// © IBM Corp. 2020 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by // the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in // compliance with the License as modified. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Modified Terms: // // 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the // License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship // in physical form. // // 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses // necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER // via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded // hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions // of the EULA. // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that // is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are // available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be // obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. `timescale 1 ns / 1 ns // Description: LQ SFX Decode //***************************************************************************** `include "tri_a2o.vh" module lq_dec( nclk, vdd, gnd, d_mode_dc, delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_dc_b, func_sl_force, func_sl_thold_0_b, func_slp_sl_force, func_slp_sl_thold_0_b, sg_0, scan_in, scan_out, xu_lq_spr_msr_gs, xu_lq_spr_msr_pr, xu_lq_spr_msr_ucle, xu_lq_spr_msrp_uclep, xu_lq_spr_ccr2_en_pc, xu_lq_spr_ccr2_en_ditc, xu_lq_spr_ccr2_en_icswx, iu_lq_cp_flush, rv_lq_vld, rv_lq_ex0_itag, rv_lq_ex0_instr, rv_lq_ex0_ucode, rv_lq_ex0_ucode_cnt, rv_lq_ex0_t1_v, rv_lq_ex0_t1_p, rv_lq_ex0_t3_p, rv_lq_ex0_s1_v, rv_lq_ex0_s2_v, dcc_dec_hold_all, xu_lq_hold_req, mm_lq_hold_req, mm_lq_hold_done, lq_rv_itag0_vld, lq_rv_itag0, lq_rv_itag0_abort, lq_rv_hold_all, lq_rv_gpr_ex6_we, lq_xu_gpr_ex5_we, lq_xu_ex5_act, dec_byp_ex1_s1_vld, dec_byp_ex1_s2_vld, dec_byp_ex1_use_imm, dec_byp_ex1_imm, dec_byp_ex1_rs1_zero, dec_byp_ex0_stg_act, dec_byp_ex1_stg_act, dec_byp_ex5_stg_act, dec_byp_ex6_stg_act, dec_byp_ex7_stg_act, byp_dec_ex2_req_aborted, byp_dec_ex1_s1_abort, byp_dec_ex1_s2_abort, pf_dec_req_addr, pf_dec_req_thrd, pf_dec_req_val, dec_pf_ack, lsq_ctl_sync_in_stq, lsq_ctl_stq_release_itag_vld, lsq_ctl_stq_release_itag, lsq_ctl_stq_release_tid, lsq_ctl_rv0_back_inv, lsq_ctl_rv1_back_inv_addr, dcc_dec_arr_rd_rv1_val, dcc_dec_arr_rd_congr_cl, dir_dec_rel3_dir_wr_val, dir_dec_rel3_dir_wr_addr, dcc_dec_stq3_mftgpr_val, dcc_dec_stq5_mftgpr_val, derat_rv1_snoop_val, derat_dec_rv1_snoop_addr, derat_dec_hole_all, dec_dcc_ex1_cmd_act, ctl_dat_ex1_data_act, dec_derat_ex1_derat_act, dec_dir_ex2_dir_rd_act, dec_derat_ex1_pfetch_val, dec_spr_ex1_valid, dec_dcc_ex1_expt_det, dec_dcc_ex1_priv_prog, dec_dcc_ex1_hypv_prog, dec_dcc_ex1_illeg_prog, dec_dcc_ex1_dlock_excp, dec_dcc_ex1_ilock_excp, dec_dcc_ex1_ehpriv_excp, dec_dcc_ex1_ucode_val, dec_dcc_ex1_ucode_cnt, dec_dcc_ex1_ucode_op, dec_dcc_ex1_sfx_val, dec_dcc_ex1_cache_acc, dec_dcc_ex1_thrd_id, dec_dcc_ex1_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_optype1, dec_dcc_ex1_optype2, dec_dcc_ex1_optype4, dec_dcc_ex1_optype8, dec_dcc_ex1_optype16, dec_dcc_ex1_optype32, dec_dcc_ex1_target_gpr, dec_dcc_ex1_load_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_store_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_dcbf_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_sync_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_mbar_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_makeitso_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_l_fld, dec_dcc_ex1_dcbi_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_dcbz_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_dcbt_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_pfetch_val, dec_dcc_ex1_dcbtst_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_th_fld, dec_dcc_ex1_dcbtls_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_dcbtstls_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_dcblc_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_dci_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_dcbst_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_icbi_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_ici_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_icblc_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_icbt_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_icbtls_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_tlbsync_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_resv_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_cr_fld, dec_dcc_ex1_mutex_hint, dec_dcc_ex1_axu_op_val, dec_dcc_ex1_axu_falign, dec_dcc_ex1_axu_fexcpt, dec_dcc_ex1_axu_instr_type, dec_dcc_ex1_upd_form, dec_dcc_ex1_algebraic, dec_dcc_ex1_strg_index, dec_dcc_ex1_src_gpr, dec_dcc_ex1_src_axu, dec_dcc_ex1_src_dp, dec_dcc_ex1_targ_gpr, dec_dcc_ex1_targ_axu, dec_dcc_ex1_targ_dp, dec_derat_ex1_is_load, dec_derat_ex1_is_store, dec_derat_ex0_val, dec_derat_ex0_is_extload, dec_derat_ex0_is_extstore, dec_derat_ex1_ra_eq_ea, dec_derat_ex1_byte_rev, dec_derat_ex1_is_touch, dec_dcc_ex1_is_msgsnd, dec_dcc_ex1_mtspr_trace, dec_dcc_ex1_mword_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_icswx_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_icswxdot_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_icswx_epid, dec_dcc_ex1_ldawx_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_wclr_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_wchk_instr, dec_dcc_ex1_itag, dec_dcc_ex2_rotsel_ovrd, dec_dcc_ex3_mtdp_val, dec_dcc_ex3_mfdp_val, dec_dcc_ex3_ipc_ba, dec_dcc_ex3_ipc_sz, dec_ex2_is_any_load_dac, dec_ex2_is_any_store_dac, dec_dcc_ex5_req_abort_rpt, dec_dcc_ex5_axu_abort_rpt, ctl_lsq_ex_pipe_full, dcc_dec_ex5_wren ); //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generics //------------------------------------------------------------------- //parameter EXPAND_TYPE = 2; //parameter `GPR_WIDTH_ENC = 6; //parameter `XER_POOL_ENC = 4; //parameter `CR_POOL_ENC = 5; //parameter `GPR_POOL_ENC = 6; //parameter `AXU_SPARE_ENC = 3; //parameter `CL_SIZE = 6; //parameter `REAL_IFAR_WIDTH = 42; //parameter `UCODE_ENTRIES_ENC = 3; //parameter `THREADS = 2; //parameter `THREADS_POOL_ENC = 1; //parameter `ITAG_SIZE_ENC = 7; inout vdd; inout gnd; (* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/G_CLK/CAP_LIMIT=/99999/" *) input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk; input d_mode_dc; input delay_lclkr_dc; input mpw1_dc_b; input mpw2_dc_b; input func_sl_force; input func_sl_thold_0_b; input func_slp_sl_force; input func_slp_sl_thold_0_b; input sg_0; (* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) input scan_in; (* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) output scan_out; input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_lq_spr_msr_gs; input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_lq_spr_msr_pr; input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_lq_spr_msr_ucle; input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_lq_spr_msrp_uclep; input xu_lq_spr_ccr2_en_pc; input xu_lq_spr_ccr2_en_ditc; input xu_lq_spr_ccr2_en_icswx; input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_lq_cp_flush; input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_lq_vld; input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_lq_ex0_itag; input [0:31] rv_lq_ex0_instr; input [0:1] rv_lq_ex0_ucode; input [0:`UCODE_ENTRIES_ENC-1] rv_lq_ex0_ucode_cnt; input rv_lq_ex0_t1_v; input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_lq_ex0_t1_p; input [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_lq_ex0_t3_p; input rv_lq_ex0_s1_v; input rv_lq_ex0_s2_v; input dcc_dec_hold_all; input xu_lq_hold_req; input mm_lq_hold_req; input mm_lq_hold_done; output [0:`THREADS-1] lq_rv_itag0_vld; output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_rv_itag0; output lq_rv_itag0_abort; output lq_rv_hold_all; output lq_rv_gpr_ex6_we; output lq_xu_gpr_ex5_we; output lq_xu_ex5_act; output dec_byp_ex1_s1_vld; output dec_byp_ex1_s2_vld; output dec_byp_ex1_use_imm; output [64-(2**`GPR_WIDTH_ENC):63] dec_byp_ex1_imm; output dec_byp_ex1_rs1_zero; output dec_byp_ex0_stg_act; output dec_byp_ex1_stg_act; output dec_byp_ex5_stg_act; output dec_byp_ex6_stg_act; output dec_byp_ex7_stg_act; input byp_dec_ex2_req_aborted; input byp_dec_ex1_s1_abort; input byp_dec_ex1_s2_abort; input [64-(2**`GPR_WIDTH_ENC):63-`CL_SIZE] pf_dec_req_addr; input [0:`THREADS-1] pf_dec_req_thrd; input pf_dec_req_val; output dec_pf_ack; input lsq_ctl_sync_in_stq; input lsq_ctl_stq_release_itag_vld; input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lsq_ctl_stq_release_itag; input [0:`THREADS-1] lsq_ctl_stq_release_tid; input lsq_ctl_rv0_back_inv; input [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63-`CL_SIZE] lsq_ctl_rv1_back_inv_addr; input dcc_dec_arr_rd_rv1_val; input [0:5] dcc_dec_arr_rd_congr_cl; input dir_dec_rel3_dir_wr_val; // Reload Directory Write Stage is valid input [64-(`DC_SIZE-3):63-`CL_SIZE] dir_dec_rel3_dir_wr_addr; // Reload Directory Write Address input dcc_dec_stq3_mftgpr_val; input dcc_dec_stq5_mftgpr_val; input derat_rv1_snoop_val; input [0:51] derat_dec_rv1_snoop_addr; input derat_dec_hole_all; output dec_dcc_ex1_cmd_act; output ctl_dat_ex1_data_act; output dec_derat_ex1_derat_act; output dec_dir_ex2_dir_rd_act; output [0:`THREADS-1] dec_derat_ex1_pfetch_val; output [0:`THREADS-1] dec_spr_ex1_valid; output dec_dcc_ex1_expt_det; output dec_dcc_ex1_priv_prog; output dec_dcc_ex1_hypv_prog; output dec_dcc_ex1_illeg_prog; output dec_dcc_ex1_dlock_excp; output dec_dcc_ex1_ilock_excp; output dec_dcc_ex1_ehpriv_excp; output dec_dcc_ex1_ucode_val; output [0:`UCODE_ENTRIES_ENC-1] dec_dcc_ex1_ucode_cnt; output dec_dcc_ex1_ucode_op; output dec_dcc_ex1_sfx_val; output dec_dcc_ex1_cache_acc; output [0:`THREADS-1] dec_dcc_ex1_thrd_id; output [0:31] dec_dcc_ex1_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_optype1; output dec_dcc_ex1_optype2; output dec_dcc_ex1_optype4; output dec_dcc_ex1_optype8; output dec_dcc_ex1_optype16; output dec_dcc_ex1_optype32; output [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC+`AXU_SPARE_ENC-1] dec_dcc_ex1_target_gpr; output dec_dcc_ex1_load_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_store_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_dcbf_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_sync_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_mbar_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_makeitso_instr; output [0:1] dec_dcc_ex1_l_fld; output dec_dcc_ex1_dcbi_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_dcbz_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_dcbt_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_pfetch_val; output dec_dcc_ex1_dcbtst_instr; output [0:4] dec_dcc_ex1_th_fld; output dec_dcc_ex1_dcbtls_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_dcbtstls_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_dcblc_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_dci_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_dcbst_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_icbi_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_ici_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_icblc_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_icbt_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_icbtls_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_tlbsync_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_resv_instr; output [0:`CR_POOL_ENC-1] dec_dcc_ex1_cr_fld; output dec_dcc_ex1_mutex_hint; output dec_dcc_ex1_axu_op_val; output dec_dcc_ex1_axu_falign; output dec_dcc_ex1_axu_fexcpt; output [0:2] dec_dcc_ex1_axu_instr_type; output dec_dcc_ex1_upd_form; output dec_dcc_ex1_algebraic; output dec_dcc_ex1_strg_index; output dec_dcc_ex1_src_gpr; output dec_dcc_ex1_src_axu; output dec_dcc_ex1_src_dp; output dec_dcc_ex1_targ_gpr; output dec_dcc_ex1_targ_axu; output dec_dcc_ex1_targ_dp; output dec_derat_ex1_is_load; output dec_derat_ex1_is_store; output [0:`THREADS-1] dec_derat_ex0_val; output dec_derat_ex0_is_extload; output dec_derat_ex0_is_extstore; output dec_derat_ex1_ra_eq_ea; output dec_derat_ex1_byte_rev; output dec_derat_ex1_is_touch; output dec_dcc_ex1_is_msgsnd; output dec_dcc_ex1_mtspr_trace; output dec_dcc_ex1_mword_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_icswx_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_icswxdot_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_icswx_epid; output dec_dcc_ex1_ldawx_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_wclr_instr; output dec_dcc_ex1_wchk_instr; output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] dec_dcc_ex1_itag; output [0:4] dec_dcc_ex2_rotsel_ovrd; output dec_dcc_ex3_mtdp_val; output dec_dcc_ex3_mfdp_val; output [0:4] dec_dcc_ex3_ipc_ba; output [0:1] dec_dcc_ex3_ipc_sz; output dec_ex2_is_any_load_dac; output dec_ex2_is_any_store_dac; output dec_dcc_ex5_req_abort_rpt; output dec_dcc_ex5_axu_abort_rpt; output ctl_lsq_ex_pipe_full; input dcc_dec_ex5_wren; //@@ Signal Declarations wire [1:79] TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT; wire [1:50] TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT; wire tiup; wire tidn; parameter AXU_TARGET_ENC = `GPR_POOL_ENC + `THREADS_POOL_ENC + `AXU_SPARE_ENC; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Immediate Logic //------------------------------------------------------------------- wire ex1_zero_imm; wire ex1_use_imm; wire ex1_imm_size; wire ex1_imm_signext; wire [0:15] ex1_16b_imm; wire [0:63] ex1_64b_imm; wire [0:63] ex1_imm_sign_ext; wire ex1_pfetch_rel_collision; wire ex1_use_pfetch; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instruction Decode //------------------------------------------------------------------- wire ex1_opcode_is_62; wire ex1_opcode_is_58; wire ex1_opcode_is_31; wire ex1_is_dcbf; wire ex1_is_dcbi; wire ex1_is_dcbst; wire ex1_is_dcblc; wire ex1_is_dcbt; wire ex1_is_dcbtls; wire ex1_is_dcbtst; wire ex1_is_dcbtstls; wire ex1_is_dcbz; wire ex1_is_dci; wire ex1_is_ici; wire ex1_is_icbi; wire ex1_is_icblc; wire ex1_is_icbt; wire ex1_is_icbtls; wire ex1_is_lbz; wire ex1_is_lbzu; wire ex1_is_lbzux; wire ex1_is_ld; wire ex1_is_ldbrx; wire ex1_is_ldu; wire ex1_is_ldux; wire ex1_is_lha; wire ex1_is_lhau; wire ex1_is_lhaux; wire ex1_is_lhbrx; wire ex1_is_lhzux; wire ex1_is_lhz; wire ex1_is_lhzu; wire ex1_is_lmw; wire ex1_is_lswi; wire ex1_is_lwa; wire ex1_is_lwaux; wire ex1_is_lwz; wire ex1_is_lwzu; wire ex1_is_lwzux; wire ex1_is_lwbrx; wire ex1_derat_is_load; wire ex1_derat_is_store; wire ex1_is_ditc; wire ex1_is_mfdp; wire ex1_is_mfdpx; wire ex1_is_mtdp; wire ex1_is_mtdpx; wire ex1_is_stb; wire ex1_is_stbu; wire ex1_is_stbux; wire ex1_is_std; wire ex1_is_stdbrx; wire ex1_is_stdu; wire ex1_is_stdux; wire ex1_is_sth; wire ex1_is_sthu; wire ex1_is_sthux; wire ex1_is_sthbrx; wire ex1_is_stmw; wire ex1_is_stswi; wire ex1_is_stw; wire ex1_is_stwbrx; wire ex1_is_stwu; wire ex1_is_stwux; wire ex1_is_tlbsync; wire ex1_is_lbepx; wire ex1_is_lhepx; wire ex1_is_lwepx; wire ex1_is_ldepx; wire ex1_is_stbepx; wire ex1_is_sthepx; wire ex1_is_stwepx; wire ex1_is_stdepx; wire ex1_is_dcbstep; wire ex1_is_dcbtep; wire ex1_is_dcbfep; wire ex1_is_dcbtstep; wire ex1_is_icbiep; wire ex1_is_dcbzep; wire ex1_is_msgsnd; wire ex1_is_icswx; wire ex1_is_icswepx; wire ex1_is_wclr; wire ex1_mtspr_trace; wire ex0_is_lbepx; wire ex0_is_lhepx; wire ex0_is_lwepx; wire ex0_is_ldepx; wire ex0_is_dcbfep; wire ex0_is_dcbtep; wire ex0_is_dcbtstep; wire ex0_is_dcbstep; wire ex0_is_icbiep; wire ex0_is_dcbzep; wire ex0_is_stbepx; wire ex0_is_sthepx; wire ex0_is_stwepx; wire ex0_is_stdepx; wire ex0_is_icswepx; wire ex0_is_larx; wire ex0_is_stcx; wire ex0_is_ldawx; wire ex0_is_icswxdot; wire ex0_cpNext_instr; wire ex1_fxu_ld_update; wire ex1_axu_ld_update; wire ex1_ld_w_update; wire ex1_fxu_st_update; wire ex1_axu_st_update; wire ex1_st_w_update; wire ex1_gpr0_zero; wire ex1_gpr0_zero_reg_op; wire ex1_gpr0_zero_axu_op; wire ex1_gpr0_zero_other; wire ex5_t1_we; wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC-1] ex1_t1_wa; wire ex1_needs_release; wire ex1_stq3_needs_release; wire ex1_stq3_sched_release; wire ex0_release_vld; wire ex0_needs_release; wire stq2_needs_release; wire ex1_cache_acc; wire ex1_wclr_one_val; wire ex1_cmd_act; wire ex1_derat_act; wire ex1_dir_rd_act; wire ex1_dcm_instr; wire ex1_is_any_load_dac; wire ex1_is_any_store_dac; wire ex1_resv_instr; wire ex1_load_instr; wire ex0_derat_is_extload; wire ex0_derat_is_extstore; wire ex1_th_fld_b6; wire ex1_th_fld_c; wire ex1_th_fld_l2; wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex0_iss_stq2_itag; wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex0_iss_stq2_tid; wire ex1_instr_priv; wire ex1_instr_hypv; wire ex1_dlk_dstor_cond0; wire ex1_dlk_dstor_cond1; wire ex1_dlk_dstor_cond2; wire ex1_dlock_dstor; wire ex1_ilock_dstor; wire ex1_instr_ehpriv; wire ex1_illeg_msgsnd; wire ex1_illeg_ditc; wire ex1_illeg_icswx; wire ex1_illeg_instr; wire ex1_illeg_lswi; wire ex1_illeg_lmw; wire ex1_priv_prog_excp; wire ex1_hypv_prog_excp; wire ex1_ra_eq_zero; wire ex1_ra_eq_rt; wire ex1_illeg_upd_form; wire [0:7] ex1_num_bytes; wire [0:7] ex1_num_bytes_plus3; wire [0:5] ex1_num_regs; wire [0:5] ex1_lower_bnd; wire [0:5] ex1_upper_bnd; wire [0:5] ex1_upper_bnd_wrap; wire ex1_range_wrap; wire ex1_ra_in_rng_lmw; wire ex1_ra_in_rng_nowrap; wire ex1_ra_in_rng_wrap; wire ex1_ra_in_rng; wire ex1_illeg_prog_excp; wire ex1_dlock_dstor_excp; wire ex1_ilock_dstor_excp; wire ex1_ehpriv_excp; wire ex1_axu_sel_target; wire au_lq_ex0_extload; wire au_lq_ex0_extstore; wire au_lq_ex0_mftgpr; wire au_lq_ex1_ldst_v; wire au_lq_ex1_st_v; wire [0:5] au_lq_ex1_ldst_size; wire au_lq_ex1_ldst_update; wire au_lq_ex1_mftgpr; wire au_lq_ex1_mffgpr; wire au_lq_ex1_movedp; wire [0:AXU_TARGET_ENC-1] au_lq_ex1_ldst_tag; wire [0:15] au_lq_ex1_ldst_dimm; wire au_lq_ex1_ldst_indexed; wire au_lq_ex1_ldst_forcealign; wire au_lq_ex1_ldst_forceexcept; wire au_lq_ex1_ldst_priv; wire [0:2] au_lq_ex1_instr_type; wire rv1_vld; wire rv0_hold_taken; wire ex2_abort_sel_val; wire lq_rel_itag0_val; wire lq_rel_itag0_abort; wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_rel_itag0_itag; wire [0:`THREADS-1] lq_rel_itag0_tid; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Latches //------------------------------------------------------------------- wire ex0_vld_q; wire ex0_vld_d; wire ex1_vld_q; wire ex1_vld_d; wire ex2_vld_q; wire ex2_vld_d; wire ex3_vld_q; wire ex3_vld_d; wire ex4_vld_q; wire ex4_vld_d; wire ex5_vld_q; wire ex5_vld_d; wire ex0_stg_act_d; wire ex0_stg_act_q; wire ex1_stg_act_d; wire ex1_stg_act_q; wire ex2_stg_act_d; wire ex2_stg_act_q; wire ex3_stg_act_d; wire ex3_stg_act_q; wire ex4_stg_act_d; wire ex4_stg_act_q; wire ex5_stg_act_d; wire ex5_stg_act_q; wire ex6_stg_act_d; wire ex6_stg_act_q; wire ex7_stg_act_d; wire ex7_stg_act_q; wire ex5_stg_act; wire ex0_stq2_stg_act; wire ex1_stq3_stg_act; wire [0:31] ex1_instr_d; wire [0:31] ex1_instr_q; wire ex2_is_any_load_dac_d; wire ex2_is_any_load_dac_q; wire ex2_is_any_store_dac_d; wire ex2_is_any_store_dac_q; wire ex2_dir_rd_act_d; wire ex2_dir_rd_act_q; wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex0_tid_q; wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex1_tid_q; wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex1_tid; wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex2_tid_q; wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex3_tid_q; wire [0:`THREADS-1] ex4_tid_q; wire ex1_s1_vld_q; wire ex1_s2_vld_q; wire ex1_t1_we_q; wire ex1_t1_we_d; wire ex2_t1_we_q; wire ex2_t1_we_d; wire ex3_t1_we_q; wire ex3_t1_we_d; wire ex4_t1_we_q; wire ex4_t1_we_d; wire ex5_t1_we_q; wire ex5_t1_we_d; wire ex6_t1_we_q; wire ex6_t1_we_d; wire lq_xu_ex5_act_q; wire lq_xu_ex5_act_d; wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] ex1_t1_wa_q; wire [0:`GPR_POOL_ENC-1] ex1_t3_wa_q; wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex1_itag_q; wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex1_itag; wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex2_itag_q; wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] release_itag_q; wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] release_itag_d; wire release_itag_vld_q; wire release_itag_vld_d; wire [0:`THREADS-1] release_tid_q; wire [0:`THREADS-1] release_tid_d; wire ex0_needs_release_q; wire ex0_needs_release_d; wire ex1_needs_release_q; wire ex1_needs_release_d; wire ex2_needs_release_q; wire ex2_needs_release_d; wire ex2_needs_release; wire ex1_release_attmp; wire ex1_release_attmp_q; wire ex1_release_attmp_d; wire stq3_release_attmp_q; wire stq3_release_attmp_d; wire stq3_needs_release_q; wire stq3_needs_release_d; wire ex2_physical_upd_d; wire ex2_physical_upd_q; wire ex2_req_abort_rpt; wire ex3_req_abort_rpt_d; wire ex3_req_abort_rpt_q; wire ex4_req_abort_rpt_d; wire ex4_req_abort_rpt_q; wire ex5_req_abort_rpt_d; wire ex5_req_abort_rpt_q; wire ex2_axu_physical_upd_d; wire ex2_axu_physical_upd_q; wire ex2_axu_abort_rpt; wire ex3_axu_abort_rpt_d; wire ex3_axu_abort_rpt_q; wire ex4_axu_abort_rpt_d; wire ex4_axu_abort_rpt_q; wire ex5_axu_abort_rpt_d; wire ex5_axu_abort_rpt_q; wire [0:1] ex1_ucode_d; wire [0:1] ex1_ucode_q; wire [0:`UCODE_ENTRIES_ENC-1] ex1_ucode_cnt_d; wire [0:`UCODE_ENTRIES_ENC-1] ex1_ucode_cnt_q; wire stq1_release_vld; wire stq2_release_vld_d; wire stq2_release_vld_q; wire stq3_release_vld_d; wire stq3_release_vld_q; wire stq4_release_vld_d; wire stq4_release_vld_q; wire stq5_release_vld_d; wire stq5_release_vld_q; wire stq6_release_vld_d; wire stq6_release_vld_q; wire stq7_release_vld_d; wire stq7_release_vld_q; wire spr_msr_gs; wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_gs_d; wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_gs_q; wire spr_msr_pr; wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_pr_d; wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_pr_q; wire spr_msr_ucle; wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_ucle_d; wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_ucle_q; wire spr_msrp_uclep; wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msrp_uclep_d; wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msrp_uclep_q; wire spr_ccr2_en_pc_d; wire spr_ccr2_en_pc_q; wire mm_hold_req_d; wire mm_hold_req_q; wire mm_hold_done_d; wire mm_hold_done_q; wire spr_ccr2_en_ditc_d; wire spr_ccr2_en_ditc_q; wire spr_ccr2_en_icswx_d; wire spr_ccr2_en_icswx_q; wire xu_lq_hold_req_d; wire xu_lq_hold_req_q; wire rv1_hold_taken_d; wire rv1_hold_taken_q; wire ex0_hold_taken_d; wire ex0_hold_taken_q; wire ex1_hold_taken_d; wire ex1_hold_taken_q; wire rv1_back_inv_d; wire rv1_back_inv_q; wire ex0_back_inv_d; wire ex0_back_inv_q; wire [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63-`CL_SIZE] ex0_back_inv_addr_d; wire [64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63-`CL_SIZE] ex0_back_inv_addr_q; wire ex0_arr_rd_val_d; wire ex0_arr_rd_val_q; wire [0:5] ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_d; wire [0:5] ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_q; wire ex0_derat_snoop_val_d; wire ex0_derat_snoop_val_q; wire [0:51] ex0_derat_snoop_addr_d; wire [0:51] ex0_derat_snoop_addr_q; wire [0:63-`CL_SIZE] ex0_non_back_inv_addr; wire ex0_selimm_addr_val; wire ex1_selimm_addr_val_d; wire ex1_selimm_addr_val_q; wire [0:63-`CL_SIZE] ex1_selimm_addr_d; wire [0:63-`CL_SIZE] ex1_selimm_addr_q; wire [0:`THREADS-1] iu_lq_cp_flush_d; wire [0:`THREADS-1] iu_lq_cp_flush_q; wire stq6_mftgpr_val_d; wire stq6_mftgpr_val_q; wire stq7_mftgpr_val_d; wire stq7_mftgpr_val_q; wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] stq2_release_itag_d; wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] stq2_release_itag_q; wire [0:`THREADS-1] stq2_release_tid_d; wire [0:`THREADS-1] stq2_release_tid_q; wire rv1_stg_flush; wire ex0_stg_flush; wire ex1_stg_flush; wire ex2_stg_flush; wire ex3_stg_flush; wire ex4_stg_flush; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scan Chain //------------------------------------------------------------------- parameter spr_msr_gs_offset = 0; parameter spr_msr_pr_offset = spr_msr_gs_offset + `THREADS; parameter spr_msr_ucle_offset = spr_msr_pr_offset + `THREADS; parameter spr_msrp_uclep_offset = spr_msr_ucle_offset + `THREADS; parameter spr_ccr2_en_pc_offset = spr_msrp_uclep_offset + `THREADS; parameter spr_ccr2_en_ditc_offset = spr_ccr2_en_pc_offset + 1; parameter spr_ccr2_en_icswx_offset = spr_ccr2_en_ditc_offset + 1; parameter ex0_vld_offset = spr_ccr2_en_icswx_offset + 1; parameter ex1_vld_offset = ex0_vld_offset + 1; parameter ex2_vld_offset = ex1_vld_offset + 1; parameter ex3_vld_offset = ex2_vld_offset + 1; parameter ex4_vld_offset = ex3_vld_offset + 1; parameter ex5_vld_offset = ex4_vld_offset + 1; parameter ex0_stg_act_offset = ex5_vld_offset + 1; parameter ex1_stg_act_offset = ex0_stg_act_offset + 1; parameter ex2_stg_act_offset = ex1_stg_act_offset + 1; parameter ex3_stg_act_offset = ex2_stg_act_offset + 1; parameter ex4_stg_act_offset = ex3_stg_act_offset + 1; parameter ex5_stg_act_offset = ex4_stg_act_offset + 1; parameter ex6_stg_act_offset = ex5_stg_act_offset + 1; parameter ex7_stg_act_offset = ex6_stg_act_offset + 1; parameter ex1_ucode_offset = ex7_stg_act_offset + 1; parameter ex1_ucode_cnt_offset = ex1_ucode_offset + 2; parameter ex1_instr_offset = ex1_ucode_cnt_offset + `UCODE_ENTRIES_ENC; parameter ex2_is_any_load_dac_offset = ex1_instr_offset + 32; parameter ex2_is_any_store_dac_offset = ex2_is_any_load_dac_offset + 1; parameter ex2_dir_rd_act_offset = ex2_is_any_store_dac_offset + 1; parameter ex0_tid_offset = ex2_dir_rd_act_offset + 1; parameter ex1_tid_offset = ex0_tid_offset + `THREADS; parameter ex2_tid_offset = ex1_tid_offset + `THREADS; parameter ex3_tid_offset = ex2_tid_offset + `THREADS; parameter ex4_tid_offset = ex3_tid_offset + `THREADS; parameter ex1_s1_vld_offset = ex4_tid_offset + `THREADS; parameter ex1_s2_vld_offset = ex1_s1_vld_offset + 1; parameter ex1_t1_we_offset = ex1_s2_vld_offset + 1; parameter ex2_t1_we_offset = ex1_t1_we_offset + 1; parameter ex3_t1_we_offset = ex2_t1_we_offset + 1; parameter ex4_t1_we_offset = ex3_t1_we_offset + 1; parameter ex5_t1_we_offset = ex4_t1_we_offset + 1; parameter ex6_t1_we_offset = ex5_t1_we_offset + 1; parameter lq_xu_ex5_act_offset = ex6_t1_we_offset + 1; parameter ex1_t1_wa_offset = lq_xu_ex5_act_offset + 1; parameter ex1_t3_wa_offset = ex1_t1_wa_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC; parameter ex1_itag_offset = ex1_t3_wa_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC; parameter ex2_itag_offset = ex1_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC; parameter release_itag_offset = ex2_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC; parameter release_tid_offset = release_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC; parameter release_itag_vld_offset = release_tid_offset + `THREADS; parameter ex0_needs_release_offset = release_itag_vld_offset + 1; parameter ex1_needs_release_offset = ex0_needs_release_offset + 1; parameter ex2_needs_release_offset = ex1_needs_release_offset + 1; parameter ex2_physical_upd_offset = ex2_needs_release_offset + 1; parameter ex3_req_abort_rpt_offset = ex2_physical_upd_offset + 1; parameter ex4_req_abort_rpt_offset = ex3_req_abort_rpt_offset + 1; parameter ex5_req_abort_rpt_offset = ex4_req_abort_rpt_offset + 1; parameter ex2_axu_physical_upd_offset = ex5_req_abort_rpt_offset + 1; parameter ex3_axu_abort_rpt_offset = ex2_axu_physical_upd_offset + 1; parameter ex4_axu_abort_rpt_offset = ex3_axu_abort_rpt_offset + 1; parameter ex5_axu_abort_rpt_offset = ex4_axu_abort_rpt_offset + 1; parameter ex1_release_attmp_offset = ex5_axu_abort_rpt_offset + 1; parameter stq3_release_attmp_offset = ex1_release_attmp_offset + 1; parameter stq3_needs_release_offset = stq3_release_attmp_offset + 1; parameter stq2_release_vld_offset = stq3_needs_release_offset + 1; parameter stq3_release_vld_offset = stq2_release_vld_offset + 1; parameter stq4_release_vld_offset = stq3_release_vld_offset + 1; parameter stq5_release_vld_offset = stq4_release_vld_offset + 1; parameter stq6_release_vld_offset = stq5_release_vld_offset + 1; parameter stq7_release_vld_offset = stq6_release_vld_offset + 1; parameter xu_lq_hold_req_offset = stq7_release_vld_offset + 1; parameter mm_hold_req_offset = xu_lq_hold_req_offset + 1; parameter mm_hold_done_offset = mm_hold_req_offset + 1; parameter rv1_hold_taken_offset = mm_hold_done_offset + 1; parameter ex0_hold_taken_offset = rv1_hold_taken_offset + 1; parameter ex1_hold_taken_offset = ex0_hold_taken_offset + 1; parameter rv1_back_inv_offset = ex1_hold_taken_offset + 1; parameter ex0_back_inv_offset = rv1_back_inv_offset + 1; parameter ex0_back_inv_addr_offset = ex0_back_inv_offset + 1; parameter ex1_selimm_addr_val_offset = ex0_back_inv_addr_offset + (`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH-`CL_SIZE); parameter ex1_selimm_addr_offset = ex1_selimm_addr_val_offset + 1; parameter ex0_arr_rd_val_offset = ex1_selimm_addr_offset + (64-`CL_SIZE); parameter ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_offset = ex0_arr_rd_val_offset + 1; parameter ex0_derat_snoop_val_offset = ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_offset + 6; parameter ex0_derat_snoop_addr_offset = ex0_derat_snoop_val_offset + 1; parameter iu_lq_cp_flush_offset = ex0_derat_snoop_addr_offset + 52; parameter stq6_mftgpr_val_offset = iu_lq_cp_flush_offset + `THREADS; parameter stq7_mftgpr_val_offset = stq6_mftgpr_val_offset + 1; parameter stq2_release_itag_offset = stq7_mftgpr_val_offset + 1; parameter stq2_release_tid_offset = stq2_release_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC; parameter scan_right = stq2_release_tid_offset + `THREADS; wire [0:scan_right-1] siv; wire [0:scan_right-1] sov; (* analysis_not_referenced="true" *) wire unused; assign tiup = 1'b1; assign tidn = 1'b0; assign spr_msr_gs_d = xu_lq_spr_msr_gs; assign spr_msr_gs = |(spr_msr_gs_q & ex1_tid_q); assign spr_msr_pr_d = xu_lq_spr_msr_pr; assign spr_msr_pr = |(spr_msr_pr_q & ex1_tid_q); assign spr_msr_ucle_d = xu_lq_spr_msr_ucle; assign spr_msr_ucle = |(spr_msr_ucle_q & ex1_tid_q); assign spr_msrp_uclep_d = xu_lq_spr_msrp_uclep; assign spr_msrp_uclep = |(spr_msrp_uclep_q & ex1_tid_q); assign spr_ccr2_en_pc_d = xu_lq_spr_ccr2_en_pc; assign spr_ccr2_en_ditc_d = xu_lq_spr_ccr2_en_ditc; assign spr_ccr2_en_icswx_d = xu_lq_spr_ccr2_en_icswx; assign stq6_mftgpr_val_d = dcc_dec_stq5_mftgpr_val; assign stq7_mftgpr_val_d = stq6_mftgpr_val_q; // Added logic for Erat invalidates assign xu_lq_hold_req_d = xu_lq_hold_req; assign mm_hold_req_d = mm_lq_hold_req | (mm_hold_req_q & (~(mm_hold_done_q))); assign mm_hold_done_d = mm_lq_hold_done; assign rv0_hold_taken = dcc_dec_hold_all | derat_dec_hole_all | xu_lq_hold_req_q; assign rv1_hold_taken_d = rv0_hold_taken; assign lq_rv_hold_all = rv0_hold_taken; assign ex0_hold_taken_d = rv1_hold_taken_q; assign ex1_hold_taken_d = ex0_hold_taken_q; assign rv1_back_inv_d = lsq_ctl_rv0_back_inv; assign ex0_back_inv_d = rv1_back_inv_q; assign ex0_back_inv_addr_d = lsq_ctl_rv1_back_inv_addr; assign ex0_arr_rd_val_d = dcc_dec_arr_rd_rv1_val; assign ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_d = dcc_dec_arr_rd_congr_cl; assign ex0_derat_snoop_val_d = derat_rv1_snoop_val; assign ex0_derat_snoop_addr_d = derat_dec_rv1_snoop_addr; assign ex0_non_back_inv_addr = {ex0_derat_snoop_addr_q, ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_q}; assign ex0_selimm_addr_val = ex0_back_inv_q | ex0_arr_rd_val_q | ex0_derat_snoop_val_q; assign ex1_selimm_addr_val_d = ex0_selimm_addr_val; assign ex1_selimm_addr_d[64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63-`CL_SIZE] = ex0_back_inv_q ? ex0_back_inv_addr_q : ex0_non_back_inv_addr[64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH:63-`CL_SIZE]; assign ex1_selimm_addr_d[0:64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH-1] = ex0_non_back_inv_addr[0:64-`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH-1]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CP Flush of the Pipeline //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign iu_lq_cp_flush_d = iu_lq_cp_flush; assign rv1_stg_flush = |(rv_lq_vld & iu_lq_cp_flush_q); assign ex0_stg_flush = |(ex0_tid_q & iu_lq_cp_flush_q); assign ex1_stg_flush = |(ex1_tid_q & iu_lq_cp_flush_q); assign ex2_stg_flush = |(ex2_tid_q & iu_lq_cp_flush_q) | byp_dec_ex2_req_aborted; assign ex3_stg_flush = |(ex3_tid_q & iu_lq_cp_flush_q); assign ex4_stg_flush = |(ex4_tid_q & iu_lq_cp_flush_q); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Valid/ACT Pipeline //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign rv1_vld = |(rv_lq_vld); assign ex0_vld_d = rv1_vld & ~rv1_stg_flush; assign ex1_vld_d = ex0_vld_q & ~ex0_stg_flush; assign ex2_vld_d = ex1_vld_q & ~ex1_stg_flush; assign ex3_vld_d = ex2_vld_q & ~ex2_stg_flush; assign ex4_vld_d = ex3_vld_q & ~ex3_stg_flush; assign ex5_vld_d = ex4_vld_q & ~ex4_stg_flush; assign ctl_lsq_ex_pipe_full = ex0_vld_q & ex1_vld_q & ex2_vld_q & ex3_vld_q & ex4_vld_q; // Execution Pipe ACT Generation assign ex0_stg_act_d = rv1_vld; assign ex1_stg_act_d = ex0_stg_act_q; assign ex2_stg_act_d = ex1_stg_act_q | ex1_use_pfetch; assign ex3_stg_act_d = ex2_stg_act_q; assign ex4_stg_act_d = ex3_stg_act_q; assign ex5_stg_act_d = ex4_stg_act_q; assign ex5_stg_act = ex5_stg_act_q | stq7_mftgpr_val_q; assign ex6_stg_act_d = ex5_stg_act; assign ex7_stg_act_d = ex6_stg_act_q; assign dec_byp_ex0_stg_act = ex0_stg_act_q; assign dec_byp_ex1_stg_act = ex1_stg_act_q | ex1_selimm_addr_val_q | ex1_use_pfetch; assign dec_byp_ex5_stg_act = ex5_stg_act; assign dec_byp_ex6_stg_act = ex6_stg_act_q; assign dec_byp_ex7_stg_act = ex7_stg_act_q; // Execution Pipe and LSQ Pipe ACT Generation assign ex0_stq2_stg_act = ex0_stg_act_q | stq2_release_vld_q; assign ex1_stq3_stg_act = ex1_stg_act_q | stq3_release_vld_q | ex1_use_pfetch; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // uCode Pipeline //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ex1_ucode_d = rv_lq_ex0_ucode; assign ex1_ucode_cnt_d = rv_lq_ex0_ucode_cnt; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Target we/wa controls //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Target 1 write enable pipe assign ex1_t1_we_d = rv_lq_ex0_t1_v & ex1_vld_d; assign ex2_t1_we_d = ex1_t1_we_q & ex2_vld_d & (au_lq_ex1_ldst_update | (~(ex1_load_instr | ex1_dcm_instr | ex1_is_ditc))); assign ex3_t1_we_d = ex2_t1_we_q & ex3_vld_d; assign ex4_t1_we_d = ex3_t1_we_q & ex4_vld_d; assign ex5_t1_we_d = ex4_t1_we_q & ex5_vld_d; assign ex5_t1_we = ((ex5_t1_we_q | dcc_dec_ex5_wren) & ex5_vld_q) | stq7_mftgpr_val_q; assign ex6_t1_we_d = ex5_t1_we; // Target 1 controls generate if (`THREADS_POOL_ENC == 0) begin : tid1 assign ex1_t1_wa = ex1_t1_wa_q; assign unused = |ex1_num_bytes_plus3[6:7] | |au_lq_ex1_ldst_dimm | byp_dec_ex1_s1_abort | byp_dec_ex1_s2_abort; end endgenerate generate if (`THREADS_POOL_ENC > 0) begin : tidMulti reg [0:`THREADS_POOL_ENC] ex1_enc_tid; always @(*) begin: tidEnc reg [0:`THREADS_POOL_ENC-1] encEx1; (* analysis_not_referenced="true" *) reg [0:31] tid; encEx1 = {`THREADS_POOL_ENC{1'b0}}; ex1_enc_tid[`THREADS_POOL_ENC:`THREADS_POOL_ENC] = 1'b0; for (tid=0; tid<`THREADS; tid=tid+1) begin encEx1 = (tid[32-`THREADS_POOL_ENC:31] & {`THREADS_POOL_ENC{ex1_tid_q[tid]}}) | encEx1; end ex1_enc_tid[0:`THREADS_POOL_ENC - 1] <= encEx1; end assign ex1_t1_wa = {ex1_t1_wa_q, ex1_enc_tid[0:`THREADS_POOL_ENC - 1]}; assign unused = ex1_enc_tid[`THREADS_POOL_ENC:`THREADS_POOL_ENC] | |ex1_num_bytes_plus3[6:7] | |au_lq_ex1_ldst_dimm | byp_dec_ex1_s1_abort | byp_dec_ex1_s2_abort; end endgenerate assign lq_xu_ex5_act_d = ex4_vld_q | stq6_mftgpr_val_q; assign lq_xu_ex5_act = lq_xu_ex5_act_q; assign lq_xu_gpr_ex5_we = ex5_t1_we; assign lq_rv_gpr_ex6_we = ex6_t1_we_q; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dependent op release //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LSQ Release ITAG Staging assign stq1_release_vld = lsq_ctl_stq_release_itag_vld; assign stq2_release_vld_d = stq1_release_vld; assign stq3_release_vld_d = stq2_release_vld_q; assign stq4_release_vld_d = stq3_release_vld_q; assign stq5_release_vld_d = stq4_release_vld_q; assign stq6_release_vld_d = stq5_release_vld_q; assign stq7_release_vld_d = stq6_release_vld_q; // Mux in between LSQ Complete and EX0 Instruction, // There shouldnt be an instruction in EX0 since HOLD_REQ // was requested by LSQ assign stq2_release_itag_d = lsq_ctl_stq_release_itag; assign stq2_release_tid_d = lsq_ctl_stq_release_tid; assign ex0_iss_stq2_itag = (rv_lq_ex0_itag & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{~stq2_release_vld_q}}) | (stq2_release_itag_q & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{stq2_release_vld_q}}); assign ex0_iss_stq2_tid = (ex0_tid_q & {`THREADS{~stq2_release_vld_q}}) | (stq2_release_tid_q & {`THREADS{stq2_release_vld_q}}); // Intructions are in correct pipeline stage to allow dependent op release, and they have not been released yet // adding ex2_needs_release to handle the case where an ABORT was reported instead of instruction in EX1_STQ3 assign ex1_stq3_sched_release = ex1_needs_release | stq3_needs_release_q | ex1_stq3_needs_release; // Pipeline to keep track of instructions that have not been released yet assign ex0_cpNext_instr = ex0_is_ldawx | ex0_is_larx | ex0_is_stcx | ex0_is_icswxdot | au_lq_ex0_mftgpr; assign ex0_needs_release_d = rv1_vld & ~rv1_stg_flush; assign ex0_release_vld = ex0_needs_release_q & ~(ex0_stg_flush | ex0_cpNext_instr); assign ex0_needs_release = ex0_needs_release_q & ~(ex0_stg_flush | ex0_cpNext_instr) & ex1_stq3_sched_release; assign ex1_release_attmp_d = ex0_release_vld & ~ex1_stq3_sched_release; assign ex1_release_attmp = ex1_release_attmp_q & ~ex1_stg_flush; assign ex1_needs_release_d = ex0_needs_release; assign ex1_needs_release = ex1_needs_release_q & ~ex1_stg_flush; assign ex2_needs_release_d = ex1_needs_release; assign ex2_needs_release = ex2_abort_sel_val & ~(|(ex2_tid_q & iu_lq_cp_flush_q)); assign stq2_needs_release = stq2_release_vld_q & ex1_stq3_sched_release; assign stq3_release_attmp_d = stq2_release_vld_q & ~ex1_stq3_sched_release; assign stq3_needs_release_d = stq2_needs_release; assign ex1_stq3_needs_release = (stq3_release_attmp_q | ex1_needs_release | ex1_release_attmp) & ex2_needs_release; // Use prioritized schedule to determine which stage to release itag/vld out of (Will be latched) assign release_itag_d = (ex0_iss_stq2_itag & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{~ex1_stq3_sched_release}}) | (ex1_itag_q & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{ex1_stq3_sched_release}}); assign release_itag_vld_d = ((ex0_release_vld | stq2_release_vld_q) & (~ex1_stq3_sched_release)) | ex1_stq3_sched_release; assign release_tid_d = (ex0_iss_stq2_tid & {`THREADS{~ex1_stq3_sched_release}}) | (ex1_tid_q & {`THREADS{ex1_stq3_sched_release}}); // Abort Pipeline Request that updates a physical speculatively, // Needs to have a separate ex2_stg_flush to remove the ex2_req_abort from the flush gen // LARX is removed from the equation because it doesnt release // a dependent instruction speculativevly assign ex2_physical_upd_d = (ex1_load_instr & ~ex1_resv_instr) | (au_lq_ex1_mffgpr & ~au_lq_ex1_movedp) | ex1_st_w_update; assign ex2_req_abort_rpt = byp_dec_ex2_req_aborted & ex2_vld_q & ex2_physical_upd_q; assign ex3_req_abort_rpt_d = ex2_req_abort_rpt & ~(|(ex2_tid_q & iu_lq_cp_flush_q)); assign ex4_req_abort_rpt_d = ex3_req_abort_rpt_q & ~ex3_stg_flush; assign ex5_req_abort_rpt_d = ex4_req_abort_rpt_q & ~ex4_stg_flush; // Abort AXU Pipeline Request that updates an AXU physical speculatively, // Needs to have a separate ex2_stg_flush to remove the ex2_req_abort from the flush gen // Dont want to set if the instruction is a preIssue of an AXU instruction assign ex2_axu_physical_upd_d = ((au_lq_ex1_ldst_v & ex1_load_instr) | (au_lq_ex1_mffgpr & ~au_lq_ex1_movedp)) & ~ex1_ucode_q[1]; assign ex2_axu_abort_rpt = ex2_vld_q & ex2_axu_physical_upd_q; assign ex3_axu_abort_rpt_d = ex2_axu_abort_rpt & ~(|(ex2_tid_q & iu_lq_cp_flush_q)); assign ex4_axu_abort_rpt_d = ex3_axu_abort_rpt_q & ~ex3_stg_flush; assign ex5_axu_abort_rpt_d = ex4_axu_abort_rpt_q & ~ex4_stg_flush; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RV Completion //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ex2_abort_sel_val = byp_dec_ex2_req_aborted & ex2_vld_q & ~ex2_needs_release_q; assign lq_rel_itag0_val = release_itag_vld_q | ex2_abort_sel_val; assign lq_rel_itag0_itag = (release_itag_q & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{~ex2_abort_sel_val}}) | (ex2_itag_q & {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{ex2_abort_sel_val}}); assign lq_rel_itag0_tid = (release_tid_q & { `THREADS{~ex2_abort_sel_val}}) | (ex2_tid_q & { `THREADS{ex2_abort_sel_val}}); assign lq_rel_itag0_abort = byp_dec_ex2_req_aborted & ex2_vld_q; assign lq_rv_itag0_vld = lq_rel_itag0_tid & {`THREADS{lq_rel_itag0_val}}; assign lq_rv_itag0 = lq_rel_itag0_itag; assign lq_rv_itag0_abort = lq_rel_itag0_abort; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IU Completion //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GPR Source 0 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Regular XU ops assign ex1_gpr0_zero_reg_op = (~ex1_s1_vld_q); // AXU and Not Indexed Op assign ex1_gpr0_zero_axu_op = au_lq_ex1_ldst_v & (~(ex1_s1_vld_q | au_lq_ex1_mftgpr | au_lq_ex1_mffgpr)); // Other ops that need this zeroed assign ex1_gpr0_zero_other = ex1_is_msgsnd; assign ex1_gpr0_zero = ex1_gpr0_zero_reg_op | ex1_gpr0_zero_axu_op | ex1_gpr0_zero_other | ex1_selimm_addr_val_q | ex1_use_pfetch; assign dec_byp_ex1_rs1_zero = ex1_gpr0_zero; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Immediate Logic //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Determine what ops use immediate: // Branches, Arith/Logical/Other Immediate forms, Loads/Stores, SPR Instructions assign ex1_use_imm = ex1_is_lbz | ex1_is_ld | ex1_is_lha | ex1_is_lhz | ex1_is_lwa | ex1_is_lwz | ex1_is_lhzu | ex1_is_lhau | ex1_is_lwzu | ex1_is_lbzu | ex1_is_lmw | ex1_is_stb | ex1_is_std | ex1_is_sth | ex1_is_stw | ex1_is_stbu | ex1_is_sthu | ex1_is_stwu | ex1_is_stdu | ex1_is_stmw | ex1_is_ldu | ex1_is_stswi | ex1_is_lswi | ex1_mtspr_trace | (au_lq_ex1_ldst_v & (~(au_lq_ex1_ldst_indexed | au_lq_ex1_mftgpr | au_lq_ex1_mffgpr))); // Determine ops that use 15 bit immediate assign ex1_imm_size = ex1_is_lbz | ex1_is_lbzu | ex1_is_lhz | ex1_is_lhzu | ex1_is_lha | ex1_is_lhau | ex1_is_lwz | ex1_is_lwzu | ex1_is_lwa | ex1_is_ld | ex1_is_ldu | ex1_is_lmw | ex1_is_stb | ex1_is_sth | ex1_is_stw | ex1_is_stbu | ex1_is_sthu | ex1_is_stwu | ex1_is_stdu | ex1_is_std | ex1_is_stmw | (au_lq_ex1_ldst_v & (~au_lq_ex1_ldst_indexed)); // Determine ops that use sign-extended immediate assign ex1_imm_signext = ex1_is_lbz | ex1_is_lbzu | ex1_is_lhz | ex1_is_lhzu | ex1_is_lha | ex1_is_lhau | ex1_is_lwz | ex1_is_lwzu | ex1_is_lwa | ex1_is_ld | ex1_is_ldu | ex1_is_lmw | ex1_is_stb | ex1_is_sth | ex1_is_stw | ex1_is_stbu | ex1_is_sthu | ex1_is_stwu | ex1_is_stdu | ex1_is_std | ex1_is_stmw | (au_lq_ex1_ldst_v & (~au_lq_ex1_ldst_indexed)); // Immediate should be zeroed assign ex1_zero_imm = ex1_is_stswi | ex1_is_lswi | ex1_mtspr_trace; // Some ops need lower two bits of immediate tied down assign ex1_16b_imm = ~(ex1_is_std | ex1_is_stdu | ex1_is_lwa | ex1_is_ld | ex1_is_ldu) ? ex1_instr_q[16:31] : {ex1_instr_q[16:29], {2{tidn}}}; assign ex1_64b_imm = ex1_selimm_addr_val_q ? {ex1_selimm_addr_q, {`CL_SIZE{1'b0}}} : {{38{1'b0}}, ex1_instr_q[6:31]}; assign ex1_imm_sign_ext = ({(ex1_imm_size & (~ex1_selimm_addr_val_q)), ex1_imm_signext} == 2'b11) ? {{48{ex1_16b_imm[0]}}, ex1_16b_imm} : ({(ex1_imm_size & (~ex1_selimm_addr_val_q)), ex1_imm_signext} == 2'b10) ? {{48{ 1'b0}}, ex1_16b_imm} : ex1_64b_imm; // prefetch // removed mm_hold_req_q because it would lead to a deadlock // the pfetch will not be quiesced because we block all pfetches // while the mmu requests a hold, but the mmu waits for quiesce // before executing assign ex1_pfetch_rel_collision = dir_dec_rel3_dir_wr_val & (dir_dec_rel3_dir_wr_addr == pf_dec_req_addr[64-(`DC_SIZE-3):63-`CL_SIZE]); assign ex1_use_pfetch = pf_dec_req_val & ~ex1_vld_q & ~ex1_selimm_addr_val_q & ~lsq_ctl_sync_in_stq & ~ex1_hold_taken_q & ~ex1_pfetch_rel_collision & ~dcc_dec_stq3_mftgpr_val; assign dec_pf_ack = ex1_use_pfetch; assign dec_byp_ex1_imm = ~ex1_use_pfetch ? (ex1_imm_sign_ext[64-(2**`GPR_WIDTH_ENC):63] & {2**`GPR_WIDTH_ENC{~ex1_zero_imm}}) : {pf_dec_req_addr, {`CL_SIZE{1'b0}}}; assign dec_byp_ex1_use_imm = ex1_use_imm | ex1_selimm_addr_val_q | ex1_use_pfetch; assign dec_byp_ex1_s1_vld = ex1_s1_vld_q & ex1_vld_q; assign dec_byp_ex1_s2_vld = ex1_s2_vld_q & ex1_vld_q; assign ex1_tid = ~ex1_use_pfetch ? ex1_tid_q : pf_dec_req_thrd; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // DITC Control Logic //------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- // LSU Control Logic //------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ex1_priv_prog_excp = ex1_instr_priv & ex1_vld_q & spr_msr_pr; assign ex1_hypv_prog_excp = ex1_instr_hypv & ex1_vld_q & (spr_msr_pr | spr_msr_gs); assign ex1_illeg_prog_excp = ex1_vld_q & ex1_illeg_instr; assign ex1_dlock_dstor_excp = ex1_vld_q & ex1_dlock_dstor; assign ex1_ilock_dstor_excp = ex1_vld_q & ex1_ilock_dstor; assign ex1_ehpriv_excp = ex1_vld_q & ex1_instr_ehpriv; assign dec_spr_ex1_valid = ex1_tid_q & {`THREADS{ex1_vld_q}}; assign dec_dcc_ex1_expt_det = ex1_priv_prog_excp | ex1_hypv_prog_excp | ex1_illeg_prog_excp | ex1_dlock_dstor_excp | ex1_ilock_dstor_excp | ex1_ehpriv_excp; assign dec_dcc_ex1_priv_prog = ex1_priv_prog_excp; assign dec_dcc_ex1_hypv_prog = ex1_hypv_prog_excp; assign dec_dcc_ex1_illeg_prog = ex1_illeg_prog_excp; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dlock_excp = ex1_dlock_dstor_excp; assign dec_dcc_ex1_ilock_excp = ex1_ilock_dstor_excp; assign dec_dcc_ex1_ehpriv_excp = ex1_ehpriv_excp; assign dec_dcc_ex1_ucode_val = ex1_vld_q & ex1_ucode_q[1]; assign dec_dcc_ex1_ucode_cnt = ex1_ucode_cnt_q; assign dec_dcc_ex1_ucode_op = ex1_ucode_q[0]; assign dec_dcc_ex1_sfx_val = ex1_vld_q & (~(ex1_cache_acc | ex1_ucode_q[1])); assign dec_dcc_ex1_cache_acc = ex1_cache_acc & (~(ex1_ucode_q[1] | ex1_illeg_icswx)); assign dec_dcc_ex1_thrd_id = ex1_tid; assign dec_dcc_ex1_instr = ex1_instr_q; assign ex1_axu_sel_target = (au_lq_ex1_ldst_v | au_lq_ex1_mffgpr) & (~(au_lq_ex1_mftgpr | ex1_axu_st_update)); assign dec_dcc_ex1_target_gpr[AXU_TARGET_ENC-(`GPR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC):AXU_TARGET_ENC-1] = ex1_axu_sel_target ? au_lq_ex1_ldst_tag[AXU_TARGET_ENC-(`GPR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC):AXU_TARGET_ENC-1] : ex1_t1_wa; generate if (`AXU_SPARE_ENC > 0) begin : axuSpare assign dec_dcc_ex1_target_gpr[0:AXU_TARGET_ENC-(`GPR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC)-1] = au_lq_ex1_ldst_tag[0:AXU_TARGET_ENC-(`GPR_POOL_ENC+`THREADS_POOL_ENC)-1]; end endgenerate assign dec_dcc_ex1_cmd_act = ex1_cmd_act | (ex1_vld_q & ex1_ucode_q[1]) | ex1_use_pfetch | ex1_selimm_addr_val_q; assign dec_dcc_ex1_upd_form = (au_lq_ex1_ldst_v & au_lq_ex1_ldst_update) | ((~au_lq_ex1_ldst_v) & ex1_fxu_st_update); assign dec_dcc_ex1_mtspr_trace = ex1_mtspr_trace; assign dec_dcc_ex1_is_msgsnd = ex1_is_msgsnd & spr_ccr2_en_pc_q; assign dec_dcc_ex1_load_instr = ex1_load_instr; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dcbf_instr = (ex1_is_dcbf | ex1_is_dcbfep); assign dec_dcc_ex1_l_fld = ex1_instr_q[9:10]; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dcbi_instr = ex1_is_dcbi; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dcbz_instr = (ex1_is_dcbz | ex1_is_dcbzep); assign dec_dcc_ex1_dcbt_instr = (ex1_is_dcbt | ex1_is_dcbtep); assign dec_dcc_ex1_pfetch_val = ex1_use_pfetch; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dcbtst_instr = (ex1_is_dcbtst | ex1_is_dcbtstep); assign dec_dcc_ex1_th_fld = ~ex1_use_pfetch ? {ex1_th_fld_b6, ex1_instr_q[7:10]} : 5'b00000; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dcbtls_instr = ex1_is_dcbtls; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dcbtstls_instr = ex1_is_dcbtstls; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dcblc_instr = ex1_is_dcblc; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dci_instr = ex1_is_dci & ex1_vld_q; assign dec_dcc_ex1_dcbst_instr = (ex1_is_dcbst | ex1_is_dcbstep); assign dec_dcc_ex1_icbi_instr = (ex1_is_icbi | ex1_is_icbiep); assign dec_dcc_ex1_ici_instr = ex1_is_ici & ex1_vld_q; assign dec_dcc_ex1_icblc_instr = ex1_is_icblc; assign dec_dcc_ex1_icbt_instr = ex1_is_icbt; assign dec_dcc_ex1_icbtls_instr = ex1_is_icbtls; assign dec_dcc_ex1_resv_instr = ex1_resv_instr; assign dec_dcc_ex1_cr_fld = ex1_t3_wa_q[`GPR_POOL_ENC - `CR_POOL_ENC:`GPR_POOL_ENC - 1]; assign dec_dcc_ex1_mutex_hint = ex1_instr_q[31]; assign dec_dcc_ex1_axu_op_val = au_lq_ex1_ldst_v; assign dec_dcc_ex1_axu_falign = au_lq_ex1_ldst_forcealign; assign dec_dcc_ex1_axu_fexcpt = au_lq_ex1_ldst_forceexcept; assign dec_dcc_ex1_axu_instr_type = au_lq_ex1_instr_type; assign dec_derat_ex1_byte_rev = ex1_is_lhbrx | ex1_is_lwbrx | ex1_is_ldbrx | ex1_is_sthbrx | ex1_is_stwbrx | ex1_is_stdbrx; assign dec_derat_ex1_ra_eq_ea = ex1_selimm_addr_val_q | ex1_is_msgsnd | ex1_mtspr_trace; assign dec_derat_ex1_derat_act = ex1_derat_act | (ex1_vld_q & ex1_ucode_q[1]) | ex1_wclr_one_val | ex1_use_pfetch; assign dec_derat_ex1_pfetch_val = ex1_tid & {`THREADS{ex1_use_pfetch}}; assign dec_dcc_ex5_req_abort_rpt = ex5_req_abort_rpt_q; assign dec_dcc_ex5_axu_abort_rpt = ex5_axu_abort_rpt_q; assign dec_dir_ex2_dir_rd_act = ex2_dir_rd_act_q; assign ex0_derat_is_extload = ex0_is_lbepx | ex0_is_lhepx | ex0_is_lwepx | ex0_is_ldepx | ex0_is_dcbfep | ex0_is_dcbtep | ex0_is_dcbstep | ex0_is_icbiep | au_lq_ex0_extload; assign dec_derat_ex0_is_extload = ex0_derat_is_extload; assign dec_derat_ex0_val = ex0_tid_q & {`THREADS{ex0_vld_q}}; assign ex0_derat_is_extstore = ex0_is_dcbzep | ex0_is_stbepx | ex0_is_sthepx | ex0_is_stwepx | ex0_is_stdepx | ex0_is_dcbtstep | ex0_is_icswepx | au_lq_ex0_extstore; assign dec_derat_ex0_is_extstore = ex0_derat_is_extstore; assign ex1_th_fld_b6 = ex1_instr_q[6] & (ex1_is_dcbt | ex1_is_dcbtep | ex1_is_dcbtst | ex1_is_dcbtstep); assign ex1_th_fld_c = ~ex1_th_fld_b6 & (ex1_instr_q[7:10] == 4'b0000); assign ex1_th_fld_l2 = ~ex1_th_fld_b6 & (ex1_instr_q[7:10] == 4'b0010); assign dec_derat_ex1_is_touch = ex1_is_dcbt | ex1_is_dcbtep | ex1_is_dcbtst | ex1_is_dcbtstep | ex1_is_icbt | ((ex1_is_dcbtls | ex1_is_dcbtstls | ex1_is_dcblc) & (~(ex1_th_fld_c | ex1_th_fld_l2))) | ((ex1_is_icbtls | ex1_is_icblc) & (~(ex1_th_fld_c | ex1_th_fld_l2))); assign dec_dcc_ex1_mword_instr = ex1_is_lmw | ex1_is_stmw; assign dec_dcc_ex1_icswx_instr = ex1_is_icswx | ex1_is_icswepx; assign dec_dcc_ex1_icswxdot_instr = (ex1_is_icswx | ex1_is_icswepx) & ex1_instr_q[31]; assign dec_dcc_ex1_icswx_epid = ex1_is_icswepx; assign dec_dcc_ex1_itag = ex1_itag; assign dec_dcc_ex2_rotsel_ovrd = au_lq_ex1_ldst_size[1:5]; assign dec_dcc_ex3_mtdp_val = tidn; assign dec_dcc_ex3_mfdp_val = tidn; assign dec_dcc_ex3_ipc_ba = {5{1'b0}}; assign dec_dcc_ex3_ipc_sz = {2{1'b0}}; assign ex1_itag = ex1_use_pfetch ? 7'b0111111 : ex1_itag_q; assign ex2_is_any_load_dac_d = ex1_is_any_load_dac; assign ex2_is_any_store_dac_d = ex1_is_any_store_dac; assign dec_ex2_is_any_load_dac = ex2_is_any_load_dac_q; assign dec_ex2_is_any_store_dac = ex2_is_any_store_dac_q; assign ex2_dir_rd_act_d = ex1_dir_rd_act | ex1_use_pfetch | ex1_selimm_addr_val_q; // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // Instruction Decode // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX assign ex1_instr_d = ex1_vld_d ? rv_lq_ex0_instr : 32'h7C00022C; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AXU Load/Store Instruction Decode //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lq_axu_dec axu( .lq_au_ex0_instr(rv_lq_ex0_instr), .lq_au_ex1_vld(ex1_vld_q), .lq_au_ex1_tid(ex1_tid_q), .lq_au_ex1_instr(ex1_instr_q), .lq_au_ex1_t3_p(ex1_t3_wa_q), .au_lq_ex0_extload(au_lq_ex0_extload), .au_lq_ex0_extstore(au_lq_ex0_extstore), .au_lq_ex0_mftgpr(au_lq_ex0_mftgpr), .au_lq_ex1_ldst_v(au_lq_ex1_ldst_v), .au_lq_ex1_st_v(au_lq_ex1_st_v), .au_lq_ex1_ldst_size(au_lq_ex1_ldst_size), .au_lq_ex1_ldst_update(au_lq_ex1_ldst_update), .au_lq_ex1_mftgpr(au_lq_ex1_mftgpr), .au_lq_ex1_mffgpr(au_lq_ex1_mffgpr), .au_lq_ex1_movedp(au_lq_ex1_movedp), .au_lq_ex1_ldst_tag(au_lq_ex1_ldst_tag), .au_lq_ex1_ldst_dimm(au_lq_ex1_ldst_dimm), .au_lq_ex1_ldst_indexed(au_lq_ex1_ldst_indexed), .au_lq_ex1_ldst_forcealign(au_lq_ex1_ldst_forcealign), .au_lq_ex1_ldst_forceexcept(au_lq_ex1_ldst_forceexcept), .au_lq_ex1_ldst_priv(au_lq_ex1_ldst_priv), .au_lq_ex1_instr_type(au_lq_ex1_instr_type) ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Illegal ops //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ex1_instr_priv = ex1_is_dcbfep | ex1_is_dcbi | ex1_is_dcbstep | ex1_is_dcbtep | ex1_is_dcbtstep | ex1_is_dcbzep | ex1_is_dci | ex1_is_icbiep | ex1_is_ici | ex1_is_icswepx | ex1_is_lbepx | ex1_is_ldepx | ex1_is_lhepx | ex1_is_lwepx | ex1_is_mfdp | ex1_is_mfdpx | ex1_is_msgsnd | ex1_is_mtdp | ex1_is_mtdpx | ex1_is_stbepx | ex1_is_stdepx | ex1_is_sthepx | ex1_is_stwepx | ex1_is_tlbsync | au_lq_ex1_ldst_priv; assign ex1_instr_hypv = ex1_is_msgsnd | ex1_is_tlbsync; assign ex1_dlk_dstor_cond0 = spr_msrp_uclep & spr_msr_gs & spr_msr_pr; assign ex1_dlk_dstor_cond1 = (~spr_msr_ucle) & (~spr_msrp_uclep) & spr_msr_pr; assign ex1_dlk_dstor_cond2 = (~spr_msr_ucle) & (~spr_msr_gs) & spr_msr_pr; assign ex1_dlock_dstor = (ex1_is_dcbtls | ex1_is_dcbtstls | ex1_is_dcblc) & (ex1_dlk_dstor_cond0 | ex1_dlk_dstor_cond1 | ex1_dlk_dstor_cond2); assign ex1_ilock_dstor = (ex1_is_icbtls | ex1_is_icblc) & (ex1_dlk_dstor_cond0 | ex1_dlk_dstor_cond1 | ex1_dlk_dstor_cond2); assign ex1_instr_ehpriv = (ex1_is_dcbtls | ex1_is_dcbtstls | ex1_is_dcblc | ex1_is_icbtls | ex1_is_icblc) & spr_msrp_uclep & spr_msr_gs & (~spr_msr_pr); assign ex1_illeg_msgsnd = ex1_is_msgsnd & (~spr_ccr2_en_pc_q); assign ex1_illeg_ditc = ex1_is_ditc & (~spr_ccr2_en_ditc_q); assign ex1_illeg_icswx = (ex1_is_icswx | ex1_is_icswepx) & (~spr_ccr2_en_icswx_q); assign ex1_illeg_instr = ex1_illeg_msgsnd | ex1_illeg_ditc | ex1_illeg_icswx | ex1_illeg_lswi | ex1_illeg_lmw | ex1_illeg_upd_form; // Load/Store Update Form Instruction Decode // Load with Update Valid assign ex1_fxu_ld_update = ex1_is_lbzu | ex1_is_lbzux | ex1_is_ldu | ex1_is_ldux | ex1_is_lhau | ex1_is_lhaux | ex1_is_lhzu | ex1_is_lhzux | ex1_is_lwaux | ex1_is_lwzu | ex1_is_lwzux; assign ex1_axu_ld_update = (~au_lq_ex1_st_v) & au_lq_ex1_ldst_update; assign ex1_ld_w_update = au_lq_ex1_ldst_v ? ex1_axu_ld_update : ex1_fxu_ld_update; // Store with Update Valid assign ex1_fxu_st_update = ex1_is_stbu | ex1_is_stbux | ex1_is_stdu | ex1_is_stdux | ex1_is_sthu | ex1_is_sthux | ex1_is_stwu | ex1_is_stwux; assign ex1_axu_st_update = au_lq_ex1_st_v & au_lq_ex1_ldst_update; assign ex1_st_w_update = au_lq_ex1_ldst_v ? ex1_axu_st_update : ex1_fxu_st_update; assign ex1_ra_eq_zero = (ex1_instr_q[11:15] == 5'b00000); assign ex1_ra_eq_rt = (ex1_instr_q[11:15] == ex1_instr_q[6:10]) & (~au_lq_ex1_ldst_v); assign ex1_illeg_upd_form = (ex1_ld_w_update & (ex1_ra_eq_zero | ex1_ra_eq_rt)) | (ex1_st_w_update & ex1_ra_eq_zero); // Illegal forms of LSWI and LMW assign ex1_num_bytes = {2'b00, (~(|ex1_instr_q[16:20])), ex1_instr_q[16:20]}; assign ex1_num_bytes_plus3 = ex1_num_bytes + 8'b00000011; assign ex1_num_regs = ex1_num_bytes_plus3[0:5]; assign ex1_lower_bnd = {1'b0, ex1_instr_q[6:10]}; assign ex1_upper_bnd = ex1_lower_bnd + ex1_num_regs; assign ex1_upper_bnd_wrap = {1'b0, ex1_upper_bnd[1:5]}; assign ex1_range_wrap = ex1_upper_bnd[0]; assign ex1_ra_in_rng_lmw = ({1'b0, ex1_instr_q[11:15]}) >= ex1_lower_bnd; // RA in range assign ex1_ra_in_rng_nowrap = (({1'b0, ex1_instr_q[11:15]}) >= ex1_lower_bnd) & (({1'b0, ex1_instr_q[11:15]}) < ex1_upper_bnd); assign ex1_ra_in_rng_wrap = (({1'b0, ex1_instr_q[11:15]}) < ex1_upper_bnd_wrap); assign ex1_ra_in_rng = (ex1_ra_in_rng_nowrap) | (ex1_ra_in_rng_wrap & ex1_range_wrap); assign ex1_illeg_lswi = ex1_is_lswi & ex1_ra_in_rng; assign ex1_illeg_lmw = ex1_is_lmw & ex1_ra_in_rng_lmw; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FXU Instruction Decode //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Final Table Listing // *INPUTS*==================================================*OUTPUTS*============================================* // | | | // | ex1_instr_q | ex1_cache_acc | // | | ex1_instr_q | | ex1_is_msgsnd | // | | | ex1_instr_q | | | dec_dcc_ex1_mbar_instr | // | | | | ex1_instr_q | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_sync_instr | // | | | | | au_lq_ex1_ldst_v | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_makeitso_instr | // | | | | | | au_lq_ex1_mftgpr | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_tlbsync_instr | // | | | | | | | au_lq_ex1_mffgpr | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_wclr_instr | // | | | | | | | | au_lq_ex1_movedp | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_wchk_instr | // | | | | | | | | | ex1_vld_q | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_src_gpr | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_src_axu | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_src_dp | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_targ_gpr | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_targ_axu | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_targ_dp | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ex1_cmd_act | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ctl_dat_ex1_data_act | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ex1_mtspr_trace | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ex1_derat_act | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ex1_dir_rd_act | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | // | 000000 1111111112 2222222223 33 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | // | 012345 1234567890 1234567890 01 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | // *TYPE*====================================================+====================================================+ // | PPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PP P P P P P | P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P | // *POLARITY*----------------------------------------------->| + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + | // *PHASE*-------------------------------------------------->| T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T | // *TERMS*===================================================+====================================================+ // 1 | 011111 0111011111 0111010011 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . | // 2 | 011111 ---------- 0000-00011 -- - - - 0 1 | . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . | // 3 | 011111 ---------- 1110000110 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . | // 4 | 011111 ---------- 0011111111 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 | // 5 | 011111 ---------- 0011001110 -- - - - - 1 | . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . | // 6 | 011111 ---------- 0000110010 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . | // 7 | 011111 ---------- 1101010110 -- - - - - 1 | . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . | // 8 | 011111 ---------- 1110100110 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . . | // 9 | 011111 ---------- 1000110110 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . | // 10 | 011111 ---------- 1001010110 -- - - - - 1 | . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . | // 11 | 011111 ---------- 0001-00011 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 1 1 . . . | // 12 | 011111 ---------- 0000-00011 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 1 . . . | // 13 | 011111 ---------- 10000101-0 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 | // 14 | 011111 ---------- 0-0001-111 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . | // 15 | 011111 ---------- 000001-1-1 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 | // 16 | 011111 ---------- 1111-11111 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 17 | 011111 ---------- 000-01-111 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 | // 18 | 011111 ---------- 0-11100110 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 19 | 011111 ---------- 0011110110 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 | // 20 | 011111 ---------- -11-0-0110 -- - - - - 1 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . | // 21 | 011111 ---------- 0-100-0110 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . | // 22 | 011111 ---------- 0100-11111 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 | // 23 | 011111 ---------- 0010-00110 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 | // 24 | 011111 ---------- 00-1010100 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 | // 25 | 011111 ---------- 01010101-1 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 | // 26 | 011111 ---------- 111--10110 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 27 | 011111 ---------- 000--11111 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 28 | 011111 ---------- 010001011- -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 | // 29 | 011111 ---------- 10-00101-0 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 30 | 011111 ---------- 0011-1-111 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 31 | 011111 ---------- 1-00010110 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 | // 32 | 011111 ---------- 1-10-10110 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 33 | 011111 ---------- 0010-101-1 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 34 | 011111 ---------- 0000-101-0 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 35 | 011111 ---------- 0-10-10111 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 36 | 011111 ---------- 000--10100 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 | // 37 | 011111 ---------- 00-001-1-1 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 38 | 011111 ---------- 0--001-111 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 39 | 011111 ---------- --1-010110 -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 40 | 011111 ---------- 00--01011- -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 41 | 1-1010 ---------- ---------- -0 - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 | // 42 | 111110 ---------- ---------- 0- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 43 | ------ ---------- ---------- -- 1 0 0 0 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 | // 44 | 10-0-0 ---------- ---------- -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 | // 45 | ------ ---------- ---------- -- - - 1 1 1 | . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . | // 46 | ------ ---------- ---------- -- - 1 - 1 1 | . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 1 . . . . | // 47 | ------ ---------- ---------- -- - 1 - 0 1 | . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . 1 . . . . | // 48 | ------ ---------- ---------- -- - - 1 0 1 | . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . . . . | // 49 | 10-10- ---------- ---------- -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 50 | 1001-- ---------- ---------- -- - - - - 1 | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // *==============================================================================================================* // // Table TBL_VAL_STG_GATE Signal Assignments for Product Terms assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[1] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[11], ex1_instr_q[12], ex1_instr_q[13], ex1_instr_q[14], ex1_instr_q[15], ex1_instr_q[16], ex1_instr_q[17], ex1_instr_q[18], ex1_instr_q[19], ex1_instr_q[20], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 27'b011111011101111101110100111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[2] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], au_lq_ex1_movedp, ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111100000001101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[3] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111111100001101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[4] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111100111111111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[5] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111100110011101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[6] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111100001100101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[7] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111111010101101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[8] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111111101001101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[9] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111110001101101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[10] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111110010101101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[11] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111110001000111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[12] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111110000000111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[13] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111111000010101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[14] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111000011111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[15] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111000001111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[16] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111111111111111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[17] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111000011111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[18] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111110111001101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[19] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 17'b01111100111101101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[20] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 14'b01111111001101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[21] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111010001101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[22] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111110100111111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[23] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111110010001101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[24] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111110010101001; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[25] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111110101010111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[26] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111111101101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[27] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111000111111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[28] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111110100010111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[29] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111100010101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[30] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111001111111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[31] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 16'b0111111000101101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[32] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111110101101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[33] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111001010111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[34] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111000010101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[35] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111010101111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[36] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 15'b011111000101001; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[37] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 14'b01111100001111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[38] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 14'b01111100011111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[39] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 14'b01111110101101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[40] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_vld_q}) == 14'b01111100010111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[41] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[31], ex1_vld_q}) == 7'b1101001; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[42] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_vld_q}) == 8'b11111001; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[43] = ({au_lq_ex1_ldst_v, au_lq_ex1_mftgpr, au_lq_ex1_mffgpr, au_lq_ex1_movedp, ex1_vld_q}) == 5'b10001; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[44] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_vld_q}) == 5'b10001; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[45] = ({au_lq_ex1_mffgpr, au_lq_ex1_movedp, ex1_vld_q}) == 3'b111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[46] = ({au_lq_ex1_mftgpr, au_lq_ex1_movedp, ex1_vld_q}) == 3'b111; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[47] = ({au_lq_ex1_mftgpr, au_lq_ex1_movedp, ex1_vld_q}) == 3'b101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[48] = ({au_lq_ex1_mffgpr, au_lq_ex1_movedp, ex1_vld_q}) == 3'b101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[49] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_vld_q}) == 5'b10101; assign TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[50] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_vld_q}) == 5'b10011; // Table TBL_VAL_STG_GATE Signal Assignments for Outputs assign ex1_cache_acc = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[8] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[16] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[18] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[19] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[21] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[22] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[23] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[24] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[25] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[26] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[27] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[28] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[29] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[30] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[31] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[32] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[33] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[34] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[35] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[36] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[37] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[38] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[39] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[40] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[41] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[42] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[43] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[44] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[49] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[50]); assign ex1_is_msgsnd = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[5]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_mbar_instr = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[7]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_sync_instr = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[10]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_makeitso_instr = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[6]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_tlbsync_instr = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[9]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_wclr_instr = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[8]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_wchk_instr = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[3]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_src_gpr = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[11] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[48]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_src_axu = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[46] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[47]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_src_dp = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[12] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[45]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_targ_gpr = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[2] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[47]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_targ_axu = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[45] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[48]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_targ_dp = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[11] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[46]); assign ex1_cmd_act = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[1] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[5] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[6] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[7] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[8] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[9] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[10] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[11] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[12] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[16] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[18] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[19] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[20] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[22] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[23] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[24] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[25] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[26] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[27] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[28] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[29] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[30] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[31] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[32] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[33] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[34] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[35] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[36] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[37] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[38] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[39] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[40] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[41] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[42] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[43] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[44] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[45] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[46] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[47] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[48] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[49] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[50]); assign ctl_dat_ex1_data_act = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[11] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[12] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[13] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[14] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[15] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[17] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[24] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[25] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[31] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[36] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[41] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[43] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[44]); assign ex1_mtspr_trace = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[1]); assign ex1_derat_act = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[16] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[18] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[19] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[21] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[22] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[23] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[24] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[25] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[26] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[27] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[28] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[29] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[30] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[31] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[32] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[33] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[34] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[35] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[36] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[37] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[38] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[39] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[40] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[41] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[42] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[43] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[44] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[49] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[50]); assign ex1_dir_rd_act = (TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[4] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[13] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[15] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[17] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[19] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[22] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[23] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[24] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[25] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[28] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[31] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[36] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[41] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[43] | TBL_VAL_STG_GATE_PT[44]); // // Final Table Listing // *INPUTS*===================================================*OUTPUTS*============================================* // | | | // | ex1_instr_q | | // | | ex1_instr_q | | // | | | ex1_instr_q | ex1_derat_is_load | // | | | | ex1_instr_q | | ex1_derat_is_store | // | | | | | au_lq_ex1_ldst_v | | | ex1_load_instr | // | | | | | | au_lq_ex1_ldst_size | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_store_instr | // | | | | | | | au_lq_ex1_mftgpr | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_algebraic | // | | | | | | | | au_lq_ex1_mffgpr | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_ldawx_instr | // | | | | | | | | | au_lq_ex1_movedp | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_optype1 | // | | | | | | | | | | au_lq_ex1_st_v | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_optype16 | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_optype2 | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_optype32 | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_optype4 | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_optype8 | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ex1_dcm_instr | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | dec_dcc_ex1_strg_index | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ex1_is_any_load_dac | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ex1_is_any_store_dac | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ex1_resv_instr | // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | // | 000000 0 2222222223 33 | 000000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | // | 012345 9 1234567890 01 | 012345 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | // *TYPE*=====================================================+====================================================+ // | PPPPPP P PPPPPPPPPP PP P PPPPPP P P P P | P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P | // *POLARITY*------------------------------------------------>| + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + | // *PHASE*--------------------------------------------------->| T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T | // *TERMS*====================================================+====================================================+ // 1 | 011111 1 1110100110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . | // 2 | 011111 - 1110100110 -- - ------ - - - - | . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . | // 3 | 011111 - 1111111111 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 4 | 011111 - 1110110110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . | // 5 | 011111 - 1111011111 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . | // 6 | 011111 - 0100111111 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . | // 7 | 011111 - 10-0010101 -- - ------ - - - - | . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . | // 8 | 011111 - 0011111111 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 9 | 011111 - 1111110110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 10 | 011111 - 01010101-1 -- - ------ - - - - | . . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . | // 11 | 011111 - 0110000110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . | // 12 | 011111 - 1000010100 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . | // 13 | 011111 - 0010000110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 14 | 011111 - 1111010110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . | // 15 | 011111 - 0001110100 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . 1 | // 16 | 011111 - 1010010100 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . | // 17 | 011111 - 0111010110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 18 | 011111 - 0011110110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 19 | 011111 - 1100010110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . | // 20 | 011111 - 1110010110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . | // 21 | 011111 - 0000110100 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . 1 | // 22 | 011111 - 1010110110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 | // 23 | 011111 - 0-11100110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . | // 24 | 011111 - 0000110110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 25 | 011111 - 001-010110 -- - ------ - - - - | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 | // 26 | 011111 - 101-010101 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . | // 27 | 011111 - 0000010100 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 | // 28 | 011111 - 0001010100 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . 1 | // 29 | 011111 - 100-010101 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . | // 30 | 011111 - 0011010100 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . | // 31 | 011111 - 000-111111 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 32 | 011111 - 1011010110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 1 | // 33 | 011111 - 0001010110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . | // 34 | 011111 - 0101-10101 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . | // 35 | 011111 - 1000010110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . | // 36 | 011111 - 001-100110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . | // 37 | 011111 - -00001010- -- - ------ - - - - | . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | // 38 | 011111 - 0011010110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . | // 39 | 011111 - 00-0-10101 -- - ------ - - - - | . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . | // 40 | 011111 - 0-10010110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . | // 41 | 011111 - 000001-101 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . | // 42 | 011111 - 001001-101 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . | // 43 | 011111 - 010001-111 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . | // 44 | 011111 - 0001-10111 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . | // 45 | 011111 - 011001-111 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . | // 46 | 011111 - 000101-111 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . | // 47 | 011111 - 001101-111 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . | // 48 | 011111 - 00-0-10111 -- - ------ - - - - | . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . | // 49 | 011111 - 0110-10111 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . | // 50 | 011111 - 0011-10111 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . | // 51 | 011111 - 0-00010110 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . | // 52 | 011111 - 000001-111 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . | // 53 | 011111 - 001001-111 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . | // 54 | 011111 - -010010110 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . | // 55 | 011111 - 0000-101-1 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . | // 56 | 011111 - 010--10111 -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . | // 57 | 011111 - 0010-101-1 -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . | // 58 | 111010 - ---------- 10 - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . | // 59 | ------ - ---------- -- 1 ------ 0 0 0 1 | . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . | // 60 | 101010 - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . | // 61 | ------ - ---------- -- 1 ------ 0 0 0 0 | 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . | // 62 | 1-1010 - ---------- -0 - ------ - - - - | . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | // 63 | 10000- - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . | // 64 | 10-0-0 - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | // 65 | 111010 - ---------- 0- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . | // 66 | 10001- - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . | // 67 | 10010- - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . | // 68 | 111110 - ---------- 0- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . | // 69 | 101110 - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . | // 70 | 10011- - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . | // 71 | 10110- - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . | // 72 | ------ - ---------- -- 1 -1---- - - - - | . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . | // 73 | ------ - ---------- -- 1 1----- - - - - | . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . | // 74 | ------ - ---------- -- 1 -----1 - - - - | . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . | // 75 | 1010-- - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . | // 76 | ------ - ---------- -- 1 ----1- - - - - | . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . | // 77 | ------ - ---------- -- 1 --1--- - - - - | . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . | // 78 | ------ - ---------- -- 1 ---1-- - - - - | . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . | // 79 | 101111 - ---------- -- - ------ - - - - | . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . | // *===============================================================================================================* // // Table TBL_LD_ST_DEC Signal Assignments for Product Terms assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[1] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[09], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 17'b01111111110100110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[2] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111110100110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[3] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111111111111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[4] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111110110110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[5] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111111011111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[6] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110100111111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[7] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111100010101; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[8] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110011111111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[9] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111111110110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[10] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111010101011; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[11] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110110000110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[12] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111000010100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[13] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110010000110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[14] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111111010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[15] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110001110100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[16] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111010010100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[17] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110111010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[18] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110011110110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[19] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111100010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[20] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111110010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[21] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110000110100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[22] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111010110110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[23] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111011100110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[24] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110000110110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[25] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111001010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[26] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111101010101; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[27] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110000010100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[28] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110001010100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[29] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111100010101; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[30] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110011010100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[31] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111000111111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[32] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111011010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[33] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110001010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[34] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111010110101; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[35] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111111000010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[36] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111001100110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[37] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29]}) == 14'b01111100001010; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[38] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 16'b0111110011010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[39] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 14'b01111100010101; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[40] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111010010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[41] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111000001101; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[42] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111001001101; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[43] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111010001111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[44] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111000110111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[45] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111011001111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[46] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111000101111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[47] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111001101111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[48] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 14'b01111100010111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[49] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111011010111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[50] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111001110111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[51] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111000010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[52] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111000001111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[53] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111001001111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[54] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[25], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 15'b011111010010110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[55] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 14'b01111100001011; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[56] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[29], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 14'b01111101010111; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[57] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[21], ex1_instr_q[22], ex1_instr_q[23], ex1_instr_q[24], ex1_instr_q[26], ex1_instr_q[27], ex1_instr_q[28], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 14'b01111100101011; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[58] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[30], ex1_instr_q[31]}) == 8'b11101010; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[59] = ({au_lq_ex1_ldst_v, au_lq_ex1_mftgpr, au_lq_ex1_mffgpr, au_lq_ex1_movedp, au_lq_ex1_st_v}) == 5'b10001; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[60] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05]}) == 6'b101010; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[61] = ({au_lq_ex1_ldst_v, au_lq_ex1_mftgpr, au_lq_ex1_mffgpr, au_lq_ex1_movedp, au_lq_ex1_st_v}) == 5'b10000; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[62] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[31]}) == 6'b110100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[63] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04]}) == 5'b10000; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[64] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[05]}) == 4'b1000; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[65] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 7'b1110100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[66] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04]}) == 5'b10001; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[67] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04]}) == 5'b10010; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[68] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05], ex1_instr_q[30]}) == 7'b1111100; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[69] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05]}) == 6'b101110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[70] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04]}) == 5'b10011; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[71] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04]}) == 5'b10110; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[72] = ({au_lq_ex1_ldst_v, au_lq_ex1_ldst_size[01]}) == 2'b11; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[73] = ({au_lq_ex1_ldst_v, au_lq_ex1_ldst_size[00]}) == 2'b11; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[74] = ({au_lq_ex1_ldst_v, au_lq_ex1_ldst_size[05]}) == 2'b11; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[75] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03]}) == 4'b1010; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[76] = ({au_lq_ex1_ldst_v, au_lq_ex1_ldst_size[04]}) == 2'b11; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[77] = ({au_lq_ex1_ldst_v, au_lq_ex1_ldst_size[02]}) == 2'b11; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[78] = ({au_lq_ex1_ldst_v, au_lq_ex1_ldst_size[03]}) == 2'b11; assign TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[79] = ({ex1_instr_q[00], ex1_instr_q[01], ex1_instr_q[02], ex1_instr_q[03], ex1_instr_q[04], ex1_instr_q[05]}) == 6'b101111; // Table TBL_LD_ST_DEC Signal Assignments for Outputs assign ex1_derat_is_load = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[1] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[5] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[6] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[11] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[12] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[14] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[15] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[19] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[21] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[23] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[24] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[27] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[28] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[29] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[30] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[31] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[33] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[34] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[35] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[36] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[41] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[43] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[44] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[46] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[51] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[52] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[55] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[56] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[58] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[61] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[63] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[65] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[66] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[69] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[75]); assign ex1_derat_is_store = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[3] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[4] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[8] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[9] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[13] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[16] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[17] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[18] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[20] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[22] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[26] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[32] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[38] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[40] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[42] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[45] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[47] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[49] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[50] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[53] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[54] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[57] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[59] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[67] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[68] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[70] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[71] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[79]); assign ex1_load_instr = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[10] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[15] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[19] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[21] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[28] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[30] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[35] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[37] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[41] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[43] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[46] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[52] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[61] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[62] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[64]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_store_instr = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[16] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[20] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[22] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[32] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[38] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[42] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[45] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[47] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[49] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[50] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[53] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[54] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[57] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[59] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[67] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[68] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[70] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[71]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_algebraic = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[10] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[58] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[60]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_ldawx_instr = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[30]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_optype1 = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[21] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[22] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[44] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[46] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[47] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[50] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[66] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[70] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[74]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_optype16 = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[72]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_optype2 = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[15] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[19] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[20] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[32] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[43] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[45] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[49] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[56] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[71] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[75] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[76]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_optype32 = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[73]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_optype4 = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[4] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[27] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[34] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[35] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[40] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[48] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[52] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[53] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[54] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[58] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[63] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[67] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[69] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[78] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[79]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_optype8 = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[12] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[16] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[28] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[30] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[38] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[39] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[41] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[42] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[65] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[68] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[77]); assign ex1_dcm_instr = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[2] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[3] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[5] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[6] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[8] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[9] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[11] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[13] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[14] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[17] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[18] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[23] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[24] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[31] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[33] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[36] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[51]); assign dec_dcc_ex1_strg_index = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[7]); assign ex1_is_any_load_dac = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[1] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[5] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[6] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[11] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[12] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[14] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[15] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[19] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[21] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[23] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[27] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[28] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[29] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[30] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[34] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[35] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[36] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[41] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[43] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[44] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[46] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[51] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[52] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[55] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[56] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[58] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[61] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[63] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[65] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[66] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[69] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[75]); assign ex1_is_any_store_dac = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[3] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[8] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[9] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[13] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[16] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[17] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[18] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[20] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[22] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[24] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[26] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[31] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[32] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[33] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[38] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[42] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[45] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[47] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[49] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[50] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[53] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[54] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[57] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[59] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[67] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[68] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[70] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[71] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[79]); assign ex1_resv_instr = (TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[15] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[21] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[22] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[25] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[27] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[28] | TBL_LD_ST_DEC_PT[32]); assign dec_derat_ex1_is_load = ex1_derat_is_load; assign dec_derat_ex1_is_store = ex1_derat_is_store; assign ex1_is_ditc = ex1_is_mtdpx | ex1_is_mtdp | ex1_is_mfdpx | ex1_is_mfdp; // Need to decode these ops in ex0 assign ex1_opcode_is_62 = ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b111110; assign ex1_opcode_is_58 = ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b111010; assign ex1_opcode_is_31 = ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b011111; assign ex1_is_dcbf = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0001010110); assign ex1_is_dcbi = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0111010110); assign ex1_is_dcbst = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0000110110); assign ex1_is_dcblc = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0110000110); assign ex1_is_dcbt = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0100010110); assign ex1_is_dcbtls = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0010100110); assign ex1_is_dcbtst = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0011110110); assign ex1_is_dcbtstls = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0010000110); assign ex1_is_dcbz = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1111110110); assign ex1_is_dci = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0111000110); assign ex1_is_ici = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1111000110); assign ex1_is_icbi = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1111010110); assign ex1_is_icblc = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0011100110); assign ex1_is_icbt = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0000010110); assign ex1_is_icbtls = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0111100110); assign ex1_is_lbz = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b100010); assign ex1_is_lbzu = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b100011); assign ex1_is_lbzux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0001110111); assign ex1_is_ld = (ex1_opcode_is_58 & ex1_instr_q[30:31] == 2'b00); assign ex1_is_ldbrx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1000010100); assign ex1_is_ldu = (ex1_opcode_is_58 & ex1_instr_q[30:31] == 2'b01); assign ex1_is_ldux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0000110101); assign ex1_is_lha = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b101010); assign ex1_is_lhau = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b101011); assign ex1_is_lhaux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0101110111); assign ex1_is_lhbrx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1100010110); assign ex1_is_lhzux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0100110111); assign ex1_is_lhz = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b101000); assign ex1_is_lhzu = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b101001); assign ex1_is_lmw = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b101110); assign ex1_is_lswi = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1001010101); assign ex1_is_lwa = (ex1_opcode_is_58 & ex1_instr_q[30:31] == 2'b10); assign ex1_is_lwaux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0101110101); assign ex1_is_lwz = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b100000); assign ex1_is_lwzu = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b100001); assign ex1_is_lwzux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0000110111); assign ex1_is_lwbrx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1000010110); assign ex1_is_mfdp = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0000100011); assign ex1_is_mfdpx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0000000011); assign ex1_is_mtdp = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0001100011); assign ex1_is_mtdpx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0001000011); assign ex1_is_stb = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b100110); assign ex1_is_stbu = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b100111); assign ex1_is_stbux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0011110111); assign ex1_is_std = (ex1_opcode_is_62 & ex1_instr_q[30:31] == 2'b00); assign ex1_is_stdbrx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1010010100); assign ex1_is_stdu = (ex1_opcode_is_62 & ex1_instr_q[30:31] == 2'b01); assign ex1_is_stdux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0010110101); assign ex1_is_sth = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b101100); assign ex1_is_sthu = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b101101); assign ex1_is_sthux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0110110111); assign ex1_is_sthbrx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1110010110); assign ex1_is_stmw = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b101111); assign ex1_is_stswi = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1011010101); assign ex1_is_stw = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b100100); assign ex1_is_stwu = (ex1_instr_q[0:5] == 6'b100101); assign ex1_is_stwux = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0010110111); assign ex1_is_stwbrx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1010010110); assign ex1_is_tlbsync = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1000110110); assign ex1_is_dcbstep = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0000111111); assign ex1_is_dcbtep = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0100111111); assign ex1_is_dcbfep = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0001111111); assign ex1_is_dcbtstep = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0011111111); assign ex1_is_icbiep = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1111011111); assign ex1_is_dcbzep = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1111111111); assign ex1_is_icswx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0110010110); assign ex1_is_icswepx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1110110110); assign ex1_is_wclr = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b1110100110); assign ex1_wclr_one_val = ex1_vld_q & ex1_is_wclr & ex1_instr_q[9]; assign ex1_is_lbepx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0001011111); assign ex1_is_ldepx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0000011101); assign ex1_is_lhepx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0100011111); assign ex1_is_lwepx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0000011111); assign ex1_is_stbepx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0011011111); assign ex1_is_stdepx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0010011101); assign ex1_is_sthepx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0110011111); assign ex1_is_stwepx = (ex1_opcode_is_31 & ex1_instr_q[21:30] == 10'b0010011111); assign ex0_is_lbepx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0001011111); assign ex0_is_lhepx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100011111); assign ex0_is_lwepx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000011111); assign ex0_is_ldepx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000011101); assign ex0_is_dcbfep = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0001111111); assign ex0_is_dcbtep = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0100111111); assign ex0_is_dcbtstep = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0011111111); assign ex0_is_dcbstep = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000111111); assign ex0_is_icbiep = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b1111011111); assign ex0_is_dcbzep = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b1111111111); assign ex0_is_stbepx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0011011111); assign ex0_is_sthepx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0110011111); assign ex0_is_stwepx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0010011111); assign ex0_is_stdepx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0010011101); assign ex0_is_icswepx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111 & rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b1110110110); assign ex0_is_larx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111) & (rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:23] == 3'b000) & (rv_lq_ex0_instr[26:30] == 5'b10100); assign ex0_is_stcx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111) & (rv_lq_ex0_instr[26:30] == 5'b10110) & ((rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:25] == 5'b10101) | (rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:25] == 5'b10110) | (rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:25] == 5'b00100) | (rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:25] == 5'b00110)) ; assign ex0_is_ldawx = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111) & (rv_lq_ex0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0011010100); assign ex0_is_icswxdot = (rv_lq_ex0_instr[0:5] == 6'b011111) & (rv_lq_ex0_instr[22:24] == 3'b110) & (rv_lq_ex0_instr[26:31] == 6'b101101); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Latch Instances //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_msr_gs_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[spr_msr_gs_offset:spr_msr_gs_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[spr_msr_gs_offset:spr_msr_gs_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(spr_msr_gs_d), .dout(spr_msr_gs_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_msr_pr_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[spr_msr_pr_offset:spr_msr_pr_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[spr_msr_pr_offset:spr_msr_pr_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(spr_msr_pr_d), .dout(spr_msr_pr_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_msr_ucle_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[spr_msr_ucle_offset:spr_msr_ucle_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[spr_msr_ucle_offset:spr_msr_ucle_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(spr_msr_ucle_d), .dout(spr_msr_ucle_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_msrp_uclep_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[spr_msrp_uclep_offset:spr_msrp_uclep_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[spr_msrp_uclep_offset:spr_msrp_uclep_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(spr_msrp_uclep_d), .dout(spr_msrp_uclep_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_ccr2_en_pc_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[spr_ccr2_en_pc_offset]), .scout(sov[spr_ccr2_en_pc_offset]), .din(spr_ccr2_en_pc_d), .dout(spr_ccr2_en_pc_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_ccr2_en_ditc_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[spr_ccr2_en_ditc_offset]), .scout(sov[spr_ccr2_en_ditc_offset]), .din(spr_ccr2_en_ditc_d), .dout(spr_ccr2_en_ditc_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_ccr2_en_icswx_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[spr_ccr2_en_icswx_offset]), .scout(sov[spr_ccr2_en_icswx_offset]), .din(spr_ccr2_en_icswx_d), .dout(spr_ccr2_en_icswx_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[ex0_vld_offset]), .din(ex0_vld_d), .dout(ex0_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[ex1_vld_offset]), .din(ex1_vld_d), .dout(ex1_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[ex2_vld_offset]), .din(ex2_vld_d), .dout(ex2_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[ex3_vld_offset]), .din(ex3_vld_d), .dout(ex3_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[ex4_vld_offset]), .din(ex4_vld_d), .dout(ex4_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex5_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[ex5_vld_offset]), .din(ex5_vld_d), .dout(ex5_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_stg_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_stg_act_offset]), .scout(sov[ex0_stg_act_offset]), .din(ex0_stg_act_d), .dout(ex0_stg_act_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_stg_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_stg_act_offset]), .scout(sov[ex1_stg_act_offset]), .din(ex1_stg_act_d), .dout(ex1_stg_act_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_stg_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_stg_act_offset]), .scout(sov[ex2_stg_act_offset]), .din(ex2_stg_act_d), .dout(ex2_stg_act_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_stg_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_stg_act_offset]), .scout(sov[ex3_stg_act_offset]), .din(ex3_stg_act_d), .dout(ex3_stg_act_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_stg_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_stg_act_offset]), .scout(sov[ex4_stg_act_offset]), .din(ex4_stg_act_d), .dout(ex4_stg_act_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_stg_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex5_stg_act_offset]), .scout(sov[ex5_stg_act_offset]), .din(ex5_stg_act_d), .dout(ex5_stg_act_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_stg_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex6_stg_act_offset]), .scout(sov[ex6_stg_act_offset]), .din(ex6_stg_act_d), .dout(ex6_stg_act_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex7_stg_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex7_stg_act_offset]), .scout(sov[ex7_stg_act_offset]), .din(ex7_stg_act_d), .dout(ex7_stg_act_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_ucode_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex0_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_ucode_offset:ex1_ucode_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex1_ucode_offset:ex1_ucode_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(ex1_ucode_d), .dout(ex1_ucode_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`UCODE_ENTRIES_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_ucode_cnt_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex0_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_ucode_cnt_offset:ex1_ucode_cnt_offset + `UCODE_ENTRIES_ENC - 1]), .scout(sov[ex1_ucode_cnt_offset:ex1_ucode_cnt_offset + `UCODE_ENTRIES_ENC - 1]), .din(ex1_ucode_cnt_d), .dout(ex1_ucode_cnt_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_instr_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_instr_offset:ex1_instr_offset + 32 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex1_instr_offset:ex1_instr_offset + 32 - 1]), .din(ex1_instr_d), .dout(ex1_instr_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_is_any_load_dac_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex1_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_is_any_load_dac_offset]), .scout(sov[ex2_is_any_load_dac_offset]), .din(ex2_is_any_load_dac_d), .dout(ex2_is_any_load_dac_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_is_any_store_dac_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex1_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_is_any_store_dac_offset]), .scout(sov[ex2_is_any_store_dac_offset]), .din(ex2_is_any_store_dac_d), .dout(ex2_is_any_store_dac_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_dir_rd_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_dir_rd_act_offset]), .scout(sov[ex2_dir_rd_act_offset]), .din(ex2_dir_rd_act_d), .dout(ex2_dir_rd_act_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_tid_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_tid_offset:ex0_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[ex0_tid_offset:ex0_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(rv_lq_vld), .dout(ex0_tid_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_tid_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex0_stq2_stg_act), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_tid_offset:ex1_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[ex1_tid_offset:ex1_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(ex0_iss_stq2_tid), .dout(ex1_tid_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_tid_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex2_stg_act_d), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_tid_offset:ex2_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[ex2_tid_offset:ex2_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(ex1_tid), .dout(ex2_tid_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_tid_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex2_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_tid_offset:ex3_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[ex3_tid_offset:ex3_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(ex2_tid_q), .dout(ex3_tid_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_tid_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex3_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_tid_offset:ex4_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[ex4_tid_offset:ex4_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(ex3_tid_q), .dout(ex4_tid_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_s1_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex0_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_s1_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[ex1_s1_vld_offset]), .din(rv_lq_ex0_s1_v), .dout(ex1_s1_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_s2_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex0_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_s2_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[ex1_s2_vld_offset]), .din(rv_lq_ex0_s2_v), .dout(ex1_s2_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_t1_we_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_t1_we_offset]), .scout(sov[ex1_t1_we_offset]), .din(ex1_t1_we_d), .dout(ex1_t1_we_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_t1_we_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_t1_we_offset]), .scout(sov[ex2_t1_we_offset]), .din(ex2_t1_we_d), .dout(ex2_t1_we_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_t1_we_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_t1_we_offset]), .scout(sov[ex3_t1_we_offset]), .din(ex3_t1_we_d), .dout(ex3_t1_we_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_t1_we_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_t1_we_offset]), .scout(sov[ex4_t1_we_offset]), .din(ex4_t1_we_d), .dout(ex4_t1_we_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_t1_we_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex5_t1_we_offset]), .scout(sov[ex5_t1_we_offset]), .din(ex5_t1_we_d), .dout(ex5_t1_we_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_t1_we_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex6_t1_we_offset]), .scout(sov[ex6_t1_we_offset]), .din(ex6_t1_we_d), .dout(ex6_t1_we_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lq_xu_ex5_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[lq_xu_ex5_act_offset]), .scout(sov[lq_xu_ex5_act_offset]), .din(lq_xu_ex5_act_d), .dout(lq_xu_ex5_act_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`GPR_POOL_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_t1_wa_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex0_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_t1_wa_offset:ex1_t1_wa_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1]), .scout(sov[ex1_t1_wa_offset:ex1_t1_wa_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1]), .din(rv_lq_ex0_t1_p), .dout(ex1_t1_wa_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`GPR_POOL_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_t3_wa_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex0_stg_act_q), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_t3_wa_offset:ex1_t3_wa_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1]), .scout(sov[ex1_t3_wa_offset:ex1_t3_wa_offset + `GPR_POOL_ENC - 1]), .din(rv_lq_ex0_t3_p), .dout(ex1_t3_wa_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_itag_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex0_stq2_stg_act), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_itag_offset:ex1_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]), .scout(sov[ex1_itag_offset:ex1_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]), .din(ex0_iss_stq2_itag), .dout(ex1_itag_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_itag_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex1_stq3_stg_act), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_itag_offset:ex2_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]), .scout(sov[ex2_itag_offset:ex2_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]), .din(ex1_itag), .dout(ex2_itag_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) release_itag_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[release_itag_offset:release_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]), .scout(sov[release_itag_offset:release_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]), .din(release_itag_d), .dout(release_itag_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) release_tid_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[release_tid_offset:release_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[release_tid_offset:release_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(release_tid_d), .dout(release_tid_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) release_itag_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[release_itag_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[release_itag_vld_offset]), .din(release_itag_vld_d), .dout(release_itag_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_needs_release_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_needs_release_offset]), .scout(sov[ex0_needs_release_offset]), .din(ex0_needs_release_d), .dout(ex0_needs_release_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_needs_release_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_needs_release_offset]), .scout(sov[ex1_needs_release_offset]), .din(ex1_needs_release_d), .dout(ex1_needs_release_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_needs_release_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_needs_release_offset]), .scout(sov[ex2_needs_release_offset]), .din(ex2_needs_release_d), .dout(ex2_needs_release_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_physical_upd_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_physical_upd_offset]), .scout(sov[ex2_physical_upd_offset]), .din(ex2_physical_upd_d), .dout(ex2_physical_upd_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_req_abort_rpt_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_req_abort_rpt_offset]), .scout(sov[ex3_req_abort_rpt_offset]), .din(ex3_req_abort_rpt_d), .dout(ex3_req_abort_rpt_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_req_abort_rpt_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_req_abort_rpt_offset]), .scout(sov[ex4_req_abort_rpt_offset]), .din(ex4_req_abort_rpt_d), .dout(ex4_req_abort_rpt_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_req_abort_rpt_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex5_req_abort_rpt_offset]), .scout(sov[ex5_req_abort_rpt_offset]), .din(ex5_req_abort_rpt_d), .dout(ex5_req_abort_rpt_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_axu_physical_upd_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_axu_physical_upd_offset]), .scout(sov[ex2_axu_physical_upd_offset]), .din(ex2_axu_physical_upd_d), .dout(ex2_axu_physical_upd_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_axu_abort_rpt_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_axu_abort_rpt_offset]), .scout(sov[ex3_axu_abort_rpt_offset]), .din(ex3_axu_abort_rpt_d), .dout(ex3_axu_abort_rpt_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_axu_abort_rpt_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_axu_abort_rpt_offset]), .scout(sov[ex4_axu_abort_rpt_offset]), .din(ex4_axu_abort_rpt_d), .dout(ex4_axu_abort_rpt_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_axu_abort_rpt_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex5_axu_abort_rpt_offset]), .scout(sov[ex5_axu_abort_rpt_offset]), .din(ex5_axu_abort_rpt_d), .dout(ex5_axu_abort_rpt_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_release_attmp_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_release_attmp_offset]), .scout(sov[ex1_release_attmp_offset]), .din(ex1_release_attmp_d), .dout(ex1_release_attmp_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq3_release_attmp_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq3_release_attmp_offset]), .scout(sov[stq3_release_attmp_offset]), .din(stq3_release_attmp_d), .dout(stq3_release_attmp_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq3_needs_release_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq3_needs_release_offset]), .scout(sov[stq3_needs_release_offset]), .din(stq3_needs_release_d), .dout(stq3_needs_release_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq2_release_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq2_release_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[stq2_release_vld_offset]), .din(stq2_release_vld_d), .dout(stq2_release_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq3_release_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq3_release_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[stq3_release_vld_offset]), .din(stq3_release_vld_d), .dout(stq3_release_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq4_release_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq4_release_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[stq4_release_vld_offset]), .din(stq4_release_vld_d), .dout(stq4_release_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq5_release_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq5_release_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[stq5_release_vld_offset]), .din(stq5_release_vld_d), .dout(stq5_release_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq6_release_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq6_release_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[stq6_release_vld_offset]), .din(stq6_release_vld_d), .dout(stq6_release_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq7_release_vld_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq7_release_vld_offset]), .scout(sov[stq7_release_vld_offset]), .din(stq7_release_vld_d), .dout(stq7_release_vld_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) xu_lq_hold_req_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[xu_lq_hold_req_offset]), .scout(sov[xu_lq_hold_req_offset]), .din(xu_lq_hold_req_d), .dout(xu_lq_hold_req_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mm_hold_req_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[mm_hold_req_offset]), .scout(sov[mm_hold_req_offset]), .din(mm_hold_req_d), .dout(mm_hold_req_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mm_hold_done_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[mm_hold_done_offset]), .scout(sov[mm_hold_done_offset]), .din(mm_hold_done_d), .dout(mm_hold_done_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) rv1_hold_taken_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[rv1_hold_taken_offset]), .scout(sov[rv1_hold_taken_offset]), .din(rv1_hold_taken_d), .dout(rv1_hold_taken_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_hold_taken_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_hold_taken_offset]), .scout(sov[ex0_hold_taken_offset]), .din(ex0_hold_taken_d), .dout(ex0_hold_taken_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_hold_taken_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_hold_taken_offset]), .scout(sov[ex1_hold_taken_offset]), .din(ex1_hold_taken_d), .dout(ex1_hold_taken_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) rv1_back_inv_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[rv1_back_inv_offset]), .scout(sov[rv1_back_inv_offset]), .din(rv1_back_inv_d), .dout(rv1_back_inv_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_back_inv_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_back_inv_offset]), .scout(sov[ex0_back_inv_offset]), .din(ex0_back_inv_d), .dout(ex0_back_inv_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH-`CL_SIZE), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_back_inv_addr_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(rv1_back_inv_q), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_back_inv_addr_offset:ex0_back_inv_addr_offset + (`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH-`CL_SIZE) - 1]), .scout(sov[ex0_back_inv_addr_offset:ex0_back_inv_addr_offset + (`REAL_IFAR_WIDTH-`CL_SIZE) - 1]), .din(ex0_back_inv_addr_d), .dout(ex0_back_inv_addr_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_selimm_addr_val_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_selimm_addr_val_offset]), .scout(sov[ex1_selimm_addr_val_offset]), .din(ex1_selimm_addr_val_d), .dout(ex1_selimm_addr_val_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((64-`CL_SIZE)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_selimm_addr_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(ex0_selimm_addr_val), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex1_selimm_addr_offset:ex1_selimm_addr_offset + (64-`CL_SIZE) - 1]), .scout(sov[ex1_selimm_addr_offset:ex1_selimm_addr_offset + (64-`CL_SIZE) - 1]), .din(ex1_selimm_addr_d), .dout(ex1_selimm_addr_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_arr_rd_val_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_arr_rd_val_offset]), .scout(sov[ex0_arr_rd_val_offset]), .din(ex0_arr_rd_val_d), .dout(ex0_arr_rd_val_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_offset:ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_offset + 6 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_offset:ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_offset + 6 - 1]), .din(ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_d), .dout(ex0_arr_rd_congr_cl_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_derat_snoop_val_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_derat_snoop_val_offset]), .scout(sov[ex0_derat_snoop_val_offset]), .din(ex0_derat_snoop_val_d), .dout(ex0_derat_snoop_val_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(52), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex0_derat_snoop_addr_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(derat_rv1_snoop_val), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex0_derat_snoop_addr_offset:ex0_derat_snoop_addr_offset + 52 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex0_derat_snoop_addr_offset:ex0_derat_snoop_addr_offset + 52 - 1]), .din(ex0_derat_snoop_addr_d), .dout(ex0_derat_snoop_addr_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) iu_lq_cp_flush_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[iu_lq_cp_flush_offset:iu_lq_cp_flush_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[iu_lq_cp_flush_offset:iu_lq_cp_flush_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(iu_lq_cp_flush_d), .dout(iu_lq_cp_flush_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq6_mftgpr_val_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq6_mftgpr_val_offset]), .scout(sov[stq6_mftgpr_val_offset]), .din(stq6_mftgpr_val_d), .dout(stq6_mftgpr_val_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq7_mftgpr_val_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_slp_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq7_mftgpr_val_offset]), .scout(sov[stq7_mftgpr_val_offset]), .din(stq7_mftgpr_val_d), .dout(stq7_mftgpr_val_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq2_release_itag_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq2_release_itag_offset:stq2_release_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]), .scout(sov[stq2_release_itag_offset:stq2_release_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]), .din(stq2_release_itag_d), .dout(stq2_release_itag_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) stq2_release_tid_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(tiup), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[stq2_release_tid_offset:stq2_release_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .scout(sov[stq2_release_tid_offset:stq2_release_tid_offset + `THREADS - 1]), .din(stq2_release_tid_d), .dout(stq2_release_tid_q) ); assign siv[0:scan_right-1] = {sov[1:scan_right-1], scan_in}; assign scan_out = sov[0]; endmodule