`include "tri_a2o.vh" `timescale 1ns/1ps module cocotb ( input clk, input rst, input [0:31] cfg_dat, input cfg_wr, output [0:31] status, input timerInterrupt, input externalInterrupt, input softwareInterrupt, input externalInterruptS, output wb_stb, output wb_cyc, output [31:0] wb_adr, output wb_we, output [3:0] wb_sel, output [31:0] wb_datw, input wb_ack, input [31:0] wb_datr ); a2owb c0 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .cfg_wr(cfg_wr), .cfg_dat(cfg_dat), .status(status), .timerInterrupt(timerInterrupt), .externalInterrupt(externalInterrupt), .softwareInterrupt(softwareInterrupt), .externalInterruptS(externalInterruptS), .wb_stb(wb_stb), .wb_cyc(wb_cyc), .wb_adr(wb_adr), .wb_we(wb_we), .wb_ack(wb_ack), .wb_sel(wb_sel), .wb_datr(wb_datr), .wb_datw(wb_datw) ); initial begin $dumpfile ("a2olitex.vcd"); // you can do it by levels and also by module so could prune down $dumpvars; // need to explicitly specify arrays for icarus // guess not: $dumpvars cannot dump a vpiMemory //$dumpvars(0, c0.iuq0.iuq_slice_top0.slice0.iuq_ibuf0.buffer_data_q); #1; end endmodule