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-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
-- Copyright 2020 International Business Machines
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- The patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the License, as applied
-- to the “Work,” hereby includes implementations of the Work in physical form.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
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-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
library ibm,ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
package std_ulogic_function_support is
-- Subtypes used for constraining return values in package
subtype std_return_2 is std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
subtype std_return_4 is std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
subtype std_return_8 is std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
subtype std_return_16 is std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
subtype std_return_32 is std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
subtype std_return_64 is std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63);
-- Test Case Evaluation Attributes
-- These attributes are used to control the generation of TCE tests
-- within the VHDL code.
-- Valid on PORT, SIGNAL and LABEL .
-- Used to turn task model generation on or off. The attribute is applied
-- to a label. If on a block it turns off generation for the whole block.
-- If on a statement it is for that statement alone.
-- The string specifies which task statement alone.
-- attribute TCE_ON of : label is "T,LTP,STP,DLTP,LST,STC,ASSRT,CMBN | ALL" ;
attribute tce_on : string;
attribute tce_off : string;
attribute tce_last : string;
attribute tce_reset : string;
attribute tce_all_off : string;
attribute tce_ignore : string;
-- The string specifies which task statement alone.
attribute tce_assertion : string;
attribute tce_combination : string;
attribute tce_seqcond : string;
-- Global Signals
signal audit_bit_dump : std_ulogic ;
signal assertion_summary : boolean ;
signal assertion_clock : std_ulogic ;
-- Synopsys translate_off
component assertion
generic( counted : boolean := false;
Delay : natural := 0;
Duration : natural := 0);
assert_in : in std_ulogic ;
sample : in std_ulogic ;
assert_out : out std_ulogic
end component;
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Function Declarations and Attributes
-- Gate Function
function gate
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector;
cond : std_ulogic )
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- Synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of gate : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of gate : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of gate : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
3 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Dot Functions
function dot_and
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector )
return std_ulogic ;
-- Synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of dot_and : function is "VHDL-DOTA" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of dot_and : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of dot_and : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function dot_or
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector )
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of dot_or : function is "VHDL-DOTO" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of dot_or : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of dot_or : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function clock_tree_dot
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector )
return std_ulogic ;
function clock_tree_dot
(in0 : bit_vector )
return bit ;
-- Synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of clock_tree_dot : function is "VHDL-CDOT" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of clock_tree_dot : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of clock_tree_dot : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Generic Terminator
procedure terminator
(in0 : in std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
procedure terminator
(in0 : in std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of terminator : procedure is "TERMINATOR";
attribute recursive_synthesis of terminator : procedure is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of terminator : procedure is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Generic Delay
function delay
(in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function delay
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of delay : function is "IDENT" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of delay : function is 1 ;
attribute block_data of delay : function is
attribute pin_bit_information of delay : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Generic Buffer
function buff
(in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function buff
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of buff : function is "IDENT" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of buff : function is 1 ;
attribute block_data of buff : function is
attribute pin_bit_information of buff : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Invert single bit
function invert
(in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- inverter vectored
function invert
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of invert : function is "NOT" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of invert : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of invert : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Compare single bit
function compare
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- compare multi-bit
function compare
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of compare : function is "VHDL-COMPARE" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of compare : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of compare : function is
(1 => (" ","A0 ","INCR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","M0 ","INCR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","EQ ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Parity Functions
-- General XOR_Tree Building Parity Function
function parity
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of parity : function is "XOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of parity : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of parity : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function parity_map
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of parity_map : function is "XOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of parity_map : function is 1 ;
attribute block_data of parity_map : function is
attribute pin_bit_information of parity_map : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Parity gneration/checking functions
function parity_gen_odd
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of parity_gen_odd : function is "XNOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of parity_gen_odd : function is 1;
attribute pin_bit_information of parity_gen_odd : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function parity_gen_even
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- Synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- Synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- Synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of parity_gen_even : function is "XOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of parity_gen_even : function is 1;
attribute pin_bit_information of parity_gen_even : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function is_parity_odd
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- Synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- Synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- Synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of is_parity_odd : function is "XOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of is_parity_odd : function is 1;
attribute pin_bit_information of is_parity_odd : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function is_parity_even
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- Synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- Synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- Synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of is_parity_even : function is "XNOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of is_parity_even : function is 1;
attribute pin_bit_information of is_parity_even : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Full Adder
procedure full_add
(add_1 : in std_ulogic ;
add_2 : in std_ulogic ;
cryin : in std_ulogic ;
signal sum : out std_ulogic ;
signal carry : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
procedure full_add
(add_1 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
add_2 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
cryin : in std_ulogic_vector ;
signal sum : out std_ulogic_vector ;
signal carry : out std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of full_add : procedure is "VHDL-FA";
attribute recursive_synthesis of full_add : procedure is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of full_add : procedure is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","CIN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","SUM ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","COUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
7 => (" ","PASS "," "," "));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Ripple Adder function
procedure ripple_adder
(add_1 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
add_2 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
signal sum : out std_ulogic_vector ;
signal carry : out std_ulogic ) ;
procedure ripple_adder
(add_1 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
add_2 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
signal sum : out std_ulogic_vector );
-- Generic Tie Blocks
function tie_0
-- synopsys translate_off
(btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of tie_0 : function is "VHDL-TIDN" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of tie_0 : function is 1 ;
attribute block_data of tie_0 : function is
attribute pin_bit_information of tie_0 : function is
(1 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","ZERO ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function vector_tie_0
(width : integer := 1
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of vector_tie_0 : function is "VHDL-TIDN" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of vector_tie_0 : function is 1 ;
attribute block_data of vector_tie_0 : function is
attribute pin_bit_information of vector_tie_0 : function is
(1 => (" ","IGNR "," "," "),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","ZERO ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function tie_1
-- synopsys translate_off
(btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of tie_1 : function is "VHDL-TIUP" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of tie_1 : function is 1 ;
attribute block_data of tie_1 : function is
attribute pin_bit_information of tie_1 : function is
(1 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","ONE ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function vector_tie_1
(width : integer := 1
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of vector_tie_1 : function is "VHDL-TIUP" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of vector_tie_1 : function is 1 ;
attribute block_data of vector_tie_1 : function is
attribute pin_bit_information of vector_tie_1 : function is
(1 => (" ","IGNR "," "," "),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","ONE ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function reverse
(arg: std_ulogic_vector)
return std_ulogic_vector ;
function and_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of and_reduce : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of and_reduce : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of and_reduce : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function or_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of or_reduce : function is "OR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of or_reduce : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of or_reduce : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nand_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nand_reduce : function is "NAND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nand_reduce : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nand_reduce : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nor_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nor_reduce : function is "NOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nor_reduce : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nor_reduce : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function xor_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of xor_reduce : function is "XOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of xor_reduce : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of xor_reduce : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function xnor_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of xnor_reduce : function is "XNOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of xnor_reduce : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of xnor_reduce : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Vector of gating bits gating a single vector of data bits
function gate_and
(gate : std_ulogic_vector;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
function gate_and
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function gate_and
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of gate_and : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of gate_and : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of gate_and : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function gate_or
(gate : std_ulogic_vector;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
function gate_or
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function gate_or
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of gate_or : function is "OR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of gate_or : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of gate_or : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function gate_nand
(gate : std_ulogic_vector;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
function gate_nand
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function gate_nand
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of gate_nand : function is "NAND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of gate_nand : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of gate_nand : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function gate_nor
(gate : std_ulogic_vector;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
function gate_nor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function gate_nor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of gate_nor : function is "NOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of gate_nor : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of gate_nor : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function gate_xor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function gate_xor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of gate_xor : function is "XOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of gate_xor : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of gate_xor : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function gate_xnor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function gate_xnor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of gate_xnor : function is "XNOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of gate_xnor : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of gate_xnor : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Vectored primitive <gate> 2 input functions
-- Single bit case
-- Multiple vectors logically <gate>ed bitwise
function and_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function and_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of and_2 : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of and_2 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of and_2 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function or_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function or_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of or_2 : function is "OR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of or_2 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of or_2 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nand_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nand_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nand_2 : function is "NAND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nand_2 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nand_2 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nor_2 : function is "NOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nor_2 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nor_2 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function xor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function xor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of xor_2 : function is "XOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of xor_2 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of xor_2 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function xnor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function xnor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of xnor_2 : function is "XNOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of xnor_2 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of xnor_2 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Vectored primitive <gate> 3 input functions
-- Single bit case
function and_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
-- multiple vectors logically <gate>ed bitwise
function and_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of and_3 : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of and_3 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of and_3 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function or_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function or_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of or_3 : function is "OR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of or_3 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of or_3 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nand_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nand_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nand_3 : function is "NAND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nand_3 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nand_3 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nor_3 : function is "NOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nor_3 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nor_3 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function xor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function xor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of xor_3 : function is "XOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of xor_3 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of xor_3 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function xnor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function xnor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of xnor_3 : function is "XNOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of xnor_3 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of xnor_3 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Vectored primitive <gate> 4 input functions
-- Single bit case
function and_4
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function and_4
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of and_4 : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of and_4 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of and_4 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
7 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function or_4
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function or_4
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of or_4 : function is "OR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of or_4 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of or_4 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
7 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nand_4
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nand_4
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nand_4 : function is "NAND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nand_4 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nand_4 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
7 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nor_4
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nor_4
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nor_4 : function is "NOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nor_4 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nor_4 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
6 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
7 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Vectored primitive <gate> 5 input functions
-- Single bit case
-- Multiple vectors logically <gate>ed bitwise
function and_5
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function and_5
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of and_5 : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of and_5 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of and_5 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
7 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
8 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function or_5
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function or_5
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of or_5 : function is "OR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of or_5 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of or_5 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
7 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
8 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nand_5
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nand_5
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nand_5 : function is "NAND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nand_5 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nand_5 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
7 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
8 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nor_5
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nor_5
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nor_5 : function is "NOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nor_5 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nor_5 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
7 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
8 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Vectored primitive <gate> 6 input functions
-- Single bit case
function and_6
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function and_6
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of and_6 : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of and_6 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of and_6 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
8 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
9 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function or_6
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function or_6
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of or_6 : function is "OR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of or_6 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of or_6 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
8 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
9 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nand_6
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nand_6
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nand_6 : function is "NAND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nand_6 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nand_6 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
8 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
9 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nor_6
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nor_6
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nor_6 : function is "NOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nor_6 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nor_6 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
8 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
9 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Vectored primitive <gate> 7 input functions
-- Single bit case
-- Multiple vectors logically <gate>ed bitwise
function and_7
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function and_7
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of and_7 : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of and_7 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of and_7 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
8 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
9 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
10 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function or_7
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function or_7
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of or_7 : function is "OR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of or_7 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of or_7 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
8 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
9 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
10 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nand_7
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nand_7
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nand_7 : function is "NAND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nand_7 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nand_7 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
8 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
9 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
10 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nor_7
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nor_7
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nor_7 : function is "NOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nor_7 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nor_7 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
8 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
9 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
10 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
-- Vectored primitive <gate> 8 input functions
-- Single bit case
-- Multiple vectors logically <gate>ed bitwise
function and_8
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic ;
in7 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function and_8
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in7 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of and_8 : function is "AND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of and_8 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of and_8 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
8 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
9 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
10 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
11 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function or_8
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic ;
in7 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function or_8
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in7 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of or_8 : function is "OR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of or_8 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of or_8 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
8 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
9 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
10 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
11 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nand_8
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic ;
in7 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nand_8
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in7 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nand_8 : function is "NAND" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nand_8 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nand_8 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
8 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
9 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
10 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
11 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function nor_8
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic ;
in7 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic ;
function nor_8
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in7 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of nor_8 : function is "NOR" ;
attribute recursive_synthesis of nor_8 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of nor_8 : function is
(1 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
2 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
3 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
4 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
5 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
6 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
7 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
8 => (" ","IN ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"),
9 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
10 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
11 => (" ","OUT ","SAME","PIN_BIT_VECTOR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function decode( code : std_ulogic_vector ) return std_ulogic_vector;
-- Synopsys translate_off
attribute functionality of decode: function is "DECODER";
-- Synopsys translate_on
function decode_2to4
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_4 ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of decode_2to4 : function is "VHDL-DECODE";
attribute recursive_synthesis of decode_2to4 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of decode_2to4 : function is
(1 => (" ","D1 ","DECR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","F0 ","INCR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function decode_3to8
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_8 ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of decode_3to8 : function is "VHDL-DECODE";
attribute recursive_synthesis of decode_3to8 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of decode_3to8 : function is
(1 => (" ","D2 ","DECR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","F0 ","INCR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function decode_4to16
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_16 ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of decode_4to16 : function is "VHDL-DECODE";
attribute recursive_synthesis of decode_4to16 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of decode_4to16 : function is
(1 => (" ","D3 ","DECR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","F0 ","INCR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function decode_5to32
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_32 ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of decode_5to32 : function is "VHDL-DECODE";
attribute recursive_synthesis of decode_5to32 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of decode_5to32 : function is
(1 => (" ","D4 ","DECR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","F0 ","INCR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
function decode_6to64
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_64 ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute btr_name of decode_6to64 : function is "VHDL-DECODE";
attribute recursive_synthesis of decode_6to64 : function is 1 ;
attribute pin_bit_information of decode_6to64 : function is
(1 => (" ","D5 ","DECR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"),
2 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
3 => (" ","PASS "," "," "),
4 => (" ","F0 ","INCR","PIN_BIT_SCALAR"));
-- Synopsys translate_on
end std_ulogic_function_support;
package body std_ulogic_function_support is
-- Function Declarations and Attributes
-- Gate Function
function gate
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector;
cond : std_ulogic )
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
result := in0 and vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => cond) ;
return result;
end gate;
-- This function everses the range direction.
function reverse (arg: std_ulogic_vector)
return std_ulogic_vector
variable d, result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to arg'length-1);
d := arg;
for i in 0 to d'length-1 loop
result(result'right - i) := d(i);
end loop;
return result;
end reverse;
-- Generic Terminator
procedure terminator
(in0 : in std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- Synopsys translate_on
result := in0 ;
end terminator ;
procedure terminator
(in0 : in std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1);
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 ;
end terminator ;
-- Generic Delay
function delay
(in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
-- initialize variable attribute values
result := in0;
return result;
end delay ;
function delay
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0;
return result;
end delay ;
function buff
(in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0;
return result;
end buff ;
function buff
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0;
return result;
end buff ;
-- inverter single bit
function invert
(in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not in0;
return result;
end invert ;
-- inverter vectored
function invert
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not in0;
return result;
end invert ;
-- Comparator
function compare
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 = in1 ;
return result;
end compare ;
-- comparator mult-bit
function compare
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 = in1 ;
return result;
end compare ;
-- General XOR_Tree Building Parity Function
function parity
(In0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- Synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- Synopsys translate_on
return Std_uLogic
-- Synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- Synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic;
result := in0(in0'low);
for i in in0'low+1 to in0'high loop
result := in0(i) xor result ;
end loop;
return result;
end parity ;
-- Specific Size Parity Block Map Function
function parity_map
(In0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- Synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- Synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
-- Synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- Synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic;
result := in0(in0'low);
for i in in0'low+1 to in0'high loop
result := in0(i) xor result ;
end loop;
return result;
end parity_map ;
-- Parity gneration/checking functions
function parity_gen_odd
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- Synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- Synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
-- Synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- Synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic;
result := in0(in0'low);
for i in in0'low+1 to in0'high loop
result := in0(i) xor result ;
end loop;
return not result;
end parity_gen_odd ;
function parity_gen_even
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- Synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- Synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
-- Synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- Synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic;
result := in0(in0'low);
for i in in0'low+1 to in0'high loop
result := in0(i) xor result ;
end loop;
return result;
end parity_gen_even ;
function is_parity_odd
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- Synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- Synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
-- Synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- Synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic;
result := in0(in0'low);
for i in in0'low+1 to in0'high loop
result := in0(i) xor result ;
end loop;
return result;
end is_parity_odd ;
function is_parity_even
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- Synopsys translate_off
;btr : in String :=""
;blkdata : in String :=""
-- Synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
-- Synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- Synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic;
result := in0(in0'low);
for i in in0'low+1 to in0'high loop
result := in0(i) xor result ;
end loop;
return not result;
end is_parity_even ;
function and_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0(in0'left) ;
for i in in0'range loop
result := result and in0(i);
end loop;
result := result ;
return result;
end and_reduce ;
function or_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0(in0'left) ;
for i in in0'range loop
result := result or in0(i);
end loop;
result := result ;
return result;
end or_reduce ;
function nand_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0(in0'left) ;
for i in in0'range loop
result := result and in0(i);
end loop;
result := not result ;
return result;
end nand_reduce ;
function nor_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0(in0'left) ;
for i in in0'range loop
result := result or in0(i);
end loop;
result := not result ;
return result;
end nor_reduce ;
function xor_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := '0' ;
for i in in0'range loop
result := result xor in0(i);
end loop;
result := result ;
return result ;
end xor_reduce ;
function xnor_reduce
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := '0' ;
for i in in0'range loop
result := result xor in0(i);
end loop;
result := not result ;
return result ;
end xnor_reduce ;
function gate_and
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := gate and in0 ;
return result;
end gate_and;
function gate_and
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
result := in0 and vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => gate) ;
return result;
end gate_and;
function gate_or
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := gate or in0 ;
return result;
end gate_or;
function gate_or
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
result := in0 or vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => gate) ;
return result;
end gate_or;
function gate_nand
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := gate nand in0 ;
return result;
end gate_nand;
function gate_nand
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
result := in0 nand vec_length'( 0 to in0'length-1 => gate );
return result;
end gate_nand;
function gate_nor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := gate nor in0 ;
return result;
end gate_nor;
function gate_nor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
result := in0 nor vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => gate) ;
return result;
end gate_nor;
function gate_xor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := gate xor in0 ;
return result;
end gate_xor;
function gate_xor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
result := in0 xor vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => gate) ;
return result;
end gate_xor;
function gate_xnor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := gate = in0 ;
return result;
end gate_xnor;
function gate_xnor
(gate : std_ulogic ;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
result := not( in0 xor vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => gate) ) ;
return result;
end gate_xnor;
function gate_and
(gate : std_ulogic_vector;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
variable gate_int : std_ulogic ;
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
gate_int := gate(gate'low) ;
for i in gate'low+1 to gate'high loop
gate_int := gate_int and gate(i);
end loop;
result := in0 and vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => gate_int) ;
return result ;
end gate_and;
function gate_or
(gate : std_ulogic_vector;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
variable gate_int : std_ulogic ;
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
gate_int := gate(gate'low) ;
for i in gate'low+1 to gate'high loop
gate_int := gate_int or gate(i);
end loop;
result := in0 or vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => gate_int) ;
return result ;
end gate_or;
function gate_nand
(gate : std_ulogic_vector;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
variable gate_int : std_ulogic ;
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
gate_int := gate(gate'low) ;
for i in gate'low+1 to gate'high loop
gate_int := gate_int and gate(i);
end loop;
result := in0 and vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => gate_int) ;
result := not result ;
return result;
end gate_nand;
function gate_nor
(gate : std_ulogic_vector;
in0 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
variable gate_int : std_ulogic ;
subtype vec_length is std_ulogic_vector(0 to in0'length-1);
gate_int := gate(gate'low) ;
for i in gate'low+1 to gate'high loop
gate_int := gate_int or gate(i);
end loop;
result := in0 or vec_length'(0 to in0'length-1 => gate_int) ;
result := not result ;
return result ;
end gate_nor;
function xor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 xor in1 ;
return result ;
end xor_2 ;
function xor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 xor in1;
return result ;
end xor_2 ;
function xor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := (in0 xor in1 xor in2) ;
return result ;
end xor_3 ;
function xor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 xor in1 xor in2 ;
return result ;
end xor_3 ;
function xnor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 xor in1 ) ;
return result ;
end xnor_2 ;
function xnor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 xor in1 ) ;
return result ;
end xnor_2 ;
function xnor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 xor in1 xor in2 ) ;
return result ;
end xnor_3 ;
function xnor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 xor in1 xor in2 ) ;
return result ;
end xnor_3 ;
function and_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 ;
return result ;
end and_2 ;
function and_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 ;
return result ;
end and_2 ;
function and_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 ;
return result ;
end and_3 ;
function and_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 ;
return result ;
end and_3 ;
function and_4
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 ;
return result ;
end and_4 ;
function and_4
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 ;
return result ;
end and_4 ;
function and_5
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 ;
return result ;
end and_5 ;
function and_5
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4;
return result ;
end and_5 ;
function and_6
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 ;
return result ;
end and_6 ;
function and_6
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 ;
return result ;
end and_6 ;
function and_7
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 and in6 ;
return result ;
end and_7 ;
function and_7
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 and in6 ;
return result ;
end and_7 ;
function and_8
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic ;
in7 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 and in6 and in7 ;
return result ;
end and_8 ;
function and_8
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in7 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 and in6 and in7 ;
return result ;
end and_8 ;
function or_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 ;
return result ;
end or_2 ;
function or_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 ;
return result ;
end or_2 ;
function or_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 ;
return result ;
end or_3 ;
function or_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 ;
return result ;
end or_3 ;
function or_4
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 ;
return result ;
end or_4 ;
function or_4
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 ;
return result ;
end or_4 ;
function or_5
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 ;
return result ;
end or_5 ;
function or_5
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 ;
return result ;
end or_5 ;
function or_6
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 ;
return result ;
end or_6 ;
function or_6
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 ;
return result ;
end or_6 ;
function or_7
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 or in6 ;
return result ;
end or_7 ;
function or_7
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 or in6 ;
return result ;
end or_7 ;
function or_8
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic ;
in7 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 or in6 or in7 ;
return result ;
end or_8 ;
function or_8
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in7 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 or in6 or in7 ;
return result ;
end or_8 ;
function nand_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_2 ;
function nand_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_2 ;
function nand_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_3 ;
function nand_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_3 ;
function nand_4
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_4 ;
function nand_4
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_4 ;
function nand_5
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_5 ;
function nand_5
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_5 ;
function nand_6
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_6 ;
function nand_6
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_6 ;
function nand_7
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 and in6) ;
return result ;
end nand_7 ;
function nand_7
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 and in6) ;
return result ;
end nand_7 ;
function nand_8
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic ;
in7 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 and in6 and in7 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_8 ;
function nand_8
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in7 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 and in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 and in5 and in6 and in7 ) ;
return result ;
end nand_8 ;
function nor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_2 ;
function nor_2
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_2 ;
function nor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_3 ;
function nor_3
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_3 ;
function nor_4
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_4 ;
function nor_4
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_4 ;
function nor_5
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_5 ;
function nor_5
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_5 ;
function nor_6
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_6 ;
function nor_6
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_6 ;
function nor_7
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 or in6 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_7 ;
function nor_7
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 or in6 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_7 ;
function nor_8
(in0 : std_ulogic ;
in1 : std_ulogic ;
in2 : std_ulogic ;
in3 : std_ulogic ;
in4 : std_ulogic ;
in5 : std_ulogic ;
in6 : std_ulogic ;
in7 : std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 or in6 or in7 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_8 ;
function nor_8
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in1 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in2 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in3 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in4 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in5 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in6 : std_ulogic_vector ;
in7 : std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector (0 to in0'length-1);
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := not( in0 or in1 or in2 or in3 or in4 or in5 or in6 or in7 ) ;
return result ;
end nor_8 ;
function tie_0
-- synopsys translate_off
(btr : in string :="";
blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := '0';
return result;
end tie_0;
function vector_tie_0
(width : integer := 1
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
for i in 0 to width-1 loop
result(i) := '0';
end loop;
return result;
end vector_tie_0;
function tie_1
-- synopsys translate_off
(btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
result := '1';
return result;
end tie_1;
function vector_tie_1
(width : integer := 1
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_ulogic_vector
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to width-1) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
for i in 0 to width-1 loop
result(i) := '1';
end loop;
return result;
end vector_tie_1;
function decode( code : std_ulogic_vector ) return std_ulogic_vector is
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to (2**(code'length)-1)) := (others => '0');
result := (others => '0');
result( tconv( code ) ) := '1';
for i in code'low to code'high loop
if code(i) = 'U' then
result := (others => 'U');
end if;
end loop;
for i in code'low to code'high loop
if code(i) = 'X' then
result := (others => 'X');
end if;
end loop;
return result;
end decode;
function decode_2to4
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_4
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
case code is
when "00" => result := "1000";
when "01" => result := "0100";
when "10" => result := "0010";
when "11" => result := "0001";
when others => result := "XXXX";
end case;
return result;
end decode_2to4;
function decode_3to8
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_8
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
case code is
when "000" => result := "10000000";
when "001" => result := "01000000";
when "010" => result := "00100000";
when "011" => result := "00010000";
when "100" => result := "00001000";
when "101" => result := "00000100";
when "110" => result := "00000010";
when "111" => result := "00000001";
when others => result := "XXXXXXXX";
end case;
return result;
end decode_3to8;
function decode_4to16
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_16
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
case code is
when "0000" => result := "1000000000000000";
when "0001" => result := "0100000000000000";
when "0010" => result := "0010000000000000";
when "0011" => result := "0001000000000000";
when "0100" => result := "0000100000000000";
when "0101" => result := "0000010000000000";
when "0110" => result := "0000001000000000";
when "0111" => result := "0000000100000000";
when "1000" => result := "0000000010000000";
when "1001" => result := "0000000001000000";
when "1010" => result := "0000000000100000";
when "1011" => result := "0000000000010000";
when "1100" => result := "0000000000001000";
when "1101" => result := "0000000000000100";
when "1110" => result := "0000000000000010";
when "1111" => result := "0000000000000001";
when others => result := "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
end case;
return result;
end decode_4to16;
function decode_5to32
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_32
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31) ;
case code is
when "00000" => result := "10000000000000000000000000000000";
when "00001" => result := "01000000000000000000000000000000";
when "00010" => result := "00100000000000000000000000000000";
when "00011" => result := "00010000000000000000000000000000";
when "00100" => result := "00001000000000000000000000000000";
when "00101" => result := "00000100000000000000000000000000";
when "00110" => result := "00000010000000000000000000000000";
when "00111" => result := "00000001000000000000000000000000";
when "01000" => result := "00000000100000000000000000000000";
when "01001" => result := "00000000010000000000000000000000";
when "01010" => result := "00000000001000000000000000000000";
when "01011" => result := "00000000000100000000000000000000";
when "01100" => result := "00000000000010000000000000000000";
when "01101" => result := "00000000000001000000000000000000";
when "01110" => result := "00000000000000100000000000000000";
when "01111" => result := "00000000000000010000000000000000";
when "10000" => result := "00000000000000001000000000000000";
when "10001" => result := "00000000000000000100000000000000";
when "10010" => result := "00000000000000000010000000000000";
when "10011" => result := "00000000000000000001000000000000";
when "10100" => result := "00000000000000000000100000000000";
when "10101" => result := "00000000000000000000010000000000";
when "10110" => result := "00000000000000000000001000000000";
when "10111" => result := "00000000000000000000000100000000";
when "11000" => result := "00000000000000000000000010000000";
when "11001" => result := "00000000000000000000000001000000";
when "11010" => result := "00000000000000000000000000100000";
when "11011" => result := "00000000000000000000000000010000";
when "11100" => result := "00000000000000000000000000001000";
when "11101" => result := "00000000000000000000000000000100";
when "11110" => result := "00000000000000000000000000000010";
when "11111" => result := "00000000000000000000000000000001";
end case;
return result;
end decode_5to32;
function decode_6to64
(code : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5)
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
return std_return_64
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63) ;
case code is
when "000000" => result := "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "000001" => result := "0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "000010" => result := "0010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "000011" => result := "0001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "000100" => result := "0000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "000101" => result := "0000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "000110" => result := "0000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "000111" => result := "0000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "001000" => result := "0000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "001001" => result := "0000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "001010" => result := "0000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "001011" => result := "0000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "001100" => result := "0000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "001101" => result := "0000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "001110" => result := "0000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "001111" => result := "0000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "010000" => result := "0000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "010001" => result := "0000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "010010" => result := "0000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "010011" => result := "0000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "010100" => result := "0000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "010101" => result := "0000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "010110" => result := "0000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "010111" => result := "0000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "011000" => result := "0000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "011001" => result := "0000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "011010" => result := "0000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "011011" => result := "0000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "011100" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "011101" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "011110" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000";
when "011111" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000";
when "100000" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000";
when "100001" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000";
when "100010" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000";
when "100011" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000";
when "100100" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000";
when "100101" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000";
when "100110" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000";
when "100111" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000";
when "101000" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000";
when "101001" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000";
when "101010" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000";
when "101011" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000";
when "101100" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000";
when "101101" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000";
when "101110" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000";
when "101111" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000";
when "110000" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000";
when "110001" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000";
when "110010" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000";
when "110011" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000";
when "110100" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000";
when "110101" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000";
when "110110" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000";
when "110111" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000";
when "111000" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000";
when "111001" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000";
when "111010" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000";
when "111011" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000";
when "111100" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000";
when "111101" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100";
when "111110" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010";
when "111111" => result := "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001";
end case;
return result;
end decode_6to64;
-- full adder function
procedure full_add
(add_1 : in std_ulogic ;
add_2 : in std_ulogic ;
cryin : in std_ulogic ;
signal sum : out std_ulogic ;
signal carry : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
sum <= add_1 xor add_2 xor cryin;
carry <= (add_1 and add_2) or
(add_1 and cryin) or
(add_2 and cryin);
end full_add;
procedure full_add
(add_1 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
add_2 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
cryin : in std_ulogic_vector ;
signal sum : out std_ulogic_vector ;
signal carry : out std_ulogic_vector
-- synopsys translate_off
;btr : in string :=""
;blkdata : in string :=""
-- synopsys translate_on
variable sum_result : std_ulogic_vector(sum'range) ;
variable carry_result : std_ulogic_vector(carry'range) ;
-- synopsys translate_off
variable block_data : string(1 to 1) ;
attribute dynamic_block_data of block_data : variable is
"CUE_BTR=/" & btr & "/" &
blkdata ;
-- synopsys translate_on
-- synopsys translate_off
assert (add_1'length = add_2'length)
report "Addends of Full_Add are not the same length."
severity error;
assert (add_1'length = cryin'length) and (add_2'length = cryin'length)
report "Addends of Full_Add are not the same length as the CryIn."
severity error;
-- synopsys translate_on
sum_result := add_1 xor add_2 xor cryin;
carry_result := (add_1 and add_2) or
(add_1 and cryin) or
(add_2 and cryin);
sum <= sum_result ;
carry <= carry_result ;
end full_add;
-- Ripple adder function
procedure ripple_adder
( add_1 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
add_2 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
signal sum : out std_ulogic_vector ;
signal carry : out std_ulogic )
-- Synopsys translate_off
attribute unroll_loop : boolean;
attribute unroll_loop of ripple : label is true;
-- Synopsys translate_on
variable a : std_ulogic_vector(1 to add_1'length) ;
variable b : std_ulogic_vector(1 to add_2'length) ;
variable c : std_ulogic_vector(0 to add_1'length) ;
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(1 to add_1'length) ;
a := add_1;
b := add_2;
c(c'right) := '0' ;
ripple:for i in result'right downto 1 loop
c(i-1) := ( c(i) and a(i) ) or
( c(i) and b(i) ) or
( a(i) and b(i) ) ;
result(i) := a(i) xor b(i) xor c(i) ;
end loop ;
sum <= result ;
carry <= c(c'left) ;
end ripple_adder ;
procedure ripple_adder
( add_1 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
add_2 : in std_ulogic_vector ;
signal sum : out std_ulogic_vector )
-- Synopsys translate_off
attribute unroll_loop : boolean;
attribute unroll_loop of ripple : label is true;
-- Synopsys translate_on
variable a : std_ulogic_vector(1 to add_1'length) ;
variable b : std_ulogic_vector(1 to add_2'length) ;
variable c : std_ulogic_vector(1 to add_1'length) ;
variable result : std_ulogic_vector(1 to add_1'length) ;
a := add_1;
b := add_2;
c(c'right) := '0' ;
ripple:for i in result'right downto 2 loop
c(i-1) := ( c(i) and a(i) ) or
( c(i) and b(i) ) or
( a(i) and b(i) ) ;
result(i) := a(i) xor b(i) xor c(i) ;
end loop ;
result(1) := a(1) xor b(1) xor c(1) ;
sum <= result ;
end ripple_adder ;
-- Dot Functions
function dot_and
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector )
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
result := '1';
for i in in0'range loop
result := in0(i) and result ;
end loop ;
return result;
end dot_and ;
function dot_or
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector )
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
result := '0';
for i in in0'range loop
result := in0(i) or result ;
end loop ;
return result;
end dot_or ;
function clock_tree_dot
(in0 : std_ulogic_vector )
return std_ulogic
variable result : std_ulogic ;
result := '1';
for i in in0'range loop
result := in0(i) and result ;
end loop ;
return result;
end clock_tree_dot ;
function clock_tree_dot
(in0 : bit_vector )
return bit
variable result : bit ;
result := '1';
for i in in0'range loop
result := in0(i) and result ;
end loop ;
return result;
end clock_tree_dot ;
end std_ulogic_function_support;