// © IBM Corp. 2020 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by // the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in // compliance with the License as modified. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Modified Terms: // // 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the // License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship // in physical form. // // 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses // necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER // via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded // hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions // of the EULA. // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that // is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are // available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be // obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. //******************************************************************** //* TITLE: Memory Management Unit Hardware Table Walker Logic //********************************************************************* `timescale 1 ns / 1 ns `include "tri_a2o.vh" `include "mmu_a2o.vh" `define HTW_SEQ_WIDTH 2 `define PTE_SEQ_WIDTH 3 module mmq_htw( inout vdd, inout gnd, (* pin_data ="PIN_FUNCTION=/G_CLK/" *) input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk, input tc_ccflush_dc, input tc_scan_dis_dc_b, input tc_scan_diag_dc, input tc_lbist_en_dc, input lcb_d_mode_dc, input lcb_clkoff_dc_b, input lcb_act_dis_dc, input [0:4] lcb_mpw1_dc_b, input lcb_mpw2_dc_b, input [0:4] lcb_delay_lclkr_dc, input pc_sg_2, input pc_func_sl_thold_2, input pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2, (* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) input [0:1] ac_func_scan_in, (* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) output [0:1] ac_func_scan_out, input xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b, input mmucr2_act_override, input [24:28] tlb_delayed_act, input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_ctl_tag2_flush, input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_ctl_tag3_flush, input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_ctl_tag4_flush, input [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_tag2, input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_tag5_except, input tlb_htw_req_valid, input [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req_tag, input [`TLB_WORD_WIDTH:`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req_way, output reg htw_lsu_req_valid, output [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_lsu_thdid, output [0:1] htw_dbg_lsu_thdid, output [0:1] htw_lsu_ttype, output [0:4] htw_lsu_wimge, output [0:3] htw_lsu_u, output [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] htw_lsu_addr, input htw_lsu_req_taken, output [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_quiesce, output htw_req0_valid, output [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_req0_thdid, output [0:1] htw_req0_type, output htw_req1_valid, output [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_req1_thdid, output [0:1] htw_req1_type, output htw_req2_valid, output [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_req2_thdid, output [0:1] htw_req2_type, output htw_req3_valid, output [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_req3_thdid, output [0:1] htw_req3_type, output ptereload_req_valid, output [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] ptereload_req_tag, output [0:`PTE_WIDTH-1] ptereload_req_pte, input ptereload_req_taken, input [0:4] an_ac_reld_core_tag, input [0:127] an_ac_reld_data, input an_ac_reld_data_vld, input an_ac_reld_ecc_err, input an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue, input [58:59] an_ac_reld_qw, input an_ac_reld_ditc, input an_ac_reld_crit_qw, output htw_dbg_seq_idle, output htw_dbg_pte0_seq_idle, output htw_dbg_pte1_seq_idle, output [0:1] htw_dbg_seq_q, output [0:1] htw_dbg_inptr_q, output [0:2] htw_dbg_pte0_seq_q, output [0:2] htw_dbg_pte1_seq_q, output htw_dbg_ptereload_ptr_q, output [0:1] htw_dbg_lsuptr_q, output [0:3] htw_dbg_req_valid_q, output [0:3] htw_dbg_resv_valid_vec, output [0:3] htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_q, output [0:3] htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_terms, output [0:1] htw_dbg_pte0_score_ptr_q, output [58:60] htw_dbg_pte0_score_cl_offset_q, output [0:2] htw_dbg_pte0_score_error_q, output [0:3] htw_dbg_pte0_score_qwbeat_q, output htw_dbg_pte0_score_pending_q, output htw_dbg_pte0_score_ibit_q, output htw_dbg_pte0_score_dataval_q, output htw_dbg_pte0_reld_for_me_tm1, output [0:1] htw_dbg_pte1_score_ptr_q, output [58:60] htw_dbg_pte1_score_cl_offset_q, output [0:2] htw_dbg_pte1_score_error_q, output [0:3] htw_dbg_pte1_score_qwbeat_q, output htw_dbg_pte1_score_pending_q, output htw_dbg_pte1_score_ibit_q, output htw_dbg_pte1_score_dataval_q, output htw_dbg_pte1_reld_for_me_tm1 ); parameter MMU_Mode_Value = 1'b0; parameter [0:1] TlbSel_Tlb = 2'b00; parameter [0:1] TlbSel_IErat = 2'b10; parameter [0:1] TlbSel_DErat = 2'b11; parameter [0:4] Core_Tag0_Value = 5'b01100; parameter [0:4] Core_Tag1_Value = 5'b01101; parameter [0:2] ERAT_PgSize_1GB = 3'b110; parameter [0:2] ERAT_PgSize_16MB = 3'b111; parameter [0:2] ERAT_PgSize_1MB = 3'b101; parameter [0:2] ERAT_PgSize_64KB = 3'b011; parameter [0:2] ERAT_PgSize_4KB = 3'b001; parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_1GB = 4'b1010; parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_16MB = 4'b0111; parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_1MB = 4'b0101; parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_64KB = 4'b0011; parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_4KB = 4'b0001; // reserved for indirect entries parameter [0:2] ERAT_PgSize_256MB = 3'b100; parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_256MB = 4'b1001; parameter [0:1] HtwSeq_Idle = 2'b00; parameter [0:1] HtwSeq_Stg1 = 2'b01; parameter [0:1] HtwSeq_Stg2 = 2'b11; parameter [0:1] HtwSeq_Stg3 = 2'b10; parameter [0:2] PteSeq_Idle = 3'b000; parameter [0:2] PteSeq_Stg1 = 3'b001; parameter [0:2] PteSeq_Stg2 = 3'b011; parameter [0:2] PteSeq_Stg3 = 3'b010; parameter [0:2] PteSeq_Stg4 = 3'b110; parameter [0:2] PteSeq_Stg5 = 3'b111; parameter [0:2] PteSeq_Stg6 = 3'b101; parameter [0:2] PteSeq_Stg7 = 3'b100; //constant command_width : integer := (EFF_IFAR'length+ibuff_data_width); parameter tlb_htw_req0_valid_offset = 0; parameter tlb_htw_req0_pending_offset = tlb_htw_req0_valid_offset + 1; parameter tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset = tlb_htw_req0_pending_offset + 1; parameter tlb_htw_req0_way_offset = tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH; parameter tlb_htw_req1_valid_offset = tlb_htw_req0_way_offset + `TLB_WORD_WIDTH; parameter tlb_htw_req1_pending_offset = tlb_htw_req1_valid_offset + 1; parameter tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset = tlb_htw_req1_pending_offset + 1; parameter tlb_htw_req1_way_offset = tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH; parameter tlb_htw_req2_valid_offset = tlb_htw_req1_way_offset + `TLB_WORD_WIDTH; parameter tlb_htw_req2_pending_offset = tlb_htw_req2_valid_offset + 1; parameter tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset = tlb_htw_req2_pending_offset + 1; parameter tlb_htw_req2_way_offset = tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH; parameter tlb_htw_req3_valid_offset = tlb_htw_req2_way_offset + `TLB_WORD_WIDTH; parameter tlb_htw_req3_pending_offset = tlb_htw_req3_valid_offset + 1; parameter tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset = tlb_htw_req3_pending_offset + 1; parameter tlb_htw_req3_way_offset = tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH; parameter spare_a_offset = tlb_htw_req3_way_offset + `TLB_WORD_WIDTH; parameter scan_right_0 = spare_a_offset + 16 - 1; parameter htw_seq_offset = 0; parameter htw_inptr_offset = htw_seq_offset + `HTW_SEQ_WIDTH; parameter htw_lsuptr_offset = htw_inptr_offset + 2; parameter htw_lsu_ttype_offset = htw_lsuptr_offset + 2; parameter htw_lsu_thdid_offset = htw_lsu_ttype_offset + 2; parameter htw_lsu_wimge_offset = htw_lsu_thdid_offset + `THDID_WIDTH; parameter htw_lsu_u_offset = htw_lsu_wimge_offset + 5; parameter htw_lsu_addr_offset = htw_lsu_u_offset + 4; parameter pte0_seq_offset = htw_lsu_addr_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH; parameter pte0_score_ptr_offset = pte0_seq_offset + `PTE_SEQ_WIDTH; parameter pte0_score_cl_offset_offset = pte0_score_ptr_offset + 2; parameter pte0_score_error_offset = pte0_score_cl_offset_offset + 3; parameter pte0_score_qwbeat_offset = pte0_score_error_offset + 3; parameter pte0_score_ibit_offset = pte0_score_qwbeat_offset + 4; parameter pte0_score_pending_offset = pte0_score_ibit_offset + 1; parameter pte0_score_dataval_offset = pte0_score_pending_offset + 1; parameter pte1_seq_offset = pte0_score_dataval_offset + 1; parameter pte1_score_ptr_offset = pte1_seq_offset + `PTE_SEQ_WIDTH; parameter pte1_score_cl_offset_offset = pte1_score_ptr_offset + 2; parameter pte1_score_error_offset = pte1_score_cl_offset_offset + 3; parameter pte1_score_qwbeat_offset = pte1_score_error_offset + 3; parameter pte1_score_ibit_offset = pte1_score_qwbeat_offset + 4; parameter pte1_score_pending_offset = pte1_score_ibit_offset + 1; parameter pte1_score_dataval_offset = pte1_score_pending_offset + 1; parameter pte_load_ptr_offset = pte1_score_dataval_offset + 1; parameter ptereload_ptr_offset = pte_load_ptr_offset + 1; // ptereload_ptr_offset + 1 phase parameter reld_core_tag_tm1_offset = ptereload_ptr_offset + 1; parameter reld_qw_tm1_offset = reld_core_tag_tm1_offset + 5; parameter reld_crit_qw_tm1_offset = reld_qw_tm1_offset + 2; parameter reld_ditc_tm1_offset = reld_crit_qw_tm1_offset + 1; parameter reld_data_vld_tm1_offset = reld_ditc_tm1_offset + 1; // reld_data_vld_tm1_offset + 1 phase parameter reld_core_tag_t_offset = reld_data_vld_tm1_offset + 1; parameter reld_qw_t_offset = reld_core_tag_t_offset + 5; parameter reld_crit_qw_t_offset = reld_qw_t_offset + 2; parameter reld_ditc_t_offset = reld_crit_qw_t_offset + 1; parameter reld_data_vld_t_offset = reld_ditc_t_offset + 1; // reld_data_vld_t_offset + 1 phase parameter reld_core_tag_tp1_offset = reld_data_vld_t_offset + 1; parameter reld_qw_tp1_offset = reld_core_tag_tp1_offset + 5; parameter reld_crit_qw_tp1_offset = reld_qw_tp1_offset + 2; parameter reld_ditc_tp1_offset = reld_crit_qw_tp1_offset + 1; parameter reld_data_vld_tp1_offset = reld_ditc_tp1_offset + 1; // reld_data_vld_tp1_offset + 1 phase parameter reld_core_tag_tp2_offset = reld_data_vld_tp1_offset + 1; parameter reld_qw_tp2_offset = reld_core_tag_tp2_offset + 5; parameter reld_crit_qw_tp2_offset = reld_qw_tp2_offset + 2; parameter reld_ditc_tp2_offset = reld_crit_qw_tp2_offset + 1; parameter reld_data_vld_tp2_offset = reld_ditc_tp2_offset + 1; parameter reld_ecc_err_tp2_offset = reld_data_vld_tp2_offset + 1; parameter reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_offset = reld_ecc_err_tp2_offset + 1; parameter reld_data_tp1_offset = reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_offset + 1; parameter reld_data_tp2_offset = reld_data_tp1_offset + 128; parameter pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset = reld_data_tp2_offset + 128; parameter pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset = pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset + 64; parameter htw_tag3_offset = pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset + 64; parameter htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset = htw_tag3_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH; parameter htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset = htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset + `THDID_WIDTH; parameter spare_b_offset = htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset + `THDID_WIDTH; parameter scan_right_1 = spare_b_offset + 16 - 1; `ifdef MM_THREADS2 parameter BUGSP_MM_THREADS = 2; `else parameter BUGSP_MM_THREADS = 1; `endif //tlb_tag0_d <= ( 0:51 epn & // 52:65 pid & // 66:67 IS, or derat_ttype & // 68:69 Class & // 70:73 state (pr,gs,as,cm) & // 74:77 thdid & // 78:81 size & // 82:83 derat_miss/ierat_miss & // 84:85 tlbsx/tlbsrx & // 86:87 inval_snoop/tlbre & // 88:89 tlbwe/ptereload & // 90:97 lpid & // 98 indirect // 99 atsel & // 100:102 esel, or ptereload errors & // 103:105 hes/wq(0:1) & // 106:107 ltwe/lpte & // 108 recform, or ptrpn for ptereloads // 109 endflag // ttype: derat,ierat,tlbsx,tlbsrx,snoop,tlbre,tlbwe,ptereload // state: 0:pr 1:gs 2:as 3:cm // Latch signals reg [0:1] htw_seq_d; wire [0:1] htw_seq_q; wire [0:1] htw_inptr_d; wire [0:1] htw_inptr_q; wire [0:1] htw_lsuptr_d; wire [0:1] htw_lsuptr_q; wire [0:1] htw_lsu_ttype_d; wire [0:1] htw_lsu_ttype_q; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_lsu_thdid_d; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_lsu_thdid_q; wire [0:4] htw_lsu_wimge_d; wire [0:4] htw_lsu_wimge_q; wire [0:3] htw_lsu_u_d; wire [0:3] htw_lsu_u_q; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] htw_lsu_addr_d; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] htw_lsu_addr_q; reg [0:2] pte0_seq_d; wire [0:2] pte0_seq_q; wire [0:1] pte0_score_ptr_d; wire [0:1] pte0_score_ptr_q; wire [58:60] pte0_score_cl_offset_d; wire [58:60] pte0_score_cl_offset_q; wire [0:2] pte0_score_error_d; wire [0:2] pte0_score_error_q; wire [0:3] pte0_score_qwbeat_d; wire [0:3] pte0_score_qwbeat_q; wire pte0_score_pending_d; wire pte0_score_pending_q; wire pte0_score_ibit_d; wire pte0_score_ibit_q; wire pte0_score_dataval_d; wire pte0_score_dataval_q; reg [0:2] pte1_seq_d; wire [0:2] pte1_seq_q; wire [0:1] pte1_score_ptr_d; wire [0:1] pte1_score_ptr_q; wire [58:60] pte1_score_cl_offset_d; wire [58:60] pte1_score_cl_offset_q; wire [0:2] pte1_score_error_d; wire [0:2] pte1_score_error_q; wire [0:3] pte1_score_qwbeat_d; wire [0:3] pte1_score_qwbeat_q; wire pte1_score_pending_d; wire pte1_score_pending_q; wire pte1_score_ibit_d; wire pte1_score_ibit_q; wire pte1_score_dataval_d; wire pte1_score_dataval_q; wire ptereload_ptr_d; wire ptereload_ptr_q; wire pte_load_ptr_d; wire pte_load_ptr_q; wire tlb_htw_req0_valid_d; wire tlb_htw_req0_valid_q; wire tlb_htw_req0_pending_d; wire tlb_htw_req0_pending_q; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req0_tag_d; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req0_tag_q; wire [`TLB_WORD_WIDTH:`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req0_way_d; wire [`TLB_WORD_WIDTH:`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req0_way_q; wire tlb_htw_req0_tag_act; wire tlb_htw_req1_valid_d; wire tlb_htw_req1_valid_q; wire tlb_htw_req1_pending_d; wire tlb_htw_req1_pending_q; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req1_tag_d; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req1_tag_q; wire [`TLB_WORD_WIDTH:`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req1_way_d; wire [`TLB_WORD_WIDTH:`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req1_way_q; wire tlb_htw_req1_tag_act; wire tlb_htw_req2_valid_d; wire tlb_htw_req2_valid_q; wire tlb_htw_req2_pending_d; wire tlb_htw_req2_pending_q; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req2_tag_d; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req2_tag_q; wire [`TLB_WORD_WIDTH:`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req2_way_d; wire [`TLB_WORD_WIDTH:`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req2_way_q; wire tlb_htw_req2_tag_act; wire tlb_htw_req3_valid_d; wire tlb_htw_req3_valid_q; wire tlb_htw_req3_pending_d; wire tlb_htw_req3_pending_q; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req3_tag_d; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req3_tag_q; wire [`TLB_WORD_WIDTH:`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req3_way_d; wire [`TLB_WORD_WIDTH:`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req3_way_q; wire tlb_htw_req3_tag_act; // t minus 1 phase wire [0:4] reld_core_tag_tm1_d; wire [0:4] reld_core_tag_tm1_q; wire [0:1] reld_qw_tm1_d; wire [0:1] reld_qw_tm1_q; wire reld_crit_qw_tm1_d; wire reld_crit_qw_tm1_q; wire reld_ditc_tm1_d; wire reld_ditc_tm1_q; wire reld_data_vld_tm1_d; wire reld_data_vld_tm1_q; // t phase wire [0:4] reld_core_tag_t_d; wire [0:4] reld_core_tag_t_q; wire [0:1] reld_qw_t_d; wire [0:1] reld_qw_t_q; wire reld_crit_qw_t_d; wire reld_crit_qw_t_q; wire reld_ditc_t_d; wire reld_ditc_t_q; wire reld_data_vld_t_d; wire reld_data_vld_t_q; // t plus 1 phase wire [0:4] reld_core_tag_tp1_d; wire [0:4] reld_core_tag_tp1_q; wire [0:1] reld_qw_tp1_d; wire [0:1] reld_qw_tp1_q; wire reld_crit_qw_tp1_d; wire reld_crit_qw_tp1_q; wire reld_ditc_tp1_d; wire reld_ditc_tp1_q; wire reld_data_vld_tp1_d; wire reld_data_vld_tp1_q; wire [0:127] reld_data_tp1_d; wire [0:127] reld_data_tp1_q; // t plus 2 phase wire [0:4] reld_core_tag_tp2_d; wire [0:4] reld_core_tag_tp2_q; wire [0:1] reld_qw_tp2_d; wire [0:1] reld_qw_tp2_q; wire reld_crit_qw_tp2_d; wire reld_crit_qw_tp2_q; wire reld_ditc_tp2_d; wire reld_ditc_tp2_q; wire reld_data_vld_tp2_d; wire reld_data_vld_tp2_q; wire [0:127] reld_data_tp2_d; wire [0:127] reld_data_tp2_q; wire reld_ecc_err_tp2_d; wire reld_ecc_err_tp2_q; wire reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_d; wire reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_q; // t plus 3 phase wire [0:63] pte0_reld_data_tp3_d; wire [0:63] pte0_reld_data_tp3_q; wire [0:63] pte1_reld_data_tp3_d; wire [0:63] pte1_reld_data_tp3_q; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_d; wire [0:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_q; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag4_clr_resv_d; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag4_clr_resv_q; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag5_clr_resv_d; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_tag5_clr_resv_q; wire [0:15] spare_a_q; wire [0:15] spare_b_q; // logic signals wire htw_seq_idle; reg htw_seq_load_pteaddr; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_quiesce_b; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req_valid_vec; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec; wire tlb_htw_pte_machines_full; wire [0:1] htw_lsuptr_alt_d; wire pte0_seq_idle; reg pte0_reload_req_valid; reg pte0_reload_req_taken; wire pte0_reld_for_me_tm1; wire pte0_reld_for_me_tp2; reg pte0_reld_enable_lo_tp2; reg pte0_reld_enable_hi_tp2; reg pte0_seq_score_load; reg pte0_seq_score_done; reg pte0_seq_data_retry; reg pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue; wire pte1_seq_idle; reg pte1_reload_req_valid; reg pte1_reload_req_taken; wire pte1_reld_for_me_tm1; wire pte1_reld_for_me_tp2; reg pte1_reld_enable_lo_tp2; reg pte1_reld_enable_hi_tp2; reg pte1_seq_score_load; reg pte1_seq_score_done; reg pte1_seq_data_retry; reg pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_0; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_0_spsize4K; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_0_spsize64K; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_1; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_1_spsize4K; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_1_spsize64K; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_2; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_2_spsize4K; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_2_spsize64K; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_3; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_3_spsize4K; wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] pte_ra_3_spsize64K; wire htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match; wire htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match; wire htw_resv0_tag3_as_match; wire htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match; wire htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match; wire htw_resv0_tag3_epn_glob_match; wire tlb_htw_req0_clr_resv_ue; wire htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match; wire htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match; wire htw_resv1_tag3_as_match; wire htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match; wire htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match; wire htw_resv1_tag3_epn_glob_match; wire tlb_htw_req1_clr_resv_ue; wire htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match; wire htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match; wire htw_resv2_tag3_as_match; wire htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match; wire htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match; wire htw_resv2_tag3_epn_glob_match; wire tlb_htw_req2_clr_resv_ue; wire htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match; wire htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match; wire htw_resv3_tag3_as_match; wire htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match; wire htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match; wire htw_resv3_tag3_epn_glob_match; wire tlb_htw_req3_clr_resv_ue; wire [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] htw_resv_valid_vec; wire [0:3] htw_tag4_clr_resv_terms; wire htw_lsu_act; wire pte0_score_act; wire pte1_score_act; wire reld_act; wire pte0_reld_act; wire pte1_reld_act; (* analysis_not_referenced="true" *) wire [0:21] unused_dc; // Pervasive wire pc_sg_1; wire pc_sg_0; wire pc_func_sl_thold_1; wire pc_func_sl_thold_0; wire pc_func_sl_thold_0_b; wire pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1; wire pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0; wire pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b; wire pc_func_sl_force; wire pc_func_slp_sl_force; wire [0:scan_right_0] siv_0; wire [0:scan_right_0] sov_0; wire [0:scan_right_1] siv_1; wire [0:scan_right_1] sov_1; //@@ START OF EXECUTABLE CODE FOR MMQ_HTW //begin //!! Bugspray Include: mmq_htw; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Logic //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // not quiesced assign htw_quiesce_b[0:`THDID_WIDTH - 1] = ({`THDID_WIDTH{tlb_htw_req0_valid_q}} & tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) | ({`THDID_WIDTH{tlb_htw_req1_valid_q}} & tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) | ({`THDID_WIDTH{tlb_htw_req2_valid_q}} & tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) | ({`THDID_WIDTH{tlb_htw_req3_valid_q}} & tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]); assign htw_quiesce = (~htw_quiesce_b); assign tlb_htw_pte_machines_full = ((pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign tlb_htw_req_valid_vec = { (tlb_htw_req0_valid_q & (pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b0 | pte0_score_ptr_q != 2'b00) & (pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b0 | pte1_score_ptr_q != 2'b00)), (tlb_htw_req1_valid_q & (pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b0 | pte0_score_ptr_q != 2'b01) & (pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b0 | pte1_score_ptr_q != 2'b01)), (tlb_htw_req2_valid_q & (pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b0 | pte0_score_ptr_q != 2'b10) & (pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b0 | pte1_score_ptr_q != 2'b10)), (tlb_htw_req3_valid_q & (pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b0 | pte0_score_ptr_q != 2'b11) & (pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b0 | pte1_score_ptr_q != 2'b11)) }; // HTW sequencer for servicing indirect tlb entry hits always @(htw_seq_q or tlb_htw_req_valid_vec or tlb_htw_pte_machines_full or htw_lsu_req_taken) begin: Htw_Sequencer htw_seq_load_pteaddr <= 1'b0; htw_lsu_req_valid <= 1'b0; case (htw_seq_q) HtwSeq_Idle : if (tlb_htw_req_valid_vec != 4'b0000 & tlb_htw_pte_machines_full == 1'b0) htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Stg1; else htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Idle; HtwSeq_Stg1 : begin htw_seq_load_pteaddr <= 1'b1; htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Stg2; end HtwSeq_Stg2 : begin htw_lsu_req_valid <= 1'b1; if (htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1) htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Idle; else htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Stg2; end default : htw_seq_d <= HtwSeq_Idle; endcase end assign htw_seq_idle = (htw_seq_q == HtwSeq_Idle) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // PTE sequencer for servicing pte data reloads always @(pte0_seq_q or pte_load_ptr_q or ptereload_ptr_q or htw_lsu_req_taken or ptereload_req_taken or pte0_score_pending_q or pte0_score_dataval_q or pte0_score_error_q or pte0_score_qwbeat_q or pte0_score_ibit_q) begin: Pte0_Sequencer pte0_reload_req_valid <= 1'b0; pte0_reload_req_taken <= 1'b0; pte0_seq_score_load <= 1'b0; pte0_seq_score_done <= 1'b0; pte0_seq_data_retry <= 1'b0; pte0_reld_enable_lo_tp2 <= 1'b0; pte0_reld_enable_hi_tp2 <= 1'b0; pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue <= 1'b0; case (pte0_seq_q) PteSeq_Idle : if (pte_load_ptr_q == 1'b0 & htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1) begin pte0_seq_score_load <= 1'b1; pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; end else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; PteSeq_Stg1 : if (pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_dataval_q == 1'b1) pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg2; else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; PteSeq_Stg2 : if (pte0_score_error_q[1] == 1'b1 & (pte0_score_qwbeat_q == 4'b1111 | pte0_score_ibit_q == 1'b1)) pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg4; else if (pte0_score_error_q == 3'b100 & (pte0_score_qwbeat_q == 4'b1111 | pte0_score_ibit_q == 1'b1)) begin pte0_seq_data_retry <= 1'b1; pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; end else if (pte0_score_error_q[1] == 1'b0 & (pte0_score_qwbeat_q == 4'b1111 | pte0_score_ibit_q == 1'b1)) pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg3; else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg2; PteSeq_Stg3 : begin pte0_reload_req_valid <= 1'b1; if (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b0 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) begin pte0_seq_score_done <= 1'b1; pte0_reload_req_taken <= 1'b1; pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; end else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg3; end PteSeq_Stg4 : begin pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue <= 1'b1; pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg5; end PteSeq_Stg5 : begin pte0_reload_req_valid <= 1'b1; if (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b0 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) begin pte0_seq_score_done <= 1'b1; pte0_reload_req_taken <= 1'b1; pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; end else pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg5; end default : pte0_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; endcase end assign pte0_seq_idle = (pte0_seq_q == PteSeq_Idle) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // PTE sequencer for servicing pte data reloads always @(pte1_seq_q or pte_load_ptr_q or ptereload_ptr_q or htw_lsu_req_taken or ptereload_req_taken or pte1_score_pending_q or pte1_score_dataval_q or pte1_score_error_q or pte1_score_qwbeat_q or pte1_score_ibit_q) begin: Pte1_Sequencer pte1_reload_req_valid <= 1'b0; pte1_reload_req_taken <= 1'b0; pte1_seq_score_load <= 1'b0; pte1_seq_score_done <= 1'b0; pte1_seq_data_retry <= 1'b0; pte1_reld_enable_lo_tp2 <= 1'b0; pte1_reld_enable_hi_tp2 <= 1'b0; pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue <= 1'b0; case (pte1_seq_q) PteSeq_Idle : if (pte_load_ptr_q == 1'b1 & htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1) begin pte1_seq_score_load <= 1'b1; pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; end else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; PteSeq_Stg1 : if (pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_dataval_q == 1'b1) pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg2; else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; PteSeq_Stg2 : if (pte1_score_error_q[1] == 1'b1 & (pte1_score_qwbeat_q == 4'b1111 | pte1_score_ibit_q == 1'b1)) pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg4; else if (pte1_score_error_q == 3'b100 & (pte1_score_qwbeat_q == 4'b1111 | pte1_score_ibit_q == 1'b1)) begin pte1_seq_data_retry <= 1'b1; pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg1; end else if (pte1_score_error_q[1] == 1'b0 & (pte1_score_qwbeat_q == 4'b1111 | pte1_score_ibit_q == 1'b1)) pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg3; else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg2; PteSeq_Stg3 : begin pte1_reload_req_valid <= 1'b1; if (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) begin pte1_seq_score_done <= 1'b1; pte1_reload_req_taken <= 1'b1; pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; end else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg3; end PteSeq_Stg4 : begin pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue <= 1'b1; pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg5; end PteSeq_Stg5 : begin pte1_reload_req_valid <= 1'b1; if (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) begin pte1_seq_score_done <= 1'b1; pte1_reload_req_taken <= 1'b1; pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; end else pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Stg5; end default : pte1_seq_d <= PteSeq_Idle; endcase end assign pte1_seq_idle = (pte1_seq_q == PteSeq_Idle) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // tlb_way IND=0 IND=1 // 134 UX SPSIZE0 // 135 SX SPSIZE1 // 136 UW SPSIZE2 // 137 SW SPSIZE3 // 138 UR PTRPN // 139 SR PA52 assign tlb_htw_req0_valid_d = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req0_valid_q; assign tlb_htw_req0_pending_d = ((htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_pending_q == 1'b0 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req0_pending_q; // the rpn part of the tlb way assign tlb_htw_req0_way_d = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b00)) ? tlb_htw_req_way : tlb_htw_req0_way_q; assign tlb_htw_req0_tag_d[0:`tagpos_wq - 1] = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b00)) ? tlb_htw_req_tag[0:`tagpos_wq - 1] : tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[0:`tagpos_wq - 1]; assign tlb_htw_req0_tag_d[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1] = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b00)) ? tlb_htw_req_tag[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1] : tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]; // the WQ bits of the tag are re-purposed as reservation valid and duplicate bits // set reservation valid at tlb handoff, clear when ptereload taken.. // or, clear reservation if tlbwe,ptereload,tlbi from another thread to avoid duplicates // or, clear reservation when L2 UE for this reload assign tlb_htw_req0_tag_d[`tagpos_wq] = (((htw_tag5_clr_resv_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(tlb_tag5_except) == 1'b0) | tlb_htw_req0_clr_resv_ue == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 : ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_wq]; // spare, wq+1 is duplicate indicator in tlb_cmp, but would not make it to tlb handoff assign tlb_htw_req0_tag_d[`tagpos_wq + 1] = tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_wq + 1]; assign tlb_htw_req0_tag_act = tlb_delayed_act[24 + 0] | tlb_htw_req0_valid_q; assign tlb_htw_req0_clr_resv_ue = {(pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue & (pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b00)) | (pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue & (pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b00))}; assign htw_req0_valid = tlb_htw_req0_valid_q; assign htw_req0_thdid = tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]; assign htw_req0_type = tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_type_derat:`tagpos_type_ierat]; // FIX THESE!!!!!! for 32bit generates into smaller RA's assign pte_ra_0_spsize4K = {tlb_htw_req0_way_q[`waypos_rpn:`waypos_rpn + `RPN_WIDTH - 1], tlb_htw_req0_way_q[`waypos_usxwr + 5], tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 8:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1], 3'b000}; assign pte_ra_0_spsize64K = {tlb_htw_req0_way_q[`waypos_rpn:`waypos_rpn + `RPN_WIDTH - 4], tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 16:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5], 3'b000}; // select based on SPSIZE assign pte_ra_0 = (tlb_htw_req0_way_q[`waypos_usxwr:`waypos_usxwr + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) ? pte_ra_0_spsize64K : pte_ra_0_spsize4K; assign tlb_htw_req1_valid_d = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req1_valid_q; assign tlb_htw_req1_pending_d = ((htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_pending_q == 1'b0 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req1_pending_q; // the rpn part of the tlb way assign tlb_htw_req1_way_d = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b01)) ? tlb_htw_req_way : tlb_htw_req1_way_q; assign tlb_htw_req1_tag_d[0:`tagpos_wq - 1] = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b01)) ? tlb_htw_req_tag[0:`tagpos_wq - 1] : tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[0:`tagpos_wq - 1]; assign tlb_htw_req1_tag_d[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1] = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b01)) ? tlb_htw_req_tag[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1] : tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]; // the WQ bits of the tag are re-purposed as reservation valid and duplicate bits // set reservation valid at tlb handoff, clear when ptereload taken.. // or, clear reservation if tlbwe,ptereload,tlbi from another thread to avoid duplicates // or, clear reservation when L2 UE for this reload assign tlb_htw_req1_tag_d[`tagpos_wq] = (((htw_tag5_clr_resv_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(tlb_tag5_except) == 1'b0) | tlb_htw_req1_clr_resv_ue == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 : ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_wq]; // spare, wq+1 is duplicate indicator in tlb_cmp, but would not make it to tlb handoff assign tlb_htw_req1_tag_d[`tagpos_wq + 1] = tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_wq + 1]; assign tlb_htw_req1_tag_act = tlb_delayed_act[24 + 1] | tlb_htw_req1_valid_q; assign tlb_htw_req1_clr_resv_ue = {(pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue & (pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b01)) | (pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue & (pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b01))}; assign htw_req1_valid = tlb_htw_req1_valid_q; assign htw_req1_thdid = tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]; assign htw_req1_type = tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_type_derat:`tagpos_type_ierat]; // FIX THESE!!!!!! for 32bit generates into smaller RA's assign pte_ra_1_spsize4K = {tlb_htw_req1_way_q[`waypos_rpn:`waypos_rpn + `RPN_WIDTH - 1], tlb_htw_req1_way_q[`waypos_usxwr + 5], tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 8:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1], 3'b000}; assign pte_ra_1_spsize64K = {tlb_htw_req1_way_q[`waypos_rpn:`waypos_rpn + `RPN_WIDTH - 4], tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 16:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5], 3'b000}; // select based on SPSIZE assign pte_ra_1 = (tlb_htw_req1_way_q[`waypos_usxwr:`waypos_usxwr + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) ? pte_ra_1_spsize64K : pte_ra_1_spsize4K; assign tlb_htw_req2_valid_d = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req2_valid_q; assign tlb_htw_req2_pending_d = ((htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_pending_q == 1'b0 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req2_pending_q; // the rpn part of the tlb way assign tlb_htw_req2_way_d = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b10)) ? tlb_htw_req_way : tlb_htw_req2_way_q; assign tlb_htw_req2_tag_d[0:`tagpos_wq - 1] = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b10)) ? tlb_htw_req_tag[0:`tagpos_wq - 1] : tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[0:`tagpos_wq - 1]; assign tlb_htw_req2_tag_d[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1] = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b10)) ? tlb_htw_req_tag[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1] : tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]; // the WQ bits of the tag are re-purposed as reservation valid and duplicate bits // set reservation valid at tlb handoff, clear when ptereload taken.. // or, clear reservation if tlbwe,ptereload,tlbi from another thread to avoid duplicates // or, clear reservation when L2 UE for this reload assign tlb_htw_req2_tag_d[`tagpos_wq] = (((htw_tag5_clr_resv_q[2] == 1'b1 & |(tlb_tag5_except) == 1'b0) | tlb_htw_req2_clr_resv_ue == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 : ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_wq]; // spare, wq+1 is duplicate indicator in tlb_cmp, but would not make it to tlb handoff assign tlb_htw_req2_tag_d[`tagpos_wq + 1] = tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_wq + 1]; assign tlb_htw_req2_tag_act = tlb_delayed_act[24 + 2] | tlb_htw_req2_valid_q; assign tlb_htw_req2_clr_resv_ue = {(pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue & (pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b10)) | (pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue & (pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b10))}; assign htw_req2_valid = tlb_htw_req2_valid_q; assign htw_req2_thdid = tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]; assign htw_req2_type = tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_type_derat:`tagpos_type_ierat]; // FIX THESE!!!!!! for 32bit generates into smaller RA's assign pte_ra_2_spsize4K = {tlb_htw_req2_way_q[`waypos_rpn:`waypos_rpn + `RPN_WIDTH - 1], tlb_htw_req2_way_q[`waypos_usxwr + 5], tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 8:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1], 3'b000}; assign pte_ra_2_spsize64K = {tlb_htw_req2_way_q[`waypos_rpn:`waypos_rpn + `RPN_WIDTH - 4], tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 16:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5], 3'b000}; // select based on SPSIZE assign pte_ra_2 = (tlb_htw_req2_way_q[`waypos_usxwr:`waypos_usxwr + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) ? pte_ra_2_spsize64K : pte_ra_2_spsize4K; assign tlb_htw_req3_valid_d = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req3_valid_q; assign tlb_htw_req3_pending_d = ((htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_pending_q == 1'b0 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req3_pending_q; // the rpn part of the tlb way assign tlb_htw_req3_way_d = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b11)) ? tlb_htw_req_way : tlb_htw_req3_way_q; assign tlb_htw_req3_tag_d[0:`tagpos_wq - 1] = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b11)) ? tlb_htw_req_tag[0:`tagpos_wq - 1] : tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[0:`tagpos_wq - 1]; assign tlb_htw_req3_tag_d[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1] = ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b11)) ? tlb_htw_req_tag[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1] : tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_wq + 2:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]; // the WQ bits of the tag are re-purposed as reservation valid and duplicate bits // set reservation valid at tlb handoff, clear when ptereload taken.. // or, clear reservation if tlbwe,ptereload,tlbi from another thread to avoid duplicates // or, clear reservation when L2 UE for this reload assign tlb_htw_req3_tag_d[`tagpos_wq] = (((htw_tag5_clr_resv_q[3] == 1'b1 & |(tlb_tag5_except) == 1'b0) | tlb_htw_req3_clr_resv_ue == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 : ((tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & htw_inptr_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b1 : ((pte0_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_reload_req_taken == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b0 : tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_wq]; // spare, wq+1 is duplicate indicator in tlb_cmp, but would not make it to tlb handoff assign tlb_htw_req3_tag_d[`tagpos_wq + 1] = tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_wq + 1]; assign tlb_htw_req3_tag_act = tlb_delayed_act[24 + 3] | tlb_htw_req3_valid_q; assign tlb_htw_req3_clr_resv_ue = {(pte0_seq_clr_resv_ue & (pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b11)) | (pte1_seq_clr_resv_ue & (pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b11))}; assign htw_req3_valid = tlb_htw_req3_valid_q; assign htw_req3_thdid = tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]; assign htw_req3_type = tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_type_derat:`tagpos_type_ierat]; // FIX THESE!!!!!! for 32bit generates into smaller RA's assign pte_ra_3_spsize4K = {tlb_htw_req3_way_q[`waypos_rpn:`waypos_rpn + `RPN_WIDTH - 1], tlb_htw_req3_way_q[`waypos_usxwr + 5], tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 8:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1], 3'b000}; assign pte_ra_3_spsize64K = {tlb_htw_req3_way_q[`waypos_rpn:`waypos_rpn + `RPN_WIDTH - 4], tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 16:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5], 3'b000}; // select based on SPSIZE assign pte_ra_3 = (tlb_htw_req3_way_q[`waypos_usxwr:`waypos_usxwr + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) ? pte_ra_3_spsize64K : pte_ra_3_spsize4K; // tag forwarding from tlb_ctl, for reservation clear compares assign htw_tag3_d[0:`tagpos_thdid - 1] = tlb_tag2[0:`tagpos_thdid - 1]; assign htw_tag3_d[`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1] = tlb_tag2[`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]; assign htw_tag3_d[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] = tlb_tag2[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag2_flush)); generate if (`THDID_WIDTH > `MM_THREADS) begin : htwtag3NExist assign htw_tag3_d[`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1] = tlb_tag2[`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]; end endgenerate // reservation clear: // (1) proc holding resv executes another tlbsrx. overwriting the old resv // (2) any tlbivax snoop with gs,as,lpid,pid,sizemasked(epn,mas6.isize) matching resv.gs,as,lpid,pid,sizemasked(epn,mas6.isize) // (note ind bit is not part of tlbivax criteria!!) // (3) any proc sets mmucsr0.TLB0_FI=1 with lpidr matching resv.lpid // (4) any proc executes tlbilx T=0 (all) with mas5.slpid matching resv.lpid // (5) any proc executes tlbilx T=1 (pid) with mas5.slpid and mas6.spid matching resv.lpid,pid // (6) any proc executes tlbilx T=3 (vpn) with mas gs,as,slpid,spid,sizemasked(epn,mas6.isize) matching // resv.gs,as,lpid,pid,sizemasked(epn,mas6.isize) // (note ind bit is not part of tlbilx criteria!!) // (7) any proc executes tlbwe not causing exception and with (wq=00 always, or wq=01 and proc holds resv) // and mas regs ind,tgs,ts,tlpid,tid,sizemasked(epn,mas1.tsize) match resv.ind,gs,as,lpid,pid,sizemasked(epn,mas1.tsize) // (8) any page table reload not causing an exception (due to pt fault, tlb inelig, or lrat miss) // and PTE's tag ind=0,tgs,ts,tlpid,tid,sizemasked(epn,pte.size) match resv.ind=0,gs,as,lpid,pid,sizemasked(epn.pte.size) // A2-specific non-architected clear states // (9) any proc executes tlbwe not causing exception and with (wq=10 clear, or wq=11 always (same as 00)) // and mas regs ind,tgs,ts,tlpid,tid,sizemasked(epn,mas1.tsize) match resv.ind,gs,as,lpid,pid,sizemasked(epn,mas1.tsize) // (basically same as 7, // (10) any proc executes tlbilx T=2 (gs) with mas5.sgs matching resv.gs // (11) any proc executes tlbilx T=4 to 7 (class) with T(1:2) matching resv.class // ttype <= tlbre & tlbwe & tlbsx & tlbsxr & tlbsrx; // IS0: Local bit // IS1/Class: 0=all, 1=tid, 2=gs, 3=vpn, 4=class0, 5=class1, 6=class2, 7=class3 // mas0.wq: 00=ignore reserv write always, 01=write if reserved, 10=clear reserv, 11=same as 00 assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2[0] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b0011 & htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_epn_glob_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4[0] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1000 & htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5[0] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1001 & htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6[0] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1011 & htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7[0] = ((((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b01) | (|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b00)) & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_tlbwe] == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8[0] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_ptereload] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b10 & htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9[0] = ((((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS -1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b10) | (|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b11)) & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_tlbwe] == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11[0] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 1] == 2'b11)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag4_clr_resv_d[0] = htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2[0] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4[0] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5[0] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6[0] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7[0] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8[0] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9[0] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11[0]; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2[1] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b0011 & htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_epn_glob_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4[1] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1000 & htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5[1] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1001 & htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6[1] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1011 & htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7[1] = ((((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b01) | (|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b00)) & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_tlbwe] == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8[1] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_ptereload] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b10 & htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9[1] = ((((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b10) | (|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b11)) & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_tlbwe] == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11[1] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 1] == 2'b11)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag4_clr_resv_d[1] = htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2[1] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4[1] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5[1] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6[1] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7[1] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8[1] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9[1] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11[1]; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2[2] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b0011 & htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_epn_glob_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4[2] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1000 & htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5[2] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1001 & htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6[2] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1011 & htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7[2] = ((((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b01) | (|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b00)) & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_tlbwe] == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8[2] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_ptereload] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b10 & htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9[2] = ((((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b10) | (|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b11)) & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_tlbwe] == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11[2] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 1] == 2'b11)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag4_clr_resv_d[2] = htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2[2] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4[2] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5[2] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6[2] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7[2] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8[2] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9[2] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11[2]; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2[3] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b0011 & htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_epn_glob_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4[3] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1000 & htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5[3] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1001 & htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6[3] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 3] == 4'b1011 & htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7[3] = ((((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b01) | (|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b00)) & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_tlbwe] == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8[3] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_ptereload] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b10 & htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9[3] = ((((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b10) | (|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag3_flush))) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_wq:`tagpos_wq + 1] == 2'b11)) & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_tlbwe] == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_as_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match == 1'b1 & htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11[3] = ((|(htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]) == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_type_snoop] == 1'b1 & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_is:`tagpos_is + 1] == 2'b11)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_tag4_clr_resv_d[3] = htw_tag3_clr_resv_term2[3] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term4[3] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term5[3] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term6[3] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term7[3] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term8[3] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term9[3] | htw_tag3_clr_resv_term11[3]; assign htw_tag5_clr_resv_d = (|(tlb_htw_req_tag[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `MM_THREADS - 1] & (~(tlb_ctl_tag4_flush))) == 1'b1) ? htw_tag4_clr_resv_q : 4'b0000; assign htw_resv_valid_vec = {tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_wq], tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_wq], tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_wq], tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_wq]}; assign htw_resv0_tag3_lpid_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_lpid:`tagpos_lpid + `LPID_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_lpid:`tagpos_lpid + `LPID_WIDTH - 1])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv0_tag3_pid_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_pid:`tagpos_pid + `PID_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_pid:`tagpos_pid + `PID_WIDTH - 1])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv0_tag3_as_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_as] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_as])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv0_tag3_gs_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_gs] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_gs])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // local match includes upper epn bits assign htw_resv0_tag3_epn_loc_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_4KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_16MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // global match ignores certain upper epn bits that are not tranferred over bus // fix me!! use various upper nibbles dependent on pgsize and mmucr1.tlbi_msb assign htw_resv0_tag3_epn_glob_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_4KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_16MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] == tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv1_tag3_lpid_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_lpid:`tagpos_lpid + `LPID_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_lpid:`tagpos_lpid + `LPID_WIDTH - 1])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv1_tag3_pid_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_pid:`tagpos_pid + `PID_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_pid:`tagpos_pid + `PID_WIDTH - 1])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv1_tag3_as_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_as] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_as])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv1_tag3_gs_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_gs] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_gs])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // local match includes upper epn bits assign htw_resv1_tag3_epn_loc_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_4KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_16MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // global match ignores certain upper epn bits that are not tranferred over bus // fix me!! use various upper nibbles dependent on pgsize and mmucr1.tlbi_msb assign htw_resv1_tag3_epn_glob_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_4KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_16MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] == tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv2_tag3_lpid_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_lpid:`tagpos_lpid + `LPID_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_lpid:`tagpos_lpid + `LPID_WIDTH - 1])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv2_tag3_pid_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_pid:`tagpos_pid + `PID_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_pid:`tagpos_pid + `PID_WIDTH - 1])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv2_tag3_as_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_as] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_as])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv2_tag3_gs_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_gs] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_gs])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // local match includes upper epn bits assign htw_resv2_tag3_epn_loc_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_4KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_16MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // global match ignores certain upper epn bits that are not tranferred over bus // fix me!! use various upper nibbles dependent on pgsize and mmucr1.tlbi_msb assign htw_resv2_tag3_epn_glob_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_4KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_16MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] == tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv3_tag3_lpid_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_lpid:`tagpos_lpid + `LPID_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_lpid:`tagpos_lpid + `LPID_WIDTH - 1])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv3_tag3_pid_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_pid:`tagpos_pid + `PID_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_pid:`tagpos_pid + `PID_WIDTH - 1])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv3_tag3_as_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_as] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_as])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign htw_resv3_tag3_gs_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_gs] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_gs])) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // local match includes upper epn bits assign htw_resv3_tag3_epn_loc_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_4KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_16MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // global match ignores certain upper epn bits that are not tranferred over bus // fix me!! use various upper nibbles dependent on pgsize and mmucr1.tlbi_msb assign htw_resv3_tag3_epn_glob_match = ((htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 1] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_4KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 5] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_64KB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 9] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 13] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_16MB) | (htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] == tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_epn + 31:`tagpos_epn + `EPN_WIDTH - 19] & htw_tag3_q[`tagpos_size:`tagpos_size + 3] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign pte0_score_act = (|(pte0_seq_q) | |(htw_seq_q) | mmucr2_act_override) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; assign pte0_score_ptr_d = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsuptr_q : pte0_score_ptr_q; assign pte0_score_cl_offset_d = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00) ? pte_ra_0[58:60] : (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01) ? pte_ra_1[58:60] : (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10) ? pte_ra_2[58:60] : (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11) ? pte_ra_3[58:60] : pte0_score_cl_offset_q; assign pte0_score_ibit_d = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00) ? tlb_htw_req0_way_q[`waypos_wimge + 1] : (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01) ? tlb_htw_req1_way_q[`waypos_wimge + 1] : (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10) ? tlb_htw_req2_way_q[`waypos_wimge + 1] : (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11) ? tlb_htw_req3_way_q[`waypos_wimge + 1] : pte0_score_ibit_q; assign pte0_score_pending_d = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : (pte0_seq_score_done == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : pte0_score_pending_q; // 4 quadword data beats being returned; entire CL repeated if any beat has ecc error // beats need to be set regardless of ecc present..ecc and any qw happen simultaneously assign pte0_score_qwbeat_d[0] = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte0_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag0_Value & reld_qw_tp2_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b1 : pte0_score_qwbeat_q[0]; assign pte0_score_qwbeat_d[1] = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte0_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag0_Value & reld_qw_tp2_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b1 : pte0_score_qwbeat_q[1]; assign pte0_score_qwbeat_d[2] = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte0_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag0_Value & reld_qw_tp2_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b1 : pte0_score_qwbeat_q[2]; assign pte0_score_qwbeat_d[3] = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte0_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag0_Value & reld_qw_tp2_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b1 : pte0_score_qwbeat_q[3]; // ecc error detection: bit0=ECC, bit1=UE, bit2=retry assign pte0_score_error_d[0] = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag0_Value & reld_ecc_err_tp2_q == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : pte0_score_error_q[0]; assign pte0_score_error_d[1] = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag0_Value & reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_q == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : pte0_score_error_q[1]; assign pte0_score_error_d[2] = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : (pte0_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : pte0_score_error_q[2]; assign pte0_score_dataval_d = (pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte0_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_crit_qw_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_qw_tp2_q == pte0_score_cl_offset_q[58:59] & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag0_Value)) ? 1'b1 : pte0_score_dataval_q; assign pte1_score_act = (|(pte1_seq_q) | |(htw_seq_q) | mmucr2_act_override) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; assign pte1_score_ptr_d = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsuptr_q : pte1_score_ptr_q; assign pte1_score_cl_offset_d = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00) ? pte_ra_0[58:60] : (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01) ? pte_ra_1[58:60] : (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10) ? pte_ra_2[58:60] : (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11) ? pte_ra_3[58:60] : pte1_score_cl_offset_q; assign pte1_score_ibit_d = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00) ? tlb_htw_req0_way_q[`waypos_wimge + 1] : (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01) ? tlb_htw_req1_way_q[`waypos_wimge + 1] : (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10) ? tlb_htw_req2_way_q[`waypos_wimge + 1] : (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11) ? tlb_htw_req3_way_q[`waypos_wimge + 1] : pte1_score_ibit_q; assign pte1_score_pending_d = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : (pte1_seq_score_done == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : pte1_score_pending_q; // 4 quadword data beats being returned; entire CL repeated if any beat has ecc error // beats need to be set regardless of ecc present..ecc and any qw happen simultaneously assign pte1_score_qwbeat_d[0] = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte1_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag1_Value & reld_qw_tp2_q == 2'b00)) ? 1'b1 : pte1_score_qwbeat_q[0]; assign pte1_score_qwbeat_d[1] = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte1_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag1_Value & reld_qw_tp2_q == 2'b01)) ? 1'b1 : pte1_score_qwbeat_q[1]; assign pte1_score_qwbeat_d[2] = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte1_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag1_Value & reld_qw_tp2_q == 2'b10)) ? 1'b1 : pte1_score_qwbeat_q[2]; assign pte1_score_qwbeat_d[3] = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte1_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag1_Value & reld_qw_tp2_q == 2'b11)) ? 1'b1 : pte1_score_qwbeat_q[3]; // ecc error detection: bit0=ECC, bit1=UE, bit2=retry assign pte1_score_error_d[0] = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag1_Value & reld_ecc_err_tp2_q == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : pte1_score_error_q[0]; assign pte1_score_error_d[1] = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag1_Value & reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_q == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 : pte1_score_error_q[1]; assign pte1_score_error_d[2] = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : (pte1_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : pte1_score_error_q[2]; assign pte1_score_dataval_d = (pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 | pte1_seq_data_retry == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : ((pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_crit_qw_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_qw_tp2_q == pte1_score_cl_offset_q[58:59] & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag1_Value)) ? 1'b1 : pte1_score_dataval_q; // pointers: // htw_inptr: tlb to htw incoming request queue pointer, 4 total // htw_lsuptr: htw to lru outgoing request queue pointer, 4 total // pte_load_ptr: pte machine pointer next to load, 2 total // ptereload_ptr: pte to tlb data reload select, 2 total assign htw_inptr_d = (htw_inptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_inptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b0 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) ? pte0_score_ptr_q : (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) ? pte1_score_ptr_q : htw_inptr_q; assign htw_lsuptr_d = (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[3] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[3] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[0] == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[3] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[0] == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[0] == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_vec[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : htw_lsuptr_q; assign tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec = {(tlb_htw_req0_valid_q & (~tlb_htw_req0_pending_q)), (tlb_htw_req1_valid_q & (~tlb_htw_req1_pending_q)), (tlb_htw_req2_valid_q & (~tlb_htw_req2_pending_q)), (tlb_htw_req3_valid_q & (~tlb_htw_req3_pending_q))}; assign htw_lsuptr_alt_d = (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b1 & htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b1 & htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b1 & htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b1 & htw_lsu_req_taken == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b1) ? 2'b00 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[3] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_htw_req_valid_notpend_vec[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : htw_lsuptr_q; assign pte_load_ptr_d = (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte0_score_pending_d == 1'b1 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b0 & pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_pending_d == 1'b1 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : (pte_load_ptr_q == 1'b0 & pte0_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & pte1_score_pending_q == 1'b0) ? 1'b1 : (pte_load_ptr_q == 1'b1 & pte1_seq_score_load == 1'b1 & pte0_score_pending_q == 1'b0) ? 1'b0 : pte_load_ptr_q; assign ptereload_ptr_d = (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b0 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b0 & pte0_reload_req_valid == 1'b0 & pte1_reload_req_valid == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1 & ptereload_req_taken == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1 & pte0_reload_req_valid == 1'b1 & pte1_reload_req_valid == 1'b0) ? 1'b0 : ptereload_ptr_q; // 0=tlbivax_op, 1=tlbi_complete, 2=mmu read with core_tag=01100, 3=mmu read with core_tag=01101 assign htw_lsu_ttype_d = ((pte_load_ptr_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1)) ? 2'b11 : (htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 : htw_lsu_ttype_q; assign htw_lsu_thdid_d = (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req0_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1] : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req1_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1] : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req2_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1] : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req3_tag_q[`tagpos_thdid:`tagpos_thdid + `THDID_WIDTH - 1] : htw_lsu_thdid_q; assign htw_lsu_wimge_d = (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req0_way_q[`waypos_wimge:`waypos_wimge + 4] : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req1_way_q[`waypos_wimge:`waypos_wimge + 4] : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req2_way_q[`waypos_wimge:`waypos_wimge + 4] : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req3_way_q[`waypos_wimge:`waypos_wimge + 4] : htw_lsu_wimge_q; assign htw_lsu_u_d = (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req0_way_q[`waypos_ubits:`waypos_ubits + 3] : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req1_way_q[`waypos_ubits:`waypos_ubits + 3] : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req2_way_q[`waypos_ubits:`waypos_ubits + 3] : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? tlb_htw_req3_way_q[`waypos_ubits:`waypos_ubits + 3] : htw_lsu_u_q; assign htw_lsu_addr_d = (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b00 & tlb_htw_req0_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? pte_ra_0 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b01 & tlb_htw_req1_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? pte_ra_1 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b10 & tlb_htw_req2_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? pte_ra_2 : (htw_lsuptr_q == 2'b11 & tlb_htw_req3_valid_q == 1'b1 & htw_seq_load_pteaddr == 1'b1) ? pte_ra_3 : htw_lsu_addr_q; assign htw_lsu_act = (|(htw_seq_q) | mmucr2_act_override) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; assign htw_lsu_thdid = htw_lsu_thdid_q; assign htw_dbg_lsu_thdid[0] = htw_lsu_thdid_q[2] | htw_lsu_thdid_q[3]; assign htw_dbg_lsu_thdid[1] = htw_lsu_thdid_q[1] | htw_lsu_thdid_q[3]; assign htw_lsu_ttype = htw_lsu_ttype_q; assign htw_lsu_wimge = htw_lsu_wimge_q; assign htw_lsu_u = htw_lsu_u_q; assign htw_lsu_addr = htw_lsu_addr_q; // L2 data reload stages // t minus 2 phase assign reld_core_tag_tm1_d = an_ac_reld_core_tag; assign reld_qw_tm1_d = an_ac_reld_qw; assign reld_crit_qw_tm1_d = an_ac_reld_crit_qw; assign reld_ditc_tm1_d = an_ac_reld_ditc; assign reld_data_vld_tm1_d = an_ac_reld_data_vld; // t minus 1 phase assign reld_core_tag_t_d = reld_core_tag_tm1_q; assign reld_qw_t_d = reld_qw_tm1_q; assign reld_crit_qw_t_d = reld_crit_qw_tm1_q; assign reld_ditc_t_d = reld_ditc_tm1_q; assign reld_data_vld_t_d = reld_data_vld_tm1_q; assign pte0_reld_for_me_tm1 = ((reld_data_vld_tm1_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tm1_q == 1'b0 & reld_crit_qw_tm1_q == 1'b1 & reld_qw_tm1_q == pte0_score_cl_offset_q[58:59] & reld_core_tag_tm1_q == Core_Tag0_Value)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign pte1_reld_for_me_tm1 = ((reld_data_vld_tm1_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tm1_q == 1'b0 & reld_crit_qw_tm1_q == 1'b1 & reld_qw_tm1_q == pte1_score_cl_offset_q[58:59] & reld_core_tag_tm1_q == Core_Tag1_Value)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // t phase assign reld_core_tag_tp1_d = reld_core_tag_t_q; assign reld_qw_tp1_d = reld_qw_t_q; assign reld_crit_qw_tp1_d = reld_crit_qw_t_q; assign reld_ditc_tp1_d = reld_ditc_t_q; assign reld_data_vld_tp1_d = reld_data_vld_t_q; assign reld_data_tp1_d = an_ac_reld_data; // t plus 1 phase assign reld_core_tag_tp2_d = reld_core_tag_tp1_q; assign reld_qw_tp2_d = reld_qw_tp1_q; assign reld_crit_qw_tp2_d = reld_crit_qw_tp1_q; assign reld_ditc_tp2_d = reld_ditc_tp1_q; assign reld_data_vld_tp2_d = reld_data_vld_tp1_q; assign reld_data_tp2_d = reld_data_tp1_q; assign reld_ecc_err_tp2_d = an_ac_reld_ecc_err; assign reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_d = an_ac_reld_ecc_err_ue; // t plus 2 phase assign pte0_reld_for_me_tp2 = ((reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_crit_qw_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_qw_tp2_q == pte0_score_cl_offset_q[58:59] & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag0_Value)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign pte0_reld_data_tp3_d = ((pte0_reld_for_me_tp2 == 1'b1 & pte0_score_cl_offset_q[60] == 1'b0)) ? reld_data_tp2_q[0:63] : ((pte0_reld_for_me_tp2 == 1'b1 & pte0_score_cl_offset_q[60] == 1'b1)) ? reld_data_tp2_q[64:127] : pte0_reld_data_tp3_q; assign pte1_reld_for_me_tp2 = ((reld_data_vld_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_ditc_tp2_q == 1'b0 & reld_crit_qw_tp2_q == 1'b1 & reld_qw_tp2_q == pte1_score_cl_offset_q[58:59] & reld_core_tag_tp2_q == Core_Tag1_Value)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign pte1_reld_data_tp3_d = ((pte1_reld_for_me_tp2 == 1'b1 & pte1_score_cl_offset_q[60] == 1'b0)) ? reld_data_tp2_q[0:63] : ((pte1_reld_for_me_tp2 == 1'b1 & pte1_score_cl_offset_q[60] == 1'b1)) ? reld_data_tp2_q[64:127] : pte1_reld_data_tp3_q; assign reld_act = (|(pte0_seq_q) | |(pte1_seq_q) | mmucr2_act_override) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; assign pte0_reld_act = (|(pte0_seq_q) | mmucr2_act_override) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; assign pte1_reld_act = (|(pte1_seq_q) | mmucr2_act_override) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b; // ptereload requests to tlb_ctl assign ptereload_req_valid = ((htw_tag4_clr_resv_q != 4'b0000 | htw_tag5_clr_resv_q != 4'b0000)) ? 1'b0 : (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1) ? pte1_reload_req_valid : pte0_reload_req_valid; assign ptereload_req_tag = (((ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b0 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b01) | (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b01))) ? tlb_htw_req1_tag_q : (((ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b0 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b10) | (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b10))) ? tlb_htw_req2_tag_q : (((ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b0 & pte0_score_ptr_q == 2'b11) | (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1 & pte1_score_ptr_q == 2'b11))) ? tlb_htw_req3_tag_q : tlb_htw_req0_tag_q; assign ptereload_req_pte = (ptereload_ptr_q == 1'b1) ? pte1_reld_data_tp3_q : pte0_reld_data_tp3_q; assign htw_tag4_clr_resv_terms = {4{1'b0}}; assign htw_dbg_seq_idle = htw_seq_idle; assign htw_dbg_pte0_seq_idle = pte0_seq_idle; assign htw_dbg_pte1_seq_idle = pte1_seq_idle; assign htw_dbg_seq_q = htw_seq_q; assign htw_dbg_inptr_q = htw_inptr_q; assign htw_dbg_pte0_seq_q = pte0_seq_q; assign htw_dbg_pte1_seq_q = pte1_seq_q; assign htw_dbg_ptereload_ptr_q = ptereload_ptr_q; assign htw_dbg_lsuptr_q = htw_lsuptr_q; assign htw_dbg_req_valid_q = {tlb_htw_req0_valid_q, tlb_htw_req1_valid_q, tlb_htw_req2_valid_q, tlb_htw_req3_valid_q}; assign htw_dbg_resv_valid_vec = htw_resv_valid_vec; assign htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_q = htw_tag4_clr_resv_q; assign htw_dbg_tag4_clr_resv_terms = htw_tag4_clr_resv_terms; assign htw_dbg_pte0_score_ptr_q = pte0_score_ptr_q; assign htw_dbg_pte0_score_cl_offset_q = pte0_score_cl_offset_q; assign htw_dbg_pte0_score_error_q = pte0_score_error_q; assign htw_dbg_pte0_score_qwbeat_q = pte0_score_qwbeat_q; assign htw_dbg_pte0_score_pending_q = pte0_score_pending_q; assign htw_dbg_pte0_score_ibit_q = pte0_score_ibit_q; assign htw_dbg_pte0_score_dataval_q = pte0_score_dataval_q; assign htw_dbg_pte0_reld_for_me_tm1 = pte0_reld_for_me_tm1; assign htw_dbg_pte1_score_ptr_q = pte1_score_ptr_q; assign htw_dbg_pte1_score_cl_offset_q = pte1_score_cl_offset_q; assign htw_dbg_pte1_score_error_q = pte1_score_error_q; assign htw_dbg_pte1_score_qwbeat_q = pte1_score_qwbeat_q; assign htw_dbg_pte1_score_pending_q = pte1_score_pending_q; assign htw_dbg_pte1_score_ibit_q = pte1_score_ibit_q; assign htw_dbg_pte1_score_dataval_q = pte1_score_dataval_q; assign htw_dbg_pte1_reld_for_me_tm1 = pte1_reld_for_me_tm1; // unused spare signal assignments assign unused_dc[0] = |(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[1:4]); assign unused_dc[1] = |(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[1:4]); assign unused_dc[2] = pc_func_sl_force; assign unused_dc[3] = pc_func_sl_thold_0_b; assign unused_dc[4] = tc_scan_dis_dc_b; assign unused_dc[5] = tc_scan_diag_dc; assign unused_dc[6] = tc_lbist_en_dc; assign unused_dc[7] = |(tlb_htw_req_tag[104:105]); assign unused_dc[8] = htw_tag3_q[70]; assign unused_dc[9] = htw_tag3_q[73]; assign unused_dc[10] = |(htw_tag3_q[82:85]); assign unused_dc[11] = htw_tag3_q[87]; assign unused_dc[12] = |(htw_tag3_q[98:103]); assign unused_dc[13] = |(htw_tag3_q[106:`TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]); assign unused_dc[14] = pte0_reld_enable_lo_tp2 | pte0_reld_enable_hi_tp2; assign unused_dc[15] = pte1_reld_enable_lo_tp2 | pte1_reld_enable_hi_tp2; assign unused_dc[16:19] = {tlb_htw_req0_pending_q, tlb_htw_req1_pending_q, tlb_htw_req2_pending_q, tlb_htw_req3_pending_q}; assign unused_dc[20:21] = htw_lsuptr_alt_d; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Latches //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // tlb request valid latches tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req0_valid_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req0_valid_offset]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req0_valid_offset]), .din(tlb_htw_req0_valid_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req0_valid_q) ); // tlb request pending latches.. this req is loaded into a pte machine tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req0_pending_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req0_pending_offset]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req0_pending_offset]), .din(tlb_htw_req0_pending_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req0_pending_q) ); // tlb request tag latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`TLB_TAG_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req0_tag_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_htw_req0_tag_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset:tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset:tlb_htw_req0_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .din(tlb_htw_req0_tag_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req0_tag_q) ); // tlb request tag latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req0_way_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_delayed_act[24 + 0]), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req0_way_offset:tlb_htw_req0_way_offset + (`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1) - 1]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req0_way_offset:tlb_htw_req0_way_offset + (`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1) - 1]), .din(tlb_htw_req0_way_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req0_way_q) ); // tlb request valid latches tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req1_valid_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req1_valid_offset]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req1_valid_offset]), .din(tlb_htw_req1_valid_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req1_valid_q) ); // tlb request pending latches.. this req is loaded into a pte machine tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req1_pending_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req1_pending_offset]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req1_pending_offset]), .din(tlb_htw_req1_pending_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req1_pending_q) ); // tlb request tag latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`TLB_TAG_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req1_tag_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_htw_req1_tag_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset:tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset:tlb_htw_req1_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .din(tlb_htw_req1_tag_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req1_tag_q) ); // tlb request tag latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req1_way_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_delayed_act[24 + 1]), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req1_way_offset:tlb_htw_req1_way_offset + (`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1) - 1]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req1_way_offset:tlb_htw_req1_way_offset + (`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1) - 1]), .din(tlb_htw_req1_way_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req1_way_q) ); // tlb request valid latches tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req2_valid_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req2_valid_offset]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req2_valid_offset]), .din(tlb_htw_req2_valid_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req2_valid_q) ); // tlb request pending latches.. this req is loaded into a pte machine tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req2_pending_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req2_pending_offset]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req2_pending_offset]), .din(tlb_htw_req2_pending_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req2_pending_q) ); // tlb request tag latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`TLB_TAG_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req2_tag_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_htw_req2_tag_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset:tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset:tlb_htw_req2_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .din(tlb_htw_req2_tag_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req2_tag_q) ); // tlb request tag latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req2_way_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_delayed_act[24 + 2]), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req2_way_offset:tlb_htw_req2_way_offset + (`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1) - 1]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req2_way_offset:tlb_htw_req2_way_offset + (`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1) - 1]), .din(tlb_htw_req2_way_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req2_way_q) ); // tlb request valid latches tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req3_valid_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req3_valid_offset]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req3_valid_offset]), .din(tlb_htw_req3_valid_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req3_valid_q) ); // tlb request pending latches.. this req is loaded into a pte machine tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req3_pending_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req3_pending_offset]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req3_pending_offset]), .din(tlb_htw_req3_pending_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req3_pending_q) ); // tlb request tag latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`TLB_TAG_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req3_tag_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_htw_req3_tag_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset:tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset:tlb_htw_req3_tag_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .din(tlb_htw_req3_tag_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req3_tag_q) ); // tlb request tag latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_htw_req3_way_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_delayed_act[24 + 3]), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[tlb_htw_req3_way_offset:tlb_htw_req3_way_offset + (`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1) - 1]), .scout(sov_0[tlb_htw_req3_way_offset:tlb_htw_req3_way_offset + (`TLB_WAY_WIDTH-1-`TLB_WORD_WIDTH+1) - 1]), .din(tlb_htw_req3_way_d), .dout(tlb_htw_req3_way_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spare_a_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_0[spare_a_offset:spare_a_offset + 16 - 1]), .scout(sov_0[spare_a_offset:spare_a_offset + 16 - 1]), .din(spare_a_q), .dout(spare_a_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_seq_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_seq_offset:htw_seq_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_seq_offset:htw_seq_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(htw_seq_d[0:`HTW_SEQ_WIDTH - 1]), .dout(htw_seq_q[0:`HTW_SEQ_WIDTH - 1]) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_inptr_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_inptr_offset:htw_inptr_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_inptr_offset:htw_inptr_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(htw_inptr_d), .dout(htw_inptr_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_lsuptr_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_lsuptr_offset:htw_lsuptr_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_lsuptr_offset:htw_lsuptr_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(htw_lsuptr_d), .dout(htw_lsuptr_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_lsu_ttype_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(htw_lsu_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_lsu_ttype_offset:htw_lsu_ttype_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_lsu_ttype_offset:htw_lsu_ttype_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(htw_lsu_ttype_d), .dout(htw_lsu_ttype_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THDID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_lsu_thdid_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(htw_lsu_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_lsu_thdid_offset:htw_lsu_thdid_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_lsu_thdid_offset:htw_lsu_thdid_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]), .din(htw_lsu_thdid_d), .dout(htw_lsu_thdid_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_lsu_wimge_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(htw_lsu_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_lsu_wimge_offset:htw_lsu_wimge_offset + 5 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_lsu_wimge_offset:htw_lsu_wimge_offset + 5 - 1]), .din(htw_lsu_wimge_d), .dout(htw_lsu_wimge_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_lsu_u_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(htw_lsu_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_lsu_u_offset:htw_lsu_u_offset + 4 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_lsu_u_offset:htw_lsu_u_offset + 4 - 1]), .din(htw_lsu_u_d), .dout(htw_lsu_u_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_lsu_addr_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(htw_lsu_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_lsu_addr_offset:htw_lsu_addr_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_lsu_addr_offset:htw_lsu_addr_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]), .din(htw_lsu_addr_d), .dout(htw_lsu_addr_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte0_seq_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte0_seq_offset:pte0_seq_offset + 3 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte0_seq_offset:pte0_seq_offset + 3 - 1]), .din(pte0_seq_d), .dout(pte0_seq_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte0_score_ptr_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte0_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte0_score_ptr_offset:pte0_score_ptr_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte0_score_ptr_offset:pte0_score_ptr_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(pte0_score_ptr_d), .dout(pte0_score_ptr_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte0_score_cl_offset_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte0_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte0_score_cl_offset_offset:pte0_score_cl_offset_offset + 3 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte0_score_cl_offset_offset:pte0_score_cl_offset_offset + 3 - 1]), .din(pte0_score_cl_offset_d), .dout(pte0_score_cl_offset_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte0_score_error_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte0_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte0_score_error_offset:pte0_score_error_offset + 3 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte0_score_error_offset:pte0_score_error_offset + 3 - 1]), .din(pte0_score_error_d), .dout(pte0_score_error_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte0_score_qwbeat_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte0_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte0_score_qwbeat_offset:pte0_score_qwbeat_offset + 4 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte0_score_qwbeat_offset:pte0_score_qwbeat_offset + 4 - 1]), .din(pte0_score_qwbeat_d), .dout(pte0_score_qwbeat_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte0_score_ibit_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte0_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte0_score_ibit_offset]), .scout(sov_1[pte0_score_ibit_offset]), .din(pte0_score_ibit_d), .dout(pte0_score_ibit_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte0_score_pending_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte0_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte0_score_pending_offset]), .scout(sov_1[pte0_score_pending_offset]), .din(pte0_score_pending_d), .dout(pte0_score_pending_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte0_score_dataval_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte0_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte0_score_dataval_offset]), .scout(sov_1[pte0_score_dataval_offset]), .din(pte0_score_dataval_d), .dout(pte0_score_dataval_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte1_seq_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte1_seq_offset:pte1_seq_offset + 3 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte1_seq_offset:pte1_seq_offset + 3 - 1]), .din(pte1_seq_d), .dout(pte1_seq_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte1_score_ptr_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte1_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte1_score_ptr_offset:pte1_score_ptr_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte1_score_ptr_offset:pte1_score_ptr_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(pte1_score_ptr_d), .dout(pte1_score_ptr_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte1_score_cl_offset_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte1_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte1_score_cl_offset_offset:pte1_score_cl_offset_offset + 3 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte1_score_cl_offset_offset:pte1_score_cl_offset_offset + 3 - 1]), .din(pte1_score_cl_offset_d), .dout(pte1_score_cl_offset_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte1_score_error_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte1_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte1_score_error_offset:pte1_score_error_offset + 3 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte1_score_error_offset:pte1_score_error_offset + 3 - 1]), .din(pte1_score_error_d), .dout(pte1_score_error_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte1_score_qwbeat_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte1_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte1_score_qwbeat_offset:pte1_score_qwbeat_offset + 4 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte1_score_qwbeat_offset:pte1_score_qwbeat_offset + 4 - 1]), .din(pte1_score_qwbeat_d), .dout(pte1_score_qwbeat_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte1_score_ibit_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte1_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte1_score_ibit_offset]), .scout(sov_1[pte1_score_ibit_offset]), .din(pte1_score_ibit_d), .dout(pte1_score_ibit_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte1_score_pending_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte1_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte1_score_pending_offset]), .scout(sov_1[pte1_score_pending_offset]), .din(pte1_score_pending_d), .dout(pte1_score_pending_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte1_score_dataval_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte1_score_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte1_score_dataval_offset]), .scout(sov_1[pte1_score_dataval_offset]), .din(pte1_score_dataval_d), .dout(pte1_score_dataval_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte_load_ptr_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte_load_ptr_offset]), .scout(sov_1[pte_load_ptr_offset]), .din(pte_load_ptr_d), .dout(pte_load_ptr_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ptereload_ptr_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[ptereload_ptr_offset]), .scout(sov_1[ptereload_ptr_offset]), .din(ptereload_ptr_d), .dout(ptereload_ptr_q) ); // t minus 1 phase latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_core_tag_tm1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_core_tag_tm1_offset:reld_core_tag_tm1_offset + 5 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_core_tag_tm1_offset:reld_core_tag_tm1_offset + 5 - 1]), .din(reld_core_tag_tm1_d), .dout(reld_core_tag_tm1_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_qw_tm1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_qw_tm1_offset:reld_qw_tm1_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_qw_tm1_offset:reld_qw_tm1_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(reld_qw_tm1_d), .dout(reld_qw_tm1_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_crit_qw_tm1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_crit_qw_tm1_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_crit_qw_tm1_offset]), .din(reld_crit_qw_tm1_d), .dout(reld_crit_qw_tm1_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_ditc_tm1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_ditc_tm1_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_ditc_tm1_offset]), .din(reld_ditc_tm1_d), .dout(reld_ditc_tm1_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_data_vld_tm1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_data_vld_tm1_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_data_vld_tm1_offset]), .din(reld_data_vld_tm1_d), .dout(reld_data_vld_tm1_q) ); // t phase latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_core_tag_t_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_core_tag_t_offset:reld_core_tag_t_offset + 5 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_core_tag_t_offset:reld_core_tag_t_offset + 5 - 1]), .din(reld_core_tag_t_d), .dout(reld_core_tag_t_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_qw_t_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_qw_t_offset:reld_qw_t_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_qw_t_offset:reld_qw_t_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(reld_qw_t_d), .dout(reld_qw_t_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_crit_qw_t_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_crit_qw_t_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_crit_qw_t_offset]), .din(reld_crit_qw_t_d), .dout(reld_crit_qw_t_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_ditc_t_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_ditc_t_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_ditc_t_offset]), .din(reld_ditc_t_d), .dout(reld_ditc_t_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_data_vld_t_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_data_vld_t_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_data_vld_t_offset]), .din(reld_data_vld_t_d), .dout(reld_data_vld_t_q) ); // t plus 1 phase latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_core_tag_tp1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_core_tag_tp1_offset:reld_core_tag_tp1_offset + 5 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_core_tag_tp1_offset:reld_core_tag_tp1_offset + 5 - 1]), .din(reld_core_tag_tp1_d), .dout(reld_core_tag_tp1_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_qw_tp1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_qw_tp1_offset:reld_qw_tp1_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_qw_tp1_offset:reld_qw_tp1_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(reld_qw_tp1_d), .dout(reld_qw_tp1_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_crit_qw_tp1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_crit_qw_tp1_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_crit_qw_tp1_offset]), .din(reld_crit_qw_tp1_d), .dout(reld_crit_qw_tp1_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_ditc_tp1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_ditc_tp1_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_ditc_tp1_offset]), .din(reld_ditc_tp1_d), .dout(reld_ditc_tp1_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_data_vld_tp1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_data_vld_tp1_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_data_vld_tp1_offset]), .din(reld_data_vld_tp1_d), .dout(reld_data_vld_tp1_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(128), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_data_tp1_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_data_tp1_offset:reld_data_tp1_offset + 128 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_data_tp1_offset:reld_data_tp1_offset + 128 - 1]), .din(reld_data_tp1_d), .dout(reld_data_tp1_q) ); // t plus 2 phase latches tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_core_tag_tp2_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_core_tag_tp2_offset:reld_core_tag_tp2_offset + 5 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_core_tag_tp2_offset:reld_core_tag_tp2_offset + 5 - 1]), .din(reld_core_tag_tp2_d), .dout(reld_core_tag_tp2_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_qw_tp2_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_qw_tp2_offset:reld_qw_tp2_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_qw_tp2_offset:reld_qw_tp2_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(reld_qw_tp2_d), .dout(reld_qw_tp2_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_crit_qw_tp2_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_crit_qw_tp2_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_crit_qw_tp2_offset]), .din(reld_crit_qw_tp2_d), .dout(reld_crit_qw_tp2_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_ditc_tp2_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_ditc_tp2_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_ditc_tp2_offset]), .din(reld_ditc_tp2_d), .dout(reld_ditc_tp2_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_data_vld_tp2_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_data_vld_tp2_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_data_vld_tp2_offset]), .din(reld_data_vld_tp2_d), .dout(reld_data_vld_tp2_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(128), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_data_tp2_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_data_tp2_offset:reld_data_tp2_offset + 128 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[reld_data_tp2_offset:reld_data_tp2_offset + 128 - 1]), .din(reld_data_tp2_d), .dout(reld_data_tp2_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_ecc_err_tp2_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_ecc_err_tp2_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_ecc_err_tp2_offset]), .din(reld_ecc_err_tp2_d), .dout(reld_ecc_err_tp2_q) ); tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_offset]), .scout(sov_1[reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_offset]), .din(reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_d), .dout(reld_ecc_err_ue_tp2_q) ); // t plus 3 phase tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(64), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte0_reld_data_tp3_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte0_reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset:pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset + 64 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset:pte0_reld_data_tp3_offset + 64 - 1]), .din(pte0_reld_data_tp3_d), .dout(pte0_reld_data_tp3_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(64), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pte1_reld_data_tp3_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(pte1_reld_act), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset:pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset + 64 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset:pte1_reld_data_tp3_offset + 64 - 1]), .din(pte1_reld_data_tp3_d), .dout(pte1_reld_data_tp3_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`TLB_TAG_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_tag3_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_delayed_act[28]), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_tag3_offset:htw_tag3_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_tag3_offset:htw_tag3_offset + `TLB_TAG_WIDTH - 1]), .din(htw_tag3_d), .dout(htw_tag3_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THDID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_tag4_clr_resv_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_delayed_act[28]), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset:htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset:htw_tag4_clr_resv_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]), .din(htw_tag4_clr_resv_d), .dout(htw_tag4_clr_resv_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THDID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) htw_tag5_clr_resv_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(tlb_delayed_act[28]), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset:htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]), .scout(sov_1[htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset:htw_tag5_clr_resv_offset + `THDID_WIDTH - 1]), .din(htw_tag5_clr_resv_d), .dout(htw_tag5_clr_resv_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spare_b_latch( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .act(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(pc_sg_0), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .delay_lclkr(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[0]), .mpw1_b(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[0]), .mpw2_b(lcb_mpw2_dc_b), .d_mode(lcb_d_mode_dc), .scin(siv_1[spare_b_offset:spare_b_offset + 16 - 1]), .scout(sov_1[spare_b_offset:spare_b_offset + 16 - 1]), .din(spare_b_q), .dout(spare_b_q) ); //------------------------------------------------ // thold/sg latches //------------------------------------------------ tri_plat #(.WIDTH(3)) perv_2to1_reg( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .flush(tc_ccflush_dc), .din( {pc_func_sl_thold_2, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2, pc_sg_2} ), .q( {pc_func_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1, pc_sg_1} ) ); tri_plat #(.WIDTH(3)) perv_1to0_reg( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .nclk(nclk), .flush(tc_ccflush_dc), .din( {pc_func_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1, pc_sg_1} ), .q( {pc_func_sl_thold_0, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0, pc_sg_0} ) ); tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_func_sl( .clkoff_b(lcb_clkoff_dc_b), .thold(pc_func_sl_thold_0), .sg(pc_sg_0), .act_dis(lcb_act_dis_dc), .force_t(pc_func_sl_force), .thold_b(pc_func_sl_thold_0_b) ); tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_func_slp_sl( .clkoff_b(lcb_clkoff_dc_b), .thold(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0), .sg(pc_sg_0), .act_dis(lcb_act_dis_dc), .force_t(pc_func_slp_sl_force), .thold_b(pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scan //--------------------------------------------------------------------- assign siv_0[0:scan_right_0] = {sov_0[1:scan_right_0], ac_func_scan_in[0]}; assign ac_func_scan_out[0] = sov_0[0]; assign siv_1[0:scan_right_1] = {sov_1[1:scan_right_1], ac_func_scan_in[1]}; assign ac_func_scan_out[1] = sov_1[0]; function Eq; input a, b; reg result; begin if (a == b) begin result = 1'b1; end else begin result = 1'b0; end Eq = result; end endfunction endmodule