// © IBM Corp. 2020 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by // the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in // compliance with the License as modified. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Modified Terms: // // 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the // License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship // in physical form. // // 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses // necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER // via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded // hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions // of the EULA. // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that // is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are // available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be // obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. // *!**************************************************************** // *! FILENAME : tri_serial_scom2.v // *! DESCRIPTION : SCOM Satellite // *! Only supports 1:1 ratio // *! // *!**************************************************************** `include "tri_a2o.vh" module tri_serial_scom2( nclk, vdd, gnd, scom_func_thold, sg, act_dis_dc, clkoff_dc_b, mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_dc_b, d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr_dc, func_scan_in, func_scan_out, dcfg_scan_dclk, dcfg_scan_lclk, dcfg_d1clk, dcfg_d2clk, dcfg_lclk, dcfg_scan_in, dcfg_scan_out, scom_local_act, sat_id, scom_dch_in, scom_cch_in, scom_dch_out, scom_cch_out, sc_req, sc_ack, sc_ack_info, sc_r_nw, sc_addr, addr_v, sc_rdata, sc_wdata, sc_wparity, scom_err, fsm_reset ); //===================================================================== // I/O Definition //===================================================================== parameter WIDTH = 64; // 64 is the maximum allowed parameter INTERNAL_ADDR_DECODE = 1'b0; // Made these parameters local (they don't play nice with vhdl wrapper) //parameter [0:WIDTH-1] USE_ADDR = 64'b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; //parameter [0:WIDTH-1] ADDR_IS_RDABLE = 64'b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; //parameter [0:WIDTH-1] ADDR_IS_WRABLE = 64'b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; //parameter [0:WIDTH-1] PIPELINE_ADDR_V = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; parameter PIPELINE_PARITYCHK = 1'b0; // pipeline parcheck for timing parameter SATID_NOBITS = 4; // should not be set by user parameter REGID_NOBITS = 6; parameter RINGID_NOBITS = 3; // clock, scan and misc interfaces input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk; inout vdd; inout gnd; input scom_func_thold; input sg; input act_dis_dc; input clkoff_dc_b; input mpw1_dc_b; input mpw2_dc_b; input d_mode_dc; input delay_lclkr_dc; //lcb_align_0 : in std_ulogic; //! scan chain should evaluate to 0:176 for WIDTH=64 and 6 REGID_NOBITS (=64 SCOM addresses) //! scan chain vector is longer than number of latches being used due to //! vhdl generics formulation and shortings input [0:WIDTH+2*((WIDTH-1)/16+1)+(2**REGID_NOBITS)+40] func_scan_in; output [0:WIDTH+2*((WIDTH-1)/16+1)+(2**REGID_NOBITS)+40] func_scan_out; // for mask slat inside of c_err_rpt input dcfg_scan_dclk; input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] dcfg_scan_lclk; //! for nlats inside of c_err_rpt input dcfg_d1clk; // needed for one bit only, always or scom_local_act clocked dcfg input dcfg_d2clk; // needed for one bit only, always or scom_local_act clocked dcfg input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] dcfg_lclk; // needed for one bit only, always or scom_local_act clocked dcfg // contains mask slat and hold nlat of c_err_rpt input [0:1] dcfg_scan_in; output [0:1] dcfg_scan_out; // denotes SCOM sat active if set to '1', can be used for local clock gating output scom_local_act; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCOM Interface //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCOM satellite ID tied to a specific pattern input [0:SATID_NOBITS-1] sat_id; // SCOM Data Channel input (carry both address and data) input scom_dch_in; // SCOM Control Channel input input scom_cch_in; // SCOM Data Channel output output scom_dch_out; // SCOM Control Channel output output scom_cch_out; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interface between SCOM satellite and internal macro logic //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // denotes a request if asserted to '1', level output sc_req; // acknowledge a pending request with sc_ack_info+sc_rdata+sc_rparity // being valid input sc_ack; // acknowledge information // 0: '1' if access violation, otherwise '0' // 1: '1' if register address invalid input [0:1] sc_ack_info; // '1' if read access, '0' write access output sc_r_nw; // Register address, default 6 bits for up to 64 register addresses output [0:REGID_NOBITS-1] sc_addr; // one-hot address, valid only if INTERNAL_ADDR_DECODE=TRUE, else zeros output [0:WIDTH-1] addr_v; // Read data delivered by macro logic as response to a read request input [0:WIDTH-1] sc_rdata; // Write data delivered from SCOM satellite for a write request output [0:WIDTH-1] sc_wdata; // Write data parity bit over sc_wdata, optional usage output sc_wparity; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // parity error of fsm state vector, wire to next local fir output scom_err; // reset fsm (optional), tie to '0' if unused input fsm_reset; //===================================================================== // Signal Declarations //===================================================================== parameter [0:WIDTH-1] USE_ADDR = 64'b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; parameter [0:WIDTH-1] ADDR_IS_RDABLE = 64'b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; parameter [0:WIDTH-1] ADDR_IS_WRABLE = 64'b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; parameter [0:WIDTH-1] PIPELINE_ADDR_V = 64'b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; parameter STATE_WIDTH = 5; parameter PAR_NOBITS = (WIDTH - 1)/16 + 1; parameter REG_NOBITS = REGID_NOBITS; parameter SATID_REGID_NOBITS = SATID_NOBITS + REGID_NOBITS; parameter RW_BIT_INDEX = SATID_REGID_NOBITS + 1; parameter PARBIT_INDEX = RW_BIT_INDEX + 1; parameter HEAD_WIDTH = PARBIT_INDEX + 1; parameter [0:HEAD_WIDTH-1] HEAD_INIT = 13'b0000000000000; // 0123Parity parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] IDLE = 5'b00000; // 0 = x00 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] REC_HEAD = 5'b00011; // 1 = x03 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] CHECK_BEFORE= 5'b00101; // 2 = x05 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] REC_WDATA = 5'b00110; // 3 = x06 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] REC_WPAR = 5'b01001; // 4 = x09 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] EXE_CMD = 5'b01010; // 5 = x0A parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] FILLER0 = 5'b01100; // 6 = x0C parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] FILLER1 = 5'b01111; // 7 = x0F parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] GEN_ULINFO = 5'b10001; // 8 = x11 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] SEND_ULINFO = 5'b10010; // 9 = x12 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] SEND_RDATA = 5'b10100; // 10 = x14 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] SEND_0 = 5'b10111; // 11 = x17 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] SEND_1 = 5'b11000; // 12 = x18 parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] CHECK_WPAR = 5'b11011; // 13 = x1B // 14 = x1D parameter [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] NOT_SELECTED= 5'b11110; // 15 = x1E parameter EOF_WDATA = PARBIT_INDEX - 1 + 64; // here max width, it is 64 parameter EOF_WPAR = EOF_WDATA + 4; parameter EOF_WDATA_N = PARBIT_INDEX - 1 + WIDTH; parameter EOF_WPAR_M = EOF_WDATA + PAR_NOBITS; parameter CNT_SIZE = 7; wire is_idle; wire is_rec_head; wire is_check_before; wire is_rec_wdata; wire is_rec_wpar; wire is_exe_cmd; wire is_gen_ulinfo; wire is_send_ulinfo; wire is_send_rdata; wire is_send_0; wire is_send_1; wire is_filler_0; wire is_filler_1; reg [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] next_state; wire [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] state_in; wire [0:STATE_WIDTH-1] state_lt; wire dch_lt; wire [0:1] cch_in; wire [0:1] cch_lt; wire reset; wire got_head; wire gor_eofwdata; wire got_eofwpar; wire sent_rdata; wire got_ulhead; wire do_send_par; wire cntgtheadpluswidth; wire cntgteofwdataplusparity; wire p0_err; wire any_ack_error; wire match; wire do_write; wire do_read; wire [0:CNT_SIZE-1] cnt_in; wire [0:CNT_SIZE-1] cnt_lt; wire [0:HEAD_WIDTH-1] head_in; wire [0:HEAD_WIDTH-1] head_lt; wire [0:4] tail_in; wire [0:4] tail_lt; wire [0:1] sc_ack_info_in; wire [0:1] sc_ack_info_lt; wire head_mux; wire [0:WIDTH-1] data_shifter_in; wire [0:WIDTH-1] data_shifter_lt; wire [0:63] data_shifter_lt_tmp; wire [0:PAR_NOBITS-1] datapar_shifter_in; wire [0:PAR_NOBITS-1] datapar_shifter_lt; wire data_mux; wire par_mux; wire dch_out_internal_in; wire dch_out_internal_lt; wire parity_satid_regaddr; wire func_force; wire func_thold_b; wire d1clk; wire d2clk; wire [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] lclk; wire local_act; wire local_act_int; wire scom_err_in; wire scom_err_lt; wire scom_local_act_in; wire scom_local_act_lt; wire wpar_err; wire [0:PAR_NOBITS-1] par_data_in; wire [0:PAR_NOBITS-1] par_data_lt; wire [0:PAR_NOBITS-1] sc_rparity; wire read_valid; wire write_valid; wire [0:WIDTH-1] dec_addr_in; wire [0:WIDTH-1] dec_addr_q; wire addr_nvld; wire write_nvld; wire read_nvld; wire state_par_error; wire [0:SATID_NOBITS-1] sat_id_net; wire spare_latch1_in; wire spare_latch1_lt; wire spare_latch2_in; wire spare_latch2_lt; // Don't reference unused inputs: (* analysis_not_referenced="true" *) wire [0:1] unused; (* analysis_not_referenced="true" *) wire unused_signals; tri_lcbor lcbor_func( .clkoff_b(clkoff_dc_b), .thold(scom_func_thold), .sg(sg), .act_dis(act_dis_dc), .force_t(func_force), .thold_b(func_thold_b) ); tri_lcbnd lcb_func( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(local_act_int), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .nclk(nclk), .force_t(func_force), .sg(sg), .thold_b(func_thold_b), //-------------------------- .d1clk(d1clk), .d2clk(d2clk), .lclk(lclk) ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tri_err_rpt #(.WIDTH(1), // use to bundle error reporting checkers of the same exact type .INLINE(1'b0), // make hold latch be inline .MASK_RESET_VALUE(1'b0), // do not report address and data parity errors by default .NEEDS_SRESET(1) // since already reported to PCB through error reply ) parity_err( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .err_d1clk(dcfg_d1clk), .err_d2clk(dcfg_d2clk), .err_lclk(dcfg_lclk), .err_scan_in(dcfg_scan_in[0:0]), .err_scan_out(dcfg_scan_out[0:0]), .mode_dclk(dcfg_scan_dclk), .mode_lclk(dcfg_scan_lclk), .mode_scan_in(dcfg_scan_in[1:1]), .mode_scan_out(dcfg_scan_out[1:1]), //-------------------------- .err_in(state_par_error), .err_out(scom_err_in) ); assign scom_err = scom_err_lt; // drive this output with a latch / 1.35 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fill spares of scan vector assign func_scan_out[STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+(2*PAR_NOBITS)+HEAD_WIDTH+22+(2**REGID_NOBITS):WIDTH+(2*((WIDTH-1)/16+1))+(2**REGID_NOBITS)+40] = func_scan_in[ STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+(2*PAR_NOBITS)+HEAD_WIDTH+22+(2**REGID_NOBITS):WIDTH+(2*((WIDTH-1)/16+1))+(2**REGID_NOBITS)+40]; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign sat_id_net = sat_id; assign cch_in = {scom_cch_in, cch_lt[0]}; assign reset = (cch_lt[0] & (~scom_cch_in)) | // with falling edge of scom_cch_in fsm_reset | // or with fsm_reset scom_err_lt; // MP timing fix -- or state_par_error; assign local_act = (|{scom_cch_in, cch_lt}); // active with scom_cch_in and as long as cch_lt assign local_act_int = local_act | scom_local_act_lt; // MP... and scom_local_act_lt is cleared assign scom_local_act_in = local_act; // drive this output with a latch / 1.35 assign scom_local_act = scom_local_act_lt; assign scom_cch_out = cch_lt[0]; assign dch_out_internal_in = (is_send_ulinfo == 1'b1) ? head_lt[0] : (is_send_0 == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : (is_send_1 == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : ((is_send_rdata & (~do_send_par)) == 1'b1) ? data_shifter_lt[0] : ((is_send_rdata & do_send_par) == 1'b1) ? datapar_shifter_lt[0] : dch_lt; assign scom_dch_out = dch_out_internal_lt; assign sc_req = is_exe_cmd; assign sc_addr = head_lt[SATID_NOBITS + 1:SATID_REGID_NOBITS]; assign sc_r_nw = head_lt[RW_BIT_INDEX]; assign sc_wdata = data_shifter_lt; assign sc_wparity = (^datapar_shifter_lt); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FSM: serial => parallel => serial state machine // always @(state_lt or got_head or gor_eofwdata or got_eofwpar or got_ulhead or sent_rdata or p0_err or any_ack_error or match or do_write or do_read or cch_lt[0] or dch_lt or sc_ack or wpar_err or read_nvld) begin: fsm_transition next_state <= state_lt; case (state_lt) IDLE : if (dch_lt == 1'b1) next_state <= REC_HEAD; REC_HEAD : if ((got_head) == 1'b1) next_state <= CHECK_BEFORE; CHECK_BEFORE : if (match == 1'b0) next_state <= NOT_SELECTED; else if (((read_nvld | p0_err) & do_read) == 1'b1) next_state <= FILLER0; else if (((~p0_err) & (~read_nvld) & do_read) == 1'b1) next_state <= EXE_CMD; else next_state <= REC_WDATA; REC_WDATA : if (gor_eofwdata == 1'b1) next_state <= REC_WPAR; REC_WPAR : if ((got_eofwpar & (~p0_err)) == 1'b1) // next_state <= EXE_CMD; next_state <= CHECK_WPAR; else if ((got_eofwpar & p0_err) == 1'b1) next_state <= FILLER0; CHECK_WPAR : if (wpar_err == 1'b0) next_state <= EXE_CMD; else next_state <= FILLER1; EXE_CMD : if (sc_ack == 1'b1) next_state <= FILLER1; FILLER0 : next_state <= FILLER1; FILLER1 : next_state <= GEN_ULINFO; GEN_ULINFO : next_state <= SEND_ULINFO; SEND_ULINFO : if ((got_ulhead & (do_write | (do_read & any_ack_error))) == 1'b1) next_state <= SEND_0; else if ((got_ulhead & do_read & (~any_ack_error)) == 1'b1) next_state <= SEND_RDATA; SEND_RDATA : if (sent_rdata == 1'b1) next_state <= SEND_0; SEND_0 : next_state <= SEND_1; SEND_1 : next_state <= IDLE; NOT_SELECTED : if (cch_lt[0] == 1'b0) next_state <= IDLE; default : next_state <= IDLE; endcase end assign state_in = (local_act == 1'b0) ? state_lt : (reset == 1'b1) ? IDLE : next_state; assign state_par_error = (^state_lt); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign is_idle = (state_lt == IDLE); assign is_rec_head = (state_lt == REC_HEAD); assign is_check_before = (state_lt == CHECK_BEFORE); assign is_rec_wdata = (state_lt == REC_WDATA); assign is_rec_wpar = (state_lt == REC_WPAR); assign is_exe_cmd = (state_lt == EXE_CMD); assign is_gen_ulinfo = (state_lt == GEN_ULINFO); assign is_send_ulinfo = (state_lt == SEND_ULINFO); assign is_send_rdata = (state_lt == SEND_RDATA); assign is_send_0 = (state_lt == SEND_0); assign is_send_1 = (state_lt == SEND_1); assign is_filler_0 = (state_lt == FILLER0); assign is_filler_1 = (state_lt == FILLER1); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign cnt_in = ((is_idle | is_gen_ulinfo) == 1'b1) ? 7'b0000000 : ((is_rec_head | is_check_before | is_rec_wdata | is_rec_wpar | is_send_ulinfo | is_send_rdata | is_send_0 | is_send_1) == 1'b1) ? cnt_lt + 7'b0000001 : cnt_lt; // downlink head (command) has been received when start bit, satellite id and register id have been received assign got_head = ({{32-CNT_SIZE{1'b0}},cnt_lt} == (1 + SATID_NOBITS + REGID_NOBITS)); // uplink head (response) has been received when start bit, satellite id, register id and 4 ack bits have been received assign got_ulhead = ({{32-CNT_SIZE{1'b0}},cnt_lt} == (1 + SATID_NOBITS + REGID_NOBITS + 4)); assign gor_eofwdata = ({{32-CNT_SIZE{1'b0}},cnt_lt} == EOF_WDATA); assign got_eofwpar = ({{32-CNT_SIZE{1'b0}},cnt_lt} == EOF_WPAR); // for sent_rdata: 1 start, 10 sat_id + reg, 4 ack, 1 p, 64 data = 84, but count from 0 is 1st bit => 83 is end assign sent_rdata = (cnt_lt == 7'd83); assign cntgtheadpluswidth = ({{32-CNT_SIZE{1'b0}},cnt_lt} > EOF_WDATA_N); assign cntgteofwdataplusparity = ({{32-CNT_SIZE{1'b0}},cnt_lt} > EOF_WPAR_M); assign do_send_par = ({{32-CNT_SIZE{1'b0}},cnt_lt} > 79); // 78 bits=15 ulhead + 64 data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shift downlink command (for this or any subsequent satellite) or uplink response (from previous satellite) assign head_in[HEAD_WIDTH-2:HEAD_WIDTH-1] = ((is_rec_head | (is_idle & dch_lt)) == 1'b1) ? {head_lt[HEAD_WIDTH-1], dch_lt} : head_lt[HEAD_WIDTH-2:HEAD_WIDTH-1]; assign head_in[0:SATID_REGID_NOBITS] = ((is_rec_head | is_send_ulinfo) == 1'b1) ? {head_lt[1:SATID_REGID_NOBITS], head_mux} : head_lt[0:SATID_REGID_NOBITS]; assign head_mux = (is_rec_head == 1'b1) ? head_lt[RW_BIT_INDEX] : tail_lt[0]; // calculate parity P0 of uplink frame assign tail_in[4] = (is_gen_ulinfo == 1'b1 & (INTERNAL_ADDR_DECODE == 1'b0)) ? (^({parity_satid_regaddr, tail_lt[0], (wpar_err & do_write), sc_ack_info_lt[0:1]})) : (is_gen_ulinfo == 1'b1 & (INTERNAL_ADDR_DECODE == 1'b1)) ? (^({parity_satid_regaddr, tail_lt[0], (wpar_err & do_write), (write_nvld | read_nvld), addr_nvld})) : tail_lt[4]; // copy sampled ack_info coming from logic assign tail_in[2:3] = (is_gen_ulinfo == 1'b1 & INTERNAL_ADDR_DECODE == 1'b0) ? sc_ack_info_lt[0:1] : (is_gen_ulinfo == 1'b1 & INTERNAL_ADDR_DECODE == 1'b1) ? {(write_nvld | read_nvld), addr_nvld} : (is_send_ulinfo == 1'b1) ? tail_lt[3:4] : // shift out tail_lt[2:3]; // Write Data Parity error assign tail_in[1] = (is_gen_ulinfo == 1'b1) ? (wpar_err & do_write) : // parity error on write operation (is_send_ulinfo == 1'b1) ? tail_lt[2] : // shift out tail_lt[1]; // parity check of of downlink P0 yields error assign tail_in[0] = (is_check_before == 1'b1) ? (~p0_err) : // set to '1' if a downlink parity error is detected by satellite, otherwise '0' (is_send_ulinfo == 1'b1) ? tail_lt[1] : // shift out tail_lt[0]; // sample and hold ack_info, one spare bit assign sc_ack_info_in = ((is_exe_cmd & sc_ack) == 1'b1) ? sc_ack_info : (is_idle == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : sc_ack_info_lt; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign do_write = (~do_read); assign do_read = head_lt[RW_BIT_INDEX]; assign match = (head_lt[1:SATID_NOBITS] == sat_id_net); // if downlink parity error then set p0_err assign p0_err = (is_check_before & (^(head_lt[1:PARBIT_INDEX]))); // why constant 11 here: ??? // first part sat id; second part reg address (curr. 6 bits) => 10 instead of 11 // now new constant SATID_REGID_NOBITS assign parity_satid_regaddr = (^{sat_id_net, head_lt[SATID_NOBITS+1:SATID_REGID_NOBITS]}); assign any_ack_error = (|sc_ack_info_lt); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign data_mux = ((is_check_before | is_rec_wdata) == 1'b1) ? dch_lt : 1'b0; assign data_shifter_in = ((is_check_before | (is_rec_wdata & (~cntgtheadpluswidth)) | is_send_rdata) == 1'b1) ? {data_shifter_lt[1:WIDTH-1], data_mux} : ((is_exe_cmd & sc_ack & do_read) == 1'b1) ? sc_rdata : data_shifter_lt; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // parity handling assign par_mux = ((is_rec_wpar) == 1'b1) ? dch_lt : 1'b0; // receiving parity: shift when receiving write data parity // sending parity of read data: shift when sending read data parity // latch generated parity of read data when read data is accepted assign datapar_shifter_in = (((is_rec_wpar & (~cntgteofwdataplusparity)) | (is_send_rdata & do_send_par)) == 1'b1) ? {datapar_shifter_lt[1:PAR_NOBITS-1], par_mux} : ((is_filler_1 == 1'b1)) ? sc_rparity : datapar_shifter_lt; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign data_shifter_lt_tmp[0:WIDTH-1] = data_shifter_lt; generate if (WIDTH < 64) begin : data_shifter_padding assign data_shifter_lt_tmp[WIDTH:63] = {64-WIDTH {1'b0}}; end endgenerate generate begin : xhdl0 genvar i; for (i=0; i<=PAR_NOBITS-1; i=i+1) begin : wdata_par_check assign par_data_in[i] = (^data_shifter_lt_tmp[16*i:16*(i+1)-1]); end end endgenerate generate if (PIPELINE_PARITYCHK == 1'b1) begin : wdata_par_check_pipe tri_nlat_scan #(.WIDTH(PAR_NOBITS), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) state( .d1clk(d1clk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .lclk(lclk), .d2clk(d2clk), .scan_in(func_scan_in[ STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+PAR_NOBITS+HEAD_WIDTH+22:STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+(2*PAR_NOBITS)+HEAD_WIDTH+21]), .scan_out(func_scan_out[STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+PAR_NOBITS+HEAD_WIDTH+22:STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+(2*PAR_NOBITS)+HEAD_WIDTH+21]), .din(par_data_in), .q(par_data_lt) ); end endgenerate generate if (PIPELINE_PARITYCHK == 1'b0) begin : wdata_par_check_nopipe assign par_data_lt = par_data_in; assign func_scan_out[STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+PAR_NOBITS+HEAD_WIDTH+22:STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+(2*PAR_NOBITS)+HEAD_WIDTH+21] = func_scan_in[ STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+PAR_NOBITS+HEAD_WIDTH+22:STATE_WIDTH+WIDTH+(2*PAR_NOBITS)+HEAD_WIDTH+21]; end endgenerate assign wpar_err = (^{par_data_lt, datapar_shifter_lt}); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate begin : xhdl1 genvar i; for (i=0; i<=PAR_NOBITS-1; i=i+1) begin : rdata_parity_gen assign sc_rparity[i] = (^data_shifter_lt_tmp[16*i:16*(i+1)-1]); end end endgenerate //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------- // address decoding section // Generate onehot Address (binary to one-hot) //----------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate if (INTERNAL_ADDR_DECODE == 1'b1) begin : internal_addr_decoding //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- genvar i; for (i=0; i