// © IBM Corp. 2020 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by // the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in // compliance with the License as modified. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Modified Terms: // // 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the // License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship // in physical form. // // 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses // necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER // via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded // hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions // of the EULA. // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that // is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are // available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be // obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. `timescale 1 ns / 1 ns //==########################################################################## //==### FU_GST.VHDL ######### //==### side pipe for graphics estimates ######### //==### flogefp, fexptefp ######### //==### ######### //==########################################################################## module fu_gst( vdd, gnd, clk, rst, clkoff_b, act_dis, flush, delay_lclkr, mpw1_b, mpw2_b, sg_1, thold_1, fpu_enable, f_gst_si, f_gst_so, ex1_act, f_fmt_ex2_b_sign_gst, f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_gst_b, f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_gst, f_pic_ex2_floges, f_pic_ex2_fexptes, f_gst_ex6_logexp_v, f_gst_ex6_logexp_sign, f_gst_ex6_logexp_exp, f_gst_ex6_logexp_fract ); `include "tri_a2o.vh" inout vdd; inout gnd; input clk; input rst; input clkoff_b; // tiup input act_dis; // ??tidn?? input flush; // ??tidn?? input [2:5] delay_lclkr; // tidn, input [2:5] mpw1_b; // tidn, input [0:1] mpw2_b; // tidn, input sg_1; input thold_1; input fpu_enable; //dc_act //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // input f_gst_si; //perv scan output f_gst_so; //perv scan input ex1_act; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- input f_fmt_ex2_b_sign_gst; input [01:13] f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_gst_b; input [01:19] f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_gst; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- input f_pic_ex2_floges; input f_pic_ex2_fexptes; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- output f_gst_ex6_logexp_v; output f_gst_ex6_logexp_sign; // needs to be right off of a latch output [01:11] f_gst_ex6_logexp_exp; // needs to be right off of a latch output [00:19] f_gst_ex6_logexp_fract; // needs to be right off of a latch //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //==################################################ parameter tiup = 1'b1; parameter tidn = 1'b0; wire sg_0; wire thold_0_b; wire thold_0; wire force_t; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- wire [0:1] ex3_gst_ctrl_lat_scout; wire [0:1] ex3_gst_ctrl_lat_scin; wire [0:1] ex4_gst_ctrl_lat_scout; wire [0:1] ex4_gst_ctrl_lat_scin; wire [0:3] ex5_gst_ctrl_lat_scout; wire [0:3] ex5_gst_ctrl_lat_scin; wire [0:1] ex6_gst_ctrl_lat_scout; wire [0:1] ex6_gst_ctrl_lat_scin; wire [0:32] ex3_gst_stage_lat_scout; wire [0:32] ex3_gst_stage_lat_scin; wire [0:19] ex4_gst_stage_lat_scout; wire [0:19] ex4_gst_stage_lat_scin; wire [0:23] ex5_gst_stage_lat_scout; wire [0:23] ex5_gst_stage_lat_scin; wire [0:31] ex6_gst_stage_lat_scout; wire [0:31] ex6_gst_stage_lat_scin; wire [1:11] ex5_log_dp_bias; wire ex5_logof1_specialcase; wire ex4_logof1_specialcase; wire ex5_signbit_din; wire ex6_signbit; wire ex5_log_signbit; wire f1; wire f2; wire f3; wire f4; wire f5; wire f6; wire f7; wire f8; wire f9; wire f10; wire s1; wire s2; wire s3; wire c4; wire c5; wire c6; wire c7; wire a4; wire a5; wire a6; wire a7; wire a8; wire a9; wire a10; wire a11; wire [1:11] ex3_f; wire [4:11] ex3_a; wire [4:11] ex3_c; wire [4:7] ex3_log_fsum; wire [3:6] ex3_log_fcarryin; wire ex3_b_sign; wire [1:13] ex3_b_biased_13exp; wire [1:11] ex3_b_biased_11exp; wire [1:11] ex3_b_ubexp_sum; wire [2:11] ex3_b_ubexp_cout; wire [1:11] ex3_b_ubexp; wire [1:19] ex3_b_fract; wire [1:13] f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_gst; wire ex2_floges; wire ex2_fexptes; wire ex3_floges; wire ex3_fexptes; wire ex4_floges; wire ex4_fexptes; wire ex5_floges; wire ex5_fexptes; wire ex6_floges; wire ex6_fexptes; wire [1:11] ex3_log_a_addend_b; wire [1:11] ex3_log_b_addend_b; wire [1:19] ex4_mantissa; wire [1:19] ex5_mantissa; wire [1:19] ex4_mantissa_precomp; wire [1:19] ex4_mantissa_precomp_b; wire [1:19] ex3_log_mantissa_precomp; wire [1:19] ex4_mantissa_neg; wire [1:19] ex3_mantissa_din; wire [0:4] ex3_shamt; wire [0:4] ex4_shamt; wire [0:4] ex5_shamt; wire ex4_negate; wire ex5_negate; wire ex4_b_sign; wire [00:19] ex3_mantissa_shlev0; wire [00:22] ex3_mantissa_shlev1; // 0 to 3 wire [00:34] ex3_mantissa_shlev2; // 0 to 12 wire [00:50] ex3_mantissa_shlev3; // 0 to 16 wire [1:8] ex3_pow_int; wire [1:11] ex3_pow_frac; wire [01:19] ex5_mantissa_shlev0; wire [01:22] ex5_mantissa_shlev1; // 0 to 3 wire [01:34] ex5_mantissa_shlev2; // 0 to 12 wire [01:50] ex5_mantissa_shlev3; // 0 to 16 wire [01:11] ex5_exponent_a_addend_b; wire [01:11] ex5_exponent_b_addend_b; wire [01:11] ex5_log_a_addend_b; wire [01:11] ex5_log_b_addend_b; wire [01:11] ex5_pow_a_addend_b; wire [01:11] ex5_pow_b_addend_b; wire [01:11] ex5_biased_exponent_result; wire [01:11] ex6_biased_exponent_result; wire [01:19] ex5_log_mantissa_postsh; wire [01:19] ex5_log_fract; wire [01:11] ex5_pow_fract; wire [01:11] ex5_pow_fract_b; wire [00:19] ex5_fract_din; wire [00:19] ex6_fract; wire l1_enc00; wire l1_enc01; wire l1_enc10; wire l1_enc11; wire l2_enc00; wire l2_enc01; wire l2_enc10; wire l2_enc11; wire l3_enc00; wire l3_enc01; wire l1_e00; wire l1_e01; wire l1_e10; wire l1_e11; wire l2_e00; wire l2_e01; wire l2_e10; wire l2_e11; wire l3_e00; wire l3_e01; wire [01:11] ex5_f; wire [01:11] ex5_f_b; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- wire eb1; //, eb11 wire eb2; wire eb3; wire eb4; wire eb5; wire eb6; wire eb7; wire eb8; wire eb9; wire eb10; wire ea4; wire ea5; wire ea6; wire ea7; wire ea8; wire ea9; wire ea10; wire ea11; wire ec4; wire ec5; wire ec6; wire ec7; wire es1; wire es2; wire es3; wire [4:11] ex5_ea; wire [4:11] ex5_ec; wire [1:11] ex5_addend1; wire [1:11] ex5_addend2; wire [1:11] ex5_addend3; wire [1:11] ex5_fsum; wire [1:11] ex5_fcarryin; wire [1:11] ex5_powf_a_addend_b; wire [1:11] ex5_powf_b_addend_b; wire [01:16] zeros; wire ex3_powsh_no_sat_lft; wire ex3_powsh_no_sat_rgt; wire ex2_act; wire ex3_act; wire ex4_act; wire ex5_act; wire [0:7] act_so; wire [0:7] act_si; (* analysis_not_referenced="TRUE" *) wire [0:3] act_spare_unused; (* analysis_not_referenced="TRUE" *) wire unused; wire [2:11] ex3_ube_g2_b; wire [2:11] ex3_ube_g4; wire [2:11] ex3_ube_g8_b; wire s2_0; wire s2_1; wire s3_0; wire s3_1; wire sx; wire s7_if_s1; wire s7_if_s20; wire s7_if_s30; wire s7_if_sx; wire s7_if_s31; wire s7_if_s21; wire c6_if_s1; wire c6_if_s20; wire c6_if_s30; wire c6_if_sx; wire c6_if_s31; wire c6_if_s21; wire s6_if_s1; wire s6_if_s20; wire s6_if_s30; wire s6_if_sx; wire s6_if_s31; wire s6_if_s21; wire c5_if_s1; wire c5_if_s20; wire c5_if_s30; wire c5_if_sx; wire c5_if_s31; wire c5_if_s21; wire s5_if_s1; wire s5_if_s20; wire s5_if_s30; wire s5_if_sx; wire s5_if_s31; wire s5_if_s21; wire c4_if_s1; wire c4_if_s20; wire c4_if_s30; wire c4_if_sx; wire c4_if_s31; wire c4_if_s21; wire s4_if_s1; wire s4_if_s20; wire s4_if_s30; wire s4_if_sx; wire s4_if_s31; wire s4_if_s21; wire c3_if_s1; wire c3_if_s20; wire c3_if_s30; wire c3_if_sx; wire c3_if_s31; wire c3_if_s21; wire es4_if_s1; wire es4_if_s20; wire es4_if_s30; wire es4_if_sx; wire es4_if_s31; wire es4_if_s21; wire ec3_if_s1; wire ec3_if_s20; wire ec3_if_s30; wire ec3_if_sx; wire ec3_if_s31; wire ec3_if_s21; wire es5_if_s1; wire es5_if_s20; wire es5_if_s30; wire es5_if_sx; wire es5_if_s31; wire es5_if_s21; wire ec4_if_s1; wire ec4_if_s20; wire ec4_if_s30; wire ec4_if_sx; wire ec4_if_s31; wire ec4_if_s21; wire es6_if_s1; wire es6_if_s20; wire es6_if_s30; wire es6_if_sx; wire es6_if_s31; wire es6_if_s21; wire ec5_if_s1; wire ec5_if_s20; wire ec5_if_s30; wire ec5_if_sx; wire ec5_if_s31; wire ec5_if_s21; wire es7_if_s1; wire es7_if_s20; wire es7_if_s30; wire es7_if_sx; wire es7_if_s31; wire es7_if_s21; wire ec6_if_s1; wire ec6_if_s20; wire ec6_if_s30; wire ec6_if_sx; wire ec6_if_s31; wire ec6_if_s21; wire es2_0; wire es2_1; wire esx; wire es3_0; wire es3_1; //==########################################## //# pervasive //==########################################## assign unused = ex3_b_biased_13exp[1] | ex3_b_biased_13exp[2] | ex3_b_ubexp[2] | ex3_b_ubexp[3] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[0] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[1] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[2] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[3] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[4] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[5] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[6] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[7] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[27] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[28] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[29] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[30] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[31] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[32] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[33] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[34] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[35] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[36] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[37] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[38] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[39] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[40] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[41] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[42] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[43] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[44] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[45] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[46] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[47] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[48] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[49] | ex3_mantissa_shlev3[50] | |(ex5_mantissa_shlev3[1:31]) | |( ex3_a[4:7] ) | |( ex3_c[4:11] ) | |( ex5_addend1[1:11] ) | |( ex5_addend2[1:11] ) | |( ex5_addend3[1:11] ) | s2 | s3 | es2 | es3 ; tri_plat thold_reg_0( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .flush(flush), .din(thold_1), .q(thold_0) ); tri_plat sg_reg_0( .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .flush(flush), .din(sg_1), .q(sg_0) ); tri_lcbor lcbor_0( .clkoff_b(clkoff_b), .thold(thold_0), .sg(sg_0), .act_dis(act_dis), .force_t(force_t), .thold_b(thold_0_b) ); //==########################################## tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) act_lat( .force_t(force_t), .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[4]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[4]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .act(fpu_enable), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scout(act_so), .scin(act_si), //----------------- .din({act_spare_unused[0], act_spare_unused[1], ex1_act, ex2_act, ex3_act, ex4_act, act_spare_unused[2], act_spare_unused[3]}), //----------------- .dout({act_spare_unused[0], act_spare_unused[1], ex2_act, ex3_act, ex4_act, ex5_act, act_spare_unused[2], act_spare_unused[3]}) ); //==########################################## assign zeros = {16{tidn}}; assign ex2_floges = f_pic_ex2_floges; assign ex2_fexptes = f_pic_ex2_fexptes; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #( .WIDTH(2), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex3_gst_ctrl_lat( .force_t(force_t), //d_mode => tiup, delay_lclkr => tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[2]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[2]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), //----------------- .act(ex2_act), //----------------- .scout(ex3_gst_ctrl_lat_scout), .scin(ex3_gst_ctrl_lat_scin), //----------------- .din({ex2_floges, ex2_fexptes}), //----------------- .dout({ex3_floges, ex3_fexptes}) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- assign f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_gst = (~f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_gst_b); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #( .WIDTH(33), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex3_gst_stage_lat( .force_t(force_t), //d_mode => tiup, delay_lclkr => tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[2]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[2]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), //----------------- .act(ex2_act), //----------------- .scout(ex3_gst_stage_lat_scout), .scin(ex3_gst_stage_lat_scin), //----------------- .din({f_fmt_ex2_b_sign_gst, f_fmt_ex2_b_expo_gst, f_fmt_ex2_b_frac_gst}), //----------------- .dout({ex3_b_sign, ex3_b_biased_13exp, ex3_b_fract}) ); //****************************************************************************** //* LOG ESTIMATE CALCULATION, FRACTIONAL PORTION //****************************************************************************** assign ex3_f[1:11] = ex3_b_fract[1:11]; assign f1 = ex3_f[1]; assign f2 = ex3_f[2]; assign f3 = ex3_f[3]; assign f4 = ex3_f[4]; assign f5 = ex3_f[5]; assign f6 = ex3_f[6]; assign f7 = ex3_f[7]; assign f8 = ex3_f[8]; assign f9 = ex3_f[9]; assign f10 = ex3_f[10]; assign s1 = ((~f1) & (~f2) & (~f3) & (~f4)); //0 //1 assign s2_0 = ((~f1) & (~f2) & (~f3) & f4) | ((~f1) & (~f2) & f3 & (~f4)); //2 //3 assign s3_0 = ((~f1) & (~f2) & f3 & f4) | ((~f1) & f2 & (~f3)); //4,5 //6,7 assign sx = ((~f1) & f2 & f3) | (f1 & (~f2) & (~f3) & (~f4)); //8 //9 assign s3_1 = (f1 & (~f2) & (~f3) & f4) | (f1 & (~f2) & f3); //10,11 assign s2_1 = (f1 & f2); //12,13,14,15 assign s2 = s2_0 | s2_1; assign s3 = s3_0 | s3_1; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ assign c4 = sx; assign c5 = s3_0 | s3_1; assign c6 = sx | s2_0; assign c7 = sx | s3_0; assign a4 = (s1 & f3) | (s2_0 & f2) | (s2_1 & (~f2)); assign a5 = (s1 & f4) | (s2_0 & f3) | (s2_1 & (~f3)) | (s3_0 & f2) | (s3_1 & (~f2)); assign a6 = (s1 & f5) | (s2_0 & f4) | (s2_1 & (~f4)) | (s3_0 & f3) | (s3_1 & (~f3)); assign a7 = (s1 & f6) | (s2_0 & f5) | (s2_1 & (~f5)) | (s3_0 & f4) | (s3_1 & (~f4)); assign a8 = (s1 & f7) | (s2_0 & f6) | (s2_1 & (~f6)) | (s3_0 & f5) | (s3_1 & (~f5)); assign a9 = (s1 & f8) | (s2_0 & f7) | (s2_1 & (~f7)) | (s3_0 & f6) | (s3_1 & (~f6)); assign a10 = (s1 & f9) | (s2_0 & f8) | (s2_1 & (~f8)) | (s3_0 & f7) | (s3_1 & (~f7)); assign a11 = (s1 & f10) | (s2_0 & f9) | (s2_1 & (~f9)) | (s3_0 & f8) | (s3_1 & (~f8)); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ assign ex3_a[4:11] = {a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11}; assign ex3_c[4:11] = {c4, c5, c6, c7, tidn, tidn, tidn, tidn}; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 3 to 2 compressor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ assign c3_if_s1 = f4 & f3; assign c3_if_s20 = f4 & f2; assign c3_if_s30 = tidn; assign c3_if_sx = f4; assign c3_if_s31 = tidn; assign c3_if_s21 = f4 & (~f2); assign s4_if_s1 = f4 ^ f3; assign s4_if_s20 = f4 ^ f2; assign s4_if_s30 = f4; assign s4_if_sx = (~f4); assign s4_if_s31 = f4; assign s4_if_s21 = f4 ^ (~f2); assign c4_if_s1 = f5 & f4; assign c4_if_s20 = f5 & f3; assign c4_if_s30 = f5 | f2; assign c4_if_sx = tidn; assign c4_if_s31 = f5 | (~f2); assign c4_if_s21 = f5 & (~f3); assign s5_if_s1 = f5 ^ f4; assign s5_if_s20 = f5 ^ f3; assign s5_if_s30 = f5 ^ (~f2); assign s5_if_sx = f5; assign s5_if_s31 = f5 ^ f2; assign s5_if_s21 = f5 ^ (~f3); assign c5_if_s1 = f6 & f5; assign c5_if_s20 = f6 | f4; assign c5_if_s30 = f6 & f3; assign c5_if_sx = f6; assign c5_if_s31 = f6 & (~f3); assign c5_if_s21 = f6 & (~f4); assign s6_if_s1 = f6 ^ f5; assign s6_if_s20 = f6 ^ (~f4); assign s6_if_s30 = f6 ^ f3; assign s6_if_sx = (~f6); assign s6_if_s31 = f6 ^ (~f3); assign s6_if_s21 = f6 ^ (~f4); assign c6_if_s1 = f7 & f6; assign c6_if_s20 = f7 & f5; assign c6_if_s30 = f7 | f4; assign c6_if_sx = f7; assign c6_if_s31 = f7 & (~f4); assign c6_if_s21 = f7 & (~f5); assign s7_if_s1 = f7 ^ f6; assign s7_if_s20 = f7 ^ f5; assign s7_if_s30 = f7 ^ (~f4); assign s7_if_sx = (~f7); assign s7_if_s31 = f7 ^ (~f4); assign s7_if_s21 = f7 ^ (~f5); assign ex3_log_fsum[4] = (s1 & s4_if_s1) | (s2_0 & s4_if_s20) | (s3_0 & s4_if_s30) | (sx & s4_if_sx) | (s3_1 & s4_if_s31) | (s2_1 & s4_if_s21); assign ex3_log_fcarryin[3] = (s1 & c3_if_s1) | (s2_0 & c3_if_s20) | (s3_0 & c3_if_s30) | (sx & c3_if_sx) | (s3_1 & c3_if_s31) | (s2_1 & c3_if_s21); assign ex3_log_fsum[5] = (s1 & s5_if_s1) | (s2_0 & s5_if_s20) | (s3_0 & s5_if_s30) | (sx & s5_if_sx) | (s3_1 & s5_if_s31) | (s2_1 & s5_if_s21); assign ex3_log_fcarryin[4] = (s1 & c4_if_s1) | (s2_0 & c4_if_s20) | (s3_0 & c4_if_s30) | (sx & c4_if_sx) | (s3_1 & c4_if_s31) | (s2_1 & c4_if_s21); assign ex3_log_fsum[6] = (s1 & s6_if_s1) | (s2_0 & s6_if_s20) | (s3_0 & s6_if_s30) | (sx & s6_if_sx) | (s3_1 & s6_if_s31) | (s2_1 & s6_if_s21); assign ex3_log_fcarryin[5] = (s1 & c5_if_s1) | (s2_0 & c5_if_s20) | (s3_0 & c5_if_s30) | (sx & c5_if_sx) | (s3_1 & c5_if_s31) | (s2_1 & c5_if_s21); assign ex3_log_fsum[7] = (s1 & s7_if_s1) | (s2_0 & s7_if_s20) | (s3_0 & s7_if_s30) | (sx & s7_if_sx) | (s3_1 & s7_if_s31) | (s2_1 & s7_if_s21); assign ex3_log_fcarryin[6] = (s1 & c6_if_s1) | (s2_0 & c6_if_s20) | (s3_0 & c6_if_s30) | (sx & c6_if_sx) | (s3_1 & c6_if_s31) | (s2_1 & c6_if_s21); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[1] = (~(ex3_f[1])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[2] = (~(ex3_f[2])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[3] = (~(ex3_f[3])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[4] = (~(ex3_log_fsum[4])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[5] = (~(ex3_log_fsum[5])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[6] = (~(ex3_log_fsum[6])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[7] = (~(ex3_log_fsum[7])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[8] = (~(ex3_f[8])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[9] = (~(ex3_f[9])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[10] = (~(ex3_f[10])); assign ex3_log_a_addend_b[11] = (~(ex3_f[11])); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[1] = (~(tidn)); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[2] = (~(tidn)); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[3] = (~(ex3_log_fcarryin[3])); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[4] = (~(ex3_log_fcarryin[4])); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[5] = (~(ex3_log_fcarryin[5])); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[6] = (~(ex3_log_fcarryin[6])); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[7] = (~(tidn)); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[8] = (~(ex3_a[8])); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[9] = (~(ex3_a[9])); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[10] = (~(ex3_a[10])); assign ex3_log_b_addend_b[11] = (~(ex3_a[11])); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unbias the exponent //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // bias is DP, so subtract 1023 assign ex3_b_biased_11exp[1:11] = ex3_b_biased_13exp[3:13]; // add -1023 (10000000001) assign ex3_b_ubexp_sum[01] = (~ex3_b_biased_11exp[01]); assign ex3_b_ubexp_sum[02:10] = ex3_b_biased_11exp[02:10]; assign ex3_b_ubexp_sum[11] = (~ex3_b_biased_11exp[11]); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[11] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[11])); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[10] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[10] & ex3_b_biased_11exp[11])); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[9] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[9] & ex3_b_biased_11exp[10])); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[8] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[8] & ex3_b_biased_11exp[9])); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[7] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[7] & ex3_b_biased_11exp[8])); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[6] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[6] & ex3_b_biased_11exp[7])); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[5] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[5] & ex3_b_biased_11exp[6])); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[4] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[4] & ex3_b_biased_11exp[5])); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[3] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[3] & ex3_b_biased_11exp[4])); assign ex3_ube_g2_b[2] = (~(ex3_b_biased_11exp[2] & ex3_b_biased_11exp[3])); assign ex3_ube_g4[11] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[11])); assign ex3_ube_g4[10] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[10])); assign ex3_ube_g4[9] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[9] | ex3_ube_g2_b[11])); assign ex3_ube_g4[8] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[8] | ex3_ube_g2_b[10])); assign ex3_ube_g4[7] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[7] | ex3_ube_g2_b[9])); assign ex3_ube_g4[6] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[6] | ex3_ube_g2_b[8])); assign ex3_ube_g4[5] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[5] | ex3_ube_g2_b[7])); assign ex3_ube_g4[4] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[4] | ex3_ube_g2_b[6])); assign ex3_ube_g4[3] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[3] | ex3_ube_g2_b[5])); assign ex3_ube_g4[2] = (~(ex3_ube_g2_b[2] | ex3_ube_g2_b[4])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[11] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[11])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[10] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[10])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[9] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[9])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[8] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[8])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[7] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[7] & ex3_ube_g4[11])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[6] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[6] & ex3_ube_g4[10])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[5] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[5] & ex3_ube_g4[9])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[4] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[4] & ex3_ube_g4[8])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[3] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[3] & ex3_ube_g4[7])); assign ex3_ube_g8_b[2] = (~(ex3_ube_g4[2] & ex3_ube_g4[6])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[11] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[11])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[10] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[10])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[9] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[9])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[8] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[8])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[7] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[7])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[6] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[6])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[5] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[5])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[4] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[4])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[3] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[3] | ex3_ube_g8_b[11])); assign ex3_b_ubexp_cout[2] = (~(ex3_ube_g8_b[2] | ex3_ube_g8_b[10])); assign ex3_b_ubexp[01:10] = ex3_b_ubexp_sum[01:10] ^ ex3_b_ubexp_cout[02:11]; assign ex3_b_ubexp[11] = ex3_b_ubexp_sum[11]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // not really an 11 bit adder fu_gst_add11 ex3_logadd11( .a_b(ex3_log_a_addend_b[1:11]), .b_b(ex3_log_b_addend_b[1:11]), //------------------------------------------------------ .s0(ex3_log_mantissa_precomp[9:19]) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ex3_log_mantissa_precomp[1:8] = ex3_b_ubexp[4:11]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // for fexptes, shift mantissa based on the exponent (un-normalize) assign ex3_mantissa_shlev0[00:19] = {tiup, ex3_b_fract[01:19]}; assign ex3_shamt[0:4] = {ex3_b_ubexp[1], ex3_b_ubexp[08:11]}; //timing note: the shift amount comes after the adder to unbias the exponent. // it would be faster to use the biased exponent but use the shift controls different. // // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B // 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 bias =1023 // 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 add -1023 to unbias // for small shifts unbiased 01 = biased 00 // for small shifts unbiased 10 = biased 01 // for small shifts unbiased 11 = biased 10 // for small shifts unbiased 00 = biased 11 assign ex3_powsh_no_sat_lft = (~ex3_b_ubexp[2]) & (~ex3_b_ubexp[3]) & (~ex3_b_ubexp[4]) & (~ex3_b_ubexp[5]) & (~ex3_b_ubexp[6]) & (~ex3_b_ubexp[7]); assign ex3_powsh_no_sat_rgt = ex3_b_ubexp[2] & ex3_b_ubexp[3] & ex3_b_ubexp[4] & ex3_b_ubexp[5] & ex3_b_ubexp[6] & ex3_b_ubexp[7]; assign l1_e00 = (~ex3_shamt[3]) & (~ex3_shamt[4]); assign l1_e01 = (~ex3_shamt[3]) & ex3_shamt[4]; assign l1_e10 = ex3_shamt[3] & (~ex3_shamt[4]); assign l1_e11 = ex3_shamt[3] & ex3_shamt[4]; assign l2_e00 = (~ex3_shamt[1]) & (~ex3_shamt[2]); assign l2_e01 = (~ex3_shamt[1]) & ex3_shamt[2]; assign l2_e10 = ex3_shamt[1] & (~ex3_shamt[2]); assign l2_e11 = ex3_shamt[1] & ex3_shamt[2]; assign l3_e00 = (~ex3_shamt[0]) & ex3_powsh_no_sat_lft; assign l3_e01 = ex3_shamt[0] & ex3_powsh_no_sat_rgt; // this means shift Right by 16 assign ex3_mantissa_shlev1[00:22] = ({zeros[01:03], (ex3_mantissa_shlev0[00:19])} & {23{l1_e00}}) | ({zeros[01:02], ({ex3_mantissa_shlev0[00:19], zeros[01]})} & {23{l1_e01}}) | ({zeros[01], ({ex3_mantissa_shlev0[00:19], zeros[01:02]})} & {23{l1_e10}}) | (({ex3_mantissa_shlev0[00:19], zeros[01:03]}) & {23{l1_e11}}); assign ex3_mantissa_shlev2[00:34] = ({zeros[01:12], (ex3_mantissa_shlev1[00:22])} & {35{l2_e00}}) | ({zeros[01:08], ({ex3_mantissa_shlev1[00:22], zeros[01:04]})} & {35{l2_e01}}) | ({zeros[01:04], ({ex3_mantissa_shlev1[00:22], zeros[01:08]})} & {35{l2_e10}}) | (({ex3_mantissa_shlev1[00:22], zeros[01:12]}) & {35{l2_e11}}); assign ex3_mantissa_shlev3[00:50] = (({ex3_mantissa_shlev2[00:34], zeros[01:16]}) & {51{l3_e00}}) | ({zeros[01:16], (ex3_mantissa_shlev2[00:34])} & {51{l3_e01}}); assign ex3_pow_int[1:8] = ex3_mantissa_shlev3[08:15]; assign ex3_pow_frac[1:11] = ex3_mantissa_shlev3[16:26]; assign ex3_mantissa_din[1:19] = (({ex3_pow_int[1:8], ex3_pow_frac[1:11]}) & {19{ex3_fexptes}}) | (ex3_log_mantissa_precomp[1:19] & {19{ex3_floges}}); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #( .WIDTH(2), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex4_gst_ctrl_lat( .force_t(force_t), //d_mode => tiup, delay_lclkr => tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[3]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[3]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), //----------------- .act(ex3_act), //----------------- .scout(ex4_gst_ctrl_lat_scout), .scin(ex4_gst_ctrl_lat_scin), //----------------- .din({ex3_floges, ex3_fexptes}), //----------------- .dout({ex4_floges, ex4_fexptes}) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #( .WIDTH(20), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex4_gst_stage_lat( .force_t(force_t), //d_mode => tiup, delay_lclkr => tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[3]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[3]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), //----------------- .act(ex3_act), //----------------- .scout(ex4_gst_stage_lat_scout), .scin(ex4_gst_stage_lat_scin), //----------------- .din({ex3_mantissa_din, ex3_b_sign}), //----------------- .dout({ex4_mantissa_precomp, ex4_b_sign}) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ex4_mantissa_precomp_b = (~ex4_mantissa_precomp[1:19]); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- fu_gst_inc19 ex4_log_inc( .a(ex4_mantissa_precomp_b[1:19]), //------------------------------------------------------ .o(ex4_mantissa_neg[1:19]) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ex4_negate = (ex4_mantissa_precomp[1] & ex4_floges) | (ex4_fexptes & ex4_b_sign); assign ex4_mantissa[1:19] = (ex4_mantissa_neg[1:19] & {19{ex4_negate}}) | (ex4_mantissa_precomp[1:19] & {19{(~ex4_negate)}}); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- fu_gst_loa ex4_log_loa( .a(ex4_mantissa), //------------------------------------------------------ .shamt(ex4_shamt[0:4]) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ex4_logof1_specialcase = (~|(ex4_shamt[0:4])); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #( .WIDTH(4), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex5_gst_ctrl_lat( .force_t(force_t), //d_mode => tiup, delay_lclkr => tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[4]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[4]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), //----------------- .act(ex4_act), //----------------- .scout(ex5_gst_ctrl_lat_scout), .scin(ex5_gst_ctrl_lat_scin), //----------------- .din({ex4_floges, ex4_fexptes, ex4_negate, ex4_logof1_specialcase}), //----------------- .dout({ex5_floges, ex5_fexptes, ex5_negate, ex5_logof1_specialcase}) ); tri_rlmreg_p #( .WIDTH(24), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex5_gst_stage_lat( .force_t(force_t), //d_mode => tiup, delay_lclkr => tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[4]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[4]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[0]), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), //----------------- .act(ex4_act), //----------------- .scout(ex5_gst_stage_lat_scout), .scin(ex5_gst_stage_lat_scin), //----------------- .din({ex4_mantissa, ex4_shamt}), //----------------- .dout({ex5_mantissa, ex5_shamt}) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // shift mantissa for log (shamt is set to zeros for exp) // log mantissa gets normalized here assign ex5_mantissa_shlev0[01:19] = ex5_mantissa[01:19]; assign l1_enc00 = (~ex5_shamt[3]) & (~ex5_shamt[4]); assign l1_enc01 = (~ex5_shamt[3]) & ex5_shamt[4]; assign l1_enc10 = ex5_shamt[3] & (~ex5_shamt[4]); assign l1_enc11 = ex5_shamt[3] & ex5_shamt[4]; assign l2_enc00 = (~ex5_shamt[1]) & (~ex5_shamt[2]); assign l2_enc01 = (~ex5_shamt[1]) & ex5_shamt[2]; assign l2_enc10 = ex5_shamt[1] & (~ex5_shamt[2]); assign l2_enc11 = ex5_shamt[1] & ex5_shamt[2]; assign l3_enc00 = (~ex5_shamt[0]); assign l3_enc01 = ex5_shamt[0]; assign ex5_mantissa_shlev1[01:22] = ({zeros[01:03], (ex5_mantissa_shlev0[01:19])} & {22{l1_enc00}}) | ({zeros[01:02], ({ex5_mantissa_shlev0[01:19], zeros[01]})} & {22{l1_enc01}}) | ({zeros[01], ({ex5_mantissa_shlev0[01:19], zeros[01:02]})} & {22{l1_enc10}}) | (({ex5_mantissa_shlev0[01:19], zeros[01:03]}) & {22{l1_enc11}}); assign ex5_mantissa_shlev2[01:34] = ({zeros[01:12], (ex5_mantissa_shlev1[01:22])} & {34{l2_enc00}}) | ({zeros[01:08], ({ex5_mantissa_shlev1[01:22], zeros[01:04]})} & {34{l2_enc01}}) | ({zeros[01:04], ({ex5_mantissa_shlev1[01:22], zeros[01:08]})} & {34{l2_enc10}}) | (({ex5_mantissa_shlev1[01:22], zeros[01:12]}) & {34{l2_enc11}}); assign ex5_mantissa_shlev3[01:50] = ({zeros[01:16], (ex5_mantissa_shlev2[01:34])} & {50{l3_enc00}}) | (({ex5_mantissa_shlev2[01:34], zeros[01:16]}) & {50{l3_enc01}}); assign ex5_log_mantissa_postsh[01:19] = ex5_mantissa_shlev3[32:50]; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // pow fract logic assign ex5_f[1:11] = ex5_mantissa[9:19]; // ************************************ // ** vexptefp fract logic // ************************************ assign eb1 = ex5_f[1]; assign eb2 = ex5_f[2]; assign eb3 = ex5_f[3]; assign eb4 = ex5_f[4]; assign eb5 = ex5_f[5]; assign eb6 = ex5_f[6]; assign eb7 = ex5_f[7]; assign eb8 = ex5_f[8]; assign eb9 = ex5_f[9]; assign eb10 = ex5_f[10]; assign ex5_f_b[1:11] = (~ex5_f[1:11]); //0000 ^s2 //0001 ^s2 //0010 ^s2 //0011 ^s2 //0100 ^s3 //0101 ^s3 //0110 ^s3 //0111 -- //1000 -- //1001 -- //1010 s3 //1011 s3 //1100 s3 //1101 s2 //1110 s2 //1111 s1 assign es2_0 = ((~eb1) & (~eb2)); //0,1,2,3 //4,5 assign es3_0 = ((~eb1) & eb2 & (~eb3)) | ((~eb1) & eb2 & eb3 & (~eb4)); //6 //7 assign esx = ((~eb1) & eb2 & eb3 & eb4) | (eb1 & (~eb2) & (~eb3)); //8,9 //10,11 assign es3_1 = (eb1 & (~eb2) & eb3) | (eb1 & eb2 & (~eb3) & (~eb4)); //12 //13 assign es2_1 = (eb1 & eb2 & (~eb3) & eb4) | (eb1 & eb2 & eb3 & (~eb4)); //14 assign es1 = (eb1 & eb2 & eb3 & eb4); //15 assign es2 = es2_0 | es2_1; assign es3 = es3_0 | es3_1; assign ec4 = esx; assign ec5 = es3_0 | es3_1; assign ec6 = esx | es2_1; assign ec7 = esx | es3_1; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // mathematically eliminate the 3:2 compressor //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // f1234 | 3:2 inputs (f,c,a) | 3:2 carry : sum // | | // s2_0 0000 | f4 "0" f2 | !f4.f2 f4^f2 // s2_0 0001 | f4 "0" f2 | !f4.f2 f4^f2 // s2_0 0010 | f4 "0" f2 | !f4.f2 f4^f2 // s2_0 0011 | f4 "0" f2 | !f4.f2 f4^f2 // | | // s3_0 0100 | f4 "0" "0" | "0" f4 // s3_0 0101 | f4 "0" "0" | "0" f4 // s3_0 0110 | f4 "0" "0" | "0" f4 // | | // sx 0111 | f4 "1" "0" | !f4 !f4 // sx 1000 | f4 "1" "0" | !f4 !f4 // sx 1001 | f4 "1" "0" | !f4 !f4 // | | // s3_1 1010 | f4 "0" "0" | "0" f4 // s3_1 1011 | f4 "0" "0" | "0" f4 // s3_1 1100 | f4 "0" "0" | "0" f4 // | | // s2_1 1101 | f4 "0" !f2 | !f4.!f2 f4^!f2 // s2_1 1110 | f4 "0" !f2 | !f4.!f2 f4^!f2 // | | // s1 1111 | f4 "0" !f3 | !f4.!f3 f4^!f3 //--------------------- assign ec3_if_s20 = (~eb4) & eb2; assign ec3_if_s30 = tidn; assign ec3_if_sx = (~eb4); assign ec3_if_s31 = tidn; assign ec3_if_s21 = (~eb4) & (~eb2); assign ec3_if_s1 = (~eb4) & (~eb3); assign es4_if_s20 = (~eb4) ^ eb2; assign es4_if_s30 = (~eb4); assign es4_if_sx = eb4; assign es4_if_s31 = (~eb4); assign es4_if_s21 = (~eb4) ^ (~eb2); assign es4_if_s1 = (~eb4) ^ (~eb3); assign ec4_if_s20 = (~eb5) & eb3; assign ec4_if_s30 = (~eb5) | eb2; assign ec4_if_sx = tidn; assign ec4_if_s31 = (~eb5) | (~eb2); assign ec4_if_s21 = (~eb5) & (~eb3); assign ec4_if_s1 = (~eb5) & (~eb4); assign es5_if_s20 = (~eb5) ^ eb3; assign es5_if_s30 = (~eb5) ^ (~eb2); assign es5_if_sx = (~eb5); assign es5_if_s31 = (~eb5) ^ eb2; assign es5_if_s21 = (~eb5) ^ (~eb3); assign es5_if_s1 = (~eb5) ^ (~eb4); assign ec5_if_s20 = (~eb6) & eb4; assign ec5_if_s30 = (~eb6) & eb3; assign ec5_if_sx = (~eb6); assign ec5_if_s31 = (~eb6) & (~eb3); assign ec5_if_s21 = (~eb6) | (~eb4); assign ec5_if_s1 = (~eb6) & (~eb5); assign es6_if_s20 = (~eb6) ^ eb4; assign es6_if_s30 = (~eb6) ^ eb3; assign es6_if_sx = eb6; assign es6_if_s31 = (~eb6) ^ (~eb3); assign es6_if_s21 = (~eb6) ^ eb4; assign es6_if_s1 = (~eb6) ^ (~eb5); assign ec6_if_s20 = (~eb7) & eb5; assign ec6_if_s30 = (~eb7) & eb4; assign ec6_if_sx = (~eb7); assign ec6_if_s31 = (~eb7) | (~eb4); assign ec6_if_s21 = (~eb7) & (~eb5); assign ec6_if_s1 = (~eb7) & (~eb6); assign es7_if_s20 = (~eb7) ^ eb5; assign es7_if_s30 = (~eb7) ^ eb4; assign es7_if_sx = eb7; assign es7_if_s31 = (~eb7) ^ eb4; assign es7_if_s21 = (~eb7) ^ (~eb5); assign es7_if_s1 = (~eb7) ^ (~eb6); assign ea4 = (es1 & (~eb3)) | (es2_0 & eb2) | (es2_1 & (~eb2)); assign ea5 = (es1 & (~eb4)) | (es2_0 & eb3) | (es2_1 & (~eb3)) | (es3_0 & eb2) | (es3_1 & (~eb2)); assign ea6 = (es1 & (~eb5)) | (es2_0 & eb4) | (es2_1 & (~eb4)) | (es3_0 & eb3) | (es3_1 & (~eb3)); assign ea7 = (es1 & (~eb6)) | (es2_0 & eb5) | (es2_1 & (~eb5)) | (es3_0 & eb4) | (es3_1 & (~eb4)); assign ea8 = (es1 & (~eb7)) | (es2_0 & eb6) | (es2_1 & (~eb6)) | (es3_0 & eb5) | (es3_1 & (~eb5)); assign ea9 = (es1 & (~eb8)) | (es2_0 & eb7) | (es2_1 & (~eb7)) | (es3_0 & eb6) | (es3_1 & (~eb6)); assign ea10 = (es1 & (~eb9)) | (es2_0 & eb8) | (es2_1 & (~eb8)) | (es3_0 & eb7) | (es3_1 & (~eb7)); assign ea11 = (es1 & (~eb10)) | (es2_0 & eb9) | (es2_1 & (~eb9)) | (es3_0 & eb8) | (es3_1 & (~eb8)); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ assign ex5_ea[4:11] = {ea4, ea5, ea6, ea7, ea8, ea9, ea10, ea11}; assign ex5_ec[4:11] = {ec4, ec5, ec6, ec7, zeros[1:4]}; assign ex5_addend1[1:11] = ex5_f_b[1:11]; assign ex5_addend2[1:11] = {zeros[1:3], ex5_ea[4:11]}; assign ex5_addend3[1:11] = {zeros[1:3], ex5_ec[4:11]}; assign ex5_fsum[1] = ex5_f_b[1]; assign ex5_fsum[2] = ex5_f_b[2]; assign ex5_fsum[3] = ex5_f_b[3]; assign ex5_fsum[4] = (es1 & es4_if_s1) | (es2_0 & es4_if_s20) | (es3_0 & es4_if_s30) | (esx & es4_if_sx) | (es3_1 & es4_if_s31) | (es2_1 & es4_if_s21); assign ex5_fsum[5] = (es1 & es5_if_s1) | (es2_0 & es5_if_s20) | (es3_0 & es5_if_s30) | (esx & es5_if_sx) | (es3_1 & es5_if_s31) | (es2_1 & es5_if_s21); assign ex5_fsum[6] = (es1 & es6_if_s1) | (es2_0 & es6_if_s20) | (es3_0 & es6_if_s30) | (esx & es6_if_sx) | (es3_1 & es6_if_s31) | (es2_1 & es6_if_s21); assign ex5_fsum[7] = (es1 & es7_if_s1) | (es2_0 & es7_if_s20) | (es3_0 & es7_if_s30) | (esx & es7_if_sx) | (es3_1 & es7_if_s31) | (es2_1 & es7_if_s21); assign ex5_fsum[8] = ex5_f_b[8]; assign ex5_fsum[9] = ex5_f_b[9]; assign ex5_fsum[10] = ex5_f_b[10]; assign ex5_fsum[11] = ex5_f_b[11]; assign ex5_fcarryin[1] = tidn; assign ex5_fcarryin[2] = tidn; assign ex5_fcarryin[3] = (es1 & ec3_if_s1) | (es2_0 & ec3_if_s20) | (es3_0 & ec3_if_s30) | (esx & ec3_if_sx) | (es3_1 & ec3_if_s31) | (es2_1 & ec3_if_s21); assign ex5_fcarryin[4] = (es1 & ec4_if_s1) | (es2_0 & ec4_if_s20) | (es3_0 & ec4_if_s30) | (esx & ec4_if_sx) | (es3_1 & ec4_if_s31) | (es2_1 & ec4_if_s21); assign ex5_fcarryin[5] = (es1 & ec5_if_s1) | (es2_0 & ec5_if_s20) | (es3_0 & ec5_if_s30) | (esx & ec5_if_sx) | (es3_1 & ec5_if_s31) | (es2_1 & ec5_if_s21); assign ex5_fcarryin[6] = (es1 & ec6_if_s1) | (es2_0 & ec6_if_s20) | (es3_0 & ec6_if_s30) | (esx & ec6_if_sx) | (es3_1 & ec6_if_s31) | (es2_1 & ec6_if_s21); assign ex5_fcarryin[7] = tidn; assign ex5_fcarryin[8] = ea8; assign ex5_fcarryin[9] = ea9; assign ex5_fcarryin[10] = ea10; assign ex5_fcarryin[11] = ea11; assign ex5_powf_a_addend_b = (~ex5_fsum[1:11]); assign ex5_powf_b_addend_b = (~(ex5_fcarryin[1:11])); fu_gst_add11 ex5_powfractadd11( .a_b(ex5_powf_a_addend_b), .b_b(ex5_powf_b_addend_b), //------------------------------------------------------ .s0(ex5_pow_fract_b) ); assign ex5_pow_fract = (~ex5_pow_fract_b); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // not (dp bias +9) assign ex5_log_dp_bias = (11'b01111110111 & {11{(~ex5_logof1_specialcase)}}) | (11'b11111111101 & {11{ex5_logof1_specialcase}}); // results in exp of 000..1, which is zero assign ex5_log_a_addend_b[1:11] = {zeros[1:6], ex5_shamt[0:4]}; assign ex5_log_b_addend_b[1:11] = ex5_log_dp_bias; assign ex5_pow_a_addend_b[1:11] = (~({ex5_mantissa[1], ex5_mantissa[1], ex5_mantissa[1], ex5_mantissa[1:8]})); assign ex5_pow_b_addend_b[1:11] = 11'b10000000000; // dp bias assign ex5_exponent_a_addend_b = (ex5_log_a_addend_b & {11{ex5_floges}}) | (ex5_pow_a_addend_b & {11{ex5_fexptes}}); assign ex5_exponent_b_addend_b = (ex5_log_b_addend_b & {11{ex5_floges}}) | (ex5_pow_b_addend_b & {11{ex5_fexptes}}); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- fu_gst_add11 ex5_explogadd11( .a_b(ex5_exponent_a_addend_b), .b_b(ex5_exponent_b_addend_b), //------------------------------------------------------ .s0(ex5_biased_exponent_result) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ex5_log_fract = ex5_log_mantissa_postsh[01:19]; assign ex5_log_signbit = ex5_negate; assign ex5_signbit_din = ex5_log_signbit & ex5_floges; assign ex5_fract_din = (({((~ex5_logof1_specialcase)), ex5_log_fract[1:19]}) & {20{ex5_floges}}) | (({tiup, ex5_pow_fract[1:11], zeros[1:8]}) & {20{ex5_fexptes}}); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #( .WIDTH(2), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex6_gst_ctrl_lat( .force_t(force_t), //d_mode => tiup, delay_lclkr => tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[5]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[5]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), //----------------- .act(ex5_act), //----------------- .scout(ex6_gst_ctrl_lat_scout), .scin(ex6_gst_ctrl_lat_scin), //----------------- .din({ex5_floges, ex5_fexptes}), //----------------- .dout({ex6_floges, ex6_fexptes}) ); tri_rlmreg_p #( .WIDTH(32), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex6_gst_stage_lat( .force_t(force_t), //d_mode => tiup, delay_lclkr => tidn, .d_mode(tiup), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[5]), .mpw1_b(mpw1_b[5]), .mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .thold_b(thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), //----------------- .act(ex5_act), //----------------- .scout(ex6_gst_stage_lat_scout), .scin(ex6_gst_stage_lat_scin), //----------------- .din({ex5_signbit_din, ex5_biased_exponent_result, ex5_fract_din}), //----------------- .dout({ex6_signbit, ex6_biased_exponent_result, ex6_fract}) ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------- assign f_gst_ex6_logexp_sign = ex6_signbit; assign f_gst_ex6_logexp_exp = ex6_biased_exponent_result; assign f_gst_ex6_logexp_fract = ex6_fract; assign f_gst_ex6_logexp_v = ex6_floges | ex6_fexptes; // todo: clk gating with acts, gate with log,exp instr decodes, fpu enable, etc assign ex3_gst_ctrl_lat_scin[0:1] = {f_gst_si, ex3_gst_ctrl_lat_scout[0]}; assign ex4_gst_ctrl_lat_scin[0:1] = {ex3_gst_ctrl_lat_scout[1], ex4_gst_ctrl_lat_scout[0]}; assign ex5_gst_ctrl_lat_scin[0:3] = {ex4_gst_ctrl_lat_scout[1], ex5_gst_ctrl_lat_scout[0:2]}; assign ex6_gst_ctrl_lat_scin[0:1] = {ex5_gst_ctrl_lat_scout[3], ex6_gst_ctrl_lat_scout[0]}; assign ex3_gst_stage_lat_scin[0:32] = {ex6_gst_ctrl_lat_scout[1], ex3_gst_stage_lat_scout[0:31]}; assign ex4_gst_stage_lat_scin[0:19] = {ex3_gst_stage_lat_scout[32], ex4_gst_stage_lat_scout[0:18]}; assign ex5_gst_stage_lat_scin[0:23] = {ex4_gst_stage_lat_scout[19], ex5_gst_stage_lat_scout[0:22]}; assign ex6_gst_stage_lat_scin[0:31] = {ex5_gst_stage_lat_scout[23], ex6_gst_stage_lat_scout[0:30]}; assign act_si[0:7] = {act_so[1:7], ex6_gst_stage_lat_scout[31]}; assign f_gst_so = act_so[0]; endmodule