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<section xmlns=""
<title><emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> Call</title>
<para>The RTAS function
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> is used to obtain the indices and
location codes for a specified indicator or sensor token. It allows for
obtaining the list of indicators and sensors dynamically and therefore
assists in any Dynamic Reconfiguration operation that involves indicators
and sensors being added or deleted from the platform (unlike the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>/rtas</literal></emphasis> node
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;</literal></emphasis><emphasis><literal>&lt;vendor&gt;</literal></emphasis><emphasis role="bold"><literal>,indicator-</literal></emphasis><emphasis><literal>&lt;token&gt;</literal></emphasis><emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8221;</literal></emphasis>,
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;</literal></emphasis><emphasis><literal>&lt;vendor&gt;</literal></emphasis><emphasis role="bold"><literal>,sensor-</literal></emphasis><emphasis><literal>&lt;token&gt;</literal></emphasis><emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8221;</literal></emphasis>,
and <emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;ibm,environmental-sensor&#8221;</literal></emphasis> properties).
This call also allows discontiguous indices for a particular indicator or
sensor type (unlike the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;rtas-indicators&#8221;</literal></emphasis>,
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;rtas-sensors&#8221;</literal></emphasis>, and
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>
&#8220;ibm,environmental-sensor&#8221;</literal></emphasis> properties).</para>
<para>This RTAS call is not used for DR indicators (9001, 9002, and 9003)
or DR sensors (9003). See the following sections in the DR chapter for more
<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569342_85040" /> and
<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569342_61130" />.</para>
<para>It may require several calls to the
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> RTAS routine to get the entire list of
indicators or sensors of a particular type. Each call may specify a
different work area.</para>
<para>The OS may not interleave calls to
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> for different indicator or sensor
types. Other standard RTAS locking rules apply.</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-1.</emphasis></term>
<para><emphasis role="bold">For all DR options:</emphasis> The RTAS function
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> must implement the argument call buffer
defined by
<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569332_50675" />.</para>
<table frame="all" pgwide="1" xml:id="dbdoclet.50569332_50675">
<title>Argument Call Buffer
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="c1" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="c2" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="c3" colwidth="4*" />
<emphasis role="bold">Parameter Type</emphasis>
<emphasis role="bold">Name</emphasis>
<emphasis role="bold">Values</emphasis>
<entry morerows="7" valign="middle">
<para>Token for
<emphasis>Number Inputs</emphasis>
<emphasis>Number Outputs</emphasis>
<emphasis>Indicator or Sensor</emphasis>
<para>0: indicator of given type</para>
<para>1: sensor of given type</para>
<emphasis>Indicator Type</emphasis>
<para>Indicator or sensor type (for example, 9006, 9007)</para>
<emphasis>Work Area Address</emphasis>
<para>Address of work area</para>
<emphasis>Work Area Size</emphasis>
<para>Size of work area</para>
<emphasis>Starting Number</emphasis>
<para>Integer representing first indicator number to
<entry morerows="1" valign="middle">
<para>-1: Hardware error</para>
<para>-3: Indicator type not supported</para>
<para>-4: Optional: Indicator list changed, start again</para>
<para>0: Success</para>
<para>1: More data available; call again</para>
<para>990x:Extended Delay where x is a number 0-5 (see text
<emphasis>Next Starting Number</emphasis>
<para>Integer to use as the Starting Number parameter on the next
call, or 1 if no more calls are required</para>
<para>When the 990x
<emphasis>Status</emphasis> is returned, it is suggested that software delay
for 10 raised to the x milliseconds (where x is the last digit of the 990x
return code), before calling
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> with the same Starting Number and
Indicator Type. However, software may issue the
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> call again either earlier or later than
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-2.</emphasis></term>
<para>The OS must not interleave calls to
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> for different indicator or sensor
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-3.</emphasis></term>
<para>On the first call to get a particular
<emphasis>Indicator Type</emphasis>, the caller must provide a Starting
Number of 1 (32-bit integer)</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-4.</emphasis></term>
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> is called with a Starting Number of 1,
firmware must refresh any stale data in previously cached firmware buffers
for that indicator (for example, data made stale by a Dynamic
Reconfiguration operation).</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-5.</emphasis></term>
<para>When calling
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> with a Starting Number of 1, a
previously returned
<emphasis>Next Starting Number</emphasis> value must be discarded.</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-6.</emphasis></term>
<para>Optionally, if firmware detects a change in
the indicator list before the entire list is returned, the
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> call must return a -4 and the caller
must start again with a Starting Number of 1.</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-7.</emphasis></term>
<para>The return data format in the work area for
all sensors and indicators must be as follows:</para>
<para>Number Returned: 32-bit integer representing the number of
indicator indices returned on this call</para>
<para>Sets of (32-bit integer index, 32-bit integer length of location
code including NULLs, location code string (NULL terminated and padded to
nearest 4 byte boundary)), one set per indicator or sensor, with the number
of sets indicated by the first integer in this work buffer</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-8.</emphasis></term>
<para>If the
<emphasis>Status</emphasis> returned is 1 (more data available, call again),
then the caller must call
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> again with the
<emphasis>Starting Number</emphasis> parameter set to the Next Starting
Number integer from the previously returned buffer.</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-9.</emphasis></term>
<para>The <emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> RTAS call must return the
<emphasis>Status</emphasis> value of -3 for the following conditions:</para>
<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
<para>Indicator type not supported</para>
<para>No indicators of specified Indicator Type available to
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-10.</emphasis></term>
<para>If the <emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> RTAS call returns a
<emphasis>Status</emphasis> of anything other than 0 or 1 is returned, the
caller must consider that the contents of the work area is not
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-11.</emphasis></term>
<para>The work area specified in the
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> RTAS call argument buffer must be
contiguous in logical real memory and must reside below 4GB.</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-12.</emphasis></term>
<para>The <emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> RTAS call must only return the
indicator or sensor indices to which the caller has authorized access at
the time of the call.</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-13.</emphasis></term>
<para>The <emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> RTAS call must make no assumptions
about the contents of the work area on the beginning of the call.</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-14.</emphasis></term>
<para>When the platform supports the
<emphasis>ibm,get-indices</emphasis> RTAS call, the device tree must include
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;ibm,get-indicator-indices-types&#8221;</literal></emphasis> property
in the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>/rtas</literal></emphasis> node if the call is to be used for getting
indicator information and must include the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;ibm,get-sensor-indices-types&#8221;</literal></emphasis> property in
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>/rtas</literal></emphasis> node if the call is to be used for getting sensor
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-15.</emphasis></term>
<para>When an indicator token is provided in the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;ibm,get-indicator-indices-types&#8221;</literal></emphasis> property,
it must not be included in the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;</literal></emphasis><emphasis><literal>&lt;vendor&gt;</literal></emphasis><emphasis><literal>,indicator-</literal></emphasis><emphasis><literal>&lt;token&gt;</literal></emphasis><emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8221;</literal></emphasis>
property and must not be included in the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;rtas-indicators&#8221;</literal></emphasis> property.</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-16.</emphasis></term>
<para>When a sensor token is provided in the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;ibm,get-sensor-indices-types&#8221;</literal></emphasis> property, it
must not be included in the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;</literal></emphasis><emphasis><literal>&lt;vendor&gt;</literal></emphasis><emphasis role="bold"><literal>,sensor-</literal></emphasis><emphasis><literal>&lt;token&gt;</literal></emphasis><emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8221;</literal></emphasis>
property and must not be included in the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;rtas-sensors&#8221;</literal></emphasis> property.</para>
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-17.</emphasis></term>
<para>When an environmental sensor token is
provided in the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;ibm,get-sensor-indices-types&#8221;</literal></emphasis> property,
users of data in the
<emphasis role="bold"><literal>&#8220;ibm,environmental-sensors&#8221;</literal></emphasis> property for
that sensor token must not assume that the indices are contiguous for that
sensor token (that is, any of the indices between 0 and the maxindex,
inclusive, may be missing).</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="dbdoclet.50569332_80480">
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-18.</emphasis></term>
<para>When the value of
any index returned is 0xFFFFFFFF, the OS must use the
<emphasis>ibm,get-dynamic-sensor-state</emphasis> and
<emphasis>ibm,set-dynamic-indicator</emphasis> RTAS functions for this
sensor or indicator, using the location code to identify the sensor or
<term><emphasis role="bold">R1-<xref linkend="sec_get_indices_rtas_call"
xrefstyle="select: labelnumber nopage"/>-19.</emphasis></term>
<para>The OS must not call
<emphasis>get-sensor-state</emphasis> or
<emphasis>get-indicator</emphasis> with an index value of 0xFFFFFFFF.</para>