1260 lines
57 KiB
1260 lines
57 KiB
// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
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// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
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// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org.
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
module fu_rnd(
parameter expand_type = 2; // 0 - ibm tech, 1 - other );
inout vdd;
inout gnd;
input clk;
input rst;
input clkoff_b; // tiup
input act_dis; // ??tidn??
input flush; // ??tidn??
input [5:6] delay_lclkr; // tidn,
input [5:6] mpw1_b; // tidn,
input [1:1] mpw2_b; // tidn,
input sg_1;
input thold_1;
input fpu_enable; //dc_act
input f_rnd_si; // perv
output f_rnd_so; // perv
input ex4_act_b; // act
input [0:52] f_nrm_ex6_res;
input [1:12] f_nrm_ex6_int_lsbs;
input f_nrm_ex6_int_sign;
input f_nrm_ex6_nrm_sticky_dp;
input f_nrm_ex6_nrm_guard_dp;
input f_nrm_ex6_nrm_lsb_dp;
input f_nrm_ex6_nrm_sticky_sp;
input f_nrm_ex6_nrm_guard_sp;
input f_nrm_ex6_nrm_lsb_sp;
input f_nrm_ex6_exact_zero;
input f_tbl_ex6_recip_den;
input f_pic_ex6_invert_sign; ////# nmadd nmsub
input f_pic_ex6_en_exact_zero; ////# math, frsp (no specail override)
input f_pic_ex6_k_nan;
input f_pic_ex6_k_inf;
input f_pic_ex6_k_max;
input f_pic_ex6_k_zer;
input f_pic_ex6_k_one;
input f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos;
input f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxneg;
input f_pic_ex6_k_int_zer;
input f_pic_ex5_sel_est_b; ////# off for nan_pass
input [0:26] f_tbl_ex6_est_frac; ////#
input f_pic_ex5_rnd_ni_b; ////# for sign of exact zero
input f_pic_ex5_rnd_nr_b; ////# (off for specials)
input f_pic_ex5_rnd_inf_ok_b; ////# pi*pos/ ni*pos (off for specials)
input f_pic_ex6_uc_inc_lsb; ////# ?? div ??
input f_pic_ex6_uc_guard;
input f_pic_ex6_uc_sticky;
input f_pic_ex6_uc_g_v;
input f_pic_ex6_uc_s_v;
input f_pic_ex5_sel_fpscr_b;
input f_pic_ex5_to_integer_b; ////# same for wd/dw
input f_pic_ex5_word_b; ////# same for wd/dw
input f_pic_ex5_uns_b; ////# same for wd/dw
input f_pic_ex5_sp_b; ////# single precision round, output
input f_pic_ex5_spec_inf_b; ////# for INF
input f_pic_ex5_quiet_b;
input f_pic_ex5_nj_deno;
input f_pic_ex5_unf_en_ue0_b; ////# for ux (needs tiny)
input f_pic_ex5_unf_en_ue1_b; ////# for ux
input f_pic_ex5_ovf_en_oe0_b;
input f_pic_ex5_ovf_en_oe1_b;
input f_pic_ex6_round_sign; ////# includes special sign
input [0:3] f_scr_ex6_fpscr_rd_dat_dfp;
input [0:31] f_scr_ex6_fpscr_rd_dat;
input f_eov_ex6_sel_k_f;
input f_eov_ex6_sel_k_e;
input f_eov_ex6_sel_kif_f;
input f_eov_ex6_sel_kif_e;
input f_eov_ex6_ovf_expo; ////# for INF,ox
input f_eov_ex6_ovf_if_expo; ////# for INF,ox
input f_eov_ex6_unf_expo; ////# for ux
input [1:13] f_eov_ex6_expo_p0; ////# result exponent
input [1:13] f_eov_ex6_expo_p1; ////# result exponent if rnd_up_all1
input [3:7] f_eov_ex6_expo_p0_ue1oe1;
input [3:7] f_eov_ex6_expo_p1_ue1oe1;
input f_pic_ex6_frsp;
input f_gst_ex6_logexp_v;
input f_gst_ex6_logexp_sign;
input [1:11] f_gst_ex6_logexp_exp;
input [0:19] f_gst_ex6_logexp_fract;
input [0:1] f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_v;
input f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_sign;
input [01:13] f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_exp;
input [00:52] f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fract;
input [00:10] f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_flag_fpscr;
output f_rnd_ex7_res_sign; ////# dbyp / f_scr
output [1:13] f_rnd_ex7_res_expo; ////# dbyp
output [0:52] f_rnd_ex7_res_frac; ////# dbyp
output f_rnd_ex7_flag_up; ////# f_scr
output f_rnd_ex7_flag_fi; ////# f_scr
output f_rnd_ex7_flag_ox; ////# f_scr
output f_rnd_ex7_flag_den; ////# f_scr
output f_rnd_ex7_flag_sgn; ////# f_scr
output f_rnd_ex7_flag_inf; ////# f_scr
output f_rnd_ex7_flag_zer; ////# f_scr
output f_rnd_ex7_flag_ux; ////# f_scr
output f_mad_ex7_uc_sign;
output f_mad_ex7_uc_zero;
// end ports
parameter tiup = 1'b1;
parameter tidn = 1'b0;
wire sg_0;
wire thold_0_b;
wire thold_0;
wire force_t;
wire ex5_act;
wire ex4_act;
wire ex6_act;
wire ex6_act_temp;
(* analysis_not_referenced="TRUE" *)
wire [0:2] act_spare_unused;
(* analysis_not_referenced="TRUE" *)
wire flag_spare_unused;
wire [0:4] act_so; //SCAN
wire [0:4] act_si; //SCAN
wire [0:15] ex6_ctl_so; //SCAN
wire [0:15] ex6_ctl_si; //SCAN
wire [0:52] ex7_frac_so; //SCAN
wire [0:52] ex7_frac_si; //SCAN
wire [0:13] ex7_expo_so; //SCAN
wire [0:13] ex7_expo_si; //SCAN
wire [0:9] ex7_flag_so; //SCAN
wire [0:9] ex7_flag_si; //SCAN
wire ex6_quiet;
wire ex6_quiet_l2;
wire ex6_rnd_ni;
wire ex6_rnd_nr;
wire ex6_rnd_inf_ok;
wire ex6_rnd_frc_up;
wire ex6_sel_fpscr;
wire ex6_to_integer;
wire ex6_to_integer_l2;
wire ex6_word;
wire ex6_sp;
wire ex6_spec_inf;
wire ex6_flag_den;
wire ex6_flag_inf;
wire ex6_flag_zer;
wire ex6_flag_ux;
wire ex6_flag_up;
wire ex6_flag_fi;
wire ex6_flag_ox;
wire ex6_all0_lo;
wire ex6_all0_sp;
wire ex6_all0;
wire ex6_all1;
wire [0:52] ex6_frac_c;
wire [0:52] ex6_frac_p1;
wire [0:52] ex6_frac_p0;
wire [0:52] ex6_frac_px;
wire [0:52] ex6_frac_k;
wire [0:52] ex6_frac_misc;
wire [0:63] ex6_to_int_data;
wire ex6_to_int_imp;
wire ex6_p0_sel_dflt;
wire ex6_up;
wire ex6_up_sp;
wire ex6_up_dp;
wire ex6_sel_est_v;
wire ex6_logexp_v;
wire ex6_divsqrt_v;
wire ex6_sel_fpscr_v;
wire [0:52] ex6_res_frac;
wire ex6_res_sign;
wire [1:13] ex6_res_expo;
wire [0:52] ex7_res_frac;
wire ex7_res_sign;
wire [1:13] ex7_res_expo;
wire ex7_flag_sgn;
wire ex7_flag_den;
wire ex7_flag_inf;
wire ex7_flag_zer;
wire ex7_flag_ux;
wire ex7_flag_up;
wire ex7_flag_fi;
wire ex7_flag_ox;
wire ex6_sel_up;
wire ex6_sel_up_b;
wire ex6_sel_up_dp;
wire ex6_sel_up_dp_b;
wire ex6_gox;
wire ex6_sgn_result_fp;
wire ex6_res_sign_prez;
wire ex6_exact_sgn_rst;
wire ex6_exact_sgn_set;
wire ex6_res_sel_k_f;
wire ex6_res_sel_p1_e;
wire ex6_res_clip_e;
wire ex6_expo_sel_k;
wire ex6_expo_sel_k_both;
wire ex6_expo_p0_sel_k;
wire ex6_expo_p0_sel_int;
wire ex6_expo_p0_sel_gst;
wire ex6_expo_p0_sel_divsqrt;
wire ex6_expo_p0_sel_dflt;
wire ex6_expo_p1_sel_k;
wire ex6_expo_p1_sel_dflt;
wire ex6_sel_p0_joke;
wire ex6_sel_p1_joke;
wire [1:13] ex6_expo_k;
wire [1:13] ex6_expo_p0k;
wire [1:13] ex6_expo_p1k;
wire [1:13] ex6_expo_p0kx;
wire [1:13] ex6_expo_p1kx;
wire ex6_unf_en_ue0;
wire ex6_unf_en_ue1;
wire ex6_ovf_en_oe0;
wire ex6_ovf_en_oe1;
wire ex6_ov_oe0;
wire ex6_k_zero;
wire ex6_sel_est;
wire ex6_k_inf_nan_maxdp;
wire ex6_k_inf_nan_max;
wire ex6_k_inf_nan_zer;
wire ex6_k_zer_sp;
wire ex6_k_notzer;
wire ex6_k_max_intmax_nan;
wire ex6_k_max_intmax;
wire ex6_k_max_intsgn;
wire ex6_k_max_intmax_nsp;
wire ex6_pwr4_spec_frsp;
wire ex6_exact_zero_rnd;
wire ex6_rnd_ni_adj;
wire [0:52] ex6_nrm_res_b;
wire [0:27] ex6_all0_gp2;
wire [0:13] ex6_all0_gp4;
wire [0:6] ex6_all0_gp8;
wire [0:3] ex6_all0_gp16;
wire [0:52] ex6_frac_c_gp2;
wire [0:52] ex6_frac_c_gp4;
wire [0:52] ex6_frac_c_gp8;
wire [0:6] ex6_frac_g16;
wire [0:6] ex6_frac_g32;
wire [1:6] ex6_frac_g;
wire ex5_quiet;
wire ex5_rnd_ni;
wire ex5_rnd_nr;
wire ex5_rnd_inf_ok;
wire ex5_sel_fpscr;
wire ex5_to_integer;
wire ex5_word;
wire ex5_uns;
wire ex6_uns;
wire ex5_sp;
wire ex5_spec_inf;
wire ex5_nj_deno;
wire ex5_unf_en_ue0;
wire ex5_unf_en_ue1;
wire ex5_ovf_en_oe0;
wire ex5_ovf_en_oe1;
wire ex5_sel_est;
wire ex6_guard_dp;
wire ex6_guard_sp;
wire ex6_sticky_dp;
wire ex6_sticky_sp;
wire unused;
wire ex6_nj_deno;
wire ex7_nj_deno;
wire ex6_clip_deno;
wire ex6_est_log_pow_divsqrt;
assign unused = ex6_frac_c[0] | f_nrm_ex6_int_lsbs[1]; // primary input
////# pervasive
tri_plat thold_reg_0(
tri_plat sg_reg_0(
tri_lcbor lcbor_0(
assign ex4_act = ((~ex4_act_b));
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) act_lat(
.force_t(force_t), //i-- tidn,
.delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[5]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw1_b(mpw1_b[5]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), //i-- tidn,
.din({ act_spare_unused[0],
.dout({ act_spare_unused[0],
assign ex6_act = ex6_act_temp | ex6_divsqrt_v; //todo
////# EX6 latch inputs from ex5
assign ex5_quiet = (~f_pic_ex5_quiet_b);
assign ex5_rnd_ni = (~f_pic_ex5_rnd_ni_b);
assign ex5_rnd_nr = (~f_pic_ex5_rnd_nr_b);
assign ex5_rnd_inf_ok = (~f_pic_ex5_rnd_inf_ok_b);
assign ex5_sel_fpscr = (~f_pic_ex5_sel_fpscr_b);
assign ex5_to_integer = (~f_pic_ex5_to_integer_b);
assign ex5_word = (~f_pic_ex5_word_b);
assign ex5_uns = (~f_pic_ex5_uns_b);
assign ex5_sp = (~f_pic_ex5_sp_b);
assign ex5_spec_inf = (~f_pic_ex5_spec_inf_b);
assign ex5_nj_deno = f_pic_ex5_nj_deno;
assign ex5_unf_en_ue0 = (~f_pic_ex5_unf_en_ue0_b);
assign ex5_unf_en_ue1 = (~f_pic_ex5_unf_en_ue1_b);
assign ex5_ovf_en_oe0 = (~f_pic_ex5_ovf_en_oe0_b);
assign ex5_ovf_en_oe1 = (~f_pic_ex5_ovf_en_oe1_b);
assign ex5_sel_est = (~f_pic_ex5_sel_est_b);
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex6_ctl_lat(
.force_t(force_t), //i-- tidn,
.delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[5]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw1_b(mpw1_b[5]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), //i-- tidn,
.din({ ex5_quiet, ////# for too int only
ex5_rnd_ni, ////# for sign of exact zero
ex5_rnd_nr, ////# (off for specials)
ex5_rnd_inf_ok, ////# pi*pos/ ni*pos (off for specials)
ex5_sel_fpscr, ////#
ex5_to_integer, ////# same for wd/dw
ex5_word, ////# single precision round, output
ex5_sp, ////# single precision round, output
ex5_spec_inf, ////# for INF
.dout({ ex6_quiet_l2, //LAT--//# for too int only
ex6_rnd_ni, //LAT--//# for sign of exact zero
ex6_rnd_nr, //LAT--//# (off for specials)
ex6_rnd_inf_ok, //LAT--//# pi*pos/ ni*pos (off for specials)
ex6_sel_fpscr, //LAT--//#
ex6_to_integer_l2, //LAT--//# same for wd/dw
ex6_word, //LAT--//# word
ex6_sp, //LAT--//# single precision round, output
ex6_spec_inf, //LAT--//# for INF
ex6_nj_deno, //LAT--//# for INF
assign ex6_rnd_frc_up = f_pic_ex6_uc_inc_lsb;
assign ex6_to_integer = ex6_to_integer_l2 & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_quiet = ex6_quiet_l2 & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
////# EX6 logic
////## round up decision
assign ex6_guard_dp = (f_nrm_ex6_nrm_guard_dp & (~f_pic_ex6_uc_g_v)) | (f_pic_ex6_uc_guard & f_pic_ex6_uc_g_v);
assign ex6_guard_sp = (f_nrm_ex6_nrm_guard_sp & (~f_pic_ex6_uc_g_v)) | (f_pic_ex6_uc_guard & f_pic_ex6_uc_g_v);
assign ex6_sticky_dp = (f_nrm_ex6_nrm_sticky_dp) | (f_pic_ex6_uc_sticky & f_pic_ex6_uc_s_v);
assign ex6_sticky_sp = (f_nrm_ex6_nrm_sticky_sp) | (f_pic_ex6_uc_sticky & f_pic_ex6_uc_s_v);
assign ex6_up_sp = (ex6_rnd_frc_up) | (ex6_rnd_nr & ex6_guard_sp & ex6_sticky_sp) | (ex6_rnd_nr & ex6_guard_sp & f_nrm_ex6_nrm_lsb_sp) | (ex6_rnd_inf_ok & ex6_guard_sp) | (ex6_rnd_inf_ok & ex6_sticky_sp); // may need for divide
assign ex6_up_dp = ((ex6_rnd_frc_up) | (ex6_rnd_nr & ex6_guard_dp & ex6_sticky_dp) | (ex6_rnd_nr & ex6_guard_dp & f_nrm_ex6_nrm_lsb_dp) | (ex6_rnd_inf_ok & ex6_guard_dp) | (ex6_rnd_inf_ok & ex6_sticky_dp)) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v); // may need for divide
assign ex6_up = (ex6_up_sp & ex6_sp) | (ex6_up_dp & (~ex6_sp));
assign ex6_sel_up = ex6_up & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_sel_up_b = ((~ex6_up)) | ex6_divsqrt_v;
assign ex6_sel_up_dp = ex6_up_dp & (~ex6_sp);
assign ex6_sel_up_dp_b = ((~ex6_up_dp) & (~ex6_sp)) | ex6_divsqrt_v;
assign ex6_gox = (ex6_sp & ex6_guard_sp) | (ex6_sp & ex6_sticky_sp) | ((~ex6_sp) & ex6_guard_dp) | ((~ex6_sp) & ex6_sticky_dp);
////## conditional increment of round result
assign ex6_nrm_res_b[0:52] = (~f_nrm_ex6_res[0:52]);
assign ex6_all0_gp2[0] = ex6_nrm_res_b[0] & ex6_nrm_res_b[1];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[1] = ex6_nrm_res_b[2] & ex6_nrm_res_b[3];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[2] = ex6_nrm_res_b[4] & ex6_nrm_res_b[5];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[3] = ex6_nrm_res_b[6] & ex6_nrm_res_b[7];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[4] = ex6_nrm_res_b[8] & ex6_nrm_res_b[9];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[5] = ex6_nrm_res_b[10] & ex6_nrm_res_b[11];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[6] = ex6_nrm_res_b[12] & ex6_nrm_res_b[13];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[7] = ex6_nrm_res_b[14] & ex6_nrm_res_b[15];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[8] = ex6_nrm_res_b[16] & ex6_nrm_res_b[17];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[9] = ex6_nrm_res_b[18] & ex6_nrm_res_b[19];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[10] = ex6_nrm_res_b[20] & ex6_nrm_res_b[21];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[11] = ex6_nrm_res_b[22] & ex6_nrm_res_b[23];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[12] = ex6_nrm_res_b[24] & ex6_nrm_res_b[25];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[13] = ex6_nrm_res_b[26] & ex6_nrm_res_b[27];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[14] = ex6_nrm_res_b[28] & ex6_nrm_res_b[29];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[15] = ex6_nrm_res_b[30] & ex6_nrm_res_b[31];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[16] = ex6_nrm_res_b[32] & ex6_nrm_res_b[33];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[17] = ex6_nrm_res_b[34] & ex6_nrm_res_b[35];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[18] = ex6_nrm_res_b[36] & ex6_nrm_res_b[37];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[19] = ex6_nrm_res_b[38] & ex6_nrm_res_b[39];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[20] = ex6_nrm_res_b[40] & ex6_nrm_res_b[41];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[21] = ex6_nrm_res_b[40] & ex6_nrm_res_b[41];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[22] = ex6_nrm_res_b[42] & ex6_nrm_res_b[43];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[23] = ex6_nrm_res_b[44] & ex6_nrm_res_b[45];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[24] = ex6_nrm_res_b[46] & ex6_nrm_res_b[47];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[25] = ex6_nrm_res_b[48] & ex6_nrm_res_b[49];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[26] = ex6_nrm_res_b[50] & ex6_nrm_res_b[51];
assign ex6_all0_gp2[27] = ex6_nrm_res_b[52];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[0] = ex6_all0_gp2[0] & ex6_all0_gp2[1];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[1] = ex6_all0_gp2[2] & ex6_all0_gp2[3];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[2] = ex6_all0_gp2[4] & ex6_all0_gp2[5];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[3] = ex6_all0_gp2[6] & ex6_all0_gp2[7];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[4] = ex6_all0_gp2[8] & ex6_all0_gp2[9];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[5] = ex6_all0_gp2[10] & ex6_all0_gp2[11];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[6] = ex6_all0_gp2[12] & ex6_all0_gp2[13];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[7] = ex6_all0_gp2[14] & ex6_all0_gp2[15];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[8] = ex6_all0_gp2[16] & ex6_all0_gp2[17];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[9] = ex6_all0_gp2[18] & ex6_all0_gp2[19];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[10] = ex6_all0_gp2[20] & ex6_all0_gp2[21];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[11] = ex6_all0_gp2[22] & ex6_all0_gp2[23];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[12] = ex6_all0_gp2[24] & ex6_all0_gp2[25];
assign ex6_all0_gp4[13] = ex6_all0_gp2[26] & ex6_all0_gp2[27];
assign ex6_all0_gp8[0] = ex6_all0_gp4[0] & ex6_all0_gp4[1];
assign ex6_all0_gp8[1] = ex6_all0_gp4[2] & ex6_all0_gp4[3];
assign ex6_all0_gp8[2] = ex6_all0_gp4[4] & ex6_all0_gp4[5];
assign ex6_all0_gp8[3] = ex6_all0_gp4[6] & ex6_all0_gp4[7];
assign ex6_all0_gp8[4] = ex6_all0_gp4[8] & ex6_all0_gp4[9];
assign ex6_all0_gp8[5] = ex6_all0_gp4[10] & ex6_all0_gp4[11];
assign ex6_all0_gp8[6] = ex6_all0_gp4[12] & ex6_all0_gp4[13];
assign ex6_all0_gp16[0] = ex6_all0_gp8[0] & ex6_all0_gp8[1];
assign ex6_all0_gp16[1] = ex6_all0_gp8[2];
assign ex6_all0_gp16[2] = ex6_all0_gp8[3] & ex6_all0_gp8[4];
assign ex6_all0_gp16[3] = ex6_all0_gp8[5] & ex6_all0_gp8[6];
assign ex6_all0_sp = ex6_all0_gp16[0] & ex6_all0_gp16[1];
assign ex6_all0_lo = ex6_all0_gp16[2] & ex6_all0_gp16[3];
assign ex6_all0 = ex6_all0_sp & (ex6_sp | ex6_all0_lo);
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[0] = f_nrm_ex6_res[0] & f_nrm_ex6_res[1];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[1] = f_nrm_ex6_res[1] & f_nrm_ex6_res[2];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[2] = f_nrm_ex6_res[2] & f_nrm_ex6_res[3];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[3] = f_nrm_ex6_res[3] & f_nrm_ex6_res[4];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[4] = f_nrm_ex6_res[4] & f_nrm_ex6_res[5];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[5] = f_nrm_ex6_res[5] & f_nrm_ex6_res[6];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[6] = f_nrm_ex6_res[6] & f_nrm_ex6_res[7];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[7] = f_nrm_ex6_res[7];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[8] = f_nrm_ex6_res[8] & f_nrm_ex6_res[9];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[9] = f_nrm_ex6_res[9] & f_nrm_ex6_res[10];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[10] = f_nrm_ex6_res[10] & f_nrm_ex6_res[11];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[11] = f_nrm_ex6_res[11] & f_nrm_ex6_res[12];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[12] = f_nrm_ex6_res[12] & f_nrm_ex6_res[13];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[13] = f_nrm_ex6_res[13] & f_nrm_ex6_res[14];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[14] = f_nrm_ex6_res[14] & f_nrm_ex6_res[15];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[15] = f_nrm_ex6_res[15];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[16] = f_nrm_ex6_res[16] & f_nrm_ex6_res[17];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[17] = f_nrm_ex6_res[17] & f_nrm_ex6_res[18];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[18] = f_nrm_ex6_res[18] & f_nrm_ex6_res[19];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[19] = f_nrm_ex6_res[19] & f_nrm_ex6_res[20];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[20] = f_nrm_ex6_res[20] & f_nrm_ex6_res[21];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[21] = f_nrm_ex6_res[21] & f_nrm_ex6_res[22];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[22] = f_nrm_ex6_res[22] & f_nrm_ex6_res[23];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[23] = f_nrm_ex6_res[23];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[24] = f_nrm_ex6_res[24] & f_nrm_ex6_res[25];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[25] = f_nrm_ex6_res[25] & f_nrm_ex6_res[26];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[26] = f_nrm_ex6_res[26] & f_nrm_ex6_res[27];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[27] = f_nrm_ex6_res[27] & f_nrm_ex6_res[28];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[28] = f_nrm_ex6_res[28] & f_nrm_ex6_res[29];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[29] = f_nrm_ex6_res[29] & f_nrm_ex6_res[30];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[30] = f_nrm_ex6_res[30] & f_nrm_ex6_res[31];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[31] = f_nrm_ex6_res[31];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[32] = f_nrm_ex6_res[32] & f_nrm_ex6_res[33];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[33] = f_nrm_ex6_res[33] & f_nrm_ex6_res[34];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[34] = f_nrm_ex6_res[34] & f_nrm_ex6_res[35];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[35] = f_nrm_ex6_res[35] & f_nrm_ex6_res[36];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[36] = f_nrm_ex6_res[36] & f_nrm_ex6_res[37];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[37] = f_nrm_ex6_res[37] & f_nrm_ex6_res[38];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[38] = f_nrm_ex6_res[38] & f_nrm_ex6_res[39];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[39] = f_nrm_ex6_res[39];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[40] = f_nrm_ex6_res[40] & f_nrm_ex6_res[41];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[41] = f_nrm_ex6_res[41] & f_nrm_ex6_res[42];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[42] = f_nrm_ex6_res[42] & f_nrm_ex6_res[43];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[43] = f_nrm_ex6_res[43] & f_nrm_ex6_res[44];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[44] = f_nrm_ex6_res[44] & f_nrm_ex6_res[45];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[45] = f_nrm_ex6_res[45] & f_nrm_ex6_res[46];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[46] = f_nrm_ex6_res[46] & f_nrm_ex6_res[47];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[47] = f_nrm_ex6_res[47];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[48] = f_nrm_ex6_res[48] & f_nrm_ex6_res[49];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[49] = f_nrm_ex6_res[49] & f_nrm_ex6_res[50];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[50] = f_nrm_ex6_res[50] & f_nrm_ex6_res[51];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[51] = f_nrm_ex6_res[51] & f_nrm_ex6_res[52];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp2[52] = f_nrm_ex6_res[52];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[0] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[0] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[2];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[1] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[1] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[3];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[2] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[2] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[4];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[3] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[3] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[5];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[4] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[4] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[6];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[5] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[5] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[7];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[6] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[6];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[7] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[7];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[8] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[8] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[10];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[9] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[9] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[11];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[10] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[10] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[12];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[11] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[11] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[13];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[12] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[12] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[14];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[13] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[13] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[15];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[14] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[14];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[15] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[15];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[16] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[16] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[18];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[17] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[17] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[19];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[18] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[18] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[20];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[19] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[19] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[21];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[20] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[20] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[22];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[21] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[21] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[23];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[22] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[22];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[23] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[23];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[24] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[24] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[26];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[25] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[25] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[27];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[26] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[26] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[28];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[27] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[27] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[29];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[28] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[28] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[30];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[29] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[29] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[31];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[30] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[30];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[31] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[31];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[32] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[32] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[34];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[33] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[33] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[35];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[34] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[34] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[36];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[35] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[35] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[37];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[36] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[36] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[38];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[37] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[37] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[39];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[38] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[38];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[39] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[39];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[40] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[40] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[42];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[41] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[41] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[43];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[42] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[42] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[44];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[43] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[43] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[45];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[44] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[44] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[46];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[45] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[45] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[47];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[46] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[46];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[47] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[47];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[48] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[48] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[50];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[49] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[49] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[51];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[50] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[50] & ex6_frac_c_gp2[52];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[51] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[51];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp4[52] = ex6_frac_c_gp2[52];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[0] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[0] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[4];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[1] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[1] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[5];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[2] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[2] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[6];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[3] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[3] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[7];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[4] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[4];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[5] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[5];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[6] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[6];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[7] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[7];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[8] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[8] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[12];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[9] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[9] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[13];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[10] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[10] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[14];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[11] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[11] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[15];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[12] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[12];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[13] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[13];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[14] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[14];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[15] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[15];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[16] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[16] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[20];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[17] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[17] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[21];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[18] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[18] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[22];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[19] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[19] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[23];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[20] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[20];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[21] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[21];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[22] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[22];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[23] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[23];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[24] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[24] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[28];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[25] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[25] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[29];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[26] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[26] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[30];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[27] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[27] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[31];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[28] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[28];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[29] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[29];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[30] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[30];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[31] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[31];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[32] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[32] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[36];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[33] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[33] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[37];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[34] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[34] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[38];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[35] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[35] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[39];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[36] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[36];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[37] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[37];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[38] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[38];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[39] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[39];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[40] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[40] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[44];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[41] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[41] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[45];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[42] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[42] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[46];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[43] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[43] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[47];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[44] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[44];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[45] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[45];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[46] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[46];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[47] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[47];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[48] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[48] & ex6_frac_c_gp4[52];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[49] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[49];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[50] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[50];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[51] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[51];
assign ex6_frac_c_gp8[52] = ex6_frac_c_gp4[52];
assign ex6_frac_c[0:7] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[0:7] & {8{ex6_frac_g[1]}};
assign ex6_frac_c[8:15] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[8:15] & {8{ex6_frac_g[2]}};
assign ex6_frac_c[16:23] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[16:23] & {8{ex6_frac_g[3]}};
assign ex6_frac_c[24] = (ex6_frac_c_gp8[24] & ex6_frac_g[4]) | ex6_sp;
assign ex6_frac_c[25:31] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[25:31] & {7{ex6_frac_g[4]}};
assign ex6_frac_c[32:39] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[32:39] & {8{ex6_frac_g[5]}};
assign ex6_frac_c[40:47] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[40:47] & {8{ex6_frac_g[6]}};
assign ex6_frac_c[48:52] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[48:52];
assign ex6_frac_g16[0] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[0] & ex6_frac_c_gp8[8];
assign ex6_frac_g16[1] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[8] & ex6_frac_c_gp8[16];
assign ex6_frac_g16[2] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[16];
assign ex6_frac_g16[3] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[24] & ex6_frac_c_gp8[32];
assign ex6_frac_g16[4] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[32] & ex6_frac_c_gp8[40];
assign ex6_frac_g16[5] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[40] & ex6_frac_c_gp8[48];
assign ex6_frac_g16[6] = ex6_frac_c_gp8[48];
assign ex6_frac_g32[0] = ex6_frac_g16[0] & ex6_frac_g16[2];
assign ex6_frac_g32[1] = ex6_frac_g16[1];
assign ex6_frac_g32[2] = ex6_frac_g16[2];
assign ex6_frac_g32[3] = ex6_frac_g16[3] & ex6_frac_g16[5];
assign ex6_frac_g32[4] = ex6_frac_g16[4] & ex6_frac_g16[6];
assign ex6_frac_g32[5] = ex6_frac_g16[5];
assign ex6_frac_g32[6] = ex6_frac_g16[6];
assign ex6_all1 = ex6_frac_g32[0] & (ex6_sp | ex6_frac_g32[3]);
assign ex6_frac_g[1] = ex6_frac_g32[1] & (ex6_sp | ex6_frac_g32[3]);
assign ex6_frac_g[2] = ex6_frac_g32[2] & (ex6_sp | ex6_frac_g32[3]);
assign ex6_frac_g[3] = ex6_frac_g32[3] | ex6_sp;
assign ex6_frac_g[4] = ex6_frac_g32[4];
assign ex6_frac_g[5] = ex6_frac_g32[5];
assign ex6_frac_g[6] = ex6_frac_g32[6];
//!? ------------------------------------------------
//!? it might be better to: (samlle /faster ... as long as UP is faster then carry chain):
//!? and carries with "UP" then do xor (eliminates the selector)
//!? rather than:
//!? do the xor to complete the increment, then follow with a selector
//!? ------------------------------------------------
assign ex6_frac_p1[0] = f_nrm_ex6_res[0] | ex6_frac_c[1]; // roll over does not go to zero
assign ex6_frac_p1[1:51] = f_nrm_ex6_res[1:51] ^ ex6_frac_c[2:52];
assign ex6_frac_p1[52] = (~f_nrm_ex6_res[52]);
////## final selection muxing fraction
assign ex6_to_int_data[0] = f_nrm_ex6_int_sign; //-and not ex6_word ; --sign
assign ex6_to_int_data[1:10] = f_nrm_ex6_res[1:10] | {10{ex6_word}}; //expo
assign ex6_to_int_data[11] = f_nrm_ex6_res[11] | (~ex6_to_int_imp) | ex6_word; //expo
assign ex6_to_int_imp = f_nrm_ex6_res[1] | f_nrm_ex6_res[2] | f_nrm_ex6_res[3] | f_nrm_ex6_res[4] | f_nrm_ex6_res[5] | f_nrm_ex6_res[6] | f_nrm_ex6_res[7] | f_nrm_ex6_res[8] | f_nrm_ex6_res[9] | f_nrm_ex6_res[10] | f_nrm_ex6_res[11] | ex6_word; // or together what will be the fraction bits
assign ex6_to_int_data[12] = f_nrm_ex6_res[12] | ex6_word; //frac start (no implicit)
assign ex6_to_int_data[13:31] = f_nrm_ex6_res[13:31] & {19{(~ex6_word)}}; //frac start (no implicit)
assign ex6_to_int_data[32:52] = f_nrm_ex6_res[32:52];
assign ex6_to_int_data[53:63] = f_nrm_ex6_int_lsbs[2:12];
assign ex6_p0_sel_dflt = (~ex6_to_integer) & (~ex6_sel_est) & (~f_gst_ex6_logexp_v) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v) & (~ex6_sel_fpscr);
assign ex6_sel_est_v = ex6_sel_est & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_logexp_v = f_gst_ex6_logexp_v & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_divsqrt_v = |(f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_sel_fpscr_v = ex6_sel_fpscr & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_frac_misc[0] = (ex6_sel_est_v & f_tbl_ex6_est_frac[0]) | (ex6_logexp_v & f_gst_ex6_logexp_fract[0]) | (ex6_divsqrt_v & f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fract[0]);
assign ex6_frac_misc[1:16] = ({16{ex6_sel_est_v}} & f_tbl_ex6_est_frac[1:16]) |
({16{ex6_logexp_v}} & f_gst_ex6_logexp_fract[1:16]) |
({16{ex6_divsqrt_v}} & f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fract[1:16]);
assign ex6_frac_misc[17:19] = ({3{ex6_sel_est_v}} & f_tbl_ex6_est_frac[17:19]) |
({3{ex6_sel_fpscr_v}} & f_scr_ex6_fpscr_rd_dat_dfp[0:2]) |
({3{ex6_logexp_v}} & f_gst_ex6_logexp_fract[17:19]) |
({3{ex6_divsqrt_v}} & f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fract[17:19]);
assign ex6_frac_misc[20] = ((ex6_sel_est_v) & f_tbl_ex6_est_frac[20]) | ((ex6_sel_fpscr_v) & f_scr_ex6_fpscr_rd_dat_dfp[3]) | ((ex6_divsqrt_v) & f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fract[20]);
assign ex6_frac_misc[21:26] = ({6{ex6_sel_est_v}} & f_tbl_ex6_est_frac[21:26]) |
({6{ex6_sel_fpscr_v}} & f_scr_ex6_fpscr_rd_dat[0:5]) |
({6{ex6_divsqrt_v}} & f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fract[21:26]);
assign ex6_frac_misc[27:52] = ({26{ex6_sel_fpscr_v}} & f_scr_ex6_fpscr_rd_dat[6:31]) |
({26{ex6_divsqrt_v}} & f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_fract[27:52]);
assign ex6_frac_p0[0] = (ex6_p0_sel_dflt & f_nrm_ex6_res[0]) | (ex6_to_integer & ex6_to_int_imp) | (ex6_frac_misc[0]); // toInteger never rounds up
assign ex6_frac_p0[1] = (ex6_p0_sel_dflt & f_nrm_ex6_res[1]) | (ex6_to_integer & ex6_to_int_data[12]) | (ex6_frac_misc[1]) | (ex6_quiet); // toInteger never rounds up
assign ex6_frac_p0[2:19] = ({18{ex6_p0_sel_dflt}} & f_nrm_ex6_res[2:19]) |
({18{ex6_to_integer}} & ex6_to_int_data[13:30]) |
(ex6_frac_misc[2:19]); // toInteger never rounds up
assign ex6_frac_p0[20:52] = ({33{ex6_p0_sel_dflt}} & f_nrm_ex6_res[20:52]) |
({33{ex6_to_integer}} & ex6_to_int_data[31:63]) |
(ex6_frac_misc[20:52]); // toInteger never rounds up
assign ex6_frac_px[0:23] = ({24{ex6_sel_up_b}} & ex6_frac_p0[0:23]) |
({24{ex6_sel_up}} & ex6_frac_p1[0:23]);
assign ex6_frac_px[24:52] = ({29{ex6_sel_up_dp_b}} & ex6_frac_p0[24:52]) |
({29{ex6_sel_up_dp}} & ex6_frac_p1[24:52]);
// int 32:63 => frac 21:52 [21] is the integer sign bit
assign ex6_frac_k[0] = ex6_k_notzer | ex6_word; // implicit bit
assign ex6_frac_k[1] = ex6_k_max_intmax_nan | ex6_word;
assign ex6_frac_k[2:20] = {19{(ex6_k_max_intmax & (~ex6_word))}};
assign ex6_frac_k[21] = ex6_k_max_intsgn; // sign of int word
assign ex6_frac_k[22] = ex6_k_max_intmax;
assign ex6_frac_k[23] = ex6_k_max_intmax;
assign ex6_frac_k[24:52] = {29{ex6_k_max_intmax_nsp}};
assign ex6_k_notzer = (~(f_pic_ex6_k_zer | f_pic_ex6_k_int_zer | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxneg)); //or f_pic_ex6_k_one
assign ex6_k_max_intmax_nan = f_pic_ex6_k_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | f_pic_ex6_k_nan;
assign ex6_k_max_intmax = f_pic_ex6_k_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos;
assign ex6_k_max_intmax_nsp = (f_pic_ex6_k_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos) & (~ex6_sp);
// not to-integer
// dw-to_integer
assign ex6_k_max_intsgn = (f_pic_ex6_k_max) | (f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos & (~ex6_word)) | (f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxneg & ex6_word & (~ex6_uns)) | (f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos & ex6_word & ex6_uns); // wd-to-integer signed
// wd-to-integer unsigned
assign ex6_res_frac[0] = (ex6_frac_k[0] & ex6_res_sel_k_f) | (ex6_frac_px[0] & (~ex6_res_sel_k_f)); // for to integer (impl needs extra logic)
assign ex6_res_frac[1:52] = (ex6_frac_k[1:52] & {52{ex6_res_sel_k_f}}) |
(ex6_frac_px[1:52] & {52{(~ex6_res_sel_k_f)}});
////## final selection muxing exponent
// max sp expo 1151 is wrong 1151 =127+1024 0_0100_0111_1111
// 1150 0_0100_0111_1110
assign ex6_k_inf_nan_max = f_pic_ex6_k_nan | f_pic_ex6_k_inf | f_pic_ex6_k_max;
assign ex6_k_inf_nan_maxdp = f_pic_ex6_k_nan | f_pic_ex6_k_inf | (f_pic_ex6_k_max & (~ex6_sp));
assign ex6_k_inf_nan_zer = f_pic_ex6_k_nan | f_pic_ex6_k_inf | f_pic_ex6_k_zer;
assign ex6_k_zer_sp = f_pic_ex6_k_zer & ex6_sp;
assign ex6_expo_k[1] = tidn; // 4096 sign
assign ex6_expo_k[2] = tidn; // 2048
assign ex6_expo_k[3] = ex6_k_inf_nan_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_word; // 1024
assign ex6_expo_k[4] = ex6_k_inf_nan_maxdp | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_k_zer_sp | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0512
assign ex6_expo_k[5] = ex6_k_inf_nan_maxdp | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_k_zer_sp | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0256
assign ex6_expo_k[6] = ex6_k_inf_nan_maxdp | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_k_zer_sp | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0128
assign ex6_expo_k[7] = ex6_k_inf_nan_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0064
assign ex6_expo_k[8] = ex6_k_inf_nan_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0032
assign ex6_expo_k[9] = ex6_k_inf_nan_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0016
assign ex6_expo_k[10] = ex6_k_inf_nan_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0008
assign ex6_expo_k[11] = ex6_k_inf_nan_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0004
assign ex6_expo_k[12] = ex6_k_inf_nan_max | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0002
assign ex6_expo_k[13] = ex6_k_inf_nan_zer | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxpos | ex6_k_zero | f_pic_ex6_k_int_maxneg | ex6_word | f_pic_ex6_k_one; // 0001
assign ex6_expo_p0k[1:13] = (ex6_expo_k[1:13] & {13{ex6_expo_p0_sel_k}}) |
(({tidn, tidn, ex6_to_int_data[1:11]}) & {13{ex6_expo_p0_sel_int}}) |
(({tidn, tidn, f_gst_ex6_logexp_exp[1:11]}) & {13{ex6_expo_p0_sel_gst}}) |
((f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_exp[1:13]) & {13{ex6_expo_p0_sel_divsqrt}}) |
(({{12{tidn}}, tiup}) & {13{ex6_sel_fpscr_v}}) |
(f_eov_ex6_expo_p0[1:13] & {13{ex6_expo_p0_sel_dflt}});
assign ex6_expo_p1k[1:13] = (ex6_expo_k[1:13] & {13{ex6_expo_p1_sel_k}}) |
(f_eov_ex6_expo_p1[1:13] & {13{ex6_expo_p1_sel_dflt}});
assign ex6_expo_p0kx[1:7] = (ex6_expo_p0k[1:7] & {7{(~ex6_sel_p0_joke)}}) |
(({tidn, tidn, f_eov_ex6_expo_p0_ue1oe1[3:7]}) & {7{ex6_sel_p0_joke}});
assign ex6_expo_p1kx[1:7] = (ex6_expo_p1k[1:7] & {7{(~ex6_sel_p1_joke)}}) |
(({tidn, tidn, f_eov_ex6_expo_p1_ue1oe1[3:7]}) & {7{ex6_sel_p1_joke}});
assign ex6_expo_p0kx[8:12] = ex6_expo_p0k[8:12]; // joke does not effect these bits
assign ex6_expo_p1kx[8:12] = ex6_expo_p1k[8:12]; // joke does not effect these bits
// the silly exceptions enabled logic could wrap around and hit the exponent Zero
// if it is nonZero: it will normalize
// overflow
// DP constant = 1536 overflow = 2047 = 2047 Expo>=2047, subtracting 1536 cannot hit zero
// SP constant = 192 overflow = 255 + 896 = 1151 Expo>=1151, subtracting 192 cannot hit zero
// underflow
// DP constant = 1536 underflow at zero ... worst expo = -53???
// SP constant = 192 underflow at 896 ... worst expo =
assign ex6_expo_p0kx[13] = ex6_expo_p0k[13]; //or not ex6_res_frac(0) ; -- joke does not effect these bits
assign ex6_expo_p1kx[13] = ex6_expo_p1k[13]; //or not ex6_res_frac(0) ; -- joke does not effect these bits
assign ex6_res_expo[1] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[1] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[1] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 4096 /sign
assign ex6_res_expo[2] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[2] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[2] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 2048
assign ex6_res_expo[3] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[3] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[3] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 1024
assign ex6_res_expo[4] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[4] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_sp & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & ex6_res_clip_e) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[4] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 512
assign ex6_res_expo[5] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[5] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_sp & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & ex6_res_clip_e) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[5] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 256
assign ex6_res_expo[6] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[6] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_sp & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & ex6_res_clip_e) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[6] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 128
assign ex6_res_expo[7] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[7] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[7] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 64
assign ex6_res_expo[8] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[8] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[8] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 32
assign ex6_res_expo[9] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[9] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[9] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 16
assign ex6_res_expo[10] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[10] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[10] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 8
assign ex6_res_expo[11] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[11] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[11] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 4
assign ex6_res_expo[12] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[12] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & (~ex6_res_clip_e)) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[12] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 2
assign ex6_res_expo[13] = (ex6_expo_p0kx[13] & (~ex6_res_sel_p1_e)) | ((~ex6_res_sel_p1_e) & ex6_res_clip_e) | (ex6_expo_p1kx[13] & ex6_res_sel_p1_e); // 1
////## final selection muxing sign
// actually know to_integer sign for signed convert ahead of time.
// may be unsigned converts in the future
assign ex6_sgn_result_fp = f_pic_ex6_round_sign ^ f_pic_ex6_invert_sign;
assign ex6_res_sign_prez = (ex6_sgn_result_fp & (~((ex6_to_integer | f_gst_ex6_logexp_v | ex6_divsqrt_v) & (~ex6_expo_sel_k)))) | (ex6_to_int_data[0] & (ex6_to_integer & (~ex6_expo_sel_k)) & (~ex6_word)) | (f_gst_ex6_logexp_sign & (f_gst_ex6_logexp_v & (~ex6_expo_sel_k))) | (f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_sign & (ex6_divsqrt_v & (~ex6_expo_sel_k)));
assign ex6_exact_zero_rnd = f_nrm_ex6_exact_zero & (~f_nrm_ex6_nrm_sticky_dp); // really just after aligner sicky from shift underflow
assign ex6_rnd_ni_adj = ex6_rnd_ni ^ f_pic_ex6_invert_sign;
assign ex6_exact_sgn_rst = f_pic_ex6_en_exact_zero & ex6_exact_zero_rnd & (~ex6_rnd_ni_adj);
assign ex6_exact_sgn_set = f_pic_ex6_en_exact_zero & ex6_exact_zero_rnd & ex6_rnd_ni_adj;
assign ex6_res_sign = (((ex6_res_sign_prez & (~ex6_exact_sgn_rst)) | ex6_exact_sgn_set) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v)) | (f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_flag_fpscr[6] & ex6_divsqrt_v);
////## selects for final selection muxing
assign ex6_res_sel_k_f = ((f_eov_ex6_sel_kif_f & ex6_all1 & ex6_up) | (f_eov_ex6_sel_k_f) | (ex6_clip_deno) | (ex6_sel_est_v & f_tbl_ex6_recip_den & ex6_nj_deno)) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_res_sel_p1_e = ex6_all1 & ex6_up & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_est_log_pow_divsqrt = f_gst_ex6_logexp_v | ex6_sel_est | ex6_divsqrt_v;
// ??? should al he sel_k override massive cancellation ???
// i.e : unf_expo
// might NOT need this term since implicit catches it above
assign ex6_res_clip_e = (ex6_unf_en_ue0 & (~f_nrm_ex6_res[0]) & (~ex6_expo_sel_k) & (~ex6_est_log_pow_divsqrt)) | (ex6_unf_en_ue0 & f_eov_ex6_unf_expo & (~ex6_expo_sel_k) & (~ex6_est_log_pow_divsqrt)) | (ex6_all0 & (~ex6_to_integer) & (~ex6_expo_sel_k) & (~ex6_est_log_pow_divsqrt)) | (ex6_nj_deno & (~f_nrm_ex6_res[0]) & (~ex6_expo_sel_k) & (~ex6_est_log_pow_divsqrt)); // massive cancel (surprise)
assign ex6_clip_deno = (ex6_nj_deno & (~f_nrm_ex6_res[0]) & (~ex6_expo_sel_k) & (~ex6_est_log_pow_divsqrt));
assign ex6_expo_sel_k = f_eov_ex6_sel_k_e;
assign ex6_expo_sel_k_both = f_eov_ex6_sel_k_e | f_eov_ex6_sel_kif_e;
assign ex6_expo_p0_sel_k = ex6_expo_sel_k & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_expo_p0_sel_gst = (~ex6_expo_sel_k) & f_gst_ex6_logexp_v & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_expo_p0_sel_int = (~ex6_expo_sel_k) & ex6_to_integer & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_expo_p0_sel_dflt = (~ex6_expo_sel_k) & (~ex6_to_integer) & (~f_gst_ex6_logexp_v) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_expo_p0_sel_divsqrt = ex6_divsqrt_v;
assign ex6_expo_p1_sel_k = ex6_expo_sel_k_both;
assign ex6_expo_p1_sel_dflt = (~ex6_expo_sel_k_both);
// ue1/oe1 exponent wrapping
assign ex6_sel_p0_joke = ((ex6_unf_en_ue1 & f_eov_ex6_unf_expo) | (ex6_ovf_en_oe1 & f_eov_ex6_ovf_expo)) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v); // for UX
// ue1/oe1/exponent wrapping
assign ex6_sel_p1_joke = (ex6_unf_en_ue1 & f_eov_ex6_unf_expo) | (ex6_ovf_en_oe1 & f_eov_ex6_ovf_expo) | (ex6_ovf_en_oe1 & f_eov_ex6_ovf_if_expo); // for UX
////## flags for fspscr
assign ex6_pwr4_spec_frsp = ex6_unf_en_ue1 & (~f_nrm_ex6_res[0]) & f_pic_ex6_frsp;
// frsp :
// For ue=1 with sp output , normalize then add 192 to exponent.
// the 192 thing works for madd when both operands are in sp range,
// however it does not work with frsp and a small dp number, smaller than an sp madd can create.
// also frsp needs to know ue=1 to set up a dummy pExpo in rf2 (early).
// this is hard since we are not suppose to stall/flush for mvto_fpscr ops.
// if we set up the constant like ue=0 for both modes, then
// we math the spec up to emin - 160, then give zero as a result.
// this is simillar to (but not exactly inclusive of all) the range where the +192 works.
// power4 seems to do it the ignore ue=1 way.
// power 4 sets the exact denorms to : fprf=+/-norm fi/fr=00
// i like fprf=+/-zero fi/fr=10 fprf=+/-norm fi/fr=11
// although that allows round up out of zero ????
assign ex6_flag_ox = (f_eov_ex6_ovf_expo & (~ex6_divsqrt_v)) | (f_eov_ex6_ovf_if_expo & ex6_all1 & ex6_up & (~ex6_divsqrt_v)) | (f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_flag_fpscr[0] & ex6_divsqrt_v);
assign ex6_ov_oe0 = ex6_flag_ox & ex6_ovf_en_oe0;
assign ex6_flag_inf = (((ex6_spec_inf) | (ex6_ov_oe0 & (~f_pic_ex6_k_max))) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v)) | (f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_flag_fpscr[9] & ex6_divsqrt_v); // rnd mode decides if to use infinity
//fr is <was> undefined for the ovf case (usin Loki reference model that sets it to 1).
assign ex6_flag_up = ((ex6_ov_oe0 | ex6_up) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v)) | (f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_flag_fpscr[4] & ex6_divsqrt_v); // (ex6_up and not ex6_pwr4_spec_frsp) ;
assign ex6_flag_fi = ((ex6_ov_oe0 | ex6_gox) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v)) | (f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_flag_fpscr[5] & ex6_divsqrt_v); // (ex6_gox and not ex6_pwr4_spec_frsp) ;
// ue=0: lzo limits exponent to 381 ... look at pre-round implicit bit
// tiny with precision loss
// tiny
assign ex6_flag_ux = (((ex6_unf_en_ue0 & (~f_nrm_ex6_res[0]) & (~ex6_exact_zero_rnd) & ex6_gox & (~ex6_sel_est)) | (ex6_unf_en_ue0 & f_eov_ex6_unf_expo & (~ex6_exact_zero_rnd) & ex6_gox) | (ex6_unf_en_ue1 & f_eov_ex6_unf_expo & (~ex6_exact_zero_rnd)) | (ex6_unf_en_ue1 & f_eov_ex6_unf_expo & ex6_sel_est) | (ex6_unf_en_ue0 & f_eov_ex6_unf_expo & ex6_sel_est) | (ex6_pwr4_spec_frsp)) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v)) | (f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_flag_fpscr[1] & ex6_divsqrt_v); // (power4 mode)
assign ex6_k_zero = f_pic_ex6_k_zer | f_pic_ex6_k_int_zer;
// start with zero
assign ex6_flag_zer = ((((~ex6_sel_est) & (~ex6_res_sel_k_f) & ex6_all0 & (~ex6_up)) | (ex6_res_sel_k_f & ex6_k_zero)) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v)) | (f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_flag_fpscr[8] & ex6_divsqrt_v); // forcing zero
// !implicit_bit :: denorm
assign ex6_flag_den = ((((~ex6_sel_est) & (~ex6_res_frac[0])) | (ex6_sel_est & f_tbl_ex6_recip_den) | (ex6_sel_est & ex6_unf_en_ue0 & f_eov_ex6_unf_expo)) & (~ex6_divsqrt_v)) | (f_dsq_ex6_divsqrt_flag_fpscr[10] & ex6_divsqrt_v);
////# EX7 latches
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(53), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex7_frac_lat(
.force_t(force_t), //i-- tidn,
.delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[6]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw1_b(mpw1_b[6]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), //i-- tidn,
.dout(ex7_res_frac[0:52]) //LAT--
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(14), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) ex7_expo_lat(
.force_t(force_t), //i-- tidn,
.delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[6]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw1_b(mpw1_b[6]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), //i-- tidn,
.dout({ex7_res_sign, //LAT--
ex7_res_expo[1:13]}) //LAT--
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(10), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex7_flag_lat(
.force_t(force_t), //i-- tidn,
.delay_lclkr(delay_lclkr[6]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw1_b(mpw1_b[6]), //i-- tidn,
.mpw2_b(mpw2_b[1]), //i-- tidn,
.din({ flag_spare_unused,
.dout({ flag_spare_unused, //LAT--
ex7_flag_sgn, //LAT--
ex7_flag_den, //LAT--
ex7_flag_inf, //LAT--
ex7_flag_zer, //LAT--
ex7_flag_ux, //LAT--
ex7_flag_up, //LAT--
ex7_flag_fi, //LAT--
ex7_flag_ox, //LAT--
ex7_nj_deno}) //LAT--
assign f_rnd_ex7_res_sign = ex7_res_sign; //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_res_expo[1:13] = ex7_res_expo[1:13]; //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_res_frac[0:52] = ex7_res_frac[0:52]; //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_flag_sgn = ex7_flag_sgn; //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_flag_den = ex7_flag_den & (~ex7_nj_deno); //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_flag_inf = ex7_flag_inf; //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_flag_zer = ex7_flag_zer | (ex7_flag_den & ex7_nj_deno); //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_flag_ux = ex7_flag_ux & (~(ex7_flag_den & ex7_nj_deno)); //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_flag_up = ex7_flag_up & (~(ex7_flag_den & ex7_nj_deno)); //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_flag_fi = ex7_flag_fi & (~(ex7_flag_den & ex7_nj_deno)); //output--
assign f_rnd_ex7_flag_ox = ex7_flag_ox; //output--
assign f_mad_ex7_uc_sign = ex7_res_sign; //output--
assign f_mad_ex7_uc_zero = ex7_flag_zer & (~ex7_flag_fi); //output-- ??exact zero??
////# scan
assign act_si[0:4] = {act_so[1:4], f_rnd_si};
assign ex6_ctl_si[0:15] = {ex6_ctl_so[1:15], act_so[0]};
assign ex7_frac_si[0:52] = {ex7_frac_so[1:52], ex6_ctl_so[0]};
assign ex7_expo_si[0:13] = {ex7_expo_so[1:13], ex7_frac_so[0]};
assign ex7_flag_si[0:9] = {ex7_flag_so[1:9], ex7_expo_so[0]};
assign f_rnd_so = ex7_flag_so[0];