// simple verilator top /* doesn't build on 4.106 (at least) */ #define TRACING #include #include #include #include "verilated.h" #include "Vc.h" #ifdef TRACING #include "verilated_vcd_c.h" VerilatedVcdC *t; #else unsigned int t = 0; #endif /* #include "uart/uartsim.h" */ Vc* m; vluint64_t main_time = 0; // in units of timeprecision used in verilog or --timescale-override // what is it? it changed to 941621251 after calling loadmem() double sc_time_stamp() { // $time in verilog return main_time; } const int resetCycle = 10; const int threadRunCycle = 200; const int runCycles = 1000; const int hbCycles = 500; const int threads = 1; // needs a more realistic a2l2 data return to work in smt /* 143 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 144 # enable smt2 and branch in different locs (driver returns b +64 if doesnt hit actual ops) 145 # 32b mode until msr[32]=1 146 147 0344 480000BC .align 8 147 60000000 147 60000000 147 60000000 147 60000000 148 boot_start: 149 150 0400 38200003 li r1,0x3 151 0404 7C366BA6 mtspr tens,r1 # 62:63 = tid 1:0 enabled 152 0408 7C3E6AA6 mfspr r1,tir # who am i? *** appears to need an isync here! cr is not correct w/o it (old r1?) 153 040c 2C010000 cmpwi r1,0x00 154 0410 38202000 li r1,0x2000 # change to use 660 so stay in page 0 155 0414 41820008 beq t0 156 t1: 157 0418 5421103A slwi r1,r1,2 # change to addi so stay in page 0 158 t0: 160 041c 7C2903A6 mtctr r1 161 0420 4E800420 bctr # off to neverneverland 162 041c 7C2FCBA6 mtspr tar,r1 163 0420 4E800460 bctar 0x14,0,0 4C00012C isync */ int mem[1024]; // 4B*1K void loadmem(void) { int adr; mem[0x0000/4] = 0x48000400; adr = 0x400/4; mem[adr++] = threads == 1 ? 0x38200001 : 0x38200003; mem[adr++] = 0x7C366BA6; mem[adr++] = 0x7C366BA6; mem[adr++] = 0x7C3E6AA6; mem[adr++] = 0x4C00012C; mem[adr++] = 0x2C010000; mem[adr++] = 0x38200660; mem[adr++] = 0x41820008; mem[adr++] = 0x38210100; mem[adr++] = 0x7C2903A6; mem[adr++] = 0x4E800420; } // nclk = (clk,reset,clk2x,clk4x,-,-) int main(int argc, char **argv) { using namespace std; loadmem(); cout << setfill('0'); Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv); m = new Vc; #ifdef TRACING Verilated::traceEverOn(true); t = new VerilatedVcdC; m->trace(t, 99); t->open("wtf.vcd"); cout << "Tracing enabled." << endl; #endif bool resetDone = false; unsigned int threadStop = 0x3; unsigned int tick = 0; unsigned int cycle = 1; unsigned int readPending = 0; unsigned int readAddr = 0; unsigned int readTag = 0; unsigned int readTID = 0; unsigned int countReads = 0; m->nclk = 0x3C; // run 2x,4x = 1x cout << setw(8) << cycle << "Resetting..." << endl; m->an_ac_pm_thread_stop = threadStop; cout << setw(8) << cycle << "Thread stop=" << threadStop << endl; // can skip 4x with new gpr array // 1x=4/4 2x=2/2 4x=1/1 // 1 1 1 7 // 1 1 0 6 // 1 0 1 5 // 1 0 0 4 // 0 1 1 3 // 0 1 0 2 // 0 0 1 1 // 0 0 0 0 // (insert reset) //const int clocks[8] = {11, 0, 11, 0, 11, 0, 11, 0}; // 2x,4x == 1x const int clocks[8] = {11, 10, 9, 8, 3, 2, 1, 0}; // 1x, 2x, 4x const int ticks1x = 8; while (!Verilated::gotFinish()) { if (!resetDone && (cycle > resetCycle)) { m->nclk &= 0x2F; cout << setw(8) << cycle << "Releasing reset." << endl; resetDone = true; } if (threadStop && (cycle > threadRunCycle)) { threadStop = 0x0; m->an_ac_pm_thread_stop = threadStop; cout << setw(8) << cycle << "Thread stop=" << threadStop << endl; } m->nclk = (m->nclk & 0x10) | (clocks[tick % ticks1x] << 2); tick++; m->eval(); // bus is 1x clock if ((tick % ticks1x) == 0) { if (readPending == cycle) { // i=1 m->an_ac_reld_data_vld = 1; m->an_ac_reld_core_tag = readTag; m->an_ac_reld_qw = 0; m->an_ac_reld_crit_qw = 1; if (readAddr == 0xFFFFFFF0) { m->an_ac_reld_data[3]= 0x00000000; // 0 m->an_ac_reld_data[2]= 0x00000000; // 4 m->an_ac_reld_data[1]= 0x00000000; // 8 m->an_ac_reld_data[0]= 0x48000002; // C } else if (readAddr < 0x0500) { m->an_ac_reld_data[3]= mem[readAddr/4+0]; m->an_ac_reld_data[2]= mem[readAddr/4+1]; m->an_ac_reld_data[1]= mem[readAddr/4+2]; m->an_ac_reld_data[0]= mem[readAddr/4+3]; } else { m->an_ac_reld_data[3]= 0x48000040; m->an_ac_reld_data[2]= 0x00000000; m->an_ac_reld_data[1]= 0x00000000; m->an_ac_reld_data[0]= 0x00000000; } readPending = 0; countReads++; cout << setw(8) << cycle << " an_ac_rsp: data="<< hex << uppercase << setw(8) << m->an_ac_reld_data[3] << hex << uppercase << setw(8) << m->an_ac_reld_data[2] << hex << uppercase << setw(8) << m->an_ac_reld_data[1] << hex << uppercase << setw(8) << m->an_ac_reld_data[0] << dec << nouppercase << endl; } else { m->an_ac_reld_data_vld = 0; } m->an_ac_req_ld_pop = 0; if (!readPending && m->ac_an_req) { readAddr = m->ac_an_req_ra; readTag = m->ac_an_req_ld_core_tag; readTID = m->ac_an_req_thread; readPending = cycle + 3; cout << setw(8) << cycle << " ac_an_req: T" << readTID << " ra=" << hex << uppercase << setw(8) << readAddr << dec << nouppercase << endl; m->an_ac_req_ld_pop = 1; } } // finish clock stuff if ((tick % ticks1x) == 0) { cycle++; if ((cycle % hbCycles) == 0) { cout << setw(8) << cycle << " ...tick..." << endl; } } #ifdef TRACING t->dump(tick); t->flush(); #endif // check for fails // hit limit if (cycle > runCycles) { break; } } #ifdef TRACING t->close(); #endif m->final(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }