.section .text, "ax", @progbits # called by bios boot commands to do the jump to code (r1,r2,r3 can be specified in terminal 'boot' command) .include "defines.s" .global boot_helper # extern void boot_helper(unsigned long r1, unsigned long r2, unsigned long r3, unsigned long addr); .align 4 boot_helper: lis r3,_fstack@h ori r3,r3,_fstack@l # top o mem mtctr r6 bctr # jump to callee # play with stack. what could go wrong? # r1 = new top # orig lr 20(r1) # ancient r1 16(r1) # local1 12(r1) # local2 8(r1) # (next lr) 4(r1) # orig r1 0(r1) # doesnt help...getting a bad op, probably blr to wrong address off stack, within calls to do a putchar stwu r1,-32(r1) mflr r0 stw r0,36(r1) stw r3,8(r1) stw r4,12(r1) stw r5,16(r1) stw r6,20(r1) li r3,'w' slwi r3,r3,8 ori r3,r3,'t' slwi r3,r3,8 ori r3,r3,'f' slwi r3,r3,8 ori r3,r3,'!' stw r3,24(r1) stw r3,28(r1) lwz r0,36(r1) mtlr r6 addi r1,r1,32 blr #addi r1,r1,32 # leave frame on stack #mtctr r6 #bctrl # jump to callee b .