// © IBM Corp. 2020 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by // the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in // compliance with the License as modified. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Modified Terms: // // 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the // License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship // in physical form. // // 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses // necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER // via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded // hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions // of the EULA. // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that // is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are // available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be // obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. `timescale 1 ns / 1 ns //***************************************************************************** //* //* TITLE: TRI_PARITY_RECOVERY //* //* NAME: tri_parity_recovery //* //***************************************************************************** `include "tri_a2o.vh" module tri_parity_recovery ( perr_si, perr_so, delay_lclkr, mpw1_b, mpw2_b, clk, rst, force_t, thold_0_b, sg_0, gnd, vdd, ex3_hangcounter_trigger, ex3_a_parity_check, ex3_b_parity_check, ex3_c_parity_check, ex3_s_parity_check, rf0_instr_fra, rf0_instr_frb, rf0_instr_frc, rf0_tid, rf0_dcd_fra, rf0_dcd_frb, rf0_dcd_frc, rf0_dcd_tid, ex1_instr_fra, ex1_instr_frb, ex1_instr_frc, ex1_instr_frs, ex3_fra_v, ex3_frb_v, ex3_frc_v, ex3_str_v, ex3_frs_byp, ex3_fdivsqrt_start, ex3_instr_v, msr_fp_act, cp_flush_1d, ex7_is_fixperr, xx_ex4_regfile_err_det, xx_ex5_regfile_err_det, xx_ex6_regfile_err_det, xx_ex7_regfile_err_det, xx_ex8_regfile_err_det, xx_ex1_perr_sm_instr_v, xx_ex2_perr_sm_instr_v, xx_ex3_perr_sm_instr_v, xx_ex4_perr_sm_instr_v, xx_ex5_perr_sm_instr_v, xx_ex6_perr_sm_instr_v, xx_ex7_perr_sm_instr_v, xx_ex8_perr_sm_instr_v, xx_perr_sm_running, xx_ex2_perr_force_c, xx_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd, xx_perr_tid_l2, xx_perr_sm_l2, xx_perr_addr_l2, ex3_sto_parity_err, xx_rv_hold_all, xx_ex0_regfile_ue, xx_ex0_regfile_ce, xx_pc_err_regfile_parity, xx_pc_err_regfile_ue ); //parameter THREADS = 2; input perr_si; output perr_so; input [0:9] delay_lclkr; input [0:9] mpw1_b; input [0:1] mpw2_b; input clk; input rst; input force_t; input thold_0_b; input sg_0; inout gnd; inout vdd; input ex3_hangcounter_trigger; input ex3_a_parity_check; input ex3_b_parity_check; input ex3_c_parity_check; input ex3_s_parity_check; input [0:5] rf0_instr_fra; input [0:5] rf0_instr_frb; input [0:5] rf0_instr_frc; input [0:1] rf0_tid; output [0:5] rf0_dcd_fra; output [0:5] rf0_dcd_frb; output [0:5] rf0_dcd_frc; output [0:1] rf0_dcd_tid; input [0:5] ex1_instr_fra; input [0:5] ex1_instr_frb; input [0:5] ex1_instr_frc; input [0:5] ex1_instr_frs; input ex3_fra_v; input ex3_frb_v; input ex3_frc_v; input ex3_str_v; input ex3_frs_byp; input [0:1] ex3_fdivsqrt_start; input [0:1] ex3_instr_v; input msr_fp_act; input [0:1] cp_flush_1d; output ex7_is_fixperr; output [0:1] xx_ex4_regfile_err_det; output [0:1] xx_ex5_regfile_err_det; output [0:1] xx_ex6_regfile_err_det; output [0:1] xx_ex7_regfile_err_det; output [0:1] xx_ex8_regfile_err_det; output xx_ex1_perr_sm_instr_v; output xx_ex2_perr_sm_instr_v; output xx_ex3_perr_sm_instr_v; output xx_ex4_perr_sm_instr_v; output xx_ex5_perr_sm_instr_v; output xx_ex6_perr_sm_instr_v; output xx_ex7_perr_sm_instr_v; output xx_ex8_perr_sm_instr_v; output xx_perr_sm_running; output xx_ex2_perr_force_c; output xx_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd; output [0:1] xx_perr_tid_l2; output [0:2] xx_perr_sm_l2; output [0:5] xx_perr_addr_l2; output ex3_sto_parity_err; output xx_rv_hold_all; output xx_ex0_regfile_ue; output xx_ex0_regfile_ce; output [0:`THREADS-1] xx_pc_err_regfile_parity; output [0:`THREADS-1] xx_pc_err_regfile_ue; // parity err --------- (* analysis_not_referenced="TRUE" *) // unused wire [0:2] spare_unused; wire perr_sm_running; wire [0:23] ex3_perr_si; wire [0:23] ex3_perr_so; wire [0:1] ex3_fpr_perr; wire [0:1] ex3_fpr_reg_perr; wire ex3_regfile_err_det_any; wire ex3_capture_addr; wire [0:1] ex4_regfile_err_det_din; wire [0:1] ex5_regfile_err_det_din; wire [0:1] ex6_regfile_err_det_din; wire [0:1] ex7_regfile_err_det_din; wire regfile_seq_beg; wire regfile_seq_end; wire ex4_regfile_err_det_any; wire ex5_regfile_err_det_any; wire ex6_regfile_err_det_any; wire [0:1] ex4_sto_err_det; wire [0:1] ex4_regfile_err_det; wire [0:1] ex5_regfile_err_det; wire [0:1] ex6_regfile_err_det; wire [0:1] ex7_regfile_err_det; wire [0:1] ex8_regfile_err_det; wire ex3_f0a_perr; wire ex3_f0c_perr; wire ex3_f1b_perr; wire ex3_f1s_perr; wire [0:1] ex3_sto_perr; wire [0:0] holdall_si; wire [0:0] holdall_so; wire rv_hold_all_din; wire rv_hold_all_q; wire [0:1] err_regfile_parity; wire [0:1] err_regfile_ue; wire [0:1] ex3_abc_perr; wire [0:1] ex3_abc_perr_x; wire [0:1] ex3_abc_perr_y; wire ex1_perr_move_f0_to_f1; wire ex1_perr_move_f1_to_f0; wire ex0_regfile_ce; wire ex0_regfile_ue; wire [0:23] ex2_perr_si; wire [0:23] ex2_perr_so; wire [0:5] ex3_instr_fra; wire [0:5] ex3_instr_frb; wire [0:5] ex3_instr_frc; wire [0:5] ex3_instr_frs; wire [0:5] ex2_instr_fra; wire [0:5] ex2_instr_frb; wire [0:5] ex2_instr_frc; wire [0:5] ex2_instr_frs; wire new_perr_sm_instr_v; wire rf0_perr_sm_instr_v; wire rf0_perr_sm_instr_v_b; wire ex0_perr_sm_instr_v; wire ex1_perr_sm_instr_v; wire ex2_perr_sm_instr_v; wire ex3_perr_sm_instr_v; wire ex4_perr_sm_instr_v; wire ex5_perr_sm_instr_v; wire ex6_perr_sm_instr_v; wire ex7_perr_sm_instr_v; wire ex8_perr_sm_instr_v; wire rf0_perr_move_f0_to_f1; wire rf0_perr_move_f1_to_f0; wire rf0_perr_fixed_itself; wire perr_move_f0_to_f1_l2; wire perr_move_f1_to_f0_l2; wire rf0_perr_force_c; wire ex0_perr_force_c; wire ex1_perr_force_c; wire ex2_perr_force_c; wire [0:5] perr_addr_din; wire [0:5] perr_addr_l2; wire [0:30] perr_ctl_si; wire [0:30] perr_ctl_so; wire perr_move_f0_to_f1; wire perr_move_f1_to_f0; wire [0:2] perr_sm_din; wire [0:2] perr_sm_l2; wire [0:2] perr_sm_ns; wire [0:2] perr_sm_si; wire [0:2] perr_sm_so; wire [0:1] perr_tid_din; wire [0:1] perr_tid_l2; wire rf0_regfile_ce; wire rf0_regfile_ue; wire [0:3] ex4_ctl_perr_si; wire [0:3] ex4_ctl_perr_so; wire [0:8] exx_regfile_err_det_si; wire [0:8] exx_regfile_err_det_so; wire [0:5] rf0_frb_iu_x_b; wire [0:5] rf0_frb_perr_x_b; wire [0:5] rf0_frc_iu_x_b; wire [0:5] rf0_frc_perr_x_b; wire ex3_a_perr_check; wire ex3_b_perr_check; wire ex3_c_perr_check; wire ex3_s_perr_check; //------------- end parity wire tilo; wire tihi; wire tidn; wire tiup; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign tilo = 1'b0; assign tihi = 1'b1; assign tidn = 1'b0; assign tiup = 1'b1; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parity State Machine / parity section assign xx_ex4_regfile_err_det = ex4_regfile_err_det; assign xx_ex5_regfile_err_det = ex5_regfile_err_det; assign xx_ex6_regfile_err_det = ex6_regfile_err_det; assign xx_ex7_regfile_err_det = ex7_regfile_err_det; assign xx_ex8_regfile_err_det = ex8_regfile_err_det; assign xx_ex1_perr_sm_instr_v = ex1_perr_sm_instr_v; assign xx_ex2_perr_sm_instr_v = ex2_perr_sm_instr_v; assign xx_ex3_perr_sm_instr_v = ex3_perr_sm_instr_v; assign xx_ex4_perr_sm_instr_v = ex4_perr_sm_instr_v; assign xx_ex5_perr_sm_instr_v = ex5_perr_sm_instr_v; assign xx_ex6_perr_sm_instr_v = ex6_perr_sm_instr_v; assign xx_ex7_perr_sm_instr_v = ex7_perr_sm_instr_v; assign xx_ex8_perr_sm_instr_v = ex8_perr_sm_instr_v; assign xx_perr_tid_l2 = perr_tid_l2; assign xx_perr_sm_l2 = perr_sm_l2; assign ex4_regfile_err_det_din[0:1] = ex4_regfile_err_det[0:1] & (~cp_flush_1d[0:1]); assign ex5_regfile_err_det_din[0:1] = ex5_regfile_err_det[0:1] & (~cp_flush_1d[0:1]); assign ex6_regfile_err_det_din[0:1] = ex6_regfile_err_det[0:1] & (~cp_flush_1d[0:1]); assign ex7_regfile_err_det_din[0:1] = ex7_regfile_err_det[0:1] & (~cp_flush_1d[0:1]); assign xx_ex0_regfile_ue = ex0_regfile_ue; assign xx_ex0_regfile_ce = ex0_regfile_ce; assign xx_perr_addr_l2 = perr_addr_l2; tri_rlmreg_p #(.INIT(0), .WIDTH(9)) exx_regfile_err_det_lat( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(tihi), .force_t(force_t), .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[9]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[9]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .scin(exx_regfile_err_det_si[0:8]), .scout(exx_regfile_err_det_so[0:8]), //------------------------------------------- .din({ ex4_regfile_err_det_din[0:1], ex5_regfile_err_det_din[0:1], ex6_regfile_err_det_din[0:1], ex7_regfile_err_det_din[0:1], ex6_perr_sm_instr_v }), //------------------------------------------- .dout({ ex5_regfile_err_det[0:1], ex6_regfile_err_det[0:1], ex7_regfile_err_det[0:1], ex8_regfile_err_det[0:1], ex7_is_fixperr }) ); //------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #(.INIT(0), .WIDTH(4)) ex4_ctl_perr( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(tihi), .force_t(force_t), .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[4]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[4]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .scin(ex4_ctl_perr_si[0:3]), .scout(ex4_ctl_perr_so[0:3]), //------------------------------------------- .din({ ex3_fpr_reg_perr[0:1], ex3_sto_perr[0:1] }), //------------------------------------------- .dout( { ex4_regfile_err_det[0:1], ex4_sto_err_det[0:1] }) ); //------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #(.INIT(0), .WIDTH(24)) ex2_perr( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(tiup), .force_t(force_t), .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[2]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[2]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .scin(ex2_perr_si[0:23]), .scout(ex2_perr_so[0:23]), .din({ex1_instr_frs[0:5], ex1_instr_fra[0:5], ex1_instr_frb[0:5], ex1_instr_frc[0:5] }), //------------------------------------------- .dout({ex2_instr_frs[0:5], ex2_instr_fra[0:5], ex2_instr_frb[0:5], ex2_instr_frc[0:5] }) ); //------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #(.INIT(0), .WIDTH(24)) ex3_perr( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(tiup), .force_t(force_t), .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[3]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[3]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .scin(ex3_perr_si[0:23]), .scout(ex3_perr_so[0:23]), .din({ex2_instr_frs[0:5], ex2_instr_fra[0:5], ex2_instr_frb[0:5], ex2_instr_frc[0:5] }), //------------------------------------------- .dout( {ex3_instr_frs[0:5], ex3_instr_fra[0:5], ex3_instr_frb[0:5], ex3_instr_frc[0:5] }) ); //------------------------------------------- // Parity Checking assign ex3_a_perr_check = ex3_a_parity_check; assign ex3_b_perr_check = ex3_b_parity_check; assign ex3_c_perr_check = ex3_c_parity_check; assign ex3_s_perr_check = ex3_s_parity_check; assign ex3_sto_perr[0:1] = {2{(ex3_s_perr_check & ex3_str_v & ~ex3_frs_byp)}} & ex3_instr_v[0:1]; assign ex3_sto_parity_err = |(ex3_sto_perr); assign ex3_abc_perr_x = {2{((ex3_a_perr_check & ex3_fra_v) | (ex3_b_perr_check & ex3_frb_v) | (ex3_c_perr_check & ex3_frc_v)) }}; assign ex3_abc_perr_y = (ex3_instr_v[0:1] | ex3_fdivsqrt_start[0:1]); assign ex3_abc_perr[0:1] = ex3_abc_perr_x[0:1] & ex3_abc_perr_y[0:1]; assign ex3_fpr_perr[0:1] = (ex3_sto_perr[0:1] | ex3_abc_perr[0:1]) & (~cp_flush_1d[0:1]) & {2{msr_fp_act}}; assign ex3_regfile_err_det_any = |(ex3_fpr_perr); assign ex3_fpr_reg_perr[0:1] = ( ex3_abc_perr[0:1]) & (~cp_flush_1d[0:1]) & {2{msr_fp_act}}; assign ex3_f0a_perr = ex3_a_perr_check & ex3_fra_v; assign ex3_f0c_perr = ex3_c_perr_check & (ex3_frc_v | (perr_sm_l2[1] & ex3_perr_sm_instr_v)); assign ex3_f1b_perr = ex3_b_perr_check & (ex3_frb_v | (perr_sm_l2[1] & ex3_perr_sm_instr_v)); assign ex3_f1s_perr = ex3_s_perr_check & ex3_str_v; assign ex4_regfile_err_det_any = |(ex4_regfile_err_det[0:1]) | |(ex4_sto_err_det[0:1]); tri_rlmreg_p #(.INIT(4), .WIDTH(3)) perr_sm( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(tihi), .force_t(force_t), .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[9]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[9]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .scin(perr_sm_si[0:2]), .scout(perr_sm_so[0:2]), .din(perr_sm_din[0:2]), //------------------------------------------- .dout( perr_sm_l2[0:2]) ); //------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #(.INIT(0), .WIDTH(31)) perr_ctl( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(tiup), .force_t(force_t), .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[9]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[9]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .scin(perr_ctl_si[0:30]), .scout(perr_ctl_so[0:30]), .din({ perr_addr_din[0:5], perr_tid_din[0:1], spare_unused[0:1], perr_move_f0_to_f1, perr_move_f1_to_f0, rf0_perr_force_c, ex0_perr_force_c, ex1_perr_force_c, new_perr_sm_instr_v, rf0_perr_sm_instr_v, ex0_perr_sm_instr_v, ex1_perr_sm_instr_v, ex2_perr_sm_instr_v, ex3_perr_sm_instr_v, ex4_perr_sm_instr_v, ex5_perr_sm_instr_v, ex6_perr_sm_instr_v, ex7_perr_sm_instr_v, ex4_regfile_err_det_any, ex5_regfile_err_det_any, // ex3_regfile_err_det, //xu_fu_regfile_seq_beg, // need extra cycles for holdall to take effect ex6_regfile_err_det_any, regfile_seq_end, rf0_regfile_ue, rf0_regfile_ce}), //------------------------------------------- .dout({ perr_addr_l2[0:5], perr_tid_l2[0:1], spare_unused[0:1], perr_move_f0_to_f1_l2, perr_move_f1_to_f0_l2, ex0_perr_force_c, ex1_perr_force_c, ex2_perr_force_c, rf0_perr_sm_instr_v, ex0_perr_sm_instr_v, ex1_perr_sm_instr_v, ex2_perr_sm_instr_v, ex3_perr_sm_instr_v, ex4_perr_sm_instr_v, ex5_perr_sm_instr_v, ex6_perr_sm_instr_v, ex7_perr_sm_instr_v, ex8_perr_sm_instr_v, ex5_regfile_err_det_any, ex6_regfile_err_det_any, regfile_seq_beg, spare_unused[2], ex0_regfile_ue, ex0_regfile_ce}) ); //------------------------------------------- assign rf0_perr_sm_instr_v_b = (~rf0_perr_sm_instr_v); // State 0 = 100 = Default, no parity error // State 1 = 010 = Parity error detected. Flush System, and read out both entries // State 2 = 001 = Move good to bad, or UE assign perr_sm_running = (~perr_sm_l2[0]); assign xx_perr_sm_running = (~perr_sm_l2[0]); // Goto State0 at the end of the sequence. That's either after a UE, or writeback is done assign perr_sm_ns[0] = (perr_sm_l2[2] & rf0_regfile_ue) | (perr_sm_l2[2] & ex7_perr_sm_instr_v); assign regfile_seq_end = perr_sm_ns[0]; // Goto State1 when a parity error is detected. assign perr_sm_ns[1] = perr_sm_l2[0] & regfile_seq_beg; // Goto State2 when both sets of data have been read out assign perr_sm_ns[2] = perr_sm_l2[1] & ex7_perr_sm_instr_v; // set move decision. Both means Uncorrectable Error assign perr_move_f0_to_f1 = (ex3_f1b_perr & ( (perr_sm_l2[1] & ex3_perr_sm_instr_v))) | (perr_move_f0_to_f1_l2 & (~(perr_sm_l2[1] & ex3_perr_sm_instr_v))); assign perr_move_f1_to_f0 = (ex3_f0c_perr & ( (perr_sm_l2[1] & ex3_perr_sm_instr_v))) | (perr_move_f1_to_f0_l2 & (~(perr_sm_l2[1] & ex3_perr_sm_instr_v))); assign rf0_perr_move_f0_to_f1 = perr_move_f0_to_f1_l2 & (perr_sm_l2[2] & rf0_perr_sm_instr_v); assign rf0_perr_move_f1_to_f0 = perr_move_f1_to_f0_l2 & (perr_sm_l2[2] & rf0_perr_sm_instr_v); assign rf0_perr_fixed_itself = (~(perr_move_f1_to_f0_l2 | perr_move_f0_to_f1_l2)) & (perr_sm_l2[2] & rf0_perr_sm_instr_v); // this is for the case where initially a parity error was detected, but when re-read out of the regfile both copies are correct. We still want to report this. assign rf0_perr_force_c = rf0_perr_move_f0_to_f1 & (~rf0_perr_move_f1_to_f0); assign xx_ex2_perr_force_c = ex2_perr_force_c; assign xx_ex2_perr_fsel_ovrd = ex2_perr_sm_instr_v & perr_sm_l2[2]; //cyc // perr_insert assign perr_sm_din[0:2] = (3'b100 & {3{perr_sm_ns[0]}}) | (3'b010 & {3{perr_sm_ns[1]}}) | (3'b001 & {3{perr_sm_ns[2]}}) | (perr_sm_l2 & {3{(~(|(perr_sm_ns[0:2])))}}); // Send a dummy instruction down the pipe for reading or writing the regfiles assign new_perr_sm_instr_v = perr_sm_ns[1] | perr_sm_ns[2]; // Save the offending address and tid on any parity error and hold. assign ex3_capture_addr = ex3_regfile_err_det_any & perr_sm_l2[0] & (~ex4_regfile_err_det_any) & (~ex5_regfile_err_det_any) & // need to cover the cycles while waiting for rv to hold_all (~ex6_regfile_err_det_any) & // safety cycle (~regfile_seq_beg); assign perr_addr_din[0:5] = ((ex3_f0a_perr & ex3_capture_addr) == 1'b1) ? ex3_instr_fra[0:5] : ((ex3_f1b_perr & ex3_capture_addr) == 1'b1) ? ex3_instr_frb[0:5] : ((ex3_f0c_perr & ex3_capture_addr) == 1'b1) ? ex3_instr_frc[0:5] : ((ex3_f1s_perr & ex3_capture_addr) == 1'b1) ? ex3_instr_frs[0:5] : perr_addr_l2[0:5]; assign perr_tid_din[0:1] = (ex3_fpr_perr[0:1] & {2{ (ex3_capture_addr)}}) | (perr_tid_l2[0:1] & {2{~(ex3_capture_addr)}}); //Mux into the FPR address // perr_insert assign rf0_frc_perr_x_b[0:5] = (~(perr_addr_l2[0:5] & {6{rf0_perr_sm_instr_v}})); assign rf0_frc_iu_x_b[0:5] = (~(rf0_instr_frc[0:5] & {6{rf0_perr_sm_instr_v_b}})); assign rf0_dcd_frc[0:5] = (~(rf0_frc_perr_x_b[0:5] & rf0_frc_iu_x_b[0:5])); assign rf0_frb_perr_x_b[0:5] = (~(perr_addr_l2[0:5] & {6{rf0_perr_sm_instr_v}})); assign rf0_frb_iu_x_b[0:5] = (~(rf0_instr_frb[0:5] & {6{rf0_perr_sm_instr_v_b}})); assign rf0_dcd_frb[0:5] = (~(rf0_frb_perr_x_b[0:5] & rf0_frb_iu_x_b[0:5])); assign rf0_dcd_fra[0:5] = rf0_instr_fra[0:5]; assign rf0_dcd_tid[0:1] = (rf0_tid[0:1] & {2{rf0_perr_sm_instr_v_b}}) | (perr_tid_l2[0:1] & {2{rf0_perr_sm_instr_v}}); // Determine if we have a ue or ce to report to PC // state prefixes are for the recirc, not relevant to PC assign rf0_regfile_ce = (rf0_perr_move_f0_to_f1 | rf0_perr_move_f1_to_f0 | rf0_perr_fixed_itself) & (~(rf0_perr_move_f0_to_f1 & rf0_perr_move_f1_to_f0)); assign rf0_regfile_ue = rf0_perr_move_f0_to_f1 & rf0_perr_move_f1_to_f0; assign err_regfile_parity[0:1] = perr_tid_l2[0:1] & {2{ex0_regfile_ce}}; assign err_regfile_ue[0:1] = perr_tid_l2[0:1] & {2{ex0_regfile_ue}}; generate if (`THREADS == 1) begin : dcd_err_rpt_thr1 tri_direct_err_rpt #(.WIDTH(2)) fu_err_rpt( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .err_in({ err_regfile_parity[0], err_regfile_ue[0]}), .err_out({xx_pc_err_regfile_parity[0], xx_pc_err_regfile_ue[0] }) ); end endgenerate generate if (`THREADS == 2) begin : dcd_err_rpt_thr2 tri_direct_err_rpt #(.WIDTH(4)) fu_err_rpt( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .err_in({ err_regfile_parity[0], err_regfile_parity[1], err_regfile_ue[0], err_regfile_ue[1] }), .err_out({xx_pc_err_regfile_parity[0], xx_pc_err_regfile_parity[1], xx_pc_err_regfile_ue[0], xx_pc_err_regfile_ue[1] }) ); end endgenerate //---------------------------------------------------------------------- assign rv_hold_all_din = ex3_hangcounter_trigger | ex3_regfile_err_det_any | ex4_regfile_err_det_any | ex5_regfile_err_det_any | ex6_regfile_err_det_any | regfile_seq_beg | perr_sm_running; tri_rlmreg_p #(.INIT(0), .WIDTH(1)) holdall_lat( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(tihi), .force_t(force_t), .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[9]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[9]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .scin(holdall_si[0:0]), .scout(holdall_so[0:0]), .din(rv_hold_all_din), //------------------------------------------- .dout(rv_hold_all_q) ); //------------------------------------------- assign xx_rv_hold_all = rv_hold_all_q; //------------------------------------------- // perr assign ex2_perr_si[0:23] = {ex2_perr_so[1:23], perr_si}; assign ex3_perr_si[0:23] = {ex3_perr_so[1:23], ex2_perr_so[0]}; assign perr_sm_si[0:2] = {perr_sm_so[1:2], ex3_perr_so[0]}; assign perr_ctl_si[0:30] = {perr_ctl_so[1:30], perr_sm_so[0]}; assign ex4_ctl_perr_si[0:3] = {ex4_ctl_perr_so[1:3], perr_ctl_so[0]}; assign holdall_si[0] = {ex4_ctl_perr_so[0]}; assign exx_regfile_err_det_si[0:8] = {exx_regfile_err_det_so[1:8], holdall_so[0]}; assign perr_so = exx_regfile_err_det_so[0]; // end perr endmodule