
556 lines
23 KiB

// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
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// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
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// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
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`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
// Description: XU LSU Load Data Rotator
// ##########################################################################################
// Contents
// 1) 16 bit Unaligned Rotate to the Right Rotator
// 2) Little/Big Endian Support
// ##########################################################################################
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
module tri_rot16_ru(
input [0:4] opsize; // (0)16B (1)8B (2)4B (3)2B (4)1B
input le;
input [0:3] le_rotate_sel;
input [0:3] be_rotate_sel;
input [0:15] arr_data; // data to rotate
input stq7_byp_val;
input stq_byp_val;
input [0:15] stq7_rmw_data;
input [0:15] stq8_rmw_data;
output [0:15] data_latched; // latched data, not rotated
output [0:15] data_rot; // rotated data out
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/G_CLK/CAP_LIMIT=/99999/" *)
input clk;
input rst;
inout vdd;
inout gnd;
input delay_lclkr_dc;
input mpw1_dc_b;
input mpw2_dc_b;
input func_sl_force;
input func_sl_thold_0_b;
input sg_0;
input act;
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input scan_in;
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output scan_out;
// tri_rot16_ru
wire my_d1clk;
wire my_d2clk;
//wire [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] my_lclk;
wire my_lclk;
wire [0:15] data_latched_b;
//signal bele_gp0_q_b, bele_gp0_q, bele_gp0_din :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
wire [0:0] bele_gp0_q_b;
wire [0:0] bele_gp0_q;
wire [0:0] bele_gp0_din;
wire [0:3] be_shx04_gp0_q_b;
wire [0:3] be_shx04_gp0_q;
wire [0:3] be_shx04_gp0_din;
wire [0:3] le_shx04_gp0_q_b;
wire [0:3] le_shx04_gp0_q;
wire [0:3] le_shx04_gp0_din;
wire [0:3] be_shx01_gp0_q_b;
wire [0:3] be_shx01_gp0_q;
wire [0:3] be_shx01_gp0_din;
wire [0:3] le_shx01_gp0_q_b;
wire [0:3] le_shx01_gp0_q;
wire [0:3] le_shx01_gp0_din;
wire [0:4] mask_q_b;
wire [0:4] mask_q;
wire [0:4] mask_din;
wire [0:15] mxbele_b;
wire [0:15] mxbele;
wire [0:15] mx1_0_b;
wire [0:15] mx1_1_b;
wire [0:15] mx1;
wire [0:15] mx2_0_b;
wire [0:15] mx2_1_b;
wire [0:15] mx2;
wire [0:15] do_b;
wire [0:15] mxbele_d0;
wire [0:15] mxbele_d1;
wire [0:15] bele_s0;
wire [0:15] bele_s1;
wire [0:3] shx04_gp0_sel_b;
wire [0:3] shx04_gp0_sel;
wire [0:3] shx01_gp0_sel_b;
wire [0:3] shx01_gp0_sel;
wire [0:15] mx1_d0;
wire [0:15] mx1_d1;
wire [0:15] mx1_d2;
wire [0:15] mx1_d3;
wire [0:15] mx2_d0;
wire [0:15] mx2_d1;
wire [0:15] mx2_d2;
wire [0:15] mx2_d3;
wire [0:15] mx1_s0;
wire [0:15] mx1_s1;
wire [0:15] mx1_s2;
wire [0:15] mx1_s3;
wire [0:15] mx2_s0;
wire [0:15] mx2_s1;
wire [0:15] mx2_s2;
wire [0:15] mx2_s3;
wire [0:15] mask_en;
wire [0:3] be_shx04_sel;
wire [0:3] be_shx01_sel;
wire [0:3] le_shx04_sel;
wire [0:3] le_shx01_sel;
wire [0:15] stq_byp_data;
wire [0:15] rotate_data;
// constants
parameter bele_gp0_din_offset = 0;
parameter be_shx04_gp0_din_offset = bele_gp0_din_offset + 1;
parameter le_shx04_gp0_din_offset = be_shx04_gp0_din_offset + 4;
parameter be_shx01_gp0_din_offset = le_shx04_gp0_din_offset + 4;
parameter le_shx01_gp0_din_offset = be_shx01_gp0_din_offset + 4;
parameter mask_din_offset = le_shx01_gp0_din_offset + 4;
parameter scan_right = mask_din_offset + 5 - 1;
wire [0:scan_right] siv;
wire [0:scan_right] sov;
// #############################################################################################
// Little Endian Rotate Support
// Optype2 Optype4 Optype8
// B31 => rot_data(248:255)
// B30 => rot_data(240:247)
// B29 => rot_data(232:239)
// B28 => rot_data(224:231)
// B31 => rot_data(248:255) B27 => rot_data(216:223)
// B30 => rot_data(240:247) B26 => rot_data(208:215)
// B15 => rot_data(248:255) B29 => rot_data(232:239) B25 => rot_data(200:207)
// B14 => rot_data(240:247) B28 => rot_data(224:231) B24 => rot_data(192:199)
// Optype16
// B31 => rot_data(248:255) B23 => rot_data(184:191)
// B30 => rot_data(240:247) B22 => rot_data(176:183)
// B29 => rot_data(232:239) B21 => rot_data(168:175)
// B28 => rot_data(224:231) B20 => rot_data(160:167)
// B27 => rot_data(216:223) B19 => rot_data(152:159)
// B26 => rot_data(208:215) B18 => rot_data(144:151)
// B25 => rot_data(200:207) B17 => rot_data(136:143)
// B24 => rot_data(192:199) B16 => rot_data(128:135)
// #############################################################################################
//-- 0,1,2,3 byte rotation
//with rot_sel(2 to 3) select
// rot3210 <= rot_data(104 to 127) & rot_data(0 to 103) when "11",
// rot_data(112 to 127) & rot_data(0 to 111) when "10",
// rot_data(120 to 127) & rot_data(0 to 119) when "01",
// rot_data(0 to 127) when others;
//-- 0-3,4,8,12 byte rotation
//with rot_sel(0 to 1) select
// rotC840 <= rot3210(32 to 127) & rot3210(0 to 31) when "11",
// rot3210(64 to 127) & rot3210(0 to 63) when "10",
// rot3210(96 to 127) & rot3210(0 to 95) when "01",
// rot3210(0 to 127) when others;
// ######################################################################
// ######################################################################
// Rotate Control
// ----------------------------------
assign be_shx04_sel[0] = (~be_rotate_sel[0]) & (~be_rotate_sel[1]);
assign be_shx04_sel[1] = (~be_rotate_sel[0]) & be_rotate_sel[1];
assign be_shx04_sel[2] = be_rotate_sel[0] & (~be_rotate_sel[1]);
assign be_shx04_sel[3] = be_rotate_sel[0] & be_rotate_sel[1];
assign be_shx01_sel[0] = (~be_rotate_sel[2]) & (~be_rotate_sel[3]);
assign be_shx01_sel[1] = (~be_rotate_sel[2]) & be_rotate_sel[3];
assign be_shx01_sel[2] = be_rotate_sel[2] & (~be_rotate_sel[3]);
assign be_shx01_sel[3] = be_rotate_sel[2] & be_rotate_sel[3];
assign le_shx04_sel[0] = (~le_rotate_sel[0]) & (~le_rotate_sel[1]);
assign le_shx04_sel[1] = (~le_rotate_sel[0]) & le_rotate_sel[1];
assign le_shx04_sel[2] = le_rotate_sel[0] & (~le_rotate_sel[1]);
assign le_shx04_sel[3] = le_rotate_sel[0] & le_rotate_sel[1];
assign le_shx01_sel[0] = (~le_rotate_sel[2]) & (~le_rotate_sel[3]);
assign le_shx01_sel[1] = (~le_rotate_sel[2]) & le_rotate_sel[3];
assign le_shx01_sel[2] = le_rotate_sel[2] & (~le_rotate_sel[3]);
assign le_shx01_sel[3] = le_rotate_sel[2] & le_rotate_sel[3];
// Opsize Mask Generation
// ----------------------------------
assign mask_din[0] = opsize[0]; // for 16:23
assign mask_din[1] = opsize[0] | opsize[1]; // for 24:27
assign mask_din[2] = opsize[0] | opsize[1] | opsize[2]; // for 28:29
assign mask_din[3] = opsize[0] | opsize[1] | opsize[2] | opsize[3]; // for 30
assign mask_din[4] = opsize[0] | opsize[1] | opsize[2] | opsize[3] | opsize[4]; // for 31
// Latch Inputs
// ----------------------------------
assign bele_gp0_din[0] = le;
assign be_shx04_gp0_din[0:3] = be_shx04_sel[0:3];
assign le_shx04_gp0_din[0:3] = le_shx04_sel[0:3];
assign be_shx01_gp0_din[0:3] = be_shx01_sel[0:3];
assign le_shx01_gp0_din[0:3] = le_shx01_sel[0:3];
// ######################################################################
// ######################################################################
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// local latch inputs
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
tri_inv bele_gp0_q_0 (.y(bele_gp0_q), .a(bele_gp0_q_b));
tri_inv #(.WIDTH(4)) be_shx04_gp0_q_0 (.y(be_shx04_gp0_q[0:3]), .a(be_shx04_gp0_q_b[0:3]));
tri_inv #(.WIDTH(4)) le_shx04_gp0_q_0 (.y(le_shx04_gp0_q[0:3]), .a(le_shx04_gp0_q_b[0:3]));
tri_inv #(.WIDTH(4)) be_shx01_gp0_q_0 (.y(be_shx01_gp0_q[0:3]), .a(be_shx01_gp0_q_b[0:3]));
tri_inv #(.WIDTH(4)) le_shx01_gp0_q_0 (.y(le_shx01_gp0_q[0:3]), .a(le_shx01_gp0_q_b[0:3]));
assign mask_q[0:4] = (~mask_q_b[0:4]);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read-Modify-Write Bypass Data Muxing
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
assign stq_byp_data = ({16{stq7_byp_val}} & stq7_rmw_data) | ({16{~stq7_byp_val}} & stq8_rmw_data);
assign rotate_data = ({16{stq_byp_val}} & stq_byp_data) | ({16{~stq_byp_val}} & arr_data);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Little/Big Endian Muxing
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
assign bele_s0[0:15] = {16{~bele_gp0_q[0]}};
assign bele_s1[0:15] = {16{ bele_gp0_q[0]}};
tri_aoi22 #(.WIDTH(4)) shx04_gp0_sel_b_0 (.y(shx04_gp0_sel_b[0:3]), .a0(be_shx04_gp0_q[0:3]), .a1(bele_s0[0:3]), .b0(le_shx04_gp0_q[0:3]), .b1(bele_s1[0:3]));
tri_aoi22 #(.WIDTH(4)) shx01_gp0_sel_b_0 (.y(shx01_gp0_sel_b[0:3]), .a0(be_shx01_gp0_q[0:3]), .a1(bele_s0[4:7]), .b0(le_shx01_gp0_q[0:3]), .b1(bele_s1[4:7]));
assign shx04_gp0_sel = (~shx04_gp0_sel_b);
assign shx01_gp0_sel = (~shx01_gp0_sel_b);
assign mxbele_d0[0] = rotate_data[0]; assign mxbele_d1[0] = rotate_data[15];
assign mxbele_d0[1] = rotate_data[1]; assign mxbele_d1[1] = rotate_data[14];
assign mxbele_d0[2] = rotate_data[2]; assign mxbele_d1[2] = rotate_data[13];
assign mxbele_d0[3] = rotate_data[3]; assign mxbele_d1[3] = rotate_data[12];
assign mxbele_d0[4] = rotate_data[4]; assign mxbele_d1[4] = rotate_data[11];
assign mxbele_d0[5] = rotate_data[5]; assign mxbele_d1[5] = rotate_data[10];
assign mxbele_d0[6] = rotate_data[6]; assign mxbele_d1[6] = rotate_data[9];
assign mxbele_d0[7] = rotate_data[7]; assign mxbele_d1[7] = rotate_data[8];
assign mxbele_d0[8] = rotate_data[8]; assign mxbele_d1[8] = rotate_data[7];
assign mxbele_d0[9] = rotate_data[9]; assign mxbele_d1[9] = rotate_data[6];
assign mxbele_d0[10] = rotate_data[10]; assign mxbele_d1[10] = rotate_data[5];
assign mxbele_d0[11] = rotate_data[11]; assign mxbele_d1[11] = rotate_data[4];
assign mxbele_d0[12] = rotate_data[12]; assign mxbele_d1[12] = rotate_data[3];
assign mxbele_d0[13] = rotate_data[13]; assign mxbele_d1[13] = rotate_data[2];
assign mxbele_d0[14] = rotate_data[14]; assign mxbele_d1[14] = rotate_data[1];
assign mxbele_d0[15] = rotate_data[15]; assign mxbele_d1[15] = rotate_data[0];
tri_aoi22 #(.WIDTH(16)) mxbele_b_0 (.y(mxbele_b[0:15]), .a0(mxbele_d0[0:15]), .a1(bele_s0[0:15]), .b0(mxbele_d1[0:15]), .b1(bele_s1[0:15]));
tri_inv #(.WIDTH(16)) mxbele_0 (.y(mxbele[0:15]), .a(mxbele_b[0:15]));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// First level of muxing <0,4,8,12 bytes>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
assign mx1_s0[0:15] = {16{shx04_gp0_sel[0]}};
assign mx1_s1[0:15] = {16{shx04_gp0_sel[1]}};
assign mx1_s2[0:15] = {16{shx04_gp0_sel[2]}};
assign mx1_s3[0:15] = {16{shx04_gp0_sel[3]}};
assign mx1_d0[0] = mxbele[0]; assign mx1_d1[0] = mxbele[12]; assign mx1_d2[0] = mxbele[8]; assign mx1_d3[0] = mxbele[4];
assign mx1_d0[1] = mxbele[1]; assign mx1_d1[1] = mxbele[13]; assign mx1_d2[1] = mxbele[9]; assign mx1_d3[1] = mxbele[5];
assign mx1_d0[2] = mxbele[2]; assign mx1_d1[2] = mxbele[14]; assign mx1_d2[2] = mxbele[10]; assign mx1_d3[2] = mxbele[6];
assign mx1_d0[3] = mxbele[3]; assign mx1_d1[3] = mxbele[15]; assign mx1_d2[3] = mxbele[11]; assign mx1_d3[3] = mxbele[7];
assign mx1_d0[4] = mxbele[4]; assign mx1_d1[4] = mxbele[0]; assign mx1_d2[4] = mxbele[12]; assign mx1_d3[4] = mxbele[8];
assign mx1_d0[5] = mxbele[5]; assign mx1_d1[5] = mxbele[1]; assign mx1_d2[5] = mxbele[13]; assign mx1_d3[5] = mxbele[9];
assign mx1_d0[6] = mxbele[6]; assign mx1_d1[6] = mxbele[2]; assign mx1_d2[6] = mxbele[14]; assign mx1_d3[6] = mxbele[10];
assign mx1_d0[7] = mxbele[7]; assign mx1_d1[7] = mxbele[3]; assign mx1_d2[7] = mxbele[15]; assign mx1_d3[7] = mxbele[11];
assign mx1_d0[8] = mxbele[8]; assign mx1_d1[8] = mxbele[4]; assign mx1_d2[8] = mxbele[0]; assign mx1_d3[8] = mxbele[12];
assign mx1_d0[9] = mxbele[9]; assign mx1_d1[9] = mxbele[5]; assign mx1_d2[9] = mxbele[1]; assign mx1_d3[9] = mxbele[13];
assign mx1_d0[10] = mxbele[10]; assign mx1_d1[10] = mxbele[6]; assign mx1_d2[10] = mxbele[2]; assign mx1_d3[10] = mxbele[14];
assign mx1_d0[11] = mxbele[11]; assign mx1_d1[11] = mxbele[7]; assign mx1_d2[11] = mxbele[3]; assign mx1_d3[11] = mxbele[15];
assign mx1_d0[12] = mxbele[12]; assign mx1_d1[12] = mxbele[8]; assign mx1_d2[12] = mxbele[4]; assign mx1_d3[12] = mxbele[0];
assign mx1_d0[13] = mxbele[13]; assign mx1_d1[13] = mxbele[9]; assign mx1_d2[13] = mxbele[5]; assign mx1_d3[13] = mxbele[1];
assign mx1_d0[14] = mxbele[14]; assign mx1_d1[14] = mxbele[10]; assign mx1_d2[14] = mxbele[6]; assign mx1_d3[14] = mxbele[2];
assign mx1_d0[15] = mxbele[15]; assign mx1_d1[15] = mxbele[11]; assign mx1_d2[15] = mxbele[7]; assign mx1_d3[15] = mxbele[3];
tri_aoi22 #(.WIDTH(16)) mx1_0_b_0 (.y(mx1_0_b[0:15]), .a0(mx1_s0[0:15]), .a1(mx1_d0[0:15]), .b0(mx1_s1[0:15]), .b1(mx1_d1[0:15]));
tri_aoi22 #(.WIDTH(16)) mx1_1_b_0 (.y(mx1_1_b[0:15]), .a0(mx1_s2[0:15]), .a1(mx1_d2[0:15]), .b0(mx1_s3[0:15]), .b1(mx1_d3[0:15]));
tri_nand2 #(.WIDTH(16)) mx1_0 (.y(mx1[0:15]), .a(mx1_0_b[0:15]), .b(mx1_1_b[0:15]));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// third level of muxing <0,1,2,3 bytes> , include mask on selects
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
assign mask_en[0:7] = {8{mask_q[0]}}; // 128
assign mask_en[8:11] = {4{mask_q[1]}}; // 128,64
assign mask_en[12:13] = {2{mask_q[2]}}; // 128,64,32
assign mask_en[14] = mask_q[3]; // 128,64,32,16
assign mask_en[15] = mask_q[4]; // 128,64,32,16,8 <not sure you really need this one>
assign mx2_s0[0:7] = {8{shx01_gp0_sel[0]}} & mask_en[0:7];
assign mx2_s1[0:7] = {8{shx01_gp0_sel[1]}} & mask_en[0:7];
assign mx2_s2[0:7] = {8{shx01_gp0_sel[2]}} & mask_en[0:7];
assign mx2_s3[0:7] = {8{shx01_gp0_sel[3]}} & mask_en[0:7];
assign mx2_s0[8:15] = {8{shx01_gp0_sel[0]}} & mask_en[8:15];
assign mx2_s1[8:15] = {8{shx01_gp0_sel[1]}} & mask_en[8:15];
assign mx2_s2[8:15] = {8{shx01_gp0_sel[2]}} & mask_en[8:15];
assign mx2_s3[8:15] = {8{shx01_gp0_sel[3]}} & mask_en[8:15];
assign mx2_d0[0] = mx1[0]; assign mx2_d1[0] = mx1[15]; assign mx2_d2[0] = mx1[14]; assign mx2_d3[0] = mx1[13];
assign mx2_d0[1] = mx1[1]; assign mx2_d1[1] = mx1[0]; assign mx2_d2[1] = mx1[15]; assign mx2_d3[1] = mx1[14];
assign mx2_d0[2] = mx1[2]; assign mx2_d1[2] = mx1[1]; assign mx2_d2[2] = mx1[0]; assign mx2_d3[2] = mx1[15];
assign mx2_d0[3] = mx1[3]; assign mx2_d1[3] = mx1[2]; assign mx2_d2[3] = mx1[1]; assign mx2_d3[3] = mx1[0];
assign mx2_d0[4] = mx1[4]; assign mx2_d1[4] = mx1[3]; assign mx2_d2[4] = mx1[2]; assign mx2_d3[4] = mx1[1];
assign mx2_d0[5] = mx1[5]; assign mx2_d1[5] = mx1[4]; assign mx2_d2[5] = mx1[3]; assign mx2_d3[5] = mx1[2];
assign mx2_d0[6] = mx1[6]; assign mx2_d1[6] = mx1[5]; assign mx2_d2[6] = mx1[4]; assign mx2_d3[6] = mx1[3];
assign mx2_d0[7] = mx1[7]; assign mx2_d1[7] = mx1[6]; assign mx2_d2[7] = mx1[5]; assign mx2_d3[7] = mx1[4];
assign mx2_d0[8] = mx1[8]; assign mx2_d1[8] = mx1[7]; assign mx2_d2[8] = mx1[6]; assign mx2_d3[8] = mx1[5];
assign mx2_d0[9] = mx1[9]; assign mx2_d1[9] = mx1[8]; assign mx2_d2[9] = mx1[7]; assign mx2_d3[9] = mx1[6];
assign mx2_d0[10] = mx1[10]; assign mx2_d1[10] = mx1[9]; assign mx2_d2[10] = mx1[8]; assign mx2_d3[10] = mx1[7];
assign mx2_d0[11] = mx1[11]; assign mx2_d1[11] = mx1[10]; assign mx2_d2[11] = mx1[9]; assign mx2_d3[11] = mx1[8];
assign mx2_d0[12] = mx1[12]; assign mx2_d1[12] = mx1[11]; assign mx2_d2[12] = mx1[10]; assign mx2_d3[12] = mx1[9];
assign mx2_d0[13] = mx1[13]; assign mx2_d1[13] = mx1[12]; assign mx2_d2[13] = mx1[11]; assign mx2_d3[13] = mx1[10];
assign mx2_d0[14] = mx1[14]; assign mx2_d1[14] = mx1[13]; assign mx2_d2[14] = mx1[12]; assign mx2_d3[14] = mx1[11];
assign mx2_d0[15] = mx1[15]; assign mx2_d1[15] = mx1[14]; assign mx2_d2[15] = mx1[13]; assign mx2_d3[15] = mx1[12];
tri_aoi22 #(.WIDTH(16)) mx2_0_b_0 (.y(mx2_0_b[0:15]), .a0(mx2_s0[0:15]), .a1(mx2_d0[0:15]), .b0(mx2_s1[0:15]), .b1(mx2_d1[0:15]));
tri_aoi22 #(.WIDTH(16)) mx2_1_b_0 (.y(mx2_1_b[0:15]), .a0(mx2_s2[0:15]), .a1(mx2_d2[0:15]), .b0(mx2_s3[0:15]), .b1(mx2_d3[0:15]));
tri_nand2 #(.WIDTH(16)) mx2_0 (.y(mx2[0:15]), .a(mx2_0_b[0:15]), .b(mx2_1_b[0:15]));
tri_inv #(.WIDTH(16)) do_b_0 (.y(do_b[0:15]), .a(mx2[0:15]));
tri_inv #(.WIDTH(16)) data_rot_0 (.y(data_rot[0:15]), .a(do_b[0:15]));
tri_inv #(.WIDTH(16)) data_latched_b_0 (.y(data_latched_b), .a(arr_data));
tri_inv #(.WIDTH(16)) data_latched_0 (.y(data_latched), .a(data_latched_b));
// top funny physical placement to minimize wrap wires ... also nice for LE adjust
// 0 31
// 1 30
// 2 29
// 3 28
// 4 27
// 5 26
// 6 25
// 7 24
// 8 23
// 9 22
// 10 21
// 11 20
// 12 19
// 13 18
// 14 17
// 15 16
// bot
// ###############################################################
// ## LCBs
// ###############################################################
tri_lcbnd my_lcb(
// ###############################################################
// ## Latches
// ###############################################################
tri_inv_nlats #(.WIDTH(1), .INIT(1'b0), .BTR("NLI0001_X2_A12TH"), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) bele_gp0_lat(
.scanin(siv[bele_gp0_din_offset:bele_gp0_din_offset + 1 - 1]),
.scanout(sov[bele_gp0_din_offset:bele_gp0_din_offset + 1 - 1]),
tri_inv_nlats #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(4'h0), .BTR("NLI0001_X2_A12TH"), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) be_shx04_gp0_lat(
.scanin(siv[be_shx04_gp0_din_offset:be_shx04_gp0_din_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scanout(sov[be_shx04_gp0_din_offset:be_shx04_gp0_din_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_inv_nlats #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(4'h0), .BTR("NLI0001_X2_A12TH"), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) le_shx04_gp0_lat(
.scanin(siv[le_shx04_gp0_din_offset:le_shx04_gp0_din_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scanout(sov[le_shx04_gp0_din_offset:le_shx04_gp0_din_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_inv_nlats #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(4'h0), .BTR("NLI0001_X1_A12TH"), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) be_shx01_gp0_lat(
.scanin(siv[be_shx01_gp0_din_offset:be_shx01_gp0_din_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scanout(sov[be_shx01_gp0_din_offset:be_shx01_gp0_din_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_inv_nlats #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(4'h0), .BTR("NLI0001_X1_A12TH"), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) le_shx01_gp0_lat(
.scanin(siv[le_shx01_gp0_din_offset:le_shx01_gp0_din_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scanout(sov[le_shx01_gp0_din_offset:le_shx01_gp0_din_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_inv_nlats #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(5'b0), .BTR("NLI0001_X1_A12TH"), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) mask_lat(
.scanin(siv[mask_din_offset:mask_din_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scanout(sov[mask_din_offset:mask_din_offset + 5 - 1]),
assign siv[0:scan_right] = {sov[1:scan_right], scan_in};
assign scan_out = sov[0];