// © IBM Corp. 2020 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by // the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in // compliance with the License as modified. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Modified Terms: // // 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the // License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship // in physical form. // // 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses // necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER // via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded // hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions // of the EULA. // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that // is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are // available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be // obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org. //***************************************************************************** // Description: XU Population Count // //***************************************************************************** `include "tri_a2o.vh" module tri_st_popcnt( nclk, vdd, gnd, delay_lclkr_dc, mpw1_dc_b, mpw2_dc_b, d_mode_dc, func_sl_force, func_sl_thold_0_b, sg_0, scan_in, scan_out, ex1_act, ex1_instr, ex2_popcnt_rs1, ex4_popcnt_rt ); //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clocks & Power //------------------------------------------------------------------- input [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] nclk; inout vdd; inout gnd; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pervasive //------------------------------------------------------------------- input delay_lclkr_dc; input mpw1_dc_b; input mpw2_dc_b; input d_mode_dc; input func_sl_force; input func_sl_thold_0_b; input sg_0; (* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in input scan_in; (* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out output scan_out; input ex1_act; input [22:23] ex1_instr; input [0:63] ex2_popcnt_rs1; output [0:63] ex4_popcnt_rt; // Latches wire [2:3] exx_act_q; // input=>exx_act_d ,act=>1 wire [2:3] exx_act_d; wire [22:23] ex2_instr_q; // input=>ex1_instr ,act=>exx_act(1) wire [0:2] ex3_popcnt_sel_q; // input=>ex2_popcnt_sel ,act=>exx_act(2) wire [0:2] ex2_popcnt_sel; wire [0:7] ex3_b3_q; // input=>ex2_b3 ,act=>exx_act(2) wire [0:7] ex2_b3; wire [0:7] ex3_b2_q; // input=>ex2_b2 ,act=>exx_act(2) wire [0:7] ex2_b2; wire [0:7] ex3_b1_q; // input=>ex2_b1 ,act=>exx_act(2) wire [0:7] ex2_b1; wire [0:7] ex3_b0_q; // input=>ex2_b0 ,act=>exx_act(2) wire [0:7] ex2_b0; wire [0:7] ex4_b3_q; // input=>ex3_b3_q ,act=>exx_act(3) wire [0:7] ex4_b2_q; // input=>ex3_b2_q ,act=>exx_act(3) wire [0:7] ex4_b1_q; // input=>ex3_b1_q ,act=>exx_act(3) wire [0:7] ex4_b0_q; // input=>ex3_b0_q ,act=>exx_act(3) wire [0:5] ex4_word0_q; // input=>ex3_word0 ,act=>exx_act(3) wire [0:5] ex3_word0; wire [0:5] ex4_word1_q; // input=>ex3_word1 ,act=>exx_act(3) wire [0:5] ex3_word1; wire [0:2] ex4_popcnt_sel_q; // input=>ex3_popcnt_sel_q ,act=>exx_act(3) // Scanchain parameter exx_act_offset = 0; parameter ex2_instr_offset = exx_act_offset + 2; parameter ex3_popcnt_sel_offset = ex2_instr_offset + 2; parameter ex3_b3_offset = ex3_popcnt_sel_offset + 3; parameter ex3_b2_offset = ex3_b3_offset + 8; parameter ex3_b1_offset = ex3_b2_offset + 8; parameter ex3_b0_offset = ex3_b1_offset + 8; parameter ex4_b3_offset = ex3_b0_offset + 8; parameter ex4_b2_offset = ex4_b3_offset + 8; parameter ex4_b1_offset = ex4_b2_offset + 8; parameter ex4_b0_offset = ex4_b1_offset + 8; parameter ex4_word0_offset = ex4_b0_offset + 8; parameter ex4_word1_offset = ex4_word0_offset + 6; parameter ex4_popcnt_sel_offset = ex4_word1_offset + 6; parameter scan_right = ex4_popcnt_sel_offset + 3; wire [0:scan_right-1] siv; wire [0:scan_right-1] sov; // Signals wire [0:63] ex4_popcnt_byte; wire [0:63] ex4_popcnt_word; wire [0:63] ex4_popcnt_dword; wire [1:3] exx_act; assign exx_act_d[2:3] = exx_act[1:2]; assign exx_act[1:3] = {ex1_act, exx_act_q[2:3]}; generate genvar i; for (i = 0; i <= 7; i = i + 1) begin : byte_gen tri_st_popcnt_byte byte( .b0(ex2_popcnt_rs1[8*i:8*i+7]), .y({ex2_b3[i],ex2_b2[i],ex2_b1[i],ex2_b0[i]}), .vdd(vdd), .gnd(gnd) ); assign ex4_popcnt_byte[8*i+0:8*i+3] = 0; assign ex4_popcnt_byte[8*i+4] = ex4_b3_q[i]; assign ex4_popcnt_byte[8*i+5] = ex4_b2_q[i]; assign ex4_popcnt_byte[8*i+6] = ex4_b1_q[i]; assign ex4_popcnt_byte[8*i+7] = ex4_b0_q[i]; end endgenerate tri_st_popcnt_word word0( .b0(ex3_b0_q[0:3]), .b1(ex3_b1_q[0:3]), .b2(ex3_b2_q[0:3]), .b3(ex3_b3_q[0:3]), .y(ex3_word0), .vdd(vdd), .gnd(gnd) ); tri_st_popcnt_word word1( .b0(ex3_b0_q[4:7]), .b1(ex3_b1_q[4:7]), .b2(ex3_b2_q[4:7]), .b3(ex3_b3_q[4:7]), .y(ex3_word1), .vdd(vdd), .gnd(gnd) ); assign ex4_popcnt_word[00:25] = {26{1'b0}}; assign ex4_popcnt_word[26:31] = ex4_word0_q; assign ex4_popcnt_word[32:57] = {26{1'b0}}; assign ex4_popcnt_word[58:63] = ex4_word1_q; assign ex4_popcnt_dword[00:56] = {57{1'b0}}; assign ex4_popcnt_dword[57:63] = {1'b0, ex4_word0_q} + {1'b0, ex4_word1_q}; assign ex2_popcnt_sel[0] = (ex2_instr_q == 2'b00) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign ex2_popcnt_sel[1] = (ex2_instr_q == 2'b10) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign ex2_popcnt_sel[2] = (ex2_instr_q == 2'b11) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign ex4_popcnt_rt = (ex4_popcnt_byte & {64{ex4_popcnt_sel_q[0]}}) | (ex4_popcnt_word & {64{ex4_popcnt_sel_q[1]}}) | (ex4_popcnt_dword & {64{ex4_popcnt_sel_q[2]}}); //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Latch instances //------------------------------------------------------------------- tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) exx_act_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(1'b1), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[exx_act_offset:exx_act_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov[exx_act_offset:exx_act_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(exx_act_d), .dout(exx_act_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_instr_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[1]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex2_instr_offset:ex2_instr_offset + 2 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex2_instr_offset:ex2_instr_offset + 2 - 1]), .din(ex1_instr), .dout(ex2_instr_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_popcnt_sel_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[2]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_popcnt_sel_offset:ex3_popcnt_sel_offset + 3 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex3_popcnt_sel_offset:ex3_popcnt_sel_offset + 3 - 1]), .din(ex2_popcnt_sel), .dout(ex3_popcnt_sel_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_b3_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[2]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_b3_offset:ex3_b3_offset + 8 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex3_b3_offset:ex3_b3_offset + 8 - 1]), .din(ex2_b3), .dout(ex3_b3_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_b2_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[2]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_b2_offset:ex3_b2_offset + 8 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex3_b2_offset:ex3_b2_offset + 8 - 1]), .din(ex2_b2), .dout(ex3_b2_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_b1_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[2]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_b1_offset:ex3_b1_offset + 8 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex3_b1_offset:ex3_b1_offset + 8 - 1]), .din(ex2_b1), .dout(ex3_b1_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_b0_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[2]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex3_b0_offset:ex3_b0_offset + 8 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex3_b0_offset:ex3_b0_offset + 8 - 1]), .din(ex2_b0), .dout(ex3_b0_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_b3_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[3]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_b3_offset:ex4_b3_offset + 8 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex4_b3_offset:ex4_b3_offset + 8 - 1]), .din(ex3_b3_q), .dout(ex4_b3_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_b2_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[3]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_b2_offset:ex4_b2_offset + 8 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex4_b2_offset:ex4_b2_offset + 8 - 1]), .din(ex3_b2_q), .dout(ex4_b2_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_b1_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[3]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_b1_offset:ex4_b1_offset + 8 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex4_b1_offset:ex4_b1_offset + 8 - 1]), .din(ex3_b1_q), .dout(ex4_b1_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_b0_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[3]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_b0_offset:ex4_b0_offset + 8 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex4_b0_offset:ex4_b0_offset + 8 - 1]), .din(ex3_b0_q), .dout(ex4_b0_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_word0_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[3]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_word0_offset:ex4_word0_offset + 6 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex4_word0_offset:ex4_word0_offset + 6 - 1]), .din(ex3_word0), .dout(ex4_word0_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_word1_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[3]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_word1_offset:ex4_word1_offset + 6 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex4_word1_offset:ex4_word1_offset + 6 - 1]), .din(ex3_word1), .dout(ex4_word1_q) ); tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_popcnt_sel_latch( .nclk(nclk), .vd(vdd), .gd(gnd), .act(exx_act[3]), .force_t(func_sl_force), .d_mode(d_mode_dc), .delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr_dc), .mpw1_b(mpw1_dc_b), .mpw2_b(mpw2_dc_b), .thold_b(func_sl_thold_0_b), .sg(sg_0), .scin(siv[ex4_popcnt_sel_offset:ex4_popcnt_sel_offset + 3 - 1]), .scout(sov[ex4_popcnt_sel_offset:ex4_popcnt_sel_offset + 3 - 1]), .din(ex3_popcnt_sel_q), .dout(ex4_popcnt_sel_q) ); assign siv[0:scan_right-1] = {sov[1:scan_right-1], scan_in}; assign scan_out = sov[0]; endmodule