4012 lines
195 KiB
4012 lines
195 KiB
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// VHDL 1076 Macro Expander C version 07/11/00
// job was run on Tue Apr 19 13:45:22 2011
//INCLUDES : FILE mmu_config.cfg
//* TITLE: Memory Management Unit Invalidate Control Logic
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
`include "mmu_a2o.vh"
`define INV_SEQ_WIDTH 6
module mmq_inval(
inout vdd,
inout gnd,
input clk,
input rst,
input tc_ccflush_dc,
input tc_scan_dis_dc_b,
input tc_scan_diag_dc,
input tc_lbist_en_dc,
input lcb_d_mode_dc,
input lcb_clkoff_dc_b,
input lcb_act_dis_dc,
input [0:4] lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
input lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
input [0:4] lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input ac_func_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output ac_func_scan_out,
input pc_sg_2,
input pc_func_sl_thold_2,
input pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2,
input pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2,
input pc_fce_2,
input mmucr2_act_override,
input xu_mm_ccr2_notlb,
output [1:12] xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b,
output mm_iu_ierat_snoop_coming,
output mm_iu_ierat_snoop_val,
output [0:25] mm_iu_ierat_snoop_attr,
output [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] mm_iu_ierat_snoop_vpn,
input iu_mm_ierat_snoop_ack,
output mm_xu_derat_snoop_coming,
output mm_xu_derat_snoop_val,
output [0:25] mm_xu_derat_snoop_attr,
output [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] mm_xu_derat_snoop_vpn,
input xu_mm_derat_snoop_ack,
output tlb_snoop_coming,
output tlb_snoop_val,
output [0:34] tlb_snoop_attr,
output [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] tlb_snoop_vpn,
input tlb_snoop_ack,
input an_ac_back_inv,
input an_ac_back_inv_target,
input an_ac_back_inv_local,
input an_ac_back_inv_lbit,
input an_ac_back_inv_gs,
input an_ac_back_inv_ind,
input [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] an_ac_back_inv_addr,
input [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id,
input ac_an_power_managed,
output ac_an_back_inv_reject,
input [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] lpidr,
input mas5_0_sgs,
input [0:7] mas5_0_slpid,
input [0:13] mas6_0_spid,
input [0:3] mas6_0_isize,
input mas6_0_sind,
input mas6_0_sas,
input [2:19] mmucr0_0,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
input mas5_1_sgs,
input [0:7] mas5_1_slpid,
input [0:13] mas6_1_spid,
input [0:3] mas6_1_isize,
input mas6_1_sind,
input mas6_1_sas,
input [2:19] mmucr0_1,
input [12:19] mmucr1,
input [0:1] mmucr1_csinv,
input mmucsr0_tlb0fi,
output mmq_inval_tlb0fi_done,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_rf1_val,
input xu_mm_rf1_is_tlbivax,
input xu_mm_rf1_is_tlbilx,
input xu_mm_rf1_is_erativax,
input xu_mm_rf1_is_eratilx,
input [0:`RS_IS_WIDTH-1] xu_mm_ex1_rs_is,
input xu_mm_ex1_is_isync,
input xu_mm_ex1_is_csync,
input [64-`RS_DATA_WIDTH:63] xu_mm_ex2_eff_addr,
input [0:`T_WIDTH-1] xu_mm_rf1_t,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] xu_mm_rf1_itag,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_msr_gs,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_msr_pr,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_spr_epcr_dgtmi,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_epcr_dgtmi,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_rf1_flush,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_ex1_flush,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_ex2_flush,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_ex3_flush,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_ex4_flush,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_ex5_flush,
input xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty,
input iu_mm_lmq_empty,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_ctl_barrier_done,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_ctl_ex2_flush_req,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_ctl_ex2_illeg_instr,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_ctl_ex6_illeg_instr,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] tlb_ctl_ex2_itag,
input [0:2] tlb_ctl_ord_type,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] tlb_tag4_itag,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_tag5_except,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_ctl_quiesce,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_req_quiesce,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_quiesce,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_pc_tlb_req_quiesce,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_pc_tlb_ctl_quiesce,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_pc_htw_quiesce,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_pc_inval_quiesce,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_ex3_flush_req,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_illeg_instr,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_local_snoop_reject,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] iu_mm_hold_ack,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_iu_hold_req,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_iu_hold_done,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_iu_flush_req,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] iu_mm_bus_snoop_hold_ack,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_iu_bus_snoop_hold_req,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_iu_bus_snoop_hold_done,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_iu_tlbi_complete,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_ord_n_flush_req,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_ord_np1_flush_req,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_ord_read_done,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_ord_write_done,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] mm_xu_itag,
output mm_xu_ord_n_flush_req_ored,
output mm_xu_ord_np1_flush_req_ored,
output mm_xu_ord_read_done_ored,
output mm_xu_ord_write_done_ored,
output mm_xu_illeg_instr_ored,
output mm_pc_local_snoop_reject_ored,
output inval_perf_tlbilx,
output inval_perf_tlbivax,
output inval_perf_tlbivax_snoop,
output inval_perf_tlb_flush,
input htw_lsu_req_valid,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] htw_lsu_thdid,
input [0:1] htw_lsu_ttype,
input [0:4] htw_lsu_wimge,
input [0:3] htw_lsu_u,
input [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] htw_lsu_addr,
output htw_lsu_req_taken,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] htw_quiesce,
input tlbwe_back_inv_valid,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlbwe_back_inv_thdid,
input [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] tlbwe_back_inv_addr,
input [0:34] tlbwe_back_inv_attr,
input tlb_tag5_write,
output tlbwe_back_inv_pending,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_lsu_req,
output [0:1] mm_xu_lsu_ttype,
output [0:4] mm_xu_lsu_wimge,
output [0:3] mm_xu_lsu_u,
output [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] mm_xu_lsu_addr,
output [0:7] mm_xu_lsu_lpid,
output mm_xu_lsu_gs,
output mm_xu_lsu_ind,
output mm_xu_lsu_lbit,
input xu_mm_lsu_token,
output [0:4] inval_dbg_seq_q,
output inval_dbg_seq_idle,
output inval_dbg_seq_snoop_inprogress,
output inval_dbg_seq_snoop_done,
output inval_dbg_seq_local_done,
output inval_dbg_seq_tlb0fi_done,
output inval_dbg_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done,
output inval_dbg_ex6_valid,
output [0:1] inval_dbg_ex6_thdid, // encoded
output [0:2] inval_dbg_ex6_ttype, // encoded
output inval_dbg_snoop_forme,
output inval_dbg_snoop_local_reject,
output [2:8] inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_q,
output [0:7] inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q,
output [22:63] inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_addr_q,
output [0:2] inval_dbg_snoop_valid_q,
output [0:2] inval_dbg_snoop_ack_q,
output [0:34] inval_dbg_snoop_attr_q,
output [18:19] inval_dbg_snoop_attr_tlb_spec_q,
output [17:51] inval_dbg_snoop_vpn_q,
output [0:1] inval_dbg_lsu_tokens_q
// chicken switches
// 0 - override lsu empty requirement for sending tlbivax
// 1 - override lsu empty requirement for processing incoming tlbivax snoop
// 2 - override wait for tlbwe back_inv erat snoop complete before issuing barrier_done, ord_read_done
// 3 - override i-fetch miss queue empty requirement for processing incoming tlbivax snoop
parameter MMQ_INVAL_CSWITCH_0TO3 = 0;
parameter MMU_Mode_Value = 1'b0;
parameter ERAT_Mode_Value = 1'b1;
parameter [0:1] TlbSel_Tlb = 2'b00;
parameter [0:1] TlbSel_IErat = 2'b10;
parameter [0:1] TlbSel_DErat = 2'b11;
parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_1GB = 4'b1010;
parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_16MB = 4'b0111;
parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_1MB = 4'b0101;
parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_64KB = 4'b0011;
parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_4KB = 4'b0001;
parameter [0:3] TLB_PgSize_256MB = 4'b1001;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Idle = 6'b000000;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg1 = 6'b000001;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg2 = 6'b000011;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg3 = 6'b000010;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg4 = 6'b000110;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg5 = 6'b000100;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg6 = 6'b000101;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg7 = 6'b000111;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg8 = 6'b001000;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg9 = 6'b001001;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg10 = 6'b001011;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg11 = 6'b001010;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg12 = 6'b001110;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg13 = 6'b001100;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg14 = 6'b001101;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg15 = 6'b001111;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg16 = 6'b010000;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg17 = 6'b010001;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg18 = 6'b010011;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg19 = 6'b010010;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg20 = 6'b010110;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg21 = 6'b010100;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg22 = 6'b010101;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg23 = 6'b010111;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg24 = 6'b011000;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg25 = 6'b011001;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg26 = 6'b011011;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg27 = 6'b011010;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg28 = 6'b011110;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg29 = 6'b011100;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg30 = 6'b011101;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg31 = 6'b011111;
parameter [0:5] InvSeq_Stg32 = 6'b100000;
parameter [0:1] SnoopSeq_Idle = 2'b00;
parameter [0:1] SnoopSeq_Stg1 = 2'b01;
parameter [0:1] SnoopSeq_Stg2 = 2'b10;
parameter [0:1] SnoopSeq_Stg3 = 2'b11;
// mmucr1 bits: 12:13-ICTID/ITTID,14:15-DCTID/DTTID,16:17-resv, TLBI_MSB/TLBI_REJ
parameter pos_ictid = 12;
parameter pos_ittid = 13;
parameter pos_dctid = 14;
parameter pos_dttid = 15;
parameter pos_tlbi_msb = 18;
parameter pos_tlbi_rej = 19;
parameter ex1_valid_offset = 0;
parameter ex1_ttype_offset = ex1_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex1_state_offset = ex1_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 2;
parameter ex1_t_offset = ex1_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH;
parameter ex2_valid_offset = ex1_t_offset + `T_WIDTH;
parameter ex2_ttype_offset = ex2_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex2_rs_is_offset = ex2_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH;
parameter ex2_state_offset = ex2_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH;
parameter ex2_t_offset = ex2_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH;
parameter ex3_valid_offset = ex2_t_offset + `T_WIDTH;
parameter ex3_ttype_offset = ex3_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex3_rs_is_offset = ex3_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH;
parameter ex3_state_offset = ex3_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH;
parameter ex3_t_offset = ex3_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH;
parameter ex3_flush_req_offset = ex3_t_offset + `T_WIDTH;
parameter ex3_ea_offset = ex3_flush_req_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex4_valid_offset = ex3_ea_offset + `EPN_WIDTH + 12;
parameter ex4_ttype_offset = ex4_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex4_rs_is_offset = ex4_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH;
parameter ex4_state_offset = ex4_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH;
parameter ex4_t_offset = ex4_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH;
parameter ex5_valid_offset = ex4_t_offset + `T_WIDTH;
parameter ex5_ttype_offset = ex5_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex5_rs_is_offset = ex5_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH;
parameter ex5_state_offset = ex5_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH;
parameter ex5_t_offset = ex5_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_valid_offset = ex5_t_offset + `T_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_ttype_offset = ex6_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex6_isel_offset = ex6_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH;
parameter ex6_size_offset = ex6_isel_offset + 3;
parameter ex6_gs_offset = ex6_size_offset + 4;
parameter ex6_ts_offset = ex6_gs_offset + 1;
parameter ex6_ind_offset = ex6_ts_offset + 1;
parameter ex6_pid_offset = ex6_ind_offset + 1;
parameter ex6_lpid_offset = ex6_pid_offset + `PID_WIDTH;
parameter ex1_itag_offset = ex6_lpid_offset + `LPID_WIDTH;
parameter ex2_itag_offset = ex1_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter ex3_itag_offset = ex2_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter ex4_itag_offset = ex3_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter ex5_itag_offset = ex4_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter ex6_itag_offset = ex5_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter mm_xu_itag_offset = ex6_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter ord_read_done_offset = mm_xu_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC;
parameter ord_write_done_offset = ord_read_done_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ord_np1_flush_offset = ord_write_done_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter inv_seq_offset = ord_np1_flush_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter hold_req_offset = inv_seq_offset + `INV_SEQ_WIDTH;
parameter hold_ack_offset = hold_req_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter hold_done_offset = hold_ack_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter local_barrier_offset = hold_done_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter global_barrier_offset = local_barrier_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex3_illeg_instr_offset = global_barrier_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex4_illeg_instr_offset = ex3_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex5_illeg_instr_offset = ex4_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex6_illeg_instr_offset = ex5_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex7_illeg_instr_offset = ex6_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_offset = ex7_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_offset = ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter bus_snoop_seq_offset = ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter bus_snoop_hold_req_offset = bus_snoop_seq_offset + `BUS_SNOOP_SEQ_WIDTH;
parameter bus_snoop_hold_ack_offset = bus_snoop_hold_req_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter bus_snoop_hold_done_offset = bus_snoop_hold_ack_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter tlbi_complete_offset = bus_snoop_hold_done_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter iu_flush_req_offset = tlbi_complete_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter local_snoop_reject_offset = iu_flush_req_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter snoop_valid_offset = local_snoop_reject_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter snoop_attr_offset = snoop_valid_offset + 3;
parameter snoop_vpn_offset = snoop_attr_offset + 35;
parameter snoop_attr_clone_offset = snoop_vpn_offset + `EPN_WIDTH;
parameter snoop_attr_tlb_spec_offset = snoop_attr_clone_offset + 26;
parameter snoop_vpn_clone_offset = snoop_attr_tlb_spec_offset + 2;
parameter snoop_ack_offset = snoop_vpn_clone_offset + `EPN_WIDTH;
parameter snoop_coming_offset = snoop_ack_offset + 3;
parameter mm_xu_quiesce_offset = snoop_coming_offset + 5;
parameter mm_pc_quiesce_offset = mm_xu_quiesce_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter inv_seq_inprogress_offset = mm_pc_quiesce_offset + 4*`MM_THREADS;
parameter xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_offset = inv_seq_inprogress_offset + 6;
parameter spare_offset = xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_offset + 13;
parameter an_ac_back_inv_offset = spare_offset + 16;
parameter an_ac_back_inv_addr_offset = an_ac_back_inv_offset + 9;
parameter an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_offset = an_ac_back_inv_addr_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH;
parameter lsu_tokens_offset = an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_offset + `LPID_WIDTH;
parameter lsu_req_offset = lsu_tokens_offset + 2;
parameter lsu_ttype_offset = lsu_req_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter lsu_ubits_offset = lsu_ttype_offset + 2;
parameter lsu_wimge_offset = lsu_ubits_offset + 4;
parameter lsu_addr_offset = lsu_wimge_offset + 5;
parameter lsu_lpid_offset = lsu_addr_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH;
parameter lsu_ind_offset = lsu_lpid_offset + `LPID_WIDTH;
parameter lsu_gs_offset = lsu_ind_offset + 1;
parameter lsu_lbit_offset = lsu_gs_offset + 1;
parameter power_managed_offset = lsu_lbit_offset + 1;
parameter cswitch_offset = power_managed_offset + 4;
parameter tlbwe_back_inv_offset = cswitch_offset + 4;
parameter tlbwe_back_inv_addr_offset = tlbwe_back_inv_offset + `MM_THREADS + 2;
parameter tlbwe_back_inv_attr_offset = tlbwe_back_inv_addr_offset + `EPN_WIDTH;
parameter scan_right = tlbwe_back_inv_attr_offset + 35 - 1;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter BUGSP_MM_THREADS = 2;
parameter BUGSP_MM_THREADS = 1;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex1_valid_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex1_valid_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-3] ex1_ttype_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-3] ex1_ttype_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex1_state_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex1_state_q;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex1_t_d;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex1_t_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex2_valid_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex2_valid_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex2_ttype_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex2_ttype_q;
wire [0:`RS_IS_WIDTH-1] ex2_rs_is_d;
wire [0:`RS_IS_WIDTH-1] ex2_rs_is_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex2_state_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex2_state_q;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex2_t_d;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex2_t_q;
wire [64-`RS_DATA_WIDTH:63] ex3_ea_d;
wire [64-`RS_DATA_WIDTH:63] ex3_ea_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex3_valid_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex3_valid_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex3_ttype_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex3_ttype_q;
wire [0:`RS_IS_WIDTH-1] ex3_rs_is_d;
wire [0:`RS_IS_WIDTH-1] ex3_rs_is_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex3_state_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex3_state_q;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex3_t_d;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex3_t_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex3_flush_req_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex3_flush_req_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex4_valid_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex4_valid_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex4_ttype_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex4_ttype_q;
wire [0:`RS_IS_WIDTH-1] ex4_rs_is_d;
wire [0:`RS_IS_WIDTH-1] ex4_rs_is_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex4_state_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex4_state_q;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex4_t_d;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex4_t_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex5_valid_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex5_valid_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex5_ttype_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex5_ttype_q;
wire [0:`RS_IS_WIDTH-1] ex5_rs_is_d;
wire [0:`RS_IS_WIDTH-1] ex5_rs_is_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex5_state_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH-1] ex5_state_q;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex5_t_d;
wire [0:`T_WIDTH-1] ex5_t_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex6_valid_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex6_valid_q;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex6_ttype_d;
wire [0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-1] ex6_ttype_q;
wire [0:2] ex6_isel_d;
wire [0:2] ex6_isel_q;
wire [0:3] ex6_size_d;
wire [0:3] ex6_size_q;
wire ex6_gs_d;
wire ex6_gs_q;
wire ex6_ts_d;
wire ex6_ts_q;
wire ex6_ind_d;
wire ex6_ind_q;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] ex6_pid_d;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] ex6_pid_q;
wire [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] ex6_lpid_d;
wire [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] ex6_lpid_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex1_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex1_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex2_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex2_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex3_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex3_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex4_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex4_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex5_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex5_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex6_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] ex6_itag_q;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] mm_xu_itag_d;
wire [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] mm_xu_itag_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ord_read_done_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ord_read_done_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ord_write_done_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ord_write_done_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ord_np1_flush_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ord_np1_flush_q;
reg [0:`INV_SEQ_WIDTH-1] inv_seq_d;
wire [0:`INV_SEQ_WIDTH-1] inv_seq_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] hold_req_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] hold_req_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] hold_ack_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] hold_ack_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] hold_done_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] hold_done_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] local_barrier_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] local_barrier_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] global_barrier_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] global_barrier_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex3_illeg_instr_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex3_illeg_instr_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_d, ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_d, ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_q;
reg [0:`BUS_SNOOP_SEQ_WIDTH-1] bus_snoop_seq_d;
wire [0:`BUS_SNOOP_SEQ_WIDTH-1] bus_snoop_seq_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] bus_snoop_hold_req_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] bus_snoop_hold_req_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] bus_snoop_hold_ack_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] bus_snoop_hold_ack_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] bus_snoop_hold_done_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] bus_snoop_hold_done_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlbi_complete_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlbi_complete_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] iu_flush_req_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] iu_flush_req_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex4_illeg_instr_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex4_illeg_instr_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex5_illeg_instr_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex5_illeg_instr_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex6_illeg_instr_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex6_illeg_instr_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex7_illeg_instr_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ex7_illeg_instr_q;
wire local_snoop_reject_ored;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] local_snoop_reject_d, local_snoop_reject_q;
wire [0:5] inv_seq_inprogress_d;
wire [0:5] inv_seq_inprogress_q;
wire [0:2] snoop_valid_d;
wire [0:2] snoop_valid_q;
wire [0:34] snoop_attr_d;
wire [0:34] snoop_attr_q;
wire [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] snoop_vpn_d;
wire [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] snoop_vpn_q;
wire [0:25] snoop_attr_clone_d;
wire [0:25] snoop_attr_clone_q;
wire [18:19] snoop_attr_tlb_spec_d;
wire [18:19] snoop_attr_tlb_spec_q;
wire [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] snoop_vpn_clone_d;
wire [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] snoop_vpn_clone_q;
wire [0:2] snoop_ack_d;
wire [0:2] snoop_ack_q;
wire [0:4] snoop_coming_d /*verilator split_var*/;
wire [0:4] snoop_coming_q;
wire [0:8] an_ac_back_inv_d;
wire [0:8] an_ac_back_inv_q;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] an_ac_back_inv_addr_d;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] an_ac_back_inv_addr_q;
wire [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_d;
wire [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q;
wire [0:1] lsu_tokens_d;
wire [0:1] lsu_tokens_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] lsu_req_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] lsu_req_q;
wire [0:1] lsu_ttype_d;
wire [0:1] lsu_ttype_q;
wire [0:3] lsu_ubits_d;
wire [0:3] lsu_ubits_q;
wire [0:4] lsu_wimge_d;
wire [0:4] lsu_wimge_q;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] lsu_addr_d;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63] lsu_addr_q;
wire [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] lsu_lpid_d;
wire [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] lsu_lpid_q;
wire lsu_ind_d;
wire lsu_ind_q;
wire lsu_gs_d;
wire lsu_gs_q;
wire lsu_lbit_d;
wire lsu_lbit_q;
wire [0:12] xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_d;
wire [0:12] xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_epcr_dgtmi_q;
wire [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] lpidr_q;
wire [12:19] mmucr1_q;
wire [0:1] mmucr1_csinv_q;
wire [0:15] spare_q;
wire [0:3] power_managed_d;
wire [0:3] power_managed_q;
wire [0:3] cswitch_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_quiesce_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mm_xu_quiesce_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] inval_quiesce_b;
wire [0:4*`MM_THREADS-1] mm_pc_quiesce_d, mm_pc_quiesce_q;
reg inv_seq_local_done;
reg inv_seq_snoop_done;
reg [0:`MM_THREADS-1] inv_seq_hold_req;
reg [0:`MM_THREADS-1] inv_seq_hold_done;
reg inv_seq_tlbi_load;
reg inv_seq_tlbi_complete;
reg inv_seq_tlb_snoop_val;
reg inv_seq_htw_load;
reg inv_seq_ierat_snoop_val;
reg inv_seq_derat_snoop_val;
reg inv_seq_snoop_inprogress;
wire [0:1] inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q;
reg inv_seq_local_inprogress;
reg inv_seq_local_barrier_set;
reg inv_seq_global_barrier_set;
reg inv_seq_local_barrier_done;
reg inv_seq_global_barrier_done;
reg inv_seq_idle;
reg bus_snoop_seq_idle;
reg bus_snoop_seq_hold_req;
reg bus_snoop_seq_ready;
reg bus_snoop_seq_done;
wire inval_snoop_forme;
wire inval_snoop_local_reject;
wire ex6_size_large;
reg inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress;
wire [0:1] inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress_q;
reg inv_seq_tlb0fi_done;
wire ex3_ea_hold;
reg htw_lsu_req_taken_sig;
reg inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress;
wire [0:1] inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q;
reg inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done;
wire tlbwe_back_inv_tid_nz;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS+1] tlbwe_back_inv_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS+1] tlbwe_back_inv_q;
wire [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] tlbwe_back_inv_addr_d;
wire [52-`EPN_WIDTH:51] tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q;
wire [0:34] tlbwe_back_inv_attr_d;
wire [0:34] tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q;
wire back_inv_tid_nz;
wire ex6_tid_nz;
wire ex2_rs_pgsize_not_supp;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mas6_isize_not_supp;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mas5_slpid_neq_lpidr;
wire ex2_hv_state;
wire ex2_priv_state;
wire ex2_dgtmi_state;
wire ex5_hv_state;
wire ex5_priv_state;
wire ex5_dgtmi_state;
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
wire [0:16] unused_dc;
// Pervasive
wire pc_sg_1;
wire pc_sg_0;
wire pc_fce_1;
wire pc_fce_0;
wire pc_func_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_func_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_func_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_func_sl_force;
wire pc_func_slp_sl_force;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_force;
wire [0:scan_right] siv;
wire [0:scan_right] sov;
wire tidn;
wire tiup;
//!! Bugspray Include: mmq_inval;
assign tidn = 1'b0;
assign tiup = 1'b1;
assign xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_d = {13{xu_mm_ccr2_notlb}};
assign power_managed_d[0] = ac_an_power_managed;
assign power_managed_d[1] = power_managed_q[1];
assign power_managed_d[2] = power_managed_q[2];
assign power_managed_d[3] = power_managed_q[3];
assign mm_xu_quiesce = mm_xu_quiesce_q;
assign mm_xu_quiesce_d = tlb_req_quiesce & tlb_ctl_quiesce & htw_quiesce & (~inval_quiesce_b);
// not quiesced
assign inval_quiesce_b = ex6_valid_q |
({`MM_THREADS{inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress}} & tlbwe_back_inv_q[0:`MM_THREADS-1]);
assign mm_pc_quiesce_d[0:`MM_THREADS-1] = tlb_req_quiesce;
assign mm_pc_quiesce_d[`MM_THREADS:2*`MM_THREADS-1] = tlb_ctl_quiesce;
assign mm_pc_quiesce_d[2*`MM_THREADS:3*`MM_THREADS-1] = htw_quiesce;
assign mm_pc_quiesce_d[3*`MM_THREADS:4*`MM_THREADS-1] = (~inval_quiesce_b);
assign mm_pc_tlb_req_quiesce = mm_pc_quiesce_q[0:`MM_THREADS-1];
assign mm_pc_tlb_ctl_quiesce = mm_pc_quiesce_q[`MM_THREADS:2*`MM_THREADS-1];
assign mm_pc_htw_quiesce = mm_pc_quiesce_q[2*`MM_THREADS:3*`MM_THREADS-1];
assign mm_pc_inval_quiesce = mm_pc_quiesce_q[3*`MM_THREADS:4*`MM_THREADS-1];
assign ex1_valid_d = xu_mm_rf1_val & (~(xu_rf1_flush));
assign ex1_ttype_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 3] = {xu_mm_rf1_is_tlbilx, xu_mm_rf1_is_tlbivax, xu_mm_rf1_is_eratilx, xu_mm_rf1_is_erativax};
assign ex1_state_d[0] = |(xu_mm_msr_gs & xu_mm_rf1_val);
assign ex1_state_d[1] = |(xu_mm_msr_pr & xu_mm_rf1_val);
assign ex1_t_d = xu_mm_rf1_t;
assign ex2_valid_d = ex1_valid_q & (~(xu_ex1_flush));
assign ex2_ttype_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 3] = ex1_ttype_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 3];
assign ex2_ttype_d[`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 2:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1] = {xu_mm_ex1_is_csync, xu_mm_ex1_is_isync};
assign ex2_rs_is_d = xu_mm_ex1_rs_is;
// RS(55) -> Local rs_is(0)
// RS(56:57) -> IS rs_is(1 to 2)
// RS(58:59) -> Class rs_is(3 to 4)
// RS(60:63) -> Size rs_is(5 to 8)
assign ex2_state_d = ex1_state_q;
assign ex2_t_d = ex1_t_q;
// ex2 effective addr capture latch.. hold addr until inv_seq done with it
assign ex3_ea_hold = (|(ex3_valid_q) & |(ex3_ttype_q[0:3])) | (|(ex4_valid_q) & |(ex4_ttype_q[0:3])) | (|(ex5_valid_q) & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:3])) | (|(ex6_valid_q) & |(ex6_ttype_q[0:3]));
assign ex3_ea_d = (ex3_ea_q & {`RS_DATA_WIDTH{ex3_ea_hold}}) | (xu_mm_ex2_eff_addr & {`RS_DATA_WIDTH{~ex3_ea_hold}});
assign ex2_hv_state = (~ex2_state_q[0]) & (~ex2_state_q[1]);
assign ex2_priv_state = (~ex2_state_q[1]);
assign ex2_dgtmi_state = |(ex2_valid_q & xu_mm_epcr_dgtmi_q);
assign ex3_valid_d = ex2_valid_q & (~(xu_ex2_flush));
assign ex3_ttype_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 3] = ex2_ttype_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 3];
assign ex3_ttype_d[`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 2] = (ex2_ttype_q[`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 2] & (~mmucr1_csinv_q[0]));
assign ex3_ttype_d[`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1] = (ex2_ttype_q[`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1] & (~mmucr1_csinv_q[1]));
assign ex3_rs_is_d = ex2_rs_is_q;
assign ex3_state_d = ex2_state_q;
assign ex3_t_d = ex2_t_q;
assign ex3_flush_req_d = ((ex2_ttype_q[0:3] != 4'b0000 & (inv_seq_idle == 1'b0 |
(|(ex3_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex3_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1) |
(|(ex4_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex4_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1) |
(|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1) |
(|(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1)))) ? (ex2_valid_q & (~(xu_ex2_flush))) :
assign ex4_valid_d = ex3_valid_q & (~(xu_ex3_flush)) & (~(ex3_flush_req_q)) & (~(ex3_illeg_instr_q)) & (~(ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_q));
assign ex4_ttype_d = ex3_ttype_q;
assign ex4_rs_is_d = ex3_rs_is_q;
assign ex4_state_d = ex3_state_q;
assign ex4_t_d = ex3_t_q;
assign ex5_valid_d = ex4_valid_q & (~(xu_ex4_flush));
assign ex5_ttype_d = ex4_ttype_q;
assign ex5_rs_is_d = ex4_rs_is_q;
assign ex5_state_d = ex4_state_q;
assign ex5_t_d = ex4_t_q;
assign ex5_hv_state = (~ex5_state_q[0]) & (~ex5_state_q[1]);
assign ex5_priv_state = (~ex5_state_q[1]);
assign ex5_dgtmi_state = |(ex5_valid_q & xu_mm_epcr_dgtmi_q);
// these are ex6 capture latches.. hold invalidate op until inv_seq done with it
assign ex6_valid_d = (inv_seq_local_done == 1'b1) ? {`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} :
((|(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0 & ((ex5_ttype_q[0] == 1'b1 & ex5_priv_state == 1'b1 & ex5_dgtmi_state == 1'b0) | (ex5_ttype_q[0] == 1'b1 & ex5_hv_state == 1'b1 & ex5_dgtmi_state == 1'b1) | (|(ex5_ttype_q[1:3]) == 1'b1 & ex5_hv_state == 1'b1)))) ? (ex5_valid_q & (~(xu_ex5_flush))) :
//ttype <= tlbilx & tlbivax & eratilx & erativax & csync & isync;
assign ex6_ttype_d = ((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? ex5_ttype_q :
// ttype -> 0 1 2 3
// sources for ttype -> tlbilx tlbivax eratilx erativax
// RS(55) -> Local rs_is(0) 1 0 1 0
// RS(56:57) -> IS rs_is(1 to 2) f(T) 11 f(T) RS(56:57)
// RS(58:59) -> Class rs_is(3 to 4) g(T) 00 g(T) RS(58:59)
// RS(60:63) -> Size rs_is(5 to 8) mas6 mas6 n/a RS(60:63)
// TS (state(1)) mas6 mas6 mmucr0 mmucr0
// TID mas6 mas6 mmucr0 mmucr0
// GS (state(0)) mas5 mas5 mmucr0 mmucr0
// LPID mas5 mas5 lpidr lpidr
// IND mas6 mas6 0 0
assign ex6_isel_d = ((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & ex5_ttype_q[3] == 1'b1 & ex5_rs_is_q[1:2] == 2'b10 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? {1'b1, ex5_rs_is_q[3:4]} :
((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & ex5_ttype_q[3] == 1'b1 & ex5_rs_is_q[1:2] != 2'b10 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? {1'b0, ex5_rs_is_q[1:2]} :
((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & ex5_ttype_q[2] == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? ex5_t_q[0:2] :
((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & ex5_ttype_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? 3'b011 :
((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & ex5_ttype_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? ex5_t_q[0:2] :
// T field from tlbilx/eratilx is 0=all, 1=pid, 2=resvd/GS, 3=address, 4-7=class
// ex1_rs_is(0 to 9) from erativax instr.
// RS(55) -> ex1_rs_is(0) -> snoop_attr(0) -> Local
// RS(56:57) -> ex1_rs_is(1:2) -> snoop_attr(0:1) -> IS
// RS(58:59) -> ex1_rs_is(3:4) -> snoop_attr(2:3) -> Class
// n/a -> n/a -> snoop_attr(4:5) -> State
// n/a -> n/a -> snoop_attr(6:13) -> TID(6:13)
// RS(60:63) -> ex1_rs_is(5:8) -> snoop_attr(14:17) -> Size
// n/a -> n/a -> snoop_attr(20:25) -> TID(0:5)
// erat snoop_attr:
// 0 -> Local
// 1:3 -> IS/Class: 0=all, 1=tid, 2=gs, 3=epn, 4=class0, 5=class1, 6=class2, 7=class3
// 4:5 -> GS/TS
// 6:13 -> TID(6:13)
// 14:17 -> Size
// 18 -> TID_NZ
// 19 -> mmucsr0.tlb0fi
// 20:25 -> TID(0:5)
assign ex6_size_d = ((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & ex5_ttype_q[3] == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? ex5_rs_is_q[5:8] :
((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & ex5_ttype_q[2] == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? 4'b0000 :
((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & ex5_ttype_q[0:1] != 2'b00 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas6_0_isize :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & ex5_ttype_q[0:1] != 2'b00 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas6_1_isize :
assign ex6_size_large = ((ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_64KB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_16MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_256MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b1 :
// mmucr0: 0:1-ExtClass, 2:3-TGS/TS, 4:5-TLBSel, 6:19-TID,
// ttype <= tlbilx & tlbivax & eratilx & erativax & csync & isync;
assign ex6_gs_d = ((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[2:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mmucr0_0[2] :
((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas5_0_sgs :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[2:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mmucr0_1[2] :
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas5_1_sgs :
assign ex6_ts_d = ((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[2:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mmucr0_0[3] :
((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas6_0_sas :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[2:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mmucr0_1[3] :
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas6_1_sas :
//ttype <= tlbilx & tlbivax & eratilx & erativax & csync & isync;
assign ex6_ind_d = ((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[2:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? 1'b0 :
((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas6_0_sind :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[2:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? 1'b0 :
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas6_1_sind :
assign ex6_pid_d = ((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[2:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mmucr0_0[6:19] :
((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas6_0_spid :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[2:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mmucr0_1[6:19] :
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas6_1_spid :
assign ex6_lpid_d = ((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[2:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? lpidr_q :
((ex5_valid_q[0] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas5_0_slpid :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
((ex5_valid_q[1] == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:1]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? mas5_1_slpid :
assign ex1_itag_d = xu_mm_rf1_itag;
assign ex2_itag_d = ex1_itag_q;
assign ex3_itag_d = ex2_itag_q;
assign ex4_itag_d = ex3_itag_q;
assign ex5_itag_d = ex4_itag_q;
assign ex6_itag_d = ((|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b0)) ? ex5_itag_q :
// an_ac_back_inv_q: 0=valid b-1, 1=target b-1, 2=valid b, 3=target b, 4=L, 5=GS, 6=IND, 7=local, 8=reject
// iu barrier op shadow status
assign local_barrier_d = (inv_seq_local_barrier_done == 1'b1) ? (local_barrier_q & (~(ex6_valid_q))) :
(inv_seq_local_barrier_set == 1'b1) ? (ex6_valid_q | local_barrier_q) :
assign global_barrier_d = (((inv_seq_global_barrier_done == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[7] == 1'b1) | inval_snoop_local_reject == 1'b1)) ? {`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_global_barrier_set == 1'b1) ? (ex6_valid_q | global_barrier_q) :
assign ord_np1_flush_d = (inv_seq_local_done == 1'b1) ? ex6_valid_q :
// tlb_ctl ordered types: 0-tlbre, 1-tlbwe, 2-tlbsx/tlbsrx
assign ord_read_done_d = (inv_seq_local_barrier_done == 1'b1) ? (local_barrier_q & ex6_valid_q) :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1)) ? ex6_valid_q :
(((tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] == 1'b1 & inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done == 1'b1 & cswitch_q[2] == 1'b0) |
(tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] == 1'b1 & tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS+1] == 1'b0 & tlb_tag5_write == 1'b0 & cswitch_q[2] == 1'b0))) ? tlbwe_back_inv_q[0:`MM_THREADS-1] :
((tlb_ctl_ord_type[1] == 1'b1 & (tlbwe_back_inv_valid == 1'b0 | cswitch_q[2] == 1'b1))) ? tlb_ctl_barrier_done :
assign ord_write_done_d = (((tlb_ctl_ord_type[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_ctl_ord_type[2] == 1'b1) & (tlbwe_back_inv_valid == 1'b0 | cswitch_q[2] == 1'b1))) ? tlb_ctl_barrier_done :
assign tlbi_complete_d = (((inv_seq_global_barrier_done == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[7] == 1'b1) | inval_snoop_local_reject == 1'b1)) ? global_barrier_q :
// Illegal instr logic
assign ex2_rs_pgsize_not_supp = ((ex2_rs_is_q[5:8] == TLB_PgSize_4KB | ex2_rs_is_q[5:8] == TLB_PgSize_64KB | ex2_rs_is_q[5:8] == TLB_PgSize_1MB | ex2_rs_is_q[5:8] == TLB_PgSize_16MB | ex2_rs_is_q[5:8] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas6_isize_not_supp[0] = (((mas6_0_isize == TLB_PgSize_4KB | mas6_0_isize == TLB_PgSize_64KB | mas6_0_isize == TLB_PgSize_1MB | mas6_0_isize == TLB_PgSize_16MB | mas6_0_isize == TLB_PgSize_1GB) & mas6_0_sind == 1'b0) | ((mas6_0_isize == TLB_PgSize_1MB | mas6_0_isize == TLB_PgSize_256MB) & mas6_0_sind == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign mas6_isize_not_supp[1] = (((mas6_1_isize == TLB_PgSize_4KB | mas6_1_isize == TLB_PgSize_64KB | mas6_1_isize == TLB_PgSize_1MB | mas6_1_isize == TLB_PgSize_16MB | mas6_1_isize == TLB_PgSize_1GB) & mas6_1_sind == 1'b0) | ((mas6_1_isize == TLB_PgSize_1MB | mas6_1_isize == TLB_PgSize_256MB) & mas6_1_sind == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas5_slpid_neq_lpidr[0] = ~(mas5_0_slpid == lpidr_q);
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign mas5_slpid_neq_lpidr[1] = ~(mas5_1_slpid == lpidr_q);
//ttype <= tlbilx & tlbivax & eratilx & erativax;
// T field from tlbilx/eratilx is 0=all, 1=pid, 2=resvd/GS, 3=address, 4-7=class
// ex2_hv_state <= not ex2_state_q(0) and not ex2_state_q(1); -- gs=0, pr=0
// ex2_priv_state <= not ex2_state_q(1); -- pr=0
// ex2_dgtmi_state <= |(ex2_valid_q and xu_mm_epcr_dgtmi_q); -- disable guest tlb mgmt instr's
assign ex3_illeg_instr_d = ( ex2_valid_q & mas6_isize_not_supp & {`MM_THREADS{ex2_ttype_q[1] & ex2_hv_state}} ) |
( ex2_valid_q & mas6_isize_not_supp & ({`MM_THREADS{ex2_ttype_q[0] & (ex2_t_q == 3'b011)}} & {`MM_THREADS{ex2_hv_state | (ex2_priv_state & (~ex2_dgtmi_state))}}) ) |
( ex2_valid_q & {`MM_THREADS{ex2_ttype_q[3] & ex2_hv_state & ex2_rs_pgsize_not_supp}} ) |
( ex2_valid_q & {`MM_THREADS{ex2_ttype_q[2] & ex2_hv_state & ex2_t_q[0] & mmucr1_q[pos_ictid] & mmucr1_q[pos_dctid]}} ) |
assign ex4_illeg_instr_d = ex3_illeg_instr_q & (~(ex3_flush_req_q));
assign ex5_illeg_instr_d = ex4_illeg_instr_q;
assign ex6_illeg_instr_d = ex5_illeg_instr_q;
assign ex7_illeg_instr_d = ex6_illeg_instr_q | tlb_ctl_ex6_illeg_instr;
assign ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_d = ( ex2_valid_q & mas5_slpid_neq_lpidr & ~mas6_isize_not_supp & {`MM_THREADS{ex2_ttype_q[1] & ex2_hv_state &
(xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q[0] == MMU_Mode_Value) & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_rej]}} );
// for erativax, this would be a nonsensical check for outgoing ivax because
// source (lpidr) is same thing we check incoming snoop lpid value against
// ( ex2_valid_q & lpidr_neq_lpidr & {`MM_THREADS{ex2_ttype_q[3] & ex2_hv_state &
// ~ex2_rs_pgsize_not_supp & (xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q[0] == ERAT_Mode_Value)}} );
assign ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_d = (ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_q & ~ex3_illeg_instr_q & ~ex3_flush_req_q & ~xu_ex3_flush);
// invalidate sequencer
//Inv_Sequencer: PROCESS (inv_seq_q, por_seq_q, an_ac_back_inv, an_ac_back_inv_target,
// ex6_valid_q, ex6_ttype_q)
always @*
begin: Inv_Sequencer
inv_seq_idle = 1'b0;
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b0;
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b0;
inv_seq_local_barrier_set = 1'b0;
inv_seq_global_barrier_set = 1'b0;
inv_seq_local_barrier_done = 1'b0;
inv_seq_global_barrier_done = 1'b0;
inv_seq_snoop_done = 1'b0;
inv_seq_local_done = 1'b0;
inv_seq_tlbi_load = 1'b0;
inv_seq_tlbi_complete = 1'b0;
inv_seq_htw_load = 1'b0;
htw_lsu_req_taken_sig = 1'b0;
inv_seq_hold_req = {`MM_THREADS{1'b0}};
inv_seq_hold_done = {`MM_THREADS{1'b0}};
inv_seq_tlb_snoop_val = 1'b0;
inv_seq_ierat_snoop_val = 1'b0;
inv_seq_derat_snoop_val = 1'b0;
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b0;
inv_seq_tlb0fi_done = 1'b0;
inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done = 1'b0;
inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress = 1'b0;
case (inv_seq_q)
// wait for an invalidation to service
// ttype = tlbilx & tlbivax & eratilx & erativax;
InvSeq_Idle :
inv_seq_idle = 1'b1;
if (bus_snoop_seq_ready == 1'b1)
// invalidate snoop from bus
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_hold_req = {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}};
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg8;
else if (htw_lsu_req_valid == 1'b1)
// table walk load from htw
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg31;
else if (|(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b1 & (ex6_ttype_q[1] == 1'b1 | ex6_ttype_q[3] == 1'b1))
// locally sourced global invalidate from instr
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_global_barrier_set = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg1;
else if (|(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b1 & (ex6_ttype_q[0] == 1'b1 | ex6_ttype_q[2] == 1'b1))
// locally sourced local invalidate from instr
inv_seq_hold_req = {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}};
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_local_barrier_set = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg2;
else if (mmucsr0_tlb0fi == 1'b1)
// locally sourced full invalidate from mmucsr0.tlb0fi
inv_seq_hold_req = {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}};
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg16;
else if (tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS+1] == 1'b1)
// locally sourced tlbwe back invalidate for erats
inv_seq_hold_req = {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}};
inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg24;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Idle;
InvSeq_Stg1 :
// locally sourced global invalidate action 1
// go idle and see global invalidate snoop from bus later..
// ttype = tlbilx & tlbivax & eratilx & erativax;
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (lsu_tokens_q != 2'b00 & (xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty == 1'b1 | cswitch_q[0] == 1'b1))
inv_seq_tlbi_load = 1'b1;
inv_seq_local_done = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Idle;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg1;
InvSeq_Stg2 :
// locally sourced local invalidate action 1
// let hold_req be asserted
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (&(hold_ack_q | ex6_valid_q) == 1'b1)
// this thread held, other threads held and flushed
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg3;
else if (htw_lsu_req_valid == 1'b1)
// table walk load request from htw; could be ucode, so service it
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg23;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg2;
InvSeq_Stg3 :
// locally sourced local invalidate action 2
// ttype = tlbilx & tlbivax & eratilx & erativax;
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (iu_mm_lmq_empty == 1'b1 & xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty == 1'b1 & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q[0] == MMU_Mode_Value & ex6_ttype_q[0] == 1'b1)
// invalidate the TLB first, assuming it exists
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg4;
else if (iu_mm_lmq_empty == 1'b1 & xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty == 1'b1)
// invalidate the ERAT's
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg6;
else if (htw_lsu_req_valid == 1'b1)
// table walk load request from htw; could hang waiting on empty, so service it
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg23;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg3;
InvSeq_Stg4 :
// locally sourced local invalidate action 3
// invalidate the TLB
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_tlb_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg5;
InvSeq_Stg5 :
// locally sourced local invalidate action 4
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (snoop_ack_q[2] == 1'b1)
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg6;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg5;
InvSeq_Stg6 :
// locally sourced local invalidate action 5
// invalidate the ERAT's after TLB copy(s) destroyed
// but don't invalidate erats for T=3, ind=1 snoops
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
if ( (~(ex6_ind_q & (ex6_isel_q == 3'b011))) == 1'b1 )
inv_seq_ierat_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_derat_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg7;
InvSeq_Stg7 :
// locally sourced local invalidate action 6
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (snoop_ack_q[0:1] == 2'b11 | (ex6_ind_q & (ex6_isel_q == 3'b011)) == 1'b1)
inv_seq_local_done = 1'b1;
inv_seq_local_barrier_done = 1'b1;
inv_seq_hold_done = {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}};
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Idle;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg7;
//------------ incoming snoop from bus -------
// power_managed_q(0) = power managed state
// power_managed_q(1) = reject snoops from bus when in power managed state
// power_managed_q(2) = inval_seq bus snoops: bypass handshakes and ack's when in power managed state
// power_managed_q(3) = inval_seq bus snoops: skip erat and tlb snoops when in power managed state
InvSeq_Stg8 :
// global invalidate snoop action 1
// bus_snoop_hold_req/ack has been completed by side sequencer
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (htw_lsu_req_valid == 1'b1)
// table walk load request from htw; could be ucode, so service it
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg28;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg9;
InvSeq_Stg9 :
// global invalidate snoop action 2
// let XU drive flushes, etc.
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg10;
InvSeq_Stg10 :
// global invalidate snoop action 3
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (power_managed_q[0] == 1'b1 & power_managed_q[3] == 1'b1)
// sleep mode, bit 3 skip the snoops
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg14;
else if ((iu_mm_lmq_empty == 1'b1 | cswitch_q[3] == 1'b1 | power_managed_q[0] == 1'b1) & (xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty == 1'b1 | cswitch_q[1] == 1'b1 | (power_managed_q[0] == 1'b1 & power_managed_q[2] == 1'b1)) & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q[0] == MMU_Mode_Value)
// invalidate the TLB first, assuming it exists
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg11;
else if ((iu_mm_lmq_empty == 1'b1 | cswitch_q[3] == 1'b1 | power_managed_q[0] == 1'b1) &
// sleep mode, skip the iu status
(xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty == 1'b1 | cswitch_q[1] == 1'b1 | (power_managed_q[0] == 1'b1 & power_managed_q[2] == 1'b1)))
// sleep mode, bit 2 skip the xu status
// invalidate the ERAT's
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg13;
else if (htw_lsu_req_valid == 1'b1)
// table walk load request from htw; could hang waiting on empty, so service it
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg28;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg10;
InvSeq_Stg11 :
// global invalidate snoop action 4
// invalidate the TLB
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_tlb_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg12;
InvSeq_Stg12 :
// global invalidate snoop action 5
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (snoop_ack_q[2] == 1'b1 | (power_managed_q[0] == 1'b1 & power_managed_q[2] == 1'b1))
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg13;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg12;
InvSeq_Stg13 :
// global invalidate snoop action 6
// invalidate the ERAT's after TLB copy(s) destroyed
// but don't invalidate erats for ind=1 entries
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
if ( (~(an_ac_back_inv_q[6] & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] == 2'b11))) == 1'b1 )
inv_seq_ierat_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_derat_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg14;
InvSeq_Stg14 :
// global invalidate snoop action 7
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (power_managed_q[0] == 1'b1 & power_managed_q[2] == 1'b1)
// sleep mode, bit 2 skip the acks
inv_seq_tlbi_complete = 1'b1; // send tlbi_complete
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg15;
else if (lsu_tokens_q != 2'b00 & (snoop_ack_q[0:1] == 2'b11 | (an_ac_back_inv_q[6] & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] == 2'b11)) == 1'b1))
// wait for tokens and (erat acks or ind=1)
inv_seq_tlbi_complete = 1'b1; // send tlbi_complete
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg15;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg14;
InvSeq_Stg15 :
// global invalidate snoop action 8
// wait until lsu request was sent and token is returned, meaning the tlbi complete has been sent to L2
// or we are in sleep mode and bit 2 skip the handshakes
if ((|(lsu_req_q) == 1'b0 & lsu_tokens_q != 2'b00) | (power_managed_q[0] == 1'b1 & power_managed_q[2] == 1'b1))
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b0;
inv_seq_snoop_done = 1'b1;
inv_seq_hold_done = {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}};
inv_seq_global_barrier_done = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Idle; // all done.. go idle
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg15;
//--------- Local MMUCSR0 tlb0fi bit set for full invalidates
InvSeq_Stg16 :
// locally sourced full invalidate action 1
// let hold_req be asserted
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (&(hold_ack_q) == 1'b1)
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg17;
else if (htw_lsu_req_valid == 1'b1)
// table walk load request from htw; could be ucode, so service it
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg22;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg16;
InvSeq_Stg17 :
// locally sourced full invalidate action 2
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (iu_mm_lmq_empty == 1'b1 & xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty == 1'b1 & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q[0] == MMU_Mode_Value)
// invalidate the TLB
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg18;
else if (iu_mm_lmq_empty == 1'b1 & xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty == 1'b1)
// invalidate the ERATs only
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg20;
else if (htw_lsu_req_valid == 1'b1)
// table walk load request from htw; could hang waiting on empty, so service it
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg22;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg17; // let fetches/loads/stores drain
InvSeq_Stg18 :
// locally sourced full invalidate action 3
// invalidate the TLB
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_tlb_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg19;
InvSeq_Stg19 :
// locally sourced full invalidate action 4
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (snoop_ack_q[2] == 1'b1)
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg20;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg19;
InvSeq_Stg20 :
// locally sourced full invalidate action 5
// invalidate the ERAT's after TLB copy(s) destroyed
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_ierat_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_derat_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg21;
InvSeq_Stg21 :
// locally sourced full invalidate action 6
if (snoop_ack_q[0:1] == 2'b11)
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b0;
inv_seq_tlb0fi_done = 1'b1;
inv_seq_hold_done = {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}};
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Idle; // go idle..
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg21;
InvSeq_Stg22 :
// locally sourced table walker load request overlaps with locally sourced full invalidate service from Stg16
inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (lsu_tokens_q != 2'b00)
inv_seq_htw_load = 1'b1;
htw_lsu_req_taken_sig = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg16; // back to where you came from
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg22; // wait for tokens
InvSeq_Stg23 :
// locally sourced table walker load request overlaps with locally sourced local invalidate service from Stg2
inv_seq_local_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (lsu_tokens_q != 2'b00)
inv_seq_htw_load = 1'b1;
htw_lsu_req_taken_sig = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg2; // back to where you came from
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg23; // wait for tokens
//--------- Local tlbwe from tlb_cmp for erat back invalidates
InvSeq_Stg24 :
// locally sourced tlbwe erat back invalidate action 1
// let hold_req be asserted
inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (&(hold_ack_q | tlbwe_back_inv_q[0:`MM_THREADS-1]) == 1'b1)
// this thread held, other threads held and flushed
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg25;
else if (htw_lsu_req_valid == 1'b1)
// table walk load request from htw; could be ucode, so service it
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg29;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg24;
InvSeq_Stg25 :
// locally sourced tlbwe erat back invalidate action 2
inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (iu_mm_lmq_empty == 1'b1 & xu_mm_lmq_stq_empty == 1'b1)
// invalidate the erats
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg26;
else if (htw_lsu_req_valid == 1'b1)
// table walk load request from htw; could hang waiting on empty, so service it
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg29;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg25; // let fetches/loads/stores drain
InvSeq_Stg26 :
// locally sourced tlbwe erat back invalidate action 3
// invalidate the ERAT's after TLB copy(s) destroyed
inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_ierat_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_derat_snoop_val = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg27;
InvSeq_Stg27 :
// locally sourced tlbwe erat back invalidate action 4
if (snoop_ack_q[0:1] == 2'b11)
inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress = 1'b0;
inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done = 1'b1;
inv_seq_hold_done = {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}};
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Idle;
inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg27;
InvSeq_Stg28 :
// locally sourced table walker load request overlaps with bus snoop service from Stg8
inv_seq_snoop_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (lsu_tokens_q != 2'b00) // have tokens
inv_seq_htw_load = 1'b1;
htw_lsu_req_taken_sig = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg8; // back to where you came from
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg28; // wait for tokens
InvSeq_Stg29 :
// locally sourced table walker load request overlaps with locally sourced tlbwe erat back invalidate service from Stg24
inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress = 1'b1;
if (lsu_tokens_q != 2'b00) // have tokens
inv_seq_htw_load = 1'b1;
htw_lsu_req_taken_sig = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg24; // back to where you came from
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg29; // wait for tokens
//-------- Hardware Table Walker requests to LSU
InvSeq_Stg31 :
if (lsu_tokens_q != 2'b00) // have tokens
inv_seq_htw_load = 1'b1;
htw_lsu_req_taken_sig = 1'b1;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Idle;
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Stg31; // wait for tokens
default :
inv_seq_d = InvSeq_Idle;
assign hold_req_d = inv_seq_hold_req;
assign hold_done_d = inv_seq_hold_done;
// added
// 1. locally sourced local invalidate - hold all threads, flush other threads, not thread doing current op
// 2. locally sourced tlbwe with back invalidate - hold all threads, flush other threads, not thread doing current op
// 3. locally sourced mmucsr0.tlb0fi spr bit set - hold and flush all threads
// 4. bus snoop handled elsewhere by dedicated bus_snoop_hold interface to do early hold and flush all threads
assign iu_flush_req_d[0] = ((~(ex6_valid_q[0])) & inv_seq_local_barrier_set) | ((~(tlbwe_back_inv_q[0])) & inv_seq_hold_req[0] & inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress) | (inv_seq_hold_req[0] & inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress);
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign iu_flush_req_d[1] = ((~(ex6_valid_q[1])) & inv_seq_local_barrier_set) | ((~(tlbwe_back_inv_q[1])) & inv_seq_hold_req[1] & inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress) | (inv_seq_hold_req[1] & inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress);
assign inv_seq_inprogress_d[0] = inv_seq_snoop_inprogress;
assign inv_seq_inprogress_d[1] = inv_seq_snoop_inprogress;
assign inv_seq_inprogress_d[2] = inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress;
assign inv_seq_inprogress_d[3] = inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress;
assign inv_seq_inprogress_d[4] = inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress;
assign inv_seq_inprogress_d[5] = inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress;
assign inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] = inv_seq_inprogress_q[0];
assign inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] = inv_seq_inprogress_q[1];
assign inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress_q[0] = inv_seq_inprogress_q[2];
assign inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress_q[1] = inv_seq_inprogress_q[3];
assign inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] = inv_seq_inprogress_q[4];
assign inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] = inv_seq_inprogress_q[5];
assign hold_ack_d[0] = ((inv_seq_local_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlb0fi_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
(hold_ack_q[0] == 1'b0) ? iu_mm_hold_ack[0] :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign hold_ack_d[1] = ((inv_seq_local_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlb0fi_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
(hold_ack_q[1] == 1'b0) ? iu_mm_hold_ack[1] :
always @*
begin: Bus_Snoop_Sequencer
bus_snoop_seq_idle = 1'b0;
bus_snoop_seq_hold_req = 1'b0;
bus_snoop_seq_ready = 1'b0;
bus_snoop_seq_done = 1'b0;
case (bus_snoop_seq_q)
SnoopSeq_Idle :
if (inval_snoop_forme == 1'b1)
bus_snoop_seq_idle = 1'b0;
bus_snoop_seq_hold_req = 1'b1;
bus_snoop_seq_d = SnoopSeq_Stg1;
bus_snoop_seq_idle = 1'b1;
bus_snoop_seq_d = SnoopSeq_Idle;
SnoopSeq_Stg1 :
if (&(bus_snoop_hold_ack_q) == 1'b1 | (power_managed_q[0] == 1'b1 & power_managed_q[2] == 1'b1))
bus_snoop_seq_d = SnoopSeq_Stg3;
bus_snoop_seq_d = SnoopSeq_Stg1;
SnoopSeq_Stg3 :
bus_snoop_seq_ready = 1'b1;
if (inv_seq_snoop_done == 1'b1)
bus_snoop_seq_d = SnoopSeq_Stg2;
bus_snoop_seq_d = SnoopSeq_Stg3;
SnoopSeq_Stg2 :
bus_snoop_seq_done = 1'b1;
bus_snoop_seq_d = SnoopSeq_Idle;
default :
bus_snoop_seq_d = SnoopSeq_Idle;
assign bus_snoop_hold_req_d[0] = bus_snoop_seq_hold_req;
assign bus_snoop_hold_done_d[0] = bus_snoop_seq_done;
assign bus_snoop_hold_ack_d[0] = ((inv_seq_snoop_done == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
(bus_snoop_hold_ack_q[0] == 1'b0) ? iu_mm_bus_snoop_hold_ack[0] :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign bus_snoop_hold_req_d[1] = bus_snoop_seq_hold_req;
assign bus_snoop_hold_done_d[1] = bus_snoop_seq_done;
assign bus_snoop_hold_ack_d[1] = ((inv_seq_snoop_done == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
(bus_snoop_hold_ack_q[1] == 1'b0) ? iu_mm_bus_snoop_hold_ack[1] :
assign mm_iu_hold_req = hold_req_q;
assign mm_iu_hold_done = hold_done_q;
assign mm_iu_flush_req = iu_flush_req_q;
assign mm_iu_bus_snoop_hold_req = bus_snoop_hold_req_q;
assign mm_iu_bus_snoop_hold_done = bus_snoop_hold_done_q;
assign mm_iu_tlbi_complete = tlbi_complete_q;
assign mm_xu_illeg_instr = ex7_illeg_instr_q;
assign mm_xu_illeg_instr_ored = |(ex7_illeg_instr_q);
assign mm_xu_ex3_flush_req = ex3_flush_req_q;
assign mm_xu_local_snoop_reject = ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_q;
assign mmq_inval_tlb0fi_done = inv_seq_tlb0fi_done;
assign mm_xu_ord_n_flush_req = ex3_flush_req_q;
assign mm_xu_ord_np1_flush_req = ord_np1_flush_q;
assign mm_xu_ord_read_done = ord_read_done_q;
assign mm_xu_ord_write_done = ord_write_done_q;
assign mm_xu_ord_n_flush_req_ored = |(ex3_flush_req_q);
assign mm_xu_ord_np1_flush_req_ored = |(ord_np1_flush_q);
assign mm_xu_ord_read_done_ored = |(ord_read_done_q);
assign mm_xu_ord_write_done_ored = |(ord_write_done_q);
assign mm_xu_itag_d = ((|(ex2_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1 & (inv_seq_idle == 1'b0 | (|(ex3_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex3_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1) | (|(ex4_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex4_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1) | (|(ex5_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex5_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1) | (|(ex6_valid_q) == 1'b1 & |(ex6_ttype_q[0:3]) == 1'b1)))) ? ex2_itag_q :
(|(tlb_ctl_ex2_flush_req) == 1'b1) ? tlb_ctl_ex2_itag :
((tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] == 1'b1 & cswitch_q[2] == 1'b0)) ? mm_xu_itag_q :
assign mm_xu_itag = mm_xu_itag_q;
// L2 snoop invalidate capture latch signals
// seeing an active mmu target snoop with my lpar id
assign inval_snoop_forme = ( an_ac_back_inv_q[2] & an_ac_back_inv_q[3] & (~(power_managed_q[0] & power_managed_q[1])) & (xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q[0] == MMU_Mode_Value) & ~mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_rej] ) |
( an_ac_back_inv_q[2] & an_ac_back_inv_q[3] & (~(power_managed_q[0] & power_managed_q[1])) & (an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q == lpidr_q) );
// ttype <= tlbilx & tlbivax & eratilx & erativax;
assign inval_snoop_local_reject = ( an_ac_back_inv_q[2] & an_ac_back_inv_q[3] & (~(power_managed_q[0] & power_managed_q[1])) & an_ac_back_inv_q[7] &
(~(an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q == lpidr_q)) & ((xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q[0] == ERAT_Mode_Value) | mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_rej]) );
// local snoop reject mcheck to xu and pc fir's, local core caused snoop, but rejected due to lpid mismatch
assign local_snoop_reject_d = (global_barrier_q & {`MM_THREADS{inval_snoop_local_reject}}) |
(ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_q & ~ex3_illeg_instr_q & ~ex3_flush_req_q);
assign local_snoop_reject_ored = |(local_snoop_reject_q);
// FIR error reporting macro
tri_direct_err_rpt #(.WIDTH(1)) tlb_snoop_reject_err_rpt(
// an_ac_back_inv_q: 0=valid b-1, 1=target b-1, 2=valid b, 3=target b, 4=L, 5=GS, 6=IND, 7=local, 8=reject
assign an_ac_back_inv_d[0] = an_ac_back_inv;
assign an_ac_back_inv_d[1] = an_ac_back_inv_target;
assign an_ac_back_inv_d[2] = (inval_snoop_forme == 1'b0) ? an_ac_back_inv_q[0] :
(inv_seq_snoop_done == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
assign an_ac_back_inv_d[3] = (inval_snoop_forme == 1'b0) ? an_ac_back_inv_q[1] :
(inv_seq_snoop_done == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
assign an_ac_back_inv_d[4] = (inval_snoop_forme == 1'b0) ? an_ac_back_inv_lbit :
assign an_ac_back_inv_d[5] = (inval_snoop_forme == 1'b0) ? an_ac_back_inv_gs :
assign an_ac_back_inv_d[6] = (inval_snoop_forme == 1'b0) ? an_ac_back_inv_ind :
assign an_ac_back_inv_d[7] = (inval_snoop_forme == 1'b0) ? an_ac_back_inv_local :
// bit 8 is reject back to L2 (b phase) mmu targetted, but lpar id doesn't match (for local or remote snoops)
assign an_ac_back_inv_d[8] = ( an_ac_back_inv_q[2] & an_ac_back_inv_q[3] & (~(an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q == lpidr_q)) & ((xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q[0] == ERAT_Mode_Value) | mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_rej]) ) |
( an_ac_back_inv_q[2] & an_ac_back_inv_q[3] & power_managed_q[0] & power_managed_q[1] );
assign an_ac_back_inv_addr_d = (inval_snoop_forme == 1'b0) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr :
assign an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_d = (inval_snoop_forme == 1'b0) ? an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id :
assign ac_an_back_inv_reject = an_ac_back_inv_q[8];
// tlbwe back-invalidate to erats request from tlb_cmp
assign tlbwe_back_inv_d[0:`MM_THREADS-1] = (tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] == 1'b0) ? tlbwe_back_inv_thdid :
((tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] == 1'b1 & tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS+1] == 1'b0 & tlb_tag5_write == 1'b0)) ? {`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done == 1'b1) ? {`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} :
assign tlbwe_back_inv_d[`MM_THREADS] = (tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] == 1'b0) ? tlbwe_back_inv_valid :
((tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] == 1'b1 & tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS+1] == 1'b0 & tlb_tag5_write == 1'b0)) ? 1'b0 :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
assign tlbwe_back_inv_d[`MM_THREADS+1] = (tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS+1] == 1'b0) ? (tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] & tlb_tag5_write) :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
assign tlbwe_back_inv_addr_d = (tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] == 1'b0) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr :
assign tlbwe_back_inv_attr_d = (tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS] == 1'b0) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr :
assign tlbwe_back_inv_pending = |(tlbwe_back_inv_q[`MM_THREADS:`MM_THREADS+1]);
// Load/Store unit request interface
assign htw_lsu_req_taken = htw_lsu_req_taken_sig;
// lsu reserves 1 token for mmu.. lsu_tokens_q initialized to 1, this logic provides for expansion >1
assign lsu_tokens_d = ((xu_mm_lsu_token == 1'b1 & lsu_tokens_q == 2'b00)) ? 2'b01 :
((xu_mm_lsu_token == 1'b1 & lsu_tokens_q == 2'b01)) ? 2'b10 :
((xu_mm_lsu_token == 1'b1 & lsu_tokens_q == 2'b10)) ? 2'b11 :
((|(lsu_req_q) == 1'b1 & lsu_tokens_q == 2'b11)) ? 2'b10 :
((|(lsu_req_q) == 1'b1 & lsu_tokens_q == 2'b10)) ? 2'b01 :
((|(lsu_req_q) == 1'b1 & lsu_tokens_q == 2'b01)) ? 2'b00 :
assign lsu_req_d = (lsu_tokens_q == 2'b00) ? {`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
(inv_seq_tlbi_complete == 1'b1) ? {1'b1, {`MM_THREADS-1{1'b0}}} :
(inv_seq_tlbi_complete == 1'b1) ? {1'b1} :
(inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_thdid :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex6_valid_q :
assign lsu_ttype_d = (inv_seq_tlbi_complete == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
(inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_ttype :
assign lsu_wimge_d = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_wimge :
assign lsu_ubits_d = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_u :
// A2 to L2 interface req_ra epn bits for tlbivax op
// page size mmucr1.tlbi_msb 27:30 31:33 34:35 36:39 40:43 44:47 48:51 TLB w value
// 4K 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(44:47) EA(48:51) 31
// 64K 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(44:47) 0b0011 31
// 1M 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(27:30) 0b0101 27
// 16M 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(23:26) EA(27:30) 0b0111 23
// 256M 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) EA(27:30) 0b1001 19
// 1G 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(17:18) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) EA(27:30) 0b1010 17
// 4K 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(44:47) EA(48:51) 27
// 64K 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(44:47) 0b0011 27
// 1M 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(23:26) 0b0101 23
// 16M 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) 0b0111 19
// 256M 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(15:18) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) 0b1001 15
// 1G 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(13:14) EA(15:18) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) 0b1010 13
// A2 to L2 interface req_ra for tlbivax op:
// 22:26 TID(1:5)
// 27:51 EPN
// 52 TS
// 53 TID(0)
// 54:55 attributes
// 56:63 TID(6:13)
assign lsu_addr_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 4] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 4] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 13:`PID_WIDTH - 9] :
lsu_addr_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 4];
assign lsu_addr_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 5:33] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 5:33] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex3_ea_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 5:33] :
lsu_addr_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 5:33];
assign lsu_addr_d[34:35] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[34:35] :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? ex3_ea_q[13:14] :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? ex3_ea_q[17:18] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex3_ea_q[34:35] :
assign lsu_addr_d[36:39] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[36:39] :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_256MB))) ? ex3_ea_q[15:18] :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_256MB))) ? ex3_ea_q[19:22] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex3_ea_q[36:39] :
assign lsu_addr_d[40:41] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[40:41] :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_256MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_16MB))) ? ex3_ea_q[19:20] :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_256MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_16MB))) ? ex3_ea_q[23:24] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex3_ea_q[40:41] :
assign lsu_addr_d[42:43] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[42:43] :
((ex6_isel_q[0] == 1'b1 & inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1)) ? ex6_isel_q[1:2] :
((ex6_isel_q[0] == 1'b0 & inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_256MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_16MB))) ? ex3_ea_q[21:22] :
((ex6_isel_q[0] == 1'b0 & inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_256MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_16MB))) ? ex3_ea_q[25:26] :
((ex6_isel_q[0] == 1'b0 & inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1)) ? ex3_ea_q[42:43] :
assign lsu_addr_d[44:47] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[44:47] :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_256MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_16MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1MB))) ? ex3_ea_q[23:26] :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & mmucr1[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1GB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_256MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_16MB | ex6_size_q == TLB_PgSize_1MB))) ? ex3_ea_q[27:30] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex3_ea_q[44:47] :
assign lsu_addr_d[48:51] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[48:51] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & ex6_size_large == 1'b1) ? ex6_size_q[0:3] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & ex6_size_large == 1'b0) ? ex3_ea_q[48:51] :
assign lsu_addr_d[52] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[52] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex6_ts_q :
assign lsu_addr_d[53] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[53] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex6_pid_q[0] :
assign lsu_addr_d[54:55] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[54:55] :
((ex6_isel_q[0] == 1'b0 & inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1)) ? ex6_isel_q[1:2] :
((ex6_isel_q[0] == 1'b1 & inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1)) ? 2'b10 :
assign lsu_addr_d[56:63] = (inv_seq_htw_load == 1'b1) ? htw_lsu_addr[56:63] :
(inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 8:`PID_WIDTH - 1] :
assign lsu_lpid_d = (inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex6_lpid_q :
assign lsu_ind_d = (inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex6_ind_q :
assign lsu_gs_d = (inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1) ? ex6_gs_q :
assign lsu_lbit_d = ((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & ex6_size_large == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 :
((inv_seq_tlbi_load == 1'b1 & ex6_size_large == 1'b0)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mm_xu_lsu_req = lsu_req_q;
assign mm_xu_lsu_ttype = lsu_ttype_q;
assign mm_xu_lsu_wimge = lsu_wimge_q;
assign mm_xu_lsu_u = lsu_ubits_q;
assign mm_xu_lsu_addr = lsu_addr_q;
assign mm_xu_lsu_lpid = lsu_lpid_q;
assign mm_xu_lsu_ind = lsu_ind_q;
assign mm_xu_lsu_gs = lsu_gs_q;
assign mm_xu_lsu_lbit = lsu_lbit_q;
// Snoop interfaces to erats and tlb
assign snoop_valid_d[0] = inv_seq_ierat_snoop_val;
assign snoop_valid_d[1] = inv_seq_derat_snoop_val;
assign snoop_valid_d[2] = inv_seq_tlb_snoop_val;
assign snoop_coming_d[0] = inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress | inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress | inv_seq_local_inprogress | inv_seq_snoop_inprogress;
assign snoop_coming_d[1] = snoop_coming_d[0];
assign snoop_coming_d[2] = snoop_coming_d[0];
assign snoop_coming_d[3] = snoop_coming_d[0] | mmucr2_act_override;
assign snoop_coming_d[4] = snoop_coming_d[0] | mmucr2_act_override;
if (`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH > 32)
begin : gen64_snoop_attr
assign ex6_tid_nz = |(ex6_pid_q[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1]);
assign back_inv_tid_nz = |({an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[53], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[22:26], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[56:63]});
assign tlbwe_back_inv_tid_nz = |({tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[20:25], tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[6:13]});
assign snoop_attr_d[0] = (~inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0]);
assign snoop_attr_d[1:3] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] == 2'b10) ? {1'b1, an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[42:43]} :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] != 2'b10) ? {1'b0, an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 3'b011 :
(ex6_isel_q[0:2] & {3{(~inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress_q[0])}});
assign snoop_attr_d[4:13] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {an_ac_back_inv_q[5], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[52], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[56:63]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[4:13] :
{ex6_gs_q, ex6_ts_q, ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 8:`PID_WIDTH - 1]};
assign snoop_attr_d[14:17] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b0) ? 4'b0001 :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[14:17] :
assign snoop_attr_d[18] = (~inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0]) | (~tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[18]);
assign snoop_attr_d[19] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? back_inv_tid_nz :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_tid_nz :
assign snoop_attr_tlb_spec_d[18] = 1'b0;
assign snoop_attr_tlb_spec_d[19] = inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress_q[0];
assign snoop_attr_d[20:25] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[53], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[22:26]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[20:25] :
ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 14:`PID_WIDTH - 9];
assign snoop_attr_d[26:33] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[26:33] :
(inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? lpidr_q :
assign snoop_attr_d[34] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_q[6] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[34] :
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[0] = (~inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1]);
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[1:3] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] == 2'b10) ? {1'b1, an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[42:43]} :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] != 2'b10) ? {1'b0, an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 3'b011 :
(ex6_isel_q[0:2] & {3{(~inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress_q[1])}});
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[4:13] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {an_ac_back_inv_q[5], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[52], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[56:63]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[4:13] :
{ex6_gs_q, ex6_ts_q, ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 8:`PID_WIDTH - 1]};
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[14:17] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b0) ? 4'b0001 :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[14:17] :
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[18] = (~inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1]) | (~tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[18]);
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[19] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? back_inv_tid_nz :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_tid_nz :
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[20:25] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[53], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[22:26]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[20:25] :
ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 14:`PID_WIDTH - 9];
if (`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH < 33)
begin : gen32_snoop_attr
assign ex6_tid_nz = |(ex6_pid_q[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1]);
assign back_inv_tid_nz = |(an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[56:63]);
assign tlbwe_back_inv_tid_nz = |({tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[20:25], tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[6:13]});
assign snoop_attr_d[0] = (~inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0]);
assign snoop_attr_d[1:3] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] == 2'b10) ? {1'b1, an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[42:43]} :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] != 2'b10) ? {1'b0, an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 3'b011 :
assign snoop_attr_d[4:13] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {an_ac_back_inv_q[5], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[52], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[56:63]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[4:13] :
{ex6_gs_q, ex6_ts_q, ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 8:`PID_WIDTH - 1]};
assign snoop_attr_d[14:17] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b0) ? 4'b0001 :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[14:17] :
assign snoop_attr_d[18] = (~inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0]) | (~tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[18]);
assign snoop_attr_d[19] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? back_inv_tid_nz :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_tid_nz :
assign snoop_attr_tlb_spec_d[18] = 1'b0;
assign snoop_attr_tlb_spec_d[19] = inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress_q[0];
assign snoop_attr_d[20:25] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {6{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[20:25] :
ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 14:`PID_WIDTH - 9];
assign snoop_attr_d[26:33] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[26:33] :
(inv_seq_tlb0fi_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? lpidr_q :
assign snoop_attr_d[34] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_q[6] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[34] :
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[0] = (~inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1]);
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[1:3] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] == 2'b10) ? {1'b1, an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[42:43]} :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55] != 2'b10) ? {1'b0, an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[54:55]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 3'b011 :
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[4:13] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {an_ac_back_inv_q[5], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[52], an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[56:63]} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[4:13] :
{ex6_gs_q, ex6_ts_q, ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 8:`PID_WIDTH - 1]};
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[14:17] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b0) ? 4'b0001 :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[14:17] :
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[18] = (~inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1]) | (~tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[18]);
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[19] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? back_inv_tid_nz :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_tid_nz :
assign snoop_attr_clone_d[20:25] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {6{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_attr_q[20:25] :
ex6_pid_q[`PID_WIDTH - 14:`PID_WIDTH - 9];
// A2 to L2 interface req_ra epn bits for tlbivax op
// page size mmucr1.tlbi_msb 27:30 31:33 34:35 36:39 40:43 44:47 48:51 TLB w value
// 4K 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(44:47) EA(48:51) 31
// 64K 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(44:47) 0b0011 31
// 1M 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(27:30) 0b0101 27
// 16M 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(23:26) EA(27:30) 0b0111 23
// 256M 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) EA(27:30) 0b1001 19
// 1G 0 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(17:18) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) EA(27:30) 0b1010 17
// 4K 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(44:47) EA(48:51) 27
// 64K 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(44:47) 0b0011 27
// 1M 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(40:43) EA(23:26) 0b0101 23
// 16M 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(36:39) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) 0b0111 19
// 256M 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(34:35) EA(15:18) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) 0b1001 15
// 1G 1 EA(27:30) EA(31:33) EA(13:14) EA(15:18) EA(19:22) EA(23:26) 0b1010 13
// A2 to L2 interface req_ra for tlbivax op:
// 22:26 TID(1:5)
// 27:51 EPN
// 52 TS
// 53 TID(0)
// 54:55 attributes
// 56:63 TID(6:13)
begin : gen_rs_gte_epn_snoop_vpn
assign snoop_vpn_d[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:12] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {13{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[0:12] :
ex3_ea_q[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:12];
assign snoop_vpn_d[13:14] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[34:35] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {2{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[13:14] :
assign snoop_vpn_d[15:16] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[36:37] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {2{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[15:16] :
assign snoop_vpn_d[17:18] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[38:39] :
((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[34:35] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {2{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[17:18] :
assign snoop_vpn_d[19:22] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_16MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[40:43] :
((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[36:39] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {4{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[19:22] :
assign snoop_vpn_d[23:26] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_16MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[44:47] :
((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_16MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[40:43] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {4{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[23:26] :
assign snoop_vpn_d[27:30] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_16MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[44:47] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[27:30] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[27:30] :
assign snoop_vpn_d[31] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[31] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[31] :
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:12] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {13{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[0:12] :
ex3_ea_q[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:12];
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[13:14] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[34:35] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {2{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[13:14] :
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[15:16] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[36:37] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {2{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[15:16] :
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[17:18] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[38:39] :
((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB)) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[34:35] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {2{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[17:18] :
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[19:22] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_16MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[40:43] :
((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[36:39] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {4{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[19:22] :
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[23:26] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b1 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_16MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[44:47] :
((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_16MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[40:43] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {4{1'b0}} :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[23:26] :
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[27:30] = ((inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1 & an_ac_back_inv_q[4] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[pos_tlbi_msb] == 1'b0 & (an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1GB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_256MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_16MB | an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[48:51] == TLB_PgSize_1MB))) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[44:47] :
(inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[27:30] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[27:30] :
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[31] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[31] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[31] :
begin : gen_rs_gte_ra_snoop_vpn
assign snoop_vpn_d[32:51] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[32:51] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[32:51] :
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[32:51] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[32:51] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[32:51] :
begin : gen_ra_gt_rs_snoop_vpn
assign snoop_vpn_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[0] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] :
{1'b0, ex3_ea_q[64 - `RS_DATA_WIDTH:51]};
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] = (inv_seq_snoop_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] :
(inv_seq_tlbwe_inprogress_q[1] == 1'b1) ? tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] :
{1'b0, ex3_ea_q[64 - `RS_DATA_WIDTH:51]};
begin : gen_epn_gt_rs_snoop_vpn
assign snoop_vpn_d[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:63 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH] = {22{1'b0}};
assign snoop_vpn_clone_d[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:63 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH] = {22{1'b0}};
assign snoop_ack_d[0] = (snoop_ack_q[0] == 1'b0) ? iu_mm_ierat_snoop_ack :
((inv_seq_snoop_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_local_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlb0fi_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign snoop_ack_d[1] = (snoop_ack_q[1] == 1'b0) ? xu_mm_derat_snoop_ack :
((inv_seq_snoop_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_local_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlb0fi_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign snoop_ack_d[2] = (snoop_ack_q[2] == 1'b0) ? tlb_snoop_ack :
((inv_seq_snoop_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_local_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlb0fi_done == 1'b1 | inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mm_iu_ierat_snoop_coming = snoop_coming_q[0];
assign mm_iu_ierat_snoop_val = snoop_valid_q[0];
assign mm_iu_ierat_snoop_attr = snoop_attr_q[0:25];
assign mm_iu_ierat_snoop_vpn = snoop_vpn_q;
assign mm_xu_derat_snoop_coming = snoop_coming_q[1];
assign mm_xu_derat_snoop_val = snoop_valid_q[1];
assign mm_xu_derat_snoop_attr = snoop_attr_clone_q[0:25];
assign mm_xu_derat_snoop_vpn = snoop_vpn_clone_q;
assign tlb_snoop_coming = snoop_coming_q[2];
assign tlb_snoop_val = snoop_valid_q[2];
assign tlb_snoop_attr[0:17] = snoop_attr_q[0:17];
assign tlb_snoop_attr[18:19] = snoop_attr_tlb_spec_q[18:19];
assign tlb_snoop_attr[20:34] = snoop_attr_q[20:34];
assign tlb_snoop_vpn = snoop_vpn_q;
assign xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b = (~xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_q[1:12]);
assign xu_mm_epcr_dgtmi = xu_mm_epcr_dgtmi_q;
assign inval_perf_tlbilx = inv_seq_local_done & (~inv_seq_tlbi_load);
assign inval_perf_tlbivax = inv_seq_local_done & inv_seq_tlbi_load;
assign inval_perf_tlbivax_snoop = inv_seq_snoop_done;
assign inval_perf_tlb_flush = |(ex3_flush_req_q);
assign inval_dbg_seq_q = inv_seq_q[1:5];
assign inval_dbg_seq_idle = inv_seq_idle;
assign inval_dbg_seq_snoop_inprogress = inv_seq_snoop_inprogress;
assign inval_dbg_seq_snoop_done = inv_seq_snoop_done;
assign inval_dbg_seq_local_done = inv_seq_local_done;
assign inval_dbg_seq_tlb0fi_done = inv_seq_tlb0fi_done;
assign inval_dbg_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done = inv_seq_tlbwe_snoop_done;
assign inval_dbg_ex6_valid = |(ex6_valid_q);
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign inval_dbg_ex6_thdid[0] = 1'b0;
assign inval_dbg_ex6_thdid[1] = ex6_valid_q[1];
assign inval_dbg_ex6_thdid[0] = 1'b0;
assign inval_dbg_ex6_thdid[1] = 1'b0;
assign inval_dbg_ex6_ttype[0] = (ex6_ttype_q[4] | ex6_ttype_q[5]);
assign inval_dbg_ex6_ttype[1] = (ex6_ttype_q[2] | ex6_ttype_q[3]);
assign inval_dbg_ex6_ttype[2] = (ex6_ttype_q[1] | ex6_ttype_q[3] | ex6_ttype_q[5]);
assign inval_dbg_snoop_forme = inval_snoop_forme;
assign inval_dbg_snoop_local_reject = inval_snoop_local_reject | |(ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_q);
assign inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_q = an_ac_back_inv_q[2:8];
assign inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q = an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q;
assign inval_dbg_an_ac_back_inv_addr_q = an_ac_back_inv_addr_q;
assign inval_dbg_snoop_valid_q = snoop_valid_q;
assign inval_dbg_snoop_ack_q = snoop_ack_q;
assign inval_dbg_snoop_attr_q = snoop_attr_q;
assign inval_dbg_snoop_attr_tlb_spec_q = snoop_attr_tlb_spec_q;
assign inval_dbg_snoop_vpn_q = snoop_vpn_q[17:51];
assign inval_dbg_lsu_tokens_q = lsu_tokens_q;
// unused spare signal assignments
assign unused_dc[0] = |(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[1:4]);
assign unused_dc[1] = |(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[1:4]);
assign unused_dc[2] = pc_func_sl_force;
assign unused_dc[3] = pc_func_sl_thold_0_b;
assign unused_dc[4] = tc_scan_dis_dc_b;
assign unused_dc[5] = tc_scan_diag_dc;
assign unused_dc[6] = tc_lbist_en_dc;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign unused_dc[7] = mmucr0_0[4] | mmucr0_1[4];
assign unused_dc[8] = mmucr0_0[5] | mmucr0_1[5];
assign unused_dc[7] = mmucr0_0[4];
assign unused_dc[8] = mmucr0_0[5];
assign unused_dc[9] = |(tlb_tag5_except);
assign unused_dc[10] = mmucr1_q[13];
assign unused_dc[11] = |(mmucr1_q[15:17]);
assign unused_dc[12] = ex5_rs_is_q[0] | bus_snoop_seq_idle;
// latches
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_valid_latch(
.scin(siv[ex1_valid_offset:ex1_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex1_valid_offset:ex1_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH((`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-2)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_ttype_latch(
.scin(siv[ex1_ttype_offset:ex1_ttype_offset + (`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-2) - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex1_ttype_offset:ex1_ttype_offset + (`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH-2) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_state_latch(
.scin(siv[ex1_state_offset:ex1_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex1_state_offset:ex1_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex1_state_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex1_state_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`T_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_t_latch(
.scin(siv[ex1_t_offset:ex1_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex1_t_offset:ex1_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex1_t_d[0:`T_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex1_t_q[0:`T_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex1_itag_latch(
.scin(siv[ex1_itag_offset:ex1_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex1_itag_offset:ex1_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_valid_latch(
.scin(siv[ex2_valid_offset:ex2_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex2_valid_offset:ex2_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_ttype_latch(
.scin(siv[ex2_ttype_offset:ex2_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex2_ttype_offset:ex2_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex2_ttype_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex2_ttype_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`RS_IS_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_rs_is_latch(
.scin(siv[ex2_rs_is_offset:ex2_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex2_rs_is_offset:ex2_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex2_rs_is_d[0:`RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex2_rs_is_q[0:`RS_IS_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_state_latch(
.scin(siv[ex2_state_offset:ex2_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex2_state_offset:ex2_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex2_state_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex2_state_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`T_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_t_latch(
.scin(siv[ex2_t_offset:ex2_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex2_t_offset:ex2_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex2_t_d[0:`T_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex2_t_q[0:`T_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex2_itag_latch(
.scin(siv[ex2_itag_offset:ex2_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex2_itag_offset:ex2_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_valid_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_valid_offset:ex3_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_valid_offset:ex3_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_ttype_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_ttype_offset:ex3_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_ttype_offset:ex3_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex3_ttype_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex3_ttype_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`RS_IS_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_rs_is_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_rs_is_offset:ex3_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_rs_is_offset:ex3_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex3_rs_is_d[0:`RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex3_rs_is_q[0:`RS_IS_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_state_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_state_offset:ex3_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_state_offset:ex3_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex3_state_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex3_state_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`T_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_t_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_t_offset:ex3_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_t_offset:ex3_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex3_t_d[0:`T_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex3_t_q[0:`T_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_flush_req_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_flush_req_offset:ex3_flush_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_flush_req_offset:ex3_flush_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`RS_DATA_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_ea_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_ea_offset:ex3_ea_offset + `RS_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_ea_offset:ex3_ea_offset + `RS_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex3_ea_d[64 - `RS_DATA_WIDTH:63]),
.dout(ex3_ea_q[64 - `RS_DATA_WIDTH:63])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_itag_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_itag_offset:ex3_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_itag_offset:ex3_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_valid_latch(
.scin(siv[ex4_valid_offset:ex4_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex4_valid_offset:ex4_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_ttype_latch(
.scin(siv[ex4_ttype_offset:ex4_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex4_ttype_offset:ex4_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex4_ttype_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex4_ttype_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`RS_IS_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_rs_is_latch(
.scin(siv[ex4_rs_is_offset:ex4_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex4_rs_is_offset:ex4_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex4_rs_is_d[0:`RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex4_rs_is_q[0:`RS_IS_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_state_latch(
.scin(siv[ex4_state_offset:ex4_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex4_state_offset:ex4_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex4_state_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex4_state_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`T_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_t_latch(
.scin(siv[ex4_t_offset:ex4_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex4_t_offset:ex4_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex4_t_d[0:`T_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex4_t_q[0:`T_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_itag_latch(
.scin(siv[ex4_itag_offset:ex4_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex4_itag_offset:ex4_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_valid_latch(
.scin(siv[ex5_valid_offset:ex5_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex5_valid_offset:ex5_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_ttype_latch(
.scin(siv[ex5_ttype_offset:ex5_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex5_ttype_offset:ex5_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex5_ttype_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex5_ttype_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`RS_IS_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_rs_is_latch(
.scin(siv[ex5_rs_is_offset:ex5_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex5_rs_is_offset:ex5_rs_is_offset + `RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex5_rs_is_d[0:`RS_IS_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex5_rs_is_q[0:`RS_IS_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_state_latch(
.scin(siv[ex5_state_offset:ex5_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex5_state_offset:ex5_state_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex5_state_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex5_state_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_STATE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`T_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_t_latch(
.scin(siv[ex5_t_offset:ex5_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex5_t_offset:ex5_t_offset + `T_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex5_t_d[0:`T_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex5_t_q[0:`T_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_itag_latch(
.scin(siv[ex5_itag_offset:ex5_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex5_itag_offset:ex5_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_valid_latch(
.scin(siv[ex6_valid_offset:ex6_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex6_valid_offset:ex6_valid_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_ttype_latch(
.scin(siv[ex6_ttype_offset:ex6_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex6_ttype_offset:ex6_ttype_offset + `MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_ttype_d[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex6_ttype_q[0:`MMQ_INVAL_TTYPE_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_isel_latch(
.scin(siv[ex6_isel_offset:ex6_isel_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex6_isel_offset:ex6_isel_offset + 3 - 1]),
.din(ex6_isel_d[0:3 - 1]),
.dout(ex6_isel_q[0:3 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_size_latch(
.scin(siv[ex6_size_offset:ex6_size_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex6_size_offset:ex6_size_offset + 4 - 1]),
.din(ex6_size_d[0:4 - 1]),
.dout(ex6_size_q[0:4 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_gs_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_ts_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_ind_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`PID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_pid_latch(
.scin(siv[ex6_pid_offset:ex6_pid_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex6_pid_offset:ex6_pid_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_pid_d[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex6_pid_q[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`LPID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_lpid_latch(
.scin(siv[ex6_lpid_offset:ex6_lpid_offset + `LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex6_lpid_offset:ex6_lpid_offset + `LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(ex6_lpid_d[0:`LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(ex6_lpid_q[0:`LPID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_itag_latch(
.scin(siv[ex6_itag_offset:ex6_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex6_itag_offset:ex6_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`ITAG_SIZE_ENC), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mm_xu_itag_latch(
.scin(siv[mm_xu_itag_offset:mm_xu_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
.scout(sov[mm_xu_itag_offset:mm_xu_itag_offset + `ITAG_SIZE_ENC - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ord_np1_flush_latch(
.scin(siv[ord_np1_flush_offset:ord_np1_flush_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ord_np1_flush_offset:ord_np1_flush_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ord_read_done_latch(
.scin(siv[ord_read_done_offset:ord_read_done_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ord_read_done_offset:ord_read_done_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ord_write_done_latch(
.scin(siv[ord_write_done_offset:ord_write_done_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ord_write_done_offset:ord_write_done_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) inv_seq_latch(
.scin(siv[inv_seq_offset:inv_seq_offset + 6 - 1]),
.scout(sov[inv_seq_offset:inv_seq_offset + 6 - 1]),
.din(inv_seq_d[0:`INV_SEQ_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(inv_seq_q[0:`INV_SEQ_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) hold_req_latch(
.scin(siv[hold_req_offset:hold_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[hold_req_offset:hold_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) hold_ack_latch(
.scin(siv[hold_ack_offset:hold_ack_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[hold_ack_offset:hold_ack_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) hold_done_latch(
.scin(siv[hold_done_offset:hold_done_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[hold_done_offset:hold_done_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) iu_flush_req_latch(
.scin(siv[iu_flush_req_offset:iu_flush_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[iu_flush_req_offset:iu_flush_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`BUS_SNOOP_SEQ_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) bus_snoop_seq_latch(
.scin(siv[bus_snoop_seq_offset:bus_snoop_seq_offset + `BUS_SNOOP_SEQ_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[bus_snoop_seq_offset:bus_snoop_seq_offset + `BUS_SNOOP_SEQ_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) bus_snoop_hold_req_latch(
.scin(siv[bus_snoop_hold_req_offset:bus_snoop_hold_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[bus_snoop_hold_req_offset:bus_snoop_hold_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) bus_snoop_hold_ack_latch(
.scin(siv[bus_snoop_hold_ack_offset:bus_snoop_hold_ack_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[bus_snoop_hold_ack_offset:bus_snoop_hold_ack_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) bus_snoop_hold_done_latch(
.scin(siv[bus_snoop_hold_done_offset:bus_snoop_hold_done_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[bus_snoop_hold_done_offset:bus_snoop_hold_done_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlbi_complete_latch(
.scin(siv[tlbi_complete_offset:tlbi_complete_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[tlbi_complete_offset:tlbi_complete_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) local_barrier_latch(
.scin(siv[local_barrier_offset:local_barrier_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[local_barrier_offset:local_barrier_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) global_barrier_latch(
.scin(siv[global_barrier_offset:global_barrier_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[global_barrier_offset:global_barrier_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_illeg_instr_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_illeg_instr_offset:ex3_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_illeg_instr_offset:ex3_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_illeg_instr_latch(
.scin(siv[ex4_illeg_instr_offset:ex4_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex4_illeg_instr_offset:ex4_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex5_illeg_instr_latch(
.scin(siv[ex5_illeg_instr_offset:ex5_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex5_illeg_instr_offset:ex5_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex6_illeg_instr_latch(
.scin(siv[ex6_illeg_instr_offset:ex6_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex6_illeg_instr_offset:ex6_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex7_illeg_instr_latch(
.scin(siv[ex7_illeg_instr_offset:ex7_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex7_illeg_instr_offset:ex7_illeg_instr_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_latch(
.scin(siv[ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_offset:ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_offset:ex3_ivax_lpid_reject_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_latch(
.scin(siv[ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_offset:ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_offset:ex4_ivax_lpid_reject_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) local_snoop_reject_latch(
.scin(siv[local_snoop_reject_offset:local_snoop_reject_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[local_snoop_reject_offset:local_snoop_reject_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
// snoop output and ack latches 0:ierat, 1:derat, 2:tlb
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) snoop_coming_latch(
.scin(siv[snoop_coming_offset:snoop_coming_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scout(sov[snoop_coming_offset:snoop_coming_offset + 5 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) snoop_valid_latch(
.scin(siv[snoop_valid_offset:snoop_valid_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov[snoop_valid_offset:snoop_valid_offset + 3 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(35), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) snoop_attr_latch(
.scin(siv[snoop_attr_offset:snoop_attr_offset + 35 - 1]),
.scout(sov[snoop_attr_offset:snoop_attr_offset + 35 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EPN_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) snoop_vpn_latch(
.scin(siv[snoop_vpn_offset:snoop_vpn_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[snoop_vpn_offset:snoop_vpn_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(snoop_vpn_d[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:51]),
.dout(snoop_vpn_q[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:51])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(26), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) snoop_attr_clone_latch(
.scin(siv[snoop_attr_clone_offset:snoop_attr_clone_offset + 26 - 1]),
.scout(sov[snoop_attr_clone_offset:snoop_attr_clone_offset + 26 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) snoop_attr_tlb_spec_latch(
.scin(siv[snoop_attr_tlb_spec_offset:snoop_attr_tlb_spec_offset + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov[snoop_attr_tlb_spec_offset:snoop_attr_tlb_spec_offset + 2 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EPN_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) snoop_vpn_clone_latch(
.scin(siv[snoop_vpn_clone_offset:snoop_vpn_clone_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[snoop_vpn_clone_offset:snoop_vpn_clone_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(snoop_vpn_clone_d[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:51]),
.dout(snoop_vpn_clone_q[52 - `EPN_WIDTH:51])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) snoop_ack_latch(
.scin(siv[snoop_ack_offset:snoop_ack_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov[snoop_ack_offset:snoop_ack_offset + 3 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mm_xu_quiesce_latch(
.scin(siv[mm_xu_quiesce_offset:mm_xu_quiesce_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[mm_xu_quiesce_offset:mm_xu_quiesce_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4*`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mm_pc_quiesce_latch(
.scin(siv[mm_pc_quiesce_offset:mm_pc_quiesce_offset + 4*`MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[mm_pc_quiesce_offset:mm_pc_quiesce_offset + 4*`MM_THREADS - 1]),
// snoop invalidate input latches
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(9), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) an_ac_back_inv_latch(
.scin(siv[an_ac_back_inv_offset:an_ac_back_inv_offset + 9 - 1]),
.scout(sov[an_ac_back_inv_offset:an_ac_back_inv_offset + 9 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) an_ac_back_inv_addr_latch(
.scin(siv[an_ac_back_inv_addr_offset:an_ac_back_inv_addr_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[an_ac_back_inv_addr_offset:an_ac_back_inv_addr_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(an_ac_back_inv_addr_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63]),
.dout(an_ac_back_inv_addr_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`LPID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_latch(
.scin(siv[an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_offset:an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_offset + `LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_offset:an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_offset + `LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_d[0:`LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(an_ac_back_inv_lpar_id_q[0:`LPID_WIDTH - 1])
// Load/Store unit request interface latches
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(1), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_tokens_latch(
.scin(siv[lsu_tokens_offset:lsu_tokens_offset + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov[lsu_tokens_offset:lsu_tokens_offset + 2 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_req_latch(
.scin(siv[lsu_req_offset:lsu_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov[lsu_req_offset:lsu_req_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_ttype_latch(
.scin(siv[lsu_ttype_offset:lsu_ttype_offset + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov[lsu_ttype_offset:lsu_ttype_offset + 2 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_ubits_latch(
.scin(siv[lsu_ubits_offset:lsu_ubits_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov[lsu_ubits_offset:lsu_ubits_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_wimge_latch(
.scin(siv[lsu_wimge_offset:lsu_wimge_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scout(sov[lsu_wimge_offset:lsu_wimge_offset + 5 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_addr_latch(
.scin(siv[lsu_addr_offset:lsu_addr_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[lsu_addr_offset:lsu_addr_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(lsu_addr_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63]),
.dout(lsu_addr_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:63])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`LPID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_lpid_latch(
.scin(siv[lsu_lpid_offset:lsu_lpid_offset + `LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[lsu_lpid_offset:lsu_lpid_offset + `LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(lsu_lpid_d[0:`LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(lsu_lpid_q[0:`LPID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_ind_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_gs_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lsu_lbit_latch(
// core night-night sleep mode
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) power_managed_latch(
.scin(siv[power_managed_offset:power_managed_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov[power_managed_offset:power_managed_offset + 4 - 1]),
// chicken switches
// 0 - override lsu empty requirement for sending tlbivax
// 1 - override lsu empty requirement for processing incoming tlbivax snoop
// 2 - override wait for tlbwe back_inv erat snoop complete before issuing barrier_done, ord_read_done
// 3 - override i-fetch miss queue empty requirement for processing incoming tlbivax snoop
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(MMQ_INVAL_CSWITCH_0TO3), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) cswitch_latch(
.scin(siv[cswitch_offset:cswitch_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov[cswitch_offset:cswitch_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS+2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlbwe_back_inv_latch(
.scin(siv[tlbwe_back_inv_offset:tlbwe_back_inv_offset + `MM_THREADS + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov[tlbwe_back_inv_offset:tlbwe_back_inv_offset + `MM_THREADS + 2 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EPN_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlbwe_back_inv_addr_latch(
.scin(siv[tlbwe_back_inv_addr_offset:tlbwe_back_inv_addr_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov[tlbwe_back_inv_addr_offset:tlbwe_back_inv_addr_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(tlbwe_back_inv_addr_d[0:`EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(tlbwe_back_inv_addr_q[0:`EPN_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(35), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlbwe_back_inv_attr_latch(
.scin(siv[tlbwe_back_inv_attr_offset:tlbwe_back_inv_attr_offset + 35 - 1]),
.scout(sov[tlbwe_back_inv_attr_offset:tlbwe_back_inv_attr_offset + 35 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) inv_seq_inprogress_latch(
.scin(siv[inv_seq_inprogress_offset:inv_seq_inprogress_offset + 6 - 1]),
.scout(sov[inv_seq_inprogress_offset:inv_seq_inprogress_offset + 6 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(13), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_latch(
.scin(siv[xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_offset:xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_offset + 13 - 1]),
.scout(sov[xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_offset:xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_offset + 13 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spare_latch(
.scin(siv[spare_offset:spare_offset + 16 - 1]),
.scout(sov[spare_offset:spare_offset + 16 - 1]),
// non-scannable config latches, includes bogus sg, scin, scout ports
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) epcr_dgtmi_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(`LPID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) lpidr_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) mmucr1_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) mmucr1_csinv_latch(
// thold/sg latches
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(5)) perv_2to1_reg(
.din( {pc_func_sl_thold_2, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2, pc_sg_2, pc_fce_2} ),
.q( {pc_func_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1, pc_sg_1, pc_fce_1} )
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(5)) perv_1to0_reg(
.din( {pc_func_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1, pc_sg_1, pc_fce_1} ),
.q( {pc_func_sl_thold_0, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0, pc_sg_0, pc_fce_0} )
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_func_sl(
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_func_slp_sl(
tri_lcbor perv_nsl_lcbor(
// Scan
assign siv[0:scan_right] = {sov[1:scan_right], ac_func_scan_in};
assign ac_func_scan_out = sov[0];