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<para>This architecture specification provides a comprehensive computer
system platform-to-software interface definition, combined with minimum system
requirements, that enables the development of and software porting to a range
of compatible industry-standard computer systems from workstations through
servers. These systems are based on the requirements defined in
<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569387_99718"/><footnote xml:id="pgfId-1000323"><para>The
term &#x201C;Processor Architecture&#x201D; (PA) is used throughout this
document to mean compliance with the requirements specified in
<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569387_99718"/>.</para></footnote>. The definition supports
the development of both uniprocessor and multiprocessor system
<para>A key attribute and benefit of this architecture is the ability of
platform developers to have degrees of freedom of implementation below the
level of architected interfaces and therefore have the opportunity for adding
unique value. This flexibility is achieved through architecture facilities
including: (1) device drivers; (2) Open Firmware (OF); (3)
Run-Time Abstraction Services (RTAS);
and (4) hardware abstraction layers. The role of items 1
and 4 are described in separate operating system (OS) documentation. The role
that items 2 and 3 play in this architecture will be described in subsequent
paragraphs and chapters.</para>
<para>This architecture combines leading-edge technologies to create a
superior computing platform. By design, it supports a wide range of computing
needs including personal productivity, engineering design, data management,
information analysis, education, desktop publishing, multimedia, entertainment,
and database, file, and application servers. This architecture effectively
leverages industry-standard I/O through the PCI bus. Systems based on this
architecture are expected to offer price/performance advantages and to address
the expected growth in computing performance and functionality.</para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Architecture Note:</emphasis> In modern platforms, designers may choose
between various PCI topology standards. This architecture uses the term
&#x201C;PCI&#x201D; as a general term to describe the most recent versions of
all forms of PCI standards including any approved Engineering Change Requests
(ECRs) against them. In cases where there are significant differences between
individual PCI standards, the following terminology is used to differentiate
between the PCI standards.</para>
<para>The term &#x201C;conventional PCI&#x201D; refers to behavior or
features that conform to the most recent version of the
<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569387_65468"/>, including any approved ECRs against it.
<para>The term &#x201C;PCI-X&#x201D; refers to behavior or features that
conform to the most recent version of the
<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569387_26550"/>, including any approved ECRs against it.</para>
<para>The term &#x201C;PCI Express&#x201D; refers to behavior or features
that conform to the most recent version of the
<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569387_66784"/> including any approved ECRs against it. In
addition, the terms &#x201C;bus,&#x201D; &#x201C;bridge&#x201D; and &#x201C;PCI
Host Bridge (PHB)&#x201D; used in relation to &#x201C;PCI&#x201D; throughout
this architecture may refer to a PCI Express &#x201C;link,&#x201D;
&#x201C;switch,&#x201D; and &#x201C;root complex&#x201D; respectively.</para>
<title>Platform Topology</title>
<para>To the experienced computer designer and system manufacturer, much of
the content of this architecture will be familiar. A typical desktop topology
is shown in <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569326_34945"/>. This topology consists
of a single PA processor, volatile System Memory, and a single Host Bridge
providing a PCI Bus. The PCI Bus provides for connection of I/O adapters
(IOAs). See <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569388_37308"/> for the definition of an
<para>A more complex general topology is shown in
<xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569326_34945"/>. All platforms consist of one or more PA
processors, a volatile System Memory separate from other subsystems, and a
number of IOAs, which may initiate transactions to System Memory. The
processors are linked over the primary processor bus/switch to each other, to
the System Memory, and to one or more Host Bridges. In general, IOAs do not
connect to the primary processor bus/switch. The Host Bridges connect to
secondary buses which have IOAs connected to them. In turn, one or more bus
bridges may be employed to tertiary buses (and beyond) with additional IOAs
connected to them. Typically, the bus speeds and throughput decrease and the
number of supportable loads increases as one progresses from the primary
processor bus to more remote buses. </para>
<para>There are variations on these topologies, which are likely to occur
and are therefore worth describing below. This architecture describes
interfaces, not implementation. The logical software model must remain the
same, even if the physical topology is different.</para>
<para>In a smaller platform, the Host Bridge and/or the memory and/or an
IOA may be integrated into a single chip. In this case, the topology would not
look like <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50569326_34945"/> from a chip point of view,
but instead would be integrated onto the single chip.</para>
<para>In a larger platform, secondary buses may be implemented, with two
or more Host Bridges, as two or more parallel expansion buses for performance
reasons. Similarly, tertiary buses may be two or more parallel expansion buses
off each secondary bus. This is indicated by the ellipses near the Host Bridge
and the Bus Bridge.</para>
<para>In a high performance platform, with multiple processors and
multiple memoriea switch may be employed to allow multiple parallel accesses
by the processors to memory. The path through the switches would be decided by
the addressing of ths, a switch may be employed to allow multiple parallel accesses
by the processors to memory. The path through the switches would be decided by
the addressing of the memory.</para>
<para>Each of the following chapters provides information necessary to
successfully implement compliant systems. It is recommended that the reader
become thoroughly familiar with the contents of these chapters and their
references prior to beginning system or software development. It is anticipated
that standard chip sets will simplify the development of compliant
implementations consistent with the topologies shown below and will be
available from third-party industry sources.</para>
<figure xml:id="dbdoclet.50569326_34945">
<title>Typical Desktop Topology</title>
<imageobject role="html"><imagedata fileref="figures/PAPR-3.gif" format="GIF" scalefit="1"/></imageobject>
<imageobject role="fo"><imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="figures/PAPR-3.gif" format="GIF" scalefit="1" width="100%"/></imageobject>
<figure xml:id="dbdoclet.50569326_34945.1">
<title>General Platform Topology</title>
<imageobject role="html"><imagedata fileref="figures/PAPR-4.gif" format="GIF" scalefit="1"/></imageobject>
<imageobject role="fo"><imagedata contentdepth="100%" fileref="figures/PAPR-4.gif" format="GIF" scalefit="1" width="100%"/></imageobject>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Note:</emphasis> To enable the implementation of a large number of I/O adapters in a large
system, the Host Bridge may be split into two pieces -- a Hub and a Bridge --
with the two connected by a cable, thus enabling the I/O adapters to be housed
at a distance from the main processor enclosure.</para>