<emphasis>ibm,lpar-perftools</emphasis> RTAS Call This RTAS call provides access to platform-level facilities for performance tools running in a partition on an LPAR system. Platforms may require platform-specific tools, beyond the scope of this architecture, to make this call available. R1--1. For the Performance Tool Support option: The platform must implement the LPAR option. R1--2. For the Performance Tool Support option: RTAS must implement the ibm,lpar-perftools call using the argument call buffer defined by . <emphasis>ibm,lpar-perftools</emphasis> Argument Call Buffer Parameter Type Name Values In Token Token for ibm,lpar-perftools Number Inputs 5 Number Outputs 2 Subfunction 1: Convert hypervisor IAR value to method name. Work Area Address High Most significant 32 bits of real address of work area Work Area Address Low Least significant 32 bits of real address of work area Work Area Size Size of work area in bytes Sequence Number Integer representing the sequence number of this call. First call in sequence starts with 1, following calls (if necessary) use the Next Sequence Number returned from the previous call. Out Status -1: Hardware Error -2: Busy -3: Parameter Error (Subfunction invalid, invalid work area address, invalid work area size) -9002: Partition does not have authority to perform this function -5: Buffer was too small to supply requested data 0: Success 990x: Extended delay Next Sequence Number Return this integer as the Sequence Number parameter on the next call, or 1 if no more calls are required.
When 990x Status is returned, it is suggested that software delay for 10 raised to the x milliseconds (where x is the last digit of the 990x return code), before calling the ibm,lpar-perftools call with the same input parameters. However, software may issue the ibm,lpar-perftools call again earlier or later than this.
R1--3. For the Performance Tool Support option: For subfunction value 1, on input the first 8 bytes of the work area must contain the hypervisor IAR address to be converted. On output, the first 8 bytes of the work area contain the offset of this address from the start of the hypervisor function, method or module, followed by a NULL-terminated text string containing the name of the hypervisor function, method or module. If the address is not a valid address in the hypervisor, on output the buffer must contain 0x0 (8 bytes) followed by a NULL-terminated text string indicating that the address was not valid. R1--4. For the Performance Tool support option: The work area must reside in contiguous memory. R1--5. For the Performance Tool Support option: If a Status of anything other than 0 is returned, the contents of the work area are not defined. R1--6. For the Performance Tool Support option: A partition must have at most one call to this function in process at a given time. This means that if one processor in the partition initiates this call, receives a Busy or Extended Delay return, and then another processor calls this function with a sequence number of 1, a subsequent call using the Next Sequence Number returned to the first processor results in a Parameter Error return code.