3815 lines
141 KiB
3815 lines
141 KiB
// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
// compliance with the License as modified.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Modified Terms:
// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
// for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Additional rights, including the ability to physically implement a softcore that
// is compliant with the required sections of the Power ISA Specification, are
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// obtained (along with the Power ISA) here: https://openpowerfoundation.org.
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
module iuq_bp(
// parameter `EFF_IFAR_ARCH = 62;
// parameter `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH = 20;
// parameter PRED_TYPE = 0; // 0 = hybrid, 1 = gskew
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
//in from bht
input [0:1] iu2_0_bh0_rd_data;
input [0:1] iu2_1_bh0_rd_data;
input [0:1] iu2_2_bh0_rd_data;
input [0:1] iu2_3_bh0_rd_data;
input [0:1] iu2_0_bh1_rd_data;
input [0:1] iu2_1_bh1_rd_data;
input [0:1] iu2_2_bh1_rd_data;
input [0:1] iu2_3_bh1_rd_data;
input iu2_0_bh2_rd_data;
input iu2_1_bh2_rd_data;
input iu2_2_bh2_rd_data;
input iu2_3_bh2_rd_data;
//out to bht
output [0:9] iu0_bh0_rd_addr;
output [0:9] iu0_bh1_rd_addr;
output [0:8] iu0_bh2_rd_addr;
output iu0_bh0_rd_act;
output iu0_bh1_rd_act;
output iu0_bh2_rd_act;
output [0:1] ex5_bh0_wr_data;
output [0:1] ex5_bh1_wr_data;
output ex5_bh2_wr_data;
output [0:9] ex5_bh0_wr_addr;
output [0:9] ex5_bh1_wr_addr;
output [0:8] ex5_bh2_wr_addr;
output [0:3] ex5_bh0_wr_act;
output [0:3] ex5_bh1_wr_act;
output [0:3] ex5_bh2_wr_act;
//in/out to btb
output [0:5] iu0_btb_rd_addr;
output iu0_btb_rd_act;
input [0:63] iu2_btb_rd_data;
output [0:5] ex5_btb_wr_addr;
output ex5_btb_wr_act;
output [0:63] ex5_btb_wr_data;
input ic_bp_iu0_val;
input [50:59] ic_bp_iu0_ifar;
input [0:3] ic_bp_iu2_val;
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ic_bp_iu2_ifar;
input [0:2] ic_bp_iu2_error;
input ic_bp_iu2_2ucode;
input ic_bp_iu2_flush;
input ic_bp_iu3_flush;
input ic_bp_iu3_ecc_err;
//iu2 instruction(0:31) + predecode(32:35)
input [0:35] ic_bp_iu2_0_instr;
input [0:35] ic_bp_iu2_1_instr;
input [0:35] ic_bp_iu2_2_instr;
input [0:35] ic_bp_iu2_3_instr;
output [0:3] bp_ib_iu3_val;
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_ifar;
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ib_iu3_bta;
//iu3 instruction(0:31) +
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_0_instr;
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_1_instr;
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_2_instr;
output [0:69] bp_ib_iu3_3_instr;
//iu4 hold/redirect
output bp_ic_iu3_hold;
output bp_ic_iu2_redirect;
output bp_ic_iu3_redirect;
output bp_ic_iu4_redirect;
output [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] bp_ic_redirect_ifar;
//ex4 update
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_ifar;
input cp_bp_val;
input [0:1] cp_bp_bh0_hist;
input [0:1] cp_bp_bh1_hist;
input [0:1] cp_bp_bh2_hist;
input cp_bp_br_pred;
input cp_bp_br_taken;
input cp_bp_bh_update;
input cp_bp_bcctr;
input cp_bp_bclr;
input cp_bp_getNIA;
input cp_bp_group;
input cp_bp_lk;
input [0:1] cp_bp_bh;
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] cp_bp_bta;
input [0:9] cp_bp_gshare;
input [0:2] cp_bp_ls_ptr;
input [0:1] cp_bp_btb_hist;
input cp_bp_btb_entry;
//br unit repairs
input [0:17] br_iu_gshare;
input [0:2] br_iu_ls_ptr;
input [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] br_iu_ls_data;
input br_iu_ls_update;
//flush conditions
input iu_flush;
input br_iu_redirect;
input cp_flush;
input ib_ic_iu4_redirect;
input uc_iu4_flush;
//config bits
input [0:5] spr_bp_config;
input [0:1] spr_bp_size;
input xu_iu_msr_de;
input xu_iu_dbcr0_icmp;
input xu_iu_dbcr0_brt;
input xu_iu_iac1_en;
input xu_iu_iac2_en;
input xu_iu_iac3_en;
input xu_iu_iac4_en;
input lq_iu_spr_dbcr3_ivc;
input xu_iu_single_instr_mode;
input spr_single_issue;
inout vdd;
inout gnd;
input clk;
input rst;
input pc_iu_sg_2;
input pc_iu_func_sl_thold_2;
input clkoff_b;
input act_dis;
input tc_ac_ccflush_dc;
input d_mode;
input delay_lclkr;
input mpw1_b;
input mpw2_b;
input [0:1] scan_in;
output [0:1] scan_out;
localparam [0:31] value_1 = 32'h00000001;
localparam [0:31] value_2 = 32'h00000002;
// components
// constants
//scan chain 0
parameter iu0_btb_hist_offset = 0;
parameter iu1_btb_hist_offset = iu0_btb_hist_offset + 128;
parameter iu2_btb_hist_offset = iu1_btb_hist_offset + 2;
parameter gshare_offset = iu2_btb_hist_offset + 2;
parameter gshare_shift0_offset = gshare_offset + 16;
parameter cp_gshare_offset = gshare_shift0_offset + 5;
parameter cp_gs_count_offset = cp_gshare_offset + 16;
parameter cp_gs_taken_offset = cp_gs_count_offset + 2;
parameter iu1_gs_pos_offset = cp_gs_taken_offset + 1;
parameter iu2_gs_pos_offset = iu1_gs_pos_offset + 3;
parameter iu3_gs_pos_offset = iu2_gs_pos_offset + 3;
parameter iu1_gshare_offset = iu3_gs_pos_offset + 3;
parameter iu2_gshare_offset = iu1_gshare_offset + 10;
parameter iu3_bh_offset = iu2_gshare_offset + 10;
parameter iu3_lk_offset = iu3_bh_offset + 2;
parameter iu3_aa_offset = iu3_lk_offset + 1;
parameter iu3_b_offset = iu3_aa_offset + 1;
parameter iu3_bclr_offset = iu3_b_offset + 1;
parameter iu3_bcctr_offset = iu3_bclr_offset + 1;
parameter iu3_opcode_offset = iu3_bcctr_offset + 1;
parameter iu3_bo_offset = iu3_opcode_offset + 6;
parameter iu3_bi_offset = iu3_bo_offset + 5;
parameter iu3_tar_offset = iu3_bi_offset + 5;
parameter iu3_ifar_offset = iu3_tar_offset + 24;
parameter iu3_ifar_pri_offset = iu3_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu3_pr_val_offset = iu3_ifar_pri_offset + 2;
parameter iu3_lnk_offset = iu3_pr_val_offset + 1;
parameter iu3_btb_offset = iu3_lnk_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu3_nfg_offset = iu3_btb_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu3_val_offset = iu3_nfg_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu3_0_instr_offset = iu3_val_offset + 4;
parameter iu3_1_instr_offset = iu3_0_instr_offset + 61;
parameter iu3_2_instr_offset = iu3_1_instr_offset + 61;
parameter iu3_3_instr_offset = iu3_2_instr_offset + 61;
parameter iu3_btb_redirect_offset = iu3_3_instr_offset + 61;
parameter iu3_btb_misdirect_offset = iu3_btb_redirect_offset + 1;
parameter iu3_btb_link_offset = iu3_btb_misdirect_offset + 1;
parameter iu4_redirect_ifar_offset = iu3_btb_link_offset + 1;
parameter iu4_redirect_offset = iu4_redirect_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu4_ls_push_offset = iu4_redirect_offset + 1;
parameter iu4_ls_pop_offset = iu4_ls_push_offset + 1;
parameter iu4_ifar_offset = iu4_ls_pop_offset + 1;
parameter scan_right0 = iu4_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1;
//scan chain 1
parameter iu5_ls_t0_ptr_offset = 0;
parameter iu5_ls_t00_offset = iu5_ls_t0_ptr_offset + 8;
parameter iu5_ls_t01_offset = iu5_ls_t00_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu5_ls_t02_offset = iu5_ls_t01_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu5_ls_t03_offset = iu5_ls_t02_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu5_ls_t04_offset = iu5_ls_t03_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu5_ls_t05_offset = iu5_ls_t04_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu5_ls_t06_offset = iu5_ls_t05_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter iu5_ls_t07_offset = iu5_ls_t06_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_ls_t00_offset = iu5_ls_t07_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_ls_t01_offset = ex6_ls_t00_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_ls_t02_offset = ex6_ls_t01_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_ls_t03_offset = ex6_ls_t02_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_ls_t04_offset = ex6_ls_t03_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_ls_t05_offset = ex6_ls_t04_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_ls_t06_offset = ex6_ls_t05_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_ls_t07_offset = ex6_ls_t06_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex5_val_offset = ex6_ls_t07_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex5_ifar_offset = ex5_val_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_bh_update_offset = ex5_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex5_gshare_offset = ex5_bh_update_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_bh0_hist_offset = ex5_gshare_offset + 10;
parameter ex5_bh1_hist_offset = ex5_bh0_hist_offset + 2;
parameter ex5_bh2_hist_offset = ex5_bh1_hist_offset + 2;
parameter ex5_br_pred_offset = ex5_bh2_hist_offset + 2;
parameter ex5_bcctr_offset = ex5_br_pred_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_bta_offset = ex5_bcctr_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_br_taken_offset = ex5_bta_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter ex5_ls_ptr_offset = ex5_br_taken_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_bclr_offset = ex5_ls_ptr_offset + 8;
parameter ex5_getNIA_offset = ex5_bclr_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_group_offset = ex5_getNIA_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_lk_offset = ex5_group_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_bh_offset = ex5_lk_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_ls_push_offset = ex5_bh_offset + 2;
parameter ex5_ls_pop_offset = ex5_ls_push_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_flush_offset = ex5_ls_pop_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_btb_hist_offset = ex5_flush_offset + 1;
parameter ex5_btb_entry_offset = ex5_btb_hist_offset + 2;
parameter ex5_btb_repl_offset = ex5_btb_entry_offset + 1;
parameter ex6_ls_t0_ptr_offset = ex5_btb_repl_offset + 128;
parameter bp_config_offset = ex6_ls_t0_ptr_offset + 8;
parameter br_iu_gshare_offset = bp_config_offset + 7;
parameter br_iu_ls_ptr_offset = br_iu_gshare_offset + 18;
parameter br_iu_ls_data_offset = br_iu_ls_ptr_offset + 8;
parameter br_iu_ls_update_offset = br_iu_ls_data_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH;
parameter br_iu_redirect_offset = br_iu_ls_update_offset + 1;
parameter cp_flush_offset = br_iu_redirect_offset + 1;
parameter iu_flush_offset = cp_flush_offset + 1;
parameter bcache_data0_offset = iu_flush_offset + 1;
parameter bcache_data1_offset = bcache_data0_offset + 16;
parameter bcache_data2_offset = bcache_data1_offset + 16;
parameter bcache_data3_offset = bcache_data2_offset + 16;
parameter bcache_data4_offset = bcache_data3_offset + 16;
parameter bcache_data5_offset = bcache_data4_offset + 16;
parameter bcache_data6_offset = bcache_data5_offset + 16;
parameter bcache_data7_offset = bcache_data6_offset + 16;
parameter scan_right1 = bcache_data7_offset + 16 - 1;
// signals
wire fuse_en;
wire bp_dy_en;
wire bp_st_en;
wire bp_bt_en;
wire [0:1] bp_gs_mode;
wire [0:6] bp_config_d;
wire [0:6] bp_config_q;
wire [0:9] iu0_bh_ti0gs0_rd_addr;
wire [0:9] iu0_bh_ti0gs1_rd_addr;
wire [0:8] iu0_bh_ti0gs2_rd_addr;
wire [0:9] iu0_gshare0;
wire [0:9] iu0_gshare1;
wire [0:8] iu0_gshare2;
wire [0:9] ex5_bh_ti0gs0_wr_addr;
wire [0:9] ex5_bh_ti0gs1_wr_addr;
wire [0:8] ex5_bh_ti0gs2_wr_addr;
wire [0:9] ex5_gshare0;
wire [0:9] ex5_gshare1;
wire [0:8] ex5_gshare2;
wire [0:3] ex5_bh_wr_act;
wire [0:0] gshare_act;
wire gshare_taken;
wire [0:4] gshare_shift;
wire [0:4] gshare_shift1;
wire [0:4] gshare_shift2;
wire [0:4] gshare_shift3;
wire [0:4] gshare_shift4;
wire [0:4] gshare_shift0_d;
wire [0:4] gshare_shift0_q;
wire cp_gshare_shift;
wire cp_gshare_taken;
wire [0:15] cp_gshare_d;
wire [0:15] cp_gshare_q;
wire [0:15] gshare_d;
wire [0:15] gshare_q;
wire [0:9] iu1_gshare_d;
wire [0:9] iu1_gshare_q;
wire [0:9] iu2_gshare_d;
wire [0:9] iu2_gshare_q;
wire iu2_0_bh_pred;
wire iu2_1_bh_pred;
wire iu2_2_bh_pred;
wire iu2_3_bh_pred;
wire [0:1] iu2_0_bh0_hist;
wire [0:1] iu2_1_bh0_hist;
wire [0:1] iu2_2_bh0_hist;
wire [0:1] iu2_3_bh0_hist;
wire [0:1] iu2_0_bh1_hist;
wire [0:1] iu2_1_bh1_hist;
wire [0:1] iu2_2_bh1_hist;
wire [0:1] iu2_3_bh1_hist;
wire iu2_0_bh2_hist;
wire iu2_1_bh2_hist;
wire iu2_2_bh2_hist;
wire iu2_3_bh2_hist;
wire [0:3] iu2_fuse;
wire [0:3] iu2_uc;
wire [0:3] iu2_br_val;
wire [0:3] iu2_br_hard;
wire [0:3] iu2_hint_val;
wire [0:3] iu2_hint;
wire [0:3] iu2_bh_pred;
wire [0:3] iu2_bh_update;
wire [0:3] iu2_br_dynamic;
wire [0:3] iu2_br_static;
wire [0:3] iu2_br_pred;
wire [0:33] iu2_instr_pri;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu2_lnk;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu2_btb;
wire [0:2] iu2_ls_ptr;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu2_btb_tag;
wire iu2_btb_link;
wire [0:1] iu2_btb_hist;
wire [0:3] iu2_btb_entry;
wire iu1_flush;
wire iu2_flush;
wire iu2_redirect;
wire iu3_btb_redirect_d;
wire iu3_btb_redirect_q;
wire iu3_btb_misdirect_d;
wire iu3_btb_misdirect_q;
wire iu3_btb_link_d;
wire iu3_btb_link_q;
wire [0:1] iu0_btb_hist_new;
wire [0:127] iu0_btb_hist_out;
wire iu0_btb_hist_act;
wire [0:127] iu0_btb_hist_d;
wire [0:127] iu0_btb_hist_q;
wire [0:1] iu1_btb_hist_d;
wire [0:1] iu1_btb_hist_q;
wire [0:1] iu2_btb_hist_d;
wire [0:1] iu2_btb_hist_q;
wire [0:127] ex5_btb_hist_out;
wire [0:1] ex5_btb_hist;
wire [0:1] ex5_btb_repl_cnt;
wire [0:1] ex5_btb_repl_new;
wire [0:127] ex5_btb_repl_out;
wire [0:127] ex5_btb_repl_d;
wire [0:127] ex5_btb_repl_q;
wire iu3_b_d;
wire iu3_b_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_bd;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_li;
wire iu3_act;
wire [0:3] iu3_instr_act;
wire [0:3] iu3_bh_update;
wire [0:3] iu3_br_pred;
wire [0:1] iu3_bh_d;
wire [0:1] iu3_bh_q;
wire iu3_lk_d;
wire iu3_lk_q;
wire iu3_aa_d;
wire iu3_aa_q;
wire iu3_bclr_d;
wire iu3_bclr_q;
wire iu3_bcctr_d;
wire iu3_bcctr_q;
wire [0:5] iu3_opcode_d;
wire [0:5] iu3_opcode_q;
wire [6:10] iu3_bo_d;
wire [6:10] iu3_bo_q;
wire [11:15] iu3_bi_d;
wire [11:15] iu3_bi_q;
wire iu3_getNIA;
wire [6:29] iu3_tar_d;
wire [6:29] iu3_tar_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_abs;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_ifar_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_ifar_q;
wire [60:61] iu3_ifar_pri_d;
wire [60:61] iu3_ifar_pri_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_off;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_bta;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_lnk_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_lnk_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_btb_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_btb_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_nfg_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu3_nfg_q;
wire iu3_pr_val_d;
wire iu3_pr_val_q;
wire [0:3] iu3_val_d;
wire [0:3] iu3_val_q;
wire [0:60] iu3_0_instr_d;
wire [0:60] iu3_0_instr_q;
wire [0:60] iu3_1_instr_d;
wire [0:60] iu3_1_instr_q;
wire [0:60] iu3_2_instr_d;
wire [0:60] iu3_2_instr_q;
wire [0:60] iu3_3_instr_d;
wire [0:60] iu3_3_instr_q;
wire bp_ib_iu3_bta_val;
wire iu3_flush;
wire iu3_redirect;
wire iu3_redirect_early;
wire iu4_flush;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_redirect_ifar_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_redirect_ifar_q;
wire iu4_redirect_d;
wire iu4_redirect_q;
wire iu4_redirect_act;
wire iu4_act;
wire iu4_ls_push_d;
wire iu4_ls_push_q;
wire iu4_ls_pop_d;
wire iu4_ls_pop_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_ifar_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_ifar_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex5_ifar_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex5_ifar_q;
wire ex5_val_d;
wire ex5_val_q;
wire ex5_bh_update_d;
wire ex5_bh_update_q;
wire [0:9] ex5_gshare_d;
wire [0:9] ex5_gshare_q;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh0_hist_d;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh0_hist_q;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh1_hist_d;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh1_hist_q;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh2_hist_d;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh2_hist_q;
wire ex5_br_pred_d;
wire ex5_br_pred_q;
wire ex5_br_taken_d;
wire ex5_br_taken_q;
wire ex5_bcctr_d;
wire ex5_bcctr_q;
wire ex5_bclr_d;
wire ex5_bclr_q;
wire ex5_getNIA_d;
wire ex5_getNIA_q;
wire ex5_group_d;
wire ex5_group_q;
wire ex5_lk_d;
wire ex5_lk_q;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh_d;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex5_bta_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex5_bta_q;
wire [0:7] ex5_ls_ptr_d;
wire [0:7] ex5_ls_ptr_q;
wire [0:1] ex5_btb_hist_d;
wire [0:1] ex5_btb_hist_q;
wire ex5_btb_entry_d;
wire ex5_btb_entry_q;
wire ex5_ls_push_d;
wire ex5_ls_push_q;
wire ex5_ls_pop_d;
wire ex5_ls_pop_q;
wire ex6_ls_ptr_act;
wire [0:7] ex6_ls_t0_ptr_d;
wire [0:7] ex6_ls_t0_ptr_q;
wire ex5_flush_d;
wire ex5_flush_q;
wire ex5_bh0_dec;
wire ex5_bh0_inc;
wire ex5_bh1_dec;
wire ex5_bh1_inc;
wire ex5_bh2_dec;
wire ex5_bh2_inc;
wire ex5_bh0_wr_en;
wire ex5_bh1_wr_en;
wire ex5_bh2_wr_en;
wire [0:7] iu5_ls_t0_ptr_d;
wire [0:7] iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q;
wire [0:0] iu5_ls_ptr_act;
wire iu4_ls_update;
wire ex5_ls_update;
wire ex5_repair;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu4_nia;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex5_nia;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t00_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t00_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t01_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t01_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t02_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t02_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t03_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t03_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t04_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t04_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t05_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t05_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t06_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t06_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t07_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] iu5_ls_t07_q;
wire [0:7] iu5_ls_t0_act;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t00_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t00_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t01_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t01_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t02_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t02_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t03_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t03_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t04_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t04_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t05_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t05_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t06_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t06_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t07_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] ex6_ls_t07_q;
wire [0:7] ex6_ls_t0_act;
wire br_iu_redirect_q;
wire cp_flush_q;
wire iu_flush_q;
wire [0:17] br_iu_gshare_d;
wire [0:17] br_iu_gshare_q;
wire [0:7] br_iu_ls_ptr_d;
wire [0:7] br_iu_ls_ptr_q;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] br_iu_ls_data_d;
wire [62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] br_iu_ls_data_q;
wire br_iu_ls_update_d;
wire br_iu_ls_update_q;
wire [0:31] xnop;
wire tiup;
wire tidn;
wire pc_iu_func_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_iu_func_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_iu_sg_1;
wire pc_iu_sg_0;
wire force_t;
wire [0:scan_right0] siv0;
wire [0:scan_right0] sov0;
wire [0:scan_right1] siv1;
wire [0:scan_right1] sov1;
wire iu0_val;
wire [0:1] iu3_gs_count_next;
wire [0:1] iu3_gs_count;
wire [0:5] iu3_gs_counts;
wire [0:1] iu3_gs_count0;
wire [0:1] iu3_gs_count1;
wire [0:1] iu3_gs_count2;
wire [0:1] iu3_gs_count3;
wire [0:2] iu3_gs_pos;
wire [0:1] cp_gs_count;
wire [0:1] cp_gs_count_d;
wire [0:1] cp_gs_count_q;
wire cp_gs_taken;
wire cp_gs_taken_d;
wire cp_gs_taken_q;
wire cp_gs_group;
wire [0:2] iu3_gs_pos_d;
wire [0:2] iu3_gs_pos_q;
wire [0:2] iu2_gs_pos_d;
wire [0:2] iu2_gs_pos_q;
wire [0:2] iu1_gs_pos_d;
wire [0:2] iu1_gs_pos_q;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh0_hist;
wire [0:1] ex5_bh1_hist;
wire [0:1] bcache_bh0_hist;
wire [0:1] bcache_bh1_hist;
wire [0:1] bcache_bh0_wr_data;
wire [0:1] bcache_bh1_wr_data;
wire [0:11] bcache_wr_addr;
wire [0:15] bcache_data_new /*verilator split_var*/;
wire [0:15] bcache_data0_d;
wire [0:15] bcache_data0_q;
wire [0:15] bcache_data1_d;
wire [0:15] bcache_data1_q;
wire [0:15] bcache_data2_d;
wire [0:15] bcache_data2_q;
wire [0:15] bcache_data3_d;
wire [0:15] bcache_data3_q;
wire [0:15] bcache_data4_d;
wire [0:15] bcache_data4_q;
wire [0:15] bcache_data5_d;
wire [0:15] bcache_data5_q;
wire [0:15] bcache_data6_d;
wire [0:15] bcache_data6_q;
wire [0:15] bcache_data7_d;
wire [0:15] bcache_data7_q;
wire [0:7] bcache_hit;
wire [0:7] bcache_shift;
assign tiup = 1'b1;
assign tidn = 1'b0;
//-- config bits
assign bp_config_d[0:5] = spr_bp_config[0:5];
assign bp_config_d[6] = xu_iu_msr_de |
xu_iu_dbcr0_icmp |
xu_iu_dbcr0_brt |
xu_iu_iac1_en |
xu_iu_iac2_en |
xu_iu_iac3_en |
xu_iu_iac4_en |
lq_iu_spr_dbcr3_ivc |
xu_iu_single_instr_mode |
assign bp_dy_en = bp_config_q[0]; //dynamic prediction enable default = 1
assign bp_st_en = bp_config_q[1]; //static prediction enable default = 0
assign bp_bt_en = bp_config_q[2]; //btb enable default = 1
//fused branches enable default = 1
assign fuse_en = bp_config_q[3] & (~bp_config_q[6]); //disable compare/branch fusion when debug enable or single instruction mode
assign bp_gs_mode[0:1] = bp_config_q[4:5]; //length of BHT2 gshare hash 00 = 0 bits (default), 01 = 2 bits, 10 = 6 bits
// latched xu interface
assign ex5_flush_d = cp_flush_q & iu_flush_q;
assign ex5_ifar_d = cp_bp_ifar;
assign ex5_val_d = cp_bp_val & (~cp_flush_q);
assign ex5_bh0_hist_d = cp_bp_bh0_hist;
assign ex5_bh1_hist_d = cp_bp_bh1_hist;
assign ex5_bh2_hist_d = cp_bp_bh2_hist;
assign ex5_br_pred_d = cp_bp_br_pred;
assign ex5_br_taken_d = cp_bp_br_taken;
assign ex5_bh_update_d = cp_bp_bh_update;
assign ex5_gshare_d = cp_bp_gshare;
assign ex5_bcctr_d = cp_bp_bcctr;
assign ex5_bclr_d = cp_bp_bclr;
assign ex5_getNIA_d = cp_bp_getNIA;
assign ex5_group_d = cp_bp_group;
assign ex5_lk_d = cp_bp_lk;
assign ex5_bh_d = cp_bp_bh;
assign ex5_bta_d = cp_bp_bta;
assign ex5_btb_hist_d = cp_bp_btb_hist;
assign ex5_btb_entry_d = cp_bp_btb_entry;
assign ex5_ls_ptr_d[0] = cp_bp_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b000;
assign ex5_ls_ptr_d[1] = cp_bp_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b001;
assign ex5_ls_ptr_d[2] = cp_bp_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b010;
assign ex5_ls_ptr_d[3] = cp_bp_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b011;
assign ex5_ls_ptr_d[4] = cp_bp_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b100;
assign ex5_ls_ptr_d[5] = cp_bp_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b101;
assign ex5_ls_ptr_d[6] = cp_bp_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b110;
assign ex5_ls_ptr_d[7] = cp_bp_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b111;
// latched br interface
assign br_iu_gshare_d = br_iu_gshare;
assign br_iu_ls_data_d = br_iu_ls_data;
assign br_iu_ls_update_d = br_iu_ls_update;
assign br_iu_ls_ptr_d[0] = br_iu_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b000;
assign br_iu_ls_ptr_d[1] = br_iu_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b001;
assign br_iu_ls_ptr_d[2] = br_iu_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b010;
assign br_iu_ls_ptr_d[3] = br_iu_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b011;
assign br_iu_ls_ptr_d[4] = br_iu_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b100;
assign br_iu_ls_ptr_d[5] = br_iu_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b101;
assign br_iu_ls_ptr_d[6] = br_iu_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b110;
assign br_iu_ls_ptr_d[7] = br_iu_ls_ptr[0:2] == 3'b111;
// read branch history table
assign iu0_bh0_rd_act = iu0_val;
assign iu0_bh1_rd_act = iu0_val;
assign iu0_bh2_rd_act = iu0_val;
assign iu0_val = ic_bp_iu0_val & ~iu1_flush;
assign iu0_bh_ti0gs0_rd_addr[0:9] = (ic_bp_iu0_ifar[50:59] ^ iu0_gshare0[0:9]);
assign iu0_bh_ti0gs1_rd_addr[0:9] = (ic_bp_iu0_ifar[50:59] ^ iu0_gshare1[0:9]);
assign iu0_bh_ti0gs2_rd_addr[0:8] = (ic_bp_iu0_ifar[51:59] ^ iu0_gshare2[0:8]);
assign iu0_bh0_rd_addr[0:9] = iu0_bh_ti0gs0_rd_addr[0:9];
assign iu0_bh1_rd_addr[0:9] = iu0_bh_ti0gs1_rd_addr[0:9];
assign iu0_bh2_rd_addr[0:8] = iu0_bh_ti0gs2_rd_addr[0:8];
assign iu0_gshare0[0:9] = gshare_q[0:9];
assign iu0_gshare1[0:9] = gshare_q[0:9];
assign iu0_gshare2[0:8] = bp_gs_mode[0:1] == 2'b10 ? {gshare_q[0:5], 3'b000 } :
bp_gs_mode[0:1] == 2'b01 ? {gshare_q[0:1], 7'b0000000} :
assign iu1_gshare_d[0:9] = gshare_q[0:9];
assign iu2_gshare_d[0:9] = iu1_gshare_q[0:9];
// write branch history table
assign ex5_bh0_wr_act = ({4{ex5_bh0_wr_en}} & ex5_bh_wr_act);
assign ex5_bh1_wr_act = ({4{ex5_bh1_wr_en}} & ex5_bh_wr_act);
assign ex5_bh2_wr_act = ({4{ex5_bh2_wr_en}} & ex5_bh_wr_act);
assign ex5_bh_ti0gs0_wr_addr[0:9] = (ex5_ifar_q[50:59] ^ ex5_gshare0[0:9]);
assign ex5_bh_ti0gs1_wr_addr[0:9] = (ex5_ifar_q[50:59] ^ ex5_gshare1[0:9]);
assign ex5_bh_ti0gs2_wr_addr[0:8] = (ex5_ifar_q[51:59] ^ ex5_gshare2[0:8]);
assign ex5_bh0_wr_addr[0:9] = ex5_bh_ti0gs0_wr_addr[0:9];
assign ex5_bh1_wr_addr[0:9] = ex5_bh_ti0gs1_wr_addr[0:9];
assign ex5_bh2_wr_addr[0:8] = ex5_bh_ti0gs2_wr_addr[0:8];
assign ex5_gshare0[0:9] = ex5_gshare_q[0:9];
assign ex5_gshare1[0:9] = ex5_gshare_q[0:9];
assign ex5_gshare2[0:8] = bp_gs_mode[0:1] == 2'b10 ? {ex5_gshare_q[0:5], 3'b000 } :
bp_gs_mode[0:1] == 2'b01 ? {ex5_gshare_q[0:1], 7'b0000000} :
// update branch hitstory
assign ex5_bh_wr_act[0] = ex5_ifar_q[60:61] == 2'b00;
assign ex5_bh_wr_act[1] = ex5_ifar_q[60:61] == 2'b01;
assign ex5_bh_wr_act[2] = ex5_ifar_q[60:61] == 2'b10;
assign ex5_bh_wr_act[3] = ex5_ifar_q[60:61] == 2'b11;
assign ex5_bh0_dec = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b0 & ex5_bh0_hist_q[0:1] != 2'b00;
assign ex5_bh1_dec = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b0 & ex5_bh1_hist_q[0:1] != 2'b00;
assign ex5_bh2_dec = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b0 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] != 1'b0;
assign ex5_bh0_inc = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh0_hist_q[0:1] != 2'b11;
assign ex5_bh1_inc = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh1_hist_q[0:1] != 2'b11;
assign ex5_bh2_inc = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] != 1'b1;
assign ex5_bh0_wr_data[0:1] = (ex5_bh0_inc == 1'b1) ? ex5_bh0_hist_q[0:1] + 2'b01 :
(ex5_bh0_dec == 1'b1) ? ex5_bh0_hist_q[0:1] - 2'b01 :
assign ex5_bh1_wr_data[0:1] = (ex5_bh1_inc == 1'b1) ? ex5_bh1_hist_q[0:1] + 2'b01 :
(ex5_bh1_dec == 1'b1) ? ex5_bh1_hist_q[0:1] - 2'b01 :
assign ex5_bh2_wr_data = ex5_br_taken_q;
assign ex5_bh0_wr_en = ex5_val_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_update_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] == 1'b0;
assign ex5_bh1_wr_en = ex5_val_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_update_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] == 1'b1;
assign ex5_bh2_wr_en = ex5_val_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_update_q == 1'b1;
assign ex5_bh_wr_act[0] = ex5_ifar_q[60:61] == 2'b00;
assign ex5_bh_wr_act[1] = ex5_ifar_q[60:61] == 2'b01;
assign ex5_bh_wr_act[2] = ex5_ifar_q[60:61] == 2'b10;
assign ex5_bh_wr_act[3] = ex5_ifar_q[60:61] == 2'b11;
assign ex5_bh0_dec = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b0 & ex5_bh0_hist[0:1] != 2'b00 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] == 1'b0;
assign ex5_bh1_dec = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b0 & ex5_bh1_hist[0:1] != 2'b00 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] == 1'b1;
assign ex5_bh2_dec = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b0 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] != 1'b0;
assign ex5_bh0_inc = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh0_hist[0:1] != 2'b11 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] == 1'b0;
assign ex5_bh1_inc = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh1_hist[0:1] != 2'b11 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] == 1'b1;
assign ex5_bh2_inc = ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] != 1'b1;
assign bcache_bh0_wr_data[0:1] = (ex5_bh0_inc == 1'b1) ? ex5_bh0_hist[0:1] + 2'b01 :
(ex5_bh0_dec == 1'b1) ? ex5_bh0_hist[0:1] - 2'b01 :
assign bcache_bh1_wr_data[0:1] = (ex5_bh1_inc == 1'b1) ? ex5_bh1_hist[0:1] + 2'b01 :
(ex5_bh1_dec == 1'b1) ? ex5_bh1_hist[0:1] - 2'b01 :
assign ex5_bh2_wr_data = ex5_br_taken_q;
assign ex5_bh0_wr_en = ex5_val_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_update_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] == 1'b0;
assign ex5_bh1_wr_en = ex5_val_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_update_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh2_hist_q[0] == 1'b1;
assign ex5_bh2_wr_en = ex5_val_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_update_q == 1'b1;
// recent branch history cache
assign ex5_bh0_hist = |(bcache_hit[0:7]) ? bcache_bh0_hist : ex5_bh0_hist_q;
assign ex5_bh1_hist = |(bcache_hit[0:7]) ? bcache_bh1_hist : ex5_bh1_hist_q;
assign ex5_bh0_wr_data = bcache_bh0_wr_data;
assign ex5_bh1_wr_data = bcache_bh1_wr_data;
assign bcache_wr_addr = {ex5_bh_ti0gs0_wr_addr, ex5_ifar_q[60:61]};
//branch cache: bht_index[0:9], bht0_hist[0:1], bht1_hist[0:1]
assign bcache_data_new[0:15] = {bcache_wr_addr[0:11], bcache_bh0_wr_data[0:1], bcache_bh1_wr_data[0:1]};
assign bcache_data0_d = bcache_shift[0] ? bcache_data1_q :
bcache_data0_q ;
assign bcache_data1_d = bcache_shift[1] ? bcache_data2_q :
bcache_data1_q ;
assign bcache_data2_d = bcache_shift[2] ? bcache_data3_q :
bcache_data2_q ;
assign bcache_data3_d = bcache_shift[3] ? bcache_data4_q :
bcache_data3_q ;
assign bcache_data4_d = bcache_shift[4] ? bcache_data5_q :
bcache_data4_q ;
assign bcache_data5_d = bcache_shift[5] ? bcache_data6_q :
bcache_data5_q ;
assign bcache_data6_d = bcache_shift[6] ? bcache_data7_q :
bcache_data6_q ;
assign bcache_data7_d = bcache_shift[7] ? bcache_data_new :
bcache_data7_q ;
assign bcache_hit[0] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & (bcache_data0_q[0:11] == bcache_data_new[0:11]);
assign bcache_hit[1] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & (bcache_data1_q[0:11] == bcache_data_new[0:11]);
assign bcache_hit[2] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & (bcache_data2_q[0:11] == bcache_data_new[0:11]);
assign bcache_hit[3] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & (bcache_data3_q[0:11] == bcache_data_new[0:11]);
assign bcache_hit[4] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & (bcache_data4_q[0:11] == bcache_data_new[0:11]);
assign bcache_hit[5] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & (bcache_data5_q[0:11] == bcache_data_new[0:11]);
assign bcache_hit[6] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & (bcache_data6_q[0:11] == bcache_data_new[0:11]);
assign bcache_hit[7] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & (bcache_data7_q[0:11] == bcache_data_new[0:11]);
assign bcache_shift[0] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & ~(|(bcache_hit[1:7]));
assign bcache_shift[1] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & ~(|(bcache_hit[2:7]));
assign bcache_shift[2] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & ~(|(bcache_hit[3:7]));
assign bcache_shift[3] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & ~(|(bcache_hit[4:7]));
assign bcache_shift[4] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & ~(|(bcache_hit[5:7]));
assign bcache_shift[5] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & ~(|(bcache_hit[6:7]));
assign bcache_shift[6] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q & ~( bcache_hit[7] );
assign bcache_shift[7] = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q;
assign bcache_bh0_hist = bcache_hit[0] ? bcache_data0_q[12:13] :
bcache_hit[1] ? bcache_data1_q[12:13] :
bcache_hit[2] ? bcache_data2_q[12:13] :
bcache_hit[3] ? bcache_data3_q[12:13] :
bcache_hit[4] ? bcache_data4_q[12:13] :
bcache_hit[5] ? bcache_data5_q[12:13] :
bcache_hit[6] ? bcache_data6_q[12:13] :
bcache_hit[7] ? bcache_data7_q[12:13] :
2'b00 ;
assign bcache_bh1_hist = bcache_hit[0] ? bcache_data0_q[14:15] :
bcache_hit[1] ? bcache_data1_q[14:15] :
bcache_hit[2] ? bcache_data2_q[14:15] :
bcache_hit[3] ? bcache_data3_q[14:15] :
bcache_hit[4] ? bcache_data4_q[14:15] :
bcache_hit[5] ? bcache_data5_q[14:15] :
bcache_hit[6] ? bcache_data6_q[14:15] :
bcache_hit[7] ? bcache_data7_q[14:15] :
2'b00 ;
// update global history
assign gshare_shift0_d[0:4] = (ex5_repair & cp_gs_count_d[0:1] == 2'b00) ? 5'b10000 :
(ex5_repair & cp_gs_count_d[0:1] == 2'b01) ? 5'b01000 :
(ex5_repair & cp_gs_count_d[0:1] == 2'b10) ? 5'b00100 :
(ex5_repair & cp_gs_count_d[0:1] == 2'b11) ? 5'b00010 :
(br_iu_redirect_q & br_iu_gshare_q[16:17] == 2'b00) ? 5'b10000 :
(br_iu_redirect_q & br_iu_gshare_q[16:17] == 2'b01) ? 5'b01000 :
(br_iu_redirect_q & br_iu_gshare_q[16:17] == 2'b10) ? 5'b00100 :
(br_iu_redirect_q & br_iu_gshare_q[16:17] == 2'b11) ? 5'b00010 :
(iu3_val_q[0]) ? 5'b10000 :
assign gshare_shift1[0:4] = ((iu3_val_q[0] & iu3_bh_update[0]) == 1'b1) ? {1'b0, gshare_shift0_q[0:3]} :
assign gshare_shift2[0:4] = ((iu3_val_q[1] & iu3_bh_update[1]) == 1'b1) ? {1'b0, gshare_shift1[0:3]} :
assign gshare_shift3[0:4] = ((iu3_val_q[2] & iu3_bh_update[2]) == 1'b1) ? {1'b0, gshare_shift2[0:3]} :
assign gshare_shift4[0:4] = ((iu3_val_q[3] & iu3_bh_update[3]) == 1'b1) ? {1'b0, gshare_shift3[0:3]} :
assign gshare_shift = ({5{~iu3_flush}} & gshare_shift4);
assign gshare_taken = |(iu3_val_q[0:3] & iu3_bh_update[0:3] & iu3_br_pred[0:3]);
//need to make pipeline gshares the NEXT CYCLE value to give me a pre-shifted restore point (iu3 uses iu2 to assume shift)
//taken branches per fetch group
assign gshare_d[0:2] = (ex5_repair) ? cp_gshare_d[0:2] :
(br_iu_redirect_q) ? br_iu_gshare_q[0:2] :
(iu3_redirect) ? ({iu3_pr_val_q, iu2_gshare_q[1:2]}) :
(iu2_redirect) ? ({1'b1, iu1_gshare_q[1:2]}) :
(iu0_val) ? ({1'b0, gshare_q[0:1]}) :
//taken branches
assign gshare_d[3:9] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? cp_gshare_d[3:9] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_gshare_q[3:9] :
(iu3_redirect) ? ({iu2_gshare_q[3:9]}) :
(iu2_redirect) ? ({iu1_gshare_q[3:9]}) :
((iu0_val) & (iu3_gs_count_next[0:1] == 2'b11)) ? ({gshare_q[2], 2'b00, gshare_q[3:6]}) :
((iu0_val) & (iu3_gs_count_next[0:1] == 2'b10)) ? ({gshare_q[2], 1'b0, gshare_q[3:7]}) :
((iu0_val) & (iu3_gs_count_next[0:1] == 2'b01)) ? ({gshare_q[2], gshare_q[3:8]}) :
((iu0_val) & (iu3_gs_count_next[0:1] == 2'b00)) ? ({ gshare_q[3:9]}) :
//branches per fetch group
assign iu3_gs_count_next[0:1] = (iu3_gs_pos[2]) ? iu3_gs_count[0:1] : gshare_q[14:15];
assign iu3_gs_count[0:1] = (gshare_shift[4] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 :
(gshare_shift[3] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 :
(gshare_shift[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 :
(gshare_shift[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
2'b00 ;
//if a CURRENT instruction is in a given position, the OLD/RECOVERY point is pushed forward by that amount
assign iu3_gs_counts[0:1] = (iu3_gs_pos[0]) ? (gshare_q[12:13]) :
(iu3_gs_pos[1]) ? (gshare_q[14:15]) :
(iu3_gs_pos[2]) ? (gshare_q[10:11]) :
2'b00 ;
assign iu3_gs_counts[2:3] = (iu3_gs_pos[0]) ? (gshare_q[14:15]) :
(iu3_gs_pos[1]) ? (gshare_q[10:11]) :
(iu3_gs_pos[2]) ? (gshare_q[12:13]) :
2'b00 ;
assign iu3_gs_counts[4:5] = (iu3_gs_pos[0]) ? (gshare_q[10:11]) :
(iu3_gs_pos[1]) ? (gshare_q[12:13]) :
(iu3_gs_pos[2]) ? (gshare_q[14:15]) :
2'b00 ;
//track position of current instruction in gshare history
assign iu1_gs_pos_d[0:2] = (iu0_val) ? 3'b100 :
3'b000 ;
assign iu2_gs_pos_d[0:2] = (iu0_val) ? ({1'b0, iu1_gs_pos_q[0:1]}) :
assign iu3_gs_pos_d[0:2] = (iu2_redirect) ? 3'b100 :
(iu0_val) ? ({1'b0, iu2_gs_pos_q[0:1]}) :
assign iu3_gs_pos[0:2] = iu3_gs_pos_q[0:2] & {3{iu3_val_q[0] & ~iu3_flush}};
assign gshare_d[10:15] = (ex5_repair) ? cp_gshare_d[10:15] :
(br_iu_redirect_q) ? br_iu_gshare_q[10:15] :
(iu3_redirect & iu3_gs_pos[0]) ? ({iu3_gs_count[0:1], gshare_q[12:15]}) :
(iu3_redirect & iu3_gs_pos[1]) ? ({iu3_gs_count[0:1], gshare_q[14:15], gshare_q[10:11]}) :
(iu3_redirect & iu3_gs_pos[2]) ? ({iu3_gs_count[0:1], gshare_q[10:13]}) :
(iu2_redirect & iu3_gs_pos[1]) ? ({gshare_q[10:11], iu3_gs_count[0:1], gshare_q[14:15]}) :
(iu2_redirect & iu3_gs_pos[2]) ? ({gshare_q[12:13], iu3_gs_count[0:1], gshare_q[10:11]}) :
(iu2_redirect & iu2_gs_pos_q[0]) ? ({gshare_q[10:15]}) :
(iu2_redirect & iu2_gs_pos_q[1]) ? ({gshare_q[12:15], gshare_q[10:11]}) :
(iu0_val & iu3_gs_pos[0]) ? ({gshare_q[14:15], iu3_gs_count[0:1], gshare_q[12:13]}) :
(iu0_val & iu3_gs_pos[1]) ? ({gshare_q[14:15], gshare_q[10:11], iu3_gs_count[0:1]}) :
(iu0_val & iu3_gs_pos[2]) ? ({iu3_gs_count[0:1], gshare_q[10:13]}) :
(iu3_gs_pos[0]) ? ({iu3_gs_count[0:1], gshare_q[12:15]}) :
(iu3_gs_pos[1]) ? ({gshare_q[10:11], iu3_gs_count[0:1], gshare_q[14:15]}) :
(iu3_gs_pos[2]) ? ({gshare_q[10:13], iu3_gs_count[0:1]}) :
(iu0_val) ? ({gshare_q[14:15], gshare_q[10:13]}) :
//replace iu3_gshare[10:11] per instruction with the following counts for outgoing instructions.
assign iu3_gs_count0[0:1] = (gshare_shift1[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
2'b00 ;
assign iu3_gs_count1[0:1] = (gshare_shift2[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 :
(gshare_shift2[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
2'b00 ;
assign iu3_gs_count2[0:1] = (gshare_shift3[3] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 :
(gshare_shift3[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 :
(gshare_shift3[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
2'b00 ;
assign iu3_gs_count3[0:1] = (gshare_shift4[4] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 :
(gshare_shift4[3] == 1'b1) ? 2'b11 :
(gshare_shift4[2] == 1'b1) ? 2'b10 :
(gshare_shift4[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
2'b00 ;
assign gshare_act[0] = tiup;
//completion time repair
assign cp_gshare_shift = ex5_val_q & ex5_bh_update_q;
assign cp_gshare_taken = ex5_val_q & ex5_br_taken_q;
assign cp_gshare_d[0:2] = (cp_gs_group) ? ({cp_gs_taken, cp_gshare_q[0:1]}) :
assign cp_gshare_d[3:9] = (cp_gs_group & cp_gshare_q[14:15] == 2'b11) ? ({cp_gshare_q[2], 2'b00, cp_gshare_q[6:9]}) :
(cp_gs_group & cp_gshare_q[14:15] == 2'b10) ? ({cp_gshare_q[2], 1'b0 , cp_gshare_q[5:9]}) :
(cp_gs_group & cp_gshare_q[14:15] == 2'b01) ? ({cp_gshare_q[2] , cp_gshare_q[4:9]}) :
(cp_gs_group & cp_gshare_q[14:15] == 2'b00) ? ({ cp_gshare_q[3:9]}) :
cp_gshare_q[3:9] ;
assign cp_gshare_d[10:15] = (cp_gs_group) ? ({cp_gs_count[0:1], cp_gshare_q[10:13]}) :
assign cp_gs_group = cp_gshare_taken | ex5_group_q;
assign cp_gs_count[0:1] = (cp_gs_count_q[0:1] == 2'b11) ? 2'b11 :
(cp_gshare_shift) ? cp_gs_count_q[0:1] + 2'b01 :
assign cp_gs_count_d[0:1] = (cp_gs_group) ? 2'b00 :
assign cp_gs_taken = cp_gshare_taken | cp_gs_taken_q;
assign cp_gs_taken_d = (cp_gs_group) ? 1'b0 :
// rotate branch history to match instructions
assign iu2_0_bh0_hist = (ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b11) ? iu2_3_bh0_rd_data[0:1] :
(ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b10) ? iu2_2_bh0_rd_data[0:1] :
(ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? iu2_1_bh0_rd_data[0:1] :
assign iu2_1_bh0_hist = (ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b10) ? iu2_3_bh0_rd_data[0:1] :
(ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? iu2_2_bh0_rd_data[0:1] :
assign iu2_2_bh0_hist = (ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? iu2_3_bh0_rd_data[0:1] :
assign iu2_3_bh0_hist = iu2_3_bh0_rd_data[0:1];
assign iu2_0_bh1_hist = (ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b11) ? iu2_3_bh1_rd_data[0:1] :
(ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b10) ? iu2_2_bh1_rd_data[0:1] :
(ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? iu2_1_bh1_rd_data[0:1] :
assign iu2_1_bh1_hist = (ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b10) ? iu2_3_bh1_rd_data[0:1] :
(ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? iu2_2_bh1_rd_data[0:1] :
assign iu2_2_bh1_hist = (ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? iu2_3_bh1_rd_data[0:1] :
assign iu2_3_bh1_hist = iu2_3_bh1_rd_data[0:1];
assign iu2_0_bh2_hist = (ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b11) ? iu2_3_bh2_rd_data :
(ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b10) ? iu2_2_bh2_rd_data :
(ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? iu2_1_bh2_rd_data :
assign iu2_1_bh2_hist = (ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b10) ? iu2_3_bh2_rd_data :
(ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? iu2_2_bh2_rd_data :
assign iu2_2_bh2_hist = (ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] == 2'b01) ? iu2_3_bh2_rd_data :
assign iu2_3_bh2_hist = iu2_3_bh2_rd_data;
// bht selection
assign iu2_0_bh_pred = (iu2_0_bh0_hist[0] & iu2_0_bh2_hist == 1'b0) | (iu2_0_bh1_hist[0] & iu2_0_bh2_hist == 1'b1);
assign iu2_1_bh_pred = (iu2_1_bh0_hist[0] & iu2_1_bh2_hist == 1'b0) | (iu2_1_bh1_hist[0] & iu2_1_bh2_hist == 1'b1);
assign iu2_2_bh_pred = (iu2_2_bh0_hist[0] & iu2_2_bh2_hist == 1'b0) | (iu2_2_bh1_hist[0] & iu2_2_bh2_hist == 1'b1);
assign iu2_3_bh_pred = (iu2_3_bh0_hist[0] & iu2_3_bh2_hist == 1'b0) | (iu2_3_bh1_hist[0] & iu2_3_bh2_hist == 1'b1);
// predict branches
assign iu2_uc[0:3] = ({ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[33], ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[33], ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[33], ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[33]}) & (~({ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[32], ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[32], ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[32], ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[32]}));
assign iu2_fuse[0:3] = ({4{fuse_en}} & ({ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[34], ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[34], ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[34], ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[34]}) &
(~{ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[32], ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[32], ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[32], ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[32]}));
assign iu2_br_val[0:3] = {ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[32], ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[32], ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[32], ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[32]};
assign iu2_br_hard[0:3] = {ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[33], ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[33], ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[33], ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[33]};
assign iu2_hint_val[0:3] = {ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[34], ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[34], ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[34], ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[34]};
assign iu2_hint[0:3] = {ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[35], ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[35], ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[35], ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[35]};
assign iu2_bh_pred[0:3] = {iu2_0_bh_pred, iu2_1_bh_pred, iu2_2_bh_pred, iu2_3_bh_pred};
assign iu2_br_dynamic[0:3] = ({4{bp_dy_en}} & ~(iu2_br_hard[0:3] | iu2_hint_val[0:3]));
assign iu2_br_static[0:3] = ({4{bp_st_en & ~bp_dy_en}} & ~(iu2_br_hard[0:3] | iu2_hint_val[0:3]));
assign iu2_br_pred[0:3] = ic_bp_iu2_val[0:3] & iu2_br_val[0:3] & (iu2_br_hard[0:3] | (iu2_hint_val[0:3] & iu2_hint[0:3]) | (iu2_br_dynamic[0:3] & iu2_bh_pred[0:3]) | (iu2_br_static[0:3]));
assign iu2_bh_update[0:3] = iu2_br_val[0:3] & iu2_br_dynamic[0:3];
// prioritize branch instructions
assign iu2_instr_pri[0:33] = (iu2_br_pred[0] == 1'b1) ? ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[0:33] :
(iu2_br_pred[1] == 1'b1) ? ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[0:33] :
(iu2_br_pred[2] == 1'b1) ? ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[0:33] :
assign iu3_ifar_pri_d[60:61] = (iu2_br_pred[0] == 1'b1) ? ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] :
(iu2_br_pred[1] == 1'b1) ? ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] + 2'b01 :
(iu2_br_pred[2] == 1'b1) ? ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] + 2'b10 :
ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] + 2'b11;
assign iu3_bclr_d = (iu2_br_pred[0] == 1'b1) ? ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000010000 :
(iu2_br_pred[1] == 1'b1) ? ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000010000 :
(iu2_br_pred[2] == 1'b1) ? ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000010000 :
ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[21:30] == 10'b0000010000;
assign iu3_bcctr_d = (iu2_br_pred[0] == 1'b1) ? (ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000110000) | (ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000010000) : //bctar
(iu2_br_pred[1] == 1'b1) ? (ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000110000) | (ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000010000) : //bctar
(iu2_br_pred[2] == 1'b1) ? (ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000110000) | (ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000010000) : //bctar
(ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000110000) | (ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[0:5] == 6'b010011 & ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[21:30] == 10'b1000010000); //bctar
// decode priority branch instruction
assign iu3_b_d = iu2_instr_pri[33];
assign iu3_tar_d[6:29] = iu2_instr_pri[6:29];
begin : xhdl1
genvar i;
for (i = 62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH; i <= 61; i = i + 1)
begin : sign_extend
if (i < 48)
begin : bd0
assign iu3_bd[i] = iu3_tar_q[16];
if (i > 47)
begin : bd1
assign iu3_bd[i] = iu3_tar_q[i - 32];
if (i < 38)
begin : li0
assign iu3_li[i] = iu3_tar_q[6];
if (i > 37)
begin : li1
assign iu3_li[i] = iu3_tar_q[i - 32];
assign iu3_bh_d[0:1] = iu2_instr_pri[19:20];
assign iu3_lk_d = iu2_instr_pri[31];
assign iu3_aa_d = iu2_instr_pri[30];
assign iu3_pr_val_d = |(iu2_br_pred[0:3]) & (~iu2_flush) & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
// bcl 20,31,$+4 is special case. not a subroutine call, used to get next instruction address, should not be placed on link stack.
assign iu3_opcode_d[0:5] = iu2_instr_pri[0:5];
assign iu3_bo_d[6:10] = iu2_instr_pri[6:10];
assign iu3_bi_d[11:15] = iu2_instr_pri[11:15];
assign iu3_getNIA = iu3_opcode_q[0:5] == 6'b010000 & iu3_bo_q[6:10] == 5'b10100 & iu3_bi_q[11:15] == 5'b11111 & iu3_bd[62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] == value_1[32-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:31] & iu3_aa_q == 1'b0 & iu3_lk_q == 1'b1;
// calculate branch target address
assign iu3_abs[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (iu3_b_q == 1'b1) ? iu3_li[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu3_bd[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu3_off[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = iu3_abs[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] + ({iu3_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59], iu3_ifar_pri_q[60:61]});
assign iu3_bta[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (iu3_aa_q == 1'b1) ? iu3_abs[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu3_off[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
// forward validated instructions
// Using xori 0,0,0 (xnop) when erat error
assign xnop[0:31] = {6'b011010, 26'b0};
assign iu3_act = ic_bp_iu2_val[0];
assign iu3_instr_act[0:3] = ic_bp_iu2_val[0:3];
assign iu3_ifar_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = ic_bp_iu2_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu3_val_d[0] = (~iu2_flush) & ic_bp_iu2_val[0];
assign iu3_val_d[1] = (~iu2_flush) & ic_bp_iu2_val[1] & (ic_bp_iu2_error[0] | ((~iu2_br_pred[0])));
assign iu3_val_d[2] = (~iu2_flush) & ic_bp_iu2_val[2] & (ic_bp_iu2_error[0] | ((~iu2_br_pred[0]) & (~iu2_br_pred[1])));
assign iu3_val_d[3] = (~iu2_flush) & ic_bp_iu2_val[3] & (ic_bp_iu2_error[0] | ((~iu2_br_pred[0]) & (~iu2_br_pred[1]) & (~iu2_br_pred[2])));
assign iu3_0_instr_d[0:31] = (ic_bp_iu2_error[0] == 1'b0) ? ic_bp_iu2_0_instr[0:31] :
assign iu3_1_instr_d[0:31] = (ic_bp_iu2_error[0] == 1'b0) ? ic_bp_iu2_1_instr[0:31] :
assign iu3_2_instr_d[0:31] = (ic_bp_iu2_error[0] == 1'b0) ? ic_bp_iu2_2_instr[0:31] :
assign iu3_3_instr_d[0:31] = (ic_bp_iu2_error[0] == 1'b0) ? ic_bp_iu2_3_instr[0:31] :
assign iu3_0_instr_d[32] = iu2_br_pred[0] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_1_instr_d[32] = iu2_br_pred[1] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_2_instr_d[32] = iu2_br_pred[2] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_3_instr_d[32] = iu2_br_pred[3] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_0_instr_d[33] = iu2_bh_update[0] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_1_instr_d[33] = iu2_bh_update[1] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_2_instr_d[33] = iu2_bh_update[2] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_3_instr_d[33] = iu2_bh_update[3] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_0_instr_d[34:35] = iu2_0_bh0_hist;
assign iu3_1_instr_d[34:35] = iu2_1_bh0_hist;
assign iu3_2_instr_d[34:35] = iu2_2_bh0_hist;
assign iu3_3_instr_d[34:35] = iu2_3_bh0_hist;
assign iu3_0_instr_d[36:37] = iu2_0_bh1_hist;
assign iu3_1_instr_d[36:37] = iu2_1_bh1_hist;
assign iu3_2_instr_d[36:37] = iu2_2_bh1_hist;
assign iu3_3_instr_d[36:37] = iu2_3_bh1_hist;
assign iu3_0_instr_d[38] = iu2_0_bh2_hist;
assign iu3_1_instr_d[38] = iu2_1_bh2_hist;
assign iu3_2_instr_d[38] = iu2_2_bh2_hist;
assign iu3_3_instr_d[38] = iu2_3_bh2_hist;
assign iu3_0_instr_d[39] = 1'b0;
assign iu3_1_instr_d[39] = 1'b0;
assign iu3_2_instr_d[39] = 1'b0;
assign iu3_3_instr_d[39] = 1'b0;
assign iu3_0_instr_d[40:49] = iu2_gshare_q[0:9];
assign iu3_1_instr_d[40:49] = iu2_gshare_q[0:9];
assign iu3_2_instr_d[40:49] = iu2_gshare_q[0:9];
assign iu3_3_instr_d[40:49] = iu2_gshare_q[0:9];
assign iu3_0_instr_d[50:52] = iu2_ls_ptr[0:2];
assign iu3_1_instr_d[50:52] = iu2_ls_ptr[0:2];
assign iu3_2_instr_d[50:52] = iu2_ls_ptr[0:2];
assign iu3_3_instr_d[50:52] = iu2_ls_ptr[0:2];
assign iu3_0_instr_d[53:55] = ic_bp_iu2_error[0:2];
assign iu3_1_instr_d[53:55] = ic_bp_iu2_error[0:2];
assign iu3_2_instr_d[53:55] = ic_bp_iu2_error[0:2];
assign iu3_3_instr_d[53:55] = ic_bp_iu2_error[0:2];
assign iu3_0_instr_d[56] = (iu2_uc[0] | ic_bp_iu2_2ucode) & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_1_instr_d[56] = iu2_uc[1] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_2_instr_d[56] = iu2_uc[2] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_3_instr_d[56] = iu2_uc[3] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_0_instr_d[57] = iu2_fuse[0] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_1_instr_d[57] = iu2_fuse[1] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_2_instr_d[57] = iu2_fuse[2] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_3_instr_d[57] = iu2_fuse[3] & (~ic_bp_iu2_error[0]);
assign iu3_0_instr_d[58] = iu2_btb_entry[0];
assign iu3_1_instr_d[58] = iu2_btb_entry[1];
assign iu3_2_instr_d[58] = iu2_btb_entry[2];
assign iu3_3_instr_d[58] = iu2_btb_entry[3];
assign iu3_0_instr_d[59] = ic_bp_iu2_2ucode;
assign iu3_1_instr_d[59] = ic_bp_iu2_2ucode;
assign iu3_2_instr_d[59] = ic_bp_iu2_2ucode;
assign iu3_3_instr_d[59] = ic_bp_iu2_2ucode;
assign iu3_0_instr_d[60] = 1'b0;
assign iu3_1_instr_d[60] = 1'b0;
assign iu3_2_instr_d[60] = 1'b0;
assign iu3_3_instr_d[60] = 1'b0;
assign iu3_br_pred[0:3] = {iu3_0_instr_q[32], iu3_1_instr_q[32], iu3_2_instr_q[32], iu3_3_instr_q[32]};
assign iu3_bh_update[0:3] = {iu3_0_instr_q[33], iu3_1_instr_q[33], iu3_2_instr_q[33], iu3_3_instr_q[33]};
// detect incoming flushes
assign iu1_flush = iu2_flush | iu2_redirect;
assign iu2_flush = iu_flush_q | br_iu_redirect_q | ic_bp_iu2_flush | ic_bp_iu3_flush | iu3_redirect | iu4_redirect_q | ib_ic_iu4_redirect | uc_iu4_flush;
assign iu3_flush = iu_flush_q | br_iu_redirect_q | ic_bp_iu3_flush | iu4_redirect_q | ib_ic_iu4_redirect | uc_iu4_flush;
assign iu4_flush = iu_flush_q | br_iu_redirect_q | ib_ic_iu4_redirect | uc_iu4_flush; //it is possible to remove iu_flush from iu4_flush for timing but will have performance impact
// ex link stack pointers
//valid can be concurrent with flush
assign ex5_ls_push_d = ex5_val_d & ex5_br_taken_d & (~ex5_bclr_d) & ex5_lk_d & (~ex5_getNIA_d);
assign ex5_ls_pop_d = ex5_val_d & ex5_br_taken_d & ex5_bclr_d & ex5_bh_d[0:1] == 2'b00;
assign ex6_ls_t0_ptr_d[0:7] = (ex5_ls_push_q == 1'b1 & ex5_ls_pop_q == 1'b0) ? {ex5_ls_ptr_q[7], ex5_ls_ptr_q[0:6]} :
(ex5_ls_push_q == 1'b0 & ex5_ls_pop_q == 1'b1) ? {ex5_ls_ptr_q[1:7], ex5_ls_ptr_q[0]} :
assign ex6_ls_ptr_act = ex5_ls_push_q ^ ex5_ls_pop_q;
// maintain link stack contents
assign ex5_ls_update = ex5_ls_push_q;
assign ex5_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = ex5_ifar_q[62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] + value_1[32-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:31];
assign ex6_ls_t00_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_ls_update == 1'b1) ? ex5_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
ex6_ls_t00_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign ex6_ls_t01_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_ls_update == 1'b1) ? ex5_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
ex6_ls_t01_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign ex6_ls_t02_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_ls_update == 1'b1) ? ex5_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
ex6_ls_t02_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign ex6_ls_t03_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_ls_update == 1'b1) ? ex5_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
ex6_ls_t03_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign ex6_ls_t04_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_ls_update == 1'b1) ? ex5_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
ex6_ls_t04_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign ex6_ls_t05_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_ls_update == 1'b1) ? ex5_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
ex6_ls_t05_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign ex6_ls_t06_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_ls_update == 1'b1) ? ex5_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
ex6_ls_t06_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign ex6_ls_t07_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_ls_update == 1'b1) ? ex5_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
ex6_ls_t07_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign ex6_ls_t0_act[0:7] = (ex5_ls_update == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t0_ptr_d[0:7] :
// iu link stack pointers
assign iu4_ls_push_d = iu3_pr_val_q & (~iu3_flush) & (~iu3_bclr_q) & iu3_lk_q & (~iu3_getNIA);
assign iu4_ls_pop_d = iu3_pr_val_q & (~iu3_flush) & iu3_bclr_q & iu3_bh_q[0:1] == 2'b00;
assign ex5_repair = ex5_flush_q;
assign iu5_ls_t0_ptr_d[0:7] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t0_ptr_d[0:7] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_ls_ptr_q[0:7] :
(iu4_ls_push_q == 1'b1 & iu4_ls_pop_q == 1'b0) ? {iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[7], iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[0:6]} :
(iu4_ls_push_q == 1'b0 & iu4_ls_pop_q == 1'b1) ? {iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[1:7], iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[0]} :
assign iu5_ls_ptr_act[0] = br_iu_redirect_q | ex5_repair | (~iu4_flush);
// maintain link stack contents
assign iu4_ls_update = iu4_ls_push_q & (~iu4_flush);
assign iu4_ifar_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = ({iu3_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59], iu3_ifar_pri_q[60:61]});
assign iu4_act = iu3_pr_val_q & iu3_lk_q;
assign iu4_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = iu4_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] + value_1[32-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:31];
assign iu5_ls_t00_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t00_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1 & br_iu_ls_update_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_ls_data_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(iu4_ls_update == 1'b1) ? iu4_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu5_ls_t00_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu5_ls_t01_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t01_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1 & br_iu_ls_update_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_ls_data_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(iu4_ls_update == 1'b1) ? iu4_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu5_ls_t01_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu5_ls_t02_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t02_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1 & br_iu_ls_update_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_ls_data_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(iu4_ls_update == 1'b1) ? iu4_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu5_ls_t02_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu5_ls_t03_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t03_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1 & br_iu_ls_update_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_ls_data_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(iu4_ls_update == 1'b1) ? iu4_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu5_ls_t03_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu5_ls_t04_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t04_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1 & br_iu_ls_update_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_ls_data_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(iu4_ls_update == 1'b1) ? iu4_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu5_ls_t04_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu5_ls_t05_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t05_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1 & br_iu_ls_update_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_ls_data_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(iu4_ls_update == 1'b1) ? iu4_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu5_ls_t05_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu5_ls_t06_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t06_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1 & br_iu_ls_update_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_ls_data_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(iu4_ls_update == 1'b1) ? iu4_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu5_ls_t06_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu5_ls_t07_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? ex6_ls_t07_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1 & br_iu_ls_update_q == 1'b1) ? br_iu_ls_data_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
(iu4_ls_update == 1'b1) ? iu4_nia[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu5_ls_t07_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu5_ls_t0_act[0:7] = (ex5_repair == 1'b1) ? 8'b11111111 :
(iu4_ls_push_q == 1'b1 | (br_iu_redirect_q == 1'b1 & br_iu_ls_update_q == 1'b1)) ? iu5_ls_t0_ptr_d[0:7] :
// mux out link address
assign iu2_lnk[62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = ({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[0]}} & iu5_ls_t00_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]) |
({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[1]}} & iu5_ls_t01_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]) |
({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[2]}} & iu5_ls_t02_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]) |
({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[3]}} & iu5_ls_t03_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]) |
({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[4]}} & iu5_ls_t04_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]) |
({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[5]}} & iu5_ls_t05_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]) |
({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[6]}} & iu5_ls_t06_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]) |
({`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[7]}} & iu5_ls_t07_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]);
assign iu2_ls_ptr[0:2] = ({3{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[0]}} & 3'b000) |
({3{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[1]}} & 3'b001) |
({3{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[2]}} & 3'b010) |
({3{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[3]}} & 3'b011) |
({3{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[4]}} & 3'b100) |
({3{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[5]}} & 3'b101) |
({3{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[6]}} & 3'b110) |
({3{iu5_ls_t0_ptr_q[7]}} & 3'b111) ;
// read btb for bcctr
//btb has READ gating to prevent r/w collisions, with external write thru. writes are never blocked, so its okay to read as often as we like
assign iu0_btb_rd_act = ic_bp_iu0_val;
assign iu0_btb_rd_addr[0:5] = ic_bp_iu0_ifar[54:59];
assign iu2_btb[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = iu2_btb_rd_data[0:`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1];
assign iu2_btb_tag[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = iu2_btb_rd_data[`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:2 * `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1];
assign iu2_btb_link = iu2_btb_rd_data[2 * `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH];
assign iu2_btb_hist[0:1] = iu2_btb_hist_q[0:1];
assign iu2_btb_entry[0] = ic_bp_iu2_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] == iu2_btb_tag[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] & iu2_btb_tag[60:61] == ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61];
assign iu2_btb_entry[1] = ic_bp_iu2_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] == iu2_btb_tag[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] & iu2_btb_tag[60:61] == ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] + 2'b01;
assign iu2_btb_entry[2] = ic_bp_iu2_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] == iu2_btb_tag[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] & iu2_btb_tag[60:61] == ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] + 2'b10;
assign iu2_btb_entry[3] = ic_bp_iu2_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] == iu2_btb_tag[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] & iu2_btb_tag[60:61] == ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] + 2'b11;
// read/write btb replacement counter
assign ex5_btb_repl_new[0:1] = ((ex5_btb_entry_q == 1'b0 & ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & (ex5_btb_repl_cnt[0:1] == 2'b00 | ex5_bcctr_q == 1'b1 | (ex5_bclr_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_q[0:1] != 2'b00)))) ? 2'b01 :
(ex5_btb_entry_q == 1'b0 & ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_btb_repl_cnt[0:1] != 2'b00) ? ex5_btb_repl_cnt[0:1] - 2'b01 :
(ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_btb_hist[0] == 1'b1 & (ex5_bcctr_q == 1'b1 | (ex5_bclr_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_q[0:1] != 2'b00))) ? 2'b11 :
(ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_btb_hist[0] == 1'b1 & ex5_btb_repl_cnt[0:1] != 2'b11) ? ex5_btb_repl_cnt[0:1] + 2'b01 :
begin : xhdl2
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 63; i = i + 1)
begin : repl_cnt
wire [54:59] id = i;
assign ex5_btb_repl_d[2 * i:2 * i + 1] = (ex5_ifar_q[54:59] == id) ? ex5_btb_repl_new[0:1] :
ex5_btb_repl_q[2 * i:2 * i + 1];
assign ex5_btb_repl_out[i] = ex5_btb_repl_q[2 * i] & ex5_ifar_q[54:59] == id;
assign ex5_btb_repl_out[i + 64] = ex5_btb_repl_q[2 * i + 1] & ex5_ifar_q[54:59] == id;
assign ex5_btb_repl_cnt[0:1] = {|(ex5_btb_repl_out[0:63]), |(ex5_btb_repl_out[64:127])};
// read/write btb history
assign iu0_btb_hist_new[0:1] = (ex5_val_q == 1'b0 & ex5_btb_entry_q == 1'b1 & ex5_btb_hist[0:1] != 2'b00) ? ex5_btb_hist[0:1] - 2'b01 :
((ex5_btb_entry_q == 1'b0 & ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & (ex5_btb_repl_cnt[0:1] == 2'b00 | ex5_bcctr_q == 1'b1 | (ex5_bclr_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_q[0:1] != 2'b00)))) ? 2'b10 :
(ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b1 & ex5_btb_hist[0:1] != 2'b11) ? ex5_btb_hist[0:1] + 2'b01 :
(ex5_br_taken_q == 1'b0 & ex5_btb_hist[0:1] != 2'b00) ? ex5_btb_hist[0:1] - 2'b01 :
begin : xhdl3
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i <= 63; i = i + 1)
begin : btb_hist
wire [54:59] id = i;
assign iu0_btb_hist_d[2 * i:2 * i + 1] = (ex5_ifar_q[54:59] == id) ? iu0_btb_hist_new[0:1] :
iu0_btb_hist_q[2 * i:2 * i + 1];
assign iu0_btb_hist_out[i] = iu0_btb_hist_q[2 * i] & ic_bp_iu0_ifar[54:59] == id;
assign iu0_btb_hist_out[i + 64] = iu0_btb_hist_q[2 * i + 1] & ic_bp_iu0_ifar[54:59] == id;
assign ex5_btb_hist_out[i] = iu0_btb_hist_q[2 * i] & ex5_ifar_q[54:59] == id;
assign ex5_btb_hist_out[i + 64] = iu0_btb_hist_q[2 * i + 1] & ex5_ifar_q[54:59] == id;
assign iu1_btb_hist_d[0:1] = {|(iu0_btb_hist_out[0:63]), |(iu0_btb_hist_out[64:127])};
assign iu2_btb_hist_d[0:1] = iu1_btb_hist_q[0:1];
assign ex5_btb_hist[0:1] = {|(ex5_btb_hist_out[0:63]), |(ex5_btb_hist_out[64:127])};
assign iu0_btb_hist_act = (ex5_val_q == 1'b0 & ex5_btb_entry_q == 1'b1) | (ex5_val_q == 1'b1 & ((ex5_btb_entry_q == 1'b1) | (ex5_btb_entry_q == 1'b0 & ex5_br_taken_q & (ex5_btb_repl_cnt[0:1] == 2'b00 | ex5_bcctr_q == 1'b1 | (ex5_bclr_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_q[0:1] != 2'b00)))));
// write btb
//branch to link
assign ex5_btb_wr_data[0:63] = {ex5_bta_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61], ex5_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61], (ex5_bclr_q & ex5_bh_q[0:1] == 2'b00), {(64-(2*`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH + 1)){1'b0}}}; //tag
assign ex5_btb_wr_addr[0:5] = ex5_ifar_q[54:59];
assign ex5_btb_wr_act = (ex5_val_q == 1'b1 & ((ex5_btb_entry_q == 1'b1 & ex5_br_taken_q) | (ex5_btb_entry_q == 1'b0 & ex5_br_taken_q & (ex5_btb_repl_cnt[0:1] == 2'b00 | ex5_bcctr_q == 1'b1 | (ex5_bclr_q == 1'b1 & ex5_bh_q[0:1] != 2'b00)))));
// select indirect ifar
assign iu3_lnk_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = iu2_lnk[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu3_btb_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = iu2_btb[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
//next fetch group address
assign iu3_nfg_d[62-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] = ic_bp_iu2_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:59] + value_1[34-`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:31];
assign iu3_nfg_d[60:61] = 2'b00;
// redirect instruction pointer
assign iu2_redirect = bp_bt_en & ic_bp_iu2_val[0] & ic_bp_iu2_error[0:2] == 3'b000 & iu2_btb_hist[0] & ic_bp_iu2_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:53] == iu2_btb_tag[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:53] & ic_bp_iu2_ifar[60:61] <= iu2_btb_tag[60:61];
assign iu3_btb_redirect_d = iu2_redirect & (~iu2_flush);
assign iu3_btb_misdirect_d = iu2_redirect & (~iu2_flush) & iu2_btb_tag[60:61] != iu3_ifar_pri_d[60:61];
assign iu3_btb_link_d = iu2_btb_link;
assign iu4_redirect_act = iu3_redirect;
assign iu4_redirect_ifar_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = iu3_bta[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign iu3_redirect = (iu3_pr_val_q ^ iu3_btb_redirect_q) | (iu3_btb_redirect_q & ((iu3_bclr_q == 1'b1 & iu3_bh_q[0:1] == 2'b00) ^ iu3_btb_link_q == 1'b1)) | (iu3_btb_misdirect_q & (~(((iu3_bcctr_q == 1'b1 | (iu3_bclr_q == 1'b1 & iu3_bh_q[0:1] != 2'b00)) & iu3_btb_link_q == 1'b0) | (iu3_bclr_q == 1'b1 & iu3_bh_q[0:1] == 2'b00 & iu3_btb_link_q == 1'b1))));
assign iu3_redirect_early = iu3_bclr_q | iu3_bcctr_q | (~iu3_pr_val_q);
assign iu4_redirect_d = iu3_redirect & (~iu3_redirect_early) & (~iu3_flush);
assign bp_ic_redirect_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = (iu4_redirect_q == 1'b1) ? iu4_redirect_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
((iu3_redirect == 1'b1 & iu3_pr_val_q == 1'b0)) ? iu3_nfg_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
((iu3_redirect == 1'b1 & iu3_bclr_q == 1'b1 & iu3_bh_q[0:1] == 2'b00)) ? iu3_lnk_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
((iu3_redirect == 1'b1)) ? iu3_btb_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
((iu2_btb_link == 1'b1)) ? iu3_lnk_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu3_btb_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign bp_ic_iu4_redirect = iu4_redirect_q;
assign bp_ic_iu3_redirect = iu3_redirect;
assign bp_ic_iu2_redirect = iu2_redirect;
// out of sync hold of link stack instructions
assign bp_ic_iu3_hold = 1'b0;
// output validated instructions
assign bp_ib_iu3_ifar[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = iu3_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign bp_ib_iu3_val[0:3] = ({4{~ic_bp_iu3_flush}} & iu3_val_q[0:3]);
assign bp_ib_iu3_0_instr[0:69] = {iu3_0_instr_q[0:53], (iu3_0_instr_q[54] | ic_bp_iu3_ecc_err), iu3_0_instr_q[55:60], bp_ib_iu3_bta_val, iu3_gs_counts[0:5], iu3_gs_count0[0:1]};
assign bp_ib_iu3_1_instr[0:69] = {iu3_1_instr_q[0:53], (iu3_1_instr_q[54] | ic_bp_iu3_ecc_err), iu3_1_instr_q[55:60], bp_ib_iu3_bta_val, iu3_gs_counts[0:5], iu3_gs_count1[0:1]};
assign bp_ib_iu3_2_instr[0:69] = {iu3_2_instr_q[0:53], (iu3_2_instr_q[54] | ic_bp_iu3_ecc_err), iu3_2_instr_q[55:60], bp_ib_iu3_bta_val, iu3_gs_counts[0:5], iu3_gs_count2[0:1]};
assign bp_ib_iu3_3_instr[0:69] = {iu3_3_instr_q[0:53], (iu3_3_instr_q[54] | ic_bp_iu3_ecc_err), iu3_3_instr_q[55:60], bp_ib_iu3_bta_val, iu3_gs_counts[0:5], iu3_gs_count3[0:1]};
assign bp_ib_iu3_bta[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] = ((iu3_bclr_q == 1'b1 & iu3_bh_q[0:1] == 2'b00)) ? iu3_lnk_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61] :
iu3_btb_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61];
assign bp_ib_iu3_bta_val = (~iu4_redirect_d);
// latches
//scan chain 0
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(128), .INIT(0)) iu0_btb_hist_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu0_btb_hist_offset:iu0_btb_hist_offset + 127]),
.scout(sov0[iu0_btb_hist_offset:iu0_btb_hist_offset + 127]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) iu1_btb_hist_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu1_btb_hist_offset:iu1_btb_hist_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu1_btb_hist_offset:iu1_btb_hist_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) iu2_btb_hist_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu2_btb_hist_offset:iu2_btb_hist_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu2_btb_hist_offset:iu2_btb_hist_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) gshare_reg(
.scin(siv0[gshare_offset:gshare_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov0[gshare_offset:gshare_offset + 15]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0)) gshare_shift0_reg(
.scin(siv0[gshare_shift0_offset:gshare_shift0_offset + 4]),
.scout(sov0[gshare_shift0_offset:gshare_shift0_offset + 4]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) cp_gshare_reg(
.scin(siv0[cp_gshare_offset:cp_gshare_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov0[cp_gshare_offset:cp_gshare_offset + 15]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) cp_gs_count_reg(
.scin(siv0[cp_gs_count_offset:cp_gs_count_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov0[cp_gs_count_offset:cp_gs_count_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) cp_gs_taken_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0)) iu1_gs_pos_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu1_gs_pos_offset:iu1_gs_pos_offset + 2]),
.scout(sov0[iu1_gs_pos_offset:iu1_gs_pos_offset + 2]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0)) iu2_gs_pos_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu2_gs_pos_offset:iu2_gs_pos_offset + 2]),
.scout(sov0[iu2_gs_pos_offset:iu2_gs_pos_offset + 2]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0)) iu3_gs_pos_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_gs_pos_offset:iu3_gs_pos_offset + 2]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_gs_pos_offset:iu3_gs_pos_offset + 2]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(10), .INIT(0)) iu1_gshare_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu1_gshare_offset:iu1_gshare_offset + 9]),
.scout(sov0[iu1_gshare_offset:iu1_gshare_offset + 9]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(10), .INIT(0)) iu2_gshare_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu2_gshare_offset:iu2_gshare_offset + 9]),
.scout(sov0[iu2_gshare_offset:iu2_gshare_offset + 9]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) iu3_bh_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_bh_offset:iu3_bh_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_bh_offset:iu3_bh_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu3_lk_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu3_aa_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu3_b_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu3_bclr_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu3_bcctr_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0)) iu3_opcode_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_opcode_offset:iu3_opcode_offset + 5]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_opcode_offset:iu3_opcode_offset + 5]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0)) iu3_bo_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_bo_offset:iu3_bo_offset + 4]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_bo_offset:iu3_bo_offset + 4]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0)) iu3_bi_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_bi_offset:iu3_bi_offset + 4]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_bi_offset:iu3_bi_offset + 4]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(24), .INIT(0)) iu3_tar_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_tar_offset:iu3_tar_offset + 23]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_tar_offset:iu3_tar_offset + 23]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu3_ifar_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_ifar_offset:iu3_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_ifar_offset:iu3_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu3_ifar_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu3_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) iu3_ifar_pri_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_ifar_pri_offset:iu3_ifar_pri_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_ifar_pri_offset:iu3_ifar_pri_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu3_pr_val_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH)), .INIT(0)) iu3_lnk_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_lnk_offset:iu3_lnk_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_lnk_offset:iu3_lnk_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH)), .INIT(0)) iu3_btb_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_btb_offset:iu3_btb_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_btb_offset:iu3_btb_offset + (`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0)) iu3_val_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_val_offset:iu3_val_offset + 3]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_val_offset:iu3_val_offset + 3]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(61), .INIT(0)) iu3_0_instr_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_0_instr_offset:iu3_0_instr_offset + 61 - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_0_instr_offset:iu3_0_instr_offset + 61 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(61), .INIT(0)) iu3_1_instr_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_1_instr_offset:iu3_1_instr_offset + 61 - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_1_instr_offset:iu3_1_instr_offset + 61 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(61), .INIT(0)) iu3_2_instr_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_2_instr_offset:iu3_2_instr_offset + 61 - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_2_instr_offset:iu3_2_instr_offset + 61 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(61), .INIT(0)) iu3_3_instr_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_3_instr_offset:iu3_3_instr_offset + 61 - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_3_instr_offset:iu3_3_instr_offset + 61 - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu3_btb_redirect_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu3_btb_misdirect_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu3_btb_link_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu3_nfg_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu3_nfg_offset:iu3_nfg_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu3_nfg_offset:iu3_nfg_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu3_nfg_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu3_nfg_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu4_redirect_ifar_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu4_redirect_ifar_offset:iu4_redirect_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu4_redirect_ifar_offset:iu4_redirect_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu4_redirect_ifar_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu4_redirect_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu4_redirect_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu4_ls_push_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu4_ls_pop_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu4_ifar_reg(
.scin(siv0[iu4_ifar_offset:iu4_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov0[iu4_ifar_offset:iu4_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu4_ifar_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu4_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
//scan chain 1
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(128)) iu5_ls_t0_ptr_reg(
.scin(siv1[iu5_ls_t0_ptr_offset:iu5_ls_t0_ptr_offset + 7]),
.scout(sov1[iu5_ls_t0_ptr_offset:iu5_ls_t0_ptr_offset + 7]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu5_ls_t00_reg(
.scin(siv1[iu5_ls_t00_offset:iu5_ls_t00_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[iu5_ls_t00_offset:iu5_ls_t00_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu5_ls_t00_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu5_ls_t00_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu5_ls_t01_reg(
.scin(siv1[iu5_ls_t01_offset:iu5_ls_t01_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[iu5_ls_t01_offset:iu5_ls_t01_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu5_ls_t01_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu5_ls_t01_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu5_ls_t02_reg(
.scin(siv1[iu5_ls_t02_offset:iu5_ls_t02_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[iu5_ls_t02_offset:iu5_ls_t02_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu5_ls_t02_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu5_ls_t02_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu5_ls_t03_reg(
.scin(siv1[iu5_ls_t03_offset:iu5_ls_t03_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[iu5_ls_t03_offset:iu5_ls_t03_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu5_ls_t03_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu5_ls_t03_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu5_ls_t04_reg(
.scin(siv1[iu5_ls_t04_offset:iu5_ls_t04_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[iu5_ls_t04_offset:iu5_ls_t04_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu5_ls_t04_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu5_ls_t04_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu5_ls_t05_reg(
.scin(siv1[iu5_ls_t05_offset:iu5_ls_t05_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[iu5_ls_t05_offset:iu5_ls_t05_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu5_ls_t05_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu5_ls_t05_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu5_ls_t06_reg(
.scin(siv1[iu5_ls_t06_offset:iu5_ls_t06_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[iu5_ls_t06_offset:iu5_ls_t06_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu5_ls_t06_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu5_ls_t06_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) iu5_ls_t07_reg(
.scin(siv1[iu5_ls_t07_offset:iu5_ls_t07_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[iu5_ls_t07_offset:iu5_ls_t07_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(iu5_ls_t07_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(iu5_ls_t07_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex6_ls_t00_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex6_ls_t00_offset:ex6_ls_t00_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex6_ls_t00_offset:ex6_ls_t00_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_ls_t00_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex6_ls_t00_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex6_ls_t01_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex6_ls_t01_offset:ex6_ls_t01_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex6_ls_t01_offset:ex6_ls_t01_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_ls_t01_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex6_ls_t01_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex6_ls_t02_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex6_ls_t02_offset:ex6_ls_t02_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex6_ls_t02_offset:ex6_ls_t02_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_ls_t02_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex6_ls_t02_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex6_ls_t03_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex6_ls_t03_offset:ex6_ls_t03_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex6_ls_t03_offset:ex6_ls_t03_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_ls_t03_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex6_ls_t03_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex6_ls_t04_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex6_ls_t04_offset:ex6_ls_t04_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex6_ls_t04_offset:ex6_ls_t04_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_ls_t04_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex6_ls_t04_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex6_ls_t05_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex6_ls_t05_offset:ex6_ls_t05_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex6_ls_t05_offset:ex6_ls_t05_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_ls_t05_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex6_ls_t05_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex6_ls_t06_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex6_ls_t06_offset:ex6_ls_t06_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex6_ls_t06_offset:ex6_ls_t06_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_ls_t06_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex6_ls_t06_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex6_ls_t07_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex6_ls_t07_offset:ex6_ls_t07_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex6_ls_t07_offset:ex6_ls_t07_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_ls_t07_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex6_ls_t07_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_val_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex5_ifar_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_ifar_offset:ex5_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_ifar_offset:ex5_ifar_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex5_ifar_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex5_ifar_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_bh_update_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(10), .INIT(0)) ex5_gshare_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_gshare_offset:ex5_gshare_offset + 9]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_gshare_offset:ex5_gshare_offset + 9]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) ex5_bh0_hist_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_bh0_hist_offset:ex5_bh0_hist_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_bh0_hist_offset:ex5_bh0_hist_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) ex5_bh1_hist_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_bh1_hist_offset:ex5_bh1_hist_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_bh1_hist_offset:ex5_bh1_hist_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) ex5_bh2_hist_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_bh2_hist_offset:ex5_bh2_hist_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_bh2_hist_offset:ex5_bh2_hist_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_br_pred_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_br_taken_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_bcctr_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_bclr_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_getNIA_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_lk_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) ex5_bh_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_bh_offset:ex5_bh_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_bh_offset:ex5_bh_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) ex5_bta_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_bta_offset:ex5_bta_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_bta_offset:ex5_bta_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex5_bta_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(ex5_bta_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0)) ex5_ls_ptr_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_ls_ptr_offset:ex5_ls_ptr_offset + 7]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_ls_ptr_offset:ex5_ls_ptr_offset + 7]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0)) ex5_btb_hist_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_btb_hist_offset:ex5_btb_hist_offset + 1]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_btb_hist_offset:ex5_btb_hist_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_btb_entry_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(128), .INIT(0)) ex5_btb_repl_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex5_btb_repl_offset:ex5_btb_repl_offset + 127]),
.scout(sov1[ex5_btb_repl_offset:ex5_btb_repl_offset + 127]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_ls_push_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_ls_pop_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_group_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) ex5_flush_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(128)) ex6_ls_t0_ptr_reg(
.scin(siv1[ex6_ls_t0_ptr_offset:ex6_ls_t0_ptr_offset + 7]),
.scout(sov1[ex6_ls_t0_ptr_offset:ex6_ls_t0_ptr_offset + 7]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(7), .INIT(0)) bp_config_reg(
.scin(siv1[bp_config_offset:bp_config_offset + 6]),
.scout(sov1[bp_config_offset:bp_config_offset + 6]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(18), .INIT(0)) br_iu_gshare_reg(
.scin(siv1[br_iu_gshare_offset:br_iu_gshare_offset + 17]),
.scout(sov1[br_iu_gshare_offset:br_iu_gshare_offset + 17]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0)) br_iu_ls_ptr_reg(
.scin(siv1[br_iu_ls_ptr_offset:br_iu_ls_ptr_offset + 7]),
.scout(sov1[br_iu_ls_ptr_offset:br_iu_ls_ptr_offset + 7]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EFF_IFAR_WIDTH), .INIT(0)) br_iu_ls_data_reg(
.scin(siv1[br_iu_ls_data_offset:br_iu_ls_data_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov1[br_iu_ls_data_offset:br_iu_ls_data_offset + `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(br_iu_ls_data_d[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61]),
.dout(br_iu_ls_data_q[62 - `EFF_IFAR_WIDTH:61])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) br_iu_ls_update_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) br_iu_redirect_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) cp_flush_reg(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0)) iu_flush_reg(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) bcache_data0_reg(
.scin(siv1[bcache_data0_offset:bcache_data0_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov1[bcache_data0_offset:bcache_data0_offset + 15]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) bcache_data1_reg(
.scin(siv1[bcache_data1_offset:bcache_data1_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov1[bcache_data1_offset:bcache_data1_offset + 15]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) bcache_data2_reg(
.scin(siv1[bcache_data2_offset:bcache_data2_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov1[bcache_data2_offset:bcache_data2_offset + 15]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) bcache_data3_reg(
.scin(siv1[bcache_data3_offset:bcache_data3_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov1[bcache_data3_offset:bcache_data3_offset + 15]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) bcache_data4_reg(
.scin(siv1[bcache_data4_offset:bcache_data4_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov1[bcache_data4_offset:bcache_data4_offset + 15]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) bcache_data5_reg(
.scin(siv1[bcache_data5_offset:bcache_data5_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov1[bcache_data5_offset:bcache_data5_offset + 15]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) bcache_data6_reg(
.scin(siv1[bcache_data6_offset:bcache_data6_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov1[bcache_data6_offset:bcache_data6_offset + 15]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0)) bcache_data7_reg(
.scin(siv1[bcache_data7_offset:bcache_data7_offset + 15]),
.scout(sov1[bcache_data7_offset:bcache_data7_offset + 15]),
// pervasive
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(2)) perv_2to1_reg(
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(2)) perv_1to0_reg(
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor(
// scan
assign siv0[0:scan_right0] = {scan_in[0], sov0[0:scan_right0 - 1]};
assign scan_out[0] = sov0[scan_right0];
assign siv1[0:scan_right1] = {scan_in[1], sov1[0:scan_right1 - 1]};
assign scan_out[1] = sov1[scan_right1];