diff --git a/dev/sim/verilator/readme.md b/dev/sim/verilator/readme.md index 540fb7c..154d978 100644 --- a/dev/sim/verilator/readme.md +++ b/dev/sim/verilator/readme.md @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ obj_dir/Va2owb * debugged several fails near start of test (in issues) - first few are cases of ff behaving incorrectly; syntax changes in trilib got to reaching i=1 ifetches * added CP signals to track completions (/*verilator public*/) and now first isync fails (flushes to @04) -### Verilator Debug +# Verilator Debug * verilator now successfully runs, once the nclk[] changes were completed to separate clk and rst, and remove lcb's driving lclk's