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-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
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-- Description: XU LSU L1 Data Directory Tag Wrapper
library ibm, ieee, work, tri, support;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
-- ##########################################################################################
-- Tag Compare
-- 1) Contains an Array of Tags
-- 2) Updates Tag on Reload
-- 3) Contains Hit Logic
-- 4) Outputs Way Hit indicators
-- ##########################################################################################
entity xuq_lsu_dir_tag is
generic(expand_type : integer := 2;
dc_size : natural := 14; -- 2^14 = 16384 Bytes L1 D$
cl_size : natural := 6; -- 2^6 = 64 Bytes CacheLines
wayDataSize : natural := 35; -- TagSize + Parity Bits
parBits : natural := 4;
real_data_add : integer := 42);
-- Stage ACT Signals
ex2_stg_act :in std_ulogic;
binv2_stg_act :in std_ulogic;
rel_addr_early :in std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 63-cl_size);
rel_way_upd_a :in std_ulogic;
rel_way_upd_b :in std_ulogic;
rel_way_upd_c :in std_ulogic;
rel_way_upd_d :in std_ulogic;
rel_way_upd_e :in std_ulogic;
rel_way_upd_f :in std_ulogic;
rel_way_upd_g :in std_ulogic;
rel_way_upd_h :in std_ulogic;
inv1_val :in std_ulogic;
xu_lsu_spr_xucr0_dcdis :in std_ulogic;
ex1_p_addr_01 :in std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size);
ex1_p_addr_23 :in std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size);
ex1_p_addr_45 :in std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size);
ex1_p_addr_67 :in std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size);
ex2_ddir_acc_instr :in std_ulogic;
-- Error Inject
pc_xu_inj_dcachedir_parity :in std_ulogic;
dir_arr_rd_addr_01 :out std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size);
dir_arr_rd_addr_23 :out std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size);
dir_arr_rd_addr_45 :out std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size);
dir_arr_rd_addr_67 :out std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size);
dir_arr_rd_data :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8*wayDataSize-1);
dir_wr_way :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
dir_arr_wr_addr :out std_ulogic_vector(64-(dc_size-3) to 63-cl_size);
dir_arr_wr_data :out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 64-real_data_add+wayDataSize-1);
ex2_wayA_tag :out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 63-(dc_size-3));
ex2_wayB_tag :out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 63-(dc_size-3));
ex2_wayC_tag :out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 63-(dc_size-3));
ex2_wayD_tag :out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 63-(dc_size-3));
ex2_wayE_tag :out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 63-(dc_size-3));
ex2_wayF_tag :out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 63-(dc_size-3));
ex2_wayG_tag :out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 63-(dc_size-3));
ex2_wayH_tag :out std_ulogic_vector(64-real_data_add to 63-(dc_size-3));
ex3_way_tag_par_a :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
ex3_way_tag_par_b :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
ex3_way_tag_par_c :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
ex3_way_tag_par_d :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
ex3_way_tag_par_e :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
ex3_way_tag_par_f :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
ex3_way_tag_par_g :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
ex3_way_tag_par_h :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
ex3_tag_way_perr :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
vdd :inout power_logic;
gnd :inout power_logic;
nclk :in clk_logic;
sg_0 :in std_ulogic;
func_sl_thold_0_b :in std_ulogic;
func_sl_force :in std_ulogic;
func_slp_sl_thold_0_b :in std_ulogic;
func_slp_sl_force :in std_ulogic;
d_mode_dc :in std_ulogic;
delay_lclkr_dc :in std_ulogic;
mpw1_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
mpw2_dc_b :in std_ulogic;
scan_in :in std_ulogic;
scan_out :out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end xuq_lsu_dir_tag;
architecture xuq_lsu_dir_tag of xuq_lsu_dir_tag is
-- components
-- signals
constant uprTagBit :natural := 64-real_data_add;
constant lwrTagBit :natural := 63-(dc_size-3);
constant tagSize :natural := lwrTagBit-uprTagBit+1;
constant parExtCalc :natural := 8 - (tagSize mod 8);
constant uprCClassBit :natural := 64-(dc_size-3);
constant lwrCClassBit :natural := 63-cl_size;
signal arr_wr_addr :std_ulogic_vector(uprCClassBit to lwrCClassBit);
signal arr_wr_data :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
signal wayA_wen :std_ulogic;
signal wayB_wen :std_ulogic;
signal wayC_wen :std_ulogic;
signal wayD_wen :std_ulogic;
signal wayE_wen :std_ulogic;
signal wayF_wen :std_ulogic;
signal wayG_wen :std_ulogic;
signal wayH_wen :std_ulogic;
signal arr_wayA_tag :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
signal arr_wayB_tag :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
signal arr_wayC_tag :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
signal arr_wayD_tag :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
signal arr_wayE_tag :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
signal arr_wayF_tag :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
signal arr_wayG_tag :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
signal arr_wayH_tag :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
signal inval_val_d :std_ulogic;
signal inval_val_q :std_ulogic;
signal arr_rd_addr_01 :std_ulogic_vector(uprCClassBit to lwrCClassBit);
signal arr_rd_addr_23 :std_ulogic_vector(uprCClassBit to lwrCClassBit);
signal arr_rd_addr_45 :std_ulogic_vector(uprCClassBit to lwrCClassBit);
signal arr_rd_addr_67 :std_ulogic_vector(uprCClassBit to lwrCClassBit);
signal ex3_en_par_chk_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal ex3_en_par_chk_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal spr_xucr0_dcdis_d :std_ulogic;
signal spr_xucr0_dcdis_q :std_ulogic;
signal inj_dcachedir_parity_d :std_ulogic;
signal inj_dcachedir_parity_q :std_ulogic;
signal relu_addr_d :std_ulogic_vector(uprCClassBit to lwrCClassBit);
signal relu_addr_q :std_ulogic_vector(uprCClassBit to lwrCClassBit);
signal ex2_par_gen_a_1b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_a_2b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_b_1b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_b_2b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_c_1b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_c_2b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_d_1b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_d_2b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_e_1b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_e_2b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_f_1b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_f_2b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_g_1b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_g_2b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_h_1b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex2_par_gen_h_2b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_a_1b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_a_2b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_a_1b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_a_2b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_b_1b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_b_2b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_b_1b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_b_2b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_c_1b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_c_2b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_c_1b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_c_2b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_d_1b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_d_2b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_d_1b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_d_2b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_e_1b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_e_2b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_e_1b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_e_2b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_f_1b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_f_2b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_f_1b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_f_2b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_g_1b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_g_2b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_g_1b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_g_2b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_h_1b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_h_2b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_h_1b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_h_2b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_a :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_c :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_e :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_f :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_g :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_par_gen_h :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_perr_det_a :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_perr_det_b :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_perr_det_c :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_perr_det_d :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_perr_det_e :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_perr_det_f :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_perr_det_g :std_ulogic;
signal ex3_perr_det_h :std_ulogic;
signal ex2_binv2_stg_act :std_ulogic;
signal rel_wrt_data_d :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to uprTagBit+wayDataSize-1);
signal rel_wrt_data_q :std_ulogic_vector(uprTagBit to uprTagBit+wayDataSize-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_a_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_a_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_b_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_b_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_c_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_c_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_d_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_d_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_e_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_e_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_f_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_f_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_g_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_g_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_h_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal ex3_way_tag_par_h_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to parBits-1);
signal my_spare0_lclk :clk_logic;
signal my_spare0_d1clk :std_ulogic;
signal my_spare0_d2clk :std_ulogic;
signal my_spare0_latches_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal my_spare0_latches_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal my_spare1_lclk :clk_logic;
signal my_spare1_d1clk :std_ulogic;
signal my_spare1_d2clk :std_ulogic;
signal my_spare1_latches_d :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal my_spare1_latches_q :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
-- constants
constant inval_val_offset :natural := 0;
constant ex3_en_par_chk_offset :natural := inval_val_offset + 1;
constant spr_xucr0_dcdis_offset :natural := ex3_en_par_chk_offset + 8;
constant inj_dcachedir_parity_offset :natural := spr_xucr0_dcdis_offset + 1;
constant relu_addr_offset :natural := inj_dcachedir_parity_offset + 1;
constant rel_wrt_data_offset :natural := relu_addr_offset + lwrCClassBit-uprCClassBit+1;
constant ex3_par_gen_a_1b_offset :natural := rel_wrt_data_offset + wayDataSize;
constant ex3_par_gen_a_2b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_a_1b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_b_1b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_a_2b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_b_2b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_b_1b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_c_1b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_b_2b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_c_2b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_c_1b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_d_1b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_c_2b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_d_2b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_d_1b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_e_1b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_d_2b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_e_2b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_e_1b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_f_1b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_e_2b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_f_2b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_f_1b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_g_1b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_f_2b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_g_2b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_g_1b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_h_1b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_g_2b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_par_gen_h_2b_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_h_1b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_way_tag_par_a_offset :natural := ex3_par_gen_h_2b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_way_tag_par_b_offset :natural := ex3_way_tag_par_a_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_way_tag_par_c_offset :natural := ex3_way_tag_par_b_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_way_tag_par_d_offset :natural := ex3_way_tag_par_c_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_way_tag_par_e_offset :natural := ex3_way_tag_par_d_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_way_tag_par_f_offset :natural := ex3_way_tag_par_e_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_way_tag_par_g_offset :natural := ex3_way_tag_par_f_offset + parBits;
constant ex3_way_tag_par_h_offset :natural := ex3_way_tag_par_g_offset + parBits;
constant my_spare0_latches_offset :natural := ex3_way_tag_par_h_offset + parBits;
constant my_spare1_latches_offset :natural := my_spare0_latches_offset + 16;
constant scan_right :natural := my_spare1_latches_offset + 16 - 1;
signal tiup :std_ulogic;
signal siv :std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right);
signal sov :std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right);
-- ####################################################
-- Inputs
-- ####################################################
tiup <= '1';
ex2_binv2_stg_act <= ex2_stg_act or binv2_stg_act;
relu_addr_d <= rel_addr_early(uprCClassBit to lwrCClassBit);
wayA_wen <= rel_way_upd_a;
wayB_wen <= rel_way_upd_b;
wayC_wen <= rel_way_upd_c;
wayD_wen <= rel_way_upd_d;
wayE_wen <= rel_way_upd_e;
wayF_wen <= rel_way_upd_f;
wayG_wen <= rel_way_upd_g;
wayH_wen <= rel_way_upd_h;
inval_val_d <= inv1_val;
spr_xucr0_dcdis_d <= xu_lsu_spr_xucr0_dcdis;
inj_dcachedir_parity_d <= pc_xu_inj_dcachedir_parity;
-- ####################################################
-- Dcache Number of Cachelines Configurations
-- ####################################################
arr_wr_addr <= relu_addr_q(uprCClassBit to lwrCClassBit);
arr_wr_data <= rel_addr_early(uprTagBit to lwrTagBit);
-- Select Between Back-Invalidate Pipe or Execution Pipe
arr_rd_addr_01 <= ex1_p_addr_01;
arr_rd_addr_23 <= ex1_p_addr_23;
arr_rd_addr_45 <= ex1_p_addr_45;
arr_rd_addr_67 <= ex1_p_addr_67;
-- ####################################################
-- Tag Array Access
-- 1) Contains the Array of Tags
-- ####################################################
l1dcta : entity work.xuq_lsu_dir_tag_arr(xuq_lsu_dir_tag_arr)
GENERIC MAP(expand_type => expand_type,
dc_size => dc_size,
cl_size => cl_size,
wayDataSize => wayDataSize,
parityBits => parBits,
real_data_add => real_data_add)
port map(
waddr => arr_wr_addr,
wdata => arr_wr_data,
way_wen_a => wayA_wen,
way_wen_b => wayB_wen,
way_wen_c => wayC_wen,
way_wen_d => wayD_wen,
way_wen_e => wayE_wen,
way_wen_f => wayF_wen,
way_wen_g => wayG_wen,
way_wen_h => wayH_wen,
raddr_01 => arr_rd_addr_01,
raddr_23 => arr_rd_addr_23,
raddr_45 => arr_rd_addr_45,
raddr_67 => arr_rd_addr_67,
inj_parity_err => inj_dcachedir_parity_q,
dir_arr_rd_addr_01 => dir_arr_rd_addr_01,
dir_arr_rd_addr_23 => dir_arr_rd_addr_23,
dir_arr_rd_addr_45 => dir_arr_rd_addr_45,
dir_arr_rd_addr_67 => dir_arr_rd_addr_67,
dir_arr_rd_data => dir_arr_rd_data,
dir_wr_way => dir_wr_way,
dir_arr_wr_addr => dir_arr_wr_addr,
dir_arr_wr_data => rel_wrt_data_d,
way_tag_a => arr_wayA_tag,
way_tag_b => arr_wayB_tag,
way_tag_c => arr_wayC_tag,
way_tag_d => arr_wayD_tag,
way_tag_e => arr_wayE_tag,
way_tag_f => arr_wayF_tag,
way_tag_g => arr_wayG_tag,
way_tag_h => arr_wayH_tag,
way_arr_par_a => ex3_way_tag_par_a_d,
way_arr_par_b => ex3_way_tag_par_b_d,
way_arr_par_c => ex3_way_tag_par_c_d,
way_arr_par_d => ex3_way_tag_par_d_d,
way_arr_par_e => ex3_way_tag_par_e_d,
way_arr_par_f => ex3_way_tag_par_f_d,
way_arr_par_g => ex3_way_tag_par_g_d,
way_arr_par_h => ex3_way_tag_par_h_d,
par_gen_a_1b => ex2_par_gen_a_1b,
par_gen_a_2b => ex2_par_gen_a_2b,
par_gen_b_1b => ex2_par_gen_b_1b,
par_gen_b_2b => ex2_par_gen_b_2b,
par_gen_c_1b => ex2_par_gen_c_1b,
par_gen_c_2b => ex2_par_gen_c_2b,
par_gen_d_1b => ex2_par_gen_d_1b,
par_gen_d_2b => ex2_par_gen_d_2b,
par_gen_e_1b => ex2_par_gen_e_1b,
par_gen_e_2b => ex2_par_gen_e_2b,
par_gen_f_1b => ex2_par_gen_f_1b,
par_gen_f_2b => ex2_par_gen_f_2b,
par_gen_g_1b => ex2_par_gen_g_1b,
par_gen_g_2b => ex2_par_gen_g_2b,
par_gen_h_1b => ex2_par_gen_h_1b,
par_gen_h_2b => ex2_par_gen_h_2b
-- ####################################################
-- Parity Reporting
-- ####################################################
-- Parity Check Enable
ex3_en_par_chk_d(0) <= (ex2_ddir_acc_instr or inval_val_q) and not spr_xucr0_dcdis_q;
ex3_en_par_chk_d(1) <= (ex2_ddir_acc_instr or inval_val_q) and not spr_xucr0_dcdis_q;
ex3_en_par_chk_d(2) <= (ex2_ddir_acc_instr or inval_val_q) and not spr_xucr0_dcdis_q;
ex3_en_par_chk_d(3) <= (ex2_ddir_acc_instr or inval_val_q) and not spr_xucr0_dcdis_q;
ex3_en_par_chk_d(4) <= (ex2_ddir_acc_instr or inval_val_q) and not spr_xucr0_dcdis_q;
ex3_en_par_chk_d(5) <= (ex2_ddir_acc_instr or inval_val_q) and not spr_xucr0_dcdis_q;
ex3_en_par_chk_d(6) <= (ex2_ddir_acc_instr or inval_val_q) and not spr_xucr0_dcdis_q;
ex3_en_par_chk_d(7) <= (ex2_ddir_acc_instr or inval_val_q) and not spr_xucr0_dcdis_q;
-- Latching up Parity Bits
ex3_par_gen_a_1b_d <= ex2_par_gen_a_1b;
ex3_par_gen_a_2b_d <= ex2_par_gen_a_2b;
ex3_par_gen_b_1b_d <= ex2_par_gen_b_1b;
ex3_par_gen_b_2b_d <= ex2_par_gen_b_2b;
ex3_par_gen_c_1b_d <= ex2_par_gen_c_1b;
ex3_par_gen_c_2b_d <= ex2_par_gen_c_2b;
ex3_par_gen_d_1b_d <= ex2_par_gen_d_1b;
ex3_par_gen_d_2b_d <= ex2_par_gen_d_2b;
ex3_par_gen_e_1b_d <= ex2_par_gen_e_1b;
ex3_par_gen_e_2b_d <= ex2_par_gen_e_2b;
ex3_par_gen_f_1b_d <= ex2_par_gen_f_1b;
ex3_par_gen_f_2b_d <= ex2_par_gen_f_2b;
ex3_par_gen_g_1b_d <= ex2_par_gen_g_1b;
ex3_par_gen_g_2b_d <= ex2_par_gen_g_2b;
ex3_par_gen_h_1b_d <= ex2_par_gen_h_1b;
ex3_par_gen_h_2b_d <= ex2_par_gen_h_2b;
-- Parity Generated
ex3_par_gen_a <= ex3_par_gen_a_1b_q xor ex3_par_gen_a_2b_q;
ex3_par_gen_b <= ex3_par_gen_b_1b_q xor ex3_par_gen_b_2b_q;
ex3_par_gen_c <= ex3_par_gen_c_1b_q xor ex3_par_gen_c_2b_q;
ex3_par_gen_d <= ex3_par_gen_d_1b_q xor ex3_par_gen_d_2b_q;
ex3_par_gen_e <= ex3_par_gen_e_1b_q xor ex3_par_gen_e_2b_q;
ex3_par_gen_f <= ex3_par_gen_f_1b_q xor ex3_par_gen_f_2b_q;
ex3_par_gen_g <= ex3_par_gen_g_1b_q xor ex3_par_gen_g_2b_q;
ex3_par_gen_h <= ex3_par_gen_h_1b_q xor ex3_par_gen_h_2b_q;
-- Parity Error Detected
ex3_perr_det_a <= or_reduce(ex3_way_tag_par_a_q xor ex3_par_gen_a) and ex3_en_par_chk_q(0);
ex3_perr_det_b <= or_reduce(ex3_way_tag_par_b_q xor ex3_par_gen_b) and ex3_en_par_chk_q(1);
ex3_perr_det_c <= or_reduce(ex3_way_tag_par_c_q xor ex3_par_gen_c) and ex3_en_par_chk_q(2);
ex3_perr_det_d <= or_reduce(ex3_way_tag_par_d_q xor ex3_par_gen_d) and ex3_en_par_chk_q(3);
ex3_perr_det_e <= or_reduce(ex3_way_tag_par_e_q xor ex3_par_gen_e) and ex3_en_par_chk_q(4);
ex3_perr_det_f <= or_reduce(ex3_way_tag_par_f_q xor ex3_par_gen_f) and ex3_en_par_chk_q(5);
ex3_perr_det_g <= or_reduce(ex3_way_tag_par_g_q xor ex3_par_gen_g) and ex3_en_par_chk_q(6);
ex3_perr_det_h <= or_reduce(ex3_way_tag_par_h_q xor ex3_par_gen_h) and ex3_en_par_chk_q(7);
-- Spare Latches
my_spare0_latches_d <= not my_spare0_latches_q;
my_spare1_latches_d <= not my_spare1_latches_q;
-- ####################################################
-- Outputs
-- ####################################################
ex2_wayA_tag <= arr_wayA_tag;
ex2_wayB_tag <= arr_wayB_tag;
ex2_wayC_tag <= arr_wayC_tag;
ex2_wayD_tag <= arr_wayD_tag;
ex2_wayE_tag <= arr_wayE_tag;
ex2_wayF_tag <= arr_wayF_tag;
ex2_wayG_tag <= arr_wayG_tag;
ex2_wayH_tag <= arr_wayH_tag;
dir_arr_wr_data <= rel_wrt_data_q;
ex3_way_tag_par_a <= ex3_way_tag_par_a_q;
ex3_way_tag_par_b <= ex3_way_tag_par_b_q;
ex3_way_tag_par_c <= ex3_way_tag_par_c_q;
ex3_way_tag_par_d <= ex3_way_tag_par_d_q;
ex3_way_tag_par_e <= ex3_way_tag_par_e_q;
ex3_way_tag_par_f <= ex3_way_tag_par_f_q;
ex3_way_tag_par_g <= ex3_way_tag_par_g_q;
ex3_way_tag_par_h <= ex3_way_tag_par_h_q;
ex3_tag_way_perr <= ex3_perr_det_a & ex3_perr_det_b & ex3_perr_det_c & ex3_perr_det_d &
ex3_perr_det_e & ex3_perr_det_f & ex3_perr_det_g & ex3_perr_det_h;
-- ####################################################
-- Back Invalidate Registers
-- ####################################################
inval_val_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(inval_val_offset),
scout => sov(inval_val_offset),
din => inval_val_d,
dout => inval_val_q);
ex3_en_par_chk_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => 8, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_en_par_chk_offset to ex3_en_par_chk_offset + ex3_en_par_chk_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_en_par_chk_offset to ex3_en_par_chk_offset + ex3_en_par_chk_d'length-1),
din => ex3_en_par_chk_d,
dout => ex3_en_par_chk_q);
spr_xucr0_dcdis_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
forcee => func_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(spr_xucr0_dcdis_offset),
scout => sov(spr_xucr0_dcdis_offset),
din => spr_xucr0_dcdis_d,
dout => spr_xucr0_dcdis_q);
inj_dcachedir_parity_reg: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
forcee => func_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(inj_dcachedir_parity_offset),
scout => sov(inj_dcachedir_parity_offset),
din => inj_dcachedir_parity_d,
dout => inj_dcachedir_parity_q);
relu_addr_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lwrCClassBit-uprCClassBit+1, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
forcee => func_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(relu_addr_offset to relu_addr_offset + relu_addr_d'length-1),
scout => sov(relu_addr_offset to relu_addr_offset + relu_addr_d'length-1),
din => relu_addr_d,
dout => relu_addr_q);
rel_wrt_data_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => wayDataSize, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
forcee => func_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(rel_wrt_data_offset to rel_wrt_data_offset + rel_wrt_data_d'length-1),
scout => sov(rel_wrt_data_offset to rel_wrt_data_offset + rel_wrt_data_d'length-1),
din => rel_wrt_data_d,
dout => rel_wrt_data_q);
ex3_par_gen_a_1b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_a_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_a_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_a_1b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_a_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_a_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_a_1b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_a_1b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_a_1b_q);
ex3_par_gen_a_2b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_a_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_a_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_a_2b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_a_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_a_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_a_2b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_a_2b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_a_2b_q);
ex3_par_gen_b_1b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_b_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_b_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_b_1b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_b_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_b_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_b_1b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_b_1b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_b_1b_q);
ex3_par_gen_b_2b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_b_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_b_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_b_2b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_b_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_b_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_b_2b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_b_2b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_b_2b_q);
ex3_par_gen_c_1b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_c_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_c_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_c_1b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_c_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_c_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_c_1b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_c_1b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_c_1b_q);
ex3_par_gen_c_2b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_c_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_c_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_c_2b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_c_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_c_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_c_2b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_c_2b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_c_2b_q);
ex3_par_gen_d_1b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_d_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_d_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_d_1b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_d_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_d_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_d_1b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_d_1b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_d_1b_q);
ex3_par_gen_d_2b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_d_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_d_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_d_2b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_d_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_d_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_d_2b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_d_2b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_d_2b_q);
ex3_par_gen_e_1b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_e_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_e_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_e_1b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_e_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_e_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_e_1b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_e_1b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_e_1b_q);
ex3_par_gen_e_2b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_e_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_e_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_e_2b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_e_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_e_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_e_2b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_e_2b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_e_2b_q);
ex3_par_gen_f_1b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_f_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_f_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_f_1b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_f_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_f_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_f_1b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_f_1b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_f_1b_q);
ex3_par_gen_f_2b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_f_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_f_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_f_2b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_f_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_f_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_f_2b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_f_2b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_f_2b_q);
ex3_par_gen_g_1b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_g_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_g_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_g_1b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_g_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_g_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_g_1b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_g_1b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_g_1b_q);
ex3_par_gen_g_2b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_g_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_g_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_g_2b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_g_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_g_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_g_2b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_g_2b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_g_2b_q);
ex3_par_gen_h_1b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_h_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_h_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_h_1b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_h_1b_offset to ex3_par_gen_h_1b_offset + ex3_par_gen_h_1b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_h_1b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_h_1b_q);
ex3_par_gen_h_2b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_par_gen_h_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_h_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_h_2b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_par_gen_h_2b_offset to ex3_par_gen_h_2b_offset + ex3_par_gen_h_2b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_par_gen_h_2b_d,
dout => ex3_par_gen_h_2b_q);
ex3_way_tag_par_a_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_way_tag_par_a_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_a_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_a_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_way_tag_par_a_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_a_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_a_d'length-1),
din => ex3_way_tag_par_a_d,
dout => ex3_way_tag_par_a_q);
ex3_way_tag_par_b_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_way_tag_par_b_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_b_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_b_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_way_tag_par_b_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_b_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_b_d'length-1),
din => ex3_way_tag_par_b_d,
dout => ex3_way_tag_par_b_q);
ex3_way_tag_par_c_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_way_tag_par_c_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_c_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_c_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_way_tag_par_c_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_c_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_c_d'length-1),
din => ex3_way_tag_par_c_d,
dout => ex3_way_tag_par_c_q);
ex3_way_tag_par_d_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_way_tag_par_d_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_d_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_d_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_way_tag_par_d_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_d_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_d_d'length-1),
din => ex3_way_tag_par_d_d,
dout => ex3_way_tag_par_d_q);
ex3_way_tag_par_e_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_way_tag_par_e_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_e_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_e_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_way_tag_par_e_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_e_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_e_d'length-1),
din => ex3_way_tag_par_e_d,
dout => ex3_way_tag_par_e_q);
ex3_way_tag_par_f_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_way_tag_par_f_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_f_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_f_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_way_tag_par_f_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_f_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_f_d'length-1),
din => ex3_way_tag_par_f_d,
dout => ex3_way_tag_par_f_q);
ex3_way_tag_par_g_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_way_tag_par_g_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_g_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_g_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_way_tag_par_g_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_g_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_g_d'length-1),
din => ex3_way_tag_par_g_d,
dout => ex3_way_tag_par_g_q);
ex3_way_tag_par_h_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => parBits, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => ex2_binv2_stg_act,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
d_mode => d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
scin => siv(ex3_way_tag_par_h_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_h_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_h_d'length-1),
scout => sov(ex3_way_tag_par_h_offset to ex3_way_tag_par_h_offset + ex3_way_tag_par_h_d'length-1),
din => ex3_way_tag_par_h_d,
dout => ex3_way_tag_par_h_q);
my_spare0_lcb : entity tri.tri_lcbnd(tri_lcbnd)
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
d1clk => my_spare0_d1clk,
d2clk => my_spare0_d2clk,
lclk => my_spare0_lclk);
my_spare0_latches_reg: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats)
generic map (width => 16, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
lclk => my_spare0_lclk,
d1clk => my_spare0_d1clk,
d2clk => my_spare0_d2clk,
scanin => siv(my_spare0_latches_offset to my_spare0_latches_offset + my_spare0_latches_d'length-1),
scanout => sov(my_spare0_latches_offset to my_spare0_latches_offset + my_spare0_latches_d'length-1),
d => my_spare0_latches_d,
qb => my_spare0_latches_q);
my_spare1_lcb : entity tri.tri_lcbnd(tri_lcbnd)
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
forcee => func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr_dc,
mpw1_b => mpw1_dc_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => sg_0,
d1clk => my_spare1_d1clk,
d2clk => my_spare1_d2clk,
lclk => my_spare1_lclk);
my_spare1_latches_reg: entity tri.tri_inv_nlats(tri_inv_nlats)
generic map (width => 16, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 1)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
lclk => my_spare1_lclk,
d1clk => my_spare1_d1clk,
d2clk => my_spare1_d2clk,
scanin => siv(my_spare1_latches_offset to my_spare1_latches_offset + my_spare1_latches_d'length-1),
scanout => sov(my_spare1_latches_offset to my_spare1_latches_offset + my_spare1_latches_d'length-1),
d => my_spare1_latches_d,
qb => my_spare1_latches_q);
siv(0 to scan_right) <= sov(1 to scan_right) & scan_in;
scan_out <= sov(0);
end xuq_lsu_dir_tag;