Linux on Power Architecture Reference documents. There are
multiple component documents as follows:
* The Platform (../Platform/) document describes the basic
requirements to run Linux on the hardware platform.
* The Device Tree (../DeviceTree/) document describes the
structure and bindings associated with the device tree
definitions for OpenPOWER systems.
* The Error Handing (../ErrorHandling/) document describes
the error reporting and recommended error procedures for the system.
* The run-time services or RTAS (../RTAS/) document describes
the firmware interfaces available to Linux running on the system
and in a VM.
* The Virtualization (../Virtualization/) document describes the
environment by which virtualized OS images are run on the system.
The basis for this document was the
[*Linux on Power Architecture Platform Reference (LoPAR)*](
Version 1.1, March 2016. It was derived from an IBM document known as the *Power Architecture Platform Reference (PAPR)* Versions 2.7. While much of this
documentation may apply to the IBM PowerVM (LPAR) environment, it will serve as a good base for the OpenPOWER documentation effort as well as support the
more broad IBM Linux on Power community as well.
To build this project, one must ensure that the Docs-Master project has
also been cloned at the same directory level as the Docs-Template project.
This can be accomplished with the following steps:
1. Clone the master documentation project (Docs-Master) using the following command: