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// © IBM Corp. 2020
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
// the terms below; you may not use the files in this repository except in
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// 1) For the purpose of the patent license granted to you in Section 3 of the
// License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
// in physical form.
// 2) Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary in the License, any licenses
// necessary for implementation of the Work that are available from OpenPOWER
// via the Power ISA End User License Agreement (EULA) are explicitly excluded
// hereunder, and may be obtained from OpenPOWER under the terms and conditions
// of the EULA.
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the reference design
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
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`timescale 1 ns / 1 ns
//* TITLE: c_fu_pc
//* DESC: Top level interface for a combined fu and pcq RLM
//wtf: move pcq to top-level? keep this as c_fu to do the float_type generate
`include "tri_a2o.vh"
`ifndef FLOAT_TYPE
`define FLOAT_TYPE 1
module c_fu_pc(
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Common I/O Ports
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// inout vdd,
// inout gnd,
input clk,
input rst,
input [0:31] fu_debug_bus_in,
output [0:31] fu_debug_bus_out,
input [0:3] fu_coretrace_ctrls_in,
output [0:3] fu_coretrace_ctrls_out,
input [0:4*`THREADS-1] fu_event_bus_in,
output [0:4*`THREADS-1] fu_event_bus_out,
input [0:31] pc_debug_bus_in,
output [0:31] pc_debug_bus_out,
input [0:3] pc_coretrace_ctrls_in,
output [0:3] pc_coretrace_ctrls_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input fu_gptr_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input fu_time_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input fu_repr_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input fu_bcfg_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input fu_ccfg_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input fu_dcfg_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input [0:3] fu_func_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input fu_abst_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output fu_gptr_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output fu_time_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output fu_repr_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output fu_bcfg_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output fu_ccfg_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output fu_dcfg_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output [0:3] fu_func_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output fu_abst_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input pc_gptr_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input pc_ccfg_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input pc_bcfg_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input pc_dcfg_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_IN/" *) // scan_in
input [0:1] pc_func_scan_in,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output pc_gptr_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output pc_ccfg_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output pc_bcfg_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output pc_dcfg_scan_out,
(* pin_data="PIN_FUNCTION=/SCAN_OUT/" *) // scan_out
output [0:1] pc_func_scan_out,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_flush,
input [0:9] fu_slowspr_addr_in,
input [64-(2**`REGMODE):63] fu_slowspr_data_in,
input fu_slowspr_done_in,
input [0:1] fu_slowspr_etid_in,
input fu_slowspr_rw_in,
input fu_slowspr_val_in,
output [0:9] fu_slowspr_addr_out,
output [64-(2**`REGMODE):63] fu_slowspr_data_out,
output fu_slowspr_done_out,
output [0:1] fu_slowspr_etid_out,
output fu_slowspr_rw_out,
output fu_slowspr_val_out,
input [0:9] pc_slowspr_addr_in,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] pc_slowspr_data_in,
input pc_slowspr_done_in,
input [0:1] pc_slowspr_etid_in,
input pc_slowspr_rw_in,
input pc_slowspr_val_in,
output [0:9] pc_slowspr_addr_out,
output [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] pc_slowspr_data_out,
output pc_slowspr_done_out,
output [0:1] pc_slowspr_etid_out,
output pc_slowspr_rw_out,
output pc_slowspr_val_out,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FU Interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
input [0:6] cp_t0_next_itag,
input [0:6] cp_t1_next_itag,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_axu_i0_t1_v,
input [0:2] cp_axu_i0_t0_t1_t,
input [0:5] cp_axu_i0_t0_t1_p,
input [0:2] cp_axu_i0_t1_t1_t,
input [0:5] cp_axu_i0_t1_t1_p,
input [0:`THREADS-1] cp_axu_i1_t1_v,
input [0:2] cp_axu_i1_t0_t1_t,
input [0:5] cp_axu_i1_t0_t1_p,
input [0:2] cp_axu_i1_t1_t1_t,
input [0:5] cp_axu_i1_t1_t1_p,
input [0:6] iu_xx_t0_zap_itag,
input [0:6] iu_xx_t1_zap_itag,
output [0:`THREADS-1] axu0_iu_async_fex,
output [0:3] axu0_iu_perf_events,
output [0:3] axu0_iu_exception,
output axu0_iu_exception_val,
output [0:`THREADS-1] axu0_iu_execute_vld,
output axu0_iu_flush2ucode,
output axu0_iu_flush2ucode_type,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] axu0_iu_itag,
output axu0_iu_n_flush,
output axu0_iu_n_np1_flush,
output axu0_iu_np1_flush,
output [0:3] axu1_iu_perf_events,
output [0:3] axu1_iu_exception,
output axu1_iu_exception_val,
output [0:`THREADS-1] axu1_iu_execute_vld,
output axu1_iu_flush2ucode,
output axu1_iu_flush2ucode_type,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] axu1_iu_itag,
output axu1_iu_n_flush,
output axu1_iu_np1_flush,
input [59:63] lq_fu_ex4_eff_addr,
input lq_fu_ex5_load_le,
input [192:255] lq_fu_ex5_load_data,
input [0:7+`THREADS] lq_fu_ex5_load_tag,
input lq_fu_ex5_load_val,
input lq_fu_ex5_abort,
input lq_gpr_rel_we,
input lq_gpr_rel_le,
input [0:7+`THREADS] lq_gpr_rel_wa,
input [64:127] lq_gpr_rel_wd,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] lq_rv_itag0,
input lq_rv_itag0_vld,
input lq_rv_itag0_spec,
input lq_rv_itag1_restart,
output [0:`THREADS-1] fu_lq_ex2_store_data_val,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] fu_lq_ex2_store_itag,
output [0:63] fu_lq_ex3_store_data,
output fu_lq_ex3_sto_parity_err,
output fu_lq_ex3_abort,
input [0:`THREADS-1] rv_axu0_vld,
input [0:31] rv_axu0_ex0_instr,
input [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] rv_axu0_ex0_itag,
input [0:2] rv_axu0_ex0_ucode,
input rv_axu0_ex0_t1_v,
input [0:`FPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_axu0_ex0_t1_p,
input [0:`FPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_axu0_ex0_t2_p,
input [0:`FPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_axu0_ex0_t3_p,
input rv_axu0_s1_v,
input [0:`FPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_axu0_s1_p,
input [0:2] rv_axu0_s1_t,
input rv_axu0_s2_v,
input [0:`FPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_axu0_s2_p,
input [0:2] rv_axu0_s2_t,
input rv_axu0_s3_v,
input [0:`FPR_POOL_ENC-1] rv_axu0_s3_p,
input [0:2] rv_axu0_s3_t,
output axu0_rv_ex2_s1_abort,
output axu0_rv_ex2_s2_abort,
output axu0_rv_ex2_s3_abort,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] axu0_rv_itag,
output [0:`THREADS-1] axu0_rv_itag_vld,
output axu0_rv_itag_abort,
output axu0_rv_ord_complete,
output axu0_rv_hold_all,
output [0:`ITAG_SIZE_ENC-1] axu1_rv_itag,
output [0:`THREADS-1] axu1_rv_itag_vld,
output axu1_rv_itag_abort,
output axu1_rv_hold_all,
input [0:3] pc_fu_abist_di_0,
input [0:3] pc_fu_abist_di_1,
input pc_fu_abist_ena_dc,
input pc_fu_abist_grf_renb_0,
input pc_fu_abist_grf_renb_1,
input pc_fu_abist_grf_wenb_0,
input pc_fu_abist_grf_wenb_1,
input [0:9] pc_fu_abist_raddr_0,
input [0:9] pc_fu_abist_raddr_1,
input pc_fu_abist_raw_dc_b,
input [0:9] pc_fu_abist_waddr_0,
input [0:9] pc_fu_abist_waddr_1,
input pc_fu_abist_wl144_comp_ena,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_fu_msr_fe0,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_fu_msr_fe1,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_fu_msr_fp,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_fu_msr_gs,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_fu_msr_pr,
output axu0_cr_w4e,
output [0:`CR_POOL_ENC+`THREAD_POOL_ENC-1] axu0_cr_w4a,
output [0:3] axu0_cr_w4d,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// PC Interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
//SCOM Satellite
input [0:3] an_ac_scom_sat_id,
input an_ac_scom_dch,
input an_ac_scom_cch,
output ac_an_scom_dch,
output ac_an_scom_cch,
// FIR and Error Signals
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_special_attn,
output [0:2] ac_an_checkstop,
output [0:2] ac_an_local_checkstop,
output [0:2] ac_an_recov_err,
output ac_an_trace_error,
output ac_an_livelock_active,
input an_ac_checkstop,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_err_attention_instr,
input iu_pc_err_icache_parity,
input iu_pc_err_icachedir_parity,
input iu_pc_err_icachedir_multihit,
input iu_pc_err_ierat_parity,
input iu_pc_err_ierat_multihit,
input iu_pc_err_btb_parity,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_err_cpArray_parity,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_err_ucode_illegal,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_err_mchk_disabled,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_err_debug_event,
input lq_pc_err_dcache_parity,
input lq_pc_err_dcachedir_ldp_parity,
input lq_pc_err_dcachedir_stp_parity,
input lq_pc_err_dcachedir_ldp_multihit,
input lq_pc_err_dcachedir_stp_multihit,
input lq_pc_err_derat_parity,
input lq_pc_err_derat_multihit,
input lq_pc_err_l2intrf_ecc,
input lq_pc_err_l2intrf_ue,
input lq_pc_err_invld_reld,
input lq_pc_err_l2credit_overrun,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_pc_err_regfile_parity,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_pc_err_regfile_ue,
input lq_pc_err_prefetcher_parity,
input lq_pc_err_relq_parity,
input mm_pc_err_tlb_parity,
input mm_pc_err_tlb_multihit,
input mm_pc_err_tlb_lru_parity,
input mm_pc_err_local_snoop_reject,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_err_sprg_ecc,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_err_sprg_ue,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_err_regfile_parity,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_err_regfile_ue,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_err_llbust_attempt,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_err_llbust_failed,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_err_wdt_reset,
output pc_iu_inj_icache_parity,
output pc_iu_inj_icachedir_parity,
output pc_iu_inj_icachedir_multihit,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_iu_inj_cpArray_parity,
output pc_lq_inj_dcache_parity,
output pc_lq_inj_dcachedir_ldp_parity,
output pc_lq_inj_dcachedir_stp_parity,
output pc_lq_inj_dcachedir_ldp_multihit,
output pc_lq_inj_dcachedir_stp_multihit,
output pc_lq_inj_prefetcher_parity,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_lq_inj_regfile_parity,
output pc_lq_inj_relq_parity,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_fx0_inj_regfile_parity,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_fx1_inj_regfile_parity,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_xu_inj_sprg_ecc,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_xu_inj_llbust_attempt,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_xu_inj_llbust_failed,
// Unit quiesce and credit status bits
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_quiesce,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_icache_quiesce,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_pc_ldq_quiesce,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_pc_stq_quiesce,
input [0:`THREADS-1] lq_pc_pfetch_quiesce,
input [0:`THREADS-1] mm_pc_tlb_req_quiesce,
input [0:`THREADS-1] mm_pc_tlb_ctl_quiesce,
input [0:`THREADS-1] mm_pc_htw_quiesce,
input [0:`THREADS-1] mm_pc_inval_quiesce,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_fx0_credit_ok,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_fx1_credit_ok,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_axu0_credit_ok,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_axu1_credit_ok,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_lq_credit_ok,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_sq_credit_ok,
// RAM Command/Data
output [0:31] pc_iu_ram_instr,
output [0:3] pc_iu_ram_instr_ext,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_iu_ram_active,
output pc_iu_ram_issue,
input iu_pc_ram_done,
input iu_pc_ram_interrupt,
input iu_pc_ram_unsupported,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_xu_ram_active,
input xu_pc_ram_data_val,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] xu_pc_ram_data,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_lq_ram_active,
input lq_pc_ram_data_val,
input [64-`GPR_WIDTH:63] lq_pc_ram_data,
output pc_xu_msrovride_enab,
output pc_xu_msrovride_pr,
output pc_xu_msrovride_gs,
output pc_xu_msrovride_de,
output pc_iu_ram_force_cmplt,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_iu_ram_flush_thread,
// THRCTL + PCCR0 Registers
input an_ac_debug_stop,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_running,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_stop_dbg_event,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_stop_dnh_instr,
input [0:`THREADS-1] iu_pc_step_done,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_iu_stop,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_iu_step,
output pc_xu_extirpts_dis_on_stop,
output pc_xu_timebase_dis_on_stop,
output pc_xu_decrem_dis_on_stop,
output [0:3*`THREADS-1] pc_iu_dbg_action,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_iu_spr_dbcr0_edm,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_xu_spr_dbcr0_edm,
//Debug Bus Controls
output pc_iu_trace_bus_enable,
output pc_rv_trace_bus_enable,
output pc_mm_trace_bus_enable,
output pc_xu_trace_bus_enable,
output pc_lq_trace_bus_enable,
output [0:10] pc_iu_debug_mux1_ctrls,
output [0:10] pc_iu_debug_mux2_ctrls,
output [0:10] pc_rv_debug_mux_ctrls,
output [0:10] pc_mm_debug_mux_ctrls,
output [0:10] pc_xu_debug_mux_ctrls,
output [0:10] pc_lq_debug_mux1_ctrls,
output [0:10] pc_lq_debug_mux2_ctrls,
// Event Bus Controls
output [0:39] pc_rv_event_mux_ctrls,
output pc_iu_event_bus_enable,
output pc_rv_event_bus_enable,
output pc_mm_event_bus_enable,
output pc_xu_event_bus_enable,
output pc_lq_event_bus_enable,
output [0:2] pc_iu_event_count_mode,
output [0:2] pc_rv_event_count_mode,
output [0:2] pc_mm_event_count_mode,
output [0:2] pc_xu_event_count_mode,
output [0:2] pc_lq_event_count_mode,
output pc_iu_instr_trace_mode,
output pc_iu_instr_trace_tid,
output pc_lq_instr_trace_mode,
output pc_lq_instr_trace_tid,
output pc_xu_instr_trace_mode,
output pc_xu_instr_trace_tid,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_perfmon_alert,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_xu_spr_cesr1_pmae,
output pc_lq_event_bus_seldbghi,
output pc_lq_event_bus_seldbglo,
// Reset related
output pc_lq_init_reset,
output pc_iu_init_reset,
// Power Management
output [0:`THREADS-1] ac_an_pm_thread_running,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_pm_thread_stop,
input [0:`THREADS-1] an_ac_pm_fetch_halt,
output [0:`THREADS-1] pc_iu_pm_fetch_halt,
output ac_an_power_managed,
output ac_an_rvwinkle_mode,
output pc_xu_pm_hold_thread,
input [0:1] xu_pc_spr_ccr0_pme,
input [0:`THREADS-1] xu_pc_spr_ccr0_we,
// Clock, Test, and LCB Controls
input an_ac_gsd_test_enable_dc,
input an_ac_gsd_test_acmode_dc,
input an_ac_ccflush_dc,
input an_ac_ccenable_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_en_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_ip_dc,
input an_ac_lbist_ac_mode_dc,
input an_ac_scan_diag_dc,
input an_ac_scan_dis_dc_b,
input an_ac_rtim_sl_thold_7,
input an_ac_func_sl_thold_7,
input an_ac_func_nsl_thold_7,
input an_ac_ary_nsl_thold_7,
input an_ac_sg_7,
input an_ac_fce_7,
input [0:8] an_ac_scan_type_dc,
//Thold outputs to clock staging
output pc_rp_ccflush_out_dc,
output pc_rp_gptr_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_time_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_repr_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_abst_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_abst_slp_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_regf_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_regf_slp_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_func_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_func_slp_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_cfg_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_cfg_slp_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_func_nsl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_func_slp_nsl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_ary_nsl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_ary_slp_nsl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_rtim_sl_thold_4,
output pc_rp_sg_4,
output pc_rp_fce_4
// ###################### CONSTANTS ###################### --
parameter float_type = `FLOAT_TYPE;
// ####################### SIGNALS ####################### --
// Internal Connections Between PC + FU
wire [0:`THREADS-1] pc_fu_ram_active;
wire [0:63] fu_pc_ram_data;
wire fu_pc_ram_data_val;
wire pc_fu_trace_bus_enable;
wire [0:10] pc_fu_debug_mux_ctrls;
wire pc_fu_instr_trace_mode;
wire [0:1] pc_fu_instr_trace_tid;
wire pc_fu_event_bus_enable;
wire [0:2] pc_fu_event_count_mode;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] pc_fu_inj_regfile_parity;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fu_pc_err_regfile_parity;
wire [0:`THREADS-1] fu_pc_err_regfile_ue;
wire pc_fu_ccflush_dc;
wire pc_fu_gptr_sl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_time_sl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_repr_sl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_cfg_sl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_cfg_slp_sl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_func_nsl_thold_3;
wire [0:1] pc_fu_func_sl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_func_slp_nsl_thold_3;
wire [0:1] pc_fu_func_slp_sl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_abst_sl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_abst_slp_sl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_ary_nsl_thold_3;
wire pc_fu_ary_slp_nsl_thold_3;
wire [0:1] pc_fu_sg_3;
wire pc_fu_fce_3;
assign pc_fu_instr_trace_mode = 1'b0;
assign pc_fu_instr_trace_tid[0:1] = 2'b00;
// ####################### START ######################### --
// .vdd(vdd),
// .gnd(gnd),
//SCOM Satellite
//Slow SPR
// FIR and Error Signals
// Unit quiesce and credit status bits
// RAM Command/Data
// THRCTL + PCCR0 Registers
// Trace/Debug Bus
//Debug Select Register outputs to units for debug grouping
// Performance Bus and Event Mux Controls
// Reset related
// Power Management
// Clock, Test, and LCB Controls
//Thold input to clock control macro
//Clock control outputs to clock staging logic
// Scanning
// DP Float
if (float_type == 1)
begin : dp
// end component a_fuq
// No Float!
if (float_type == 0)
begin : nf
assign axu0_iu_execute_vld = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign axu0_iu_itag = {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{1'b0}};
assign axu0_iu_n_flush = 1'b0;
assign axu0_iu_np1_flush = 1'b0;
assign axu0_iu_exception = {4{1'b0}};
assign axu0_iu_exception_val = 1'b0;
assign axu0_iu_flush2ucode = 1'b0;
assign axu0_iu_flush2ucode_type = 1'b0;
assign axu0_iu_async_fex = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign axu0_iu_perf_events = {4{1'b0}};
assign axu1_iu_execute_vld = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign axu1_iu_itag = {`ITAG_SIZE_ENC{1'b0}};
assign axu1_iu_n_flush = 1'b0;
assign axu1_iu_np1_flush = 1'b0;
assign axu1_iu_exception = {4{1'b0}};
assign axu1_iu_exception_val = 1'b0;
assign axu1_iu_flush2ucode = 1'b0;
assign axu1_iu_flush2ucode_type = 1'b0;
assign axu1_iu_perf_events = {4{1'b0}};
assign axu0_rv_itag_vld = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign axu1_rv_itag_vld = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign fu_slowspr_val_out = fu_slowspr_val_in;
assign fu_slowspr_rw_out = fu_slowspr_rw_in;
assign fu_slowspr_etid_out = fu_slowspr_etid_in;
assign fu_slowspr_addr_out = fu_slowspr_addr_in;
assign fu_slowspr_data_out = fu_slowspr_data_in;
assign fu_slowspr_done_out = fu_slowspr_done_in;
assign fu_debug_bus_out = fu_debug_bus_in;
assign fu_coretrace_ctrls_out = fu_coretrace_ctrls_in;
assign fu_event_bus_out = fu_event_bus_in;
assign fu_pc_err_regfile_parity = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign fu_pc_err_regfile_ue = {`THREADS{1'b0}};
assign fu_lq_ex3_abort = 1'b0;
assign axu0_rv_ex2_s1_abort = 1'b0;
assign axu0_rv_ex2_s2_abort = 1'b0;
assign axu0_rv_ex2_s3_abort = 1'b0;
assign fu_pc_ram_data_val = 1'b0;