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3 years ago
-- © IBM Corp. 2020
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), as modified by
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-- License, the "Work" hereby includes implementations of the work of authorship
-- in physical form.
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--* TITLE: uc_hooks
--* NAME: fuq_dcd_uc_hooks.vhdl
--* DESC: This is for microcoded Divide and Square Root
library ieee,ibm,support,tri,work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_unsigned.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_function_support.all;
use support.power_logic_pkg.all;
use tri.tri_latches_pkg.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_ao_support.all;
use ibm.std_ulogic_mux_support.all;
entity fuq_dcd_uc_hooks is
generic(expand_type : integer := 2 ); -- 0 - ibm tech, 1 - other );
nclk : in clk_logic;
thold_0_b : in std_ulogic;
sg_0 : in std_ulogic;
f_ucode_si : in std_ulogic;
forcee : in std_ulogic; -- tidn,
delay_lclkr : in std_ulogic; -- tidn,
mpw1_b : in std_ulogic; -- tidn,
mpw2_b : in std_ulogic; -- tidn,
vdd : inout power_logic;
gnd : inout power_logic;
msr_fp_act : in std_ulogic;
perr_sm_running : in std_ulogic;
iu_fu_rf0_instr_v : in std_ulogic;
iu_fu_rf0_instr : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
iu_fu_rf0_ucfmul : in std_ulogic;
ucode_mode_rf0 : in std_ulogic;
f_mad_ex3_uc_round_mode : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
rf0_instr_fra : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
f_dcd_rf0_fra : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
iu_fu_rf0_ifar : in std_ulogic_vector(58 to 61);
thread_id_rf0 : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
xu_rf0_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
xu_rf1_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
xu_ex1_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
xu_ex2_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
xu_ex3_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
xu_ex4_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
xu_ex5_flush : in std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
f_mad_ex6_uc_sign, f_mad_ex6_uc_zero : in std_ulogic;
f_mad_ex3_uc_special : in std_ulogic;
f_mad_ex3_uc_vxsnan : in std_ulogic;
f_mad_ex3_uc_zx : in std_ulogic;
f_mad_ex3_uc_vxidi : in std_ulogic;
f_mad_ex3_uc_vxzdz : in std_ulogic;
f_mad_ex3_uc_vxsqrt : in std_ulogic;
f_mad_ex3_uc_res_sign : in std_ulogic;
uc_ignore_flush_rf1 : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_div_beg : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_sqrt_beg : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_mid : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_end : out std_ulogic;
ex4_uc_special : out std_ulogic; -- to block iterations in fuq_axu_fu_dep (is1)
f_dcd_rf1_uc_special : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_ft_pos : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_ft_neg : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fa_pos : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_pos : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_pos : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_hulp : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_0_5 : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_1_0 : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_1_minus : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_1_0 : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_0_75 : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_0_5 : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fa_dis_par : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_dis_par : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_dis_par : out std_ulogic;
uc_op_rnd_v_rf1 : out std_ulogic;
uc_op_rnd_rf1 : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
f_dcd_ex2_uc_inc_lsb : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_gs_v : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_gs : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
f_dcd_ex2_uc_vxsnan : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_zx : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_vxidi : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_vxzdz : out std_ulogic;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_vxsqrt : out std_ulogic;
uc_hooks_rc_rf0 : out std_ulogic;
uc_hooks_debug : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 55);
evnt_div_sqrt_ip : out std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
f_ucode_so : out std_ulogic
-- synopsys translate_off
-- synopsys translate_on
end fuq_dcd_uc_hooks;
architecture fuq_dcd_uc_hooks of fuq_dcd_uc_hooks is
constant tiup : std_ulogic := '1';
constant tidn : std_ulogic := '0';
signal uc_sign_zero_t0, uc_scr_t0_ld, uc_scr_t0_l2, uc_scr_t0_scin, uc_scr_t0_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_sign_zero_t1, uc_scr_t1_ld, uc_scr_t1_l2, uc_scr_t1_scin, uc_scr_t1_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_sign_zero_t2, uc_scr_t2_ld, uc_scr_t2_l2, uc_scr_t2_scin, uc_scr_t2_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_sign_zero_t3, uc_scr_t3_ld, uc_scr_t3_l2, uc_scr_t3_scin, uc_scr_t3_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t0_upd, uc_scr_t1_upd, uc_scr_t2_upd, uc_scr_t3_upd : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 4);
signal uc_scr_wr, uc_scr_wr_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_sel, uc_scr_thread_rf0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_scr_wr_pipe_rf1_scin, uc_scr_wr_pipe_rf1_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal uc_scr_wr_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_sel_rf1, uc_scr_thread_rf1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex1_scin, uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex1_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal uc_scr_wr_ex1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_sel_ex1, uc_scr_thread_ex1 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex2_scin, uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex2_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 8);
signal uc_scr_wr_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_sel_ex2, uc_scr_thread_ex2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex3_scin, uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex3_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal uc_scr_wr_ex3 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_sel_ex3, uc_scr_thread_ex3 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex4_scin, uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex4_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 6);
signal uc_scr_wr_ex4 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_sel_ex4, uc_scr_thread_ex4 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex5_scin, uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex5_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal uc_scr_wr_ex5 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_sel_ex5, uc_scr_thread_ex5 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex6_scin, uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex6_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 5);
signal uc_scr_wr_ex6 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_sel_ex6, uc_scr_thread_ex6 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_scr_wr_rf1_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_wr_ex1_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_wr_ex2_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_wr_ex3_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_wr_ex4_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_wr_ex5_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal q1r_sign_rf0, q1r_zero_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal q1ulpr_zero_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal q1_m_ulp_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_beg_rf0, uc_beg_rf0_v : std_ulogic;
signal uc_beg_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_beg_ex1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_beg_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_beg_ex3 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_beg_ex4 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_rf0, uc_end_rf0_v, uc_end_rf0_vf : std_ulogic;
signal uc_normal_end_rf0, uc_normal_end_rf0_part : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fa_pos : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_pos : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_pos_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fb_pos : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_hulp : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_0_5 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_1_0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_1_minus : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fb_1_0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fb_0_75 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fb_0_5 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_op_rnd_v : std_ulogic;
signal uc_op_rnd : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_inc_lsb : std_ulogic;
signal uc_gs_v_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_1st_instr_ld : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal uc_1st_instr_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal uc_1st_instr_scin : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal uc_1st_instr_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal uc_div_beg_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_sqrt_beg_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_mid_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_div_beg_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_sqrt_beg_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal pipe_rf1_scin : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 21);
signal pipe_rf1_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 21);
signal fp_operation_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_special_cases_ex3 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal uc_special_cases_t0_ex3 : std_ulogic_vector(8 to 11);
signal uc_special_cases_t1_ex3 : std_ulogic_vector(8 to 11);
signal uc_special_cases_t2_ex3 : std_ulogic_vector(8 to 11);
signal uc_special_cases_t3_ex3 : std_ulogic_vector(8 to 11);
signal uc_round_mode_ld : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal uc_round_mode_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal uc_round_mode_scin : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal uc_round_mode_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7);
signal uc_mid_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_rf1_v : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex3 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex4 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex5 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_rf1_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex1_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex2_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex3_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex4_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex5_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_end_ex6_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fa_pos_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_pos_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fb_pos_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_hulp_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_0_5_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_1_0_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_1_minus_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fb_1_0_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fb_0_75_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fb_0_5_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fa_dis_par_rf0, uc_fa_dis_par_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fb_dis_par_rf0, uc_fb_dis_par_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fc_dis_par_rf0, uc_fc_dis_par_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_op_rnd_v_rf1_l2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_op_rnd_rf1_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_inc_lsb_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_gs_v_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal special_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal spare : std_ulogic;
signal q1r_zero_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal q1r_sign_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal q1ulpr_sign_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal q1ulpr_zero_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal q1hulpr_sign_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_gs_ex2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_round_mode_ex2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 1);
signal uc_gs_v_ex1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_gs_v_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_inc_lsb_ex1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_inc_lsb_ex2 : std_ulogic;
signal res_sign_rf1 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_wr_ex4_ld : std_ulogic;
signal rf0_i : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 31);
signal uc_fdiv_beg_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fdivs_beg_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fsqrt_beg_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_fsqrts_beg_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_op_rf0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal q1_p_ulp_early_ld, q1_p_ulp_early_l2 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal q1_p_ulp_early_scin, q1_p_ulp_early_scout : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal rf1_ucfmul : std_ulogic;
signal fmulx_uc_rf0, uc_dvsq_beg_rf0 : std_ulogic;
signal uc_abort_rf0 : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal rf0_instr_flush : std_ulogic;
signal rf1_instr_flush : std_ulogic;
signal ex1_instr_flush : std_ulogic;
signal ex2_instr_flush : std_ulogic;
signal ex3_instr_flush : std_ulogic;
signal ex3_instr_flush_th : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal ex4_instr_flush : std_ulogic;
signal ex5_instr_flush : std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_t0_fbk_x , uc_scr_t1_fbk_x , uc_scr_t2_fbk_x , uc_scr_t3_fbk_x :std_ulogic;
signal uc_scr_t0_ld_x , uc_scr_t1_ld_x , uc_scr_t2_ld_x , uc_scr_t3_ld_x :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t0_ld_x0_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t1_ld_x0_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t2_ld_x0_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t3_ld_x0_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t0_ld_x1_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t1_ld_x1_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t2_ld_x1_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t3_ld_x1_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t0_ld_x2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t1_ld_x2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t2_ld_x2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t3_ld_x2_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t0_ld_x3_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t1_ld_x3_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t2_ld_x3_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t3_ld_x3_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t0_ld_x4_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t1_ld_x4_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t2_ld_x4_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t3_ld_x4_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t0_ld_xf_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t1_ld_xf_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t2_ld_xf_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t3_ld_xf_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t0_oth_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t1_oth_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t2_oth_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_scr_t3_oth_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 11);
signal uc_1st_v_th_b :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal fdiving_n1st_th :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal fdivsing_n1st_th :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal fsqrting_n1st_th :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal fsqrtsing_n1st_th :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal uc_mode_rf0_th :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal rf0_n1st_fdiving :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_n1st_fdivsing :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_n1st_fsqrting :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_dcd :std_ulogic_vector(1 to 12);
signal rf0_ifar_89 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_45 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_34 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_78 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_bc :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_67 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_ab :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_ac :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_57 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_9b :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_68 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_abc :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_567 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_9ab :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_678 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_1245abc :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_13456abc :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_134567 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_123c :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_12 :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_ifar_13 :std_ulogic;
signal q1_p_ulp_th :std_ulogic_vector(0 to 3);
signal iu_fu_rf0_ucfmul_b :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_q1_p_ulp_mux0_b, rf0_q1_p_ulp_mux1_b, rf0_q1_p_ulp_mux :std_ulogic;
signal rf0_fra_fast_mux0_b, rf0_fra_fast_mux1_b, rf0_fra_fast_mux :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 4);
signal rf0_fra_fast_b, rf0_fra_fast :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 4);
signal rf0_fra_fast_i_b, rf0_fra_fast_ii :std_ulogic_vector(4 to 4);
signal rf0_f2_dvsq , rf0_f2_dv , rf0_f2_sq , rf0_f2_mul :std_ulogic ;
signal spare_unused : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 21);
-- ucmode=0 on last iteration but uc_scr_t*_l2(7) won't have been cleared yet
uc_mid_rf0 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(7) and thread_id_rf0(0) and ucode_mode_rf0) or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(7) and thread_id_rf0(1) and ucode_mode_rf0) or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(7) and thread_id_rf0(2) and ucode_mode_rf0) or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(7) and thread_id_rf0(3) and ucode_mode_rf0);
-- update # of inputs and outputs .i xx .o xx
-- run "espvhdlexpand fuq_dcd_uc_hooks.vhdl > fuq_dcd_uc_hooks_new.vhdl" in a typescript to regenerate logic below table
-- .i 9
-- .o 18
-- .ilb uc_1st_instr_rf0 fdiving_rf0 fdivsing_rf0 fsqrting_rf0 fsqrtsing_rf0 iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58)
-- iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61)
-- .ob uc_fa_pos uc_fc_pos uc_fb_pos uc_fc_0_5
-- uc_fc_hulp uc_fb_1_0 uc_fb_0_75 uc_fb_0_5 uc_fa_dis_par_rf0 uc_fb_dis_par_rf0 uc_fc_dis_par_rf0
-- uc_op_rnd_v uc_op_rnd(0) uc_op_rnd(1) uc_inc_lsb uc_scr_wr uc_scr_sel(0) uc_scr_sel(1)
-- .type fr
-- #
-- ##################################################################################################################################
-- #
-- # uc_1st_instr_rf0 # OUTPUTS ##################################################################################
-- # | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
-- # | fdiving_rf0 uc_fa_pos uc_op_rnd_v
-- # | | fdivsing_rf0 | uc_fc_pos | uc_op_rnd(0:1)
-- # | | | | | uc_fb_pos uc_fa_dis_par_rf0 | |
-- # | | | fsqrting_rf0 | | | uc_fc_0_5 | uc_fb_dis_par_rf0 | |
-- # | | | | fsqrtsing_rf0 | | | | uc_fc_hulp | | uc_fc_dis_par_rf0 | | uc_inc_lsb
-- # | | | | | | | | | | uc_fb_1_0 | | | | | |
-- # | | | | | iu_fu_rf0_ifar | | | | | | uc_fb_0_75 | | | | | | uc_scr_wr
-- # | | | | | | | | | | | | | uc_fb_0_5 | | | | | | | uc_scr_sel
-- # | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
-- # | | | | | 5566 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
-- # | | | | | 8901 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
-- ########################################################################################################################################
-- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- not div or sqrt
-- 0 0 0 0 0 ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 00
-- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shared
-- 1 - - - - ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 # fre for fdiv(s), frsqrte for fsqrt(s)
-- #------ fdiv hooks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fdiv hooks
-- 0 1 0 0 0 0001 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 00 0 0 00 # fnmsub
-- 0 1 0 0 0 0010 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 00 0 0 00 # fmul
-- 0 1 0 0 0 0011 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 00 0 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 1 0 0 0 0100 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 1 0 0 0 0101 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fnmsub
-- 0 1 0 0 0 0110 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 1 0 0 0 0111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fmul
-- 0 1 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 0 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 1 0 0 0 1001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 1 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 1 0 0 0 1010 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 00 0 1 01 # fnmsub
-- 0 1 0 0 0 1011 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 00 0 1 10 # fnmsub
-- 0 1 0 0 0 1100 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 00 0 1 11 # fnmsub
-- # 0 0 0 0 0 1101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -- 0 0 00 # fmul_uc
-- #------ fdivs hooks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fdivs hooks
-- 0 0 1 0 0 0001 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 00 0 0 00 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 1 0 0 0010 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 00 0 0 00 # fmul
-- 0 0 1 0 0 0011 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 01 0 0 00 # fmadds
-- 0 0 1 0 0 0100 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 01 1 0 00 # fmadds
-- 0 0 1 0 0 0101 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 00 0 1 01 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 1 0 0 0110 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 00 0 1 10 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 1 0 0 0111 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 00 0 1 11 # fnmsub
-- # 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 00 # fmuls_uc
-- #------ fsqrt hooks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsqrt hooks
-- 0 0 0 1 0 0001 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 00 0 0 00 # fmul
-- 0 0 0 1 0 0010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fmul
-- 0 0 0 1 0 0011 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 00 0 0 00 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 0 1 0 0100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 0 0 1 0 0101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 0 0 1 0 0110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 0 1 0 0111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 0 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 0 0 1 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 1 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 0 0 1 0 1001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 1 01 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 0 1 0 1010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 1 10 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 0 1 0 1011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 1 11 # fnmsub
-- # 0 0 0 0 0 1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 00 # fmul_uc
-- #------ fsqrts hooks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsqrts hooks
-- 0 0 0 0 1 0001 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 00 0 0 00 # fmul
-- 0 0 0 0 1 0010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fmul
-- 0 0 0 0 1 0011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 00 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 0 0 1 0100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 0 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 0 0 0 1 0101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 1 0 00 # fmadd
-- 0 0 0 0 1 0110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 1 01 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 0 0 1 0111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 1 10 # fnmsub
-- 0 0 0 0 1 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 1 11 # fnmsub
-- # 0 0 0 0 0 1001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 00 # fmuls_uc
-- .e
--// begin experiment
uc_1st_v_th_b(0) <= not( iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and uc_1st_instr_l2(0) );
uc_1st_v_th_b(1) <= not( iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and uc_1st_instr_l2(1) );
uc_1st_v_th_b(2) <= not( iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and uc_1st_instr_l2(2) );
uc_1st_v_th_b(3) <= not( iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and uc_1st_instr_l2(3) );
fdiving_n1st_th(0) <= uc_scr_t0_l2(8) and uc_1st_v_th_b(0) ;
fdiving_n1st_th(1) <= uc_scr_t1_l2(8) and uc_1st_v_th_b(1) ;
fdiving_n1st_th(2) <= uc_scr_t2_l2(8) and uc_1st_v_th_b(2) ;
fdiving_n1st_th(3) <= uc_scr_t3_l2(8) and uc_1st_v_th_b(3) ;
fdivsing_n1st_th(0) <= uc_scr_t0_l2(9) and uc_1st_v_th_b(0) ;
fdivsing_n1st_th(1) <= uc_scr_t1_l2(9) and uc_1st_v_th_b(1) ;
fdivsing_n1st_th(2) <= uc_scr_t2_l2(9) and uc_1st_v_th_b(2) ;
fdivsing_n1st_th(3) <= uc_scr_t3_l2(9) and uc_1st_v_th_b(3) ;
fsqrting_n1st_th(0) <= uc_scr_t0_l2(10) and uc_1st_v_th_b(0) ;
fsqrting_n1st_th(1) <= uc_scr_t1_l2(10) and uc_1st_v_th_b(1) ;
fsqrting_n1st_th(2) <= uc_scr_t2_l2(10) and uc_1st_v_th_b(2) ;
fsqrting_n1st_th(3) <= uc_scr_t3_l2(10) and uc_1st_v_th_b(3) ;
fsqrtsing_n1st_th(0) <= uc_scr_t0_l2(11) and uc_1st_v_th_b(0) ;
fsqrtsing_n1st_th(1) <= uc_scr_t1_l2(11) and uc_1st_v_th_b(1) ;
fsqrtsing_n1st_th(2) <= uc_scr_t2_l2(11) and uc_1st_v_th_b(2) ;
fsqrtsing_n1st_th(3) <= uc_scr_t3_l2(11) and uc_1st_v_th_b(3) ;
uc_mode_rf0_th(0 to 3) <= thread_id_rf0(0 to 3) and (0 to 3=> ucode_mode_rf0 );
rf0_n1st_fdiving <= (uc_mode_rf0_th(0) and fdiving_n1st_th(0) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(1) and fdiving_n1st_th(1) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(2) and fdiving_n1st_th(2) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(3) and fdiving_n1st_th(3) ) ;
rf0_n1st_fdivsing <= (uc_mode_rf0_th(0) and fdivsing_n1st_th(0) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(1) and fdivsing_n1st_th(1) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(2) and fdivsing_n1st_th(2) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(3) and fdivsing_n1st_th(3) ) ;
rf0_n1st_fsqrting <= (uc_mode_rf0_th(0) and fsqrting_n1st_th(0) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(1) and fsqrting_n1st_th(1) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(2) and fsqrting_n1st_th(2) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(3) and fsqrting_n1st_th(3) ) ;
rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing <= (uc_mode_rf0_th(0) and fsqrtsing_n1st_th(0) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(1) and fsqrtsing_n1st_th(1) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(2) and fsqrtsing_n1st_th(2) ) or
(uc_mode_rf0_th(3) and fsqrtsing_n1st_th(3) ) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(1) <= not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(2) <= not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(3) <= not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(4) <= not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(5) <= not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(6) <= not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(7) <= not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(8) <= iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(9) <= iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(10) <= iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(11) <= iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_dcd(12) <= iu_fu_rf0_ifar(58) and iu_fu_rf0_ifar(59) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(60) and not iu_fu_rf0_ifar(61) ;
rf0_ifar_89 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(8) or rf0_ifar_dcd(9) ;
rf0_ifar_45 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(4) or rf0_ifar_dcd(5) ;
rf0_ifar_34 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(3) or rf0_ifar_dcd(4) ;
rf0_ifar_78 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(7) or rf0_ifar_dcd(8) ;
rf0_ifar_bc <= rf0_ifar_dcd(11) or rf0_ifar_dcd(12) ;
rf0_ifar_67 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(6) or rf0_ifar_dcd(7) ;
rf0_ifar_ab <= rf0_ifar_dcd(10) or rf0_ifar_dcd(11) ;
rf0_ifar_ac <= rf0_ifar_dcd(10) or rf0_ifar_dcd(12) ;
rf0_ifar_57 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(5) or rf0_ifar_dcd(7) ;
rf0_ifar_9b <= rf0_ifar_dcd(9) or rf0_ifar_dcd(11) ;
rf0_ifar_68 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(6) or rf0_ifar_dcd(8) ;
rf0_ifar_abc <= rf0_ifar_dcd(10) or rf0_ifar_dcd(11) or rf0_ifar_dcd(12) ;
rf0_ifar_567 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(5) or rf0_ifar_dcd(6) or rf0_ifar_dcd(7) ;
rf0_ifar_9ab <= rf0_ifar_dcd(9) or rf0_ifar_dcd(10) or rf0_ifar_dcd(11) ;
rf0_ifar_678 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(6) or rf0_ifar_dcd(7) or rf0_ifar_dcd(8) ;
rf0_ifar_1245abc <= rf0_ifar_dcd(1) or rf0_ifar_dcd(2) or rf0_ifar_dcd(4) or rf0_ifar_dcd(5) or rf0_ifar_dcd(10) or rf0_ifar_dcd(11) or rf0_ifar_dcd(12);
rf0_ifar_13456abc <= rf0_ifar_dcd(1) or rf0_ifar_dcd(3) or rf0_ifar_dcd(4) or rf0_ifar_dcd(5) or rf0_ifar_dcd(6) or rf0_ifar_dcd(10) or rf0_ifar_dcd(11) or rf0_ifar_dcd(12);
rf0_ifar_134567 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(1) or rf0_ifar_dcd(3) or rf0_ifar_dcd(4) or rf0_ifar_dcd(5) or rf0_ifar_dcd(6) or rf0_ifar_dcd(7);
rf0_ifar_123c <= rf0_ifar_dcd(1) or rf0_ifar_dcd(2) or rf0_ifar_dcd(12) ;
rf0_ifar_12 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(1) or rf0_ifar_dcd(2) ;
rf0_ifar_13 <= rf0_ifar_dcd(1) or rf0_ifar_dcd(3) ;
uc_op_rnd_v <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and tiup ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and tiup ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and tiup ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and tiup ) ;
uc_op_rnd(0) <= '0';
uc_op_rnd(1) <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_89 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_34 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_78 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and rf0_ifar_45 ) ;
uc_inc_lsb <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_dcd(9) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_dcd(4) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_dcd(8) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and rf0_ifar_dcd(5) ) ;
uc_scr_sel(0) <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_bc ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_67 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_ab ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and rf0_ifar_78 ) ;
uc_scr_sel(1) <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_ac ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_57 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_9b ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and rf0_ifar_68 ) ;
uc_scr_wr <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_abc ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_567 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_9ab ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and rf0_ifar_678 ) ;
uc_fa_dis_par_rf0 <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_1245abc ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and tiup ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and tidn ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and tidn ) ;
uc_fb_dis_par_rf0 <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_13456abc ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_134567 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_dcd(3) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and tidn ) ;
uc_fc_dis_par_rf0 <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_123c ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_12 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_13 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and rf0_ifar_dcd(1) ) ;
uc_fa_pos <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_1245abc ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and tiup ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and tidn ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and tidn ) ;
uc_fc_pos <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_12 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_12 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_dcd(1) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and rf0_ifar_dcd(1) ) ;
uc_fb_pos <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_13456abc) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_134567 ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_dcd(3) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and tidn ) ;
uc_fc_0_5 <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and tidn ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and tidn ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_dcd(1) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and rf0_ifar_dcd(1) ) ;
uc_fc_hulp <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_dcd(12) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_dcd(7) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and tidn ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and tidn ) ;
uc_fb_1_0 <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_dcd(1) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and rf0_ifar_dcd(1) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and tidn ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and tidn ) ;
uc_fb_0_75 <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_dcd(6) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and tidn ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and tidn ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and tidn ) ;
uc_fb_0_5 <=
(rf0_n1st_fdiving and rf0_ifar_dcd(3) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fdivsing and tidn ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrting and rf0_ifar_dcd(3) ) or
(rf0_n1st_fsqrtsing and tidn ) ;
--// end experiment
uc_1st_instr_ld(0) <= uc_beg_rf0 when iu_fu_rf0_instr_v='1' and uc_scr_thread_rf0 = "00" else
uc_1st_instr_ld(1) <= uc_beg_rf0 when iu_fu_rf0_instr_v='1' and uc_scr_thread_rf0 = "01" else
uc_1st_instr_ld(2) <= uc_beg_rf0 when iu_fu_rf0_instr_v='1' and uc_scr_thread_rf0 = "10" else
uc_1st_instr_ld(3) <= uc_beg_rf0 when iu_fu_rf0_instr_v='1' and uc_scr_thread_rf0 = "11" else
-- this register is used to force the ifar to 0000 on the first instruction of a ucode routine (table lookup)
-- subsequent instructions will already have ifar = 1,2,3 etc.
uc_1st_instr_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 4)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_1st_instr_scin,
scout => uc_1st_instr_scout,
din(0 to 3) => uc_1st_instr_ld,
dout(0 to 3) => uc_1st_instr_l2
-- The first uc instruction of fdiv/fsqrt is fre or frsqrte, otherwise abort, it could be a prenorm for a previous instr
uc_abort_rf0(0) <= uc_1st_instr_l2(0) and not((iu_fu_rf0_instr(26 to 28) = "110") and iu_fu_rf0_instr(30) = '0');
uc_abort_rf0(1) <= uc_1st_instr_l2(1) and not((iu_fu_rf0_instr(26 to 28) = "110") and iu_fu_rf0_instr(30) = '0');
uc_abort_rf0(2) <= uc_1st_instr_l2(2) and not((iu_fu_rf0_instr(26 to 28) = "110") and iu_fu_rf0_instr(30) = '0');
uc_abort_rf0(3) <= uc_1st_instr_l2(3) and not((iu_fu_rf0_instr(26 to 28) = "110") and iu_fu_rf0_instr(30) = '0');
uc_normal_end_rf0_part <= ((not uc_scr_t0_l2(0) and thread_id_rf0(0)) or
(not uc_scr_t1_l2(0) and thread_id_rf0(1)) or
(not uc_scr_t2_l2(0) and thread_id_rf0(2)) or
(not uc_scr_t3_l2(0) and thread_id_rf0(3)));
uc_normal_end_rf0 <= uc_end_rf0_v and uc_normal_end_rf0_part;
uc_gs_v_rf0 <= uc_normal_end_rf0;
uc_round_mode_ld(0 to 1) <= f_mad_ex3_uc_round_mode when uc_scr_wr_ex3 = '1' and uc_scr_sel_ex3 = "00" and uc_scr_thread_ex3 = "00" else
uc_round_mode_l2(0 to 1);
uc_round_mode_ld(2 to 3) <= f_mad_ex3_uc_round_mode when uc_scr_wr_ex3 = '1' and uc_scr_sel_ex3 = "00" and uc_scr_thread_ex3 = "01" else
uc_round_mode_l2(2 to 3);
uc_round_mode_ld(4 to 5) <= f_mad_ex3_uc_round_mode when uc_scr_wr_ex3 = '1' and uc_scr_sel_ex3 = "00" and uc_scr_thread_ex3 = "10" else
uc_round_mode_l2(4 to 5);
uc_round_mode_ld(6 to 7) <= f_mad_ex3_uc_round_mode when uc_scr_wr_ex3 = '1' and uc_scr_sel_ex3 = "00" and uc_scr_thread_ex3 = "11" else
uc_round_mode_l2(6 to 7);
uc_round_mode_reg: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 8)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_round_mode_scin,
scout => uc_round_mode_scout,
din(0 to 7) => uc_round_mode_ld,
dout(0 to 7) => uc_round_mode_l2
uc_special_cases_ex3(0) <= f_mad_ex3_uc_special; -- '1' indicates special case (not handled by ucode)
uc_special_cases_ex3(1) <= f_mad_ex3_uc_res_sign; -- not really a special case but the cycle timing lines up here
uc_special_cases_ex3(2 to 7) <= f_mad_ex3_uc_vxsnan & f_mad_ex3_uc_zx & f_mad_ex3_uc_vxidi & f_mad_ex3_uc_vxzdz & f_mad_ex3_uc_vxsqrt & '1';
uc_special_cases_t0_ex3(8 to 11) <= "0000" when f_mad_ex3_uc_special='1' else
uc_scr_t0_l2(8 to 11);
uc_special_cases_t1_ex3(8 to 11) <= "0000" when f_mad_ex3_uc_special='1' else
uc_scr_t1_l2(8 to 11);
uc_special_cases_t2_ex3(8 to 11) <= "0000" when f_mad_ex3_uc_special='1' else
uc_scr_t2_l2(8 to 11);
uc_special_cases_t3_ex3(8 to 11) <= "0000" when f_mad_ex3_uc_special='1' else
uc_scr_t3_l2(8 to 11);
uc_hooks_rc_rf0 <= '0' when uc_beg_rf0_v ='1' and perr_sm_running='0' else
--//## flatten out the output mux
q1_p_ulp_th(0) <= q1_p_ulp_early_l2(0) and not uc_scr_t0_l2(0) ;
q1_p_ulp_th(1) <= q1_p_ulp_early_l2(1) and not uc_scr_t1_l2(0) ;
q1_p_ulp_th(2) <= q1_p_ulp_early_l2(2) and not uc_scr_t2_l2(0) ;
q1_p_ulp_th(3) <= q1_p_ulp_early_l2(3) and not uc_scr_t3_l2(0) ;
iu_fu_rf0_ucfmul_b <= not iu_fu_rf0_ucfmul ;
u_q1pm0: rf0_q1_p_ulp_mux0_b <= not( (thread_id_rf0(0) and q1_p_ulp_th(0)) or (thread_id_rf0(1) and q1_p_ulp_th(1)) );
u_q1pm1: rf0_q1_p_ulp_mux1_b <= not( (thread_id_rf0(2) and q1_p_ulp_th(2)) or (thread_id_rf0(3) and q1_p_ulp_th(3)) );
u_q1pm: rf0_q1_p_ulp_mux <= not( rf0_q1_p_ulp_mux0_b and rf0_q1_p_ulp_mux1_b ) ;
u_afm0: rf0_fra_fast_mux0_b(4) <= not( rf0_q1_p_ulp_mux and iu_fu_rf0_ucfmul );
u_afm1: rf0_fra_fast_mux1_b(4) <= not( rf0_instr_fra(4) and iu_fu_rf0_ucfmul_b );
u_afm: rf0_fra_fast_mux(4) <= not( rf0_fra_fast_mux0_b(4) and rf0_fra_fast_mux1_b(4) );
u_afb: rf0_fra_fast_b(4) <= not( rf0_fra_fast_mux(4) );
u_af: rf0_fra_fast(4) <= not( rf0_fra_fast_b(4) );
u_afi: rf0_fra_fast_i_b(4) <= not rf0_fra_fast(4) ;
u_afii: rf0_fra_fast_ii(4) <= not rf0_fra_fast_i_b(4);
f_dcd_rf0_fra(0) <= rf0_instr_fra(0) ;
f_dcd_rf0_fra(1) <= rf0_instr_fra(1) ;
f_dcd_rf0_fra(2) <= rf0_instr_fra(2) ;
f_dcd_rf0_fra(3) <= rf0_instr_fra(3) ;
f_dcd_rf0_fra(4) <= rf0_fra_fast_ii(4);
f_dcd_rf0_fra(5) <= rf0_instr_fra(5) ;
rf0_i(0 to 31) <= iu_fu_rf0_instr(0 to 31);
fp_operation_rf0 <= rf0_i(0) and rf0_i(1) and rf0_i(2) and rf0_i(4) and rf0_i(5) ;
rf0_f2_dvsq <= rf0_i(26) and not rf0_i(27) and rf0_i(29) and not rf0_i(30) ;
rf0_f2_dv <= rf0_i(26) and not rf0_i(27) and not rf0_i(28) and rf0_i(29) and not rf0_i(30) ;
rf0_f2_sq <= rf0_i(26) and not rf0_i(27) and rf0_i(28) and rf0_i(29) and not rf0_i(30) ;
rf0_f2_mul <= rf0_i(26) and not rf0_i(27) and not rf0_i(28) and not rf0_i(29) and rf0_i(30) ;
-- 3F = double 3B = single
uc_div_beg_rf0 <= fp_operation_rf0 and rf0_f2_dv and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v ;-- 1 load to latch
uc_sqrt_beg_rf0 <= fp_operation_rf0 and rf0_f2_sq and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v ;-- 1 load to latch
uc_fdiv_beg_rf0 <= fp_operation_rf0 and rf0_i(3) and rf0_f2_dv ;
uc_fdivs_beg_rf0 <= fp_operation_rf0 and not rf0_i(3) and rf0_f2_dv ;
uc_fsqrt_beg_rf0 <= fp_operation_rf0 and rf0_i(3) and rf0_f2_sq ;
uc_fsqrts_beg_rf0 <= fp_operation_rf0 and not rf0_i(3) and rf0_f2_sq ;
uc_dvsq_beg_rf0 <= fp_operation_rf0 and rf0_f2_dvsq ;-- fdiv,fdivs,fsqrt,fsqrts
fmulx_uc_rf0 <= fp_operation_rf0 and rf0_f2_mul ;-- fmuls, fmul
uc_beg_rf0 <= uc_dvsq_beg_rf0 ;
uc_beg_rf0_v <= uc_dvsq_beg_rf0 and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v ;
uc_end_rf0 <= fmulx_uc_rf0 ;
uc_end_rf0_v <= fmulx_uc_rf0 and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v ;
uc_end_rf0_vf <= fmulx_uc_rf0 and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and not rf0_instr_flush ;
uc_op_rf0(0) <= uc_fdiv_beg_rf0 ;
uc_op_rf0(1) <= uc_fdivs_beg_rf0 ;
uc_op_rf0(2) <= uc_fsqrt_beg_rf0 ;
uc_op_rf0(3) <= uc_fsqrts_beg_rf0;
-------------------------------------------------------------------- uc_scr ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- collect sign, zero, & rc info for ucode divide algorithm
uc_sign_zero_t0(0 to 11) <= uc_scr_t0_l2(0 to 1) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & f_mad_ex6_uc_zero & uc_scr_t0_l2(4 to 11) when uc_scr_sel_ex6 = "01" else -- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t0_l2(0 to 3) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & f_mad_ex6_uc_zero & uc_scr_t0_l2(6 to 11) when uc_scr_sel_ex6 = "10" else -- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t0_l2(0 to 5) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & "00000"; -- last uc before the mult by 1
uc_sign_zero_t1(0 to 11) <= uc_scr_t1_l2(0 to 1) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & f_mad_ex6_uc_zero & uc_scr_t1_l2(4 to 11) when uc_scr_sel_ex6 = "01" else -- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t1_l2(0 to 3) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & f_mad_ex6_uc_zero & uc_scr_t1_l2(6 to 11) when uc_scr_sel_ex6 = "10" else -- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t1_l2(0 to 5) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & "00000"; -- last uc before the mult by 1
uc_sign_zero_t2(0 to 11) <= uc_scr_t2_l2(0 to 1) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & f_mad_ex6_uc_zero & uc_scr_t2_l2(4 to 11) when uc_scr_sel_ex6 = "01" else -- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t2_l2(0 to 3) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & f_mad_ex6_uc_zero & uc_scr_t2_l2(6 to 11) when uc_scr_sel_ex6 = "10" else -- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t2_l2(0 to 5) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & "00000"; -- last uc before the mult by 1
uc_sign_zero_t3(0 to 11) <= uc_scr_t3_l2(0 to 1) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & f_mad_ex6_uc_zero & uc_scr_t3_l2(4 to 11) when uc_scr_sel_ex6 = "01" else -- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t3_l2(0 to 3) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & f_mad_ex6_uc_zero & uc_scr_t3_l2(6 to 11) when uc_scr_sel_ex6 = "10" else -- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t3_l2(0 to 5) & f_mad_ex6_uc_sign & "00000"; -- last uc before the mult by 1
uc_scr_t0_upd(0) <= uc_1st_instr_l2(0) = '1' and uc_scr_t0_l2(7) = '0' and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "00" ;-- clear bits 0:6 and latch rc of original ppc fdiv(s) or fsqrt(s) rc
uc_scr_t1_upd(0) <= uc_1st_instr_l2(1) = '1' and uc_scr_t1_l2(7) = '0' and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "01" ;-- clear bits 0:6 and latch rc of original ppc fdiv(s) or fsqrt(s) rc
uc_scr_t2_upd(0) <= uc_1st_instr_l2(2) = '1' and uc_scr_t2_l2(7) = '0' and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "10" ;-- clear bits 0:6 and latch rc of original ppc fdiv(s) or fsqrt(s) rc
uc_scr_t3_upd(0) <= uc_1st_instr_l2(3) = '1' and uc_scr_t3_l2(7) = '0' and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "11" ;-- clear bits 0:6 and latch rc of original ppc fdiv(s) or fsqrt(s) rc
uc_scr_t0_upd(1) <= uc_end_ex6_l2 and uc_scr_thread_ex6 = "00" ; -- clear bits 0:7 end of ucode
uc_scr_t1_upd(1) <= uc_end_ex6_l2 and uc_scr_thread_ex6 = "01" ; -- clear bits 0:7 end of ucode
uc_scr_t2_upd(1) <= uc_end_ex6_l2 and uc_scr_thread_ex6 = "10" ; -- clear bits 0:7 end of ucode
uc_scr_t3_upd(1) <= uc_end_ex6_l2 and uc_scr_thread_ex6 = "11" ; -- clear bits 0:7 end of ucode
uc_scr_t0_upd(2) <= ((not ucode_mode_rf0 and not uc_end_rf0) or uc_abort_rf0(0) ) and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and thread_id_rf0(0) ; -- clear bits 0:7 ppc instr
uc_scr_t1_upd(2) <= ((not ucode_mode_rf0 and not uc_end_rf0) or uc_abort_rf0(1) ) and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and thread_id_rf0(1) ; -- clear bits 0:7 ppc instr
uc_scr_t2_upd(2) <= ((not ucode_mode_rf0 and not uc_end_rf0) or uc_abort_rf0(2) ) and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and thread_id_rf0(2) ; -- clear bits 0:7 ppc instr
uc_scr_t3_upd(2) <= ((not ucode_mode_rf0 and not uc_end_rf0) or uc_abort_rf0(3) ) and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and thread_id_rf0(3) ; -- clear bits 0:7 ppc instr
uc_scr_t0_upd(3) <= uc_scr_wr_ex3_l2 and uc_scr_sel_ex3 = "00" and uc_scr_t0_l2(7) = '1' and uc_scr_thread_ex3 = "00" ; -- check for ugly ops, save final sig
uc_scr_t1_upd(3) <= uc_scr_wr_ex3_l2 and uc_scr_sel_ex3 = "00" and uc_scr_t1_l2(7) = '1' and uc_scr_thread_ex3 = "01" ; -- check for ugly ops, save final sig
uc_scr_t2_upd(3) <= uc_scr_wr_ex3_l2 and uc_scr_sel_ex3 = "00" and uc_scr_t2_l2(7) = '1' and uc_scr_thread_ex3 = "10" ; -- check for ugly ops, save final sig
uc_scr_t3_upd(3) <= uc_scr_wr_ex3_l2 and uc_scr_sel_ex3 = "00" and uc_scr_t3_l2(7) = '1' and uc_scr_thread_ex3 = "11" ; -- check for ugly ops, save final sig
uc_scr_t0_upd(4) <= uc_scr_wr_ex6 = '1' and uc_scr_t0_l2(0) = '0' and uc_scr_t0_l2(7) = '1' and uc_scr_thread_ex6 = "00" ;-- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t1_upd(4) <= uc_scr_wr_ex6 = '1' and uc_scr_t1_l2(0) = '0' and uc_scr_t1_l2(7) = '1' and uc_scr_thread_ex6 = "01" ;-- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t2_upd(4) <= uc_scr_wr_ex6 = '1' and uc_scr_t2_l2(0) = '0' and uc_scr_t2_l2(7) = '1' and uc_scr_thread_ex6 = "10" ;-- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t3_upd(4) <= uc_scr_wr_ex6 = '1' and uc_scr_t3_l2(0) = '0' and uc_scr_t3_l2(7) = '1' and uc_scr_thread_ex6 = "11" ;-- save sign & zero
uc_scr_t0_fbk_x <= not( uc_scr_t0_upd(0) or uc_scr_t0_upd(1) or uc_scr_t0_upd(3) or uc_scr_t0_upd(4) );
uc_scr_t1_fbk_x <= not( uc_scr_t1_upd(0) or uc_scr_t1_upd(1) or uc_scr_t1_upd(3) or uc_scr_t1_upd(4) );
uc_scr_t2_fbk_x <= not( uc_scr_t2_upd(0) or uc_scr_t2_upd(1) or uc_scr_t2_upd(3) or uc_scr_t2_upd(4) );
uc_scr_t3_fbk_x <= not( uc_scr_t3_upd(0) or uc_scr_t3_upd(1) or uc_scr_t3_upd(3) or uc_scr_t3_upd(4) );
uc_scr_t0_ld_x(0 to 11) <= not( uc_scr_t0_ld_x0_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t0_ld_x1_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t0_ld_x3_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t0_ld_x4_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t0_ld_xf_b(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t1_ld_x(0 to 11) <= not( uc_scr_t1_ld_x0_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t1_ld_x1_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t1_ld_x3_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t1_ld_x4_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t1_ld_xf_b(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t2_ld_x(0 to 11) <= not( uc_scr_t2_ld_x0_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t2_ld_x1_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t2_ld_x3_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t2_ld_x4_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t2_ld_xf_b(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t3_ld_x(0 to 11) <= not( uc_scr_t3_ld_x0_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t3_ld_x1_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t3_ld_x3_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t3_ld_x4_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t3_ld_xf_b(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t0_ld_x0_b(0 to 11) <= not("00000001" & uc_scr_t0_l2(8 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t0_upd(0))) ;
uc_scr_t1_ld_x0_b(0 to 11) <= not("00000001" & uc_scr_t1_l2(8 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t1_upd(0))) ;
uc_scr_t2_ld_x0_b(0 to 11) <= not("00000001" & uc_scr_t2_l2(8 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t2_upd(0))) ;
uc_scr_t3_ld_x0_b(0 to 11) <= not("00000001" & uc_scr_t3_l2(8 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t3_upd(0))) ;
uc_scr_t0_ld_x1_b(0 to 11) <= not("000000000000" and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t0_upd(1))) ;
uc_scr_t1_ld_x1_b(0 to 11) <= not("000000000000" and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t1_upd(1))) ;
uc_scr_t2_ld_x1_b(0 to 11) <= not("000000000000" and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t2_upd(1))) ;
uc_scr_t3_ld_x1_b(0 to 11) <= not("000000000000" and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t3_upd(1))) ;
uc_scr_t0_ld_x2_b(0 to 11) <= not("00000000" & uc_op_rf0(0 to 3) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t0_upd(2))) ;
uc_scr_t1_ld_x2_b(0 to 11) <= not("00000000" & uc_op_rf0(0 to 3) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t1_upd(2))) ;
uc_scr_t2_ld_x2_b(0 to 11) <= not("00000000" & uc_op_rf0(0 to 3) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t2_upd(2))) ;
uc_scr_t3_ld_x2_b(0 to 11) <= not("00000000" & uc_op_rf0(0 to 3) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t3_upd(2))) ;
uc_scr_t0_ld_x3_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_special_cases_ex3(0 to 7) & uc_special_cases_t0_ex3(8 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t0_upd(3))) ;
uc_scr_t1_ld_x3_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_special_cases_ex3(0 to 7) & uc_special_cases_t1_ex3(8 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t1_upd(3))) ;
uc_scr_t2_ld_x3_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_special_cases_ex3(0 to 7) & uc_special_cases_t2_ex3(8 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t2_upd(3))) ;
uc_scr_t3_ld_x3_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_special_cases_ex3(0 to 7) & uc_special_cases_t3_ex3(8 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t3_upd(3))) ;
uc_scr_t0_ld_x4_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_sign_zero_t0(0 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t0_upd(4))) ;
uc_scr_t1_ld_x4_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_sign_zero_t1(0 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t1_upd(4))) ;
uc_scr_t2_ld_x4_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_sign_zero_t2(0 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t2_upd(4))) ;
uc_scr_t3_ld_x4_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_sign_zero_t3(0 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t3_upd(4))) ;
uc_scr_t0_ld_xf_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_scr_t0_l2(0 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t0_fbk_x )) ;
uc_scr_t1_ld_xf_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_scr_t1_l2(0 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t1_fbk_x )) ;
uc_scr_t2_ld_xf_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_scr_t2_l2(0 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t2_fbk_x )) ;
uc_scr_t3_ld_xf_b(0 to 11) <= not(uc_scr_t3_l2(0 to 11) and (0 to 11 => uc_scr_t3_fbk_x )) ;
uc_scr_t0_oth_b(0 to 11) <= not( (0 to 11 => not uc_scr_t0_upd(2) ) and uc_scr_t0_ld_x(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t1_oth_b(0 to 11) <= not( (0 to 11 => not uc_scr_t1_upd(2) ) and uc_scr_t1_ld_x(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t2_oth_b(0 to 11) <= not( (0 to 11 => not uc_scr_t2_upd(2) ) and uc_scr_t2_ld_x(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t3_oth_b(0 to 11) <= not( (0 to 11 => not uc_scr_t3_upd(2) ) and uc_scr_t3_ld_x(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t0_ld(0 to 11) <= not( uc_scr_t0_ld_x2_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t0_oth_b(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t1_ld(0 to 11) <= not( uc_scr_t1_ld_x2_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t1_oth_b(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t2_ld(0 to 11) <= not( uc_scr_t2_ld_x2_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t2_oth_b(0 to 11) );
uc_scr_t3_ld(0 to 11) <= not( uc_scr_t3_ld_x2_b(0 to 11) and uc_scr_t3_oth_b(0 to 11) );
-- uc scr thread 0,1,2,3 ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- bit 0 = 0 indicates regular case
-- bit 1 final sign
-- bit 2 q1r_sign
-- bit 3 q1r_zero
-- bit 4 q1ulpr_sign
-- bit 5 q1ulpr_zero
-- bit 6 q1hulpr_sign
-- bit 7 divide or square root in progress
-- bit 8 fdiv
-- bit 9 fdivs
-- bit 10 fsqrt
-- bit 11 fsqrts
-- bit 0 = 1 indicates special case
-- bit 1 final sign (not used)
-- bit 2 NaN
-- bit 3 ZX
-- bit 4 VXIDI
-- bit 5 VXZDZ
-- bit 6
-- bit 7 divide or square root in progress
-- bit 8 fdiv
-- bit 9 fdivs
-- bit 10 fsqrt
-- bit 11 fsqrts
uc_scr_t0_is2: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 12) port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_t0_scin,
scout => uc_scr_t0_scout,
din(0 to 11) => uc_scr_t0_ld,
dout(0 to 11) => uc_scr_t0_l2 );
uc_scr_t1_is2: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 12) port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_t1_scin,
scout => uc_scr_t1_scout,
din(0 to 11) => uc_scr_t1_ld,
dout(0 to 11) => uc_scr_t1_l2 );
uc_scr_t2_is2: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 12) port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_t2_scin,
scout => uc_scr_t2_scout,
din(0 to 11) => uc_scr_t2_ld,
dout(0 to 11) => uc_scr_t2_l2 );
uc_scr_t3_is2: tri_rlmreg_p generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 12) port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_t3_scin,
scout => uc_scr_t3_scout,
din(0 to 11) => uc_scr_t3_ld,
dout(0 to 11) => uc_scr_t3_l2 );
q1r_sign_rf0 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(2) and thread_id_rf0(0)) or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(2) and thread_id_rf0(1)) or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(2) and thread_id_rf0(2)) or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(2) and thread_id_rf0(3));
q1r_zero_rf0 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(3) and thread_id_rf0(0)) or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(3) and thread_id_rf0(1)) or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(3) and thread_id_rf0(2)) or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(3) and thread_id_rf0(3));
q1ulpr_zero_rf0 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(5) and thread_id_rf0(0)) or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(5) and thread_id_rf0(1)) or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(5) and thread_id_rf0(2)) or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(5) and thread_id_rf0(3));
ex4_uc_special <= ((uc_scr_t0_l2(0) and uc_scr_thread_ex4 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(0) and uc_scr_thread_ex4 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(0) and uc_scr_thread_ex4 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(0) and uc_scr_thread_ex4 = "11") ) and not uc_end_ex4_l2 and not uc_beg_ex4 and not perr_sm_running ;
special_rf1 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(0) and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(0) and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(0) and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(0) and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "11");
f_dcd_ex2_uc_vxsnan <= ((uc_scr_t0_l2(0) and uc_scr_t0_l2(2) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(0) and uc_scr_t1_l2(2) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(0) and uc_scr_t2_l2(2) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(0) and uc_scr_t3_l2(2) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11")) and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_zx <= ((uc_scr_t0_l2(0) and uc_scr_t0_l2(3) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(0) and uc_scr_t1_l2(3) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(0) and uc_scr_t2_l2(3) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(0) and uc_scr_t3_l2(3) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11")) and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_vxidi <= ((uc_scr_t0_l2(0) and uc_scr_t0_l2(4) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(0) and uc_scr_t1_l2(4) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(0) and uc_scr_t2_l2(4) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(0) and uc_scr_t3_l2(4) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11")) and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_vxzdz <= ((uc_scr_t0_l2(0) and uc_scr_t0_l2(5) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(0) and uc_scr_t1_l2(5) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(0) and uc_scr_t2_l2(5) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(0) and uc_scr_t3_l2(5) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11")) and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_vxsqrt <= ((uc_scr_t0_l2(0) and uc_scr_t0_l2(6) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(0) and uc_scr_t1_l2(6) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(0) and uc_scr_t2_l2(6) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(0) and uc_scr_t3_l2(6) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11")) and not perr_sm_running ;
uc_scr_thread_rf0(0) <= thread_id_rf0(2) or thread_id_rf0(3);
uc_scr_thread_rf0(1) <= thread_id_rf0(1) or thread_id_rf0(3);
uc_fc_pos_rf0 <= uc_fc_pos or uc_end_rf0_v;
pipe_rf1: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 22)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => tiup,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => pipe_rf1_scin,
scout => pipe_rf1_scout,
din(00) => uc_div_beg_rf0,
din(01) => uc_sqrt_beg_rf0,
din(02) => uc_mid_rf0, -- 13 bit expt. overflow/underflow disable. do not set fpscr.
din(03) => uc_end_rf0_vf, -- 13 bit expt. overflow/underflow disable. do not set fpscr.
din(04) => '0',
din(05) => uc_fa_pos,
din(06) => uc_fc_pos_rf0,
din(07) => uc_fb_pos,
din(08) => uc_fc_hulp,
din(09) => uc_fc_0_5,
din(10) => uc_fc_1_0,
din(11) => uc_fc_1_minus,
din(12) => uc_fb_1_0,
din(13) => uc_fb_0_75,
din(14) => uc_fb_0_5,
din(15) => uc_fa_dis_par_rf0,
din(16) => uc_fb_dis_par_rf0,
din(17) => uc_fc_dis_par_rf0,
din(18) => uc_op_rnd_v,
din(19 to 20) => uc_op_rnd(0 to 1),
din(21) => iu_fu_rf0_ucfmul,
dout(00) => uc_div_beg_rf1,
dout(01) => uc_sqrt_beg_rf1,
dout(02) => uc_mid_rf1,
dout(03) => uc_end_rf1_l2,
dout(04) => spare,
dout(05) => uc_fa_pos_rf1,
dout(06) => uc_fc_pos_rf1,
dout(07) => uc_fb_pos_rf1,
dout(08) => uc_fc_hulp_rf1,
dout(09) => uc_fc_0_5_rf1,
dout(10) => uc_fc_1_0_rf1,
dout(11) => uc_fc_1_minus_rf1,
dout(12) => uc_fb_1_0_rf1,
dout(13) => uc_fb_0_75_rf1,
dout(14) => uc_fb_0_5_rf1,
dout(15) => uc_fa_dis_par_rf1,
dout(16) => uc_fb_dis_par_rf1,
dout(17) => uc_fc_dis_par_rf1,
dout(18) => uc_op_rnd_v_rf1_l2,
dout(19 to 20) => uc_op_rnd_rf1_l2(0 to 1),
dout(21) => rf1_ucfmul
rf0_instr_flush <= ((thread_id_rf0(0) and xu_rf0_flush(0)) or
(thread_id_rf0(1) and xu_rf0_flush(1)) or
(thread_id_rf0(2) and xu_rf0_flush(2)) or
(thread_id_rf0(3) and xu_rf0_flush(3)) );
uc_scr_wr_rf0 <= (uc_scr_wr or uc_beg_rf0) and iu_fu_rf0_instr_v and not rf0_instr_flush;
-- uc_scr write pipe -----------------------------
uc_scr_wr_pipe_rf1: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 8)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_wr_pipe_rf1_scin,
scout => uc_scr_wr_pipe_rf1_scout,
din(0) => uc_scr_wr_rf0,
din(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel(0 to 1),
din(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_rf0(0 to 1),
din(5) => uc_gs_v_rf0,
din(6) => uc_inc_lsb,
din(7) => uc_beg_rf0_v,
dout(0) => uc_scr_wr_rf1_l2,
dout(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_rf1(0 to 1),
dout(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_rf1(0 to 1),
dout(5) => uc_gs_v_rf1,
dout(6) => uc_inc_lsb_rf1,
dout(7) => uc_beg_rf1
rf1_instr_flush <= ((uc_scr_thread_rf1(0 to 1) = "00" and xu_rf1_flush(0)) or
(uc_scr_thread_rf1(0 to 1) = "01" and xu_rf1_flush(1)) or
(uc_scr_thread_rf1(0 to 1) = "10" and xu_rf1_flush(2)) or
(uc_scr_thread_rf1(0 to 1) = "11" and xu_rf1_flush(3)) );
uc_scr_wr_rf1 <= uc_scr_wr_rf1_l2 and not rf1_instr_flush;
uc_end_rf1_v <= uc_end_rf1_l2 and not rf1_instr_flush;
uc_end_rf1 <= uc_end_rf1_l2;
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex1: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 9)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex1_scin,
scout => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex1_scout,
din(0) => uc_scr_wr_rf1,
din(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_rf1(0 to 1),
din(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_rf1(0 to 1),
din(5) => uc_gs_v_rf1,
din(6) => uc_inc_lsb_rf1,
din(7) => uc_end_rf1_v,
din(8) => uc_beg_rf1,
dout(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex1_l2,
dout(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex1(0 to 1),
dout(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex1(0 to 1),
dout(5) => uc_gs_v_ex1,
dout(6) => uc_inc_lsb_ex1,
dout(7) => uc_end_ex1_l2,
dout(8) => uc_beg_ex1
ex1_instr_flush <= ((uc_scr_thread_ex1(0 to 1) = "00" and xu_ex1_flush(0)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex1(0 to 1) = "01" and xu_ex1_flush(1)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex1(0 to 1) = "10" and xu_ex1_flush(2)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex1(0 to 1) = "11" and xu_ex1_flush(3)) );
uc_scr_wr_ex1 <= uc_scr_wr_ex1_l2 and not ex1_instr_flush;
uc_end_ex1 <= uc_end_ex1_l2 and not ex1_instr_flush;
-- uc_scr write pipe -----------------------------
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex2: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 9)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex2_scin,
scout => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex2_scout,
din(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex1,
din(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex1(0 to 1),
din(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex1(0 to 1),
din(5) => uc_gs_v_ex1,
din(6) => uc_inc_lsb_ex1,
din(7) => uc_end_ex1,
din(8) => uc_beg_ex1,
dout(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex2_l2,
dout(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex2(0 to 1),
dout(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex2(0 to 1),
dout(5) => uc_gs_v_ex2,
dout(6) => uc_inc_lsb_ex2,
dout(7) => uc_end_ex2_l2,
dout(8) => uc_beg_ex2
ex2_instr_flush <= ((uc_scr_thread_ex2(0 to 1) = "00" and xu_ex2_flush(0)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex2(0 to 1) = "01" and xu_ex2_flush(1)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex2(0 to 1) = "10" and xu_ex2_flush(2)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex2(0 to 1) = "11" and xu_ex2_flush(3)) );
uc_scr_wr_ex2 <= uc_scr_wr_ex2_l2 and not ex2_instr_flush;
uc_end_ex2 <= uc_end_ex2_l2 and not ex2_instr_flush;
-- uc_scr write pipe -----------------------------
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex3: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 7)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex3_scin,
scout => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex3_scout,
din(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex2,
din(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex2(0 to 1),
din(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex2(0 to 1),
din(5) => uc_end_ex2,
din(6) => uc_beg_ex2,
dout(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex3_l2,
dout(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex3(0 to 1),
dout(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex3(0 to 1),
dout(5) => uc_end_ex3_l2,
dout(6) => uc_beg_ex3
ex3_instr_flush_th(0) <= uc_scr_thread_ex3(0 to 1) = "00" and xu_ex3_flush(0) ;
ex3_instr_flush_th(1) <= uc_scr_thread_ex3(0 to 1) = "01" and xu_ex3_flush(1) ;
ex3_instr_flush_th(2) <= uc_scr_thread_ex3(0 to 1) = "10" and xu_ex3_flush(2) ;
ex3_instr_flush_th(3) <= uc_scr_thread_ex3(0 to 1) = "11" and xu_ex3_flush(3) ;
ex3_instr_flush <= ex3_instr_flush_th(0) or
ex3_instr_flush_th(1) or
ex3_instr_flush_th(2) or
ex3_instr_flush_th(3) ;
uc_scr_wr_ex3 <= uc_scr_wr_ex3_l2 and not ex3_instr_flush ;
uc_end_ex3 <= uc_end_ex3_l2 and not ex3_instr_flush;
uc_scr_wr_ex4_ld <= uc_scr_wr_ex3 and (uc_scr_sel_ex3(0) or uc_scr_sel_ex3(1)); -- uc_scr_sel_ex2=00 only writes in ex3
-- uc_scr write pipe -----------------------------
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex4: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 7)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex4_scin,
scout => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex4_scout,
din(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex4_ld,
din(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex3(0 to 1),
din(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex3(0 to 1),
din(5) => uc_end_ex3,
din(6) => uc_beg_ex3,
dout(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex4_l2,
dout(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex4(0 to 1),
dout(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex4(0 to 1),
dout(5) => uc_end_ex4_l2,
dout(6) => uc_beg_ex4
ex4_instr_flush <= ((uc_scr_thread_ex4(0 to 1) = "00" and xu_ex4_flush(0)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex4(0 to 1) = "01" and xu_ex4_flush(1)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex4(0 to 1) = "10" and xu_ex4_flush(2)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex4(0 to 1) = "11" and xu_ex4_flush(3)) );
uc_scr_wr_ex4 <= uc_scr_wr_ex4_l2 and not ex4_instr_flush;
uc_end_ex4 <= uc_end_ex4_l2 and not ex4_instr_flush;
-- uc_scr write pipe -----------------------------
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex5: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 6)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex5_scin,
scout => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex5_scout,
din(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex4,
din(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex4(0 to 1),
din(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex4(0 to 1),
din(5) => uc_end_ex4,
dout(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex5_l2,
dout(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex5(0 to 1),
dout(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex5(0 to 1),
dout(5) => uc_end_ex5_l2
ex5_instr_flush <= ((uc_scr_thread_ex5(0 to 1) = "00" and xu_ex5_flush(0)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex5(0 to 1) = "01" and xu_ex5_flush(1)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex5(0 to 1) = "10" and xu_ex5_flush(2)) or
(uc_scr_thread_ex5(0 to 1) = "11" and xu_ex5_flush(3)) );
uc_scr_wr_ex5 <= uc_scr_wr_ex5_l2 and not ex5_instr_flush;
uc_end_ex5 <= uc_end_ex5_l2 and not ex5_instr_flush;
-- uc_scr write pipe -----------------------------
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex6: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 6)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex6_scin,
scout => uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex6_scout,
din(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex5,
din(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex5(0 to 1),
din(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex5(0 to 1),
din(5) => uc_end_ex5,
dout(0) => uc_scr_wr_ex6,
dout(1 to 2) => uc_scr_sel_ex6(0 to 1),
dout(3 to 4) => uc_scr_thread_ex6(0 to 1),
dout(5) => uc_end_ex6_l2
q1_p_ulp_early_ld(0) <= (not uc_scr_t0_l2(3) and not uc_scr_t0_l2(4)) or uc_scr_t0_l2(5);
q1_p_ulp_early_ld(1) <= (not uc_scr_t1_l2(3) and not uc_scr_t1_l2(4)) or uc_scr_t1_l2(5);
q1_p_ulp_early_ld(2) <= (not uc_scr_t2_l2(3) and not uc_scr_t2_l2(4)) or uc_scr_t2_l2(5);
q1_p_ulp_early_ld(3) <= (not uc_scr_t3_l2(3) and not uc_scr_t3_l2(4)) or uc_scr_t3_l2(5);
q1_p_ulp_early: tri_rlmreg_p
generic map (init => 0, expand_type => expand_type, width => 4)
port map (
nclk => nclk, act => msr_fp_act,
vd => vdd, gd => gnd,
forcee => forcee,
delay_lclkr => delay_lclkr,
mpw1_b => mpw1_b,
mpw2_b => mpw2_b,
thold_b => thold_0_b, sg => sg_0,
scin => q1_p_ulp_early_scin,
scout => q1_p_ulp_early_scout,
din(0 to 3) => q1_p_ulp_early_ld(0 to 3),
dout(0 to 3) => q1_p_ulp_early_l2(0 to 3)
-- q1_p_ulp_rf0 selects s3 instead of s1
-- q1_m_ulp_rf0 changes multiply by 3ff000... to 3fefffff...
-- .i 4-- .o 3
-- .ilb q1r_zero_rf0 q1ulpr_zero_rf0 q1r_sign_rf0 q1ulpr_sign_rf0
-- .ob q1_p_ulp_rf0 q1_rf0 q1_m_ulp_rf0
-- .type fr
-- #
-- ###################################################################################################################
-- #
-- # q1r_zero_rf0 q1r_sign_rf0 q1_p_ulp_rf0
-- # | q1ulpr_zero_rf0 | q1ulpr_sign_rf0 | q1_rf0
-- # | | | | | | q1_m_ulp_rf0
-- # | | | | | | |
-- ###################################################################################################################
-- 0 1 - - 1 0 0
-- 1 0 - - 0 1 0
-- 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
-- 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
-- 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
-- ###################################################################################################################
-- .e
-- logic generated on: Fri Jul 13 08:08:16 2007
q1_m_ulp_rf0 <= (not q1r_zero_rf0 and not q1ulpr_zero_rf0 and q1r_sign_rf0);
uc_fc_1_minus <= q1_m_ulp_rf0 and uc_normal_end_rf0 ; -- 1 - 1/2 ulp (3FEFFF...)
uc_fc_1_0 <= not q1_m_ulp_rf0 and uc_end_rf0_v ; -- 1.0 (3FF000...)
f_dcd_rf1_div_beg <= uc_div_beg_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_sqrt_beg <= uc_sqrt_beg_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_mid <= uc_mid_rf1 and not rf1_ucfmul and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_end <= uc_end_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_special <= special_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fa_pos <= uc_fa_pos_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_pos <= uc_fc_pos_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_pos <= uc_fb_pos_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_hulp <= uc_fc_hulp_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_0_5 <= uc_fc_0_5_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_1_0 <= uc_fc_1_0_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_1_minus <= uc_fc_1_minus_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_1_0 <= uc_fb_1_0_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_0_75 <= uc_fb_0_75_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_0_5 <= uc_fb_0_5_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fa_dis_par <= uc_fa_dis_par_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fb_dis_par <= uc_fb_dis_par_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_fc_dis_par <= uc_fc_dis_par_rf1 and not perr_sm_running ;
uc_op_rnd_v_rf1 <= uc_op_rnd_v_rf1_l2 and not perr_sm_running ;
uc_op_rnd_rf1 <= uc_op_rnd_rf1_l2 ;
f_dcd_rf1_uc_ft_pos <=
not res_sign_rf1 and not perr_sm_running when uc_end_rf1='1' and special_rf1='0' else
f_dcd_rf1_uc_ft_neg <=
res_sign_rf1 and not perr_sm_running when uc_end_rf1='1' and special_rf1='0' else
res_sign_rf1 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(1) and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(1) and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(1) and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(1) and uc_scr_thread_rf1 = "11");
q1r_sign_ex2 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(2) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(2) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(2) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(2) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11");
q1r_zero_ex2 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(3) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(3) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(3) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(3) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11");
q1ulpr_sign_ex2 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(4) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(4) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(4) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(4) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11");
q1ulpr_zero_ex2 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(5) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(5) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(5) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(5) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11");
q1hulpr_sign_ex2 <= (uc_scr_t0_l2(6) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_scr_t1_l2(6) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_scr_t2_l2(6) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_scr_t3_l2(6) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11");
uc_round_mode_ex2(0) <= (uc_round_mode_l2(0) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_round_mode_l2(2) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_round_mode_l2(4) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_round_mode_l2(6) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11");
uc_round_mode_ex2(1) <= (uc_round_mode_l2(1) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "00") or
(uc_round_mode_l2(3) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "01") or
(uc_round_mode_l2(5) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "10") or
(uc_round_mode_l2(7) and uc_scr_thread_ex2 = "11");
-- .i 7
-- .o 2
-- .ilb q1r_zero_ex2 q1ulpr_zero_ex2 uc_round_mode_ex2(0) uc_round_mode_ex2(1) q1r_sign_ex2 q1ulpr_sign_ex2 q1hulpr_sign_ex2
-- .ob uc_gs_ex2(0) uc_gs_ex2(1)
-- .type fr
-- #
-- ###################################################################################################################
-- #
-- # q1r_zero_ex2 uc_round_mode_ex2 q1r_sign_ex2 uc_gs_ex2(0:1)
-- # | q1ulpr_zero_ex2 | | q1ulpr_sign_ex2 |
-- # | | | | | q1hulpr_sign_ex2 |
-- # | | | | | | |
-- ###################################################################################################################
-- 0 1 -- - - - 00
-- 1 0 -- - - - 00
-- # Nearest
-- 0 0 00 0 0 - 01
-- 0 0 00 0 1 0 11
-- 0 0 00 0 1 1 01
-- 0 0 00 1 1 - 11
-- # Zero
-- 0 0 01 - - - 01
-- # +Inf
-- 0 0 10 - - - 01
-- # -Inf
-- 0 0 11 - - - 01
-- ###################################################################################################################
-- .e
-- logic generated on: Thu Jul 19 13:06:53 2007
uc_gs_ex2(0) <= (not q1r_zero_ex2 and not q1ulpr_zero_ex2 and not uc_round_mode_ex2(0)
and not uc_round_mode_ex2(1) and q1ulpr_sign_ex2
and not q1hulpr_sign_ex2) or
(not q1r_zero_ex2 and not q1ulpr_zero_ex2
and not uc_round_mode_ex2(0) and not uc_round_mode_ex2(1)
and q1r_sign_ex2);
uc_gs_ex2(1) <= (not q1r_zero_ex2 and not q1ulpr_zero_ex2);
f_dcd_ex2_uc_gs_v <= uc_gs_v_ex2 and not perr_sm_running ;
f_dcd_ex2_uc_gs <= uc_gs_ex2(0 to 1);
f_dcd_ex2_uc_inc_lsb <= uc_inc_lsb_ex2 and not perr_sm_running ;
uc_ignore_flush_rf1 <= uc_div_beg_rf1 or uc_sqrt_beg_rf1;
-- when stage rf1 is valid the uc_scr will be sent out for the active thread
-- when stage rf0 and rf1 are not valid the uc_scr will be sent out for thread 0
-- when stage rf0 is valid and rf1 is not the stage 0 hook bits will be sent out
evnt_div_sqrt_ip(0 to 3) <= uc_scr_t0_l2(7) & uc_scr_t1_l2(7) & uc_scr_t2_l2(7) & uc_scr_t3_l2(7);
uc_hooks_debug( 0 to 7) <= uc_scr_t0_l2(0 to 7);
uc_hooks_debug( 8 to 15) <= uc_scr_t1_l2(0 to 7);
uc_hooks_debug(16 to 23) <= uc_scr_t2_l2(0 to 7);
uc_hooks_debug(24 to 31) <= uc_scr_t3_l2(0 to 7);
uc_hooks_debug(32 to 35) <= uc_1st_instr_l2(0 to 3);
uc_hooks_debug(36) <= uc_div_beg_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(37) <= uc_sqrt_beg_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(38) <= uc_mid_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(39) <= uc_end_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(40) <= uc_fa_pos_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(41) <= uc_fc_pos_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(42) <= uc_fb_pos_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(43) <= uc_fc_hulp_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(44) <= uc_fc_0_5_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(45) <= uc_fc_1_0_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(46) <= uc_fc_1_minus_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(47) <= uc_fb_1_0_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(48) <= uc_fb_0_75_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(49) <= uc_fb_0_5_rf1 ;
uc_hooks_debug(50) <= uc_op_rnd_v_rf1_l2 ;
uc_hooks_debug(51) <= uc_op_rnd_rf1_l2(0) ;
uc_hooks_debug(52) <= uc_op_rnd_rf1_l2(1) ;
uc_hooks_debug(53) <= uc_end_rf1_l2 ;
uc_hooks_debug(54 to 55) <= uc_scr_thread_ex1(0 to 1) ;
-- Unused Nets
spare_unused(0 to 19) <= rf0_i(6 to 25);
spare_unused(20) <= rf0_i(31);
spare_unused(21) <= spare;
-- scan ring connections
uc_1st_instr_scin <= f_ucode_si & uc_1st_instr_scout(0 to 2);
uc_round_mode_scin <= uc_1st_instr_scout(3) & uc_round_mode_scout(0 to 6);
uc_scr_t0_scin <= uc_round_mode_scout(7) & uc_scr_t0_scout(0 to 10);
uc_scr_t1_scin <= uc_scr_t0_scout(11) & uc_scr_t1_scout(0 to 10);
uc_scr_t2_scin <= uc_scr_t1_scout(11) & uc_scr_t2_scout(0 to 10);
uc_scr_t3_scin <= uc_scr_t2_scout(11) & uc_scr_t3_scout(0 to 10);
uc_scr_wr_pipe_rf1_scin <= uc_scr_t3_scout(11) & uc_scr_wr_pipe_rf1_scout(0 to 6);
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex1_scin <= uc_scr_wr_pipe_rf1_scout(7) & uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex1_scout(0 to 7);
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex2_scin <= uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex1_scout(8) & uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex2_scout(0 to 7);
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex3_scin <= uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex2_scout(8) & uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex3_scout(0 to 5);
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex4_scin <= uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex3_scout(6) & uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex4_scout(0 to 5);
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex5_scin <= uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex4_scout(6) & uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex5_scout(0 to 4);
uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex6_scin <= uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex5_scout(5) & uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex6_scout(0 to 4);
q1_p_ulp_early_scin <= uc_scr_wr_pipe_ex6_scout(5) & q1_p_ulp_early_scout(0 to 2);
pipe_rf1_scin <= q1_p_ulp_early_scout(3) & pipe_rf1_scout(0 to 20);
f_ucode_so <= pipe_rf1_scout(21);
end fuq_dcd_uc_hooks;