library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library work; use work.wishbone_types.all; entity toplevel is generic ( MEMORY_SIZE : positive := (384*1024); RAM_INIT_FILE : string := "firmware.hex"; RESET_LOW : boolean := true; CLK_INPUT : positive := 100000000; CLK_FREQUENCY : positive := 100000000; DISABLE_FLATTEN_CORE : boolean := false ); port( ext_clk : in std_ulogic; ext_rst : in std_ulogic; -- UART0 signals: uart0_txd : out std_ulogic; uart0_rxd : in std_ulogic ); end entity toplevel; architecture behaviour of toplevel is -- Reset signals: signal soc_rst : std_ulogic; signal pll_rst : std_ulogic; -- Internal clock signals: signal system_clk : std_ulogic; signal system_clk_locked : std_ulogic; -- DRAM main data wishbone connection signal wb_dram_in : wishbone_master_out; signal wb_dram_out : wishbone_slave_out; -- DRAM control wishbone connection signal wb_dram_ctrl_in : wb_io_master_out; signal wb_dram_ctrl_out : wb_io_slave_out; begin reset_controller: entity work.soc_reset generic map( RESET_LOW => RESET_LOW ) port map( ext_clk => ext_clk, pll_clk => system_clk, pll_locked_in => system_clk_locked, ext_rst_in => ext_rst, pll_rst_out => pll_rst, rst_out => soc_rst ); clkgen: entity work.clock_generator generic map( CLK_INPUT_HZ => CLK_INPUT, CLK_OUTPUT_HZ => CLK_FREQUENCY ) port map( ext_clk => ext_clk, pll_rst_in => pll_rst, pll_clk_out => system_clk, pll_locked_out => system_clk_locked ); -- Main SoC soc0: entity work.soc generic map( MEMORY_SIZE => MEMORY_SIZE, RAM_INIT_FILE => RAM_INIT_FILE, SIM => false, CLK_FREQ => CLK_FREQUENCY, DISABLE_FLATTEN_CORE => DISABLE_FLATTEN_CORE ) port map ( system_clk => system_clk, rst => soc_rst, uart0_txd => uart0_txd, uart0_rxd => uart0_rxd, wb_dram_in => wb_dram_in, wb_dram_out => wb_dram_out, wb_dram_ctrl_in => wb_dram_ctrl_in, wb_dram_ctrl_out => wb_dram_ctrl_out ); -- Dummy DRAM wb_dram_out.ack <= wb_dram_in.cyc and wb_dram_in.stb; wb_dram_out.dat <= x"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; wb_dram_out.stall <= wb_dram_in.cyc and not wb_dram_out.ack; wb_dram_ctrl_out.ack <= wb_dram_in.cyc and wb_dram_in.stb; wb_dram_ctrl_out.dat <= x"FFFFFFFF"; wb_dram_ctrl_out.stall <= wb_dram_in.cyc and not wb_dram_out.ack; end architecture behaviour;