You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
239 lines
8.6 KiB
239 lines
8.6 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Builds OpenPOWER Foundation documentation using standard template.
# Assumes rst2db has been used to convert rst to docbook.
import os, sys, getopt, shutil, errno
from lxml import etree
from conf import opf_docbook_settings, master_doc
def copy_xml_to_template(src_dir, tgt_dir):
# Copy XML files
src_files = os.listdir(src_dir)
for filename in src_files:
full_file = os.path.join (src_dir, filename)
if (os.path.isfile(full_file)):
shutil.copy(full_file, tgt_dir)
elif (os.path.isdir(full_file)):
except OSError as exception:
if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
copy_xml_to_template( os.path.join(src_dir,filename), os.path.join(tgt_dir,filename) )
def update_file(filename, old_str, new_str):
# Verify tag exists
with open(filename) as f:
s =
if old_str not in s:
print 'Error: "{old_str}" not found in {filename}.'.format(**locals())
# Safely write the changed content, if found in the file
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
s = s.replace(old_str, new_str)
def print_tree(element, level):
# Print current element
num_children = element.__len__()
indent = ' '.ljust(level+1)
print indent, 'Tag: ', element.tag, ' Attrib: ', element.attrib, ' Num children: ', num_children
for i in range(num_children):
child = element.__getitem__(i)
print_tree(child, level+1)
def convert_top_level_sections(head, file):
path = os.path.dirname(file)
if 'sect' in head.tag:
head.tag = 'book'
# Clear attributes
for attrib in head.attrib.keys():
head.attrib.pop(attrib, None)
if head.attrib.items() != []:
print 'Error: Section attributes not removed. ', head.attrib.items(), ' items remain -- ', head.attrib.keys()
# Walk children to remove title
num_children = head.__len__()
for i in range(num_children):
child = head.__getitem__(i)
if 'title' in child.tag:
# Walk children looking for next set of <section> tags, opening include files if necessary
num_children = head.__len__()
num_chapter = 0
for i in range(num_children):
child = head.__getitem__(i)
# check for section tag
if 'section' in child.tag:
# Convert tag to <chapter>
child.tag = child.tag.replace('section','chapter')
num_chapter = num_chapter+1
# check for include tag
if 'include' in child.tag:
# Open and parse include file
# NOTE: We will only check one level deep
include_file = child.attrib['href']
full_include_file = os.path.join(path,include_file)
parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=False)
tree = etree.parse(full_include_file, parser=parser)
#print_tree( tree.getroot(), 0 )
# Check for sections
include_head = tree.getroot()
if 'sect' in include_head.tag:
# Convert tag to <chapter>
include_head.tag = include_head.tag.replace('section','chapter')
num_chapter = num_chapter+1
# Create backup file
shutil.copy2(full_include_file, full_include_file+'.bak')
# Write out changed file
if num_chapter == 0:
print 'Error: No chapters found in document'
print 'Toc file contains ', head.tag, 'tag, not <section>'
def remove_book_tags(old_file, new_file):
with open(old_file, 'r') as input:
with open(new_file, 'wb') as output:
for line in input:
if '<book' not in line and '</book>' not in line:
def insert_toc_into_book(toc_file, book_file):
book_file_bak = book_file+'.bak'
shutil.copy2(book_file, book_file_bak)
key_string = '<!--TBD-->'
inserted_toc = False
with open(book_file_bak, 'r') as input:
with open(book_file, 'wb') as output:
for line in input:
if key_string not in line:
inserted_toc = True
# Write toc_file contents
with open(toc_file, 'r') as input_toc:
for line_toc in input_toc:
if not inserted_toc:
print 'Error: key string of "', key_string, '" not found in ', book_file
def build_revhistory(book_file):
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
# Variables for formating git log
log_format = '%h%x01%an%x01%ad%x01%s%x02'
log_fields = ['id', 'author', 'date', 'subject']
# Retrieve log
pipe = Popen('git log --date=iso --format="%s"' % log_format, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
log, _ = pipe.communicate()
log = log.replace('&','&').replace('<','<').replace('>','>').replace('\n','').strip('\x02').split('\x02')
log = [row.split('\01') for row in log]
log = [dict(zip(log_fields, row)) for row in log]
# Format log into revision history
revision = '<revhistory>\n'
for entry in log:
revision = revision + '<revision><date>' + entry['date'].split(' ')[0] + '</date><revdescription><para>' +\
entry['subject'] + ' (' + entry['id'] + ')</para></revdescription></revision>\n'
revision = revision + '</revhistory>\n'
# Update file
rev_str = '<revhistory>TBD</revhistory>'
update_file(book_file, rev_str, revision)
def main(argv):
build_dir = ''
db_dir = ''
master_dir = ''
template_dir = ''
toc_file = master_doc+'.xml'
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hb:d:m:t:",["builddir=","docbookdir=","masterdir=","templatedir="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print 'Invalid option specified. Usage:'
print ' -b <builddir> -d <docbookdir> -m <masterdir> -t <templatedir>'
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print ' -b <builddir> -d <docbookdir> -m <masterdir> -t <templatedir>'
elif opt in ("-b", "--builddir"):
build_dir = arg
elif opt in ("-d", "--docbookdir"):
db_dir = arg
elif opt in ("-m", "--masterdir"):
master_dir = arg
elif opt in ("-t", "--templatedir"):
template_dir = arg
# Locate the TOC file
rst_template_dir = os.path.join(template_dir, 'rst_template')
full_toc_file = os.path.join(rst_template_dir, toc_file)
book_file = os.path.join(rst_template_dir, 'bk_main.xml')
# Copy all files and directories in docbook dir into rst_template recursively
copy_xml_to_template( db_dir, rst_template_dir)
# Update all file in opf_docbook_settings with tag/value combinations specified
for f in opf_docbook_settings.keys():
filename = os.path.join(rst_template_dir, f)
tags = opf_docbook_settings[f]
for tag in tags:
value = opf_docbook_settings[f][tag]
if value != '':
new_str = '<'+tag+'>'+value+'</'+tag+'>'
new_str = ''
old_str = '<'+tag+'>TBD</'+tag+'>'
update_file(filename, old_str, new_str)
# Parse TOC file, convert high level tag to "book" and write back out to .tmp1 file
parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=False)
tree = etree.parse(full_toc_file, parser=parser)
# print_tree( tree.getroot(), 0 )
convert_top_level_sections( tree.getroot(), full_toc_file )
full_toc_file_tmp1 = full_toc_file+'.tmp1'
# Eliminate <book> and <title> tags in .tmp1 and write to .tmp2 file
full_toc_file_tmp2 = full_toc_file+'.tmp2'
remove_book_tags(full_toc_file_tmp1, full_toc_file_tmp2)
# Update link to first file
insert_toc_into_book(full_toc_file_tmp2, book_file)
# Create revision history from Git Log
if __name__ == "__main__":