<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Copyright (c) 2016, 2020 OpenPOWER Foundation

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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<chapter  xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
  <title>Interrupt Controller</title>

  <para>This chapter specifies the requirements for the LoPAR interrupt
  controller. Platforms may chose to virtualize the interrupt controller or to
  provide the PowerPC External Interrupt option. </para>

    <title>Interrupt Controller Virtualization</title>
    <para>Virtualization of the interrupt controller is done through the
    Interrupt Support hcalls. See <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569344_26787"/>.</para>

  <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50569331_29157">
    <title>PowerPC External Interrupt Option</title>
    <para>The PowerPC External Interrupt option is based upon a subset of the
    PowerPC External Interrupt Architecture. The PowerPC External Interrupt
    Architecture contains a register-level architectural definition of an interrupt
    control structure. This architecture defines means for assigning properties
    such as priority, destination, etc., to I/O and interprocessor interrupts, as
    well as an interface for presenting them to processors. It supports both
    specific and distributed methods for interrupt delivery. See also
    <!-- FIXME: xref linkend="error_section"/--><citetitle>A PowerPC External
    <para>In NUMA platform configurations, the interrupt controllers may be
    configured in disjoint domains. The firmware makes the server numbers visible
    to any single OS image appear to come from a single space without duplication.
    This may be done by appropriately initializing the interrupt presentation
    controllers or the firmware may translate the server numbers presented to it in
    RTAS calls before entering them into the interrupt controller registers. The OS
    is made aware that certain interrupts are only served by certain servers by the
    inclusion of the <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,interrupt-domain&#x201D;</literal></emphasis>
    property in the interrupt controller nodes.</para>

    <section xml:id="sec_ext_int_opt_req">
      <title>PowerPC External Interrupt Option Requirements</title>
      <para>The following are the requirements for the PowerPC External
      Interrupt option. Additional requirements and information relative to the MSI
      option, when implemented with this option, are listed in <xref

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-1.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> Platforms must implement interrupt architectures
              that are in register-level architectural compliance with
              <!-- FIXME: <xref linkend="error_section"/ --><citetitle>A PowerPC External
              Interrupt</citetitle>. </para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-2.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The platform&#x2019;s OF device tree must include
              one or more PowerPC External Interrupt Presentation node(s), as children of the
              root node.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-3.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The platform&#x2019;s OF device tree must include
              an <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,ppc-interrupt-server#s&#x201D;</literal></emphasis> and an
              <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,ppc-interrupt-gserver#s&#x201D;</literal></emphasis> property as defined for
              each processor in the processor&#x2019;s <emphasis role="bold"><literal>/cpus/cpu</literal></emphasis>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-4.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The various
              <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,ppc-interrupt-server#s&#x201D;</literal></emphasis> property values seen by a
              single OS image must be all unique.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-5.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> If an OS image sees multiple global interrupt
              server queues, the <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,ppc-interrupt-gserver#s&#x201D;</literal></emphasis>
              properties associated with the various queues must have unique values. </para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-6.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The platform&#x2019;s OF device tree must include
              a PowerPC External Interrupt Source Controller node, as defined for each Bus
              Unit Controller (BUC) that can generate PowerPC External Interrupt Architecture
              interrupts, as a child of the platform&#x2019;s root node.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-7.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The platform&#x2019;s OF device tree must conform
              to the <emphasis><xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569387_40740"/></emphasis> and
              include the appropriate mapping and interrupt properties to allow the mapping
              of all non-zero XISR values (<emphasis>interrupt#</emphasis>) to the
              corresponding node generating the interrupt. </para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-8.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The PowerPC External Interrupt Presentation
              Controller node must not contain the
              <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;used-by-rtas&#x201D;</literal></emphasis> property. </para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-9.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The PowerPC External Interrupt Source Controller
              node must contain the <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;used-by-rtas&#x201D;</literal></emphasis>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-10.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> If the interrupt hardware is configured such that,
              viewed from any given OS image, any interrupt source controller cannot direct
              interrupts to any interrupt presentation controller, then the platform must
              include the <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,interrupt-domain&#x201D;</literal></emphasis> property
              in all interrupt source and presentation controller nodes for that OS so that
              the OS can determine the servers that may be valid targets for any given

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-11.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> All interrupt controller registers must be
              accessed via Caching-Inhibited, Memory Coherence not required and Guarded
              Storage mapping.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-12.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The platform must manage the Available Processor
              Mask Register so that global interrupts (server number field of the eXternal
              Interrupt Vector Entry (XIVE) set to a value from
              <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,ppc-interrupt-gserver#s&#x201D;</literal></emphasis>) are only sent to one
              of the active processors.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-13.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The platform must initialize the interrupt
              priority in each XIVE to the least favored level (0xFF), enable any associated
              IER bit for interrupt sources owned by the OS, and set the Current Processor
              Priority Register to the Most favored level (0x00) prior to the transfer of
              control to the OS so that no interrupts are signaled to a processor until the
              OS has taken explicit action.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-14.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> Any implemented PowerPC External Interrupt
              Architecture registers that are not reported in specific interrupt source or
              destination controller nodes (such as the APM register) must be included in the
              <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;reg&#x201D;</literal></emphasis> property of the
              <emphasis>/reserved</emphasis> node.</para>

       	<varlistentry xml:id="dbdoclet.50569331_84135">
          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-15.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The interrupt source controller must prevent signalling new
              interrupts when the XIVE interrupt priority field is set to the least favored

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-16.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> Interrupt controllers that do not implement the
              behavior of Requirement <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_84135"/>, must provide
              an Interrupt Enable Register (IER) which can be manipulated by RTAS, </para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-17.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> The platform must assign the Bus Unit Identifiers
              (BUIDs) such that they form a compact address space. That is, while the first
              BUID value is arbitrary, subsequent BUIDs should be contiguous.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-18.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> Platforms implementing interrupt server number
              fields greater than 8 bits must include the
              <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,interrupt-server#-size&#x201D;</literal></emphasis> property in the interrupt
              source controller node.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-19.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> Platforms implementing interrupt buid number
              fields greater than 9 bits must include the
              <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,interrupt-buid-size&#x201D;</literal></emphasis> property in the interrupt
              presentation controller node.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_ext_int_opt_req"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-20.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the PowerPC External
              Interrupt option:</emphasis> Platforms must include the
              <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,interrupt-server-ranges&#x201D;</literal></emphasis> property in the
              interrupt presentation controller node.</para>


      <title>PowerPC External Interrupt Option Properties</title>
      <para>See <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569368_91814"/> for property definitions.</para>

    <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50569331_33067">
      <title>MSI Option</title>
      <para>The Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI) or Enhanced MSI (MSI-X)
      capability of PCI IOAs in many cases allows for greater flexibility in
      assignment of external interrupts to IOA functions than the predecessor Level
      Sensitive Interrupt (LSI) capability, and in some cases treats MSIs as a
      resource pool that can be reassigned based on availability of MSIs and the need
      of an IOA function for more interrupts than initially assigned. Platforms that
      implement the MSI option implement the <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis> and
      <emphasis>ibm,query-interrupt-source-number</emphasis> RTAS calls. These RTAS
      calls manage interrupts in a platform that implements the MSI option. In
      particular, these calls assign additional MSI resources to an IOA function (as
      defined by its PCI configuration address: <emphasis>PHB_Unit_ID_Hi,
      PHB_Unit_ID_Low, and config_addr</emphasis>), when supported by the platform.
      See <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569332_61719"/> for more information on theses RTAS calls for
      MSI management.</para>
      <para>This architecture will refer generically to the MSI and MSI-X
      capabilities as simply &#x201C;MSI,&#x201D; except where differentiation is
      required. In this architecture, MSIs and LSIs are what the IOA function
      signals, and what the software sees for that signal is ultimately the LSI or
      MSI <emphasis>source number</emphasis>. The interrupt source numbers returned
      by the <emphasis>ibm,query-interrupt-source-number</emphasis> RTAS call are
      the numbers used to control the interrupt as in the <emphasis>ibm,get-xive</emphasis>,
      <emphasis>ibm,set-xive</emphasis>, <emphasis>ibm,int-on</emphasis>,
      and <emphasis>ibm,int-off</emphasis> RTAS calls.</para>
      <para>PCI-X and PCI Express IOA functions that signal interrupts are
      required by the PCI specifications to implement either the MSI or MSI-X
      interrupt capabilities, or both. For PCI Express, it is expected that IOAs will
      only support MSI or MSI-X (that is, no support for LSIs). When both MSI and
      MSI-X are implemented by an IOA function, the MSI method will be configured by
      the platform, but may be overridden by the OS or device driver, via the
      <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis> RTAS call, to be MSI-X or, if assigned by
      the firmware, to LSI (by removal of the MSIs assigned).
      <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_99447"/> summarizes the LSI and MSI support.</para>

      <table frame="all" pgwide="1" xml:id="dbdoclet.50569331_99447">
        <title>LSI and MSI Support Requirements and Initial Assignment </title>
        <tgroup cols="7">
          <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="14*" align="center"/>
          <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="14*" align="center"/>
          <colspec colname="c3" colwidth="14*" align="center"/>
          <colspec colname="c4" colwidth="14*" align="center"/>
          <colspec colname="c5" colwidth="14*" align="center"/>
          <colspec colname="c6" colwidth="14*" align="center"/>
          <colspec colname="c7" colwidth="14*" align="center"/>
          <thead valign="middle">
              <entry morerows="1">
                  <emphasis role="bold">IOA Type</emphasis>
              <entry morerows="1">
                  <emphasis role="bold">LSI required by PCI specifications?</emphasis>
              <entry morerows="1">
                  <emphasis role="bold">MSI or MSI-Xrequired by PCI specifications?</emphasis>
              <entry morerows="1">
                  <emphasis role="bold">Bridge between IOA and PHB</emphasis>
              <entry nameend="c6" namest="c5">
                  <emphasis role="bold">Possible platform support</emphasis>
              <entry morerows="1">
                  <emphasis role="bold">Initial interrupt assignment<footnote
                  xml:id="pgfId-1012212"><para>Assignment means to allocate the platform
                  resources and to enable the interrupt in the IOA function&#x2019;s
                  configuration space.</para></footnote></emphasis>
                <para>If PHB does not support MSI option<?linebreak?>
                (Not including PCI Express HBs)</para>
                <para>If PHB supports MSI option<?linebreak?>
                (Including all PCI Express HBs)</para>
          <tbody valign="middle">
                <para>When interrupts are required</para>
                (allowed; optional)</para>
                <para>LSI or MSI</para>
                <para>LSI<footnote xml:id="pgfId-1001089"><para>If MSIs are to
                be supported, the device driver must enable via the
                <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis> RTAS call.</para></footnote></para>
                <para>Encouraged when interrupts are required, for backward
                platform compatibility</para>
                <para>LSI or MSI</para>
                <para>LSI<footnote xml:id="pgfId-1001101"><para>If MSIs are to
                be supported, the device driver must enable via the
                <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis> RTAS call.</para></footnote></para>
              <entry morerows="1">
                <para>PCI Express</para>
              <entry morerows="1">
                (expect IOAs to not implement in most cases)</para>
              <entry morerows="1">
                <para>None or PCI Express switch only</para>
                <para>MSI<footnote xml:id="pgfId-1012199"><para>MSI as an
                initial assignment means that one or more MSIs are reported as being available
                for the IOA function. In addition, LSIs may also be reported but not enabled,
                in which case if the device driver removes the assigned MSIs, the assigned LSI
                are enabled by the platform firmware in the IOA function&#x2019;s configuration
                <para>Reverse bridge<?linebreak?>
                (primary, PCI Express secondary)</para>
                <para>LSI or not supported<footnote xml:id="pgfId-1001611">
                  <para>If PCI Express IOA function does not support LSI,
                  then this combination is not supported.</para></footnote></para>
                <para>LSI<footnote xml:id="pgfId-1001616">
                  <para>If PCI Express
                  IOA function does not support LSI, then this combination is not
                  supported.</para></footnote> or MSI</para>
                <para>LSI<footnote xml:id="pgfId-1001598">
                  <para>If the PCI
                  Express IOA function does not support LSI, then the platform will set the
                  initial interrupt assignment to MSI, and if the device driver does not support
                  MSI, then the IOA function will not be configurable (that is, conversion from
                  MSI to LSI through the bridge is not supported by this architecture). If LSI is
                  the initial assignment, then if MSIs are to be supported, device driver must
                  enable via the <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis> RTAS

      <para>The <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis> RTAS call is used to query
      the initial number of MSIs assigned to a PCI configuration address and to
      request a change in the number of MSIs assigned. The MSIs interrupt source
      numbers assigned to an IOA function are returned via the
      RTAS call. In addition, when the
      <emphasis>ibm,query-interrupt-source-number</emphasis> RTAS call is
      implemented, it may be used to query the LSI source numbers, also. The
      <emphasis>ibm,query-interrupt-source-number</emphasis> RTAS call is called
      iteratively, once for each interrupt assigned to the IOA function. When an IOA
      function receives an initial assignment of an LSI, the interrupt number for
      that LSI may also be obtained through the same OF device tree properties that
      are used to report interrupt information when the
      <emphasis>ibm,query-interrupt-source-number</emphasis> RTAS call is not

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-1.</emphasis></term>
              <para>The platform must implement the MSI
              option if the platform contains at least one PCI Express HB.</para>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">Architecture and Software Note:</emphasis> The MSI
              option may also be implemented in the absence of any PCI Express HBs. In that
              case, the implementation of the MSI option is via the presence of the
              implementation of the associated <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis> and
              <emphasis>ibm,query-interrupt-source-number</emphasis> RTAS calls.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-2.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option:</emphasis>
              The platform must implement the PowerPC External Interrupt option.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-3.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option:</emphasis>
              The platform must implement the <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis>
              and <emphasis>ibm,query-interrupt-source-number</emphasis> RTAS calls.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-4.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option:</emphasis>
              The platform must initially assign LSI or MSIs to IOA functions as
              defined in <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_99447"/> and must enable the
              assigned interrupts in the IOA function&#x2019;s configuration space (the
              interrupts remains disabled at the PHB, and must be enabled by the device
              driver though the <emphasis>ibm,set-xive</emphasis> and
              <emphasis>ibm,int-on</emphasis> RTAS calls.</para>

       	<varlistentry xml:id="dbdoclet.50569331_84312">
          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-5.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option:</emphasis>
              The platform
              must provide a minimum of one MSI per IOA function (that is per each unique PCI
              configuration address, including the Function #) to be supported beneath the
              interrupt source controller, and any given MSI and MSI source number must not
              be shared between functions or within one function (even within the same

       	<varlistentry xml:id="dbdoclet.50569331_63544">
          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-6.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option:</emphasis>
              The platform
              must provide at least one MSI port (the address written by the MSI) per
              Partitionable Endpoint (PE).</para>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">Platform Implementation Note:</emphasis> Requirement
              <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_84312"/> in conjunction with Requirement <xref
              linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_63544"/> may have certain ramifications on the
              design. Depending on the implementation, a unique MSI port per IOA function may
              be required, and not just a unique port per PE.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-7.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option with the
              LPAR option:</emphasis> The platform must prevent a PE from creating an
              interrupt to a partition other than those to which the PE is authorized by the
              platform to interrupt.</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-8.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option:</emphasis>
              The platform must set the PCI configuration space MSI registers properly in an
              IOA at all the following times:</para>

              <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
                  <para>Initial boot time</para>

                  <para>During the <emphasis>ibm,configure-connector</emphasis> RTAS

                  <para>During the <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis> or
                  <emphasis>ibm,query-interrupt-source-number</emphasis> RTAS call</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-9.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option:</emphasis>
              The platform must initialize any bridges necessary to appropriately route
              interrupts at all the following times:</para>

              <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
                  <para>At initial boot time</para>

                  <para>During the <emphasis>ibm,configure-connector</emphasis> RTAS

                  <para>During the <emphasis>ibm,configure-bridge</emphasis> RTAS

                  <para>During the <emphasis>ibm,change-msi</emphasis> or
                  <emphasis>ibm,query-interrupt-source-number</emphasis> RTAS call</para>

          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-10.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option:</emphasis>
              The platform must provide the <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,req#msi&#x201D;</literal></emphasis>
              property for any IOA function which is
              requesting MSIs; at initial boot time and during the
              <emphasis>ibm,configure-connector</emphasis> RTAS call.</para>

       	<varlistentry xml:id="dbdoclet.50569331_62532">
          <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_33067"
          xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-11.</emphasis></term>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">For the MSI option:</emphasis>
              The platform
              must remember and recover on error recovery any previously allocated and setup
              interrupt information in the platform-owned hardware.</para>
              <para><emphasis role="bold">Software and Platform Implementation Note:</emphasis> In
              Requirement <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569331_62532"/>, it is possible that some
              interrupts may be lost as part of the error recovery, and software should be
              implemented to take into consideration that possibility.</para>


  <section xml:id="sec_plat_rsvd_int_opt">
    <title>Platform Reserved Interrupt Priority Level Option</title>
    <para>The Platform Reserved Interrupt Priority Level option allows
    platforms to reserve interrupt priority levels for internal uses. When the
    platform exercises this option, it notifies the client program via the OF
    device tree <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,plat-res-int-priorities&#x201D;</literal></emphasis>
    property of the <emphasis role="bold"><literal>root</literal></emphasis> node of the device tree.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_plat_rsvd_int_opt"
        xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-1.</emphasis></term>
            <para><emphasis role="bold">For the Platform Reserved
            Interrupt Priority Level option: The platform must include
            the</emphasis><emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#x201C;ibm,plat-res-int-priorities&#x201D;</literal></emphasis>
            property in the <emphasis role="bold"><literal>root</literal></emphasis> node of the device tree.</para>

        <term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_plat_rsvd_int_opt"
        xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-2.</emphasis></term>
            <para><emphasis role="bold">For the Platform Reserved
            Interrupt Priority Level option:</emphasis> The platform must not reserve
            priority levels 0x00 through 0x07 and 0xFF for internal use. </para>
