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-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
-- the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
-- compliance with the License as modified.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Modified Terms:
-- 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
-- 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
-- necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
-- via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
-- hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
-- of the EULA.
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-- for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-- Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
-- is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
-- available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
-- obtained (along with the Power ISA) here:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library ibm;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
library support;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
library tri;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
entity mmq_spr is
generic(pid_width : integer := 14;
lpid_width : integer := 8;
epn_width : integer := 52;
thdid_width : integer := 4;
class_width : integer := 2;
extclass_width : integer := 2;
mmucr0_width : integer := 20;
mmucr1_width : integer := 32;
mmucr2_width : integer := 32;
mmucr3_width : integer := 15;
spr_ctl_width : integer := 3;
spr_etid_width : integer := 2;
spr_addr_width : integer := 10;
spr_data_width : integer := 64;
real_addr_width : integer := 42;
bcfg_mmucr1_value : integer := 201326592;
bcfg_mmucr2_value : integer := 685361;
bcfg_mmucr3_value : integer := 15;
bcfg_mmucfg_value : integer := 3;
bcfg_tlb0cfg_value : integer := 7;
mmq_spr_cswitch_0to3 : integer := 0;
expand_tlb_type : integer := 2;
expand_type : integer := 2 );
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
nclk : in clk_logic;
tc_ccflush_dc : in std_ulogic;
tc_scan_dis_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
tc_scan_diag_dc : in std_ulogic;
tc_lbist_en_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_d_mode_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_clkoff_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_act_dis_dc : in std_ulogic;
lcb_mpw1_dc_b : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
lcb_mpw2_dc_b : in std_ulogic;
lcb_delay_lclkr_dc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
ac_func_scan_in :in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
ac_func_scan_out :out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
ac_bcfg_scan_in :in std_ulogic;
ac_bcfg_scan_out :out std_ulogic;
pc_sg_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_func_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_cfg_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_2 : in std_ulogic;
pc_fce_2 : in std_ulogic;
xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b : in std_ulogic;
mmucr2_act_override : in std_ulogic_vector(5 to 6);
tlb_delayed_act : in std_ulogic_vector(29 to 32);
mm_iu_ierat_pid0 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
mm_iu_ierat_pid1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
mm_iu_ierat_pid2 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
mm_iu_ierat_pid3 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_0 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 19);
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 19);
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_2 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 19);
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_3 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 19);
iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 17);
iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we : in std_ulogic;
mm_xu_derat_pid0 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
mm_xu_derat_pid1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
mm_xu_derat_pid2 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
mm_xu_derat_pid3 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_0 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 19);
mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 19);
mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_2 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 19);
mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_3 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 19);
xu_mm_derat_mmucr0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 17);
xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
mm_xu_derat_mmucr1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
xu_mm_derat_mmucr1 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we : in std_ulogic;
pid0 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
pid1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
pid2 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
pid3 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
mmucr0_0 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr0_width-1);
mmucr0_1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr0_width-1);
mmucr0_2 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr0_width-1);
mmucr0_3 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr0_width-1);
mmucr1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr1_width-1);
mmucr2 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr2_width-1);
mmucr3_0 : out std_ulogic_vector(64-mmucr3_width to 63);
mmucr3_1 : out std_ulogic_vector(64-mmucr3_width to 63);
mmucr3_2 : out std_ulogic_vector(64-mmucr3_width to 63);
mmucr3_3 : out std_ulogic_vector(64-mmucr3_width to 63);
mmucfg_lrat : out std_ulogic;
mmucfg_twc : out std_ulogic;
tlb0cfg_pt : out std_ulogic;
tlb0cfg_ind : out std_ulogic;
tlb0cfg_gtwe : out std_ulogic;
mas0_0_atsel : out std_ulogic;
mas0_0_esel : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
mas0_0_hes : out std_ulogic;
mas0_0_wq : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
mas1_0_v : out std_ulogic;
mas1_0_iprot : out std_ulogic;
mas1_0_tid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
mas1_0_ind : out std_ulogic;
mas1_0_ts : out std_ulogic;
mas1_0_tsize : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas2_0_epn : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 51);
mas2_0_wimge : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mas3_0_rpnl : out std_ulogic_vector(32 to 52);
mas3_0_ubits : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas3_0_usxwr : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
mas5_0_sgs : out std_ulogic;
mas5_0_slpid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
mas6_0_spid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
mas6_0_isize : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas6_0_sind : out std_ulogic;
mas6_0_sas : out std_ulogic;
mas7_0_rpnu : out std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
mas8_0_tgs : out std_ulogic;
mas8_0_vf : out std_ulogic;
mas8_0_tlpid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
mas0_1_atsel : out std_ulogic;
mas0_1_esel : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
mas0_1_hes : out std_ulogic;
mas0_1_wq : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
mas1_1_v : out std_ulogic;
mas1_1_iprot : out std_ulogic;
mas1_1_tid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
mas1_1_ind : out std_ulogic;
mas1_1_ts : out std_ulogic;
mas1_1_tsize : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas2_1_epn : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 51);
mas2_1_wimge : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mas3_1_rpnl : out std_ulogic_vector(32 to 52);
mas3_1_ubits : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas3_1_usxwr : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
mas5_1_sgs : out std_ulogic;
mas5_1_slpid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
mas6_1_spid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
mas6_1_isize : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas6_1_sind : out std_ulogic;
mas6_1_sas : out std_ulogic;
mas7_1_rpnu : out std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
mas8_1_tgs : out std_ulogic;
mas8_1_vf : out std_ulogic;
mas8_1_tlpid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
mas0_2_atsel : out std_ulogic;
mas0_2_esel : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
mas0_2_hes : out std_ulogic;
mas0_2_wq : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
mas1_2_v : out std_ulogic;
mas1_2_iprot : out std_ulogic;
mas1_2_tid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
mas1_2_ind : out std_ulogic;
mas1_2_ts : out std_ulogic;
mas1_2_tsize : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas2_2_epn : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 51);
mas2_2_wimge : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mas3_2_rpnl : out std_ulogic_vector(32 to 52);
mas3_2_ubits : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas3_2_usxwr : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
mas5_2_sgs : out std_ulogic;
mas5_2_slpid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
mas6_2_spid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
mas6_2_isize : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas6_2_sind : out std_ulogic;
mas6_2_sas : out std_ulogic;
mas7_2_rpnu : out std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
mas8_2_tgs : out std_ulogic;
mas8_2_vf : out std_ulogic;
mas8_2_tlpid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
mas0_3_atsel : out std_ulogic;
mas0_3_esel : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
mas0_3_hes : out std_ulogic;
mas0_3_wq : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
mas1_3_v : out std_ulogic;
mas1_3_iprot : out std_ulogic;
mas1_3_tid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
mas1_3_ind : out std_ulogic;
mas1_3_ts : out std_ulogic;
mas1_3_tsize : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas2_3_epn : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 51);
mas2_3_wimge : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
mas3_3_rpnl : out std_ulogic_vector(32 to 52);
mas3_3_ubits : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas3_3_usxwr : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
mas5_3_sgs : out std_ulogic;
mas5_3_slpid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
mas6_3_spid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
mas6_3_isize : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
mas6_3_sind : out std_ulogic;
mas6_3_sas : out std_ulogic;
mas7_3_rpnu : out std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
mas8_3_tgs : out std_ulogic;
mas8_3_vf : out std_ulogic;
mas8_3_tlpid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
tlb_mas0_esel : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
tlb_mas1_v : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas1_iprot : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas1_tid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
tlb_mas1_tid_error : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
tlb_mas1_ind : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas1_ts : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas1_ts_error : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas1_tsize : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_mas2_epn : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to epn_width-1);
tlb_mas2_epn_error : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to epn_width-1);
tlb_mas2_wimge : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
tlb_mas3_rpnl : in std_ulogic_vector(32 to 51);
tlb_mas3_ubits : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_mas3_usxwr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
tlb_mas6_spid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
tlb_mas6_isize : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
tlb_mas6_sind : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas6_sas : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas7_rpnu : in std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
tlb_mas8_tgs : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas8_vf : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas8_tlpid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
tlb_mmucr1_een : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
tlb_mmucr1_we : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mmucr3_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
tlb_mmucr3_resvattr : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mmucr3_wlc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_mmucr3_class : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to class_width-1);
tlb_mmucr3_extclass : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to extclass_width-1);
tlb_mmucr3_rc : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
tlb_mmucr3_x : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_tlbre : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_dtlb_error : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_itlb_error : in std_ulogic;
tlb_mas_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
mmucsr0_tlb0fi : out std_ulogic;
mmq_inval_tlb0fi_done : in std_ulogic;
lrat_mmucr3_x : in std_ulogic;
lrat_mas0_esel : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
lrat_mas1_v : in std_ulogic;
lrat_mas1_tsize : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
lrat_mas2_epn : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 51);
lrat_mas3_rpnl : in std_ulogic_vector(32 to 51);
lrat_mas7_rpnu : in std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
lrat_mas8_tlpid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to lpid_width-1);
lrat_mas_tlbre : in std_ulogic;
lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit : in std_ulogic;
lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss : in std_ulogic;
lrat_mas_thdid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
lrat_tag4_hit_entry : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
tlb_lper_lpn : in std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 51);
tlb_lper_lps : in std_ulogic_vector(60 to 63);
tlb_lper_we : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
lpidr : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to lpid_width-1);
ac_an_lpar_id : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to lpid_width-1);
spr_dbg_match_64b : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_any_mmu : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_any_mas : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_pid : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lpidr : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr0 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr1 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr2 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr3 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucsr0 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mmucfg : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_tlb0cfg : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_tlb0ps : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lratcfg : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lratps : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_eptcfg : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lper : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_lperu : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas0 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas1 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas2 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas2u : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas3 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas4 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas5 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas6 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas7 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas8 : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas01_64b : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas56_64b : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas73_64b : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_match_mas81_64b : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_slowspr_val_int : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_slowspr_rw_int : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_slowspr_etid_int : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
spr_dbg_slowspr_addr_int : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
spr_dbg_slowspr_val_out : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_slowspr_done_out : out std_ulogic;
spr_dbg_slowspr_data_out : out std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 63);
xu_mm_slowspr_val : in std_ulogic;
xu_mm_slowspr_rw : in std_ulogic;
xu_mm_slowspr_etid : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
xu_mm_slowspr_addr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
xu_mm_slowspr_data : in std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 63);
xu_mm_slowspr_done : in std_ulogic;
mm_iu_slowspr_val : out std_ulogic;
mm_iu_slowspr_rw : out std_ulogic;
mm_iu_slowspr_etid : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
mm_iu_slowspr_addr : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9);
mm_iu_slowspr_data : out std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 63);
mm_iu_slowspr_done : out std_ulogic
end mmq_spr;
architecture mmq_spr of mmq_spr is
constant Spr_Addr_PID : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0000110000";
constant Spr_Addr_LPID : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101010010";
constant Spr_Addr_MMUCR0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1111111100";
constant Spr_Addr_MMUCR1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1111111101";
constant Spr_Addr_MMUCR2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1111111110";
constant Spr_Addr_MMUCR3 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1111111111";
constant Spr_RW_Write : std_ulogic := '0';
constant Spr_RW_Read : std_ulogic := '1';
constant Spr_Addr_MAS0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1001110000";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1001110001";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1001110010";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS2U : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1001110111";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS3 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1001110011";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1001110100";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS5 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101010011";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS6 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1001110110";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS7 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1110110000";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS8 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101010101";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101011100";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101011101";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101110100";
constant Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101110101";
constant Spr_Addr_MMUCFG : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1111110111";
constant Spr_Addr_MMUCSR0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1111110100";
constant Spr_Addr_TLB0CFG : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "1010110000";
constant Spr_Addr_TLB0PS : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101011000";
constant Spr_Addr_LRATCFG : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101010110";
constant Spr_Addr_LRATPS : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101010111";
constant Spr_Addr_EPTCFG : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0101011110";
constant Spr_Addr_LPER : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0000111000";
constant Spr_Addr_LPERU : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := "0000111001";
constant Spr_Data_MMUCFG : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 63) := "00001000010101011000001101000001";
constant Spr_Data_TLB0CFG : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 63) := "00000100000000001010001000000000";
constant Spr_Data_TLB0PS : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 63) := "00000000000100000100010001000100";
constant Spr_Data_LRATCFG : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 63) := "00000000010101000010000000001000";
constant Spr_Data_LRATPS : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 63) := "01010001010101000100010000000000";
constant Spr_Data_EPTCFG : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 63) := "00000000000010010001100101000010";
constant spr_ctl_in_offset : natural := 0;
constant spr_etid_in_offset : natural := spr_ctl_in_offset + spr_ctl_width;
constant spr_addr_in_offset : natural := spr_etid_in_offset + spr_etid_width;
constant spr_data_in_offset : natural := spr_addr_in_offset + spr_addr_width;
constant spr_ctl_int_offset : natural := spr_data_in_offset + spr_data_width;
constant spr_etid_int_offset : natural := spr_ctl_int_offset + spr_ctl_width;
constant spr_addr_int_offset : natural := spr_etid_int_offset + spr_etid_width;
constant spr_data_int_offset : natural := spr_addr_int_offset + spr_addr_width;
constant spr_ctl_out_offset : natural := spr_data_int_offset + spr_data_width;
constant spr_etid_out_offset : natural := spr_ctl_out_offset + spr_ctl_width;
constant spr_addr_out_offset : natural := spr_etid_out_offset + spr_etid_width;
constant spr_data_out_offset : natural := spr_addr_out_offset + spr_addr_width;
constant spr_match_any_mmu_offset : natural := spr_data_out_offset + spr_data_width;
constant spr_match_pid0_offset : natural := spr_match_any_mmu_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_pid1_offset : natural := spr_match_pid0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_pid2_offset : natural := spr_match_pid1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_pid3_offset : natural := spr_match_pid2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr0_0_offset : natural := spr_match_pid3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr0_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr0_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr0_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr0_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr0_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr0_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr1_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr0_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr2_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr3_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr3_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr3_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr3_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr3_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mmucr3_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr3_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lpidr_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucr3_3_offset + 1;
constant pid0_offset : natural := spr_match_lpidr_offset + 1;
constant pid1_offset : natural := pid0_offset + pid_width;
constant pid2_offset : natural := pid1_offset + pid_width;
constant pid3_offset : natural := pid2_offset + pid_width;
constant mmucr0_0_offset : natural := pid3_offset + pid_width;
constant mmucr0_1_offset : natural := mmucr0_0_offset + mmucr0_width;
constant mmucr0_2_offset : natural := mmucr0_1_offset + mmucr0_width;
constant mmucr0_3_offset : natural := mmucr0_2_offset + mmucr0_width;
constant lpidr_offset : natural := mmucr0_3_offset + mmucr0_width;
constant spare_a_offset : natural := lpidr_offset + lpid_width;
constant spr_mmu_act_offset : natural := spare_a_offset + 32;
constant spr_val_act_offset : natural := spr_mmu_act_offset + thdid_width +1;
constant cswitch_offset : natural := spr_val_act_offset + 4;
constant scan_right_0 : natural := cswitch_offset + 4 -1;
constant spr_match_mmucsr0_offset : natural := 0;
constant spr_match_mmucfg_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucsr0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_tlb0cfg_offset : natural := spr_match_mmucfg_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_tlb0ps_offset : natural := spr_match_tlb0cfg_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lratcfg_offset : natural := spr_match_tlb0ps_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lratps_offset : natural := spr_match_lratcfg_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_eptcfg_offset : natural := spr_match_lratps_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lper_0_offset : natural := spr_match_eptcfg_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lper_1_offset : natural := spr_match_lper_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lper_2_offset : natural := spr_match_lper_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lper_3_offset : natural := spr_match_lper_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lperu_0_offset : natural := spr_match_lper_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lperu_1_offset : natural := spr_match_lperu_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lperu_2_offset : natural := spr_match_lperu_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_lperu_3_offset : natural := spr_match_lperu_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas0_0_offset : natural := spr_match_lperu_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas1_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas0_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas2_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas1_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas2u_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas2_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas3_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas2u_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas4_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas3_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas5_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas4_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas6_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas5_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas7_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas6_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas8_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas7_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas01_64b_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas8_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas56_64b_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas01_64b_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas73_64b_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas56_64b_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas81_64b_0_offset : natural := spr_match_mas73_64b_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas0_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas81_64b_0_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas1_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas0_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas2_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas1_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas2u_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas2_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas3_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas2u_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas4_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas3_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas5_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas4_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas6_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas5_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas7_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas6_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas8_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas7_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas01_64b_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas8_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas56_64b_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas01_64b_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas73_64b_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas56_64b_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas81_64b_1_offset : natural := spr_match_mas73_64b_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas0_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas81_64b_1_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas1_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas0_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas2_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas1_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas2u_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas2_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas3_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas2u_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas4_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas3_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas5_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas4_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas6_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas5_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas7_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas6_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas8_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas7_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas01_64b_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas8_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas56_64b_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas01_64b_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas73_64b_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas56_64b_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas81_64b_2_offset : natural := spr_match_mas73_64b_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas0_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas81_64b_2_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas1_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas0_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas2_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas1_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas2u_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas2_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas3_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas2u_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas4_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas3_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas5_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas4_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas6_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas5_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas7_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas6_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas8_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas7_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas01_64b_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas8_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas56_64b_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas01_64b_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas73_64b_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas56_64b_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_mas81_64b_3_offset : natural := spr_match_mas73_64b_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_match_64b_offset : natural := spr_match_mas81_64b_3_offset + 1;
constant spr_addr_in_clone_offset : natural := spr_match_64b_offset + 1;
constant spr_mas_data_out_offset : natural := spr_addr_in_clone_offset + spr_addr_width;
constant spr_match_any_mas_offset : natural := spr_mas_data_out_offset + spr_data_width;
constant mas0_0_atsel_offset : natural := spr_match_any_mas_offset + 1;
constant mas0_0_esel_offset : natural := mas0_0_atsel_offset + 1;
constant mas0_0_hes_offset : natural := mas0_0_esel_offset + 3;
constant mas0_0_wq_offset : natural := mas0_0_hes_offset + 1;
constant mas1_0_v_offset : natural := mas0_0_wq_offset + 2;
constant mas1_0_iprot_offset : natural := mas1_0_v_offset + 1;
constant mas1_0_tid_offset : natural := mas1_0_iprot_offset + 1;
constant mas1_0_ind_offset : natural := mas1_0_tid_offset + 14;
constant mas1_0_ts_offset : natural := mas1_0_ind_offset + 1;
constant mas1_0_tsize_offset : natural := mas1_0_ts_offset + 1;
constant mas2_0_epn_offset : natural := mas1_0_tsize_offset + 4;
constant mas2_0_wimge_offset : natural := mas2_0_epn_offset + 52+spr_data_width-64;
constant mas3_0_rpnl_offset : natural := mas2_0_wimge_offset + 5;
constant mas3_0_ubits_offset : natural := mas3_0_rpnl_offset + 21;
constant mas3_0_usxwr_offset : natural := mas3_0_ubits_offset + 4;
constant mas5_0_sgs_offset : natural := mas3_0_usxwr_offset + 6;
constant mas5_0_slpid_offset : natural := mas5_0_sgs_offset + 1;
constant mas6_0_spid_offset : natural := mas5_0_slpid_offset + 8;
constant mas6_0_isize_offset : natural := mas6_0_spid_offset + 14;
constant mas6_0_sind_offset : natural := mas6_0_isize_offset + 4;
constant mas6_0_sas_offset : natural := mas6_0_sind_offset + 1;
constant mas7_0_rpnu_offset : natural := mas6_0_sas_offset + 1;
constant mas8_0_tgs_offset : natural := mas7_0_rpnu_offset + 10;
constant mas8_0_vf_offset : natural := mas8_0_tgs_offset + 1;
constant mas8_0_tlpid_offset : natural := mas8_0_vf_offset + 1;
constant mas0_1_atsel_offset : natural := mas8_0_tlpid_offset + 8;
constant mas0_1_esel_offset : natural := mas0_1_atsel_offset + 1;
constant mas0_1_hes_offset : natural := mas0_1_esel_offset + 3;
constant mas0_1_wq_offset : natural := mas0_1_hes_offset + 1;
constant mas1_1_v_offset : natural := mas0_1_wq_offset + 2;
constant mas1_1_iprot_offset : natural := mas1_1_v_offset + 1;
constant mas1_1_tid_offset : natural := mas1_1_iprot_offset + 1;
constant mas1_1_ind_offset : natural := mas1_1_tid_offset + 14;
constant mas1_1_ts_offset : natural := mas1_1_ind_offset + 1;
constant mas1_1_tsize_offset : natural := mas1_1_ts_offset + 1;
constant mas2_1_epn_offset : natural := mas1_1_tsize_offset + 4;
constant mas2_1_wimge_offset : natural := mas2_1_epn_offset + 52+spr_data_width-64;
constant mas3_1_rpnl_offset : natural := mas2_1_wimge_offset + 5;
constant mas3_1_ubits_offset : natural := mas3_1_rpnl_offset + 21;
constant mas3_1_usxwr_offset : natural := mas3_1_ubits_offset + 4;
constant mas5_1_sgs_offset : natural := mas3_1_usxwr_offset + 6;
constant mas5_1_slpid_offset : natural := mas5_1_sgs_offset + 1;
constant mas6_1_spid_offset : natural := mas5_1_slpid_offset + 8;
constant mas6_1_isize_offset : natural := mas6_1_spid_offset + 14;
constant mas6_1_sind_offset : natural := mas6_1_isize_offset + 4;
constant mas6_1_sas_offset : natural := mas6_1_sind_offset + 1;
constant mas7_1_rpnu_offset : natural := mas6_1_sas_offset + 1;
constant mas8_1_tgs_offset : natural := mas7_1_rpnu_offset + 10;
constant mas8_1_vf_offset : natural := mas8_1_tgs_offset + 1;
constant mas8_1_tlpid_offset : natural := mas8_1_vf_offset + 1;
constant mas0_2_atsel_offset : natural := mas8_1_tlpid_offset + 8;
constant mas0_2_esel_offset : natural := mas0_2_atsel_offset + 1;
constant mas0_2_hes_offset : natural := mas0_2_esel_offset + 3;
constant mas0_2_wq_offset : natural := mas0_2_hes_offset + 1;
constant mas1_2_v_offset : natural := mas0_2_wq_offset + 2;
constant mas1_2_iprot_offset : natural := mas1_2_v_offset + 1;
constant mas1_2_tid_offset : natural := mas1_2_iprot_offset + 1;
constant mas1_2_ind_offset : natural := mas1_2_tid_offset + 14;
constant mas1_2_ts_offset : natural := mas1_2_ind_offset + 1;
constant mas1_2_tsize_offset : natural := mas1_2_ts_offset + 1;
constant mas2_2_epn_offset : natural := mas1_2_tsize_offset + 4;
constant mas2_2_wimge_offset : natural := mas2_2_epn_offset + 52+spr_data_width-64;
constant mas3_2_rpnl_offset : natural := mas2_2_wimge_offset + 5;
constant mas3_2_ubits_offset : natural := mas3_2_rpnl_offset + 21;
constant mas3_2_usxwr_offset : natural := mas3_2_ubits_offset + 4;
constant mas5_2_sgs_offset : natural := mas3_2_usxwr_offset + 6;
constant mas5_2_slpid_offset : natural := mas5_2_sgs_offset + 1;
constant mas6_2_spid_offset : natural := mas5_2_slpid_offset + 8;
constant mas6_2_isize_offset : natural := mas6_2_spid_offset + 14;
constant mas6_2_sind_offset : natural := mas6_2_isize_offset + 4;
constant mas6_2_sas_offset : natural := mas6_2_sind_offset + 1;
constant mas7_2_rpnu_offset : natural := mas6_2_sas_offset + 1;
constant mas8_2_tgs_offset : natural := mas7_2_rpnu_offset + 10;
constant mas8_2_vf_offset : natural := mas8_2_tgs_offset + 1;
constant mas8_2_tlpid_offset : natural := mas8_2_vf_offset + 1;
constant mas0_3_atsel_offset : natural := mas8_2_tlpid_offset + 8;
constant mas0_3_esel_offset : natural := mas0_3_atsel_offset + 1;
constant mas0_3_hes_offset : natural := mas0_3_esel_offset + 3;
constant mas0_3_wq_offset : natural := mas0_3_hes_offset + 1;
constant mas1_3_v_offset : natural := mas0_3_wq_offset + 2;
constant mas1_3_iprot_offset : natural := mas1_3_v_offset + 1;
constant mas1_3_tid_offset : natural := mas1_3_iprot_offset + 1;
constant mas1_3_ind_offset : natural := mas1_3_tid_offset + 14;
constant mas1_3_ts_offset : natural := mas1_3_ind_offset + 1;
constant mas1_3_tsize_offset : natural := mas1_3_ts_offset + 1;
constant mas2_3_epn_offset : natural := mas1_3_tsize_offset + 4;
constant mas2_3_wimge_offset : natural := mas2_3_epn_offset + 52+spr_data_width-64;
constant mas3_3_rpnl_offset : natural := mas2_3_wimge_offset + 5;
constant mas3_3_ubits_offset : natural := mas3_3_rpnl_offset + 21;
constant mas3_3_usxwr_offset : natural := mas3_3_ubits_offset + 4;
constant mas5_3_sgs_offset : natural := mas3_3_usxwr_offset + 6;
constant mas5_3_slpid_offset : natural := mas5_3_sgs_offset + 1;
constant mas6_3_spid_offset : natural := mas5_3_slpid_offset + 8;
constant mas6_3_isize_offset : natural := mas6_3_spid_offset + 14;
constant mas6_3_sind_offset : natural := mas6_3_isize_offset + 4;
constant mas6_3_sas_offset : natural := mas6_3_sind_offset + 1;
constant mas7_3_rpnu_offset : natural := mas6_3_sas_offset + 1;
constant mas8_3_tgs_offset : natural := mas7_3_rpnu_offset + 10;
constant mas8_3_vf_offset : natural := mas8_3_tgs_offset + 1;
constant mas8_3_tlpid_offset : natural := mas8_3_vf_offset + 1;
constant mmucsr0_tlb0fi_offset : natural := mas8_3_tlpid_offset + 8;
constant scan_right_a : natural := mmucsr0_tlb0fi_offset + 1;
constant lper_0_alpn_offset : natural := scan_right_a;
constant lper_0_lps_offset : natural := lper_0_alpn_offset + real_addr_width-12;
constant lper_1_alpn_offset : natural := lper_0_lps_offset + 4;
constant lper_1_lps_offset : natural := lper_1_alpn_offset + real_addr_width-12;
constant lper_2_alpn_offset : natural := lper_1_lps_offset + 4;
constant lper_2_lps_offset : natural := lper_2_alpn_offset + real_addr_width-12;
constant lper_3_alpn_offset : natural := lper_2_lps_offset + 4;
constant lper_3_lps_offset : natural := lper_3_alpn_offset + real_addr_width-12;
constant spare_b_offset : natural := lper_3_lps_offset + 4;
constant cat_emf_act_offset : natural := spare_b_offset + 64;
constant scan_right_1 : natural := cat_emf_act_offset + thdid_width -1;
constant mmucfg_offset : natural := 0;
constant tlb0cfg_offset : natural := mmucfg_offset + 2;
constant mmucr1_offset : natural := tlb0cfg_offset + 3;
constant mmucr2_offset : natural := mmucr1_offset + mmucr1_width;
constant mmucr3_0_offset : natural := mmucr2_offset + mmucr2_width;
constant mmucr3_1_offset : natural := mmucr3_0_offset + mmucr3_width;
constant mmucr3_2_offset : natural := mmucr3_1_offset + mmucr3_width;
constant mmucr3_3_offset : natural := mmucr3_2_offset + mmucr3_width;
constant mas4_0_indd_offset : natural := mmucr3_3_offset + mmucr3_width;
constant mas4_0_tsized_offset : natural := mas4_0_indd_offset + 1;
constant mas4_0_wimged_offset : natural := mas4_0_tsized_offset + 4;
constant mas4_1_indd_offset : natural := mas4_0_wimged_offset + 5;
constant mas4_1_tsized_offset : natural := mas4_1_indd_offset + 1;
constant mas4_1_wimged_offset : natural := mas4_1_tsized_offset + 4;
constant mas4_2_indd_offset : natural := mas4_1_wimged_offset + 5;
constant mas4_2_tsized_offset : natural := mas4_2_indd_offset + 1;
constant mas4_2_wimged_offset : natural := mas4_2_tsized_offset + 4;
constant mas4_3_indd_offset : natural := mas4_2_wimged_offset + 5;
constant mas4_3_tsized_offset : natural := mas4_3_indd_offset + 1;
constant mas4_3_wimged_offset : natural := mas4_3_tsized_offset + 4;
constant bcfg_spare_offset : natural := mas4_3_wimged_offset + 5;
constant boot_scan_right : natural := bcfg_spare_offset + 16 - 1;
signal spr_match_any_mmu, spr_match_any_mmu_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_pid0, spr_match_pid0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_pid1, spr_match_pid1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_pid2, spr_match_pid2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_pid3, spr_match_pid3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr0_0, spr_match_mmucr0_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr0_1, spr_match_mmucr0_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr0_2, spr_match_mmucr0_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr0_3, spr_match_mmucr0_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr1, spr_match_mmucr1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr2, spr_match_mmucr2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr3_0, spr_match_mmucr3_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr3_1, spr_match_mmucr3_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr3_2, spr_match_mmucr3_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucr3_3, spr_match_mmucr3_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lpidr, spr_match_lpidr_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucsr0, spr_match_mmucsr0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mmucfg, spr_match_mmucfg_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_tlb0cfg, spr_match_tlb0cfg_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_tlb0ps, spr_match_tlb0ps_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lratcfg, spr_match_lratcfg_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lratps, spr_match_lratps_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_eptcfg, spr_match_eptcfg_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lper_0, spr_match_lper_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lper_1, spr_match_lper_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lper_2, spr_match_lper_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lper_3, spr_match_lper_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lperu_0, spr_match_lperu_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lperu_1, spr_match_lperu_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lperu_2, spr_match_lperu_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_lperu_3, spr_match_lperu_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas0_0, spr_match_mas0_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas1_0, spr_match_mas1_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas2_0, spr_match_mas2_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas2u_0, spr_match_mas2u_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas3_0, spr_match_mas3_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas4_0, spr_match_mas4_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas5_0, spr_match_mas5_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas6_0, spr_match_mas6_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas7_0, spr_match_mas7_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas8_0, spr_match_mas8_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas01_64b_0, spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas56_64b_0, spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas73_64b_0, spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas81_64b_0, spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas0_1, spr_match_mas0_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas1_1, spr_match_mas1_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas2_1, spr_match_mas2_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas2u_1, spr_match_mas2u_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas3_1, spr_match_mas3_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas4_1, spr_match_mas4_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas5_1, spr_match_mas5_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas6_1, spr_match_mas6_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas7_1, spr_match_mas7_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas8_1, spr_match_mas8_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas01_64b_1, spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas56_64b_1, spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas73_64b_1, spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas81_64b_1, spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas0_2, spr_match_mas0_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas1_2, spr_match_mas1_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas2_2, spr_match_mas2_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas2u_2, spr_match_mas2u_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas3_2, spr_match_mas3_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas4_2, spr_match_mas4_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas5_2, spr_match_mas5_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas6_2, spr_match_mas6_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas7_2, spr_match_mas7_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas8_2, spr_match_mas8_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas01_64b_2, spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas56_64b_2, spr_match_mas56_64b_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas73_64b_2, spr_match_mas73_64b_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas81_64b_2, spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas0_3, spr_match_mas0_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas1_3, spr_match_mas1_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas2_3, spr_match_mas2_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas2u_3, spr_match_mas2u_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas3_3, spr_match_mas3_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas4_3, spr_match_mas4_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas5_3, spr_match_mas5_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas6_3, spr_match_mas6_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas7_3, spr_match_mas7_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas8_3, spr_match_mas8_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas01_64b_3, spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas56_64b_3, spr_match_mas56_64b_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas73_64b_3, spr_match_mas73_64b_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas81_64b_3, spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_mas_data_out, spr_mas_data_out_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 63);
signal spr_match_any_mas, spr_match_any_mas_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas2_64b : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas01_64b : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas56_64b : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas73_64b : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_mas81_64b : std_ulogic;
signal spr_match_64b, spr_match_64b_q : std_ulogic;
signal spr_ctl_in_d, spr_ctl_in_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_ctl_width-1);
signal spr_etid_in_d, spr_etid_in_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_etid_width-1);
signal spr_addr_in_d, spr_addr_in_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_addr_width-1);
signal spr_data_in_d, spr_data_in_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 63);
signal spr_addr_in_clone_d, spr_addr_in_clone_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_addr_width-1);
signal spr_ctl_int_d, spr_ctl_int_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_ctl_width-1);
signal spr_etid_int_d, spr_etid_int_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_etid_width-1);
signal spr_addr_int_d, spr_addr_int_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_addr_width-1);
signal spr_data_int_d, spr_data_int_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 63);
signal spr_ctl_out_d, spr_ctl_out_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_ctl_width-1);
signal spr_etid_out_d, spr_etid_out_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_etid_width-1);
signal spr_addr_out_d, spr_addr_out_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to spr_addr_width-1);
signal spr_data_out_d, spr_data_out_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 63);
signal pid0_d, pid0_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
signal mmucr0_0_d, mmucr0_0_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr0_width-1);
signal mmucr3_0_d, mmucr3_0_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-mmucr3_width to 63);
signal pid1_d, pid1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
signal mmucr0_1_d, mmucr0_1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr0_width-1);
signal mmucr3_1_d, mmucr3_1_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-mmucr3_width to 63);
signal pid2_d, pid2_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
signal mmucr0_2_d, mmucr0_2_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr0_width-1);
signal mmucr3_2_d, mmucr3_2_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-mmucr3_width to 63);
signal pid3_d, pid3_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to pid_width-1);
signal mmucr0_3_d, mmucr0_3_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr0_width-1);
signal mmucr3_3_d, mmucr3_3_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-mmucr3_width to 63);
signal mmucr1_d, mmucr1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr1_width-1);
signal mmucr2_d, mmucr2_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to mmucr2_width-1);
signal lpidr_d, lpidr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to lpid_width-1);
signal mas0_0_atsel_d, mas0_0_atsel_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas0_0_esel_d, mas0_0_esel_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal mas0_0_hes_d, mas0_0_hes_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas0_0_wq_d, mas0_0_wq_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal mas1_0_v_d, mas1_0_v_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_0_iprot_d, mas1_0_iprot_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_0_tid_d, mas1_0_tid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
signal mas1_0_ind_d, mas1_0_ind_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_0_ts_d, mas1_0_ts_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_0_tsize_d, mas1_0_tsize_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas2_0_epn_d, mas2_0_epn_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 51);
signal mas2_0_wimge_d, mas2_0_wimge_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal mas3_0_rpnl_d, mas3_0_rpnl_q : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 52);
signal mas3_0_ubits_d, mas3_0_ubits_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas3_0_usxwr_d, mas3_0_usxwr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal mas4_0_indd_d, mas4_0_indd_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas4_0_tsized_d, mas4_0_tsized_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas4_0_wimged_d, mas4_0_wimged_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal mas5_0_sgs_d, mas5_0_sgs_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas5_0_slpid_d, mas5_0_slpid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal mas6_0_spid_d, mas6_0_spid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
signal mas6_0_isize_d, mas6_0_isize_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas6_0_sind_d, mas6_0_sind_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas6_0_sas_d, mas6_0_sas_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas7_0_rpnu_d, mas7_0_rpnu_q : std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
signal mas8_0_tgs_d, mas8_0_tgs_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas8_0_vf_d, mas8_0_vf_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas8_0_tlpid_d, mas8_0_tlpid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal mas0_1_atsel_d, mas0_1_atsel_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas0_1_esel_d, mas0_1_esel_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal mas0_1_hes_d, mas0_1_hes_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas0_1_wq_d, mas0_1_wq_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal mas1_1_v_d, mas1_1_v_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_1_iprot_d, mas1_1_iprot_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_1_tid_d, mas1_1_tid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
signal mas1_1_ind_d, mas1_1_ind_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_1_ts_d, mas1_1_ts_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_1_tsize_d, mas1_1_tsize_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas2_1_epn_d, mas2_1_epn_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 51);
signal mas2_1_wimge_d, mas2_1_wimge_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal mas3_1_rpnl_d, mas3_1_rpnl_q : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 52);
signal mas3_1_ubits_d, mas3_1_ubits_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas3_1_usxwr_d, mas3_1_usxwr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal mas4_1_indd_d, mas4_1_indd_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas4_1_tsized_d, mas4_1_tsized_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas4_1_wimged_d, mas4_1_wimged_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal mas5_1_sgs_d, mas5_1_sgs_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas5_1_slpid_d, mas5_1_slpid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal mas6_1_spid_d, mas6_1_spid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
signal mas6_1_isize_d, mas6_1_isize_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas6_1_sind_d, mas6_1_sind_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas6_1_sas_d, mas6_1_sas_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas7_1_rpnu_d, mas7_1_rpnu_q : std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
signal mas8_1_tgs_d, mas8_1_tgs_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas8_1_vf_d, mas8_1_vf_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas8_1_tlpid_d, mas8_1_tlpid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal mas0_2_atsel_d, mas0_2_atsel_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas0_2_esel_d, mas0_2_esel_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal mas0_2_hes_d, mas0_2_hes_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas0_2_wq_d, mas0_2_wq_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal mas1_2_v_d, mas1_2_v_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_2_iprot_d, mas1_2_iprot_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_2_tid_d, mas1_2_tid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
signal mas1_2_ind_d, mas1_2_ind_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_2_ts_d, mas1_2_ts_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_2_tsize_d, mas1_2_tsize_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas2_2_epn_d, mas2_2_epn_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 51);
signal mas2_2_wimge_d, mas2_2_wimge_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal mas3_2_rpnl_d, mas3_2_rpnl_q : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 52);
signal mas3_2_ubits_d, mas3_2_ubits_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas3_2_usxwr_d, mas3_2_usxwr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal mas4_2_indd_d, mas4_2_indd_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas4_2_tsized_d, mas4_2_tsized_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas4_2_wimged_d, mas4_2_wimged_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal mas5_2_sgs_d, mas5_2_sgs_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas5_2_slpid_d, mas5_2_slpid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal mas6_2_spid_d, mas6_2_spid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
signal mas6_2_isize_d, mas6_2_isize_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas6_2_sind_d, mas6_2_sind_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas6_2_sas_d, mas6_2_sas_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas7_2_rpnu_d, mas7_2_rpnu_q : std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
signal mas8_2_tgs_d, mas8_2_tgs_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas8_2_vf_d, mas8_2_vf_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas8_2_tlpid_d, mas8_2_tlpid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal mas0_3_atsel_d, mas0_3_atsel_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas0_3_esel_d, mas0_3_esel_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
signal mas0_3_hes_d, mas0_3_hes_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas0_3_wq_d, mas0_3_wq_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal mas1_3_v_d, mas1_3_v_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_3_iprot_d, mas1_3_iprot_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_3_tid_d, mas1_3_tid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
signal mas1_3_ind_d, mas1_3_ind_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_3_ts_d, mas1_3_ts_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas1_3_tsize_d, mas1_3_tsize_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas2_3_epn_d, mas2_3_epn_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-spr_data_width to 51);
signal mas2_3_wimge_d, mas2_3_wimge_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal mas3_3_rpnl_d, mas3_3_rpnl_q : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 52);
signal mas3_3_ubits_d, mas3_3_ubits_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas3_3_usxwr_d, mas3_3_usxwr_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal mas4_3_indd_d, mas4_3_indd_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas4_3_tsized_d, mas4_3_tsized_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas4_3_wimged_d, mas4_3_wimged_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal mas5_3_sgs_d, mas5_3_sgs_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas5_3_slpid_d, mas5_3_slpid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal mas6_3_spid_d, mas6_3_spid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
signal mas6_3_isize_d, mas6_3_isize_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal mas6_3_sind_d, mas6_3_sind_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas6_3_sas_d, mas6_3_sas_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas7_3_rpnu_d, mas7_3_rpnu_q : std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
signal mas8_3_tgs_d, mas8_3_tgs_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas8_3_vf_d, mas8_3_vf_q : std_ulogic;
signal mas8_3_tlpid_d, mas8_3_tlpid_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal mmucsr0_tlb0fi_d, mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q : std_ulogic;
signal lper_0_alpn_d, lper_0_alpn_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 51);
signal lper_0_lps_d, lper_0_lps_q : std_ulogic_vector(60 to 63);
signal lper_1_alpn_d, lper_1_alpn_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 51);
signal lper_1_lps_d, lper_1_lps_q : std_ulogic_vector(60 to 63);
signal lper_2_alpn_d, lper_2_alpn_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 51);
signal lper_2_lps_d, lper_2_lps_q : std_ulogic_vector(60 to 63);
signal lper_3_alpn_d, lper_3_alpn_q : std_ulogic_vector(64-real_addr_width to 51);
signal lper_3_lps_d, lper_3_lps_q : std_ulogic_vector(60 to 63);
signal iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 17);
signal iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
signal iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q : std_ulogic;
signal xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 17);
signal xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
signal xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q : std_ulogic;
signal spare_a_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal spare_b_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 63);
signal unused_dc : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
signal pc_sg_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_sg_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_fce_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_fce_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_sl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_sl_force : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_sl_force : std_ulogic;
signal pc_cfg_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_cfg_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_cfg_sl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic;
signal pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic;
signal pc_cfg_sl_force : std_ulogic;
signal pc_cfg_slp_sl_force : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0 : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b : std_ulogic;
signal pc_func_slp_nsl_force : std_ulogic;
signal lcb_dclk : std_ulogic;
signal lcb_lclk : clk_logic;
signal siv_0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right_0);
signal sov_0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right_0);
signal siv_1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right_1);
signal sov_1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to scan_right_1);
signal bsiv : std_ulogic_vector(0 to boot_scan_right);
signal bsov : std_ulogic_vector(0 to boot_scan_right);
signal mmucfg_q, mmucfg_q_b : std_ulogic_vector(47 to 48);
signal tlb0cfg_q, tlb0cfg_q_b : std_ulogic_vector(45 to 47);
signal bcfg_spare_q, bcfg_spare_q_b : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 15);
signal cat_emf_act_d, cat_emf_act_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width-1);
signal spr_mmu_act_d, spr_mmu_act_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to thdid_width);
signal spr_val_act_d, spr_val_act_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal spr_val_act, spr_match_act, spr_match_mas_act, spr_mas_data_out_act : std_ulogic;
signal cswitch_q : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal tidn : std_ulogic;
signal tiup : std_ulogic;
tidn <= '0';
tiup <= '1';
cat_emf_act_d(0) <= (spr_match_any_mmu and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00")) or mmucr2_act_override(6) or (tlb_delayed_act(29+0) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b);
spr_mmu_act_d(0) <= (spr_match_any_mmu and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00")) or mmucr2_act_override(5);
cat_emf_act_d(1) <= (spr_match_any_mmu and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01")) or mmucr2_act_override(6) or (tlb_delayed_act(29+1) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b);
spr_mmu_act_d(1) <= (spr_match_any_mmu and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01")) or mmucr2_act_override(5);
cat_emf_act_d(2) <= (spr_match_any_mmu and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10")) or mmucr2_act_override(6) or (tlb_delayed_act(29+2) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b);
spr_mmu_act_d(2) <= (spr_match_any_mmu and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10")) or mmucr2_act_override(5);
cat_emf_act_d(3) <= (spr_match_any_mmu and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11")) or mmucr2_act_override(6) or (tlb_delayed_act(29+3) and xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b);
spr_mmu_act_d(3) <= (spr_match_any_mmu and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11")) or mmucr2_act_override(5);
spr_mmu_act_d(thdid_width) <= spr_match_any_mmu or mmucr2_act_override(5);
spr_val_act_d(0) <= xu_mm_slowspr_val;
spr_val_act_d(1) <= spr_val_act_q(0);
spr_val_act_d(2) <= spr_val_act_q(1);
spr_val_act_d(3) <= spr_val_act_q(2);
spr_val_act <= spr_val_act_q(0) or spr_val_act_q(1) or spr_val_act_q(2) or spr_val_act_q(3) or mmucr2_act_override(5);
spr_match_act <= spr_val_act_q(0) or spr_val_act_q(1) or mmucr2_act_override(5);
spr_match_mas_act <= spr_val_act_q(0) or spr_val_act_q(1) or mmucr2_act_override(6);
spr_mas_data_out_act <= spr_val_act_q(0) or mmucr2_act_override(6);
spr_ctl_in_d(0) <= xu_mm_slowspr_val;
spr_ctl_in_d(1) <= xu_mm_slowspr_rw;
spr_ctl_in_d(2) <= xu_mm_slowspr_done;
spr_etid_in_d <= xu_mm_slowspr_etid;
spr_addr_in_d <= xu_mm_slowspr_addr;
spr_addr_in_clone_d <= xu_mm_slowspr_addr;
spr_data_in_d <= xu_mm_slowspr_data;
spr_ctl_int_d <= spr_ctl_in_q;
spr_etid_int_d <= spr_etid_in_q;
spr_addr_int_d <= spr_addr_in_q;
spr_data_int_d <= spr_data_in_q;
spr_match_any_mmu <= ( spr_ctl_in_q(0) and (Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_PID) or Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR0) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR1) or Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR2) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR3) or Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_LPID) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS0) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS1) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS3) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS4) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS5) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS6) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS7) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS8) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2U) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCFG) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCSR0) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_TLB0CFG) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_TLB0PS) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LRATCFG) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LRATPS) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_EPTCFG) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPER) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPERU)) );
spr_match_pid0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_PID));
spr_match_pid1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_PID));
spr_match_pid2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_PID));
spr_match_pid3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_PID));
spr_match_mmucr0_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR0));
spr_match_mmucr0_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR0));
spr_match_mmucr0_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR0));
spr_match_mmucr0_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR0));
spr_match_mmucr1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR1));
spr_match_mmucr2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR2));
spr_match_mmucr3_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR3));
spr_match_mmucr3_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR3));
spr_match_mmucr3_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR3));
spr_match_mmucr3_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCR3));
spr_match_lpidr <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_q, Spr_Addr_LPID));
spr_match_mmucsr0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCSR0));
spr_match_mmucfg <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MMUCFG));
spr_match_tlb0cfg <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_TLB0CFG));
spr_match_tlb0ps <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_TLB0PS));
spr_match_lratcfg <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LRATCFG));
spr_match_lratps <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LRATPS));
spr_match_eptcfg <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_EPTCFG));
spr_match_lper_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPER));
spr_match_lperu_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPERU));
spr_match_lper_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPER));
spr_match_lperu_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPERU));
spr_match_lper_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPER));
spr_match_lperu_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPERU));
spr_match_lper_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPER));
spr_match_lperu_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_LPERU));
spr_match_any_mas <= ( spr_ctl_in_q(0) and (Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS0) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS1) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2U) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS3) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS4) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS5) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS6) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS7) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS8) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b) or
Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b) or Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b)) );
spr_match_mas0_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS0));
spr_match_mas1_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS1));
spr_match_mas2_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2));
spr_match_mas2u_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2U));
spr_match_mas3_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS3));
spr_match_mas4_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS4));
spr_match_mas5_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS5));
spr_match_mas6_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS6));
spr_match_mas7_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS7));
spr_match_mas8_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS8));
spr_match_mas01_64b_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b));
spr_match_mas56_64b_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b));
spr_match_mas73_64b_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b));
spr_match_mas81_64b_0 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "00") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b));
spr_match_mas0_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS0));
spr_match_mas1_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS1));
spr_match_mas2_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2));
spr_match_mas2u_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2U));
spr_match_mas3_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS3));
spr_match_mas4_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS4));
spr_match_mas5_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS5));
spr_match_mas6_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS6));
spr_match_mas7_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS7));
spr_match_mas8_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS8));
spr_match_mas01_64b_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b));
spr_match_mas56_64b_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b));
spr_match_mas73_64b_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b));
spr_match_mas81_64b_1 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "01") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b));
spr_match_mas0_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS0));
spr_match_mas1_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS1));
spr_match_mas2_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2));
spr_match_mas2u_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2U));
spr_match_mas3_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS3));
spr_match_mas4_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS4));
spr_match_mas5_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS5));
spr_match_mas6_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS6));
spr_match_mas7_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS7));
spr_match_mas8_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS8));
spr_match_mas01_64b_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b));
spr_match_mas56_64b_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b));
spr_match_mas73_64b_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b));
spr_match_mas81_64b_2 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "10") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b));
spr_match_mas0_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS0));
spr_match_mas1_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS1));
spr_match_mas2_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2));
spr_match_mas2u_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2U));
spr_match_mas3_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS3));
spr_match_mas4_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS4));
spr_match_mas5_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS5));
spr_match_mas6_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS6));
spr_match_mas7_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS7));
spr_match_mas8_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS8));
spr_match_mas01_64b_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b));
spr_match_mas56_64b_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b));
spr_match_mas73_64b_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b));
spr_match_mas81_64b_3 <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_etid_in_q, "11") and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b));
spr_match_mas2_64b <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS2));
spr_match_mas01_64b <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b));
spr_match_mas56_64b <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b));
spr_match_mas73_64b <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b));
spr_match_mas81_64b <= (spr_ctl_in_q(0) and Eq(spr_addr_in_clone_q, Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b));
spr_match_64b <= spr_match_mas2_64b or spr_match_mas01_64b or spr_match_mas56_64b or spr_match_mas73_64b or spr_match_mas81_64b;
pid0_d <= spr_data_int_q(64-pid_width to 63) when (spr_match_pid0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write) else pid0_q;
pid1_d <= spr_data_int_q(64-pid_width to 63) when (spr_match_pid1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write) else pid1_q;
pid2_d <= spr_data_int_q(64-pid_width to 63) when (spr_match_pid2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write) else pid2_q;
pid3_d <= spr_data_int_q(64-pid_width to 63) when (spr_match_pid3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write) else pid3_q;
mmucr0_0_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) & or_reduce(spr_data_int_q(50 to 63)) & spr_data_int_q(34 to 37) & spr_data_int_q(50 to 63)
when (spr_match_mmucr0_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_0_q(6 to 7) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(6 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(0)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="01"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(4 to 5) & mmucr0_0_q(8 to 11) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(0)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="10"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(4 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(0)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="11"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_0_q(6 to 11) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(0)='1'
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_0_q(6 to 7) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(6 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(0)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="01"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(4 to 5) & mmucr0_0_q(8 to 11) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(0)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="10"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(4 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(0)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="11"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "10" & mmucr0_0_q(6 to 11) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(0)='1'
else mmucr0_0_q;
mmucr0_1_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) & or_reduce(spr_data_int_q(50 to 63)) & spr_data_int_q(34 to 37) & spr_data_int_q(50 to 63)
when (spr_match_mmucr0_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_1_q(6 to 7) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(6 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(1)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="01"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(4 to 5) & mmucr0_1_q(8 to 11) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(1)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="10"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(4 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(1)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="11"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_1_q(6 to 11) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(1)='1'
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_1_q(6 to 7) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(6 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(1)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="01"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(4 to 5) & mmucr0_1_q(8 to 11) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(1)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="10"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(4 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(1)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="11"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "10" & mmucr0_1_q(6 to 11) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(1)='1'
else mmucr0_1_q;
mmucr0_2_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) & or_reduce(spr_data_int_q(50 to 63)) & spr_data_int_q(34 to 37) & spr_data_int_q(50 to 63)
when (spr_match_mmucr0_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_2_q(6 to 7) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(6 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(2)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="01"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(4 to 5) & mmucr0_2_q(8 to 11) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(2)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="10"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(4 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(2)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="11"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_2_q(6 to 11) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(2)='1'
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_2_q(6 to 7) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(6 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(2)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="01"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(4 to 5) & mmucr0_2_q(8 to 11) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(2)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="10"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(4 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(2)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="11"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "10" & mmucr0_2_q(6 to 11) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(2)='1'
else mmucr0_2_q;
mmucr0_3_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) & or_reduce(spr_data_int_q(50 to 63)) & spr_data_int_q(34 to 37) & spr_data_int_q(50 to 63)
when (spr_match_mmucr0_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_3_q(6 to 7) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(6 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(3)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="01"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(4 to 5) & mmucr0_3_q(8 to 11) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(3)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="10"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(4 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(3)='1' and mmucr1_q(14 to 15)="11"
else xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_3_q(6 to 11) & xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q(3)='1'
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & mmucr0_3_q(6 to 7) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(6 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(3)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="01"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(4 to 5) & mmucr0_3_q(8 to 11) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(3)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="10"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "11" & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(4 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(3)='1' and mmucr1_q(12 to 13)="11"
else iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(0 to 3) & "10" & mmucr0_3_q(6 to 11) & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q(10 to 17)
when iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q(3)='1'
else mmucr0_3_q;
mmucr1_d(0 to 16) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 48) when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write) else mmucr1_q(0 to 16);
mmucr1_d(17) <= (spr_data_int_q(49) and not cswitch_q(1)) when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write) else mmucr1_q(17);
mmucr1_d(18 to 19) <= spr_data_int_q(50 to 51) when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write) else mmucr1_q(18 to 19);
mmucr1_d(20) <= '0' when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Read and cswitch_q(0)='0')
else spr_data_int_q(52) when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write and cswitch_q(0)='1')
else '1' when (iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q='1' and xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q='0' and tlb_mmucr1_we='0' and mmucr1_q(20 to 22)="000")
else mmucr1_q(20);
mmucr1_d(21) <= '0' when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Read and cswitch_q(0)='0')
else spr_data_int_q(53) when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write and cswitch_q(0)='1')
else '1' when (xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q='1' and tlb_mmucr1_we='0' and mmucr1_q(20 to 22)="000")
else mmucr1_q(21);
mmucr1_d(22) <= '0' when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Read and cswitch_q(0)='0')
else spr_data_int_q(54) when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write and cswitch_q(0)='1')
else '1' when (tlb_mmucr1_we='1' and mmucr1_q(20 to 22)="000")
else mmucr1_q(22);
mmucr1_d(23 to 31) <= (others => '0') when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Read and cswitch_q(0)='0')
else spr_data_int_q(55 to 63) when (spr_match_mmucr1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write and cswitch_q(0)='1')
else tlb_mmucr1_een when (tlb_mmucr1_we='1' and mmucr1_q(20 to 22)="000")
else "0000" & xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_q when (xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q='1' and mmucr1_q(20 to 22)="000")
else "00000" & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_q when (iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q='1' and mmucr1_q(20 to 22)="000")
else mmucr1_q(23 to 31);
mmucr2_d(0 to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 63) when (spr_match_mmucr2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write) else mmucr2_q(0 to 31);
mmucr3_0_d <= spr_data_int_q(64-mmucr3_width to 63) when (spr_match_mmucr3_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mmucr3_x & tlb_mmucr3_rc & tlb_mmucr3_extclass & tlb_mmucr3_class & tlb_mmucr3_wlc & tlb_mmucr3_resvattr & '0' & tlb_mmucr3_thdid
when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mmucr3_x & "00" & '0' & '0' & "00" & "00" & '0' & '0' & "1111"
when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mmucr3_0_q;
mmucr3_1_d <= spr_data_int_q(64-mmucr3_width to 63) when (spr_match_mmucr3_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mmucr3_x & tlb_mmucr3_rc & tlb_mmucr3_extclass & tlb_mmucr3_class & tlb_mmucr3_wlc & tlb_mmucr3_resvattr & '0' & tlb_mmucr3_thdid
when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mmucr3_x & "00" & '0' & '0' & "00" & "00" & '0' & '0' & "1111"
when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mmucr3_1_q;
mmucr3_2_d <= spr_data_int_q(64-mmucr3_width to 63) when (spr_match_mmucr3_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mmucr3_x & tlb_mmucr3_rc & tlb_mmucr3_extclass & tlb_mmucr3_class & tlb_mmucr3_wlc & tlb_mmucr3_resvattr & '0' & tlb_mmucr3_thdid
when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mmucr3_x & "00" & '0' & '0' & "00" & "00" & '0' & '0' & "1111"
when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mmucr3_2_q;
mmucr3_3_d <= spr_data_int_q(64-mmucr3_width to 63) when (spr_match_mmucr3_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mmucr3_x & tlb_mmucr3_rc & tlb_mmucr3_extclass & tlb_mmucr3_class & tlb_mmucr3_wlc & tlb_mmucr3_resvattr & '0' & tlb_mmucr3_thdid
when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mmucr3_x & "00" & '0' & '0' & "00" & "00" & '0' & '0' & "1111"
when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mmucr3_3_q;
lpidr_d <= spr_data_int_q(64-lpid_width to 63) when (spr_match_lpidr_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write) else lpidr_q;
mmucsr0_tlb0fi_d <= '1' when (mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q='0' and spr_match_mmucsr0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write and spr_data_int_q(61)='1')
else '0' when mmq_inval_tlb0fi_done='1'
else mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q;
lper_0_alpn_d(32 to 51) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 51) when (spr_match_lper_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(32 to 51) when tlb_lper_we(0)='1'
else lper_0_alpn_q(32 to 51);
gen64_lper_0_alpn: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
lper_0_alpn_d(64-real_addr_width to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width to 31)
when (spr_match_lper_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width+32 to 63)
when (spr_match_lperu_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(64-real_addr_width to 31) when tlb_lper_we(0)='1'
else lper_0_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31);
end generate gen64_lper_0_alpn;
gen32_lper_0_alpn: if spr_data_width = 32 generate
lper_0_alpn_d(64-real_addr_width to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width+32 to 63)
when (spr_match_lperu_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(64-real_addr_width to 31) when tlb_lper_we(0)='1'
else lper_0_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31);
end generate gen32_lper_0_alpn;
lper_0_lps_d <= spr_data_int_q(60 to 63) when (spr_match_lper_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lps(60 to 63) when tlb_lper_we(0)='1'
else lper_0_lps_q;
lper_1_alpn_d(32 to 51) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 51) when (spr_match_lper_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(32 to 51) when tlb_lper_we(1)='1'
else lper_1_alpn_q(32 to 51);
gen64_lper_1_alpn: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
lper_1_alpn_d(64-real_addr_width to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width to 31)
when (spr_match_lper_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width+32 to 63)
when (spr_match_lperu_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(64-real_addr_width to 31) when tlb_lper_we(1)='1'
else lper_1_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31);
end generate gen64_lper_1_alpn;
gen32_lper_1_alpn: if spr_data_width = 32 generate
lper_1_alpn_d(64-real_addr_width to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width+32 to 63)
when (spr_match_lperu_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(64-real_addr_width to 31) when tlb_lper_we(1)='1'
else lper_1_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31);
end generate gen32_lper_1_alpn;
lper_1_lps_d <= spr_data_int_q(60 to 63) when (spr_match_lper_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lps(60 to 63) when tlb_lper_we(1)='1'
else lper_1_lps_q;
lper_2_alpn_d(32 to 51) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 51) when (spr_match_lper_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(32 to 51) when tlb_lper_we(2)='1'
else lper_2_alpn_q(32 to 51);
gen64_lper_2_alpn: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
lper_2_alpn_d(64-real_addr_width to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width to 31)
when (spr_match_lper_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width+32 to 63)
when (spr_match_lperu_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(64-real_addr_width to 31) when tlb_lper_we(2)='1'
else lper_2_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31);
end generate gen64_lper_2_alpn;
gen32_lper_2_alpn: if spr_data_width = 32 generate
lper_2_alpn_d(64-real_addr_width to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width+32 to 63)
when (spr_match_lperu_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(64-real_addr_width to 31) when tlb_lper_we(2)='1'
else lper_2_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31);
end generate gen32_lper_2_alpn;
lper_2_lps_d <= spr_data_int_q(60 to 63) when (spr_match_lper_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lps(60 to 63) when tlb_lper_we(2)='1'
else lper_2_lps_q;
lper_3_alpn_d(32 to 51) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 51) when (spr_match_lper_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(32 to 51) when tlb_lper_we(3)='1'
else lper_3_alpn_q(32 to 51);
gen64_lper_3_alpn: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
lper_3_alpn_d(64-real_addr_width to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width to 31)
when (spr_match_lper_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width+32 to 63)
when (spr_match_lperu_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(64-real_addr_width to 31) when tlb_lper_we(3)='1'
else lper_3_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31);
end generate gen64_lper_3_alpn;
gen32_lper_3_alpn: if spr_data_width = 32 generate
lper_3_alpn_d(64-real_addr_width to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(64-real_addr_width+32 to 63)
when (spr_match_lperu_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lpn(64-real_addr_width to 31) when tlb_lper_we(3)='1'
else lper_3_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31);
end generate gen32_lper_3_alpn;
lper_3_lps_d <= spr_data_int_q(60 to 63) when (spr_match_lper_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_lper_lps(60 to 63) when tlb_lper_we(3)='1'
else lper_3_lps_q;
mas1_0_v_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when ((spr_match_mas1_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas1_v when (tlb_mas_tlbre='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '0' when (lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '1' when (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas1_v when (lrat_mas_tlbre='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas1_0_v_q;
mas1_0_iprot_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when ((spr_match_mas1_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas1_iprot when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas1_0_iprot_q;
mas1_0_tid_d <= spr_data_int_q(34 to 47) when ((spr_match_mas1_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas6_0_spid_q when ( tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tid_error when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tid when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas1_0_tid_q;
mas1_0_ind_d <= spr_data_int_q(50) when ((spr_match_mas1_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_0_indd_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ind when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas1_0_ind_q;
mas1_0_ts_d <= spr_data_int_q(51) when ((spr_match_mas1_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas6_0_sas_q when ( tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ts_error when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ts when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas1_0_ts_q;
mas1_0_tsize_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when ((spr_match_mas1_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_0_tsized_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tsize when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas1_tsize when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas1_0_tsize_q;
mas2_0_epn_d(32 to 51) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 51) when (spr_match_mas2_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas2_epn_error(32 to 51) when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas2_epn(32 to 51) when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas2_epn(32 to 51) when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas2_0_epn_q(32 to 51);
mas2_0_wimge_d <= spr_data_int_q(59 to 63) when (spr_match_mas2_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_0_wimged_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas2_wimge when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas2_0_wimge_q;
mas3_0_rpnl_d <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 52)
when ((spr_match_mas3_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas3_rpnl & (tlb_mas3_usxwr(5) and tlb_mas1_ind)
when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas3_rpnl & '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas3_0_rpnl_q;
mas3_0_ubits_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 57) when ((spr_match_mas3_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas3_ubits when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas3_0_ubits_q;
mas3_0_usxwr_d <= spr_data_int_q(58 to 63) when ((spr_match_mas3_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else (tlb_mas3_usxwr(0 to 4) & (tlb_mas3_usxwr(5) and not tlb_mas1_ind)) when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas3_0_usxwr_q;
mas4_0_indd_d <= spr_data_int_q(48) when (spr_match_mas4_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_0_indd_q;
mas4_0_tsized_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when (spr_match_mas4_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_0_tsized_q;
mas4_0_wimged_d <= spr_data_int_q(59 to 63) when (spr_match_mas4_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_0_wimged_q;
mas6_0_spid_d <= spr_data_int_q(34 to 47) when ((spr_match_mas6_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas6_spid when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas6_0_spid_q;
mas6_0_isize_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when ((spr_match_mas6_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_0_tsized_q when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas6_0_isize_q;
mas6_0_sind_d <= spr_data_int_q(62) when ((spr_match_mas6_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_0_indd_q when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas6_0_sind_q;
mas6_0_sas_d <= spr_data_int_q(63) when ((spr_match_mas6_0_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas6_sas when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas6_0_sas_q;
mas1_1_v_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when ((spr_match_mas1_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas1_v when (tlb_mas_tlbre='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '0' when (lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '1' when (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas1_v when (lrat_mas_tlbre='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas1_1_v_q;
mas1_1_iprot_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when ((spr_match_mas1_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas1_iprot when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas1_1_iprot_q;
mas1_1_tid_d <= spr_data_int_q(34 to 47) when ((spr_match_mas1_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas6_1_spid_q when ( tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tid_error when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tid when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas1_1_tid_q;
mas1_1_ind_d <= spr_data_int_q(50) when ((spr_match_mas1_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_1_indd_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ind when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas1_1_ind_q;
mas1_1_ts_d <= spr_data_int_q(51) when ((spr_match_mas1_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas6_1_sas_q when ( tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ts_error when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ts when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas1_1_ts_q;
mas1_1_tsize_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when ((spr_match_mas1_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_1_tsized_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tsize when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas1_tsize when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas1_1_tsize_q;
mas2_1_epn_d(32 to 51) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 51) when (spr_match_mas2_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas2_epn_error(32 to 51) when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas2_epn(32 to 51) when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas2_epn(32 to 51) when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas2_1_epn_q(32 to 51);
mas2_1_wimge_d <= spr_data_int_q(59 to 63) when (spr_match_mas2_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_1_wimged_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas2_wimge when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas2_1_wimge_q;
mas3_1_rpnl_d <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 52)
when ((spr_match_mas3_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas3_rpnl & (tlb_mas3_usxwr(5) and tlb_mas1_ind)
when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas3_rpnl & '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas3_1_rpnl_q;
mas3_1_ubits_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 57) when ((spr_match_mas3_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas3_ubits when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas3_1_ubits_q;
mas3_1_usxwr_d <= spr_data_int_q(58 to 63) when ((spr_match_mas3_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else (tlb_mas3_usxwr(0 to 4) & (tlb_mas3_usxwr(5) and not tlb_mas1_ind)) when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas3_1_usxwr_q;
mas4_1_indd_d <= spr_data_int_q(48) when (spr_match_mas4_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_1_indd_q;
mas4_1_tsized_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when (spr_match_mas4_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_1_tsized_q;
mas4_1_wimged_d <= spr_data_int_q(59 to 63) when (spr_match_mas4_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_1_wimged_q;
mas6_1_spid_d <= spr_data_int_q(34 to 47) when ((spr_match_mas6_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas6_spid when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas6_1_spid_q;
mas6_1_isize_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when ((spr_match_mas6_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_1_tsized_q when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas6_1_isize_q;
mas6_1_sind_d <= spr_data_int_q(62) when ((spr_match_mas6_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_1_indd_q when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas6_1_sind_q;
mas6_1_sas_d <= spr_data_int_q(63) when ((spr_match_mas6_1_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas6_sas when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas6_1_sas_q;
mas1_2_v_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when ((spr_match_mas1_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas1_v when (tlb_mas_tlbre='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '0' when (lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '1' when (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas1_v when (lrat_mas_tlbre='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas1_2_v_q;
mas1_2_iprot_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when ((spr_match_mas1_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas1_iprot when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas1_2_iprot_q;
mas1_2_tid_d <= spr_data_int_q(34 to 47) when ((spr_match_mas1_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas6_2_spid_q when ( tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tid_error when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tid when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas1_2_tid_q;
mas1_2_ind_d <= spr_data_int_q(50) when ((spr_match_mas1_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_2_indd_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ind when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas1_2_ind_q;
mas1_2_ts_d <= spr_data_int_q(51) when ((spr_match_mas1_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas6_2_sas_q when ( tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ts_error when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ts when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas1_2_ts_q;
mas1_2_tsize_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when ((spr_match_mas1_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_2_tsized_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tsize when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas1_tsize when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas1_2_tsize_q;
mas2_2_epn_d(32 to 51) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 51) when (spr_match_mas2_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas2_epn_error(32 to 51) when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas2_epn(32 to 51) when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas2_epn(32 to 51) when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas2_2_epn_q(32 to 51);
mas2_2_wimge_d <= spr_data_int_q(59 to 63) when (spr_match_mas2_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_2_wimged_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas2_wimge when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas2_2_wimge_q;
mas3_2_rpnl_d <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 52)
when ((spr_match_mas3_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas3_rpnl & (tlb_mas3_usxwr(5) and tlb_mas1_ind)
when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas3_rpnl & '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas3_2_rpnl_q;
mas3_2_ubits_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 57) when ((spr_match_mas3_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas3_ubits when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas3_2_ubits_q;
mas3_2_usxwr_d <= spr_data_int_q(58 to 63) when ((spr_match_mas3_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else (tlb_mas3_usxwr(0 to 4) & (tlb_mas3_usxwr(5) and not tlb_mas1_ind)) when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas3_2_usxwr_q;
mas4_2_indd_d <= spr_data_int_q(48) when (spr_match_mas4_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_2_indd_q;
mas4_2_tsized_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when (spr_match_mas4_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_2_tsized_q;
mas4_2_wimged_d <= spr_data_int_q(59 to 63) when (spr_match_mas4_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_2_wimged_q;
mas6_2_spid_d <= spr_data_int_q(34 to 47) when ((spr_match_mas6_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas6_spid when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas6_2_spid_q;
mas6_2_isize_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when ((spr_match_mas6_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_2_tsized_q when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas6_2_isize_q;
mas6_2_sind_d <= spr_data_int_q(62) when ((spr_match_mas6_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_2_indd_q when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas6_2_sind_q;
mas6_2_sas_d <= spr_data_int_q(63) when ((spr_match_mas6_2_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_2_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas6_sas when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas6_2_sas_q;
mas1_3_v_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when ((spr_match_mas1_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas1_v when (tlb_mas_tlbre='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '0' when (lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '1' when (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas1_v when (lrat_mas_tlbre='1' and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas1_3_v_q;
mas1_3_iprot_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when ((spr_match_mas1_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas1_iprot when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas1_3_iprot_q;
mas1_3_tid_d <= spr_data_int_q(34 to 47) when ((spr_match_mas1_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas6_3_spid_q when ( tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tid_error when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tid when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas1_3_tid_q;
mas1_3_ind_d <= spr_data_int_q(50) when ((spr_match_mas1_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_3_indd_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ind when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas1_3_ind_q;
mas1_3_ts_d <= spr_data_int_q(51) when ((spr_match_mas1_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas6_3_sas_q when ( tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ts_error when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas1_ts when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas1_3_ts_q;
mas1_3_tsize_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when ((spr_match_mas1_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_3_tsized_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas1_tsize when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas1_tsize when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas1_3_tsize_q;
mas2_3_epn_d(32 to 51) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 51) when (spr_match_mas2_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas2_epn_error(32 to 51) when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas2_epn(32 to 51) when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas2_epn(32 to 51) when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas2_3_epn_q(32 to 51);
mas2_3_wimge_d <= spr_data_int_q(59 to 63) when (spr_match_mas2_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_3_wimged_q when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas2_wimge when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas2_3_wimge_q;
mas3_3_rpnl_d <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 52)
when ((spr_match_mas3_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas3_rpnl & (tlb_mas3_usxwr(5) and tlb_mas1_ind)
when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas3_rpnl & '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas3_3_rpnl_q;
mas3_3_ubits_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 57) when ((spr_match_mas3_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas3_ubits when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas3_3_ubits_q;
mas3_3_usxwr_d <= spr_data_int_q(58 to 63) when ((spr_match_mas3_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas73_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else (tlb_mas3_usxwr(0 to 4) & (tlb_mas3_usxwr(5) and not tlb_mas1_ind)) when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas3_3_usxwr_q;
mas4_3_indd_d <= spr_data_int_q(48) when (spr_match_mas4_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_3_indd_q;
mas4_3_tsized_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when (spr_match_mas4_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_3_tsized_q;
mas4_3_wimged_d <= spr_data_int_q(59 to 63) when (spr_match_mas4_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_3_wimged_q;
mas6_3_spid_d <= spr_data_int_q(34 to 47) when ((spr_match_mas6_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas6_spid when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas6_3_spid_q;
mas6_3_isize_d <= spr_data_int_q(52 to 55) when ((spr_match_mas6_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_3_tsized_q when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas6_3_isize_q;
mas6_3_sind_d <= spr_data_int_q(62) when ((spr_match_mas6_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas4_3_indd_q when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas6_3_sind_q;
mas6_3_sas_d <= spr_data_int_q(63) when ((spr_match_mas6_3_q='1' or spr_match_mas56_64b_3_q='1') and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas6_sas when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas6_3_sas_q;
gen32_mas_d: if spr_data_width = 32 generate
mas0_0_atsel_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas0_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '1' when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas0_0_atsel_q;
mas0_0_esel_d <= spr_data_int_q(45 to 47) when (spr_match_mas0_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas0_esel when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas0_esel when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas0_0_esel_q;
mas0_0_hes_d <= spr_data_int_q(49) when (spr_match_mas0_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas0_0_hes_q;
mas0_0_wq_d <= spr_data_int_q(50 to 51) when (spr_match_mas0_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else "01" when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else "00" when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas0_0_wq_q;
mas5_0_sgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas5_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_0_sgs_q;
mas5_0_slpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas5_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_0_slpid_q;
mas7_0_rpnu_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 63) when (spr_match_mas7_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas7_rpnu when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas7_rpnu when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas7_0_rpnu_q;
mas8_0_tgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas8_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tgs when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas8_0_tgs_q;
mas8_0_vf_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when (spr_match_mas8_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_vf when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas8_0_vf_q;
mas8_0_tlpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas8_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tlpid when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas8_tlpid when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas8_0_tlpid_q;
mas0_1_atsel_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas0_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '1' when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas0_1_atsel_q;
mas0_1_esel_d <= spr_data_int_q(45 to 47) when (spr_match_mas0_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas0_esel when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas0_esel when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas0_1_esel_q;
mas0_1_hes_d <= spr_data_int_q(49) when (spr_match_mas0_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas0_1_hes_q;
mas0_1_wq_d <= spr_data_int_q(50 to 51) when (spr_match_mas0_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else "01" when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else "00" when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas0_1_wq_q;
mas5_1_sgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas5_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_1_sgs_q;
mas5_1_slpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas5_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_1_slpid_q;
mas7_1_rpnu_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 63) when (spr_match_mas7_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas7_rpnu when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas7_rpnu when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas7_1_rpnu_q;
mas8_1_tgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas8_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tgs when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas8_1_tgs_q;
mas8_1_vf_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when (spr_match_mas8_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_vf when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas8_1_vf_q;
mas8_1_tlpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas8_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tlpid when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas8_tlpid when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas8_1_tlpid_q;
mas0_2_atsel_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas0_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '1' when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas0_2_atsel_q;
mas0_2_esel_d <= spr_data_int_q(45 to 47) when (spr_match_mas0_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas0_esel when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas0_esel when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas0_2_esel_q;
mas0_2_hes_d <= spr_data_int_q(49) when (spr_match_mas0_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas0_2_hes_q;
mas0_2_wq_d <= spr_data_int_q(50 to 51) when (spr_match_mas0_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else "01" when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else "00" when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas0_2_wq_q;
mas5_2_sgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas5_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_2_sgs_q;
mas5_2_slpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas5_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_2_slpid_q;
mas7_2_rpnu_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 63) when (spr_match_mas7_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas7_rpnu when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas7_rpnu when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas7_2_rpnu_q;
mas8_2_tgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas8_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tgs when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas8_2_tgs_q;
mas8_2_vf_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when (spr_match_mas8_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_vf when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas8_2_vf_q;
mas8_2_tlpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas8_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tlpid when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas8_tlpid when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas8_2_tlpid_q;
mas0_3_atsel_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas0_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '1' when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas0_3_atsel_q;
mas0_3_esel_d <= spr_data_int_q(45 to 47) when (spr_match_mas0_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas0_esel when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas0_esel when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas0_3_esel_q;
mas0_3_hes_d <= spr_data_int_q(49) when (spr_match_mas0_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas0_3_hes_q;
mas0_3_wq_d <= spr_data_int_q(50 to 51) when (spr_match_mas0_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else "01" when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else "00" when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas0_3_wq_q;
mas5_3_sgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas5_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_3_sgs_q;
mas5_3_slpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas5_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_3_slpid_q;
mas7_3_rpnu_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 63) when (spr_match_mas7_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas7_rpnu when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas7_rpnu when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas7_3_rpnu_q;
mas8_3_tgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas8_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tgs when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas8_3_tgs_q;
mas8_3_vf_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when (spr_match_mas8_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_vf when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas8_3_vf_q;
mas8_3_tlpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas8_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tlpid when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas8_tlpid when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas8_3_tlpid_q;
end generate gen32_mas_d;
gen64_mas_d: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
mas0_0_atsel_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas0_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '1' when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas0_0_atsel_q;
mas0_0_esel_d <= spr_data_int_q(45 to 47) when (spr_match_mas0_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(13 to 15) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas0_esel when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1'
or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas0_esel when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas0_0_esel_q;
mas0_0_hes_d <= spr_data_int_q(49) when (spr_match_mas0_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(17) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas0_0_hes_q;
mas0_0_wq_d <= spr_data_int_q(50 to 51) when (spr_match_mas0_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(18 to 19) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else "01" when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else "00" when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas0_0_wq_q;
mas2_0_epn_d(0 to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 63) when (spr_match_mas2u_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0 to 31) when (spr_match_mas2_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas2_epn_error(0 to 31) when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else tlb_mas2_epn(0 to 31) when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas2_epn(0 to 31) when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas2_0_epn_q(0 to 31);
mas5_0_sgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas5_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_0_sgs_q;
mas5_0_slpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas5_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(24 to 31) when (spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_0_slpid_q;
mas7_0_rpnu_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 63) when (spr_match_mas7_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else spr_data_int_q(22 to 31) when (spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas7_rpnu when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas7_rpnu when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas7_0_rpnu_q;
mas8_0_tgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas8_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tgs when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas8_0_tgs_q;
mas8_0_vf_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when (spr_match_mas8_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(1) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_vf when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas8_0_vf_q;
mas8_0_tlpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas8_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(24 to 31) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tlpid when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else lrat_mas8_tlpid when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(0)='1')
else mas8_0_tlpid_q;
mas0_1_atsel_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas0_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '1' when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas0_1_atsel_q;
mas0_1_esel_d <= spr_data_int_q(45 to 47) when (spr_match_mas0_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(13 to 15) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas0_esel when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1'
or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas0_esel when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas0_1_esel_q;
mas0_1_hes_d <= spr_data_int_q(49) when (spr_match_mas0_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(17) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas0_1_hes_q;
mas0_1_wq_d <= spr_data_int_q(50 to 51) when (spr_match_mas0_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(18 to 19) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else "01" when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else "00" when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas0_1_wq_q;
mas2_1_epn_d(0 to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 63) when (spr_match_mas2u_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0 to 31) when (spr_match_mas2_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas2_epn_error(0 to 31) when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else tlb_mas2_epn(0 to 31) when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas2_epn(0 to 31) when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas2_1_epn_q(0 to 31);
mas5_1_sgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas5_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_1_sgs_q;
mas5_1_slpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas5_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(24 to 31) when (spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_1_slpid_q;
mas7_1_rpnu_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 63) when (spr_match_mas7_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else spr_data_int_q(22 to 31) when (spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas7_rpnu when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas7_rpnu when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas7_1_rpnu_q;
mas8_1_tgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas8_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tgs when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas8_1_tgs_q;
mas8_1_vf_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when (spr_match_mas8_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(1) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_vf when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas8_1_vf_q;
mas8_1_tlpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas8_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(24 to 31) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tlpid when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else lrat_mas8_tlpid when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(1)='1')
else mas8_1_tlpid_q;
mas0_2_atsel_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas0_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '1' when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas0_2_atsel_q;
mas0_2_esel_d <= spr_data_int_q(45 to 47) when (spr_match_mas0_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(13 to 15) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas0_esel when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1'
or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas0_esel when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas0_2_esel_q;
mas0_2_hes_d <= spr_data_int_q(49) when (spr_match_mas0_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(17) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas0_2_hes_q;
mas0_2_wq_d <= spr_data_int_q(50 to 51) when (spr_match_mas0_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(18 to 19) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else "01" when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else "00" when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas0_2_wq_q;
mas2_2_epn_d(0 to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 63) when (spr_match_mas2u_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0 to 31) when (spr_match_mas2_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas2_epn_error(0 to 31) when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else tlb_mas2_epn(0 to 31) when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas2_epn(0 to 31) when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas2_2_epn_q(0 to 31);
mas5_2_sgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas5_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas56_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_2_sgs_q;
mas5_2_slpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas5_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(24 to 31) when (spr_match_mas56_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_2_slpid_q;
mas7_2_rpnu_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 63) when (spr_match_mas7_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else spr_data_int_q(22 to 31) when (spr_match_mas73_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas7_rpnu when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas7_rpnu when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas7_2_rpnu_q;
mas8_2_tgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas8_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tgs when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas8_2_tgs_q;
mas8_2_vf_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when (spr_match_mas8_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(1) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_vf when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas8_2_vf_q;
mas8_2_tlpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas8_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(24 to 31) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tlpid when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else lrat_mas8_tlpid when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(2)='1')
else mas8_2_tlpid_q;
mas0_3_atsel_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas0_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '0' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '1' when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas0_3_atsel_q;
mas0_3_esel_d <= spr_data_int_q(45 to 47) when (spr_match_mas0_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(13 to 15) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas0_esel when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else (others => '0') when ((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1'
or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas0_esel when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas0_3_esel_q;
mas0_3_hes_d <= spr_data_int_q(49) when (spr_match_mas0_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(17) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else '1' when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas0_3_hes_q;
mas0_3_wq_d <= spr_data_int_q(50 to 51) when (spr_match_mas0_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(18 to 19) when (spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else "01" when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1' or
tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else "00" when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas0_3_wq_q;
mas2_3_epn_d(0 to 31) <= spr_data_int_q(32 to 63) when (spr_match_mas2u_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0 to 31) when (spr_match_mas2_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas2_epn_error(0 to 31) when ( (tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else tlb_mas2_epn(0 to 31) when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas2_epn(0 to 31) when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas2_3_epn_q(0 to 31);
mas5_3_sgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas5_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas56_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_3_sgs_q;
mas5_3_slpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas5_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(24 to 31) when (spr_match_mas56_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else mas5_3_slpid_q;
mas7_3_rpnu_d <= spr_data_int_q(54 to 63) when (spr_match_mas7_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else (others => '0') when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss='1' or tlb_mas_dtlb_error='1' or tlb_mas_itlb_error='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else spr_data_int_q(22 to 31) when (spr_match_mas73_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas7_rpnu when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas7_rpnu when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas7_3_rpnu_q;
mas8_3_tgs_d <= spr_data_int_q(32) when (spr_match_mas8_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(0) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tgs when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas8_3_tgs_q;
mas8_3_vf_d <= spr_data_int_q(33) when (spr_match_mas8_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(1) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_vf when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else '0' when ((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas8_3_vf_q;
mas8_3_tlpid_d <= spr_data_int_q(56 to 63) when (spr_match_mas8_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else spr_data_int_q(24 to 31) when (spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q='1' and spr_ctl_int_q(1)=Spr_RW_Write)
else tlb_mas8_tlpid when ( (tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or tlb_mas_tlbre='1') and tlb_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else lrat_mas8_tlpid when ( (lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit='1' or lrat_mas_tlbre='1') and lrat_mas_thdid(3)='1')
else mas8_3_tlpid_q;
end generate gen64_mas_d;
spr_ctl_out_d(0) <= spr_ctl_int_q(0);
spr_ctl_out_d(1) <= spr_ctl_int_q(1);
spr_ctl_out_d(2) <= spr_ctl_int_q(2) or spr_match_any_mmu_q;
spr_etid_out_d <= spr_etid_int_q;
spr_addr_out_d <= spr_addr_int_q;
spr_data_out_d(32 to 63) <=
( ((32 to 63-pid_width => '0') & pid0_q) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_pid0_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-pid_width => '0') & pid1_q) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_pid1_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-pid_width => '0') & pid2_q) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_pid2_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-pid_width => '0') & pid3_q) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_pid3_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 55 => '0') & lpidr_q) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lpidr_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (mmucr0_0_q(0 to 5) & (38 to 49 => '0') & mmucr0_0_q(6 to 19)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr0_0_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (mmucr0_1_q(0 to 5) & (38 to 49 => '0') & mmucr0_1_q(6 to 19)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr0_1_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (mmucr0_2_q(0 to 5) & (38 to 49 => '0') & mmucr0_2_q(6 to 19)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr0_2_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (mmucr0_3_q(0 to 5) & (38 to 49 => '0') & mmucr0_3_q(6 to 19)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr0_3_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( mmucr1_q and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr1_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( mmucr2_q and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr2_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-mmucr3_width => '0') & mmucr3_0_q(64-mmucr3_width to 58) & '0' & mmucr3_0_q(60 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr3_0_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-mmucr3_width => '0') & mmucr3_1_q(64-mmucr3_width to 58) & '0' & mmucr3_1_q(60 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr3_1_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-mmucr3_width => '0') & mmucr3_2_q(64-mmucr3_width to 58) & '0' & mmucr3_2_q(60 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr3_2_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-mmucr3_width => '0') & mmucr3_3_q(64-mmucr3_width to 58) & '0' & mmucr3_3_q(60 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucr3_3_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 60 => '0') & mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q & "00") and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucsr0_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (Spr_Data_MMUCFG(32 to 46) & mmucfg_q(47 to 48) & Spr_Data_MMUCFG(49 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mmucfg_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (Spr_Data_TLB0CFG(32 to 44) & tlb0cfg_q(45 to 47) & Spr_Data_TLB0CFG(48 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_tlb0cfg_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (Spr_Data_TLB0PS) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_tlb0ps_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (Spr_Data_LRATCFG) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lratcfg_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (Spr_Data_LRATPS) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lratps_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (Spr_Data_EPTCFG) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_eptcfg_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (lper_0_alpn_q(32 to 51) & (52 to 59 => '0') & lper_0_lps_q(60 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lper_0_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (lper_1_alpn_q(32 to 51) & (52 to 59 => '0') & lper_1_lps_q(60 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lper_1_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (lper_2_alpn_q(32 to 51) & (52 to 59 => '0') & lper_2_lps_q(60 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lper_2_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (lper_3_alpn_q(32 to 51) & (52 to 59 => '0') & lper_3_lps_q(60 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lper_3_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-real_addr_width+32 => '0') & lper_0_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lperu_0_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-real_addr_width+32 => '0') & lper_1_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lperu_1_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-real_addr_width+32 => '0') & lper_2_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lperu_2_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((32 to 63-real_addr_width+32 => '0') & lper_3_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_lperu_3_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( (spr_mas_data_out_q(32 to 63)) and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_any_mas_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( spr_data_int_q(32 to 63) and (32 to 63 => not spr_match_any_mmu_q) );
spr_mas_data_out(32 to 63) <=
( (mas0_0_atsel_q & (33 to 44 => '0') & mas0_0_esel_q & '0' & mas0_0_hes_q & mas0_0_wq_q & (52 to 63 => '0'))
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas0_0) ) or
( (mas1_0_v_q & mas1_0_iprot_q & mas1_0_tid_q & "00" & mas1_0_ind_q & mas1_0_ts_q & mas1_0_tsize_q & "00000000")
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas1_0 or spr_match_mas01_64b_0 or spr_match_mas81_64b_0)) ) or
( (mas2_0_epn_q(32 to 51) & "0000000" & mas2_0_wimge_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas2_0) ) or
( (mas2_0_epn_q(0 to 31) )
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas2u_0) ) or
( (mas3_0_rpnl_q & '0' & mas3_0_ubits_q & mas3_0_usxwr_q)
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas3_0 or spr_match_mas73_64b_0)) ) or
( ((32 to 47 => '0') & mas4_0_indd_q & "000" & mas4_0_tsized_q & "000" & mas4_0_wimged_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas4_0) ) or
( (mas5_0_sgs_q & (33 to 55 => '0') & mas5_0_slpid_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas5_0) ) or
( ("00" & mas6_0_spid_q & "0000" & mas6_0_isize_q & "000000" & mas6_0_sind_q & mas6_0_sas_q)
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas6_0 or spr_match_mas56_64b_0)) ) or
( ((32 to 53 => '0') & mas7_0_rpnu_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas7_0) ) or
( (mas8_0_tgs_q & mas8_0_vf_q & (34 to 55 => '0') & mas8_0_tlpid_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas8_0) ) or
( (mas0_1_atsel_q & (33 to 44 => '0') & mas0_1_esel_q & '0' & mas0_1_hes_q & mas0_1_wq_q & (52 to 63 => '0'))
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas0_1) ) or
( (mas1_1_v_q & mas1_1_iprot_q & mas1_1_tid_q & "00" & mas1_1_ind_q & mas1_1_ts_q & mas1_1_tsize_q & "00000000")
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas1_1 or spr_match_mas01_64b_1 or spr_match_mas81_64b_1)) ) or
( (mas2_1_epn_q(32 to 51) & "0000000" & mas2_1_wimge_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas2_1) ) or
( (mas2_1_epn_q(0 to 31) )
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas2u_1) ) or
( (mas3_1_rpnl_q & '0' & mas3_1_ubits_q & mas3_1_usxwr_q)
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas3_1 or spr_match_mas73_64b_1)) ) or
( ((32 to 47 => '0') & mas4_1_indd_q & "000" & mas4_1_tsized_q & "000" & mas4_1_wimged_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas4_1) ) or
( (mas5_1_sgs_q & (33 to 55 => '0') & mas5_1_slpid_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas5_1) ) or
( ("00" & mas6_1_spid_q & "0000" & mas6_1_isize_q & "000000" & mas6_1_sind_q & mas6_1_sas_q)
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas6_1 or spr_match_mas56_64b_1)) ) or
( ((32 to 53 => '0') & mas7_1_rpnu_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas7_1) ) or
( (mas8_1_tgs_q & mas8_1_vf_q & (34 to 55 => '0') & mas8_1_tlpid_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas8_1) ) or
( (mas0_2_atsel_q & (33 to 44 => '0') & mas0_2_esel_q & '0' & mas0_2_hes_q & mas0_2_wq_q & (52 to 63 => '0'))
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas0_2) ) or
( (mas1_2_v_q & mas1_2_iprot_q & mas1_2_tid_q & "00" & mas1_2_ind_q & mas1_2_ts_q & mas1_2_tsize_q & "00000000")
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas1_2 or spr_match_mas01_64b_2 or spr_match_mas81_64b_2)) ) or
( (mas2_2_epn_q(32 to 51) & "0000000" & mas2_2_wimge_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas2_2) ) or
( (mas2_2_epn_q(0 to 31) )
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas2u_2) ) or
( (mas3_2_rpnl_q & '0' & mas3_2_ubits_q & mas3_2_usxwr_q)
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas3_2 or spr_match_mas73_64b_2)) ) or
( ((32 to 47 => '0') & mas4_2_indd_q & "000" & mas4_2_tsized_q & "000" & mas4_2_wimged_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas4_2) ) or
( (mas5_2_sgs_q & (33 to 55 => '0') & mas5_2_slpid_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas5_2) ) or
( ("00" & mas6_2_spid_q & "0000" & mas6_2_isize_q & "000000" & mas6_2_sind_q & mas6_2_sas_q)
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas6_2 or spr_match_mas56_64b_2)) ) or
( ((32 to 53 => '0') & mas7_2_rpnu_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas7_2) ) or
( (mas8_2_tgs_q & mas8_2_vf_q & (34 to 55 => '0') & mas8_2_tlpid_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas8_2) ) or
( (mas0_3_atsel_q & (33 to 44 => '0') & mas0_3_esel_q & '0' & mas0_3_hes_q & mas0_3_wq_q & (52 to 63 => '0'))
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas0_3) ) or
( (mas1_3_v_q & mas1_3_iprot_q & mas1_3_tid_q & "00" & mas1_3_ind_q & mas1_3_ts_q & mas1_3_tsize_q & "00000000")
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas1_3 or spr_match_mas01_64b_3 or spr_match_mas81_64b_3)) ) or
( (mas2_3_epn_q(32 to 51) & "0000000" & mas2_3_wimge_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas2_3) ) or
( (mas2_3_epn_q(0 to 31) )
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas2u_3) ) or
( (mas3_3_rpnl_q & '0' & mas3_3_ubits_q & mas3_3_usxwr_q)
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas3_3 or spr_match_mas73_64b_3)) ) or
( ((32 to 47 => '0') & mas4_3_indd_q & "000" & mas4_3_tsized_q & "000" & mas4_3_wimged_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas4_3) ) or
( (mas5_3_sgs_q & (33 to 55 => '0') & mas5_3_slpid_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas5_3) ) or
( ("00" & mas6_3_spid_q & "0000" & mas6_3_isize_q & "000000" & mas6_3_sind_q & mas6_3_sas_q)
and (32 to 63 => (spr_match_mas6_3 or spr_match_mas56_64b_3)) ) or
( ((32 to 53 => '0') & mas7_3_rpnu_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas7_3) ) or
( (mas8_3_tgs_q & mas8_3_vf_q & (34 to 55 => '0') & mas8_3_tlpid_q)
and (32 to 63 => spr_match_mas8_3) );
gen64_spr_data: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
spr_mas_data_out(0 to 31) <=
( mas2_0_epn_q(0 to 31)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas2_0) ) or
( (mas0_0_atsel_q & (1 to 12 => '0') & mas0_0_esel_q & '0' & mas0_0_hes_q & mas0_0_wq_q & (20 to 31 => '0'))
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas01_64b_0) ) or
( (mas5_0_sgs_q & (1 to 23 => '0') & mas5_0_slpid_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas56_64b_0) ) or
( ((0 to 21 => '0') & mas7_0_rpnu_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas73_64b_0) ) or
( (mas8_0_tgs_q & mas8_0_vf_q & (34 to 55 => '0') & mas8_0_tlpid_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas81_64b_0) ) or
( mas2_1_epn_q(0 to 31)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas2_1) ) or
( (mas0_1_atsel_q & (1 to 12 => '0') & mas0_1_esel_q & '0' & mas0_1_hes_q & mas0_1_wq_q & (20 to 31 => '0'))
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas01_64b_1) ) or
( (mas5_1_sgs_q & (1 to 23 => '0') & mas5_1_slpid_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas56_64b_1) ) or
( ((0 to 21 => '0') & mas7_1_rpnu_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas73_64b_1) ) or
( (mas8_1_tgs_q & mas8_1_vf_q & (34 to 55 => '0') & mas8_1_tlpid_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas81_64b_1) ) or
( mas2_2_epn_q(0 to 31)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas2_2) ) or
( (mas0_2_atsel_q & (1 to 12 => '0') & mas0_2_esel_q & '0' & mas0_2_hes_q & mas0_2_wq_q & (20 to 31 => '0'))
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas01_64b_2) ) or
( (mas5_2_sgs_q & (1 to 23 => '0') & mas5_2_slpid_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas56_64b_2) ) or
( ((0 to 21 => '0') & mas7_2_rpnu_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas73_64b_2) ) or
( (mas8_2_tgs_q & mas8_2_vf_q & (34 to 55 => '0') & mas8_2_tlpid_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas81_64b_2) ) or
( mas2_3_epn_q(0 to 31)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas2_3) ) or
( (mas0_3_atsel_q & (1 to 12 => '0') & mas0_3_esel_q & '0' & mas0_3_hes_q & mas0_3_wq_q & (20 to 31 => '0'))
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas01_64b_3) ) or
( (mas5_3_sgs_q & (1 to 23 => '0') & mas5_3_slpid_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas56_64b_3) ) or
( ((0 to 21 => '0') & mas7_3_rpnu_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas73_64b_3) ) or
( (mas8_3_tgs_q & mas8_3_vf_q & (34 to 55 => '0') & mas8_3_tlpid_q)
and (0 to 31 => spr_match_mas81_64b_3) );
spr_data_out_d(0 to 31) <= ( ((0 to 63-real_addr_width => '0') & lper_0_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31))
and (0 to 31 => (spr_match_lper_0_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((0 to 63-real_addr_width => '0') & lper_1_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31))
and (0 to 31 => (spr_match_lper_1_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((0 to 63-real_addr_width => '0') & lper_2_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31))
and (0 to 31 => (spr_match_lper_2_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( ((0 to 63-real_addr_width => '0') & lper_3_alpn_q(64-real_addr_width to 31))
and (0 to 31 => (spr_match_lper_3_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( spr_mas_data_out_q(0 to 31) and (0 to 31 => (spr_match_any_mas_q and spr_ctl_int_q(1))) ) or
( spr_data_int_q(0 to 31) and (0 to 31 => (not(spr_match_any_mmu_q) or not(spr_ctl_int_q(1)))) );
end generate gen64_spr_data;
mm_iu_slowspr_val <= spr_ctl_out_q(0);
mm_iu_slowspr_rw <= spr_ctl_out_q(1);
mm_iu_slowspr_etid <= spr_etid_out_q;
mm_iu_slowspr_addr <= spr_addr_out_q;
mm_iu_slowspr_data <= spr_data_out_q;
mm_iu_slowspr_done <= spr_ctl_out_q(2);
mm_iu_ierat_pid0 <= pid0_q;
mm_iu_ierat_pid1 <= pid1_q;
mm_iu_ierat_pid2 <= pid2_q;
mm_iu_ierat_pid3 <= pid3_q;
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_0 <= mmucr0_0_q;
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_1 <= mmucr0_1_q;
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_2 <= mmucr0_2_q;
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_3 <= mmucr0_3_q;
mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1 <= mmucr1_q(0) & mmucr1_q(2 to 5) & mmucr1_q(6 to 7) & mmucr1_q(12 to 13);
mm_xu_derat_pid0 <= pid0_q;
mm_xu_derat_pid1 <= pid1_q;
mm_xu_derat_pid2 <= pid2_q;
mm_xu_derat_pid3 <= pid3_q;
mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_0 <= mmucr0_0_q;
mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_1 <= mmucr0_1_q;
mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_2 <= mmucr0_2_q;
mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_3 <= mmucr0_3_q;
mm_xu_derat_mmucr1 <= mmucr1_q(1) & mmucr1_q(2 to 5) & mmucr1_q(8 to 9) & mmucr1_q(14 to 16);
pid0 <= pid0_q;
pid1 <= pid1_q;
pid2 <= pid2_q;
pid3 <= pid3_q;
mmucr0_0 <= mmucr0_0_q;
mmucr0_1 <= mmucr0_1_q;
mmucr0_2 <= mmucr0_2_q;
mmucr0_3 <= mmucr0_3_q;
mmucr1 <= mmucr1_q;
mmucr2 <= mmucr2_q;
mmucr3_0 <= mmucr3_0_q;
mmucr3_1 <= mmucr3_1_q;
mmucr3_2 <= mmucr3_2_q;
mmucr3_3 <= mmucr3_3_q;
lpidr <= lpidr_q;
ac_an_lpar_id <= lpidr_q;
mmucfg_lrat <= mmucfg_q(47);
mmucfg_twc <= mmucfg_q(48);
tlb0cfg_pt <= tlb0cfg_q(45);
tlb0cfg_ind <= tlb0cfg_q(46);
tlb0cfg_gtwe <= tlb0cfg_q(47);
mas0_0_atsel <= mas0_0_atsel_q;
mas0_0_esel <= mas0_0_esel_q;
mas0_0_hes <= mas0_0_hes_q;
mas0_0_wq <= mas0_0_wq_q;
mas1_0_v <= mas1_0_v_q;
mas1_0_iprot <= mas1_0_iprot_q;
mas1_0_tid <= mas1_0_tid_q;
mas1_0_ind <= mas1_0_ind_q;
mas1_0_ts <= mas1_0_ts_q;
mas1_0_tsize <= mas1_0_tsize_q;
gen32_mas2_0_epn: if spr_data_width = 32 generate
mas2_0_epn(0 to 31) <=(others => '0');
mas2_0_epn(32 to 51) <= mas2_0_epn_q(32 to 51);
end generate gen32_mas2_0_epn;
gen64_mas2_0_epn: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
mas2_0_epn <= mas2_0_epn_q;
end generate gen64_mas2_0_epn;
mas2_0_wimge <= mas2_0_wimge_q;
mas3_0_rpnl <= mas3_0_rpnl_q;
mas3_0_ubits <= mas3_0_ubits_q;
mas3_0_usxwr <= mas3_0_usxwr_q;
mas5_0_sgs <= mas5_0_sgs_q;
mas5_0_slpid <= mas5_0_slpid_q;
mas6_0_spid <= mas6_0_spid_q;
mas6_0_isize <= mas6_0_isize_q;
mas6_0_sind <= mas6_0_sind_q;
mas6_0_sas <= mas6_0_sas_q;
mas7_0_rpnu <= mas7_0_rpnu_q;
mas8_0_tgs <= mas8_0_tgs_q;
mas8_0_vf <= mas8_0_vf_q;
mas8_0_tlpid <= mas8_0_tlpid_q;
mas0_1_atsel <= mas0_1_atsel_q;
mas0_1_esel <= mas0_1_esel_q;
mas0_1_hes <= mas0_1_hes_q;
mas0_1_wq <= mas0_1_wq_q;
mas1_1_v <= mas1_1_v_q;
mas1_1_iprot <= mas1_1_iprot_q;
mas1_1_tid <= mas1_1_tid_q;
mas1_1_ind <= mas1_1_ind_q;
mas1_1_ts <= mas1_1_ts_q;
mas1_1_tsize <= mas1_1_tsize_q;
gen32_mas2_1_epn: if spr_data_width = 32 generate
mas2_1_epn(0 to 31) <=(others => '0');
mas2_1_epn(32 to 51) <= mas2_1_epn_q(32 to 51);
end generate gen32_mas2_1_epn;
gen64_mas2_1_epn: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
mas2_1_epn <= mas2_1_epn_q;
end generate gen64_mas2_1_epn;
mas2_1_wimge <= mas2_1_wimge_q;
mas3_1_rpnl <= mas3_1_rpnl_q;
mas3_1_ubits <= mas3_1_ubits_q;
mas3_1_usxwr <= mas3_1_usxwr_q;
mas5_1_sgs <= mas5_1_sgs_q;
mas5_1_slpid <= mas5_1_slpid_q;
mas6_1_spid <= mas6_1_spid_q;
mas6_1_isize <= mas6_1_isize_q;
mas6_1_sind <= mas6_1_sind_q;
mas6_1_sas <= mas6_1_sas_q;
mas7_1_rpnu <= mas7_1_rpnu_q;
mas8_1_tgs <= mas8_1_tgs_q;
mas8_1_vf <= mas8_1_vf_q;
mas8_1_tlpid <= mas8_1_tlpid_q;
mas0_2_atsel <= mas0_2_atsel_q;
mas0_2_esel <= mas0_2_esel_q;
mas0_2_hes <= mas0_2_hes_q;
mas0_2_wq <= mas0_2_wq_q;
mas1_2_v <= mas1_2_v_q;
mas1_2_iprot <= mas1_2_iprot_q;
mas1_2_tid <= mas1_2_tid_q;
mas1_2_ind <= mas1_2_ind_q;
mas1_2_ts <= mas1_2_ts_q;
mas1_2_tsize <= mas1_2_tsize_q;
gen32_mas2_2_epn: if spr_data_width = 32 generate
mas2_2_epn(0 to 31) <=(others => '0');
mas2_2_epn(32 to 51) <= mas2_2_epn_q(32 to 51);
end generate gen32_mas2_2_epn;
gen64_mas2_2_epn: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
mas2_2_epn <= mas2_2_epn_q;
end generate gen64_mas2_2_epn;
mas2_2_wimge <= mas2_2_wimge_q;
mas3_2_rpnl <= mas3_2_rpnl_q;
mas3_2_ubits <= mas3_2_ubits_q;
mas3_2_usxwr <= mas3_2_usxwr_q;
mas5_2_sgs <= mas5_2_sgs_q;
mas5_2_slpid <= mas5_2_slpid_q;
mas6_2_spid <= mas6_2_spid_q;
mas6_2_isize <= mas6_2_isize_q;
mas6_2_sind <= mas6_2_sind_q;
mas6_2_sas <= mas6_2_sas_q;
mas7_2_rpnu <= mas7_2_rpnu_q;
mas8_2_tgs <= mas8_2_tgs_q;
mas8_2_vf <= mas8_2_vf_q;
mas8_2_tlpid <= mas8_2_tlpid_q;
mas0_3_atsel <= mas0_3_atsel_q;
mas0_3_esel <= mas0_3_esel_q;
mas0_3_hes <= mas0_3_hes_q;
mas0_3_wq <= mas0_3_wq_q;
mas1_3_v <= mas1_3_v_q;
mas1_3_iprot <= mas1_3_iprot_q;
mas1_3_tid <= mas1_3_tid_q;
mas1_3_ind <= mas1_3_ind_q;
mas1_3_ts <= mas1_3_ts_q;
mas1_3_tsize <= mas1_3_tsize_q;
gen32_mas2_3_epn: if spr_data_width = 32 generate
mas2_3_epn(0 to 31) <=(others => '0');
mas2_3_epn(32 to 51) <= mas2_3_epn_q(32 to 51);
end generate gen32_mas2_3_epn;
gen64_mas2_3_epn: if spr_data_width = 64 generate
mas2_3_epn <= mas2_3_epn_q;
end generate gen64_mas2_3_epn;
mas2_3_wimge <= mas2_3_wimge_q;
mas3_3_rpnl <= mas3_3_rpnl_q;
mas3_3_ubits <= mas3_3_ubits_q;
mas3_3_usxwr <= mas3_3_usxwr_q;
mas5_3_sgs <= mas5_3_sgs_q;
mas5_3_slpid <= mas5_3_slpid_q;
mas6_3_spid <= mas6_3_spid_q;
mas6_3_isize <= mas6_3_isize_q;
mas6_3_sind <= mas6_3_sind_q;
mas6_3_sas <= mas6_3_sas_q;
mas7_3_rpnu <= mas7_3_rpnu_q;
mas8_3_tgs <= mas8_3_tgs_q;
mas8_3_vf <= mas8_3_vf_q;
mas8_3_tlpid <= mas8_3_tlpid_q;
mmucsr0_tlb0fi <= mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q;
spr_dbg_slowspr_val_int <= spr_ctl_int_q(0);
spr_dbg_slowspr_rw_int <= spr_ctl_int_q(1);
spr_dbg_slowspr_etid_int <= spr_etid_int_q;
spr_dbg_slowspr_addr_int <= spr_addr_int_q;
spr_dbg_slowspr_val_out <= spr_ctl_out_q(0);
spr_dbg_slowspr_done_out <= spr_ctl_out_q(2);
spr_dbg_slowspr_data_out <= spr_data_out_q;
spr_dbg_match_64b <= spr_match_64b_q;
spr_dbg_match_any_mmu <= spr_match_any_mmu_q;
spr_dbg_match_any_mas <= spr_match_any_mas_q;
spr_dbg_match_pid <= spr_match_pid0_q or spr_match_pid1_q or spr_match_pid2_q or spr_match_pid3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr0 <= spr_match_mmucr0_0_q or spr_match_mmucr0_1_q or spr_match_mmucr0_2_q or spr_match_mmucr0_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr1 <= spr_match_mmucr1_q;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr2 <= spr_match_mmucr2_q;
spr_dbg_match_mmucr3 <= spr_match_mmucr3_0_q or spr_match_mmucr3_1_q or spr_match_mmucr3_2_q or spr_match_mmucr3_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_lpidr <= spr_match_lpidr_q;
spr_dbg_match_mmucsr0 <= spr_match_mmucsr0_q;
spr_dbg_match_mmucfg <= spr_match_mmucfg_q;
spr_dbg_match_tlb0cfg <= spr_match_tlb0cfg_q;
spr_dbg_match_tlb0ps <= spr_match_tlb0ps_q;
spr_dbg_match_lratcfg <= spr_match_lratcfg;
spr_dbg_match_lratps <= spr_match_lratps_q;
spr_dbg_match_eptcfg <= spr_match_eptcfg_q;
spr_dbg_match_lper <= spr_match_lper_0_q or spr_match_lper_1_q or spr_match_lper_2_q or spr_match_lper_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_lperu <= spr_match_lperu_0_q or spr_match_lperu_1_q or spr_match_lperu_2_q or spr_match_lperu_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas0 <= spr_match_mas0_0_q or spr_match_mas0_1_q or spr_match_mas0_2_q or spr_match_mas0_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas1 <= spr_match_mas1_0_q or spr_match_mas1_1_q or spr_match_mas1_2_q or spr_match_mas1_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas2 <= spr_match_mas2_0_q or spr_match_mas2_1_q or spr_match_mas2_2_q or spr_match_mas2_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas2u <= spr_match_mas2u_0_q or spr_match_mas2u_1_q or spr_match_mas2u_2_q or spr_match_mas2u_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas3 <= spr_match_mas3_0_q or spr_match_mas3_1_q or spr_match_mas3_2_q or spr_match_mas3_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas4 <= spr_match_mas4_0_q or spr_match_mas4_1_q or spr_match_mas4_2_q or spr_match_mas4_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas5 <= spr_match_mas5_0_q or spr_match_mas5_1_q or spr_match_mas5_2_q or spr_match_mas5_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas6 <= spr_match_mas6_0_q or spr_match_mas6_1_q or spr_match_mas6_2_q or spr_match_mas6_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas7 <= spr_match_mas7_0_q or spr_match_mas7_1_q or spr_match_mas7_2_q or spr_match_mas7_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas8 <= spr_match_mas8_0_q or spr_match_mas8_1_q or spr_match_mas8_2_q or spr_match_mas8_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas01_64b <= spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q or spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q or spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q or spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas56_64b <= spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q or spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q or spr_match_mas56_64b_2_q or spr_match_mas56_64b_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas73_64b <= spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q or spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q or spr_match_mas73_64b_2_q or spr_match_mas73_64b_3_q;
spr_dbg_match_mas81_64b <= spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q or spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q or spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q or spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q;
unused_dc(0) <= or_reduce(LCB_DELAY_LCLKR_DC(1 TO 4));
unused_dc(1) <= or_reduce(LCB_MPW1_DC_B(1 TO 4));
unused_dc(2) <= PC_FUNC_SL_FORCE;
unused_dc(3) <= PC_FUNC_SL_THOLD_0_B;
unused_dc(4) <= TC_SCAN_DIS_DC_B;
unused_dc(5) <= TC_SCAN_DIAG_DC;
unused_dc(6) <= TC_LBIST_EN_DC;
unused_dc(7) <= or_reduce(MMUCFG_Q_B);
unused_dc(8) <= or_reduce(TLB0CFG_Q_B);
unused_dc(9) <= or_reduce(TLB_MAS6_ISIZE);
unused_dc(10) <= TLB_MAS6_SIND;
unused_dc(11) <= or_reduce(LRAT_TAG4_HIT_ENTRY);
unused_dc(12) <= or_reduce(bcfg_spare_q);
unused_dc(13) <= or_reduce(bcfg_spare_q_b);
spr_ctl_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_ctl_in_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_ctl_in_offset to spr_ctl_in_offset+spr_ctl_in_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_ctl_in_offset to spr_ctl_in_offset+spr_ctl_in_q'length-1),
din => spr_ctl_in_d(0 to spr_ctl_width-1),
dout => spr_ctl_in_q(0 to spr_ctl_width-1) );
spr_etid_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_etid_in_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_etid_in_offset to spr_etid_in_offset+spr_etid_in_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_etid_in_offset to spr_etid_in_offset+spr_etid_in_q'length-1),
din => spr_etid_in_d(0 to spr_etid_width-1),
dout => spr_etid_in_q(0 to spr_etid_width-1) );
spr_addr_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_addr_in_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_addr_in_offset to spr_addr_in_offset+spr_addr_in_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_addr_in_offset to spr_addr_in_offset+spr_addr_in_q'length-1),
din => spr_addr_in_d(0 to spr_addr_width-1),
dout => spr_addr_in_q(0 to spr_addr_width-1) );
spr_addr_in_clone_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_addr_in_clone_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_addr_in_clone_offset to spr_addr_in_clone_offset+spr_addr_in_clone_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(spr_addr_in_clone_offset to spr_addr_in_clone_offset+spr_addr_in_clone_q'length-1),
din => spr_addr_in_clone_d(0 to spr_addr_width-1),
dout => spr_addr_in_clone_q(0 to spr_addr_width-1) );
spr_data_in_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_data_in_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_data_in_offset to spr_data_in_offset+spr_data_in_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_data_in_offset to spr_data_in_offset+spr_data_in_q'length-1),
din => spr_data_in_d(64-spr_data_width to 63),
dout => spr_data_in_q(64-spr_data_width to 63) );
spr_ctl_int_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_ctl_int_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_val_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_ctl_int_offset to spr_ctl_int_offset+spr_ctl_int_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_ctl_int_offset to spr_ctl_int_offset+spr_ctl_int_q'length-1),
din => spr_ctl_int_d(0 to spr_ctl_width-1),
dout => spr_ctl_int_q(0 to spr_ctl_width-1) );
spr_etid_int_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_etid_int_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_val_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_etid_int_offset to spr_etid_int_offset+spr_etid_int_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_etid_int_offset to spr_etid_int_offset+spr_etid_int_q'length-1),
din => spr_etid_int_d(0 to spr_etid_width-1),
dout => spr_etid_int_q(0 to spr_etid_width-1) );
spr_addr_int_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_addr_int_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_val_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_addr_int_offset to spr_addr_int_offset+spr_addr_int_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_addr_int_offset to spr_addr_int_offset+spr_addr_int_q'length-1),
din => spr_addr_int_d(0 to spr_addr_width-1),
dout => spr_addr_int_q(0 to spr_addr_width-1) );
spr_data_int_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_data_int_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_val_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_data_int_offset to spr_data_int_offset+spr_data_int_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_data_int_offset to spr_data_int_offset+spr_data_int_q'length-1),
din => spr_data_int_d(64-spr_data_width to 63),
dout => spr_data_int_q(64-spr_data_width to 63) );
spr_ctl_out_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_ctl_out_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_val_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_ctl_out_offset to spr_ctl_out_offset+spr_ctl_out_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_ctl_out_offset to spr_ctl_out_offset+spr_ctl_out_q'length-1),
din => spr_ctl_out_d(0 to spr_ctl_width-1),
dout => spr_ctl_out_q(0 to spr_ctl_width-1) );
spr_etid_out_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_etid_out_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_val_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_etid_out_offset to spr_etid_out_offset+spr_etid_out_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_etid_out_offset to spr_etid_out_offset+spr_etid_out_q'length-1),
din => spr_etid_out_d(0 to spr_etid_width-1),
dout => spr_etid_out_q(0 to spr_etid_width-1) );
spr_addr_out_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_addr_out_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_val_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_addr_out_offset to spr_addr_out_offset+spr_addr_out_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_addr_out_offset to spr_addr_out_offset+spr_addr_out_q'length-1),
din => spr_addr_out_d(0 to spr_addr_width-1),
dout => spr_addr_out_q(0 to spr_addr_width-1) );
spr_data_out_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_data_out_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_val_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_data_out_offset to spr_data_out_offset+spr_data_out_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_data_out_offset to spr_data_out_offset+spr_data_out_q'length-1),
din => spr_data_out_d(64-spr_data_width to 63),
dout => spr_data_out_q(64-spr_data_width to 63) );
spr_match_any_mmu_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_any_mmu_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_any_mmu_offset),
din => spr_match_any_mmu,
dout => spr_match_any_mmu_q);
spr_match_pid0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_pid0_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_pid0_offset),
din => spr_match_pid0,
dout => spr_match_pid0_q);
spr_match_pid1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_pid1_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_pid1_offset),
din => spr_match_pid1,
dout => spr_match_pid1_q);
spr_match_pid2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_pid2_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_pid2_offset),
din => spr_match_pid2,
dout => spr_match_pid2_q);
spr_match_pid3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_pid3_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_pid3_offset),
din => spr_match_pid3,
dout => spr_match_pid3_q);
spr_match_mmucr0_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr0_0_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr0_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr0_0,
dout => spr_match_mmucr0_0_q);
spr_match_mmucr0_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr0_1_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr0_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr0_1,
dout => spr_match_mmucr0_1_q);
spr_match_mmucr0_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr0_2_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr0_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr0_2,
dout => spr_match_mmucr0_2_q);
spr_match_mmucr0_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr0_3_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr0_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr0_3,
dout => spr_match_mmucr0_3_q);
spr_match_mmucr1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr1_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr1_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr1,
dout => spr_match_mmucr1_q);
spr_match_mmucr2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr2_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr2_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr2,
dout => spr_match_mmucr2_q);
spr_match_mmucr3_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr3_0_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr3_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr3_0,
dout => spr_match_mmucr3_0_q);
spr_match_mmucr3_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr3_1_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr3_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr3_1,
dout => spr_match_mmucr3_1_q);
spr_match_mmucr3_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr3_2_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr3_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr3_2,
dout => spr_match_mmucr3_2_q);
spr_match_mmucr3_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_mmucr3_3_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_mmucr3_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucr3_3,
dout => spr_match_mmucr3_3_q);
spr_match_lpidr_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_match_lpidr_offset),
scout => sov_0(spr_match_lpidr_offset),
din => spr_match_lpidr,
dout => spr_match_lpidr_q);
spr_match_mmucsr0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mmucsr0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mmucsr0_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucsr0,
dout => spr_match_mmucsr0_q);
spr_match_mmucfg_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mmucfg_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mmucfg_offset),
din => spr_match_mmucfg,
dout => spr_match_mmucfg_q);
spr_match_tlb0cfg_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_tlb0cfg_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_tlb0cfg_offset),
din => spr_match_tlb0cfg,
dout => spr_match_tlb0cfg_q);
spr_match_tlb0ps_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_tlb0ps_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_tlb0ps_offset),
din => spr_match_tlb0ps,
dout => spr_match_tlb0ps_q);
spr_match_lratcfg_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lratcfg_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lratcfg_offset),
din => spr_match_lratcfg,
dout => spr_match_lratcfg_q);
spr_match_lratps_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lratps_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lratps_offset),
din => spr_match_lratps,
dout => spr_match_lratps_q);
spr_match_eptcfg_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_eptcfg_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_eptcfg_offset),
din => spr_match_eptcfg,
dout => spr_match_eptcfg_q);
spr_match_lper_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lper_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lper_0_offset),
din => spr_match_lper_0,
dout => spr_match_lper_0_q);
spr_match_lper_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lper_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lper_1_offset),
din => spr_match_lper_1,
dout => spr_match_lper_1_q);
spr_match_lper_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lper_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lper_2_offset),
din => spr_match_lper_2,
dout => spr_match_lper_2_q);
spr_match_lper_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lper_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lper_3_offset),
din => spr_match_lper_3,
dout => spr_match_lper_3_q);
spr_match_lperu_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lperu_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lperu_0_offset),
din => spr_match_lperu_0,
dout => spr_match_lperu_0_q);
spr_match_lperu_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lperu_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lperu_1_offset),
din => spr_match_lperu_1,
dout => spr_match_lperu_1_q);
spr_match_lperu_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lperu_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lperu_2_offset),
din => spr_match_lperu_2,
dout => spr_match_lperu_2_q);
spr_match_lperu_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_lperu_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_lperu_3_offset),
din => spr_match_lperu_3,
dout => spr_match_lperu_3_q);
spr_match_mas0_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas0_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas0_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas0_0,
dout => spr_match_mas0_0_q);
spr_match_mas0_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas0_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas0_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas0_1,
dout => spr_match_mas0_1_q);
spr_match_mas0_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas0_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas0_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas0_2,
dout => spr_match_mas0_2_q);
spr_match_mas0_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas0_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas0_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas0_3,
dout => spr_match_mas0_3_q);
spr_match_mas1_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas1_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas1_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas1_0,
dout => spr_match_mas1_0_q);
spr_match_mas1_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas1_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas1_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas1_1,
dout => spr_match_mas1_1_q);
spr_match_mas1_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas1_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas1_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas1_2,
dout => spr_match_mas1_2_q);
spr_match_mas1_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas1_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas1_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas1_3,
dout => spr_match_mas1_3_q);
spr_match_mas2_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas2_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas2_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas2_0,
dout => spr_match_mas2_0_q);
spr_match_mas2_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas2_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas2_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas2_1,
dout => spr_match_mas2_1_q);
spr_match_mas2_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas2_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas2_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas2_2,
dout => spr_match_mas2_2_q);
spr_match_mas2_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas2_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas2_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas2_3,
dout => spr_match_mas2_3_q);
spr_match_mas3_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas3_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas3_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas3_0,
dout => spr_match_mas3_0_q);
spr_match_mas3_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas3_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas3_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas3_1,
dout => spr_match_mas3_1_q);
spr_match_mas3_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas3_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas3_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas3_2,
dout => spr_match_mas3_2_q);
spr_match_mas3_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas3_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas3_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas3_3,
dout => spr_match_mas3_3_q);
spr_match_mas4_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas4_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas4_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas4_0,
dout => spr_match_mas4_0_q);
spr_match_mas4_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas4_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas4_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas4_1,
dout => spr_match_mas4_1_q);
spr_match_mas4_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas4_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas4_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas4_2,
dout => spr_match_mas4_2_q);
spr_match_mas4_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas4_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas4_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas4_3,
dout => spr_match_mas4_3_q);
spr_match_mas5_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas5_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas5_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas5_0,
dout => spr_match_mas5_0_q);
spr_match_mas5_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas5_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas5_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas5_1,
dout => spr_match_mas5_1_q);
spr_match_mas5_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas5_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas5_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas5_2,
dout => spr_match_mas5_2_q);
spr_match_mas5_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas5_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas5_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas5_3,
dout => spr_match_mas5_3_q);
spr_match_mas6_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas6_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas6_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas6_0,
dout => spr_match_mas6_0_q);
spr_match_mas6_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas6_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas6_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas6_1,
dout => spr_match_mas6_1_q);
spr_match_mas6_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas6_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas6_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas6_2,
dout => spr_match_mas6_2_q);
spr_match_mas6_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas6_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas6_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas6_3,
dout => spr_match_mas6_3_q);
spr_match_mas7_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas7_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas7_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas7_0,
dout => spr_match_mas7_0_q);
spr_match_mas7_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas7_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas7_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas7_1,
dout => spr_match_mas7_1_q);
spr_match_mas7_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas7_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas7_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas7_2,
dout => spr_match_mas7_2_q);
spr_match_mas7_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas7_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas7_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas7_3,
dout => spr_match_mas7_3_q);
spr_match_mas8_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas8_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas8_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas8_0,
dout => spr_match_mas8_0_q);
spr_match_mas8_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas8_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas8_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas8_1,
dout => spr_match_mas8_1_q);
spr_match_mas8_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas8_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas8_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas8_2,
dout => spr_match_mas8_2_q);
spr_match_mas8_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas8_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas8_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas8_3,
dout => spr_match_mas8_3_q);
spr_match_mas2u_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas2u_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas2u_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas2u_0,
dout => spr_match_mas2u_0_q);
spr_match_mas2u_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas2u_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas2u_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas2u_1,
dout => spr_match_mas2u_1_q);
spr_match_mas2u_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas2u_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas2u_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas2u_2,
dout => spr_match_mas2u_2_q);
spr_match_mas2u_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas2u_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas2u_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas2u_3,
dout => spr_match_mas2u_3_q);
spr_match_mas01_64b_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas01_64b_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas01_64b_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas01_64b_0,
dout => spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q);
spr_match_mas01_64b_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas01_64b_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas01_64b_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas01_64b_1,
dout => spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q);
spr_match_mas01_64b_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas01_64b_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas01_64b_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas01_64b_2,
dout => spr_match_mas01_64b_2_q);
spr_match_mas01_64b_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas01_64b_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas01_64b_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas01_64b_3,
dout => spr_match_mas01_64b_3_q);
spr_match_mas56_64b_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas56_64b_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas56_64b_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas56_64b_0,
dout => spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q);
spr_match_mas56_64b_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas56_64b_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas56_64b_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas56_64b_1,
dout => spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q);
spr_match_mas56_64b_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas56_64b_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas56_64b_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas56_64b_2,
dout => spr_match_mas56_64b_2_q);
spr_match_mas56_64b_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas56_64b_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas56_64b_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas56_64b_3,
dout => spr_match_mas56_64b_3_q);
spr_match_mas73_64b_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas73_64b_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas73_64b_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas73_64b_0,
dout => spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q);
spr_match_mas73_64b_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas73_64b_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas73_64b_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas73_64b_1,
dout => spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q);
spr_match_mas73_64b_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas73_64b_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas73_64b_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas73_64b_2,
dout => spr_match_mas73_64b_2_q);
spr_match_mas73_64b_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas73_64b_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas73_64b_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas73_64b_3,
dout => spr_match_mas73_64b_3_q);
spr_match_mas81_64b_0_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas81_64b_0_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas81_64b_0_offset),
din => spr_match_mas81_64b_0,
dout => spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q);
spr_match_mas81_64b_1_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas81_64b_1_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas81_64b_1_offset),
din => spr_match_mas81_64b_1,
dout => spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q);
spr_match_mas81_64b_2_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas81_64b_2_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas81_64b_2_offset),
din => spr_match_mas81_64b_2,
dout => spr_match_mas81_64b_2_q);
spr_match_mas81_64b_3_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_mas81_64b_3_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_mas81_64b_3_offset),
din => spr_match_mas81_64b_3,
dout => spr_match_mas81_64b_3_q);
spr_match_64b_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_64b_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_64b_offset),
din => spr_match_64b,
dout => spr_match_64b_q);
spr_mas_data_out_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_mas_data_out_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_mas_data_out_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_mas_data_out_offset to spr_mas_data_out_offset+spr_mas_data_out_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(spr_mas_data_out_offset to spr_mas_data_out_offset+spr_mas_data_out_q'length-1),
din => spr_mas_data_out(64-spr_data_width to 63),
dout => spr_mas_data_out_q(64-spr_data_width to 63) );
spr_match_any_mas_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_match_mas_act,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spr_match_any_mas_offset),
scout => sov_1(spr_match_any_mas_offset),
din => spr_match_any_mas,
dout => spr_match_any_mas_q);
pid0_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => pid0_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_mmu_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(pid0_offset to pid0_offset+pid0_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(pid0_offset to pid0_offset+pid0_q'length-1),
din => pid0_d(0 to pid_width-1),
dout => pid0_q(0 to pid_width-1) );
pid1_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => pid1_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_mmu_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(pid1_offset to pid1_offset+pid1_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(pid1_offset to pid1_offset+pid1_q'length-1),
din => pid1_d(0 to pid_width-1),
dout => pid1_q(0 to pid_width-1) );
pid2_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => pid2_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_mmu_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(pid2_offset to pid2_offset+pid2_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(pid2_offset to pid2_offset+pid2_q'length-1),
din => pid2_d(0 to pid_width-1),
dout => pid2_q(0 to pid_width-1) );
pid3_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => pid3_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_mmu_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(pid3_offset to pid3_offset+pid3_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(pid3_offset to pid3_offset+pid3_q'length-1),
din => pid3_d(0 to pid_width-1),
dout => pid3_q(0 to pid_width-1) );
mmucr0_0_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr0_0_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(mmucr0_0_offset to mmucr0_0_offset+mmucr0_0_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(mmucr0_0_offset to mmucr0_0_offset+mmucr0_0_q'length-1),
din => mmucr0_0_d(0 to mmucr0_width-1),
dout => mmucr0_0_q(0 to mmucr0_width-1) );
mmucr0_1_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr0_1_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(mmucr0_1_offset to mmucr0_1_offset+mmucr0_1_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(mmucr0_1_offset to mmucr0_1_offset+mmucr0_1_q'length-1),
din => mmucr0_1_d(0 to mmucr0_width-1),
dout => mmucr0_1_q(0 to mmucr0_width-1) );
mmucr0_2_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr0_2_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(mmucr0_2_offset to mmucr0_2_offset+mmucr0_2_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(mmucr0_2_offset to mmucr0_2_offset+mmucr0_2_q'length-1),
din => mmucr0_2_d(0 to mmucr0_width-1),
dout => mmucr0_2_q(0 to mmucr0_width-1) );
mmucr0_3_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr0_3_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(mmucr0_3_offset to mmucr0_3_offset+mmucr0_3_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(mmucr0_3_offset to mmucr0_3_offset+mmucr0_3_q'length-1),
din => mmucr0_3_d(0 to mmucr0_width-1),
dout => mmucr0_3_q(0 to mmucr0_width-1) );
mmucr1_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr1_q'length, init => bcfg_mmucr1_value, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mmucr1_offset to mmucr1_offset+mmucr1_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mmucr1_offset to mmucr1_offset+mmucr1_q'length-1),
din => mmucr1_d(0 to mmucr1_width-1),
dout => mmucr1_q(0 to mmucr1_width-1) );
mmucr2_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr2_q'length, init => bcfg_mmucr2_value, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mmucr2_offset to mmucr2_offset+mmucr2_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mmucr2_offset to mmucr2_offset+mmucr2_q'length-1),
din => mmucr2_d(0 to mmucr2_width-1),
dout => mmucr2_q(0 to mmucr2_width-1) );
mmucr3_0_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr3_0_q'length, init => bcfg_mmucr3_value, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mmucr3_0_offset to mmucr3_0_offset+mmucr3_0_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mmucr3_0_offset to mmucr3_0_offset+mmucr3_0_q'length-1),
din => mmucr3_0_d(64-mmucr3_width to 63),
dout => mmucr3_0_q(64-mmucr3_width to 63) );
mmucr3_1_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr3_1_q'length, init => bcfg_mmucr3_value, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mmucr3_1_offset to mmucr3_1_offset+mmucr3_1_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mmucr3_1_offset to mmucr3_1_offset+mmucr3_1_q'length-1),
din => mmucr3_1_d(64-mmucr3_width to 63),
dout => mmucr3_1_q(64-mmucr3_width to 63) );
mmucr3_2_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr3_2_q'length, init => bcfg_mmucr3_value, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mmucr3_2_offset to mmucr3_2_offset+mmucr3_2_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mmucr3_2_offset to mmucr3_2_offset+mmucr3_2_q'length-1),
din => mmucr3_2_d(64-mmucr3_width to 63),
dout => mmucr3_2_q(64-mmucr3_width to 63) );
mmucr3_3_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mmucr3_3_q'length, init => bcfg_mmucr3_value, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mmucr3_3_offset to mmucr3_3_offset+mmucr3_3_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mmucr3_3_offset to mmucr3_3_offset+mmucr3_3_q'length-1),
din => mmucr3_3_d(64-mmucr3_width to 63),
dout => mmucr3_3_q(64-mmucr3_width to 63) );
lpidr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lpidr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => spr_mmu_act_q(thdid_width),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(lpidr_offset to lpidr_offset+lpidr_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(lpidr_offset to lpidr_offset+lpidr_q'length-1),
din => lpidr_d(0 to lpid_width-1),
dout => lpidr_q(0 to lpid_width-1) );
mas0_0_atsel_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_0_atsel_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas0_0_atsel_offset),
din => mas0_0_atsel_d,
dout => mas0_0_atsel_q);
mas0_0_esel_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas0_0_esel_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_0_esel_offset to mas0_0_esel_offset+mas0_0_esel_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas0_0_esel_offset to mas0_0_esel_offset+mas0_0_esel_q'length-1),
din => mas0_0_esel_d(0 to mas0_0_esel_d'length-1),
dout => mas0_0_esel_q(0 to mas0_0_esel_q'length-1) );
mas0_0_hes_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_0_hes_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas0_0_hes_offset),
din => mas0_0_hes_d,
dout => mas0_0_hes_q);
mas0_0_wq_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas0_0_wq_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_0_wq_offset to mas0_0_wq_offset+mas0_0_wq_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas0_0_wq_offset to mas0_0_wq_offset+mas0_0_wq_q'length-1),
din => mas0_0_wq_d(0 to mas0_0_wq_d'length-1),
dout => mas0_0_wq_q(0 to mas0_0_wq_q'length-1) );
mas1_0_v_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_0_v_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_0_v_offset),
din => mas1_0_v_d,
dout => mas1_0_v_q);
mas1_0_iprot_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_0_iprot_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_0_iprot_offset),
din => mas1_0_iprot_d,
dout => mas1_0_iprot_q);
mas1_0_tid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas1_0_tid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_0_tid_offset to mas1_0_tid_offset+mas1_0_tid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas1_0_tid_offset to mas1_0_tid_offset+mas1_0_tid_q'length-1),
din => mas1_0_tid_d(0 to mas1_0_tid_d'length-1),
dout => mas1_0_tid_q(0 to mas1_0_tid_q'length-1) );
mas1_0_ind_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_0_ind_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_0_ind_offset),
din => mas1_0_ind_d,
dout => mas1_0_ind_q);
mas1_0_ts_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_0_ts_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_0_ts_offset),
din => mas1_0_ts_d,
dout => mas1_0_ts_q);
mas1_0_tsize_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas1_0_tsize_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_0_tsize_offset to mas1_0_tsize_offset+mas1_0_tsize_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas1_0_tsize_offset to mas1_0_tsize_offset+mas1_0_tsize_q'length-1),
din => mas1_0_tsize_d(0 to mas1_0_tsize_d'length-1),
dout => mas1_0_tsize_q(0 to mas1_0_tsize_q'length-1) );
mas2_0_epn_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas2_0_epn_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas2_0_epn_offset to mas2_0_epn_offset+mas2_0_epn_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas2_0_epn_offset to mas2_0_epn_offset+mas2_0_epn_q'length-1),
din => mas2_0_epn_d(52-mas2_0_epn_d'length to 51),
dout => mas2_0_epn_q(52-mas2_0_epn_q'length to 51) );
mas2_0_wimge_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas2_0_wimge_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas2_0_wimge_offset to mas2_0_wimge_offset+mas2_0_wimge_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas2_0_wimge_offset to mas2_0_wimge_offset+mas2_0_wimge_q'length-1),
din => mas2_0_wimge_d(0 to mas2_0_wimge_d'length-1),
dout => mas2_0_wimge_q(0 to mas2_0_wimge_q'length-1) );
mas3_0_rpnl_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_0_rpnl_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_0_rpnl_offset to mas3_0_rpnl_offset+mas3_0_rpnl_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_0_rpnl_offset to mas3_0_rpnl_offset+mas3_0_rpnl_q'length-1),
din => mas3_0_rpnl_d(32 to 32+mas3_0_rpnl_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_0_rpnl_q(32 to 32+mas3_0_rpnl_q'length-1) );
mas3_0_ubits_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_0_ubits_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_0_ubits_offset to mas3_0_ubits_offset+mas3_0_ubits_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_0_ubits_offset to mas3_0_ubits_offset+mas3_0_ubits_q'length-1),
din => mas3_0_ubits_d(0 to mas3_0_ubits_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_0_ubits_q(0 to mas3_0_ubits_q'length-1) );
mas3_0_usxwr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_0_usxwr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_0_usxwr_offset to mas3_0_usxwr_offset+mas3_0_usxwr_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_0_usxwr_offset to mas3_0_usxwr_offset+mas3_0_usxwr_q'length-1),
din => mas3_0_usxwr_d(0 to mas3_0_usxwr_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_0_usxwr_q(0 to mas3_0_usxwr_q'length-1) );
mas4_0_indd_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_0_indd_offset),
scout => bsov(mas4_0_indd_offset),
din => mas4_0_indd_d,
dout => mas4_0_indd_q);
mas4_0_tsized_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas4_0_tsized_q'length, init => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_0_tsized_offset to mas4_0_tsized_offset+mas4_0_tsized_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mas4_0_tsized_offset to mas4_0_tsized_offset+mas4_0_tsized_q'length-1),
din => mas4_0_tsized_d(0 to mas4_0_tsized_d'length-1),
dout => mas4_0_tsized_q(0 to mas4_0_tsized_q'length-1) );
mas4_0_wimged_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas4_0_wimged_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_0_wimged_offset to mas4_0_wimged_offset+mas4_0_wimged_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mas4_0_wimged_offset to mas4_0_wimged_offset+mas4_0_wimged_q'length-1),
din => mas4_0_wimged_d(0 to mas4_0_wimged_d'length-1),
dout => mas4_0_wimged_q(0 to mas4_0_wimged_q'length-1) );
mas5_0_sgs_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas5_0_sgs_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas5_0_sgs_offset),
din => mas5_0_sgs_d,
dout => mas5_0_sgs_q);
mas5_0_slpid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas5_0_slpid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas5_0_slpid_offset to mas5_0_slpid_offset+mas5_0_slpid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas5_0_slpid_offset to mas5_0_slpid_offset+mas5_0_slpid_q'length-1),
din => mas5_0_slpid_d(0 to mas5_0_slpid_d'length-1),
dout => mas5_0_slpid_q(0 to mas5_0_slpid_q'length-1) );
mas6_0_spid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas6_0_spid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_0_spid_offset to mas6_0_spid_offset+mas6_0_spid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas6_0_spid_offset to mas6_0_spid_offset+mas6_0_spid_q'length-1),
din => mas6_0_spid_d(0 to mas6_0_spid_d'length-1),
dout => mas6_0_spid_q(0 to mas6_0_spid_q'length-1) );
mas6_0_isize_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas6_0_isize_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_0_isize_offset to mas6_0_isize_offset+mas6_0_isize_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas6_0_isize_offset to mas6_0_isize_offset+mas6_0_isize_q'length-1),
din => mas6_0_isize_d(0 to mas6_0_isize_d'length-1),
dout => mas6_0_isize_q(0 to mas6_0_isize_q'length-1) );
mas6_0_sind_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_0_sind_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas6_0_sind_offset),
din => mas6_0_sind_d,
dout => mas6_0_sind_q);
mas6_0_sas_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_0_sas_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas6_0_sas_offset),
din => mas6_0_sas_d,
dout => mas6_0_sas_q);
mas7_0_rpnu_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas7_0_rpnu_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas7_0_rpnu_offset to mas7_0_rpnu_offset+mas7_0_rpnu_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas7_0_rpnu_offset to mas7_0_rpnu_offset+mas7_0_rpnu_q'length-1),
din => mas7_0_rpnu_d(22 to 22+mas7_0_rpnu_d'length-1),
dout => mas7_0_rpnu_q(22 to 22+mas7_0_rpnu_q'length-1) );
mas8_0_tgs_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_0_tgs_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas8_0_tgs_offset),
din => mas8_0_tgs_d,
dout => mas8_0_tgs_q);
mas8_0_vf_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_0_vf_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas8_0_vf_offset),
din => mas8_0_vf_d,
dout => mas8_0_vf_q);
mas8_0_tlpid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas8_0_tlpid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_0_tlpid_offset to mas8_0_tlpid_offset+mas8_0_tlpid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas8_0_tlpid_offset to mas8_0_tlpid_offset+mas8_0_tlpid_q'length-1),
din => mas8_0_tlpid_d(0 to mas8_0_tlpid_d'length-1),
dout => mas8_0_tlpid_q(0 to mas8_0_tlpid_q'length-1) );
mas0_1_atsel_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_1_atsel_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas0_1_atsel_offset),
din => mas0_1_atsel_d,
dout => mas0_1_atsel_q);
mas0_1_esel_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas0_1_esel_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_1_esel_offset to mas0_1_esel_offset+mas0_1_esel_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas0_1_esel_offset to mas0_1_esel_offset+mas0_1_esel_q'length-1),
din => mas0_1_esel_d(0 to mas0_1_esel_d'length-1),
dout => mas0_1_esel_q(0 to mas0_1_esel_q'length-1) );
mas0_1_hes_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_1_hes_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas0_1_hes_offset),
din => mas0_1_hes_d,
dout => mas0_1_hes_q);
mas0_1_wq_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas0_1_wq_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_1_wq_offset to mas0_1_wq_offset+mas0_1_wq_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas0_1_wq_offset to mas0_1_wq_offset+mas0_1_wq_q'length-1),
din => mas0_1_wq_d(0 to mas0_1_wq_d'length-1),
dout => mas0_1_wq_q(0 to mas0_1_wq_q'length-1) );
mas1_1_v_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_1_v_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_1_v_offset),
din => mas1_1_v_d,
dout => mas1_1_v_q);
mas1_1_iprot_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_1_iprot_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_1_iprot_offset),
din => mas1_1_iprot_d,
dout => mas1_1_iprot_q);
mas1_1_tid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas1_1_tid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_1_tid_offset to mas1_1_tid_offset+mas1_1_tid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas1_1_tid_offset to mas1_1_tid_offset+mas1_1_tid_q'length-1),
din => mas1_1_tid_d(0 to mas1_1_tid_d'length-1),
dout => mas1_1_tid_q(0 to mas1_1_tid_q'length-1) );
mas1_1_ind_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_1_ind_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_1_ind_offset),
din => mas1_1_ind_d,
dout => mas1_1_ind_q);
mas1_1_ts_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_1_ts_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_1_ts_offset),
din => mas1_1_ts_d,
dout => mas1_1_ts_q);
mas1_1_tsize_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas1_1_tsize_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_1_tsize_offset to mas1_1_tsize_offset+mas1_1_tsize_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas1_1_tsize_offset to mas1_1_tsize_offset+mas1_1_tsize_q'length-1),
din => mas1_1_tsize_d(0 to mas1_1_tsize_d'length-1),
dout => mas1_1_tsize_q(0 to mas1_1_tsize_q'length-1) );
mas2_1_epn_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas2_1_epn_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas2_1_epn_offset to mas2_1_epn_offset+mas2_1_epn_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas2_1_epn_offset to mas2_1_epn_offset+mas2_1_epn_q'length-1),
din => mas2_1_epn_d(52-mas2_1_epn_d'length to 51),
dout => mas2_1_epn_q(52-mas2_1_epn_q'length to 51) );
mas2_1_wimge_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas2_1_wimge_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas2_1_wimge_offset to mas2_1_wimge_offset+mas2_1_wimge_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas2_1_wimge_offset to mas2_1_wimge_offset+mas2_1_wimge_q'length-1),
din => mas2_1_wimge_d(0 to mas2_1_wimge_d'length-1),
dout => mas2_1_wimge_q(0 to mas2_1_wimge_q'length-1) );
mas3_1_rpnl_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_1_rpnl_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_1_rpnl_offset to mas3_1_rpnl_offset+mas3_1_rpnl_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_1_rpnl_offset to mas3_1_rpnl_offset+mas3_1_rpnl_q'length-1),
din => mas3_1_rpnl_d(32 to 32+mas3_1_rpnl_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_1_rpnl_q(32 to 32+mas3_1_rpnl_q'length-1) );
mas3_1_ubits_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_1_ubits_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_1_ubits_offset to mas3_1_ubits_offset+mas3_1_ubits_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_1_ubits_offset to mas3_1_ubits_offset+mas3_1_ubits_q'length-1),
din => mas3_1_ubits_d(0 to mas3_1_ubits_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_1_ubits_q(0 to mas3_1_ubits_q'length-1) );
mas3_1_usxwr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_1_usxwr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_1_usxwr_offset to mas3_1_usxwr_offset+mas3_1_usxwr_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_1_usxwr_offset to mas3_1_usxwr_offset+mas3_1_usxwr_q'length-1),
din => mas3_1_usxwr_d(0 to mas3_1_usxwr_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_1_usxwr_q(0 to mas3_1_usxwr_q'length-1) );
mas4_1_indd_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_1_indd_offset),
scout => bsov(mas4_1_indd_offset),
din => mas4_1_indd_d,
dout => mas4_1_indd_q);
mas4_1_tsized_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas4_1_tsized_q'length, init => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_1_tsized_offset to mas4_1_tsized_offset+mas4_1_tsized_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mas4_1_tsized_offset to mas4_1_tsized_offset+mas4_1_tsized_q'length-1),
din => mas4_1_tsized_d(0 to mas4_1_tsized_d'length-1),
dout => mas4_1_tsized_q(0 to mas4_1_tsized_q'length-1) );
mas4_1_wimged_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas4_1_wimged_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_1_wimged_offset to mas4_1_wimged_offset+mas4_1_wimged_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mas4_1_wimged_offset to mas4_1_wimged_offset+mas4_1_wimged_q'length-1),
din => mas4_1_wimged_d(0 to mas4_1_wimged_d'length-1),
dout => mas4_1_wimged_q(0 to mas4_1_wimged_q'length-1) );
mas5_1_sgs_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas5_1_sgs_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas5_1_sgs_offset),
din => mas5_1_sgs_d,
dout => mas5_1_sgs_q);
mas5_1_slpid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas5_1_slpid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas5_1_slpid_offset to mas5_1_slpid_offset+mas5_1_slpid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas5_1_slpid_offset to mas5_1_slpid_offset+mas5_1_slpid_q'length-1),
din => mas5_1_slpid_d(0 to mas5_1_slpid_d'length-1),
dout => mas5_1_slpid_q(0 to mas5_1_slpid_q'length-1) );
mas6_1_spid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas6_1_spid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_1_spid_offset to mas6_1_spid_offset+mas6_1_spid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas6_1_spid_offset to mas6_1_spid_offset+mas6_1_spid_q'length-1),
din => mas6_1_spid_d(0 to mas6_1_spid_d'length-1),
dout => mas6_1_spid_q(0 to mas6_1_spid_q'length-1) );
mas6_1_isize_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas6_1_isize_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_1_isize_offset to mas6_1_isize_offset+mas6_1_isize_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas6_1_isize_offset to mas6_1_isize_offset+mas6_1_isize_q'length-1),
din => mas6_1_isize_d(0 to mas6_1_isize_d'length-1),
dout => mas6_1_isize_q(0 to mas6_1_isize_q'length-1) );
mas6_1_sind_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_1_sind_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas6_1_sind_offset),
din => mas6_1_sind_d,
dout => mas6_1_sind_q);
mas6_1_sas_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_1_sas_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas6_1_sas_offset),
din => mas6_1_sas_d,
dout => mas6_1_sas_q);
mas7_1_rpnu_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas7_1_rpnu_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas7_1_rpnu_offset to mas7_1_rpnu_offset+mas7_1_rpnu_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas7_1_rpnu_offset to mas7_1_rpnu_offset+mas7_1_rpnu_q'length-1),
din => mas7_1_rpnu_d(22 to 22+mas7_1_rpnu_d'length-1),
dout => mas7_1_rpnu_q(22 to 22+mas7_1_rpnu_q'length-1) );
mas8_1_tgs_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_1_tgs_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas8_1_tgs_offset),
din => mas8_1_tgs_d,
dout => mas8_1_tgs_q);
mas8_1_vf_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_1_vf_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas8_1_vf_offset),
din => mas8_1_vf_d,
dout => mas8_1_vf_q);
mas8_1_tlpid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas8_1_tlpid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_1_tlpid_offset to mas8_1_tlpid_offset+mas8_1_tlpid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas8_1_tlpid_offset to mas8_1_tlpid_offset+mas8_1_tlpid_q'length-1),
din => mas8_1_tlpid_d(0 to mas8_1_tlpid_d'length-1),
dout => mas8_1_tlpid_q(0 to mas8_1_tlpid_q'length-1) );
mas0_2_atsel_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_2_atsel_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas0_2_atsel_offset),
din => mas0_2_atsel_d,
dout => mas0_2_atsel_q);
mas0_2_esel_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas0_2_esel_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_2_esel_offset to mas0_2_esel_offset+mas0_2_esel_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas0_2_esel_offset to mas0_2_esel_offset+mas0_2_esel_q'length-1),
din => mas0_2_esel_d(0 to mas0_2_esel_d'length-1),
dout => mas0_2_esel_q(0 to mas0_2_esel_q'length-1) );
mas0_2_hes_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_2_hes_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas0_2_hes_offset),
din => mas0_2_hes_d,
dout => mas0_2_hes_q);
mas0_2_wq_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas0_2_wq_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_2_wq_offset to mas0_2_wq_offset+mas0_2_wq_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas0_2_wq_offset to mas0_2_wq_offset+mas0_2_wq_q'length-1),
din => mas0_2_wq_d(0 to mas0_2_wq_d'length-1),
dout => mas0_2_wq_q(0 to mas0_2_wq_q'length-1) );
mas1_2_v_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_2_v_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_2_v_offset),
din => mas1_2_v_d,
dout => mas1_2_v_q);
mas1_2_iprot_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_2_iprot_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_2_iprot_offset),
din => mas1_2_iprot_d,
dout => mas1_2_iprot_q);
mas1_2_tid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas1_2_tid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_2_tid_offset to mas1_2_tid_offset+mas1_2_tid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas1_2_tid_offset to mas1_2_tid_offset+mas1_2_tid_q'length-1),
din => mas1_2_tid_d(0 to mas1_2_tid_d'length-1),
dout => mas1_2_tid_q(0 to mas1_2_tid_q'length-1) );
mas1_2_ind_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_2_ind_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_2_ind_offset),
din => mas1_2_ind_d,
dout => mas1_2_ind_q);
mas1_2_ts_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_2_ts_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_2_ts_offset),
din => mas1_2_ts_d,
dout => mas1_2_ts_q);
mas1_2_tsize_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas1_2_tsize_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_2_tsize_offset to mas1_2_tsize_offset+mas1_2_tsize_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas1_2_tsize_offset to mas1_2_tsize_offset+mas1_2_tsize_q'length-1),
din => mas1_2_tsize_d(0 to mas1_2_tsize_d'length-1),
dout => mas1_2_tsize_q(0 to mas1_2_tsize_q'length-1) );
mas2_2_epn_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas2_2_epn_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas2_2_epn_offset to mas2_2_epn_offset+mas2_2_epn_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas2_2_epn_offset to mas2_2_epn_offset+mas2_2_epn_q'length-1),
din => mas2_2_epn_d(52-mas2_2_epn_d'length to 51),
dout => mas2_2_epn_q(52-mas2_2_epn_q'length to 51) );
mas2_2_wimge_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas2_2_wimge_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas2_2_wimge_offset to mas2_2_wimge_offset+mas2_2_wimge_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas2_2_wimge_offset to mas2_2_wimge_offset+mas2_2_wimge_q'length-1),
din => mas2_2_wimge_d(0 to mas2_2_wimge_d'length-1),
dout => mas2_2_wimge_q(0 to mas2_2_wimge_q'length-1) );
mas3_2_rpnl_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_2_rpnl_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_2_rpnl_offset to mas3_2_rpnl_offset+mas3_2_rpnl_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_2_rpnl_offset to mas3_2_rpnl_offset+mas3_2_rpnl_q'length-1),
din => mas3_2_rpnl_d(32 to 32+mas3_2_rpnl_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_2_rpnl_q(32 to 32+mas3_2_rpnl_q'length-1) );
mas3_2_ubits_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_2_ubits_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_2_ubits_offset to mas3_2_ubits_offset+mas3_2_ubits_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_2_ubits_offset to mas3_2_ubits_offset+mas3_2_ubits_q'length-1),
din => mas3_2_ubits_d(0 to mas3_2_ubits_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_2_ubits_q(0 to mas3_2_ubits_q'length-1) );
mas3_2_usxwr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_2_usxwr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_2_usxwr_offset to mas3_2_usxwr_offset+mas3_2_usxwr_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_2_usxwr_offset to mas3_2_usxwr_offset+mas3_2_usxwr_q'length-1),
din => mas3_2_usxwr_d(0 to mas3_2_usxwr_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_2_usxwr_q(0 to mas3_2_usxwr_q'length-1) );
mas4_2_indd_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_2_indd_offset),
scout => bsov(mas4_2_indd_offset),
din => mas4_2_indd_d,
dout => mas4_2_indd_q);
mas4_2_tsized_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas4_2_tsized_q'length, init => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_2_tsized_offset to mas4_2_tsized_offset+mas4_2_tsized_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mas4_2_tsized_offset to mas4_2_tsized_offset+mas4_2_tsized_q'length-1),
din => mas4_2_tsized_d(0 to mas4_2_tsized_d'length-1),
dout => mas4_2_tsized_q(0 to mas4_2_tsized_q'length-1) );
mas4_2_wimged_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas4_2_wimged_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_2_wimged_offset to mas4_2_wimged_offset+mas4_2_wimged_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mas4_2_wimged_offset to mas4_2_wimged_offset+mas4_2_wimged_q'length-1),
din => mas4_2_wimged_d(0 to mas4_2_wimged_d'length-1),
dout => mas4_2_wimged_q(0 to mas4_2_wimged_q'length-1) );
mas5_2_sgs_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas5_2_sgs_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas5_2_sgs_offset),
din => mas5_2_sgs_d,
dout => mas5_2_sgs_q);
mas5_2_slpid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas5_2_slpid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas5_2_slpid_offset to mas5_2_slpid_offset+mas5_2_slpid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas5_2_slpid_offset to mas5_2_slpid_offset+mas5_2_slpid_q'length-1),
din => mas5_2_slpid_d(0 to mas5_2_slpid_d'length-1),
dout => mas5_2_slpid_q(0 to mas5_2_slpid_q'length-1) );
mas6_2_spid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas6_2_spid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_2_spid_offset to mas6_2_spid_offset+mas6_2_spid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas6_2_spid_offset to mas6_2_spid_offset+mas6_2_spid_q'length-1),
din => mas6_2_spid_d(0 to mas6_2_spid_d'length-1),
dout => mas6_2_spid_q(0 to mas6_2_spid_q'length-1) );
mas6_2_isize_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas6_2_isize_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_2_isize_offset to mas6_2_isize_offset+mas6_2_isize_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas6_2_isize_offset to mas6_2_isize_offset+mas6_2_isize_q'length-1),
din => mas6_2_isize_d(0 to mas6_2_isize_d'length-1),
dout => mas6_2_isize_q(0 to mas6_2_isize_q'length-1) );
mas6_2_sind_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_2_sind_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas6_2_sind_offset),
din => mas6_2_sind_d,
dout => mas6_2_sind_q);
mas6_2_sas_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_2_sas_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas6_2_sas_offset),
din => mas6_2_sas_d,
dout => mas6_2_sas_q);
mas7_2_rpnu_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas7_2_rpnu_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas7_2_rpnu_offset to mas7_2_rpnu_offset+mas7_2_rpnu_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas7_2_rpnu_offset to mas7_2_rpnu_offset+mas7_2_rpnu_q'length-1),
din => mas7_2_rpnu_d(22 to 22+mas7_2_rpnu_d'length-1),
dout => mas7_2_rpnu_q(22 to 22+mas7_2_rpnu_q'length-1) );
mas8_2_tgs_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_2_tgs_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas8_2_tgs_offset),
din => mas8_2_tgs_d,
dout => mas8_2_tgs_q);
mas8_2_vf_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_2_vf_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas8_2_vf_offset),
din => mas8_2_vf_d,
dout => mas8_2_vf_q);
mas8_2_tlpid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas8_2_tlpid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_2_tlpid_offset to mas8_2_tlpid_offset+mas8_2_tlpid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas8_2_tlpid_offset to mas8_2_tlpid_offset+mas8_2_tlpid_q'length-1),
din => mas8_2_tlpid_d(0 to mas8_2_tlpid_d'length-1),
dout => mas8_2_tlpid_q(0 to mas8_2_tlpid_q'length-1) );
mas0_3_atsel_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_3_atsel_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas0_3_atsel_offset),
din => mas0_3_atsel_d,
dout => mas0_3_atsel_q);
mas0_3_esel_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas0_3_esel_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_3_esel_offset to mas0_3_esel_offset+mas0_3_esel_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas0_3_esel_offset to mas0_3_esel_offset+mas0_3_esel_q'length-1),
din => mas0_3_esel_d(0 to mas0_3_esel_d'length-1),
dout => mas0_3_esel_q(0 to mas0_3_esel_q'length-1) );
mas0_3_hes_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_3_hes_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas0_3_hes_offset),
din => mas0_3_hes_d,
dout => mas0_3_hes_q);
mas0_3_wq_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas0_3_wq_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas0_3_wq_offset to mas0_3_wq_offset+mas0_3_wq_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas0_3_wq_offset to mas0_3_wq_offset+mas0_3_wq_q'length-1),
din => mas0_3_wq_d(0 to mas0_3_wq_d'length-1),
dout => mas0_3_wq_q(0 to mas0_3_wq_q'length-1) );
mas1_3_v_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_3_v_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_3_v_offset),
din => mas1_3_v_d,
dout => mas1_3_v_q);
mas1_3_iprot_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_3_iprot_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_3_iprot_offset),
din => mas1_3_iprot_d,
dout => mas1_3_iprot_q);
mas1_3_tid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas1_3_tid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_3_tid_offset to mas1_3_tid_offset+mas1_3_tid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas1_3_tid_offset to mas1_3_tid_offset+mas1_3_tid_q'length-1),
din => mas1_3_tid_d(0 to mas1_3_tid_d'length-1),
dout => mas1_3_tid_q(0 to mas1_3_tid_q'length-1) );
mas1_3_ind_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_3_ind_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_3_ind_offset),
din => mas1_3_ind_d,
dout => mas1_3_ind_q);
mas1_3_ts_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_3_ts_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas1_3_ts_offset),
din => mas1_3_ts_d,
dout => mas1_3_ts_q);
mas1_3_tsize_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas1_3_tsize_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas1_3_tsize_offset to mas1_3_tsize_offset+mas1_3_tsize_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas1_3_tsize_offset to mas1_3_tsize_offset+mas1_3_tsize_q'length-1),
din => mas1_3_tsize_d(0 to mas1_3_tsize_d'length-1),
dout => mas1_3_tsize_q(0 to mas1_3_tsize_q'length-1) );
mas2_3_epn_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas2_3_epn_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas2_3_epn_offset to mas2_3_epn_offset+mas2_3_epn_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas2_3_epn_offset to mas2_3_epn_offset+mas2_3_epn_q'length-1),
din => mas2_3_epn_d(52-mas2_3_epn_d'length to 51),
dout => mas2_3_epn_q(52-mas2_3_epn_q'length to 51) );
mas2_3_wimge_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas2_3_wimge_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas2_3_wimge_offset to mas2_3_wimge_offset+mas2_3_wimge_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas2_3_wimge_offset to mas2_3_wimge_offset+mas2_3_wimge_q'length-1),
din => mas2_3_wimge_d(0 to mas2_3_wimge_d'length-1),
dout => mas2_3_wimge_q(0 to mas2_3_wimge_q'length-1) );
mas3_3_rpnl_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_3_rpnl_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_3_rpnl_offset to mas3_3_rpnl_offset+mas3_3_rpnl_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_3_rpnl_offset to mas3_3_rpnl_offset+mas3_3_rpnl_q'length-1),
din => mas3_3_rpnl_d(32 to 32+mas3_3_rpnl_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_3_rpnl_q(32 to 32+mas3_3_rpnl_q'length-1) );
mas3_3_ubits_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_3_ubits_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_3_ubits_offset to mas3_3_ubits_offset+mas3_3_ubits_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_3_ubits_offset to mas3_3_ubits_offset+mas3_3_ubits_q'length-1),
din => mas3_3_ubits_d(0 to mas3_3_ubits_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_3_ubits_q(0 to mas3_3_ubits_q'length-1) );
mas3_3_usxwr_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas3_3_usxwr_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas3_3_usxwr_offset to mas3_3_usxwr_offset+mas3_3_usxwr_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas3_3_usxwr_offset to mas3_3_usxwr_offset+mas3_3_usxwr_q'length-1),
din => mas3_3_usxwr_d(0 to mas3_3_usxwr_d'length-1),
dout => mas3_3_usxwr_q(0 to mas3_3_usxwr_q'length-1) );
mas4_3_indd_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_3_indd_offset),
scout => bsov(mas4_3_indd_offset),
din => mas4_3_indd_d,
dout => mas4_3_indd_q);
mas4_3_tsized_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas4_3_tsized_q'length, init => 1, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_3_tsized_offset to mas4_3_tsized_offset+mas4_3_tsized_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mas4_3_tsized_offset to mas4_3_tsized_offset+mas4_3_tsized_q'length-1),
din => mas4_3_tsized_d(0 to mas4_3_tsized_d'length-1),
dout => mas4_3_tsized_q(0 to mas4_3_tsized_q'length-1) );
mas4_3_wimged_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas4_3_wimged_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mas4_3_wimged_offset to mas4_3_wimged_offset+mas4_3_wimged_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(mas4_3_wimged_offset to mas4_3_wimged_offset+mas4_3_wimged_q'length-1),
din => mas4_3_wimged_d(0 to mas4_3_wimged_d'length-1),
dout => mas4_3_wimged_q(0 to mas4_3_wimged_q'length-1) );
mas5_3_sgs_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas5_3_sgs_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas5_3_sgs_offset),
din => mas5_3_sgs_d,
dout => mas5_3_sgs_q);
mas5_3_slpid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas5_3_slpid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas5_3_slpid_offset to mas5_3_slpid_offset+mas5_3_slpid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas5_3_slpid_offset to mas5_3_slpid_offset+mas5_3_slpid_q'length-1),
din => mas5_3_slpid_d(0 to mas5_3_slpid_d'length-1),
dout => mas5_3_slpid_q(0 to mas5_3_slpid_q'length-1) );
mas6_3_spid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas6_3_spid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_3_spid_offset to mas6_3_spid_offset+mas6_3_spid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas6_3_spid_offset to mas6_3_spid_offset+mas6_3_spid_q'length-1),
din => mas6_3_spid_d(0 to mas6_3_spid_d'length-1),
dout => mas6_3_spid_q(0 to mas6_3_spid_q'length-1) );
mas6_3_isize_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas6_3_isize_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_3_isize_offset to mas6_3_isize_offset+mas6_3_isize_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas6_3_isize_offset to mas6_3_isize_offset+mas6_3_isize_q'length-1),
din => mas6_3_isize_d(0 to mas6_3_isize_d'length-1),
dout => mas6_3_isize_q(0 to mas6_3_isize_q'length-1) );
mas6_3_sind_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_3_sind_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas6_3_sind_offset),
din => mas6_3_sind_d,
dout => mas6_3_sind_q);
mas6_3_sas_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas6_3_sas_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas6_3_sas_offset),
din => mas6_3_sas_d,
dout => mas6_3_sas_q);
mas7_3_rpnu_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas7_3_rpnu_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas7_3_rpnu_offset to mas7_3_rpnu_offset+mas7_3_rpnu_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas7_3_rpnu_offset to mas7_3_rpnu_offset+mas7_3_rpnu_q'length-1),
din => mas7_3_rpnu_d(22 to 22+mas7_3_rpnu_d'length-1),
dout => mas7_3_rpnu_q(22 to 22+mas7_3_rpnu_q'length-1) );
mas8_3_tgs_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_3_tgs_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas8_3_tgs_offset),
din => mas8_3_tgs_d,
dout => mas8_3_tgs_q);
mas8_3_vf_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_3_vf_offset),
scout => sov_1(mas8_3_vf_offset),
din => mas8_3_vf_d,
dout => mas8_3_vf_q);
mas8_3_tlpid_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => mas8_3_tlpid_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mas8_3_tlpid_offset to mas8_3_tlpid_offset+mas8_3_tlpid_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(mas8_3_tlpid_offset to mas8_3_tlpid_offset+mas8_3_tlpid_q'length-1),
din => mas8_3_tlpid_d(0 to mas8_3_tlpid_d'length-1),
dout => mas8_3_tlpid_q(0 to mas8_3_tlpid_q'length-1) );
mmucsr0_tlb0fi_latch: tri_rlmlatch_p
generic map (init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(mmucsr0_tlb0fi_offset),
scout => sov_1(mmucsr0_tlb0fi_offset),
din => mmucsr0_tlb0fi_d,
dout => mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q);
lper_0_alpn_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lper_0_alpn_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(lper_0_alpn_offset to lper_0_alpn_offset+lper_0_alpn_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(lper_0_alpn_offset to lper_0_alpn_offset+lper_0_alpn_q'length-1),
din => lper_0_alpn_d,
dout => lper_0_alpn_q );
lper_0_lps_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lper_0_lps_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(0),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(lper_0_lps_offset to lper_0_lps_offset+lper_0_lps_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(lper_0_lps_offset to lper_0_lps_offset+lper_0_lps_q'length-1),
din => lper_0_lps_d,
dout => lper_0_lps_q );
lper_1_alpn_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lper_1_alpn_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(lper_1_alpn_offset to lper_1_alpn_offset+lper_1_alpn_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(lper_1_alpn_offset to lper_1_alpn_offset+lper_1_alpn_q'length-1),
din => lper_1_alpn_d,
dout => lper_1_alpn_q );
lper_1_lps_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lper_1_lps_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(1),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(lper_1_lps_offset to lper_1_lps_offset+lper_1_lps_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(lper_1_lps_offset to lper_1_lps_offset+lper_1_lps_q'length-1),
din => lper_1_lps_d,
dout => lper_1_lps_q );
lper_2_alpn_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lper_2_alpn_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(lper_2_alpn_offset to lper_2_alpn_offset+lper_2_alpn_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(lper_2_alpn_offset to lper_2_alpn_offset+lper_2_alpn_q'length-1),
din => lper_2_alpn_d,
dout => lper_2_alpn_q );
lper_2_lps_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lper_2_lps_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(2),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(lper_2_lps_offset to lper_2_lps_offset+lper_2_lps_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(lper_2_lps_offset to lper_2_lps_offset+lper_2_lps_q'length-1),
din => lper_2_lps_d,
dout => lper_2_lps_q );
lper_3_alpn_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lper_3_alpn_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(lper_3_alpn_offset to lper_3_alpn_offset+lper_3_alpn_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(lper_3_alpn_offset to lper_3_alpn_offset+lper_3_alpn_q'length-1),
din => lper_3_alpn_d,
dout => lper_3_alpn_q );
lper_3_lps_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => lper_3_lps_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => cat_emf_act_q(3),
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(lper_3_lps_offset to lper_3_lps_offset+lper_3_lps_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(lper_3_lps_offset to lper_3_lps_offset+lper_3_lps_q'length-1),
din => lper_3_lps_d,
dout => lper_3_lps_q );
spr_mmu_act_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_mmu_act_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_mmu_act_offset to spr_mmu_act_offset+spr_mmu_act_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_mmu_act_offset to spr_mmu_act_offset+spr_mmu_act_q'length-1),
din => spr_mmu_act_d,
dout => spr_mmu_act_q );
spr_val_act_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spr_val_act_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spr_val_act_offset to spr_val_act_offset+spr_val_act_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spr_val_act_offset to spr_val_act_offset+spr_val_act_q'length-1),
din => spr_val_act_d,
dout => spr_val_act_q );
cswitch_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => cswitch_q'length, init => mmq_spr_cswitch_0to3, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(cswitch_offset to cswitch_offset+cswitch_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(cswitch_offset to cswitch_offset+cswitch_q'length-1),
din => cswitch_q,
dout => cswitch_q );
cat_emf_act_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => cat_emf_act_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(cat_emf_act_offset to cat_emf_act_offset+cat_emf_act_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(cat_emf_act_offset to cat_emf_act_offset+cat_emf_act_q'length-1),
din => cat_emf_act_d,
dout => cat_emf_act_q );
spare_a_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spare_a_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_0(spare_a_offset to spare_a_offset+spare_a_q'length-1),
scout => sov_0(spare_a_offset to spare_a_offset+spare_a_q'length-1),
din => spare_a_q,
dout => spare_a_q );
spare_b_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => spare_b_q'length, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => siv_1(spare_b_offset to spare_b_offset+spare_b_q'length-1),
scout => sov_1(spare_b_offset to spare_b_offset+spare_b_q'length-1),
din => spare_b_q,
dout => spare_b_q );
iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => tiup,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0,
dout => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q);
iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => tiup,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we,
dout => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q);
iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => tiup,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1,
dout => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_q);
xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => tiup,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => xu_mm_derat_mmucr0,
dout => xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q);
xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => tiup,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we,
dout => xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q);
xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_q'length, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => tiup,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din => xu_mm_derat_mmucr1,
dout => xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_q);
mm_erat_mmucr1_we_latch : tri_regk
generic map (width => 2, init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, needs_sreset => 0)
port map (nclk => nclk, vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
act => tiup,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b,
din(0) => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we,
din(1) => xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we,
dout(0) => iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q,
dout(1) => xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q);
mpg_bcfg_gen: if expand_type /= 1 generate
mmucfg_47to48_latch: tri_slat_scan
generic map (width => 2, init => std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( bcfg_mmucfg_value, 2 ) ),
reset_inverts_scan => true, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
dclk => lcb_dclk,
lclk => lcb_lclk,
scan_in => bsiv(mmucfg_offset to mmucfg_offset+1),
scan_out => bsov(mmucfg_offset to mmucfg_offset+1),
q => mmucfg_q(47 to 48),
q_b => mmucfg_q_b(47 to 48) );
tlb0cfg_45to47_latch: tri_slat_scan
generic map (width => 3, init => std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( bcfg_tlb0cfg_value, 3 ) ),
reset_inverts_scan => true, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
dclk => lcb_dclk,
lclk => lcb_lclk,
scan_in => bsiv(tlb0cfg_offset to tlb0cfg_offset+2),
scan_out => bsov(tlb0cfg_offset to tlb0cfg_offset+2),
q => tlb0cfg_q(45 to 47),
q_b => tlb0cfg_q_b(45 to 47) );
bcfg_spare_latch: tri_slat_scan
generic map (width => 16, init => std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned( 0, 16 ) ),
reset_inverts_scan => true, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
dclk => lcb_dclk,
lclk => lcb_lclk,
scan_in => bsiv(bcfg_spare_offset to bcfg_spare_offset+bcfg_spare_q'length-1),
scan_out => bsov(bcfg_spare_offset to bcfg_spare_offset+bcfg_spare_q'length-1),
q => bcfg_spare_q,
q_b => bcfg_spare_q_b );
end generate mpg_bcfg_gen;
fpga_bcfg_gen: if expand_type = 1 generate
mmucfg_47to48_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => 2, init => bcfg_mmucfg_value, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(mmucfg_offset to mmucfg_offset+1),
scout => bsov(mmucfg_offset to mmucfg_offset+1),
din => mmucfg_q(47 to 48),
dout => mmucfg_q(47 to 48) );
tlb0cfg_45to47_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => 3, init => bcfg_tlb0cfg_value, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(tlb0cfg_offset to tlb0cfg_offset+2),
scout => bsov(tlb0cfg_offset to tlb0cfg_offset+2),
din => tlb0cfg_q(45 to 47),
dout => tlb0cfg_q(45 to 47) );
bcfg_spare_latch: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (width => 16, init => 0, needs_sreset => 1, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
act => tiup,
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b,
sg => pc_sg_0,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
mpw1_b => lcb_mpw1_dc_b(0),
mpw2_b => lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
d_mode => lcb_d_mode_dc,
scin => bsiv(bcfg_spare_offset to bcfg_spare_offset+bcfg_spare_q'length-1),
scout => bsov(bcfg_spare_offset to bcfg_spare_offset+bcfg_spare_q'length-1),
din => bcfg_spare_q,
dout => bcfg_spare_q );
end generate fpga_bcfg_gen;
perv_2to1_reg: tri_plat
generic map (width => 7, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => tc_ccflush_dc,
din(0) => pc_func_sl_thold_2,
din(1) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2,
din(2) => pc_cfg_sl_thold_2,
din(3) => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_2,
din(4) => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2,
din(5) => pc_sg_2,
din(6) => pc_fce_2,
q(0) => pc_func_sl_thold_1,
q(1) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1,
q(2) => pc_cfg_sl_thold_1,
q(3) => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_1,
q(4) => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1,
q(5) => pc_sg_1,
q(6) => pc_fce_1);
perv_1to0_reg: tri_plat
generic map (width => 7, expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
nclk => nclk,
flush => tc_ccflush_dc,
din(0) => pc_func_sl_thold_1,
din(1) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1,
din(2) => pc_cfg_sl_thold_1,
din(3) => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_1,
din(4) => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1,
din(5) => pc_sg_1,
din(6) => pc_fce_1,
q(0) => pc_func_sl_thold_0,
q(1) => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0,
q(2) => pc_cfg_sl_thold_0,
q(3) => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0,
q(4) => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0,
q(5) => pc_sg_0,
q(6) => pc_fce_0);
perv_lcbor_func_sl: tri_lcbor
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (clkoff_b => lcb_clkoff_dc_b,
thold => pc_func_sl_thold_0,
sg => pc_sg_0,
act_dis => lcb_act_dis_dc,
forcee => pc_func_sl_force,
thold_b => pc_func_sl_thold_0_b);
perv_lcbor_func_slp_sl: tri_lcbor
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (clkoff_b => lcb_clkoff_dc_b,
thold => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0,
sg => pc_sg_0,
act_dis => lcb_act_dis_dc,
forcee => pc_func_slp_sl_force,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b);
perv_lcbor_cfg_slp_sl: tri_lcbor
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (clkoff_b => lcb_clkoff_dc_b,
thold => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0,
sg => pc_sg_0,
act_dis => lcb_act_dis_dc,
forcee => pc_cfg_slp_sl_force,
thold_b => pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b);
perv_lcbor_func_slp_nsl: tri_lcbor
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (clkoff_b => lcb_clkoff_dc_b,
thold => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0,
sg => pc_fce_0,
act_dis => tidn,
forcee => pc_func_slp_nsl_force,
thold_b => pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b);
pc_cfg_sl_thold_0_b <= NOT pc_cfg_sl_thold_0;
pc_cfg_sl_force <= pc_sg_0;
bcfg_lcb: tri_lcbs
generic map (expand_type => expand_type)
port map (vd => vdd,
gd => gnd,
delay_lclkr => lcb_delay_lclkr_dc(0),
nclk => nclk,
forcee => pc_cfg_sl_force,
thold_b => pc_cfg_sl_thold_0_b,
dclk => lcb_dclk,
lclk => lcb_lclk );
siv_0(0 to scan_right_0) <= sov_0(1 to scan_right_0) & ac_func_scan_in(0);
ac_func_scan_out(0) <= sov_0(0);
siv_1(0 to scan_right_1) <= sov_1(1 to scan_right_1) & ac_func_scan_in(1);
ac_func_scan_out(1) <= sov_1(0);
bsiv(0 to boot_scan_right) <= bsov(1 to boot_scan_right) & ac_bcfg_scan_in;
ac_bcfg_scan_out <= bsov(0);
end mmq_spr;