// © IBM Corp. 2020 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by // the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in // compliance with the License as modified. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Modified Terms: // // 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the // License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship // in physical form. // // 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses // necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER // via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded // hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions // of the EULA. // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that // is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are // available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be // obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. `timescale 1 fs / 1 fs //***************************************************************************** // Description: Tri-Lam Array Wrapper // //***************************************************************************** `include "tri_a2o.vh" module tri_64x72_1r1w( vdd, vcs, gnd, nclk, sg_0, abst_sl_thold_0, ary_nsl_thold_0, time_sl_thold_0, repr_sl_thold_0, rd0_act, rd0_adr, do0, wr_act, wr_adr, di, abst_scan_in, abst_scan_out, time_scan_in, time_scan_out, repr_scan_in, repr_scan_out, scan_dis_dc_b, scan_diag_dc, ccflush_dc, clkoff_dc_b, d_mode_dc, mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_dc_b, delay_lclkr_dc, lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0, pc_bo_enable_2, pc_bo_reset, pc_bo_unload, pc_bo_repair, pc_bo_shdata, pc_bo_select, bo_pc_failout, bo_pc_diagloop, tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b, tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b, tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc, tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b, tri_lcb_act_dis_dc, abist_di, abist_bw_odd, abist_bw_even, abist_wr_adr, wr_abst_act, abist_rd0_adr, rd0_abst_act, tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc, abist_ena_1, abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena, abist_raw_dc_b, obs0_abist_cmp ); // Power (* analysis_not_referenced="true" *) inout vdd; (* analysis_not_referenced="true" *) inout vcs; (* analysis_not_referenced="true" *) inout gnd; // Clock Pervasive input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk; input sg_0; input abst_sl_thold_0; input ary_nsl_thold_0; input time_sl_thold_0; input repr_sl_thold_0; // Reads input rd0_act; input [0:5] rd0_adr; output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:72-(64/`GPR_WIDTH)] do0; // Writes input wr_act; input [0:5] wr_adr; input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:72-(64/`GPR_WIDTH)] di; // Scan input abst_scan_in; output abst_scan_out; input time_scan_in; output time_scan_out; input repr_scan_in; output repr_scan_out; // Misc Pervasive input scan_dis_dc_b; input scan_diag_dc; input ccflush_dc; input clkoff_dc_b; input d_mode_dc; input [0:4] mpw1_dc_b; input mpw2_dc_b; input [0:4] delay_lclkr_dc; // BOLT-ON input lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0; input pc_bo_enable_2; // general bolt-on enable input pc_bo_reset; // reset input pc_bo_unload; // unload sticky bits input pc_bo_repair; // execute sticky bit decode input pc_bo_shdata; // shift data for timing write and diag loop input pc_bo_select; // select for mask and hier writes output bo_pc_failout; // fail/no-fix reg output bo_pc_diagloop; input tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b; input tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b; input tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc; input tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b; input tri_lcb_act_dis_dc; // ABIST input [0:3] abist_di; input abist_bw_odd; input abist_bw_even; input [0:5] abist_wr_adr; input wr_abst_act; input [0:5] abist_rd0_adr; input rd0_abst_act; input tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc; input abist_ena_1; input abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena; input abist_raw_dc_b; input [0:3] obs0_abist_cmp; // Configuration Statement for NCsim //for all:RAMB16_S36_S36 use entity unisim.RAMB16_S36_S36; wire clk; wire clk2x; reg [0:8] addra; reg [0:8] addrb; reg wea; reg web; wire [0:71] bdo; wire [0:71] bdi; wire sreset; wire [0:71] tidn; // Latches reg reset_q; reg gate_fq; wire gate_d; wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:72-(64/`GPR_WIDTH)] bdo_d; reg [64-`GPR_WIDTH:72-(64/`GPR_WIDTH)] bdo_fq; wire toggle_d; reg toggle_q; wire toggle2x_d; reg toggle2x_q; (* analysis_not_referenced="true" *) wire unused; generate begin assign tidn = 72'b0; assign clk = nclk[0]; assign clk2x = nclk[2]; assign sreset = nclk[1]; always @(posedge clk) begin: rlatch reset_q <= #10 sreset; end // // NEW clk2x gate logic start // always @(posedge clk) begin: tlatch if (reset_q == 1'b1) toggle_q <= 1'b1; else toggle_q <= toggle_d; end always @(posedge clk2x) begin: flatch toggle2x_q <= toggle2x_d; gate_fq <= gate_d; bdo_fq <= bdo_d; end assign toggle_d = (~toggle_q); assign toggle2x_d = toggle_q; // should force gate_fq to be on during odd 2x clock (second half of 1x clock). //gate_d <= toggle_q xor toggle2x_q; // if you want the first half do the following assign gate_d = (~(toggle_q ^ toggle2x_q)); // // NEW clk2x gate logic end // if (`GPR_WIDTH == 32) begin assign bdi = {tidn[0:31], di[32:63], di[64:70], tidn[71]}; end if (`GPR_WIDTH == 64) begin assign bdi = di[0:71]; end assign bdo_d = bdo[64 - `GPR_WIDTH:72 - (64/`GPR_WIDTH)]; assign do0 = bdo_fq; always @ ( * ) begin wea <= #10 (wr_act & gate_fq); web <= #10 (wr_act & gate_fq); addra <= #10 ((gate_fq == 1'b1) ? {2'b00, wr_adr, 1'b0} : {2'b00, rd0_adr, 1'b0}); addrb <= #10 ((gate_fq == 1'b1) ? {2'b00, wr_adr, 1'b1} : {2'b00, rd0_adr, 1'b1}); end RAMB16_S36_S36 #(.SIM_COLLISION_CHECK("NONE")) // all, none, warning_only, generate_x_only bram0a( .CLKA(clk2x), .CLKB(clk2x), .SSRA(sreset), .SSRB(sreset), .ADDRA(addra), .ADDRB(addrb), .DIA(bdi[00:31]), .DIB(bdi[32:63]), .DIPA(bdi[64:67]), .DIPB(bdi[68:71]), .DOA(bdo[00:31]), .DOB(bdo[32:63]), .DOPA(bdo[64:67]), .DOPB(bdo[68:71]), .ENA(1'b1), .ENB(1'b1), .WEA(wea), .WEB(web) ); assign abst_scan_out = abst_scan_in; assign time_scan_out = time_scan_in; assign repr_scan_out = repr_scan_in; assign bo_pc_failout = 1'b0; assign bo_pc_diagloop = 1'b0; assign unused = | ({nclk[3:`NCLK_WIDTH-1], sg_0, abst_sl_thold_0, ary_nsl_thold_0, time_sl_thold_0, repr_sl_thold_0, scan_dis_dc_b, scan_diag_dc, ccflush_dc, clkoff_dc_b, d_mode_dc, mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_dc_b, delay_lclkr_dc, abist_di, abist_bw_odd, abist_bw_even, abist_wr_adr, abist_rd0_adr, wr_abst_act, rd0_abst_act, tc_lbist_ary_wrt_thru_dc, abist_ena_1, abist_g8t_rd0_comp_ena, abist_raw_dc_b, obs0_abist_cmp, rd0_act, tidn, lcb_bolt_sl_thold_0, pc_bo_enable_2, pc_bo_reset, pc_bo_unload, pc_bo_repair, pc_bo_shdata, pc_bo_select, tri_lcb_mpw1_dc_b, tri_lcb_mpw2_dc_b, tri_lcb_delay_lclkr_dc, tri_lcb_clkoff_dc_b, tri_lcb_act_dis_dc}); end endgenerate endmodule