6141 lines
281 KiB
6141 lines
281 KiB
// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
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// Modified Terms:
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// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
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// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
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//* TITLE: Memory Management Unit Special Purpose Registers
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
`include "mmu_a2o.vh"
module mmq_spr(
inout vdd,
inout gnd,
input clk,
input rst,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush,
output [0:`MM_THREADS-1] cp_flush_p1,
input tc_ccflush_dc,
input tc_scan_dis_dc_b,
input tc_scan_diag_dc,
input tc_lbist_en_dc,
input lcb_d_mode_dc,
input lcb_clkoff_dc_b,
input lcb_act_dis_dc,
input [0:4] lcb_mpw1_dc_b,
input lcb_mpw2_dc_b,
input [0:4] lcb_delay_lclkr_dc,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input [0:1] ac_func_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output [0:1] ac_func_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *)
input ac_bcfg_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *)
output ac_bcfg_scan_out,
input pc_sg_2,
input pc_func_sl_thold_2,
input pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2,
input pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2,
input pc_cfg_sl_thold_2,
input pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_2,
input pc_fce_2,
input xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b,
input [5:6] mmucr2_act_override,
input [29:29+`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_delayed_act,
// 0 - val
// 1 - I=0/D=1
// 2 - TLB miss
// 3 - Storage int (TLBI/PTfault)
// 4 - LRAT miss
// 5 - Mcheck
input [0:5] cp_mm_except_taken_t0,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
input [0:5] cp_mm_except_taken_t1,
output [0:`MM_THREADS+5-1] cp_mm_perf_except_taken_q,
// 0:1 - thdid/val
// 2 - I=0/D=1
// 3 - TLB miss
// 4 - Storage int (TLBI/PTfault)
// 5 - LRAT miss
// 6 - Mcheck
output [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] mm_iu_ierat_pid0,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
output [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] mm_iu_ierat_pid1,
output [0:19] mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_0,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
output [0:19] mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_1,
input [0:17] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we,
output [0:8] mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1,
input [0:3] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we,
output [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] mm_xu_derat_pid0,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
output [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] mm_xu_derat_pid1,
output [0:19] mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_0,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
output [0:19] mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_1,
input [0:17] xu_mm_derat_mmucr0,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we,
output [0:9] mm_xu_derat_mmucr1,
input [0:4] xu_mm_derat_mmucr1,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we,
output [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] pid0,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
output [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] pid1,
output [0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH-1] mmucr0_0,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
output [0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH-1] mmucr0_1,
output [0:`MMUCR1_WIDTH-1] mmucr1,
output [0:`MMUCR2_WIDTH-1] mmucr2,
output [64-`MMUCR3_WIDTH:63] mmucr3_0,
output [1:3] tstmode4k_0,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
output [64-`MMUCR3_WIDTH:63] mmucr3_1,
output [1:3] tstmode4k_1,
output mmucfg_lrat,
output mmucfg_twc,
output tlb0cfg_pt,
output tlb0cfg_ind,
output tlb0cfg_gtwe,
output [0:`MESR1_WIDTH+`MESR2_WIDTH-1] mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls,
output mas0_0_atsel,
output [0:2] mas0_0_esel,
output mas0_0_hes,
output [0:1] mas0_0_wq,
output mas1_0_v,
output mas1_0_iprot,
output [0:13] mas1_0_tid,
output mas1_0_ind,
output mas1_0_ts,
output [0:3] mas1_0_tsize,
output [0:51] mas2_0_epn,
output [0:4] mas2_0_wimge,
output [32:52] mas3_0_rpnl,
output [0:3] mas3_0_ubits,
output [0:5] mas3_0_usxwr,
output mas5_0_sgs,
output [0:7] mas5_0_slpid,
output [0:13] mas6_0_spid,
output [0:3] mas6_0_isize,
output mas6_0_sind,
output mas6_0_sas,
output [22:31] mas7_0_rpnu,
output mas8_0_tgs,
output mas8_0_vf,
output [0:7] mas8_0_tlpid,
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
output mas0_1_atsel,
output [0:2] mas0_1_esel,
output mas0_1_hes,
output [0:1] mas0_1_wq,
output mas1_1_v,
output mas1_1_iprot,
output [0:13] mas1_1_tid,
output mas1_1_ind,
output mas1_1_ts,
output [0:3] mas1_1_tsize,
output [0:51] mas2_1_epn,
output [0:4] mas2_1_wimge,
output [32:52] mas3_1_rpnl,
output [0:3] mas3_1_ubits,
output [0:5] mas3_1_usxwr,
output mas5_1_sgs,
output [0:7] mas5_1_slpid,
output [0:13] mas6_1_spid,
output [0:3] mas6_1_isize,
output mas6_1_sind,
output mas6_1_sas,
output [22:31] mas7_1_rpnu,
output mas8_1_tgs,
output mas8_1_vf,
output [0:7] mas8_1_tlpid,
input [0:2] tlb_mas0_esel,
input tlb_mas1_v,
input tlb_mas1_iprot,
input [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas1_tid,
input [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas1_tid_error,
input tlb_mas1_ind,
input tlb_mas1_ts,
input tlb_mas1_ts_error,
input [0:3] tlb_mas1_tsize,
input [0:`EPN_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas2_epn,
input [0:`EPN_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas2_epn_error,
input [0:4] tlb_mas2_wimge,
input [32:51] tlb_mas3_rpnl,
input [0:3] tlb_mas3_ubits,
input [0:5] tlb_mas3_usxwr,
input [22:31] tlb_mas7_rpnu,
input tlb_mas8_tgs,
input tlb_mas8_vf,
input [0:7] tlb_mas8_tlpid,
input [0:8] tlb_mmucr1_een,
input tlb_mmucr1_we,
input [0:`THDID_WIDTH-1] tlb_mmucr3_thdid,
input tlb_mmucr3_resvattr,
input [0:1] tlb_mmucr3_wlc,
input [0:`CLASS_WIDTH-1] tlb_mmucr3_class,
input [0:`EXTCLASS_WIDTH-1] tlb_mmucr3_extclass,
input [0:1] tlb_mmucr3_rc,
input tlb_mmucr3_x,
input tlb_mas_tlbre,
input tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit,
input tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss,
input tlb_mas_dtlb_error,
input tlb_mas_itlb_error,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_mas_thdid,
output mmucsr0_tlb0fi,
input mmq_inval_tlb0fi_done,
input lrat_mmucr3_x,
input [0:2] lrat_mas0_esel,
input lrat_mas1_v,
input [0:3] lrat_mas1_tsize,
input [0:51] lrat_mas2_epn,
input [32:51] lrat_mas3_rpnl,
input [22:31] lrat_mas7_rpnu,
input [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] lrat_mas8_tlpid,
input lrat_mas_tlbre,
input lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit,
input lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] lrat_mas_thdid,
input [0:2] lrat_tag4_hit_entry,
input [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] tlb_lper_lpn,
input [60:63] tlb_lper_lps,
input [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_lper_we,
output [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] lpidr,
output [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] ac_an_lpar_id,
output spr_dbg_match_64b,
output spr_dbg_match_any_mmu,
output spr_dbg_match_any_mas,
output spr_dbg_match_pid,
output spr_dbg_match_lpidr,
output spr_dbg_match_mmucr0,
output spr_dbg_match_mmucr1,
output spr_dbg_match_mmucr2,
output spr_dbg_match_mmucr3,
output spr_dbg_match_mmucsr0,
output spr_dbg_match_mmucfg,
output spr_dbg_match_tlb0cfg,
output spr_dbg_match_tlb0ps,
output spr_dbg_match_lratcfg,
output spr_dbg_match_lratps,
output spr_dbg_match_eptcfg,
output spr_dbg_match_lper,
output spr_dbg_match_lperu,
output spr_dbg_match_mas0,
output spr_dbg_match_mas1,
output spr_dbg_match_mas2,
output spr_dbg_match_mas2u,
output spr_dbg_match_mas3,
output spr_dbg_match_mas4,
output spr_dbg_match_mas5,
output spr_dbg_match_mas6,
output spr_dbg_match_mas7,
output spr_dbg_match_mas8,
output spr_dbg_match_mas01_64b,
output spr_dbg_match_mas56_64b,
output spr_dbg_match_mas73_64b,
output spr_dbg_match_mas81_64b,
output spr_dbg_slowspr_val_int,
output spr_dbg_slowspr_rw_int,
output [0:1] spr_dbg_slowspr_etid_int,
output [0:9] spr_dbg_slowspr_addr_int,
output spr_dbg_slowspr_val_out,
output spr_dbg_slowspr_done_out,
output [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] spr_dbg_slowspr_data_out,
input xu_mm_slowspr_val,
input xu_mm_slowspr_rw,
input [0:1] xu_mm_slowspr_etid,
input [0:9] xu_mm_slowspr_addr,
input [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] xu_mm_slowspr_data,
input xu_mm_slowspr_done,
output mm_iu_slowspr_val,
output mm_iu_slowspr_rw,
output [0:1] mm_iu_slowspr_etid,
output [0:9] mm_iu_slowspr_addr,
output [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] mm_iu_slowspr_data,
output mm_iu_slowspr_done
parameter BCFG_MMUCR1_VALUE = 201326592; // mmucr1 32-bits boot value, 201326592 -> bits 4:5 csinv="11"
parameter BCFG_MMUCR2_VALUE = 685361; // mmucr2 32-bits boot value, 0xa7531
parameter BCFG_MMUCR3_VALUE = 15; // mmucr2 15-bits boot value, 0x000f
parameter BCFG_MMUCFG_VALUE = 3; // mmucfg lrat|twc bits boot value
parameter BCFG_TLB0CFG_VALUE = 7; // tlb0cfg pt|ind|gtwe bits boot value
parameter MMQ_SPR_CSWITCH_0TO3 = 8; // chicken switch values: 8=disable mmucr1 read clear, 4=disable mmucr1.tlbwe_binv
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_PID = 10'b0000110000;
//constant Spr_Addr_LPID : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 9) := 1001111110 ; -- dec 638
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_LPID = 10'b0101010010;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MMUCR0 = 10'b1111111100;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MMUCR1 = 10'b1111111101;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MMUCR2 = 10'b1111111110;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MMUCR3 = 10'b1111111111;
parameter Spr_RW_Write = 1'b0;
parameter Spr_RW_Read = 1'b1;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MESR1 = 10'b1110010100;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MESR2 = 10'b1110010101;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS0 = 10'b1001110000;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS1 = 10'b1001110001;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS2 = 10'b1001110010;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS2U = 10'b1001110111;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS3 = 10'b1001110011;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS4 = 10'b1001110100;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS5 = 10'b0101010011;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS6 = 10'b1001110110;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS7 = 10'b1110110000;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS8 = 10'b0101010101;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b = 10'b0101011100;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b = 10'b0101011101;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b = 10'b0101110100;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b = 10'b0101110101;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MMUCFG = 10'b1111110111;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_MMUCSR0 = 10'b1111110100;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_TLB0CFG = 10'b1010110000;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_TLB0PS = 10'b0101011000;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_LRATCFG = 10'b0101010110;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_LRATPS = 10'b0101010111;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_EPTCFG = 10'b0101011110;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_LPER = 10'b0000111000;
parameter [0:9] Spr_Addr_LPERU = 10'b0000111001;
// MMUCFG: 32:35 resv, 36:39 LPIDSIZE=0x8, 40:46 RASIZE=0x2a, 47 LRAT bcfg, 48 TWC bcfg,
// 49:52 resv, 53:57 PIDSIZE=0xd, 58:59 resv, 60:61 NTLBS=0b00, 62:63 MAVN=0b01
parameter [32:63] Spr_Data_MMUCFG = 32'b00001000010101011000001101000001;
// TLB0CFG: 32:39 ASSOC=0x04, 40:44 resv, 45 PT bcfg, 46 IND bcfg, 47 GTWE bcfg,
// 48 IPROT=1, 49 resv, 50 HES=1, 51 resv, 52:63 NENTRY=0x200
parameter [32:63] Spr_Data_TLB0CFG = 32'b00000100000000001010001000000000;
// TLB0PS: 32:63 PS31-PS0=0x0010_4444 (PS20, PS14, PS10, PS6, PS2 = 1, others = 0)
parameter [32:63] Spr_Data_TLB0PS = 32'b00000000000100000100010001000100;
// LRATCFG: 32:39 ASSOC=0x00, 40:46 LASIZE=0x2a, 47:49 resv, 50 LPID=1, 51 resv, 52:63 NENTRY=0x008
parameter [32:63] Spr_Data_LRATCFG = 32'b00000000010101000010000000001000;
// LRATPS: 32:63 PS31-PS0=0x5154_4400 (PS30, PS28, PS24, PS22, PS20, PS18, PS14, PS10 = 1, others = 0)
parameter [32:63] Spr_Data_LRATPS = 32'b01010001010101000100010000000000;
// EPTCFG: 32:43 resv, 44:48 PS1=0x12, 49:53 SPS1=0x06, 54:58 PS0=0x0a, 59:63 SPS0=0x02
parameter [32:63] Spr_Data_EPTCFG = 32'b00000000000010010001100101000010;
parameter [0:15] TSTMODE4KCONST1 = 16'b0101101001101001; // 0x5A69
parameter [0:11] TSTMODE4KCONST2 = 12'b110000111011; // 0xC3B
// latches scan chain constants
parameter cp_flush_offset = 0;
parameter cp_flush_p1_offset = cp_flush_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter spr_ctl_in_offset = cp_flush_p1_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter spr_etid_in_offset = spr_ctl_in_offset + `SPR_CTL_WIDTH;
parameter spr_addr_in_offset = spr_etid_in_offset + `SPR_ETID_WIDTH;
parameter spr_data_in_offset = spr_addr_in_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH;
parameter spr_ctl_int_offset = spr_data_in_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH;
parameter spr_etid_int_offset = spr_ctl_int_offset + `SPR_CTL_WIDTH;
parameter spr_addr_int_offset = spr_etid_int_offset + `SPR_ETID_WIDTH;
parameter spr_data_int_offset = spr_addr_int_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH;
parameter spr_ctl_out_offset = spr_data_int_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH;
parameter spr_etid_out_offset = spr_ctl_out_offset + `SPR_CTL_WIDTH;
parameter spr_addr_out_offset = spr_etid_out_offset + `SPR_ETID_WIDTH;
parameter spr_data_out_offset = spr_addr_out_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH;
parameter spr_match_any_mmu_offset = spr_data_out_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH;
parameter spr_match_pid0_offset = spr_match_any_mmu_offset + 1;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter spr_match_pid1_offset = spr_match_pid0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mmucr0_0_offset = spr_match_pid1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mmucr0_1_offset = spr_match_mmucr0_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mmucr1_offset = spr_match_mmucr0_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mmucr0_0_offset = spr_match_pid0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mmucr1_offset = spr_match_mmucr0_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mmucr2_offset = spr_match_mmucr1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mmucr3_0_offset = spr_match_mmucr2_offset + 1;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter spr_match_mmucr3_1_offset = spr_match_mmucr3_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_lpidr_offset = spr_match_mmucr3_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_lpidr_offset = spr_match_mmucr3_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mesr1_offset = spr_match_lpidr_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mesr2_offset = spr_match_mesr1_offset + 1;
parameter pid0_offset = spr_match_mesr2_offset + 1;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter pid1_offset = pid0_offset + `PID_WIDTH;
parameter mmucr0_0_offset = pid1_offset + `PID_WIDTH;
parameter mmucr0_0_offset = pid0_offset + `PID_WIDTH;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter mmucr0_1_offset = mmucr0_0_offset + `MMUCR0_WIDTH;
parameter lpidr_offset = mmucr0_1_offset + `MMUCR0_WIDTH;
parameter lpidr_offset = mmucr0_0_offset + `MMUCR0_WIDTH;
parameter mesr1_offset = lpidr_offset + `LPID_WIDTH;
parameter mesr2_offset = mesr1_offset + `MESR1_WIDTH;
parameter spare_a_offset = mesr2_offset + `MESR2_WIDTH;
parameter spr_mmu_act_offset = spare_a_offset + 32;
parameter spr_val_act_offset = spr_mmu_act_offset + `MM_THREADS + 1;
parameter cp_mm_except_taken_t0_offset = spr_val_act_offset + 4;
parameter tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_offset = cp_mm_except_taken_t0_offset + 6;
parameter tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_offset = tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter tlb_lper_we_pending_offset = tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_offset = tlb_lper_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset = tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter derat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset = ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_offset = derat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS;
parameter tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_offset = tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_offset + 1;
parameter tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_offset = tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_offset + `PID_WIDTH;
parameter tlb_lper_0_lpn_offset = tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_offset + `EPN_WIDTH;
parameter tlb_lper_0_lps_offset = tlb_lper_0_lpn_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-12;
parameter tlb_mmucr1_0_een_offset = tlb_lper_0_lps_offset + 4;
parameter ierat_mmucr1_0_een_offset = tlb_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 9;
parameter derat_mmucr1_0_een_offset = ierat_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 4;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter cp_mm_except_taken_t1_offset = derat_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 5;
parameter tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_offset = cp_mm_except_taken_t1_offset + 6;
parameter tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_offset = tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_offset + 1;
parameter tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_offset = tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_offset + `PID_WIDTH;
parameter tlb_lper_1_lpn_offset = tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_offset + `EPN_WIDTH;
parameter tlb_lper_1_lps_offset = tlb_lper_1_lpn_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-12;
parameter tlb_mmucr1_1_een_offset = tlb_lper_1_lps_offset + 4;
parameter ierat_mmucr1_1_een_offset = tlb_mmucr1_1_een_offset + 9;
parameter derat_mmucr1_1_een_offset = ierat_mmucr1_1_een_offset + 4;
parameter cswitch_offset = derat_mmucr1_1_een_offset + 5;
parameter cswitch_offset = derat_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 5;
parameter cswitch_offset = spr_val_act_offset + 4;
parameter scan_right_0 = cswitch_offset + 4 - 1;
// MAS register constants
parameter spr_match_mmucsr0_offset = 0;
parameter spr_match_mmucfg_offset = spr_match_mmucsr0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_tlb0cfg_offset = spr_match_mmucfg_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_tlb0ps_offset = spr_match_tlb0cfg_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_lratcfg_offset = spr_match_tlb0ps_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_lratps_offset = spr_match_lratcfg_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_eptcfg_offset = spr_match_lratps_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_lper_0_offset = spr_match_eptcfg_offset + 1;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter spr_match_lper_1_offset = spr_match_lper_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_lperu_0_offset = spr_match_lper_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_lperu_1_offset = spr_match_lperu_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas0_0_offset = spr_match_lperu_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_lperu_0_offset = spr_match_lper_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas0_0_offset = spr_match_lperu_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas1_0_offset = spr_match_mas0_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas2_0_offset = spr_match_mas1_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas2u_0_offset = spr_match_mas2_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas3_0_offset = spr_match_mas2u_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas4_0_offset = spr_match_mas3_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas5_0_offset = spr_match_mas4_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas6_0_offset = spr_match_mas5_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas7_0_offset = spr_match_mas6_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas8_0_offset = spr_match_mas7_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas01_64b_0_offset = spr_match_mas8_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas56_64b_0_offset = spr_match_mas01_64b_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas73_64b_0_offset = spr_match_mas56_64b_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas81_64b_0_offset = spr_match_mas73_64b_0_offset + 1;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter spr_match_mas0_1_offset = spr_match_mas81_64b_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas1_1_offset = spr_match_mas0_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas2_1_offset = spr_match_mas1_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas2u_1_offset = spr_match_mas2_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas3_1_offset = spr_match_mas2u_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas4_1_offset = spr_match_mas3_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas5_1_offset = spr_match_mas4_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas6_1_offset = spr_match_mas5_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas7_1_offset = spr_match_mas6_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas8_1_offset = spr_match_mas7_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas01_64b_1_offset = spr_match_mas8_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas56_64b_1_offset = spr_match_mas01_64b_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas73_64b_1_offset = spr_match_mas56_64b_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_mas81_64b_1_offset = spr_match_mas73_64b_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_64b_offset = spr_match_mas81_64b_1_offset + 1;
parameter spr_match_64b_offset = spr_match_mas81_64b_0_offset + 1;
parameter spr_addr_in_clone_offset = spr_match_64b_offset + 1;
parameter spr_mas_data_out_offset = spr_addr_in_clone_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH;
parameter spr_match_any_mas_offset = spr_mas_data_out_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH;
parameter mas0_0_atsel_offset = spr_match_any_mas_offset + 1;
parameter mas0_0_esel_offset = mas0_0_atsel_offset + 1;
parameter mas0_0_hes_offset = mas0_0_esel_offset + 3;
parameter mas0_0_wq_offset = mas0_0_hes_offset + 1;
parameter mas1_0_v_offset = mas0_0_wq_offset + 2;
parameter mas1_0_iprot_offset = mas1_0_v_offset + 1;
parameter mas1_0_tid_offset = mas1_0_iprot_offset + 1;
parameter mas1_0_ind_offset = mas1_0_tid_offset + `PID_WIDTH;
parameter mas1_0_ts_offset = mas1_0_ind_offset + 1;
parameter mas1_0_tsize_offset = mas1_0_ts_offset + 1;
parameter mas2_0_epn_offset = mas1_0_tsize_offset + 4;
parameter mas2_0_wimge_offset = mas2_0_epn_offset + `EPN_WIDTH + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 64;
parameter mas3_0_rpnl_offset = mas2_0_wimge_offset + 5;
parameter mas3_0_ubits_offset = mas3_0_rpnl_offset + 21;
parameter mas3_0_usxwr_offset = mas3_0_ubits_offset + 4;
parameter mas5_0_sgs_offset = mas3_0_usxwr_offset + 6;
parameter mas5_0_slpid_offset = mas5_0_sgs_offset + 1;
parameter mas6_0_spid_offset = mas5_0_slpid_offset + 8;
parameter mas6_0_isize_offset = mas6_0_spid_offset + 14;
parameter mas6_0_sind_offset = mas6_0_isize_offset + 4;
parameter mas6_0_sas_offset = mas6_0_sind_offset + 1;
parameter mas7_0_rpnu_offset = mas6_0_sas_offset + 1;
parameter mas8_0_tgs_offset = mas7_0_rpnu_offset + 10;
parameter mas8_0_vf_offset = mas8_0_tgs_offset + 1;
parameter mas8_0_tlpid_offset = mas8_0_vf_offset + 1;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter mas0_1_atsel_offset = mas8_0_tlpid_offset + `LPID_WIDTH;
parameter mas0_1_esel_offset = mas0_1_atsel_offset + 1;
parameter mas0_1_hes_offset = mas0_1_esel_offset + 3;
parameter mas0_1_wq_offset = mas0_1_hes_offset + 1;
parameter mas1_1_v_offset = mas0_1_wq_offset + 2;
parameter mas1_1_iprot_offset = mas1_1_v_offset + 1;
parameter mas1_1_tid_offset = mas1_1_iprot_offset + 1;
parameter mas1_1_ind_offset = mas1_1_tid_offset + `PID_WIDTH;
parameter mas1_1_ts_offset = mas1_1_ind_offset + 1;
parameter mas1_1_tsize_offset = mas1_1_ts_offset + 1;
parameter mas2_1_epn_offset = mas1_1_tsize_offset + 4;
parameter mas2_1_wimge_offset = mas2_1_epn_offset + `EPN_WIDTH + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 64;
parameter mas3_1_rpnl_offset = mas2_1_wimge_offset + 5;
parameter mas3_1_ubits_offset = mas3_1_rpnl_offset + 21;
parameter mas3_1_usxwr_offset = mas3_1_ubits_offset + 4;
parameter mas5_1_sgs_offset = mas3_1_usxwr_offset + 6;
parameter mas5_1_slpid_offset = mas5_1_sgs_offset + 1;
parameter mas6_1_spid_offset = mas5_1_slpid_offset + 8;
parameter mas6_1_isize_offset = mas6_1_spid_offset + 14;
parameter mas6_1_sind_offset = mas6_1_isize_offset + 4;
parameter mas6_1_sas_offset = mas6_1_sind_offset + 1;
parameter mas7_1_rpnu_offset = mas6_1_sas_offset + 1;
parameter mas8_1_tgs_offset = mas7_1_rpnu_offset + 10;
parameter mas8_1_vf_offset = mas8_1_tgs_offset + 1;
parameter mas8_1_tlpid_offset = mas8_1_vf_offset + 1;
parameter mmucsr0_tlb0fi_offset = mas8_1_tlpid_offset + `LPID_WIDTH;
parameter mmucsr0_tlb0fi_offset = mas8_0_tlpid_offset + `LPID_WIDTH;
parameter lper_0_alpn_offset = mmucsr0_tlb0fi_offset + 1;
parameter lper_0_lps_offset = lper_0_alpn_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH - 12;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter lper_1_alpn_offset = lper_0_lps_offset + 4;
parameter lper_1_lps_offset = lper_1_alpn_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH - 12;
parameter spare_b_offset = lper_1_lps_offset + 4;
parameter spare_b_offset = lper_0_lps_offset + 4;
parameter cat_emf_act_offset = spare_b_offset + 64;
parameter scan_right_1 = cat_emf_act_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1;
// boot config scan bits
parameter mmucfg_offset = 0;
parameter tlb0cfg_offset = mmucfg_offset + 2;
parameter mmucr1_offset = tlb0cfg_offset + 3;
parameter mmucr2_offset = mmucr1_offset + `MMUCR1_WIDTH;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter mmucr3_0_offset = mmucr2_offset + `MMUCR2_WIDTH;
parameter tstmode4k_0_offset = mmucr3_0_offset + `MMUCR3_WIDTH;
parameter mmucr3_1_offset = tstmode4k_0_offset + 4;
parameter tstmode4k_1_offset = mmucr3_1_offset + `MMUCR3_WIDTH;
parameter mas4_0_indd_offset = tstmode4k_1_offset + 4;
parameter mas4_0_tsized_offset = mas4_0_indd_offset + 1;
parameter mas4_0_wimged_offset = mas4_0_tsized_offset + 4;
parameter mas4_1_indd_offset = mas4_0_wimged_offset + 5;
parameter mas4_1_tsized_offset = mas4_1_indd_offset + 1;
parameter mas4_1_wimged_offset = mas4_1_tsized_offset + 4;
parameter bcfg_spare_offset = mas4_1_wimged_offset + 5;
parameter boot_scan_right = bcfg_spare_offset + 16 - 1;
parameter mmucr3_0_offset = mmucr2_offset + `MMUCR2_WIDTH;
parameter tstmode4k_0_offset = mmucr3_0_offset + `MMUCR3_WIDTH;
parameter mas4_0_indd_offset = tstmode4k_0_offset + 4;
parameter mas4_0_tsized_offset = mas4_0_indd_offset + 1;
parameter mas4_0_wimged_offset = mas4_0_tsized_offset + 4;
parameter bcfg_spare_offset = mas4_0_wimged_offset + 5;
parameter boot_scan_right = bcfg_spare_offset + 16 - 1;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
parameter BUGSP_MM_THREADS = 2;
parameter BUGSP_MM_THREADS = 1;
wire spr_match_any_mmu;
wire spr_match_any_mmu_q;
wire spr_match_pid0;
wire spr_match_pid0_q;
wire spr_match_mmucr0_0;
wire spr_match_mmucr0_0_q;
wire spr_match_mmucr3_0;
wire spr_match_mmucr3_0_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
wire spr_match_pid1;
wire spr_match_pid1_q;
wire spr_match_mmucr0_1;
wire spr_match_mmucr0_1_q;
wire spr_match_mmucr3_1;
wire spr_match_mmucr3_1_q;
wire spr_match_mmucr1;
wire spr_match_mmucr1_q;
wire spr_match_mmucr2;
wire spr_match_mmucr2_q;
wire spr_match_lpidr;
wire spr_match_lpidr_q;
wire spr_match_mesr1;
wire spr_match_mesr1_q;
wire spr_match_mesr2;
wire spr_match_mesr2_q;
wire spr_match_mmucsr0;
wire spr_match_mmucsr0_q;
wire spr_match_mmucfg;
wire spr_match_mmucfg_q;
wire spr_match_tlb0cfg;
wire spr_match_tlb0cfg_q;
wire spr_match_tlb0ps;
wire spr_match_tlb0ps_q;
wire spr_match_lratcfg;
wire spr_match_lratcfg_q;
wire spr_match_lratps;
wire spr_match_lratps_q;
wire spr_match_eptcfg;
wire spr_match_eptcfg_q;
wire spr_match_lper_0;
wire spr_match_lper_0_q;
wire spr_match_lperu_0;
wire spr_match_lperu_0_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
wire spr_match_lper_1;
wire spr_match_lper_1_q;
wire spr_match_lperu_1;
wire spr_match_lperu_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas0_0;
wire spr_match_mas0_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas1_0;
wire spr_match_mas1_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas2_0;
wire spr_match_mas2_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas2u_0;
wire spr_match_mas2u_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas3_0;
wire spr_match_mas3_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas4_0;
wire spr_match_mas4_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas5_0;
wire spr_match_mas5_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas6_0;
wire spr_match_mas6_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas7_0;
wire spr_match_mas7_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas8_0;
wire spr_match_mas8_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas01_64b_0;
wire spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas56_64b_0;
wire spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas73_64b_0;
wire spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q;
wire spr_match_mas81_64b_0;
wire spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
wire spr_match_mas0_1;
wire spr_match_mas0_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas1_1;
wire spr_match_mas1_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas2_1;
wire spr_match_mas2_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas2u_1;
wire spr_match_mas2u_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas3_1;
wire spr_match_mas3_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas4_1;
wire spr_match_mas4_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas5_1;
wire spr_match_mas5_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas6_1;
wire spr_match_mas6_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas7_1;
wire spr_match_mas7_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas8_1;
wire spr_match_mas8_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas01_64b_1;
wire spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas56_64b_1;
wire spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas73_64b_1;
wire spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q;
wire spr_match_mas81_64b_1;
wire spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] spr_mas_data_out;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] spr_mas_data_out_q;
wire spr_match_any_mas;
wire spr_match_any_mas_q;
wire spr_match_mas2_64b;
wire spr_match_mas01_64b;
wire spr_match_mas56_64b;
wire spr_match_mas73_64b;
wire spr_match_mas81_64b;
wire spr_match_64b;
wire spr_match_64b_q;
// added input latches for timing with adding numerous mas regs
wire [0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH-1] spr_ctl_in_d;
wire [0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH-1] spr_ctl_in_q;
wire [0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH-1] spr_etid_in_d;
wire [0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH-1] spr_etid_in_q;
wire [0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH-1] spr_addr_in_d;
wire [0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH-1] spr_addr_in_q;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] spr_data_in_d;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] spr_data_in_q;
wire [0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH-1] spr_addr_in_clone_d;
wire [0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH-1] spr_addr_in_clone_q;
wire [0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH-1] spr_ctl_int_d;
wire [0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH-1] spr_ctl_int_q;
wire [0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH-1] spr_etid_int_d;
wire [0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH-1] spr_etid_int_q;
wire [0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH-1] spr_addr_int_d;
wire [0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH-1] spr_addr_int_q;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] spr_data_int_d;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] spr_data_int_q;
wire [0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH-1] spr_ctl_out_d;
wire [0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH-1] spr_ctl_out_q;
wire [0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH-1] spr_etid_out_d;
wire [0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH-1] spr_etid_out_q;
wire [0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH-1] spr_addr_out_d;
wire [0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH-1] spr_addr_out_q;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] spr_data_out_d;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63] spr_data_out_q;
wire [0:3] spr_etid_onehot;
wire [0:3] spr_etid_in_onehot;
wire [0:3] spr_etid_int_onehot;
wire [0:3] spr_etid_flushed;
wire [0:3] spr_etid_in_flushed;
wire [0:3] spr_etid_int_flushed;
wire spr_val_flushed;
wire spr_val_in_flushed;
wire spr_val_int_flushed;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] pid0_d;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] pid0_q;
wire [0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH-1] mmucr0_0_d;
wire [0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH-1] mmucr0_0_q;
wire [64-`MMUCR3_WIDTH:63] mmucr3_0_d;
wire [64-`MMUCR3_WIDTH:63] mmucr3_0_q;
wire [0:3] tstmode4k_0_d, tstmode4k_0_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] pid1_d;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] pid1_q;
wire [0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH-1] mmucr0_1_d;
wire [0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH-1] mmucr0_1_q;
wire [64-`MMUCR3_WIDTH:63] mmucr3_1_d;
wire [64-`MMUCR3_WIDTH:63] mmucr3_1_q;
wire [0:3] tstmode4k_1_d, tstmode4k_1_q;
wire [0:`MMUCR1_WIDTH-1] mmucr1_d;
wire [0:`MMUCR1_WIDTH-1] mmucr1_q;
wire [0:`MMUCR2_WIDTH-1] mmucr2_d;
wire [0:`MMUCR2_WIDTH-1] mmucr2_q;
wire [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] lpidr_d;
wire [0:`LPID_WIDTH-1] lpidr_q;
wire [32:32+`MESR1_WIDTH-1] mesr1_d;
wire [32:32+`MESR1_WIDTH-1] mesr1_q;
wire [32:32+`MESR2_WIDTH-1] mesr2_d;
wire [32:32+`MESR2_WIDTH-1] mesr2_q;
wire mas0_0_atsel_d;
wire mas0_0_atsel_q;
wire [0:2] mas0_0_esel_d;
wire [0:2] mas0_0_esel_q;
wire mas0_0_hes_d;
wire mas0_0_hes_q;
wire [0:1] mas0_0_wq_d;
wire [0:1] mas0_0_wq_q;
wire mas1_0_v_d;
wire mas1_0_v_q;
wire mas1_0_iprot_d;
wire mas1_0_iprot_q;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] mas1_0_tid_d;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] mas1_0_tid_q;
wire mas1_0_ind_d;
wire mas1_0_ind_q;
wire mas1_0_ts_d;
wire mas1_0_ts_q;
wire [0:3] mas1_0_tsize_d;
wire [0:3] mas1_0_tsize_q;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:51] mas2_0_epn_d;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:51] mas2_0_epn_q;
wire [0:4] mas2_0_wimge_d;
wire [0:4] mas2_0_wimge_q;
wire [32:52] mas3_0_rpnl_d;
wire [32:52] mas3_0_rpnl_q;
wire [0:3] mas3_0_ubits_d;
wire [0:3] mas3_0_ubits_q;
wire [0:5] mas3_0_usxwr_d;
wire [0:5] mas3_0_usxwr_q;
wire mas4_0_indd_d;
wire mas4_0_indd_q;
wire [0:3] mas4_0_tsized_d;
wire [0:3] mas4_0_tsized_q;
wire [0:4] mas4_0_wimged_d;
wire [0:4] mas4_0_wimged_q;
wire mas5_0_sgs_d;
wire mas5_0_sgs_q;
wire [0:7] mas5_0_slpid_d;
wire [0:7] mas5_0_slpid_q;
wire [0:13] mas6_0_spid_d;
wire [0:13] mas6_0_spid_q;
wire [0:3] mas6_0_isize_d;
wire [0:3] mas6_0_isize_q;
wire mas6_0_sind_d;
wire mas6_0_sind_q;
wire mas6_0_sas_d;
wire mas6_0_sas_q;
wire [22:31] mas7_0_rpnu_d;
wire [22:31] mas7_0_rpnu_q;
wire mas8_0_tgs_d;
wire mas8_0_tgs_q;
wire mas8_0_vf_d;
wire mas8_0_vf_q;
wire [0:7] mas8_0_tlpid_d;
wire [0:7] mas8_0_tlpid_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
wire mas0_1_atsel_d;
wire mas0_1_atsel_q;
wire [0:2] mas0_1_esel_d;
wire [0:2] mas0_1_esel_q;
wire mas0_1_hes_d;
wire mas0_1_hes_q;
wire [0:1] mas0_1_wq_d;
wire [0:1] mas0_1_wq_q;
wire mas1_1_v_d;
wire mas1_1_v_q;
wire mas1_1_iprot_d;
wire mas1_1_iprot_q;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] mas1_1_tid_d;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] mas1_1_tid_q;
wire mas1_1_ind_d;
wire mas1_1_ind_q;
wire mas1_1_ts_d;
wire mas1_1_ts_q;
wire [0:3] mas1_1_tsize_d;
wire [0:3] mas1_1_tsize_q;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:51] mas2_1_epn_d;
wire [64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH:51] mas2_1_epn_q;
wire [0:4] mas2_1_wimge_d;
wire [0:4] mas2_1_wimge_q;
wire [32:52] mas3_1_rpnl_d;
wire [32:52] mas3_1_rpnl_q;
wire [0:3] mas3_1_ubits_d;
wire [0:3] mas3_1_ubits_q;
wire [0:5] mas3_1_usxwr_d;
wire [0:5] mas3_1_usxwr_q;
wire mas4_1_indd_d;
wire mas4_1_indd_q;
wire [0:3] mas4_1_tsized_d;
wire [0:3] mas4_1_tsized_q;
wire [0:4] mas4_1_wimged_d;
wire [0:4] mas4_1_wimged_q;
wire mas5_1_sgs_d;
wire mas5_1_sgs_q;
wire [0:7] mas5_1_slpid_d;
wire [0:7] mas5_1_slpid_q;
wire [0:13] mas6_1_spid_d;
wire [0:13] mas6_1_spid_q;
wire [0:3] mas6_1_isize_d;
wire [0:3] mas6_1_isize_q;
wire mas6_1_sind_d;
wire mas6_1_sind_q;
wire mas6_1_sas_d;
wire mas6_1_sas_q;
wire [22:31] mas7_1_rpnu_d;
wire [22:31] mas7_1_rpnu_q;
wire mas8_1_tgs_d;
wire mas8_1_tgs_q;
wire mas8_1_vf_d;
wire mas8_1_vf_q;
wire [0:7] mas8_1_tlpid_d;
wire [0:7] mas8_1_tlpid_q;
wire mmucsr0_tlb0fi_d;
wire mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] lper_0_alpn_d;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] lper_0_alpn_q;
wire [60:63] lper_0_lps_d;
wire [60:63] lper_0_lps_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] lper_1_alpn_d;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] lper_1_alpn_q;
wire [60:63] lper_1_lps_d;
wire [60:63] lper_1_lps_q;
// timing nsl's
wire [0:17] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q;
wire [0:17] xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q;
wire [0:3] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_d, iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q;
wire [0:4] xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_d, xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_lper_we_upd;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_mmucr1_we_upd;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_upd;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_upd;
wire tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_upd;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_upd;
wire [0:`EPN_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_upd;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] tlb_lper_0_lpn_upd;
wire [60:63] tlb_lper_0_lps_upd;
wire [0:8] tlb_mmucr1_0_een_upd;
wire [0:3] ierat_mmucr1_0_een_upd;
wire [0:4] derat_mmucr1_0_een_upd;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
wire tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_upd;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_upd;
wire [0:`EPN_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_upd;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] tlb_lper_1_lpn_upd;
wire [60:63] tlb_lper_1_lps_upd;
wire [0:8] tlb_mmucr1_1_een_upd;
wire [0:3] ierat_mmucr1_1_een_upd;
wire [0:4] derat_mmucr1_1_een_upd;
wire [0:5] cp_mm_except_taken_t0_d, cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_d, tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_d, tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_lper_we_pending_d, tlb_lper_we_pending_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_d, tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_d, ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] derat_mmucr1_we_pending_d, derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q;
wire tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_d, tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_q;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_d, tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_q;
wire [0:`EPN_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_d, tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_q;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] tlb_lper_0_lpn_d, tlb_lper_0_lpn_q;
wire [60:63] tlb_lper_0_lps_d, tlb_lper_0_lps_q;
wire [0:8] tlb_mmucr1_0_een_d, tlb_mmucr1_0_een_q;
wire [0:3] ierat_mmucr1_0_een_d, ierat_mmucr1_0_een_q;
wire [0:4] derat_mmucr1_0_een_d, derat_mmucr1_0_een_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
wire [0:5] cp_mm_except_taken_t1_d, cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q;
wire tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_d, tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_q;
wire [0:`PID_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_d, tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_q;
wire [0:`EPN_WIDTH-1] tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_d, tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_q;
wire [64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:51] tlb_lper_1_lpn_d, tlb_lper_1_lpn_q;
wire [60:63] tlb_lper_1_lps_d, tlb_lper_1_lps_q;
wire [0:8] tlb_mmucr1_1_een_d, tlb_mmucr1_1_een_q;
wire [0:3] ierat_mmucr1_1_een_d, ierat_mmucr1_1_een_q;
wire [0:4] derat_mmucr1_1_een_d, derat_mmucr1_1_een_q;
wire [0:31] spare_a_q;
wire [0:63] spare_b_q;
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
wire [0:13] unused_dc;
(* analysis_not_referenced="true" *)
wire [`THREADS:3] unused_dc_threads;
wire [0:45+(4*`MM_THREADS)-1] tri_regk_unused_scan;
// Pervasive
wire pc_sg_1;
wire pc_sg_0;
wire pc_fce_1;
wire pc_fce_0;
wire pc_func_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_func_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_func_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_func_sl_force;
wire pc_func_slp_sl_force;
wire pc_cfg_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_cfg_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_cfg_slp_sl_force;
wire pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_1;
wire pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0;
wire pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_func_slp_nsl_force;
//signal reset_alias : std_ulogic;
wire [0:scan_right_0] siv_0;
wire [0:scan_right_0] sov_0;
wire [0:scan_right_1] siv_1;
wire [0:scan_right_1] sov_1;
wire [0:boot_scan_right] bsiv;
wire [0:boot_scan_right] bsov;
wire [47:48] mmucfg_q;
wire [45:47] tlb0cfg_q;
wire [0:15] bcfg_spare_q;
wire pc_cfg_sl_thold_0_b;
wire pc_cfg_sl_force;
wire lcb_dclk;
//wire [0:`NCLK_WIDTH-1] lcb_lclk;
wire [47:48] mmucfg_q_b;
wire [45:47] tlb0cfg_q_b;
wire [0:15] bcfg_spare_q_b;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] cat_emf_act_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] cat_emf_act_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS] spr_mmu_act_d;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS] spr_mmu_act_q;
wire [0:3] spr_val_act_d;
wire [0:3] spr_val_act_q;
wire spr_val_act;
wire spr_match_act;
wire spr_match_mas_act;
wire spr_mas_data_out_act;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] mas_update_pending_act;
wire [0:3] cswitch_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] cp_flush_d, cp_flush_q;
wire [0:`MM_THREADS-1] cp_flush_p1_d, cp_flush_p1_q;
// array of 2 bit bin values
wire [0:1] bin_2bit [0:3];
wire tidn;
wire tiup;
//## figtree_source: mmq_spr.fig;
//!! Bugspray Include: mmq_spr;
assign tidn = 1'b0;
assign tiup = 1'b1;
assign bin_2bit[0] = 2'b00;
assign bin_2bit[1] = 2'b01;
assign bin_2bit[2] = 2'b10;
assign bin_2bit[3] = 2'b11;
genvar i;
for (i=0; i<`MM_THREADS; i=i+1)
begin : genacts
assign cat_emf_act_d[i] = (spr_match_any_mmu & (spr_etid_in_q == bin_2bit[i])) | mmucr2_act_override[6] | (tlb_delayed_act[29+i] & xu_mm_ccr2_notlb_b);
assign spr_mmu_act_d[i] = (spr_match_any_mmu & (spr_etid_in_q == bin_2bit[i])) | mmucr2_act_override[5];
assign spr_mmu_act_d[`MM_THREADS] = spr_match_any_mmu | mmucr2_act_override[5];
assign spr_val_act_d[0] = xu_mm_slowspr_val;
assign spr_val_act_d[1] = spr_val_act_q[0];
assign spr_val_act_d[2] = spr_val_act_q[1];
assign spr_val_act_d[3] = spr_val_act_q[2];
assign spr_val_act = spr_val_act_q[0] | spr_val_act_q[1] | spr_val_act_q[2] | spr_val_act_q[3] | mmucr2_act_override[5];
assign spr_match_act = spr_val_act_q[0] | spr_val_act_q[1] | mmucr2_act_override[5];
assign spr_match_mas_act = spr_val_act_q[0] | spr_val_act_q[1] | mmucr2_act_override[6];
assign spr_mas_data_out_act = spr_val_act_q[0] | mmucr2_act_override[6];
assign mas_update_pending_act = cat_emf_act_q | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q | tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q | tlb_lper_we_pending_q |
tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q | ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q | derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q;
assign mas_update_pending_act = cat_emf_act_q;
// slow spr logic
// input latches for spr access
assign spr_etid_onehot[0] = (xu_mm_slowspr_etid == 2'b00);
assign spr_etid_onehot[1] = (xu_mm_slowspr_etid == 2'b01);
assign spr_etid_onehot[2] = (xu_mm_slowspr_etid == 2'b10);
assign spr_etid_onehot[3] = (xu_mm_slowspr_etid == 2'b11);
assign spr_etid_in_onehot[0] = (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00);
assign spr_etid_in_onehot[1] = (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01);
assign spr_etid_in_onehot[2] = (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b10);
assign spr_etid_in_onehot[3] = (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b11);
assign spr_etid_int_onehot[0] = (spr_etid_int_q == 2'b00);
assign spr_etid_int_onehot[1] = (spr_etid_int_q == 2'b01);
assign spr_etid_int_onehot[2] = (spr_etid_int_q == 2'b10);
assign spr_etid_int_onehot[3] = (spr_etid_int_q == 2'b11);
begin : etid_generate
genvar tid;
for (tid = 0; tid <= 3; tid = tid + 1)
begin : mmqsprflush
if (tid < `THREADS)
begin : mmqsprtidExist
assign spr_etid_flushed[tid] = cp_flush_q[tid] & spr_etid_onehot[tid];
assign spr_etid_in_flushed[tid] = cp_flush_q[tid] & spr_etid_in_onehot[tid];
assign spr_etid_int_flushed[tid] = cp_flush_q[tid] & spr_etid_int_onehot[tid];
if (tid >= `THREADS)
begin : mmqsprtidNExist
assign spr_etid_flushed[tid] = 1'b0;
assign spr_etid_in_flushed[tid] = 1'b0;
assign spr_etid_int_flushed[tid] = 1'b0;
assign unused_dc_threads[tid] = spr_etid_onehot[tid] | spr_etid_in_onehot[tid] | spr_etid_int_onehot[tid];
begin : mmq_spr_tid_generate
genvar tid;
for (tid = 0; tid <= `MM_THREADS-1; tid = tid + 1)
begin : mmThreads
if (tid < `THREADS)
begin : tidExist
assign cp_flush_d[tid] = cp_flush[tid];
if (tid >= `THREADS)
begin : tidNExist
assign cp_flush_d[tid] = tidn;
assign iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_d = iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we;
assign xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_d = xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we;
// delay because cp_mm_except_taken bus lags cp_flush from completion by 1 cyc
assign cp_flush_p1_d = cp_flush_q;
assign cp_flush_p1 = cp_flush_p1_q;
//masthdNExist : if `THDID_WIDTH > (`MM_THREADS) generate begin
// masthdunused : for tid in (`MM_THREADS) to (`THDID_WIDTH-1) generate begin
// unused_dc_thdid(tid) <= lrat_mas_thdid(tid) or tlb_lper_we_upd(tid) or tlb_delayed_act(tid+29);
// end generate masthdunused;
//end generate masthdNExist;
assign spr_val_flushed = |(spr_etid_flushed);
assign spr_val_in_flushed = |(spr_etid_in_flushed);
assign spr_val_int_flushed = |(spr_etid_int_flushed);
assign spr_ctl_in_d[0] = xu_mm_slowspr_val & (~(spr_val_flushed));
assign spr_ctl_in_d[1] = xu_mm_slowspr_rw;
assign spr_ctl_in_d[2] = xu_mm_slowspr_done;
assign spr_etid_in_d = xu_mm_slowspr_etid;
assign spr_addr_in_d = xu_mm_slowspr_addr;
assign spr_addr_in_clone_d = xu_mm_slowspr_addr;
assign spr_data_in_d = xu_mm_slowspr_data;
// internal select latches for spr access
assign spr_ctl_int_d[0] = spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (~(spr_val_in_flushed));
assign spr_ctl_int_d[1:2] = spr_ctl_in_q[1:2];
assign spr_etid_int_d = spr_etid_in_q;
assign spr_addr_int_d = spr_addr_in_q;
assign spr_data_int_d = spr_data_in_q;
assign spr_match_any_mmu = ( spr_ctl_in_q[0] &
((spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_PID) |
(spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR0) | (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR1) | (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR2) | (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR3) |
(spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_LPID) |
(spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MESR1) | (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MESR2) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS0) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS1) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS2) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS3) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS4) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS5) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS6) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS7) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS8) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS2U) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCFG) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCSR0) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_TLB0CFG) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_TLB0PS) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LRATCFG) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LRATPS) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_EPTCFG) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LPER) |
(spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LPERU)) );
assign spr_match_pid0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_PID));
assign spr_match_mmucr0_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR0));
assign spr_match_mmucr3_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR3));
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign spr_match_pid1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_PID));
assign spr_match_mmucr0_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR0));
assign spr_match_mmucr3_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR3));
assign spr_match_mmucr1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR1));
assign spr_match_mmucr2 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCR2));
assign spr_match_lpidr = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_LPID));
assign spr_match_mesr1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MESR1));
assign spr_match_mesr2 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_q == Spr_Addr_MESR2));
assign spr_match_mmucsr0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCSR0));
assign spr_match_mmucfg = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MMUCFG));
assign spr_match_tlb0cfg = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_TLB0CFG));
assign spr_match_tlb0ps = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_TLB0PS));
assign spr_match_lratcfg = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LRATCFG));
assign spr_match_lratps = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LRATPS));
assign spr_match_eptcfg = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_EPTCFG));
assign spr_match_lper_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LPER));
assign spr_match_lperu_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LPERU));
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign spr_match_lper_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LPER));
assign spr_match_lperu_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_LPERU));
assign spr_match_any_mas = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & ((spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS0) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS1) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS2) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS2U) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS3) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS4) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS5) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS6) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS7) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS8) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b) | (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b)));
assign spr_match_mas0_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS0));
assign spr_match_mas1_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS1));
assign spr_match_mas2_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS2));
assign spr_match_mas2u_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS2U));
assign spr_match_mas3_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS3));
assign spr_match_mas4_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS4));
assign spr_match_mas5_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS5));
assign spr_match_mas6_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS6));
assign spr_match_mas7_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS7));
assign spr_match_mas8_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS8));
assign spr_match_mas01_64b_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b));
assign spr_match_mas56_64b_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b));
assign spr_match_mas73_64b_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b));
assign spr_match_mas81_64b_0 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b00) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b));
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign spr_match_mas0_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS0));
assign spr_match_mas1_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS1));
assign spr_match_mas2_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS2));
assign spr_match_mas2u_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS2U));
assign spr_match_mas3_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS3));
assign spr_match_mas4_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS4));
assign spr_match_mas5_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS5));
assign spr_match_mas6_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS6));
assign spr_match_mas7_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS7));
assign spr_match_mas8_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS8));
assign spr_match_mas01_64b_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b));
assign spr_match_mas56_64b_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b));
assign spr_match_mas73_64b_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b));
assign spr_match_mas81_64b_1 = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_etid_in_q == 2'b01) & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b));
assign spr_match_mas2_64b = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS2));
assign spr_match_mas01_64b = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS01_64b));
assign spr_match_mas56_64b = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS56_64b));
assign spr_match_mas73_64b = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS73_64b));
assign spr_match_mas81_64b = (spr_ctl_in_q[0] & (spr_addr_in_clone_q == Spr_Addr_MAS81_64b));
assign spr_match_64b = spr_match_mas2_64b | spr_match_mas01_64b | spr_match_mas56_64b | spr_match_mas73_64b | spr_match_mas81_64b;
assign pid0_d = ((spr_match_pid0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[64 - `PID_WIDTH:63] :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign pid1_d = ((spr_match_pid1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[64 - `PID_WIDTH:63] :
// mmucr0: 0-ExtClass, 1-TID_NZ, 2:3-GS/TS, 4:5-TLBSel, 6:19-TID
assign mmucr0_0_d = ((spr_match_mmucr0_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? {spr_data_int_q[32], |(spr_data_int_q[50:63]), spr_data_int_q[34:37], spr_data_int_q[50:63]} :
(xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q[0] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[14:15] == 2'b01) ? {xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, mmucr0_0_q[6:7], xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[6:17]} :
(xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q[0] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[14:15] == 2'b10) ? {xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[4:5], mmucr0_0_q[8:11], xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[10:17]} :
(xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q[0] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[14:15] == 2'b11) ? {xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[4:17]} :
(xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, mmucr0_0_q[6:11], xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[10:17]} :
(iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q[0] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[12:13] == 2'b01) ? {iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, mmucr0_0_q[6:7], iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[6:17]} :
(iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q[0] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[12:13] == 2'b10) ? {iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[4:5], mmucr0_0_q[8:11], iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[10:17]} :
(iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q[0] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[12:13] == 2'b11) ? {iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[4:17]} :
(iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q[0] == 1'b1) ? {iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b10, mmucr0_0_q[6:11], iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[10:17]} :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign mmucr0_1_d = ((spr_match_mmucr0_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? {spr_data_int_q[32], |(spr_data_int_q[50:63]), spr_data_int_q[34:37], spr_data_int_q[50:63]} :
(xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q[1] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[14:15] == 2'b01) ? {xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, mmucr0_1_q[6:7], xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[6:17]} :
(xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q[1] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[14:15] == 2'b10) ? {xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[4:5], mmucr0_1_q[8:11], xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[10:17]} :
(xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q[1] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[14:15] == 2'b11) ? {xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[4:17]} :
(xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, mmucr0_1_q[6:11], xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_q[10:17]} :
(iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q[1] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[12:13] == 2'b01) ? {iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, mmucr0_1_q[6:7], iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[6:17]} :
(iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q[1] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[12:13] == 2'b10) ? {iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[4:5], mmucr0_1_q[8:11], iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[10:17]} :
(iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q[1] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[12:13] == 2'b11) ? {iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b11, iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[4:17]} :
(iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_q[1] == 1'b1) ? {iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[0:3], 2'b10, mmucr0_1_q[6:11], iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_q[10:17]} :
// mmucr1: 0-IRRE, 1-DRRE, 2-REE, 3-CEE,
// 4-Disable any context sync inst from invalidating extclass=0 erat entries,
// 5-Disable isync inst from invalidating extclass=0 erat entries,
// 6:7-IPEI, 8:9-DPEI, 10:11-TPEI, 12:13-ICTID/ITTID, 14:15-DCTID/DTTID,
// 20-IERRDET, 21-DERRDET, 22-TERRDET, 23:31-EEN
// 2) mmucr1: merge EEN bits into single field, seperate I/D/T ERRDET bits
// 3) mmucr1: add ICTID, ITTID, DCTID, DTTID, TLBI_REJ, and TLBI_MSB bits
assign mmucr1_d[0:16] = ((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:48] :
assign mmucr1_d[17] = ((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? (spr_data_int_q[49] & (~cswitch_q[1])) :
assign mmucr1_d[18:19] = ((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[50:51] :
// added cswitch0 to prevent side effect of clearing on read
assign mmucr1_d[20] = ((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Read & cswitch_q[0] == 1'b0)) ? 1'b0 :
((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & cswitch_q[0] == 1'b1)) ? spr_data_int_q[52] :
((|(iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_upd) == 1'b1 & |(xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_upd) == 1'b0 & |(tlb_mmucr1_we_upd) == 1'b0 & mmucr1_q[20:22] == 3'b000)) ? 1'b1 :
assign mmucr1_d[21] = ((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Read & cswitch_q[0] == 1'b0)) ? 1'b0 :
((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & cswitch_q[0] == 1'b1)) ? spr_data_int_q[53] :
((|(xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_upd) == 1'b1 & |(tlb_mmucr1_we_upd) == 1'b0 & mmucr1_q[20:22] == 3'b000)) ? 1'b1 :
assign mmucr1_d[22] = ((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Read & cswitch_q[0] == 1'b0)) ? 1'b0 :
((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & cswitch_q[0] == 1'b1)) ? spr_data_int_q[54] :
((|(tlb_mmucr1_we_upd) == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[20:22] == 3'b000)) ? 1'b1 :
assign mmucr1_d[23:31] = ((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Read & cswitch_q[0] == 1'b0)) ? {9{1'b0}} :
((spr_match_mmucr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & cswitch_q[0] == 1'b1)) ? spr_data_int_q[55:63] :
((tlb_mmucr1_we_upd[0] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[20:22] == 3'b000)) ? tlb_mmucr1_0_een_upd :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
((tlb_mmucr1_we_upd[1] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[20:22] == 3'b000)) ? tlb_mmucr1_1_een_upd :
((xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_upd[0] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[20:22] == 3'b000)) ? {4'b0000, derat_mmucr1_0_een_upd} :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
((xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_upd[1] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[20:22] == 3'b000)) ? {4'b0000, derat_mmucr1_1_een_upd} :
((iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_upd[0] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[20:22] == 3'b000)) ? {5'b00000, ierat_mmucr1_0_een_upd} :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
((iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_upd[1] == 1'b1 & mmucr1_q[20:22] == 3'b000)) ? {5'b00000, ierat_mmucr1_1_een_upd} :
// mmucr2:
assign mmucr2_d[0:31] = ((spr_match_mmucr2_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:63] :
// mmucr3:
assign mmucr3_0_d = ((spr_match_mmucr3_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? { spr_data_int_q[64 - `MMUCR3_WIDTH:59+`MM_THREADS], {`THDID_WIDTH-`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} } :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? { tlb_mmucr3_x, tlb_mmucr3_rc, tlb_mmucr3_extclass, tlb_mmucr3_class, tlb_mmucr3_wlc, tlb_mmucr3_resvattr, 1'b0, tlb_mmucr3_thdid[0:`MM_THREADS-1], {`THDID_WIDTH-`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} } :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? { lrat_mmucr3_x, 2'b00, 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 2'b00, 1'b0, 1'b0, {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}}, {`THDID_WIDTH-`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} } :
assign tstmode4k_0_d[0] = ((spr_match_mmucr3_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & spr_data_int_q[32:47] == TSTMODE4KCONST1 )) ? 1'b1 :
((spr_match_mmucr3_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write )) ? 1'b0 :
assign tstmode4k_0_d[1] = ((spr_match_mmucr3_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & tstmode4k_0_q[0] == 1'b1 & spr_data_int_q[32:43] == TSTMODE4KCONST2 )) ? 1'b1 :
((spr_match_mmucr3_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write )) ? 1'b0 :
assign tstmode4k_0_d[2:3] = ((spr_match_mmucr3_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & tstmode4k_0_q[0] == 1'b1 & spr_data_int_q[32:43] == TSTMODE4KCONST2 )) ? spr_data_int_q[46:47]:
((spr_match_mmucr3_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write )) ? 2'b00 :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign mmucr3_1_d = ((spr_match_mmucr3_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? { spr_data_int_q[64 - `MMUCR3_WIDTH:59+`MM_THREADS], {`THDID_WIDTH-`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} } :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? { tlb_mmucr3_x, tlb_mmucr3_rc, tlb_mmucr3_extclass, tlb_mmucr3_class, tlb_mmucr3_wlc, tlb_mmucr3_resvattr, 1'b0, tlb_mmucr3_thdid[0:`MM_THREADS-1], {`THDID_WIDTH-`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} } :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? { lrat_mmucr3_x, 2'b00, 1'b0, 1'b0, 2'b00, 2'b00, 1'b0, 1'b0, {`MM_THREADS{1'b1}}, {`THDID_WIDTH-`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} } :
assign tstmode4k_1_d[0] = ((spr_match_mmucr3_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & spr_data_int_q[32:47] == TSTMODE4KCONST1 )) ? 1'b1 :
((spr_match_mmucr3_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write )) ? 1'b0 :
assign tstmode4k_1_d[1] = ((spr_match_mmucr3_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & tstmode4k_1_q[0] == 1'b1 & spr_data_int_q[32:43] == TSTMODE4KCONST2 )) ? 1'b1 :
((spr_match_mmucr3_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write )) ? 1'b0 :
assign tstmode4k_1_d[2:3] = ((spr_match_mmucr3_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & tstmode4k_1_q[0] == 1'b1 & spr_data_int_q[32:43] == TSTMODE4KCONST2 )) ? spr_data_int_q[46:47]:
((spr_match_mmucr3_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write )) ? 2'b00 :
assign lpidr_d = ((spr_match_lpidr_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[64 - `LPID_WIDTH:63] :
// Perf event select registers
// Each field controls selection of 1 of 64 events per event bus bit
// mesr1: 32:37 - MUXSELEB0,
// 38:43 - MUXSELEB1,
// 44:49 - MUXSELEB2,
// 50:55 - MUXSELEB3
// mesr2: 32:37 - MUXSELEB4,
// 38:43 - MUXSELEB5,
// 44:49 - MUXSELEB6,
// 50:55 - MUXSELEB7
assign mesr1_d[32:32 + `MESR1_WIDTH - 1] = ((spr_match_mesr1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:32 + `MESR1_WIDTH - 1] :
mesr1_q[32:32 + `MESR1_WIDTH - 1];
assign mesr2_d[32:32 + `MESR2_WIDTH - 1] = ((spr_match_mesr2_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:32 + `MESR2_WIDTH - 1] :
mesr2_q[32:32 + `MESR2_WIDTH - 1];
assign mmucsr0_tlb0fi_d = ((mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q == 1'b0 & spr_match_mmucsr0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write & spr_data_int_q[61] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 :
(mmq_inval_tlb0fi_done == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
// cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q
// 0 - val
// 1 - I=0/D=1
// 2 - TLB miss
// 3 - Storage int (TLBI/PTfault)
// 4 - LRAT miss
// 5 - Mcheck
assign cp_mm_except_taken_t0_d = cp_mm_except_taken_t0;
assign tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] = tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q[0] & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[1:5] == 5'b11000}}; // dtlb miss except taken
assign tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] = tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q[0] & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[1:5] == 5'b01000}}; // itlb miss except taken
assign tlb_lper_we_upd[0] = tlb_lper_we_pending_q[0] & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[2:5] == 4'b0010}}; // lrat error except taken
assign tlb_mmucr1_we_upd[0] = tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[2:5] == 4'b0001}}; // tlb mcheck except taken
assign iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_upd[0] = ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[2:5] == 4'b0001}}; // ierat mcheck except taken
assign xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_upd[0] = derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[2:5] == 4'b0001}}; // derat mcheck except taken
assign tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_d[0] = (tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[1:5] == 5'b11000 ) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_mas_dtlb_error == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_d[0] = (tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[1:5] == 5'b01000 ) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_mas_itlb_error == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign tlb_lper_we_pending_d[0] = (tlb_lper_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[2:5] == 4'b0010 ) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_lper_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_lper_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_lper_we[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_d[0] = (tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[2:5] == 4'b0001 ) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_mmucr1_we == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_d[0] = (ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[2:5] == 4'b0001 ) ? 1'b0 :
(ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b0 & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign derat_mmucr1_we_pending_d[0] = (derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[2:5] == 4'b0001 ) ? 1'b0 :
(derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b0 & xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_d = ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_mas1_ts_error :
assign tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_d = ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_mas1_tid_error :
assign tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_d = ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_mas2_epn_error :
assign tlb_lper_0_lpn_d = (tlb_lper_we[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_lpn :
assign tlb_lper_0_lps_d = (tlb_lper_we[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_lps :
assign tlb_mmucr1_0_een_d = (tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b0 & tlb_mmucr1_we == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_mmucr1_een :
assign ierat_mmucr1_0_een_d = (ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b0 & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q[0] == 1'b1) ? iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_q :
assign derat_mmucr1_0_een_d = (derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[0] == 1'b0 & xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q[0] == 1'b1) ? xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_q :
assign tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_upd = tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_q;
assign tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_upd = tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_q;
assign tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_upd = tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_q;
assign tlb_lper_0_lpn_upd = tlb_lper_0_lpn_q;
assign tlb_lper_0_lps_upd = tlb_lper_0_lps_q;
assign tlb_mmucr1_0_een_upd = tlb_mmucr1_0_een_q;
assign ierat_mmucr1_0_een_upd = ierat_mmucr1_0_een_q;
assign derat_mmucr1_0_een_upd = derat_mmucr1_0_een_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
// cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q
// 0 - val
// 1 - I=0/D=1
// 2 - TLB miss
// 3 - Storage int (TLBI/PTfault)
// 4 - LRAT miss
// 5 - Mcheck
assign cp_mm_except_taken_t1_d = cp_mm_except_taken_t1;
assign tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] = tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q[1] & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[1:5] == 5'b11000}}; // dtlb miss except taken
assign tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] = tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q[1] & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[1:5] == 5'b01000}}; // itlb miss except taken
assign tlb_lper_we_upd[1] = tlb_lper_we_pending_q[1] & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[2:5] == 4'b0010}}; // lrat error except taken
assign tlb_mmucr1_we_upd[1] = tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[2:5] == 4'b0001}}; // tlb mcheck except taken
assign iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_upd[1] = ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[2:5] == 4'b0001}}; // ierat mcheck except taken
assign xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_upd[1] = derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] & {1{cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[2:5] == 4'b0001}}; // derat mcheck except taken
assign tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_d[1] = (tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[1:5] == 5'b11000 ) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_q[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_mas_dtlb_error == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_d[1] = (tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[1:5] == 5'b01000 ) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_q[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_mas_itlb_error == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign tlb_lper_we_pending_d[1] = (tlb_lper_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[2:5] == 4'b0010 ) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_lper_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_lper_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_lper_we[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_d[1] = (tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[2:5] == 4'b0001 ) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_mmucr1_we == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_d[1] = (ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[2:5] == 4'b0001 ) ? 1'b0 :
(ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b0 & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign derat_mmucr1_we_pending_d[1] = (derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[2:5] == 4'b0001 ) ? 1'b0 :
(derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b1 & cp_flush_p1_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b0 & xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_d = ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_mas1_ts_error :
assign tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_d = ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_mas1_tid_error :
assign tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_d = ((tlb_mas_dtlb_error == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_mas2_epn_error :
assign tlb_lper_1_lpn_d = (tlb_lper_we[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_lpn :
assign tlb_lper_1_lps_d = (tlb_lper_we[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_lps :
assign tlb_mmucr1_1_een_d = (tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b0 & tlb_mmucr1_we == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_mmucr1_een :
assign ierat_mmucr1_1_een_d = (ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b0 & iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q[1] == 1'b1) ? iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_q :
assign derat_mmucr1_1_een_d = (derat_mmucr1_we_pending_q[1] == 1'b0 & xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q[1] == 1'b1) ? xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_q :
assign tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_upd = tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_q;
assign tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_upd = tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_q;
assign tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_upd = tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_q;
assign tlb_lper_1_lpn_upd = tlb_lper_1_lpn_q;
assign tlb_lper_1_lps_upd = tlb_lper_1_lps_q;
assign tlb_mmucr1_1_een_upd = tlb_mmucr1_1_een_q;
assign ierat_mmucr1_1_een_upd = ierat_mmucr1_1_een_q;
assign derat_mmucr1_1_een_upd = derat_mmucr1_1_een_q;
assign tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd = tlb_mas_thdid & {`MM_THREADS{tlb_mas_dtlb_error}};
assign tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd = tlb_mas_thdid & {`MM_THREADS{tlb_mas_itlb_error}};
assign tlb_lper_we_upd = tlb_lper_we;
assign tlb_mmucr1_we_upd = {`MM_THREADS{tlb_mmucr1_we}} & tlb_mas_thdid[0:`MM_THREADS-1];
assign iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_upd = iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_q;
assign xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_upd = xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_q;
assign tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_upd = tlb_mas1_ts_error;
assign tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_upd = tlb_mas1_tid_error;
assign tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_upd = tlb_mas2_epn_error;
assign tlb_lper_0_lpn_upd = tlb_lper_lpn;
assign tlb_lper_0_lps_upd = tlb_lper_lps;
assign tlb_mmucr1_0_een_upd = tlb_mmucr1_een;
assign ierat_mmucr1_0_een_upd = iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_q;
assign derat_mmucr1_0_een_upd = xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_upd = tlb_mas1_ts_error;
assign tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_upd = tlb_mas1_tid_error;
assign tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_upd = tlb_mas2_epn_error;
assign tlb_lper_1_lpn_upd = tlb_lper_lpn;
assign tlb_lper_1_lps_upd = tlb_lper_lps;
assign tlb_mmucr1_1_een_upd = tlb_mmucr1_een;
assign ierat_mmucr1_1_een_upd = iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_q;
assign derat_mmucr1_1_een_upd = xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_q;
assign lper_0_alpn_d[32:51] = ((spr_match_lper_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:51] :
(tlb_lper_we_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_0_lpn_upd[32:51] :
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 64)
begin : gen64_lper_0_alpn
assign lper_0_alpn_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] = ((spr_match_lper_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] :
((spr_match_lperu_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 32:63] :
(tlb_lper_we_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_0_lpn_upd[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] :
lper_0_alpn_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31];
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 32)
begin : gen32_lper_0_alpn
assign lper_0_alpn_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] = ((spr_match_lperu_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 32:63] :
(tlb_lper_we_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_0_lpn_upd[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] :
lper_0_alpn_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31];
assign lper_0_lps_d = ((spr_match_lper_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[60:63] :
(tlb_lper_we_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_0_lps_upd[60:63] :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign lper_1_alpn_d[32:51] = ((spr_match_lper_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:51] :
(tlb_lper_we_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_1_lpn_upd[32:51] :
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 64)
begin : gen64_lper_1_alpn
assign lper_1_alpn_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] = ((spr_match_lper_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] :
((spr_match_lperu_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 32:63] :
(tlb_lper_we_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_1_lpn_upd[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] :
lper_1_alpn_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31];
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 32)
begin : gen32_lper_1_alpn
assign lper_1_alpn_d[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] = ((spr_match_lperu_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH + 32:63] :
(tlb_lper_we_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_1_lpn_upd[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31] :
lper_1_alpn_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31];
assign lper_1_lps_d = ((spr_match_lper_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[60:63] :
(tlb_lper_we_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? tlb_lper_1_lps_upd[60:63] :
assign mas1_0_v_d = (((spr_match_mas1_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
((tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_v :
((lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 :
((lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1 & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas1_v :
assign mas1_0_iprot_d = (((spr_match_mas1_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[33] :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_iprot :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas1_0_tid_d = (((spr_match_mas1_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[34:47] :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? mas6_0_spid_q :
((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_upd :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_tid :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? {`PID_WIDTH{1'b0}} :
assign mas1_0_ind_d = (((spr_match_mas1_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[50] :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? mas4_0_indd_q :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_ind :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas1_0_ts_d = (((spr_match_mas1_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[51] :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? mas6_0_sas_q :
((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_upd :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_ts :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas1_0_tsize_d = (((spr_match_mas1_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[52:55] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? mas4_0_tsized_q :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_tsize :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas1_tsize :
assign mas2_0_epn_d[32:51] = ((spr_match_mas2_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:51] :
((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_upd[32:51] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas2_epn[32:51] :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas2_epn[32:51] :
assign mas2_0_wimge_d = ((spr_match_mas2_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[59:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? mas4_0_wimged_q :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas2_wimge :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 5'b0 :
assign mas3_0_rpnl_d = (((spr_match_mas3_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:52] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? {21{1'b0}} :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? {tlb_mas3_rpnl, (tlb_mas3_usxwr[5] & tlb_mas1_ind)} :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? {lrat_mas3_rpnl, 1'b0} :
assign mas3_0_ubits_d = (((spr_match_mas3_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[54:57] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? 4'b0 :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas3_ubits :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 4'b0 :
assign mas3_0_usxwr_d = (((spr_match_mas3_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[58:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? 6'b0 :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? ({tlb_mas3_usxwr[0:4], (tlb_mas3_usxwr[5] & (~tlb_mas1_ind))}) :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 6'b0 :
// no h/w updates to mas4
assign mas4_0_indd_d = ((spr_match_mas4_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[48] :
assign mas4_0_tsized_d = ((spr_match_mas4_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[52:55] :
assign mas4_0_wimged_d = ((spr_match_mas4_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[59:63] :
assign mas6_0_spid_d = (((spr_match_mas6_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[34:47] :
((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_upd :
assign mas6_0_isize_d = (((spr_match_mas6_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[52:55] :
((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? mas4_0_tsized_q :
assign mas6_0_sind_d = (((spr_match_mas6_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[62] :
((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? mas4_0_indd_q :
assign mas6_0_sas_d = (((spr_match_mas6_0_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[63] :
((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_upd :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign mas1_1_v_d = (((spr_match_mas1_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
((tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_v :
((lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 :
((lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1 & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas1_v :
assign mas1_1_iprot_d = (((spr_match_mas1_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[33] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_iprot :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas1_1_tid_d = (((spr_match_mas1_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[34:47] :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? mas6_1_spid_q :
(((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1))) ? tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_upd :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_tid :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? {`PID_WIDTH{1'b0}} :
assign mas1_1_ind_d = (((spr_match_mas1_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[50] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? mas4_1_indd_q :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_ind :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas1_1_ts_d = (((spr_match_mas1_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[51] :
((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? mas6_1_sas_q :
(((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1))) ? tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_upd :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_ts :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas1_1_tsize_d = (((spr_match_mas1_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[52:55] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? mas4_1_tsized_q :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas1_tsize :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas1_tsize :
assign mas2_1_epn_d[32:51] = ((spr_match_mas2_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:51] :
(((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1))) ? tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_upd[32:51] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas2_epn[32:51] :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas2_epn[32:51] :
assign mas2_1_wimge_d = ((spr_match_mas2_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[59:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? mas4_1_wimged_q :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas2_wimge :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 5'b0 :
assign mas3_1_rpnl_d = (((spr_match_mas3_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:52] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? 21'b0 :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? {tlb_mas3_rpnl, (tlb_mas3_usxwr[5] & tlb_mas1_ind)} :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? {lrat_mas3_rpnl, 1'b0} :
assign mas3_1_ubits_d = (((spr_match_mas3_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[54:57] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? 4'b0 :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas3_ubits :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 4'b0 :
assign mas3_1_usxwr_d = (((spr_match_mas3_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[58:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? 6'b0 :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? ({tlb_mas3_usxwr[0:4], (tlb_mas3_usxwr[5] & (~tlb_mas1_ind))}) :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 6'b0 :
// no h/w updates to mas4
assign mas4_1_indd_d = ((spr_match_mas4_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[48] :
assign mas4_1_tsized_d = ((spr_match_mas4_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[52:55] :
assign mas4_1_wimged_d = ((spr_match_mas4_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[59:63] :
assign mas6_1_spid_d = (((spr_match_mas6_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[34:47] :
(((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1))) ? tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_upd :
assign mas6_1_isize_d = (((spr_match_mas6_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[52:55] :
(((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1))) ? mas4_1_tsized_q :
assign mas6_1_sind_d = (((spr_match_mas6_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[62] :
(((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1))) ? mas4_1_indd_q :
assign mas6_1_sas_d = (((spr_match_mas6_1_q == 1'b1 | spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q == 1'b1) & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[63] :
(((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1))) ? tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_upd :
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 32)
begin : gen32_mas_d
assign mas0_0_atsel_d = ((spr_match_mas0_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 :
assign mas0_0_esel_d = ((spr_match_mas0_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[45:47] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas0_esel :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? 3'b0 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas0_esel :
assign mas0_0_hes_d = ((spr_match_mas0_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[49] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign mas0_0_wq_d = ((spr_match_mas0_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[50:51] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 2'b00 :
assign mas5_0_sgs_d = ((spr_match_mas5_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
assign mas5_0_slpid_d = ((spr_match_mas5_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[56:63] :
assign mas7_0_rpnu_d = ((spr_match_mas7_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[54:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? {`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-32{1'b0}} :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas7_rpnu :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas7_rpnu :
assign mas8_0_tgs_d = ((spr_match_mas8_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_tgs :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas8_0_vf_d = ((spr_match_mas8_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[33] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_vf :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas8_0_tlpid_d = ((spr_match_mas8_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[56:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_tlpid :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas8_tlpid :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign mas0_1_atsel_d = ((spr_match_mas0_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 :
assign mas0_1_esel_d = ((spr_match_mas0_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[45:47] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas0_esel :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? 3'b0 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas0_esel :
assign mas0_1_hes_d = ((spr_match_mas0_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[49] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign mas0_1_wq_d = ((spr_match_mas0_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[50:51] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 2'b00 :
assign mas5_1_sgs_d = ((spr_match_mas5_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
assign mas5_1_slpid_d = ((spr_match_mas5_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[56:63] :
assign mas7_1_rpnu_d = ((spr_match_mas7_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[54:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? {`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-32{1'b0}} :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas7_rpnu :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas7_rpnu :
assign mas8_1_tgs_d = ((spr_match_mas8_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_tgs :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas8_1_vf_d = ((spr_match_mas8_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[33] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_vf :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas8_1_tlpid_d = ((spr_match_mas8_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[56:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_tlpid :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas8_tlpid :
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 64)
begin : gen64_mas_d
assign mas0_0_atsel_d = ((spr_match_mas0_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
((spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[0] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 :
assign mas0_0_esel_d = ((spr_match_mas0_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[45:47] :
((spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[13:15] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas0_esel :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? 3'b0 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas0_esel :
assign mas0_0_hes_d = ((spr_match_mas0_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[49] :
((spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[17] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign mas0_0_wq_d = ((spr_match_mas0_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[50:51] :
((spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[18:19] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 2'b00 :
assign mas2_0_epn_d[0:31] = ((spr_match_mas2u_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:63] :
((spr_match_mas2_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[0:31] :
(((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1))) ? tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_upd[0:31] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas2_epn[0:31] :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas2_epn[0:31] :
assign mas5_0_sgs_d = ((spr_match_mas5_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
((spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[0] :
assign mas5_0_slpid_d = ((spr_match_mas5_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[56:63] :
((spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[24:31] :
assign mas7_0_rpnu_d = ((spr_match_mas7_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[54:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[0] == 1'b1)) ? {`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-32{1'b0}} :
((spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[22:31] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas7_rpnu :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas7_rpnu :
assign mas8_0_tgs_d = ((spr_match_mas8_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
((spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[0] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_tgs :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas8_0_vf_d = ((spr_match_mas8_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[33] :
((spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[1] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_vf :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas8_0_tlpid_d = ((spr_match_mas8_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[56:63] :
((spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[24:31] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_tlpid :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[0] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas8_tlpid :
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign mas0_1_atsel_d = ((spr_match_mas0_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
((spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[0] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b1 :
assign mas0_1_esel_d = ((spr_match_mas0_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[45:47] :
((spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[13:15] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas0_esel :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? 3'b0 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas0_esel :
assign mas0_1_hes_d = ((spr_match_mas0_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[49] :
((spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[17] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 :
assign mas0_1_wq_d = ((spr_match_mas0_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[50:51] :
((spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[18:19] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1) ? 2'b01 :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 2'b00 :
assign mas2_1_epn_d[0:31] = ((spr_match_mas2u_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32:63] :
((spr_match_mas2_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[0:31] :
(((tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1))) ? tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_upd[0:31] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas2_epn[0:31] :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas2_epn[0:31] :
assign mas5_1_sgs_d = ((spr_match_mas5_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
((spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[0] :
assign mas5_1_slpid_d = ((spr_match_mas5_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[56:63] :
((spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[24:31] :
assign mas7_1_rpnu_d = ((spr_match_mas7_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[54:63] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_miss == 1'b1 & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1) | tlb_mas_dtlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_itlb_error_upd[1] == 1'b1)) ? {`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-32{1'b0}} :
((spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[22:31] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas7_rpnu :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas7_rpnu :
assign mas8_1_tgs_d = ((spr_match_mas8_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[32] :
((spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[0] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_tgs :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas8_1_vf_d = ((spr_match_mas8_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[33] :
((spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[1] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_vf :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? 1'b0 :
assign mas8_1_tlpid_d = ((spr_match_mas8_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[56:63] :
((spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q == 1'b1 & spr_ctl_int_q[1] == Spr_RW_Write)) ? spr_data_int_q[24:31] :
(((tlb_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | tlb_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & tlb_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? tlb_mas8_tlpid :
(((lrat_mas_tlbsx_hit == 1'b1 | lrat_mas_tlbre == 1'b1) & lrat_mas_thdid[1] == 1'b1)) ? lrat_mas8_tlpid :
// 0: val, 1: rw, 2: done
assign spr_ctl_out_d[0] = spr_ctl_int_q[0] & (~(spr_val_int_flushed));
assign spr_ctl_out_d[1] = spr_ctl_int_q[1];
assign spr_ctl_out_d[2] = (spr_ctl_int_q[2] | spr_match_any_mmu_q) & (~(spr_val_int_flushed));
assign spr_etid_out_d = spr_etid_int_q;
assign spr_addr_out_d = spr_addr_int_q;
//constant Spr_RW_Write : std_ulogic := '0'; -- write value for rw signal
//constant Spr_RW_Read : std_ulogic := '1'; -- read value for rw signal
assign spr_data_out_d[32:63] = ( {{32-`LPID_WIDTH{1'b0}}, lpidr_q} & {32{(spr_match_lpidr_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {{32-`PID_WIDTH{1'b0}}, pid0_q} & {32{(spr_match_pid0_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {mmucr0_0_q[0:5], 12'b0, mmucr0_0_q[6:19]} & {32{(spr_match_mmucr0_0_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( mmucr1_q & {32{(spr_match_mmucr1_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( mmucr2_q & {32{(spr_match_mmucr2_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {{32-`MMUCR3_WIDTH{1'b0}}, mmucr3_0_q[64 - `MMUCR3_WIDTH:58], 1'b0, mmucr3_0_q[60:59+`MM_THREADS], {`THDID_WIDTH-`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} } & {32{(spr_match_mmucr3_0_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {mesr1_q[32:32 + `MESR1_WIDTH - 1], {32-`MESR1_WIDTH{1'b0}}} & {32{(spr_match_mesr1_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {mesr2_q[32:32 + `MESR2_WIDTH - 1], {32-`MESR2_WIDTH{1'b0}}} & {32{(spr_match_mesr2_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {29'b0, mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q, 2'b00} & {32{(spr_match_mmucsr0_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {Spr_Data_MMUCFG[32:46], mmucfg_q[47:48], Spr_Data_MMUCFG[49:63]} & {32{(spr_match_mmucfg_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {Spr_Data_TLB0CFG[32:44], tlb0cfg_q[45:47], Spr_Data_TLB0CFG[48:63]} & {32{(spr_match_tlb0cfg_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( Spr_Data_TLB0PS & {32{(spr_match_tlb0ps_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( Spr_Data_LRATCFG & {32{(spr_match_lratcfg_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( Spr_Data_LRATPS & {32{(spr_match_lratps_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( Spr_Data_EPTCFG & {32{(spr_match_eptcfg_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {lper_0_alpn_q[32:51], 8'b0, lper_0_lps_q[60:63]} & {32{(spr_match_lper_0_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {{64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, lper_0_alpn_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31]} & {32{(spr_match_lperu_0_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
( {{32-`PID_WIDTH{1'b0}}, pid1_q} & {32{(spr_match_pid1_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {mmucr0_1_q[0:5], 12'b0, mmucr0_1_q[6:19]} & {32{(spr_match_mmucr0_1_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {{32-`MMUCR3_WIDTH{1'b0}}, mmucr3_1_q[64 - `MMUCR3_WIDTH:58], 1'b0, mmucr3_1_q[60:59+`MM_THREADS], {`THDID_WIDTH-`MM_THREADS{1'b0}} } & {32{(spr_match_mmucr3_1_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {lper_1_alpn_q[32:51], 8'b0, lper_1_lps_q[60:63]} & {32{(spr_match_lper_1_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {{64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, lper_1_alpn_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31]} & {32{(spr_match_lperu_1_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( (spr_mas_data_out_q[32:63]) & {32{(spr_match_any_mas_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( spr_data_int_q[32:63] & {32{(~spr_match_any_mmu_q)}} );
assign spr_mas_data_out[32:63] = ( {mas0_0_atsel_q, 12'b0, mas0_0_esel_q, 1'b0, mas0_0_hes_q, mas0_0_wq_q, 12'b0} & {32{spr_match_mas0_0}} ) |
( {mas1_0_v_q, mas1_0_iprot_q, mas1_0_tid_q, 2'b00, mas1_0_ind_q, mas1_0_ts_q, mas1_0_tsize_q, 8'b00000000} & {32{(spr_match_mas1_0 | spr_match_mas01_64b_0 | spr_match_mas81_64b_0)}} ) |
( {mas2_0_epn_q[32:51], 7'b0000000, mas2_0_wimge_q} & {32{spr_match_mas2_0}} ) |
( {mas2_0_epn_q[0:31]} & {32{spr_match_mas2u_0}} ) |
( {mas3_0_rpnl_q, 1'b0, mas3_0_ubits_q, mas3_0_usxwr_q} & {32{(spr_match_mas3_0 | spr_match_mas73_64b_0)}} ) |
( {16'b0, mas4_0_indd_q, 3'b000, mas4_0_tsized_q, 3'b000, mas4_0_wimged_q} & {32{spr_match_mas4_0}} ) |
( {mas5_0_sgs_q, 23'b0, mas5_0_slpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas5_0}} ) |
( {2'b00, mas6_0_spid_q, 4'b0000, mas6_0_isize_q, 6'b000000, mas6_0_sind_q, mas6_0_sas_q} & {32{(spr_match_mas6_0 | spr_match_mas56_64b_0)}} ) |
( {22'b0, mas7_0_rpnu_q} & {32{spr_match_mas7_0}} ) |
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
( {mas8_0_tgs_q, mas8_0_vf_q, 22'b0, mas8_0_tlpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas8_0}} ) |
( {mas0_1_atsel_q, 12'b0, mas0_1_esel_q, 1'b0, mas0_1_hes_q, mas0_1_wq_q, 12'b0} & {32{spr_match_mas0_1}} ) |
( {mas1_1_v_q, mas1_1_iprot_q, mas1_1_tid_q, 2'b00, mas1_1_ind_q, mas1_1_ts_q, mas1_1_tsize_q, 8'b00000000} & {32{(spr_match_mas1_1 | spr_match_mas01_64b_1 | spr_match_mas81_64b_1)}} ) |
( {mas2_1_epn_q[32:51], 7'b0000000, mas2_1_wimge_q} & {32{spr_match_mas2_1}} ) |
( {mas2_1_epn_q[0:31]} & {32{spr_match_mas2u_1}} ) |
( {mas3_1_rpnl_q, 1'b0, mas3_1_ubits_q, mas3_1_usxwr_q} & {32{(spr_match_mas3_1 | spr_match_mas73_64b_1)}} ) |
( {16'b0, mas4_1_indd_q, 3'b000, mas4_1_tsized_q, 3'b000, mas4_1_wimged_q} & {32{spr_match_mas4_1}} ) |
( {mas5_1_sgs_q, 23'b0, mas5_1_slpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas5_1}} ) |
( {2'b00, mas6_1_spid_q, 4'b0000, mas6_1_isize_q, 6'b000000, mas6_1_sind_q, mas6_1_sas_q} & {32{(spr_match_mas6_1 | spr_match_mas56_64b_1)}} ) |
( {22'b0, mas7_1_rpnu_q} & {32{spr_match_mas7_1}} ) |
( {mas8_1_tgs_q, mas8_1_vf_q, 22'b0, mas8_1_tlpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas8_1}} );
( {mas8_0_tgs_q, mas8_0_vf_q, 22'b0, mas8_0_tlpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas8_0}} );
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 64)
begin : gen64_spr_data
assign spr_mas_data_out[0:31] = ( mas2_0_epn_q[0:31] & {32{spr_match_mas2_0}} ) |
( {mas0_0_atsel_q, 12'b0, mas0_0_esel_q, 1'b0, mas0_0_hes_q, mas0_0_wq_q, 12'b0} & {32{spr_match_mas01_64b_0}} ) |
( {mas5_0_sgs_q, 23'b0, mas5_0_slpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas56_64b_0}} ) |
( {22'b0, mas7_0_rpnu_q} & {32{spr_match_mas73_64b_0}} ) |
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
( {mas8_0_tgs_q, mas8_0_vf_q, 22'b0, mas8_0_tlpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas81_64b_0}} ) |
( {mas2_1_epn_q[0:31]} & {32{spr_match_mas2_1}} ) |
( {mas0_1_atsel_q, 12'b0, mas0_1_esel_q, 1'b0, mas0_1_hes_q, mas0_1_wq_q, 12'b0} & {32{spr_match_mas01_64b_1}} ) |
( {mas5_1_sgs_q, 23'b0, mas5_1_slpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas56_64b_1}} ) |
( {22'b0, mas7_1_rpnu_q} & {32{spr_match_mas73_64b_1}} ) |
( {mas8_1_tgs_q, mas8_1_vf_q, 22'b0, mas8_1_tlpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas81_64b_1}} );
( {mas8_0_tgs_q, mas8_0_vf_q, 22'b0, mas8_0_tlpid_q} & {32{spr_match_mas81_64b_0}} );
//constant Spr_RW_Write : std_ulogic := '0'; -- write value for rw signal
//constant Spr_RW_Read : std_ulogic := '1'; -- read value for rw signal
assign spr_data_out_d[0:31] = ( {{64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, lper_0_alpn_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31]} & {32{(spr_match_lper_0_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
( {{64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}, lper_1_alpn_q[64 - `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH:31]} & {32{(spr_match_lper_1_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {spr_mas_data_out_q[0:31]} & {32{(spr_match_any_mas_q & spr_ctl_int_q[1])}} ) |
( {spr_data_int_q[0:31]} & {32{((~(spr_match_any_mmu_q)) | (~(spr_ctl_int_q[1])))}} );
assign mm_iu_slowspr_val = spr_ctl_out_q[0];
assign mm_iu_slowspr_rw = spr_ctl_out_q[1];
assign mm_iu_slowspr_etid = spr_etid_out_q;
assign mm_iu_slowspr_addr = spr_addr_out_q;
assign mm_iu_slowspr_data = spr_data_out_q;
assign mm_iu_slowspr_done = spr_ctl_out_q[2];
assign mm_iu_ierat_pid0 = pid0_q;
assign mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_0 = mmucr0_0_q;
assign mm_iu_ierat_mmucr1 = {mmucr1_q[0], mmucr1_q[2:5], mmucr1_q[6:7], mmucr1_q[12:13]};
assign mm_xu_derat_pid0 = pid0_q;
assign mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_0 = mmucr0_0_q;
assign mm_xu_derat_mmucr1 = {mmucr1_q[1], mmucr1_q[2:5], mmucr1_q[8:9], mmucr1_q[14:16]};
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign mm_iu_ierat_pid1 = pid1_q;
assign mm_iu_ierat_mmucr0_1 = mmucr0_1_q;
assign mm_xu_derat_pid1 = pid1_q;
assign mm_xu_derat_mmucr0_1 = mmucr0_1_q;
// mmucr1: 0-IRRE, 1-DRRE, 2-REE, 3-CEE,
// 4-Disable any context sync inst from invalidating extclass=0 erat entries,
// 5-Disable isync inst from invalidating extclass=0 erat entries,
// 6:7-IPEI, 8:9-DPEI, 10:11-TPEI, 12:13-ICTID/ITTID, 14:15-DCTID/DTTID,
// 20-IERRDET, 21-DERRDET, 22-TERRDET, 23:31-EEN
assign pid0 = pid0_q;
assign mmucr0_0 = mmucr0_0_q;
assign mmucr1 = mmucr1_q;
assign mmucr2 = mmucr2_q;
assign mmucr3_0 = mmucr3_0_q;
assign tstmode4k_0 = tstmode4k_0_q[1:3];
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign pid1 = pid1_q;
assign mmucr0_1 = mmucr0_1_q;
assign mmucr3_1 = mmucr3_1_q;
assign tstmode4k_1 = tstmode4k_1_q[1:3];
assign lpidr = lpidr_q;
assign ac_an_lpar_id = lpidr_q;
assign mmucfg_lrat = mmucfg_q[47];
assign mmucfg_twc = mmucfg_q[48];
assign tlb0cfg_pt = tlb0cfg_q[45];
assign tlb0cfg_ind = tlb0cfg_q[46];
assign tlb0cfg_gtwe = tlb0cfg_q[47];
assign mmq_spr_event_mux_ctrls = {mesr1_q, mesr2_q};
assign mas0_0_atsel = mas0_0_atsel_q;
assign mas0_0_esel = mas0_0_esel_q;
assign mas0_0_hes = mas0_0_hes_q;
assign mas0_0_wq = mas0_0_wq_q;
assign mas1_0_v = mas1_0_v_q;
assign mas1_0_iprot = mas1_0_iprot_q;
assign mas1_0_tid = mas1_0_tid_q;
assign mas1_0_ind = mas1_0_ind_q;
assign mas1_0_ts = mas1_0_ts_q;
assign mas1_0_tsize = mas1_0_tsize_q;
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 32)
begin : gen32_mas2_0_epn
assign mas2_0_epn[0:31] = {32{1'b0}};
assign mas2_0_epn[32:51] = mas2_0_epn_q[32:51];
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 64)
begin : gen64_mas2_0_epn
assign mas2_0_epn = mas2_0_epn_q;
assign mas2_0_wimge = mas2_0_wimge_q;
assign mas3_0_rpnl = mas3_0_rpnl_q;
assign mas3_0_ubits = mas3_0_ubits_q;
assign mas3_0_usxwr = mas3_0_usxwr_q;
assign mas5_0_sgs = mas5_0_sgs_q;
assign mas5_0_slpid = mas5_0_slpid_q;
assign mas6_0_spid = mas6_0_spid_q;
assign mas6_0_isize = mas6_0_isize_q;
assign mas6_0_sind = mas6_0_sind_q;
assign mas6_0_sas = mas6_0_sas_q;
assign mas7_0_rpnu = mas7_0_rpnu_q;
assign mas8_0_tgs = mas8_0_tgs_q;
assign mas8_0_vf = mas8_0_vf_q;
assign mas8_0_tlpid = mas8_0_tlpid_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign mas0_1_atsel = mas0_1_atsel_q;
assign mas0_1_esel = mas0_1_esel_q;
assign mas0_1_hes = mas0_1_hes_q;
assign mas0_1_wq = mas0_1_wq_q;
assign mas1_1_v = mas1_1_v_q;
assign mas1_1_iprot = mas1_1_iprot_q;
assign mas1_1_tid = mas1_1_tid_q;
assign mas1_1_ind = mas1_1_ind_q;
assign mas1_1_ts = mas1_1_ts_q;
assign mas1_1_tsize = mas1_1_tsize_q;
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 32)
begin : gen32_mas2_1_epn
assign mas2_1_epn[0:31] = {32{1'b0}};
assign mas2_1_epn[32:51] = mas2_1_epn_q[32:51];
if (`SPR_DATA_WIDTH == 64)
begin : gen64_mas2_1_epn
assign mas2_1_epn = mas2_1_epn_q;
assign mas2_1_wimge = mas2_1_wimge_q;
assign mas3_1_rpnl = mas3_1_rpnl_q;
assign mas3_1_ubits = mas3_1_ubits_q;
assign mas3_1_usxwr = mas3_1_usxwr_q;
assign mas5_1_sgs = mas5_1_sgs_q;
assign mas5_1_slpid = mas5_1_slpid_q;
assign mas6_1_spid = mas6_1_spid_q;
assign mas6_1_isize = mas6_1_isize_q;
assign mas6_1_sind = mas6_1_sind_q;
assign mas6_1_sas = mas6_1_sas_q;
assign mas7_1_rpnu = mas7_1_rpnu_q;
assign mas8_1_tgs = mas8_1_tgs_q;
assign mas8_1_vf = mas8_1_vf_q;
assign mas8_1_tlpid = mas8_1_tlpid_q;
assign mmucsr0_tlb0fi = mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign cp_mm_perf_except_taken_q[0] = cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[0];
assign cp_mm_perf_except_taken_q[1] = cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[0];
assign cp_mm_perf_except_taken_q[2:6] = (cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q[1:5] | cp_mm_except_taken_t1_q[1:5]);
assign cp_mm_perf_except_taken_q = cp_mm_except_taken_t0_q;
// debug output formation
//spr_dbg_slowspr_val_in <= spr_ctl_in_q(0); -- 0: val, 1: rw, 2: done
//spr_dbg_slowspr_rw_in <= spr_ctl_in_q(1);
//spr_dbg_slowspr_etid_in <= spr_etid_in_q;
//spr_dbg_slowspr_addr_in <= spr_addr_in_q;
assign spr_dbg_slowspr_val_int = spr_ctl_int_q[0];
assign spr_dbg_slowspr_rw_int = spr_ctl_int_q[1];
assign spr_dbg_slowspr_etid_int = spr_etid_int_q;
assign spr_dbg_slowspr_addr_int = spr_addr_int_q;
assign spr_dbg_slowspr_val_out = spr_ctl_out_q[0];
assign spr_dbg_slowspr_done_out = spr_ctl_out_q[2];
assign spr_dbg_slowspr_data_out = spr_data_out_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_64b = spr_match_64b_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_any_mmu = spr_match_any_mmu_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_any_mas = spr_match_any_mas_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mmucr1 = spr_match_mmucr1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mmucr2 = spr_match_mmucr2_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_lpidr = spr_match_lpidr_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mmucsr0 = spr_match_mmucsr0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mmucfg = spr_match_mmucfg_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_tlb0cfg = spr_match_tlb0cfg_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_tlb0ps = spr_match_tlb0ps_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_lratcfg = spr_match_lratcfg;
assign spr_dbg_match_lratps = spr_match_lratps_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_eptcfg = spr_match_eptcfg_q;
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
assign spr_dbg_match_pid = spr_match_pid0_q | spr_match_pid1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mmucr0 = spr_match_mmucr0_0_q | spr_match_mmucr0_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mmucr3 = spr_match_mmucr3_0_q | spr_match_mmucr3_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_lper = spr_match_lper_0_q | spr_match_lper_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_lperu = spr_match_lperu_0_q | spr_match_lperu_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas0 = spr_match_mas0_0_q | spr_match_mas0_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas1 = spr_match_mas1_0_q | spr_match_mas1_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas2 = spr_match_mas2_0_q | spr_match_mas2_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas2u = spr_match_mas2u_0_q | spr_match_mas2u_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas3 = spr_match_mas3_0_q | spr_match_mas3_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas4 = spr_match_mas4_0_q | spr_match_mas4_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas5 = spr_match_mas5_0_q | spr_match_mas5_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas6 = spr_match_mas6_0_q | spr_match_mas6_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas7 = spr_match_mas7_0_q | spr_match_mas7_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas8 = spr_match_mas8_0_q | spr_match_mas8_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas01_64b = spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q | spr_match_mas01_64b_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas56_64b = spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q | spr_match_mas56_64b_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas73_64b = spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q | spr_match_mas73_64b_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas81_64b = spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q | spr_match_mas81_64b_1_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_pid = spr_match_pid0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mmucr0 = spr_match_mmucr0_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mmucr3 = spr_match_mmucr3_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_lper = spr_match_lper_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_lperu = spr_match_lperu_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas0 = spr_match_mas0_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas1 = spr_match_mas1_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas2 = spr_match_mas2_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas2u = spr_match_mas2u_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas3 = spr_match_mas3_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas4 = spr_match_mas4_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas5 = spr_match_mas5_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas6 = spr_match_mas6_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas7 = spr_match_mas7_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas8 = spr_match_mas8_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas01_64b = spr_match_mas01_64b_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas56_64b = spr_match_mas56_64b_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas73_64b = spr_match_mas73_64b_0_q;
assign spr_dbg_match_mas81_64b = spr_match_mas81_64b_0_q;
// unused spare signal assignments
assign unused_dc[0] = |(lcb_delay_lclkr_dc[1:4]);
assign unused_dc[1] = |(lcb_mpw1_dc_b[1:4]);
assign unused_dc[2] = pc_func_sl_force;
assign unused_dc[3] = pc_func_sl_thold_0_b;
assign unused_dc[4] = tc_scan_dis_dc_b;
assign unused_dc[5] = tc_scan_diag_dc;
assign unused_dc[6] = tc_lbist_en_dc;
if (`EXPAND_TYPE != 1)
assign unused_dc[7] = |(mmucfg_q_b);
assign unused_dc[8] = |(tlb0cfg_q_b);
assign unused_dc[13] = |(bcfg_spare_q_b);
assign unused_dc[7] = 1'b0;
assign unused_dc[8] = 1'b0;
assign unused_dc[13] = pc_cfg_sl_thold_0;
assign unused_dc[9] = 1'b0;
assign unused_dc[10] = 1'b0;
assign unused_dc[11] = |(lrat_tag4_hit_entry);
assign unused_dc[12] = |(bcfg_spare_q);
// latches
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) cp_flush_latch(
.scin(siv_0[cp_flush_offset:cp_flush_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[cp_flush_offset:cp_flush_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.din(cp_flush_d[0:`MM_THREADS - 1]),
.dout(cp_flush_q[0:`MM_THREADS - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) cp_flush_p1_latch(
.scin(siv_0[cp_flush_p1_offset:cp_flush_p1_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[cp_flush_p1_offset:cp_flush_p1_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.din(cp_flush_p1_d[0:`MM_THREADS - 1]),
.dout(cp_flush_p1_q[0:`MM_THREADS - 1])
// slow spr daisy-chain latches
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_CTL_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_ctl_in_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_ctl_in_offset:spr_ctl_in_offset + `SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_ctl_in_offset:spr_ctl_in_offset + `SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_ctl_in_d[0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_ctl_in_q[0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_ETID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_etid_in_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_etid_in_offset:spr_etid_in_offset + `SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_etid_in_offset:spr_etid_in_offset + `SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_etid_in_d[0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_etid_in_q[0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_addr_in_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_addr_in_offset:spr_addr_in_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_addr_in_offset:spr_addr_in_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_addr_in_d[0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_addr_in_q[0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_addr_in_clone_latch(
.scin(siv_1[spr_addr_in_clone_offset:spr_addr_in_clone_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[spr_addr_in_clone_offset:spr_addr_in_clone_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_addr_in_clone_d[0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_addr_in_clone_q[0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_DATA_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_data_in_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_data_in_offset:spr_data_in_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_data_in_offset:spr_data_in_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_data_in_d[64 - `SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63]),
.dout(spr_data_in_q[64 - `SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63])
// these are the spr internal select stage latches below
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_CTL_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_ctl_int_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_ctl_int_offset:spr_ctl_int_offset + `SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_ctl_int_offset:spr_ctl_int_offset + `SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_ctl_int_d[0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_ctl_int_q[0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_ETID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_etid_int_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_etid_int_offset:spr_etid_int_offset + `SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_etid_int_offset:spr_etid_int_offset + `SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_etid_int_d[0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_etid_int_q[0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_addr_int_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_addr_int_offset:spr_addr_int_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_addr_int_offset:spr_addr_int_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_addr_int_d[0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_addr_int_q[0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_DATA_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_data_int_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_data_int_offset:spr_data_int_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_data_int_offset:spr_data_int_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_data_int_d[64 - `SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63]),
.dout(spr_data_int_q[64 - `SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63])
// these are the spr out latches below
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_CTL_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_ctl_out_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_ctl_out_offset:spr_ctl_out_offset + `SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_ctl_out_offset:spr_ctl_out_offset + `SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_ctl_out_d[0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_ctl_out_q[0:`SPR_CTL_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_ETID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_etid_out_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_etid_out_offset:spr_etid_out_offset + `SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_etid_out_offset:spr_etid_out_offset + `SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_etid_out_d[0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_etid_out_q[0:`SPR_ETID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_addr_out_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_addr_out_offset:spr_addr_out_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_addr_out_offset:spr_addr_out_offset + `SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_addr_out_d[0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(spr_addr_out_q[0:`SPR_ADDR_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_DATA_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_data_out_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_data_out_offset:spr_data_out_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_data_out_offset:spr_data_out_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_data_out_d[64 - `SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63]),
.dout(spr_data_out_q[64 - `SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63])
// spr decode match latches for timing
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_any_mmu_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_pid0_latch(
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_pid1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mmucr0_0_latch(
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mmucr0_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mmucr1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mmucr2_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mmucr3_0_latch(
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mmucr3_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_lpidr_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mesr1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mesr2_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mmucsr0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mmucfg_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_tlb0cfg_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_tlb0ps_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_lratcfg_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_lratps_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_eptcfg_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_lper_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_lperu_0_latch(
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_lper_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_lperu_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas0_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas1_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas2_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas3_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas4_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas5_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas6_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas7_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas8_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas2u_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas01_64b_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas56_64b_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas73_64b_0_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas81_64b_0_latch(
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas0_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas1_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas2_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas3_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas4_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas5_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas6_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas7_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas8_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas2u_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas01_64b_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas56_64b_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas73_64b_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_mas81_64b_1_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_64b_latch(
// internal mas data output register
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`SPR_DATA_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_mas_data_out_latch(
.scin(siv_1[spr_mas_data_out_offset:spr_mas_data_out_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[spr_mas_data_out_offset:spr_mas_data_out_offset + `SPR_DATA_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(spr_mas_data_out[64 - `SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63]),
.dout(spr_mas_data_out_q[64 - `SPR_DATA_WIDTH:63])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_match_any_mas_latch(
// pid spr's
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`PID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pid0_latch(
.scin(siv_0[pid0_offset:pid0_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[pid0_offset:pid0_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(pid0_d[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(pid0_q[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1])
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`PID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) pid1_latch(
.scin(siv_0[pid1_offset:pid1_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[pid1_offset:pid1_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(pid1_d[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(pid1_q[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMUCR0_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mmucr0_0_latch(
.scin(siv_0[mmucr0_0_offset:mmucr0_0_offset + `MMUCR0_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[mmucr0_0_offset:mmucr0_0_offset + `MMUCR0_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(mmucr0_0_d[0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(mmucr0_0_q[0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH - 1])
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMUCR0_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mmucr0_1_latch(
.scin(siv_0[mmucr0_1_offset:mmucr0_1_offset + `MMUCR0_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[mmucr0_1_offset:mmucr0_1_offset + `MMUCR0_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(mmucr0_1_d[0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(mmucr0_1_q[0:`MMUCR0_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMUCR1_WIDTH), .INIT(BCFG_MMUCR1_VALUE), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mmucr1_latch(
.scin(bsiv[mmucr1_offset:mmucr1_offset + `MMUCR1_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(bsov[mmucr1_offset:mmucr1_offset + `MMUCR1_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(mmucr1_d[0:`MMUCR1_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(mmucr1_q[0:`MMUCR1_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMUCR2_WIDTH), .INIT(BCFG_MMUCR2_VALUE), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mmucr2_latch(
.scin(bsiv[mmucr2_offset:mmucr2_offset + `MMUCR2_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(bsov[mmucr2_offset:mmucr2_offset + `MMUCR2_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(mmucr2_d[0:`MMUCR2_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(mmucr2_q[0:`MMUCR2_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMUCR3_WIDTH), .INIT(BCFG_MMUCR3_VALUE), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mmucr3_0_latch(
.scin(bsiv[mmucr3_0_offset:mmucr3_0_offset + `MMUCR3_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(bsov[mmucr3_0_offset:mmucr3_0_offset + `MMUCR3_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(mmucr3_0_d[64 - `MMUCR3_WIDTH:63]),
.dout(mmucr3_0_q[64 - `MMUCR3_WIDTH:63])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tstmode4k_0_latch(
.scin(bsiv[tstmode4k_0_offset:tstmode4k_0_offset + 3]),
.scout(bsov[tstmode4k_0_offset:tstmode4k_0_offset + 3]),
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MMUCR3_WIDTH), .INIT(BCFG_MMUCR3_VALUE), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mmucr3_1_latch(
.scin(bsiv[mmucr3_1_offset:mmucr3_1_offset + `MMUCR3_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(bsov[mmucr3_1_offset:mmucr3_1_offset + `MMUCR3_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(mmucr3_1_d[64 - `MMUCR3_WIDTH:63]),
.dout(mmucr3_1_q[64 - `MMUCR3_WIDTH:63])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tstmode4k_1_latch(
.scin(bsiv[tstmode4k_1_offset:tstmode4k_1_offset + 3]),
.scout(bsov[tstmode4k_1_offset:tstmode4k_1_offset + 3]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`LPID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lpidr_latch(
.scin(siv_0[lpidr_offset:lpidr_offset + `LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[lpidr_offset:lpidr_offset + `LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.din(lpidr_d[0:`LPID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(lpidr_q[0:`LPID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MESR1_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mesr1_latch(
.scin(siv_0[mesr1_offset:mesr1_offset + `MESR1_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[mesr1_offset:mesr1_offset + `MESR1_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MESR2_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mesr2_latch(
.scin(siv_0[mesr2_offset:mesr2_offset + `MESR2_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[mesr2_offset:mesr2_offset + `MESR2_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas0_0_atsel_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas0_0_esel_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas0_0_esel_offset:mas0_0_esel_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas0_0_esel_offset:mas0_0_esel_offset + 3 - 1]),
.din(mas0_0_esel_d[0:3 - 1]),
.dout(mas0_0_esel_q[0:3 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas0_0_hes_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas0_0_wq_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas0_0_wq_offset:mas0_0_wq_offset + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas0_0_wq_offset:mas0_0_wq_offset + 2 - 1]),
.din(mas0_0_wq_d[0:2 - 1]),
.dout(mas0_0_wq_q[0:2 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_0_v_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_0_iprot_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`PID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_0_tid_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas1_0_tid_offset:mas1_0_tid_offset + 14 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas1_0_tid_offset:mas1_0_tid_offset + 14 - 1]),
.din(mas1_0_tid_d[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(mas1_0_tid_q[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_0_ind_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_0_ts_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_0_tsize_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas1_0_tsize_offset:mas1_0_tsize_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas1_0_tsize_offset:mas1_0_tsize_offset + 4 - 1]),
.din(mas1_0_tsize_d[0:4 - 1]),
.dout(mas1_0_tsize_q[0:4 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(52-(64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas2_0_epn_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas2_0_epn_offset:mas2_0_epn_offset + (52-(64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH)) - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas2_0_epn_offset:mas2_0_epn_offset + (52-(64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH)) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas2_0_wimge_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas2_0_wimge_offset:mas2_0_wimge_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas2_0_wimge_offset:mas2_0_wimge_offset + 5 - 1]),
.din(mas2_0_wimge_d[0:5 - 1]),
.dout(mas2_0_wimge_q[0:5 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(21), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas3_0_rpnl_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas3_0_rpnl_offset:mas3_0_rpnl_offset + 21 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas3_0_rpnl_offset:mas3_0_rpnl_offset + 21 - 1]),
.din(mas3_0_rpnl_d[32:32 + 21 - 1]),
.dout(mas3_0_rpnl_q[32:32 + 21 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas3_0_ubits_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas3_0_ubits_offset:mas3_0_ubits_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas3_0_ubits_offset:mas3_0_ubits_offset + 4 - 1]),
.din(mas3_0_ubits_d[0:4 - 1]),
.dout(mas3_0_ubits_q[0:4 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas3_0_usxwr_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas3_0_usxwr_offset:mas3_0_usxwr_offset + 6 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas3_0_usxwr_offset:mas3_0_usxwr_offset + 6 - 1]),
.din(mas3_0_usxwr_d[0:6 - 1]),
.dout(mas3_0_usxwr_q[0:6 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas4_0_indd_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(1), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas4_0_tsized_latch(
.scin(bsiv[mas4_0_tsized_offset:mas4_0_tsized_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(bsov[mas4_0_tsized_offset:mas4_0_tsized_offset + 4 - 1]),
.din(mas4_0_tsized_d[0:4 - 1]),
.dout(mas4_0_tsized_q[0:4 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas4_0_wimged_latch(
.scin(bsiv[mas4_0_wimged_offset:mas4_0_wimged_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scout(bsov[mas4_0_wimged_offset:mas4_0_wimged_offset + 5 - 1]),
.din(mas4_0_wimged_d[0:5 - 1]),
.dout(mas4_0_wimged_q[0:5 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas5_0_sgs_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas5_0_slpid_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas5_0_slpid_offset:mas5_0_slpid_offset + 8 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas5_0_slpid_offset:mas5_0_slpid_offset + 8 - 1]),
.din(mas5_0_slpid_d[0:8 - 1]),
.dout(mas5_0_slpid_q[0:8 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(14), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas6_0_spid_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas6_0_spid_offset:mas6_0_spid_offset + 14 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas6_0_spid_offset:mas6_0_spid_offset + 14 - 1]),
.din(mas6_0_spid_d[0:14 - 1]),
.dout(mas6_0_spid_q[0:14 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas6_0_isize_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas6_0_isize_offset:mas6_0_isize_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas6_0_isize_offset:mas6_0_isize_offset + 4 - 1]),
.din(mas6_0_isize_d[0:4 - 1]),
.dout(mas6_0_isize_q[0:4 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas6_0_sind_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas6_0_sas_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(10), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas7_0_rpnu_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas7_0_rpnu_offset:mas7_0_rpnu_offset + 10 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas7_0_rpnu_offset:mas7_0_rpnu_offset + 10 - 1]),
.din(mas7_0_rpnu_d[22:22 + 10 - 1]),
.dout(mas7_0_rpnu_q[22:22 + 10 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas8_0_tgs_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas8_0_vf_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas8_0_tlpid_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas8_0_tlpid_offset:mas8_0_tlpid_offset + 8 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas8_0_tlpid_offset:mas8_0_tlpid_offset + 8 - 1]),
.din(mas8_0_tlpid_d[0:8 - 1]),
.dout(mas8_0_tlpid_q[0:8 - 1])
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas0_1_atsel_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas0_1_esel_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas0_1_esel_offset:mas0_1_esel_offset + 3 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas0_1_esel_offset:mas0_1_esel_offset + 3 - 1]),
.din(mas0_1_esel_d[0:3 - 1]),
.dout(mas0_1_esel_q[0:3 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas0_1_hes_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas0_1_wq_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas0_1_wq_offset:mas0_1_wq_offset + 2 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas0_1_wq_offset:mas0_1_wq_offset + 2 - 1]),
.din(mas0_1_wq_d[0:2 - 1]),
.dout(mas0_1_wq_q[0:2 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_1_v_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_1_iprot_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`PID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_1_tid_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas1_1_tid_offset:mas1_1_tid_offset + 14 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas1_1_tid_offset:mas1_1_tid_offset + 14 - 1]),
.din(mas1_1_tid_d[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.dout(mas1_1_tid_q[0:`PID_WIDTH - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_1_ind_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_1_ts_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas1_1_tsize_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas1_1_tsize_offset:mas1_1_tsize_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas1_1_tsize_offset:mas1_1_tsize_offset + 4 - 1]),
.din(mas1_1_tsize_d[0:4 - 1]),
.dout(mas1_1_tsize_q[0:4 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(52-(64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas2_1_epn_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas2_1_epn_offset:mas2_1_epn_offset + (52-(64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH)) - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas2_1_epn_offset:mas2_1_epn_offset + (52-(64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH)) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas2_1_wimge_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas2_1_wimge_offset:mas2_1_wimge_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas2_1_wimge_offset:mas2_1_wimge_offset + 5 - 1]),
.din(mas2_1_wimge_d[0:5 - 1]),
.dout(mas2_1_wimge_q[0:5 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(21), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas3_1_rpnl_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas3_1_rpnl_offset:mas3_1_rpnl_offset + 21 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas3_1_rpnl_offset:mas3_1_rpnl_offset + 21 - 1]),
.din(mas3_1_rpnl_d[32:32 + 21 - 1]),
.dout(mas3_1_rpnl_q[32:32 + 21 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas3_1_ubits_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas3_1_ubits_offset:mas3_1_ubits_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas3_1_ubits_offset:mas3_1_ubits_offset + 4 - 1]),
.din(mas3_1_ubits_d[0:4 - 1]),
.dout(mas3_1_ubits_q[0:4 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas3_1_usxwr_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas3_1_usxwr_offset:mas3_1_usxwr_offset + 6 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas3_1_usxwr_offset:mas3_1_usxwr_offset + 6 - 1]),
.din(mas3_1_usxwr_d[0:6 - 1]),
.dout(mas3_1_usxwr_q[0:6 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas4_1_indd_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(1), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas4_1_tsized_latch(
.scin(bsiv[mas4_1_tsized_offset:mas4_1_tsized_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(bsov[mas4_1_tsized_offset:mas4_1_tsized_offset + 4 - 1]),
.din(mas4_1_tsized_d[0:4 - 1]),
.dout(mas4_1_tsized_q[0:4 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas4_1_wimged_latch(
.scin(bsiv[mas4_1_wimged_offset:mas4_1_wimged_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scout(bsov[mas4_1_wimged_offset:mas4_1_wimged_offset + 5 - 1]),
.din(mas4_1_wimged_d[0:5 - 1]),
.dout(mas4_1_wimged_q[0:5 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas5_1_sgs_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas5_1_slpid_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas5_1_slpid_offset:mas5_1_slpid_offset + 8 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas5_1_slpid_offset:mas5_1_slpid_offset + 8 - 1]),
.din(mas5_1_slpid_d[0:8 - 1]),
.dout(mas5_1_slpid_q[0:8 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(14), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas6_1_spid_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas6_1_spid_offset:mas6_1_spid_offset + 14 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas6_1_spid_offset:mas6_1_spid_offset + 14 - 1]),
.din(mas6_1_spid_d[0:14 - 1]),
.dout(mas6_1_spid_q[0:14 - 1])
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas6_1_isize_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas6_1_isize_offset:mas6_1_isize_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas6_1_isize_offset:mas6_1_isize_offset + 4 - 1]),
.din(mas6_1_isize_d[0:4 - 1]),
.dout(mas6_1_isize_q[0:4 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas6_1_sind_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas6_1_sas_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(10), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas7_1_rpnu_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas7_1_rpnu_offset:mas7_1_rpnu_offset + 10 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas7_1_rpnu_offset:mas7_1_rpnu_offset + 10 - 1]),
.din(mas7_1_rpnu_d[22:22 + 10 - 1]),
.dout(mas7_1_rpnu_q[22:22 + 10 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas8_1_tgs_latch(
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas8_1_vf_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(8), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mas8_1_tlpid_latch(
.scin(siv_1[mas8_1_tlpid_offset:mas8_1_tlpid_offset + 8 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[mas8_1_tlpid_offset:mas8_1_tlpid_offset + 8 - 1]),
.din(mas8_1_tlpid_d[0:8 - 1]),
.dout(mas8_1_tlpid_q[0:8 - 1])
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mmucsr0_tlb0fi_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(52-(64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lper_0_alpn_latch(
.scin(siv_1[lper_0_alpn_offset:lper_0_alpn_offset + (52 -(64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH)) - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[lper_0_alpn_offset:lper_0_alpn_offset + (52 -(64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH)) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lper_0_lps_latch(
.scin(siv_1[lper_0_lps_offset:lper_0_lps_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[lper_0_lps_offset:lper_0_lps_offset + 4 - 1]),
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(52 -(64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH)), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lper_1_alpn_latch(
.scin(siv_1[lper_1_alpn_offset:lper_1_alpn_offset + (52 -(64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH)) - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[lper_1_alpn_offset:lper_1_alpn_offset + (52 -(64-`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH)) - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) lper_1_lps_latch(
.scin(siv_1[lper_1_lps_offset:lper_1_lps_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[lper_1_lps_offset:lper_1_lps_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS+1), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_mmu_act_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_mmu_act_offset:spr_mmu_act_offset + `MM_THREADS+1 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_mmu_act_offset:spr_mmu_act_offset + `MM_THREADS+1 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spr_val_act_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spr_val_act_offset:spr_val_act_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spr_val_act_offset:spr_val_act_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) cp_mm_except_taken_t0_latch(
.scin(siv_0[cp_mm_except_taken_t0_offset:cp_mm_except_taken_t0_offset + 6 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[cp_mm_except_taken_t0_offset:cp_mm_except_taken_t0_offset + 6 - 1]),
// cp_mm_except_taken
// 0 - thdid/val
// 1 - I=0/D=1
// 2 - TLB miss
// 3 - Storage int (TLBI/PTfault)
// 4 - LRAT miss
// 5 - Mcheck
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_offset:tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_offset:tlb_mas_dtlb_error_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_offset:tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_offset:tlb_mas_itlb_error_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_lper_we_pending_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_lper_we_pending_offset:tlb_lper_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_lper_we_pending_offset:tlb_lper_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_offset:tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_offset:tlb_mmucr1_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_latch(
.scin(siv_0[ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset:ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset:ierat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) derat_mmucr1_we_pending_latch(
.scin(siv_0[derat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset:derat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[derat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset:derat_mmucr1_we_pending_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mas1_0_ts_error_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`PID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_offset:tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_offset:tlb_mas1_0_tid_error_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EPN_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_offset:tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_offset:tlb_mas2_0_epn_error_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-12), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_lper_0_lpn_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_lper_0_lpn_offset:tlb_lper_0_lpn_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-12 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_lper_0_lpn_offset:tlb_lper_0_lpn_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-12 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_lper_0_lps_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_lper_0_lps_offset:tlb_lper_0_lps_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_lper_0_lps_offset:tlb_lper_0_lps_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(9), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mmucr1_0_een_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_mmucr1_0_een_offset:tlb_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 9 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_mmucr1_0_een_offset:tlb_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 9 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ierat_mmucr1_0_een_latch(
.scin(siv_0[ierat_mmucr1_0_een_offset:ierat_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[ierat_mmucr1_0_een_offset:ierat_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) derat_mmucr1_0_een_latch(
.scin(siv_0[derat_mmucr1_0_een_offset:derat_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[derat_mmucr1_0_een_offset:derat_mmucr1_0_een_offset + 5 - 1]),
`ifdef MM_THREADS2
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(6), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) cp_mm_except_taken_t1_latch(
.scin(siv_0[cp_mm_except_taken_t1_offset:cp_mm_except_taken_t1_offset + 6 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[cp_mm_except_taken_t1_offset:cp_mm_except_taken_t1_offset + 6 - 1]),
// cp_mm_except_taken
// 0 - thdid/val
// 1 - I=0/D=1
// 2 - TLB miss
// 3 - Storage int (TLBI/PTfault)
// 4 - LRAT miss
// 5 - Mcheck
tri_rlmlatch_p #(.INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mas1_1_ts_error_latch(
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`PID_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_offset:tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_offset:tlb_mas1_1_tid_error_offset + `PID_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`EPN_WIDTH), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_offset:tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_offset:tlb_mas2_1_epn_error_offset + `EPN_WIDTH - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-12), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_lper_1_lpn_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_lper_1_lpn_offset:tlb_lper_1_lpn_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-12 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_lper_1_lpn_offset:tlb_lper_1_lpn_offset + `REAL_ADDR_WIDTH-12 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_lper_1_lps_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_lper_1_lps_offset:tlb_lper_1_lps_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_lper_1_lps_offset:tlb_lper_1_lps_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(9), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb_mmucr1_1_een_latch(
.scin(siv_0[tlb_mmucr1_1_een_offset:tlb_mmucr1_1_een_offset + 9 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[tlb_mmucr1_1_een_offset:tlb_mmucr1_1_een_offset + 9 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) ierat_mmucr1_1_een_latch(
.scin(siv_0[ierat_mmucr1_1_een_offset:ierat_mmucr1_1_een_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[ierat_mmucr1_1_een_offset:ierat_mmucr1_1_een_offset + 4 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) derat_mmucr1_1_een_latch(
.scin(siv_0[derat_mmucr1_1_een_offset:derat_mmucr1_1_een_offset + 5 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[derat_mmucr1_1_een_offset:derat_mmucr1_1_een_offset + 5 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(MMQ_SPR_CSWITCH_0TO3), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) cswitch_latch(
.scin(siv_0[cswitch_offset:cswitch_offset + 4 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[cswitch_offset:cswitch_offset + 4 - 1]),
// cswitch0: 1=disable side affect of clearing I/D/TERRDET and EEN when reading mmucr1
// cswitch1: 1=disable mmucr1.tlbwe_binv bit (make it look like it is reserved per dd1)
// cswitch2: reserved
// cswitch3: reserved
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) cat_emf_act_latch(
.scin(siv_1[cat_emf_act_offset:cat_emf_act_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[cat_emf_act_offset:cat_emf_act_offset + `MM_THREADS - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(32), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spare_a_latch(
.scin(siv_0[spare_a_offset:spare_a_offset + 32 - 1]),
.scout(sov_0[spare_a_offset:spare_a_offset + 32 - 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(64), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) spare_b_latch(
.scin(siv_1[spare_b_offset:spare_b_offset + 64 - 1]),
.scout(sov_1[spare_b_offset:spare_b_offset + 64 - 1]),
// non-scannable timing latches
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(18), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(18), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(4), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(5), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) iu_mm_ierat_mmucr1_we_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) xu_mm_derat_mmucr1_we_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) iu_mm_ierat_mmucr0_we_latch(
tri_regk #(.WIDTH(`MM_THREADS), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(0)) xu_mm_derat_mmucr0_we_latch(
// scan only latches for boot config
// mmucr1, mmucr2, and mmucr3 also in boot config
if (`EXPAND_TYPE != 1)
begin : mpg_bcfg_gen
tri_slat_scan #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(BCFG_MMUCFG_VALUE), .RESET_INVERTS_SCAN(1'b1)) mmucfg_47to48_latch(
.scan_in(bsiv[mmucfg_offset:mmucfg_offset + 1]),
.scan_out(bsov[mmucfg_offset:mmucfg_offset + 1]),
tri_slat_scan #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(BCFG_TLB0CFG_VALUE), .RESET_INVERTS_SCAN(1'b1)) tlb0cfg_45to47_latch(
.scan_in(bsiv[tlb0cfg_offset:tlb0cfg_offset + 2]),
.scan_out(bsov[tlb0cfg_offset:tlb0cfg_offset + 2]),
tri_slat_scan #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0), .RESET_INVERTS_SCAN(1'b1)) bcfg_spare_latch(
.scan_in(bsiv[bcfg_spare_offset:bcfg_spare_offset + 16 - 1]),
.scan_out(bsov[bcfg_spare_offset:bcfg_spare_offset + 16 - 1]),
// these terms in the absence of another lcbor component
// that drives the thold_b and force into the bcfg_lcb for slat's
assign pc_cfg_sl_thold_0_b = (~pc_cfg_sl_thold_0);
assign pc_cfg_sl_force = pc_sg_0;
// local clock buffer for boot config
tri_lcbs bcfg_lcb(
wire lcb_lclk;
assign lcb_lclk = 0;
assign lcb_dclk = 0;
//wtf why is this an fpga gen only??
if (`EXPAND_TYPE == 1)
begin : fpga_bcfg_gen
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(2), .INIT(BCFG_MMUCFG_VALUE), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) mmucfg_47to48_latch(
.scin(bsiv[mmucfg_offset:mmucfg_offset + 1]),
.scout(bsov[mmucfg_offset:mmucfg_offset + 1]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(3), .INIT(BCFG_TLB0CFG_VALUE), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) tlb0cfg_45to47_latch(
.scin(bsiv[tlb0cfg_offset:tlb0cfg_offset + 2]),
.scout(bsov[tlb0cfg_offset:tlb0cfg_offset + 2]),
tri_rlmreg_p #(.WIDTH(16), .INIT(0), .NEEDS_SRESET(1)) bcfg_spare_latch(
.scin(bsiv[bcfg_spare_offset:bcfg_spare_offset + 16 - 1]),
.scout(bsov[bcfg_spare_offset:bcfg_spare_offset + 16 - 1]),
// Latch counts
// 3319
// spr_ctl_in_q 3
// spr_etid_in_q 2
// spr_addr_in_q 10
// spr_data_in_q 64 79
// spr_ctl_int_q 3
// spr_etid_int_q 2
// spr_addr_int_q 10
// spr_data_int_q 64 79
// spr_ctl_out_q 3
// spr_etid_out_q 2
// spr_addr_out_q 10
// spr_data_out_q 64 79
// lper_ 0:3 _alpn_q 30 x 4
// lper_ 0:3 _lps_q 4 x 4 136
// pid 0:3 _q 14 x 4
// mmucr0_ 0:3 _q 20 x 4
// mmucr1_q 32
// mmucr2_q 32
// mmucr3_ 0:3 _q 15 x 4
// lpidr_q 8
// mmucsr0_tlb0fi_q 1 269
// mas0_<t>_atsel_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas0_<t>_esel_q 3 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 2);
// mas0_<t>_hes_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas0_<t>_wq_q 2 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
// mas1_<t>_v_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas1_<t>_iprot_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas1_<t>_tid_q 14 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
// mas1_<t>_ind_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas1_<t>_ts_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas1_<t>_tsize_q 4 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
// mas2_<t>_epn_q 52 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(64-`SPR_DATA_WIDTH to 51);
// mas2_<t>_wimge_q 5 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
// mas3_<t>_rpnl_q 21 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(32 to 52);
// mas3_<t>_ubits_q 4 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
// mas3_<t>_usxwr_q 6 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
// mas4_<t>_indd_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas4_<t>_tsized_q 4 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
// mas4_<t>_wimged_q 5 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
// mas5_<t>_sgs_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas5_<t>_slpid_q 8 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
// mas6_<t>_spid_q 14 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 13);
// mas6_<t>_isize_q 4 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
// mas6_<t>_sind_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas6_<t>_sas_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas7_<t>_rpnu_q 10 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(22 to 31);
// mas8_<t>_tgs_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas8_<t>_vf_q 1 x 4 : std_ulogic;
// mas8_<t>_tlpid_q 8 x 4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
// subtotal 176 x 4 = 704
// total 1346
// thold/sg latches
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(7)) perv_2to1_reg(
.din( {pc_func_sl_thold_2, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_2, pc_cfg_sl_thold_2, pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_2, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_2, pc_sg_2, pc_fce_2} ),
.q( {pc_func_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1, pc_cfg_sl_thold_1, pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1, pc_sg_1, pc_fce_1} )
tri_plat #(.WIDTH(7)) perv_1to0_reg(
.din( {pc_func_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_1, pc_cfg_sl_thold_1, pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_1, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_1, pc_sg_1, pc_fce_1} ),
.q( {pc_func_sl_thold_0, pc_func_slp_sl_thold_0, pc_cfg_sl_thold_0, pc_cfg_slp_sl_thold_0, pc_func_slp_nsl_thold_0, pc_sg_0, pc_fce_0} )
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_func_sl(
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_func_slp_sl(
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_cfg_slp_sl(
tri_lcbor perv_lcbor_func_slp_nsl(
// Scan
assign siv_0[0:scan_right_0] = {sov_0[1:scan_right_0], ac_func_scan_in[0]};
assign ac_func_scan_out[0] = sov_0[0];
assign siv_1[0:scan_right_1] = {sov_1[1:scan_right_1], ac_func_scan_in[1]};
assign ac_func_scan_out[1] = sov_1[0];
assign bsiv[0:boot_scan_right] = {bsov[1:boot_scan_right], ac_bcfg_scan_in};
assign ac_bcfg_scan_out = bsov[0];
function Eq;
input a, b;
reg result;
if (a == b)
result = 1'b1;
result = 1'b0;
Eq = result;