title: I still have a question or a problem!
date: 2022-07-15
draft: false

For any contact please use the [contact form](/contact/) and select the right contactee for quicker response time.

- If you have a specific question to the Board of Directors, please select the "_Board of Directors_" option.
- For any membership questions, updates or additional informataion, please select the "_Membership_" option.
- If you have any event, workshop, activities, sponsorship questions, please select the "_Event / Activities_" option.
- For any marketing questions , please select "_Marketing_" option.
- If you have a press inquiry, please select the "_Press_" option.
- If you are a member or a participant in our technical community, please select the "_Steering Committee_" option.
- I need to update our public member details, such as company name, logo, description,
  please use the [OPF Git Repo](https://git.openpower.foundation/website/openpower.foundation), create an PR or issue.