
1791 lines
68 KiB

// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
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`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
// *********************************************************************
// This is the ENTITY for iuq_spr
// *********************************************************************
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
module iuq_spr(
// inputs for power and gnd
inout vdd,
inout gnd,
// inputs from xx
input iu_slowspr_val_in,
input iu_slowspr_rw_in,
input [0:1] iu_slowspr_etid_in,
input [0:9] iu_slowspr_addr_in,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] iu_slowspr_data_in,
input iu_slowspr_done_in,
// outputs to xx
output iu_slowspr_val_out,
output iu_slowspr_rw_out,
output [0:1] iu_slowspr_etid_out,
output [0:9] iu_slowspr_addr_out,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] iu_slowspr_data_out,
output iu_slowspr_done_out,
// Need to flush any read instructions coming around the ring
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush,
// Signals for branch prediction enable
output [0:3] spr_ic_bp_config,
output [0:5] spr_bp_config,
output [0:1] spr_bp_size,
// decoder match/mask
output [0:31] spr_dec_mask,
output [0:31] spr_dec_match,
output [0:`THREADS-1] spr_single_issue,
//axu config
output [0:7] iu_au_t0_config_iucr,
`ifndef THREADS1
output [0:7] iu_au_t1_config_iucr,
// XU issue priority
output [0:`THREADS-1] spr_high_pri_mask,
output [0:`THREADS-1] spr_med_pri_mask,
output [0:5] spr_t0_low_pri_count,
`ifndef THREADS1
output [0:5] spr_t1_low_pri_count,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_raise_iss_pri,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_pri_val,
input [0:2] xu_iu_pri,
input [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_gs,
input [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_pr,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] spr_ivpr,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] spr_givpr,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac1,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac2,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac3,
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] spr_iac4,
output [0:`THREADS-1] spr_cpcr_we,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr2_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr2_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr2_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr2_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr3_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr3_fu1_cnt,
output [0:6] spr_t0_cpcr3_cp_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr4_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr4_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr4_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr4_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr5_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t0_cpcr5_fu1_cnt,
output [0:6] spr_t0_cpcr5_cp_cnt,
`ifndef THREADS1
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr2_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr2_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr2_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr2_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr3_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr3_fu1_cnt,
output [0:6] spr_t1_cpcr3_cp_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr4_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr4_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr4_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr4_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr5_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_t1_cpcr5_fu1_cnt,
output [0:6] spr_t1_cpcr5_cp_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr0_fx0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr0_fx1_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr0_lq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr0_sq_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr1_fu0_cnt,
output [0:4] spr_cpcr1_fu1_cnt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_spr_eheir_update,
input [0:31] iu_spr_t0_eheir,
`ifndef THREADS1
input [0:31] iu_spr_t1_eheir,
output spr_ic_idir_read,
output [0:1] spr_ic_idir_way,
output [51:57] spr_ic_idir_row,
input ic_spr_idir_done,
input [0:2] ic_spr_idir_lru,
input [0:3] ic_spr_idir_parity,
input ic_spr_idir_endian,
input ic_spr_idir_valid,
input [0:28] ic_spr_idir_tag,
output spr_ic_icbi_ack_en,
output spr_ic_cls,
output spr_ic_clockgate_dis,
output spr_ic_prefetch_dis,
output [0:47] spr_perf_event_mux_ctrls,
output [0:31] spr_cp_perf_event_mux_ctrls,
input clk,
input rst,
input pc_iu_sg_2,
input pc_iu_func_sl_thold_2,
input clkoff_b,
input act_dis,
input tc_ac_ccflush_dc,
input d_mode,
input delay_lclkr,
input mpw1_b,
input mpw2_b,
input scan_in,
output scan_out);
//scan chain
parameter slowspr_val_offset = 0;
parameter slowspr_rw_offset = slowspr_val_offset + 1;
parameter slowspr_etid_offset = slowspr_rw_offset + 1;
parameter slowspr_addr_offset = slowspr_etid_offset + 2;
parameter slowspr_data_offset = slowspr_addr_offset + 10;
parameter slowspr_done_offset = slowspr_data_offset + `GPR_WIDTH;
parameter ivpr_offset = slowspr_done_offset + 1;
parameter givpr_offset = ivpr_offset + 52 - (64 - `GPR_WIDTH);
parameter immr0_offset = givpr_offset + 52 - (64 - `GPR_WIDTH);
parameter imr0_offset = immr0_offset + 32;
parameter iucr0_offset = imr0_offset + 32;
parameter eheir_offset = iucr0_offset + 16;
parameter iucr1_offset = eheir_offset + 32 * `THREADS;
parameter iucr2_offset = iucr1_offset + 14 * `THREADS;
parameter ppr32_offset = iucr2_offset + 8 * `THREADS;
parameter iac1_offset = ppr32_offset + 3 * `THREADS;
parameter iac2_offset = iac1_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH;
parameter iac3_offset = iac2_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH;
parameter iac4_offset = iac3_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH;
parameter cpcr_we_offset = iac4_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH;
parameter cpcr0_offset = cpcr_we_offset + `THREADS;
parameter cpcr1_offset = cpcr0_offset + 32;
parameter cpcr2_offset = cpcr1_offset + 32;
parameter cpcr3_offset = cpcr2_offset + 32 * `THREADS;
parameter cpcr4_offset = cpcr3_offset + 32 * `THREADS;
parameter cpcr5_offset = cpcr4_offset + 32 * `THREADS;
parameter iulfsr_offset = cpcr5_offset + 32 * `THREADS;
parameter iudbg0_offset = iulfsr_offset + 32;
parameter iudbg1_offset = iudbg0_offset + 9;
parameter iudbg2_offset = iudbg1_offset + 11;
parameter iudbg0_exec_offset = iudbg2_offset + 29;
parameter iudbg0_done_offset = iudbg0_exec_offset + 1;
parameter iullcr_offset = iudbg0_done_offset + 1;
parameter cp_flush_offset = iullcr_offset + 18;
parameter spr_msr_gs_offset = cp_flush_offset + `THREADS;
parameter spr_msr_pr_offset = spr_msr_gs_offset + `THREADS;
parameter xu_iu_pri_offset = spr_msr_pr_offset + `THREADS;
parameter xu_iu_pri_val_offset = xu_iu_pri_offset + 3;
parameter iesr3_offset = xu_iu_pri_val_offset + `THREADS;
parameter iesr1_offset = iesr3_offset + 32;
parameter iesr2_offset = iesr1_offset + 24;
parameter raise_iss_pri_offset = iesr2_offset + 24;
parameter scan_right = raise_iss_pri_offset + `THREADS - 1;
parameter [32:63] IMMR0_MASK = 32'b11111111111111111111111111111111;
parameter [32:63] IMR0_MASK = 32'b11111111111111111111111111111111;
parameter [32:63] IULFSR_MASK = 32'b11111111111111111111111111111111;
parameter [32:63] IUDBG0_MASK = 32'b00000000000000000111111111000011;
parameter [32:63] IUDBG1_MASK = 32'b00000000000000000000011111111001;
parameter [32:63] IUDBG2_MASK = 32'b00011111111111111111111111111111;
parameter [32:63] IULLCR_MASK = 32'b00000000000000111100001111110001;
parameter [32:63] IUCR0_MASK = 32'b00000000000000001111001111111111;
parameter [32:63] IUCR1_MASK = 32'b00000000000000000011000000111111;
parameter [32:63] IUCR2_MASK = 32'b11111111000000000000000000000000;
parameter [32:63] PPR32_MASK = 32'b00000000000111000000000000000000;
parameter [32:63] EVENTMUX_128_MASK = 32'b11111111111111111111111100000000;
// signals
wire slowspr_val_act;
wire slowspr_val_d;
wire slowspr_val_l2;
wire slowspr_rw_d;
wire slowspr_rw_l2;
wire [0:1] slowspr_etid_d;
wire [0:1] slowspr_etid_l2;
wire [0:9] slowspr_addr_d;
wire [0:9] slowspr_addr_l2;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] slowspr_data_d;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] slowspr_data_l2;
wire slowspr_done_d;
wire slowspr_done_l2;
wire iu_slowspr_done;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] iu_slowspr_data;
wire ivpr_sel;
wire ivpr_wren;
wire ivpr_rden;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] ivpr_d;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] ivpr_l2;
wire givpr_sel;
wire givpr_wren;
wire givpr_rden;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] givpr_d;
wire [64-`GPR_WIDTH:51] givpr_l2;
wire immr0_sel;
wire immr0_wren;
wire immr0_rden;
wire [32:63] immr0_d;
wire [32:63] immr0_l2;
wire imr0_sel;
wire imr0_wren;
wire imr0_rden;
wire [32:63] imr0_d;
wire [32:63] imr0_l2;
wire iulfsr_sel;
wire iulfsr_wren;
wire iulfsr_rden;
wire [32:63] iulfsr_d;
wire [32:63] iulfsr_l2;
wire [1:28] iulfsr;
wire iulfsr_act;
wire iudbg0_sel;
wire iudbg0_wren;
wire iudbg0_rden;
wire [49:57] iudbg0_d;
wire [49:57] iudbg0_l2;
wire [32:63] iudbg0;
wire iudbg0_exec_wren;
wire iudbg0_exec_d;
wire iudbg0_exec_l2;
wire iudbg0_done_wren;
wire iudbg0_done_d;
wire iudbg0_done_l2;
wire iudbg1_sel;
wire iudbg1_wren;
wire iudbg1_rden;
wire [53:63] iudbg1_d;
wire [53:63] iudbg1_l2;
wire [32:63] iudbg1;
wire iudbg2_sel;
wire iudbg2_wren;
wire iudbg2_rden;
wire [35:63] iudbg2_d;
wire [35:63] iudbg2_l2;
wire [32:63] iudbg2;
wire iullcr_sel;
wire iullcr_wren;
wire iullcr_rden;
wire [46:63] iullcr_d;
wire [46:63] iullcr_l2;
wire [32:63] iullcr;
wire iucr0_sel;
wire iucr0_wren;
wire iucr0_rden;
wire [48:63] iucr0_d;
wire [48:63] iucr0_l2;
wire [32:63] iucr0;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] eheir_sel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] eheir_wren;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] eheir_rden;
wire [32:63] eheir_d[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] eheir_l2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] eheir[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iucr1_sel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iucr1_wren;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iucr1_rden;
wire [50:63] iucr1_d[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [50:63] iucr1_l2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] iucr1[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iucr2_sel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iucr2_wren;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] iucr2_rden;
wire [0:7] iucr2_d[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:7] iucr2_l2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] iucr2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] ppr32_sel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] ppr32_wren;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] ppr32_rden;
wire [43:45] ppr32_d[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [43:45] ppr32_l2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] ppr32[0:`THREADS-1];
wire iac1_sel;
wire iac1_wren;
wire iac1_rden;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] iac1_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] iac1_l2;
wire [0:63] iac1;
wire iac2_sel;
wire iac2_wren;
wire iac2_rden;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] iac2_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] iac2_l2;
wire [0:63] iac2;
wire iac3_sel;
wire iac3_wren;
wire iac3_rden;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] iac3_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] iac3_l2;
wire [0:63] iac3;
wire iac4_sel;
wire iac4_wren;
wire iac4_rden;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] iac4_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_ARCH:61] iac4_l2;
wire [0:63] iac4;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_cpcr_we_d;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_cpcr_we_l2;
wire cpcr0_sel;
wire cpcr0_wren;
wire cpcr0_rden;
wire [32:63] cpcr0_d;
wire [32:63] cpcr0_l2;
wire [32:63] cpcr0;
wire cpcr1_sel;
wire cpcr1_wren;
wire cpcr1_rden;
wire [32:63] cpcr1_d;
wire [32:63] cpcr1_l2;
wire [32:63] cpcr1;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr2_sel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr2_wren;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr2_rden;
wire [32:63] cpcr2_d[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] cpcr2_l2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] cpcr2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr3_sel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr3_wren;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr3_rden;
wire [32:63] cpcr3_d[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] cpcr3_l2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] cpcr3[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr4_sel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr4_wren;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr4_rden;
wire [32:63] cpcr4_d[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] cpcr4_l2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] cpcr4[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr5_sel;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr5_wren;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cpcr5_rden;
wire [32:63] cpcr5_d[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] cpcr5_l2[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [32:63] cpcr5[0:`THREADS-1];
wire [0:`THREADS-1] hi_pri;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] lo_pri;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] priv_mode;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] hypv_mode;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush_l2;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_gs_l2;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] spr_msr_pr_l2;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_pri_val_l2;
wire [0:2] xu_iu_pri_l2;
wire iesr3_sel;
wire iesr3_wren;
wire iesr3_rden;
wire [32:63] iesr3_d;
wire [32:63] iesr3_l2;
wire iesr1_sel;
wire iesr1_wren;
wire iesr1_rden;
wire [32:55] iesr1_d;
wire [32:55] iesr1_l2;
wire iesr2_sel;
wire iesr2_wren;
wire iesr2_rden;
wire [32:55] iesr2_d;
wire [32:55] iesr2_l2;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] xu_iu_raise_iss_pri_l2;
// pervasive signals
wire tiup;
wire pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_iu_sg_1;
wire pc_iu_sg_0;
wire force_t;
wire [0:scan_right] siv;
wire [0:scan_right] sov;
wire [0:3] slowspr_tid;
assign tiup = 1'b1;
//assign tidn = 1'b0;
// latches
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) slowspr_val_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) slowspr_rw_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) slowspr_etid_reg(
.scin(siv[slowspr_etid_offset:slowspr_etid_offset + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov[slowspr_etid_offset:slowspr_etid_offset + 2 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(10), .INIT(0)) slowspr_addr_reg(
.scin(siv[slowspr_addr_offset:slowspr_addr_offset + 10 - 1]),
.scout(sov[slowspr_addr_offset:slowspr_addr_offset + 10 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`GPR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) slowspr_data_reg(
.scin(siv[slowspr_data_offset:slowspr_data_offset + `GPR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[slowspr_data_offset:slowspr_data_offset + `GPR_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) slowspr_done_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`GPR_WIDTH-12), .INIT(0)) ivpr_reg(
.scin(siv[ivpr_offset:ivpr_offset + (`GPR_WIDTH-12) - 1]),
.scout(sov[ivpr_offset:ivpr_offset + (`GPR_WIDTH-12) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`GPR_WIDTH-12), .INIT(0)) givpr_reg(
.scin(siv[givpr_offset:givpr_offset + (`GPR_WIDTH-12) - 1]),
.scout(sov[givpr_offset:givpr_offset + (`GPR_WIDTH-12) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(65535)) immr0a_reg(
.scin(siv[immr0_offset:immr0_offset + 16 - 1]),
.scout(sov[immr0_offset:immr0_offset + 16 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(65535)) immr0b_reg(
.scin(siv[immr0_offset + 16:immr0_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[immr0_offset + 16:immr0_offset + 32 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0)) imr0_reg(
.scin(siv[imr0_offset:imr0_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[imr0_offset:imr0_offset + 32 - 1]),
//init 0x000000F9
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(`INIT_IUCR0)) iucr0_reg(
.scin(siv[iucr0_offset:iucr0_offset + 16 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iucr0_offset:iucr0_offset + 16 - 1]),
begin : xhdl1
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= `THREADS - 1; i = i + 1)
begin : thread_regs
//init 0x00001000
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0)) eheir_reg(
.scin(siv[eheir_offset + i * 32:eheir_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[eheir_offset + i * 32:eheir_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
//init 0x00001000
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(14), .INIT(4096)) iucr1_reg(
.scin(siv[iucr1_offset + i * 14:iucr1_offset + (i + 1) * 14 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iucr1_offset + i * 14:iucr1_offset + (i + 1) * 14 - 1]),
//init 0x00000000
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0)) iucr2_reg(
.scin(siv[iucr2_offset + i * 8:iucr2_offset + (i + 1) * 8 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iucr2_offset + i * 8:iucr2_offset + (i + 1) * 8 - 1]),
//init 0x000c0000
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(3)) ppr32_reg(
.scin(siv[ppr32_offset + i * 3:ppr32_offset + (i + 1) * 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov[ppr32_offset + i * 3:ppr32_offset + (i + 1) * 3 - 1]),
//wtf these need INITs DEFINE'd!!
// hex 0A0A0E0A = 168431114
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(168431114)) cpcr2_reg(
.scin(siv[cpcr2_offset + i * 32:cpcr2_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[cpcr2_offset + i * 32:cpcr2_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
// hex 000A0020 = 655392
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(655392)) cpcr3_reg(
.scin(siv[cpcr3_offset + i * 32:cpcr3_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[cpcr3_offset + i * 32:cpcr3_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
// hex 06060806 = 101058566
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(101058566)) cpcr4_reg(
.scin(siv[cpcr4_offset + i * 32:cpcr4_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[cpcr4_offset + i * 32:cpcr4_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
// hex 00060010 = 393232
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(393232)) cpcr5_reg(
.scin(siv[cpcr5_offset + i * 32:cpcr5_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[cpcr5_offset + i * 32:cpcr5_offset + (i + 1) * 32 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0)) cpcr_we_reg(
.scin(siv[cpcr_we_offset:cpcr_we_offset + `THREADS-1]),
.scout(sov[cpcr_we_offset:cpcr_we_offset + `THREADS-1]),
// hex 0C0C100C = 202117132
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(`INIT_CPCR0)) cpcr0_reg(
.scin(siv[cpcr0_offset:cpcr0_offset + 32-1]),
.scout(sov[cpcr0_offset:cpcr0_offset + 32-1]),
// hex 000C0C00 = 789504
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(`INIT_CPCR1)) cpcr1_reg(
.scin(siv[cpcr1_offset:cpcr1_offset + 32-1]),
.scout(sov[cpcr1_offset:cpcr1_offset + 32-1]),
//init 0x00000000
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_ARCH), .INIT(0)) iac1_reg(
.scin(siv[iac1_offset:iac1_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH - 1]),
.scout(sov[iac1_offset:iac1_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH - 1]),
//init 0x00000000
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_ARCH), .INIT(0)) iac2_reg(
.scin(siv[iac2_offset:iac2_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH - 1]),
.scout(sov[iac2_offset:iac2_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH - 1]),
//init 0x00000000
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_ARCH), .INIT(0)) iac3_reg(
.scin(siv[iac3_offset:iac3_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH - 1]),
.scout(sov[iac3_offset:iac3_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH - 1]),
//init 0x00000000
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_ARCH), .INIT(0)) iac4_reg(
.scin(siv[iac4_offset:iac4_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH - 1]),
.scout(sov[iac4_offset:iac4_offset + `EFF_IFAR_ARCH - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(26)) iulfsr_reg(
.scin(siv[iulfsr_offset:iulfsr_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iulfsr_offset:iulfsr_offset + 32 - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(9), .INIT(0)) iudbg0_reg(
.scin(siv[iudbg0_offset:iudbg0_offset + 9 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iudbg0_offset:iudbg0_offset + 9 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iudbg0_done_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iudbg0_exec_reg(
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(11), .INIT(0)) iudbg1_reg(
.scin(siv[iudbg1_offset:iudbg1_offset + 11 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iudbg1_offset:iudbg1_offset + 11 - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(29), .INIT(0)) iudbg2_reg(
.scin(siv[iudbg2_offset:iudbg2_offset + 29 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iudbg2_offset:iudbg2_offset + 29 - 1]),
//init 0x00020040
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(18), .INIT(131136)) iullcr_reg(
.scin(siv[iullcr_offset:iullcr_offset + 18 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iullcr_offset:iullcr_offset + 18 - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0)) cp_flush_latch(
.scin(siv[cp_flush_offset:cp_flush_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[cp_flush_offset:cp_flush_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0)) spr_msr_gs_latch(
.scin(siv[spr_msr_gs_offset:spr_msr_gs_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[spr_msr_gs_offset:spr_msr_gs_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0)) spr_msr_pr_latch(
.scin(siv[spr_msr_pr_offset:spr_msr_pr_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[spr_msr_pr_offset:spr_msr_pr_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0)) xu_iu_pri_reg(
.scin(siv[xu_iu_pri_offset:xu_iu_pri_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov[xu_iu_pri_offset:xu_iu_pri_offset + 3 - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0)) xu_iu_pri_val_reg(
.scin(siv[xu_iu_pri_val_offset:xu_iu_pri_val_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[xu_iu_pri_val_offset:xu_iu_pri_val_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0)) iesr3_reg(
.scin(siv[iesr3_offset:iesr3_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iesr3_offset:iesr3_offset + 32 - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(24), .INIT(0)) iesr1_reg(
.scin(siv[iesr1_offset:iesr1_offset + 24 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iesr1_offset:iesr1_offset + 24 - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(24), .INIT(0)) iesr2_reg(
.scin(siv[iesr2_offset:iesr2_offset + 24 - 1]),
.scout(sov[iesr2_offset:iesr2_offset + 24 - 1]),
tri_ser_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`THREADS), .INIT(0)) raise_iss_pri_reg(
.scin(siv[raise_iss_pri_offset:raise_iss_pri_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[raise_iss_pri_offset:raise_iss_pri_offset + `THREADS - 1]),
// inputs
assign slowspr_val_d = iu_slowspr_val_in & ~|(slowspr_tid[0:`THREADS - 1] & cp_flush_l2);
assign slowspr_rw_d = iu_slowspr_rw_in;
assign slowspr_etid_d = iu_slowspr_etid_in;
assign slowspr_addr_d = iu_slowspr_addr_in;
assign slowspr_data_d = iu_slowspr_data_in;
assign slowspr_done_d = iu_slowspr_done_in;
// outputs
assign slowspr_tid = (iu_slowspr_etid_in == 2'b00) ? 4'b1000 :
(iu_slowspr_etid_in == 2'b01) ? 4'b0100 :
(iu_slowspr_etid_in == 2'b10) ? 4'b0010 :
(iu_slowspr_etid_in == 2'b11) ? 4'b0001 :
assign iu_slowspr_val_out = slowspr_val_l2;
assign iu_slowspr_rw_out = slowspr_rw_l2;
assign iu_slowspr_etid_out = slowspr_etid_l2;
assign iu_slowspr_addr_out = slowspr_addr_l2;
assign iu_slowspr_data_out = slowspr_data_l2 | iu_slowspr_data;
assign iu_slowspr_done_out = slowspr_done_l2 | iu_slowspr_done;
assign spr_dec_mask[0:31] = immr0_l2[32:63];
assign spr_dec_match[0:31] = imr0_l2[32:63];
assign spr_ic_clockgate_dis = iucr0_l2[48];
assign spr_ic_prefetch_dis = iucr0_l2[49];
assign spr_ic_cls = iucr0_l2[50];
assign spr_ic_icbi_ack_en = iucr0_l2[51];
assign spr_ic_bp_config = iucr0_l2[56:59];
assign spr_bp_config = {iucr0_l2[60:63], iucr0_l2[54:55]};
assign spr_single_issue = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign iu_au_t0_config_iucr = iucr2_l2[0];
`ifndef THREADS1
assign iu_au_t1_config_iucr = iucr2_l2[1];
assign spr_ivpr = ivpr_l2;
assign spr_givpr = givpr_l2;
assign spr_iac1 = iac1_l2;
assign spr_iac2 = iac2_l2;
assign spr_iac3 = iac3_l2;
assign spr_iac4 = iac4_l2;
assign spr_cpcr_we = spr_cpcr_we_l2;
assign spr_t0_cpcr2_fx0_cnt = cpcr2_l2[0][35:39];
assign spr_t0_cpcr2_fx1_cnt = cpcr2_l2[0][43:47];
assign spr_t0_cpcr2_lq_cnt = cpcr2_l2[0][51:55];
assign spr_t0_cpcr2_sq_cnt = cpcr2_l2[0][59:63];
assign spr_t0_cpcr3_fu0_cnt = cpcr3_l2[0][43:47];
assign spr_t0_cpcr3_fu1_cnt = cpcr3_l2[0][51:55];
assign spr_t0_cpcr3_cp_cnt = cpcr3_l2[0][57:63];
assign spr_t0_cpcr4_fx0_cnt = cpcr4_l2[0][35:39];
assign spr_t0_cpcr4_fx1_cnt = cpcr4_l2[0][43:47];
assign spr_t0_cpcr4_lq_cnt = cpcr4_l2[0][51:55];
assign spr_t0_cpcr4_sq_cnt = cpcr4_l2[0][59:63];
assign spr_t0_cpcr5_fu0_cnt = cpcr5_l2[0][43:47];
assign spr_t0_cpcr5_fu1_cnt = cpcr5_l2[0][51:55];
assign spr_t0_cpcr5_cp_cnt = cpcr5_l2[0][57:63];
`ifndef THREADS1
assign spr_t1_cpcr2_fx0_cnt = cpcr2_l2[1][35:39];
assign spr_t1_cpcr2_fx1_cnt = cpcr2_l2[1][43:47];
assign spr_t1_cpcr2_lq_cnt = cpcr2_l2[1][51:55];
assign spr_t1_cpcr2_sq_cnt = cpcr2_l2[1][59:63];
assign spr_t1_cpcr3_fu0_cnt = cpcr3_l2[1][43:47];
assign spr_t1_cpcr3_fu1_cnt = cpcr3_l2[1][51:55];
assign spr_t1_cpcr3_cp_cnt = cpcr3_l2[1][57:63];
assign spr_t1_cpcr4_fx0_cnt = cpcr4_l2[1][35:39];
assign spr_t1_cpcr4_fx1_cnt = cpcr4_l2[1][43:47];
assign spr_t1_cpcr4_lq_cnt = cpcr4_l2[1][51:55];
assign spr_t1_cpcr4_sq_cnt = cpcr4_l2[1][59:63];
assign spr_t1_cpcr5_fu0_cnt = cpcr5_l2[1][43:47];
assign spr_t1_cpcr5_fu1_cnt = cpcr5_l2[1][51:55];
assign spr_t1_cpcr5_cp_cnt = cpcr5_l2[1][57:63];
assign spr_cpcr0_fx0_cnt = cpcr0_l2[35:39];
assign spr_cpcr0_fx1_cnt = cpcr0_l2[43:47];
assign spr_cpcr0_lq_cnt = cpcr0_l2[51:55];
assign spr_cpcr0_sq_cnt = cpcr0_l2[59:63];
assign spr_cpcr1_fu0_cnt = cpcr1_l2[43:47];
assign spr_cpcr1_fu1_cnt = cpcr1_l2[51:55];
assign spr_t0_low_pri_count = iucr1_l2[0][58:63];
`ifndef THREADS1
assign spr_t1_low_pri_count = iucr1_l2[1][58:63];
assign spr_bp_size = 2'b0;
assign spr_ic_idir_read = iudbg0_exec_l2;
assign spr_ic_idir_way = iudbg0_l2[49:50];
assign spr_ic_idir_row = iudbg0_l2[51:57];
assign spr_perf_event_mux_ctrls = {iesr1_l2[32:55], iesr2_l2[32:55]};
assign spr_cp_perf_event_mux_ctrls = iesr3_l2[32:63];
// register select
assign slowspr_val_act = slowspr_val_d | slowspr_val_l2;
assign ivpr_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b0000111111; //63
assign givpr_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b0110111111; //447
assign immr0_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101110001; //881
assign imr0_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101110000; //880
assign iulfsr_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101111011; //891
assign iudbg0_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101111000; //888
assign iudbg1_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101111001; //889
assign iudbg2_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101111010; //890
assign iullcr_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101111100; //892
assign iucr0_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1111110011; //1011
assign cpcr0_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110000; //816
assign cpcr1_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110001; //817
assign eheir_sel[0] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b0000110100) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b00; //52
assign iucr1_sel[0] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101110011) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b00; //883,ti
assign iucr2_sel[0] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101110100) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b00; //884,ti
assign ppr32_sel[0] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1110000010) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b00; //898,ti
assign cpcr2_sel[0] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110010) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b00; //818
assign cpcr3_sel[0] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110100) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b00; //820
assign cpcr4_sel[0] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110101) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b00; //821
assign cpcr5_sel[0] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110110) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b00; //822
`ifndef THREADS1
assign eheir_sel[1] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b0000110100) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b01; //52
assign iucr1_sel[1] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101110011) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b01; //883,ti
assign iucr2_sel[1] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1101110100) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b01; //884,ti
assign ppr32_sel[1] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1110000010) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b01; //898,ti
assign cpcr2_sel[1] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110010) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b01; //818
assign cpcr3_sel[1] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110100) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b01; //820
assign cpcr4_sel[1] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110101) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b01; //821
assign cpcr5_sel[1] = slowspr_val_l2 & (slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1100110110) & slowspr_etid_l2 === 2'b01; //822
assign iac1_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b0100111000; //312
assign iac2_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b0100111001; //313
assign iac3_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b0100111010; //314
assign iac4_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b0100111011; //315
assign iesr3_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1110011100; //924
assign iesr1_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1110010010; //914
assign iesr2_sel = slowspr_val_l2 & slowspr_addr_l2 == 10'b1110010011; //915
assign iu_slowspr_done = (ivpr_sel | givpr_sel | immr0_sel | imr0_sel | iulfsr_sel | iullcr_sel | iucr0_sel | iudbg0_sel | iudbg1_sel | iudbg2_sel) |
(|eheir_sel) | (|iucr1_sel) | (|iucr2_sel) | (|ppr32_sel) | iac1_sel | iac2_sel | iac3_sel | iac4_sel | cpcr0_sel |
cpcr1_sel | (|cpcr2_sel) | (|cpcr3_sel) | (|cpcr4_sel) | (|cpcr5_sel) |iesr3_sel | iesr1_sel | iesr2_sel;
// set priority levels
assign priv_mode = (~spr_msr_pr_l2);
assign hypv_mode = (~spr_msr_pr_l2) & (~spr_msr_gs_l2);
begin : priset
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= `THREADS - 1; i = i + 1)
begin : pricalc
assign lo_pri[i] = ~xu_iu_raise_iss_pri_l2[i] &
(ppr32_l2[i][43:45] == 3'b000 |
ppr32_l2[i][43:45] == 3'b001 |
ppr32_l2[i][43:45] == 3'b010);
assign hi_pri[i] =(ppr32_l2[i][43:45] == 3'b100 & iucr1_l2[i][50:51] == 2'b00) |
(ppr32_l2[i][43:45] == 3'b101 & (iucr1_l2[i][50:51] == 2'b00 | iucr1_l2[i][50:51] == 2'b01)) |
(ppr32_l2[i][43:45] == 3'b110 & (iucr1_l2[i][50:51] == 2'b00 | iucr1_l2[i][50:51] == 2'b01 | iucr1_l2[i][50:51] == 2'b10)) |
ppr32_l2[i][43:45] == 3'b111;
assign spr_high_pri_mask[i] = hi_pri[i];
assign spr_med_pri_mask[i] = ~hi_pri[i] & ~lo_pri[i];
// register write
assign iudbg0_exec_wren = iudbg0_wren | iudbg0_exec_l2;
assign iudbg0_done_wren = iudbg0_wren | ic_spr_idir_done;
assign iudbg1_wren = ic_spr_idir_done;
assign iudbg2_wren = ic_spr_idir_done;
assign ivpr_wren = ivpr_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign givpr_wren = givpr_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign immr0_wren = immr0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign imr0_wren = imr0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign iulfsr_wren = iulfsr_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign iudbg0_wren = iudbg0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign iullcr_wren = iullcr_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign iucr0_wren = iucr0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign eheir_wren[0] = ((slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0) & eheir_sel[0]) | iu_spr_eheir_update[0];
`ifndef THREADS1
assign eheir_wren[1] = ((slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0) & eheir_sel[1]) | iu_spr_eheir_update[1];
assign iucr1_wren = ({`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0}} & iucr1_sel);
assign iucr2_wren = ({`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0}} & iucr2_sel);
assign iac1_wren = iac1_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign iac2_wren = iac2_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign iac3_wren = iac3_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign iac4_wren = iac4_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign cpcr0_wren = cpcr0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign cpcr1_wren = cpcr1_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign cpcr2_wren = ({`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0}} & cpcr2_sel);
assign cpcr3_wren = ({`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0}} & cpcr3_sel);
assign cpcr4_wren = ({`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0}} & cpcr4_sel);
assign cpcr5_wren = ({`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0}} & cpcr5_sel);
assign iesr3_wren = iesr3_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign iesr1_wren = iesr1_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign iesr2_wren = iesr2_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0;
assign ppr32_wren[0] = ((ppr32_sel[0] & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0) | xu_iu_pri_val_l2[0]) &
((ppr32_d[0] == 3'b001 & priv_mode[0]) | (ppr32_d[0] == 3'b010) | (ppr32_d[0] == 3'b011) |
(ppr32_d[0] == 3'b100) | (ppr32_d[0] == 3'b101 & priv_mode[0]) | (ppr32_d[0] == 3'b110 & priv_mode[0]) |
(ppr32_d[0] == 3'b111 & hypv_mode[0]));
`ifndef THREADS1
assign ppr32_wren[1] = ((ppr32_sel[1] & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b0) | xu_iu_pri_val_l2[1]) &
((ppr32_d[1] == 3'b001 & priv_mode[1]) | (ppr32_d[1] == 3'b010) | (ppr32_d[1] == 3'b011) |
(ppr32_d[1] == 3'b100) | (ppr32_d[1] == 3'b101 & priv_mode[1]) | (ppr32_d[1] == 3'b110 & priv_mode[1]) |
(ppr32_d[1] == 3'b111 & hypv_mode[1]));
assign ivpr_d = slowspr_data_l2[64 - `GPR_WIDTH:51];
assign givpr_d = slowspr_data_l2[64 - `GPR_WIDTH:51];
assign immr0_d = IMMR0_MASK & slowspr_data_l2[32:63];
assign imr0_d = IMR0_MASK & slowspr_data_l2[32:63];
assign iulfsr[1:28] = iulfsr_l2[32:59];
assign iulfsr_d = (iulfsr_wren == 1'b1) ? IULFSR_MASK & slowspr_data_l2[32:63] :
{(iulfsr[28] ^ iulfsr[27] ^ iulfsr[26] ^ iulfsr[25] ^ iulfsr[24] ^ iulfsr[8]), iulfsr[1:27], iulfsr_l2[60:63]};
assign iulfsr_act = iulfsr_wren;
assign iudbg0_d = IUDBG0_MASK[49:57] & slowspr_data_l2[49:57];
assign iudbg0_exec_d = (iudbg0_wren == 1'b1) ? IUDBG0_MASK[62] & slowspr_data_l2[62] :
assign iudbg0_done_d = (iudbg0_wren == 1'b1) ? IUDBG0_MASK[63] & slowspr_data_l2[63] :
assign iudbg1_d = IUDBG1_MASK[53:63] & ({ic_spr_idir_lru[0:2], ic_spr_idir_parity[0:3], ic_spr_idir_endian, 2'b00, ic_spr_idir_valid});
assign iudbg2_d = IUDBG2_MASK[35:63] & ic_spr_idir_tag[0:28];
assign iullcr_d = IULLCR_MASK[46:63] & slowspr_data_l2[46:63];
assign iucr0_d = IUCR0_MASK[48:63] & ({slowspr_data_l2[48:49], iucr0_l2[50], slowspr_data_l2[51:63]});
assign eheir_d[0] = (iu_spr_eheir_update[0] == 1'b1) ? iu_spr_t0_eheir : slowspr_data_l2[32:63];
assign iucr1_d[0] = IUCR1_MASK[50:63] & slowspr_data_l2[50:63];
assign iucr2_d[0] = IUCR2_MASK[32:39] & slowspr_data_l2[32:39];
assign ppr32_d[0] = (xu_iu_pri_val_l2[0] == 1'b1) ? PPR32_MASK[43:45] & xu_iu_pri_l2[0:2] : PPR32_MASK[43:45] & slowspr_data_l2[43:45];
assign spr_cpcr_we_d[0] = (~slowspr_etid_l2[1] & cpcr0_wren) | (~slowspr_etid_l2[1] & cpcr1_wren) | cpcr2_wren[0] | cpcr3_wren[0] | cpcr4_wren[0] | cpcr5_wren[0];
assign cpcr0_d = {3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[35:39], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[59:63]};
assign cpcr1_d = {11'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 8'b0};
assign cpcr2_d[0] = {3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[35:39], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[59:63]};
assign cpcr3_d[0] = {11'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 1'b0, slowspr_data_l2[57:63]};
assign cpcr4_d[0] = {3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[35:39], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[59:63]};
assign cpcr5_d[0] = {11'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 1'b0, slowspr_data_l2[57:63]};
`ifndef THREADS1
assign eheir_d[1] = (iu_spr_eheir_update[1] == 1'b1) ? iu_spr_t1_eheir : slowspr_data_l2[32:63];
assign iucr1_d[1] = IUCR1_MASK[50:63] & slowspr_data_l2[50:63];
assign iucr2_d[1] = IUCR2_MASK[32:39] & slowspr_data_l2[32:39];
assign ppr32_d[1] = (xu_iu_pri_val_l2[1] == 1'b1) ? PPR32_MASK[43:45] & xu_iu_pri_l2[0:2] : PPR32_MASK[43:45] & slowspr_data_l2[43:45];
assign spr_cpcr_we_d[1] = (slowspr_etid_l2[1] & cpcr0_wren) | (slowspr_etid_l2[1] & cpcr1_wren) | cpcr2_wren[1] | cpcr3_wren[1] | cpcr4_wren[1] | cpcr5_wren[1];
assign cpcr2_d[1] = {3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[35:39], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[59:63]};
assign cpcr3_d[1] = {11'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 1'b0, slowspr_data_l2[57:63]};
assign cpcr4_d[1] = {3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[35:39], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[59:63]};
assign cpcr5_d[1] = {11'b0, slowspr_data_l2[43:47], 3'b0, slowspr_data_l2[51:55], 1'b0, slowspr_data_l2[57:63]};
assign iac1_d = slowspr_data_l2[62 - (`EFF_IFAR_ARCH):61];
assign iac2_d = slowspr_data_l2[62 - (`EFF_IFAR_ARCH):61];
assign iac3_d = slowspr_data_l2[62 - (`EFF_IFAR_ARCH):61];
assign iac4_d = slowspr_data_l2[62 - (`EFF_IFAR_ARCH):61];
assign iesr3_d = slowspr_data_l2[32:63];
assign iesr1_d = EVENTMUX_128_MASK[32:55] & slowspr_data_l2[32:55];
assign iesr2_d = EVENTMUX_128_MASK[32:55] & slowspr_data_l2[32:55];
// register read
assign ivpr_rden = ivpr_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign givpr_rden = givpr_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign immr0_rden = immr0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign imr0_rden = imr0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iulfsr_rden = iulfsr_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iudbg0_rden = iudbg0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iudbg1_rden = iudbg1_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iudbg2_rden = iudbg2_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iullcr_rden = iullcr_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iucr0_rden = iucr0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign eheir_rden = {`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1}} & eheir_sel;
assign iucr1_rden = {`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1}} & iucr1_sel;
assign iucr2_rden = {`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1}} & iucr2_sel;
assign ppr32_rden = {`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1}} & ppr32_sel;
assign iac1_rden = iac1_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iac2_rden = iac2_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iac3_rden = iac3_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iac4_rden = iac4_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign cpcr0_rden = cpcr0_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign cpcr1_rden = cpcr1_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign cpcr2_rden = {`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1}} & cpcr2_sel;
assign cpcr3_rden = {`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1}} & cpcr3_sel;
assign cpcr4_rden = {`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1}} & cpcr4_sel;
assign cpcr5_rden = {`THREADS{slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1}} & cpcr5_sel;
assign iesr3_rden = iesr3_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iesr1_rden = iesr1_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
assign iesr2_rden = iesr2_sel & slowspr_rw_l2 == 1'b1;
if (`GPR_WIDTH == 64)
begin : r64
assign iu_slowspr_data[0:31] = (ivpr_rden == 1'b1) ? ivpr_l2[0:31] :
(givpr_rden == 1'b1) ? givpr_l2[0:31] :
(iac1_rden == 1'b1) ? iac1[0:31] :
(iac2_rden == 1'b1) ? iac2[0:31] :
(iac3_rden == 1'b1) ? iac3[0:31] :
(iac4_rden == 1'b1) ? iac4[0:31] :
assign iu_slowspr_data[32:63] = (ivpr_rden == 1'b1) ? {ivpr_l2[32:51], 12'b000000000000} :
(givpr_rden == 1'b1) ? {givpr_l2[32:51], 12'b000000000000} :
(immr0_rden == 1'b1) ? immr0_l2 :
(imr0_rden == 1'b1) ? imr0_l2 :
(iulfsr_rden == 1'b1) ? iulfsr_l2 :
(iudbg0_rden == 1'b1) ? iudbg0 :
(iudbg1_rden == 1'b1) ? iudbg1 :
(iudbg2_rden == 1'b1) ? iudbg2 :
(iullcr_rden == 1'b1) ? iullcr :
(iucr0_rden == 1'b1) ? iucr0 :
(eheir_rden[0] == 1'b1) ? eheir[0] :
(iucr1_rden[0] == 1'b1) ? iucr1[0] :
(iucr2_rden[0] == 1'b1) ? iucr2[0] :
(ppr32_rden[0] == 1'b1) ? ppr32[0] :
(cpcr0_rden == 1'b1) ? cpcr0 :
(cpcr1_rden == 1'b1) ? cpcr1 :
(cpcr2_rden[0] == 1'b1) ? cpcr2[0] :
(cpcr3_rden[0] == 1'b1) ? cpcr3[0] :
(cpcr4_rden[0] == 1'b1) ? cpcr4[0] :
(cpcr5_rden[0] == 1'b1) ? cpcr5[0] :
`ifndef THREADS1
(eheir_rden[1] == 1'b1) ? eheir[1] :
(iucr1_rden[1] == 1'b1) ? iucr1[1] :
(iucr2_rden[1] == 1'b1) ? iucr2[1] :
(ppr32_rden[1] == 1'b1) ? ppr32[1] :
(cpcr2_rden[1] == 1'b1) ? cpcr2[1] :
(cpcr3_rden[1] == 1'b1) ? cpcr3[1] :
(cpcr4_rden[1] == 1'b1) ? cpcr4[1] :
(cpcr5_rden[1] == 1'b1) ? cpcr5[1] :
(iac1_rden == 1'b1) ? iac1[32:63] :
(iac2_rden == 1'b1) ? iac2[32:63] :
(iac3_rden == 1'b1) ? iac3[32:63] :
(iac4_rden == 1'b1) ? iac4[32:63] :
(iesr3_rden == 1'b1) ? iesr3_l2[32:63] :
(iesr1_rden == 1'b1) ? {iesr1_l2[32:55], 8'h00} :
(iesr2_rden == 1'b1) ? {iesr2_l2[32:55], 8'h00} :
assign iudbg0[32:63] = {IUDBG0_MASK[32:48], iudbg0_l2[49:57], IUDBG0_MASK[58:61], iudbg0_exec_l2, iudbg0_done_l2};
assign iudbg1[32:63] = {IUDBG1_MASK[32:52], iudbg1_l2[53:63]};
assign iudbg2[32:63] = {IUDBG2_MASK[32:34], iudbg2_l2[35:63]};
assign iullcr[32:63] = {IULLCR_MASK[32:45], iullcr_l2[46:63]};
assign iucr0[32:63] = {IUCR0_MASK[32:47], iucr0_l2[48:63]};
assign eheir[0] = {32{eheir_rden[0]}} & eheir_l2[0];
assign iucr1[0] = {32{iucr1_rden[0]}} & {IUCR1_MASK[32:49], iucr1_l2[0]};
assign iucr2[0] = {32{iucr2_rden[0]}} & {iucr2_l2[0], IUCR2_MASK[40:63]};
assign ppr32[0] = {32{ppr32_rden[0]}} & {PPR32_MASK[32:42], ppr32_l2[0], PPR32_MASK[46:63]};
assign cpcr0 = {32{cpcr0_rden}} & {3'b0, cpcr0_l2[35:39], 3'b0, cpcr0_l2[43:47], 3'b0, cpcr0_l2[51:55], 3'b0, cpcr0_l2[59:63]};
assign cpcr1 = {32{cpcr1_rden}} & {11'b0, cpcr1_l2[43:47], 3'b0, cpcr1_l2[51:55], 8'b0};
assign cpcr2[0] = {32{cpcr2_rden[0]}} & {3'b0, cpcr2_l2[0][35:39], 3'b0, cpcr2_l2[0][43:47], 3'b0, cpcr2_l2[0][51:55], 3'b0, cpcr2_l2[0][59:63]};
assign cpcr3[0] = {32{cpcr3_rden[0]}} & {11'b0, cpcr3_l2[0][43:47], 3'b0, cpcr3_l2[0][51:55], 1'b0, cpcr3_l2[0][57:63]};
assign cpcr4[0] = {32{cpcr4_rden[0]}} & {3'b0, cpcr4_l2[0][35:39], 3'b0, cpcr4_l2[0][43:47], 3'b0, cpcr4_l2[0][51:55], 3'b0, cpcr4_l2[0][59:63]};
assign cpcr5[0] = {32{cpcr5_rden[0]}} & {11'b0, cpcr5_l2[0][43:47], 3'b0, cpcr5_l2[0][51:55], 1'b0, cpcr5_l2[0][57:63]};
`ifndef THREADS1
assign eheir[1] = {32{eheir_rden[1]}} & eheir_l2[1];
assign iucr1[1] = {32{iucr1_rden[1]}} & {IUCR1_MASK[32:49], iucr1_l2[1]};
assign iucr2[1] = {32{iucr2_rden[1]}} & {iucr2_l2[1], IUCR2_MASK[40:63]};
assign ppr32[1] = {32{ppr32_rden[1]}} & {PPR32_MASK[32:42], ppr32_l2[1], PPR32_MASK[46:63]};
assign cpcr2[1] = {32{cpcr2_rden[1]}} & {3'b0, cpcr2_l2[1][35:39], 3'b0, cpcr2_l2[1][43:47], 3'b0, cpcr2_l2[1][51:55], 3'b0, cpcr2_l2[1][59:63]};
assign cpcr3[1] = {32{cpcr3_rden[1]}} & {11'b0, cpcr3_l2[1][43:47], 3'b0, cpcr3_l2[1][51:55], 1'b0, cpcr3_l2[1][57:63]};
assign cpcr4[1] = {32{cpcr4_rden[1]}} & {3'b0, cpcr4_l2[1][35:39], 3'b0, cpcr4_l2[1][43:47], 3'b0, cpcr4_l2[1][51:55], 3'b0, cpcr4_l2[1][59:63]};
assign cpcr5[1] = {32{cpcr5_rden[1]}} & {11'b0, cpcr5_l2[1][43:47], 3'b0, cpcr5_l2[1][51:55], 1'b0, cpcr5_l2[1][57:63]};
begin : xhdl7
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 61; i = i + 1)
begin : iac_width
if (`EFF_IFAR_ARCH > i)
begin : R0
assign iac1[61 - i] = iac1_l2[61 - i];
assign iac2[61 - i] = iac2_l2[61 - i];
assign iac3[61 - i] = iac3_l2[61 - i];
assign iac4[61 - i] = iac4_l2[61 - i];
if (`EFF_IFAR_ARCH <= i)
begin : R1
assign iac1[61 - i] = 1'b0;
assign iac2[61 - i] = 1'b0;
assign iac3[61 - i] = 1'b0;
assign iac4[61 - i] = 1'b0;
assign iac1[62:63] = 2'b00;
assign iac2[62:63] = 2'b00;
assign iac3[62:63] = 2'b00;
assign iac4[62:63] = 2'b00;
// pervasive
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(2)) perv_2to1_reg(
.din({pc_iu_func_sl_thold_2, pc_iu_sg_2}),
.q({pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1, pc_iu_sg_1})
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(2)) perv_1to0_reg(
.din({pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1, pc_iu_sg_1}),
.q({pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0, pc_iu_sg_0})
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor(
// scan
assign siv[0:scan_right] = {scan_in, sov[0:scan_right - 1]};
assign scan_out = sov[scan_right];