  - number: "0.1"
    date: 2017-03-13
    description: Creation of electo-mechanical consolidated specification
  - number: "0.2"
    date: 2017-04-27
    description: Review updates from Dan Dreps & Jeff Brown
  - number: "0.3"
    date: 2017-06-27
    description:  Added part on cable extender version
  - number: "0.4"
    date: 2017-07-20
    description: Updates from workgroup review
  - number: "0.5"
    date: 2017-08-01
    description: Updates from workgroup review
  - number: "0.6"
    date: 2017-08-02
    description: Updates to table 5.1 about ILD, ILDB, and "moving average smoothing"
  - number: "0.7"
    date: 2017-08-08
    description: Added section on Conformance, additional minor edits, removed Section 6.2 Mezzanine Net Model
  - number: "0.8"
    date: 2017-08-17
    description: public review draft
  - number: "0.9"
    date: 2017-10-19
    description: Modified mezzanine card section 2.1,2., and 2.3 to reflect a reference design and connector PN
  - number: "1.0"
    date: 2017-11-08
    description: workgroup specification