You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

455 lines
14 KiB

// simple verilator top
// litex soc w/a2p
#ifndef NO_TRACE
#define TRACING
// old public access method
//#define OLD_PUBLIC
#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "verilated.h"
#include "Vsoc.h"
#ifndef OLD_PUBLIC
// internal nets
#include "Vsoc___024root.h"
#include "Vsoc_soc.h"
#include "Vsoc_A2P_WB.h"
#ifdef TRACING
#include "verilated_vcd_c.h"
VerilatedVcdC *t;
unsigned int t = 0;
// using sim driver
// how does cpp get compiled in without this? can verilator be told to add more cpp? see a2p!
// UART=port
// 0xA20 = 2592
// A2P = 2593
#ifdef UART
#include "wbuart32/bench/cpp/uartsim.h"
#include "wbuart32/bench/cpp/uartsim.cpp"
Vsoc* m;
Vsoc* root;
Vsoc___024root* root;
vluint64_t main_time = 0; // in units of timeprecision used in verilog or --timescale-override
double sc_time_stamp() { // $time in verilog
return main_time;
const char* tbName = "tb_litex_soc";
const int resetCycle = 10;
const int threadRunCycle = resetCycle + 5;
const int runCycles = 1000000000;
const int hbCycles = 500;
const int quiesceCycles = 50;
const int threads = 1;
const std::string testFile = "";
const unsigned int bootAdr = 0x00000000;
const bool failMaxCycles = true;
const unsigned int stopOnHang = 500;
const unsigned int stopOnLoop = 20;
const unsigned long iarPass = 0x7F0;
const unsigned long iarFail = 0x7F4;
const bool debugWB = true;
const bool debugWBReq = false;
// Cythonize this and use it for cocotb too...
class Memory {
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int> mem;
bool le;
bool logStores;
int defaultVal;
void loadFile(std::string filename, unsigned int adr=0, bool le=false, std::string format="ascii");
int read(unsigned int adr);
void write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int dat);
void write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int be, unsigned int dat);
Memory::Memory() {
this->defaultVal = 0;
this->le = false;
this->logStores = true;
void Memory::loadFile(std::string filename, unsigned int adr, bool le, std::string format) {
unsigned int dat;
std::ifstream f;, std::fstream::in);
// "ascii"
//while (f.peek()!=EOF) {
//f >> std::hex >> dat;
// f >> dat;
while (f >> std::hex >> dat) {
this->write(adr, dat);
adr += 4;
// adr is word-aligned byte address
int Memory::read(unsigned int adr) {
if (this->mem.find(adr) != this->mem.end()) {
return this->mem[adr];
} else {
return this->defaultVal;
// adr is word-aligned byte address
void Memory::write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int dat) {
unsigned int startDat = this->read(adr);
this->write(adr, 0xF, dat);
void Memory::write(unsigned int adr, unsigned int be, unsigned int dat) {
if (be == 0) return;
int mask = 0, startDat;
if (be >= 8) {
be = be - 8;
mask = 0xFF000000;
} else {
mask = 0;
if (be >= 4) {
be = be - 4;
mask |= 0x00FF0000;
if (be >= 2) {
be = be - 2;
mask |= 0x0000FF00;
if (be = 1) {
mask |= 0x000000FF;
startDat = this->read(adr);
this->mem[adr] = (startDat & ~mask) | (dat & mask);
if (this->logStores) {
std::cout << " * Mem Update @" << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << std::uppercase << std::hex << adr <<
" " <<std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << std::uppercase << std::hex << startDat <<
"->" <<std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << std::uppercase << std::hex << this->read(adr) << std::endl;
Memory mem;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
using namespace std;
cout << setfill('0');
Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
m = new Vsoc;
root = m;
root = m->rootp;
#ifdef TRACING
t = new VerilatedVcdC;
m->trace(t, 99);
cout << "Tracing enabled." << endl;
unsigned int i, v;
bool ok = true;
bool done = false;
bool resetDone = false;
bool booted = false;
unsigned int quiesceCount = 0;
unsigned int threadStop = 0x3;
unsigned int tick = 0;
unsigned int cycle = 1;
unsigned int readPending = 0;
unsigned int readAddr = 0;
unsigned int readTag = 0;
unsigned int readTID = 0;
unsigned int countReads = 0;
unsigned int lastCompCycle = 0;
unsigned int lastCompSame = 0;
unsigned int lastCompIAR = 0x0000001;
unsigned int gpr[32];
bool wbRdPending = false, wbWrPending = false;
// memory setup
//mem.write(0xFFFFFFFC, 0x48000002);
// uart setup
// i_setup[30] True if we are not using hardware flow control. This bit
// is ignored within this module, as any receive hardware flow
// control will need to be implemented elsewhere.
// i_setup[29:28] Indicates the number of data bits per word. This will
// either be 2'b00 for an 8-bit word, 2'b01 for a 7-bit word, 2'b10
// for a six bit word, or 2'b11 for a five bit word.
// i_setup[27] Indicates whether or not to use one or two stop bits.
// Set this to one to expect two stop bits, zero for one.
// i_setup[26] Indicates whether or not a parity bit exists. Set this
// to 1'b1 to include parity.
// i_setup[25] Indicates whether or not the parity bit is fixed. Set
// to 1'b1 to include a fixed bit of parity, 1'b0 to allow the
// parity to be set based upon data. (Both assume the parity
// enable value is set.)
// i_setup[24] This bit is ignored if parity is not used. Otherwise,
// in the case of a fixed parity bit, this bit indicates whether
// mark (1'b1) or space (1'b0) parity is used. Likewise if the
// parity is not fixed, a 1'b1 selects even parity, and 1'b0
// selects odd.
// i_setup[23:0] Indicates the speed of the UART in terms of clocks.
// So, for example, if you have a 200 MHz clock and wish to
// run your UART at 9600 baud, you would take 200 MHz and divide
// by 9600 to set this value to 24'd20834. Likewise if you wished
// to run this serial port at 115200 baud from a 200 MHz clock,
// you would set the value to 24'd1736
m_baud_counts = (isetup & 0x0ffffff);
m_nbits = 8-((isetup >> 28)&0x03);
m_nstop =((isetup >> 27)&1)+1;
m_nparity = (isetup >> 26)&1;
m_fixdp = (isetup >> 25)&1;
m_evenp = (isetup >> 24)&1;
// 100MHz, 115200 = 868
#ifdef UART
UARTSIM *uart;
int uartPort = UART; // 0-stdin/stdout
//unsigned uartConfig = 1736;
unsigned uartConfig = 868;
//unsigned uartConfig = 434;
//unsigned uartConfig = 217;
//unsigned uartConfig = 217;
cout << "Initializing UART on port " << uartPort << " with config=" << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uartConfig << endl;
uart = new UARTSIM(uartPort);
cout << "litex_term socket://localhost:" << uartPort << " in a console, then hit enter here...." << endl;
// do something
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
gpr[i] = 0;
//just use hardware reset
//root->soc->main_basesoc_soc_rst = 1;
//cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Resetting..." << endl;
const int clocks[2] = {0x1, 0x0}; // 1x
const int ticks1x = 2;
while (!Verilated::gotFinish() && (ok | quiesceCount > 0) && cycle <= runCycles && !done) {
if (!resetDone && (cycle > resetCycle)) {
//root->soc->main_basesoc_soc_rst = 0;
//cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Releasing reset." << endl;
resetDone = true;
if (threadStop && (cycle > threadRunCycle)) {
//threadStop = 0x0;
//m->an_ac_pm_thread_stop = threadStop;
//cout << dec << setw(8) << cycle << " Thread stop=" << threadStop << endl;
m->clk12 = clocks[tick % ticks1x];
// 1x clock
if ((tick % ticks1x) == 0) {
// core
// completion
if (root->soc->A2P_WB->lastStageIsFiring) {
v = root->soc->A2P_WB->lastStagePc;
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " C0: CP";
cout << " 0:" << setw(6) << setfill('0') << hex << v;
cout << " [" << setw(6) << setfill('0') << hex << root->soc->A2P_WB->lastStageInstruction << "]" << endl;
if (quiesceCount > 0) {
/* skip remaining checks */
} else if (v == iarPass) {
cout << "*** Passing IAR detected ***" << endl;
quiesceCount = 5;
} else if (v == iarFail) {
cout << "*** Failing IAR detected ***" << endl;
ok = false;
quiesceCount = 5;
} else if (v == lastCompIAR) {
if (stopOnLoop && (lastCompSame == stopOnLoop)) {
ok = false;
cout << "*** Loop detected for " << dec << stopOnLoop << " iterations ***" << endl;
} else {
lastCompIAR = v;
lastCompSame = 0;
// gpr change - really need to use these (to detect write w/same data)
//reg [4:0] lastStageRegFileWrite_payload_address /* verilator public */ ;
//reg [31:0] lastStageRegFileWrite_payload_data /* verilator public */ ;
//wire UpdateRegFileWrite_valid /* verilator public */ ;
//wire UpdateRegFileWrite_payload_valid /* verilator public */ ;
//wire [4:0] UpdateRegFileWrite_payload_address /* verilator public */ ;
//wire [31:0] UpdateRegFileWrite_payload_data /* verilator public */ ;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
v = root->soc->A2P_WB->RegFilePlugin_regFile[i];
if (v != gpr[i]) {
gpr[i] = v;
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << cycle << " C0: GPR Update: R";
cout << dec << setw(2) << setfill('0') << i << "=";
cout << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << v << " ";
cout << endl;
// completion
// wb - soc can monitor-only
if (wbRdPending) {
if (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_ACK)
if (debugWB)
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " WB RD ACK RA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_ADR << 2) <<
" DATA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_DAT_MISO << endl;
wbRdPending = false;
} else if (wbWrPending) {
if (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_ACK)
if (debugWB)
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " WB WR ACK RA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_ADR << 2) <<
" SEL=" << setw(1) << setfill('0') << uppercase << hex << (unsigned int)root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_SEL <<
" DATA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_DAT_MOSI << endl;
wbWrPending = false;
} else if (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_CYC && root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_STB) {
if (!root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_WE) {
if (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_ACK) {
if (debugWB)
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " WB RD ACK RA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_ADR << 2) <<
" DATA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_DAT_MISO << endl;
} else if (!wbRdPending && debugWBReq) {
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " WB RD RA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_ADR << 2) << endl;
wbRdPending = true;
} else {
if (debugWB) {
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " WB WR ACK RA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_ADR << 2) <<
" SEL=" << setw(1) << setfill('0') << uppercase << hex << (unsigned int)root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_SEL <<
" DATA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_DAT_MOSI << endl;
} else if (!wbWrPending && debugWBReq) {
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << uppercase << cycle << " WB WR RA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << (root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_ADR << 2) <<
" SEL=" << root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_SEL << " DATA=" << setw(8) << hex << setfill('0') << root->soc->A2P_WB->dBusWB_DAT_MOSI << endl;
wbWrPending = true;
// leds, btns, mem, etc.
} else {
if (resetDone) {
#ifdef UART
m->serial_rx = (*uart)(m->serial_tx);
m->eval(); // NEED THIS!!!!
// finish clock stuff
if ((tick % ticks1x) == 0) {
if ((cycle % hbCycles) == 0) {
cout << dec << setw(8) << setfill('0') << cycle << " ...tick..." << endl;
if (failMaxCycles && (cycle == runCycles)) {
cout << "*** Max cycles reached ***" << endl;
ok = false;
#ifdef TRACING
// check for fails
if (!ok && quiesceCount == 0) {
quiesceCount = quiesceCycles;
cout << "Quiescing..." << endl;
} else if (quiesceCount > 0) {
if (ok && quiesceCount == 0) {
done = true;
#ifdef TRACING
cout << endl << endl << tbName << endl;
cout << endl << "Cycles run=" << dec << cycle << endl << endl;
if (!ok) {
cout << "You are worthless and weak." << endl;
} else {
cout << "You has opulence." << endl;