# OP Environment import math import cocotb from cocotb.triggers import Timer from cocotb.handle import Force from cocotb.handle import Release from dotmap import DotMap # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Classes class Sim(DotMap): def msg(self, m): self.dut._log.info(f'[{self.cycle:08d}] {m}') #wtf do multiline if /n in m def __init__(self, dut, cfg=None): super().__init__() self.dut = dut self.resetDone = False # defaults self.memFiles = ['../mem/boot_ieq1.bin.hex'] #wtf cmdline parm self.threads = None self.resetCycle = 10 self.hbCycles = 100 self.clk2x = True self.clk4x = False self.resetAddr = 0xFFFFFFFC self.resetOp = 0x48000002 self.maxCycles = 500 self.memFiles = None self.config = DotMap() # these should be in a2 core class self.config.core = DotMap({ 'creditsLd': None, 'creditsSt': None, 'creditsLdStSingle': None, 'lsDataForward' : None, 'cpcr4_sq_cnt' : None }) self.config.a2l2 = DotMap({ 'badAddr': [('E0','E0', 'IRW')] }) # json if cfg is not None: pass # runtime self.cycle = 0 self.ok = True self.fail = None self.done = False if self.threads is None: try: v = dut.an_ac_pm_thread_stop[1].value self.threads = 2 except: self.threads = 1 self.msg(f'Set threads={self.threads}.') # helpers # wtf: assertFail doesn't work??#@#!! def safeint(self, v, n=10, assertFail=True, rc=False): try: res = int(v, n) ok = True except: self.ok = False self.fail = f'Bad integer conversion: {v},{n}' if assertFail: assert(False, self.fail) res = 0 ok = False if rc: return (ok, res) else: return res class TransQ(DotMap): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # could allow registering callback for loads and/or stores in range class Memory(DotMap): def __init__(self, sim, default=0, logStores=True): super().__init__() self.sim = sim self.data = {} self.le = False self.default = default # default word data for unloaded self.logStores = logStores def loadFile(self, filename, format='ascii', addr=0, le=0): # format # binary, ascii, ascii w/addr # le: reverse bytes try: if format == 'ascii': with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: self.data[addr] = int(line, 16) # key is int addr += 4 elif format == 'binary': pass elif format == 'addrdata': pass except Exception as e: self.sim.msg(f'Error reading {filename}:\n{e}') raise IOError # word-aligned byte address def read(self, addr): try: addr = addr + 0 except: addr = int(addr, 16) if addr in self.data: return self.data[addr] else: return self.default # word-aligned byte address + data def write(self, addr, data): try: addr = addr + 0 except: addr = int(addr, 16) try: data = data + 0 except: data = int(data, 16) if self.logStores: if addr not in self.data: self.sim.msg(f'Mem Update: @{addr:08X} XXXXXXXX->{data:08X}') else: self.sim.msg(f'Mem Update: @{addr:08X} {self.data[addr]:08X}->{data:08X}') self.data[addr] = data def dump(self, start, end, cols=4, ascii=True, trimLeadingZeros=False, trimTrailingZeros=False): #wtf check for start>end and do in reverse #wtf trimTrailingZeros # word-align wordstart = (start >> 2) << 2 wordend = (end >> 2) << 2 # column align (handles powers of 2) c = int(math.log2(cols)) # address of column 0 of first line linestart = (wordstart >> 2 >> c) << c << 2 # column of wordstart colstart = (wordstart>>2) - (linestart>>2) # word address word = wordstart>>2 text = '' row = '' rowTransDict = {} for i in range(32): rowTransDict[i] = '.' # first line may be unaligned by row zeros = True if colstart != 0: textRow += f'{linestart:08X}: ' for i in range(colstart): textRow += f'{"":8s} ' row += f'{"":8s} ' for i in range(colstart, cols): v = f'{self.read(word<<2):08X}' textRow += v + ' ' if v != '00000000': zeros = False row += v word +=1 rowb = bytearray.fromhex(row) rowb = rowb.decode('iso-8859-1').translate(rowTransDict) textRow += (' ' + rowb) if ascii else '' textRow += '\n' if not trimLeadingZeros or not zeros: text += textRow lastword = wordend >> 2 while (word <= lastword): textRow = f'{word<<2:08X}: ' row = '' for j in range(cols): v = f'{self.read(word<<2):08X}' textRow += v + ' ' if v != '00000000': zeros = False row += v word += 1 if (word > lastword): break rowb = bytearray.fromhex(row) rowb = rowb.decode('iso-8859-1').translate(rowTransDict) textRow += (' ' + rowb) if ascii else '' textRow += '\n' if not trimLeadingZeros or not zeros: text += textRow return text # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Functions # the zero char pad should be based on pad value; currently 64 max def hex(n, pad=0): if pad: return f'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000{n.value.hex()[2:].upper()}'[-pad:] else: return n.value.hex()[2:].upper()