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134 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<book xmlns=""
<!-- TODO: When ready to publish document, remove the 'status="draft"' statement from the book object above. -->
<!-- TODO: Pick a Title for the new document -->
<title>Master Template Guide</title>
<!-- TODO: Either add a subtitle or remove the following line -->
<subtitle>A quick start template</subtitle>
<!-- TODO: Insert appropriate firstname and surnames -->
<!-- TODO: Set correct email address of document author -->
<!-- TODO: Insert appropriate orgname -->
<!-- TODO: Set copyright year -->
<year>2015, 2016</year>
<holder>OpenPOWER Foundation</holder>
<!-- TODO: Set the correct document releaseinfo -->
<releaseinfo>Revision 0.9.3</releaseinfo>
<!-- TODO: Select one of the two following legalnotice role= values:
"apache2" for an Apache V2 license or
"opfExternal" for an official OpenPOWER Foundation external license text.
If you don't know which one to select, leave as "apache2" -->
<legalnotice role="apache2">
<!--legalnotice role="opfExternal"-->
<remark>Copyright details are filled in by the template.</remark>
<!-- TODO: Update the following text with the correct document description (first paragraph),
Work Group name, and Work Product track (both in second paragraph). -->
<para>The purpose of the Master Template Guide document is to provide a guide for OpenPOWER
documentation writers. As such, it provides directions, policies, references, and
examples of the XML Docbook environment. It is intended to be used both in final product form
(PDF and html) as a document and in source form as a template for new documents.</para>
<para>This document is a Non-standard Track, Work Group Note work product owned by the
System Software Workgroup and handled in compliance with the requirements outlined in the
<citetitle>OpenPOWER Foundation Work Group (WG) Process</citetitle> document.</para>
<!-- TODO: Set the initial version information and clear any old information out -->
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Version 0.9.3: Technical and process updates. Addition of documentation lifecycle and git command cheat sheets.</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Version 0.9.2: Technical and process updates. Explanation of project structure.</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Version 0.9.1: Technical and process updates.</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Version 0.9: Draft for format review with TSC.</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>Creation based on OpenStack documentation</para>
<!-- The ch_preface.xml file is required by all documents -->
<xi:include href="../../Docs-Master/common/ch_preface.xml"/>
<!-- TODO: Add your chapter heading files here. Remove both files and insert your own. -->
<!-- See the template document for naming conventions and location of files. -->
<xi:include href="ch_template_overview.xml"/>
<xi:include href="ch_example.xml"/>
<!-- The app_foundation.xml appendix file is required by all documents. -->
<xi:include href="../../Docs-Master/common/app_foundation.xml"/>
<!-- TODO: The following template document may be modified to create additional appendices as needed. -->
<xi:include href="app_template.xml"/>