Master Template Guide A quick start template Jeff Scheel IBM 2015, 2016 OpenPOWER Foundation Revision 0.9.4 OpenPOWER Copyright details are filled in by the template. The purpose of the Master Template Guide document is to provide a guide for OpenPOWER documentation writers. As such, it provides directions, policies, references, and examples of the XML Docbook environment. It is intended to be used both in final product form (PDF and html) as a document and in source form as a template for new documents. This document is a Non-standard Track, Work Group Note work product owned by the System Software Workgroup and handled in compliance with the requirements outlined in the OpenPOWER Foundation Work Group (WG) Process document. 2016-03-21 Version 0.9.4: Review version for TSC. 2016-02-25 Version 0.9.3: Technical and process updates. Addition of documentation lifecycle and git command cheat sheets. 2016-02-25 Version 0.9.2: Technical and process updates. Explanation of project structure. 2016-01-25 Version 0.9.1: Technical and process updates. 2015-08-20 Version 0.9: Draft for format review with TSC. 2014-09-03 Creation based on OpenStack documentation