import unittest import random from nmigen.sim import Simulator from lpcperipheral.lpc2wb import lpc2wb from .helpers import Helpers LPC_IO_TESTS = 16 LPC_FW_TESTS = 128 addr = 0 data = 0 size = 0 class TestSum(unittest.TestCase, Helpers): def setUp(self): self.dut = lpc2wb() def test_bench(self): def io_bench(): global addr global data # ACK wishbone bus # check data on writes and send data back on reads for i in range(LPC_IO_TESTS): # wait for wishbone cycle while (yield self.dut.io_wb.cyc) == 0: yield self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.io_wb.adr), addr) if (yield self.dut.io_wb.we) == 1: # check data for LPC writes # print("Checking write: addr:%x" % (io_addr)) self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.io_wb.dat_w), data) else: # End back hashed data for LPC reads # print("Sending read: addr:%x" % (io_addr)) yield self.dut.io_wb.dat_r.eq(data) yield self.dut.io_wb.ack.eq(1) yield yield self.dut.io_wb.ack.eq(0) yield def fw_bench(): global addr global data global size # ACK wishbone bus # check data on writes and send data back on reads for i in range(LPC_FW_TESTS): # wait for wishbone cycle while (yield self.dut.fw_wb.cyc) == 0: yield yield yield yield self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.fw_wb.adr), addr >> 2) # 4 byte word addr if (yield self.dut.fw_wb.we) == 1: # check data for LPC writes # print("Checking FW write: addr:%x" % (addr)) wb = yield self.dut.fw_wb.dat_w if (size == 1): wb = wb >> (8 * (addr & 0x3)) d = data & 0xff sel = 1 << (addr & 3) if (size == 2): wb = wb >> (8 * (addr & 0x2)) d = data & 0xffff sel = 0b0011 << (addr & 0x2) if (size == 4): d = data sel = 0b1111 self.assertEqual(d, wb) else: # reads # End back hashed data for LPC reads if (size == 1): d = data & 0xff d = d << (8 * (addr & 0x3)) yield self.dut.fw_wb.dat_r.eq(d) sel = 1 << (addr & 3) if (size == 2): d = data & 0xffff d = d << (8 * (addr & 0x2)) sel = 0b0011 << (addr & 0x2) yield self.dut.fw_wb.dat_r.eq(d) if (size == 4): yield self.dut.fw_wb.dat_r.eq(data) sel = 0b1111 self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.fw_wb.sel), sel) yield self.dut.fw_wb.ack.eq(1) yield yield self.dut.fw_wb.ack.eq(0) yield def lpc_bench(): global addr global data global size # lframe = 1 shouldn't move yield self.dut.lframe.eq(1) yield self.dut.lreset.eq(1) for _ in range(4): yield # Do a bunch of partial transactions at the start to see # if it locks up the bus for later transactions for i in range(8): yield from self.lpc_io_read_partial(self.dut, i) for i in range(LPC_FW_TESTS): addr = random.randrange(0x10000000) data = random.randrange(0x100000000) size = 2**random.randrange(3) # 1,2,4 addrmask = 0xffffffff & ~(size - 1) addr = addr & addrmask # align address if random.randrange(2): yield from self.lpc_fw_write(self.dut, addr, data, size) else: yield from self.lpc_fw_read(self.dut, addr, data, size) yield yield for _ in range(10): yield # do a bunch of random read and write tests for i in range(LPC_IO_TESTS): addr = random.randrange(0x10000) data = random.randrange(0x100) if random.randrange(2): yield from self.lpc_io_write(self.dut, addr, data) else: yield from self.lpc_io_read(self.dut, addr, data) yield yield sim = Simulator(self.dut) sim.add_clock(1e-8) # 100 MHz systemclock sim.add_clock(3e-8, domain="lclk") # 30 MHz LPC clock sim.add_clock(3e-8, domain="lclkrst") # 30 MHz LPC clock sim.add_sync_process(lpc_bench, domain="lclk") sim.add_sync_process(io_bench, domain="sync") sim.add_sync_process(fw_bench, domain="sync") with sim.write_vcd("lpc2wb_lbench.vcd"): if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()