library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library work; use work.decode_types.all; use work.common.all; use work.helpers.all; use work.crhelpers.all; use work.ppc_fx_insns.all; use work.sim_console.all; entity execute1 is generic ( SIM : boolean := false ); port ( clk : in std_logic; e_in : in Decode2ToExecute1Type; f_out : out Execute1ToFetch1Type; e_out : out Execute1ToExecute2Type; terminate_out : out std_ulogic ); end entity execute1; architecture behaviour of execute1 is signal e: Decode2ToExecute1Type := Decode2ToExecute1Init; signal ctrl: ctrl_t := (carry => '0', others => (others => '0')); signal ctrl_tmp: ctrl_t := (carry => '0', others => (others => '0')); begin execute1_0: process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then e <= e_in; ctrl <= ctrl_tmp; end if; end process; execute1_1: process(all) variable result : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); variable result_with_carry : std_ulogic_vector(64 downto 0); variable result_en : integer; variable crnum : integer; begin result := (others => '0'); result_with_carry := (others => '0'); result_en := 0; e_out <= Execute1ToExecute2Init; f_out <= Execute1ToFetch1TypeInit; ctrl_tmp <= ctrl; -- FIXME: run at 512MHz not core freq ctrl_tmp.tb <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.tb) + 1); terminate_out <= '0'; if e.valid = '1' then e_out.valid <= '1'; e_out.write_reg <= e.write_reg; report "execute " & to_hstring(e.nia); case_0: case e.insn_type is when OP_ILLEGAL => terminate_out <= '1'; report "illegal"; when OP_NOP => -- Do nothing when OP_ADD => result := ppc_add(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_ADDC => result_with_carry := ppc_adde(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, ctrl.carry and e.input_carry); result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0); ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64) and e.output_carry; result_en := 1; when OP_AND => result := ppc_and(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_ANDC => result := ppc_andc(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_B => f_out.redirect <= '1'; f_out.redirect_nia <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(e.nia) + signed(e.read_data2)); when OP_BC => if e.const1(4-2) = '0' then ctrl_tmp.ctr <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.ctr) - 1); end if; if ppc_bc_taken(e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0),, ctrl.ctr) = 1 then f_out.redirect <= '1'; f_out.redirect_nia <= std_ulogic_vector(signed(e.nia) + signed(e.read_data2)); end if; when OP_BCLR => if e.const1(4-2) = '0' then ctrl_tmp.ctr <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ctrl.ctr) - 1); end if; if ppc_bc_taken(e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0),, ctrl.ctr) = 1 then f_out.redirect <= '1'; f_out.redirect_nia <= downto 2) & "00"; end if; when OP_BCCTR => if ppc_bcctr_taken(e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0), = 1 then f_out.redirect <= '1'; f_out.redirect_nia <= ctrl.ctr(63 downto 2) & "00"; end if; when OP_CMPB => result := ppc_cmpb(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_CMP => e_out.write_cr_enable <= '1'; crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e.const1(2 downto 0))); e_out.write_cr_mask <= num_to_fxm(crnum); e_out.write_cr_data <= (others => '0'); e_out.write_cr_data((4*(7-crnum)+3) downto (4*(7-crnum))) <= ppc_cmp(e.const2(0), e.read_data1, e.read_data2); when OP_CMPL => e_out.write_cr_enable <= '1'; crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e.const1(2 downto 0))); e_out.write_cr_mask <= num_to_fxm(crnum); e_out.write_cr_data <= (others => '0'); e_out.write_cr_data((4*(7-crnum)+3) downto (4*(7-crnum))) <= ppc_cmpl(e.const2(0), e.read_data1, e.read_data2); when OP_CNTLZW => result := ppc_cntlzw(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_CNTTZW => result := ppc_cnttzw(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_CNTLZD => result := ppc_cntlzd(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_CNTTZD => result := ppc_cnttzd(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_EXTSB => result := ppc_extsb(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_EXTSH => result := ppc_extsh(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_EXTSW => result := ppc_extsw(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_EQV => result := ppc_eqv(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_ISEL => crnum := to_integer(unsigned(e.const1)); if = '1' then result := e.read_data1; else result := e.read_data2; end if; result_en := 1; when OP_MFCTR => result := ctrl.ctr; result_en := 1; when OP_MFLR => result :=; result_en := 1; when OP_MFTB => result := ctrl.tb; result_en := 1; when OP_MTCTR => ctrl_tmp.ctr <= e.read_data1; when OP_MTLR => <= e.read_data1; when OP_MFCR => result := x"00000000" &; result_en := 1; when OP_MFOCRF => crnum := fxm_to_num(e.const1(7 downto 0)); result := (others => '0'); result((4*(7-crnum)+3) downto (4*(7-crnum))) :=*(7-crnum)+3) downto (4*(7-crnum))); result_en := 1; when OP_MTCRF => e_out.write_cr_enable <= '1'; e_out.write_cr_mask <= e.const1(7 downto 0); e_out.write_cr_data <= e.read_data1(31 downto 0); when OP_MTOCRF => e_out.write_cr_enable <= '1'; -- We require one hot priority encoding here crnum := fxm_to_num(e.const1(7 downto 0)); e_out.write_cr_mask <= num_to_fxm(crnum); e_out.write_cr_data <= e.read_data1(31 downto 0); when OP_NAND => result := ppc_nand(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_NEG => result := ppc_neg(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_NOR => result := ppc_nor(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_OR => result := ppc_or(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_ORC => result := ppc_orc(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_POPCNTB => result := ppc_popcntb(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_POPCNTW => result := ppc_popcntw(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_POPCNTD => result := ppc_popcntd(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_PRTYD => result := ppc_prtyd(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_PRTYW => result := ppc_prtyw(e.read_data1); result_en := 1; when OP_RLDCL => result := ppc_rldcl(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const2(5 downto 0)); result_en := 1; when OP_RLDCR => result := ppc_rldcr(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const2(5 downto 0)); result_en := 1; when OP_RLDICL => result := ppc_rldicl(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0), e.const2(5 downto 0)); result_en := 1; when OP_RLDICR => result := ppc_rldicr(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0), e.const2(5 downto 0)); result_en := 1; when OP_RLWNM => result := ppc_rlwnm(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const2(4 downto 0), e.const3(4 downto 0)); result_en := 1; when OP_RLWINM => result := ppc_rlwinm(e.read_data1, e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0), e.const3(4 downto 0)); result_en := 1; when OP_RLDIC => result := ppc_rldic(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0), e.const2(5 downto 0)); result_en := 1; when OP_RLDIMI => result := ppc_rldimi(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const1(5 downto 0), e.const2(5 downto 0)); result_en := 1; when OP_RLWIMI => result := ppc_rlwimi(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, e.const1(4 downto 0), e.const2(4 downto 0), e.const3(4 downto 0)); result_en := 1; when OP_SLD => result := ppc_sld(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_SLW => result := ppc_slw(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_SRAW => result_with_carry := ppc_sraw(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0); ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64); result_en := 1; when OP_SRAWI => result_with_carry := ppc_srawi(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0)); result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0); ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64); result_en := 1; when OP_SRAD => result_with_carry := ppc_srad(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0); ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64); result_en := 1; when OP_SRADI => result_with_carry := ppc_sradi(e.read_data1, e.const1(5 downto 0)); result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0); ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64); result_en := 1; when OP_SRD => result := ppc_srd(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_SRW => result := ppc_srw(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_SUBF => result := ppc_subf(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; when OP_SUBFC => result_with_carry := ppc_subfe(e.read_data1, e.read_data2, ctrl.carry or not(e.input_carry)); result := result_with_carry(63 downto 0); ctrl_tmp.carry <= result_with_carry(64) and e.output_carry; result_en := 1; when OP_XOR => result := ppc_xor(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; -- sim console when OP_SIM_READ => if SIM = true then sim_console_read(result); result_en := 1; else terminate_out <= '1'; report "illegal"; end if; when OP_SIM_POLL => if SIM = true then sim_console_poll(result); result_en := 1; else terminate_out <= '1'; report "illegal"; end if; when OP_SIM_WRITE => if SIM = true then sim_console_write(e.read_data1); else terminate_out <= '1'; report "illegal"; end if; when OP_SIM_CONFIG => if SIM = true then result := x"0000000000000001"; else result := x"0000000000000000"; end if; result_en := 1; when OP_TDI => -- Keep our test cases happy for now, ignore trap instructions report "OP_TDI FIXME"; when OP_DIVDU => if SIM = true then result := ppc_divdu(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; else terminate_out <= '1'; report "illegal"; end if; when OP_DIVD => if SIM = true then result := ppc_divd(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; else terminate_out <= '1'; report "illegal"; end if; when OP_DIVWU => if SIM = true then result := ppc_divwu(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; else terminate_out <= '1'; report "illegal"; end if; when OP_DIVW => if SIM = true then result := ppc_divw(e.read_data1, e.read_data2); result_en := 1; else terminate_out <= '1'; report "illegal"; end if; when others => terminate_out <= '1'; report "illegal"; end case; if = '1' then <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(e.nia) + 4); end if; if result_en = 1 then e_out.write_data <= result; e_out.write_enable <= '1'; e_out.rc <= e.rc; end if; end if; end process; end architecture behaviour;