title: 'System Software TWG'
wgtype: twg
image: thumb-3.jpg
  - michalzygowski
  - ibm
  - vantosh
  - yadro
  - 3mdeb
  - stevenmunroe
participation: 'Members'
git: https://git.openpower.foundation/systemsoftware
discussion: https://discuss.openpower.foundation/c/twg/syssoftware/19
meetingminutes: https://meetingminutes.openpower.foundation/systemsoftware/
  web: https://discuss.openpower.foundation/c/twg/syssoftware/19/l/calendar
  ics: webcal://discuss.openpower.foundation/c/twg/syssoftware/l/calendar.ics
  mattermost: https://chat.openpower.foundation/opf/channels/systemsoftware
files: https://files.openpower.foundation/f/475
kanban: https://kanban.openpower.foundation/b/7ZvTJoH3sFbTF25Gk/system-software
date: 2022-03-08
draft: false

The OpenPOWER System Software Technical Workgroup is the workgroup that governs
over the POWER firmware, software and its specifications.

The OpenPOWER System Software TWG will process proposals, Requests for Change
(RFCs), review them, and publish approved additions to the POWER software

The System Software TWG will :

- Process RFCs from both OpenPOWER Foundation members and non-members
- Review and accept new specifications and their updates including the process
  of publication