-- -- Set associative dcache write-through -- -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.utils.all; use work.common.all; use work.helpers.all; use work.wishbone_types.all; entity dcache is generic ( -- Line size in bytes LINE_SIZE : positive := 64; -- Number of lines in a set NUM_LINES : positive := 32; -- Number of ways NUM_WAYS : positive := 4; -- L1 DTLB entries per set TLB_SET_SIZE : positive := 64; -- L1 DTLB number of sets TLB_NUM_WAYS : positive := 2; -- L1 DTLB log_2(page_size) TLB_LG_PGSZ : positive := 12; -- Non-zero to enable log data collection LOG_LENGTH : natural := 0 ); port ( clk : in std_ulogic; rst : in std_ulogic; d_in : in Loadstore1ToDcacheType; d_out : out DcacheToLoadstore1Type; m_in : in MmuToDcacheType; m_out : out DcacheToMmuType; snoop_in : in wishbone_master_out := wishbone_master_out_init; stall_out : out std_ulogic; wishbone_out : out wishbone_master_out; wishbone_in : in wishbone_slave_out; events : out DcacheEventType; log_out : out std_ulogic_vector(19 downto 0) ); end entity dcache; architecture rtl of dcache is -- BRAM organisation: We never access more than wishbone_data_bits at -- a time so to save resources we make the array only that wide, and -- use consecutive indices to make a cache "line" -- -- ROW_SIZE is the width in bytes of the BRAM (based on WB, so 64-bits) constant ROW_SIZE : natural := wishbone_data_bits / 8; -- ROW_PER_LINE is the number of row (wishbone transactions) in a line constant ROW_PER_LINE : natural := LINE_SIZE / ROW_SIZE; -- BRAM_ROWS is the number of rows in BRAM needed to represent the full -- dcache constant BRAM_ROWS : natural := NUM_LINES * ROW_PER_LINE; -- Bit fields counts in the address -- ROW_BITS is the number of bits to select a row constant ROW_BITS : natural := log2(BRAM_ROWS); -- ROW_LINEBITS is the number of bits to select a row within a line constant ROW_LINEBITS : natural := log2(ROW_PER_LINE); -- LINE_OFF_BITS is the number of bits for the offset in a cache line constant LINE_OFF_BITS : natural := log2(LINE_SIZE); -- ROW_OFF_BITS is the number of bits for the offset in a row constant ROW_OFF_BITS : natural := log2(ROW_SIZE); -- INDEX_BITS is the number if bits to select a cache line constant INDEX_BITS : natural := log2(NUM_LINES); -- SET_SIZE_BITS is the log base 2 of the set size constant SET_SIZE_BITS : natural := LINE_OFF_BITS + INDEX_BITS; -- TAG_BITS is the number of bits of the tag part of the address constant TAG_BITS : natural := REAL_ADDR_BITS - SET_SIZE_BITS; -- TAG_WIDTH is the width in bits of each way of the tag RAM constant TAG_WIDTH : natural := TAG_BITS + 7 - ((TAG_BITS + 7) mod 8); -- WAY_BITS is the number of bits to select a way -- Make sure this is at least 1, to avoid 0-element vectors constant WAY_BITS : natural := maximum(log2(NUM_WAYS), 1); -- Example of layout for 32 lines of 64 bytes: -- -- .. tag |index| line | -- .. | row | | -- .. | |---| | ROW_LINEBITS (3) -- .. | |--- - --| LINE_OFF_BITS (6) -- .. | |- --| ROW_OFF_BITS (3) -- .. |----- ---| | ROW_BITS (8) -- .. |-----| | INDEX_BITS (5) -- .. --------| | TAG_BITS (45) subtype row_t is unsigned(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0); subtype index_t is unsigned(INDEX_BITS-1 downto 0); subtype way_t is unsigned(WAY_BITS-1 downto 0); subtype row_in_line_t is unsigned(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0); -- The cache data BRAM organized as described above for each way subtype cache_row_t is std_ulogic_vector(wishbone_data_bits-1 downto 0); -- The cache tags LUTRAM has a row per set. Vivado is a pain and will -- not handle a clean (commented) definition of the cache tags as a 3d -- memory. For now, work around it by putting all the tags subtype cache_tag_t is std_logic_vector(TAG_BITS-1 downto 0); -- type cache_tags_set_t is array(way_t) of cache_tag_t; -- type cache_tags_array_t is array(0 to NUM_LINES-1) of cache_tags_set_t; constant TAG_RAM_WIDTH : natural := TAG_WIDTH * NUM_WAYS; subtype cache_tags_set_t is std_logic_vector(TAG_RAM_WIDTH-1 downto 0); type cache_tags_array_t is array(0 to NUM_LINES-1) of cache_tags_set_t; -- The cache valid bits subtype cache_way_valids_t is std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS-1 downto 0); type cache_valids_t is array(0 to NUM_LINES-1) of cache_way_valids_t; type row_per_line_valid_t is array(0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1) of std_ulogic; -- Storage. Hopefully implemented in LUTs signal cache_tags : cache_tags_array_t; signal cache_tag_set : cache_tags_set_t; signal cache_valids : cache_valids_t; attribute ram_style : string; attribute ram_style of cache_tags : signal is "distributed"; -- L1 TLB. constant TLB_SET_BITS : natural := log2(TLB_SET_SIZE); constant TLB_WAY_BITS : natural := maximum(log2(TLB_NUM_WAYS), 1); constant TLB_EA_TAG_BITS : natural := 64 - (TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS); constant TLB_TAG_WAY_BITS : natural := TLB_NUM_WAYS * TLB_EA_TAG_BITS; constant TLB_PTE_BITS : natural := 64; constant TLB_PTE_WAY_BITS : natural := TLB_NUM_WAYS * TLB_PTE_BITS; subtype tlb_way_t is integer range 0 to TLB_NUM_WAYS - 1; subtype tlb_way_sig_t is unsigned(TLB_WAY_BITS-1 downto 0); subtype tlb_index_t is integer range 0 to TLB_SET_SIZE - 1; subtype tlb_index_sig_t is unsigned(TLB_SET_BITS-1 downto 0); subtype tlb_way_valids_t is std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS-1 downto 0); type tlb_valids_t is array(tlb_index_t) of tlb_way_valids_t; subtype tlb_tag_t is std_ulogic_vector(TLB_EA_TAG_BITS - 1 downto 0); subtype tlb_way_tags_t is std_ulogic_vector(TLB_TAG_WAY_BITS-1 downto 0); type tlb_tags_t is array(tlb_index_t) of tlb_way_tags_t; subtype tlb_pte_t is std_ulogic_vector(TLB_PTE_BITS - 1 downto 0); subtype tlb_way_ptes_t is std_ulogic_vector(TLB_PTE_WAY_BITS-1 downto 0); type tlb_ptes_t is array(tlb_index_t) of tlb_way_ptes_t; type hit_way_set_t is array(tlb_way_t) of way_t; signal dtlb_valids : tlb_valids_t; signal dtlb_tags : tlb_tags_t; signal dtlb_ptes : tlb_ptes_t; attribute ram_style of dtlb_tags : signal is "distributed"; attribute ram_style of dtlb_ptes : signal is "distributed"; -- Record for storing permission, attribute, etc. bits from a PTE type perm_attr_t is record reference : std_ulogic; changed : std_ulogic; nocache : std_ulogic; priv : std_ulogic; rd_perm : std_ulogic; wr_perm : std_ulogic; end record; function extract_perm_attr(pte : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_PTE_BITS - 1 downto 0)) return perm_attr_t is variable pa : perm_attr_t; begin pa.reference := pte(8); pa.changed := pte(7); pa.nocache := pte(5); pa.priv := pte(3); pa.rd_perm := pte(2); pa.wr_perm := pte(1); return pa; end; constant real_mode_perm_attr : perm_attr_t := (nocache => '0', others => '1'); -- Cache state machine type state_t is (IDLE, -- Normal load hit processing RELOAD_WAIT_ACK, -- Cache reload wait ack STORE_WAIT_ACK, -- Store wait ack NC_LOAD_WAIT_ACK, -- Non-cachable load wait ack DO_STCX, -- Check for stcx. validity FLUSH_CYCLE); -- Cycle for invalidating cache line -- -- Dcache operations: -- -- In order to make timing, we use the BRAMs with an output buffer, -- which means that the BRAM output is delayed by an extra cycle. -- -- Thus, the dcache has a 2-stage internal pipeline for cache hits -- with no stalls. Stores also complete in 2 cycles in most -- circumstances. -- -- A request proceeds through the pipeline as follows. -- -- Cycle 0: Request is received from loadstore or mmu if either -- d_in.valid or m_in.valid is 1 (not both). In this cycle portions -- of the address are presented to the TLB tag RAM and data RAM -- and the cache tag RAM and data RAM. -- -- Clock edge between cycle 0 and cycle 1: -- Request is stored in r0 (assuming r0_full was 0). TLB tag and -- data RAMs are read, and the cache tag RAM is read. (Cache data -- comes out a cycle later due to its output register, giving the -- whole of cycle 1 to read the cache data RAM.) -- -- Cycle 1: TLB and cache tag matching is done, the real address -- (RA) for the access is calculated, and the type of operation is -- determined (the OP_* values above). This gives the TLB way for -- a TLB hit, and the cache way for a hit or the way to replace -- for a load miss. -- -- Clock edge between cycle 1 and cycle 2: -- Request is stored in r1 (assuming r1.full was 0) -- The state machine transitions out of IDLE state for a load miss, -- a store, a dcbz, a flush (dcbf) or a non-cacheable load. -- r1.full is set to 1 for a load miss, dcbz, flush or -- non-cacheable load but not a store. -- -- Cycle 2: Completion signals are asserted for a load hit, -- a store (excluding dcbz), a TLB operation, a conditional -- store which failed due to no matching reservation, or an error -- (cache hit on non-cacheable operation, TLB miss, or protection -- fault). -- -- For a load miss, store, or dcbz, the state machine initiates -- a wishbone cycle, which takes at least 2 cycles. For a store, -- if another store comes in with the same cache tag (therefore -- in the same 4k page), it can be added on to the existing cycle, -- subject to some constraints. -- While r1.full = 1, no new requests can go from r0 to r1, but -- requests can come in to r0 and be satisfied if they are -- cacheable load hits or stores with the same cache tag. -- -- Writing to the cache data RAM is done at the clock edge -- at the end of cycle 2 for a store hit (excluding dcbz). -- Stores that miss are not written to the cache data RAM -- but just stored through to memory. -- Dcbz is done like a cache miss, but the wishbone cycle -- is a write rather than a read, and zeroes are written to -- the cache data RAM. Thus dcbz will allocate the line in -- the cache as well as zeroing memory. -- -- Since stores are written to the cache data RAM at the end of -- cycle 2, and loads can come in and hit on the data just stored, -- there is a two-stage bypass from store data to load data to -- make sure that loads always see previously-stored data even -- if it has not yet made it to the cache data RAM. -- -- Load misses read the requested dword of the cache line first in -- the memory read request and then cycle around through the other -- dwords. The load is completed on the cycle after the requested -- dword comes back from memory (using a forwarding path, rather -- than going via the cache data RAM). We maintain an array of -- valid bits per dword for the line being refilled so that -- subsequent load requests to the same line can be completed as -- soon as the necessary data comes in from memory, without -- waiting for the whole line to be read. -- Stage 0 register, basically contains just the latched request type reg_stage_0_t is record req : Loadstore1ToDcacheType; tlbie : std_ulogic; -- indicates a tlbie request (from MMU) doall : std_ulogic; -- with tlbie, indicates flush whole TLB tlbld : std_ulogic; -- indicates a TLB load request (from MMU) mmu_req : std_ulogic; -- indicates source of request d_valid : std_ulogic; -- indicates req.data is valid now end record; signal r0 : reg_stage_0_t; signal r0_full : std_ulogic; type mem_access_request_t is record op_lmiss : std_ulogic; op_store : std_ulogic; op_flush : std_ulogic; nc : std_ulogic; valid : std_ulogic; dcbz : std_ulogic; flush : std_ulogic; touch : std_ulogic; reserve : std_ulogic; first_dw : std_ulogic; last_dw : std_ulogic; real_addr : real_addr_t; data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); byte_sel : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0); is_hit : std_ulogic; hit_way : way_t; same_tag : std_ulogic; mmu_req : std_ulogic; end record; -- First stage register, contains state for stage 1 of load hits -- and for the state machine used by all other operations -- type reg_stage_1_t is record -- Info about the request full : std_ulogic; -- have uncompleted request mmu_req : std_ulogic; -- request is from MMU req : mem_access_request_t; -- Cache hit state hit_way : way_t; hit_load_valid : std_ulogic; hit_index : index_t; cache_hit : std_ulogic; -- TLB hit state tlb_hit : std_ulogic; tlb_hit_way : tlb_way_sig_t; tlb_hit_index : tlb_index_sig_t; tlb_victim : tlb_way_sig_t; -- data buffer for data forwarded from writes to reads forward_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); forward_tag : cache_tag_t; forward_sel : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0); forward_valid : std_ulogic; forward_row : row_t; data_out : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); -- Cache miss state (reload state machine) state : state_t; dcbz : std_ulogic; write_bram : std_ulogic; write_tag : std_ulogic; slow_valid : std_ulogic; wb : wishbone_master_out; reload_tag : cache_tag_t; store_way : way_t; store_row : row_t; store_index : index_t; end_row_ix : row_in_line_t; rows_valid : row_per_line_valid_t; acks_pending : unsigned(2 downto 0); stalled : std_ulogic; dec_acks : std_ulogic; choose_victim : std_ulogic; victim_way : way_t; -- Signals to complete (possibly with error) ls_valid : std_ulogic; ls_error : std_ulogic; mmu_done : std_ulogic; mmu_error : std_ulogic; cache_paradox : std_ulogic; -- Signal to complete a failed stcx. stcx_fail : std_ulogic; end record; signal r1 : reg_stage_1_t; signal ev : DcacheEventType; -- Reservation information -- type reservation_t is record valid : std_ulogic; addr : std_ulogic_vector(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto LINE_OFF_BITS); end record; signal reservation : reservation_t; signal kill_rsrv : std_ulogic; signal kill_rsrv2 : std_ulogic; -- Async signals on incoming request signal req_index : index_t; signal req_hit_way : way_t; signal req_is_hit : std_ulogic; signal req_tag : cache_tag_t; signal req_op_load_hit : std_ulogic; signal req_op_load_miss : std_ulogic; signal req_op_store : std_ulogic; signal req_op_flush : std_ulogic; signal req_op_bad : std_ulogic; signal req_op_nop : std_ulogic; signal req_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); signal req_same_tag : std_ulogic; signal req_go : std_ulogic; signal req_nc : std_ulogic; signal early_req_row : row_t; signal early_rd_valid : std_ulogic; signal r0_valid : std_ulogic; signal r0_stall : std_ulogic; signal fwd_same_tag : std_ulogic; signal use_forward_st : std_ulogic; signal use_forward_rl : std_ulogic; signal use_forward2 : std_ulogic; -- Cache RAM interface type cache_ram_out_t is array(0 to NUM_WAYS-1) of cache_row_t; signal cache_out : cache_ram_out_t; signal ram_wr_data : cache_row_t; signal ram_wr_select : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_SIZE - 1 downto 0); -- PLRU output interface signal plru_victim : way_t; signal replace_way : way_t; -- Wishbone read/write/cache write formatting signals signal bus_sel : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0); -- TLB signals signal tlb_tag_way : tlb_way_tags_t; signal tlb_pte_way : tlb_way_ptes_t; signal tlb_valid_way : tlb_way_valids_t; signal tlb_req_index : tlb_index_sig_t; signal tlb_read_valid : std_ulogic; signal tlb_hit : std_ulogic; signal tlb_hit_way : tlb_way_sig_t; signal pte : tlb_pte_t; signal ra : real_addr_t; signal valid_ra : std_ulogic; signal perm_attr : perm_attr_t; signal rc_ok : std_ulogic; signal perm_ok : std_ulogic; signal access_ok : std_ulogic; signal tlb_miss : std_ulogic; -- TLB PLRU output interface signal tlb_plru_victim : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_WAY_BITS-1 downto 0); signal snoop_active : std_ulogic; signal snoop_tag_set : cache_tags_set_t; signal snoop_valid : std_ulogic; signal snoop_paddr : real_addr_t; signal snoop_addr : real_addr_t; signal snoop_hits : cache_way_valids_t; signal req_snoop_hit : std_ulogic; -- -- Helper functions to decode incoming requests -- -- Return the cache line index (tag index) for an address function get_index(addr: std_ulogic_vector) return index_t is begin return unsigned(addr(SET_SIZE_BITS - 1 downto LINE_OFF_BITS)); end; -- Return the cache row index (data memory) for an address function get_row(addr: std_ulogic_vector) return row_t is begin return unsigned(addr(SET_SIZE_BITS - 1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS)); end; -- Return the index of a row within a line function get_row_of_line(row: row_t) return row_in_line_t is begin return row(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0); end; -- Returns whether this is the last row of a line function is_last_row_wb_addr(addr: wishbone_addr_type; last: row_in_line_t) return boolean is begin return unsigned(addr(LINE_OFF_BITS - ROW_OFF_BITS - 1 downto 0)) = last; end; -- Returns whether this is the last row of a line function is_last_row(row: row_t; last: row_in_line_t) return boolean is begin return get_row_of_line(row) = last; end; -- Return the address of the next row in the current cache line function next_row_wb_addr(addr: wishbone_addr_type) return std_ulogic_vector is variable row_idx : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0); variable result : wishbone_addr_type; begin -- Is there no simpler way in VHDL to generate that 3 bits adder ? row_idx := addr(ROW_LINEBITS - 1 downto 0); row_idx := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(row_idx) + 1); result := addr; result(ROW_LINEBITS - 1 downto 0) := row_idx; return result; end; -- Return the next row in the current cache line. We use a dedicated -- function in order to limit the size of the generated adder to be -- only the bits within a cache line (3 bits with default settings) -- function next_row(row: row_t) return row_t is variable row_v : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0); variable row_idx : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0); variable result : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0); begin row_v := std_ulogic_vector(row); row_idx := row_v(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0); row_v(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0) := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(row_idx) + 1); return unsigned(row_v); end; -- Get the tag value from the address function get_tag(addr: std_ulogic_vector) return cache_tag_t is begin return addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto SET_SIZE_BITS); end; -- Read a tag from a tag memory row function read_tag(way: integer; tagset: cache_tags_set_t) return cache_tag_t is begin return tagset(way * TAG_WIDTH + TAG_BITS - 1 downto way * TAG_WIDTH); end; -- Read a TLB tag from a TLB tag memory row function read_tlb_tag(way: tlb_way_t; tags: tlb_way_tags_t) return tlb_tag_t is variable j : integer; begin j := way * TLB_EA_TAG_BITS; return tags(j + TLB_EA_TAG_BITS - 1 downto j); end; -- Write a TLB tag to a TLB tag memory row procedure write_tlb_tag(way: tlb_way_t; tags: inout tlb_way_tags_t; tag: tlb_tag_t) is variable j : integer; begin j := way * TLB_EA_TAG_BITS; tags(j + TLB_EA_TAG_BITS - 1 downto j) := tag; end; -- Read a PTE from a TLB PTE memory row function read_tlb_pte(way: tlb_way_t; ptes: tlb_way_ptes_t) return tlb_pte_t is variable j : integer; begin j := way * TLB_PTE_BITS; return ptes(j + TLB_PTE_BITS - 1 downto j); end; procedure write_tlb_pte(way: tlb_way_t; ptes: inout tlb_way_ptes_t; newpte: tlb_pte_t) is variable j : integer; begin j := way * TLB_PTE_BITS; ptes(j + TLB_PTE_BITS - 1 downto j) := newpte; end; begin assert LINE_SIZE mod ROW_SIZE = 0 report "LINE_SIZE not multiple of ROW_SIZE" severity FAILURE; assert ispow2(LINE_SIZE) report "LINE_SIZE not power of 2" severity FAILURE; assert ispow2(NUM_LINES) report "NUM_LINES not power of 2" severity FAILURE; assert ispow2(ROW_PER_LINE) and ROW_PER_LINE > 1 report "ROW_PER_LINE not power of 2 greater than 1" severity FAILURE; assert (ROW_BITS = INDEX_BITS + ROW_LINEBITS) report "geometry bits don't add up" severity FAILURE; assert (LINE_OFF_BITS = ROW_OFF_BITS + ROW_LINEBITS) report "geometry bits don't add up" severity FAILURE; assert (REAL_ADDR_BITS = TAG_BITS + INDEX_BITS + LINE_OFF_BITS) report "geometry bits don't add up" severity FAILURE; assert (REAL_ADDR_BITS = TAG_BITS + ROW_BITS + ROW_OFF_BITS) report "geometry bits don't add up" severity FAILURE; assert (64 = wishbone_data_bits) report "Can't yet handle a wishbone width that isn't 64-bits" severity FAILURE; assert SET_SIZE_BITS <= TLB_LG_PGSZ report "Set indexed by virtual address" severity FAILURE; -- Latch the request in r0.req as long as we're not stalling stage_0 : process(clk) variable r : reg_stage_0_t; begin if rising_edge(clk) then assert (d_in.valid and m_in.valid) = '0' report "request collision loadstore vs MMU"; if m_in.valid = '1' then r.req := Loadstore1ToDcacheInit; r.req.valid := '1'; r.req.load := not (m_in.tlbie or m_in.tlbld); r.req.priv_mode := '1'; r.req.addr := m_in.addr; r.req.data := m_in.pte; r.req.byte_sel := (others => '1'); r.tlbie := m_in.tlbie; r.doall := m_in.doall; r.tlbld := m_in.tlbld; r.mmu_req := '1'; r.d_valid := '1'; else r.req := d_in; r.req.data := (others => '0'); r.tlbie := '0'; r.doall := '0'; r.tlbld := '0'; r.mmu_req := '0'; r.d_valid := '0'; end if; if r.req.valid = '1' and r.doall = '0' then assert not is_X(r.req.addr) severity failure; end if; if rst = '1' then r0_full <= '0'; elsif r1.full = '0' and d_in.hold = '0' then r0 <= r; r0_full <= r.req.valid; elsif r0.d_valid = '0' then -- Sample data the cycle after a request comes in from loadstore1. -- If this request is already moving into r1 then the data will get -- put directly into req.data in the dcache_slow process below. r0.req.data <= d_in.data; r0.d_valid <= r0.req.valid; end if; end if; end process; -- we don't yet handle collisions between loadstore1 requests and MMU requests m_out.stall <= '0'; -- Hold off the request in r0 when r1 has an uncompleted request r0_stall <= r1.full or d_in.hold; r0_valid <= r0_full and not r1.full and not d_in.hold; stall_out <= r1.full; events <= ev; -- TLB -- Operates in the second cycle on the request latched in r0.req. -- TLB updates write the entry at the end of the second cycle. tlb_read : process(clk) variable index : tlb_index_t; variable addrbits : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_SET_BITS - 1 downto 0); variable valid : std_ulogic; begin if rising_edge(clk) then if m_in.valid = '1' then addrbits := m_in.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS - 1 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ); valid := not (m_in.tlbie and m_in.doall); else addrbits := d_in.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS - 1 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ); valid := d_in.valid; end if; -- If the previous op isn't finished, -- then keep the same output for next cycle. if r0_stall = '0' then assert not (valid = '1' and is_X(addrbits)); if is_X(addrbits) then tlb_valid_way <= (others => 'X'); tlb_tag_way <= (others => 'X'); tlb_pte_way <= (others => 'X'); else index := to_integer(unsigned(addrbits)); tlb_valid_way <= dtlb_valids(index); tlb_tag_way <= dtlb_tags(index); tlb_pte_way <= dtlb_ptes(index); end if; end if; if rst = '1' then tlb_read_valid <= '0'; elsif r0_stall = '0' then tlb_read_valid <= valid; end if; end if; end process; -- Generate TLB PLRUs maybe_tlb_plrus : if TLB_NUM_WAYS > 1 generate type tlb_plru_array is array(tlb_index_t) of std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS - 2 downto 0); signal tlb_plru_ram : tlb_plru_array; signal tlb_plru_cur : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS - 2 downto 0); signal tlb_plru_upd : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS - 2 downto 0); signal tlb_plru_acc : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_WAY_BITS-1 downto 0); signal tlb_plru_out : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_WAY_BITS-1 downto 0); begin tlb_plru : entity work.plrufn generic map ( BITS => TLB_WAY_BITS ) port map ( acc => tlb_plru_acc, tree_in => tlb_plru_cur, tree_out => tlb_plru_upd, lru => tlb_plru_out ); process(all) begin -- Read PLRU bits from array if is_X(r1.tlb_hit_index) then tlb_plru_cur <= (others => 'X'); else tlb_plru_cur <= tlb_plru_ram(to_integer(r1.tlb_hit_index)); end if; -- PLRU interface tlb_plru_acc <= std_ulogic_vector(r1.tlb_hit_way); tlb_plru_victim <= tlb_plru_out; end process; -- synchronous writes to TLB PLRU array process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if r1.tlb_hit = '1' then assert not is_X(r1.tlb_hit_index) severity failure; tlb_plru_ram(to_integer(r1.tlb_hit_index)) <= tlb_plru_upd; end if; end if; end process; end generate; tlb_search : process(all) variable hitway : tlb_way_sig_t; variable hit : std_ulogic; variable eatag : tlb_tag_t; begin tlb_req_index <= unsigned(r0.req.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS - 1 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ)); hitway := to_unsigned(0, TLB_WAY_BITS); hit := '0'; eatag := r0.req.addr(63 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS); for i in tlb_way_t loop if tlb_read_valid = '1' and tlb_valid_way(i) = '1' and read_tlb_tag(i, tlb_tag_way) = eatag then hitway := to_unsigned(i, TLB_WAY_BITS); hit := '1'; end if; end loop; tlb_hit <= hit and r0_valid; tlb_hit_way <= hitway; if tlb_hit = '1' then pte <= read_tlb_pte(to_integer(hitway), tlb_pte_way); else pte <= (others => '0'); end if; valid_ra <= tlb_hit or not r0.req.virt_mode; tlb_miss <= r0_valid and r0.req.virt_mode and not tlb_hit; if r0.req.virt_mode = '1' then ra <= pte(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ) & r0.req.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ - 1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS) & (ROW_OFF_BITS-1 downto 0 => '0'); perm_attr <= extract_perm_attr(pte); else ra <= r0.req.addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS) & (ROW_OFF_BITS-1 downto 0 => '0'); perm_attr <= real_mode_perm_attr; end if; end process; tlb_update : process(clk) variable tlbie : std_ulogic; variable tlbwe : std_ulogic; variable repl_way : tlb_way_sig_t; variable eatag : tlb_tag_t; variable tagset : tlb_way_tags_t; variable pteset : tlb_way_ptes_t; begin if rising_edge(clk) then tlbie := r0_valid and r0.tlbie; tlbwe := r0_valid and r0.tlbld; ev.dtlb_miss_resolved <= tlbwe; if rst = '1' or (tlbie = '1' and r0.doall = '1') then -- clear all valid bits at once for i in tlb_index_t loop dtlb_valids(i) <= (others => '0'); end loop; elsif tlbie = '1' then if tlb_hit = '1' then assert not is_X(tlb_req_index); assert not is_X(tlb_hit_way); dtlb_valids(to_integer(tlb_req_index))(to_integer(tlb_hit_way)) <= '0'; end if; elsif tlbwe = '1' then assert not is_X(tlb_req_index); repl_way := to_unsigned(0, TLB_WAY_BITS); if TLB_NUM_WAYS > 1 then if tlb_hit = '1' then repl_way := tlb_hit_way; else repl_way := unsigned(r1.tlb_victim); end if; assert not is_X(repl_way); end if; eatag := r0.req.addr(63 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ + TLB_SET_BITS); tagset := tlb_tag_way; write_tlb_tag(to_integer(repl_way), tagset, eatag); dtlb_tags(to_integer(tlb_req_index)) <= tagset; pteset := tlb_pte_way; write_tlb_pte(to_integer(repl_way), pteset, r0.req.data); dtlb_ptes(to_integer(tlb_req_index)) <= pteset; dtlb_valids(to_integer(tlb_req_index))(to_integer(repl_way)) <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; -- Generate PLRUs maybe_plrus : if NUM_WAYS > 1 generate type plru_array is array(0 to NUM_LINES-1) of std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS - 2 downto 0); signal plru_ram : plru_array; signal plru_cur : std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS - 2 downto 0); signal plru_upd : std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS - 2 downto 0); signal plru_acc : std_ulogic_vector(WAY_BITS-1 downto 0); signal plru_out : std_ulogic_vector(WAY_BITS-1 downto 0); begin plru : entity work.plrufn generic map ( BITS => WAY_BITS ) port map ( acc => plru_acc, tree_in => plru_cur, tree_out => plru_upd, lru => plru_out ); process(all) begin -- Read PLRU bits from array if is_X(r1.hit_index) then plru_cur <= (others => 'X'); else plru_cur <= plru_ram(to_integer(r1.hit_index)); end if; -- PLRU interface plru_acc <= std_ulogic_vector(r1.hit_way); plru_victim <= unsigned(plru_out); end process; -- synchronous writes to PLRU array process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then -- We update the PLRU when hitting the cache or when replacing -- an entry. The PLRU update will be "visible" on the next cycle -- so the victim selection will correctly see the *old* value. if r1.cache_hit = '1' or r1.choose_victim = '1' then report "PLRU update, index=" & to_hstring(r1.hit_index) & " way=" & to_hstring(r1.hit_way); assert not is_X(r1.hit_index) severity failure; plru_ram(to_integer(r1.hit_index)) <= plru_upd; end if; end if; end process; end generate; -- Cache tag RAM read port cache_tag_read : process(clk) variable index : index_t; variable valid : std_ulogic; begin if rising_edge(clk) then if r0_stall = '1' then index := req_index; valid := r0.req.valid and not (r0.tlbie or r0.tlbld); elsif m_in.valid = '1' then index := get_index(m_in.addr); valid := not (m_in.tlbie or m_in.tlbld); else index := get_index(d_in.addr); valid := d_in.valid; end if; if valid = '1' then cache_tag_set <= cache_tags(to_integer(index)); else cache_tag_set <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process; -- Snoop logic -- Don't snoop our own cycles snoop_addr <= addr_to_real(wb_to_addr(snoop_in.adr)); snoop_active <= snoop_in.cyc and snoop_in.stb and snoop_in.we and not (r1.wb.cyc and not wishbone_in.stall); kill_rsrv <= '1' when (snoop_active = '1' and reservation.valid = '1' and snoop_addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto LINE_OFF_BITS) = reservation.addr) else '0'; -- Cache tag RAM second read port, for snooping cache_tag_read_2 : process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if is_X(snoop_addr) then snoop_tag_set <= (others => 'X'); else snoop_tag_set <= cache_tags(to_integer(get_index(snoop_addr))); end if; snoop_paddr <= snoop_addr; snoop_valid <= snoop_active; end if; end process; -- Compare the previous cycle's snooped store address to the reservation, -- to catch the case where a write happens on cycle 1 of a cached larx kill_rsrv2 <= '1' when (snoop_valid = '1' and reservation.valid = '1' and snoop_paddr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto LINE_OFF_BITS) = reservation.addr) else '0'; snoop_tag_match : process(all) begin snoop_hits <= (others => '0'); for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop if snoop_valid = '1' and read_tag(i, snoop_tag_set) = get_tag(snoop_paddr) then snoop_hits(i) <= '1'; end if; end loop; end process; -- Cache request parsing and hit detection dcache_request : process(all) variable req_row : row_t; variable rindex : index_t; variable is_hit : std_ulogic; variable hit_way : way_t; variable go : std_ulogic; variable nc : std_ulogic; variable s_hit : std_ulogic; variable s_tag : cache_tag_t; variable s_pte : tlb_pte_t; variable s_ra : real_addr_t; variable hit_set : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS - 1 downto 0); variable hit_way_set : hit_way_set_t; variable rel_matches : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS - 1 downto 0); variable rel_match : std_ulogic; variable fwd_matches : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS - 1 downto 0); variable fwd_match : std_ulogic; variable snp_matches : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_NUM_WAYS - 1 downto 0); variable snoop_match : std_ulogic; begin -- Extract line, row and tag from request rindex := get_index(r0.req.addr); req_index <= rindex; req_row := get_row(r0.req.addr); req_tag <= get_tag(ra); go := r0_valid and not (r0.tlbie or r0.tlbld) and not r1.ls_error; if is_X(r0.req.addr) then go := '0'; end if; if go = '1' then assert not is_X(r1.forward_tag); end if; -- Test if pending request is a hit on any way -- In order to make timing in virtual mode, when we are using the TLB, -- we compare each way with each of the real addresses from each way of -- the TLB, and then decide later which match to use. hit_way := to_unsigned(0, WAY_BITS); is_hit := '0'; rel_match := '0'; fwd_match := '0'; snoop_match := '0'; if r0.req.virt_mode = '1' then rel_matches := (others => '0'); fwd_matches := (others => '0'); snp_matches := (others => '0'); for j in tlb_way_t loop hit_way_set(j) := to_unsigned(0, WAY_BITS); s_hit := '0'; s_pte := read_tlb_pte(j, tlb_pte_way); s_ra := s_pte(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto TLB_LG_PGSZ) & r0.req.addr(TLB_LG_PGSZ - 1 downto 0); s_tag := get_tag(s_ra); if go = '1' then assert not is_X(s_tag); end if; for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop if go = '1' and cache_valids(to_integer(rindex))(i) = '1' and read_tag(i, cache_tag_set) = s_tag and tlb_valid_way(j) = '1' then hit_way_set(j) := to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS); s_hit := '1'; if snoop_hits(i) = '1' then snp_matches(j) := '1'; end if; end if; end loop; hit_set(j) := s_hit; if go = '1' and not is_X(r1.reload_tag) and s_tag = r1.reload_tag then rel_matches(j) := '1'; end if; if go = '1' and s_tag = r1.forward_tag then fwd_matches(j) := '1'; end if; end loop; if tlb_hit = '1' and go = '1' then assert not is_X(tlb_hit_way); is_hit := hit_set(to_integer(tlb_hit_way)); hit_way := hit_way_set(to_integer(tlb_hit_way)); rel_match := rel_matches(to_integer(tlb_hit_way)); fwd_match := fwd_matches(to_integer(tlb_hit_way)); snoop_match := snp_matches(to_integer(tlb_hit_way)); end if; else s_tag := get_tag(r0.req.addr); if go = '1' then assert not is_X(s_tag); end if; for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop if go = '1' and cache_valids(to_integer(rindex))(i) = '1' and read_tag(i, cache_tag_set) = s_tag then hit_way := to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS); is_hit := '1'; if snoop_hits(i) = '1' then snoop_match := '1'; end if; end if; end loop; if go = '1' and not is_X(r1.reload_tag) and s_tag = r1.reload_tag then rel_match := '1'; end if; if go = '1' and s_tag = r1.forward_tag then fwd_match := '1'; end if; end if; req_same_tag <= rel_match; fwd_same_tag <= fwd_match; -- This is 1 if the snooped write from the previous cycle hits the same -- cache line that is being accessed in this cycle. req_snoop_hit <= '0'; if go = '1' and snoop_match = '1' and get_index(snoop_paddr) = rindex then req_snoop_hit <= '1'; end if; -- Whether to use forwarded data for a load or not use_forward_st <= '0'; use_forward_rl <= '0'; if rel_match = '1' then assert not is_X(r1.store_row); assert not is_X(req_row); end if; if rel_match = '1' and r1.store_row = req_row then -- Use the forwarding path if this cycle is a write to this row use_forward_st <= r1.write_bram; if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1' then use_forward_rl <= '1'; end if; end if; use_forward2 <= '0'; if fwd_match = '1' then assert not is_X(r1.forward_row); if is_X(req_row) then report "req_row=" & to_hstring(req_row) & " addr=" & to_hstring(r0.req.addr) & " go=" & std_ulogic'image(go); end if; assert not is_X(req_row); end if; if fwd_match = '1' and r1.forward_row = req_row then use_forward2 <= r1.forward_valid; end if; -- The way to replace on a miss replace_way <= to_unsigned(0, WAY_BITS); if NUM_WAYS > 1 then if r1.write_tag = '1' then if r1.choose_victim = '1' then replace_way <= plru_victim; else -- Cache victim way was chosen earlier, -- in the cycle after the miss was detected. replace_way <= r1.victim_way; end if; else replace_way <= r1.store_way; end if; end if; -- See if the request matches the line currently being reloaded if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and rel_match = '1' then assert not is_X(rindex); assert not is_X(r1.store_index); end if; if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and rel_match = '1' and rindex = r1.store_index then -- Ignore is_hit from above, because a load miss writes the new tag -- but doesn't clear the valid bit on the line before refilling it. -- For a store, consider this a hit even if the row isn't valid -- since it will be by the time we perform the store. -- For a load, check the appropriate row valid bit; but also, -- if use_forward_rl is 1 then we can consider this a hit. -- For a touch, since the line we want is being reloaded already, -- consider this a hit. is_hit := not r0.req.load or r0.req.touch or r1.rows_valid(to_integer(req_row(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0))) or use_forward_rl; hit_way := replace_way; end if; -- The way that matched on a hit req_hit_way <= hit_way; req_is_hit <= is_hit; -- work out whether we have permission for this access -- NB we don't yet implement AMR, thus no KUAP rc_ok <= perm_attr.reference and (r0.req.load or perm_attr.changed); perm_ok <= (r0.req.priv_mode or not perm_attr.priv) and (perm_attr.wr_perm or (r0.req.load and perm_attr.rd_perm)); access_ok <= valid_ra and perm_ok and rc_ok; -- Combine the request and cache hit status to decide what -- operation needs to be done -- nc := r0.req.nc or perm_attr.nocache; req_op_bad <= '0'; req_op_load_hit <= '0'; req_op_load_miss <= '0'; req_op_store <= '0'; req_op_nop <= '0'; req_op_flush <= '0'; if go = '1' then if r0.req.touch = '1' then if access_ok = '1' and is_hit = '0' and nc = '0' then req_op_load_miss <= '1'; elsif access_ok = '1' and is_hit = '1' and nc = '0' then -- Make this OP_LOAD_HIT so the PLRU gets updated req_op_load_hit <= '1'; else req_op_nop <= '1'; end if; elsif access_ok = '0' then req_op_bad <= '1'; elsif r0.req.flush = '1' then if is_hit = '0' then req_op_nop <= '1'; else req_op_flush <= '1'; end if; elsif nc = '1' and is_hit = '1' then req_op_bad <= '1'; elsif r0.req.load = '0' then req_op_store <= '1'; -- includes dcbz else req_op_load_hit <= is_hit; req_op_load_miss <= not is_hit; -- includes non-cacheable loads end if; end if; req_go <= go; req_nc <= nc; -- Version of the row number that is valid one cycle earlier -- in the cases where we need to read the cache data BRAM. -- If we're stalling then we need to keep reading the last -- row requested. if r0_stall = '0' then if m_in.valid = '1' then early_req_row <= get_row(m_in.addr); early_rd_valid <= not (m_in.tlbie or m_in.tlbld); else early_req_row <= get_row(d_in.addr); early_rd_valid <= d_in.valid and d_in.load; end if; else early_req_row <= req_row; early_rd_valid <= r0.req.valid and r0.req.load; end if; end process; -- Wire up wishbone request latch out of stage 1 wishbone_out <= r1.wb; -- Return data for loads & completion control logic -- writeback_control: process(all) begin d_out.valid <= r1.ls_valid; d_out.data <= r1.data_out; d_out.store_done <= not r1.stcx_fail; d_out.error <= r1.ls_error; d_out.cache_paradox <= r1.cache_paradox; -- Outputs to MMU m_out.done <= r1.mmu_done; m_out.err <= r1.mmu_error; m_out.data <= r1.data_out; -- We have a valid load or store hit or we just completed a slow -- op such as a load miss, a NC load or a store -- -- Note: the load hit is delayed by one cycle. However it can still -- not collide with r.slow_valid (well unless I miscalculated) because -- slow_valid can only be set on a subsequent request and not on its -- first cycle (the state machine must have advanced), which makes -- slow_valid at least 2 cycles from the previous hit_load_valid. -- -- Sanity: Only one of these must be set in any given cycle assert (r1.slow_valid and r1.stcx_fail) /= '1' report "unexpected slow_valid collision with stcx_fail" severity FAILURE; assert ((r1.slow_valid or r1.stcx_fail) and r1.hit_load_valid) /= '1' report "unexpected hit_load_delayed collision with slow_valid" severity FAILURE; if r1.mmu_req = '0' then -- Request came from loadstore1... -- Load hit case is the standard path if r1.hit_load_valid = '1' then report "completing load hit data=" & to_hstring(r1.data_out); end if; -- error cases complete without stalling if r1.ls_error = '1' then report "completing ld/st with error"; end if; -- Slow ops (load miss, NC, stores) if r1.slow_valid = '1' then report "completing store or load miss data=" & to_hstring(r1.data_out); end if; else -- Request came from MMU if r1.hit_load_valid = '1' then report "completing load hit to MMU, data=" & to_hstring(m_out.data); end if; -- error cases complete without stalling if r1.mmu_error = '1' then report "completing MMU ld with error"; end if; -- Slow ops (i.e. load miss) if r1.slow_valid = '1' then report "completing MMU load miss, data=" & to_hstring(m_out.data); end if; end if; end process; -- RAM write data and select multiplexers ram_wr_data <= r1.req.data when r1.write_bram = '1' else wishbone_in.dat when r1.dcbz = '0' else (others => '0'); ram_wr_select <= r1.req.byte_sel when r1.write_bram = '1' else (others => '1'); -- -- Generate a cache RAM for each way. This handles the normal -- reads, writes from reloads and the special store-hit update -- path as well. -- -- Note: the BRAMs have an extra read buffer, meaning the output -- is pipelined an extra cycle. This differs from the -- icache. The writeback logic needs to take that into -- account by using 1-cycle delayed signals for load hits. -- rams: for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 generate signal do_read : std_ulogic; signal rd_addr : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0); signal wr_addr : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_BITS-1 downto 0); signal wr_data : std_ulogic_vector(wishbone_data_bits-1 downto 0); signal wr_sel : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_SIZE-1 downto 0); signal wr_sel_m : std_ulogic_vector(ROW_SIZE-1 downto 0); signal dout : cache_row_t; begin way: entity work.cache_ram generic map ( ROW_BITS => ROW_BITS, WIDTH => wishbone_data_bits, ADD_BUF => false ) port map ( clk => clk, rd_en => do_read, rd_addr => rd_addr, rd_data => dout, wr_sel => wr_sel_m, wr_addr => wr_addr, wr_data => ram_wr_data ); process(all) begin -- Cache hit reads do_read <= early_rd_valid; rd_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(early_req_row); cache_out(i) <= dout; -- Write mux: -- -- Defaults to wishbone read responses (cache refill), -- -- For timing, the mux on wr_data/sel/addr is not dependent on anything -- other than the current state. -- wr_addr <= std_ulogic_vector(r1.store_row); wr_sel_m <= (others => '0'); if r1.write_bram = '1' or (r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1') then assert not is_X(replace_way); if to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS) = replace_way then wr_sel_m <= ram_wr_select; end if; end if; end process; end generate; -- -- Cache hit synchronous machine for the easy case. This handles load hits. -- It also handles error cases (TLB miss, cache paradox) -- dcache_fast_hit : process(clk) variable j : integer; variable sel : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0); variable data_out : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); begin if rising_edge(clk) then if r0_valid = '1' then r1.mmu_req <= r0.mmu_req; end if; -- Bypass/forwarding multiplexer for load data. -- Use the bypass if are reading the row of BRAM that was written 0 or 1 -- cycles ago, including for the slow_valid = 1 cases (i.e. completing a -- load miss or a non-cacheable load), which are handled via the r1.full case. for i in 0 to 7 loop if r1.full = '1' or use_forward_rl = '1' then sel := '0' & r1.dcbz; elsif use_forward_st = '1' and r1.req.byte_sel(i) = '1' then sel := "01"; elsif use_forward2 = '1' and r1.forward_sel(i) = '1' then sel := "10"; else sel := "11"; end if; j := i * 8; case sel is when "00" => data_out(j + 7 downto j) := wishbone_in.dat(j + 7 downto j); when "01" => data_out(j + 7 downto j) := r1.req.data(j + 7 downto j); when "10" => data_out(j + 7 downto j) := r1.forward_data(j + 7 downto j); when others => if is_X(req_hit_way) then data_out(j + 7 downto j) := (others => 'X'); else data_out(j + 7 downto j) := cache_out(to_integer(req_hit_way))(j + 7 downto j); end if; end case; end loop; r1.data_out <= data_out; r1.forward_data <= ram_wr_data; r1.forward_tag <= r1.reload_tag; r1.forward_row <= r1.store_row; r1.forward_sel <= ram_wr_select; r1.forward_valid <= r1.write_bram; if r1.state = RELOAD_WAIT_ACK and wishbone_in.ack = '1' then r1.forward_valid <= '1'; end if; r1.hit_load_valid <= req_op_load_hit; r1.cache_hit <= req_op_load_hit or (req_op_store and req_is_hit); -- causes PLRU update if req_op_bad = '1' then report "Signalling ld/st error valid_ra=" & std_ulogic'image(valid_ra) & " rc_ok=" & std_ulogic'image(rc_ok) & " perm_ok=" & std_ulogic'image(perm_ok); r1.ls_error <= not r0.mmu_req; r1.mmu_error <= r0.mmu_req; r1.cache_paradox <= access_ok; else r1.ls_error <= '0'; r1.mmu_error <= '0'; r1.cache_paradox <= '0'; end if; -- Record TLB hit information for updating TLB PLRU r1.tlb_hit <= tlb_hit; r1.tlb_hit_way <= tlb_hit_way; r1.tlb_hit_index <= tlb_req_index; -- determine victim way in the TLB in the cycle after -- we detect the TLB miss if r1.ls_error = '1' then r1.tlb_victim <= unsigned(tlb_plru_victim); end if; end if; end process; -- -- Memory accesses are handled by this state machine: -- -- * Cache load miss/reload (in conjunction with "rams") -- * Load hits for non-cachable forms -- * Stores (the collision case is handled in "rams") -- -- All wishbone requests generation is done here. This machine -- operates at stage 1. -- dcache_slow : process(clk) variable stbs_done : boolean; variable req : mem_access_request_t; variable acks : unsigned(2 downto 0); begin if rising_edge(clk) then ev.dcache_refill <= '0'; ev.load_miss <= '0'; ev.store_miss <= '0'; ev.dtlb_miss <= tlb_miss; r1.choose_victim <= '0'; -- On reset, clear all valid bits to force misses if rst = '1' then for i in 0 to NUM_LINES-1 loop cache_valids(i) <= (others => '0'); end loop; r1.state <= IDLE; r1.full <= '0'; r1.slow_valid <= '0'; r1.wb.cyc <= '0'; r1.wb.stb <= '0'; r1.ls_valid <= '0'; r1.mmu_done <= '0'; r1.acks_pending <= to_unsigned(0, 3); r1.stalled <= '0'; r1.dec_acks <= '0'; reservation.valid <= '0'; reservation.addr <= (others => '0'); -- Not useful normally but helps avoiding tons of sim warnings r1.wb.adr <= (others => '0'); else -- One cycle pulses reset r1.slow_valid <= '0'; r1.write_bram <= '0'; r1.stcx_fail <= '0'; r1.ls_valid <= (req_op_load_hit or req_op_nop) and not r0.mmu_req; -- complete tlbies and TLB loads in the third cycle r1.mmu_done <= (r0_valid and (r0.tlbie or r0.tlbld)) or (req_op_load_hit and r0.mmu_req); -- The kill_rsrv2 term covers the case where the reservation -- address was set at the beginning of this cycle, and a store -- to that address happened in the previous cycle. if kill_rsrv = '1' or kill_rsrv2 = '1' then reservation.valid <= '0'; end if; if req_go = '1' and access_ok = '1' and r0.req.load = '1' and r0.req.reserve = '1' and r0.req.atomic_first = '1' then reservation.addr <= ra(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto LINE_OFF_BITS); if req_is_hit = '1' then reservation.valid <= not req_snoop_hit; end if; end if; -- Do invalidations from snooped stores to memory if snoop_valid = '1' then assert not is_X(snoop_paddr); assert not is_X(snoop_hits); end if; for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop if snoop_hits(i) = '1' then cache_valids(to_integer(get_index(snoop_paddr)))(i) <= '0'; end if; end loop; if r1.write_tag = '1' then -- Store new tag in selected way assert not is_X(r1.store_index); assert not is_X(replace_way); for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop if to_unsigned(i, WAY_BITS) = replace_way then cache_tags(to_integer(r1.store_index))((i + 1) * TAG_WIDTH - 1 downto i * TAG_WIDTH) <= (TAG_WIDTH - 1 downto TAG_BITS => '0') & r1.reload_tag; end if; end loop; r1.store_way <= replace_way; r1.write_tag <= '0'; end if; -- Take request from r1.req if there is one there, -- else from req_op_*, ra, etc. if r1.full = '1' then req := r1.req; else req.op_lmiss := req_op_load_miss; req.op_store := req_op_store; req.op_flush := req_op_flush; req.nc := req_nc; req.valid := req_go; req.mmu_req := r0.mmu_req; req.dcbz := r0.req.dcbz; req.flush := r0.req.flush; req.touch := r0.req.touch; req.reserve := r0.req.reserve; req.first_dw := r0.req.atomic_first; req.last_dw := r0.req.atomic_last; req.real_addr := ra; -- Force data to 0 for dcbz if r0.req.dcbz = '1' then req.data := (others => '0'); elsif r0.d_valid = '1' then req.data := r0.req.data; else req.data := d_in.data; end if; -- Select all bytes for dcbz and for cacheable loads if r0.req.dcbz = '1' or (r0.req.load = '1' and r0.req.nc = '0' and perm_attr.nocache = '0') then req.byte_sel := (others => '1'); else req.byte_sel := r0.req.byte_sel; end if; req.hit_way := req_hit_way; req.is_hit := req_is_hit; req.same_tag := req_same_tag; -- Store the incoming request from r0, if it is a slow request -- Note that r1.full = 1 implies none of the req_op_* are 1 if req_op_load_miss = '1' or req_op_store = '1' or req_op_flush = '1' then r1.req <= req; r1.full <= '1'; end if; end if; -- Signals for PLRU update and victim selection r1.hit_way <= req_hit_way; r1.hit_index <= req_index; -- Record victim way in the cycle after we see a load or dcbz miss if r1.choose_victim = '1' then r1.victim_way <= plru_victim; report "victim way:" & to_hstring(plru_victim); end if; if req_op_load_miss = '1' or (r0.req.dcbz = '1' and req_is_hit = '0') then r1.choose_victim <= '1'; end if; -- Update count of pending acks acks := r1.acks_pending; if r1.wb.cyc = '0' then acks := to_unsigned(0, 3); elsif r1.wb.stb = '1' and r1.stalled = '0' and r1.dec_acks = '0' then acks := acks + 1; elsif (r1.wb.stb = '0' or r1.stalled = '1') and r1.dec_acks = '1' then acks := acks - 1; end if; r1.acks_pending <= acks; r1.stalled <= wishbone_in.stall and r1.wb.cyc; r1.dec_acks <= wishbone_in.ack and r1.wb.cyc; -- Main state machine case r1.state is when IDLE => r1.wb.adr <= addr_to_wb(req.real_addr); r1.wb.sel <= req.byte_sel; r1.wb.dat <= req.data; r1.dcbz <= req.dcbz; -- Keep track of our index and way for subsequent stores. r1.store_index <= get_index(req.real_addr); r1.store_row <= get_row(req.real_addr); r1.end_row_ix <= get_row_of_line(get_row(req.real_addr)) - 1; r1.reload_tag <= get_tag(req.real_addr); r1.req.same_tag <= '1'; if req.is_hit = '1' then r1.store_way <= req.hit_way; end if; -- Reset per-row valid bits, ready for handling the next load miss for i in 0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1 loop r1.rows_valid(i) <= '0'; end loop; if req.op_lmiss = '1' then -- Normal load cache miss, start the reload machine -- Or non-cacheable load if req.nc = '0' then report "cache miss real addr:" & to_hstring(req.real_addr) & " idx:" & to_hstring(get_index(req.real_addr)) & " tag:" & to_hstring(get_tag(req.real_addr)); end if; -- Start the wishbone cycle r1.wb.we <= '0'; r1.wb.cyc <= '1'; r1.wb.stb <= '1'; if req.nc = '0' then -- Track that we had one request sent r1.state <= RELOAD_WAIT_ACK; r1.write_tag <= '1'; ev.load_miss <= '1'; -- If this is a touch, complete the instruction if req.touch = '1' then r1.full <= '0'; r1.slow_valid <= '1'; r1.ls_valid <= '1'; end if; else r1.state <= NC_LOAD_WAIT_ACK; end if; end if; if req.op_store = '1' then if req.reserve = '1' then -- stcx needs to wait until next cycle -- for the reservation address check r1.state <= DO_STCX; elsif req.dcbz = '0' then r1.state <= STORE_WAIT_ACK; r1.full <= '0'; r1.slow_valid <= '1'; if req.mmu_req = '0' then r1.ls_valid <= '1'; else r1.mmu_done <= '1'; end if; r1.write_bram <= req.is_hit; r1.wb.we <= '1'; r1.wb.cyc <= '1'; r1.wb.stb <= '1'; else -- dcbz is handled much like a load miss except -- that we are writing to memory instead of reading r1.state <= RELOAD_WAIT_ACK; r1.write_tag <= not req.is_hit; r1.wb.we <= '1'; r1.wb.cyc <= '1'; r1.wb.stb <= '1'; end if; ev.store_miss <= not req.is_hit; end if; if req.op_flush = '1' then r1.state <= FLUSH_CYCLE; end if; when RELOAD_WAIT_ACK => -- If we are still sending requests, was one accepted ? if wishbone_in.stall = '0' and r1.wb.stb = '1' then -- That was the last word ? We are done sending. Clear stb. assert not is_X(r1.wb.adr); assert not is_X(r1.end_row_ix); if is_last_row_wb_addr(r1.wb.adr, r1.end_row_ix) then r1.wb.stb <= '0'; end if; -- Calculate the next row address r1.wb.adr <= next_row_wb_addr(r1.wb.adr); end if; -- Incoming acks processing if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then r1.rows_valid(to_integer(r1.store_row(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0))) <= '1'; -- If this is the data we were looking for, we can -- complete the request next cycle. -- Compare the whole address in case the request in -- r1.req is not the one that started this refill. -- (Cases where req comes from r0 are handled as a load -- hit.) if r1.full = '1' then assert not is_X(r1.store_row); assert not is_X(r1.req.real_addr); end if; if r1.full = '1' and r1.req.same_tag = '1' and ((r1.dcbz = '1' and req.dcbz = '1') or r1.req.op_lmiss = '1') and r1.store_row = get_row(r1.req.real_addr) then r1.full <= '0'; r1.slow_valid <= '1'; if r1.mmu_req = '0' then r1.ls_valid <= '1'; else r1.mmu_done <= '1'; end if; -- NB: for lqarx, set the reservation on the first -- dword so that a snooped store between the two -- dwords will kill the reservation. if req.reserve = '1' and req.first_dw = '1' then reservation.valid <= '1'; reservation.addr <= req.real_addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto LINE_OFF_BITS); end if; end if; -- Check for completion assert not is_X(r1.store_row); assert not is_X(r1.end_row_ix); if is_last_row(r1.store_row, r1.end_row_ix) then -- Complete wishbone cycle r1.wb.cyc <= '0'; -- Cache line is now valid assert not is_X(r1.store_index); assert not is_X(r1.store_way); cache_valids(to_integer(r1.store_index))(to_integer(r1.store_way)) <= '1'; ev.dcache_refill <= not r1.dcbz; r1.state <= IDLE; end if; -- Increment store row counter r1.store_row <= next_row(r1.store_row); end if; when STORE_WAIT_ACK => stbs_done := r1.wb.stb = '0'; -- Clear stb when slave accepted request if wishbone_in.stall = '0' then -- See if there is another store waiting to be done -- which is in the same real page. if req.valid = '1' then r1.wb.adr(SET_SIZE_BITS - ROW_OFF_BITS - 1 downto 0) <= req.real_addr(SET_SIZE_BITS - 1 downto ROW_OFF_BITS); r1.wb.dat <= req.data; r1.wb.sel <= req.byte_sel; end if; assert not is_X(acks); if acks < 7 and req.same_tag = '1' and req.dcbz = '0' and req.op_store = '1' then r1.wb.stb <= '1'; stbs_done := false; r1.store_way <= req.hit_way; r1.store_row <= get_row(req.real_addr); r1.write_bram <= req.is_hit; r1.full <= '0'; r1.slow_valid <= '1'; -- Store requests never come from the MMU r1.ls_valid <= '1'; stbs_done := false; else r1.wb.stb <= '0'; stbs_done := true; end if; end if; -- Got ack ? See if complete. if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then assert not is_X(acks); if stbs_done and acks = 1 then r1.state <= IDLE; r1.wb.cyc <= '0'; r1.wb.stb <= '0'; end if; end if; when NC_LOAD_WAIT_ACK => -- Clear stb when slave accepted request if wishbone_in.stall = '0' then r1.wb.stb <= '0'; end if; -- Got ack ? complete. if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then r1.state <= IDLE; r1.full <= '0'; r1.slow_valid <= '1'; if r1.mmu_req = '0' then r1.ls_valid <= '1'; else r1.mmu_done <= '1'; end if; r1.wb.cyc <= '0'; r1.wb.stb <= '0'; end if; when DO_STCX => if reservation.valid = '0' or kill_rsrv = '1' or r1.req.real_addr(REAL_ADDR_BITS - 1 downto LINE_OFF_BITS) /= reservation.addr then -- Wrong address, didn't have reservation, or lost reservation -- Abandon the wishbone cycle if started and fail the stcx. r1.stcx_fail <= '1'; r1.full <= '0'; r1.ls_valid <= '1'; r1.state <= IDLE; r1.wb.cyc <= '0'; r1.wb.stb <= '0'; reservation.valid <= '0'; elsif r1.wb.cyc = '0' then -- Right address and have reservation, so start the -- wishbone cycle r1.wb.we <= '1'; r1.wb.cyc <= '1'; r1.wb.stb <= '1'; else if wishbone_in.stall = '0' then -- Store has been accepted, so now we can write the -- cache data RAM r1.write_bram <= req.is_hit; r1.wb.stb <= '0'; end if; if wishbone_in.ack = '1' then r1.state <= IDLE; r1.wb.cyc <= '0'; r1.wb.stb <= '0'; r1.full <= '0'; r1.slow_valid <= '1'; r1.ls_valid <= '1'; -- For stqcx., kill the reservation on the last dword if r1.req.last_dw = '1' then reservation.valid <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; when FLUSH_CYCLE => cache_valids(to_integer(r1.store_index))(to_integer(r1.store_way)) <= '0'; r1.full <= '0'; r1.slow_valid <= '1'; r1.ls_valid <= '1'; r1.state <= IDLE; end case; end if; end if; end process; dc_log: if LOG_LENGTH > 0 generate signal log_data : std_ulogic_vector(19 downto 0); begin dcache_log: process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then log_data <= r1.wb.adr(2 downto 0) & wishbone_in.stall & wishbone_in.ack & r1.wb.stb & r1.wb.cyc & d_out.error & d_out.valid & req_op_load_miss & req_op_store & req_op_bad & stall_out & std_ulogic_vector(resize(tlb_hit_way, 3)) & valid_ra & std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(state_t'pos(r1.state), 3)); end if; end process; log_out <= log_data; end generate; end;