{{ .Title }}
- Workgroup Details :
{{ if .Param "chair" }}
- Chair :
{{ range (.Param "chair") }}
{{ $chairfile := printf "%s/%s" "persons" . }}
{{ with $.Site.GetPage $chairfile }}
- {{ .Title }} {{ if .Param "member" }} {{ $memberfile := printf "%s/%s" "members" (.Param "member") }} {{ with $.Site.GetPage $memberfile }} ({{ .Title }}) {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Param "wgtype" }}
{{ $data := index $.Site.Data }}
{{ $wgtype := .Param "wgtype" }}
{{ range $data.workgroups }}
{{ if eq $wgtype .id }}
- Type : {{ .name }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .Param "participation" }}
- Participation : {{ .Param "participation" }} {{ if eq (.Param "participation") "Public" }} {{ end }} {{ if eq (.Param "participation") "Members" }} {{ end }} {{ if eq (.Param "participation") "Limited" }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
- Chair :
- Workgroup Resources :
{{ if .Param "discussion" }}
- Discussion {{ end }} {{ if .Param "calendar" }}
- Calendar : {{ end }} {{ if .Param "git" }}
- Git SCM {{ end }} {{ if .Param "chat" }}
- Chat {{ end }} {{ if .Param "files" }}
- Files {{ end }} {{ if .Param "kanban" }}
- Kanban {{ end }}
- Active Voting Work Group Members :
{{ range $member := .Param "members" }}
{{ $memberfile := printf "%s/%s" "members" $member }}
{{ with $.Site.GetPage $memberfile }}
{{ if .Param "image" }}
{{ $imagename := .Param "image" }}
{{ $imagelocation := (printf "%s/%s" "images/members/" $imagename) }}
{{ $imageresource := resources.Get $imagelocation }}
{{ $image := $imageresource.Fit "75x75" }}
{{ else }} {{ .Title }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Param "image" }}
{{ $imagename := .Param "image" }}
{{ $imagelocation := (printf "%s/%s" "images/members/" $imagename) }}
{{ $imageresource := resources.Get $imagelocation }}
{{ $image := $imageresource.Fit "75x75" }}