ibm,manage-storage-preservation Platforms may optionally preserve selected regions of storage (LMBs) across client program boot cycles. for more information. R1--1. For the Storage Preservation option: The platform must implement the ibm,manage-storage-preservation RTAS argument call buffer as defined by . <emphasis>ibm,manage-storage-preservation</emphasis> Argument Call Buffer Parameter Type Name Values In Token Token for ibm,manage-storage-preservation Number Inputs 3 Number Outputs 2 Subfunction 0 = unused (return -3) 1 = Register specified LMB for preservation 2 = Query preservation state of specified LMB 3 = Deregister for preservation Specific LMB 4 = Deregister for preservation all caller’s LMBs. All other values reserved (return -3) Reg High The high order 32 bits of the LMB's “reg” property (Subfunctions 1-3) Reg Low The low order 32 bits of the LMB's “reg” property (Subfunctions 1-3) Out Status -1: Hardware error -2: Busy -3: Parameter error (Subfunction or Reg invalid; or Reg for a non-preservable LMB) 0: Success 990x: Extended delay where x is a number 0-5 Preservation state If Status= Success, the current preservation state of specified LMB (Subfunctions 1-3)
R1--2. For the Storage Preservation option: The platform must include the “ibm,preservable” property in the /memory nodes of its OF device tree, containing a value which reflects the platform's ability to preserve the specific LMB. R1--3. For the Storage Preservation option: The value of the “ibm,preservable” property for the first LMB must be 0 (cannot be preserved). R1--4. For the Storage Preservation option: The platform must not preserve the first LMB, thus must indicate a value of 0 for the “ibm,preservable” property for the first LMB. R1--5. For the Storage Preservation option: The platform must include the “ibm,preserved” property in the /memory nodes of its OF device tree, valued to reflect the platform's preservation state of the specific LMB. R1--6. For the Storage Preservation option: The platform, on a reboot, must include in the OF /rtas node the “ibm,preserved-storage” property if the previous client program registered one or more of its LMBs for preservation. R1--7. For the Storage Preservation option: If the client program registered an LMB for preservation, the platform must preserve the LMB's storage state across client program reboots. R1--8. For the Storage Preservation option: The platform, on a reboot, must include in the OF /rtas node the “ibm,request-partition-shutdown” property which reflects the value of the partition shutdown configuration variable, and if this property is not present, a value of 0 must be assumed by the OS.