# Master Template Document Project for OpenPOWER Foundation Documentation This repository hold the source for the master document template for OpenPOWER Foundation. The PDF and HTML generated from the doc/template/ directory build a document that both describes how to build a new document and contains examples and directions on how to do it. To build this project, one must ensure that the Docs-Master project has also been cloned at the same directory level as the Docs-Template project. This can be accomplished with the following steps: 1. Clone the master documentation project (Docs-Master) using the following command: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/OpenPOWERFoundation/Docs-Master.git ``` 2. Clone this project (Docs-Template) using the following command: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/OpenPOWERFoundation/Docs-Template.git ``` 3. Build the project with these commands: ``` $ cd Docs-Template $ mvn clean generate-sources ``` The online version of the document can be found in the OpenPOWER Foundation Document library at [TBD](http://openpowerfoundation.org/docs) The project which control the look and feel of the document is the [Docs-Maven-Plugin project](https://github.com/OpenPOWERFoundation/Docs-Maven-Plugin). To contribute to the OpenPOWER Foundation template document project, contact Jeff Scheel \([scheel@us.ibm.com](mailto://scheel@us.ibm.com)\) or Jeff Brown \([jeffdb@us.ibm.com](mailto://jeffdb@us.ibm.com)\).