{{ range sort (where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "members") "Title" }}
  • {{ .Title }}
  • {{ end }}
Minor Correction
For minor changes, please send a diff or a git am patch file.
Formal Proposal
Please send your proposal including a summary and some use cases.
Detailed RFC
Please send the patch/diff files and the change document, including a short presentation why this is relevant.
Confidential RFC
A "Confidential RFC" is only available for OpenPOWER Foundation Members, please make sure to select your member company. This Confidential RFC will only be made available to ISA TWG members and kept confidential in accordance with Appendix C, section C.2, of the OPF IPR Policy.
RFC File upload :
Acceptable file formats : text, PDF, LaTeX, patch, diff, tar, zip, xz, bz2, gz
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