
119 lines
6.4 KiB

Compat: SoCSDRAM is deprecated since 2020-03-24 and will soon no longer work, please update. Switch to SoCCore/add_sdram/soc_core_args instead...........thanks :)
Namespace(build=False, bus_address_width=32, bus_data_width=32, bus_standard='wishbone', bus_timeout=1000000.0, cpu_cfu=None, cpu_reset_address=None, cpu_type=None, cpu_variant=None, csr_address_width=14, csr_csv='csr.csv', csr_data_width=None, csr_json=None, csr_ordering='big', csr_paging=2048, csr_svd=None, doc=False, gateware_dir=None, generated_dir=None, ident=None, ident_version=None, include_dir=None, integrated_main_ram_size=None, integrated_rom_init=None, integrated_rom_size=131072, integrated_sram_size=8192, l2_size=8192, load=False, memory_x=None, no_compile_gateware=False, no_compile_software=True, no_ctrl=False, no_timer=False, no_uart=False, output_dir=None, software_dir=None, sys_clk_freq=100000000.0, timer_uptime=False, uart_baudrate=None, uart_fifo_depth=16, uart_name='serial', with_analyzer=False)
INFO:SoC: __ _ __ _ __
INFO:SoC: / / (_) /____ | |/_/
INFO:SoC: / /__/ / __/ -_)> <
INFO:SoC: /____/_/\__/\__/_/|_|
INFO:SoC: Build your hardware, easily!
INFO:SoC:Creating SoC... (2021-11-11 09:23:54)
INFO:SoC:FPGA device : xc7a35t-CPG236-1.
INFO:SoC:System clock: 100.000MHz.
INFO:SoCBusHandler:Creating Bus Handler...
INFO:SoCBusHandler:32-bit wishbone Bus, 4.0GiB Address Space.
INFO:SoCBusHandler:Adding reserved Bus Regions...
INFO:SoCBusHandler:Bus Handler created.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:Creating CSR Handler...
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:32-bit CSR Bus, 32-bit Aligned, 16.0KiB Address Space, 2048B Paging, big Ordering (Up to 32 Locations).
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:Adding reserved CSRs...
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:CSR Handler created.
INFO:SoCIRQHandler:Creating IRQ Handler...
INFO:SoCIRQHandler:IRQ Handler (up to 32 Locations).
INFO:SoCIRQHandler:Adding reserved IRQs...
INFO:SoCIRQHandler:IRQ Handler created.
INFO:SoC:Initial SoC:
INFO:SoC:32-bit wishbone Bus, 4.0GiB Address Space.
INFO:SoC:32-bit CSR Bus, 32-bit Aligned, 16.0KiB Address Space, 2048B Paging, big Ordering (Up to 32 Locations).
INFO:SoC:IRQ Handler (up to 32 Locations).
INFO:SoCBusHandler:io0 Region added at Origin: 0x80000000, Size: 0x80000000, Mode: RW, Cached: False Linker: False.
INFO:SoC:CPU overriding rom mapping from 0x0 to 0x0.
INFO:SoC:CPU overriding sram mapping from 0x1000000 to 0x4000.
INFO:SoC:CPU overriding main_ram mapping from 0x40000000 to 0x40000000.
INFO:SoCBusHandler:cpu_bus0 added as Bus Master.
INFO:SoCBusHandler:cpu_bus1 added as Bus Master.
INFO:SoCIRQHandler:uart IRQ allocated at Location 0.
INFO:SoCIRQHandler:timer0 IRQ allocated at Location 1.
INFO:S7MMCM:Creating S7MMCM, speedgrade -1.
INFO:S7MMCM:Registering Single Ended ClkIn of 12.00MHz.
INFO:S7MMCM:Creating ClkOut0 sys of 100.00MHz (+-10000.00ppm).
INFO:S7MMCM:Creating ClkOut1 sys2x of 200.00MHz (+-10000.00ppm).
INFO:S7MMCM:Creating ClkOut2 idelay of 200.00MHz (+-10000.00ppm).
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:directory CSR allocated at Location 0.
INFO:SoC:ROM Read 65452 bytes for preload. Wrote mem_1.init..
INFO:SoCBusHandler:rom Region added at Origin: 0x00000000, Size: 0x00010000, Mode: R, Cached: True Linker: False.
INFO:SoCBusHandler:rom added as Bus Slave.
INFO:SoC:RAM rom added Origin: 0x00000000, Size: 0x00010000, Mode: R, Cached: True Linker: False.
INFO:SoCBusHandler:sram Region added at Origin: 0x00100000, Size: 0x00080000, Mode: RW, Cached: True Linker: False.
INFO:SoCBusHandler:sram added as Bus Slave.
INFO:SoC:SRAM sram added Origin: 0x00100000, Size: 0x00080000, Mode: RW, Cached: True Linker: False.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:dna CSR allocated at Location 1.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:xadc CSR allocated at Location 2.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:leds CSR allocated at Location 3.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:buttons CSR allocated at Location 4.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:i2c CSR allocated at Location 5.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:uart_1 CSR allocated at Location 6.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:dshot_0 CSR allocated at Location 7.
divclk_divide : 1
clkout0_freq : 100.00MHz
clkout0_divide: 6
clkout0_phase : 0.00°
clkout1_freq : 200.00MHz
clkout1_divide: 3
clkout1_phase : 0.00°
clkout2_freq : 200.00MHz
clkout2_divide: 3
clkout2_phase : 0.00°
vco : 600.00MHz
clkfbout_mult : 50
INFO:SoCBusHandler:csr Region added at Origin: 0xfff00000, Size: 0x00010000, Mode: RW, Cached: False Linker: False.
INFO:SoCBusHandler:csr added as Bus Slave.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:bridge added as CSR Master.
INFO:SoCBusHandler:Interconnect: InterconnectShared (2 <-> 3).
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:ctrl CSR allocated at Location 8.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:identifier_mem CSR allocated at Location 9.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:timer0 CSR allocated at Location 10.
INFO:SoCCSRHandler:uart CSR allocated at Location 11.
INFO:SoC:Finalized SoC:
INFO:SoC:32-bit wishbone Bus, 4.0GiB Address Space.
IO Regions: (1)
io0 : Origin: 0x80000000, Size: 0x80000000, Mode: RW, Cached: False Linker: False
Bus Regions: (3)
rom : Origin: 0x00000000, Size: 0x00010000, Mode: R, Cached: True Linker: False
sram : Origin: 0x00100000, Size: 0x00080000, Mode: RW, Cached: True Linker: False
csr : Origin: 0xfff00000, Size: 0x00010000, Mode: RW, Cached: False Linker: False
Bus Masters: (2)
- cpu_bus0
- cpu_bus1
Bus Slaves: (3)
- rom
- sram
- csr
INFO:SoC:32-bit CSR Bus, 32-bit Aligned, 16.0KiB Address Space, 2048B Paging, big Ordering (Up to 32 Locations).
CSR Locations: (12)
- directory : 0
- dna : 1
- xadc : 2
- leds : 3
- buttons : 4
- i2c : 5
- uart_1 : 6
- dshot_0 : 7
- ctrl : 8
- identifier_mem : 9
- timer0 : 10
- uart : 11
INFO:SoC:IRQ Handler (up to 32 Locations).
IRQ Locations: (2)
- uart : 0
- timer0 : 1