--- title: Academic BoF wgtype: bof image: thumb-6.jpg chair: - ganesannarayanasamy participation: Public discussion: https://discuss.openpower.foundation/c/bof/academic/26 meetingminutes: https://meetingminutes.openpower.foundation/academic/ calendar: web: https://discuss.openpower.foundation/c/bof/academic/26/l/calendar ics: webcal://discuss.openpower.foundation/c/bof/academic/l/calendar.ics chat: mattermost: https://chat.openpower.foundation/opf/channels/academic slack: https://app.slack.com/client/T443QD9JA/C0317NSP0JG irc: '#openpower-academic on irc.libera.chat' #files: https://files.openpower.foundation/s/iZRseq3XLtRcjtX #kanban: https://kanban.openpower.foundation/b/hgDqwnbiZDHFR3B3b/librebmc date: 2022-02-04 draft: false --- Academic Bird-of-a-Feathers Discussion Working Group comprises a broad range of academic institutions with strong competence in providing and operating OpenPOWER Cores to HPC / AI / Cloud applications along with Computing facilities. This group has been developing research partnership across universities in support of OpenPOWER SoC curriculum, AI/HPC based Curriculum, Technology Workshops and Several solution developmens. Universities are encouraged to sign up for OpenPower Foundation Academic membership free of charge. We have nearly 200+ universities and academics across the world to participate in our academic group engage in opportunities for project collaboration, curriculum development, infrastructure skills, research and development activities.