// simple verilator top // uses a2owb with sim mem interface #define TRACING #include #include #include #include #include "verilated.h" #include "Va2owb.h" // internal nets #include "Va2owb___024root.h" #include "Va2owb_a2owb.h" #include "Va2owb_a2l2wb.h" #ifdef TRACING #include "verilated_vcd_c.h" VerilatedVcdC *t; #else unsigned int t = 0; #endif /* #include "uart/uartsim.h" */ Va2owb* m; vluint64_t main_time = 0; // in units of timeprecision used in verilog or --timescale-override // what is it? it changed to 941621251 after calling loadmem() double sc_time_stamp() { // $time in verilog return main_time; } const int resetCycle = 10; const int threadRunCycle = resetCycle + 5; const int runCycles = 500; const int hbCycles = 500; const int threads = 1; const std::string testFile = "../mem/test1/rom.init"; // Cythonize this and use it for cocotb too... class Memory { std::unordered_map mem; public: bool le; bool logStores; int defaultVal; Memory(); void loadFile(std::string filename, unsigned int adr=0, bool le=false, std::string format="ascii"); int read(unsigned int adr); void write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int dat); void write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int be, unsigned int dat); }; Memory::Memory() { this->defaultVal = 0; this->le = false; this->logStores = true; } void Memory::loadFile(std::string filename, unsigned int adr, bool le, std::string format) { unsigned int dat; std::ifstream f; f.open(filename, std::fstream::in); // "ascii" //while (f.peek()!=EOF) { //f >> std::hex >> dat; // f >> dat; while (f >> std::hex >> dat) { this->write(adr, dat); adr += 4; } } // adr is word-aligned byte address int Memory::read(unsigned int adr) { if (this->mem.find(adr) != this->mem.end()) { return this->mem[adr]; } else { return this->defaultVal; } } // adr is word-aligned byte address void Memory::write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int dat) { unsigned int startDat = this->read(adr); this->mem[adr] = dat; if (this->logStores) { std::cout << std::setw(8) << std::hex << " * Mem Update @" << adr << " " << startDat << "->" << dat << std::endl; } } void Memory::write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int be, unsigned int dat) { if (be == 0) return; int mask, startDat; if (be >= 8) { be = be - 8; mask = 0xFF000000; } else { mask = 0; } if (be >= 4) { be = be - 4; mask |= 0x00FF0000; } if (be >= 2) { be = be - 2; mask |= 0x0000FF00; } if (be = 1) { mask |= 0x000000FF; } startDat = this->read(adr); this->mem[adr] = (startDat & ~mask) | (dat & mask); if (this->logStores) { std::cout << std::setw(8) << std::hex << " * Mem Update @" << adr << " " << startDat << "->" << dat << std::endl; } } Memory mem; int main(int argc, char **argv) { using namespace std; cout << setfill('0'); Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv); m = new Va2owb; #ifdef TRACING Verilated::traceEverOn(true); t = new VerilatedVcdC; m->trace(t, 99); t->open("a2onode.vcd"); cout << "Tracing enabled." << endl; #endif bool resetDone = false; unsigned int threadStop = 0x3; unsigned int tick = 0; unsigned int cycle = 1; unsigned int readPending = 0; unsigned int readAddr = 0; unsigned int readTag = 0; unsigned int readTID = 0; unsigned int countReads = 0; //unsigned int iu0Comp = m->rootp->a2owb->c0->iu_lq_i0_completed; //unsigned int iu0Comp = m->rootp->a2owb__DOT__c0__DOT__lq0__DOT__lsq__DOT__odq__DOT__iu_lq_i0_completed_itag_int; /* iu0CompIFAR = sim.a2o.root.iuq0.iuq_cpl_top0.iuq_cpl0.cp2_i0_ifar iu1Comp = sim.a2o.root.iu_lq_i1_completed iu1CompIFAR = sim.a2o.root.iuq0.iuq_cpl_top0.iuq_cpl0.cp2_i1_ifar iuCompFlushIFAR = sim.a2o.root.cp_t0_flush_ifar cp3NIA = sim.a2o.root.iuq0.iuq_cpl_top0.iuq_cpl0.iuq_cpl_ctrl.cp3_nia_q # nia after last cycle's completions */ mem.write(0xFFFFFFFC, 0x48000002); mem.loadFile(testFile); m->nclk = 0x38; cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Resetting..." << endl; m->an_ac_pm_thread_stop = threadStop; cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Thread stop=" << threadStop << endl; const int clocks[4] = {0xA, 0x8, 0x2, 0x0}; // 1x, 2x const int ticks1x = 4; while (!Verilated::gotFinish()) { if (!resetDone && (cycle > resetCycle)) { m->nclk &= 0x2F; cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Releasing reset." << endl; resetDone = true; } if (threadStop && (cycle > threadRunCycle)) { threadStop = 0x0; m->an_ac_pm_thread_stop = threadStop; cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Thread stop=" << threadStop << endl; } m->nclk = (m->nclk & 0x10) | (clocks[tick % ticks1x] << 2); tick++; m->eval(); // bus is 1x clock if ((tick % ticks1x) == 0) { /* 16B BE read/write interface and sparse mem [0:31] mem_adr [0:127] mem_dat mem_wr_val [0:15] mem_wr_be [0:127] mem_wr_dat addr = dut.mem_adr.value.integer w0 = sim.mem.read(addr) w1 = sim.mem.read(addr+4) w2 = sim.mem.read(addr+8) w3 = sim.mem.read(addr+12) v = cocotb.binary.BinaryValue() v.assign(f'{w0:0>32b}{w1:0>32b}{w2:0>32b}{w3:0>32b}') dut.mem_dat.value = v.value if dut.mem_wr_val.value: addr = dut.mem_adr.value.integer dat = hex(dut.mem_wr_dat, 32) be = f'{dut.mem_wr_be.value.integer:016b}' for i in range(4): sim.mem.write(addr, dat[i*8:i*8+8], be[i*4:i*4+4]) addr += 4 */ // update read dat unsigned int adr = m->mem_adr; m->mem_dat[3] = mem.read(adr); adr += 4; m->mem_dat[2] = mem.read(adr); adr += 4; m->mem_dat[1] = mem.read(adr); adr += 4; m->mem_dat[0] = mem.read(adr); // update mem[] if write unsigned int mem_we = m->mem_wr_val; unsigned int mem_be = m->mem_wr_be; //unsigned int mem_datw[8] = m->mem_wr_dat; if (m->rootp->a2owb->ac_an_req == 1) { cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " A2L2 Req RA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << m->rootp->a2owb->ac_an_req_ra << endl; } } // finish clock stuff if ((tick % ticks1x) == 0) { cycle++; if ((cycle % hbCycles) == 0) { cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << cycle << " ...tick..." << endl; } } #ifdef TRACING t->dump(tick); t->flush(); #endif // check for fails // hit limit if (cycle > runCycles) { break; } } #ifdef TRACING t->close(); #endif m->final(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }