m and rel_port_wren_q; congr_cl63_act <= p0_congr_cl63_act_q or p1_congr_cl63_act_q or congr_cl_all_act_q; p0_way_data_upd63_wayA <= p0_congr_cl63_act_q and binv_wayA_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd63_wayA <= p1_congr_cl63_act_q and reload_wayA_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu63_wayA_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd63_wayA and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu63_wayA_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd63_wayA and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd63_wayB <= p0_congr_cl63_act_q and binv_wayB_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd63_wayB <= p1_congr_cl63_act_q and reload_wayB_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu63_wayB_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd63_wayB and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu63_wayB_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd63_wayB and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd63_wayC <= p0_congr_cl63_act_q and binv_wayC_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd63_wayC <= p1_congr_cl63_act_q and reload_wayC_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu63_wayC_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd63_wayC and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu63_wayC_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd63_wayC and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd63_wayD <= p0_congr_cl63_act_q and binv_wayD_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd63_wayD <= p1_congr_cl63_act_q and reload_wayD_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu63_wayD_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd63_wayD and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu63_wayD_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd63_wayD and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd63_wayE <= p0_congr_cl63_act_q and binv_wayE_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd63_wayE <= p1_congr_cl63_act_q and reload_wayE_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu63_wayE_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd63_wayE and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu63_wayE_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd63_wayE and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd63_wayF <= p0_congr_cl63_act_q and binv_wayF_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd63_wayF <= p1_congr_cl63_act_q and reload_wayF_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu63_wayF_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd63_wayF and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu63_wayF_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd63_wayF and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd63_wayG <= p0_congr_cl63_act_q and binv_wayG_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd63_wayG <= p1_congr_cl63_act_q and reload_wayG_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu63_wayG_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd63_wayG and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu63_wayG_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd63_wayG and p0_wren_q; p0_way_data_upd63_wayH <= p0_congr_cl63_act_q and binv_wayH_upd3_q; p1_way_data_upd63_wayH <= p1_congr_cl63_act_q and reload_wayH_upd3_q; -- Mux Selects for Input to Latches rel_bixu63_wayH_upd(0) <= p1_way_data_upd63_wayH and p1_wren_q; rel_bixu63_wayH_upd(1) <= p0_way_data_upd63_wayH and p0_wren_q; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Write Select for WayA -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayA_upd select congr_cl0_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl0_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayA_upd select congr_cl0_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl0_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayA_upd select congr_cl0_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl0_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayA_upd select congr_cl0_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl0_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayA_upd select congr_cl0_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl0_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayA_upd select congr_cl0_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl0_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayA_upd select congr_cl1_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl1_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayA_upd select congr_cl1_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl1_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayA_upd select congr_cl1_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl1_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayA_upd select congr_cl1_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl1_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayA_upd select congr_cl1_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl1_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayA_upd select congr_cl1_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl1_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayA_upd select congr_cl2_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl2_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayA_upd select congr_cl2_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl2_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayA_upd select congr_cl2_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl2_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayA_upd select congr_cl2_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl2_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayA_upd select congr_cl2_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl2_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayA_upd select congr_cl2_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl2_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayA_upd select congr_cl3_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl3_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayA_upd select congr_cl3_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl3_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayA_upd select congr_cl3_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl3_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayA_upd select congr_cl3_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl3_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayA_upd select congr_cl3_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl3_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayA_upd select congr_cl3_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl3_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayA_upd select congr_cl4_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl4_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayA_upd select congr_cl4_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl4_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayA_upd select congr_cl4_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl4_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayA_upd select congr_cl4_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl4_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayA_upd select congr_cl4_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl4_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayA_upd select congr_cl4_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl4_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayA_upd select congr_cl5_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl5_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayA_upd select congr_cl5_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl5_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayA_upd select congr_cl5_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl5_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayA_upd select congr_cl5_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl5_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayA_upd select congr_cl5_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl5_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayA_upd select congr_cl5_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl5_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayA_upd select congr_cl6_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl6_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayA_upd select congr_cl6_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl6_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayA_upd select congr_cl6_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl6_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayA_upd select congr_cl6_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl6_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayA_upd select congr_cl6_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl6_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayA_upd select congr_cl6_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl6_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayA_upd select congr_cl7_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl7_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayA_upd select congr_cl7_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl7_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayA_upd select congr_cl7_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl7_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayA_upd select congr_cl7_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl7_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayA_upd select congr_cl7_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl7_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayA_upd select congr_cl7_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl7_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayA_upd select congr_cl8_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl8_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayA_upd select congr_cl8_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl8_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayA_upd select congr_cl8_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl8_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayA_upd select congr_cl8_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl8_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayA_upd select congr_cl8_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl8_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayA_upd select congr_cl8_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl8_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayA_upd select congr_cl9_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl9_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayA_upd select congr_cl9_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl9_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayA_upd select congr_cl9_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl9_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayA_upd select congr_cl9_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl9_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayA_upd select congr_cl9_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl9_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayA_upd select congr_cl9_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl9_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayA_upd select congr_cl10_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl10_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayA_upd select congr_cl10_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl10_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayA_upd select congr_cl10_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl10_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayA_upd select congr_cl10_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl10_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayA_upd select congr_cl10_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl10_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayA_upd select congr_cl10_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl10_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayA_upd select congr_cl11_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl11_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayA_upd select congr_cl11_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl11_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayA_upd select congr_cl11_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl11_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayA_upd select congr_cl11_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl11_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayA_upd select congr_cl11_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl11_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayA_upd select congr_cl11_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl11_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayA_upd select congr_cl12_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl12_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayA_upd select congr_cl12_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl12_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayA_upd select congr_cl12_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl12_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayA_upd select congr_cl12_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl12_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayA_upd select congr_cl12_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl12_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayA_upd select congr_cl12_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl12_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayA_upd select congr_cl13_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl13_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayA_upd select congr_cl13_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl13_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayA_upd select congr_cl13_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl13_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayA_upd select congr_cl13_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl13_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayA_upd select congr_cl13_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl13_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayA_upd select congr_cl13_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl13_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayA_upd select congr_cl14_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl14_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayA_upd select congr_cl14_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl14_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayA_upd select congr_cl14_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl14_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayA_upd select congr_cl14_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl14_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayA_upd select congr_cl14_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl14_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayA_upd select congr_cl14_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl14_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayA_upd select congr_cl15_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl15_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayA_upd select congr_cl15_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl15_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayA_upd select congr_cl15_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl15_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayA_upd select congr_cl15_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl15_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayA_upd select congr_cl15_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl15_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayA_upd select congr_cl15_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl15_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayA_upd select congr_cl16_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl16_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayA_upd select congr_cl16_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl16_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayA_upd select congr_cl16_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl16_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayA_upd select congr_cl16_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl16_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayA_upd select congr_cl16_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl16_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayA_upd select congr_cl16_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl16_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayA_upd select congr_cl17_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl17_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayA_upd select congr_cl17_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl17_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayA_upd select congr_cl17_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl17_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayA_upd select congr_cl17_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl17_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayA_upd select congr_cl17_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl17_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayA_upd select congr_cl17_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl17_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayA_upd select congr_cl18_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl18_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayA_upd select congr_cl18_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl18_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayA_upd select congr_cl18_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl18_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayA_upd select congr_cl18_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl18_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayA_upd select congr_cl18_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl18_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayA_upd select congr_cl18_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl18_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayA_upd select congr_cl19_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl19_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayA_upd select congr_cl19_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl19_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayA_upd select congr_cl19_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl19_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayA_upd select congr_cl19_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl19_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayA_upd select congr_cl19_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl19_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayA_upd select congr_cl19_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl19_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayA_upd select congr_cl20_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl20_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayA_upd select congr_cl20_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl20_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayA_upd select congr_cl20_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl20_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayA_upd select congr_cl20_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl20_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayA_upd select congr_cl20_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl20_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayA_upd select congr_cl20_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl20_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayA_upd select congr_cl21_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl21_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayA_upd select congr_cl21_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl21_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayA_upd select congr_cl21_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl21_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayA_upd select congr_cl21_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl21_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayA_upd select congr_cl21_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl21_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayA_upd select congr_cl21_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl21_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayA_upd select congr_cl22_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl22_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayA_upd select congr_cl22_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl22_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayA_upd select congr_cl22_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl22_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayA_upd select congr_cl22_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl22_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayA_upd select congr_cl22_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl22_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayA_upd select congr_cl22_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl22_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayA_upd select congr_cl23_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl23_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayA_upd select congr_cl23_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl23_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayA_upd select congr_cl23_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl23_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayA_upd select congr_cl23_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl23_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayA_upd select congr_cl23_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl23_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayA_upd select congr_cl23_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl23_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayA_upd select congr_cl24_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl24_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayA_upd select congr_cl24_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl24_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayA_upd select congr_cl24_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl24_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayA_upd select congr_cl24_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl24_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayA_upd select congr_cl24_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl24_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayA_upd select congr_cl24_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl24_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayA_upd select congr_cl25_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl25_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayA_upd select congr_cl25_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl25_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayA_upd select congr_cl25_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl25_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayA_upd select congr_cl25_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl25_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayA_upd select congr_cl25_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl25_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayA_upd select congr_cl25_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl25_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayA_upd select congr_cl26_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl26_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayA_upd select congr_cl26_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl26_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayA_upd select congr_cl26_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl26_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayA_upd select congr_cl26_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl26_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayA_upd select congr_cl26_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl26_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayA_upd select congr_cl26_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl26_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayA_upd select congr_cl27_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl27_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayA_upd select congr_cl27_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl27_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayA_upd select congr_cl27_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl27_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayA_upd select congr_cl27_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl27_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayA_upd select congr_cl27_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl27_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayA_upd select congr_cl27_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl27_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayA_upd select congr_cl28_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl28_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayA_upd select congr_cl28_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl28_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayA_upd select congr_cl28_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl28_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayA_upd select congr_cl28_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl28_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayA_upd select congr_cl28_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl28_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayA_upd select congr_cl28_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl28_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayA_upd select congr_cl29_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl29_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayA_upd select congr_cl29_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl29_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayA_upd select congr_cl29_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl29_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayA_upd select congr_cl29_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl29_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayA_upd select congr_cl29_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl29_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayA_upd select congr_cl29_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl29_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayA_upd select congr_cl30_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl30_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayA_upd select congr_cl30_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl30_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayA_upd select congr_cl30_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl30_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayA_upd select congr_cl30_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl30_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayA_upd select congr_cl30_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl30_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayA_upd select congr_cl30_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl30_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayA_upd select congr_cl31_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl31_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayA_upd select congr_cl31_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl31_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayA_upd select congr_cl31_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl31_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayA_upd select congr_cl31_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl31_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayA_upd select congr_cl31_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl31_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayA_upd select congr_cl31_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl31_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayA_upd select congr_cl32_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl32_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayA_upd select congr_cl32_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl32_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayA_upd select congr_cl32_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl32_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayA_upd select congr_cl32_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl32_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayA_upd select congr_cl32_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl32_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayA_upd select congr_cl32_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl32_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayA_upd select congr_cl33_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl33_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayA_upd select congr_cl33_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl33_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayA_upd select congr_cl33_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl33_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayA_upd select congr_cl33_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl33_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayA_upd select congr_cl33_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl33_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayA_upd select congr_cl33_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl33_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayA_upd select congr_cl34_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl34_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayA_upd select congr_cl34_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl34_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayA_upd select congr_cl34_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl34_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayA_upd select congr_cl34_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl34_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayA_upd select congr_cl34_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl34_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayA_upd select congr_cl34_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl34_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayA_upd select congr_cl35_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl35_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayA_upd select congr_cl35_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl35_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayA_upd select congr_cl35_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl35_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayA_upd select congr_cl35_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl35_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayA_upd select congr_cl35_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl35_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayA_upd select congr_cl35_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl35_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayA_upd select congr_cl36_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl36_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayA_upd select congr_cl36_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl36_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayA_upd select congr_cl36_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl36_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayA_upd select congr_cl36_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl36_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayA_upd select congr_cl36_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl36_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayA_upd select congr_cl36_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl36_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayA_upd select congr_cl37_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl37_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayA_upd select congr_cl37_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl37_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayA_upd select congr_cl37_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl37_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayA_upd select congr_cl37_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl37_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayA_upd select congr_cl37_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl37_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayA_upd select congr_cl37_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl37_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayA_upd select congr_cl38_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl38_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayA_upd select congr_cl38_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl38_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayA_upd select congr_cl38_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl38_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayA_upd select congr_cl38_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl38_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayA_upd select congr_cl38_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl38_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayA_upd select congr_cl38_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl38_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayA_upd select congr_cl39_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl39_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayA_upd select congr_cl39_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl39_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayA_upd select congr_cl39_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl39_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayA_upd select congr_cl39_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl39_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayA_upd select congr_cl39_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl39_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayA_upd select congr_cl39_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl39_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayA_upd select congr_cl40_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl40_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayA_upd select congr_cl40_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl40_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayA_upd select congr_cl40_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl40_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayA_upd select congr_cl40_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl40_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayA_upd select congr_cl40_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl40_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayA_upd select congr_cl40_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl40_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayA_upd select congr_cl41_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl41_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayA_upd select congr_cl41_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl41_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayA_upd select congr_cl41_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl41_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayA_upd select congr_cl41_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl41_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayA_upd select congr_cl41_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl41_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayA_upd select congr_cl41_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl41_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayA_upd select congr_cl42_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl42_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayA_upd select congr_cl42_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl42_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayA_upd select congr_cl42_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl42_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayA_upd select congr_cl42_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl42_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayA_upd select congr_cl42_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl42_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayA_upd select congr_cl42_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl42_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayA_upd select congr_cl43_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl43_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayA_upd select congr_cl43_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl43_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayA_upd select congr_cl43_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl43_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayA_upd select congr_cl43_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl43_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayA_upd select congr_cl43_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl43_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayA_upd select congr_cl43_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl43_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayA_upd select congr_cl44_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl44_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayA_upd select congr_cl44_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl44_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayA_upd select congr_cl44_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl44_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayA_upd select congr_cl44_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl44_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayA_upd select congr_cl44_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl44_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayA_upd select congr_cl44_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl44_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayA_upd select congr_cl45_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl45_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayA_upd select congr_cl45_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl45_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayA_upd select congr_cl45_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl45_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayA_upd select congr_cl45_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl45_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayA_upd select congr_cl45_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl45_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayA_upd select congr_cl45_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl45_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayA_upd select congr_cl46_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl46_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayA_upd select congr_cl46_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl46_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayA_upd select congr_cl46_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl46_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayA_upd select congr_cl46_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl46_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayA_upd select congr_cl46_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl46_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayA_upd select congr_cl46_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl46_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayA_upd select congr_cl47_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl47_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayA_upd select congr_cl47_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl47_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayA_upd select congr_cl47_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl47_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayA_upd select congr_cl47_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl47_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayA_upd select congr_cl47_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl47_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayA_upd select congr_cl47_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl47_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayA_upd select congr_cl48_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl48_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayA_upd select congr_cl48_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl48_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayA_upd select congr_cl48_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl48_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayA_upd select congr_cl48_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl48_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayA_upd select congr_cl48_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl48_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayA_upd select congr_cl48_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl48_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayA_upd select congr_cl49_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl49_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayA_upd select congr_cl49_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl49_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayA_upd select congr_cl49_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl49_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayA_upd select congr_cl49_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl49_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayA_upd select congr_cl49_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl49_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayA_upd select congr_cl49_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl49_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayA_upd select congr_cl50_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl50_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayA_upd select congr_cl50_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl50_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayA_upd select congr_cl50_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl50_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayA_upd select congr_cl50_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl50_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayA_upd select congr_cl50_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl50_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayA_upd select congr_cl50_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl50_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayA_upd select congr_cl51_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl51_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayA_upd select congr_cl51_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl51_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayA_upd select congr_cl51_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl51_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayA_upd select congr_cl51_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl51_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayA_upd select congr_cl51_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl51_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayA_upd select congr_cl51_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl51_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayA_upd select congr_cl52_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl52_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayA_upd select congr_cl52_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl52_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayA_upd select congr_cl52_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl52_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayA_upd select congr_cl52_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl52_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayA_upd select congr_cl52_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl52_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayA_upd select congr_cl52_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl52_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayA_upd select congr_cl53_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl53_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayA_upd select congr_cl53_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl53_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayA_upd select congr_cl53_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl53_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayA_upd select congr_cl53_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl53_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayA_upd select congr_cl53_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl53_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayA_upd select congr_cl53_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl53_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayA_upd select congr_cl54_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl54_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayA_upd select congr_cl54_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl54_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayA_upd select congr_cl54_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl54_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayA_upd select congr_cl54_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl54_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayA_upd select congr_cl54_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl54_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayA_upd select congr_cl54_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl54_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayA_upd select congr_cl55_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl55_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayA_upd select congr_cl55_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl55_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayA_upd select congr_cl55_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl55_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayA_upd select congr_cl55_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl55_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayA_upd select congr_cl55_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl55_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayA_upd select congr_cl55_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl55_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayA_upd select congr_cl56_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl56_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayA_upd select congr_cl56_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl56_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayA_upd select congr_cl56_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl56_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayA_upd select congr_cl56_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl56_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayA_upd select congr_cl56_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl56_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayA_upd select congr_cl56_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl56_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayA_upd select congr_cl57_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl57_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayA_upd select congr_cl57_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl57_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayA_upd select congr_cl57_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl57_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayA_upd select congr_cl57_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl57_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayA_upd select congr_cl57_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl57_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayA_upd select congr_cl57_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl57_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayA_upd select congr_cl58_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl58_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayA_upd select congr_cl58_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl58_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayA_upd select congr_cl58_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl58_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayA_upd select congr_cl58_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl58_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayA_upd select congr_cl58_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl58_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayA_upd select congr_cl58_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl58_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayA_upd select congr_cl59_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl59_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayA_upd select congr_cl59_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl59_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayA_upd select congr_cl59_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl59_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayA_upd select congr_cl59_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl59_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayA_upd select congr_cl59_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl59_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayA_upd select congr_cl59_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl59_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayA_upd select congr_cl60_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl60_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayA_upd select congr_cl60_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl60_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayA_upd select congr_cl60_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl60_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayA_upd select congr_cl60_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl60_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayA_upd select congr_cl60_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl60_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayA_upd select congr_cl60_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl60_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayA_upd select congr_cl61_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl61_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayA_upd select congr_cl61_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl61_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayA_upd select congr_cl61_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl61_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayA_upd select congr_cl61_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl61_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayA_upd select congr_cl61_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl61_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayA_upd select congr_cl61_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl61_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayA_upd select congr_cl62_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl62_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayA_upd select congr_cl62_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl62_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayA_upd select congr_cl62_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl62_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayA_upd select congr_cl62_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl62_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayA_upd select congr_cl62_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl62_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayA_upd select congr_cl62_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl62_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayA Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayA_upd select congr_cl63_wA_d(0) <= (congr_cl63_wA_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayA Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayA_upd select congr_cl63_wA_d(1) <= (congr_cl63_wA_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayA Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayA_upd select congr_cl63_wA_d(2) <= (congr_cl63_wA_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayA Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayA_upd select congr_cl63_wA_d(3) <= (congr_cl63_wA_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayA Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayA_upd select congr_cl63_wA_d(4) <= (congr_cl63_wA_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayA Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayA_upd select congr_cl63_wA_d(5) <= (congr_cl63_wA_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayA_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Write Select for WayB -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayB_upd select congr_cl0_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl0_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayB_upd select congr_cl0_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl0_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayB_upd select congr_cl0_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl0_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayB_upd select congr_cl0_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl0_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayB_upd select congr_cl0_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl0_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayB_upd select congr_cl0_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl0_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayB_upd select congr_cl1_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl1_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayB_upd select congr_cl1_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl1_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayB_upd select congr_cl1_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl1_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayB_upd select congr_cl1_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl1_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayB_upd select congr_cl1_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl1_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayB_upd select congr_cl1_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl1_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayB_upd select congr_cl2_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl2_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayB_upd select congr_cl2_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl2_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayB_upd select congr_cl2_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl2_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayB_upd select congr_cl2_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl2_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayB_upd select congr_cl2_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl2_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayB_upd select congr_cl2_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl2_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayB_upd select congr_cl3_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl3_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayB_upd select congr_cl3_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl3_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayB_upd select congr_cl3_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl3_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayB_upd select congr_cl3_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl3_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayB_upd select congr_cl3_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl3_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayB_upd select congr_cl3_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl3_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayB_upd select congr_cl4_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl4_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayB_upd select congr_cl4_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl4_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayB_upd select congr_cl4_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl4_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayB_upd select congr_cl4_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl4_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayB_upd select congr_cl4_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl4_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayB_upd select congr_cl4_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl4_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayB_upd select congr_cl5_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl5_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayB_upd select congr_cl5_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl5_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayB_upd select congr_cl5_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl5_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayB_upd select congr_cl5_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl5_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayB_upd select congr_cl5_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl5_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayB_upd select congr_cl5_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl5_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayB_upd select congr_cl6_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl6_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayB_upd select congr_cl6_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl6_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayB_upd select congr_cl6_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl6_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayB_upd select congr_cl6_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl6_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayB_upd select congr_cl6_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl6_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayB_upd select congr_cl6_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl6_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayB_upd select congr_cl7_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl7_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayB_upd select congr_cl7_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl7_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayB_upd select congr_cl7_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl7_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayB_upd select congr_cl7_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl7_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayB_upd select congr_cl7_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl7_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayB_upd select congr_cl7_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl7_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayB_upd select congr_cl8_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl8_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayB_upd select congr_cl8_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl8_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayB_upd select congr_cl8_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl8_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayB_upd select congr_cl8_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl8_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayB_upd select congr_cl8_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl8_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayB_upd select congr_cl8_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl8_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayB_upd select congr_cl9_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl9_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayB_upd select congr_cl9_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl9_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayB_upd select congr_cl9_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl9_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayB_upd select congr_cl9_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl9_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayB_upd select congr_cl9_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl9_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayB_upd select congr_cl9_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl9_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayB_upd select congr_cl10_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl10_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayB_upd select congr_cl10_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl10_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayB_upd select congr_cl10_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl10_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayB_upd select congr_cl10_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl10_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayB_upd select congr_cl10_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl10_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayB_upd select congr_cl10_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl10_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayB_upd select congr_cl11_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl11_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayB_upd select congr_cl11_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl11_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayB_upd select congr_cl11_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl11_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayB_upd select congr_cl11_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl11_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayB_upd select congr_cl11_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl11_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayB_upd select congr_cl11_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl11_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayB_upd select congr_cl12_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl12_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayB_upd select congr_cl12_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl12_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayB_upd select congr_cl12_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl12_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayB_upd select congr_cl12_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl12_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayB_upd select congr_cl12_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl12_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayB_upd select congr_cl12_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl12_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayB_upd select congr_cl13_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl13_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayB_upd select congr_cl13_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl13_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayB_upd select congr_cl13_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl13_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayB_upd select congr_cl13_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl13_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayB_upd select congr_cl13_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl13_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayB_upd select congr_cl13_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl13_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayB_upd select congr_cl14_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl14_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayB_upd select congr_cl14_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl14_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayB_upd select congr_cl14_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl14_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayB_upd select congr_cl14_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl14_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayB_upd select congr_cl14_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl14_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayB_upd select congr_cl14_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl14_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayB_upd select congr_cl15_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl15_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayB_upd select congr_cl15_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl15_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayB_upd select congr_cl15_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl15_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayB_upd select congr_cl15_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl15_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayB_upd select congr_cl15_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl15_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayB_upd select congr_cl15_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl15_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayB_upd select congr_cl16_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl16_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayB_upd select congr_cl16_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl16_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayB_upd select congr_cl16_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl16_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayB_upd select congr_cl16_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl16_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayB_upd select congr_cl16_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl16_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayB_upd select congr_cl16_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl16_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayB_upd select congr_cl17_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl17_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayB_upd select congr_cl17_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl17_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayB_upd select congr_cl17_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl17_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayB_upd select congr_cl17_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl17_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayB_upd select congr_cl17_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl17_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayB_upd select congr_cl17_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl17_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayB_upd select congr_cl18_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl18_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayB_upd select congr_cl18_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl18_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayB_upd select congr_cl18_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl18_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayB_upd select congr_cl18_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl18_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayB_upd select congr_cl18_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl18_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayB_upd select congr_cl18_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl18_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayB_upd select congr_cl19_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl19_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayB_upd select congr_cl19_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl19_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayB_upd select congr_cl19_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl19_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayB_upd select congr_cl19_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl19_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayB_upd select congr_cl19_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl19_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayB_upd select congr_cl19_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl19_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayB_upd select congr_cl20_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl20_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayB_upd select congr_cl20_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl20_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayB_upd select congr_cl20_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl20_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayB_upd select congr_cl20_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl20_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayB_upd select congr_cl20_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl20_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayB_upd select congr_cl20_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl20_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayB_upd select congr_cl21_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl21_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayB_upd select congr_cl21_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl21_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayB_upd select congr_cl21_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl21_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayB_upd select congr_cl21_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl21_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayB_upd select congr_cl21_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl21_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayB_upd select congr_cl21_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl21_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayB_upd select congr_cl22_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl22_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayB_upd select congr_cl22_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl22_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayB_upd select congr_cl22_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl22_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayB_upd select congr_cl22_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl22_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayB_upd select congr_cl22_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl22_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayB_upd select congr_cl22_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl22_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayB_upd select congr_cl23_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl23_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayB_upd select congr_cl23_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl23_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayB_upd select congr_cl23_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl23_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayB_upd select congr_cl23_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl23_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayB_upd select congr_cl23_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl23_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayB_upd select congr_cl23_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl23_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayB_upd select congr_cl24_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl24_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayB_upd select congr_cl24_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl24_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayB_upd select congr_cl24_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl24_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayB_upd select congr_cl24_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl24_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayB_upd select congr_cl24_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl24_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayB_upd select congr_cl24_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl24_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayB_upd select congr_cl25_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl25_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayB_upd select congr_cl25_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl25_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayB_upd select congr_cl25_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl25_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayB_upd select congr_cl25_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl25_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayB_upd select congr_cl25_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl25_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayB_upd select congr_cl25_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl25_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayB_upd select congr_cl26_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl26_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayB_upd select congr_cl26_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl26_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayB_upd select congr_cl26_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl26_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayB_upd select congr_cl26_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl26_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayB_upd select congr_cl26_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl26_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayB_upd select congr_cl26_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl26_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayB_upd select congr_cl27_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl27_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayB_upd select congr_cl27_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl27_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayB_upd select congr_cl27_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl27_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayB_upd select congr_cl27_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl27_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayB_upd select congr_cl27_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl27_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayB_upd select congr_cl27_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl27_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayB_upd select congr_cl28_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl28_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayB_upd select congr_cl28_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl28_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayB_upd select congr_cl28_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl28_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayB_upd select congr_cl28_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl28_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayB_upd select congr_cl28_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl28_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayB_upd select congr_cl28_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl28_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayB_upd select congr_cl29_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl29_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayB_upd select congr_cl29_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl29_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayB_upd select congr_cl29_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl29_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayB_upd select congr_cl29_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl29_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayB_upd select congr_cl29_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl29_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayB_upd select congr_cl29_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl29_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayB_upd select congr_cl30_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl30_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayB_upd select congr_cl30_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl30_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayB_upd select congr_cl30_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl30_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayB_upd select congr_cl30_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl30_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayB_upd select congr_cl30_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl30_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayB_upd select congr_cl30_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl30_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayB_upd select congr_cl31_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl31_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayB_upd select congr_cl31_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl31_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayB_upd select congr_cl31_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl31_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayB_upd select congr_cl31_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl31_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayB_upd select congr_cl31_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl31_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayB_upd select congr_cl31_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl31_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayB_upd select congr_cl32_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl32_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayB_upd select congr_cl32_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl32_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayB_upd select congr_cl32_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl32_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayB_upd select congr_cl32_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl32_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayB_upd select congr_cl32_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl32_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayB_upd select congr_cl32_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl32_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayB_upd select congr_cl33_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl33_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayB_upd select congr_cl33_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl33_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayB_upd select congr_cl33_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl33_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayB_upd select congr_cl33_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl33_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayB_upd select congr_cl33_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl33_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayB_upd select congr_cl33_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl33_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayB_upd select congr_cl34_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl34_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayB_upd select congr_cl34_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl34_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayB_upd select congr_cl34_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl34_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayB_upd select congr_cl34_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl34_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayB_upd select congr_cl34_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl34_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayB_upd select congr_cl34_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl34_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayB_upd select congr_cl35_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl35_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayB_upd select congr_cl35_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl35_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayB_upd select congr_cl35_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl35_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayB_upd select congr_cl35_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl35_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayB_upd select congr_cl35_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl35_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayB_upd select congr_cl35_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl35_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayB_upd select congr_cl36_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl36_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayB_upd select congr_cl36_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl36_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayB_upd select congr_cl36_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl36_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayB_upd select congr_cl36_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl36_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayB_upd select congr_cl36_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl36_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayB_upd select congr_cl36_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl36_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayB_upd select congr_cl37_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl37_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayB_upd select congr_cl37_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl37_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayB_upd select congr_cl37_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl37_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayB_upd select congr_cl37_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl37_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayB_upd select congr_cl37_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl37_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayB_upd select congr_cl37_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl37_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayB_upd select congr_cl38_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl38_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayB_upd select congr_cl38_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl38_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayB_upd select congr_cl38_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl38_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayB_upd select congr_cl38_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl38_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayB_upd select congr_cl38_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl38_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayB_upd select congr_cl38_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl38_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayB_upd select congr_cl39_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl39_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayB_upd select congr_cl39_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl39_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayB_upd select congr_cl39_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl39_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayB_upd select congr_cl39_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl39_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayB_upd select congr_cl39_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl39_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayB_upd select congr_cl39_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl39_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayB_upd select congr_cl40_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl40_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayB_upd select congr_cl40_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl40_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayB_upd select congr_cl40_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl40_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayB_upd select congr_cl40_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl40_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayB_upd select congr_cl40_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl40_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayB_upd select congr_cl40_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl40_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayB_upd select congr_cl41_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl41_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayB_upd select congr_cl41_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl41_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayB_upd select congr_cl41_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl41_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayB_upd select congr_cl41_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl41_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayB_upd select congr_cl41_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl41_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayB_upd select congr_cl41_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl41_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayB_upd select congr_cl42_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl42_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayB_upd select congr_cl42_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl42_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayB_upd select congr_cl42_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl42_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayB_upd select congr_cl42_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl42_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayB_upd select congr_cl42_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl42_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayB_upd select congr_cl42_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl42_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayB_upd select congr_cl43_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl43_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayB_upd select congr_cl43_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl43_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayB_upd select congr_cl43_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl43_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayB_upd select congr_cl43_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl43_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayB_upd select congr_cl43_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl43_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayB_upd select congr_cl43_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl43_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayB_upd select congr_cl44_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl44_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayB_upd select congr_cl44_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl44_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayB_upd select congr_cl44_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl44_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayB_upd select congr_cl44_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl44_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayB_upd select congr_cl44_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl44_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayB_upd select congr_cl44_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl44_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayB_upd select congr_cl45_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl45_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayB_upd select congr_cl45_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl45_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayB_upd select congr_cl45_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl45_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayB_upd select congr_cl45_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl45_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayB_upd select congr_cl45_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl45_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayB_upd select congr_cl45_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl45_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayB_upd select congr_cl46_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl46_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayB_upd select congr_cl46_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl46_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayB_upd select congr_cl46_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl46_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayB_upd select congr_cl46_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl46_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayB_upd select congr_cl46_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl46_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayB_upd select congr_cl46_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl46_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayB_upd select congr_cl47_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl47_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayB_upd select congr_cl47_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl47_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayB_upd select congr_cl47_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl47_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayB_upd select congr_cl47_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl47_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayB_upd select congr_cl47_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl47_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayB_upd select congr_cl47_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl47_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayB_upd select congr_cl48_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl48_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayB_upd select congr_cl48_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl48_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayB_upd select congr_cl48_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl48_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayB_upd select congr_cl48_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl48_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayB_upd select congr_cl48_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl48_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayB_upd select congr_cl48_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl48_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayB_upd select congr_cl49_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl49_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayB_upd select congr_cl49_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl49_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayB_upd select congr_cl49_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl49_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayB_upd select congr_cl49_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl49_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayB_upd select congr_cl49_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl49_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayB_upd select congr_cl49_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl49_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayB_upd select congr_cl50_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl50_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayB_upd select congr_cl50_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl50_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayB_upd select congr_cl50_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl50_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayB_upd select congr_cl50_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl50_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayB_upd select congr_cl50_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl50_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayB_upd select congr_cl50_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl50_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayB_upd select congr_cl51_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl51_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayB_upd select congr_cl51_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl51_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayB_upd select congr_cl51_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl51_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayB_upd select congr_cl51_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl51_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayB_upd select congr_cl51_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl51_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayB_upd select congr_cl51_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl51_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayB_upd select congr_cl52_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl52_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayB_upd select congr_cl52_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl52_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayB_upd select congr_cl52_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl52_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayB_upd select congr_cl52_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl52_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayB_upd select congr_cl52_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl52_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayB_upd select congr_cl52_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl52_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayB_upd select congr_cl53_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl53_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayB_upd select congr_cl53_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl53_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayB_upd select congr_cl53_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl53_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayB_upd select congr_cl53_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl53_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayB_upd select congr_cl53_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl53_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayB_upd select congr_cl53_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl53_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayB_upd select congr_cl54_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl54_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayB_upd select congr_cl54_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl54_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayB_upd select congr_cl54_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl54_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayB_upd select congr_cl54_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl54_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayB_upd select congr_cl54_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl54_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayB_upd select congr_cl54_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl54_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayB_upd select congr_cl55_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl55_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayB_upd select congr_cl55_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl55_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayB_upd select congr_cl55_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl55_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayB_upd select congr_cl55_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl55_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayB_upd select congr_cl55_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl55_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayB_upd select congr_cl55_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl55_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayB_upd select congr_cl56_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl56_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayB_upd select congr_cl56_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl56_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayB_upd select congr_cl56_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl56_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayB_upd select congr_cl56_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl56_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayB_upd select congr_cl56_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl56_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayB_upd select congr_cl56_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl56_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayB_upd select congr_cl57_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl57_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayB_upd select congr_cl57_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl57_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayB_upd select congr_cl57_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl57_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayB_upd select congr_cl57_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl57_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayB_upd select congr_cl57_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl57_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayB_upd select congr_cl57_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl57_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayB_upd select congr_cl58_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl58_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayB_upd select congr_cl58_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl58_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayB_upd select congr_cl58_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl58_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayB_upd select congr_cl58_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl58_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayB_upd select congr_cl58_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl58_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayB_upd select congr_cl58_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl58_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayB_upd select congr_cl59_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl59_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayB_upd select congr_cl59_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl59_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayB_upd select congr_cl59_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl59_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayB_upd select congr_cl59_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl59_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayB_upd select congr_cl59_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl59_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayB_upd select congr_cl59_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl59_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayB_upd select congr_cl60_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl60_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayB_upd select congr_cl60_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl60_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayB_upd select congr_cl60_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl60_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayB_upd select congr_cl60_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl60_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayB_upd select congr_cl60_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl60_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayB_upd select congr_cl60_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl60_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayB_upd select congr_cl61_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl61_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayB_upd select congr_cl61_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl61_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayB_upd select congr_cl61_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl61_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayB_upd select congr_cl61_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl61_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayB_upd select congr_cl61_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl61_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayB_upd select congr_cl61_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl61_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayB_upd select congr_cl62_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl62_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayB_upd select congr_cl62_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl62_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayB_upd select congr_cl62_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl62_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayB_upd select congr_cl62_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl62_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayB_upd select congr_cl62_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl62_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayB_upd select congr_cl62_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl62_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayB Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayB_upd select congr_cl63_wB_d(0) <= (congr_cl63_wB_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayB Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayB_upd select congr_cl63_wB_d(1) <= (congr_cl63_wB_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayB Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayB_upd select congr_cl63_wB_d(2) <= (congr_cl63_wB_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayB Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayB_upd select congr_cl63_wB_d(3) <= (congr_cl63_wB_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayB Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayB_upd select congr_cl63_wB_d(4) <= (congr_cl63_wB_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayB Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayB_upd select congr_cl63_wB_d(5) <= (congr_cl63_wB_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayB_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Write Select for WayC -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayC_upd select congr_cl0_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl0_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayC_upd select congr_cl0_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl0_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayC_upd select congr_cl0_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl0_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayC_upd select congr_cl0_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl0_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayC_upd select congr_cl0_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl0_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayC_upd select congr_cl0_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl0_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayC_upd select congr_cl1_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl1_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayC_upd select congr_cl1_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl1_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayC_upd select congr_cl1_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl1_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayC_upd select congr_cl1_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl1_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayC_upd select congr_cl1_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl1_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayC_upd select congr_cl1_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl1_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayC_upd select congr_cl2_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl2_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayC_upd select congr_cl2_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl2_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayC_upd select congr_cl2_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl2_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayC_upd select congr_cl2_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl2_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayC_upd select congr_cl2_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl2_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayC_upd select congr_cl2_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl2_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayC_upd select congr_cl3_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl3_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayC_upd select congr_cl3_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl3_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayC_upd select congr_cl3_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl3_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayC_upd select congr_cl3_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl3_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayC_upd select congr_cl3_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl3_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayC_upd select congr_cl3_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl3_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayC_upd select congr_cl4_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl4_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayC_upd select congr_cl4_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl4_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayC_upd select congr_cl4_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl4_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayC_upd select congr_cl4_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl4_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayC_upd select congr_cl4_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl4_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayC_upd select congr_cl4_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl4_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayC_upd select congr_cl5_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl5_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayC_upd select congr_cl5_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl5_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayC_upd select congr_cl5_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl5_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayC_upd select congr_cl5_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl5_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayC_upd select congr_cl5_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl5_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayC_upd select congr_cl5_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl5_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayC_upd select congr_cl6_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl6_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayC_upd select congr_cl6_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl6_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayC_upd select congr_cl6_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl6_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayC_upd select congr_cl6_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl6_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayC_upd select congr_cl6_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl6_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayC_upd select congr_cl6_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl6_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayC_upd select congr_cl7_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl7_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayC_upd select congr_cl7_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl7_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayC_upd select congr_cl7_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl7_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayC_upd select congr_cl7_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl7_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayC_upd select congr_cl7_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl7_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayC_upd select congr_cl7_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl7_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayC_upd select congr_cl8_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl8_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayC_upd select congr_cl8_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl8_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayC_upd select congr_cl8_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl8_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayC_upd select congr_cl8_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl8_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayC_upd select congr_cl8_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl8_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayC_upd select congr_cl8_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl8_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayC_upd select congr_cl9_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl9_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayC_upd select congr_cl9_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl9_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayC_upd select congr_cl9_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl9_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayC_upd select congr_cl9_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl9_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayC_upd select congr_cl9_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl9_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayC_upd select congr_cl9_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl9_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayC_upd select congr_cl10_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl10_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayC_upd select congr_cl10_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl10_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayC_upd select congr_cl10_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl10_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayC_upd select congr_cl10_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl10_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayC_upd select congr_cl10_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl10_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayC_upd select congr_cl10_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl10_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayC_upd select congr_cl11_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl11_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayC_upd select congr_cl11_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl11_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayC_upd select congr_cl11_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl11_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayC_upd select congr_cl11_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl11_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayC_upd select congr_cl11_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl11_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayC_upd select congr_cl11_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl11_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayC_upd select congr_cl12_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl12_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayC_upd select congr_cl12_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl12_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayC_upd select congr_cl12_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl12_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayC_upd select congr_cl12_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl12_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayC_upd select congr_cl12_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl12_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayC_upd select congr_cl12_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl12_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayC_upd select congr_cl13_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl13_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayC_upd select congr_cl13_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl13_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayC_upd select congr_cl13_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl13_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayC_upd select congr_cl13_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl13_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayC_upd select congr_cl13_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl13_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayC_upd select congr_cl13_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl13_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayC_upd select congr_cl14_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl14_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayC_upd select congr_cl14_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl14_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayC_upd select congr_cl14_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl14_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayC_upd select congr_cl14_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl14_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayC_upd select congr_cl14_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl14_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayC_upd select congr_cl14_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl14_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayC_upd select congr_cl15_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl15_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayC_upd select congr_cl15_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl15_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayC_upd select congr_cl15_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl15_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayC_upd select congr_cl15_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl15_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayC_upd select congr_cl15_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl15_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayC_upd select congr_cl15_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl15_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayC_upd select congr_cl16_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl16_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayC_upd select congr_cl16_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl16_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayC_upd select congr_cl16_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl16_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayC_upd select congr_cl16_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl16_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayC_upd select congr_cl16_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl16_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayC_upd select congr_cl16_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl16_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayC_upd select congr_cl17_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl17_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayC_upd select congr_cl17_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl17_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayC_upd select congr_cl17_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl17_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayC_upd select congr_cl17_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl17_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayC_upd select congr_cl17_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl17_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayC_upd select congr_cl17_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl17_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayC_upd select congr_cl18_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl18_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayC_upd select congr_cl18_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl18_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayC_upd select congr_cl18_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl18_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayC_upd select congr_cl18_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl18_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayC_upd select congr_cl18_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl18_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayC_upd select congr_cl18_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl18_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayC_upd select congr_cl19_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl19_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayC_upd select congr_cl19_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl19_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayC_upd select congr_cl19_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl19_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayC_upd select congr_cl19_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl19_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayC_upd select congr_cl19_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl19_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayC_upd select congr_cl19_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl19_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayC_upd select congr_cl20_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl20_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayC_upd select congr_cl20_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl20_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayC_upd select congr_cl20_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl20_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayC_upd select congr_cl20_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl20_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayC_upd select congr_cl20_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl20_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayC_upd select congr_cl20_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl20_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayC_upd select congr_cl21_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl21_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayC_upd select congr_cl21_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl21_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayC_upd select congr_cl21_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl21_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayC_upd select congr_cl21_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl21_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayC_upd select congr_cl21_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl21_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayC_upd select congr_cl21_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl21_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayC_upd select congr_cl22_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl22_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayC_upd select congr_cl22_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl22_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayC_upd select congr_cl22_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl22_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayC_upd select congr_cl22_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl22_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayC_upd select congr_cl22_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl22_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayC_upd select congr_cl22_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl22_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayC_upd select congr_cl23_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl23_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayC_upd select congr_cl23_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl23_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayC_upd select congr_cl23_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl23_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayC_upd select congr_cl23_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl23_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayC_upd select congr_cl23_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl23_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayC_upd select congr_cl23_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl23_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayC_upd select congr_cl24_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl24_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayC_upd select congr_cl24_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl24_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayC_upd select congr_cl24_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl24_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayC_upd select congr_cl24_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl24_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayC_upd select congr_cl24_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl24_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayC_upd select congr_cl24_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl24_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayC_upd select congr_cl25_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl25_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayC_upd select congr_cl25_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl25_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayC_upd select congr_cl25_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl25_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayC_upd select congr_cl25_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl25_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayC_upd select congr_cl25_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl25_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayC_upd select congr_cl25_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl25_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayC_upd select congr_cl26_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl26_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayC_upd select congr_cl26_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl26_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayC_upd select congr_cl26_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl26_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayC_upd select congr_cl26_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl26_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayC_upd select congr_cl26_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl26_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayC_upd select congr_cl26_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl26_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayC_upd select congr_cl27_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl27_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayC_upd select congr_cl27_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl27_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayC_upd select congr_cl27_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl27_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayC_upd select congr_cl27_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl27_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayC_upd select congr_cl27_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl27_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayC_upd select congr_cl27_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl27_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayC_upd select congr_cl28_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl28_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayC_upd select congr_cl28_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl28_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayC_upd select congr_cl28_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl28_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayC_upd select congr_cl28_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl28_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayC_upd select congr_cl28_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl28_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayC_upd select congr_cl28_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl28_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayC_upd select congr_cl29_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl29_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayC_upd select congr_cl29_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl29_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayC_upd select congr_cl29_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl29_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayC_upd select congr_cl29_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl29_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayC_upd select congr_cl29_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl29_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayC_upd select congr_cl29_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl29_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayC_upd select congr_cl30_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl30_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayC_upd select congr_cl30_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl30_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayC_upd select congr_cl30_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl30_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayC_upd select congr_cl30_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl30_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayC_upd select congr_cl30_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl30_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayC_upd select congr_cl30_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl30_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayC_upd select congr_cl31_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl31_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayC_upd select congr_cl31_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl31_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayC_upd select congr_cl31_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl31_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayC_upd select congr_cl31_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl31_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayC_upd select congr_cl31_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl31_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayC_upd select congr_cl31_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl31_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayC_upd select congr_cl32_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl32_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayC_upd select congr_cl32_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl32_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayC_upd select congr_cl32_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl32_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayC_upd select congr_cl32_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl32_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayC_upd select congr_cl32_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl32_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayC_upd select congr_cl32_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl32_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayC_upd select congr_cl33_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl33_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayC_upd select congr_cl33_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl33_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayC_upd select congr_cl33_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl33_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayC_upd select congr_cl33_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl33_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayC_upd select congr_cl33_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl33_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayC_upd select congr_cl33_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl33_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayC_upd select congr_cl34_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl34_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayC_upd select congr_cl34_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl34_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayC_upd select congr_cl34_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl34_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayC_upd select congr_cl34_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl34_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayC_upd select congr_cl34_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl34_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayC_upd select congr_cl34_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl34_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayC_upd select congr_cl35_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl35_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayC_upd select congr_cl35_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl35_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayC_upd select congr_cl35_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl35_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayC_upd select congr_cl35_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl35_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayC_upd select congr_cl35_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl35_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayC_upd select congr_cl35_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl35_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayC_upd select congr_cl36_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl36_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayC_upd select congr_cl36_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl36_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayC_upd select congr_cl36_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl36_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayC_upd select congr_cl36_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl36_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayC_upd select congr_cl36_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl36_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayC_upd select congr_cl36_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl36_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayC_upd select congr_cl37_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl37_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayC_upd select congr_cl37_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl37_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayC_upd select congr_cl37_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl37_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayC_upd select congr_cl37_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl37_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayC_upd select congr_cl37_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl37_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayC_upd select congr_cl37_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl37_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayC_upd select congr_cl38_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl38_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayC_upd select congr_cl38_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl38_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayC_upd select congr_cl38_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl38_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayC_upd select congr_cl38_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl38_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayC_upd select congr_cl38_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl38_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayC_upd select congr_cl38_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl38_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayC_upd select congr_cl39_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl39_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayC_upd select congr_cl39_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl39_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayC_upd select congr_cl39_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl39_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayC_upd select congr_cl39_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl39_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayC_upd select congr_cl39_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl39_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayC_upd select congr_cl39_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl39_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayC_upd select congr_cl40_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl40_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayC_upd select congr_cl40_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl40_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayC_upd select congr_cl40_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl40_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayC_upd select congr_cl40_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl40_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayC_upd select congr_cl40_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl40_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayC_upd select congr_cl40_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl40_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayC_upd select congr_cl41_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl41_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayC_upd select congr_cl41_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl41_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayC_upd select congr_cl41_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl41_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayC_upd select congr_cl41_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl41_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayC_upd select congr_cl41_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl41_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayC_upd select congr_cl41_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl41_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayC_upd select congr_cl42_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl42_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayC_upd select congr_cl42_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl42_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayC_upd select congr_cl42_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl42_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayC_upd select congr_cl42_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl42_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayC_upd select congr_cl42_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl42_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayC_upd select congr_cl42_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl42_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayC_upd select congr_cl43_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl43_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayC_upd select congr_cl43_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl43_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayC_upd select congr_cl43_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl43_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayC_upd select congr_cl43_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl43_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayC_upd select congr_cl43_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl43_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayC_upd select congr_cl43_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl43_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayC_upd select congr_cl44_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl44_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayC_upd select congr_cl44_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl44_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayC_upd select congr_cl44_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl44_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayC_upd select congr_cl44_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl44_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayC_upd select congr_cl44_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl44_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayC_upd select congr_cl44_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl44_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayC_upd select congr_cl45_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl45_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayC_upd select congr_cl45_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl45_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayC_upd select congr_cl45_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl45_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayC_upd select congr_cl45_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl45_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayC_upd select congr_cl45_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl45_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayC_upd select congr_cl45_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl45_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayC_upd select congr_cl46_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl46_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayC_upd select congr_cl46_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl46_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayC_upd select congr_cl46_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl46_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayC_upd select congr_cl46_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl46_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayC_upd select congr_cl46_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl46_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayC_upd select congr_cl46_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl46_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayC_upd select congr_cl47_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl47_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayC_upd select congr_cl47_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl47_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayC_upd select congr_cl47_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl47_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayC_upd select congr_cl47_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl47_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayC_upd select congr_cl47_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl47_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayC_upd select congr_cl47_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl47_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayC_upd select congr_cl48_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl48_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayC_upd select congr_cl48_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl48_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayC_upd select congr_cl48_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl48_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayC_upd select congr_cl48_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl48_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayC_upd select congr_cl48_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl48_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayC_upd select congr_cl48_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl48_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayC_upd select congr_cl49_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl49_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayC_upd select congr_cl49_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl49_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayC_upd select congr_cl49_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl49_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayC_upd select congr_cl49_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl49_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayC_upd select congr_cl49_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl49_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayC_upd select congr_cl49_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl49_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayC_upd select congr_cl50_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl50_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayC_upd select congr_cl50_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl50_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayC_upd select congr_cl50_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl50_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayC_upd select congr_cl50_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl50_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayC_upd select congr_cl50_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl50_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayC_upd select congr_cl50_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl50_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayC_upd select congr_cl51_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl51_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayC_upd select congr_cl51_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl51_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayC_upd select congr_cl51_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl51_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayC_upd select congr_cl51_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl51_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayC_upd select congr_cl51_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl51_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayC_upd select congr_cl51_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl51_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayC_upd select congr_cl52_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl52_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayC_upd select congr_cl52_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl52_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayC_upd select congr_cl52_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl52_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayC_upd select congr_cl52_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl52_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayC_upd select congr_cl52_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl52_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayC_upd select congr_cl52_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl52_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayC_upd select congr_cl53_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl53_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayC_upd select congr_cl53_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl53_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayC_upd select congr_cl53_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl53_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayC_upd select congr_cl53_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl53_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayC_upd select congr_cl53_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl53_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayC_upd select congr_cl53_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl53_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayC_upd select congr_cl54_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl54_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayC_upd select congr_cl54_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl54_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayC_upd select congr_cl54_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl54_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayC_upd select congr_cl54_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl54_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayC_upd select congr_cl54_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl54_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayC_upd select congr_cl54_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl54_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayC_upd select congr_cl55_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl55_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayC_upd select congr_cl55_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl55_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayC_upd select congr_cl55_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl55_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayC_upd select congr_cl55_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl55_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayC_upd select congr_cl55_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl55_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayC_upd select congr_cl55_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl55_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayC_upd select congr_cl56_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl56_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayC_upd select congr_cl56_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl56_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayC_upd select congr_cl56_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl56_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayC_upd select congr_cl56_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl56_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayC_upd select congr_cl56_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl56_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayC_upd select congr_cl56_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl56_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayC_upd select congr_cl57_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl57_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayC_upd select congr_cl57_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl57_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayC_upd select congr_cl57_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl57_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayC_upd select congr_cl57_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl57_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayC_upd select congr_cl57_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl57_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayC_upd select congr_cl57_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl57_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayC_upd select congr_cl58_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl58_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayC_upd select congr_cl58_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl58_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayC_upd select congr_cl58_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl58_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayC_upd select congr_cl58_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl58_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayC_upd select congr_cl58_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl58_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayC_upd select congr_cl58_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl58_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayC_upd select congr_cl59_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl59_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayC_upd select congr_cl59_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl59_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayC_upd select congr_cl59_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl59_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayC_upd select congr_cl59_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl59_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayC_upd select congr_cl59_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl59_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayC_upd select congr_cl59_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl59_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayC_upd select congr_cl60_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl60_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayC_upd select congr_cl60_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl60_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayC_upd select congr_cl60_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl60_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayC_upd select congr_cl60_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl60_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayC_upd select congr_cl60_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl60_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayC_upd select congr_cl60_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl60_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayC_upd select congr_cl61_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl61_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayC_upd select congr_cl61_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl61_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayC_upd select congr_cl61_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl61_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayC_upd select congr_cl61_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl61_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayC_upd select congr_cl61_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl61_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayC_upd select congr_cl61_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl61_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayC_upd select congr_cl62_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl62_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayC_upd select congr_cl62_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl62_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayC_upd select congr_cl62_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl62_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayC_upd select congr_cl62_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl62_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayC_upd select congr_cl62_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl62_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayC_upd select congr_cl62_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl62_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayC Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayC_upd select congr_cl63_wC_d(0) <= (congr_cl63_wC_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayC Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayC_upd select congr_cl63_wC_d(1) <= (congr_cl63_wC_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayC Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayC_upd select congr_cl63_wC_d(2) <= (congr_cl63_wC_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayC Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayC_upd select congr_cl63_wC_d(3) <= (congr_cl63_wC_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayC Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayC_upd select congr_cl63_wC_d(4) <= (congr_cl63_wC_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayC Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayC_upd select congr_cl63_wC_d(5) <= (congr_cl63_wC_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayC_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Write Select for WayD -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayD_upd select congr_cl0_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl0_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayD_upd select congr_cl0_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl0_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayD_upd select congr_cl0_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl0_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayD_upd select congr_cl0_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl0_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayD_upd select congr_cl0_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl0_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayD_upd select congr_cl0_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl0_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayD_upd select congr_cl1_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl1_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayD_upd select congr_cl1_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl1_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayD_upd select congr_cl1_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl1_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayD_upd select congr_cl1_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl1_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayD_upd select congr_cl1_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl1_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayD_upd select congr_cl1_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl1_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayD_upd select congr_cl2_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl2_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayD_upd select congr_cl2_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl2_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayD_upd select congr_cl2_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl2_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayD_upd select congr_cl2_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl2_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayD_upd select congr_cl2_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl2_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayD_upd select congr_cl2_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl2_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayD_upd select congr_cl3_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl3_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayD_upd select congr_cl3_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl3_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayD_upd select congr_cl3_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl3_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayD_upd select congr_cl3_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl3_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayD_upd select congr_cl3_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl3_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayD_upd select congr_cl3_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl3_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayD_upd select congr_cl4_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl4_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayD_upd select congr_cl4_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl4_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayD_upd select congr_cl4_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl4_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayD_upd select congr_cl4_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl4_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayD_upd select congr_cl4_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl4_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayD_upd select congr_cl4_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl4_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayD_upd select congr_cl5_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl5_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayD_upd select congr_cl5_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl5_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayD_upd select congr_cl5_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl5_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayD_upd select congr_cl5_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl5_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayD_upd select congr_cl5_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl5_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayD_upd select congr_cl5_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl5_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayD_upd select congr_cl6_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl6_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayD_upd select congr_cl6_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl6_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayD_upd select congr_cl6_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl6_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayD_upd select congr_cl6_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl6_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayD_upd select congr_cl6_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl6_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayD_upd select congr_cl6_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl6_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayD_upd select congr_cl7_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl7_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayD_upd select congr_cl7_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl7_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayD_upd select congr_cl7_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl7_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayD_upd select congr_cl7_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl7_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayD_upd select congr_cl7_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl7_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayD_upd select congr_cl7_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl7_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayD_upd select congr_cl8_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl8_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayD_upd select congr_cl8_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl8_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayD_upd select congr_cl8_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl8_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayD_upd select congr_cl8_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl8_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayD_upd select congr_cl8_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl8_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayD_upd select congr_cl8_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl8_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayD_upd select congr_cl9_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl9_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayD_upd select congr_cl9_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl9_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayD_upd select congr_cl9_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl9_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayD_upd select congr_cl9_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl9_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayD_upd select congr_cl9_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl9_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayD_upd select congr_cl9_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl9_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayD_upd select congr_cl10_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl10_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayD_upd select congr_cl10_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl10_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayD_upd select congr_cl10_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl10_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayD_upd select congr_cl10_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl10_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayD_upd select congr_cl10_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl10_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayD_upd select congr_cl10_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl10_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayD_upd select congr_cl11_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl11_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayD_upd select congr_cl11_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl11_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayD_upd select congr_cl11_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl11_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayD_upd select congr_cl11_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl11_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayD_upd select congr_cl11_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl11_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayD_upd select congr_cl11_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl11_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayD_upd select congr_cl12_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl12_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayD_upd select congr_cl12_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl12_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayD_upd select congr_cl12_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl12_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayD_upd select congr_cl12_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl12_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayD_upd select congr_cl12_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl12_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayD_upd select congr_cl12_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl12_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayD_upd select congr_cl13_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl13_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayD_upd select congr_cl13_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl13_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayD_upd select congr_cl13_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl13_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayD_upd select congr_cl13_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl13_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayD_upd select congr_cl13_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl13_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayD_upd select congr_cl13_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl13_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayD_upd select congr_cl14_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl14_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayD_upd select congr_cl14_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl14_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayD_upd select congr_cl14_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl14_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayD_upd select congr_cl14_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl14_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayD_upd select congr_cl14_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl14_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayD_upd select congr_cl14_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl14_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayD_upd select congr_cl15_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl15_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayD_upd select congr_cl15_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl15_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayD_upd select congr_cl15_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl15_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayD_upd select congr_cl15_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl15_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayD_upd select congr_cl15_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl15_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayD_upd select congr_cl15_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl15_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayD_upd select congr_cl16_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl16_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayD_upd select congr_cl16_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl16_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayD_upd select congr_cl16_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl16_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayD_upd select congr_cl16_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl16_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayD_upd select congr_cl16_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl16_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayD_upd select congr_cl16_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl16_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayD_upd select congr_cl17_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl17_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayD_upd select congr_cl17_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl17_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayD_upd select congr_cl17_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl17_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayD_upd select congr_cl17_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl17_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayD_upd select congr_cl17_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl17_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayD_upd select congr_cl17_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl17_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayD_upd select congr_cl18_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl18_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayD_upd select congr_cl18_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl18_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayD_upd select congr_cl18_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl18_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayD_upd select congr_cl18_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl18_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayD_upd select congr_cl18_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl18_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayD_upd select congr_cl18_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl18_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayD_upd select congr_cl19_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl19_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayD_upd select congr_cl19_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl19_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayD_upd select congr_cl19_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl19_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayD_upd select congr_cl19_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl19_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayD_upd select congr_cl19_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl19_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayD_upd select congr_cl19_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl19_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayD_upd select congr_cl20_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl20_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayD_upd select congr_cl20_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl20_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayD_upd select congr_cl20_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl20_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayD_upd select congr_cl20_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl20_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayD_upd select congr_cl20_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl20_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayD_upd select congr_cl20_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl20_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayD_upd select congr_cl21_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl21_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayD_upd select congr_cl21_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl21_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayD_upd select congr_cl21_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl21_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayD_upd select congr_cl21_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl21_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayD_upd select congr_cl21_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl21_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayD_upd select congr_cl21_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl21_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayD_upd select congr_cl22_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl22_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayD_upd select congr_cl22_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl22_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayD_upd select congr_cl22_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl22_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayD_upd select congr_cl22_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl22_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayD_upd select congr_cl22_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl22_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayD_upd select congr_cl22_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl22_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayD_upd select congr_cl23_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl23_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayD_upd select congr_cl23_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl23_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayD_upd select congr_cl23_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl23_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayD_upd select congr_cl23_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl23_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayD_upd select congr_cl23_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl23_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayD_upd select congr_cl23_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl23_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayD_upd select congr_cl24_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl24_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayD_upd select congr_cl24_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl24_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayD_upd select congr_cl24_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl24_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayD_upd select congr_cl24_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl24_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayD_upd select congr_cl24_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl24_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayD_upd select congr_cl24_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl24_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayD_upd select congr_cl25_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl25_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayD_upd select congr_cl25_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl25_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayD_upd select congr_cl25_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl25_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayD_upd select congr_cl25_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl25_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayD_upd select congr_cl25_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl25_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayD_upd select congr_cl25_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl25_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayD_upd select congr_cl26_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl26_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayD_upd select congr_cl26_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl26_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayD_upd select congr_cl26_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl26_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayD_upd select congr_cl26_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl26_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayD_upd select congr_cl26_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl26_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayD_upd select congr_cl26_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl26_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayD_upd select congr_cl27_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl27_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayD_upd select congr_cl27_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl27_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayD_upd select congr_cl27_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl27_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayD_upd select congr_cl27_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl27_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayD_upd select congr_cl27_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl27_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayD_upd select congr_cl27_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl27_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayD_upd select congr_cl28_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl28_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayD_upd select congr_cl28_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl28_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayD_upd select congr_cl28_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl28_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayD_upd select congr_cl28_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl28_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayD_upd select congr_cl28_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl28_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayD_upd select congr_cl28_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl28_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayD_upd select congr_cl29_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl29_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayD_upd select congr_cl29_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl29_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayD_upd select congr_cl29_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl29_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayD_upd select congr_cl29_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl29_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayD_upd select congr_cl29_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl29_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayD_upd select congr_cl29_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl29_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayD_upd select congr_cl30_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl30_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayD_upd select congr_cl30_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl30_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayD_upd select congr_cl30_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl30_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayD_upd select congr_cl30_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl30_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayD_upd select congr_cl30_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl30_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayD_upd select congr_cl30_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl30_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayD_upd select congr_cl31_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl31_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayD_upd select congr_cl31_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl31_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayD_upd select congr_cl31_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl31_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayD_upd select congr_cl31_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl31_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayD_upd select congr_cl31_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl31_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayD_upd select congr_cl31_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl31_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayD_upd select congr_cl32_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl32_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayD_upd select congr_cl32_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl32_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayD_upd select congr_cl32_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl32_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayD_upd select congr_cl32_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl32_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayD_upd select congr_cl32_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl32_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayD_upd select congr_cl32_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl32_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayD_upd select congr_cl33_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl33_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayD_upd select congr_cl33_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl33_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayD_upd select congr_cl33_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl33_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayD_upd select congr_cl33_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl33_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayD_upd select congr_cl33_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl33_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayD_upd select congr_cl33_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl33_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayD_upd select congr_cl34_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl34_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayD_upd select congr_cl34_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl34_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayD_upd select congr_cl34_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl34_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayD_upd select congr_cl34_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl34_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayD_upd select congr_cl34_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl34_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayD_upd select congr_cl34_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl34_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayD_upd select congr_cl35_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl35_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayD_upd select congr_cl35_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl35_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayD_upd select congr_cl35_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl35_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayD_upd select congr_cl35_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl35_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayD_upd select congr_cl35_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl35_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayD_upd select congr_cl35_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl35_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayD_upd select congr_cl36_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl36_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayD_upd select congr_cl36_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl36_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayD_upd select congr_cl36_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl36_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayD_upd select congr_cl36_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl36_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayD_upd select congr_cl36_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl36_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayD_upd select congr_cl36_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl36_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayD_upd select congr_cl37_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl37_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayD_upd select congr_cl37_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl37_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayD_upd select congr_cl37_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl37_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayD_upd select congr_cl37_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl37_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayD_upd select congr_cl37_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl37_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayD_upd select congr_cl37_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl37_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayD_upd select congr_cl38_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl38_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayD_upd select congr_cl38_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl38_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayD_upd select congr_cl38_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl38_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayD_upd select congr_cl38_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl38_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayD_upd select congr_cl38_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl38_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayD_upd select congr_cl38_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl38_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayD_upd select congr_cl39_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl39_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayD_upd select congr_cl39_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl39_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayD_upd select congr_cl39_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl39_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayD_upd select congr_cl39_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl39_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayD_upd select congr_cl39_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl39_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayD_upd select congr_cl39_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl39_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayD_upd select congr_cl40_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl40_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayD_upd select congr_cl40_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl40_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayD_upd select congr_cl40_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl40_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayD_upd select congr_cl40_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl40_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayD_upd select congr_cl40_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl40_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayD_upd select congr_cl40_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl40_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayD_upd select congr_cl41_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl41_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayD_upd select congr_cl41_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl41_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayD_upd select congr_cl41_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl41_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayD_upd select congr_cl41_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl41_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayD_upd select congr_cl41_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl41_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayD_upd select congr_cl41_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl41_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayD_upd select congr_cl42_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl42_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayD_upd select congr_cl42_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl42_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayD_upd select congr_cl42_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl42_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayD_upd select congr_cl42_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl42_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayD_upd select congr_cl42_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl42_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayD_upd select congr_cl42_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl42_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayD_upd select congr_cl43_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl43_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayD_upd select congr_cl43_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl43_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayD_upd select congr_cl43_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl43_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayD_upd select congr_cl43_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl43_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayD_upd select congr_cl43_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl43_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayD_upd select congr_cl43_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl43_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayD_upd select congr_cl44_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl44_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayD_upd select congr_cl44_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl44_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayD_upd select congr_cl44_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl44_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayD_upd select congr_cl44_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl44_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayD_upd select congr_cl44_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl44_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayD_upd select congr_cl44_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl44_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayD_upd select congr_cl45_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl45_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayD_upd select congr_cl45_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl45_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayD_upd select congr_cl45_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl45_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayD_upd select congr_cl45_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl45_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayD_upd select congr_cl45_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl45_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayD_upd select congr_cl45_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl45_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayD_upd select congr_cl46_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl46_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayD_upd select congr_cl46_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl46_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayD_upd select congr_cl46_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl46_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayD_upd select congr_cl46_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl46_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayD_upd select congr_cl46_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl46_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayD_upd select congr_cl46_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl46_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayD_upd select congr_cl47_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl47_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayD_upd select congr_cl47_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl47_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayD_upd select congr_cl47_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl47_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayD_upd select congr_cl47_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl47_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayD_upd select congr_cl47_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl47_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayD_upd select congr_cl47_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl47_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayD_upd select congr_cl48_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl48_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayD_upd select congr_cl48_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl48_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayD_upd select congr_cl48_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl48_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayD_upd select congr_cl48_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl48_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayD_upd select congr_cl48_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl48_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayD_upd select congr_cl48_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl48_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayD_upd select congr_cl49_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl49_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayD_upd select congr_cl49_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl49_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayD_upd select congr_cl49_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl49_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayD_upd select congr_cl49_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl49_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayD_upd select congr_cl49_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl49_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayD_upd select congr_cl49_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl49_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayD_upd select congr_cl50_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl50_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayD_upd select congr_cl50_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl50_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayD_upd select congr_cl50_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl50_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayD_upd select congr_cl50_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl50_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayD_upd select congr_cl50_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl50_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayD_upd select congr_cl50_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl50_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayD_upd select congr_cl51_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl51_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayD_upd select congr_cl51_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl51_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayD_upd select congr_cl51_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl51_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayD_upd select congr_cl51_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl51_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayD_upd select congr_cl51_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl51_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayD_upd select congr_cl51_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl51_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayD_upd select congr_cl52_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl52_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayD_upd select congr_cl52_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl52_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayD_upd select congr_cl52_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl52_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayD_upd select congr_cl52_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl52_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayD_upd select congr_cl52_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl52_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayD_upd select congr_cl52_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl52_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayD_upd select congr_cl53_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl53_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayD_upd select congr_cl53_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl53_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayD_upd select congr_cl53_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl53_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayD_upd select congr_cl53_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl53_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayD_upd select congr_cl53_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl53_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayD_upd select congr_cl53_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl53_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayD_upd select congr_cl54_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl54_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayD_upd select congr_cl54_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl54_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayD_upd select congr_cl54_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl54_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayD_upd select congr_cl54_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl54_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayD_upd select congr_cl54_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl54_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayD_upd select congr_cl54_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl54_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayD_upd select congr_cl55_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl55_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayD_upd select congr_cl55_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl55_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayD_upd select congr_cl55_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl55_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayD_upd select congr_cl55_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl55_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayD_upd select congr_cl55_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl55_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayD_upd select congr_cl55_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl55_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayD_upd select congr_cl56_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl56_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayD_upd select congr_cl56_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl56_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayD_upd select congr_cl56_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl56_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayD_upd select congr_cl56_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl56_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayD_upd select congr_cl56_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl56_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayD_upd select congr_cl56_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl56_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayD_upd select congr_cl57_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl57_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayD_upd select congr_cl57_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl57_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayD_upd select congr_cl57_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl57_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayD_upd select congr_cl57_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl57_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayD_upd select congr_cl57_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl57_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayD_upd select congr_cl57_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl57_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayD_upd select congr_cl58_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl58_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayD_upd select congr_cl58_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl58_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayD_upd select congr_cl58_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl58_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayD_upd select congr_cl58_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl58_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayD_upd select congr_cl58_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl58_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayD_upd select congr_cl58_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl58_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayD_upd select congr_cl59_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl59_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayD_upd select congr_cl59_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl59_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayD_upd select congr_cl59_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl59_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayD_upd select congr_cl59_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl59_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayD_upd select congr_cl59_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl59_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayD_upd select congr_cl59_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl59_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayD_upd select congr_cl60_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl60_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayD_upd select congr_cl60_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl60_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayD_upd select congr_cl60_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl60_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayD_upd select congr_cl60_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl60_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayD_upd select congr_cl60_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl60_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayD_upd select congr_cl60_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl60_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayD_upd select congr_cl61_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl61_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayD_upd select congr_cl61_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl61_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayD_upd select congr_cl61_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl61_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayD_upd select congr_cl61_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl61_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayD_upd select congr_cl61_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl61_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayD_upd select congr_cl61_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl61_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayD_upd select congr_cl62_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl62_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayD_upd select congr_cl62_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl62_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayD_upd select congr_cl62_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl62_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayD_upd select congr_cl62_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl62_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayD_upd select congr_cl62_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl62_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayD_upd select congr_cl62_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl62_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayD Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayD_upd select congr_cl63_wD_d(0) <= (congr_cl63_wD_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayD Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayD_upd select congr_cl63_wD_d(1) <= (congr_cl63_wD_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayD Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayD_upd select congr_cl63_wD_d(2) <= (congr_cl63_wD_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayD Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayD_upd select congr_cl63_wD_d(3) <= (congr_cl63_wD_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayD Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayD_upd select congr_cl63_wD_d(4) <= (congr_cl63_wD_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayD Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayD_upd select congr_cl63_wD_d(5) <= (congr_cl63_wD_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayD_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Write Select for WayE -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayE_upd select congr_cl0_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl0_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayE_upd select congr_cl0_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl0_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayE_upd select congr_cl0_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl0_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayE_upd select congr_cl0_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl0_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayE_upd select congr_cl0_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl0_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayE_upd select congr_cl0_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl0_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayE_upd select congr_cl1_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl1_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayE_upd select congr_cl1_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl1_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayE_upd select congr_cl1_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl1_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayE_upd select congr_cl1_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl1_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayE_upd select congr_cl1_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl1_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayE_upd select congr_cl1_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl1_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayE_upd select congr_cl2_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl2_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayE_upd select congr_cl2_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl2_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayE_upd select congr_cl2_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl2_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayE_upd select congr_cl2_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl2_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayE_upd select congr_cl2_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl2_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayE_upd select congr_cl2_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl2_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayE_upd select congr_cl3_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl3_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayE_upd select congr_cl3_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl3_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayE_upd select congr_cl3_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl3_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayE_upd select congr_cl3_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl3_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayE_upd select congr_cl3_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl3_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayE_upd select congr_cl3_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl3_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayE_upd select congr_cl4_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl4_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayE_upd select congr_cl4_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl4_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayE_upd select congr_cl4_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl4_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayE_upd select congr_cl4_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl4_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayE_upd select congr_cl4_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl4_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayE_upd select congr_cl4_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl4_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayE_upd select congr_cl5_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl5_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayE_upd select congr_cl5_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl5_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayE_upd select congr_cl5_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl5_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayE_upd select congr_cl5_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl5_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayE_upd select congr_cl5_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl5_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayE_upd select congr_cl5_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl5_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayE_upd select congr_cl6_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl6_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayE_upd select congr_cl6_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl6_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayE_upd select congr_cl6_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl6_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayE_upd select congr_cl6_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl6_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayE_upd select congr_cl6_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl6_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayE_upd select congr_cl6_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl6_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayE_upd select congr_cl7_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl7_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayE_upd select congr_cl7_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl7_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayE_upd select congr_cl7_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl7_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayE_upd select congr_cl7_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl7_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayE_upd select congr_cl7_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl7_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayE_upd select congr_cl7_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl7_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayE_upd select congr_cl8_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl8_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayE_upd select congr_cl8_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl8_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayE_upd select congr_cl8_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl8_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayE_upd select congr_cl8_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl8_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayE_upd select congr_cl8_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl8_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayE_upd select congr_cl8_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl8_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayE_upd select congr_cl9_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl9_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayE_upd select congr_cl9_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl9_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayE_upd select congr_cl9_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl9_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayE_upd select congr_cl9_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl9_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayE_upd select congr_cl9_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl9_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayE_upd select congr_cl9_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl9_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayE_upd select congr_cl10_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl10_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayE_upd select congr_cl10_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl10_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayE_upd select congr_cl10_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl10_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayE_upd select congr_cl10_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl10_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayE_upd select congr_cl10_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl10_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayE_upd select congr_cl10_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl10_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayE_upd select congr_cl11_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl11_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayE_upd select congr_cl11_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl11_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayE_upd select congr_cl11_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl11_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayE_upd select congr_cl11_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl11_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayE_upd select congr_cl11_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl11_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayE_upd select congr_cl11_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl11_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayE_upd select congr_cl12_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl12_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayE_upd select congr_cl12_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl12_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayE_upd select congr_cl12_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl12_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayE_upd select congr_cl12_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl12_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayE_upd select congr_cl12_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl12_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayE_upd select congr_cl12_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl12_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayE_upd select congr_cl13_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl13_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayE_upd select congr_cl13_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl13_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayE_upd select congr_cl13_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl13_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayE_upd select congr_cl13_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl13_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayE_upd select congr_cl13_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl13_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayE_upd select congr_cl13_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl13_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayE_upd select congr_cl14_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl14_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayE_upd select congr_cl14_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl14_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayE_upd select congr_cl14_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl14_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayE_upd select congr_cl14_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl14_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayE_upd select congr_cl14_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl14_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayE_upd select congr_cl14_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl14_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayE_upd select congr_cl15_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl15_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayE_upd select congr_cl15_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl15_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayE_upd select congr_cl15_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl15_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayE_upd select congr_cl15_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl15_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayE_upd select congr_cl15_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl15_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayE_upd select congr_cl15_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl15_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayE_upd select congr_cl16_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl16_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayE_upd select congr_cl16_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl16_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayE_upd select congr_cl16_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl16_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayE_upd select congr_cl16_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl16_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayE_upd select congr_cl16_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl16_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayE_upd select congr_cl16_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl16_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayE_upd select congr_cl17_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl17_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayE_upd select congr_cl17_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl17_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayE_upd select congr_cl17_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl17_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayE_upd select congr_cl17_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl17_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayE_upd select congr_cl17_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl17_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayE_upd select congr_cl17_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl17_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayE_upd select congr_cl18_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl18_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayE_upd select congr_cl18_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl18_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayE_upd select congr_cl18_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl18_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayE_upd select congr_cl18_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl18_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayE_upd select congr_cl18_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl18_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayE_upd select congr_cl18_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl18_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayE_upd select congr_cl19_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl19_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayE_upd select congr_cl19_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl19_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayE_upd select congr_cl19_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl19_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayE_upd select congr_cl19_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl19_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayE_upd select congr_cl19_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl19_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayE_upd select congr_cl19_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl19_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayE_upd select congr_cl20_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl20_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayE_upd select congr_cl20_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl20_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayE_upd select congr_cl20_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl20_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayE_upd select congr_cl20_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl20_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayE_upd select congr_cl20_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl20_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayE_upd select congr_cl20_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl20_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayE_upd select congr_cl21_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl21_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayE_upd select congr_cl21_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl21_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayE_upd select congr_cl21_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl21_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayE_upd select congr_cl21_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl21_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayE_upd select congr_cl21_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl21_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayE_upd select congr_cl21_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl21_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayE_upd select congr_cl22_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl22_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayE_upd select congr_cl22_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl22_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayE_upd select congr_cl22_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl22_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayE_upd select congr_cl22_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl22_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayE_upd select congr_cl22_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl22_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayE_upd select congr_cl22_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl22_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayE_upd select congr_cl23_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl23_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayE_upd select congr_cl23_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl23_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayE_upd select congr_cl23_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl23_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayE_upd select congr_cl23_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl23_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayE_upd select congr_cl23_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl23_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayE_upd select congr_cl23_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl23_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayE_upd select congr_cl24_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl24_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayE_upd select congr_cl24_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl24_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayE_upd select congr_cl24_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl24_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayE_upd select congr_cl24_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl24_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayE_upd select congr_cl24_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl24_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayE_upd select congr_cl24_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl24_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayE_upd select congr_cl25_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl25_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayE_upd select congr_cl25_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl25_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayE_upd select congr_cl25_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl25_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayE_upd select congr_cl25_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl25_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayE_upd select congr_cl25_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl25_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayE_upd select congr_cl25_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl25_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayE_upd select congr_cl26_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl26_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayE_upd select congr_cl26_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl26_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayE_upd select congr_cl26_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl26_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayE_upd select congr_cl26_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl26_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayE_upd select congr_cl26_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl26_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayE_upd select congr_cl26_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl26_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayE_upd select congr_cl27_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl27_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayE_upd select congr_cl27_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl27_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayE_upd select congr_cl27_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl27_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayE_upd select congr_cl27_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl27_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayE_upd select congr_cl27_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl27_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayE_upd select congr_cl27_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl27_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayE_upd select congr_cl28_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl28_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayE_upd select congr_cl28_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl28_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayE_upd select congr_cl28_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl28_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayE_upd select congr_cl28_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl28_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayE_upd select congr_cl28_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl28_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayE_upd select congr_cl28_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl28_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayE_upd select congr_cl29_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl29_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayE_upd select congr_cl29_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl29_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayE_upd select congr_cl29_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl29_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayE_upd select congr_cl29_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl29_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayE_upd select congr_cl29_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl29_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayE_upd select congr_cl29_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl29_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayE_upd select congr_cl30_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl30_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayE_upd select congr_cl30_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl30_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayE_upd select congr_cl30_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl30_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayE_upd select congr_cl30_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl30_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayE_upd select congr_cl30_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl30_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayE_upd select congr_cl30_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl30_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayE_upd select congr_cl31_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl31_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayE_upd select congr_cl31_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl31_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayE_upd select congr_cl31_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl31_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayE_upd select congr_cl31_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl31_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayE_upd select congr_cl31_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl31_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayE_upd select congr_cl31_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl31_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayE_upd select congr_cl32_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl32_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayE_upd select congr_cl32_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl32_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayE_upd select congr_cl32_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl32_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayE_upd select congr_cl32_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl32_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayE_upd select congr_cl32_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl32_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayE_upd select congr_cl32_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl32_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayE_upd select congr_cl33_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl33_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayE_upd select congr_cl33_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl33_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayE_upd select congr_cl33_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl33_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayE_upd select congr_cl33_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl33_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayE_upd select congr_cl33_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl33_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayE_upd select congr_cl33_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl33_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayE_upd select congr_cl34_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl34_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayE_upd select congr_cl34_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl34_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayE_upd select congr_cl34_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl34_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayE_upd select congr_cl34_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl34_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayE_upd select congr_cl34_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl34_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayE_upd select congr_cl34_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl34_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayE_upd select congr_cl35_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl35_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayE_upd select congr_cl35_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl35_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayE_upd select congr_cl35_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl35_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayE_upd select congr_cl35_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl35_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayE_upd select congr_cl35_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl35_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayE_upd select congr_cl35_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl35_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayE_upd select congr_cl36_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl36_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayE_upd select congr_cl36_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl36_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayE_upd select congr_cl36_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl36_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayE_upd select congr_cl36_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl36_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayE_upd select congr_cl36_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl36_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayE_upd select congr_cl36_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl36_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayE_upd select congr_cl37_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl37_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayE_upd select congr_cl37_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl37_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayE_upd select congr_cl37_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl37_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayE_upd select congr_cl37_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl37_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayE_upd select congr_cl37_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl37_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayE_upd select congr_cl37_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl37_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayE_upd select congr_cl38_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl38_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayE_upd select congr_cl38_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl38_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayE_upd select congr_cl38_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl38_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayE_upd select congr_cl38_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl38_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayE_upd select congr_cl38_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl38_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayE_upd select congr_cl38_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl38_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayE_upd select congr_cl39_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl39_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayE_upd select congr_cl39_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl39_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayE_upd select congr_cl39_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl39_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayE_upd select congr_cl39_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl39_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayE_upd select congr_cl39_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl39_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayE_upd select congr_cl39_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl39_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayE_upd select congr_cl40_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl40_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayE_upd select congr_cl40_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl40_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayE_upd select congr_cl40_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl40_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayE_upd select congr_cl40_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl40_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayE_upd select congr_cl40_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl40_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayE_upd select congr_cl40_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl40_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayE_upd select congr_cl41_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl41_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayE_upd select congr_cl41_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl41_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayE_upd select congr_cl41_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl41_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayE_upd select congr_cl41_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl41_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayE_upd select congr_cl41_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl41_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayE_upd select congr_cl41_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl41_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayE_upd select congr_cl42_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl42_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayE_upd select congr_cl42_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl42_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayE_upd select congr_cl42_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl42_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayE_upd select congr_cl42_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl42_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayE_upd select congr_cl42_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl42_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayE_upd select congr_cl42_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl42_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayE_upd select congr_cl43_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl43_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayE_upd select congr_cl43_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl43_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayE_upd select congr_cl43_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl43_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayE_upd select congr_cl43_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl43_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayE_upd select congr_cl43_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl43_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayE_upd select congr_cl43_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl43_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayE_upd select congr_cl44_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl44_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayE_upd select congr_cl44_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl44_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayE_upd select congr_cl44_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl44_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayE_upd select congr_cl44_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl44_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayE_upd select congr_cl44_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl44_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayE_upd select congr_cl44_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl44_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayE_upd select congr_cl45_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl45_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayE_upd select congr_cl45_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl45_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayE_upd select congr_cl45_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl45_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayE_upd select congr_cl45_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl45_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayE_upd select congr_cl45_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl45_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayE_upd select congr_cl45_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl45_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayE_upd select congr_cl46_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl46_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayE_upd select congr_cl46_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl46_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayE_upd select congr_cl46_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl46_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayE_upd select congr_cl46_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl46_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayE_upd select congr_cl46_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl46_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayE_upd select congr_cl46_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl46_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayE_upd select congr_cl47_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl47_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayE_upd select congr_cl47_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl47_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayE_upd select congr_cl47_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl47_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayE_upd select congr_cl47_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl47_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayE_upd select congr_cl47_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl47_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayE_upd select congr_cl47_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl47_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayE_upd select congr_cl48_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl48_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayE_upd select congr_cl48_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl48_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayE_upd select congr_cl48_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl48_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayE_upd select congr_cl48_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl48_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayE_upd select congr_cl48_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl48_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayE_upd select congr_cl48_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl48_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayE_upd select congr_cl49_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl49_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayE_upd select congr_cl49_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl49_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayE_upd select congr_cl49_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl49_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayE_upd select congr_cl49_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl49_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayE_upd select congr_cl49_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl49_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayE_upd select congr_cl49_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl49_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayE_upd select congr_cl50_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl50_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayE_upd select congr_cl50_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl50_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayE_upd select congr_cl50_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl50_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayE_upd select congr_cl50_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl50_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayE_upd select congr_cl50_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl50_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayE_upd select congr_cl50_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl50_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayE_upd select congr_cl51_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl51_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayE_upd select congr_cl51_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl51_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayE_upd select congr_cl51_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl51_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayE_upd select congr_cl51_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl51_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayE_upd select congr_cl51_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl51_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayE_upd select congr_cl51_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl51_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayE_upd select congr_cl52_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl52_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayE_upd select congr_cl52_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl52_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayE_upd select congr_cl52_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl52_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayE_upd select congr_cl52_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl52_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayE_upd select congr_cl52_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl52_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayE_upd select congr_cl52_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl52_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayE_upd select congr_cl53_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl53_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayE_upd select congr_cl53_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl53_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayE_upd select congr_cl53_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl53_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayE_upd select congr_cl53_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl53_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayE_upd select congr_cl53_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl53_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayE_upd select congr_cl53_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl53_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayE_upd select congr_cl54_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl54_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayE_upd select congr_cl54_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl54_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayE_upd select congr_cl54_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl54_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayE_upd select congr_cl54_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl54_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayE_upd select congr_cl54_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl54_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayE_upd select congr_cl54_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl54_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayE_upd select congr_cl55_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl55_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayE_upd select congr_cl55_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl55_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayE_upd select congr_cl55_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl55_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayE_upd select congr_cl55_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl55_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayE_upd select congr_cl55_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl55_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayE_upd select congr_cl55_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl55_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayE_upd select congr_cl56_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl56_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayE_upd select congr_cl56_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl56_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayE_upd select congr_cl56_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl56_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayE_upd select congr_cl56_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl56_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayE_upd select congr_cl56_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl56_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayE_upd select congr_cl56_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl56_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayE_upd select congr_cl57_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl57_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayE_upd select congr_cl57_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl57_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayE_upd select congr_cl57_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl57_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayE_upd select congr_cl57_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl57_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayE_upd select congr_cl57_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl57_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayE_upd select congr_cl57_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl57_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayE_upd select congr_cl58_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl58_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayE_upd select congr_cl58_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl58_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayE_upd select congr_cl58_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl58_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayE_upd select congr_cl58_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl58_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayE_upd select congr_cl58_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl58_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayE_upd select congr_cl58_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl58_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayE_upd select congr_cl59_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl59_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayE_upd select congr_cl59_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl59_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayE_upd select congr_cl59_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl59_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayE_upd select congr_cl59_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl59_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayE_upd select congr_cl59_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl59_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayE_upd select congr_cl59_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl59_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayE_upd select congr_cl60_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl60_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayE_upd select congr_cl60_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl60_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayE_upd select congr_cl60_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl60_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayE_upd select congr_cl60_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl60_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayE_upd select congr_cl60_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl60_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayE_upd select congr_cl60_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl60_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayE_upd select congr_cl61_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl61_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayE_upd select congr_cl61_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl61_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayE_upd select congr_cl61_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl61_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayE_upd select congr_cl61_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl61_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayE_upd select congr_cl61_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl61_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayE_upd select congr_cl61_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl61_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayE_upd select congr_cl62_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl62_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayE_upd select congr_cl62_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl62_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayE_upd select congr_cl62_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl62_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayE_upd select congr_cl62_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl62_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayE_upd select congr_cl62_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl62_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayE_upd select congr_cl62_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl62_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayE Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayE_upd select congr_cl63_wE_d(0) <= (congr_cl63_wE_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayE Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayE_upd select congr_cl63_wE_d(1) <= (congr_cl63_wE_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayE Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayE_upd select congr_cl63_wE_d(2) <= (congr_cl63_wE_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayE Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayE_upd select congr_cl63_wE_d(3) <= (congr_cl63_wE_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayE Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayE_upd select congr_cl63_wE_d(4) <= (congr_cl63_wE_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayE Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayE_upd select congr_cl63_wE_d(5) <= (congr_cl63_wE_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayE_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Write Select for WayF -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayF_upd select congr_cl0_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl0_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayF_upd select congr_cl0_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl0_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayF_upd select congr_cl0_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl0_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayF_upd select congr_cl0_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl0_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayF_upd select congr_cl0_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl0_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayF_upd select congr_cl0_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl0_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayF_upd select congr_cl1_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl1_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayF_upd select congr_cl1_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl1_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayF_upd select congr_cl1_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl1_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayF_upd select congr_cl1_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl1_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayF_upd select congr_cl1_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl1_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayF_upd select congr_cl1_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl1_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayF_upd select congr_cl2_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl2_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayF_upd select congr_cl2_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl2_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayF_upd select congr_cl2_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl2_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayF_upd select congr_cl2_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl2_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayF_upd select congr_cl2_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl2_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayF_upd select congr_cl2_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl2_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayF_upd select congr_cl3_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl3_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayF_upd select congr_cl3_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl3_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayF_upd select congr_cl3_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl3_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayF_upd select congr_cl3_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl3_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayF_upd select congr_cl3_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl3_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayF_upd select congr_cl3_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl3_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayF_upd select congr_cl4_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl4_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayF_upd select congr_cl4_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl4_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayF_upd select congr_cl4_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl4_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayF_upd select congr_cl4_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl4_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayF_upd select congr_cl4_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl4_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayF_upd select congr_cl4_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl4_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayF_upd select congr_cl5_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl5_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayF_upd select congr_cl5_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl5_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayF_upd select congr_cl5_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl5_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayF_upd select congr_cl5_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl5_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayF_upd select congr_cl5_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl5_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayF_upd select congr_cl5_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl5_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayF_upd select congr_cl6_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl6_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayF_upd select congr_cl6_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl6_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayF_upd select congr_cl6_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl6_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayF_upd select congr_cl6_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl6_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayF_upd select congr_cl6_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl6_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayF_upd select congr_cl6_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl6_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayF_upd select congr_cl7_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl7_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayF_upd select congr_cl7_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl7_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayF_upd select congr_cl7_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl7_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayF_upd select congr_cl7_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl7_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayF_upd select congr_cl7_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl7_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayF_upd select congr_cl7_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl7_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayF_upd select congr_cl8_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl8_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayF_upd select congr_cl8_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl8_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayF_upd select congr_cl8_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl8_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayF_upd select congr_cl8_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl8_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayF_upd select congr_cl8_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl8_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayF_upd select congr_cl8_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl8_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayF_upd select congr_cl9_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl9_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayF_upd select congr_cl9_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl9_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayF_upd select congr_cl9_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl9_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayF_upd select congr_cl9_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl9_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayF_upd select congr_cl9_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl9_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayF_upd select congr_cl9_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl9_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayF_upd select congr_cl10_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl10_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayF_upd select congr_cl10_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl10_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayF_upd select congr_cl10_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl10_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayF_upd select congr_cl10_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl10_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayF_upd select congr_cl10_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl10_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayF_upd select congr_cl10_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl10_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayF_upd select congr_cl11_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl11_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayF_upd select congr_cl11_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl11_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayF_upd select congr_cl11_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl11_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayF_upd select congr_cl11_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl11_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayF_upd select congr_cl11_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl11_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayF_upd select congr_cl11_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl11_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayF_upd select congr_cl12_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl12_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayF_upd select congr_cl12_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl12_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayF_upd select congr_cl12_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl12_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayF_upd select congr_cl12_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl12_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayF_upd select congr_cl12_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl12_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayF_upd select congr_cl12_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl12_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayF_upd select congr_cl13_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl13_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayF_upd select congr_cl13_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl13_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayF_upd select congr_cl13_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl13_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayF_upd select congr_cl13_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl13_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayF_upd select congr_cl13_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl13_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayF_upd select congr_cl13_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl13_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayF_upd select congr_cl14_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl14_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayF_upd select congr_cl14_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl14_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayF_upd select congr_cl14_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl14_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayF_upd select congr_cl14_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl14_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayF_upd select congr_cl14_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl14_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayF_upd select congr_cl14_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl14_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayF_upd select congr_cl15_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl15_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayF_upd select congr_cl15_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl15_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayF_upd select congr_cl15_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl15_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayF_upd select congr_cl15_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl15_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayF_upd select congr_cl15_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl15_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayF_upd select congr_cl15_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl15_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayF_upd select congr_cl16_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl16_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayF_upd select congr_cl16_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl16_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayF_upd select congr_cl16_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl16_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayF_upd select congr_cl16_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl16_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayF_upd select congr_cl16_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl16_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayF_upd select congr_cl16_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl16_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayF_upd select congr_cl17_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl17_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayF_upd select congr_cl17_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl17_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayF_upd select congr_cl17_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl17_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayF_upd select congr_cl17_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl17_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayF_upd select congr_cl17_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl17_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayF_upd select congr_cl17_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl17_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayF_upd select congr_cl18_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl18_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayF_upd select congr_cl18_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl18_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayF_upd select congr_cl18_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl18_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayF_upd select congr_cl18_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl18_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayF_upd select congr_cl18_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl18_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayF_upd select congr_cl18_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl18_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayF_upd select congr_cl19_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl19_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayF_upd select congr_cl19_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl19_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayF_upd select congr_cl19_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl19_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayF_upd select congr_cl19_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl19_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayF_upd select congr_cl19_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl19_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayF_upd select congr_cl19_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl19_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayF_upd select congr_cl20_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl20_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayF_upd select congr_cl20_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl20_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayF_upd select congr_cl20_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl20_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayF_upd select congr_cl20_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl20_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayF_upd select congr_cl20_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl20_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayF_upd select congr_cl20_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl20_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayF_upd select congr_cl21_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl21_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayF_upd select congr_cl21_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl21_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayF_upd select congr_cl21_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl21_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayF_upd select congr_cl21_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl21_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayF_upd select congr_cl21_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl21_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayF_upd select congr_cl21_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl21_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayF_upd select congr_cl22_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl22_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayF_upd select congr_cl22_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl22_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayF_upd select congr_cl22_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl22_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayF_upd select congr_cl22_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl22_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayF_upd select congr_cl22_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl22_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayF_upd select congr_cl22_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl22_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayF_upd select congr_cl23_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl23_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayF_upd select congr_cl23_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl23_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayF_upd select congr_cl23_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl23_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayF_upd select congr_cl23_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl23_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayF_upd select congr_cl23_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl23_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayF_upd select congr_cl23_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl23_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayF_upd select congr_cl24_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl24_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayF_upd select congr_cl24_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl24_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayF_upd select congr_cl24_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl24_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayF_upd select congr_cl24_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl24_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayF_upd select congr_cl24_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl24_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayF_upd select congr_cl24_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl24_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayF_upd select congr_cl25_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl25_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayF_upd select congr_cl25_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl25_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayF_upd select congr_cl25_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl25_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayF_upd select congr_cl25_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl25_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayF_upd select congr_cl25_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl25_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayF_upd select congr_cl25_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl25_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayF_upd select congr_cl26_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl26_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayF_upd select congr_cl26_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl26_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayF_upd select congr_cl26_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl26_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayF_upd select congr_cl26_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl26_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayF_upd select congr_cl26_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl26_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayF_upd select congr_cl26_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl26_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayF_upd select congr_cl27_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl27_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayF_upd select congr_cl27_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl27_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayF_upd select congr_cl27_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl27_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayF_upd select congr_cl27_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl27_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayF_upd select congr_cl27_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl27_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayF_upd select congr_cl27_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl27_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayF_upd select congr_cl28_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl28_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayF_upd select congr_cl28_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl28_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayF_upd select congr_cl28_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl28_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayF_upd select congr_cl28_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl28_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayF_upd select congr_cl28_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl28_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayF_upd select congr_cl28_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl28_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayF_upd select congr_cl29_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl29_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayF_upd select congr_cl29_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl29_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayF_upd select congr_cl29_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl29_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayF_upd select congr_cl29_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl29_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayF_upd select congr_cl29_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl29_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayF_upd select congr_cl29_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl29_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayF_upd select congr_cl30_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl30_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayF_upd select congr_cl30_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl30_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayF_upd select congr_cl30_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl30_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayF_upd select congr_cl30_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl30_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayF_upd select congr_cl30_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl30_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayF_upd select congr_cl30_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl30_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayF_upd select congr_cl31_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl31_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayF_upd select congr_cl31_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl31_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayF_upd select congr_cl31_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl31_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayF_upd select congr_cl31_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl31_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayF_upd select congr_cl31_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl31_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayF_upd select congr_cl31_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl31_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayF_upd select congr_cl32_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl32_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayF_upd select congr_cl32_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl32_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayF_upd select congr_cl32_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl32_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayF_upd select congr_cl32_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl32_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayF_upd select congr_cl32_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl32_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayF_upd select congr_cl32_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl32_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayF_upd select congr_cl33_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl33_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayF_upd select congr_cl33_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl33_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayF_upd select congr_cl33_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl33_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayF_upd select congr_cl33_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl33_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayF_upd select congr_cl33_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl33_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayF_upd select congr_cl33_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl33_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayF_upd select congr_cl34_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl34_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayF_upd select congr_cl34_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl34_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayF_upd select congr_cl34_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl34_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayF_upd select congr_cl34_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl34_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayF_upd select congr_cl34_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl34_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayF_upd select congr_cl34_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl34_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayF_upd select congr_cl35_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl35_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayF_upd select congr_cl35_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl35_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayF_upd select congr_cl35_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl35_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayF_upd select congr_cl35_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl35_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayF_upd select congr_cl35_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl35_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayF_upd select congr_cl35_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl35_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayF_upd select congr_cl36_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl36_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayF_upd select congr_cl36_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl36_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayF_upd select congr_cl36_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl36_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayF_upd select congr_cl36_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl36_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayF_upd select congr_cl36_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl36_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayF_upd select congr_cl36_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl36_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayF_upd select congr_cl37_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl37_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayF_upd select congr_cl37_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl37_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayF_upd select congr_cl37_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl37_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayF_upd select congr_cl37_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl37_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayF_upd select congr_cl37_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl37_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayF_upd select congr_cl37_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl37_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayF_upd select congr_cl38_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl38_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayF_upd select congr_cl38_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl38_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayF_upd select congr_cl38_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl38_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayF_upd select congr_cl38_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl38_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayF_upd select congr_cl38_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl38_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayF_upd select congr_cl38_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl38_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayF_upd select congr_cl39_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl39_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayF_upd select congr_cl39_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl39_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayF_upd select congr_cl39_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl39_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayF_upd select congr_cl39_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl39_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayF_upd select congr_cl39_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl39_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayF_upd select congr_cl39_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl39_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayF_upd select congr_cl40_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl40_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayF_upd select congr_cl40_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl40_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayF_upd select congr_cl40_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl40_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayF_upd select congr_cl40_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl40_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayF_upd select congr_cl40_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl40_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayF_upd select congr_cl40_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl40_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayF_upd select congr_cl41_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl41_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayF_upd select congr_cl41_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl41_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayF_upd select congr_cl41_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl41_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayF_upd select congr_cl41_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl41_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayF_upd select congr_cl41_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl41_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayF_upd select congr_cl41_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl41_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayF_upd select congr_cl42_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl42_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayF_upd select congr_cl42_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl42_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayF_upd select congr_cl42_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl42_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayF_upd select congr_cl42_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl42_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayF_upd select congr_cl42_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl42_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayF_upd select congr_cl42_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl42_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayF_upd select congr_cl43_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl43_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayF_upd select congr_cl43_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl43_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayF_upd select congr_cl43_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl43_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayF_upd select congr_cl43_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl43_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayF_upd select congr_cl43_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl43_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayF_upd select congr_cl43_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl43_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayF_upd select congr_cl44_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl44_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayF_upd select congr_cl44_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl44_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayF_upd select congr_cl44_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl44_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayF_upd select congr_cl44_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl44_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayF_upd select congr_cl44_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl44_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayF_upd select congr_cl44_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl44_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayF_upd select congr_cl45_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl45_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayF_upd select congr_cl45_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl45_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayF_upd select congr_cl45_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl45_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayF_upd select congr_cl45_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl45_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayF_upd select congr_cl45_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl45_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayF_upd select congr_cl45_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl45_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayF_upd select congr_cl46_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl46_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayF_upd select congr_cl46_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl46_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayF_upd select congr_cl46_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl46_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayF_upd select congr_cl46_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl46_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayF_upd select congr_cl46_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl46_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayF_upd select congr_cl46_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl46_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayF_upd select congr_cl47_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl47_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayF_upd select congr_cl47_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl47_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayF_upd select congr_cl47_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl47_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayF_upd select congr_cl47_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl47_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayF_upd select congr_cl47_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl47_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayF_upd select congr_cl47_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl47_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayF_upd select congr_cl48_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl48_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayF_upd select congr_cl48_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl48_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayF_upd select congr_cl48_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl48_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayF_upd select congr_cl48_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl48_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayF_upd select congr_cl48_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl48_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayF_upd select congr_cl48_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl48_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayF_upd select congr_cl49_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl49_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayF_upd select congr_cl49_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl49_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayF_upd select congr_cl49_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl49_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayF_upd select congr_cl49_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl49_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayF_upd select congr_cl49_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl49_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayF_upd select congr_cl49_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl49_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayF_upd select congr_cl50_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl50_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayF_upd select congr_cl50_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl50_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayF_upd select congr_cl50_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl50_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayF_upd select congr_cl50_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl50_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayF_upd select congr_cl50_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl50_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayF_upd select congr_cl50_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl50_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayF_upd select congr_cl51_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl51_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayF_upd select congr_cl51_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl51_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayF_upd select congr_cl51_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl51_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayF_upd select congr_cl51_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl51_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayF_upd select congr_cl51_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl51_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayF_upd select congr_cl51_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl51_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayF_upd select congr_cl52_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl52_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayF_upd select congr_cl52_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl52_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayF_upd select congr_cl52_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl52_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayF_upd select congr_cl52_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl52_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayF_upd select congr_cl52_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl52_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayF_upd select congr_cl52_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl52_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayF_upd select congr_cl53_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl53_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayF_upd select congr_cl53_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl53_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayF_upd select congr_cl53_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl53_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayF_upd select congr_cl53_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl53_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayF_upd select congr_cl53_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl53_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayF_upd select congr_cl53_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl53_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayF_upd select congr_cl54_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl54_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayF_upd select congr_cl54_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl54_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayF_upd select congr_cl54_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl54_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayF_upd select congr_cl54_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl54_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayF_upd select congr_cl54_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl54_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayF_upd select congr_cl54_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl54_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayF_upd select congr_cl55_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl55_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayF_upd select congr_cl55_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl55_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayF_upd select congr_cl55_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl55_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayF_upd select congr_cl55_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl55_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayF_upd select congr_cl55_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl55_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayF_upd select congr_cl55_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl55_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayF_upd select congr_cl56_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl56_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayF_upd select congr_cl56_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl56_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayF_upd select congr_cl56_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl56_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayF_upd select congr_cl56_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl56_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayF_upd select congr_cl56_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl56_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayF_upd select congr_cl56_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl56_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayF_upd select congr_cl57_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl57_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayF_upd select congr_cl57_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl57_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayF_upd select congr_cl57_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl57_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayF_upd select congr_cl57_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl57_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayF_upd select congr_cl57_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl57_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayF_upd select congr_cl57_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl57_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayF_upd select congr_cl58_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl58_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayF_upd select congr_cl58_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl58_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayF_upd select congr_cl58_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl58_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayF_upd select congr_cl58_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl58_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayF_upd select congr_cl58_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl58_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayF_upd select congr_cl58_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl58_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayF_upd select congr_cl59_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl59_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayF_upd select congr_cl59_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl59_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayF_upd select congr_cl59_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl59_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayF_upd select congr_cl59_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl59_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayF_upd select congr_cl59_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl59_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayF_upd select congr_cl59_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl59_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayF_upd select congr_cl60_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl60_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayF_upd select congr_cl60_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl60_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayF_upd select congr_cl60_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl60_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayF_upd select congr_cl60_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl60_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayF_upd select congr_cl60_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl60_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayF_upd select congr_cl60_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl60_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayF_upd select congr_cl61_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl61_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayF_upd select congr_cl61_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl61_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayF_upd select congr_cl61_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl61_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayF_upd select congr_cl61_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl61_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayF_upd select congr_cl61_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl61_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayF_upd select congr_cl61_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl61_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayF_upd select congr_cl62_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl62_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayF_upd select congr_cl62_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl62_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayF_upd select congr_cl62_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl62_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayF_upd select congr_cl62_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl62_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayF_upd select congr_cl62_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl62_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayF_upd select congr_cl62_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl62_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayF Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayF_upd select congr_cl63_wF_d(0) <= (congr_cl63_wF_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayF Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayF_upd select congr_cl63_wF_d(1) <= (congr_cl63_wF_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayF Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayF_upd select congr_cl63_wF_d(2) <= (congr_cl63_wF_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayF Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayF_upd select congr_cl63_wF_d(3) <= (congr_cl63_wF_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayF Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayF_upd select congr_cl63_wF_d(4) <= (congr_cl63_wF_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayF Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayF_upd select congr_cl63_wF_d(5) <= (congr_cl63_wF_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayF_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Write Select for WayG -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayG_upd select congr_cl0_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl0_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayG_upd select congr_cl0_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl0_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayG_upd select congr_cl0_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl0_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayG_upd select congr_cl0_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl0_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayG_upd select congr_cl0_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl0_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayG_upd select congr_cl0_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl0_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayG_upd select congr_cl1_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl1_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayG_upd select congr_cl1_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl1_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayG_upd select congr_cl1_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl1_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayG_upd select congr_cl1_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl1_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayG_upd select congr_cl1_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl1_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayG_upd select congr_cl1_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl1_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayG_upd select congr_cl2_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl2_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayG_upd select congr_cl2_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl2_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayG_upd select congr_cl2_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl2_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayG_upd select congr_cl2_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl2_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayG_upd select congr_cl2_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl2_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayG_upd select congr_cl2_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl2_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayG_upd select congr_cl3_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl3_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayG_upd select congr_cl3_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl3_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayG_upd select congr_cl3_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl3_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayG_upd select congr_cl3_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl3_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayG_upd select congr_cl3_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl3_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayG_upd select congr_cl3_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl3_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayG_upd select congr_cl4_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl4_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayG_upd select congr_cl4_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl4_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayG_upd select congr_cl4_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl4_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayG_upd select congr_cl4_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl4_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayG_upd select congr_cl4_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl4_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayG_upd select congr_cl4_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl4_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayG_upd select congr_cl5_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl5_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayG_upd select congr_cl5_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl5_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayG_upd select congr_cl5_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl5_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayG_upd select congr_cl5_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl5_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayG_upd select congr_cl5_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl5_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayG_upd select congr_cl5_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl5_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayG_upd select congr_cl6_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl6_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayG_upd select congr_cl6_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl6_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayG_upd select congr_cl6_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl6_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayG_upd select congr_cl6_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl6_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayG_upd select congr_cl6_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl6_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayG_upd select congr_cl6_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl6_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayG_upd select congr_cl7_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl7_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayG_upd select congr_cl7_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl7_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayG_upd select congr_cl7_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl7_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayG_upd select congr_cl7_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl7_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayG_upd select congr_cl7_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl7_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayG_upd select congr_cl7_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl7_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayG_upd select congr_cl8_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl8_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayG_upd select congr_cl8_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl8_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayG_upd select congr_cl8_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl8_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayG_upd select congr_cl8_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl8_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayG_upd select congr_cl8_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl8_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayG_upd select congr_cl8_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl8_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayG_upd select congr_cl9_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl9_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayG_upd select congr_cl9_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl9_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayG_upd select congr_cl9_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl9_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayG_upd select congr_cl9_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl9_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayG_upd select congr_cl9_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl9_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayG_upd select congr_cl9_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl9_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayG_upd select congr_cl10_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl10_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayG_upd select congr_cl10_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl10_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayG_upd select congr_cl10_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl10_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayG_upd select congr_cl10_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl10_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayG_upd select congr_cl10_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl10_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayG_upd select congr_cl10_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl10_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayG_upd select congr_cl11_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl11_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayG_upd select congr_cl11_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl11_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayG_upd select congr_cl11_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl11_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayG_upd select congr_cl11_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl11_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayG_upd select congr_cl11_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl11_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayG_upd select congr_cl11_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl11_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayG_upd select congr_cl12_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl12_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayG_upd select congr_cl12_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl12_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayG_upd select congr_cl12_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl12_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayG_upd select congr_cl12_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl12_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayG_upd select congr_cl12_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl12_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayG_upd select congr_cl12_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl12_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayG_upd select congr_cl13_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl13_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayG_upd select congr_cl13_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl13_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayG_upd select congr_cl13_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl13_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayG_upd select congr_cl13_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl13_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayG_upd select congr_cl13_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl13_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayG_upd select congr_cl13_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl13_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayG_upd select congr_cl14_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl14_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayG_upd select congr_cl14_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl14_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayG_upd select congr_cl14_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl14_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayG_upd select congr_cl14_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl14_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayG_upd select congr_cl14_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl14_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayG_upd select congr_cl14_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl14_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayG_upd select congr_cl15_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl15_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayG_upd select congr_cl15_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl15_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayG_upd select congr_cl15_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl15_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayG_upd select congr_cl15_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl15_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayG_upd select congr_cl15_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl15_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayG_upd select congr_cl15_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl15_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayG_upd select congr_cl16_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl16_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayG_upd select congr_cl16_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl16_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayG_upd select congr_cl16_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl16_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayG_upd select congr_cl16_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl16_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayG_upd select congr_cl16_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl16_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayG_upd select congr_cl16_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl16_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayG_upd select congr_cl17_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl17_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayG_upd select congr_cl17_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl17_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayG_upd select congr_cl17_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl17_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayG_upd select congr_cl17_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl17_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayG_upd select congr_cl17_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl17_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayG_upd select congr_cl17_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl17_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayG_upd select congr_cl18_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl18_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayG_upd select congr_cl18_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl18_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayG_upd select congr_cl18_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl18_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayG_upd select congr_cl18_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl18_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayG_upd select congr_cl18_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl18_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayG_upd select congr_cl18_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl18_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayG_upd select congr_cl19_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl19_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayG_upd select congr_cl19_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl19_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayG_upd select congr_cl19_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl19_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayG_upd select congr_cl19_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl19_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayG_upd select congr_cl19_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl19_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayG_upd select congr_cl19_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl19_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayG_upd select congr_cl20_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl20_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayG_upd select congr_cl20_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl20_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayG_upd select congr_cl20_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl20_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayG_upd select congr_cl20_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl20_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayG_upd select congr_cl20_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl20_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayG_upd select congr_cl20_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl20_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayG_upd select congr_cl21_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl21_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayG_upd select congr_cl21_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl21_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayG_upd select congr_cl21_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl21_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayG_upd select congr_cl21_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl21_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayG_upd select congr_cl21_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl21_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayG_upd select congr_cl21_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl21_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayG_upd select congr_cl22_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl22_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayG_upd select congr_cl22_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl22_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayG_upd select congr_cl22_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl22_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayG_upd select congr_cl22_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl22_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayG_upd select congr_cl22_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl22_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayG_upd select congr_cl22_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl22_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayG_upd select congr_cl23_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl23_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayG_upd select congr_cl23_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl23_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayG_upd select congr_cl23_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl23_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayG_upd select congr_cl23_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl23_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayG_upd select congr_cl23_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl23_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayG_upd select congr_cl23_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl23_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayG_upd select congr_cl24_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl24_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayG_upd select congr_cl24_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl24_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayG_upd select congr_cl24_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl24_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayG_upd select congr_cl24_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl24_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayG_upd select congr_cl24_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl24_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayG_upd select congr_cl24_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl24_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayG_upd select congr_cl25_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl25_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayG_upd select congr_cl25_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl25_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayG_upd select congr_cl25_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl25_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayG_upd select congr_cl25_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl25_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayG_upd select congr_cl25_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl25_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayG_upd select congr_cl25_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl25_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayG_upd select congr_cl26_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl26_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayG_upd select congr_cl26_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl26_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayG_upd select congr_cl26_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl26_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayG_upd select congr_cl26_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl26_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayG_upd select congr_cl26_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl26_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayG_upd select congr_cl26_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl26_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayG_upd select congr_cl27_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl27_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayG_upd select congr_cl27_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl27_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayG_upd select congr_cl27_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl27_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayG_upd select congr_cl27_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl27_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayG_upd select congr_cl27_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl27_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayG_upd select congr_cl27_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl27_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayG_upd select congr_cl28_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl28_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayG_upd select congr_cl28_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl28_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayG_upd select congr_cl28_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl28_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayG_upd select congr_cl28_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl28_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayG_upd select congr_cl28_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl28_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayG_upd select congr_cl28_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl28_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayG_upd select congr_cl29_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl29_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayG_upd select congr_cl29_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl29_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayG_upd select congr_cl29_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl29_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayG_upd select congr_cl29_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl29_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayG_upd select congr_cl29_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl29_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayG_upd select congr_cl29_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl29_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayG_upd select congr_cl30_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl30_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayG_upd select congr_cl30_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl30_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayG_upd select congr_cl30_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl30_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayG_upd select congr_cl30_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl30_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayG_upd select congr_cl30_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl30_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayG_upd select congr_cl30_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl30_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayG_upd select congr_cl31_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl31_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayG_upd select congr_cl31_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl31_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayG_upd select congr_cl31_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl31_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayG_upd select congr_cl31_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl31_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayG_upd select congr_cl31_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl31_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayG_upd select congr_cl31_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl31_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayG_upd select congr_cl32_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl32_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayG_upd select congr_cl32_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl32_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayG_upd select congr_cl32_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl32_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayG_upd select congr_cl32_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl32_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayG_upd select congr_cl32_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl32_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayG_upd select congr_cl32_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl32_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayG_upd select congr_cl33_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl33_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayG_upd select congr_cl33_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl33_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayG_upd select congr_cl33_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl33_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayG_upd select congr_cl33_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl33_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayG_upd select congr_cl33_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl33_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayG_upd select congr_cl33_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl33_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayG_upd select congr_cl34_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl34_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayG_upd select congr_cl34_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl34_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayG_upd select congr_cl34_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl34_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayG_upd select congr_cl34_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl34_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayG_upd select congr_cl34_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl34_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayG_upd select congr_cl34_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl34_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayG_upd select congr_cl35_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl35_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayG_upd select congr_cl35_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl35_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayG_upd select congr_cl35_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl35_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayG_upd select congr_cl35_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl35_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayG_upd select congr_cl35_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl35_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayG_upd select congr_cl35_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl35_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayG_upd select congr_cl36_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl36_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayG_upd select congr_cl36_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl36_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayG_upd select congr_cl36_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl36_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayG_upd select congr_cl36_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl36_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayG_upd select congr_cl36_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl36_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayG_upd select congr_cl36_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl36_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayG_upd select congr_cl37_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl37_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayG_upd select congr_cl37_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl37_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayG_upd select congr_cl37_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl37_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayG_upd select congr_cl37_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl37_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayG_upd select congr_cl37_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl37_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayG_upd select congr_cl37_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl37_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayG_upd select congr_cl38_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl38_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayG_upd select congr_cl38_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl38_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayG_upd select congr_cl38_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl38_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayG_upd select congr_cl38_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl38_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayG_upd select congr_cl38_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl38_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayG_upd select congr_cl38_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl38_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayG_upd select congr_cl39_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl39_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayG_upd select congr_cl39_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl39_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayG_upd select congr_cl39_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl39_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayG_upd select congr_cl39_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl39_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayG_upd select congr_cl39_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl39_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayG_upd select congr_cl39_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl39_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayG_upd select congr_cl40_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl40_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayG_upd select congr_cl40_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl40_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayG_upd select congr_cl40_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl40_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayG_upd select congr_cl40_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl40_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayG_upd select congr_cl40_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl40_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayG_upd select congr_cl40_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl40_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayG_upd select congr_cl41_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl41_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayG_upd select congr_cl41_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl41_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayG_upd select congr_cl41_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl41_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayG_upd select congr_cl41_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl41_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayG_upd select congr_cl41_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl41_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayG_upd select congr_cl41_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl41_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayG_upd select congr_cl42_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl42_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayG_upd select congr_cl42_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl42_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayG_upd select congr_cl42_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl42_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayG_upd select congr_cl42_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl42_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayG_upd select congr_cl42_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl42_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayG_upd select congr_cl42_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl42_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayG_upd select congr_cl43_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl43_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayG_upd select congr_cl43_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl43_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayG_upd select congr_cl43_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl43_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayG_upd select congr_cl43_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl43_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayG_upd select congr_cl43_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl43_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayG_upd select congr_cl43_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl43_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayG_upd select congr_cl44_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl44_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayG_upd select congr_cl44_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl44_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayG_upd select congr_cl44_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl44_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayG_upd select congr_cl44_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl44_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayG_upd select congr_cl44_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl44_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayG_upd select congr_cl44_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl44_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayG_upd select congr_cl45_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl45_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayG_upd select congr_cl45_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl45_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayG_upd select congr_cl45_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl45_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayG_upd select congr_cl45_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl45_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayG_upd select congr_cl45_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl45_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayG_upd select congr_cl45_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl45_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayG_upd select congr_cl46_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl46_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayG_upd select congr_cl46_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl46_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayG_upd select congr_cl46_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl46_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayG_upd select congr_cl46_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl46_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayG_upd select congr_cl46_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl46_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayG_upd select congr_cl46_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl46_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayG_upd select congr_cl47_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl47_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayG_upd select congr_cl47_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl47_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayG_upd select congr_cl47_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl47_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayG_upd select congr_cl47_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl47_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayG_upd select congr_cl47_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl47_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayG_upd select congr_cl47_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl47_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayG_upd select congr_cl48_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl48_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayG_upd select congr_cl48_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl48_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayG_upd select congr_cl48_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl48_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayG_upd select congr_cl48_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl48_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayG_upd select congr_cl48_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl48_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayG_upd select congr_cl48_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl48_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayG_upd select congr_cl49_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl49_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayG_upd select congr_cl49_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl49_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayG_upd select congr_cl49_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl49_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayG_upd select congr_cl49_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl49_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayG_upd select congr_cl49_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl49_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayG_upd select congr_cl49_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl49_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayG_upd select congr_cl50_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl50_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayG_upd select congr_cl50_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl50_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayG_upd select congr_cl50_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl50_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayG_upd select congr_cl50_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl50_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayG_upd select congr_cl50_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl50_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayG_upd select congr_cl50_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl50_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayG_upd select congr_cl51_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl51_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayG_upd select congr_cl51_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl51_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayG_upd select congr_cl51_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl51_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayG_upd select congr_cl51_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl51_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayG_upd select congr_cl51_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl51_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayG_upd select congr_cl51_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl51_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayG_upd select congr_cl52_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl52_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayG_upd select congr_cl52_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl52_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayG_upd select congr_cl52_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl52_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayG_upd select congr_cl52_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl52_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayG_upd select congr_cl52_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl52_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayG_upd select congr_cl52_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl52_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayG_upd select congr_cl53_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl53_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayG_upd select congr_cl53_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl53_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayG_upd select congr_cl53_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl53_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayG_upd select congr_cl53_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl53_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayG_upd select congr_cl53_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl53_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayG_upd select congr_cl53_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl53_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayG_upd select congr_cl54_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl54_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayG_upd select congr_cl54_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl54_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayG_upd select congr_cl54_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl54_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayG_upd select congr_cl54_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl54_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayG_upd select congr_cl54_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl54_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayG_upd select congr_cl54_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl54_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayG_upd select congr_cl55_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl55_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayG_upd select congr_cl55_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl55_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayG_upd select congr_cl55_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl55_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayG_upd select congr_cl55_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl55_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayG_upd select congr_cl55_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl55_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayG_upd select congr_cl55_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl55_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayG_upd select congr_cl56_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl56_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayG_upd select congr_cl56_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl56_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayG_upd select congr_cl56_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl56_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayG_upd select congr_cl56_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl56_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayG_upd select congr_cl56_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl56_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayG_upd select congr_cl56_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl56_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayG_upd select congr_cl57_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl57_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayG_upd select congr_cl57_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl57_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayG_upd select congr_cl57_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl57_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayG_upd select congr_cl57_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl57_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayG_upd select congr_cl57_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl57_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayG_upd select congr_cl57_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl57_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayG_upd select congr_cl58_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl58_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayG_upd select congr_cl58_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl58_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayG_upd select congr_cl58_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl58_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayG_upd select congr_cl58_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl58_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayG_upd select congr_cl58_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl58_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayG_upd select congr_cl58_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl58_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayG_upd select congr_cl59_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl59_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayG_upd select congr_cl59_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl59_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayG_upd select congr_cl59_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl59_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayG_upd select congr_cl59_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl59_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayG_upd select congr_cl59_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl59_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayG_upd select congr_cl59_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl59_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayG_upd select congr_cl60_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl60_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayG_upd select congr_cl60_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl60_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayG_upd select congr_cl60_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl60_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayG_upd select congr_cl60_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl60_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayG_upd select congr_cl60_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl60_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayG_upd select congr_cl60_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl60_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayG_upd select congr_cl61_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl61_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayG_upd select congr_cl61_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl61_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayG_upd select congr_cl61_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl61_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayG_upd select congr_cl61_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl61_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayG_upd select congr_cl61_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl61_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayG_upd select congr_cl61_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl61_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayG_upd select congr_cl62_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl62_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayG_upd select congr_cl62_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl62_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayG_upd select congr_cl62_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl62_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayG_upd select congr_cl62_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl62_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayG_upd select congr_cl62_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl62_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayG_upd select congr_cl62_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl62_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayG Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayG_upd select congr_cl63_wG_d(0) <= (congr_cl63_wG_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayG Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayG_upd select congr_cl63_wG_d(1) <= (congr_cl63_wG_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayG Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayG_upd select congr_cl63_wG_d(2) <= (congr_cl63_wG_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayG Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayG_upd select congr_cl63_wG_d(3) <= (congr_cl63_wG_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayG Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayG_upd select congr_cl63_wG_d(4) <= (congr_cl63_wG_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayG Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayG_upd select congr_cl63_wG_d(5) <= (congr_cl63_wG_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayG_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Write Select for WayH -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayH_upd select congr_cl0_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl0_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayH_upd select congr_cl0_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl0_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayH_upd select congr_cl0_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl0_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayH_upd select congr_cl0_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl0_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayH_upd select congr_cl0_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl0_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 0 with rel_bixu0_wayH_upd select congr_cl0_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl0_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayH_upd select congr_cl1_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl1_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayH_upd select congr_cl1_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl1_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayH_upd select congr_cl1_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl1_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayH_upd select congr_cl1_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl1_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayH_upd select congr_cl1_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl1_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 1 with rel_bixu1_wayH_upd select congr_cl1_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl1_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayH_upd select congr_cl2_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl2_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayH_upd select congr_cl2_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl2_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayH_upd select congr_cl2_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl2_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayH_upd select congr_cl2_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl2_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayH_upd select congr_cl2_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl2_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 2 with rel_bixu2_wayH_upd select congr_cl2_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl2_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayH_upd select congr_cl3_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl3_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayH_upd select congr_cl3_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl3_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayH_upd select congr_cl3_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl3_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayH_upd select congr_cl3_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl3_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayH_upd select congr_cl3_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl3_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 3 with rel_bixu3_wayH_upd select congr_cl3_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl3_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayH_upd select congr_cl4_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl4_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayH_upd select congr_cl4_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl4_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayH_upd select congr_cl4_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl4_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayH_upd select congr_cl4_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl4_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayH_upd select congr_cl4_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl4_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 4 with rel_bixu4_wayH_upd select congr_cl4_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl4_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayH_upd select congr_cl5_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl5_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayH_upd select congr_cl5_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl5_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayH_upd select congr_cl5_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl5_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayH_upd select congr_cl5_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl5_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayH_upd select congr_cl5_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl5_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 5 with rel_bixu5_wayH_upd select congr_cl5_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl5_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayH_upd select congr_cl6_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl6_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayH_upd select congr_cl6_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl6_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayH_upd select congr_cl6_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl6_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayH_upd select congr_cl6_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl6_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayH_upd select congr_cl6_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl6_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 6 with rel_bixu6_wayH_upd select congr_cl6_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl6_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayH_upd select congr_cl7_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl7_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayH_upd select congr_cl7_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl7_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayH_upd select congr_cl7_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl7_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayH_upd select congr_cl7_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl7_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayH_upd select congr_cl7_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl7_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 7 with rel_bixu7_wayH_upd select congr_cl7_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl7_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayH_upd select congr_cl8_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl8_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayH_upd select congr_cl8_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl8_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayH_upd select congr_cl8_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl8_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayH_upd select congr_cl8_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl8_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayH_upd select congr_cl8_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl8_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 8 with rel_bixu8_wayH_upd select congr_cl8_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl8_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayH_upd select congr_cl9_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl9_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayH_upd select congr_cl9_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl9_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayH_upd select congr_cl9_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl9_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayH_upd select congr_cl9_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl9_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayH_upd select congr_cl9_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl9_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 9 with rel_bixu9_wayH_upd select congr_cl9_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl9_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayH_upd select congr_cl10_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl10_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayH_upd select congr_cl10_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl10_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayH_upd select congr_cl10_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl10_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayH_upd select congr_cl10_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl10_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayH_upd select congr_cl10_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl10_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 10 with rel_bixu10_wayH_upd select congr_cl10_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl10_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayH_upd select congr_cl11_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl11_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayH_upd select congr_cl11_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl11_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayH_upd select congr_cl11_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl11_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayH_upd select congr_cl11_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl11_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayH_upd select congr_cl11_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl11_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 11 with rel_bixu11_wayH_upd select congr_cl11_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl11_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayH_upd select congr_cl12_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl12_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayH_upd select congr_cl12_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl12_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayH_upd select congr_cl12_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl12_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayH_upd select congr_cl12_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl12_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayH_upd select congr_cl12_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl12_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 12 with rel_bixu12_wayH_upd select congr_cl12_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl12_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayH_upd select congr_cl13_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl13_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayH_upd select congr_cl13_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl13_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayH_upd select congr_cl13_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl13_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayH_upd select congr_cl13_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl13_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayH_upd select congr_cl13_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl13_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 13 with rel_bixu13_wayH_upd select congr_cl13_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl13_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayH_upd select congr_cl14_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl14_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayH_upd select congr_cl14_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl14_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayH_upd select congr_cl14_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl14_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayH_upd select congr_cl14_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl14_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayH_upd select congr_cl14_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl14_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 14 with rel_bixu14_wayH_upd select congr_cl14_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl14_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayH_upd select congr_cl15_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl15_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayH_upd select congr_cl15_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl15_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayH_upd select congr_cl15_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl15_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayH_upd select congr_cl15_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl15_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayH_upd select congr_cl15_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl15_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 15 with rel_bixu15_wayH_upd select congr_cl15_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl15_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayH_upd select congr_cl16_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl16_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayH_upd select congr_cl16_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl16_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayH_upd select congr_cl16_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl16_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayH_upd select congr_cl16_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl16_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayH_upd select congr_cl16_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl16_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 16 with rel_bixu16_wayH_upd select congr_cl16_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl16_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayH_upd select congr_cl17_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl17_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayH_upd select congr_cl17_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl17_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayH_upd select congr_cl17_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl17_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayH_upd select congr_cl17_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl17_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayH_upd select congr_cl17_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl17_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 17 with rel_bixu17_wayH_upd select congr_cl17_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl17_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayH_upd select congr_cl18_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl18_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayH_upd select congr_cl18_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl18_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayH_upd select congr_cl18_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl18_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayH_upd select congr_cl18_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl18_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayH_upd select congr_cl18_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl18_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 18 with rel_bixu18_wayH_upd select congr_cl18_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl18_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayH_upd select congr_cl19_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl19_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayH_upd select congr_cl19_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl19_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayH_upd select congr_cl19_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl19_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayH_upd select congr_cl19_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl19_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayH_upd select congr_cl19_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl19_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 19 with rel_bixu19_wayH_upd select congr_cl19_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl19_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayH_upd select congr_cl20_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl20_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayH_upd select congr_cl20_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl20_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayH_upd select congr_cl20_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl20_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayH_upd select congr_cl20_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl20_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayH_upd select congr_cl20_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl20_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 20 with rel_bixu20_wayH_upd select congr_cl20_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl20_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayH_upd select congr_cl21_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl21_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayH_upd select congr_cl21_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl21_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayH_upd select congr_cl21_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl21_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayH_upd select congr_cl21_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl21_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayH_upd select congr_cl21_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl21_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 21 with rel_bixu21_wayH_upd select congr_cl21_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl21_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayH_upd select congr_cl22_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl22_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayH_upd select congr_cl22_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl22_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayH_upd select congr_cl22_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl22_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayH_upd select congr_cl22_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl22_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayH_upd select congr_cl22_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl22_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 22 with rel_bixu22_wayH_upd select congr_cl22_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl22_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayH_upd select congr_cl23_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl23_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayH_upd select congr_cl23_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl23_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayH_upd select congr_cl23_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl23_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayH_upd select congr_cl23_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl23_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayH_upd select congr_cl23_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl23_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 23 with rel_bixu23_wayH_upd select congr_cl23_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl23_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayH_upd select congr_cl24_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl24_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayH_upd select congr_cl24_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl24_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayH_upd select congr_cl24_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl24_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayH_upd select congr_cl24_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl24_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayH_upd select congr_cl24_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl24_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 24 with rel_bixu24_wayH_upd select congr_cl24_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl24_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayH_upd select congr_cl25_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl25_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayH_upd select congr_cl25_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl25_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayH_upd select congr_cl25_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl25_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayH_upd select congr_cl25_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl25_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayH_upd select congr_cl25_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl25_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 25 with rel_bixu25_wayH_upd select congr_cl25_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl25_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayH_upd select congr_cl26_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl26_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayH_upd select congr_cl26_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl26_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayH_upd select congr_cl26_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl26_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayH_upd select congr_cl26_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl26_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayH_upd select congr_cl26_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl26_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 26 with rel_bixu26_wayH_upd select congr_cl26_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl26_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayH_upd select congr_cl27_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl27_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayH_upd select congr_cl27_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl27_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayH_upd select congr_cl27_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl27_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayH_upd select congr_cl27_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl27_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayH_upd select congr_cl27_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl27_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 27 with rel_bixu27_wayH_upd select congr_cl27_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl27_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayH_upd select congr_cl28_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl28_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayH_upd select congr_cl28_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl28_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayH_upd select congr_cl28_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl28_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayH_upd select congr_cl28_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl28_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayH_upd select congr_cl28_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl28_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 28 with rel_bixu28_wayH_upd select congr_cl28_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl28_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayH_upd select congr_cl29_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl29_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayH_upd select congr_cl29_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl29_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayH_upd select congr_cl29_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl29_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayH_upd select congr_cl29_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl29_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayH_upd select congr_cl29_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl29_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 29 with rel_bixu29_wayH_upd select congr_cl29_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl29_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayH_upd select congr_cl30_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl30_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayH_upd select congr_cl30_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl30_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayH_upd select congr_cl30_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl30_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayH_upd select congr_cl30_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl30_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayH_upd select congr_cl30_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl30_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 30 with rel_bixu30_wayH_upd select congr_cl30_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl30_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayH_upd select congr_cl31_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl31_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayH_upd select congr_cl31_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl31_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayH_upd select congr_cl31_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl31_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayH_upd select congr_cl31_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl31_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayH_upd select congr_cl31_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl31_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 31 with rel_bixu31_wayH_upd select congr_cl31_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl31_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayH_upd select congr_cl32_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl32_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayH_upd select congr_cl32_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl32_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayH_upd select congr_cl32_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl32_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayH_upd select congr_cl32_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl32_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayH_upd select congr_cl32_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl32_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 32 with rel_bixu32_wayH_upd select congr_cl32_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl32_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayH_upd select congr_cl33_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl33_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayH_upd select congr_cl33_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl33_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayH_upd select congr_cl33_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl33_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayH_upd select congr_cl33_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl33_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayH_upd select congr_cl33_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl33_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 33 with rel_bixu33_wayH_upd select congr_cl33_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl33_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayH_upd select congr_cl34_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl34_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayH_upd select congr_cl34_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl34_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayH_upd select congr_cl34_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl34_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayH_upd select congr_cl34_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl34_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayH_upd select congr_cl34_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl34_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 34 with rel_bixu34_wayH_upd select congr_cl34_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl34_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayH_upd select congr_cl35_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl35_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayH_upd select congr_cl35_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl35_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayH_upd select congr_cl35_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl35_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayH_upd select congr_cl35_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl35_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayH_upd select congr_cl35_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl35_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 35 with rel_bixu35_wayH_upd select congr_cl35_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl35_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayH_upd select congr_cl36_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl36_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayH_upd select congr_cl36_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl36_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayH_upd select congr_cl36_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl36_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayH_upd select congr_cl36_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl36_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayH_upd select congr_cl36_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl36_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 36 with rel_bixu36_wayH_upd select congr_cl36_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl36_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayH_upd select congr_cl37_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl37_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayH_upd select congr_cl37_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl37_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayH_upd select congr_cl37_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl37_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayH_upd select congr_cl37_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl37_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayH_upd select congr_cl37_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl37_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 37 with rel_bixu37_wayH_upd select congr_cl37_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl37_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayH_upd select congr_cl38_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl38_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayH_upd select congr_cl38_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl38_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayH_upd select congr_cl38_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl38_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayH_upd select congr_cl38_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl38_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayH_upd select congr_cl38_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl38_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 38 with rel_bixu38_wayH_upd select congr_cl38_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl38_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayH_upd select congr_cl39_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl39_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayH_upd select congr_cl39_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl39_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayH_upd select congr_cl39_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl39_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayH_upd select congr_cl39_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl39_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayH_upd select congr_cl39_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl39_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 39 with rel_bixu39_wayH_upd select congr_cl39_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl39_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayH_upd select congr_cl40_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl40_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayH_upd select congr_cl40_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl40_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayH_upd select congr_cl40_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl40_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayH_upd select congr_cl40_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl40_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayH_upd select congr_cl40_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl40_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 40 with rel_bixu40_wayH_upd select congr_cl40_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl40_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayH_upd select congr_cl41_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl41_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayH_upd select congr_cl41_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl41_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayH_upd select congr_cl41_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl41_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayH_upd select congr_cl41_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl41_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayH_upd select congr_cl41_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl41_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 41 with rel_bixu41_wayH_upd select congr_cl41_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl41_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayH_upd select congr_cl42_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl42_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayH_upd select congr_cl42_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl42_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayH_upd select congr_cl42_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl42_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayH_upd select congr_cl42_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl42_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayH_upd select congr_cl42_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl42_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 42 with rel_bixu42_wayH_upd select congr_cl42_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl42_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayH_upd select congr_cl43_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl43_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayH_upd select congr_cl43_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl43_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayH_upd select congr_cl43_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl43_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayH_upd select congr_cl43_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl43_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayH_upd select congr_cl43_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl43_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 43 with rel_bixu43_wayH_upd select congr_cl43_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl43_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayH_upd select congr_cl44_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl44_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayH_upd select congr_cl44_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl44_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayH_upd select congr_cl44_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl44_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayH_upd select congr_cl44_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl44_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayH_upd select congr_cl44_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl44_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 44 with rel_bixu44_wayH_upd select congr_cl44_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl44_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayH_upd select congr_cl45_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl45_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayH_upd select congr_cl45_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl45_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayH_upd select congr_cl45_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl45_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayH_upd select congr_cl45_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl45_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayH_upd select congr_cl45_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl45_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 45 with rel_bixu45_wayH_upd select congr_cl45_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl45_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayH_upd select congr_cl46_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl46_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayH_upd select congr_cl46_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl46_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayH_upd select congr_cl46_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl46_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayH_upd select congr_cl46_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl46_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayH_upd select congr_cl46_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl46_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 46 with rel_bixu46_wayH_upd select congr_cl46_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl46_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayH_upd select congr_cl47_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl47_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayH_upd select congr_cl47_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl47_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayH_upd select congr_cl47_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl47_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayH_upd select congr_cl47_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl47_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayH_upd select congr_cl47_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl47_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 47 with rel_bixu47_wayH_upd select congr_cl47_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl47_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayH_upd select congr_cl48_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl48_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayH_upd select congr_cl48_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl48_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayH_upd select congr_cl48_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl48_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayH_upd select congr_cl48_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl48_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayH_upd select congr_cl48_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl48_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 48 with rel_bixu48_wayH_upd select congr_cl48_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl48_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayH_upd select congr_cl49_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl49_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayH_upd select congr_cl49_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl49_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayH_upd select congr_cl49_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl49_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayH_upd select congr_cl49_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl49_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayH_upd select congr_cl49_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl49_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 49 with rel_bixu49_wayH_upd select congr_cl49_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl49_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayH_upd select congr_cl50_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl50_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayH_upd select congr_cl50_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl50_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayH_upd select congr_cl50_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl50_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayH_upd select congr_cl50_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl50_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayH_upd select congr_cl50_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl50_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 50 with rel_bixu50_wayH_upd select congr_cl50_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl50_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayH_upd select congr_cl51_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl51_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayH_upd select congr_cl51_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl51_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayH_upd select congr_cl51_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl51_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayH_upd select congr_cl51_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl51_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayH_upd select congr_cl51_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl51_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 51 with rel_bixu51_wayH_upd select congr_cl51_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl51_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayH_upd select congr_cl52_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl52_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayH_upd select congr_cl52_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl52_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayH_upd select congr_cl52_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl52_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayH_upd select congr_cl52_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl52_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayH_upd select congr_cl52_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl52_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 52 with rel_bixu52_wayH_upd select congr_cl52_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl52_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayH_upd select congr_cl53_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl53_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayH_upd select congr_cl53_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl53_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayH_upd select congr_cl53_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl53_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayH_upd select congr_cl53_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl53_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayH_upd select congr_cl53_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl53_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 53 with rel_bixu53_wayH_upd select congr_cl53_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl53_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayH_upd select congr_cl54_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl54_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayH_upd select congr_cl54_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl54_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayH_upd select congr_cl54_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl54_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayH_upd select congr_cl54_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl54_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayH_upd select congr_cl54_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl54_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 54 with rel_bixu54_wayH_upd select congr_cl54_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl54_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayH_upd select congr_cl55_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl55_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayH_upd select congr_cl55_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl55_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayH_upd select congr_cl55_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl55_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayH_upd select congr_cl55_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl55_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayH_upd select congr_cl55_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl55_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 55 with rel_bixu55_wayH_upd select congr_cl55_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl55_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayH_upd select congr_cl56_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl56_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayH_upd select congr_cl56_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl56_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayH_upd select congr_cl56_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl56_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayH_upd select congr_cl56_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl56_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayH_upd select congr_cl56_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl56_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 56 with rel_bixu56_wayH_upd select congr_cl56_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl56_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayH_upd select congr_cl57_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl57_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayH_upd select congr_cl57_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl57_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayH_upd select congr_cl57_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl57_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayH_upd select congr_cl57_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl57_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayH_upd select congr_cl57_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl57_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 57 with rel_bixu57_wayH_upd select congr_cl57_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl57_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayH_upd select congr_cl58_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl58_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayH_upd select congr_cl58_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl58_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayH_upd select congr_cl58_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl58_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayH_upd select congr_cl58_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl58_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayH_upd select congr_cl58_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl58_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 58 with rel_bixu58_wayH_upd select congr_cl58_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl58_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayH_upd select congr_cl59_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl59_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayH_upd select congr_cl59_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl59_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayH_upd select congr_cl59_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl59_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayH_upd select congr_cl59_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl59_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayH_upd select congr_cl59_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl59_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 59 with rel_bixu59_wayH_upd select congr_cl59_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl59_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayH_upd select congr_cl60_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl60_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayH_upd select congr_cl60_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl60_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayH_upd select congr_cl60_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl60_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayH_upd select congr_cl60_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl60_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayH_upd select congr_cl60_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl60_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 60 with rel_bixu60_wayH_upd select congr_cl60_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl60_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayH_upd select congr_cl61_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl61_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayH_upd select congr_cl61_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl61_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayH_upd select congr_cl61_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl61_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayH_upd select congr_cl61_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl61_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayH_upd select congr_cl61_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl61_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 61 with rel_bixu61_wayH_upd select congr_cl61_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl61_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayH_upd select congr_cl62_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl62_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayH_upd select congr_cl62_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl62_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayH_upd select congr_cl62_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl62_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayH_upd select congr_cl62_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl62_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayH_upd select congr_cl62_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl62_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 62 with rel_bixu62_wayH_upd select congr_cl62_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl62_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- WayH Valid Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayH_upd select congr_cl63_wH_d(0) <= (congr_cl63_wH_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(0) and not dci_inval_all_q) when others; -- WayH Lock Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayH_upd select congr_cl63_wH_d(1) <= (congr_cl63_wH_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(1) and not lock_finval) when others; -- WayH Thread 0 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayH_upd select congr_cl63_wH_d(2) <= (congr_cl63_wH_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(2) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(0))) when others; -- WayH Thread 1 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayH_upd select congr_cl63_wH_d(3) <= (congr_cl63_wH_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(3) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(1))) when others; -- WayH Thread 2 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayH_upd select congr_cl63_wH_d(4) <= (congr_cl63_wH_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(4) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(2))) when others; -- WayH Thread 3 Watch Bit Update for Congruence Class 63 with rel_bixu63_wayH_upd select congr_cl63_wH_d(5) <= (congr_cl63_wH_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "00", (flush_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when "01", (reload_wayH_data2_q(5) and not (dci_inval_all_q or ex6_watch_clr_all_q(3))) when others; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Update Watch Lost State Bits per thread with stm_upd_watchlost_tid0 select stm_watchlost(0) <= stm_watchlost_state_q(0) when "00", binv5_ex5_lost_watch_upd(0) when "01", rel_lost_watch_upd_q(0) when others; stm_upd_watchlost_tid0 <= rel_watchlost_upd(0) & ex5_watchlost_upd(0); with stm_upd_watchlost_tid1 select stm_watchlost(1) <= stm_watchlost_state_q(1) when "00", binv5_ex5_lost_watch_upd(1) when "01", rel_lost_watch_upd_q(1) when others; stm_upd_watchlost_tid1 <= rel_watchlost_upd(1) & ex5_watchlost_upd(1); with stm_upd_watchlost_tid2 select stm_watchlost(2) <= stm_watchlost_state_q(2) when "00", binv5_ex5_lost_watch_upd(2) when "01", rel_lost_watch_upd_q(2) when others; stm_upd_watchlost_tid2 <= rel_watchlost_upd(2) & ex5_watchlost_upd(2); with stm_upd_watchlost_tid3 select stm_watchlost(3) <= stm_watchlost_state_q(3) when "00", binv5_ex5_lost_watch_upd(3) when "01", rel_lost_watch_upd_q(3) when others; stm_upd_watchlost_tid3 <= rel_watchlost_upd(3) & ex5_watchlost_upd(3); rel_watchlost_upd <= rel_lost_watch_upd_q; ex5_watchlost_upd <= gate(ex5_watchlost_set_q, p0_wren_d) or binv5_inval_watch_val_q or dci_watch_lost; binv5_ex5_lost_watch_upd <= ex5_lost_watch_upd_q or binv5_inval_watch_val_q or dci_watch_lost; -- Watch Lost Bits stm_watchlost_state_d <= stm_watchlost; -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -- Spare Latches -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX rel4_l1dump_val_q <= not my_spare0_latches_q(0); my_spare0_latches_d(0) <= rel3_l1dump_val; my_spare0_latches_d(1 TO 16) <= not my_spare0_latches_q(1 to 16); my_spare1_latches_d <= not my_spare1_latches_q; -- #################################################### -- Outputs -- #################################################### ex4_way_a_hit <= ex4_way_hit_q(0); ex4_way_b_hit <= ex4_way_hit_q(1); ex4_way_c_hit <= ex4_way_hit_q(2); ex4_way_d_hit <= ex4_way_hit_q(3); ex4_way_e_hit <= ex4_way_hit_q(4); ex4_way_f_hit <= ex4_way_hit_q(5); ex4_way_g_hit <= ex4_way_hit_q(6); ex4_way_h_hit <= ex4_way_hit_q(7); ex4_way_a_dir <= ex4_wayA_val_q; ex4_way_b_dir <= ex4_wayB_val_q; ex4_way_c_dir <= ex4_wayC_val_q; ex4_way_d_dir <= ex4_wayD_val_q; ex4_way_e_dir <= ex4_wayE_val_q; ex4_way_f_dir <= ex4_wayF_val_q; ex4_way_g_dir <= ex4_wayG_val_q; ex4_way_h_dir <= ex4_wayH_val_q; ex4_ldq_full_flush <= not ex4_ldq_full_flush_b_q; ex4_snd_ld_l2 <= not ex4_snd_ld_l2_q; dcarr_up_way_addr <= dcarr_up_way_addr_q; pe_recov_begin <= not dcpar_err_rec_inprog; lsu_xu_ex5_cr_rslt <= ex5_cr_watch_q; rel_way_val_a <= rel_wayA_val(0); rel_way_lock_a <= rel_wayA_val(1); rel_way_val_b <= rel_wayB_val(0); rel_way_lock_b <= rel_wayB_val(1); rel_way_val_c <= rel_wayC_val(0); rel_way_lock_c <= rel_wayC_val(1); rel_way_val_d <= rel_wayD_val(0); rel_way_lock_d <= rel_wayD_val(1); rel_way_val_e <= rel_wayE_val(0); rel_way_lock_e <= rel_wayE_val(1); rel_way_val_f <= rel_wayF_val(0); rel_way_lock_f <= rel_wayF_val(1); rel_way_val_g <= rel_wayG_val(0); rel_way_lock_g <= rel_wayG_val(1); rel_way_val_h <= rel_wayH_val(0); rel_way_lock_h <= rel_wayH_val(1); -- Performance Events lsu_xu_perf_events <= lost_watch_inter_thrd_q & lost_watch_evict_val_q & lost_watch_binv & perf_lsu_evnts_q; -- Parity Error Detected ex3_dir_perr_det <= ex3_dir_perr_val; -- Directory MultiHit Detected ex4_dir_multihit_det <= ex4_dir_multihit_val; ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush <= not ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_q; -- DCTB ST LS instruction colliding with reload clear to same congruence class ex2_lockwatchSet_rel_coll <= rel1_val and (ex2_lock_set or ex2_ldawx_instr) and (rel_congr_cl_q = ex2_congr_cl_q); -- Watch clear all in pipe flushing other threads in pipe ex3_wclr_all_flush <= ex3_wclr_all_upd_q and fxu_pipe_val; -- Debug Data dc_val_dbg_data <= (others=>'0'); -- SPR Status lsu_xu_spr_xucr0_cslc_xuop <= xucr0_cslc_xuop_q; lsu_xu_spr_xucr0_cslc_binv <= xucr0_cslc_binv_q; -- #################################################### -- Directory Valid Bit Registers -- #################################################### -- Congruence Class 0 Way A Register congr_cl0_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl0_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl0_wA_offset to congr_cl0_wA_offset + congr_cl0_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl0_wA_offset to congr_cl0_wA_offset + congr_cl0_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl0_wA_d, dout => congr_cl0_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 0 Way B Register congr_cl0_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl0_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl0_wB_offset to congr_cl0_wB_offset + congr_cl0_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl0_wB_offset to congr_cl0_wB_offset + congr_cl0_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl0_wB_d, dout => congr_cl0_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 0 Way C Register congr_cl0_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl0_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl0_wC_offset to congr_cl0_wC_offset + congr_cl0_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl0_wC_offset to congr_cl0_wC_offset + congr_cl0_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl0_wC_d, dout => congr_cl0_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 0 Way D Register congr_cl0_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl0_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl0_wD_offset to congr_cl0_wD_offset + congr_cl0_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl0_wD_offset to congr_cl0_wD_offset + congr_cl0_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl0_wD_d, dout => congr_cl0_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 0 Way E Register congr_cl0_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl0_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl0_wE_offset to congr_cl0_wE_offset + congr_cl0_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl0_wE_offset to congr_cl0_wE_offset + congr_cl0_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl0_wE_d, dout => congr_cl0_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 0 Way F Register congr_cl0_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl0_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl0_wF_offset to congr_cl0_wF_offset + congr_cl0_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl0_wF_offset to congr_cl0_wF_offset + congr_cl0_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl0_wF_d, dout => congr_cl0_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 0 Way G Register congr_cl0_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl0_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl0_wG_offset to congr_cl0_wG_offset + congr_cl0_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl0_wG_offset to congr_cl0_wG_offset + congr_cl0_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl0_wG_d, dout => congr_cl0_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 0 Way H Register congr_cl0_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl0_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl0_wH_offset to congr_cl0_wH_offset + congr_cl0_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl0_wH_offset to congr_cl0_wH_offset + congr_cl0_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl0_wH_d, dout => congr_cl0_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 1 Way A Register congr_cl1_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl1_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl1_wA_offset to congr_cl1_wA_offset + congr_cl1_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl1_wA_offset to congr_cl1_wA_offset + congr_cl1_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl1_wA_d, dout => congr_cl1_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 1 Way B Register congr_cl1_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl1_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl1_wB_offset to congr_cl1_wB_offset + congr_cl1_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl1_wB_offset to congr_cl1_wB_offset + congr_cl1_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl1_wB_d, dout => congr_cl1_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 1 Way C Register congr_cl1_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl1_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl1_wC_offset to congr_cl1_wC_offset + congr_cl1_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl1_wC_offset to congr_cl1_wC_offset + congr_cl1_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl1_wC_d, dout => congr_cl1_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 1 Way D Register congr_cl1_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl1_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl1_wD_offset to congr_cl1_wD_offset + congr_cl1_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl1_wD_offset to congr_cl1_wD_offset + congr_cl1_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl1_wD_d, dout => congr_cl1_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 1 Way E Register congr_cl1_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl1_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl1_wE_offset to congr_cl1_wE_offset + congr_cl1_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl1_wE_offset to congr_cl1_wE_offset + congr_cl1_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl1_wE_d, dout => congr_cl1_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 1 Way F Register congr_cl1_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl1_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl1_wF_offset to congr_cl1_wF_offset + congr_cl1_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl1_wF_offset to congr_cl1_wF_offset + congr_cl1_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl1_wF_d, dout => congr_cl1_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 1 Way G Register congr_cl1_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl1_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl1_wG_offset to congr_cl1_wG_offset + congr_cl1_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl1_wG_offset to congr_cl1_wG_offset + congr_cl1_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl1_wG_d, dout => congr_cl1_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 1 Way H Register congr_cl1_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl1_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl1_wH_offset to congr_cl1_wH_offset + congr_cl1_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl1_wH_offset to congr_cl1_wH_offset + congr_cl1_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl1_wH_d, dout => congr_cl1_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 2 Way A Register congr_cl2_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl2_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl2_wA_offset to congr_cl2_wA_offset + congr_cl2_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl2_wA_offset to congr_cl2_wA_offset + congr_cl2_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl2_wA_d, dout => congr_cl2_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 2 Way B Register congr_cl2_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl2_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl2_wB_offset to congr_cl2_wB_offset + congr_cl2_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl2_wB_offset to congr_cl2_wB_offset + congr_cl2_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl2_wB_d, dout => congr_cl2_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 2 Way C Register congr_cl2_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl2_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl2_wC_offset to congr_cl2_wC_offset + congr_cl2_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl2_wC_offset to congr_cl2_wC_offset + congr_cl2_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl2_wC_d, dout => congr_cl2_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 2 Way D Register congr_cl2_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl2_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl2_wD_offset to congr_cl2_wD_offset + congr_cl2_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl2_wD_offset to congr_cl2_wD_offset + congr_cl2_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl2_wD_d, dout => congr_cl2_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 2 Way E Register congr_cl2_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl2_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl2_wE_offset to congr_cl2_wE_offset + congr_cl2_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl2_wE_offset to congr_cl2_wE_offset + congr_cl2_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl2_wE_d, dout => congr_cl2_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 2 Way F Register congr_cl2_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl2_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl2_wF_offset to congr_cl2_wF_offset + congr_cl2_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl2_wF_offset to congr_cl2_wF_offset + congr_cl2_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl2_wF_d, dout => congr_cl2_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 2 Way G Register congr_cl2_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl2_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl2_wG_offset to congr_cl2_wG_offset + congr_cl2_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl2_wG_offset to congr_cl2_wG_offset + congr_cl2_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl2_wG_d, dout => congr_cl2_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 2 Way H Register congr_cl2_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl2_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl2_wH_offset to congr_cl2_wH_offset + congr_cl2_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl2_wH_offset to congr_cl2_wH_offset + congr_cl2_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl2_wH_d, dout => congr_cl2_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 3 Way A Register congr_cl3_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl3_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl3_wA_offset to congr_cl3_wA_offset + congr_cl3_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl3_wA_offset to congr_cl3_wA_offset + congr_cl3_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl3_wA_d, dout => congr_cl3_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 3 Way B Register congr_cl3_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl3_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl3_wB_offset to congr_cl3_wB_offset + congr_cl3_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl3_wB_offset to congr_cl3_wB_offset + congr_cl3_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl3_wB_d, dout => congr_cl3_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 3 Way C Register congr_cl3_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl3_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl3_wC_offset to congr_cl3_wC_offset + congr_cl3_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl3_wC_offset to congr_cl3_wC_offset + congr_cl3_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl3_wC_d, dout => congr_cl3_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 3 Way D Register congr_cl3_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl3_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl3_wD_offset to congr_cl3_wD_offset + congr_cl3_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl3_wD_offset to congr_cl3_wD_offset + congr_cl3_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl3_wD_d, dout => congr_cl3_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 3 Way E Register congr_cl3_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl3_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl3_wE_offset to congr_cl3_wE_offset + congr_cl3_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl3_wE_offset to congr_cl3_wE_offset + congr_cl3_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl3_wE_d, dout => congr_cl3_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 3 Way F Register congr_cl3_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl3_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl3_wF_offset to congr_cl3_wF_offset + congr_cl3_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl3_wF_offset to congr_cl3_wF_offset + congr_cl3_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl3_wF_d, dout => congr_cl3_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 3 Way G Register congr_cl3_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl3_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl3_wG_offset to congr_cl3_wG_offset + congr_cl3_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl3_wG_offset to congr_cl3_wG_offset + congr_cl3_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl3_wG_d, dout => congr_cl3_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 3 Way H Register congr_cl3_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl3_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl3_wH_offset to congr_cl3_wH_offset + congr_cl3_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl3_wH_offset to congr_cl3_wH_offset + congr_cl3_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl3_wH_d, dout => congr_cl3_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 4 Way A Register congr_cl4_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl4_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl4_wA_offset to congr_cl4_wA_offset + congr_cl4_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl4_wA_offset to congr_cl4_wA_offset + congr_cl4_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl4_wA_d, dout => congr_cl4_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 4 Way B Register congr_cl4_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl4_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl4_wB_offset to congr_cl4_wB_offset + congr_cl4_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl4_wB_offset to congr_cl4_wB_offset + congr_cl4_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl4_wB_d, dout => congr_cl4_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 4 Way C Register congr_cl4_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl4_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl4_wC_offset to congr_cl4_wC_offset + congr_cl4_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl4_wC_offset to congr_cl4_wC_offset + congr_cl4_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl4_wC_d, dout => congr_cl4_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 4 Way D Register congr_cl4_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl4_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl4_wD_offset to congr_cl4_wD_offset + congr_cl4_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl4_wD_offset to congr_cl4_wD_offset + congr_cl4_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl4_wD_d, dout => congr_cl4_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 4 Way E Register congr_cl4_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl4_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl4_wE_offset to congr_cl4_wE_offset + congr_cl4_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl4_wE_offset to congr_cl4_wE_offset + congr_cl4_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl4_wE_d, dout => congr_cl4_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 4 Way F Register congr_cl4_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl4_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl4_wF_offset to congr_cl4_wF_offset + congr_cl4_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl4_wF_offset to congr_cl4_wF_offset + congr_cl4_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl4_wF_d, dout => congr_cl4_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 4 Way G Register congr_cl4_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl4_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl4_wG_offset to congr_cl4_wG_offset + congr_cl4_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl4_wG_offset to congr_cl4_wG_offset + congr_cl4_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl4_wG_d, dout => congr_cl4_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 4 Way H Register congr_cl4_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl4_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl4_wH_offset to congr_cl4_wH_offset + congr_cl4_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl4_wH_offset to congr_cl4_wH_offset + congr_cl4_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl4_wH_d, dout => congr_cl4_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 5 Way A Register congr_cl5_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl5_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl5_wA_offset to congr_cl5_wA_offset + congr_cl5_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl5_wA_offset to congr_cl5_wA_offset + congr_cl5_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl5_wA_d, dout => congr_cl5_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 5 Way B Register congr_cl5_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl5_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl5_wB_offset to congr_cl5_wB_offset + congr_cl5_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl5_wB_offset to congr_cl5_wB_offset + congr_cl5_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl5_wB_d, dout => congr_cl5_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 5 Way C Register congr_cl5_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl5_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl5_wC_offset to congr_cl5_wC_offset + congr_cl5_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl5_wC_offset to congr_cl5_wC_offset + congr_cl5_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl5_wC_d, dout => congr_cl5_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 5 Way D Register congr_cl5_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl5_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl5_wD_offset to congr_cl5_wD_offset + congr_cl5_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl5_wD_offset to congr_cl5_wD_offset + congr_cl5_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl5_wD_d, dout => congr_cl5_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 5 Way E Register congr_cl5_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl5_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl5_wE_offset to congr_cl5_wE_offset + congr_cl5_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl5_wE_offset to congr_cl5_wE_offset + congr_cl5_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl5_wE_d, dout => congr_cl5_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 5 Way F Register congr_cl5_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl5_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl5_wF_offset to congr_cl5_wF_offset + congr_cl5_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl5_wF_offset to congr_cl5_wF_offset + congr_cl5_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl5_wF_d, dout => congr_cl5_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 5 Way G Register congr_cl5_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl5_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl5_wG_offset to congr_cl5_wG_offset + congr_cl5_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl5_wG_offset to congr_cl5_wG_offset + congr_cl5_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl5_wG_d, dout => congr_cl5_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 5 Way H Register congr_cl5_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl5_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl5_wH_offset to congr_cl5_wH_offset + congr_cl5_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl5_wH_offset to congr_cl5_wH_offset + congr_cl5_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl5_wH_d, dout => congr_cl5_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 6 Way A Register congr_cl6_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl6_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl6_wA_offset to congr_cl6_wA_offset + congr_cl6_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl6_wA_offset to congr_cl6_wA_offset + congr_cl6_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl6_wA_d, dout => congr_cl6_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 6 Way B Register congr_cl6_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl6_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl6_wB_offset to congr_cl6_wB_offset + congr_cl6_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl6_wB_offset to congr_cl6_wB_offset + congr_cl6_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl6_wB_d, dout => congr_cl6_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 6 Way C Register congr_cl6_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl6_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl6_wC_offset to congr_cl6_wC_offset + congr_cl6_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl6_wC_offset to congr_cl6_wC_offset + congr_cl6_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl6_wC_d, dout => congr_cl6_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 6 Way D Register congr_cl6_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl6_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl6_wD_offset to congr_cl6_wD_offset + congr_cl6_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl6_wD_offset to congr_cl6_wD_offset + congr_cl6_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl6_wD_d, dout => congr_cl6_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 6 Way E Register congr_cl6_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl6_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl6_wE_offset to congr_cl6_wE_offset + congr_cl6_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl6_wE_offset to congr_cl6_wE_offset + congr_cl6_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl6_wE_d, dout => congr_cl6_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 6 Way F Register congr_cl6_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl6_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl6_wF_offset to congr_cl6_wF_offset + congr_cl6_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl6_wF_offset to congr_cl6_wF_offset + congr_cl6_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl6_wF_d, dout => congr_cl6_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 6 Way G Register congr_cl6_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl6_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl6_wG_offset to congr_cl6_wG_offset + congr_cl6_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl6_wG_offset to congr_cl6_wG_offset + congr_cl6_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl6_wG_d, dout => congr_cl6_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 6 Way H Register congr_cl6_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl6_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl6_wH_offset to congr_cl6_wH_offset + congr_cl6_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl6_wH_offset to congr_cl6_wH_offset + congr_cl6_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl6_wH_d, dout => congr_cl6_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 7 Way A Register congr_cl7_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl7_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl7_wA_offset to congr_cl7_wA_offset + congr_cl7_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl7_wA_offset to congr_cl7_wA_offset + congr_cl7_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl7_wA_d, dout => congr_cl7_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 7 Way B Register congr_cl7_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl7_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl7_wB_offset to congr_cl7_wB_offset + congr_cl7_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl7_wB_offset to congr_cl7_wB_offset + congr_cl7_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl7_wB_d, dout => congr_cl7_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 7 Way C Register congr_cl7_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl7_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl7_wC_offset to congr_cl7_wC_offset + congr_cl7_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl7_wC_offset to congr_cl7_wC_offset + congr_cl7_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl7_wC_d, dout => congr_cl7_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 7 Way D Register congr_cl7_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl7_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl7_wD_offset to congr_cl7_wD_offset + congr_cl7_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl7_wD_offset to congr_cl7_wD_offset + congr_cl7_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl7_wD_d, dout => congr_cl7_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 7 Way E Register congr_cl7_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl7_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl7_wE_offset to congr_cl7_wE_offset + congr_cl7_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl7_wE_offset to congr_cl7_wE_offset + congr_cl7_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl7_wE_d, dout => congr_cl7_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 7 Way F Register congr_cl7_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl7_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl7_wF_offset to congr_cl7_wF_offset + congr_cl7_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl7_wF_offset to congr_cl7_wF_offset + congr_cl7_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl7_wF_d, dout => congr_cl7_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 7 Way G Register congr_cl7_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl7_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl7_wG_offset to congr_cl7_wG_offset + congr_cl7_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl7_wG_offset to congr_cl7_wG_offset + congr_cl7_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl7_wG_d, dout => congr_cl7_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 7 Way H Register congr_cl7_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl7_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl7_wH_offset to congr_cl7_wH_offset + congr_cl7_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl7_wH_offset to congr_cl7_wH_offset + congr_cl7_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl7_wH_d, dout => congr_cl7_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 8 Way A Register congr_cl8_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl8_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl8_wA_offset to congr_cl8_wA_offset + congr_cl8_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl8_wA_offset to congr_cl8_wA_offset + congr_cl8_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl8_wA_d, dout => congr_cl8_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 8 Way B Register congr_cl8_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl8_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl8_wB_offset to congr_cl8_wB_offset + congr_cl8_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl8_wB_offset to congr_cl8_wB_offset + congr_cl8_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl8_wB_d, dout => congr_cl8_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 8 Way C Register congr_cl8_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl8_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl8_wC_offset to congr_cl8_wC_offset + congr_cl8_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl8_wC_offset to congr_cl8_wC_offset + congr_cl8_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl8_wC_d, dout => congr_cl8_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 8 Way D Register congr_cl8_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl8_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl8_wD_offset to congr_cl8_wD_offset + congr_cl8_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl8_wD_offset to congr_cl8_wD_offset + congr_cl8_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl8_wD_d, dout => congr_cl8_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 8 Way E Register congr_cl8_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl8_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl8_wE_offset to congr_cl8_wE_offset + congr_cl8_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl8_wE_offset to congr_cl8_wE_offset + congr_cl8_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl8_wE_d, dout => congr_cl8_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 8 Way F Register congr_cl8_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl8_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl8_wF_offset to congr_cl8_wF_offset + congr_cl8_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl8_wF_offset to congr_cl8_wF_offset + congr_cl8_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl8_wF_d, dout => congr_cl8_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 8 Way G Register congr_cl8_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl8_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl8_wG_offset to congr_cl8_wG_offset + congr_cl8_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl8_wG_offset to congr_cl8_wG_offset + congr_cl8_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl8_wG_d, dout => congr_cl8_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 8 Way H Register congr_cl8_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl8_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl8_wH_offset to congr_cl8_wH_offset + congr_cl8_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl8_wH_offset to congr_cl8_wH_offset + congr_cl8_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl8_wH_d, dout => congr_cl8_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 9 Way A Register congr_cl9_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl9_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl9_wA_offset to congr_cl9_wA_offset + congr_cl9_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl9_wA_offset to congr_cl9_wA_offset + congr_cl9_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl9_wA_d, dout => congr_cl9_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 9 Way B Register congr_cl9_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl9_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl9_wB_offset to congr_cl9_wB_offset + congr_cl9_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl9_wB_offset to congr_cl9_wB_offset + congr_cl9_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl9_wB_d, dout => congr_cl9_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 9 Way C Register congr_cl9_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl9_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl9_wC_offset to congr_cl9_wC_offset + congr_cl9_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl9_wC_offset to congr_cl9_wC_offset + congr_cl9_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl9_wC_d, dout => congr_cl9_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 9 Way D Register congr_cl9_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl9_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl9_wD_offset to congr_cl9_wD_offset + congr_cl9_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl9_wD_offset to congr_cl9_wD_offset + congr_cl9_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl9_wD_d, dout => congr_cl9_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 9 Way E Register congr_cl9_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl9_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl9_wE_offset to congr_cl9_wE_offset + congr_cl9_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl9_wE_offset to congr_cl9_wE_offset + congr_cl9_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl9_wE_d, dout => congr_cl9_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 9 Way F Register congr_cl9_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl9_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl9_wF_offset to congr_cl9_wF_offset + congr_cl9_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl9_wF_offset to congr_cl9_wF_offset + congr_cl9_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl9_wF_d, dout => congr_cl9_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 9 Way G Register congr_cl9_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl9_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl9_wG_offset to congr_cl9_wG_offset + congr_cl9_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl9_wG_offset to congr_cl9_wG_offset + congr_cl9_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl9_wG_d, dout => congr_cl9_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 9 Way H Register congr_cl9_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl9_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl9_wH_offset to congr_cl9_wH_offset + congr_cl9_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl9_wH_offset to congr_cl9_wH_offset + congr_cl9_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl9_wH_d, dout => congr_cl9_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 10 Way A Register congr_cl10_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl10_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl10_wA_offset to congr_cl10_wA_offset + congr_cl10_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl10_wA_offset to congr_cl10_wA_offset + congr_cl10_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl10_wA_d, dout => congr_cl10_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 10 Way B Register congr_cl10_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl10_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl10_wB_offset to congr_cl10_wB_offset + congr_cl10_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl10_wB_offset to congr_cl10_wB_offset + congr_cl10_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl10_wB_d, dout => congr_cl10_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 10 Way C Register congr_cl10_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl10_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl10_wC_offset to congr_cl10_wC_offset + congr_cl10_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl10_wC_offset to congr_cl10_wC_offset + congr_cl10_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl10_wC_d, dout => congr_cl10_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 10 Way D Register congr_cl10_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl10_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl10_wD_offset to congr_cl10_wD_offset + congr_cl10_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl10_wD_offset to congr_cl10_wD_offset + congr_cl10_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl10_wD_d, dout => congr_cl10_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 10 Way E Register congr_cl10_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl10_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl10_wE_offset to congr_cl10_wE_offset + congr_cl10_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl10_wE_offset to congr_cl10_wE_offset + congr_cl10_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl10_wE_d, dout => congr_cl10_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 10 Way F Register congr_cl10_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl10_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl10_wF_offset to congr_cl10_wF_offset + congr_cl10_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl10_wF_offset to congr_cl10_wF_offset + congr_cl10_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl10_wF_d, dout => congr_cl10_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 10 Way G Register congr_cl10_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl10_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl10_wG_offset to congr_cl10_wG_offset + congr_cl10_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl10_wG_offset to congr_cl10_wG_offset + congr_cl10_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl10_wG_d, dout => congr_cl10_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 10 Way H Register congr_cl10_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl10_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl10_wH_offset to congr_cl10_wH_offset + congr_cl10_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl10_wH_offset to congr_cl10_wH_offset + congr_cl10_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl10_wH_d, dout => congr_cl10_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 11 Way A Register congr_cl11_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl11_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl11_wA_offset to congr_cl11_wA_offset + congr_cl11_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl11_wA_offset to congr_cl11_wA_offset + congr_cl11_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl11_wA_d, dout => congr_cl11_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 11 Way B Register congr_cl11_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl11_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl11_wB_offset to congr_cl11_wB_offset + congr_cl11_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl11_wB_offset to congr_cl11_wB_offset + congr_cl11_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl11_wB_d, dout => congr_cl11_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 11 Way C Register congr_cl11_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl11_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl11_wC_offset to congr_cl11_wC_offset + congr_cl11_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl11_wC_offset to congr_cl11_wC_offset + congr_cl11_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl11_wC_d, dout => congr_cl11_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 11 Way D Register congr_cl11_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl11_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl11_wD_offset to congr_cl11_wD_offset + congr_cl11_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl11_wD_offset to congr_cl11_wD_offset + congr_cl11_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl11_wD_d, dout => congr_cl11_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 11 Way E Register congr_cl11_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl11_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl11_wE_offset to congr_cl11_wE_offset + congr_cl11_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl11_wE_offset to congr_cl11_wE_offset + congr_cl11_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl11_wE_d, dout => congr_cl11_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 11 Way F Register congr_cl11_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl11_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl11_wF_offset to congr_cl11_wF_offset + congr_cl11_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl11_wF_offset to congr_cl11_wF_offset + congr_cl11_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl11_wF_d, dout => congr_cl11_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 11 Way G Register congr_cl11_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl11_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl11_wG_offset to congr_cl11_wG_offset + congr_cl11_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl11_wG_offset to congr_cl11_wG_offset + congr_cl11_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl11_wG_d, dout => congr_cl11_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 11 Way H Register congr_cl11_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl11_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl11_wH_offset to congr_cl11_wH_offset + congr_cl11_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl11_wH_offset to congr_cl11_wH_offset + congr_cl11_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl11_wH_d, dout => congr_cl11_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 12 Way A Register congr_cl12_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl12_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl12_wA_offset to congr_cl12_wA_offset + congr_cl12_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl12_wA_offset to congr_cl12_wA_offset + congr_cl12_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl12_wA_d, dout => congr_cl12_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 12 Way B Register congr_cl12_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl12_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl12_wB_offset to congr_cl12_wB_offset + congr_cl12_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl12_wB_offset to congr_cl12_wB_offset + congr_cl12_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl12_wB_d, dout => congr_cl12_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 12 Way C Register congr_cl12_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl12_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl12_wC_offset to congr_cl12_wC_offset + congr_cl12_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl12_wC_offset to congr_cl12_wC_offset + congr_cl12_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl12_wC_d, dout => congr_cl12_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 12 Way D Register congr_cl12_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl12_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl12_wD_offset to congr_cl12_wD_offset + congr_cl12_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl12_wD_offset to congr_cl12_wD_offset + congr_cl12_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl12_wD_d, dout => congr_cl12_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 12 Way E Register congr_cl12_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl12_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl12_wE_offset to congr_cl12_wE_offset + congr_cl12_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl12_wE_offset to congr_cl12_wE_offset + congr_cl12_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl12_wE_d, dout => congr_cl12_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 12 Way F Register congr_cl12_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl12_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl12_wF_offset to congr_cl12_wF_offset + congr_cl12_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl12_wF_offset to congr_cl12_wF_offset + congr_cl12_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl12_wF_d, dout => congr_cl12_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 12 Way G Register congr_cl12_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl12_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl12_wG_offset to congr_cl12_wG_offset + congr_cl12_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl12_wG_offset to congr_cl12_wG_offset + congr_cl12_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl12_wG_d, dout => congr_cl12_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 12 Way H Register congr_cl12_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl12_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl12_wH_offset to congr_cl12_wH_offset + congr_cl12_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl12_wH_offset to congr_cl12_wH_offset + congr_cl12_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl12_wH_d, dout => congr_cl12_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 13 Way A Register congr_cl13_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl13_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl13_wA_offset to congr_cl13_wA_offset + congr_cl13_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl13_wA_offset to congr_cl13_wA_offset + congr_cl13_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl13_wA_d, dout => congr_cl13_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 13 Way B Register congr_cl13_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl13_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl13_wB_offset to congr_cl13_wB_offset + congr_cl13_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl13_wB_offset to congr_cl13_wB_offset + congr_cl13_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl13_wB_d, dout => congr_cl13_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 13 Way C Register congr_cl13_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl13_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl13_wC_offset to congr_cl13_wC_offset + congr_cl13_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl13_wC_offset to congr_cl13_wC_offset + congr_cl13_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl13_wC_d, dout => congr_cl13_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 13 Way D Register congr_cl13_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl13_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl13_wD_offset to congr_cl13_wD_offset + congr_cl13_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl13_wD_offset to congr_cl13_wD_offset + congr_cl13_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl13_wD_d, dout => congr_cl13_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 13 Way E Register congr_cl13_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl13_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl13_wE_offset to congr_cl13_wE_offset + congr_cl13_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl13_wE_offset to congr_cl13_wE_offset + congr_cl13_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl13_wE_d, dout => congr_cl13_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 13 Way F Register congr_cl13_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl13_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl13_wF_offset to congr_cl13_wF_offset + congr_cl13_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl13_wF_offset to congr_cl13_wF_offset + congr_cl13_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl13_wF_d, dout => congr_cl13_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 13 Way G Register congr_cl13_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl13_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl13_wG_offset to congr_cl13_wG_offset + congr_cl13_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl13_wG_offset to congr_cl13_wG_offset + congr_cl13_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl13_wG_d, dout => congr_cl13_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 13 Way H Register congr_cl13_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl13_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl13_wH_offset to congr_cl13_wH_offset + congr_cl13_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl13_wH_offset to congr_cl13_wH_offset + congr_cl13_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl13_wH_d, dout => congr_cl13_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 14 Way A Register congr_cl14_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl14_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl14_wA_offset to congr_cl14_wA_offset + congr_cl14_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl14_wA_offset to congr_cl14_wA_offset + congr_cl14_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl14_wA_d, dout => congr_cl14_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 14 Way B Register congr_cl14_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl14_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl14_wB_offset to congr_cl14_wB_offset + congr_cl14_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl14_wB_offset to congr_cl14_wB_offset + congr_cl14_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl14_wB_d, dout => congr_cl14_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 14 Way C Register congr_cl14_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl14_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl14_wC_offset to congr_cl14_wC_offset + congr_cl14_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl14_wC_offset to congr_cl14_wC_offset + congr_cl14_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl14_wC_d, dout => congr_cl14_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 14 Way D Register congr_cl14_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl14_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl14_wD_offset to congr_cl14_wD_offset + congr_cl14_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl14_wD_offset to congr_cl14_wD_offset + congr_cl14_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl14_wD_d, dout => congr_cl14_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 14 Way E Register congr_cl14_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl14_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl14_wE_offset to congr_cl14_wE_offset + congr_cl14_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl14_wE_offset to congr_cl14_wE_offset + congr_cl14_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl14_wE_d, dout => congr_cl14_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 14 Way F Register congr_cl14_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl14_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl14_wF_offset to congr_cl14_wF_offset + congr_cl14_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl14_wF_offset to congr_cl14_wF_offset + congr_cl14_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl14_wF_d, dout => congr_cl14_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 14 Way G Register congr_cl14_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl14_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl14_wG_offset to congr_cl14_wG_offset + congr_cl14_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl14_wG_offset to congr_cl14_wG_offset + congr_cl14_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl14_wG_d, dout => congr_cl14_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 14 Way H Register congr_cl14_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl14_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl14_wH_offset to congr_cl14_wH_offset + congr_cl14_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl14_wH_offset to congr_cl14_wH_offset + congr_cl14_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl14_wH_d, dout => congr_cl14_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 15 Way A Register congr_cl15_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl15_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl15_wA_offset to congr_cl15_wA_offset + congr_cl15_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl15_wA_offset to congr_cl15_wA_offset + congr_cl15_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl15_wA_d, dout => congr_cl15_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 15 Way B Register congr_cl15_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl15_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl15_wB_offset to congr_cl15_wB_offset + congr_cl15_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl15_wB_offset to congr_cl15_wB_offset + congr_cl15_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl15_wB_d, dout => congr_cl15_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 15 Way C Register congr_cl15_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl15_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl15_wC_offset to congr_cl15_wC_offset + congr_cl15_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl15_wC_offset to congr_cl15_wC_offset + congr_cl15_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl15_wC_d, dout => congr_cl15_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 15 Way D Register congr_cl15_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl15_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl15_wD_offset to congr_cl15_wD_offset + congr_cl15_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl15_wD_offset to congr_cl15_wD_offset + congr_cl15_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl15_wD_d, dout => congr_cl15_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 15 Way E Register congr_cl15_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl15_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl15_wE_offset to congr_cl15_wE_offset + congr_cl15_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl15_wE_offset to congr_cl15_wE_offset + congr_cl15_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl15_wE_d, dout => congr_cl15_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 15 Way F Register congr_cl15_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl15_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl15_wF_offset to congr_cl15_wF_offset + congr_cl15_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl15_wF_offset to congr_cl15_wF_offset + congr_cl15_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl15_wF_d, dout => congr_cl15_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 15 Way G Register congr_cl15_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl15_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl15_wG_offset to congr_cl15_wG_offset + congr_cl15_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl15_wG_offset to congr_cl15_wG_offset + congr_cl15_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl15_wG_d, dout => congr_cl15_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 15 Way H Register congr_cl15_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl15_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl15_wH_offset to congr_cl15_wH_offset + congr_cl15_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl15_wH_offset to congr_cl15_wH_offset + congr_cl15_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl15_wH_d, dout => congr_cl15_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 16 Way A Register congr_cl16_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl16_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl16_wA_offset to congr_cl16_wA_offset + congr_cl16_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl16_wA_offset to congr_cl16_wA_offset + congr_cl16_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl16_wA_d, dout => congr_cl16_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 16 Way B Register congr_cl16_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl16_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl16_wB_offset to congr_cl16_wB_offset + congr_cl16_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl16_wB_offset to congr_cl16_wB_offset + congr_cl16_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl16_wB_d, dout => congr_cl16_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 16 Way C Register congr_cl16_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl16_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl16_wC_offset to congr_cl16_wC_offset + congr_cl16_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl16_wC_offset to congr_cl16_wC_offset + congr_cl16_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl16_wC_d, dout => congr_cl16_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 16 Way D Register congr_cl16_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl16_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl16_wD_offset to congr_cl16_wD_offset + congr_cl16_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl16_wD_offset to congr_cl16_wD_offset + congr_cl16_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl16_wD_d, dout => congr_cl16_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 16 Way E Register congr_cl16_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl16_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl16_wE_offset to congr_cl16_wE_offset + congr_cl16_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl16_wE_offset to congr_cl16_wE_offset + congr_cl16_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl16_wE_d, dout => congr_cl16_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 16 Way F Register congr_cl16_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl16_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl16_wF_offset to congr_cl16_wF_offset + congr_cl16_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl16_wF_offset to congr_cl16_wF_offset + congr_cl16_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl16_wF_d, dout => congr_cl16_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 16 Way G Register congr_cl16_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl16_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl16_wG_offset to congr_cl16_wG_offset + congr_cl16_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl16_wG_offset to congr_cl16_wG_offset + congr_cl16_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl16_wG_d, dout => congr_cl16_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 16 Way H Register congr_cl16_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl16_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl16_wH_offset to congr_cl16_wH_offset + congr_cl16_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl16_wH_offset to congr_cl16_wH_offset + congr_cl16_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl16_wH_d, dout => congr_cl16_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 17 Way A Register congr_cl17_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl17_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl17_wA_offset to congr_cl17_wA_offset + congr_cl17_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl17_wA_offset to congr_cl17_wA_offset + congr_cl17_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl17_wA_d, dout => congr_cl17_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 17 Way B Register congr_cl17_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl17_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl17_wB_offset to congr_cl17_wB_offset + congr_cl17_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl17_wB_offset to congr_cl17_wB_offset + congr_cl17_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl17_wB_d, dout => congr_cl17_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 17 Way C Register congr_cl17_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl17_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl17_wC_offset to congr_cl17_wC_offset + congr_cl17_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl17_wC_offset to congr_cl17_wC_offset + congr_cl17_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl17_wC_d, dout => congr_cl17_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 17 Way D Register congr_cl17_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl17_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl17_wD_offset to congr_cl17_wD_offset + congr_cl17_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl17_wD_offset to congr_cl17_wD_offset + congr_cl17_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl17_wD_d, dout => congr_cl17_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 17 Way E Register congr_cl17_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl17_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl17_wE_offset to congr_cl17_wE_offset + congr_cl17_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl17_wE_offset to congr_cl17_wE_offset + congr_cl17_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl17_wE_d, dout => congr_cl17_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 17 Way F Register congr_cl17_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl17_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl17_wF_offset to congr_cl17_wF_offset + congr_cl17_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl17_wF_offset to congr_cl17_wF_offset + congr_cl17_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl17_wF_d, dout => congr_cl17_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 17 Way G Register congr_cl17_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl17_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl17_wG_offset to congr_cl17_wG_offset + congr_cl17_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl17_wG_offset to congr_cl17_wG_offset + congr_cl17_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl17_wG_d, dout => congr_cl17_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 17 Way H Register congr_cl17_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl17_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl17_wH_offset to congr_cl17_wH_offset + congr_cl17_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl17_wH_offset to congr_cl17_wH_offset + congr_cl17_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl17_wH_d, dout => congr_cl17_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 18 Way A Register congr_cl18_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl18_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl18_wA_offset to congr_cl18_wA_offset + congr_cl18_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl18_wA_offset to congr_cl18_wA_offset + congr_cl18_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl18_wA_d, dout => congr_cl18_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 18 Way B Register congr_cl18_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl18_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl18_wB_offset to congr_cl18_wB_offset + congr_cl18_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl18_wB_offset to congr_cl18_wB_offset + congr_cl18_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl18_wB_d, dout => congr_cl18_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 18 Way C Register congr_cl18_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl18_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl18_wC_offset to congr_cl18_wC_offset + congr_cl18_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl18_wC_offset to congr_cl18_wC_offset + congr_cl18_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl18_wC_d, dout => congr_cl18_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 18 Way D Register congr_cl18_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl18_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl18_wD_offset to congr_cl18_wD_offset + congr_cl18_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl18_wD_offset to congr_cl18_wD_offset + congr_cl18_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl18_wD_d, dout => congr_cl18_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 18 Way E Register congr_cl18_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl18_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl18_wE_offset to congr_cl18_wE_offset + congr_cl18_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl18_wE_offset to congr_cl18_wE_offset + congr_cl18_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl18_wE_d, dout => congr_cl18_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 18 Way F Register congr_cl18_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl18_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl18_wF_offset to congr_cl18_wF_offset + congr_cl18_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl18_wF_offset to congr_cl18_wF_offset + congr_cl18_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl18_wF_d, dout => congr_cl18_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 18 Way G Register congr_cl18_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl18_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl18_wG_offset to congr_cl18_wG_offset + congr_cl18_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl18_wG_offset to congr_cl18_wG_offset + congr_cl18_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl18_wG_d, dout => congr_cl18_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 18 Way H Register congr_cl18_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl18_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl18_wH_offset to congr_cl18_wH_offset + congr_cl18_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl18_wH_offset to congr_cl18_wH_offset + congr_cl18_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl18_wH_d, dout => congr_cl18_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 19 Way A Register congr_cl19_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl19_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl19_wA_offset to congr_cl19_wA_offset + congr_cl19_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl19_wA_offset to congr_cl19_wA_offset + congr_cl19_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl19_wA_d, dout => congr_cl19_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 19 Way B Register congr_cl19_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl19_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl19_wB_offset to congr_cl19_wB_offset + congr_cl19_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl19_wB_offset to congr_cl19_wB_offset + congr_cl19_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl19_wB_d, dout => congr_cl19_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 19 Way C Register congr_cl19_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl19_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl19_wC_offset to congr_cl19_wC_offset + congr_cl19_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl19_wC_offset to congr_cl19_wC_offset + congr_cl19_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl19_wC_d, dout => congr_cl19_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 19 Way D Register congr_cl19_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl19_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl19_wD_offset to congr_cl19_wD_offset + congr_cl19_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl19_wD_offset to congr_cl19_wD_offset + congr_cl19_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl19_wD_d, dout => congr_cl19_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 19 Way E Register congr_cl19_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl19_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl19_wE_offset to congr_cl19_wE_offset + congr_cl19_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl19_wE_offset to congr_cl19_wE_offset + congr_cl19_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl19_wE_d, dout => congr_cl19_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 19 Way F Register congr_cl19_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl19_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl19_wF_offset to congr_cl19_wF_offset + congr_cl19_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl19_wF_offset to congr_cl19_wF_offset + congr_cl19_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl19_wF_d, dout => congr_cl19_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 19 Way G Register congr_cl19_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl19_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl19_wG_offset to congr_cl19_wG_offset + congr_cl19_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl19_wG_offset to congr_cl19_wG_offset + congr_cl19_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl19_wG_d, dout => congr_cl19_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 19 Way H Register congr_cl19_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl19_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl19_wH_offset to congr_cl19_wH_offset + congr_cl19_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl19_wH_offset to congr_cl19_wH_offset + congr_cl19_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl19_wH_d, dout => congr_cl19_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 20 Way A Register congr_cl20_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl20_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl20_wA_offset to congr_cl20_wA_offset + congr_cl20_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl20_wA_offset to congr_cl20_wA_offset + congr_cl20_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl20_wA_d, dout => congr_cl20_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 20 Way B Register congr_cl20_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl20_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl20_wB_offset to congr_cl20_wB_offset + congr_cl20_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl20_wB_offset to congr_cl20_wB_offset + congr_cl20_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl20_wB_d, dout => congr_cl20_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 20 Way C Register congr_cl20_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl20_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl20_wC_offset to congr_cl20_wC_offset + congr_cl20_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl20_wC_offset to congr_cl20_wC_offset + congr_cl20_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl20_wC_d, dout => congr_cl20_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 20 Way D Register congr_cl20_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl20_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl20_wD_offset to congr_cl20_wD_offset + congr_cl20_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl20_wD_offset to congr_cl20_wD_offset + congr_cl20_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl20_wD_d, dout => congr_cl20_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 20 Way E Register congr_cl20_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl20_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl20_wE_offset to congr_cl20_wE_offset + congr_cl20_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl20_wE_offset to congr_cl20_wE_offset + congr_cl20_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl20_wE_d, dout => congr_cl20_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 20 Way F Register congr_cl20_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl20_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl20_wF_offset to congr_cl20_wF_offset + congr_cl20_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl20_wF_offset to congr_cl20_wF_offset + congr_cl20_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl20_wF_d, dout => congr_cl20_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 20 Way G Register congr_cl20_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl20_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl20_wG_offset to congr_cl20_wG_offset + congr_cl20_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl20_wG_offset to congr_cl20_wG_offset + congr_cl20_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl20_wG_d, dout => congr_cl20_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 20 Way H Register congr_cl20_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl20_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl20_wH_offset to congr_cl20_wH_offset + congr_cl20_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl20_wH_offset to congr_cl20_wH_offset + congr_cl20_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl20_wH_d, dout => congr_cl20_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 21 Way A Register congr_cl21_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl21_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl21_wA_offset to congr_cl21_wA_offset + congr_cl21_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl21_wA_offset to congr_cl21_wA_offset + congr_cl21_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl21_wA_d, dout => congr_cl21_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 21 Way B Register congr_cl21_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl21_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl21_wB_offset to congr_cl21_wB_offset + congr_cl21_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl21_wB_offset to congr_cl21_wB_offset + congr_cl21_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl21_wB_d, dout => congr_cl21_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 21 Way C Register congr_cl21_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl21_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl21_wC_offset to congr_cl21_wC_offset + congr_cl21_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl21_wC_offset to congr_cl21_wC_offset + congr_cl21_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl21_wC_d, dout => congr_cl21_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 21 Way D Register congr_cl21_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl21_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl21_wD_offset to congr_cl21_wD_offset + congr_cl21_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl21_wD_offset to congr_cl21_wD_offset + congr_cl21_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl21_wD_d, dout => congr_cl21_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 21 Way E Register congr_cl21_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl21_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl21_wE_offset to congr_cl21_wE_offset + congr_cl21_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl21_wE_offset to congr_cl21_wE_offset + congr_cl21_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl21_wE_d, dout => congr_cl21_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 21 Way F Register congr_cl21_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl21_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl21_wF_offset to congr_cl21_wF_offset + congr_cl21_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl21_wF_offset to congr_cl21_wF_offset + congr_cl21_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl21_wF_d, dout => congr_cl21_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 21 Way G Register congr_cl21_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl21_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl21_wG_offset to congr_cl21_wG_offset + congr_cl21_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl21_wG_offset to congr_cl21_wG_offset + congr_cl21_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl21_wG_d, dout => congr_cl21_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 21 Way H Register congr_cl21_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl21_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl21_wH_offset to congr_cl21_wH_offset + congr_cl21_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl21_wH_offset to congr_cl21_wH_offset + congr_cl21_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl21_wH_d, dout => congr_cl21_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 22 Way A Register congr_cl22_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl22_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl22_wA_offset to congr_cl22_wA_offset + congr_cl22_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl22_wA_offset to congr_cl22_wA_offset + congr_cl22_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl22_wA_d, dout => congr_cl22_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 22 Way B Register congr_cl22_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl22_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl22_wB_offset to congr_cl22_wB_offset + congr_cl22_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl22_wB_offset to congr_cl22_wB_offset + congr_cl22_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl22_wB_d, dout => congr_cl22_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 22 Way C Register congr_cl22_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl22_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl22_wC_offset to congr_cl22_wC_offset + congr_cl22_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl22_wC_offset to congr_cl22_wC_offset + congr_cl22_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl22_wC_d, dout => congr_cl22_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 22 Way D Register congr_cl22_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl22_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl22_wD_offset to congr_cl22_wD_offset + congr_cl22_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl22_wD_offset to congr_cl22_wD_offset + congr_cl22_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl22_wD_d, dout => congr_cl22_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 22 Way E Register congr_cl22_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl22_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl22_wE_offset to congr_cl22_wE_offset + congr_cl22_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl22_wE_offset to congr_cl22_wE_offset + congr_cl22_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl22_wE_d, dout => congr_cl22_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 22 Way F Register congr_cl22_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl22_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl22_wF_offset to congr_cl22_wF_offset + congr_cl22_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl22_wF_offset to congr_cl22_wF_offset + congr_cl22_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl22_wF_d, dout => congr_cl22_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 22 Way G Register congr_cl22_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl22_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl22_wG_offset to congr_cl22_wG_offset + congr_cl22_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl22_wG_offset to congr_cl22_wG_offset + congr_cl22_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl22_wG_d, dout => congr_cl22_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 22 Way H Register congr_cl22_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl22_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl22_wH_offset to congr_cl22_wH_offset + congr_cl22_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl22_wH_offset to congr_cl22_wH_offset + congr_cl22_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl22_wH_d, dout => congr_cl22_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 23 Way A Register congr_cl23_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl23_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl23_wA_offset to congr_cl23_wA_offset + congr_cl23_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl23_wA_offset to congr_cl23_wA_offset + congr_cl23_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl23_wA_d, dout => congr_cl23_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 23 Way B Register congr_cl23_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl23_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl23_wB_offset to congr_cl23_wB_offset + congr_cl23_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl23_wB_offset to congr_cl23_wB_offset + congr_cl23_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl23_wB_d, dout => congr_cl23_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 23 Way C Register congr_cl23_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl23_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl23_wC_offset to congr_cl23_wC_offset + congr_cl23_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl23_wC_offset to congr_cl23_wC_offset + congr_cl23_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl23_wC_d, dout => congr_cl23_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 23 Way D Register congr_cl23_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl23_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl23_wD_offset to congr_cl23_wD_offset + congr_cl23_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl23_wD_offset to congr_cl23_wD_offset + congr_cl23_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl23_wD_d, dout => congr_cl23_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 23 Way E Register congr_cl23_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl23_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl23_wE_offset to congr_cl23_wE_offset + congr_cl23_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl23_wE_offset to congr_cl23_wE_offset + congr_cl23_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl23_wE_d, dout => congr_cl23_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 23 Way F Register congr_cl23_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl23_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl23_wF_offset to congr_cl23_wF_offset + congr_cl23_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl23_wF_offset to congr_cl23_wF_offset + congr_cl23_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl23_wF_d, dout => congr_cl23_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 23 Way G Register congr_cl23_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl23_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl23_wG_offset to congr_cl23_wG_offset + congr_cl23_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl23_wG_offset to congr_cl23_wG_offset + congr_cl23_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl23_wG_d, dout => congr_cl23_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 23 Way H Register congr_cl23_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl23_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl23_wH_offset to congr_cl23_wH_offset + congr_cl23_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl23_wH_offset to congr_cl23_wH_offset + congr_cl23_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl23_wH_d, dout => congr_cl23_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 24 Way A Register congr_cl24_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl24_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl24_wA_offset to congr_cl24_wA_offset + congr_cl24_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl24_wA_offset to congr_cl24_wA_offset + congr_cl24_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl24_wA_d, dout => congr_cl24_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 24 Way B Register congr_cl24_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl24_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl24_wB_offset to congr_cl24_wB_offset + congr_cl24_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl24_wB_offset to congr_cl24_wB_offset + congr_cl24_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl24_wB_d, dout => congr_cl24_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 24 Way C Register congr_cl24_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl24_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl24_wC_offset to congr_cl24_wC_offset + congr_cl24_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl24_wC_offset to congr_cl24_wC_offset + congr_cl24_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl24_wC_d, dout => congr_cl24_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 24 Way D Register congr_cl24_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl24_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl24_wD_offset to congr_cl24_wD_offset + congr_cl24_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl24_wD_offset to congr_cl24_wD_offset + congr_cl24_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl24_wD_d, dout => congr_cl24_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 24 Way E Register congr_cl24_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl24_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl24_wE_offset to congr_cl24_wE_offset + congr_cl24_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl24_wE_offset to congr_cl24_wE_offset + congr_cl24_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl24_wE_d, dout => congr_cl24_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 24 Way F Register congr_cl24_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl24_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl24_wF_offset to congr_cl24_wF_offset + congr_cl24_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl24_wF_offset to congr_cl24_wF_offset + congr_cl24_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl24_wF_d, dout => congr_cl24_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 24 Way G Register congr_cl24_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl24_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl24_wG_offset to congr_cl24_wG_offset + congr_cl24_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl24_wG_offset to congr_cl24_wG_offset + congr_cl24_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl24_wG_d, dout => congr_cl24_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 24 Way H Register congr_cl24_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl24_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl24_wH_offset to congr_cl24_wH_offset + congr_cl24_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl24_wH_offset to congr_cl24_wH_offset + congr_cl24_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl24_wH_d, dout => congr_cl24_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 25 Way A Register congr_cl25_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl25_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl25_wA_offset to congr_cl25_wA_offset + congr_cl25_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl25_wA_offset to congr_cl25_wA_offset + congr_cl25_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl25_wA_d, dout => congr_cl25_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 25 Way B Register congr_cl25_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl25_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl25_wB_offset to congr_cl25_wB_offset + congr_cl25_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl25_wB_offset to congr_cl25_wB_offset + congr_cl25_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl25_wB_d, dout => congr_cl25_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 25 Way C Register congr_cl25_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl25_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl25_wC_offset to congr_cl25_wC_offset + congr_cl25_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl25_wC_offset to congr_cl25_wC_offset + congr_cl25_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl25_wC_d, dout => congr_cl25_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 25 Way D Register congr_cl25_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl25_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl25_wD_offset to congr_cl25_wD_offset + congr_cl25_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl25_wD_offset to congr_cl25_wD_offset + congr_cl25_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl25_wD_d, dout => congr_cl25_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 25 Way E Register congr_cl25_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl25_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl25_wE_offset to congr_cl25_wE_offset + congr_cl25_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl25_wE_offset to congr_cl25_wE_offset + congr_cl25_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl25_wE_d, dout => congr_cl25_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 25 Way F Register congr_cl25_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl25_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl25_wF_offset to congr_cl25_wF_offset + congr_cl25_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl25_wF_offset to congr_cl25_wF_offset + congr_cl25_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl25_wF_d, dout => congr_cl25_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 25 Way G Register congr_cl25_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl25_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl25_wG_offset to congr_cl25_wG_offset + congr_cl25_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl25_wG_offset to congr_cl25_wG_offset + congr_cl25_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl25_wG_d, dout => congr_cl25_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 25 Way H Register congr_cl25_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl25_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl25_wH_offset to congr_cl25_wH_offset + congr_cl25_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl25_wH_offset to congr_cl25_wH_offset + congr_cl25_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl25_wH_d, dout => congr_cl25_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 26 Way A Register congr_cl26_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl26_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl26_wA_offset to congr_cl26_wA_offset + congr_cl26_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl26_wA_offset to congr_cl26_wA_offset + congr_cl26_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl26_wA_d, dout => congr_cl26_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 26 Way B Register congr_cl26_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl26_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl26_wB_offset to congr_cl26_wB_offset + congr_cl26_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl26_wB_offset to congr_cl26_wB_offset + congr_cl26_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl26_wB_d, dout => congr_cl26_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 26 Way C Register congr_cl26_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl26_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl26_wC_offset to congr_cl26_wC_offset + congr_cl26_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl26_wC_offset to congr_cl26_wC_offset + congr_cl26_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl26_wC_d, dout => congr_cl26_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 26 Way D Register congr_cl26_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl26_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl26_wD_offset to congr_cl26_wD_offset + congr_cl26_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl26_wD_offset to congr_cl26_wD_offset + congr_cl26_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl26_wD_d, dout => congr_cl26_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 26 Way E Register congr_cl26_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl26_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl26_wE_offset to congr_cl26_wE_offset + congr_cl26_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl26_wE_offset to congr_cl26_wE_offset + congr_cl26_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl26_wE_d, dout => congr_cl26_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 26 Way F Register congr_cl26_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl26_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl26_wF_offset to congr_cl26_wF_offset + congr_cl26_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl26_wF_offset to congr_cl26_wF_offset + congr_cl26_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl26_wF_d, dout => congr_cl26_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 26 Way G Register congr_cl26_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl26_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl26_wG_offset to congr_cl26_wG_offset + congr_cl26_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl26_wG_offset to congr_cl26_wG_offset + congr_cl26_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl26_wG_d, dout => congr_cl26_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 26 Way H Register congr_cl26_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl26_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl26_wH_offset to congr_cl26_wH_offset + congr_cl26_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl26_wH_offset to congr_cl26_wH_offset + congr_cl26_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl26_wH_d, dout => congr_cl26_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 27 Way A Register congr_cl27_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl27_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl27_wA_offset to congr_cl27_wA_offset + congr_cl27_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl27_wA_offset to congr_cl27_wA_offset + congr_cl27_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl27_wA_d, dout => congr_cl27_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 27 Way B Register congr_cl27_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl27_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl27_wB_offset to congr_cl27_wB_offset + congr_cl27_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl27_wB_offset to congr_cl27_wB_offset + congr_cl27_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl27_wB_d, dout => congr_cl27_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 27 Way C Register congr_cl27_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl27_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl27_wC_offset to congr_cl27_wC_offset + congr_cl27_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl27_wC_offset to congr_cl27_wC_offset + congr_cl27_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl27_wC_d, dout => congr_cl27_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 27 Way D Register congr_cl27_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl27_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl27_wD_offset to congr_cl27_wD_offset + congr_cl27_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl27_wD_offset to congr_cl27_wD_offset + congr_cl27_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl27_wD_d, dout => congr_cl27_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 27 Way E Register congr_cl27_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl27_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl27_wE_offset to congr_cl27_wE_offset + congr_cl27_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl27_wE_offset to congr_cl27_wE_offset + congr_cl27_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl27_wE_d, dout => congr_cl27_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 27 Way F Register congr_cl27_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl27_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl27_wF_offset to congr_cl27_wF_offset + congr_cl27_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl27_wF_offset to congr_cl27_wF_offset + congr_cl27_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl27_wF_d, dout => congr_cl27_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 27 Way G Register congr_cl27_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl27_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl27_wG_offset to congr_cl27_wG_offset + congr_cl27_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl27_wG_offset to congr_cl27_wG_offset + congr_cl27_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl27_wG_d, dout => congr_cl27_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 27 Way H Register congr_cl27_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl27_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl27_wH_offset to congr_cl27_wH_offset + congr_cl27_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl27_wH_offset to congr_cl27_wH_offset + congr_cl27_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl27_wH_d, dout => congr_cl27_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 28 Way A Register congr_cl28_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl28_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl28_wA_offset to congr_cl28_wA_offset + congr_cl28_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl28_wA_offset to congr_cl28_wA_offset + congr_cl28_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl28_wA_d, dout => congr_cl28_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 28 Way B Register congr_cl28_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl28_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl28_wB_offset to congr_cl28_wB_offset + congr_cl28_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl28_wB_offset to congr_cl28_wB_offset + congr_cl28_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl28_wB_d, dout => congr_cl28_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 28 Way C Register congr_cl28_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl28_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl28_wC_offset to congr_cl28_wC_offset + congr_cl28_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl28_wC_offset to congr_cl28_wC_offset + congr_cl28_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl28_wC_d, dout => congr_cl28_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 28 Way D Register congr_cl28_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl28_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl28_wD_offset to congr_cl28_wD_offset + congr_cl28_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl28_wD_offset to congr_cl28_wD_offset + congr_cl28_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl28_wD_d, dout => congr_cl28_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 28 Way E Register congr_cl28_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl28_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl28_wE_offset to congr_cl28_wE_offset + congr_cl28_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl28_wE_offset to congr_cl28_wE_offset + congr_cl28_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl28_wE_d, dout => congr_cl28_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 28 Way F Register congr_cl28_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl28_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl28_wF_offset to congr_cl28_wF_offset + congr_cl28_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl28_wF_offset to congr_cl28_wF_offset + congr_cl28_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl28_wF_d, dout => congr_cl28_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 28 Way G Register congr_cl28_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl28_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl28_wG_offset to congr_cl28_wG_offset + congr_cl28_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl28_wG_offset to congr_cl28_wG_offset + congr_cl28_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl28_wG_d, dout => congr_cl28_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 28 Way H Register congr_cl28_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl28_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl28_wH_offset to congr_cl28_wH_offset + congr_cl28_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl28_wH_offset to congr_cl28_wH_offset + congr_cl28_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl28_wH_d, dout => congr_cl28_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 29 Way A Register congr_cl29_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl29_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl29_wA_offset to congr_cl29_wA_offset + congr_cl29_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl29_wA_offset to congr_cl29_wA_offset + congr_cl29_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl29_wA_d, dout => congr_cl29_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 29 Way B Register congr_cl29_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl29_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl29_wB_offset to congr_cl29_wB_offset + congr_cl29_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl29_wB_offset to congr_cl29_wB_offset + congr_cl29_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl29_wB_d, dout => congr_cl29_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 29 Way C Register congr_cl29_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl29_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl29_wC_offset to congr_cl29_wC_offset + congr_cl29_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl29_wC_offset to congr_cl29_wC_offset + congr_cl29_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl29_wC_d, dout => congr_cl29_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 29 Way D Register congr_cl29_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl29_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl29_wD_offset to congr_cl29_wD_offset + congr_cl29_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl29_wD_offset to congr_cl29_wD_offset + congr_cl29_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl29_wD_d, dout => congr_cl29_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 29 Way E Register congr_cl29_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl29_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl29_wE_offset to congr_cl29_wE_offset + congr_cl29_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl29_wE_offset to congr_cl29_wE_offset + congr_cl29_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl29_wE_d, dout => congr_cl29_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 29 Way F Register congr_cl29_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl29_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl29_wF_offset to congr_cl29_wF_offset + congr_cl29_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl29_wF_offset to congr_cl29_wF_offset + congr_cl29_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl29_wF_d, dout => congr_cl29_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 29 Way G Register congr_cl29_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl29_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl29_wG_offset to congr_cl29_wG_offset + congr_cl29_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl29_wG_offset to congr_cl29_wG_offset + congr_cl29_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl29_wG_d, dout => congr_cl29_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 29 Way H Register congr_cl29_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl29_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl29_wH_offset to congr_cl29_wH_offset + congr_cl29_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl29_wH_offset to congr_cl29_wH_offset + congr_cl29_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl29_wH_d, dout => congr_cl29_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 30 Way A Register congr_cl30_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl30_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl30_wA_offset to congr_cl30_wA_offset + congr_cl30_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl30_wA_offset to congr_cl30_wA_offset + congr_cl30_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl30_wA_d, dout => congr_cl30_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 30 Way B Register congr_cl30_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl30_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl30_wB_offset to congr_cl30_wB_offset + congr_cl30_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl30_wB_offset to congr_cl30_wB_offset + congr_cl30_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl30_wB_d, dout => congr_cl30_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 30 Way C Register congr_cl30_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl30_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl30_wC_offset to congr_cl30_wC_offset + congr_cl30_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl30_wC_offset to congr_cl30_wC_offset + congr_cl30_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl30_wC_d, dout => congr_cl30_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 30 Way D Register congr_cl30_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl30_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl30_wD_offset to congr_cl30_wD_offset + congr_cl30_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl30_wD_offset to congr_cl30_wD_offset + congr_cl30_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl30_wD_d, dout => congr_cl30_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 30 Way E Register congr_cl30_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl30_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl30_wE_offset to congr_cl30_wE_offset + congr_cl30_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl30_wE_offset to congr_cl30_wE_offset + congr_cl30_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl30_wE_d, dout => congr_cl30_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 30 Way F Register congr_cl30_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl30_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl30_wF_offset to congr_cl30_wF_offset + congr_cl30_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl30_wF_offset to congr_cl30_wF_offset + congr_cl30_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl30_wF_d, dout => congr_cl30_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 30 Way G Register congr_cl30_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl30_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl30_wG_offset to congr_cl30_wG_offset + congr_cl30_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl30_wG_offset to congr_cl30_wG_offset + congr_cl30_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl30_wG_d, dout => congr_cl30_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 30 Way H Register congr_cl30_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl30_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl30_wH_offset to congr_cl30_wH_offset + congr_cl30_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl30_wH_offset to congr_cl30_wH_offset + congr_cl30_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl30_wH_d, dout => congr_cl30_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 31 Way A Register congr_cl31_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl31_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl31_wA_offset to congr_cl31_wA_offset + congr_cl31_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl31_wA_offset to congr_cl31_wA_offset + congr_cl31_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl31_wA_d, dout => congr_cl31_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 31 Way B Register congr_cl31_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl31_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl31_wB_offset to congr_cl31_wB_offset + congr_cl31_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl31_wB_offset to congr_cl31_wB_offset + congr_cl31_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl31_wB_d, dout => congr_cl31_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 31 Way C Register congr_cl31_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl31_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl31_wC_offset to congr_cl31_wC_offset + congr_cl31_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl31_wC_offset to congr_cl31_wC_offset + congr_cl31_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl31_wC_d, dout => congr_cl31_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 31 Way D Register congr_cl31_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl31_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl31_wD_offset to congr_cl31_wD_offset + congr_cl31_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl31_wD_offset to congr_cl31_wD_offset + congr_cl31_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl31_wD_d, dout => congr_cl31_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 31 Way E Register congr_cl31_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl31_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl31_wE_offset to congr_cl31_wE_offset + congr_cl31_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl31_wE_offset to congr_cl31_wE_offset + congr_cl31_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl31_wE_d, dout => congr_cl31_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 31 Way F Register congr_cl31_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl31_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl31_wF_offset to congr_cl31_wF_offset + congr_cl31_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl31_wF_offset to congr_cl31_wF_offset + congr_cl31_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl31_wF_d, dout => congr_cl31_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 31 Way G Register congr_cl31_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl31_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl31_wG_offset to congr_cl31_wG_offset + congr_cl31_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl31_wG_offset to congr_cl31_wG_offset + congr_cl31_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl31_wG_d, dout => congr_cl31_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 31 Way H Register congr_cl31_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl31_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl31_wH_offset to congr_cl31_wH_offset + congr_cl31_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl31_wH_offset to congr_cl31_wH_offset + congr_cl31_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl31_wH_d, dout => congr_cl31_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 32 Way A Register congr_cl32_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl32_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl32_wA_offset to congr_cl32_wA_offset + congr_cl32_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl32_wA_offset to congr_cl32_wA_offset + congr_cl32_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl32_wA_d, dout => congr_cl32_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 32 Way B Register congr_cl32_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl32_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl32_wB_offset to congr_cl32_wB_offset + congr_cl32_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl32_wB_offset to congr_cl32_wB_offset + congr_cl32_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl32_wB_d, dout => congr_cl32_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 32 Way C Register congr_cl32_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl32_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl32_wC_offset to congr_cl32_wC_offset + congr_cl32_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl32_wC_offset to congr_cl32_wC_offset + congr_cl32_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl32_wC_d, dout => congr_cl32_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 32 Way D Register congr_cl32_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl32_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl32_wD_offset to congr_cl32_wD_offset + congr_cl32_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl32_wD_offset to congr_cl32_wD_offset + congr_cl32_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl32_wD_d, dout => congr_cl32_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 32 Way E Register congr_cl32_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl32_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl32_wE_offset to congr_cl32_wE_offset + congr_cl32_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl32_wE_offset to congr_cl32_wE_offset + congr_cl32_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl32_wE_d, dout => congr_cl32_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 32 Way F Register congr_cl32_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl32_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl32_wF_offset to congr_cl32_wF_offset + congr_cl32_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl32_wF_offset to congr_cl32_wF_offset + congr_cl32_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl32_wF_d, dout => congr_cl32_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 32 Way G Register congr_cl32_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl32_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl32_wG_offset to congr_cl32_wG_offset + congr_cl32_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl32_wG_offset to congr_cl32_wG_offset + congr_cl32_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl32_wG_d, dout => congr_cl32_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 32 Way H Register congr_cl32_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl32_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl32_wH_offset to congr_cl32_wH_offset + congr_cl32_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl32_wH_offset to congr_cl32_wH_offset + congr_cl32_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl32_wH_d, dout => congr_cl32_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 33 Way A Register congr_cl33_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl33_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl33_wA_offset to congr_cl33_wA_offset + congr_cl33_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl33_wA_offset to congr_cl33_wA_offset + congr_cl33_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl33_wA_d, dout => congr_cl33_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 33 Way B Register congr_cl33_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl33_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl33_wB_offset to congr_cl33_wB_offset + congr_cl33_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl33_wB_offset to congr_cl33_wB_offset + congr_cl33_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl33_wB_d, dout => congr_cl33_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 33 Way C Register congr_cl33_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl33_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl33_wC_offset to congr_cl33_wC_offset + congr_cl33_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl33_wC_offset to congr_cl33_wC_offset + congr_cl33_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl33_wC_d, dout => congr_cl33_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 33 Way D Register congr_cl33_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl33_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl33_wD_offset to congr_cl33_wD_offset + congr_cl33_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl33_wD_offset to congr_cl33_wD_offset + congr_cl33_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl33_wD_d, dout => congr_cl33_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 33 Way E Register congr_cl33_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl33_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl33_wE_offset to congr_cl33_wE_offset + congr_cl33_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl33_wE_offset to congr_cl33_wE_offset + congr_cl33_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl33_wE_d, dout => congr_cl33_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 33 Way F Register congr_cl33_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl33_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl33_wF_offset to congr_cl33_wF_offset + congr_cl33_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl33_wF_offset to congr_cl33_wF_offset + congr_cl33_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl33_wF_d, dout => congr_cl33_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 33 Way G Register congr_cl33_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl33_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl33_wG_offset to congr_cl33_wG_offset + congr_cl33_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl33_wG_offset to congr_cl33_wG_offset + congr_cl33_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl33_wG_d, dout => congr_cl33_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 33 Way H Register congr_cl33_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl33_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl33_wH_offset to congr_cl33_wH_offset + congr_cl33_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl33_wH_offset to congr_cl33_wH_offset + congr_cl33_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl33_wH_d, dout => congr_cl33_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 34 Way A Register congr_cl34_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl34_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl34_wA_offset to congr_cl34_wA_offset + congr_cl34_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl34_wA_offset to congr_cl34_wA_offset + congr_cl34_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl34_wA_d, dout => congr_cl34_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 34 Way B Register congr_cl34_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl34_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl34_wB_offset to congr_cl34_wB_offset + congr_cl34_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl34_wB_offset to congr_cl34_wB_offset + congr_cl34_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl34_wB_d, dout => congr_cl34_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 34 Way C Register congr_cl34_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl34_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl34_wC_offset to congr_cl34_wC_offset + congr_cl34_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl34_wC_offset to congr_cl34_wC_offset + congr_cl34_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl34_wC_d, dout => congr_cl34_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 34 Way D Register congr_cl34_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl34_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl34_wD_offset to congr_cl34_wD_offset + congr_cl34_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl34_wD_offset to congr_cl34_wD_offset + congr_cl34_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl34_wD_d, dout => congr_cl34_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 34 Way E Register congr_cl34_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl34_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl34_wE_offset to congr_cl34_wE_offset + congr_cl34_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl34_wE_offset to congr_cl34_wE_offset + congr_cl34_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl34_wE_d, dout => congr_cl34_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 34 Way F Register congr_cl34_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl34_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl34_wF_offset to congr_cl34_wF_offset + congr_cl34_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl34_wF_offset to congr_cl34_wF_offset + congr_cl34_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl34_wF_d, dout => congr_cl34_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 34 Way G Register congr_cl34_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl34_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl34_wG_offset to congr_cl34_wG_offset + congr_cl34_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl34_wG_offset to congr_cl34_wG_offset + congr_cl34_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl34_wG_d, dout => congr_cl34_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 34 Way H Register congr_cl34_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl34_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl34_wH_offset to congr_cl34_wH_offset + congr_cl34_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl34_wH_offset to congr_cl34_wH_offset + congr_cl34_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl34_wH_d, dout => congr_cl34_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 35 Way A Register congr_cl35_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl35_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl35_wA_offset to congr_cl35_wA_offset + congr_cl35_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl35_wA_offset to congr_cl35_wA_offset + congr_cl35_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl35_wA_d, dout => congr_cl35_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 35 Way B Register congr_cl35_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl35_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl35_wB_offset to congr_cl35_wB_offset + congr_cl35_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl35_wB_offset to congr_cl35_wB_offset + congr_cl35_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl35_wB_d, dout => congr_cl35_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 35 Way C Register congr_cl35_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl35_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl35_wC_offset to congr_cl35_wC_offset + congr_cl35_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl35_wC_offset to congr_cl35_wC_offset + congr_cl35_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl35_wC_d, dout => congr_cl35_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 35 Way D Register congr_cl35_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl35_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl35_wD_offset to congr_cl35_wD_offset + congr_cl35_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl35_wD_offset to congr_cl35_wD_offset + congr_cl35_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl35_wD_d, dout => congr_cl35_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 35 Way E Register congr_cl35_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl35_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl35_wE_offset to congr_cl35_wE_offset + congr_cl35_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl35_wE_offset to congr_cl35_wE_offset + congr_cl35_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl35_wE_d, dout => congr_cl35_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 35 Way F Register congr_cl35_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl35_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl35_wF_offset to congr_cl35_wF_offset + congr_cl35_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl35_wF_offset to congr_cl35_wF_offset + congr_cl35_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl35_wF_d, dout => congr_cl35_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 35 Way G Register congr_cl35_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl35_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl35_wG_offset to congr_cl35_wG_offset + congr_cl35_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl35_wG_offset to congr_cl35_wG_offset + congr_cl35_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl35_wG_d, dout => congr_cl35_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 35 Way H Register congr_cl35_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl35_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl35_wH_offset to congr_cl35_wH_offset + congr_cl35_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl35_wH_offset to congr_cl35_wH_offset + congr_cl35_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl35_wH_d, dout => congr_cl35_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 36 Way A Register congr_cl36_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl36_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl36_wA_offset to congr_cl36_wA_offset + congr_cl36_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl36_wA_offset to congr_cl36_wA_offset + congr_cl36_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl36_wA_d, dout => congr_cl36_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 36 Way B Register congr_cl36_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl36_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl36_wB_offset to congr_cl36_wB_offset + congr_cl36_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl36_wB_offset to congr_cl36_wB_offset + congr_cl36_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl36_wB_d, dout => congr_cl36_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 36 Way C Register congr_cl36_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl36_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl36_wC_offset to congr_cl36_wC_offset + congr_cl36_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl36_wC_offset to congr_cl36_wC_offset + congr_cl36_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl36_wC_d, dout => congr_cl36_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 36 Way D Register congr_cl36_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl36_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl36_wD_offset to congr_cl36_wD_offset + congr_cl36_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl36_wD_offset to congr_cl36_wD_offset + congr_cl36_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl36_wD_d, dout => congr_cl36_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 36 Way E Register congr_cl36_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl36_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl36_wE_offset to congr_cl36_wE_offset + congr_cl36_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl36_wE_offset to congr_cl36_wE_offset + congr_cl36_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl36_wE_d, dout => congr_cl36_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 36 Way F Register congr_cl36_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl36_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl36_wF_offset to congr_cl36_wF_offset + congr_cl36_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl36_wF_offset to congr_cl36_wF_offset + congr_cl36_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl36_wF_d, dout => congr_cl36_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 36 Way G Register congr_cl36_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl36_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl36_wG_offset to congr_cl36_wG_offset + congr_cl36_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl36_wG_offset to congr_cl36_wG_offset + congr_cl36_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl36_wG_d, dout => congr_cl36_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 36 Way H Register congr_cl36_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl36_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl36_wH_offset to congr_cl36_wH_offset + congr_cl36_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl36_wH_offset to congr_cl36_wH_offset + congr_cl36_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl36_wH_d, dout => congr_cl36_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 37 Way A Register congr_cl37_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl37_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl37_wA_offset to congr_cl37_wA_offset + congr_cl37_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl37_wA_offset to congr_cl37_wA_offset + congr_cl37_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl37_wA_d, dout => congr_cl37_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 37 Way B Register congr_cl37_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl37_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl37_wB_offset to congr_cl37_wB_offset + congr_cl37_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl37_wB_offset to congr_cl37_wB_offset + congr_cl37_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl37_wB_d, dout => congr_cl37_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 37 Way C Register congr_cl37_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl37_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl37_wC_offset to congr_cl37_wC_offset + congr_cl37_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl37_wC_offset to congr_cl37_wC_offset + congr_cl37_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl37_wC_d, dout => congr_cl37_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 37 Way D Register congr_cl37_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl37_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl37_wD_offset to congr_cl37_wD_offset + congr_cl37_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl37_wD_offset to congr_cl37_wD_offset + congr_cl37_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl37_wD_d, dout => congr_cl37_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 37 Way E Register congr_cl37_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl37_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl37_wE_offset to congr_cl37_wE_offset + congr_cl37_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl37_wE_offset to congr_cl37_wE_offset + congr_cl37_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl37_wE_d, dout => congr_cl37_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 37 Way F Register congr_cl37_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl37_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl37_wF_offset to congr_cl37_wF_offset + congr_cl37_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl37_wF_offset to congr_cl37_wF_offset + congr_cl37_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl37_wF_d, dout => congr_cl37_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 37 Way G Register congr_cl37_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl37_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl37_wG_offset to congr_cl37_wG_offset + congr_cl37_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl37_wG_offset to congr_cl37_wG_offset + congr_cl37_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl37_wG_d, dout => congr_cl37_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 37 Way H Register congr_cl37_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl37_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl37_wH_offset to congr_cl37_wH_offset + congr_cl37_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl37_wH_offset to congr_cl37_wH_offset + congr_cl37_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl37_wH_d, dout => congr_cl37_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 38 Way A Register congr_cl38_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl38_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl38_wA_offset to congr_cl38_wA_offset + congr_cl38_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl38_wA_offset to congr_cl38_wA_offset + congr_cl38_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl38_wA_d, dout => congr_cl38_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 38 Way B Register congr_cl38_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl38_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl38_wB_offset to congr_cl38_wB_offset + congr_cl38_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl38_wB_offset to congr_cl38_wB_offset + congr_cl38_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl38_wB_d, dout => congr_cl38_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 38 Way C Register congr_cl38_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl38_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl38_wC_offset to congr_cl38_wC_offset + congr_cl38_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl38_wC_offset to congr_cl38_wC_offset + congr_cl38_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl38_wC_d, dout => congr_cl38_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 38 Way D Register congr_cl38_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl38_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl38_wD_offset to congr_cl38_wD_offset + congr_cl38_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl38_wD_offset to congr_cl38_wD_offset + congr_cl38_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl38_wD_d, dout => congr_cl38_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 38 Way E Register congr_cl38_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl38_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl38_wE_offset to congr_cl38_wE_offset + congr_cl38_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl38_wE_offset to congr_cl38_wE_offset + congr_cl38_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl38_wE_d, dout => congr_cl38_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 38 Way F Register congr_cl38_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl38_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl38_wF_offset to congr_cl38_wF_offset + congr_cl38_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl38_wF_offset to congr_cl38_wF_offset + congr_cl38_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl38_wF_d, dout => congr_cl38_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 38 Way G Register congr_cl38_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl38_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl38_wG_offset to congr_cl38_wG_offset + congr_cl38_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl38_wG_offset to congr_cl38_wG_offset + congr_cl38_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl38_wG_d, dout => congr_cl38_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 38 Way H Register congr_cl38_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl38_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl38_wH_offset to congr_cl38_wH_offset + congr_cl38_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl38_wH_offset to congr_cl38_wH_offset + congr_cl38_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl38_wH_d, dout => congr_cl38_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 39 Way A Register congr_cl39_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl39_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl39_wA_offset to congr_cl39_wA_offset + congr_cl39_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl39_wA_offset to congr_cl39_wA_offset + congr_cl39_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl39_wA_d, dout => congr_cl39_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 39 Way B Register congr_cl39_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl39_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl39_wB_offset to congr_cl39_wB_offset + congr_cl39_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl39_wB_offset to congr_cl39_wB_offset + congr_cl39_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl39_wB_d, dout => congr_cl39_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 39 Way C Register congr_cl39_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl39_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl39_wC_offset to congr_cl39_wC_offset + congr_cl39_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl39_wC_offset to congr_cl39_wC_offset + congr_cl39_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl39_wC_d, dout => congr_cl39_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 39 Way D Register congr_cl39_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl39_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl39_wD_offset to congr_cl39_wD_offset + congr_cl39_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl39_wD_offset to congr_cl39_wD_offset + congr_cl39_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl39_wD_d, dout => congr_cl39_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 39 Way E Register congr_cl39_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl39_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl39_wE_offset to congr_cl39_wE_offset + congr_cl39_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl39_wE_offset to congr_cl39_wE_offset + congr_cl39_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl39_wE_d, dout => congr_cl39_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 39 Way F Register congr_cl39_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl39_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl39_wF_offset to congr_cl39_wF_offset + congr_cl39_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl39_wF_offset to congr_cl39_wF_offset + congr_cl39_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl39_wF_d, dout => congr_cl39_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 39 Way G Register congr_cl39_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl39_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl39_wG_offset to congr_cl39_wG_offset + congr_cl39_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl39_wG_offset to congr_cl39_wG_offset + congr_cl39_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl39_wG_d, dout => congr_cl39_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 39 Way H Register congr_cl39_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl39_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl39_wH_offset to congr_cl39_wH_offset + congr_cl39_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl39_wH_offset to congr_cl39_wH_offset + congr_cl39_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl39_wH_d, dout => congr_cl39_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 40 Way A Register congr_cl40_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl40_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl40_wA_offset to congr_cl40_wA_offset + congr_cl40_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl40_wA_offset to congr_cl40_wA_offset + congr_cl40_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl40_wA_d, dout => congr_cl40_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 40 Way B Register congr_cl40_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl40_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl40_wB_offset to congr_cl40_wB_offset + congr_cl40_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl40_wB_offset to congr_cl40_wB_offset + congr_cl40_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl40_wB_d, dout => congr_cl40_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 40 Way C Register congr_cl40_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl40_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl40_wC_offset to congr_cl40_wC_offset + congr_cl40_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl40_wC_offset to congr_cl40_wC_offset + congr_cl40_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl40_wC_d, dout => congr_cl40_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 40 Way D Register congr_cl40_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl40_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl40_wD_offset to congr_cl40_wD_offset + congr_cl40_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl40_wD_offset to congr_cl40_wD_offset + congr_cl40_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl40_wD_d, dout => congr_cl40_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 40 Way E Register congr_cl40_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl40_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl40_wE_offset to congr_cl40_wE_offset + congr_cl40_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl40_wE_offset to congr_cl40_wE_offset + congr_cl40_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl40_wE_d, dout => congr_cl40_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 40 Way F Register congr_cl40_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl40_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl40_wF_offset to congr_cl40_wF_offset + congr_cl40_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl40_wF_offset to congr_cl40_wF_offset + congr_cl40_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl40_wF_d, dout => congr_cl40_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 40 Way G Register congr_cl40_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl40_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl40_wG_offset to congr_cl40_wG_offset + congr_cl40_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl40_wG_offset to congr_cl40_wG_offset + congr_cl40_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl40_wG_d, dout => congr_cl40_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 40 Way H Register congr_cl40_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl40_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl40_wH_offset to congr_cl40_wH_offset + congr_cl40_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl40_wH_offset to congr_cl40_wH_offset + congr_cl40_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl40_wH_d, dout => congr_cl40_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 41 Way A Register congr_cl41_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl41_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl41_wA_offset to congr_cl41_wA_offset + congr_cl41_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl41_wA_offset to congr_cl41_wA_offset + congr_cl41_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl41_wA_d, dout => congr_cl41_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 41 Way B Register congr_cl41_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl41_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl41_wB_offset to congr_cl41_wB_offset + congr_cl41_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl41_wB_offset to congr_cl41_wB_offset + congr_cl41_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl41_wB_d, dout => congr_cl41_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 41 Way C Register congr_cl41_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl41_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl41_wC_offset to congr_cl41_wC_offset + congr_cl41_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl41_wC_offset to congr_cl41_wC_offset + congr_cl41_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl41_wC_d, dout => congr_cl41_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 41 Way D Register congr_cl41_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl41_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl41_wD_offset to congr_cl41_wD_offset + congr_cl41_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl41_wD_offset to congr_cl41_wD_offset + congr_cl41_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl41_wD_d, dout => congr_cl41_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 41 Way E Register congr_cl41_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl41_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl41_wE_offset to congr_cl41_wE_offset + congr_cl41_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl41_wE_offset to congr_cl41_wE_offset + congr_cl41_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl41_wE_d, dout => congr_cl41_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 41 Way F Register congr_cl41_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl41_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl41_wF_offset to congr_cl41_wF_offset + congr_cl41_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl41_wF_offset to congr_cl41_wF_offset + congr_cl41_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl41_wF_d, dout => congr_cl41_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 41 Way G Register congr_cl41_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl41_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl41_wG_offset to congr_cl41_wG_offset + congr_cl41_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl41_wG_offset to congr_cl41_wG_offset + congr_cl41_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl41_wG_d, dout => congr_cl41_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 41 Way H Register congr_cl41_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl41_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl41_wH_offset to congr_cl41_wH_offset + congr_cl41_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl41_wH_offset to congr_cl41_wH_offset + congr_cl41_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl41_wH_d, dout => congr_cl41_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 42 Way A Register congr_cl42_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl42_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl42_wA_offset to congr_cl42_wA_offset + congr_cl42_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl42_wA_offset to congr_cl42_wA_offset + congr_cl42_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl42_wA_d, dout => congr_cl42_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 42 Way B Register congr_cl42_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl42_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl42_wB_offset to congr_cl42_wB_offset + congr_cl42_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl42_wB_offset to congr_cl42_wB_offset + congr_cl42_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl42_wB_d, dout => congr_cl42_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 42 Way C Register congr_cl42_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl42_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl42_wC_offset to congr_cl42_wC_offset + congr_cl42_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl42_wC_offset to congr_cl42_wC_offset + congr_cl42_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl42_wC_d, dout => congr_cl42_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 42 Way D Register congr_cl42_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl42_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl42_wD_offset to congr_cl42_wD_offset + congr_cl42_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl42_wD_offset to congr_cl42_wD_offset + congr_cl42_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl42_wD_d, dout => congr_cl42_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 42 Way E Register congr_cl42_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl42_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl42_wE_offset to congr_cl42_wE_offset + congr_cl42_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl42_wE_offset to congr_cl42_wE_offset + congr_cl42_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl42_wE_d, dout => congr_cl42_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 42 Way F Register congr_cl42_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl42_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl42_wF_offset to congr_cl42_wF_offset + congr_cl42_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl42_wF_offset to congr_cl42_wF_offset + congr_cl42_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl42_wF_d, dout => congr_cl42_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 42 Way G Register congr_cl42_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl42_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl42_wG_offset to congr_cl42_wG_offset + congr_cl42_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl42_wG_offset to congr_cl42_wG_offset + congr_cl42_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl42_wG_d, dout => congr_cl42_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 42 Way H Register congr_cl42_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl42_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl42_wH_offset to congr_cl42_wH_offset + congr_cl42_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl42_wH_offset to congr_cl42_wH_offset + congr_cl42_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl42_wH_d, dout => congr_cl42_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 43 Way A Register congr_cl43_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl43_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl43_wA_offset to congr_cl43_wA_offset + congr_cl43_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl43_wA_offset to congr_cl43_wA_offset + congr_cl43_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl43_wA_d, dout => congr_cl43_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 43 Way B Register congr_cl43_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl43_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl43_wB_offset to congr_cl43_wB_offset + congr_cl43_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl43_wB_offset to congr_cl43_wB_offset + congr_cl43_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl43_wB_d, dout => congr_cl43_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 43 Way C Register congr_cl43_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl43_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl43_wC_offset to congr_cl43_wC_offset + congr_cl43_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl43_wC_offset to congr_cl43_wC_offset + congr_cl43_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl43_wC_d, dout => congr_cl43_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 43 Way D Register congr_cl43_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl43_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl43_wD_offset to congr_cl43_wD_offset + congr_cl43_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl43_wD_offset to congr_cl43_wD_offset + congr_cl43_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl43_wD_d, dout => congr_cl43_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 43 Way E Register congr_cl43_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl43_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl43_wE_offset to congr_cl43_wE_offset + congr_cl43_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl43_wE_offset to congr_cl43_wE_offset + congr_cl43_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl43_wE_d, dout => congr_cl43_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 43 Way F Register congr_cl43_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl43_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl43_wF_offset to congr_cl43_wF_offset + congr_cl43_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl43_wF_offset to congr_cl43_wF_offset + congr_cl43_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl43_wF_d, dout => congr_cl43_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 43 Way G Register congr_cl43_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl43_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl43_wG_offset to congr_cl43_wG_offset + congr_cl43_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl43_wG_offset to congr_cl43_wG_offset + congr_cl43_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl43_wG_d, dout => congr_cl43_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 43 Way H Register congr_cl43_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl43_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl43_wH_offset to congr_cl43_wH_offset + congr_cl43_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl43_wH_offset to congr_cl43_wH_offset + congr_cl43_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl43_wH_d, dout => congr_cl43_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 44 Way A Register congr_cl44_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl44_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl44_wA_offset to congr_cl44_wA_offset + congr_cl44_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl44_wA_offset to congr_cl44_wA_offset + congr_cl44_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl44_wA_d, dout => congr_cl44_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 44 Way B Register congr_cl44_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl44_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl44_wB_offset to congr_cl44_wB_offset + congr_cl44_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl44_wB_offset to congr_cl44_wB_offset + congr_cl44_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl44_wB_d, dout => congr_cl44_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 44 Way C Register congr_cl44_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl44_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl44_wC_offset to congr_cl44_wC_offset + congr_cl44_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl44_wC_offset to congr_cl44_wC_offset + congr_cl44_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl44_wC_d, dout => congr_cl44_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 44 Way D Register congr_cl44_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl44_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl44_wD_offset to congr_cl44_wD_offset + congr_cl44_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl44_wD_offset to congr_cl44_wD_offset + congr_cl44_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl44_wD_d, dout => congr_cl44_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 44 Way E Register congr_cl44_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl44_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl44_wE_offset to congr_cl44_wE_offset + congr_cl44_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl44_wE_offset to congr_cl44_wE_offset + congr_cl44_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl44_wE_d, dout => congr_cl44_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 44 Way F Register congr_cl44_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl44_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl44_wF_offset to congr_cl44_wF_offset + congr_cl44_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl44_wF_offset to congr_cl44_wF_offset + congr_cl44_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl44_wF_d, dout => congr_cl44_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 44 Way G Register congr_cl44_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl44_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl44_wG_offset to congr_cl44_wG_offset + congr_cl44_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl44_wG_offset to congr_cl44_wG_offset + congr_cl44_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl44_wG_d, dout => congr_cl44_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 44 Way H Register congr_cl44_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl44_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl44_wH_offset to congr_cl44_wH_offset + congr_cl44_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl44_wH_offset to congr_cl44_wH_offset + congr_cl44_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl44_wH_d, dout => congr_cl44_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 45 Way A Register congr_cl45_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl45_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl45_wA_offset to congr_cl45_wA_offset + congr_cl45_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl45_wA_offset to congr_cl45_wA_offset + congr_cl45_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl45_wA_d, dout => congr_cl45_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 45 Way B Register congr_cl45_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl45_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl45_wB_offset to congr_cl45_wB_offset + congr_cl45_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl45_wB_offset to congr_cl45_wB_offset + congr_cl45_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl45_wB_d, dout => congr_cl45_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 45 Way C Register congr_cl45_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl45_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl45_wC_offset to congr_cl45_wC_offset + congr_cl45_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl45_wC_offset to congr_cl45_wC_offset + congr_cl45_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl45_wC_d, dout => congr_cl45_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 45 Way D Register congr_cl45_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl45_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl45_wD_offset to congr_cl45_wD_offset + congr_cl45_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl45_wD_offset to congr_cl45_wD_offset + congr_cl45_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl45_wD_d, dout => congr_cl45_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 45 Way E Register congr_cl45_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl45_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl45_wE_offset to congr_cl45_wE_offset + congr_cl45_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl45_wE_offset to congr_cl45_wE_offset + congr_cl45_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl45_wE_d, dout => congr_cl45_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 45 Way F Register congr_cl45_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl45_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl45_wF_offset to congr_cl45_wF_offset + congr_cl45_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl45_wF_offset to congr_cl45_wF_offset + congr_cl45_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl45_wF_d, dout => congr_cl45_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 45 Way G Register congr_cl45_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl45_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl45_wG_offset to congr_cl45_wG_offset + congr_cl45_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl45_wG_offset to congr_cl45_wG_offset + congr_cl45_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl45_wG_d, dout => congr_cl45_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 45 Way H Register congr_cl45_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl45_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl45_wH_offset to congr_cl45_wH_offset + congr_cl45_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl45_wH_offset to congr_cl45_wH_offset + congr_cl45_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl45_wH_d, dout => congr_cl45_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 46 Way A Register congr_cl46_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl46_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl46_wA_offset to congr_cl46_wA_offset + congr_cl46_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl46_wA_offset to congr_cl46_wA_offset + congr_cl46_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl46_wA_d, dout => congr_cl46_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 46 Way B Register congr_cl46_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl46_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl46_wB_offset to congr_cl46_wB_offset + congr_cl46_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl46_wB_offset to congr_cl46_wB_offset + congr_cl46_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl46_wB_d, dout => congr_cl46_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 46 Way C Register congr_cl46_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl46_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl46_wC_offset to congr_cl46_wC_offset + congr_cl46_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl46_wC_offset to congr_cl46_wC_offset + congr_cl46_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl46_wC_d, dout => congr_cl46_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 46 Way D Register congr_cl46_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl46_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl46_wD_offset to congr_cl46_wD_offset + congr_cl46_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl46_wD_offset to congr_cl46_wD_offset + congr_cl46_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl46_wD_d, dout => congr_cl46_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 46 Way E Register congr_cl46_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl46_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl46_wE_offset to congr_cl46_wE_offset + congr_cl46_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl46_wE_offset to congr_cl46_wE_offset + congr_cl46_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl46_wE_d, dout => congr_cl46_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 46 Way F Register congr_cl46_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl46_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl46_wF_offset to congr_cl46_wF_offset + congr_cl46_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl46_wF_offset to congr_cl46_wF_offset + congr_cl46_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl46_wF_d, dout => congr_cl46_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 46 Way G Register congr_cl46_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl46_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl46_wG_offset to congr_cl46_wG_offset + congr_cl46_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl46_wG_offset to congr_cl46_wG_offset + congr_cl46_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl46_wG_d, dout => congr_cl46_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 46 Way H Register congr_cl46_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl46_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl46_wH_offset to congr_cl46_wH_offset + congr_cl46_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl46_wH_offset to congr_cl46_wH_offset + congr_cl46_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl46_wH_d, dout => congr_cl46_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 47 Way A Register congr_cl47_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl47_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl47_wA_offset to congr_cl47_wA_offset + congr_cl47_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl47_wA_offset to congr_cl47_wA_offset + congr_cl47_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl47_wA_d, dout => congr_cl47_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 47 Way B Register congr_cl47_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl47_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl47_wB_offset to congr_cl47_wB_offset + congr_cl47_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl47_wB_offset to congr_cl47_wB_offset + congr_cl47_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl47_wB_d, dout => congr_cl47_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 47 Way C Register congr_cl47_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl47_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl47_wC_offset to congr_cl47_wC_offset + congr_cl47_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl47_wC_offset to congr_cl47_wC_offset + congr_cl47_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl47_wC_d, dout => congr_cl47_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 47 Way D Register congr_cl47_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl47_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl47_wD_offset to congr_cl47_wD_offset + congr_cl47_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl47_wD_offset to congr_cl47_wD_offset + congr_cl47_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl47_wD_d, dout => congr_cl47_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 47 Way E Register congr_cl47_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl47_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl47_wE_offset to congr_cl47_wE_offset + congr_cl47_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl47_wE_offset to congr_cl47_wE_offset + congr_cl47_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl47_wE_d, dout => congr_cl47_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 47 Way F Register congr_cl47_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl47_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl47_wF_offset to congr_cl47_wF_offset + congr_cl47_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl47_wF_offset to congr_cl47_wF_offset + congr_cl47_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl47_wF_d, dout => congr_cl47_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 47 Way G Register congr_cl47_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl47_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl47_wG_offset to congr_cl47_wG_offset + congr_cl47_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl47_wG_offset to congr_cl47_wG_offset + congr_cl47_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl47_wG_d, dout => congr_cl47_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 47 Way H Register congr_cl47_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl47_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl47_wH_offset to congr_cl47_wH_offset + congr_cl47_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl47_wH_offset to congr_cl47_wH_offset + congr_cl47_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl47_wH_d, dout => congr_cl47_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 48 Way A Register congr_cl48_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl48_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl48_wA_offset to congr_cl48_wA_offset + congr_cl48_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl48_wA_offset to congr_cl48_wA_offset + congr_cl48_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl48_wA_d, dout => congr_cl48_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 48 Way B Register congr_cl48_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl48_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl48_wB_offset to congr_cl48_wB_offset + congr_cl48_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl48_wB_offset to congr_cl48_wB_offset + congr_cl48_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl48_wB_d, dout => congr_cl48_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 48 Way C Register congr_cl48_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl48_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl48_wC_offset to congr_cl48_wC_offset + congr_cl48_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl48_wC_offset to congr_cl48_wC_offset + congr_cl48_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl48_wC_d, dout => congr_cl48_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 48 Way D Register congr_cl48_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl48_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl48_wD_offset to congr_cl48_wD_offset + congr_cl48_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl48_wD_offset to congr_cl48_wD_offset + congr_cl48_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl48_wD_d, dout => congr_cl48_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 48 Way E Register congr_cl48_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl48_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl48_wE_offset to congr_cl48_wE_offset + congr_cl48_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl48_wE_offset to congr_cl48_wE_offset + congr_cl48_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl48_wE_d, dout => congr_cl48_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 48 Way F Register congr_cl48_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl48_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl48_wF_offset to congr_cl48_wF_offset + congr_cl48_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl48_wF_offset to congr_cl48_wF_offset + congr_cl48_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl48_wF_d, dout => congr_cl48_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 48 Way G Register congr_cl48_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl48_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl48_wG_offset to congr_cl48_wG_offset + congr_cl48_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl48_wG_offset to congr_cl48_wG_offset + congr_cl48_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl48_wG_d, dout => congr_cl48_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 48 Way H Register congr_cl48_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl48_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl48_wH_offset to congr_cl48_wH_offset + congr_cl48_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl48_wH_offset to congr_cl48_wH_offset + congr_cl48_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl48_wH_d, dout => congr_cl48_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 49 Way A Register congr_cl49_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl49_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl49_wA_offset to congr_cl49_wA_offset + congr_cl49_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl49_wA_offset to congr_cl49_wA_offset + congr_cl49_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl49_wA_d, dout => congr_cl49_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 49 Way B Register congr_cl49_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl49_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl49_wB_offset to congr_cl49_wB_offset + congr_cl49_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl49_wB_offset to congr_cl49_wB_offset + congr_cl49_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl49_wB_d, dout => congr_cl49_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 49 Way C Register congr_cl49_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl49_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl49_wC_offset to congr_cl49_wC_offset + congr_cl49_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl49_wC_offset to congr_cl49_wC_offset + congr_cl49_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl49_wC_d, dout => congr_cl49_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 49 Way D Register congr_cl49_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl49_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl49_wD_offset to congr_cl49_wD_offset + congr_cl49_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl49_wD_offset to congr_cl49_wD_offset + congr_cl49_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl49_wD_d, dout => congr_cl49_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 49 Way E Register congr_cl49_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl49_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl49_wE_offset to congr_cl49_wE_offset + congr_cl49_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl49_wE_offset to congr_cl49_wE_offset + congr_cl49_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl49_wE_d, dout => congr_cl49_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 49 Way F Register congr_cl49_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl49_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl49_wF_offset to congr_cl49_wF_offset + congr_cl49_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl49_wF_offset to congr_cl49_wF_offset + congr_cl49_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl49_wF_d, dout => congr_cl49_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 49 Way G Register congr_cl49_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl49_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl49_wG_offset to congr_cl49_wG_offset + congr_cl49_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl49_wG_offset to congr_cl49_wG_offset + congr_cl49_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl49_wG_d, dout => congr_cl49_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 49 Way H Register congr_cl49_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl49_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl49_wH_offset to congr_cl49_wH_offset + congr_cl49_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl49_wH_offset to congr_cl49_wH_offset + congr_cl49_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl49_wH_d, dout => congr_cl49_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 50 Way A Register congr_cl50_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl50_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl50_wA_offset to congr_cl50_wA_offset + congr_cl50_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl50_wA_offset to congr_cl50_wA_offset + congr_cl50_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl50_wA_d, dout => congr_cl50_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 50 Way B Register congr_cl50_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl50_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl50_wB_offset to congr_cl50_wB_offset + congr_cl50_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl50_wB_offset to congr_cl50_wB_offset + congr_cl50_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl50_wB_d, dout => congr_cl50_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 50 Way C Register congr_cl50_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl50_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl50_wC_offset to congr_cl50_wC_offset + congr_cl50_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl50_wC_offset to congr_cl50_wC_offset + congr_cl50_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl50_wC_d, dout => congr_cl50_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 50 Way D Register congr_cl50_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl50_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl50_wD_offset to congr_cl50_wD_offset + congr_cl50_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl50_wD_offset to congr_cl50_wD_offset + congr_cl50_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl50_wD_d, dout => congr_cl50_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 50 Way E Register congr_cl50_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl50_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl50_wE_offset to congr_cl50_wE_offset + congr_cl50_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl50_wE_offset to congr_cl50_wE_offset + congr_cl50_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl50_wE_d, dout => congr_cl50_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 50 Way F Register congr_cl50_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl50_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl50_wF_offset to congr_cl50_wF_offset + congr_cl50_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl50_wF_offset to congr_cl50_wF_offset + congr_cl50_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl50_wF_d, dout => congr_cl50_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 50 Way G Register congr_cl50_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl50_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl50_wG_offset to congr_cl50_wG_offset + congr_cl50_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl50_wG_offset to congr_cl50_wG_offset + congr_cl50_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl50_wG_d, dout => congr_cl50_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 50 Way H Register congr_cl50_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl50_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl50_wH_offset to congr_cl50_wH_offset + congr_cl50_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl50_wH_offset to congr_cl50_wH_offset + congr_cl50_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl50_wH_d, dout => congr_cl50_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 51 Way A Register congr_cl51_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl51_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl51_wA_offset to congr_cl51_wA_offset + congr_cl51_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl51_wA_offset to congr_cl51_wA_offset + congr_cl51_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl51_wA_d, dout => congr_cl51_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 51 Way B Register congr_cl51_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl51_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl51_wB_offset to congr_cl51_wB_offset + congr_cl51_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl51_wB_offset to congr_cl51_wB_offset + congr_cl51_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl51_wB_d, dout => congr_cl51_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 51 Way C Register congr_cl51_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl51_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl51_wC_offset to congr_cl51_wC_offset + congr_cl51_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl51_wC_offset to congr_cl51_wC_offset + congr_cl51_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl51_wC_d, dout => congr_cl51_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 51 Way D Register congr_cl51_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl51_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl51_wD_offset to congr_cl51_wD_offset + congr_cl51_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl51_wD_offset to congr_cl51_wD_offset + congr_cl51_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl51_wD_d, dout => congr_cl51_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 51 Way E Register congr_cl51_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl51_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl51_wE_offset to congr_cl51_wE_offset + congr_cl51_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl51_wE_offset to congr_cl51_wE_offset + congr_cl51_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl51_wE_d, dout => congr_cl51_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 51 Way F Register congr_cl51_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl51_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl51_wF_offset to congr_cl51_wF_offset + congr_cl51_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl51_wF_offset to congr_cl51_wF_offset + congr_cl51_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl51_wF_d, dout => congr_cl51_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 51 Way G Register congr_cl51_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl51_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl51_wG_offset to congr_cl51_wG_offset + congr_cl51_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl51_wG_offset to congr_cl51_wG_offset + congr_cl51_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl51_wG_d, dout => congr_cl51_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 51 Way H Register congr_cl51_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl51_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl51_wH_offset to congr_cl51_wH_offset + congr_cl51_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl51_wH_offset to congr_cl51_wH_offset + congr_cl51_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl51_wH_d, dout => congr_cl51_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 52 Way A Register congr_cl52_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl52_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl52_wA_offset to congr_cl52_wA_offset + congr_cl52_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl52_wA_offset to congr_cl52_wA_offset + congr_cl52_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl52_wA_d, dout => congr_cl52_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 52 Way B Register congr_cl52_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl52_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl52_wB_offset to congr_cl52_wB_offset + congr_cl52_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl52_wB_offset to congr_cl52_wB_offset + congr_cl52_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl52_wB_d, dout => congr_cl52_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 52 Way C Register congr_cl52_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl52_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl52_wC_offset to congr_cl52_wC_offset + congr_cl52_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl52_wC_offset to congr_cl52_wC_offset + congr_cl52_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl52_wC_d, dout => congr_cl52_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 52 Way D Register congr_cl52_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl52_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl52_wD_offset to congr_cl52_wD_offset + congr_cl52_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl52_wD_offset to congr_cl52_wD_offset + congr_cl52_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl52_wD_d, dout => congr_cl52_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 52 Way E Register congr_cl52_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl52_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl52_wE_offset to congr_cl52_wE_offset + congr_cl52_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl52_wE_offset to congr_cl52_wE_offset + congr_cl52_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl52_wE_d, dout => congr_cl52_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 52 Way F Register congr_cl52_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl52_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl52_wF_offset to congr_cl52_wF_offset + congr_cl52_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl52_wF_offset to congr_cl52_wF_offset + congr_cl52_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl52_wF_d, dout => congr_cl52_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 52 Way G Register congr_cl52_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl52_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl52_wG_offset to congr_cl52_wG_offset + congr_cl52_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl52_wG_offset to congr_cl52_wG_offset + congr_cl52_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl52_wG_d, dout => congr_cl52_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 52 Way H Register congr_cl52_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl52_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl52_wH_offset to congr_cl52_wH_offset + congr_cl52_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl52_wH_offset to congr_cl52_wH_offset + congr_cl52_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl52_wH_d, dout => congr_cl52_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 53 Way A Register congr_cl53_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl53_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl53_wA_offset to congr_cl53_wA_offset + congr_cl53_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl53_wA_offset to congr_cl53_wA_offset + congr_cl53_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl53_wA_d, dout => congr_cl53_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 53 Way B Register congr_cl53_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl53_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl53_wB_offset to congr_cl53_wB_offset + congr_cl53_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl53_wB_offset to congr_cl53_wB_offset + congr_cl53_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl53_wB_d, dout => congr_cl53_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 53 Way C Register congr_cl53_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl53_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl53_wC_offset to congr_cl53_wC_offset + congr_cl53_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl53_wC_offset to congr_cl53_wC_offset + congr_cl53_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl53_wC_d, dout => congr_cl53_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 53 Way D Register congr_cl53_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl53_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl53_wD_offset to congr_cl53_wD_offset + congr_cl53_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl53_wD_offset to congr_cl53_wD_offset + congr_cl53_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl53_wD_d, dout => congr_cl53_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 53 Way E Register congr_cl53_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl53_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl53_wE_offset to congr_cl53_wE_offset + congr_cl53_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl53_wE_offset to congr_cl53_wE_offset + congr_cl53_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl53_wE_d, dout => congr_cl53_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 53 Way F Register congr_cl53_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl53_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl53_wF_offset to congr_cl53_wF_offset + congr_cl53_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl53_wF_offset to congr_cl53_wF_offset + congr_cl53_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl53_wF_d, dout => congr_cl53_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 53 Way G Register congr_cl53_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl53_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl53_wG_offset to congr_cl53_wG_offset + congr_cl53_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl53_wG_offset to congr_cl53_wG_offset + congr_cl53_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl53_wG_d, dout => congr_cl53_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 53 Way H Register congr_cl53_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl53_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl53_wH_offset to congr_cl53_wH_offset + congr_cl53_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl53_wH_offset to congr_cl53_wH_offset + congr_cl53_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl53_wH_d, dout => congr_cl53_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 54 Way A Register congr_cl54_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl54_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl54_wA_offset to congr_cl54_wA_offset + congr_cl54_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl54_wA_offset to congr_cl54_wA_offset + congr_cl54_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl54_wA_d, dout => congr_cl54_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 54 Way B Register congr_cl54_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl54_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl54_wB_offset to congr_cl54_wB_offset + congr_cl54_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl54_wB_offset to congr_cl54_wB_offset + congr_cl54_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl54_wB_d, dout => congr_cl54_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 54 Way C Register congr_cl54_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl54_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl54_wC_offset to congr_cl54_wC_offset + congr_cl54_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl54_wC_offset to congr_cl54_wC_offset + congr_cl54_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl54_wC_d, dout => congr_cl54_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 54 Way D Register congr_cl54_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl54_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl54_wD_offset to congr_cl54_wD_offset + congr_cl54_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl54_wD_offset to congr_cl54_wD_offset + congr_cl54_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl54_wD_d, dout => congr_cl54_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 54 Way E Register congr_cl54_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl54_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl54_wE_offset to congr_cl54_wE_offset + congr_cl54_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl54_wE_offset to congr_cl54_wE_offset + congr_cl54_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl54_wE_d, dout => congr_cl54_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 54 Way F Register congr_cl54_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl54_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl54_wF_offset to congr_cl54_wF_offset + congr_cl54_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl54_wF_offset to congr_cl54_wF_offset + congr_cl54_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl54_wF_d, dout => congr_cl54_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 54 Way G Register congr_cl54_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl54_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl54_wG_offset to congr_cl54_wG_offset + congr_cl54_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl54_wG_offset to congr_cl54_wG_offset + congr_cl54_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl54_wG_d, dout => congr_cl54_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 54 Way H Register congr_cl54_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl54_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl54_wH_offset to congr_cl54_wH_offset + congr_cl54_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl54_wH_offset to congr_cl54_wH_offset + congr_cl54_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl54_wH_d, dout => congr_cl54_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 55 Way A Register congr_cl55_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl55_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl55_wA_offset to congr_cl55_wA_offset + congr_cl55_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl55_wA_offset to congr_cl55_wA_offset + congr_cl55_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl55_wA_d, dout => congr_cl55_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 55 Way B Register congr_cl55_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl55_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl55_wB_offset to congr_cl55_wB_offset + congr_cl55_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl55_wB_offset to congr_cl55_wB_offset + congr_cl55_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl55_wB_d, dout => congr_cl55_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 55 Way C Register congr_cl55_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl55_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl55_wC_offset to congr_cl55_wC_offset + congr_cl55_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl55_wC_offset to congr_cl55_wC_offset + congr_cl55_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl55_wC_d, dout => congr_cl55_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 55 Way D Register congr_cl55_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl55_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl55_wD_offset to congr_cl55_wD_offset + congr_cl55_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl55_wD_offset to congr_cl55_wD_offset + congr_cl55_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl55_wD_d, dout => congr_cl55_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 55 Way E Register congr_cl55_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl55_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl55_wE_offset to congr_cl55_wE_offset + congr_cl55_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl55_wE_offset to congr_cl55_wE_offset + congr_cl55_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl55_wE_d, dout => congr_cl55_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 55 Way F Register congr_cl55_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl55_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl55_wF_offset to congr_cl55_wF_offset + congr_cl55_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl55_wF_offset to congr_cl55_wF_offset + congr_cl55_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl55_wF_d, dout => congr_cl55_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 55 Way G Register congr_cl55_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl55_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl55_wG_offset to congr_cl55_wG_offset + congr_cl55_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl55_wG_offset to congr_cl55_wG_offset + congr_cl55_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl55_wG_d, dout => congr_cl55_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 55 Way H Register congr_cl55_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl55_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl55_wH_offset to congr_cl55_wH_offset + congr_cl55_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl55_wH_offset to congr_cl55_wH_offset + congr_cl55_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl55_wH_d, dout => congr_cl55_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 56 Way A Register congr_cl56_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl56_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl56_wA_offset to congr_cl56_wA_offset + congr_cl56_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl56_wA_offset to congr_cl56_wA_offset + congr_cl56_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl56_wA_d, dout => congr_cl56_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 56 Way B Register congr_cl56_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl56_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl56_wB_offset to congr_cl56_wB_offset + congr_cl56_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl56_wB_offset to congr_cl56_wB_offset + congr_cl56_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl56_wB_d, dout => congr_cl56_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 56 Way C Register congr_cl56_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl56_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl56_wC_offset to congr_cl56_wC_offset + congr_cl56_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl56_wC_offset to congr_cl56_wC_offset + congr_cl56_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl56_wC_d, dout => congr_cl56_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 56 Way D Register congr_cl56_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl56_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl56_wD_offset to congr_cl56_wD_offset + congr_cl56_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl56_wD_offset to congr_cl56_wD_offset + congr_cl56_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl56_wD_d, dout => congr_cl56_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 56 Way E Register congr_cl56_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl56_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl56_wE_offset to congr_cl56_wE_offset + congr_cl56_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl56_wE_offset to congr_cl56_wE_offset + congr_cl56_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl56_wE_d, dout => congr_cl56_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 56 Way F Register congr_cl56_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl56_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl56_wF_offset to congr_cl56_wF_offset + congr_cl56_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl56_wF_offset to congr_cl56_wF_offset + congr_cl56_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl56_wF_d, dout => congr_cl56_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 56 Way G Register congr_cl56_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl56_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl56_wG_offset to congr_cl56_wG_offset + congr_cl56_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl56_wG_offset to congr_cl56_wG_offset + congr_cl56_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl56_wG_d, dout => congr_cl56_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 56 Way H Register congr_cl56_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl56_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl56_wH_offset to congr_cl56_wH_offset + congr_cl56_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl56_wH_offset to congr_cl56_wH_offset + congr_cl56_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl56_wH_d, dout => congr_cl56_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 57 Way A Register congr_cl57_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl57_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl57_wA_offset to congr_cl57_wA_offset + congr_cl57_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl57_wA_offset to congr_cl57_wA_offset + congr_cl57_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl57_wA_d, dout => congr_cl57_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 57 Way B Register congr_cl57_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl57_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl57_wB_offset to congr_cl57_wB_offset + congr_cl57_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl57_wB_offset to congr_cl57_wB_offset + congr_cl57_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl57_wB_d, dout => congr_cl57_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 57 Way C Register congr_cl57_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl57_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl57_wC_offset to congr_cl57_wC_offset + congr_cl57_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl57_wC_offset to congr_cl57_wC_offset + congr_cl57_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl57_wC_d, dout => congr_cl57_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 57 Way D Register congr_cl57_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl57_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl57_wD_offset to congr_cl57_wD_offset + congr_cl57_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl57_wD_offset to congr_cl57_wD_offset + congr_cl57_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl57_wD_d, dout => congr_cl57_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 57 Way E Register congr_cl57_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl57_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl57_wE_offset to congr_cl57_wE_offset + congr_cl57_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl57_wE_offset to congr_cl57_wE_offset + congr_cl57_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl57_wE_d, dout => congr_cl57_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 57 Way F Register congr_cl57_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl57_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl57_wF_offset to congr_cl57_wF_offset + congr_cl57_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl57_wF_offset to congr_cl57_wF_offset + congr_cl57_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl57_wF_d, dout => congr_cl57_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 57 Way G Register congr_cl57_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl57_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl57_wG_offset to congr_cl57_wG_offset + congr_cl57_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl57_wG_offset to congr_cl57_wG_offset + congr_cl57_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl57_wG_d, dout => congr_cl57_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 57 Way H Register congr_cl57_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl57_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl57_wH_offset to congr_cl57_wH_offset + congr_cl57_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl57_wH_offset to congr_cl57_wH_offset + congr_cl57_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl57_wH_d, dout => congr_cl57_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 58 Way A Register congr_cl58_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl58_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl58_wA_offset to congr_cl58_wA_offset + congr_cl58_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl58_wA_offset to congr_cl58_wA_offset + congr_cl58_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl58_wA_d, dout => congr_cl58_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 58 Way B Register congr_cl58_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl58_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl58_wB_offset to congr_cl58_wB_offset + congr_cl58_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl58_wB_offset to congr_cl58_wB_offset + congr_cl58_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl58_wB_d, dout => congr_cl58_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 58 Way C Register congr_cl58_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl58_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl58_wC_offset to congr_cl58_wC_offset + congr_cl58_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl58_wC_offset to congr_cl58_wC_offset + congr_cl58_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl58_wC_d, dout => congr_cl58_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 58 Way D Register congr_cl58_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl58_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl58_wD_offset to congr_cl58_wD_offset + congr_cl58_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl58_wD_offset to congr_cl58_wD_offset + congr_cl58_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl58_wD_d, dout => congr_cl58_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 58 Way E Register congr_cl58_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl58_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl58_wE_offset to congr_cl58_wE_offset + congr_cl58_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl58_wE_offset to congr_cl58_wE_offset + congr_cl58_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl58_wE_d, dout => congr_cl58_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 58 Way F Register congr_cl58_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl58_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl58_wF_offset to congr_cl58_wF_offset + congr_cl58_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl58_wF_offset to congr_cl58_wF_offset + congr_cl58_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl58_wF_d, dout => congr_cl58_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 58 Way G Register congr_cl58_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl58_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl58_wG_offset to congr_cl58_wG_offset + congr_cl58_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl58_wG_offset to congr_cl58_wG_offset + congr_cl58_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl58_wG_d, dout => congr_cl58_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 58 Way H Register congr_cl58_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl58_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl58_wH_offset to congr_cl58_wH_offset + congr_cl58_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl58_wH_offset to congr_cl58_wH_offset + congr_cl58_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl58_wH_d, dout => congr_cl58_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 59 Way A Register congr_cl59_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl59_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl59_wA_offset to congr_cl59_wA_offset + congr_cl59_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl59_wA_offset to congr_cl59_wA_offset + congr_cl59_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl59_wA_d, dout => congr_cl59_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 59 Way B Register congr_cl59_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl59_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl59_wB_offset to congr_cl59_wB_offset + congr_cl59_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl59_wB_offset to congr_cl59_wB_offset + congr_cl59_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl59_wB_d, dout => congr_cl59_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 59 Way C Register congr_cl59_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl59_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl59_wC_offset to congr_cl59_wC_offset + congr_cl59_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl59_wC_offset to congr_cl59_wC_offset + congr_cl59_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl59_wC_d, dout => congr_cl59_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 59 Way D Register congr_cl59_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl59_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl59_wD_offset to congr_cl59_wD_offset + congr_cl59_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl59_wD_offset to congr_cl59_wD_offset + congr_cl59_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl59_wD_d, dout => congr_cl59_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 59 Way E Register congr_cl59_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl59_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl59_wE_offset to congr_cl59_wE_offset + congr_cl59_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl59_wE_offset to congr_cl59_wE_offset + congr_cl59_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl59_wE_d, dout => congr_cl59_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 59 Way F Register congr_cl59_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl59_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl59_wF_offset to congr_cl59_wF_offset + congr_cl59_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl59_wF_offset to congr_cl59_wF_offset + congr_cl59_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl59_wF_d, dout => congr_cl59_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 59 Way G Register congr_cl59_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl59_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl59_wG_offset to congr_cl59_wG_offset + congr_cl59_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl59_wG_offset to congr_cl59_wG_offset + congr_cl59_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl59_wG_d, dout => congr_cl59_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 59 Way H Register congr_cl59_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl59_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl59_wH_offset to congr_cl59_wH_offset + congr_cl59_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl59_wH_offset to congr_cl59_wH_offset + congr_cl59_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl59_wH_d, dout => congr_cl59_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 60 Way A Register congr_cl60_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl60_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl60_wA_offset to congr_cl60_wA_offset + congr_cl60_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl60_wA_offset to congr_cl60_wA_offset + congr_cl60_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl60_wA_d, dout => congr_cl60_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 60 Way B Register congr_cl60_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl60_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl60_wB_offset to congr_cl60_wB_offset + congr_cl60_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl60_wB_offset to congr_cl60_wB_offset + congr_cl60_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl60_wB_d, dout => congr_cl60_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 60 Way C Register congr_cl60_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl60_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl60_wC_offset to congr_cl60_wC_offset + congr_cl60_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl60_wC_offset to congr_cl60_wC_offset + congr_cl60_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl60_wC_d, dout => congr_cl60_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 60 Way D Register congr_cl60_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl60_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl60_wD_offset to congr_cl60_wD_offset + congr_cl60_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl60_wD_offset to congr_cl60_wD_offset + congr_cl60_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl60_wD_d, dout => congr_cl60_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 60 Way E Register congr_cl60_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl60_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl60_wE_offset to congr_cl60_wE_offset + congr_cl60_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl60_wE_offset to congr_cl60_wE_offset + congr_cl60_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl60_wE_d, dout => congr_cl60_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 60 Way F Register congr_cl60_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl60_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl60_wF_offset to congr_cl60_wF_offset + congr_cl60_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl60_wF_offset to congr_cl60_wF_offset + congr_cl60_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl60_wF_d, dout => congr_cl60_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 60 Way G Register congr_cl60_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl60_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl60_wG_offset to congr_cl60_wG_offset + congr_cl60_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl60_wG_offset to congr_cl60_wG_offset + congr_cl60_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl60_wG_d, dout => congr_cl60_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 60 Way H Register congr_cl60_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl60_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl60_wH_offset to congr_cl60_wH_offset + congr_cl60_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl60_wH_offset to congr_cl60_wH_offset + congr_cl60_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl60_wH_d, dout => congr_cl60_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 61 Way A Register congr_cl61_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl61_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl61_wA_offset to congr_cl61_wA_offset + congr_cl61_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl61_wA_offset to congr_cl61_wA_offset + congr_cl61_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl61_wA_d, dout => congr_cl61_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 61 Way B Register congr_cl61_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl61_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl61_wB_offset to congr_cl61_wB_offset + congr_cl61_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl61_wB_offset to congr_cl61_wB_offset + congr_cl61_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl61_wB_d, dout => congr_cl61_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 61 Way C Register congr_cl61_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl61_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl61_wC_offset to congr_cl61_wC_offset + congr_cl61_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl61_wC_offset to congr_cl61_wC_offset + congr_cl61_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl61_wC_d, dout => congr_cl61_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 61 Way D Register congr_cl61_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl61_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl61_wD_offset to congr_cl61_wD_offset + congr_cl61_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl61_wD_offset to congr_cl61_wD_offset + congr_cl61_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl61_wD_d, dout => congr_cl61_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 61 Way E Register congr_cl61_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl61_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl61_wE_offset to congr_cl61_wE_offset + congr_cl61_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl61_wE_offset to congr_cl61_wE_offset + congr_cl61_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl61_wE_d, dout => congr_cl61_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 61 Way F Register congr_cl61_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl61_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl61_wF_offset to congr_cl61_wF_offset + congr_cl61_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl61_wF_offset to congr_cl61_wF_offset + congr_cl61_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl61_wF_d, dout => congr_cl61_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 61 Way G Register congr_cl61_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl61_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl61_wG_offset to congr_cl61_wG_offset + congr_cl61_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl61_wG_offset to congr_cl61_wG_offset + congr_cl61_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl61_wG_d, dout => congr_cl61_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 61 Way H Register congr_cl61_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl61_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl61_wH_offset to congr_cl61_wH_offset + congr_cl61_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl61_wH_offset to congr_cl61_wH_offset + congr_cl61_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl61_wH_d, dout => congr_cl61_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 62 Way A Register congr_cl62_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl62_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl62_wA_offset to congr_cl62_wA_offset + congr_cl62_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl62_wA_offset to congr_cl62_wA_offset + congr_cl62_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl62_wA_d, dout => congr_cl62_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 62 Way B Register congr_cl62_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl62_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl62_wB_offset to congr_cl62_wB_offset + congr_cl62_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl62_wB_offset to congr_cl62_wB_offset + congr_cl62_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl62_wB_d, dout => congr_cl62_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 62 Way C Register congr_cl62_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl62_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl62_wC_offset to congr_cl62_wC_offset + congr_cl62_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl62_wC_offset to congr_cl62_wC_offset + congr_cl62_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl62_wC_d, dout => congr_cl62_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 62 Way D Register congr_cl62_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl62_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl62_wD_offset to congr_cl62_wD_offset + congr_cl62_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl62_wD_offset to congr_cl62_wD_offset + congr_cl62_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl62_wD_d, dout => congr_cl62_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 62 Way E Register congr_cl62_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl62_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl62_wE_offset to congr_cl62_wE_offset + congr_cl62_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl62_wE_offset to congr_cl62_wE_offset + congr_cl62_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl62_wE_d, dout => congr_cl62_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 62 Way F Register congr_cl62_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl62_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl62_wF_offset to congr_cl62_wF_offset + congr_cl62_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl62_wF_offset to congr_cl62_wF_offset + congr_cl62_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl62_wF_d, dout => congr_cl62_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 62 Way G Register congr_cl62_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl62_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl62_wG_offset to congr_cl62_wG_offset + congr_cl62_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl62_wG_offset to congr_cl62_wG_offset + congr_cl62_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl62_wG_d, dout => congr_cl62_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 62 Way H Register congr_cl62_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl62_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl62_wH_offset to congr_cl62_wH_offset + congr_cl62_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl62_wH_offset to congr_cl62_wH_offset + congr_cl62_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl62_wH_d, dout => congr_cl62_wH_q); -- Congruence Class 63 Way A Register congr_cl63_wA_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl63_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl63_wA_offset to congr_cl63_wA_offset + congr_cl63_wA_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl63_wA_offset to congr_cl63_wA_offset + congr_cl63_wA_d'length-1), din => congr_cl63_wA_d, dout => congr_cl63_wA_q); -- Congruence Class 63 Way B Register congr_cl63_wB_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl63_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl63_wB_offset to congr_cl63_wB_offset + congr_cl63_wB_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl63_wB_offset to congr_cl63_wB_offset + congr_cl63_wB_d'length-1), din => congr_cl63_wB_d, dout => congr_cl63_wB_q); -- Congruence Class 63 Way C Register congr_cl63_wC_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl63_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl63_wC_offset to congr_cl63_wC_offset + congr_cl63_wC_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl63_wC_offset to congr_cl63_wC_offset + congr_cl63_wC_d'length-1), din => congr_cl63_wC_d, dout => congr_cl63_wC_q); -- Congruence Class 63 Way D Register congr_cl63_wD_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl63_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl63_wD_offset to congr_cl63_wD_offset + congr_cl63_wD_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl63_wD_offset to congr_cl63_wD_offset + congr_cl63_wD_d'length-1), din => congr_cl63_wD_d, dout => congr_cl63_wD_q); -- Congruence Class 63 Way E Register congr_cl63_wE_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl63_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl63_wE_offset to congr_cl63_wE_offset + congr_cl63_wE_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl63_wE_offset to congr_cl63_wE_offset + congr_cl63_wE_d'length-1), din => congr_cl63_wE_d, dout => congr_cl63_wE_q); -- Congruence Class 63 Way F Register congr_cl63_wF_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl63_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl63_wF_offset to congr_cl63_wF_offset + congr_cl63_wF_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl63_wF_offset to congr_cl63_wF_offset + congr_cl63_wF_d'length-1), din => congr_cl63_wF_d, dout => congr_cl63_wF_q); -- Congruence Class 63 Way G Register congr_cl63_wG_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl63_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl63_wG_offset to congr_cl63_wG_offset + congr_cl63_wG_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl63_wG_offset to congr_cl63_wG_offset + congr_cl63_wG_d'length-1), din => congr_cl63_wG_d, dout => congr_cl63_wG_q); -- Congruence Class 63 Way H Register congr_cl63_wH_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => congr_cl63_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl63_wH_offset to congr_cl63_wH_offset + congr_cl63_wH_d'length-1), scout => sov(congr_cl63_wH_offset to congr_cl63_wH_offset + congr_cl63_wH_d'length-1), din => congr_cl63_wH_d, dout => congr_cl63_wH_q); congr_cl_all_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => congr_cl_all_act_d, dout(0) => congr_cl_all_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 0 Act p0_congr_cl0_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl0_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl0_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 1 Act p0_congr_cl1_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl1_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl1_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 2 Act p0_congr_cl2_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl2_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl2_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 3 Act p0_congr_cl3_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl3_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl3_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 4 Act p0_congr_cl4_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl4_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl4_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 5 Act p0_congr_cl5_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl5_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl5_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 6 Act p0_congr_cl6_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl6_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl6_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 7 Act p0_congr_cl7_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl7_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl7_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 8 Act p0_congr_cl8_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl8_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl8_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 9 Act p0_congr_cl9_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl9_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl9_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 10 Act p0_congr_cl10_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl10_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl10_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 11 Act p0_congr_cl11_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl11_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl11_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 12 Act p0_congr_cl12_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl12_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl12_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 13 Act p0_congr_cl13_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl13_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl13_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 14 Act p0_congr_cl14_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl14_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl14_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 15 Act p0_congr_cl15_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl15_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl15_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 16 Act p0_congr_cl16_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl16_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl16_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 17 Act p0_congr_cl17_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl17_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl17_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 18 Act p0_congr_cl18_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl18_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl18_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 19 Act p0_congr_cl19_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl19_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl19_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 20 Act p0_congr_cl20_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl20_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl20_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 21 Act p0_congr_cl21_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl21_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl21_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 22 Act p0_congr_cl22_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl22_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl22_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 23 Act p0_congr_cl23_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl23_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl23_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 24 Act p0_congr_cl24_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl24_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl24_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 25 Act p0_congr_cl25_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl25_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl25_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 26 Act p0_congr_cl26_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl26_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl26_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 27 Act p0_congr_cl27_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl27_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl27_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 28 Act p0_congr_cl28_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl28_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl28_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 29 Act p0_congr_cl29_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl29_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl29_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 30 Act p0_congr_cl30_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl30_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl30_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 31 Act p0_congr_cl31_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl31_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl31_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 32 Act p0_congr_cl32_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl32_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl32_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 33 Act p0_congr_cl33_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl33_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl33_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 34 Act p0_congr_cl34_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl34_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl34_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 35 Act p0_congr_cl35_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl35_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl35_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 36 Act p0_congr_cl36_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl36_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl36_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 37 Act p0_congr_cl37_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl37_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl37_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 38 Act p0_congr_cl38_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl38_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl38_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 39 Act p0_congr_cl39_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl39_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl39_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 40 Act p0_congr_cl40_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl40_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl40_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 41 Act p0_congr_cl41_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl41_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl41_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 42 Act p0_congr_cl42_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl42_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl42_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 43 Act p0_congr_cl43_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl43_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl43_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 44 Act p0_congr_cl44_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl44_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl44_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 45 Act p0_congr_cl45_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl45_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl45_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 46 Act p0_congr_cl46_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl46_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl46_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 47 Act p0_congr_cl47_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl47_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl47_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 48 Act p0_congr_cl48_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl48_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl48_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 49 Act p0_congr_cl49_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl49_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl49_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 50 Act p0_congr_cl50_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl50_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl50_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 51 Act p0_congr_cl51_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl51_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl51_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 52 Act p0_congr_cl52_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl52_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl52_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 53 Act p0_congr_cl53_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl53_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl53_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 54 Act p0_congr_cl54_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl54_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl54_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 55 Act p0_congr_cl55_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl55_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl55_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 56 Act p0_congr_cl56_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl56_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl56_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 57 Act p0_congr_cl57_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl57_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl57_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 58 Act p0_congr_cl58_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl58_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl58_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 59 Act p0_congr_cl59_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl59_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl59_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 60 Act p0_congr_cl60_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl60_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl60_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 61 Act p0_congr_cl61_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl61_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl61_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 62 Act p0_congr_cl62_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl62_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl62_act_q); -- Port 0 Congruence Class 63 Act p0_congr_cl63_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p0_congr_cl63_act_d, dout(0) => p0_congr_cl63_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 0 Act p1_congr_cl0_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl0_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl0_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 1 Act p1_congr_cl1_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl1_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl1_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 2 Act p1_congr_cl2_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl2_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl2_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 3 Act p1_congr_cl3_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl3_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl3_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 4 Act p1_congr_cl4_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl4_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl4_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 5 Act p1_congr_cl5_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl5_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl5_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 6 Act p1_congr_cl6_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl6_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl6_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 7 Act p1_congr_cl7_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl7_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl7_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 8 Act p1_congr_cl8_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl8_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl8_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 9 Act p1_congr_cl9_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl9_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl9_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 10 Act p1_congr_cl10_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl10_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl10_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 11 Act p1_congr_cl11_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl11_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl11_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 12 Act p1_congr_cl12_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl12_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl12_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 13 Act p1_congr_cl13_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl13_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl13_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 14 Act p1_congr_cl14_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl14_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl14_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 15 Act p1_congr_cl15_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl15_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl15_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 16 Act p1_congr_cl16_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl16_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl16_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 17 Act p1_congr_cl17_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl17_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl17_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 18 Act p1_congr_cl18_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl18_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl18_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 19 Act p1_congr_cl19_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl19_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl19_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 20 Act p1_congr_cl20_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl20_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl20_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 21 Act p1_congr_cl21_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl21_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl21_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 22 Act p1_congr_cl22_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl22_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl22_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 23 Act p1_congr_cl23_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl23_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl23_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 24 Act p1_congr_cl24_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl24_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl24_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 25 Act p1_congr_cl25_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl25_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl25_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 26 Act p1_congr_cl26_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl26_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl26_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 27 Act p1_congr_cl27_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl27_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl27_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 28 Act p1_congr_cl28_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl28_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl28_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 29 Act p1_congr_cl29_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl29_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl29_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 30 Act p1_congr_cl30_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl30_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl30_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 31 Act p1_congr_cl31_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl31_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl31_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 32 Act p1_congr_cl32_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl32_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl32_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 33 Act p1_congr_cl33_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl33_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl33_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 34 Act p1_congr_cl34_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl34_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl34_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 35 Act p1_congr_cl35_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl35_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl35_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 36 Act p1_congr_cl36_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl36_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl36_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 37 Act p1_congr_cl37_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl37_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl37_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 38 Act p1_congr_cl38_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl38_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl38_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 39 Act p1_congr_cl39_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl39_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl39_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 40 Act p1_congr_cl40_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl40_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl40_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 41 Act p1_congr_cl41_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl41_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl41_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 42 Act p1_congr_cl42_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl42_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl42_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 43 Act p1_congr_cl43_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl43_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl43_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 44 Act p1_congr_cl44_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl44_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl44_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 45 Act p1_congr_cl45_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl45_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl45_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 46 Act p1_congr_cl46_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl46_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl46_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 47 Act p1_congr_cl47_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl47_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl47_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 48 Act p1_congr_cl48_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl48_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl48_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 49 Act p1_congr_cl49_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl49_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl49_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 50 Act p1_congr_cl50_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl50_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl50_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 51 Act p1_congr_cl51_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl51_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl51_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 52 Act p1_congr_cl52_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl52_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl52_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 53 Act p1_congr_cl53_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl53_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl53_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 54 Act p1_congr_cl54_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl54_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl54_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 55 Act p1_congr_cl55_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl55_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl55_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 56 Act p1_congr_cl56_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl56_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl56_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 57 Act p1_congr_cl57_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl57_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl57_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 58 Act p1_congr_cl58_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl58_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl58_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 59 Act p1_congr_cl59_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl59_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl59_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 60 Act p1_congr_cl60_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl60_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl60_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 61 Act p1_congr_cl61_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl61_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl61_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 62 Act p1_congr_cl62_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl62_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl62_act_q); -- Port 1 Congruence Class 63 Act p1_congr_cl63_act_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => p1_congr_cl63_act_d, dout(0) => p1_congr_cl63_act_q); -- Flush Way A Register flush_wayA_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayA_d, dout => flush_wayA_q); flush_wayA_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(flush_wayA_data_offset to flush_wayA_data_offset + flush_wayA_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(flush_wayA_data_offset to flush_wayA_data_offset + flush_wayA_data_d'length-1), din => flush_wayA_data_d, dout => flush_wayA_data_q); flush_wayA_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayA_data2_d, dout => flush_wayA_data2_q); -- Flush Way B Register flush_wayB_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayB_d, dout => flush_wayB_q); flush_wayB_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(flush_wayB_data_offset to flush_wayB_data_offset + flush_wayB_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(flush_wayB_data_offset to flush_wayB_data_offset + flush_wayB_data_d'length-1), din => flush_wayB_data_d, dout => flush_wayB_data_q); flush_wayB_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayB_data2_d, dout => flush_wayB_data2_q); -- Flush Way C Register flush_wayC_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayC_d, dout => flush_wayC_q); flush_wayC_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(flush_wayC_data_offset to flush_wayC_data_offset + flush_wayC_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(flush_wayC_data_offset to flush_wayC_data_offset + flush_wayC_data_d'length-1), din => flush_wayC_data_d, dout => flush_wayC_data_q); flush_wayC_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayC_data2_d, dout => flush_wayC_data2_q); -- Flush Way D Register flush_wayD_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayD_d, dout => flush_wayD_q); flush_wayD_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(flush_wayD_data_offset to flush_wayD_data_offset + flush_wayD_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(flush_wayD_data_offset to flush_wayD_data_offset + flush_wayD_data_d'length-1), din => flush_wayD_data_d, dout => flush_wayD_data_q); flush_wayD_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayD_data2_d, dout => flush_wayD_data2_q); -- Flush Way E Register flush_wayE_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayE_d, dout => flush_wayE_q); flush_wayE_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(flush_wayE_data_offset to flush_wayE_data_offset + flush_wayE_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(flush_wayE_data_offset to flush_wayE_data_offset + flush_wayE_data_d'length-1), din => flush_wayE_data_d, dout => flush_wayE_data_q); flush_wayE_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayE_data2_d, dout => flush_wayE_data2_q); -- Flush Way F Register flush_wayF_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayF_d, dout => flush_wayF_q); flush_wayF_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(flush_wayF_data_offset to flush_wayF_data_offset + flush_wayF_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(flush_wayF_data_offset to flush_wayF_data_offset + flush_wayF_data_d'length-1), din => flush_wayF_data_d, dout => flush_wayF_data_q); flush_wayF_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayF_data2_d, dout => flush_wayF_data2_q); -- Flush Way G Register flush_wayG_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayG_d, dout => flush_wayG_q); flush_wayG_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(flush_wayG_data_offset to flush_wayG_data_offset + flush_wayG_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(flush_wayG_data_offset to flush_wayG_data_offset + flush_wayG_data_d'length-1), din => flush_wayG_data_d, dout => flush_wayG_data_q); flush_wayG_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayG_data2_d, dout => flush_wayG_data2_q); -- Flush Way H Register flush_wayH_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayH_d, dout => flush_wayH_q); flush_wayH_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(flush_wayH_data_offset to flush_wayH_data_offset + flush_wayH_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(flush_wayH_data_offset to flush_wayH_data_offset + flush_wayH_data_d'length-1), din => flush_wayH_data_d, dout => flush_wayH_data_q); flush_wayH_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => flush_wayH_data2_d, dout => flush_wayH_data2_q); ex3_flush_cline_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_flush_cline_offset), scout => sov(ex3_flush_cline_offset), din => ex3_flush_cline_d, dout => ex3_flush_cline_q); ex4_congr_cl_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_congr_cl_d, dout => ex4_congr_cl_q); ex5_congr_cl_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_congr_cl_offset to ex5_congr_cl_offset + ex5_congr_cl_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex5_congr_cl_offset to ex5_congr_cl_offset + ex5_congr_cl_d'length-1), din => ex5_congr_cl_d, dout => ex5_congr_cl_q); ex6_congr_cl_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex6_congr_cl_d, dout => ex6_congr_cl_q); ex7_congr_cl_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex7_congr_cl_offset to ex7_congr_cl_offset + ex7_congr_cl_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex7_congr_cl_offset to ex7_congr_cl_offset + ex7_congr_cl_d'length-1), din => ex7_congr_cl_d, dout => ex7_congr_cl_q); ex8_congr_cl_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex8_congr_cl_offset to ex8_congr_cl_offset + ex8_congr_cl_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex8_congr_cl_offset to ex8_congr_cl_offset + ex8_congr_cl_d'length-1), din => ex8_congr_cl_d, dout => ex8_congr_cl_q); ex9_congr_cl_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex9_congr_cl_offset to ex9_congr_cl_offset + ex9_congr_cl_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex9_congr_cl_offset to ex9_congr_cl_offset + ex9_congr_cl_d'length-1), din => ex9_congr_cl_d, dout => ex9_congr_cl_q); wayA_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(wayA_val_b_offset to wayA_val_b_offset + wayA_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(wayA_val_b_offset to wayA_val_b_offset + wayA_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => wayA_early_stg_pri, a2 => wayA_stg_val, b1 => wayA_later_stg_pri, b2 => wayA_stg_val_b, qb => wayA_val_b_q); wayB_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(wayB_val_b_offset to wayB_val_b_offset + wayB_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(wayB_val_b_offset to wayB_val_b_offset + wayB_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => wayB_early_stg_pri, a2 => wayB_stg_val, b1 => wayB_later_stg_pri, b2 => wayB_stg_val_b, qb => wayB_val_b_q); wayC_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(wayC_val_b_offset to wayC_val_b_offset + wayC_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(wayC_val_b_offset to wayC_val_b_offset + wayC_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => wayC_early_stg_pri, a2 => wayC_stg_val, b1 => wayC_later_stg_pri, b2 => wayC_stg_val_b, qb => wayC_val_b_q); wayD_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(wayD_val_b_offset to wayD_val_b_offset + wayD_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(wayD_val_b_offset to wayD_val_b_offset + wayD_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => wayD_early_stg_pri, a2 => wayD_stg_val, b1 => wayD_later_stg_pri, b2 => wayD_stg_val_b, qb => wayD_val_b_q); wayE_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(wayE_val_b_offset to wayE_val_b_offset + wayE_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(wayE_val_b_offset to wayE_val_b_offset + wayE_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => wayE_early_stg_pri, a2 => wayE_stg_val, b1 => wayE_later_stg_pri, b2 => wayE_stg_val_b, qb => wayE_val_b_q); wayF_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(wayF_val_b_offset to wayF_val_b_offset + wayF_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(wayF_val_b_offset to wayF_val_b_offset + wayF_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => wayF_early_stg_pri, a2 => wayF_stg_val, b1 => wayF_later_stg_pri, b2 => wayF_stg_val_b, qb => wayF_val_b_q); wayG_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(wayG_val_b_offset to wayG_val_b_offset + wayG_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(wayG_val_b_offset to wayG_val_b_offset + wayG_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => wayG_early_stg_pri, a2 => wayG_stg_val, b1 => wayG_later_stg_pri, b2 => wayG_stg_val_b, qb => wayG_val_b_q); wayH_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(wayH_val_b_offset to wayH_val_b_offset + wayH_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(wayH_val_b_offset to wayH_val_b_offset + wayH_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => wayH_early_stg_pri, a2 => wayH_stg_val, b1 => wayH_later_stg_pri, b2 => wayH_stg_val_b, qb => wayH_val_b_q); ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayA_fxubyp_val_q); ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayB_fxubyp_val_q); ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayC_fxubyp_val_q); ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayD_fxubyp_val_q); ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayE_fxubyp_val_q); ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayF_fxubyp_val_q); ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayG_fxubyp_val_q); ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayH_fxubyp_val_q); ex4_wayA_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayA_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayA_fxubyp_val_q); ex4_wayB_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayB_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayB_fxubyp_val_q); ex4_wayC_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayC_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayC_fxubyp_val_q); ex4_wayD_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayD_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayD_fxubyp_val_q); ex4_wayE_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayE_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayE_fxubyp_val_q); ex4_wayF_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayF_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayF_fxubyp_val_q); ex4_wayG_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayG_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayG_fxubyp_val_q); ex4_wayH_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayH_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayH_fxubyp_val_q); ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayA_relbyp_val_q); ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayB_relbyp_val_q); ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayC_relbyp_val_q); ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayD_relbyp_val_q); ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayE_relbyp_val_q); ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayF_relbyp_val_q); ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayG_relbyp_val_q); ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_offset), din => ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_d, dout => ex3_wayH_relbyp_val_q); ex4_wayA_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayA_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayA_relbyp_val_q); ex4_wayB_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayB_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayB_relbyp_val_q); ex4_wayC_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayC_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayC_relbyp_val_q); ex4_wayD_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayD_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayD_relbyp_val_q); ex4_wayE_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayE_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayE_relbyp_val_q); ex4_wayF_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayF_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayF_relbyp_val_q); ex4_wayG_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayG_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayG_relbyp_val_q); ex4_wayH_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_wayH_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => ex4_wayH_relbyp_val_q); ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_offset), din => ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_d, dout => ex4_xuop_wayA_upd_q); ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_offset), din => ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_d, dout => ex4_xuop_wayB_upd_q); ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_offset), din => ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_d, dout => ex4_xuop_wayC_upd_q); ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_offset), din => ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_d, dout => ex4_xuop_wayD_upd_q); ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_offset), din => ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_d, dout => ex4_xuop_wayE_upd_q); ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_offset), din => ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_d, dout => ex4_xuop_wayF_upd_q); ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_offset), din => ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_d, dout => ex4_xuop_wayG_upd_q); ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_offset), din => ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_d, dout => ex4_xuop_wayH_upd_q); ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_offset), din => ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_d, dout => ex5_xuop_wayA_upd_q); ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_offset), din => ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_d, dout => ex5_xuop_wayB_upd_q); ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_offset), din => ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_d, dout => ex5_xuop_wayC_upd_q); ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_offset), din => ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_d, dout => ex5_xuop_wayD_upd_q); ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_offset), din => ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_d, dout => ex5_xuop_wayE_upd_q); ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_offset), din => ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_d, dout => ex5_xuop_wayF_upd_q); ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_offset), din => ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_d, dout => ex5_xuop_wayG_upd_q); ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_offset), din => ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_d, dout => ex5_xuop_wayH_upd_q); inval_clr_lck_wA_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inval_clr_lck_wA_offset), scout => sov(inval_clr_lck_wA_offset), din => inval_clr_lck_wA_d, dout => inval_clr_lck_wA_q); inval_clr_lck_wB_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inval_clr_lck_wB_offset), scout => sov(inval_clr_lck_wB_offset), din => inval_clr_lck_wB_d, dout => inval_clr_lck_wB_q); inval_clr_lck_wC_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inval_clr_lck_wC_offset), scout => sov(inval_clr_lck_wC_offset), din => inval_clr_lck_wC_d, dout => inval_clr_lck_wC_q); inval_clr_lck_wD_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inval_clr_lck_wD_offset), scout => sov(inval_clr_lck_wD_offset), din => inval_clr_lck_wD_d, dout => inval_clr_lck_wD_q); inval_clr_lck_wE_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inval_clr_lck_wE_offset), scout => sov(inval_clr_lck_wE_offset), din => inval_clr_lck_wE_d, dout => inval_clr_lck_wE_q); inval_clr_lck_wF_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inval_clr_lck_wF_offset), scout => sov(inval_clr_lck_wF_offset), din => inval_clr_lck_wF_d, dout => inval_clr_lck_wF_q); inval_clr_lck_wG_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inval_clr_lck_wG_offset), scout => sov(inval_clr_lck_wG_offset), din => inval_clr_lck_wG_d, dout => inval_clr_lck_wG_q); inval_clr_lck_wH_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inval_clr_lck_wH_offset), scout => sov(inval_clr_lck_wH_offset), din => inval_clr_lck_wH_d, dout => inval_clr_lck_wH_q); ex4_wayA_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_wayA_val_d, dout => ex4_wayA_val_q); ex4_wayB_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_wayB_val_d, dout => ex4_wayB_val_q); ex4_wayC_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_wayC_val_d, dout => ex4_wayC_val_q); ex4_wayD_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_wayD_val_d, dout => ex4_wayD_val_q); ex4_wayE_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_wayE_val_d, dout => ex4_wayE_val_q); ex4_wayF_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_wayF_val_d, dout => ex4_wayF_val_q); ex4_wayG_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_wayG_val_d, dout => ex4_wayG_val_q); ex4_wayH_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_wayH_val_d, dout => ex4_wayH_val_q); congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_offset), din => congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_d, dout => congr_cl_m_upd_wayA_q); congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_offset), din => congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_d, dout => congr_cl_m_upd_wayB_q); congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_offset), din => congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_d, dout => congr_cl_m_upd_wayC_q); congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_offset), din => congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_d, dout => congr_cl_m_upd_wayD_q); congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_offset), din => congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_d, dout => congr_cl_m_upd_wayE_q); congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_offset), din => congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_d, dout => congr_cl_m_upd_wayF_q); congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_offset), din => congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_d, dout => congr_cl_m_upd_wayG_q); congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_offset), din => congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_d, dout => congr_cl_m_upd_wayH_q); ex2_congr_cl_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv1_ex1_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex2_congr_cl_d, dout => ex2_congr_cl_q); ex3_congr_cl_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv2_ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_congr_cl_offset to ex3_congr_cl_offset + ex3_congr_cl_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex3_congr_cl_offset to ex3_congr_cl_offset + ex3_congr_cl_d'length-1), din => ex3_congr_cl_d, dout => ex3_congr_cl_q); rel_congr_cl_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => rel_congr_cl_d, dout => rel_congr_cl_q); rel24_congr_cl_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel24_congr_cl_offset to rel24_congr_cl_offset + rel24_congr_cl_d'length-1), scout => sov(rel24_congr_cl_offset to rel24_congr_cl_offset + rel24_congr_cl_d'length-1), din => rel24_congr_cl_d, dout => rel24_congr_cl_q); relu_congr_cl_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => relu_congr_cl_d, dout => relu_congr_cl_q); relu_s_congr_cl_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel3_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(relu_s_congr_cl_offset to relu_s_congr_cl_offset + relu_s_congr_cl_d'length-1), scout => sov(relu_s_congr_cl_offset to relu_s_congr_cl_offset + relu_s_congr_cl_d'length-1), din => relu_s_congr_cl_d, dout => relu_s_congr_cl_q); reload_way_clr_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_way_clr_offset to reload_way_clr_offset + reload_way_clr_d'length-1), scout => sov(reload_way_clr_offset to reload_way_clr_offset + reload_way_clr_d'length-1), din => reload_way_clr_d, dout => reload_way_clr_q); ex4_watchSet_coll_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_watchSet_coll_offset), scout => sov(ex4_watchSet_coll_offset), din => ex4_watchSet_coll_d, dout => ex4_watchSet_coll_q); rel_wayA_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_wayA_val_b_offset to rel_wayA_val_b_offset + rel_wayA_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(rel_wayA_val_b_offset to rel_wayA_val_b_offset + rel_wayA_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => rel_wayA_early_stg_pri, a2 => rel_wayA_stg_val, b1 => rel_wayA_later_stg_pri, b2 => rel_wayA_stg_val_b, qb => rel_wayA_val_b_q); rel_wayB_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_wayB_val_b_offset to rel_wayB_val_b_offset + rel_wayB_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(rel_wayB_val_b_offset to rel_wayB_val_b_offset + rel_wayB_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => rel_wayB_early_stg_pri, a2 => rel_wayB_stg_val, b1 => rel_wayB_later_stg_pri, b2 => rel_wayB_stg_val_b, qb => rel_wayB_val_b_q); rel_wayC_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_wayC_val_b_offset to rel_wayC_val_b_offset + rel_wayC_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(rel_wayC_val_b_offset to rel_wayC_val_b_offset + rel_wayC_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => rel_wayC_early_stg_pri, a2 => rel_wayC_stg_val, b1 => rel_wayC_later_stg_pri, b2 => rel_wayC_stg_val_b, qb => rel_wayC_val_b_q); rel_wayD_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_wayD_val_b_offset to rel_wayD_val_b_offset + rel_wayD_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(rel_wayD_val_b_offset to rel_wayD_val_b_offset + rel_wayD_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => rel_wayD_early_stg_pri, a2 => rel_wayD_stg_val, b1 => rel_wayD_later_stg_pri, b2 => rel_wayD_stg_val_b, qb => rel_wayD_val_b_q); rel_wayE_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_wayE_val_b_offset to rel_wayE_val_b_offset + rel_wayE_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(rel_wayE_val_b_offset to rel_wayE_val_b_offset + rel_wayE_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => rel_wayE_early_stg_pri, a2 => rel_wayE_stg_val, b1 => rel_wayE_later_stg_pri, b2 => rel_wayE_stg_val_b, qb => rel_wayE_val_b_q); rel_wayF_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_wayF_val_b_offset to rel_wayF_val_b_offset + rel_wayF_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(rel_wayF_val_b_offset to rel_wayF_val_b_offset + rel_wayF_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => rel_wayF_early_stg_pri, a2 => rel_wayF_stg_val, b1 => rel_wayF_later_stg_pri, b2 => rel_wayF_stg_val_b, qb => rel_wayF_val_b_q); rel_wayG_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_wayG_val_b_offset to rel_wayG_val_b_offset + rel_wayG_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(rel_wayG_val_b_offset to rel_wayG_val_b_offset + rel_wayG_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => rel_wayG_early_stg_pri, a2 => rel_wayG_stg_val, b1 => rel_wayG_later_stg_pri, b2 => rel_wayG_stg_val_b, qb => rel_wayG_val_b_q); rel_wayH_val_b_reg: tri_aoi22_nlats_wlcb generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_wayH_val_b_offset to rel_wayH_val_b_offset + rel_wayH_val_b_q'length-1), scout => sov(rel_wayH_val_b_offset to rel_wayH_val_b_offset + rel_wayH_val_b_q'length-1), a1 => rel_wayH_early_stg_pri, a2 => rel_wayH_stg_val, b1 => rel_wayH_later_stg_pri, b2 => rel_wayH_stg_val_b, qb => rel_wayH_val_b_q); rel24_wayA_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayA_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayA_fxubyp_val_q); rel24_wayB_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayB_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayB_fxubyp_val_q); rel24_wayC_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayC_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayC_fxubyp_val_q); rel24_wayD_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayD_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayD_fxubyp_val_q); rel24_wayE_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayE_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayE_fxubyp_val_q); rel24_wayF_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayF_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayF_fxubyp_val_q); rel24_wayG_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayG_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayG_fxubyp_val_q); rel24_wayH_fxubyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayH_fxubyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayH_fxubyp_val_q); rel24_wayA_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayA_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayA_relbyp_val_q); rel24_wayB_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayB_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayB_relbyp_val_q); rel24_wayC_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayC_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayC_relbyp_val_q); rel24_wayD_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayD_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayD_relbyp_val_q); rel24_wayE_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayE_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayE_relbyp_val_q); rel24_wayF_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayF_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayF_relbyp_val_q); rel24_wayG_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayG_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayG_relbyp_val_q); rel24_wayH_relbyp_val_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => rel24_wayH_relbyp_val_d, dout(0) => rel24_wayH_relbyp_val_q); rel_val_stg2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_val_stg2_offset), scout => sov(rel_val_stg2_offset), din => rel_val_stg2_d, dout => rel_val_stg2_q); rel_val_clr_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_val_clr_offset), scout => sov(rel_val_clr_offset), din => rel_val_clr_d, dout => rel_val_clr_q); rel_port_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_port_upd_offset), scout => sov(rel_port_upd_offset), din => rel_port_upd_d, dout => rel_port_upd_q); rel_val_stg4_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_val_stg4_offset), scout => sov(rel_val_stg4_offset), din => rel_val_stg4_d, dout => rel_val_stg4_q); rel_binv_stg4_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_binv_stg4_offset), scout => sov(rel_binv_stg4_offset), din => rel_binv_stg4_d, dout => rel_binv_stg4_q); back_inval_stg3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(back_inval_stg3_offset), scout => sov(back_inval_stg3_offset), din => back_inval_stg3_d, dout => back_inval_stg3_q); back_inval_stg4_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(back_inval_stg4_offset), scout => sov(back_inval_stg4_offset), din => back_inval_stg4_d, dout => back_inval_stg4_q); back_inval_stg5_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(back_inval_stg5_offset), scout => sov(back_inval_stg5_offset), din => back_inval_stg5_d, dout => back_inval_stg5_q); binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_offset), scout => sov(binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_offset), din => binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_d, dout => binv4_ex4_xuop_upd_q); binv4_ex4_dir_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv4_ex4_dir_val_offset), scout => sov(binv4_ex4_dir_val_offset), din => binv4_ex4_dir_val_d, dout => binv4_ex4_dir_val_q); ex4_dir_err_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_dir_err_val_offset), scout => sov(ex4_dir_err_val_offset), din => ex4_dir_err_val_d, dout => ex4_dir_err_val_q); ex5_dir_err_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_dir_err_val_offset), scout => sov(ex5_dir_err_val_offset), din => ex5_dir_err_val_d, dout => ex5_dir_err_val_q); ex6_dir_err_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex6_dir_err_val_offset), scout => sov(ex6_dir_err_val_offset), din => ex6_dir_err_val_d, dout => ex6_dir_err_val_q); derr2_stg_act_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(derr2_stg_act_offset), scout => sov(derr2_stg_act_offset), din => derr2_stg_act_d, dout => derr2_stg_act_q); derr3_stg_act_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(derr3_stg_act_offset), scout => sov(derr3_stg_act_offset), din => derr3_stg_act_d, dout => derr3_stg_act_q); derr4_stg_act_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(derr4_stg_act_offset), scout => sov(derr4_stg_act_offset), din => derr4_stg_act_d, dout => derr4_stg_act_q); derr5_stg_act_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(derr5_stg_act_offset), scout => sov(derr5_stg_act_offset), din => derr5_stg_act_d, dout => derr5_stg_act_q); my_multihit_lcb : entity tri.tri_lcbnd(tri_lcbnd) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, d1clk => my_multihit_d1clk, d2clk => my_multihit_d2clk, lclk => my_multihit_lclk); ex4_dir_multihit_val_b_reg: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width => 1, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, lclk => my_multihit_lclk, d1clk => my_multihit_d1clk, d2clk => my_multihit_d2clk, scanin(0) => siv(ex4_dir_multihit_val_b_offset), scanout(0) => sov(ex4_dir_multihit_val_b_offset), d(0) => ex3_dir_multihit_val, qb(0) => ex4_dir_multihit_val_b_q); my_ddmh_lcb : entity tri.tri_lcbnd(tri_lcbnd) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, d1clk => my_ddmh_d1clk, d2clk => my_ddmh_d2clk, lclk => my_ddmh_lclk); ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_reg: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width => 4, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, lclk => my_ddmh_lclk, d1clk => my_ddmh_d1clk, d2clk => my_ddmh_d2clk, scanin => siv(ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_offset to ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_offset + ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_d'length-1), scanout => sov(ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_offset to ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_offset + ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_d'length-1), d => ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_d, qb => ex4_n_lsu_ddmh_flush_b_q); dcarr_up_way_addr_reg: entity tri.tri_aoi22_nlats generic map (width => 3, init => "000", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, lclk => my_ddmh_lclk, d1clk => my_ddmh_d1clk, d2clk => my_ddmh_d2clk, scanin => siv(dcarr_up_way_addr_offset to dcarr_up_way_addr_offset + dcarr_up_way_addr_q'length-1), scanout => sov(dcarr_up_way_addr_offset to dcarr_up_way_addr_offset + dcarr_up_way_addr_q'length-1), a1 => rel_up_way_addr_b, a2 => rel_dcarr_addr_sel, b1 => ex3_xuop_up_addr_b, b2 => rel_dcarr_addr_sel_b, qb => dcarr_up_way_addr_q); reload_wayA_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayA_d, dout => reload_wayA_q); reload_wayB_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayB_d, dout => reload_wayB_q); reload_wayC_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayC_d, dout => reload_wayC_q); reload_wayD_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayD_d, dout => reload_wayD_q); reload_wayE_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayE_d, dout => reload_wayE_q); reload_wayF_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayF_d, dout => reload_wayF_q); reload_wayG_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayG_d, dout => reload_wayG_q); reload_wayH_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayH_d, dout => reload_wayH_q); rel_wayA_val_stg_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => rel_wayA_val_stg_d, dout => rel_wayA_val_stg_q); rel_wayB_val_stg_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => rel_wayB_val_stg_d, dout => rel_wayB_val_stg_q); rel_wayC_val_stg_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => rel_wayC_val_stg_d, dout => rel_wayC_val_stg_q); rel_wayD_val_stg_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => rel_wayD_val_stg_d, dout => rel_wayD_val_stg_q); rel_wayE_val_stg_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => rel_wayE_val_stg_d, dout => rel_wayE_val_stg_q); rel_wayF_val_stg_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => rel_wayF_val_stg_d, dout => rel_wayF_val_stg_q); rel_wayG_val_stg_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => rel_wayG_val_stg_d, dout => rel_wayG_val_stg_q); rel_wayH_val_stg_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel2_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => rel_wayH_val_stg_d, dout => rel_wayH_val_stg_q); reload_wayA_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel3_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayA_data_offset to reload_wayA_data_offset + reload_wayA_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(reload_wayA_data_offset to reload_wayA_data_offset + reload_wayA_data_d'length-1), din => reload_wayA_data_d, dout => reload_wayA_data_q); reload_wayB_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel3_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayB_data_offset to reload_wayB_data_offset + reload_wayB_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(reload_wayB_data_offset to reload_wayB_data_offset + reload_wayB_data_d'length-1), din => reload_wayB_data_d, dout => reload_wayB_data_q); reload_wayC_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel3_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayC_data_offset to reload_wayC_data_offset + reload_wayC_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(reload_wayC_data_offset to reload_wayC_data_offset + reload_wayC_data_d'length-1), din => reload_wayC_data_d, dout => reload_wayC_data_q); reload_wayD_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel3_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayD_data_offset to reload_wayD_data_offset + reload_wayD_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(reload_wayD_data_offset to reload_wayD_data_offset + reload_wayD_data_d'length-1), din => reload_wayD_data_d, dout => reload_wayD_data_q); reload_wayE_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel3_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayE_data_offset to reload_wayE_data_offset + reload_wayE_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(reload_wayE_data_offset to reload_wayE_data_offset + reload_wayE_data_d'length-1), din => reload_wayE_data_d, dout => reload_wayE_data_q); reload_wayF_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel3_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayF_data_offset to reload_wayF_data_offset + reload_wayF_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(reload_wayF_data_offset to reload_wayF_data_offset + reload_wayF_data_d'length-1), din => reload_wayF_data_d, dout => reload_wayF_data_q); reload_wayG_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel3_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayG_data_offset to reload_wayG_data_offset + reload_wayG_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(reload_wayG_data_offset to reload_wayG_data_offset + reload_wayG_data_d'length-1), din => reload_wayG_data_d, dout => reload_wayG_data_q); reload_wayH_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel3_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayH_data_offset to reload_wayH_data_offset + reload_wayH_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(reload_wayH_data_offset to reload_wayH_data_offset + reload_wayH_data_d'length-1), din => reload_wayH_data_d, dout => reload_wayH_data_q); reload_wayA_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel4_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayA_data2_d, dout => reload_wayA_data2_q); reload_wayB_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel4_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayB_data2_d, dout => reload_wayB_data2_q); reload_wayC_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel4_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayC_data2_d, dout => reload_wayC_data2_q); reload_wayD_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel4_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayD_data2_d, dout => reload_wayD_data2_q); reload_wayE_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel4_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayE_data2_d, dout => reload_wayE_data2_q); reload_wayF_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel4_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayF_data2_d, dout => reload_wayF_data2_q); reload_wayG_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel4_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayG_data2_d, dout => reload_wayG_data2_q); reload_wayH_data2_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 6, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel4_perr_stg_act_q, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => reload_wayH_data2_d, dout => reload_wayH_data2_q); binv_wayA_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayA_upd_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayA_upd_offset), din => binv_wayA_upd_d, dout => binv_wayA_upd_q); binv_wayB_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayB_upd_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayB_upd_offset), din => binv_wayB_upd_d, dout => binv_wayB_upd_q); binv_wayC_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayC_upd_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayC_upd_offset), din => binv_wayC_upd_d, dout => binv_wayC_upd_q); binv_wayD_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayD_upd_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayD_upd_offset), din => binv_wayD_upd_d, dout => binv_wayD_upd_q); binv_wayE_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayE_upd_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayE_upd_offset), din => binv_wayE_upd_d, dout => binv_wayE_upd_q); binv_wayF_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayF_upd_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayF_upd_offset), din => binv_wayF_upd_d, dout => binv_wayF_upd_q); binv_wayG_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayG_upd_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayG_upd_offset), din => binv_wayG_upd_d, dout => binv_wayG_upd_q); binv_wayH_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayH_upd_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayH_upd_offset), din => binv_wayH_upd_d, dout => binv_wayH_upd_q); binv_wayA_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayA_upd2_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayA_upd2_offset), din => binv_wayA_upd2_d, dout => binv_wayA_upd2_q); binv_wayB_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayB_upd2_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayB_upd2_offset), din => binv_wayB_upd2_d, dout => binv_wayB_upd2_q); binv_wayC_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayC_upd2_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayC_upd2_offset), din => binv_wayC_upd2_d, dout => binv_wayC_upd2_q); binv_wayD_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayD_upd2_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayD_upd2_offset), din => binv_wayD_upd2_d, dout => binv_wayD_upd2_q); binv_wayE_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayE_upd2_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayE_upd2_offset), din => binv_wayE_upd2_d, dout => binv_wayE_upd2_q); binv_wayF_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayF_upd2_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayF_upd2_offset), din => binv_wayF_upd2_d, dout => binv_wayF_upd2_q); binv_wayG_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayG_upd2_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayG_upd2_offset), din => binv_wayG_upd2_d, dout => binv_wayG_upd2_q); binv_wayH_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayH_upd2_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayH_upd2_offset), din => binv_wayH_upd2_d, dout => binv_wayH_upd2_q); binv_wayA_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayA_upd3_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayA_upd3_offset), din => binv_wayA_upd3_d, dout => binv_wayA_upd3_q); binv_wayB_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayB_upd3_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayB_upd3_offset), din => binv_wayB_upd3_d, dout => binv_wayB_upd3_q); binv_wayC_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayC_upd3_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayC_upd3_offset), din => binv_wayC_upd3_d, dout => binv_wayC_upd3_q); binv_wayD_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayD_upd3_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayD_upd3_offset), din => binv_wayD_upd3_d, dout => binv_wayD_upd3_q); binv_wayE_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayE_upd3_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayE_upd3_offset), din => binv_wayE_upd3_d, dout => binv_wayE_upd3_q); binv_wayF_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayF_upd3_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayF_upd3_offset), din => binv_wayF_upd3_d, dout => binv_wayF_upd3_q); binv_wayG_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayG_upd3_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayG_upd3_offset), din => binv_wayG_upd3_d, dout => binv_wayG_upd3_q); binv_wayH_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv_wayH_upd3_offset), scout => sov(binv_wayH_upd3_offset), din => binv_wayH_upd3_d, dout => binv_wayH_upd3_q); reload_wayA_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayA_upd_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayA_upd_offset), din => reload_wayA_upd_d, dout => reload_wayA_upd_q); reload_wayB_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayB_upd_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayB_upd_offset), din => reload_wayB_upd_d, dout => reload_wayB_upd_q); reload_wayC_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayC_upd_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayC_upd_offset), din => reload_wayC_upd_d, dout => reload_wayC_upd_q); reload_wayD_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayD_upd_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayD_upd_offset), din => reload_wayD_upd_d, dout => reload_wayD_upd_q); reload_wayE_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayE_upd_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayE_upd_offset), din => reload_wayE_upd_d, dout => reload_wayE_upd_q); reload_wayF_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayF_upd_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayF_upd_offset), din => reload_wayF_upd_d, dout => reload_wayF_upd_q); reload_wayG_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayG_upd_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayG_upd_offset), din => reload_wayG_upd_d, dout => reload_wayG_upd_q); reload_wayH_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayH_upd_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayH_upd_offset), din => reload_wayH_upd_d, dout => reload_wayH_upd_q); reload_wayA_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayA_upd2_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayA_upd2_offset), din => reload_wayA_upd2_d, dout => reload_wayA_upd2_q); reload_wayB_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayB_upd2_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayB_upd2_offset), din => reload_wayB_upd2_d, dout => reload_wayB_upd2_q); reload_wayC_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayC_upd2_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayC_upd2_offset), din => reload_wayC_upd2_d, dout => reload_wayC_upd2_q); reload_wayD_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayD_upd2_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayD_upd2_offset), din => reload_wayD_upd2_d, dout => reload_wayD_upd2_q); reload_wayE_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayE_upd2_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayE_upd2_offset), din => reload_wayE_upd2_d, dout => reload_wayE_upd2_q); reload_wayF_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayF_upd2_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayF_upd2_offset), din => reload_wayF_upd2_d, dout => reload_wayF_upd2_q); reload_wayG_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayG_upd2_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayG_upd2_offset), din => reload_wayG_upd2_d, dout => reload_wayG_upd2_q); reload_wayH_upd2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayH_upd2_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayH_upd2_offset), din => reload_wayH_upd2_d, dout => reload_wayH_upd2_q); reload_wayA_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayA_upd3_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayA_upd3_offset), din => reload_wayA_upd3_d, dout => reload_wayA_upd3_q); reload_wayB_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayB_upd3_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayB_upd3_offset), din => reload_wayB_upd3_d, dout => reload_wayB_upd3_q); reload_wayC_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayC_upd3_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayC_upd3_offset), din => reload_wayC_upd3_d, dout => reload_wayC_upd3_q); reload_wayD_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayD_upd3_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayD_upd3_offset), din => reload_wayD_upd3_d, dout => reload_wayD_upd3_q); reload_wayE_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayE_upd3_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayE_upd3_offset), din => reload_wayE_upd3_d, dout => reload_wayE_upd3_q); reload_wayF_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayF_upd3_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayF_upd3_offset), din => reload_wayF_upd3_d, dout => reload_wayF_upd3_q); reload_wayG_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayG_upd3_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayG_upd3_offset), din => reload_wayG_upd3_d, dout => reload_wayG_upd3_q); reload_wayH_upd3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(reload_wayH_upd3_offset), scout => sov(reload_wayH_upd3_offset), din => reload_wayH_upd3_d, dout => reload_wayH_upd3_q); ex3_store_instr_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_store_instr_offset), scout => sov(ex3_store_instr_offset), din => ex3_store_instr_d, dout => ex3_store_instr_q); ex3_lock_set_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_lock_set_offset), scout => sov(ex3_lock_set_offset), din => ex3_lock_set_d, dout => ex3_lock_set_q); ex4_lock_set_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_lock_set_offset), scout => sov(ex4_lock_set_offset), din => ex4_lock_set_d, dout => ex4_lock_set_q); ex5_lock_set_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_lock_set_offset), scout => sov(ex5_lock_set_offset), din => ex5_lock_set_d, dout => ex5_lock_set_q); ex3_lock_clr_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_lock_clr_offset), scout => sov(ex3_lock_clr_offset), din => ex3_lock_clr_d, dout => ex3_lock_clr_q); ex3_xuop_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_xuop_val_offset), scout => sov(ex3_xuop_val_offset), din => ex3_xuop_val_d, dout => ex3_xuop_val_q); ex4_xuop_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_xuop_val_offset), scout => sov(ex4_xuop_val_offset), din => ex4_xuop_val_d, dout => ex4_xuop_val_q); ex5_xuop_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_val_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_val_offset), din => ex5_xuop_val_d, dout => ex5_xuop_val_q); ex4_l_fld_b1_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din(0) => ex4_l_fld_b1_d, dout(0) => ex4_l_fld_b1_q); ex4_instr_enc_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_instr_enc_d, dout => ex4_instr_enc_q); rel_lock_set_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_lock_set_offset), scout => sov(rel_lock_set_offset), din => rel_lock_set_d, dout => rel_lock_set_q); dcpar_err_stg1_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcpar_err_stg1_offset), scout => sov(dcpar_err_stg1_offset), din => dcpar_err_stg1_d, dout => dcpar_err_stg1_q); dcpar_err_stg2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcpar_err_stg2_offset), scout => sov(dcpar_err_stg2_offset), din => dcpar_err_stg2_d, dout => dcpar_err_stg2_q); dcpar_err_way_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcpar_err_way_offset to dcpar_err_way_offset + dcpar_err_way_d'length-1), scout => sov(dcpar_err_way_offset to dcpar_err_way_offset + dcpar_err_way_d'length-1), din => dcpar_err_way_d, dout => dcpar_err_way_q); dcpar_err_way_inval_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcpar_err_way_inval_offset to dcpar_err_way_inval_offset + dcpar_err_way_inval_d'length-1), scout => sov(dcpar_err_way_inval_offset to dcpar_err_way_inval_offset + dcpar_err_way_inval_d'length-1), din => dcpar_err_way_inval_d, dout => dcpar_err_way_inval_q); dcpar_err_cntr_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 2, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcpar_err_cntr_offset to dcpar_err_cntr_offset + dcpar_err_cntr_d'length-1), scout => sov(dcpar_err_cntr_offset to dcpar_err_cntr_offset + dcpar_err_cntr_d'length-1), din => dcpar_err_cntr_d, dout => dcpar_err_cntr_q); dcpar_err_ind_sel_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 2, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcpar_err_ind_sel_offset to dcpar_err_ind_sel_offset + dcpar_err_ind_sel_d'length-1), scout => sov(dcpar_err_ind_sel_offset to dcpar_err_ind_sel_offset + dcpar_err_ind_sel_d'length-1), din => dcpar_err_ind_sel_d, dout => dcpar_err_ind_sel_q); dcpar_err_push_queue_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcpar_err_push_queue_offset), scout => sov(dcpar_err_push_queue_offset), din => dcpar_err_push_queue_d, dout => dcpar_err_push_queue_q); ex4_way_hit_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv3_ex3_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_way_hit_d, dout => ex4_way_hit_q); ex5_way_hit_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_val_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_way_hit_offset to ex5_way_hit_offset + ex5_way_hit_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex5_way_hit_offset to ex5_way_hit_offset + ex5_way_hit_d'length-1), din => ex5_way_hit_d, dout => ex5_way_hit_q); ex6_way_hit_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => ex5_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex6_way_hit_d, dout => ex6_way_hit_q); ex7_way_hit_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex7_way_hit_offset to ex7_way_hit_offset + ex7_way_hit_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex7_way_hit_offset to ex7_way_hit_offset + ex7_way_hit_d'length-1), din => ex7_way_hit_d, dout => ex7_way_hit_q); ex8_way_hit_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex8_way_hit_offset to ex8_way_hit_offset + ex8_way_hit_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex8_way_hit_offset to ex8_way_hit_offset + ex8_way_hit_d'length-1), din => ex8_way_hit_d, dout => ex8_way_hit_q); ex9_way_hit_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex9_way_hit_offset to ex9_way_hit_offset + ex9_way_hit_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex9_way_hit_offset to ex9_way_hit_offset + ex9_way_hit_d'length-1), din => ex9_way_hit_d, dout => ex9_way_hit_q); ex4_lose_watch_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_lose_watch_offset to ex4_lose_watch_offset + ex4_lose_watch_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex4_lose_watch_offset to ex4_lose_watch_offset + ex4_lose_watch_d'length-1), din => ex4_lose_watch_d, dout => ex4_lose_watch_q); xucr0_cslc_xuop_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(xucr0_cslc_xuop_offset), scout => sov(xucr0_cslc_xuop_offset), din => xucr0_cslc_xuop_d, dout => xucr0_cslc_xuop_q); xucr0_cslc_binv_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(xucr0_cslc_binv_offset), scout => sov(xucr0_cslc_binv_offset), din => xucr0_cslc_binv_d, dout => xucr0_cslc_binv_q); dci_compl_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dci_compl_offset), scout => sov(dci_compl_offset), din => dci_compl_d, dout => dci_compl_q); dci_inval_all_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dci_inval_all_offset), scout => sov(dci_inval_all_offset), din => dci_inval_all_d, dout => dci_inval_all_q); inv2_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inv2_val_offset), scout => sov(inv2_val_offset), din => inv2_val_d, dout => inv2_val_q); perf_lsu_evnts_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 5, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(perf_lsu_evnts_offset to perf_lsu_evnts_offset + perf_lsu_evnts_d'length-1), scout => sov(perf_lsu_evnts_offset to perf_lsu_evnts_offset + perf_lsu_evnts_d'length-1), din => perf_lsu_evnts_d, dout => perf_lsu_evnts_q); lock_flash_clear_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(lock_flash_clear_offset), scout => sov(lock_flash_clear_offset), din => lock_flash_clear_d, dout => lock_flash_clear_q); lock_flash_clear_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(lock_flash_clear_val_offset), scout => sov(lock_flash_clear_val_offset), din => lock_flash_clear_val_d, dout => lock_flash_clear_val_q); rel_port_wren_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_port_wren_offset), scout => sov(rel_port_wren_offset), din => rel_port_wren_d, dout => rel_port_wren_q); ex2_thrd_id_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => ex1_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex2_thrd_id_d, dout => ex2_thrd_id_q); ex3_thrd_id_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_thrd_id_offset to ex3_thrd_id_offset + ex3_thrd_id_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex3_thrd_id_offset to ex3_thrd_id_offset + ex3_thrd_id_d'length-1), din => ex3_thrd_id_d, dout => ex3_thrd_id_q); ex4_thrd_id_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => ex3_stg_act, forcee => func_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_nsl_thold_0_b, din => ex4_thrd_id_d, dout => ex4_thrd_id_q); ex5_thrd_id_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => ex4_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_thrd_id_offset to ex5_thrd_id_offset + ex5_thrd_id_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex5_thrd_id_offset to ex5_thrd_id_offset + ex5_thrd_id_d'length-1), din => ex5_thrd_id_d, dout => ex5_thrd_id_q); ex3_l_fld_b1_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => ex2_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_l_fld_b1_offset), scout => sov(ex3_l_fld_b1_offset), din => ex3_l_fld_b1_d, dout => ex3_l_fld_b1_q); ex3_watch_set_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_watch_set_offset), scout => sov(ex3_watch_set_offset), din => ex3_watch_set_d, dout => ex3_watch_set_q); ex4_watch_set_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_watch_set_offset), scout => sov(ex4_watch_set_offset), din => ex4_watch_set_d, dout => ex4_watch_set_q); ex5_watch_set_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_watch_set_offset), scout => sov(ex5_watch_set_offset), din => ex5_watch_set_d, dout => ex5_watch_set_q); ex3_watch_clr_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_watch_clr_offset), scout => sov(ex3_watch_clr_offset), din => ex3_watch_clr_d, dout => ex3_watch_clr_q); ex3_watch_clr_all_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_watch_clr_all_offset), scout => sov(ex3_watch_clr_all_offset), din => ex3_watch_clr_all_d, dout => ex3_watch_clr_all_q); ex3_watch_chk_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_watch_chk_offset), scout => sov(ex3_watch_chk_offset), din => ex3_watch_chk_d, dout => ex3_watch_chk_q); ex4_watch_chk_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_watch_chk_offset), scout => sov(ex4_watch_chk_offset), din => ex4_watch_chk_d, dout => ex4_watch_chk_q); ex5_watch_chk_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_watch_chk_offset), scout => sov(ex5_watch_chk_offset), din => ex5_watch_chk_d, dout => ex5_watch_chk_q); ex3_wclr_all_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_wclr_all_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex3_wclr_all_upd_offset), din => ex3_wclr_all_upd_d, dout => ex3_wclr_all_upd_q); ex4_wclr_all_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_wclr_all_val_offset), scout => sov(ex4_wclr_all_val_offset), din => ex4_wclr_all_val_d, dout => ex4_wclr_all_val_q); ex5_wclr_all_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_wclr_all_val_offset), scout => sov(ex5_wclr_all_val_offset), din => ex5_wclr_all_val_d, dout => ex5_wclr_all_val_q); ex6_wclr_all_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex6_wclr_all_val_offset), scout => sov(ex6_wclr_all_val_offset), din => ex6_wclr_all_val_d, dout => ex6_wclr_all_val_q); rel_thrd_id_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_thrd_id_offset to rel_thrd_id_offset + rel_thrd_id_d'length-1), scout => sov(rel_thrd_id_offset to rel_thrd_id_offset + rel_thrd_id_d'length-1), din => rel_thrd_id_d, dout => rel_thrd_id_q); rel_watch_set_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => rel1_perr_stg_act, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_watch_set_offset), scout => sov(rel_watch_set_offset), din => rel_watch_set_d, dout => rel_watch_set_q); ex5_cr_watch_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_cr_watch_offset), scout => sov(ex5_cr_watch_offset), din => ex5_cr_watch_d, dout => ex5_cr_watch_q); ex4_watch_clr_all_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_watch_clr_all_offset to ex4_watch_clr_all_offset + ex4_watch_clr_all_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex4_watch_clr_all_offset to ex4_watch_clr_all_offset + ex4_watch_clr_all_d'length-1), din => ex4_watch_clr_all_d, dout => ex4_watch_clr_all_q); ex5_watch_clr_all_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_watch_clr_all_offset to ex5_watch_clr_all_offset + ex5_watch_clr_all_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex5_watch_clr_all_offset to ex5_watch_clr_all_offset + ex5_watch_clr_all_d'length-1), din => ex5_watch_clr_all_d, dout => ex5_watch_clr_all_q); ex6_watch_clr_all_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex6_watch_clr_all_offset to ex6_watch_clr_all_offset + ex6_watch_clr_all_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex6_watch_clr_all_offset to ex6_watch_clr_all_offset + ex6_watch_clr_all_d'length-1), din => ex6_watch_clr_all_d, dout => ex6_watch_clr_all_q); ex5_watch_clr_all_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_watch_clr_all_val_offset), scout => sov(ex5_watch_clr_all_val_offset), din => ex5_watch_clr_all_val_d, dout => ex5_watch_clr_all_val_q); ex5_lost_watch_upd_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_lost_watch_upd_offset to ex5_lost_watch_upd_offset + ex5_lost_watch_upd_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex5_lost_watch_upd_offset to ex5_lost_watch_upd_offset + ex5_lost_watch_upd_d'length-1), din => ex5_lost_watch_upd_d, dout => ex5_lost_watch_upd_q); ex4_watchlost_set_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_watchlost_set_offset to ex4_watchlost_set_offset + ex4_watchlost_set_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex4_watchlost_set_offset to ex4_watchlost_set_offset + ex4_watchlost_set_d'length-1), din => ex4_watchlost_set_d, dout => ex4_watchlost_set_q); ex5_watchlost_set_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_watchlost_set_offset to ex5_watchlost_set_offset + ex5_watchlost_set_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex5_watchlost_set_offset to ex5_watchlost_set_offset + ex5_watchlost_set_d'length-1), din => ex5_watchlost_set_d, dout => ex5_watchlost_set_q); rel_lost_watch_binv_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_lost_watch_binv_offset to rel_lost_watch_binv_offset + rel_lost_watch_binv_d'length-1), scout => sov(rel_lost_watch_binv_offset to rel_lost_watch_binv_offset + rel_lost_watch_binv_d'length-1), din => rel_lost_watch_binv_d, dout => rel_lost_watch_binv_q); lost_watch_evict_ovl_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(lost_watch_evict_ovl_offset to lost_watch_evict_ovl_offset + lost_watch_evict_ovl_d'length-1), scout => sov(lost_watch_evict_ovl_offset to lost_watch_evict_ovl_offset + lost_watch_evict_ovl_d'length-1), din => lost_watch_evict_ovl_d, dout => lost_watch_evict_ovl_q); rel_lost_watch_upd_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_lost_watch_upd_offset to rel_lost_watch_upd_offset + rel_lost_watch_upd_d'length-1), scout => sov(rel_lost_watch_upd_offset to rel_lost_watch_upd_offset + rel_lost_watch_upd_d'length-1), din => rel_lost_watch_upd_d, dout => rel_lost_watch_upd_q); lost_watch_evict_val_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(lost_watch_evict_val_offset to lost_watch_evict_val_offset + lost_watch_evict_val_d'length-1), scout => sov(lost_watch_evict_val_offset to lost_watch_evict_val_offset + lost_watch_evict_val_d'length-1), din => lost_watch_evict_val_d, dout => lost_watch_evict_val_q); lost_watch_inter_thrd_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(lost_watch_inter_thrd_offset to lost_watch_inter_thrd_offset + lost_watch_inter_thrd_d'length-1), scout => sov(lost_watch_inter_thrd_offset to lost_watch_inter_thrd_offset + lost_watch_inter_thrd_d'length-1), din => lost_watch_inter_thrd_d, dout => lost_watch_inter_thrd_q); stm_watchlost_state_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(stm_watchlost_state_offset to stm_watchlost_state_offset + stm_watchlost_state_d'length-1), scout => sov(stm_watchlost_state_offset to stm_watchlost_state_offset + stm_watchlost_state_d'length-1), din => stm_watchlost_state_d, dout => stm_watchlost_state_q); ex5_xuop_p0_upd_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_xuop_p0_upd_offset), scout => sov(ex5_xuop_p0_upd_offset), din => ex5_xuop_p0_upd_d, dout => ex5_xuop_p0_upd_q); rel_val_stgu_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_val_stgu_offset), scout => sov(rel_val_stgu_offset), din => rel_val_stgu_d, dout => rel_val_stgu_q); p0_wren_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(p0_wren_offset), scout => sov(p0_wren_offset), din => p0_wren_d, dout => p0_wren_q); p0_wren_cpy_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(p0_wren_cpy_offset), scout => sov(p0_wren_cpy_offset), din => p0_wren_cpy_d, dout => p0_wren_cpy_q); p0_wren_stg_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(p0_wren_stg_offset), scout => sov(p0_wren_stg_offset), din => p0_wren_stg_d, dout => p0_wren_stg_q); p1_wren_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(p1_wren_offset), scout => sov(p1_wren_offset), din => p1_wren_d, dout => p1_wren_q); p1_wren_cpy_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(p1_wren_cpy_offset), scout => sov(p1_wren_cpy_offset), din => p1_wren_cpy_d, dout => p1_wren_cpy_q); ex3_thrd_m_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex3_thrd_m_offset), scout => sov(ex3_thrd_m_offset), din => ex3_thrd_m_d, dout => ex3_thrd_m_q); ex4_thrd_m_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_thrd_m_offset), scout => sov(ex4_thrd_m_offset), din => ex4_thrd_m_d, dout => ex4_thrd_m_q); ex5_thrd_m_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex5_thrd_m_offset), scout => sov(ex5_thrd_m_offset), din => ex5_thrd_m_d, dout => ex5_thrd_m_q); ex6_thrd_m_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex6_thrd_m_offset), scout => sov(ex6_thrd_m_offset), din => ex6_thrd_m_d, dout => ex6_thrd_m_q); ex7_ld_par_err_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex7_ld_par_err_offset), scout => sov(ex7_ld_par_err_offset), din => ex7_ld_par_err_d, dout => ex7_ld_par_err_q); ex8_ld_par_err_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex8_ld_par_err_offset), scout => sov(ex8_ld_par_err_offset), din => ex8_ld_par_err_d, dout => ex8_ld_par_err_q); ex9_ld_par_err_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex9_ld_par_err_offset), scout => sov(ex9_ld_par_err_offset), din => ex9_ld_par_err_d, dout => ex9_ld_par_err_q); ex6_ld_valid_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex6_ld_valid_offset), scout => sov(ex6_ld_valid_offset), din => ex6_ld_valid_d, dout => ex6_ld_valid_q); ex7_ld_valid_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex7_ld_valid_offset), scout => sov(ex7_ld_valid_offset), din => ex7_ld_valid_d, dout => ex7_ld_valid_q); ex8_ld_valid_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex8_ld_valid_offset), scout => sov(ex8_ld_valid_offset), din => ex8_ld_valid_d, dout => ex8_ld_valid_q); ex9_ld_valid_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex9_ld_valid_offset), scout => sov(ex9_ld_valid_offset), din => ex9_ld_valid_d, dout => ex9_ld_valid_q); rel_in_progress_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_in_progress_offset), scout => sov(rel_in_progress_offset), din => rel_in_progress_d, dout => rel_in_progress_q); inj_dir_multihit_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(inj_dir_multihit_offset), scout => sov(inj_dir_multihit_offset), din => inj_dir_multihit_d, dout => inj_dir_multihit_q); congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex2_ex3_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex2_ex4_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex2_ex5_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex2_ex6_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex3_ex4_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex3_ex5_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex3_ex6_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex4_ex5_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex4_ex6_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex4_ex7_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex2_relu_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex2_relu_s_cmp_q); congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_ex2_rel_upd_cmp_q); congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_rel13_ex3_cmp_q); congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_rel13_ex4_cmp_q); congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_rel13_ex5_cmp_q); congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_rel13_ex6_cmp_q); congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_rel13_relu_cmp_q); congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_rel13_relu_s_cmp_q); congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_offset), scout => sov(congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_offset), din => congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_d, dout => congr_cl_rel13_rel_upd_cmp_q); rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_offset), scout => sov(rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_offset), din => rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_d, dout => rel24_congr_cl_ex4_cmp_q); rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_offset), scout => sov(rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_offset), din => rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_d, dout => rel24_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_q); rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_offset), scout => sov(rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_offset), din => rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_d, dout => rel24_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_q); relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_offset), scout => sov(relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_offset), din => relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_d, dout => relu_congr_cl_ex5_cmp_q); relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_offset), scout => sov(relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_offset), din => relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_d, dout => relu_congr_cl_ex6_cmp_q); relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_offset), scout => sov(relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_offset), din => relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_d, dout => relu_congr_cl_ex7_cmp_q); ex4_err_det_way_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_err_det_way_offset to ex4_err_det_way_offset + ex4_err_det_way_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex4_err_det_way_offset to ex4_err_det_way_offset + ex4_err_det_way_d'length-1), din => ex4_err_det_way_d, dout => ex4_err_det_way_q); ex4_perr_lck_lost_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_perr_lck_lost_offset), scout => sov(ex4_perr_lck_lost_offset), din => ex4_perr_lck_lost_d, dout => ex4_perr_lck_lost_q); ex4_perr_watch_lost_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(ex4_perr_watch_lost_offset to ex4_perr_watch_lost_offset + ex4_perr_watch_lost_d'length-1), scout => sov(ex4_perr_watch_lost_offset to ex4_perr_watch_lost_offset + ex4_perr_watch_lost_d'length-1), din => ex4_perr_watch_lost_d, dout => ex4_perr_watch_lost_q); dcperr_lock_lost_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcperr_lock_lost_offset), scout => sov(dcperr_lock_lost_offset), din => dcperr_lock_lost_d, dout => dcperr_lock_lost_q); binv7_ex7_way_upd_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv7_ex7_way_upd_offset to binv7_ex7_way_upd_offset + binv7_ex7_way_upd_d'length-1), scout => sov(binv7_ex7_way_upd_offset to binv7_ex7_way_upd_offset + binv7_ex7_way_upd_d'length-1), din => binv7_ex7_way_upd_d, dout => binv7_ex7_way_upd_q); binv5_ex5_dir_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 5, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv4_ex4_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv5_ex5_dir_data_offset to binv5_ex5_dir_data_offset + binv5_ex5_dir_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(binv5_ex5_dir_data_offset to binv5_ex5_dir_data_offset + binv5_ex5_dir_data_d'length-1), din => binv5_ex5_dir_data_d, dout => binv5_ex5_dir_data_q); binv6_ex6_dir_data_reg: tri_regk generic map (width => 5, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => binv5_ex5_stg_act, forcee => func_slp_nsl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b, din => binv6_ex6_dir_data_d, dout => binv6_ex6_dir_data_q); binv7_ex7_dir_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 5, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv7_ex7_dir_data_offset to binv7_ex7_dir_data_offset + binv7_ex7_dir_data_d'length-1), scout => sov(binv7_ex7_dir_data_offset to binv7_ex7_dir_data_offset + binv7_ex7_dir_data_d'length-1), din => binv7_ex7_dir_data_d, dout => binv7_ex7_dir_data_q); binv5_inval_watch_val_reg: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (width => 4, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv5_inval_watch_val_offset to binv5_inval_watch_val_offset + binv5_inval_watch_val_d'length-1), scout => sov(binv5_inval_watch_val_offset to binv5_inval_watch_val_offset + binv5_inval_watch_val_d'length-1), din => binv5_inval_watch_val_d, dout => binv5_inval_watch_val_q); binv5_inval_lock_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(binv5_inval_lock_val_offset), scout => sov(binv5_inval_lock_val_offset), din => binv5_inval_lock_val_d, dout => binv5_inval_lock_val_q); my_lcb : entity tri.tri_lcbnd(tri_lcbnd) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, d1clk => my_d1clk, d2clk => my_d2clk, lclk => my_lclk); ex4_snd_ld_l2_reg: entity tri.tri_oai22_nlats(tri_oai22_nlats) generic map (width => 1, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, lclk => my_lclk, d1clk => my_d1clk, d2clk => my_d2clk, scanin(0) => siv(ex4_snd_ld_l2_offset), scanout(0) => sov(ex4_snd_ld_l2_offset), a1(0) => ex3_wimge_i_bit, a2(0) => hit_or_01234567_b, b1(0) => ex3_load_val, b2(0) => ex3_load_val, qb(0) => ex4_snd_ld_l2_q); ex4_ldq_full_flush_b_reg: entity tri.tri_oai22_nlats(tri_oai22_nlats) generic map (width => 1, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, lclk => my_lclk, d1clk => my_d1clk, d2clk => my_d2clk, scanin(0) => siv(ex4_ldq_full_flush_b_offset), scanout(0) => sov(ex4_ldq_full_flush_b_offset), a1(0) => ex3_l2_request, a2(0) => hit_or_01234567_b, b1(0) => ex3_ldq_potential_flush, b2(0) => ex3_ldq_potential_flush, qb(0) => ex4_ldq_full_flush_b_q); ex4_miss_reg: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width => 1, init => "1", expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, lclk => my_lclk, d1clk => my_d1clk, d2clk => my_d2clk, scanin(0) => ex4_miss_siv, scanout(0) => ex4_miss_sov, d(0) => ex3_l1miss, qb(0) => ex4_miss_q); -- Inversion applied to ex4_dir_multihit_val_reg ex4_miss_siv <= not siv(ex4_miss_offset); sov(ex4_miss_offset) <= not ex4_miss_sov; my_spare0_lcb : entity tri.tri_lcbnd(tri_lcbnd) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, d1clk => my_spare0_d1clk, d2clk => my_spare0_d2clk, lclk => my_spare0_lclk); my_spare0_latches_reg: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width => 17, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, lclk => my_spare0_lclk, d1clk => my_spare0_d1clk, d2clk => my_spare0_d2clk, scanin => siv(my_spare0_latches_offset to my_spare0_latches_offset + my_spare0_latches_d'length-1), scanout => sov(my_spare0_latches_offset to my_spare0_latches_offset + my_spare0_latches_d'length-1), d => my_spare0_latches_d, qb => my_spare0_latches_q); my_spare1_lcb : entity tri.tri_lcbnd(tri_lcbnd) generic map (expand_type => expand_type) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_slp_sl_force, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, d1clk => my_spare1_d1clk, d2clk => my_spare1_d2clk, lclk => my_spare1_lclk); my_spare1_latches_reg: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats) generic map (width => 16, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, lclk => my_spare1_lclk, d1clk => my_spare1_d1clk, d2clk => my_spare1_d2clk, scanin => siv(my_spare1_latches_offset to my_spare1_latches_offset + my_spare1_latches_d'length-1), scanout => sov(my_spare1_latches_offset to my_spare1_latches_offset + my_spare1_latches_d'length-1), d => my_spare1_latches_d, qb => my_spare1_latches_q); rel_l1dump_cslc_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_l1dump_cslc_offset), scout => sov(rel_l1dump_cslc_offset), din => rel_l1dump_cslc_d, dout => rel_l1dump_cslc_q); rel_in_prog_stg1_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_in_prog_stg1_offset), scout => sov(rel_in_prog_stg1_offset), din => rel_in_prog_stg1_d, dout => rel_in_prog_stg1_q); rel_in_prog_stg2_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_in_prog_stg2_offset), scout => sov(rel_in_prog_stg2_offset), din => rel_in_prog_stg2_d, dout => rel_in_prog_stg2_q); rel_in_prog_stg3_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_in_prog_stg3_offset), scout => sov(rel_in_prog_stg3_offset), din => rel_in_prog_stg3_d, dout => rel_in_prog_stg3_q); rel_in_prog_stg4_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_in_prog_stg4_offset), scout => sov(rel_in_prog_stg4_offset), din => rel_in_prog_stg4_d, dout => rel_in_prog_stg4_q); rel_in_prog_stg5_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel_in_prog_stg5_offset), scout => sov(rel_in_prog_stg5_offset), din => rel_in_prog_stg5_d, dout => rel_in_prog_stg5_q); dcpar_err_stg1_act_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcpar_err_stg1_act_offset), scout => sov(dcpar_err_stg1_act_offset), din => dcpar_err_stg1_act_d, dout => dcpar_err_stg1_act_q); dcpar_err_stg2_act_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(dcpar_err_stg2_act_offset), scout => sov(dcpar_err_stg2_act_offset), din => dcpar_err_stg2_act_d, dout => dcpar_err_stg2_act_q); rel3_perr_stg_act_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel3_perr_stg_act_offset), scout => sov(rel3_perr_stg_act_offset), din => rel3_perr_stg_act_d, dout => rel3_perr_stg_act_q); rel4_perr_stg_act_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1) port map (vd => vdd, gd => gnd, nclk => nclk, act => tiup, forcee => func_sl_force, d_mode => d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b, thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b, sg => sg_0, scin => siv(rel4_perr_stg_act_offset), scout => sov(rel4_perr_stg_act_offset), din => rel4_perr_stg_act_d, dout => rel4_perr_stg_act_q); siv(0 TO 1247) <= sov(1 to 1247) & scan_in(0); scan_out(0) <= sov(0); siv(1248 TO scan_right) <= sov(1249 to scan_right) & scan_in(1); scan_out(1) <= sov(1248); scan_out(2) <= scan_in(2); END XUQ_LSU_DIR_VAL32;