267 lines
9.4 KiB
267 lines
9.4 KiB
// © IBM Corp. 2022
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
// available at no cost under the terms of the OpenPOWER Power ISA EULA, which can be
// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org.
// small-core test - see what parms work
// all the _enc's should be created automatically (clog2)
`ifndef _tri_a2o_vh_
`define _tri_a2o_vh_
`include "tri.vh"
`define THREADS1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// updates
// * some may have restrictions (by design or by coding)
// * some may be dependent
// * some may be dependent on reg settings
// breaks sim
//`define CPL_Q_DEPTH 8
//`define CPL_Q_DEPTH_ENC 3
//`define EMQ_ENTRIES 1
//`define LDSTQ_ENTRIES 4
`define LMQ_ENTRIES 4
`define LGQ_ENTRIES 4
// needs src updates
// limited to 5+:
// ../../verilog/work/iuq_ibuf.v:383: error: part select buffer_valid_q[0:-1] is out of order.
// ../../verilog/work/iuq_ibuf.v:410: error: part select buffer_head_q[0:-1] is out of order.
//`define IBUFF_DEPTH 5
// limited to 14/15(?)
//`define DC_SIZE 14 // fails sim
// STQ_FWD_ENTRIES must be 1 or more less than STQ_ENTRIES:
// ../../verilog/work/lq_stq.v:2972: error: part select ex4_fwd_sel[4:3] is out of order.
//`define STQ_ENTRIES 4
//`define STQ_ENTRIES_ENC 2
//`define STQ_FWD_ENTRIES 3
//`define GPR_POOL 8
//`define GPR_POOL_ENC 3
//`define GPR_UCODE_POOL 2
//`define FPR_POOL 2
//`define FPR_POOL_ENC 1
//`define CR_POOL 8
//`define CR_POOL_ENC 3
//`define CR_UCODE_POOL 1
//`define BR_POOL 8
//`define BR_POOL_ENC 3
//`define LR_POOL 8
//`define LR_POOL_ENC 3
//`define LR_UCODE_POOL 0
//`define CTR_POOL 8
//`define CTR_POOL_ENC 3
//`define CTR_UCODE_POOL 0
//`define XER_POOL 8
//`define XER_POOL_ENC 3
//`define XER_UCODE_POOL 0
//`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES 4
//`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES_ENC 2
//`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES 4
//`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES_ENC 2
//`define RV_LQ_ENTRIES 4
//`define RV_LQ_ENTRIES_ENC 2
//`define RV_AXU0_ENTRIES 4
//`define RV_AXU0_ENTRIES_ENC 2
//`define UCODE_ENTRIES 2
// other interesting to try...
//`define FXU1_ENABLE 0
//`define BUILD_PFETCH 0
// things to add in code
// 1. ic_size
// 2. ierat_entries (and/or needs to be replacement code? e.g. no mmu, all hits)
// 3. derat_entries (and/or needs to be replacement code? e.g. no mmu, all hits)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`define gpr_t 3'b000
`define cr_t 3'b001
`define lr_t 3'b010
`define ctr_t 3'b011
`define xer_t 3'b100
`define spr_t 3'b101
`define axu0_t 3'b110
`define axu1_t 3'b111
`ifdef THREADS1
`define THREADS 1
`define THREADS 2
`define EFF_IFAR_ARCH 62
`define EFF_IFAR_WIDTH 20
`define EFF_IFAR 20
`define REGMODE 6
`define REAL_IFAR_WIDTH 42
`define GPR_WIDTH 64
`define GPR_WIDTH_ENC 6
`define ITAG_SIZE_ENC 7
`define CPL_Q_DEPTH 32
`define CPL_Q_DEPTH_ENC 6
`define GPR_POOL_ENC 6
`define GPR_POOL 64
`define GPR_UCODE_POOL 4
`define FPR_POOL 64
`define FPR_POOL_ENC 6
`define CR_POOL_ENC 5
`define CR_POOL 24
`define CR_UCODE_POOL 1
`define BR_POOL_ENC 3
`define BR_POOL 8
`define LR_POOL_ENC 3
`define LR_POOL 8
`define LR_UCODE_POOL 0
`define CTR_POOL_ENC 3
`define CTR_POOL 8
`define CTR_UCODE_POOL 0
`define XER_POOL_ENC 4
`define XER_POOL 12
`define XER_UCODE_POOL 0
`define EMQ_ENTRIES 4
`define LDSTQ_ENTRIES 16 // ls order queue
//`define LMQ_ENTRIES 8 // load miss queue
//`define LMQ_ENTRIES_ENC 3
//`define LGQ_ENTRIES 8 // load gather queue
`define STQ_ENTRIES 12 // store queue
`define STQ_FWD_ENTRIES 4 // number of stq entries that can be forwarded from
`define STQ_DATA_SIZE 64 // 64 or 128 Bit store data sizes supported
`define DC_SIZE 15 // 14 => 16K L1D$, 15 => 32K L1D$
`define CL_SIZE 6 // 6 => 64B CLINE, 7 => 128B CLINE
`define AXU_SPARE_ENC 3
`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_FX0_ENTRIES_ENC 4
`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_FX1_ENTRIES_ENC 4
`define RV_LQ_ENTRIES 16
`define RV_AXU0_ENTRIES 12
`define RV_AXU1_ENTRIES 0
`define FXU1_ENABLE 1
`define TYPE_WIDTH 3
`define PF_IAR_BITS 12 // number of IAR bits used by prefetch
`define FXU0_PIPE_START 1
`define FXU0_PIPE_END 8
`define FXU1_PIPE_START 1
`define FXU1_PIPE_END 5
`define LQ_LOAD_PIPE_END 8
`define LQ_REL_PIPE_END 4
`define IBUFF_DEPTH 16
`define LOAD_CREDITS 8
`define STORE_CREDITS 32
`define IUQ_ENTRIES 4 // Instruction Fetch Queue Size
`define MMQ_ENTRIES 2 // MMU Queue Size
`define CR_WIDTH 4
`define BUILD_PFETCH 1 // 1=> include pfetch in the build, 0=> build without pfetch
`define PF_IFAR_WIDTH 12
`define PFETCH_INITIAL_DEPTH 0 // the initial value for the SPR that determines how many lines to prefetch
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE_ENC 3 // number of bits to address queue size (3 => 8 entries, 4 => 16 entries)
`define PFETCH_Q_SIZE 8 // number of entries
`define INCLUDE_IERAT_BYPASS 1 // 0 => Removes IERAT Bypass logic, 1=> includes (power savings)
`define XER_WIDTH 10
`define INIT_BHT 0 // 0=> array init time set to 16 clocks, 1=> increased to 512 to init BHT
`define INIT_IUCR0 16'h00FA // BP enabled
`define INIT_MASK 2'b10
`define RELQ_INCLUDE 0 // Reload Queue Included
`define G_BRANCH_LEN `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH + 1 + 1 + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH + 3 + 18 + 1
`define INIT_CPCR0 32'h0C0C100C // 000a aaaa 000b bbbb 000c cccc 000d dddd watermarks: a=fx0 b=fx1 c=ls d=sq ---- um p.543 wrong!; was this in vlog: hex 0C0C100C = 202117132
//`define INIT_CPCR0 32'h01010201 // 1/1/2/1
`define INIT_CPCR1 32'h000C0C00 // 0000 0000 000a aaaa 000b bbbb 0000 0000 credits: a=fx0 b=fx1 c=ls d=sq ---- um p.544 wrong!; was this in vlog: hex 000C0C00 = 789504
//`define INIT_CPCR1 32'h00010100 // 1/1
// IERAT boot config entry values
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_0TO15 0
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_16TO31 0
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_32TO47 (2 ** 16) - 1 // 1 for 64K, 65535 for 4G
`define IERAT_BCFG_EPN_48TO51 (2 ** 4) - 1 // 15 for 64K or 4G
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN_22TO31 0 // (2 ** 10) - 1 for x3ff
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN_32TO47 (2 ** 16) - 1 // 1 for 64K, 8181 for 512M, 65535 for 4G
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN_48TO51 (2 ** 4) - 1 // 15 for 64K or 4G
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN2_32TO47 0 // 0 to match dd1 hardwired value; (2**16)-1 for same 64K page
`define IERAT_BCFG_RPN2_48TO51 0 // 0 to match dd1 hardwired value; (2**4)-2 for adjacent 4K page
`define IERAT_BCFG_ATTR 0 // u0-u3, endian
// DERAT boot config entry values
`define DERAT_BCFG_EPN_0TO15 0
`define DERAT_BCFG_EPN_16TO31 0
`define DERAT_BCFG_EPN_32TO47 (2 ** 16) - 1 // 1 for 64K, 65535 for 4G
`define DERAT_BCFG_EPN_48TO51 (2 ** 4) - 1 // 15 for 64K or 4G
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN_22TO31 0 // (2 ** 10) - 1 for x3ff
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN_32TO47 (2 ** 16) - 1 // 1 for 64K, 8191 for 512M, 65535 for 4G
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN_48TO51 (2 ** 4) - 1 // 15 for 64K or 4G
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN2_32TO47 0 // 0 to match dd1 hardwired value; (2**16)-1 for same 64K page
`define DERAT_BCFG_RPN2_48TO51 0 // 0 to match dd1 hardwired value; (2**4)-2 for adjacent 4K page
`define DERAT_BCFG_ATTR 0 // u0-u3, endian
// Do NOT add any defines below this line
`endif //_tri_a2o_vh_