# design and tech export DESIGN_NICKNAME = a2p export DESIGN_NAME = A2P_WB export PLATFORM = sky130hd export VERILOG_FILES := $(sort $(wildcard ./designs/$(PLATFORM)/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/src/*.v)) export SDC_FILE := ./designs/$(PLATFORM)/$(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/constraint.sdc $(info Source files:) $(info $(VERILOG_FILES)) $(info ..................................................) # design and tech unit = a2p export DIE_AREA = 0.0 0.0 5200 4609.14 export CORE_AREA = 210 210 4990 4389.14 export ABC_CLOCK_PERIOD_IN_PS = 10000 export ABC_DRIVER_CELL = sky130_fd_sc_hd__buf_1 export ABC_LOAD_IN_FF = 3 export SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT ?= 32 export SYNTH_MAX_TRAN ?= 100 export REPORT_SLACK_MAX_PATHS ?= 100 #HACK! uniquify logs, objects, reports, results export DESIGN_NICKNAME := $(DESIGN_NICKNAME)/output/$(shell date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S") $(info [WTF] Output Dirs: $(DESIGN_NICKNAME)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CTS # forget about this for now - occurred when added dffram dir/caches. anton says hold misses are fake anyway :) # (at least at 100mhz) # do i need something else from dffram build? # Repair hold violations... # [INFO RSZ-0046] Found 60472 endpoints with hold violations. # [WARNING RSZ-0066] Unable to repair all hold violations. # [INFO RSZ-0032] Inserted 213923 hold buffers. # [ERROR DPL-0019] detailed placement failed on hold33177 # continue if cts wants to barf... #export WTF_CTS_IGNORE_HOLD_MISSES = 1